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议程项目 30 | Agenda item 30 |
2004年5月3 日土耳其常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信谨随函附上土耳其外交部 2004 年 5 月 1 日发表的关于塞浦路斯问题的声明(见附件)。请将本函及其附件作为大会议程项目 30 下的文件和安全理事会文件分发为荷。常驻代表大使乌米特·帕米尔(签名)04-33677 (C) 060504 060504*0433677*2004年5月3 日土耳其常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件土耳其外交部的声明1. 2004 年 5 月 1 日,将有十名新成员加入欧盟。而对于亦将成为欧盟成员的塞浦路斯的特殊情况, 2003 年 4 月 1 日的秘书长报告已经予以确认,报告也得到联合国安全理事会的核可。报告确认如下:“塞浦路斯在欧洲联盟候选国中是独特的,因为是安全理事会议程上的长期项目,而且正在摆脱冲突状态。”2. 为寻求统一全岛全面解决办法而进行的上一轮努力是在联合国秘书长自1999 年开始的斡旋下展开的。其主要目标是让土族塞人一方和希族塞人一方达成一个全面解决办法,开创塞浦路斯新局面。大家认为,在 2004 年 5 月 1 日之前达成这样一个解决办法,既符合有关各方的利益,也有利于国际和平与安全。这本是塞浦路斯于 2004 年 5 月 1 日以统一状态加入欧洲联盟的必由之路。3. 欧洲联盟一再表示非常希望一个统一的塞浦路斯加入欧盟,对联合国秘书长的斡旋表示支持,并做出具体的承诺,鼓励和推动上述结果。 | Question of Cyprus Letter dated 3 May 2004 from the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General I have the honour to transmit herewith a statement about Cyprus issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey on 1 May 2004 (see annex). I should be grateful if the present letter and its annex were circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 30, and of the Security Council. (Signed) Omit Pamir Ambassador Permanent Representative 04-33678 (E) 060504 I IMIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIII iini 1111 1111 s12004/351 Annex to the letter dated 3 May 2004 from the Permanent Representative ofTurkey to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General 1 May 2004 STATEMENT BY THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF TURKEY 1. Ten new members will be joining the EU on 1 May 2004. The unique case of Cyprus, which will become a member of the EU, is recognized in the report of the UN Secretary General of 1 April 2003, which was endorsed by the UN Security Council, in the following terms: "Cyprus is unique among EU candidate countries as a standing item on the Security Council agenda and emerging from a context of conflict." 2. The last round of efforts to reach a comprehensive settlement to reunify the Island was conducted under the good offices mission of the UN Secretary General since 1999. The main objective of this endeavor was to enable the Turkish Cypriot side and the Greek Cypriot side to reach a comprehensive settlement and bring into being a new state of affairs in Cyprus. It was considered that such a solution before 1 May 2004 would be in the interest of all concerned, and in the interest of international peace and security. It would have constituted the only means by which Cyprus could enter the European Union united on 1 May 2004. 3. The European Union has repeatedly expressed its strong preference for the accession of a reunited Cyprus and its support to the good offices mission of the UN Secretary-General and has made specific commitments to encourage and promote such an outcome. |
4. 在 2004 年 3 月 31 日于瑞士举行的最后一轮谈判中,联合国秘书长同塞浦路斯双方以及希腊和土耳其进行密切磋商,敲定了塞浦路斯问题全面解决方案,准备分别提交双方,由双方同时分别举行全民投票加以核准。 | 4. During the final round conducted in Switzerland on 3 1 March 2004, the UN Secretary-General finalized the plan on the comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem to be submitted on each side for approval at separate and simultaneous referenda, in close consultation with the two parties in Cyprus and with Greece and Turkey. |
根据这份《基础协定》的展望,将在一种新型的两区伙伴关系基础上建立一个统一的塞浦路斯,设立一个联邦政府,分两个组成国,即希族塞人国和土族塞人国。《协定》规定,“组成国地位平等,在各自的领土内行使权威”。 | - The Foundation Agreement envisaged the establishment of a United Cyprus, based on a new bizonal partnership, with a federal government and two constituent states, namely the Greek Cypriot State and the Turkish Cypriot State. It is stipulated that "the Constituent States are of equal status, each of them exercises its authority within its territorial boundaries." |
另外,根据《基础协定》中主要条款的展望,“希族塞人和土族塞人确认塞浦路斯为他们共同的家园,承认对方具有独特性和完整性,而且彼此的关系不是一个多数族裔和少数族裔的关系,而是一种政治平等的关系,每一方都不可声称对另一方具有权威或管辖权。” | Furthermore, the Main Articles of the Foundation Agreement envisaged that "the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots affirmed that Cyprus is their common home and acknowledged each other's distinct identity and integrity and that their relationship is not one of majority and minority but of political equality, where neither side may claim authority or jurisdiction over the other. |
5. 欧洲联盟委员会参加了于瑞士举行的谈判的最后阶段,双方和欧洲联盟委员会就欧洲联盟在全面解决方案方面的各项承诺达成了一致。 | 5. The EU Commission was present at the final stage of the negotiations in Switzerland and the EU commitments with regard to the comprehensive settlement were agreed upon between the parties and the EU Commission. |
商定的案文明确指出,“《基础协定》开启了塞浦路斯的新局面,使其能够和平融入欧盟,其中体现了欧洲联盟的各项基本原则。”在这一背景下,案文还强调了“希族塞人和土族塞人的政治平等以及两个组成国的平等地位。” | In the agreed text it was explicitly stated that ,,the basic principles of the EU have found their expression in the Foundation Agreement which introduced a new state of affairs in Cyprus and allows its peacefil integration into the EU." In this context, ,,the political equality of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots and the equal status of the two constituent states" were also underlined. |
6. 各方商定,双方将就全面解决方案同时分别举行全民投票,以便土族塞人和希族塞人能够行使他们作为成员的固有权力,并依照自由、民主及分别表达的共同意志来采纳解决方案。 | 6. It was agreed to put the comprehensive settlement to separate simultaneous referenda, in order to enable the Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots to exercise their inherent constitutive power, and adopt a settlement by their free and democratic, separately expressed common will. |
7. 全民投票于 2004 年 4 月 24 日在塞浦路斯举行,绝大多数土族塞人投票赞成联合国秘书长的解决方案,该方案本来可以使统一后的塞浦路斯能够于 2004 年 523月 1 日加入欧盟。然而,希族塞人以 75%的大多数票拒绝了这一方案,因此为使塞浦路斯统一后能够加入欧盟而进行的努力宣告失败。这样,按照联合国秘书长提出的《全面解决方案》中的有关规定,这一方案已经无效。 | 7. The referenda were held in Cyprus on 24 April and overwhelming majority of Turkish Cypriots voted in favor of the UN Secretary-General's settlement plan which would have allowed for a united Cyprus to join the EU on 1 May 2004. However, the Greek Cypriots rejected it with a 75 percent majority, and efforts to allow a unified Cyprus to join the EU thus failed. In consequence, the Comprehensive Settlement Plan of the UN Secretary General has become null and void, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Plan. |
土族塞人已经行使了他们作为成员的固有权力,并通过透明民主的全民投票,表达了对自己作为统一的塞浦路斯组成伙伴在欧盟内政治前景的愿望。现在,欧盟理应确认土族塞人在这方面所表达的自由和真诚的意志,并采取相应行动。 | The Turkish Cypriot people have exercised their inherent constitutive power and expressed, through transparent and democratic process of referendum, their wishes for their political fitwe within the EU as constituent partner of a united Cyprus. It is now incumbent on the EU to acknowledge and act upon the free and genuine expression of the will of the Turkish Cypriot people in this regard. |
2004 年 4 月 24 日在塞浦路斯同时分别举行的全民投票突显了该岛上存在互不代表对方的两个不同民族的事实。因此,声称有一个代表全岛的单一权力机构,而无视任何解决方案都必须得到双方同意的事实,是行不通的。 | The separate simultaneous referenda held in Cyprus on 24 April 2004 underline the fact that there exist two separate peoples on the island, neither of which represents the other. Consequently, it would constitute an untenable claim that there is a single authority to represent the whole island, disregarding the reality that any solution on the island requires the consent of both sides. |
8. 鉴于这些事实和情况,将只有希族塞人按照 2003 年 4 月 16 日《加入条约》的条款于 2004 年 5 月 1 日加入欧盟。该条约是以该岛屿分裂的政治和法律状况为基础的,因此没有就一个统一的塞浦路斯加入欧盟做出规定。因而,一个国际冲突正在不可避免地被带入欧洲联盟。 | 8. In view of these facts and circumstances, it is only the Greek Cypriots who will enter the EU on 1 May 2004 under the terms of the Accession Treaty of 16 April 2003, which was based on a political and legal situation of a divided Island and consequently does not allow for accession of a united Cyprus to the EU. Thus, an international conflict is inevitably being imported into the European Union. |
9. 希族塞人虽将于 2004 年 5 月 1 日加入欧盟,但是他们无权代表整个塞浦路斯或土族塞人。他们不能对与其地位平等的土族塞人或整个塞浦路斯岛具有权威、管辖权或主权。他们不能把“塞浦路斯共和国”强加给土族塞人。因此,按照自己宪法秩序在自己境内组织起来的希族塞人不能作为代表整个塞浦路斯以及土族塞人的合法政府。 | 9. The Greek Cypriots, who will join the EU on 1 May 2004, have no authority to represent the whole of Cyprus or the Turkish Cypriots. They cannot claim authority, jurisdiction or sovereignty over the Turkish Cypriots, who have equal status, or over the entire Island of Cyprus. They cannot impose the ,,Republic of Cyprus" on the Turkish Cypriots. Thus, the Greek Cypriots who organized themselves under their own constitutional order and within their boundaries cannot be the legitimate government representing the whole of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriots. |
10. 按照自己宪法秩序在自己境内组织起来的土族塞人行使着政府权威、管辖权以及主权。土耳其对北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国的承认将保持不变。 | 10. Turkish Cypriots, as a people who organized themselves under their constitutional order within their territorial boundaries, exercise governmental authority, jurisdiction and sovereignty. Turkey's recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will remain unchanged. |
11. 南塞浦路斯加入欧盟绝不能给土耳其按照 1960 年条约对塞浦路斯承担的权利和义务造成任何影响。 | 1 1. The accession of Southern Cyprus cannot prejudice in whatsoever mannerthe rights and obligations of Turkey regarding Cyprus under the 1960 Treaties. |
经济及社会理事会 Distr.: General | Economic and Social Council Distr.: General |
28 April 2006 | 28 April 2006 |
06-33465 (C) 100506 220506 | 06-33466 (E) 220506 |
*0633465* | *0633466* |
2006 年实质性会议 | Substantive session of 2006 |
2006 年 7 月 3 日至 28 日,纽约 | New York, 3-28 July 2006 |
临时议程*项目 2 | Item 2 of the provisional agenda* |
在国家和国际一级创造一个有利于向所有人提供充分的生产性就业和体面工作的环境,及其对可持续发展的影响 | Creating an environment at the national and international levels conducive to generating full and productive employment and decent work for all, and its impact on sustainable development |
具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织促进土著民族环境联合会提出的声明 | Statement submitted by Partnership for Indigenous Peoples Environment, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council |
秘书长收到以下声明,现依照经济及社会理事会第 1996/31 号决议第 36 和37 段的规定分发。 | The Secretary-General has received the following statement, which is being circulated in accordance with paragraphs 36 and 37 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. |
我的名字叫 Goodluck Diigbo,我是促进土著民族环境联合会(土著环境联合会)的主席。联合会对那些影响土著民族的国际法和标准进行审视,并倡导促进所有民族的文化、经济、环境、政治和社会权利。 | My name is Goodluck Diigbo, president, Partnership for Indigenous Peoples Environment, PIPE. It reviews international laws and standards affecting indigenous peoples and advocates to promote cultural, economic, environmental, political and social rights of all peoples. |
本声明列举两项广泛目标: | Two broad goals are identified in this Statement: |
1. 短期的目标是参与和获得就业的技术; | 1. The short-term goal is participation and skills acquisition for employment; |
2. 长期的目标是实行一项持久性的有利环境战略,并作出减贫的持久努力。 | 2. The long-term goal is a sustained conducive environment strategy and sustained effort aimed at poverty alleviation. |
土著环境联合会愿意与联合国合作,实现为土著民族获得技术制定模式的短期、长期目标。我于 1989 年出版的“自力更生之路”一书的重点就是通过获得技术作为创造就业的解决办法。 | PIPE offers to collaborate with UN to accomplish short long-term goals towards fashioning a model for skills acquisition for indigenous peoples. My book: Path to Self-Reliance (1989) focuses on skills acquisition as solution for employment creation. |
声明的原则: | Statement Principles: |
(a) 主题:“通过获得技术为土著民族创造充分的生产性就业和体面的工作”,系与一整套经济、环境和社会权利相连,其总目标是减贫。 | (a) The theme: Generating Full and Productive Employment and Decent Work for Indigenous Peoples Through Skills Acquisition is related to the entire range of economic, environmental and social rights, with the overall objective of poverty alleviation. |
(b) 高级别实质性会议应考虑到到 2025 年预计全世界有 85 亿人生活在发展中国家(根据联合国的数据)。这就意味着,村庄里的农村人口要想生存的话,就必须从事充分的生产性就业和体面的工作。 | (b) The High Level Substantive Session should take into account that by 2025, 83 percent of the expected global population of 8.5 billion will be living in developing countries, (according to UN Statistics). This means that that to survive the rural dwellers living in their villages must be engaged in full and productive employment and decent work. |
(c) 指导目标应该是创造有利的环境,让各国人民、政府和商业界能够在经济和社会领域的发展活动中和平地相互影响和交流。因此,应该在宏观和微观经济规划、发展政策和资源控制、利用和管理的框架内,以全面和平衡的方式对减贫和有利的环境进行审查。 | (c) The guiding objective should be to create conducive environment for peaceful interaction and interface of development activities in the economic and social spheres between peoples, governments and businesses. Thus, Poverty alleviation and conducive environment should be examined in a holistic and balanced manner within the framework of macro and micro economic planning, development policy and resources control, utilization and management. |
(d) 经济政策应包括地方(村)一级;由于种种环境和情况使土著民族失去了传统的生活手段和就业机会,那里存在着非正规的经济就业机会。 | (d) Economic policies should include local (village) level; where informal economic employment opportunities exist, taking into account circumstances and situations that deprive indigenous peoples their traditional means of livelihood and employment opportunities. |
鉴于这一背景,我呼吁: | Against this background, I call for: |
㈠ 加强各项国际文书,促进政府、地方社区和商业界之间必不可少的三边对话与合作,避免有可能影响创造有利环境的冲突。 | (i) The strengthening of International Instruments to promote mandatory tripartite dialogue and cooperation between government, local community and business to avoid conflicts that could hinder the creation of conducive environment. |
㈡ 联合国系统应加强各项国际文书,以便鼓励各会员国通过获得技术的方案,纳入非正规教育制度,为土著民族提供教育和培训,让他们能够筹划未来。大多数土著民族都是边境地区的弱势居民,他们极其需要发展,而且他们也常常有失去家园的危险,可能会被迁移别处,因此这样做尤其必要。 | (ii) The United Nations system should strengthen International Instruments to encourage member states to provide education and training to prepare indigenous peoples for the future through skills acquisition programmes, integrating informal education system. This is particularly necessary because most indigenous peoples are vulnerable inhabitants of frontier regions keenly sought for development purposes and are often in danger of loosing their homelands and faced with possible relocation. |
大 会 Distr.: General | General Assembly Distr.: Limited |
20 November 2018ChineseOriginal: English(C) 231118 231118 | 20 November 2018 |
(C) 231118 231118 | 8-19894 (E) 231118 |
*1819894* | *1819894* |
第七十三届会议 | Seventy-third session |
议程项目 136 和 74(c) | Agenda items 136 and 74 (c) |
2018-2019 两年期方案预算 | Programme budget for the biennium 2018–2019 |
促进和保护人权:人权状况及特别报告员和代表的报告 | Promotion and protection of human rights: human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives |
缅甸人权状况 | Situation of human rights in Myanmar |
决议草案 A/C.3/73/L.51 所涉方案预算问题 | Programme budget implications of draft resolution A/C.3/73/L.51 |
秘书长按照大会议事规则第 153 条提出的说明 | Statement submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with rule 153 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly |
一. 导言 | I. Introduction |
1. 2018 年 11 月 16 日第三委员会第 50 次会议进行记录表决,以 142 票赞成、10 票反对、26 票弃权通过决议草案 A/C.3/73/L.51。委员会面前有所涉方案预算问题说明(A/C.3/73/L.58)。 | 1. At its 50th meeting, on 16 November 2018, the Third Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.3/73/L.51, by a recorded vote of 142 to 10, with 26 abstentions. A statement of programme budget implications (A/C.3/73/L.58) was before the Committee. |
二. 决议草案所载的要求 | II. Requests contained in the draft resolution |
2. 根据决议草案 A/C.3/73/L.51 执行部分第 18 段,大会请秘书长: | 2. Under the terms of operative paragraph 18 of draft resolution A/C.3/73/L.51, the General Assembly would request the Secretary-General: |
(a) 继续开展斡旋,与所有相关利益攸关方讨论缅甸问题,并向缅甸政府提供援助; | (a) To continue to provide his good offices and to pursue his discussions relating to Myanmar, involving all relevant stakeholders, and to offer assistance to the Government of Myanmar; |
(b) 延长缅甸问题特使的任期,并向大会第七十四届会议提交特使报告,其中涵盖本决议所述的全部相关问题; | (b) To extend the appointment of the Special Envoy on Myanmar and submit the report of the Special Envoy covering all relevant issues addressed in the present resolution to the General Assembly at its seventy-fourth session; |
(c) 提供一切必要协助,使特使能够有效执行任务,并每 6 个月向会员国通报情况,或根据其他要求或当地局势的需要向会员国通报情况; | (c) To provide all assistance necessary to enable the Special Envoy to effectively discharge her mandate and to brief Member States every six months, or as otherwise requested or as warranted by the situation on the ground; |
(d) 确定现有任务如何能够更加有效地履行各自的责任领域,并通过加强协调来补充彼此的工作; | (d) To identify ways in which the existing mandates can more effectively deliver in their respective areas of responsibility and can complement each o ther’s work through enhanced coordination; |
(e) 提请安全理事会继续注意缅甸局势,并就如何解决人道主义危机、促进罗兴亚难民和被迫流离失所者安全、有尊严、自愿和可持续返回以及确保追究侵犯人权行为负责者的责任提出具体行动建议。 | (e) To call the continued attention of the Security Council to the situation in Myanmar with concrete recommendations for action towards resolving the humanitarian crisis, promoting the safe, dignified, voluntary and sustainable return of Rohingya refugees and forcibly displaced persons and ensuring accountability for those responsible for human rights violations. |
3. 根据决议草案 A/C.3/73/L.51 执行部分第 19 段的规定,大会请特使通过互动对话参加大会第七十四届会议。 | 3. Under the terms of operative paragraph 19 of draft resolution A/C.3/73/L.51, the General Assembly would request that the Special Envoy participate by way of interactive dialogue in the seventy-fourth session of the General Assembly. |
三. 上述请求与 2018-2019 年期间两年期方案计划和优先事项及2018-2019 两年期方案预算的关系 | III. Relationship of the requests to the biennial programme plan and priorities for the period 2018–2019 and the programme budget for the biennium 2018–2019 |
4. 决议草案所述活动涉及 2018-2019 年期间两年期方案计划和优先事项(见A/71/6/Rev.1)方案2(政治事务)中的次级方案1(预防、管理和解决冲突),以及2018-2019 两年期方案预算(A/72/6 (Sect.3))第 3 款(政治事务)。 | 4. The activities referred to in the draft resolution relate to subprogramme 1, Prevention, management and resolution of conflicts, of programme 2, Political affairs, of the biennial programme plan and priorities for the period 2018–2019 (see A/71/6/Rev.1), and section 3, Political affairs of the programme budget for the biennium 2018–2019 (A/72/6 (Sect. 3)). |
四. 为落实要求将开展的活动 | IV. Activities by which the requests would be implemented |
5. 根据决议草案 A/C.3/73/L.51 执行部分第 18 段,秘书长将延长缅甸问题特使的任期。特使将开展与秘书长斡旋有关的工作。因此,特使办公室被视为“专题群组一:秘书长特使、个人特使、顾问和代表”下的一项特别政治任务。 | 5. Pursuant to operative paragraph 18 of draft resolution A/C.3/73/L.51, the Secretary-General would extend the appointment of the Special Envoy on Myanmar. The Special Envoy would carry out work relating to the good offices of the Secretary-General. Accordingly, the Office of the Special Envoy is assumed to be a special political mission under thematic cluster I: special and personal envoys, advisers and representatives of the Secretary-General. |
6. 缅甸问题特使将继续按照实际受聘合同任职,由一个小型团队提供支助,办公地点设在內比都和纽约联合国总部。 | 6. The Special Envoy on Myanmar would continue to function on a when-actually-employed basis, supported by a small team based in Nay Pyi Taw and at Headquarters in New York. |
7. 特使办公室将继续与包括缅甸政府在内的广泛行为体合作,负责开展秘书长斡旋,鼓励在缅甸民主转型和问责制方面取得进展。特别是,特使办公室将继续努力促进社会融合,解决缅甸罗兴亚族群面临的状况。在这方面,特使将根据若开邦问题咨询委员会的建议做出努力,力求在罗兴亚人享有政治、社会和经济权利方面确实取得进展。特使将继续支持和倡导扩大缅甸最贫穷邦之一若开邦境内的发展项目。 | 7. The Office of the Special Envoy would continue to work with a wide range of actors, including the Government of Myanmar, to provide the good offices of the Secretary-General and encourage progress in the democratic transition and accountability of Myanmar. In particular, the Office would continue to work on promoting social cohesion and resolving the situation of the Rohingya community in Myanmar. In this context, in line with the recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, the Special Envoy would undertake efforts so that there is a definite advancement towards the attainment of political, social and economic rights of the Rohingya community. The Special Envoy would continue to support and advocate the scaling-up of development projects in Rakhine, one of the poorest states in Myanmar. |
8. 为了改善居住在孟加拉国和缅甸境内罗兴亚人的条件,特使办公室将与缅甸境内外官员和所有行为体合作,使人道主义支助通行无阻,并确保难民安全、自愿、有尊严和可持续地返回原籍地。此外,特使还将支持国际社会努力为孟加拉国管理多层面危机提供持续的政治和财政支持。在这方面,特使将努力有效落实缅甸政府、联合国难民事务高级专员公署和联合国开发计划署就联合国系统支持创造条件使难民自愿、安全和可持续地从孟加拉国返回和重新融入若开邦问题达成的谅解备忘录。 | 8. To improve the conditions of the members of the Rohingya community living in Bangladesh and Myanmar, the Office of the Special Envoy would work with officials and all actors within and outside Myanmar to allow unfettered access to humanitarian support and to ensure the safe, voluntary, dignified and sustainable return of the refugees to their areas of origin. In addition, the Special Envoy would support the efforts of the international community to provide continued political and financial support to the management of the multidimensional crisis by Bangladesh. In this regard, the Special Envoy would work for the effective implementation of the memorandum of understanding reached by the Government of Myanmar, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the United Nations Development Programme on United Nations system support for creating the conditions for the voluntary, safe and sustainable return of refugees from Bangladesh and their reintegration into Rakhine State. |
9. 在民族和解方面,特使办公室将继续支持努力推进和平进程和提高包容度。特使力求引导联合国系统作出努力,使各国家利益攸关方和有关机制能够与联合国各部门互动协作,利用现有资源和工具支持民族和解努力。 | 9. With regard to national reconciliation, the Office of the Special Envoy would continue to support efforts that would advance the peace process and lead to greater inclusivity. The Special Envoy would aim to lead the efforts of the United Nations system so that national stakeholders and mechanisms are able to engage with various parts of the United Nations with the resources and tools available to support national reconciliation efforts. |
10. 为确保与缅甸各主要利益攸关方密切协调,特使办公室的办公地点将设在内比都。此外,特使办公室在执行任务时还要与联合国系统内部行为体和外部伙伴等广大行为体开展伙伴合作。特使还将与联合国缅甸国家工作队密切合作,携手开展与特使任务授权有关的一系列活动。特使还将与有关会员国包括东南亚国家联盟保持经常密切接触。特使办公室设在內比都也有助于促进与区域组织的定期互动以及与会员国的双边接触。 | 10. In order to ensure close coordination with key stakeholders in Myanmar, the Office of the Special Envoy will be located in Nay Pyi Taw. In addition, in carrying out its mandate, the Office would work in partnership with a wide range of actors, both within the United Nations system and external partners. The Special Envoy would also work closely with the United Nations country team in Myanmar in a range of activities that may relate to his/her mandate. The Special Envoy would also maintain regular and close contact with interested Members States, including those of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The presence of the Office in Nay Pyi Taw will also facilitate regular interaction with regional organizations and bilateral contacts with Member States. |
五. 所需资源估计数 | V. Estimated resource requirements |
11. 按照决议草案 A/C.3/73/L.51 第 18(a)和(b)段的要求将秘书长通过其缅甸问题特使开展斡旋以及与所有相关利益攸关方讨论缅甸人权、民主与和解问题并向缅甸政府提供援助的经费续延一年(从 2019 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日)的费用估计数(扣除工作人员薪金税)为 1 232 300 美元。 | 11. The estimated costs of continuing the provision of the good offic es of the Secretary-General and of pursuing his discussions on human rights, democracy and reconciliation in Myanmar, involving all relevant stakeholders, and to offer technical assistance through his Special Envoy on Myanmar, as requested in operative paragraphs 18 (a) and (b) of draft resolution A/C.3/73/L.51, for a one-year period, from 1 January to 31 December 2019, amount to $1,232,300, net of staff assessment. |
12. 这些资源将用于支付特使(副秘书长)、办公室主任(D-1)、2 个政治事务干事(1个 P-5 和 1 个 P-4)和 1 个助理(当地雇员)的薪金和其他业务费用。政治事务部将向特使提供其他实务支助,其他行政支助则由亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会提供。 | 12. These resources would cover the salaries of the Special Envoy (Under-Secretary-General), a Head of Office (D-1), two Political Affairs Officers (1 P-5 and 1 P-4) and one Assistant (Local level), as well as other operational requirements. Other substantive support would be provided to the Special Envoy by the Department of Political Affairs, and other administrative support would be provided by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. |
13. 上述所需资源已列入秘书长关于大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措费用估计数的报告(A/73/352/Add.1)。 | 13. The above requirements have been included in the report of the Secretary-General on estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council (A/73/352/Add.1). |
六. 摘要 | VI. Summary |
14. 如果大会通过决议草案 A/C.3/73/L.51,则 2019 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间需要为续设缅甸问题特使办公室编列所需经费(扣除工作人员薪金税)净额1 232 300 美元。 | 14. Should the General Assembly adopt draft resolution A/C.3/73/L.51, resource requirements amounting to $1,232,300, net of staff assessment, would be required for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2019 for the continuation of the Office of the Special Envoy on Myanmar. |
预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会 | Commission on Crime Prevention |
第十一届会议 | Eleventh session |
2002 年 4 月 16 日至 25 日,维也纳 | Vienna, 16-25 April 2002 |
临时议程*项目 5 | Item 5 of the provisional agenda* |
开展国际合作打击跨国犯罪 | International cooperation in combating transnational crime |
犯罪分子非法制造和贩运爆炸物以及为犯罪目的使用爆炸物 | Illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives by criminals and their use for criminal purposes |
秘书长的报告 | Report of the Secretary-General |
段 次 页次 | Paragraphs Page |
一. 导言 ............................................................................................................................. 1-3 2 | I. Introduction ......................................................... 1-3 2 |
二. 背景 ............................................................................................................................. 4-7 2 | II. Background ......................................................... 4-7 2 |
三. 专家组审议情况......................................................................................................... 8-21 2 | III. Deliberations of the Group of Experts .................................... 8-21 3 |
四. 结论和建议................................................................................................................. 22-31 4 | IV. Conclusions and recommendations ...................................... 22-31 5 |
A. 结论..................................................................................................................... 22-28 4 | A. Conclusions ..................................................... 22-28 5 |
B. 建议..................................................................................................................... 29-31 5 | B. Recommendations ................................................ 29-31 6 |
五. 专家组会议................................................................................................................. 32-35 7 | V. Meeting of the Group of Experts ........................................ 32-35 9 |
A. 安排..................................................................................................................... 32-33 7 | A. Organization .................................................... 32-33 9 |
B. 出席情况............................................................................................................. 34 7 | B. Attendance ...................................................... 34 9 |
C. 文件..................................................................................................................... 35 7 | C. Documentation .................................................. 35 9 |
一. 专家组会议与会者名单........................................................................................................ 9 | I. List of participants in the meetings of the Group of Experts ........................... 11 |
二. 专家组会议收到的文件一览表............................................................................................ 10 | II. List of documents before the meetings of the Group of Experts ........................ 12 |
二. 专家组会议收到的文件一览表............................................................................................ 10* E/CN.15/2002/1。一. 导言 | I. Introduction |
1. 大会在其 1999 年 12 月 17 日第 54/127 号决议中请秘书长在现有或预算外资源范围内按公平地域代表原则召集不超过 20 人的专家组会议,在考虑到经济及社会理事会 1998 年 7 月 28 日第1998/17 号决议的情况下,编写关于犯罪分子非法制造和贩运爆炸物及为犯罪目的使用爆炸物的情况的研究报告并尽早向预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会报告研究结果。 | 1. In its resolution 54/127 of 17 December 1999, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General, from within existing or extrabudgetary resources, to convene an expert group of no more than 20 members, with equitable geographical representation, to prepare a study on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives by criminals and their use for criminal purposes, taking into consideration Economic and Social Council resolution 1998/17 of 28 July 1998, and to report to the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice as early as possible on the results of the study. |
2. 根据大会第 54/127 号决议,非法制造和贩运爆炸物问题专家组于 2001 年 3 月 12 日至 16 日和 2001 年 12 月 18 日至 20 日在维也纳召开了两次会议。 | 2. Pursuant to Assembly resolution 54/127, the Group of Experts on the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in explosives was convened twice in Vienna, from 12 to 16 March 2001 and from 18 to 21 December 2001. |
3. 本报告是依照大会第 54/127 号决议为委员会编写的。报告概述了专家组两次会议期间的讨论情况。报告还载有专家们从大会所要求的研究报告、收到的其他资料以及从他们所进行的审议中产生的结论和建议。本报告附有参加会议的人员名单和专家组审议的文件一览表。专家组的研 | 3. The present report was prepared for the Commission in accordance with Assembly resolu-tion 54/127. It summarizes the discussions conducted by the Group of Experts during their two meetings. It also contains conclusions and recommendations made by the experts arising from the study called for by the Assembly, from other information received, and from their own deliberations. Lists of the participants in the meetings and of the documentation considered by the Group of Experts are annexed to the present report. |
员名单和专家组审议的文件一览表。专家组的研究结果载于 E/CN.15/2002/9/Add.1 号文件,该文件附有对调查表作出答复或提供其他资料以协助进行研究的国家名单。 | The results of the study conducted by the Group are contained in document E/CN.15/2002/9/Add.1, and a list of the States that replied to the survey questionnaire or provided other information to assist in the study are annexed to that document. |
二. 背景 | II. Background |