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不扩散核武器条约缔约国2020 年审议大会筹备委员会 | Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons |
10 May 2017 | 10 May 2017 |
7-07524 X (C) 180517 180517 | 17-07524 (E) 110517 |
*1707524* | *1707524* |
第一届会议 | First session |
2017 年 5 月 2 日至 12 日,维也纳 | Vienna, 2-12 May 2017 |
性别、发展与核武器 | Gender, development and nuclear weapons |
爱尔兰提交的工作文件 | Working paper submitted by Ireland |
1. 在《不扩散核武器条约》的序言部分第一段中,《条约》缔约国“考虑到一场核战争将使全人类遭受浩劫,因而需要竭尽全力避免发生这种战争的危险并采取措施以保障各国人民的安全”。当缔约国在 1995 年同意无限期延长《条约》时,关于核不扩散与核裁军的原则和目标的决定再次肯定了《条约》的序言和条款。2000 年商定的强化审议进程的 13 个实际步骤包含就第六条的执行情况提交定期报告的规定。不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会表示“深为关切核武器的任何使用造成的灾难性人道主义后果,并重申所有国家在任何时候都必须遵守适用的国际法,包括国际人道主义法”。 | 1. In the preamble to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the States parties to the Treaty, in its first paragraph, consider “the devastation that would be visited upon all mankind by a nuclear war and the consequent need to make every effort to avert the danger of such a war and to take measures to safeguard the security of peoples”. When the States parties agreed in 1995 to the indefinite extension of the Treaty, the decision on principles and objectives for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament included a reaffirmation of the preamble and provisions of the Treaty. The strengthened review process agreed to in 2000 included, in the 13 practical steps, the provision of regular reports in respect of the implementation of article V1. The 2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons expressed “its deep concern at the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and reaffirms the need for all States at all times to comply with applicable international law, including international humanitarian law”. |
2. 国际法院 1996 年关于“以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器的合法性”的咨询意见加强了《条约》中这一明确、一再重申的人道主义推动力。咨询意见中指出:核武器的破坏力在空间和時间上都是不可控制的。这种武器具有毁灭地球上一切文明和整个生态系统的潜力……为了把《宪章》中关于使用武力的法律以及在武装冲突中适用的法律,特别是人道主义法,正确地适用于本案,[国际法院]必须考虑到核武器的独特性,特别是核武器的破坏力、造成人类难以言状的痛苦的能力及对后代造成伤害的能力。2000 年审议大会通过的 13 个实际步骤也再次提到国际法院关于这个问题的咨询意见。 | 2. This clear and reiterated humanitarian impetus for the Treaty was reinfor ced by the terms of the 1996 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice with regard to the legality of threat or use of nuclear weapons, which observed that: The destructive power of nuclear weapons cannot be contained in either space or time. They have the potential to destroy all civilization and the entire ecosystem of the planet . . . in order correctly to apply to the present case the Charter law on the use of force and the law applicable in armed conflict, in particular humanitarian law, it is imperative for [the Court] to take account of the unique characteristics of nuclear weapons, and in particular their destructive capacity, their capacity to cause untold human suffering, and their ability to cause damage to generations to come. The advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice in this matter is also recalled in the 13 practical steps adopted at the 2000 Review Conference. |
3. 爱尔兰一直怀着坚定决心和承诺参与《不扩散核武器条约》的审议进程,这次也是一样。我们坚信《条约》的人道主义推动力及其对核裁军和不扩散的承诺。因此,我们欢迎自从 2010 年的成果文件通过以来,又有了新的推动力,把重点放在核武器的人道主义影响,特别是提供了关于任何核武器爆炸导致的严重危急风险和灾难性后果的新资料。2013 至 2014 年在奥斯陆、墨西哥纳亚里特和维也纳举行的三次会议,以及在 2013 和 2016 年两个不限成员名额工作组中汇报的工作,都清楚表明,按照第六条进行核裁军是既迫切又必要的。 | 3. Ireland has engaged with determination and commitment inthe Non-Proliferation Treaty review process and does so again on this occasion. We believe firmly in the humanitarian impetus behind the Treaty and its commitment to nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation. We have therefore welcomed the renewed impetus and focus, since the adoption of the 2010 outcome document, on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, in particular the new information that has been made available with regard to the serious and imminent risks and catastrophic consequences of any nuclear weapons detonation. The three conferences held between 2013 and 2014 in Oslo, Nayarit, Mexico, and Vienna, as well as the work presented at the 2013 and 2016 open-ended working groups, have shown clearly that nuclear disarmament in accordance with article VI is urgent and necessary. |
4. 爱尔兰现时正在参加由联合国授权在纽约进行的拟定一项禁止核武器并导致彻底消除核武器的新法律文书的多边条约谈判。作为一个无核武器国家,我们相信,必须抓住每一个机会谋求核裁军进展。我们认为,新条约将会增强《不扩散条约》的裁军条款,我们鼓励《条约》的所有缔约国和联合国的所有会员国共同参与这些努力。同样,我们相信,这个审议周期及其成果还会提供激发行动的动力。《条约》不是无限期保留核武器的许可证,当前升高的区域和国际紧张局势表明,现在比过去有更迫切需要采取多边核裁军行动。 | 4. Ireland is participating in the current United Nations-mandated multilateral treaty negotiations in New York on a new legal instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading to their total elimination. As a non-nuclear-weapon State, we believe that every opportunity to seek progress in nuclear disarmament must be seized. Our view is that the new treaty will strengthen and reinforce the disarmament provisions of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and we encourage all States parties to the Treaty and all States Members of the United Nations to join us in these efforts. Equally, we trust that this review cycle and its outcome will also provide a stimulus for action. The Treaty is not a charter for the indefinite retention of nuclear weapons, and the heightened regional and international tensions we are currently witnessing make the case for action on multilateral nuclear disarmament even more urgent than before. |
性别与核武器 | Gender and nuclear weapons |
5. 在本工作文件中,爱尔兰希望突出人道主义倡议近年来在核武器方面的工作带出来的一个特别问题,就是性别与核武器的问题,包括核武器对不同性别的影响,以及从妇女参与核裁军谈判论坛的角度看到的问题。本文件所依据的,是由国际法和政策研究所及联合国裁军研究所进行的研究,研究结果载于题为“性别、发展与核武器”的文件,1 最初是在 2016 年 10 月大会第一委员会的一项会外活动中提出的。联合国裁军研究所、瑞典和爱尔兰将会在筹备委员会本届会议期间再次提出这个文件。 | 5. In the present working paper, Ireland wishes to highlight one particular issue that the work of the humanitarian initiative with regard to nuclear weapons has brought to light in recent years. This is the question of gender and nuclear weapons, both in relation to the gendered impacts of nuclear weapons and from the viewpoint of women’s participation in nuclear disarmament negotiating forums. The present paper is supported by the research conducted by the International Law and Policy Institute and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research and set out in their paper entitled ”Gender, development and nuclear weapons.1 It was first presented during a side event of the First Committee of the General Assembly in October 2016. The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, Sweden and Ireland will relaunch it during this Preparatory Committee. |
6. 关于核武器对不同性别的影响的问题,最初启发我们进行这项工作的,是核信息和资源服务组织的 Mary Olson 在 2014 年 12 月举行的核武器的人道主义影响问题维也纳会议上所作的演讲。2Olson 女士的这项工作,以及她后来在 2015 年审议会议的一项会外活动中所作的演讲,证实了有明确科学证据表明,电离辐射对男女产生的影响是不同的。国际法和政策研究所及联合国裁军研究所为维也纳会议制作的一篇由 A.G. Dimmen 撰写的关于对不同性别影响的论文,也突出了这个重要的议题。3 爆炸一个或多个核武器固然会造成大规模死亡,人人受伤害,然而有明确证据显示,从较长期来看,在遭受到核爆炸发出的电离辐射的人当中,妇女和女童罹患癌症的风险远远高于男子或男童。这种女性比男性更易受到伤害的情况,无论最终确定的生物学原因是什么,目前的证据是确凿无疑的。对广岛和长崎幸存者进行的一项纵向研究发现,女性因电离辐射而罹患和死于癌症的风险几乎是男性的两倍。 | 6. With regard to the question of the gendered impact of nuclear weapons, our original inspiration for this work comes from the presentation made by Mary Olson, of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, to the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons in December 2014. 2 In this work, and in a subsequent presentation made at a side event of the 2015 Review Conference, Ms Olson demonstrates the clear scientific evidence showing that ionizing radiation does not affect men and women equally. A paper by A.G Dimmen on gendered impacts, prepared by the International Law and Policy Institute and the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research for the Vienna Conference, has also highlighted this important topic.3 While the detonation of one or more nuclear weapons would cause death on a massive scale and injury to all, the evidence is clear that, over the longer term, of those who are exposed to ionizing radiation from such a detonation, women and girls have a far higher risk of developing cancer than men or boys. Whatever the ultimate biological cause for this greater susceptibility, the evidence is unambiguous. In a longitudinal study of survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the risk of developing and dying from cancer due to ionizing radiation was almost twice as high for women as for men. |
7. 爱尔兰认为,对于核武器风险的这个严重的人道主义方面问题,《不扩散条约》的审议进程迄今还没有给予足够的考虑。鉴于现有的研究结果,并且有有力的证据表明,核武器爆炸对妇女和女童的健康造成的伤害比对男子和男童要大得多,所以我们在处理履行核武器裁军承诺的问题时,必须也适当地考虑到我们遵照人道主义法实现可持续发展和两性平等的承诺以及我们在妇女与和平与安全议程下作出的承诺。我们不能继续维持、现代化和改进这些武器,因为现在已经没有任何科学怀疑地确知,它们对妇女有不成比例的性别影响。 | 7. Ireland considers that this serious humanitarian aspect of nuclear weapons risk is one that the Non-Proliferation Treaty review process has not given sufficient consideration to up to now. With the research now available and the strong evidence that detonation of these weapons causes far greater harm to the health of women and girls than to men and boys, we must approach our commitments to the disarmament of nuclear weapons with due regard also to our commitments, under humanitarian law, to sustainable development, gender equality and our commitments under the women and peace and security agenda. We cannot continue to maintain, modernize and improve weapons that are now known beyond any scientific doubt to have disproportionate gendered impacts on women. |
8. 因此,爱尔兰认为,核武器爆炸对妇女和女童造成不成比例的影响这个重大的人道主义问题,必须在《不扩散条约》本审议周期的成果文件中反映出来。这在任何核武器爆炸中都是一个重要的问题,《条约》缔约国应当给予比到目前为止多得多的重视。 | 8. For this reason, Ireland considers that the significant humanitarian question of the disproportionate effect of a nuclear weapons detonation on women and girls must be reflected in the outcome document of this Non-Proliferation Treaty review cycle. This is a significant aspect of any nuclear weapons detonation, one deserving of far greater attention from States parties to the Treaty than has been the case up to now. |
妇女参与核武器谈判 | Women’s participation in negotiations on nuclear weapons |
9. 爱尔兰还希望利用本工作文件的机会,突出性别与核武器问题的另一个方面:妇女参与谈判论坛的问题。这在核裁军方面尤为重要,因为国际法和政策研究所与联合国裁军研究所的文件清楚地表明,在核裁军工作中,包括在第一委员会的会议和《不扩散条约》的审议会议中,妇女出席人数仍然严重偏低。如果我们研究一下那些处理与核裁军有关事项的政府专家组,差距甚至更大。 | 9. Ireland also wishes to use the opportunity of the present working paper to highlight another aspect of gender and nuclear weapons: the question of women’s participation in negotiating forums. This is particularly important in nuclear disarmament where the International Law and Policy Institute-United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research paper shows clearly that women continue to be seriously underrepresented in nuclear disarmament work, including at meetings of the First Committee and at Non-Proliferation Treaty review meetings. The disparity is even worse if we study groups of governmental experts working on nuclear disarmament-related matters. |
10. 爱尔兰在其裁军工作中尽力采取性别平等视角。多年来,爱尔兰的外交政策遵照安全理事会第 1325(2000)号决议,将性别平等视为一个贯穿各领域的重点问题。这尤其体现在我们在人权、冲突预防和冲突后调整方面的工作,也体现在我们在促进可持续发展方面的工作。在 2015 年,经过广泛的公众咨询进程之后,我们推出了第二个关于妇女、和平与安全的国家行动计划,首次作出支持将性别平等视角和妇女有效参与裁军、不扩散和军备控制纳入国家行动计划的具体承诺。 | 10. Ireland has committed strongly to a gender perspective in its disarmament work. A focus on gender equality has been a cross-cutting issue for Ireland's foreign policy, in line with Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), for many years. This is particularly reflected in our work on human rights, conflict prevention and post-conflict rehabilitation, as well as our work to promote sustainable development. In 2015, our second national action plan on women, peace and security, following a wide public consultation process, included for the first time specific commitments to support the inclusion of a gender perspective and women’s effective participation in disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control. |
11. 爱尔兰认为,这个问题对于其在《条约》方面的工作具有关键重要性。首先,从公平原则来说,妇女应该平等地参与关于这些武器的讨论,因为这些武器对她们有大得不成比例的影响,不但从生物学上来说是如此,同时也是考虑到冲突的影响对不同性别有更大差异。国际法和政策研究所与联合国裁军研究所的文件也论述了这些问题。在这个背景上,流离失所、歧视、社会污名等更广泛的问题也很重要。 | 11. Ireland considers this matter to be of key importance for its work in the Treaty context. This is, in the first instance, from the principle of fairness, that women should be equally engaged in discussions on weapons that affect them so disproportionately, both biologically and also taking into account the wider gendered impacts of conflict, which are also addressed in the International Law and Policy Institute-United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research paper. These broader questions of displacement, discrimination and social stigma are also important in this context. |
12. 爱尔兰认知到,妇女参与裁军论坛的深层趋势正在改善,虽然进展缓慢。因此,爱尔兰鼓励有能力这样做的国家协助和赞助合格的妇女参加核裁军论坛,并在其本国代表团的组成方面考虑到性别多样性。 | 12. Recognizing that the underlying trend for women’s engagement in disarmament forums is improving, although slowly, Ireland would encourage States who can do so to assist and sponsor qualified women participants in nuclear disarmament forums and to take gender diversity into account in the composition of their delegations. |
13. 研究表明,增进多样性和采取不同的视角,能够更有效地进行群体预测和解决问题。在《条约》通过将近 50 年之际,鉴于在 2015 年未能通过一份成果文件,本审议周期为我们提供了一个更有效地进行讨论和达成成果的机会。有意识地作出真心承诺来争取更多妇女投入和参与《条约》工作,将是一个良好的起点。 | 13. Studies show that diversity and differing perspectives make group prediction and problem-solving more effective. Almost 50 years after the adoption of the Treaty, and with a failure to agree on an outcome document in 2015, this review cycle offers us an opportunity for more effective discussions and outcomes. A conscious and genuine commitment to improving women’s engagement and participation in the work of the Treaty would be a good place to start. |
结论:性别、发展与核武器 | Conclusion: gender, development and nuclear weapons |
14. 2015 年 9 月,各国国家元首和政府首脑通过了《可持续发展议程》。这个议程是对人类的一个承诺。在《不扩散条约》本审议周期开始之际,我们必须铭记着核武器对这些全球共同目标和愿望构成的威胁。任何核武器爆炸,无论是意外的还是蓄意的,都将对发展、两性平等、健康、保护文化遗产和环境产生重大影响。更广大规模的事件,例如所谓的“有限度互相动用核武器”,将会造成危害多代人的破坏。在本工作文件中,爱尔兰试图提请注意核武器对不同性别的影响以及争取更多妇女参与核裁军谈判的必要性。但是,我们也认识到核武器可能给我们越来越脆弱的地球带来的更广泛的发展和环境问题。 | 14. In September 2015, Heads of State and Government adopted an agenda for sustainable development that was nothing less than a promise to humanity. As we begin this Non-Proliferation Treaty review cycle, we must keep in mind the threat posed by nuclear weapons to these global goals and aspirations, which we all share. Any nuclear weapons detonation, whether accidental or deliberate, would have a significant impact on development, gender equality, health, the protection of cultural heritage and the environment. A more wide-scale event, such as a so called “limited nuclear exchange”, would wreak devastation for generations. In this working paper, Ireland has sought to bring attention to the gendered impact of nuclear weapons and to the need to increase women’s participation in nuclear disarmament negotiations. But we are also cognizant of the wider developmental and environmental concerns that nuclear weapons pose for our ever more fragile planet. |
联合国 A/ES-10/910-S/2022/628 | United Nations A/ES-10/910-S/2022/628 |
18 August 2022 | 18 August 2022 |
22-12868 (C) 230822 240822 | 22-12868 (E) 230822 |
22-12868 (C) 230822 240822*2212868* | *2212868* |
第十届紧急特别会议 第七十七年 | Tenth emergency special session |
议程项目 5 | Agenda item 5 |
以色列在被占领的东耶路撒冷和被占领巴勒斯坦领土其他地区的非法行动 | Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory |
2022 年 8 月 17 日巴勒斯坦国常驻联合国观察员给秘书长、大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信 | Identical letters dated 17 August 2022 from the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council |
占领国以色列在对它围困在加沙地带的 200 多万巴勒斯坦人进行无耻的军事侵略之后,不但没有采取措施追究罪责,反而继续发动军事袭击和攻击,杀伤更多的巴勒斯坦人,包括儿童,进一步恐吓在其非法殖民占领和种族隔离政权统治下的人民,并对其施加精神创伤。 | Following its brazen military aggression against the over 2 million Palestinians whom it is besieging in the Gaza Strip and in the absence of any measures of accountability for its crimes, Israel, the occupying Power, is pressing on with its military raids and assaults, killing and injuring more Palestinians, including children, and further terrorizing and traumatizing the population under its illegal colonial occupation and apartheid regime. |
8 月 9 日,就在安全理事会召开会议审议以色列袭击加沙问题的第二天,以色列占领军对纳布卢斯市发动了军事袭击。黎明时分,以色列士兵发动暴力袭击,打死三名巴勒斯坦人,包括一名儿童(19 岁的易卜拉欣·纳布鲁希、16 岁的侯赛因·贾马尔·塔哈和 32 岁的伊斯拉姆·萨布赫),打伤 60 名巴勒斯坦人,其中 4人伤势严重。当天,以色列占领军还在哈利勒(希布伦)对一名 17 岁巴勒斯坦男孩莫门·亚辛·贾贝尔发射爆炸子弹,男孩被击穿心脏死亡。另有两名青年在以色列占领军的袭击中受伤。 | On 9 August, just a day after the Security Council convened to address Israel’s assault on Gaza, Israeli occupying forces launched a military raid on the city of Nablus. Israeli soldiers executed three Palestinians, including a child, in the violent dawn attack – Ibrahim al-Nablusi, aged 19, Hussein Jamal Taha, aged 16, and Islam Sabbouh, aged 32 – and 60 other Palestinians were injured, 4 of whom are in critical condition. Also on 9 August, Israeli occupying forces shot and killed a Palestinian boy, Mo’men Yassin Jaber, aged 17, in Al-Khalil (Hebron), piercing his heart with an explosive round of ammunition. Two other youths were injured in the Israeli occupying forces attack. |
8 月 12 日,22 岁的巴勒斯坦青年阿纳斯·哈立德·英沙希在以色列空袭加沙汗尤尼斯时受伤死亡,使这一野蛮侵略造成的巴勒斯坦死亡人数达到 49 人,其中包括 17 名儿童和 4 名妇女,并造成 360 人受伤,其中多人伤势严重,仍在加沙住院治疗。由于以色列长达 15 年的非法封锁,加沙卫生系统严重耗尽,居民陷入贫困,民用基础设施遭到破坏。 | On 12 August, another Palestinian youth, Anas Khaled Inshashi, aged 22, died of wounds that he sustained during Israeli air strikes on Khan Yunis in Gaza. His death brings the total number of casualties from that barbaric aggression to 49 Palestinians killed, among them 17 children and 4 women, and 360 injured, many of whom were critically wounded and remain hospitalized in Gaza, where the health system is severely depleted owing to Israel’s illegal 15-year blockade that has deprived the entire population and eroded civilian infrastructure. |
8 月 15 日,21 岁的巴勒斯坦青年穆罕默德·易卜拉欣·沙哈姆在家人面前被残忍处决。在对被占领东耶路撒冷以北卡法阿卡布居民区的袭击中,以色列占领军袭击了沙哈姆一家的住宅,炸毁了前门,并向穆罕默德头部开枪。父亲见儿子遭处决失声痛哭,一名士兵则称进“错了房子”,是误杀。这再次反映了以色列对巴勒斯坦人实施的格杀勿论政策。这家人后来被带离家中,绑在邻居的公寓里。穆罕默德在地上流血 40 分钟,以色列占领军才收拾起他的尸体运走。穆罕默德拥有空调和制冷专业文凭,帮助养活家人和五个兄弟姐妹,其中三个是盲人。他被打死使家人遭受巨大打击,一家人穷困潦倒。 | On 15 August, a Palestinian youth, Mohammed Ibrahim Shaham, aged 21, was executed in cold blood in front of his family. In a raid on the Kafr Aqab neighbourhood north of occupied East Jerusalem, Israeli occupying forces attacked the Shaham family’s home, blowing up the front door and shooting Mohammed in the head. As his father cried out at the execution of his son, one of the soldie rs declared that they had entered “the wrong house” and shot by mistake, yet another reflection of Israel’s shoot-to-kill policy against Palestinians. The family was then taken from their home and tied up in a neighbour’s apartment. Mohammed was left on th e floor bleeding for 40 minutes before his body was seized and taken by Israeli occupying forces. Mohammed, who had received a diploma in air conditioning and refrigeration, was helping to support his family and five siblings, three of whom are blind, with his death leaving his family devastated and destitute. |
以色列无情加紧对平民的残酷压迫,还继续拘留和监禁巴勒斯坦人。目前有超过 4 550 名巴勒斯坦人被关押。仅在 7 月,以色列就拘留了 375 名巴勒斯坦人,其中包括 28 名儿童和 2 名妇女;发出了 191 项行政拘留令,其中 126 项是未经指控或审判延长目前的行政拘留,包括对 20 岁智障青年艾哈迈德·马纳萨拉的拘留。他的精神和健康状况十分严重,但从 13 岁起就被以色列关押。被拘留者中还有 40 岁的哈利勒·阿瓦德,他已经绝食 154 天,抗议以色列未经指控或审判对他实施行政拘留。由于占领国继续实施残酷和非法的拘留,哈利勒目前生命垂危。 | Relentlessly intensifying its excruciating oppression of the civilian population, Israel also continues to detain and imprison Palestinians. Over 4,550 Palestinians are being held captive at present. In July alone, Israel detained 375 Palestinians, including 28 children and 2 women, and issued 191 administrative detention orders, 126 of which were renewals of ongoing administrative detentions without charge or trial, including for the mentally disabled youth, Ahmed Manasara, aged 20, who has been held captive by Israel since the age of 13 despite his critical mental and health conditions. Also among the detainees is Khalil Awawdeh, aged 40, who has been on hunger strike for 154 days in protest at his administrative detention by Israel without charge or trial. Khalil’s life is in serious jeopardy as the occupying Power persists with its cruel and unlawful detention. |
巴勒斯坦被拘留者中来自被占领的东耶路撒冷的最多,仅 7 月就有 128 人。其中包括巴勒斯坦耶路撒冷总督阿德南·盖斯,他多次受到骚扰和恐吓,至少被以色列拘留了 35 次。 | The highest number of detainees have been from occupied East Jerusalem – 128 Palestinians in July alone. Among them is the Palestinian Governor of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, who has been repeatedly harassed and intimidated and has been detained by Israel at least 35 times. |
另一名耶路撒冷人是巴勒斯坦-法国公民、律师和人权维护者萨拉赫·哈姆利,他在没有受到指控或审判的情况下多次被以色列拘留。以下是萨拉赫 7 月被转送至哈德林监狱的“集体监禁”前在奥弗监狱写的一封信。萨拉赫对这一非法 | Another Jerusalemite who has been repeatedly detained by Israel without charge or trial is the Palestinian-French citizen and lawyer and human rights defender, Salah Hammouri. The following are quotes from a letter written by Salah from Ofer prison in July before being transferred to “collective confinement” in Hadarim prison. |
转送至哈德林监狱的“集体监禁”前在奥弗监狱写的一封信。萨拉赫对这一非法殖民占领和种族隔离政权的极端不人道、无处不在的残酷、令人窒息的控制进行了反思,他写道: | Reflecting on the sheer inhumanity, pervasive cruelty and suffocating control of this illegal colonial occupation and apartheid regime, Salah wrote, inter alia: |
这种占领使我们遭受非人待遇,我们不再有权自由生活。占领竭力窒息我们巴勒斯坦人在监狱围墙外的伪生活。我们必须抓住每一次拘留之间生命的短暂时光和片刻快乐,又不知何故开始害怕生命中短暂的快乐和稳定。害怕即将到来的下一波冲击……我最厌恶等待,一种在监狱里被放大的等待……如果我如此厌恶等待——而我离我的祖国、我的自由、我的城市耶路撒冷又只有几公里之遥——那么,如果我同意离开家园流放他乡,那等待又会是什么模样? | This occupation does not see us, or treat us, as human beings with the right to live as free people do. Instead, it does all it can to asphyxiate the pseudo life we Palestinians live outside the walls of the prison. We must snatch small moments of life and joy between each detainment, whilst somehow coming to fear the short-lived joy and stability in our lives. Afraid of the next shock that will hit us… What I loathe most is the condition of waiting, one which is magnified inside prison… If I hate the condition of waiting so much – while only a few kilometers from my homeland, my freedom, and my city, Jerusalem – then what will waiting look like if I am to agree to be exiled from my home? |
正被以色列无情的侵略和借以实行非法占领的非法政策和做法所摧毁,这种非法政策和做法包括以色列对我们土地的阴险殖民化和对我们人民的种族清洗。 | This punishing, inhumane reality is lived every single day by the millions of Palestinians whose lives are being destroyed by Israel’s unrelenting aggression and the illegal policies and practices by which it is imposing its illegal occupation, including its insidious colonization of our land and ethnic cleansing of our people. |
在这方面,我们必须再次提请注意以色列继续在巴勒斯坦被占领土战略地区推行的强迫迁移运动,以色列企图巩固非法殖民占领,还企图推进非法吞并计划。哈利勒以南马萨费亚塔的社区仍然受到威胁,以色列继续采取措施,强行驱赶居民,为占领军建立军事训练区腾出地方。巴勒斯坦境内的人道主义、人权和外交界都强调,对这 1 200 名男女老幼弱势人群的这种赤裸裸的侵略十分残酷,破坏了他们的放牧生计,但毫无作用。安全理事会和包括国际刑事法院在内的其他机构继续无视他们的困境,这些机构对确保追究此类罪行的责任并制止这些罪行负有明确的责任。 | In this regard, we must again draw attention to Israel’s continued forced transfer campaign in strategic parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territory as it attempts not only to entrench its illegal colonial occupation but also to advance its illegal annexation plans. The communities in Masafer Yatta, south of Al-Khalil, remain under threat as Israel presses on with measures to forcibly displace the population from the area in order to clear it to establish a military training area for the occupying army. The cruelty of such naked aggression against this vulnerable population of 1,200 children, women and men and the destruction of their herding livelihoods has been underscored by the humanitarian, human rights and diplomatic communities in Palestine, but to no avail, as their plight continues to be ignored by the Security Council and other bodies, including the International Criminal Court, which bear distinct responsibility for ensuring accountability for such crimes and bringing them to a halt. |
同样,8 月 10 日,占领国取消了停止拆除艾因萨米亚学校的禁令,以色列占领军和定居者一再对该学校进行袭击,企图迫使学校所在社区离开。这所捐助者资助的学校为 17 名无法接受教育的儿童提供服务。2022 年至今,以色列占领军在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领西岸拆毁或强迫巴勒斯坦人拆毁 491 座建筑物,其中包括捐助者资助的 81 座,使包括 302 名儿童在内的 626 人流离失所,蓄意加深巴勒斯坦平民的脆弱性和匮乏感。 | Similarly, on 10 August, the occupying Power cancelled the injunction order halting the demolition of the Ein Samiya school, which has been repeatedly attacked by Israeli occupying forces and settlers with the aim of forcing this community from the land. This donor-funded school serves 17 children, who would otherwise be unable to access education. So far in 2022, Israeli occupying forces have demolished or forced Palestinians to demolish 491 structures, including 81 funded by donors, displacing 626 people, including 302 children, across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, deliberately deepening the vulnerability and want of the Palestinian civilian population. |
鉴于这些持续不断、日益恶化的罪行,我们必须重申,如果不加以追究,以色列就会逃脱罪责,甚至纵容其政治和军事官员及定居者团伙和民兵继续攻击和压迫巴勒斯坦人民。现在的情况是,以色列不仅公然企图巩固对巴勒斯坦土地的控制,同时还以真正的殖民和种族隔离方式,削弱巴勒斯坦人在巴勒斯坦土地上的存在和我国的生存能力。 | In the light of these ongoing and worsening crimes, we must reiterate that the absence of accountability is emboldening Israel’s impunity and even encouraging its political and military officials and its settler gangs and militias to carry on with their assaults and oppression of the Palestinian people. What are occurring are blatant attempts not only to entrench Israel’s control of the Palestinian land but also, in true colonial and apartheid fashion, to simultaneously diminish the Palestinian presence on it and the viability of our State. |
这些行动构成了系统侵犯人权和严重违反《日内瓦第四公约》的行为,即战争罪。当务之急是,国际社会,特别是安全理事会必须采取行动,根据《联合国宪章》、国际法和包括安全理事会第 2334(2016)号决议在内的多项有关联合国决议,追究占领国以色列对所有这些违法行为的全部责任,并向巴勒斯坦人民提供保护,直到这一历史性的不公正现象结束,巴勒斯坦人民获得解放,在以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国行使自决和独立的权利,并为包括难民在内的我国人民痛苦忍受太久的困境伸张正义。 | These actions constitute systematic human rights violations and grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention, that is to say, war crimes. It is of the utmost urgency that the international community, particularly the Security Council, act to hold Israel, the occupying Power, fully accountable for all of these violations and breaches in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, international law and the many relevant United Nations resolutions, including Security Council resolution 2334 (2016), and to provide protection to the Palestinian people until this historic injustice is brought to an end and they achieve liberation, exercising their right to self-determination and independence in their State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and achieving justice for the plight that our people, including our refugees, have endured so painfully for far too long. |
在本函之前,我们已就构成巴勒斯坦国领土的包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的持续危机发出了 762 封信件。这些从 2000 年 9 月 29 日(A/55/432-S/2000/921)至 2022 年 8 月 8 日(A/ES-10/907-S/2022/603)的信件,构成了对占领国以色列 2000 年 9 月以来对巴勒斯坦人民所犯罪行的基本记录。占领国以色列必须为其对巴勒斯坦人民实施的所有战争罪行、国家恐怖主义行为和系统侵犯人权的行为负责,必须将犯罪者绳之以法。 | The present letter is in follow-up to our 762 letters regarding the ongoing crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, which constitutes the territory of the State of Palestine. These letters, dated from 29 September 2000 (A/55/432-S/2000/921) to 8 August 2022 (A/ES-10/907-S/2022/603), constitute a basic record of the crimes being committed by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people since September 2000. For all of these war crimes, acts of State terrorism and systematic human rights violations being committed against the Palestinian people, Israel, the occupying Power, must be held accountable and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. |
请将本函作为大会第十届紧急特别会议议程项目 5 的文件和安全理事会文件分发为荷。 | I should be grateful if you would arrange to have the present letter distributed as a document of the tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly, under agenda item 5, and of the Security Council. |
大 会 Distr.: General | General Assembly Distr.: General |
24 December 2018ChineseOriginal: English261218 261218 | 24 December 2018 |
Original: English261218 261218 | 18-22602 (E) 261218 |
*1822602* | *1822602* |
第七十三届会议 | Seventy-third session |
议程项目 149 | Agenda item 149 |
大会第 55/235 和 55/236 号决议的执行情况秘书长的报告 | Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of United Nations peacekeeping operations Implementation of General Assembly resolutions 55/235 and 55/236 Report of the Secretary-General Addendum |
1. 在秘书长关于大会第 55/235 和 55/236 号决议执行情况的报告(A/73/350)中,附件三提供了关于 2019 年 1 月 1 日至 2021 年 12 月 31 日期间维持和平行动实际分摊率的说明资料。这些表格以 2019-2021 年期间维持和平行动缴款最新各等级国家名单和经常预算分摊比额表为基础,表格均载于会费委员会第七十八届会议报告(A/73/11),其中采用了 2001-2003 年、2004-2006 年、2007-2009 年、2010-2012 年、2013-2015 年和 2016-2018 年期间分摊比额表所采用的比额表编制方法以及新的国民总收入和其他数据。 | 1. In the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 55/235 and 55/236 (A/73/350), illustrative information was provided in annex III on the effective rates of assessment for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021. Those tables were based on the updated composition of levels of contribution for peacekeeping operations and the regular budget scale of assessments for the period 2019–2021, included in the report of the Committee on Contributions on its seventy-eighth session (A/73/11), which used the scale methodology employed for the scales of assessments for the periods 2001–2003, 2004–2006, 2007–2009, 2010–2012, 2013–2015 and 2016–2018 as well as new gross national income and other data. |
2. 2019-2021 年期间新的分摊比额表获得通过、12019-2021 年期间最新各等级国家名单获得核准2 之后,本报告附件所列 2019-2021 年期间维持和平实际分摊 | 2. Following the adoption of a new scale of assessments for the period 2019–2021 1 and the endorsement of the updated composition of levels for the period 2019–2021,2 the effective rates of assessment for peacekeeping in 2019–2021 are set out in the annex to the present report. |
国家名单获得核准2 之后,本报告附件所列 2019-2021 年期间维持和平实际分摊 | Annex |
国家名单获得核准2 之后,本报告附件所列 2019-2021 年期间维持和平实际分摊率得以确定。附件以大会在第 73/271 号决议中通过的分摊比额表和大会在第73/272 号决议中核准的各等级国家名单为基础确定的 2019 年 | Effective rates of assessment for peacekeeping operations, 1January 2019 to 31 December 2021, based on the scale of assessments adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 73/271 and the composition of levels endorsed by the Assembly in its resolution 73/272 |
73/272 号决议中核准的各等级国家名单为基础确定的 2019 年1 月 1 日至 2021 年 12 月 31 日期间维持和平行动实际分摊率实际比率2018 年经常预算 | Effective rate in 2018 Regular budget 2019–2021 Effective rates |
2019-2021 年实际比率会员国 2019 年 2020-2021 年 | Member State 2019 2020–2021 Level A |
中国 10.2377 12.005 15.2197 15.2195 | China 10.2377 12.005 15.2197 15.2195 |
法国 6.2801 4.427 5.6125 5.6124 | France 6.2801 4.427 5.6125 5.6124 |
俄罗斯联邦 3.9912 2.405 3.0490 3.0490 | Russian Federation 3.9912 2.405 3.0490 3.0490 |
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 5.7683 4.567 5.7900 5.7899 | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5.7683 4.567 5.7900 5.7899 |
美利坚合众国 28.4344 22.000 27.8912 27.8908 | United States of America 28.4344 22.000 27.8912 27.8908 |
A 级共计 54.7116 45.404 57.5623 57.5615 | Total A 54.7116 45.404 57.5623 57.5615 |
B 级 | Level B |
安道尔 0.0060 0.005 0.0050 0.0050 | Andorra 0.0060 0.005 0.0050 0.0050 |
澳大利亚 2.3370 2.210 2.2100 2.2100 | Australia 2.3370 2.210 2.2100 2.2100 |
奥地利 0.7200 0.677 0.6770 0.6770 | Austria 0.7200 0.677 0.6770 0.6770 |
巴哈马 a 0.0130 0.018 0.0167 0.0167 | Bahamasa 0.0130 0.018 0.0167 0.0167 |
巴林 a 0.0407 0.050 0.0463 0.0463 | Bahraina 0.0407 0.050 0.0463 0.0463 |
比利时 0.8850 0.821 0.8210 0.8210 | Belgium 0.8850 0.821 0.8210 0.8210 |
加拿大 2.9210 2.734 2.7340 2.7340 | Canada 2.9210 2.734 2.7340 2.7340 |
塞浦路斯 0.0430 0.036 0.0360 0.0360 | Cyprus 0.0430 0.036 0.0360 0.0360 |
丹麦 0.5840 0.554 0.5540 0.5540 | Denmark 0.5840 0.554 0.5540 0.5540 |
爱沙尼亚 0.0380 0.039 0.0390 0.0390 | Estonia 0.0380 0.039 0.0390 0.0390 |
芬兰 0.4560 0.421 0.4210 0.4210 | Finland 0.4560 0.421 0.4210 0.4210 |
德国 6.3890 6.090 6.0900 6.0900 | Germany 6.3890 6.090 6.0900 6.0900 |
冰岛 0.0230 0.028 0.0280 0.0280 | Iceland 0.0230 0.028 0.0280 0.0280 |
爱尔兰 0.3350 0.371 0.3710 0.3710 | Ireland 0.3350 0.371 0.3710 0.3710 |
以色列 0.4300 0.490 0.4900 0.4900 | Israel 0.4300 0.490 0.4900 0.4900 |
意大利 3.7480 3.307 3.3070 3.3070 | Italy 3.7480 3.307 3.3070 3.3070 |
日本 9.6800 8.564 8.5640 8.5640 | Japan 9.6800 8.564 8.5640 8.5640 |
列支敦士登 0.0070 0.009 0.0090 0.0090 | Liechtenstein 0.0070 0.009 0.0090 0.0090 |
卢森堡 0.0640 0.067 0.0670 0.0670 | Luxembourg 0.0640 0.067 0.0670 0.0670 |
马耳他 0.0160 0.017 0.0170 0.0170 | Malta 0.0160 0.017 0.0170 0.0170 |
摩纳哥 0.0100 0.011 0.0110 0.0110 | Monaco 0.0100 0.011 0.0110 0.0110 |
荷兰 1.4820 1.356 1.3560 1.3560 | Netherlands 1.4820 1.356 1.3560 1.3560 |
葡萄牙 0.3920 0.350 0.3500 0.3500 | Portugal 0.3920 0.350 0.3500 0.3500 |
大韩民国 2.0390 2.267 2.2670 2.2670 | Republic of Korea 2.0390 2.267 2.2670 2.2670 |
圣马力诺 0.0030 0.002 0.0020 0.0020 | San Marino 0.0030 0.002 0.0020 0.0020 |
沙特阿拉伯 a 1.0601 1.172 1.0841 1.0841 | Saudi Arabiaa 1.0601 1.172 1.0841 1.0841 |
斯洛文尼亚 0.0840 0.076 0.0760 0.0760 | Slovenia 0.0840 0.076 0.0760 0.0760 |
西班牙 2.4430 2.146 2.1460 2.1460 | Spain 2.4430 2.146 2.1460 2.1460 |
瑞典 0.9560 0.906 0.9060 0.9060 | Sweden 0.9560 0.906 0.9060 0.9060 |
瑞士 1.1400 1.151 1.1510 1.1510 | Switzerland 1.1400 1.151 1.1510 1.1510 |
B 级共计 39.4617 36.990 36.8970 36.8970 | Total B 39.4617 36.990 36.8970 36.8970 |
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