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David Wulf (美利坚合众国) | David Wulf (United States of America) |
附件二 | Annex II |
专家组会议收到的文件一览表 | List of documents before the meetings of the Group of |
文号 标题或说明 | ExpertsDocument symbol Title or description |
A/AC.254/25 拟订一项打击跨国有组织犯罪公约特设委员会第七届会议的报告 | A/AC.254/25 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention against Transnational Organized Crime on its seventh session |
A/AC.254/4/Add.2/Rev.3 联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于打击非法制造和贩运枪支及其零部件和弹药的补充议定书修订草案 | A/AC.254/4/Add.2/Rev.3 Revised draft Protocol against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime |
A/54/155 弹药和炸药问题专家组的报告 | A/54/155 Report of the Group of Experts on the problem of ammunition and explosives |
S/22393,附件一 在国际民用航空组织主持下于 1991 年 3月 1 日在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的航空法国际会议通过的《关于在可塑炸药中添加识别剂以便侦测的公约》 | S/22393, annex I Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection, adopted by the International Conference on Air Law held under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization at Montreal, Canada, on 1 March 1991 |
美洲国家组织 A-63 号条约 1998 年 11 月 14 日在华盛顿举行的美洲 | Treaty A-63 of the Organization of American States |
GE. 07-41142 (C) 190407 200407 | UNITED |
禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道 | and Other Cruel, Inhuman |
或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约 | or Degrading Treatment |
GENERAL/CO/2*13 April 2007 | CAT/C/NPL/CO/2* |
13 April 2007 | 13 April 2007 |
Original: ENGLISH | Original: ENGLISH |
禁止酷刑委员会第三十五届会议 | Thirty-fifth session |
2005年11月7日至25日 | 7-25 November 2005 |
禁止酷刑委员会的结论和建议 | Conclusions and recommendations of the Committee against Torture |
尼 泊 尔 | NEPAL |
1. 委员会在2005年11月9日和10日举行的第669次和672次会议(CAT/C/SR.669和CAT/C/SR.672)上审议了尼泊尔的第二次定期报告(CAT/C/33/Add.6),并在2005年11月22日第687次会议上通过了下述结论和建议。 | 1. The Committee considered the second periodic report of Nepal (CAT/C/33/Add.6) at its 669th and 672nd meetings (CAT/C/SR.669 and 672), held on 9 and 10 November 2005, and adopted, at its 687th meeting held on 22 November 2005, the following conclusions and recommendations. |
A. 导 言 | A. Introduction |
2. 委员会欢迎该国提交报告,并欢迎报告提供了与缔约国恢复对话的机会。委员会赞赏与缔约国代表团建立的建设性对话,但同时注意到,报告并不完全符合委员会关于编写定期报告的指导方针,并且缺乏有关《公约》的实际执行情况。 | 2. The Committee welcomes the submission of the report and the opportunity it afforded to resume the dialogue with the State party. While appreciating the constructive dialogue established with the delegation of the State party, the Committee notes that the report does not fully conform to the Committee’s guidelines for the preparation of periodic reports and lacks information on practical aspects of the implementation of the Convention. |
3. 委员会欢迎缔约国代表团在其介绍性发言中以及在对所提出的问题的答复中就问题清单(CAT/C/35/NPL)提供了进一步资料。* 由于技术原因重新印发。 | 3. The Committee welcomes the additional information provided to the list of issues (CAT/C/35/NPL) by the State party in writing, by the delegation in its introductory remarks and in the answers to the questions raised. |
B. 积极方面 | B. Positive aspects |
4. 委员会欢迎该国通过了1996年的《与酷刑有关的赔偿法》和1997年的《人权委员会法》,旨在增进对《公约》的实施。 | 4. The Committee welcomes the adoption of the Compensation Relating to Torture Act, 1996 and the Human Rights Commission Act, 1997, aimed at enhancing the implementation of the Convention. |
5. 委员会注意到该国建立了一些人权协调和监测机制,例如,全国人权委员会、全国妇女委员会和全国达利特委员会、人权保护委员会和全国协调委员会以及在警察、武装警察部队和尼泊尔皇家陆军中设立了人权单位。 | 5. The Committee notes the establishment of a number of human rights coordination and monitoring mechanisms, such as the National Human Rights Commission, the National Commission on Women and the National Dalit Commission, the Human Rights Protection Committee and the National Coordination Committee, and the human rights cells in the Police, the Armed Police Force and the Royal Nepalese Army. |
6. 委员会并欢迎缔约国于2005年4月11日同人权事务高级专员办事处签署协议,从而设立了人权高专办驻尼泊尔办事处。委员会欢迎缔约国持续与人权高专办驻尼泊尔办事处合作。 | 6. The Committee also welcomes the agreement entered into by the State party with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on 11 April 2005, which led to the establishment of an OHCHR Office in Nepal. The Committee welcomes the continued cooperation of the State party with the OHCHR Office in Nepal. |
7. 委员会注意到,缔约国接待了来自人权委员会以下特别程序的视察:(a) 1996 年接待了任意拘留问题工作组;(b) 2000 年接待了法外处决、即审即决或任意处决问题特别报告员;(c) 2004 年接待了被强迫或非自愿失踪问题工作组;(d) 2005 年接待了负责境内流离失所者人权的秘书长特别代表;(e) 2005 年接待了酷刑问题特别报告员。 | 7. The Committee notes that the State party received visits from the following special procedures of the Commission on Human Rights: (a) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, in 1996; (b) Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, in 2000; (c) Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances, in 2004; (d) Representative of the Secretary-General on the human rights of internally displaced persons, in 2005; and (e) Special Rapporteur on the question of torture in 2005. |
8. 委员会赞扬缔约国接纳了100 000名不丹人和20 000名西藏难民。 | 8. The Committee commends the generosity of the State party in hosting more than 100,000 Bhutanese and 20,000 Tibetan refugees. |
9. 委员会还欢迎缔约国于2000年9月8日签署了《儿童权利公约关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的原则议定书》。 | 9. The Committee further welcomes the signature by the State party, on 8 September 2000, of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict. |
C. 阻碍实施《公约》的因素和困难 | C. Factors and difficulties impeding the implementation of the Convention |
10. 委员会承认,缔约国面临着内部武装冲突的困难局面,并且对尼泊尔共产党毛派分子所犯的大量残暴事件感到震惊。但是,委员会指出,不能以任何例外情况为理由来为酷刑辩护。 | 10. The Committee acknowledges the difficult situation of internal armed conflict faced by the State party, and is alarmed by the high incidence of atrocities committed by the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) - Maoist. However, it points out that no exceptional circumstances whatsoever may be invoked as a justification of torture. |
11. 委员会对于2002年5月以来由于不存在议会而对缔约国实施《公约》的能力产生了不良影响感到遗憾,尤其是对在颁发或修改法律以及批准国际公约方面产生的不良影响感到遗憾。 | 11. The Committee regrets the adverse impact of the absence of the Parliament since May 2002 on the capacity of the State party to implement the Convention, and in particular in respect of the enactment or amendment of legislation, as well as the ratification of international conventions. |
D. 关注的问题和建议 | D. Concerns and recommendations |
12. 委员会关切地注意到,1996年《与酷刑有关的赔偿法》第二条(a)款关于酷刑的定义、目前国内法中缺乏将酷刑定为犯罪行为的法律条款,而且《刑法》不符合《禁止酷刑公约》第1条中的定义(《公约》第1条和第4条)。缔约国应当通过国内法律,保证将施行酷刑的行――包括未遂、共谋和参与――规定为应按严重程度加以惩处的罪行,并考虑采取步骤修改 1996年《与酷刑有关的赔偿法》,使之符合《公约》中关于酷刑定义的所有内容。缔约国应当向委员会提供涉及到《公约》第 1 条所指的酷刑定义的国内判例资料。 | 12. The Committee notes with concern that the definition of torture in article 2 (a) of the Compensation Relating to Torture Act of 1996, the lack of a legal provision in current domestic law to make torture a criminal offence and the draft Criminal Code are not in line with the definition of article 1 of the Convention against Torture (articles 1 and 4 of the Convention). The State party should adopt domestic legislation which ensures that acts of torture, including the acts of attempt, complicity and participation, are criminal offences punishable in a manner proportionate to the gravity of the crimes committed, and consider steps to amend the Compensation Relating to Torture Act of 1996 to bring it into compliance with all the elements of the definition of torture provided in the Convention. The State party should provide information to the Committee on domestic jurisprudence referring to the definition of torture as per article 1 of the Convention. |
酷刑手段的普遍采用 | Widespread use of torture |
13. 委员会严重关注有大量内容一致的可靠报告指出,执法人员、尤其是尼泊尔皇家陆军、武装警察部队和警方普遍诉诸酷刑和虐待,同时也没有任何措施来保证有效保护社会的所有成员(第2和11条)。缔约国应当公开谴责酷刑的做法,并采取有效措施,防止缔约国管辖的任何地方发生酷刑行为。缔约国还应采取一切适当措施保护社会所有成员不遭受酷刑行为。 | 13. The Committee is gravely concerned about the exceedingly large number of consistent and reliable reports concerning the widespread use of torture and ill-treatment by law enforcement personnel, and in particular the Royal Nepalese Army, the Armed Police Force and the Police, and the absence of measures to ensure the effective protection of all members of society (arts. 2 and 11). The State party should publicly condemn the practice of torture and take effective measures to prevent acts of torture in any territory under its jurisdiction. The State party should also take all measures, as appropriate, to protect all members of society from acts of torture. |
14. 委员会还关注: | 14. The Committee is also concerned about: |
(a) 在 2004 年《公共安全法》和《恐怖主义和破坏行为(管制和惩处)法令》之下不经审判即被长期监禁的受拘押人士人数很多; | (a) The number of detainees in prolonged detention without trial under the Public Security Act and the Terrorist and Disruptive (Control and Punishment) Ordnance (TADO) of 2004; |
(b) 在 2005 年《恐怖主义和破坏行为(管制和惩处)法令》之下,大量存在长达 15 个月的审判前拘留的情况,而对于被剥夺自由人士的权利(包括对被捕提出质疑)缺乏基本的保障,同时有指控称由此导致了很多被隔离单独监禁的案例。 | (b) The extensive resort to pretrial detention lasting up to 15 months and the lack of fundamental guarantees under the Terrorist and Disruptive (Control and Punishment) Ordnance 2005 of the rights of persons deprived of liberty, including the right to challenge arrest, resulting in numerous alleged cases of incommunicado detention. |
缔约国应当使审判前拘留的做法符合国际人权准则,并保证被剥夺自由的人士之基本权利得到保障,其中包括人身不受侵犯权、通知亲属的权利和接触由自己选择的律师和医生的权利。缔约国应当保证,为制止恐怖主义而采取的任何措施都是依据安全理事会第 1373(2001)和 1566(2004)号决议的,这些决议要求,采取反恐怖主义的措施应当充分尊重包括《公约》在内的国际人权法等各项准则。缔约国应当向委员会提供有关仍然受到审判前拘禁的人数资料。 | The State party should bring the practice of pretrial detention into line with international human rights norms and ensure that the fundamental rights of persons deprived of liberty are guaranteed, including the right to habeas corpus, the right to inform a relative, and the right of access to a lawyer and a doctor of one’s choice. The State party should ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism is in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001) and 1566 (2004), which require that anti-terrorist measures be carried out with full respect for, inter alia, international human rights law, including the Convention. The State party should provide to the Committee information on the number of people still in pretrial detention. |
全国人权委员会 | National Human Rights Commission |
15. 委员会承认全国人权委员会在促进和保护尼泊尔人权方面的重要作用,但是关注缔约国经常不能落实该委员会的建议。 | 15. While acknowledging the important role of the National Human Rights Commission in the promotion and protection of human rights in Nepal, the Committee is concerned about the frequent failure by the State party to implement the Commission’s recommendations. |
缔约国应当采取必要措施,支持全国人权委员会的工作,保证其建议得到充分实施。 | The State party should take the necessary measures to support the work of the National Human Rights Commission, ensuring its recommendations are fully implemented. |
司法机关的独立性 | Independence of the judiciary |
16. 委员会表示关注缔约国司法机关的独立性和有效性明显削弱,与此同时,保安部队成员不遵守法院命令,据报告存在重新逮捕的情况,包括就在最高法院院内发生的重新逮捕。 | 16. The Committee expresses concern about the marked weakening of the independence and effectiveness of the judiciary in the State party and the contemptuous non-compliance with court orders by members of security forces, reportedly including re-arrests, including on the premises of the Supreme Court. |
缔约国应当作出一切努力,保障司法机关的独立性,其中包括保证保安部队遵守法院命令。缔约国应当向委员会提供有关皇家管制腐败委员会的成员组成情况、授权任务、工作方法和调查方法等资料,其中应说明该委员会是否在充分符合《公约》要求的情况下对宪法方面的事务行使管辖权,并说明其裁决是否受到司法审查。请缔约国提供有关司法部门协调委员会的相同资料。 | The State party should make every effort to guarantee the independence of the judiciary, including ensuring that security forces comply with court orders. The State party should provide to the Committee information on the composition, mandate, methods of work and investigations of the Royal Commission for Corruption Control, including whether it exercises jurisdiction over constitutional matters in full conformity with the requirements of the Convention and whether its rulings are subject to judicial review. The State party is requested to provide the same information concerning the Justice Sector Coordination Committees. |
不 驱 回 | Non-refoulement |
17. 委员会感到遗憾的是,缔约国的国内法律没有规定难民和寻求庇护者的权利,并关切地注意到,缔约国没有加入1951年《关于难民地位的公约》和其他相关的国际法律文书。委员会同时还对所接到的指控感到担忧,指控说仍然存在驱逐西藏寻求庇护者的案例,而应考虑到《公约》第3条关于禁止驱回的规定是绝对的。(第3条) | 17. The Committee regrets the absence of domestic legislation in the State party that stipulates the rights of refugees and asylum-seeking persons, and notes with concern that the State party has not acceded to the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and other related international legal instruments. The Committee is also concerned about allegations received concerning cases of refoulement of Tibetan asylum-seekers, given the absolute nature of the prohibition against refoulement under article 3 of the Convention (art. 3). |
委员会建议缔约国考虑加入《关于难民地位的公约》和其他相关的国际文书。此外,委员会建议缔约国颁布旨在禁止不通过适当司法程序驱返人员的法律。缔约国应当向委员会提供有关自 1994 年以来发生的引渡、迫迁、递解出境、强迫返回和驱逐出境案例数量的资料,以及有关因担忧会发生酷刑而没有实行驱逐出境的案例资料。 | The Committee recommends that the State party consider acceding to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and other related international legal instruments. In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party enact legislation aimed at prohibiting refoulement of persons without an appropriate legal procedure. The State party should provide to the Committee information on the number of cases of extradition, removal, deportation, forced return and expulsion that have occurred since 1994, as well as information on cases in which deportation was not effected for fear of torture. |
普遍司法管辖 | Universal jurisdiction |
18. 委员会遗憾地注意到该国国内法中针对酷刑行为不存在普遍司法管辖,而且《刑法》草案的某些条款不符合《公约》第5至第9条。 | 18. The Committee regrets the absence of universal jurisdiction in domestic legislation for acts of torture, as well as the fact that certain provisions of the draft Criminal Code are not in line with articles 5 to 9 of the Convention. |
缔约国应当采取必要措施,保证使酷刑行为在《刑法》草案的普遍司法管辖之下根据《公约》第 5 条受到惩处。委员会还应尽一切努力保证遵守《公约》第 6 至第 9 条。 | The State party should take the necessary measures to ensure that acts of torture are made subject to universal jurisdiction under the draft Criminal Code, in accordance with article 5 of the Convention. The State party should also make every effort to ensure compliance with articles 6 to 9 of the Convention. |
关于禁止酷刑的教育 | Education on the prohibition against torture |
19. 委员会欢迎缔约国在禁止酷刑方面对国家官员展开教育和宣传,同时,对于缺少有关此类教育和培训工作影响的资料表示遗憾。委员会还关注有报告指出,为尼泊尔皇家陆军军官和新兵安排的培训时间已被缩短(第10条)。 | 19. While welcoming the State party’s efforts in educating and informing State officials about the prohibition against torture, the Committee regrets the lack of information on the impact of such education and training efforts. The Committee is also concerned about reports that the length of training provided to Royal Nepalese Army officers and new recruits has been shortened (art.10). |
缔约国应当加强其有关禁止酷刑的教育和培训努力,并设置评估和监测机制评价其影响。 | The State party should intensify its education and training efforts relating to the prohibition against torture, and introduce evaluation and monitoring mechanisms to assess their impact. |
审讯和拘禁 | Interrogation and detention |
20. 不断有可靠指称提到,保安部队经常使用《公约》所禁止的审讯方法,委员会对此深感不安(第11条)。缔约国必须保证,在任何情况下,执法人员都不得诉诸《公约》所禁止的审讯方法。此外,缔约国应当向委员会提供资料,包括实例,说明为审查适用于执法人员的审讯规则、指示、方法和管理而采取的措施。 | 20. The Committee is deeply disturbed by the continuing reliable allegations concerning the frequent use of interrogation methods by security forces that are prohibited by the Convention (art. 11). The State party must ensure that no recourse is made, under any circumstances, by law enforcement personnel to interrogation methods prohibited by the Convention. In addition, the State party should provide to the Committee information, including examples, on measures adopted to review interrogation rules, instructions, methods and practices applicable to law enforcement officials. |
21. 委员会关注: | 21. The Committee is concerned about: |
(a) 在拘禁场所等待宣布判决的在押人员人数很多; | (a) The number of prisoners on remand in places of detention; |
(b) 对于等待审讯或受到防范性拘禁的受关押者系统地使用军营来关押; | (b) The systematic use of army barracks for detainees awaiting trial or in preventive detention; |
(c) 对于逮捕和监禁人员的情况缺少有系统的正式记录; | (c) The lack of systematic and official records regarding the arrest anddetention of persons; |
(d) 在 1996 年《与酷刑有关的赔偿法》中有条款规定,如果没有医生在场,监禁场所的相关工作人员有权在受监禁者被捕和获释时对其进行医务检查。尤其是,委员会关注到,有报告指出,在逮捕和释放时并不常规性地实行医务检查; | (d) A provision in the Compensation Relating to Torture Act of 1996 empowering the concerned officer at places of detention to medically examine a detainee, at the time of arrest and upon release, in the event a doctor is not available. In particular, the Committee is concerned about reports that medical examinations at the time of arrest and upon release are not performed regularly; |
(e) 有正式指控指出该国继续采用单独隔离监禁,而且缺少关于拘留场所和其他监禁设施的确切数量的资料; | (e) Serious allegations of continued use of incommunicado detention and the lack of information on the exact numbers of detention places and other detention facilities; |
(f) 有指控说,法院颁发的人身保护令得不到遵守; | (f) Allegations of non-compliance with writs of habeas corpus issued by courts; |
(g) 该国缺少运作良好的青少年司法体制,使儿童常常接受与成人相同的司法程序、法律和侵权行为。委员会尤其关注到,有指控说,有些儿童在《恐怖主义和破坏行为(管制和惩处)法令》之下被长期监禁。 | (g) The lack of a well-functioning juvenile justice system in the country, with children often being subjected to the same procedures, laws and violations as adults. In particular, the Committee is concerned about allegations of children being held under TADO for prolonged periods. |
据此,缔约国应当: | Therefore, the State party should: |
(a) 采取必要措施,尽可能减少审前监禁; | (a) Adopt the necessary measures to reduce pretrial detention wherever possible; |
(b) 将所有被关押者立刻转向符合国际最低限度标准的合法指定的关押地点; | (b) Immediately transfer all detainees to legally designated places of detention that conform to international minimum standards; |
(c) 立即采取步骤,保证有系统地记录所有逮捕和监禁情况、尤其是对青少年的逮捕和监禁情况。缔约国应当考虑对被剥夺自由人员设置中央注册机关,并向国内和国际监督人员开放; | (c) Take immediate steps to ensure that all arrests and detentions are systematically documented, in particular of juveniles. The State party should consider creating a central register for persons deprived of liberty, to be made accessible to national and international monitors; |
(d) 缔约国应当考虑修改 1996 年《与酷刑有关的赔偿法》相关内容,以便保证所有被关押人员在被捕和获释时都能得到适当的医务检查; | (d) The State party should consider amending the relevant section of the Compensation Relating to Torture Act of 1996, to ensure that all detainees have access to a proper medical examination at the time of arrest and upon release; |
(e) 禁止使用单独隔离监禁。委员会建议,对于受到单独隔离监禁的人员应按适当程序予以释放、起诉和审判。缔约国应当向委员会提供有关尼泊尔皇家陆军、武装警察和警方所使用的监禁场所和其他关押设施的确切数量和地点,以及被剥夺自由人员的人数; | (e) Prohibit the use of incommunicado detention. The Committee recommends that persons held incommunicado should be released, or charged and tried under due process. The State party should provide to the Committee information on the exact number and location of detention places and other detention facilities used by the Royal Nepalese Army, the Armed Police Force and the Police, and the number of persons deprived of liberty; |
(f) 缔约国应当采取措施,保证保安人员遵守法院的一切命令,其中包括人身保护令; | (f) The State party should take measures to ensure compliance by security forces of all orders of the courts, including habeas corpus; |
(g) 缔约国应当采取必要步骤,保护青少年不遭受违反《公约》的行为之害,保证少年司法体系能在遵守国际标准而适当运作,按年龄作出不 | (g) The State party should take the necessary steps to protect juveniles from breaches of the Convention, and ensure proper functioning of a juvenile justice system in compliance with international standards, differentiating treatment according to age. |
同的处理。系统审查所有关押地点 | Systematic review of all places of detention |
22. 委员会关注该国缺少对所有关押地点的有效系统审查,包括国家和国际监督人员经常而不作预先通知地视察这些场所。 | 22. The Committee is concerned about the lack of an effective systematic review of all places of detention, including regular and unannounced visits to such places by national and international monitors. |
缔约国应当考虑设置一项全国体系,审查所有关押地点,并对系统审查的结果作出反应。 | The State party should consider setting up a national system to review all places of detention, and react to findings of the systematic review. |
23. 委员会还关注有些情况下不准许本国或国际监督人员进入监禁场所,或者不对其调查访问进行充分合作。委员会还关注该国通过了新的《非政府组织行为准则》,这项准则除其他方面外将严重地限制非政府组织的监督能力。 | 23. The Committee is also concerned that in a number of instances, national and international monitors were not granted either access to places of detention or sufficient cooperation in their fact-finding visits. The Committee is further concerned about the adoption of the new Code of Conduct for Non-Governmental Organizations, which will, inter alia, severely limit the monitoring capacity of NGOs. |
委员会建议缔约国考虑修改《非政府组织行为准则》,使之符合有关保护人权捍卫者的国际人权标准。缔约国应当保证,允许本国和国际监督人员对所有监禁场所展开经常、独立、无须事先通知和不受限制的访问。缔约国应当便利诸如红十字国际委员会、人权高专办、全国人权委员会和本国及国际非政府组织的访问。 | The Committee recommends that the State party consider amending the Code of Conduct for Non-Governmental Organizations so that it is in line with international human rights standards on the protection of human rights defenders. The State party should ensure that national and international monitors are granted permission to carry out regular, independent, unannounced and unrestricted visits to all places of detention. The State party should facilitate visits by, for example, the International Committee of the Red Cross, OHCHR, the National Human Rights Commission, and national and international NGOs. |
有罪不罚 | Impunity |
24. 委员会关注对于酷刑行为和虐待普遍存在有罪不罚的气氛,而且仍然存在关于无逮捕证拘捕、法外处决、监禁期死亡和失踪的指控(第12条)。 | 24. The Committee is concerned about the prevailing climate of impunity for acts of torture and ill-treatment and the continued allegations of arrests without warrants, extrajudicial killings, deaths in custody and disappearances (art. 12). |
缔约国应当发出明确无误的信号,谴责在其管辖范围内对所有人和所有群体的酷刑和虐待行径。缔约国应当采取有效的法律、行政和司法措施,以保证所有有关无逮捕证拘捕、法外处决、监禁期死亡和失踪的指控都得到及时的调查、审讯,对责任人进行惩处。对于按基本事实上就基本证明存在酷刑的案例,受到指控的人在调查期间应当停职或调职。 | The State party should send a clear and unambiguous message condemning torture and ill-treatment to all persons and groups under its jurisdiction. The State party should take effective legislative, administrative and judicial measures to ensure that all allegations of arrest without warrants, extrajudicial killings, deaths in custody and disappearances are promptly investigated, prosecuted and the perpetrators punished. In connection with prima facie cases of torture, the accused should be subject to suspension or reassignment during the investigation. |
25. 委员会注意到该国在保安部队内设立了人权单位,但关注该国没有独立的机构能够对执法人员所犯的酷刑和虐待行为进行调查。 | 25. While acknowledging the establishment of human rights cells in the security forces, the Committee is concerned about the lack of an independent body able to conduct investigations into acts of torture and ill-treatment committed by law enforcement personnel. |
缔约国应当建立独立的机构,调查执法人员所犯的酷刑和虐待行为。缔约国应当向委员会提供有关特别警察法院的授权任务、作用、组成情况和判例等资料。 | The State party should establish an independent body to investigate acts of torture and ill-treatment committed by law enforcement personnel. The State party should provide to the Committee information on the mandate, role, composition and jurisprudence of the special police courts. |
处于社会边际和不利地位的群体或种姓 | Marginalized and disadvantaged groups or castes |
26. 尽管缔约国承认该国存在种姓歧视,而且尽管建立了全国达利特委员会,但本委员会仍然严重关注到该国对于诸如达利特人等处于社会边际和不利地位的群体或种姓继续存在大规模的根深蒂固的歧视。委员会还关注长期的种姓歧视现象由于目前该国的冲突而更形顽固。 | 26. Despite the State party’s acknowledgment that caste discrimination exists in the country and the creation of the National Dalit Commission, the Committee is gravely concerned about the continued deeply rooted discriminatory practices committed on a large scale against marginalized and disadvantaged groups or castes such as the Dalits. The Committee is also concerned that the long-standing pattern of caste discrimination is being further entrenched by the current conflict in the country. |
委员会重申,缔约国有责任保护社会的所有成员,尤其是诸如达利特人等处于社会边际和不利地位的群体和种姓。缔约国应当采取具体步骤,保障这些人的人身不受侵犯,保证设置问责机制,从而保证种姓不会成为欺凌、非法关押和酷刑的依据,并采取步骤保证其警察和保安部队具有更多的种姓和族裔代表性。缔约国应当在其下次定期报告中列入有关种姓歧视的资料。 | The Committee reaffirms that it is the duty of the State party to protect all members of society, in particular citizens belonging to marginalized and disadvantaged groups or castes, such as the Dalits. The State party should take specific steps to safeguard their physical integrity, ensure that accountability mechanisms are in place guaranteeing that caste is not used as a basis for abuses, unlawful detention and torture, and take steps to ensure more diverse caste and ethnic representation in its police and security forces. The State party should include information on caste discrimination in its next periodic report. |
基于性别的暴力 | Gender-based violence |
27. 委员会关注仍有指控称,对于受监禁的妇女和儿童存在执法人员基于性别的暴力和欺凌,其中包括性暴力行为。缔约国应当保证设置程序来监测执法人员的行为,并应当及时公正地调查有关酷刑和虐待、包括性暴力的所有指控,以便惩处肇事者。缔约国应当向委员会提供已经受到过调查和审讯、其肇事者已受惩办的有关对受监禁妇女和儿童实施基于性别的暴力和欺凌的案例清单。 | 27. The Committee is concerned about continued allegations of gender-based violence and abuse against women and children in custody, including acts of sexual violence by law enforcement personnel. The State party should ensure that procedures are in place to monitor the behaviour of law enforcement officials, and should promptly and impartially investigate all allegations of torture and ill-treatment, including sexual violence, with a view to prosecuting those responsible. The State party should provide to the Committee a list of cases of gender-based violence and abuse against women and children in custody that have been investigated and prosecuted, and the perpetrators punished. |
申 诉 权 | Right to complaint |
28. 委员会关注到: | 28. The Committee is concerned about: |
(a) 根据 1996 年《与酷刑有关的赔偿法》中规定的规则,酷刑行为的举证责任被归于受害者承担,而且根据《恐怖主义和破坏行为(管制和惩处)法令》,就酷刑行为提出申诉并展开索赔程序的法定时限为 35 天; | (a) The fact that the burden of proof is on the victims of acts of torture, under rules provided for in the Compensation Relating to Torture Act of 1996, and that the statute of limitation for complaining about acts of torture and instituting proceedings for compensation under TADO is 35 days; |
(b) 有指控称存在对于报告酷刑行为的人发出重新逮捕的恫吓和威胁的情况,而且该国没有保护证人的法律和机制(第 13 条)。 | (b) Alleged reprisals against and intimidation of persons reporting acts of torture, in the forms of re-arrests and threats, and the lack of witness protection legislation and mechanisms (art. 13). |
因此,缔约国应当: | Therefore, the State party should: |
(a) 向酷刑受害者公布所有独立调查的结果。缔约国应当修改其现有的和计划中的法律,撤消就酷刑行为提出申诉的限制,而索赔的法律行为可以在调查结果公布之日以后两年内展开; | (a) Make available to victims of torture the conclusions of any independent inquiry in order to assist them in pursuing compensation claims. The State party should amend its current and planned legislation so that there is no statute of limitation for registering complaints against acts of torture and that actions for compensation can be brought within two years from the date that the conclusions of inquiries become available; |
(b) 考虑通过立法和行政措施保护证人,保证所有报告酷刑行为和虐待行为的人都得到适当保护。 | (b) Consider adopting legislative and administrative measures for witness protection, ensuring that all persons who report acts of torture or ill-treatment are adequately protected. |
对酷刑受害人的赔偿 | Compensation to torture victims |