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i am sorry i had to do this here it is really more than i can stand the horror day after day at the court and in the streets .
had so much to do but played world of warcraft i had this whole week off from school and i had planned out all the things i needed to do i did nothing of them not even one holy shit wow kinda just pulled me in it was a bender the whole week and it totally engulfed me fuck dude i did not shower for like 3 days and now my break is over i am only going to get like 5 hours of sleep because i stayed up playing wow and typing this post fuck
relationship i regret getting into a relationship too fast there were so much red flags n i did not see it then when i broke up with him he spread rumors about me it is been like a year since we broke up and people are still asking questions even though it is none of their business it also ruined my experience in school because now people try to avoid me and think of me as weird
My mom had these important files to fill out but l wasn’t familiar with the forms so my mom asked her brother who didn’t technically do it right. Now my dad blames me for not doing it.
I don't think I tagged that last vent properly so I'm sry but I thought all u had to do was write nsfw so idk how to do it... could someone tell me how pls
i was starting to feel better again and then i accidentally offended someone and now i just feel terrible
When I had sufficient amount of money, I brought more clothes for á myself than for the children - I felt bad about it.
i regret not taking advantage of an uninformed seller found a guy selling lego figures last night really rares ones worth decent double digits to even one in the triple i was about to score 10 of them for 50 when i broke and felt rly bad and paniked telling him that he was really underselling what he had even jokingly told him to keep an eye out for mr gold a fig worth thousands and he actually had one if i had shut my mouth and been more aggressive i had a good chance of getting hundreds to a thousand worth of rare figs for absolute buttons and might have even ended up with a fig worth half a flat deposit i felt a bit better immediately after but looking back the next morning all i can think is i paid thousands for my morals when i m really in a posistion that the money woulda been big how can i bargain hunt at that level of profit from seller ignorance without feeling scummy and guilty or feeling like a righteous idiot after coming clean
I hit my little sisiter on the head with a stone while we were á fighting.
i havent told my psychiatrist abt how i tried to kms 4 months ago >_>
kids if there are any errors in this letter i did not proof it carefully .
i regret not kissing you it was my junior year of high school one of my best friends was a senior we used to hang out all the time she did not drive so i would drive her home from school everyday and some times take her to school in the morning she would spend the night at my house a lot we sat together in our theatre and drama class and would sing duets while playing ukulele she brought me back gifts from spain one being a journal with a hand written note from her in the back she was spending the night at my house one night we were watching a musical on my laptop on the floor of my room and she was laying down with her head in my lap i had always thought i was straight i had never felt an attraction to girls but i had the strongest urge to kiss her that night i was too afraid though i was raised in a christian household in the south i did not like girls and i was sure she did not like girls either i was afraid i would ruin our friendship if i had acted on it i pushed away the thought and i buried it deep inside of me we stayed friends until she graduated and we lost touch we still follow each other on social media but we have not talked in almost four years she has a girlfriend now and within the past year i have come to accept my sexuality as bisexual i m in a happy relationship with my now boyfriend but i sometimes wonder what might have happened if i had just kissed her when i had the chance it is my biggest regret and i think i will always regret it i have a lot to thank her for with learning to accept myself as much as i would love to reach out to her i m afraid of it being too out of the blue i m afraid of not hearing back i often times miss just having her friendship but i more often reminisce on what might have happened if i had just kissed her
so u know in greys anatomy how cristina and mer refer to each other as their person? well my person used to be addie and its not anymore i think its ethan and i know he doesnt want that im SO clingy its awful but i cant fix it
my life is ruined i love my 5 month old son but sometimes i think i can not take it anymore i had the job of my dreams and was living in a nice sunny place close to the beach back in my country but i had the almost 30 pressure and i met my partner while i traveled 2 years ago well we started a relationship but we could n t keep it by distance so i left everything in my country to try the life there with him we are both from different countries and living in another country basically everything was going wrong and when i went back to my country i found out i was pregnant and went back to him then pandemic started i could n t travel anymore and my son was born here i m so absolutely tired with anyone to help me a bit my partner wants me to do all the women work and i do not feel like myself again i m absolutely tired missing my mother and my country and so fed up of everything here my partner wants to controls everything and is the kind of person always right i m very talented in my job and at the moment i can not work in this field in this country i m basically here not working not studiying and we are not even married he wanted to ask for some social financial help for us but it was refused to me due to my situation he got it anyway but he was still insisting that i did not receive because i did not tell them i have savings back in my country so they would not think i m some kind of parasite his words i think everyday about how good it would be to go back to my country the weather does not help and to make things worse i have no friends here and my baby is basically crying and moaning all the time omg
i am so sorry i was not good enough for you or this school .
My friend had trouble and I was not able to help him.
i am sorry i have to leave you alone .
i lost my virginity at 7 years old i am male when i was 67 years old a new boy moved in next door and we struck up a good friendship this friendship turned into lots of sexual play including oral sex and heavy petting at that age i was able to get erections and was curious about the physical sensations after a long while of playing around he showed me something else we could do which turned out to be anal sex so when we did that i officially lost my virginity it took me until i was 1819 to be able to see myself naked without being disgusted i spent years wanting to vomit when i took showers because being naked was horrible once i was old enough to realise what i had done what i had thrown away because i was being an idiotic child who did not understand that those physical sensations actually meant something beautiful on top of that i felt this huge unclean stigma attached to me because i was starting to learn that since it was with another male it was extra wrong so it took me many years to be able to come to terms with my own bisexualitypansexualitydemisexuality whatever you would like to call it after that i did not even think about sex until i was 1920 and have only slept with one other person in my life only my so knows the extent of the story and she is fine with it it does not effect me all that much anymore but i believe in full disclosure if i am asked about sexual partners
Does anyone ever get hurt and then think they deserved it. Like if you didn't deserve it then it never would've happened to you. That's where I'm at and I'm hurt and heartbroken. And I know I deserved it...that's why I feel so guilty about it. Even though I didnt do anything to hurt anyone I still feel guilty about being sad and feeling bad so I know I deserved it...
i am sorry i cannot name every one of you especially a . c . man thanks for being in my life .
what did i provide ?
At my Summer job a new caretaker had been employed who was my age á but I preferred going out for lunch with the accounts personnel á rather than with him.
I am such a bad gf. I should just stay up all night with him.
I was on a concert-tour and therefor seperated from my á boy-friend. But I needed warmth which was given by a male member á of the orchestra. My feelings towards him were not very deep, but á his feelings were. I felt guilty when he said "I am not a á radiator".
i m sorry source i have been getting worse within my self stuck in old routines and patterns sorry
Damn I'm a shitty person
not trying hard enough at school i never really appreciated school until recently i think i could have done more for myself in life if actually tried at school and college a couple of things you need to know about me before i get into my rant about slandering myself i am a hardcore procrastor and never really used my free time to actually benefit my life i do not regret that fyi just not trying hard enough when i could have been more i m also lazy but productive at the same time i have not been diagnosed with adhd or add but i think i have it tbh i would hyper focus on what i was really into at the time like movies or food i m a chef btw but also just sit and do nothing for hours on end i like learning new things now but l back then i did not care really i never really enjoyed school because i felt left out for not wanting to learn also i feel left out when i m talking to friends about stuff i do not know a lot about but vaguely enough to understand what they are talking about i think that should be enough my friends are all relatively clever and put together anyway if i tried harder at school i do not think i would be any further in life than i am now i think i m doing well for being a 22m who i sous chef at a great pubrestaurant i just think i could have learned more about things i appreciate now like history and geography and literature but then i did not care tbh i think if i would have tried harder i would be a smarter and could keep up with my friends about what they like talking about but that is not why i m writing this post i just regret not having the passion to learn back then like i do know really recently it is started to give me slight anxiety about taking about what l like to talk about because i feel like i might not know enough to keep up with my friends that is it really i just wish i tried harder back then i could be smarter now to me it sounds stupid but it has started to get to me really ps if anyone has any advice i would appreciate any that is given
You held onto me, but I spent all night looking at him.
in doing so i am very much afraid that i have brought a great deal of unhappiness to those who have loved me .
feeling immense regret after missed opportunity i have been looking for a 1 bed apartment in san diego for a few months now i finally saved enough for down payment closing costs 6 months expenses after i move in i got my offer accepted for one that i loved and second guessed myself with only a few documents left to sign i backed out due to analysis paralysis now there are no more units available that i could see myself living in and that one has been taken by someone else i m feeling distraught and hopeless that i will be priced out forever any guidance would be appreciated thanks
is a cheek kiss a first kiss i m only 13 but i kissed my friend on the cheek a girl kinda forced because she told me to but i feel like i wasted my first kiss on someone i do not care for is this my first kiss or not help please
i am just sorry i burden all of you the way i have .
regret a close old friend said something meaningful to me but i wish i recorded it for some reason i just realized that i was able to record it but was caught off guard and did not know they would say something like that how do i not regret about this i have just been thinking that i could have recorded it but just did not at that time but wanted to afterwards
So I have this gift card that's supposed to work anywhere and my first thought was "hey I could finally get a chest binder!" So I go to gc2b, get my size, and try to pay for it with my gift card and it doesn't work. I need an actual credit card. If I were to use my card, my mom would see that I used it for a chest binder and I can't come out again right now. I looked up free binder giveaways and the first thing that came up is "apply if you can't pay for it." I feel bad. There's trans people out there that have it worse than I do. I have the ability to pay for it, but I can't at the same time.
skipping graduation due to covid my high school was obviously unable to hold a normal graduation ceremony instead they opted for an optional drivethru graduation with proper social distancing involved to be honest i was not thrilled about graduation and while i appreciated the sentiment it seemed kind of pointless and depressing to me considering we do not even actually recieve our diplomas so i managed to convince my parents to not go however seeing all my friends going made me kind of regret not going additionally my graduation attire was never used nor do i think it will ever be now i know i will probably get over it in a day or two and i still have my college graduation to look forward to
At one time while at primary school I lost a pencil case of a á friend and I didn't mention it to her until after a fortnight.
i cannot tell you how sorry i am for ending my life the way i did .
i hurt myself again. i stopped using this for a little while, cause of school and stuff, and a crap tom happened while i was gone. i hurt myself, got a crush, confessed to that crush, got good grades at school, and through all of that i was feeling miserable.
i regret not going to a pre school i know it was more my parents choice but if i wasnt homeschooled until 8 i would have actual social skills i would have friends and i would probably actually want to live im sick of life and i just want to die now im 13 and life just sucks ass hard
If i had just let him fuck me today would've been a happy day
i regret not dancing with my grandfather it is been a couple of years but whenever i think about that i feel sad sorry this is a downer but i have to get it out for once it was on my dad s 50th birthday about 8 years ago there was a huge party everyone drank and had fun i saw my grandpa dancing and having fun which was awesome because since my grandma died 15 years ago he was just depressive and you could n t talk to him much even better he was a bit of a rock n roller when he was young as far as that was possible in eastern germany so he did not dance slow but with some really cool old moves to the rolling stones and other old school rock music at some point at night i was outside with my boyfriend and gramps approached me and asked me to rock with him back then i felt ashamed for my body and that i can not dance do not know any cool moves and would just look stupid i just said no he asked me multiple times because he knew i listen to that music too and seemed really disappointed when he could n t get me to dance he walked away and danced with someone else our relationship cooled off a bit after that he died in 2017 and the only thing i could think about at his funeral was that moment and how i disappointed him i wish i could go back and change my answer so we would both have had a fond memory
i try to pretend that school does not exist i have been pondering whether or not i should post this for a bit and i finally said fuck it for a while now i have been trying to avoid anything that has to do with school whenever people ask me which college i will go to i quickly change the topic it does not matter if i hear someone saying that they re in college or if i turn on the tv and see college sports i immediately try to get away from it i really enjoy learning but i hate thinking about school i m not really sure why but its probably because i m a failure academically and socially there are a lot of reasons why i do not want to go to college but i think the main one is because i do not want to put up with being around people any longer than i need to i m also dissatisfied with the way i have done in school over the years i wish that i could start over from the very beginning and make up for all of the things i did not learn or understand at the time i do realize that i will never have the opportunity to do that though the whole situation has caused me a great amount of stress i m actually having a hard time typing this out without crying i do not know what i should do though
I felt guilty because I stole some sweets from my father's á grocery. When he asked me who stole the sweets I told him it was á my brother who stole the sweets and he was scolded.
i sincerely regret any inconvenience that this may have caused anyone involved .
I quarreled with my boy-friend. He said it was unfair that I á always started crying so that he had to give in.
now i cannot stop crying i am so fucked up my head is so fucked up mom and dad i am sorry .
i am still scared to make or get close to friends i m not sure if im on the right subrreddit but if im not please tell me where i can put this it all started in highschool basically i met a girl online and my highschool friends did not like it so they stole naked pictures of me and threatened her to break up with me i found out and they threaten to show the world if i do not do the same i tried to ask the police for help they did nothing one even laughed about my situation this cause me to become deeply depressed this all happened during the last year of highschool all 7 of my friends turned their back on me and i felt like i had no one left i felt so ashamed about those pictures i could not talk to anyone about it my family knew about everything but they just told me to ignore those threats after i graduated form highschool the threats and paranoia stopped i entered college and i only made about 20 or so friends but i never really got close to them i guess its my fear of being hurt again its been 4 years since that has happened sometimes when i am alone at home i get very depressed and i have thoughts of suicide but not to the extreme its just thoughts of oh if i get killed or kill myself it would be a nice escape i never do it of course cause i realize i am being selfish and leaving the people i care about behind i still get these thoughts of suicide sometimes 4 years later i have graduated from college and now i am unemployed and staying home a lot one good outcome in highschool when that happened was my other group of friends people who ve known me since i was 12 understood and was ok with it they were truly good friends however because i was so ashamed and depressed i could not stay close to them i separated myself from them i still wonder today if i should add them to my facebook and tried to contact them and maybe hang out the only good thing i have in my life is my online girlfriend who i visit in the summer and christmas tl dr highschool asshole exfriends blackmail my online girlfriend and me sent me to depression trying to get over depression and still scared to make get close to friends
i stole from my employer 15 years ago i worked in a kebab shop cafe for a few years while i went to art school party school in the mid nineties i occasionally stole money from my employer by pocketing 5 here and there when i worked a saturday afternoon shift alone if someone paid for something and did not need change i would pocket it and not open up the cash register at all i also stole food delicious honeyglazed chicken and marinated beef i have never told anyone this before i guess my moral boundaries were not very well established at that stage but i feel incredibly ashamed for doing it at the time i justified this with the fact that i was working for 5 an hour off the books no tax which was dodgy on my employer s part my boss was actually a pretty good guy and i stopped my behaviour pretty quickly actually it was after the day he took a few of us for a day out racing his gokart at the track with his boys dave i m really sorry for stealing from you it was a stupid shitty thing to do and my justification was total bullshit
You're worth trying to throw myself in this endless loop. Again. But, I'm sorry. I'm too selfish and to concerned with going down a dark path. I can't afford to lose myself. Again. I love you. But I finally think I love me too. And I can't go down this road of hating myself & wondering what I did wrong. Again.
I felt guilty when I was given a prize which belonged to someone á else.
for several years i have been mistaken for another party the reason for which is a similarity of names and by being in the same profession .
When I was forced to decline the invitation to my mother's 70th á birthday because of my work committments in another area.
When I did not defend my close friend when my father degraded á him. I felt guilty for allowing my father to get away with his á actions and for the hurt my friend felt. I cleared the matter up á with my father a few weeks later.
my attention we had to put my brother s dog asleep today i took care of her along side my mom while he was working overseas she always needed so much attention and i would give her a few minutes and move on to caring for my dog my brother s cat or my nephew i feel like she was shorted i always felt overwhelmed and irritated because i never agreed to the responsibility i just was expected to do it i was never angry or short with her but inattentive at times i feel so much guilt and regret that i did not do enough as well as some anger at my brother s decisions as he was never prepared for dealing with his pets i gave her love treats toys pets but not enough of my time i hate that she suffered toward the end and i did not have time to give her more time to make sure she knew she was so good and so loved i told her she was good and i loved her and she would be okay while they put her to sleep i held her head as her heart stopped i just wish i did more for her i tried but not nearly enough and now it is too late
On a telephone talk where I was agressive and stupid without the á least, reason or better motive.
my biggest regret my biggest regret is that my now gf was cutting her self in 7th grade and i did not do anything about it i saw her do it one time she had to go to the bathroom at lunch because there was so much blood and the cut would not stop bleeding i did nothing to help or make her stop i was at a friend s birthday party i watched her cut her self and she started to bleed i still did nothing about it she kept cutting until the summer of her freshman year i knew she was doing it the hole time and i did fucking nothing it tars me apart every single time i think about it and we have talked about it and i still dont know the reason why iv seen the scars there is so much i fucking hate my self that i did nothing to help her when she was doing it i feel like such a bad person it hurts so much to think about it because i love her so much and the thought of losing her like that i cant even imagine it
as a father i could not give you much hence leaving you alone .
i do not want to be such a fucking problem for my family either .
i ruined her life we dated for a year were madly in love and then were on and off for the next 9 months due to various circumstances we were together a month before i moved crosscountry and broke off the relationship with the explicit understanding that we would still remain close and pursue it in the future just not while we are impossibly far apart i do not do ldrs a week later she found a boyfriend who she claimed reminded her so much of me a week after that she confessed to me that she loved him and he loved her back but i was still her soulmate after several emotional conversations we decided to pursue an open ldr and she would break up with him long story short she did not sick of her excuses i facebook messaged him a screencap of one of our conversations where she said he was just a rebound she of course complained to her closest friend who messaged me defending her i responded with a second screencap of a different conversation where my ex called this friend a bitch and an alcoholic not long after i get a tearful voicemail about how i ruined her life she lost me her best friend and her boyfriend in the course of a few hours i m not normally a vindictive person i m a sweet charming overlyfriendly dork i know i m going to hate myself for this right now though i do not part of me hopes she tries to take it out on me so i have an excuse to share explicit pictures and videos of her you can ignore that last part i was in the heat of the moment and feeling spiteful but that is not something i would do to anyone despite what you may think of me it also means you can stop asking you horny bastards p i have shared some pictures of us on gonewild using a throwaway but those were all with her consent no hints
i will just write it here i m sorry again a i keep looking for something to get me out of this i know i m hated and forgotten just got ta drink and type my regret here maybe you will see it someday that i meant everything in the aftermath i actually am sorry i m just sad and pathetic what is this
i regret a response i gave my teacher when she asked my favorite nirvana song today was the first of my sophomore year and i wore a nirvana tshirt in the history class my teacher noticed that and jokingly asked me oh you listen to nirvana name one song my mind went completely blank even though i listened to all four albums i count incesticide as an album and can name 80 of the songs i answered lithium after like two seconds but now that i thought of it i wish so much that i had said rape me with a serious and unfazed facial expression no problem i will save it for the next time
In the past I used to think that my mother was a very nagging á person. When I started living at the hostel we had little time á to meet each other. Whenever I went home she would take care á of me. I gradually realized that what she had done was for my á own good. So very time I saw her I felt guilty.
i regret not speaking up for myself i dont like confrontations they go really well in my head where i m cold confident and witty enough to give a strong response to those hurt or insult me but in really im quite and do not really talk much as i feel mentally tired when i do after a while the people around me thought that they can say anything to me knowing that i would not reply back weeks went by and everyone took me for a ride ordering me what to do and what not to do in college i had to change myself into being a meek soft person who would blindly follow what other people say i still think about the best replies i could have give to rude comments peopld have told me five years ago i was always afraid of people thinking that i was a bitch and completely alienating me which is not a good idea because everyone is dependent on each other in college with projects group activities class notes clubs and many more i still think about what it would have been like in college if i had just been myself would people have hated me or simply accepted me as i was i will never know
i regret being a coward and then playing the victim instead of acknowledging that i was in the wrong or instead of making the right choice in the first place i only made things worse and played the victim i destroyed all of my chances i did not even consider that i was just impulsive borderline and childish i blamed everyone else i did not realise until too late that people were just humouring me because i was actually unlikable now i know and it is painful i feel empty
brianna you were gorgeous humble and loyal i chose a toxic cheating ex over you simply to feel good about not being a cheater and yet here i am often thinking about you and wishing there was a way to say sorry i know we would have been fucking soulmates you were amazing everything i wanted it was just the wrong ace at the wrong time and i made a stupid decision fuck man wish you could feel my thoughts i can not describe how much i regret not choosing you your body was a ten your face was a ten your soul and heart was a ten i m a dumb ass if you ever see this please consider me again ms mooney
I lied. I actually have five cats.
I miss my ex!!! So bad... I know I shouldn't but I do. 😞
When a friend of mine was beaten for what was my fault.
Spent £65 on underwear today. I really can't afford that, I wanted to buy a new autumn jumper, guess that is out of the window.
shes comforting me but i can tell shes so tired of me i just dont want to say anything, i want her attention so badly but i dont want to bother her, i dont know what to do i dont know what to do
forgive me for such a vulga ote .
I felt guilt when my friends were punished to slash grass at the á gound because of making noise in class. I was in the group of á noise-makers but I denied having done any noise.
my life is shit but i regret never did anything different to change here i go again when i was in primary high school i had a lot of friends that included my best friend and others when i was in that moment i was diagnosed with adhd and i was in therapy that therapy disciplined me to do things good so in that moment i loved my life but sadly my mom wanted to change me from school and i was agreed it was the first error that i regret when i changed to the second school that was when i entered in secundary high school so in that school all people there were men and assholes i tried to be accepted by them but i could n t and get bullied me all secundary high school and never had one single friend maybe that does not me affected to much but i had my brother that was my best friend all that secundary high school but then finally i finished that secundary high school and when i entered in college i had a lot of social anxiety to meet new people because that 5 years of secundary high school of never talk with women get me so nervous to talk with them and also enter in the groups of extracurricular activities of college for meet new people so it also other 3 years without any friend because never get so active to enter in the interest of people i tried to hard but never could find how to do the same interest than others i hate myself by that also
i obviously care most about whether or not mommy is feeling okay emotionally, but a tiny part of me is still a little sad that neither Sir nor mommy will ever care about me as much as they do about each other, and i feel super guilty for feeling a tiny bit upset about this... ... ... am i a horrible person for feeling this way?
i think i failed myself and my parents and it breaks my heart my dad grew up being extremely poor now after decades of hard work he is a selfmade rich man growing up he always motivated me and my siblings to study i tried studying but since my childhood i had this deep rooted fear that i was not good enough which i carried in my adolescent and pretty much fucked up in the last year of highschool result could n t get into any top competitive programs i wanted to heck i never thought i was worthy of them to begin with now after years when i am 26 i look back and think about those times in my childhood when i was not brave or strong enough and used to consider myself to a an awful student the truth is i was always bright i just never believed in myself which ended up being a self fulfilling prophecy itself i am 26 and i am not where i wanted to be at 26 and it breaks my heart i breaks my heart when i listen to my parents saying how wonderful the children of their colleagues are doing in life i want to start over but the memories of the past seem to chain me down even when i do not want them to i wish i were braver and stronger
When my father told me that I should help my mother more often, á because she was so busy. And I realized that he was right.
Guys with girlfriends always be hitting me up but like stop Cause i'll fall for their bullshit & won't give a fuck about their girlfriend🙈
i m constantly regretting everything whenever i talk to someone anyone i always regret talking to them and wish i kept quiet even if it is just a simple conversation about say the weather and when i do something with my siblings play a board game talk i regret doing it for no clear reason and when i eat something i regret eating it i regret going into a different room i regret going outside i regret saying something i regret buying something i just regret every single thing i do and i do not know how to stop regretting everything
i cannot go on spoiling your life any longer .
the worst crime i can think of would be to rip people off by faking it and pretending as if i am having 100 fun .
i do not know how to apologize to my mother .
sorry i was not pretty .
One evening I went out with some friends of mine, although I was á supposed to stay at home with my little sister who is 11.
i am sorry to the people that i love but i can not fucking take it anymore .
I'm supposed to have drinks with a new girl tonight and she hasn't gotten back to me to tell me where and when. I'm sorta hoping she forgets. I just want to be home and watch a movie.
i regret not making an effort had i only the courage to go up to you and atleast talk i would have been happier now knowing atleast i tried i will regret all my life for not making a move and being too scared to show interest
i wish i never told anyone i am gay why the fuck did i do that .
and now i am the one who is blamed for everything .
i realized how much i had hurt my friends and family which i did not think about before .
I had promised myself that I would do one good deed every day. á One night I saw a beggar whose muscles had been atrophyed. I á walked passed him thinking that he was feigning. Later I á realized that he had not been pretending and I had a feeling of á guilt as I had not kept my promise.
um hi idk how to start man i just have so much regret and hate towards myself it is been a few weeks already but i still can not get over it i got drunk one night and went with the person who i cared about most and i hurt that person very much i blacked out and i do not remember much but they told me everything i did and said i never get angry or act a fool when i drink but that night idk what got into me i just snapped and turned into someone else i am a good person i treat the everyone so good but that night i became a monster now i have this terrible feeling about myself i hate myself i wish i can go back into time and not even drink i do not ever want to touch alcohol anymore i have lost the person i care about most and it was all my fault idk how to deal with this
circling the drain i celebrate my 40th birthday today it is been nearly 3 years since i became a parent i feel utterly spent everything feels like work doing my job talking to people spending time with my kid spending time with my party sex eating just the very act of waking up over the last year i would been trying to aim for equanimity i can not be happy but atleast i will not be sad but the sinusoid of emotions swings deeper towards despair than joy i am tired i can not wait to finally give up
what the hell is wrong with me my groupmates in the battlefield to complete the assignment last night because the dateline is today and also we have two test today i just knew this morning that they stay up all night to edit video report etcthey did not study at all for the test why am i so dumb to not notice it where am i when they need help the most odl suck
collegeregret what i did n t do more than what i did do i was such a snob going into college i thought i was better than the people who drank joined sororities etc i was so focused on trying to get better at a major i did not even really like that much and join only the clubs for that major that i never even thought about trying other classes that fed my other interests or joining a club because i was passionate about it i might have started down a career path that was better for me and i might have looked back with fewer should have s i m trying to change careers now and not gon na lie once in a while i have to remind myself i can not go back to college if i do not have to just so i can try again with the fun stuff or get a professor to mentor me through career changes but damn i wish i could so go to the party audition for the singing group or play join a sorority or a fun club you can really connect with take advantage of your electives to really explore all of your interests and most importantly do not be a snob go in with an open mind
Yelled at my parents for not buying me a car like other parents.
how long this is a question i keep asking myself willing time to go by time goes so slow when you have a young hild fhings i thought he would be capable he had no idea even though i try to train him almost 3 and he cant get dressed or even bring me bofh of his shoes he cant follow simple instructions to keep a thermometer in his mouth he can barely use the potty and we need to prompt him he can barely even eat on his own god i try to teach him but he seems to be physically less capable than another kid i cant wait till hes in school so we can see if hes normal or not so hard to tell
i lament telling my mom and father that i brought in cash online through writing for a blog these days at whatever point i request sth to them they continued letting me know you have a site so you ought to have the option to pay yourself actually i could n t generally keep up between contemplating clinical sciences and having a site and i even messed up my clinical degree for quite a while too i lament that also today i was requesting sth that was required for me in online classes and my folks for the third fourth time told bring in cash yourself actually i am from third world nation and there are no positions like that in usa nor is there a culture of working while at the same time examining they strain to finish the clinical degree inside 5 years and doing all additional stuffs will just and just outcome in coming up short in tests in this way i trust you attempt to comprehend i addressed them this time how how to bring in cash while contemplating they answered with anger i felt truly woeful of them sell your site that site that i made was so crappy and awful that nb will purchase that i ofcourse had adsense yet since i was unable to sell my gmail account that was additionally not possible people were requesting that i purchase my adsense however i truly lament telling that i am earning i was acquiring not many dollars at the outset yet that accompanied an expense of full fuckup in clinical degree i had advised to my dad also his first response was would n t you be able to bring in more such cash yet he is understanding regarding working and examining so he has not talk about that since that day in any case mother used to continue advising these stuffs to me and burden my mind thus today i advised her i do not have any website nobody can bring in cash while getting an intense degree like clinical degree i felt help subsequent to telling this yet i truly lament beginning a site in mbbs
i regret not being more closed off i deleted my facebook months ago instagram years ago and snapchat the same i still however beat myself up for having been so open when i did share no one cared and i ultimately allowed others perception of me to shape my boundaries i commend those people who are so closed off the world can not hurt or judge them i know you can not go back in time but if you re young learn from mistakes and keep your business to yourself
sorry i came into this world .
I do not help out enough at home.
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