r""" Thermo-elasticity with a computed temperature demonstrating equation sequence solver. Uses `dw_biot` term with an isotropic coefficient for thermo-elastic coupling. The equation sequence solver (``'ess'`` in ``solvers``) automatically solves first the temperature distribution and then the elasticity problem with the already computed temperature. Find :math:`\ul{u}`, :math:`T` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} D_{ijkl}\ e_{ij}(\ul{v}) e_{kl}(\ul{u}) - \int_{\Omega} (T - T_0)\ \alpha_{ij} e_{ij}(\ul{v}) = 0 \;, \quad \forall \ul{v} \;, \int_{\Omega} \nabla s \cdot \nabla T = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. where .. math:: D_{ijkl} = \mu (\delta_{ik} \delta_{jl}+\delta_{il} \delta_{jk}) + \lambda \ \delta_{ij} \delta_{kl} \;, \\ \alpha_{ij} = (3 \lambda + 2 \mu) \alpha \delta_{ij} \;, :math:`T_0` is the background temperature and :math:`\alpha` is the thermal expansion coefficient. Notes ----- The gallery image was produced by (plus proper view settings):: ./ block.vtk -d'u,plot_displacements,rel_scaling=1000,color_kind="scalars",color_name="T"' --wireframe --only-names=u -b """ import numpy as np from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame from sfepy import data_dir # Material parameters. lam = 10.0 mu = 5.0 thermal_expandability = 1.25e-5 T0 = 20.0 # Background temperature. filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh' options = { 'ts' : 'ess', 'nls' : 'newton', 'ls' : 'ls', } regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Left' : ('vertices in (x < -4.99)', 'facet'), 'Right' : ('vertices in (x > 4.99)', 'facet'), 'Bottom' : ('vertices in (z < -0.99)', 'facet'), } fields = { 'displacement': ('real', 3, 'Omega', 1), 'temperature': ('real', 1, 'Omega', 1), } variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'), 'T' : ('unknown field', 'temperature', 1), 's' : ('test field', 'temperature', 'T'), } ebcs = { 'u0' : ('Left', {'u.all' : 0.0}), 't0' : ('Left', {'T.0' : 20.0}), 't2' : ('Bottom', {'T.0' : 0.0}), 't1' : ('Right', {'T.0' : 30.0}), } eye_sym = np.array([[1], [1], [1], [0], [0], [0]], dtype=np.float64) materials = { 'solid' : ({ 'D' :
stiffness_from_lame(3, lam=lam, mu=mu)
from copy import copy from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.applications import PDESolverApp, Application from coefs_base import MiniAppBase def insert_sub_reqs(reqs, levels, req_info): """Recursively build all requirements in correct order.""" all_reqs = [] for _, req in enumerate(reqs): # Coefficients are referenced as 'c.<name>'... areq = req if req.startswith('c.'): areq = req[2:] try: rargs = req_info[areq] except KeyError: raise ValueError('requirement "%s" is not defined!' % req) sub_reqs = rargs.get('requires', []) if req in levels: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) if sub_reqs: levels.append(req) all_reqs.extend(insert_sub_reqs(sub_reqs, levels, req_info)) levels.pop() if req in all_reqs: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) else: all_reqs.append(req) return all_reqs class HomogenizationEngine(PDESolverApp): @staticmethod def process_options(options): get = options.get return Struct(coefs=get('coefs', None, 'missing "coefs" in options!'), requirements=get('requirements', None, 'missing "requirements" in options!'), compute_only=get('compute_only', None), save_format=get('save_format', 'vtk'), dump_format=get('dump_format', 'h5'), coefs_info=get('coefs_info', None)) def __init__(self, problem, options, app_options=None, volume=None, output_prefix='he:', **kwargs): """Bypasses PDESolverApp.__init__()!""" Application.__init__(self, problem.conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs) self.problem = problem self.setup_options(app_options=app_options) self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options) if volume is None: self.volume = self.problem.evaluate(self.app_options.total_volume) else: self.volume = volume def setup_options(self, app_options=None):
from copy import copy from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.applications import PDESolverApp, Application from coefs_base import MiniAppBase def insert_sub_reqs(reqs, levels, req_info): """Recursively build all requirements in correct order.""" all_reqs = [] for _, req in enumerate(reqs): # Coefficients are referenced as 'c.<name>'... areq = req if req.startswith('c.'): areq = req[2:] try: rargs = req_info[areq] except KeyError: raise ValueError('requirement "%s" is not defined!' % req) sub_reqs = rargs.get('requires', []) if req in levels: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) if sub_reqs: levels.append(req) all_reqs.extend(insert_sub_reqs(sub_reqs, levels, req_info)) levels.pop() if req in all_reqs: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) else: all_reqs.append(req) return all_reqs class HomogenizationEngine(PDESolverApp): @staticmethod def process_options(options): get = options.get return Struct(coefs=get('coefs', None, 'missing "coefs" in options!'), requirements=get('requirements', None, 'missing "requirements" in options!'), compute_only=get('compute_only', None), save_format=get('save_format', 'vtk'), dump_format=get('dump_format', 'h5'), coefs_info=get('coefs_info', None)) def __init__(self, problem, options, app_options=None, volume=None, output_prefix='he:', **kwargs): """Bypasses PDESolverApp.__init__()!""" Application.__init__(self, problem.conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs) self.problem = problem self.setup_options(app_options=app_options) self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options) if volume is None: self.volume = self.problem.evaluate(self.app_options.total_volume) else: self.volume = volume def setup_options(self, app_options=None): PDESolverApp.setup_options(self) app_options =
get_default(app_options, self.conf.options)
from copy import copy from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.applications import PDESolverApp, Application from coefs_base import MiniAppBase def insert_sub_reqs(reqs, levels, req_info): """Recursively build all requirements in correct order.""" all_reqs = [] for _, req in enumerate(reqs): # Coefficients are referenced as 'c.<name>'... areq = req if req.startswith('c.'): areq = req[2:] try: rargs = req_info[areq] except KeyError: raise ValueError('requirement "%s" is not defined!' % req) sub_reqs = rargs.get('requires', []) if req in levels: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) if sub_reqs: levels.append(req) all_reqs.extend(insert_sub_reqs(sub_reqs, levels, req_info)) levels.pop() if req in all_reqs: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) else: all_reqs.append(req) return all_reqs class HomogenizationEngine(PDESolverApp): @staticmethod def process_options(options): get = options.get return Struct(coefs=get('coefs', None, 'missing "coefs" in options!'), requirements=get('requirements', None, 'missing "requirements" in options!'), compute_only=get('compute_only', None), save_format=get('save_format', 'vtk'), dump_format=get('dump_format', 'h5'), coefs_info=get('coefs_info', None)) def __init__(self, problem, options, app_options=None, volume=None, output_prefix='he:', **kwargs): """Bypasses PDESolverApp.__init__()!""" Application.__init__(self, problem.conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs) self.problem = problem self.setup_options(app_options=app_options) self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options) if volume is None: self.volume = self.problem.evaluate(self.app_options.total_volume) else: self.volume = volume def setup_options(self, app_options=None): PDESolverApp.setup_options(self) app_options = get_default(app_options, self.conf.options) po = HomogenizationEngine.process_options self.app_options += po(app_options) def compute_requirements(self, requirements, dependencies, store): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options req_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.requirements) requires = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requirements), [], req_info) for req in requires: if req in dependencies and (dependencies[req] is not None): continue output('computing dependency %s...' % req) rargs = req_info[req] mini_app = MiniAppBase.any_from_conf(req, problem, rargs) mini_app.setup_output(save_format=opts.save_format, dump_format=opts.dump_format, post_process_hook=self.post_process_hook, file_per_var=opts.file_per_var) store(mini_app) problem.clear_equations() # Pass only the direct dependencies, not the indirect ones. dep_requires = rargs.get('requires', []) data = {} for key in dep_requires: data[key] = dependencies[key] dep = mini_app(data=data) dependencies[req] = dep output('...done') return dependencies def call(self, ret_all=False): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options coef_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.coefs) compute_names = set(get_default(opts.compute_only, coef_info.keys())) compute_names = ['c.' + key for key in compute_names] is_store_filenames = coef_info.pop('filenames', None) is not None try: compute_names.remove('c.filenames') except: pass dependencies = {} save_names = {} dump_names = {} def store_filenames(app): if not '(not_set)' in app.get_save_name_base(): save_names[] = app.get_save_name_base() if not '(not_set)' in app.get_dump_name_base(): dump_names[] = app.get_dump_name_base() # Some coefficients can require other coefficients - resolve their # order here. req_info = self.conf.get(opts.requirements, {}) info = copy(coef_info) info.update(req_info) all_deps = set(compute_names) sorted_names = [] for coef_name in compute_names: cargs = coef_info[coef_name[2:]] requires = cargs.get('requires', []) deps = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requires), [], info) all_deps.update(deps) aux = [key for key in deps if key.startswith('c.')] + [coef_name] sorted_names.extend(aux) sorted_coef_names = [] for name in sorted_names: if name[2:] not in sorted_coef_names: sorted_coef_names.append(name[2:]) coefs =
from copy import copy from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.applications import PDESolverApp, Application from coefs_base import MiniAppBase def insert_sub_reqs(reqs, levels, req_info): """Recursively build all requirements in correct order.""" all_reqs = [] for _, req in enumerate(reqs): # Coefficients are referenced as 'c.<name>'... areq = req if req.startswith('c.'): areq = req[2:] try: rargs = req_info[areq] except KeyError: raise ValueError('requirement "%s" is not defined!' % req) sub_reqs = rargs.get('requires', []) if req in levels: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) if sub_reqs: levels.append(req) all_reqs.extend(insert_sub_reqs(sub_reqs, levels, req_info)) levels.pop() if req in all_reqs: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) else: all_reqs.append(req) return all_reqs class HomogenizationEngine(PDESolverApp): @staticmethod def process_options(options): get = options.get return Struct(coefs=get('coefs', None, 'missing "coefs" in options!'), requirements=get('requirements', None, 'missing "requirements" in options!'), compute_only=get('compute_only', None), save_format=get('save_format', 'vtk'), dump_format=get('dump_format', 'h5'), coefs_info=get('coefs_info', None)) def __init__(self, problem, options, app_options=None, volume=None, output_prefix='he:', **kwargs): """Bypasses PDESolverApp.__init__()!""" Application.__init__(self, problem.conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs) self.problem = problem self.setup_options(app_options=app_options) self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options) if volume is None: self.volume = self.problem.evaluate(self.app_options.total_volume) else: self.volume = volume def setup_options(self, app_options=None): PDESolverApp.setup_options(self) app_options = get_default(app_options, self.conf.options) po = HomogenizationEngine.process_options self.app_options += po(app_options) def compute_requirements(self, requirements, dependencies, store): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options req_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.requirements) requires = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requirements), [], req_info) for req in requires: if req in dependencies and (dependencies[req] is not None): continue
output('computing dependency %s...' % req)
from copy import copy from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.applications import PDESolverApp, Application from coefs_base import MiniAppBase def insert_sub_reqs(reqs, levels, req_info): """Recursively build all requirements in correct order.""" all_reqs = [] for _, req in enumerate(reqs): # Coefficients are referenced as 'c.<name>'... areq = req if req.startswith('c.'): areq = req[2:] try: rargs = req_info[areq] except KeyError: raise ValueError('requirement "%s" is not defined!' % req) sub_reqs = rargs.get('requires', []) if req in levels: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) if sub_reqs: levels.append(req) all_reqs.extend(insert_sub_reqs(sub_reqs, levels, req_info)) levels.pop() if req in all_reqs: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) else: all_reqs.append(req) return all_reqs class HomogenizationEngine(PDESolverApp): @staticmethod def process_options(options): get = options.get return Struct(coefs=get('coefs', None, 'missing "coefs" in options!'), requirements=get('requirements', None, 'missing "requirements" in options!'), compute_only=get('compute_only', None), save_format=get('save_format', 'vtk'), dump_format=get('dump_format', 'h5'), coefs_info=get('coefs_info', None)) def __init__(self, problem, options, app_options=None, volume=None, output_prefix='he:', **kwargs): """Bypasses PDESolverApp.__init__()!""" Application.__init__(self, problem.conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs) self.problem = problem self.setup_options(app_options=app_options) self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options) if volume is None: self.volume = self.problem.evaluate(self.app_options.total_volume) else: self.volume = volume def setup_options(self, app_options=None): PDESolverApp.setup_options(self) app_options = get_default(app_options, self.conf.options) po = HomogenizationEngine.process_options self.app_options += po(app_options) def compute_requirements(self, requirements, dependencies, store): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options req_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.requirements) requires = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requirements), [], req_info) for req in requires: if req in dependencies and (dependencies[req] is not None): continue output('computing dependency %s...' % req) rargs = req_info[req] mini_app = MiniAppBase.any_from_conf(req, problem, rargs) mini_app.setup_output(save_format=opts.save_format, dump_format=opts.dump_format, post_process_hook=self.post_process_hook, file_per_var=opts.file_per_var) store(mini_app) problem.clear_equations() # Pass only the direct dependencies, not the indirect ones. dep_requires = rargs.get('requires', []) data = {} for key in dep_requires: data[key] = dependencies[key] dep = mini_app(data=data) dependencies[req] = dep
from copy import copy from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.applications import PDESolverApp, Application from coefs_base import MiniAppBase def insert_sub_reqs(reqs, levels, req_info): """Recursively build all requirements in correct order.""" all_reqs = [] for _, req in enumerate(reqs): # Coefficients are referenced as 'c.<name>'... areq = req if req.startswith('c.'): areq = req[2:] try: rargs = req_info[areq] except KeyError: raise ValueError('requirement "%s" is not defined!' % req) sub_reqs = rargs.get('requires', []) if req in levels: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) if sub_reqs: levels.append(req) all_reqs.extend(insert_sub_reqs(sub_reqs, levels, req_info)) levels.pop() if req in all_reqs: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) else: all_reqs.append(req) return all_reqs class HomogenizationEngine(PDESolverApp): @staticmethod def process_options(options): get = options.get return Struct(coefs=get('coefs', None, 'missing "coefs" in options!'), requirements=get('requirements', None, 'missing "requirements" in options!'), compute_only=get('compute_only', None), save_format=get('save_format', 'vtk'), dump_format=get('dump_format', 'h5'), coefs_info=get('coefs_info', None)) def __init__(self, problem, options, app_options=None, volume=None, output_prefix='he:', **kwargs): """Bypasses PDESolverApp.__init__()!""" Application.__init__(self, problem.conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs) self.problem = problem self.setup_options(app_options=app_options) self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options) if volume is None: self.volume = self.problem.evaluate(self.app_options.total_volume) else: self.volume = volume def setup_options(self, app_options=None): PDESolverApp.setup_options(self) app_options = get_default(app_options, self.conf.options) po = HomogenizationEngine.process_options self.app_options += po(app_options) def compute_requirements(self, requirements, dependencies, store): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options req_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.requirements) requires = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requirements), [], req_info) for req in requires: if req in dependencies and (dependencies[req] is not None): continue output('computing dependency %s...' % req) rargs = req_info[req] mini_app = MiniAppBase.any_from_conf(req, problem, rargs) mini_app.setup_output(save_format=opts.save_format, dump_format=opts.dump_format, post_process_hook=self.post_process_hook, file_per_var=opts.file_per_var) store(mini_app) problem.clear_equations() # Pass only the direct dependencies, not the indirect ones. dep_requires = rargs.get('requires', []) data = {} for key in dep_requires: data[key] = dependencies[key] dep = mini_app(data=data) dependencies[req] = dep output('...done') return dependencies def call(self, ret_all=False): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options coef_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.coefs) compute_names = set(get_default(opts.compute_only, coef_info.keys())) compute_names = ['c.' + key for key in compute_names] is_store_filenames = coef_info.pop('filenames', None) is not None try: compute_names.remove('c.filenames') except: pass dependencies = {} save_names = {} dump_names = {} def store_filenames(app): if not '(not_set)' in app.get_save_name_base(): save_names[] = app.get_save_name_base() if not '(not_set)' in app.get_dump_name_base(): dump_names[] = app.get_dump_name_base() # Some coefficients can require other coefficients - resolve their # order here. req_info = self.conf.get(opts.requirements, {}) info = copy(coef_info) info.update(req_info) all_deps = set(compute_names) sorted_names = [] for coef_name in compute_names: cargs = coef_info[coef_name[2:]] requires = cargs.get('requires', []) deps = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requires), [], info) all_deps.update(deps) aux = [key for key in deps if key.startswith('c.')] + [coef_name] sorted_names.extend(aux) sorted_coef_names = [] for name in sorted_names: if name[2:] not in sorted_coef_names: sorted_coef_names.append(name[2:]) coefs = Struct() for coef_name in sorted_coef_names: cargs = coef_info[coef_name]
output('computing %s...' % coef_name)
from copy import copy from sfepy.base.base import output, get_default, Struct from sfepy.applications import PDESolverApp, Application from coefs_base import MiniAppBase def insert_sub_reqs(reqs, levels, req_info): """Recursively build all requirements in correct order.""" all_reqs = [] for _, req in enumerate(reqs): # Coefficients are referenced as 'c.<name>'... areq = req if req.startswith('c.'): areq = req[2:] try: rargs = req_info[areq] except KeyError: raise ValueError('requirement "%s" is not defined!' % req) sub_reqs = rargs.get('requires', []) if req in levels: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) if sub_reqs: levels.append(req) all_reqs.extend(insert_sub_reqs(sub_reqs, levels, req_info)) levels.pop() if req in all_reqs: raise ValueError('circular requirement "%s"!' % (req)) else: all_reqs.append(req) return all_reqs class HomogenizationEngine(PDESolverApp): @staticmethod def process_options(options): get = options.get return Struct(coefs=get('coefs', None, 'missing "coefs" in options!'), requirements=get('requirements', None, 'missing "requirements" in options!'), compute_only=get('compute_only', None), save_format=get('save_format', 'vtk'), dump_format=get('dump_format', 'h5'), coefs_info=get('coefs_info', None)) def __init__(self, problem, options, app_options=None, volume=None, output_prefix='he:', **kwargs): """Bypasses PDESolverApp.__init__()!""" Application.__init__(self, problem.conf, options, output_prefix, **kwargs) self.problem = problem self.setup_options(app_options=app_options) self.setup_output_info(self.problem, self.options) if volume is None: self.volume = self.problem.evaluate(self.app_options.total_volume) else: self.volume = volume def setup_options(self, app_options=None): PDESolverApp.setup_options(self) app_options = get_default(app_options, self.conf.options) po = HomogenizationEngine.process_options self.app_options += po(app_options) def compute_requirements(self, requirements, dependencies, store): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options req_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.requirements) requires = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requirements), [], req_info) for req in requires: if req in dependencies and (dependencies[req] is not None): continue output('computing dependency %s...' % req) rargs = req_info[req] mini_app = MiniAppBase.any_from_conf(req, problem, rargs) mini_app.setup_output(save_format=opts.save_format, dump_format=opts.dump_format, post_process_hook=self.post_process_hook, file_per_var=opts.file_per_var) store(mini_app) problem.clear_equations() # Pass only the direct dependencies, not the indirect ones. dep_requires = rargs.get('requires', []) data = {} for key in dep_requires: data[key] = dependencies[key] dep = mini_app(data=data) dependencies[req] = dep output('...done') return dependencies def call(self, ret_all=False): problem = self.problem opts = self.app_options coef_info = getattr(self.conf, opts.coefs) compute_names = set(get_default(opts.compute_only, coef_info.keys())) compute_names = ['c.' + key for key in compute_names] is_store_filenames = coef_info.pop('filenames', None) is not None try: compute_names.remove('c.filenames') except: pass dependencies = {} save_names = {} dump_names = {} def store_filenames(app): if not '(not_set)' in app.get_save_name_base(): save_names[] = app.get_save_name_base() if not '(not_set)' in app.get_dump_name_base(): dump_names[] = app.get_dump_name_base() # Some coefficients can require other coefficients - resolve their # order here. req_info = self.conf.get(opts.requirements, {}) info = copy(coef_info) info.update(req_info) all_deps = set(compute_names) sorted_names = [] for coef_name in compute_names: cargs = coef_info[coef_name[2:]] requires = cargs.get('requires', []) deps = insert_sub_reqs(copy(requires), [], info) all_deps.update(deps) aux = [key for key in deps if key.startswith('c.')] + [coef_name] sorted_names.extend(aux) sorted_coef_names = [] for name in sorted_names: if name[2:] not in sorted_coef_names: sorted_coef_names.append(name[2:]) coefs = Struct() for coef_name in sorted_coef_names: cargs = coef_info[coef_name] output('computing %s...' % coef_name) requires = cargs.get('requires', []) requirements = [name for name in requires if not name.startswith('c.')] self.compute_requirements(requirements, dependencies, store_filenames) for name in requires: if name.startswith('c.'): dependencies[name] = getattr(coefs, name[2:]) mini_app = MiniAppBase.any_from_conf(coef_name, problem, cargs) problem.clear_equations() # Pass only the direct dependencies, not the indirect ones. data = {} for key in requires: data[key] = dependencies[key] val = mini_app(self.volume, data=data) setattr(coefs, coef_name, val)
# 26.02.2007, c # last revision: 25.02.2008 from sfepy import data_dir filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/3d/elbow2.mesh' options = { 'nls' : 'newton', 'ls' : 'ls', 'post_process_hook' : 'verify_incompressibility', } field_1 = { 'name' : '3_velocity', 'dtype' : 'real', 'shape' : (3,), 'region' : 'Omega', 'approx_order' : '1B', } field_2 = { 'name' : 'pressure', 'dtype' : 'real', 'shape' : (1,), 'region' : 'Omega', 'approx_order' : 1, } # Can use logical operations '&' (and), '|' (or). region_1000 = { 'name' : 'Omega', 'select' : 'elements of group 6', } region_0 = { 'name' : 'Walls', 'select' : 'nodes of surface -n (r.Outlet +n r.Inlet)', 'can_cells' : False, } region_1 = { 'name' : 'Inlet', 'select' : 'nodes by cinc0', # In 'can_cells' : False, } region_2 = { 'name' : 'Outlet', 'select' : 'nodes by cinc1', # Out 'can_cells' : False, } ebc_1 = { 'name' : 'Walls', 'region' : 'Walls', 'dofs' : {'u.all' : 0.0}, } ebc_2 = { 'name' : 'Inlet', 'region' : 'Inlet', 'dofs' : {'u.1' : 1.0, 'u.[0,2]' : 0.0}, } material_1 = { 'name' : 'fluid', 'values' : { 'viscosity' : 1.25e-3, 'density' : 1e0, }, } variable_1 = { 'name' : 'u', 'kind' : 'unknown field', 'field' : '3_velocity', 'order' : 0, } variable_2 = { 'name' : 'v', 'kind' : 'test field', 'field' : '3_velocity', 'dual' : 'u', } variable_3 = { 'name' : 'p', 'kind' : 'unknown field', 'field' : 'pressure', 'order' : 1, } variable_4 = { 'name' : 'q', 'kind' : 'test field', 'field' : 'pressure', 'dual' : 'p', } variable_5 = { 'name' : 'pp', 'kind' : 'parameter field', 'field' : 'pressure', 'like' : 'p', } integral_1 = { 'name' : 'i1', 'kind' : 'v', 'quadrature' : 'gauss_o2_d3', } integral_2 = { 'name' : 'i2', 'kind' : 'v', 'quadrature' : 'gauss_o3_d3', } ## # Stationary Navier-Stokes equations. equations = { 'balance' : """+ dw_div_grad.i2.Omega( fluid.viscosity, v, u ) + dw_convect.i2.Omega( v, u ) - dw_stokes.i1.Omega( v, p ) = 0""", 'incompressibility' : """dw_stokes.i1.Omega( u, q ) = 0""", } ## # FE assembling parameters. fe = { 'chunk_size' : 1000 } solver_0 = { 'name' : 'ls', 'kind' : 'ls.scipy_direct', } solver_1 = { 'name' : 'newton', 'kind' : 'nls.newton', 'i_max' : 5, 'eps_a' : 1e-8, 'eps_r' : 1.0, 'macheps' : 1e-16, 'lin_red' : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red). 'ls_red' : 0.1, 'ls_red_warp' : 0.001, 'ls_on' : 0.99999, 'ls_min' : 1e-5, 'check' : 0, 'delta' : 1e-6, 'is_plot' : False, 'problem' : 'nonlinear', # 'nonlinear' or 'linear' (ignore i_max) } def verify_incompressibility( out, problem, state, extend = False ): """This hook is normally used for post-processing (additional results can be inserted into `out` dictionary), but here we just verify the weak incompressibility condition.""" from sfepy.base.base import Struct, debug, nm, output, assert_ vv = problem.get_variables() one = nm.ones( (vv['p'].field.n_nod,), dtype = nm.float64 ) vv['p'].data_from_any( one ) zero = problem.evaluate('dw_stokes.i1.Omega( u, p )', p=one, u=vv['u'](), call_mode='d_eval')
output('div( u ) = %.3e' % zero)
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace from six.moves import range def prepare_remap(indices, n_full): """ Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given by `indices`. """ remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32) remap.fill(-1) remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return remap def invert_remap(remap): """ Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`. """ if remap is not None: inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32) else: inverse = None return inverse def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices): """ Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`. Returns ------- translate : array The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`. """ old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices) new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices) translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype) translate[old_indices] = new_indices return translate def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of elements every node is contained in. """ dim = region.dim field.domain.create_surface_group(region) field.setup_surface_data(region) # Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes. ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet, field.approx_order) qp_coors = ps.node_coors # Unit normals -> weights = ones. qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) integral =
Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights)
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace from six.moves import range def prepare_remap(indices, n_full): """ Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given by `indices`. """ remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32) remap.fill(-1) remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return remap def invert_remap(remap): """ Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`. """ if remap is not None: inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32) else: inverse = None return inverse def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices): """ Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`. Returns ------- translate : array The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`. """ old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices) new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices) translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype) translate[old_indices] = new_indices return translate def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of elements every node is contained in. """ dim = region.dim field.domain.create_surface_group(region) field.setup_surface_data(region) # Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes. ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet, field.approx_order) qp_coors = ps.node_coors # Unit normals -> weights = ones. qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) integral = Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights) normals = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) mask = nm.zeros((nodes.max() + 1,), dtype=nm.int32) imap = nm.empty_like(mask) imap.fill(nodes.shape[0]) # out-of-range index for normals. imap[nodes] = nm.arange(nodes.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) cmap, _ = field.get_mapping(region, integral, 'surface') e_normals = cmap.normal[..., 0] sd = field.surface_data[] econn = sd.get_connectivity() mask[econn] += 1 # normals[imap[econn]] += e_normals im = imap[econn] for ii, en in enumerate(e_normals): normals[im[ii]] += en # All nodes must have a normal. if not nm.all(mask[nodes] > 0): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete faces!' % norm = la.norm_l2_along_axis(normals)[:, nm.newaxis] if (norm < 1e-15).any(): raise ValueError('zero nodal normal! (a node in volume?)') normals /= norm if return_imap: return normals, imap else: return normals def _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask, cycle=False): """ Get a path in an edge graph starting with seed. The mask is incremented by one at positions of the path vertices. """ if mask[seed]: return [] path = [seed] mask[seed] = 1 row = graph[seed].indices nv = len(row) while nv: if nv == 2: if mask[row[0]]: if mask[row[1]]: if cycle: path.append(seed) break else: vert = row[1] else: vert = row[0] elif mask[row[0]]: break else: vert = row[0] path.append(vert) mask[vert] = 1 row = graph[vert].indices nv = len(row) path = nm.array(path, dtype=nm.int32) return path def get_edge_paths(graph, mask): """ Get all edge paths in a graph with non-masked vertices. The mask is updated. """ nodes = nm.unique(graph.indices) npv = nm.diff(graph.indptr) if npv.max() > 2: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex!') seeds = nm.where(npv == 1)[0] # 1. get paths. paths = [] for seed in seeds: path = _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask) if len(path): paths.append(path) # 2. get possible remaing cycles. while 1: ii = nm.where(mask[nodes] == 0)[0] if not len(ii): break path = _get_edge_path(graph, nodes[ii[0]], mask, cycle=True) if len(path): paths.append(path) return paths def compute_nodal_edge_dirs(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal edge directions are computed by simple averaging of direction vectors of edges a node is contained in. Edges are assumed to be straight and a node must be on a single edge (a border node) or shared by exactly two edges. """ coors = region.domain.mesh.coors dim = coors.shape[1] graph = region.get_edge_graph() imap = prepare_remap(nodes, nodes.max() + 1) mask = nm.zeros_like(imap) try: paths = get_edge_paths(graph, mask) except ValueError: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex in region %s!' % # All nodes must have an edge direction. if not nm.all(mask[nodes]): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete edges!' % edge_dirs = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) for path in paths: pcoors = coors[path] edirs = nm.diff(pcoors, axis=0) la.normalize_vectors(edirs, eps=1e-12) im = imap[nm.c_[path[:-1], path[1:]]] for ii, edir in enumerate(edirs): edge_dirs[im[ii]] += edir
la.normalize_vectors(edge_dirs, eps=1e-12)
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace from six.moves import range def prepare_remap(indices, n_full): """ Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given by `indices`. """ remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32) remap.fill(-1) remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return remap def invert_remap(remap): """ Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`. """ if remap is not None: inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32) else: inverse = None return inverse def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices): """ Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`. Returns ------- translate : array The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`. """ old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices) new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices) translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype) translate[old_indices] = new_indices return translate def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of elements every node is contained in. """ dim = region.dim field.domain.create_surface_group(region) field.setup_surface_data(region) # Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes. ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet, field.approx_order) qp_coors = ps.node_coors # Unit normals -> weights = ones. qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) integral = Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights) normals = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) mask = nm.zeros((nodes.max() + 1,), dtype=nm.int32) imap = nm.empty_like(mask) imap.fill(nodes.shape[0]) # out-of-range index for normals. imap[nodes] = nm.arange(nodes.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) cmap, _ = field.get_mapping(region, integral, 'surface') e_normals = cmap.normal[..., 0] sd = field.surface_data[] econn = sd.get_connectivity() mask[econn] += 1 # normals[imap[econn]] += e_normals im = imap[econn] for ii, en in enumerate(e_normals): normals[im[ii]] += en # All nodes must have a normal. if not nm.all(mask[nodes] > 0): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete faces!' % norm =
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace from six.moves import range def prepare_remap(indices, n_full): """ Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given by `indices`. """ remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32) remap.fill(-1) remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return remap def invert_remap(remap): """ Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`. """ if remap is not None: inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32) else: inverse = None return inverse def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices): """ Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`. Returns ------- translate : array The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`. """ old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices) new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices) translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype) translate[old_indices] = new_indices return translate def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of elements every node is contained in. """ dim = region.dim field.domain.create_surface_group(region) field.setup_surface_data(region) # Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes. ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet, field.approx_order) qp_coors = ps.node_coors # Unit normals -> weights = ones. qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) integral = Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights) normals = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) mask = nm.zeros((nodes.max() + 1,), dtype=nm.int32) imap = nm.empty_like(mask) imap.fill(nodes.shape[0]) # out-of-range index for normals. imap[nodes] = nm.arange(nodes.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) cmap, _ = field.get_mapping(region, integral, 'surface') e_normals = cmap.normal[..., 0] sd = field.surface_data[] econn = sd.get_connectivity() mask[econn] += 1 # normals[imap[econn]] += e_normals im = imap[econn] for ii, en in enumerate(e_normals): normals[im[ii]] += en # All nodes must have a normal. if not nm.all(mask[nodes] > 0): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete faces!' % norm = la.norm_l2_along_axis(normals)[:, nm.newaxis] if (norm < 1e-15).any(): raise ValueError('zero nodal normal! (a node in volume?)') normals /= norm if return_imap: return normals, imap else: return normals def _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask, cycle=False): """ Get a path in an edge graph starting with seed. The mask is incremented by one at positions of the path vertices. """ if mask[seed]: return [] path = [seed] mask[seed] = 1 row = graph[seed].indices nv = len(row) while nv: if nv == 2: if mask[row[0]]: if mask[row[1]]: if cycle: path.append(seed) break else: vert = row[1] else: vert = row[0] elif mask[row[0]]: break else: vert = row[0] path.append(vert) mask[vert] = 1 row = graph[vert].indices nv = len(row) path = nm.array(path, dtype=nm.int32) return path def get_edge_paths(graph, mask): """ Get all edge paths in a graph with non-masked vertices. The mask is updated. """ nodes = nm.unique(graph.indices) npv = nm.diff(graph.indptr) if npv.max() > 2: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex!') seeds = nm.where(npv == 1)[0] # 1. get paths. paths = [] for seed in seeds: path = _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask) if len(path): paths.append(path) # 2. get possible remaing cycles. while 1: ii = nm.where(mask[nodes] == 0)[0] if not len(ii): break path = _get_edge_path(graph, nodes[ii[0]], mask, cycle=True) if len(path): paths.append(path) return paths def compute_nodal_edge_dirs(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal edge directions are computed by simple averaging of direction vectors of edges a node is contained in. Edges are assumed to be straight and a node must be on a single edge (a border node) or shared by exactly two edges. """ coors = region.domain.mesh.coors dim = coors.shape[1] graph = region.get_edge_graph() imap = prepare_remap(nodes, nodes.max() + 1) mask = nm.zeros_like(imap) try: paths = get_edge_paths(graph, mask) except ValueError: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex in region %s!' % # All nodes must have an edge direction. if not nm.all(mask[nodes]): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete edges!' % edge_dirs = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) for path in paths: pcoors = coors[path] edirs = nm.diff(pcoors, axis=0)
la.normalize_vectors(edirs, eps=1e-12)
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace from six.moves import range def prepare_remap(indices, n_full): """ Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given by `indices`. """ remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32) remap.fill(-1) remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return remap def invert_remap(remap): """ Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`. """ if remap is not None: inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32) else: inverse = None return inverse def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices): """ Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`. Returns ------- translate : array The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`. """ old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices) new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices) translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype) translate[old_indices] = new_indices return translate def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of elements every node is contained in. """ dim = region.dim field.domain.create_surface_group(region) field.setup_surface_data(region) # Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes. ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet, field.approx_order) qp_coors = ps.node_coors # Unit normals -> weights = ones. qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) integral = Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights) normals = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) mask = nm.zeros((nodes.max() + 1,), dtype=nm.int32) imap = nm.empty_like(mask) imap.fill(nodes.shape[0]) # out-of-range index for normals. imap[nodes] = nm.arange(nodes.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) cmap, _ = field.get_mapping(region, integral, 'surface') e_normals = cmap.normal[..., 0] sd = field.surface_data[] econn = sd.get_connectivity() mask[econn] += 1 # normals[imap[econn]] += e_normals im = imap[econn] for ii, en in enumerate(e_normals): normals[im[ii]] += en # All nodes must have a normal. if not nm.all(mask[nodes] > 0): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete faces!' % norm = la.norm_l2_along_axis(normals)[:, nm.newaxis] if (norm < 1e-15).any(): raise ValueError('zero nodal normal! (a node in volume?)') normals /= norm if return_imap: return normals, imap else: return normals def _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask, cycle=False): """ Get a path in an edge graph starting with seed. The mask is incremented by one at positions of the path vertices. """ if mask[seed]: return [] path = [seed] mask[seed] = 1 row = graph[seed].indices nv = len(row) while nv: if nv == 2: if mask[row[0]]: if mask[row[1]]: if cycle: path.append(seed) break else: vert = row[1] else: vert = row[0] elif mask[row[0]]: break else: vert = row[0] path.append(vert) mask[vert] = 1 row = graph[vert].indices nv = len(row) path = nm.array(path, dtype=nm.int32) return path def get_edge_paths(graph, mask): """ Get all edge paths in a graph with non-masked vertices. The mask is updated. """ nodes = nm.unique(graph.indices) npv = nm.diff(graph.indptr) if npv.max() > 2: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex!') seeds = nm.where(npv == 1)[0] # 1. get paths. paths = [] for seed in seeds: path = _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask) if len(path): paths.append(path) # 2. get possible remaing cycles. while 1: ii = nm.where(mask[nodes] == 0)[0] if not len(ii): break path = _get_edge_path(graph, nodes[ii[0]], mask, cycle=True) if len(path): paths.append(path) return paths def compute_nodal_edge_dirs(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal edge directions are computed by simple averaging of direction vectors of edges a node is contained in. Edges are assumed to be straight and a node must be on a single edge (a border node) or shared by exactly two edges. """ coors = region.domain.mesh.coors dim = coors.shape[1] graph = region.get_edge_graph() imap = prepare_remap(nodes, nodes.max() + 1) mask = nm.zeros_like(imap) try: paths = get_edge_paths(graph, mask) except ValueError: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex in region %s!' % # All nodes must have an edge direction. if not nm.all(mask[nodes]): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete edges!' % edge_dirs = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) for path in paths: pcoors = coors[path] edirs = nm.diff(pcoors, axis=0) la.normalize_vectors(edirs, eps=1e-12) im = imap[nm.c_[path[:-1], path[1:]]] for ii, edir in enumerate(edirs): edge_dirs[im[ii]] += edir la.normalize_vectors(edge_dirs, eps=1e-12) if return_imap: return edge_dirs, imap else: return edge_dirs def get_min_value(dofs): """ Get a reasonable minimal value of DOFs suitable for extending over a whole domain. """ if dofs.shape[1] > 1: # Vector. val = 0.0 else: # Scalar. val = dofs.min() return val def extend_cell_data(data, domain, rname, val=None, is_surface=False, average_surface=True): """ Extend cell data defined in a region to the whole domain. Parameters ---------- data : array The data defined in the region. domain : FEDomain instance The FE domain. rname : str The region name. val : float, optional The value for filling cells not covered by the region. If not given, the smallest value in data is used. is_surface : bool If True, the data are defined on a surface region. In that case the values are averaged or summed into the cells containing the region surface faces (a cell can have several faces of the surface), see `average_surface`. average_surface : bool If True, the data defined on a surface region are averaged, otherwise the data are summed. Returns ------- edata : array The data extended to all domain elements. """ n_el = domain.shape.n_el if data.shape[0] == n_el: return data if val is None: if data.shape[2] > 1: # Vector. val = nm.amin(nm.abs(data)) else: # Scalar. val = nm.amin(data) edata = nm.empty((n_el,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=data.dtype) edata.fill(val) region = domain.regions[rname] if not is_surface: edata[region.get_cells()] = data else: cells = region.get_cells(true_cells_only=False) ucells = nm.unique(cells) if len(cells) != len(region.facets): raise ValueError('region %s has an inner face!' % if average_surface: avg = nm.bincount(cells, minlength=n_el)[ucells] else: avg = 1.0 for ic in range(data.shape[2]): if nm.isrealobj(data): evals = nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0], minlength=n_el)[ucells] else: evals = (nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].real, minlength=n_el)[ucells] + 1j * nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].imag, minlength=n_el)[ucells]) edata[ucells, 0, ic, 0] = evals / avg return edata def refine_mesh(filename, level): """ Uniformly refine `level`-times a mesh given by `filename`. The refined mesh is saved to a file with name constructed from base name of `filename` and `level`-times appended `'_r'` suffix. Parameters ---------- filename : str The mesh file name. level : int The refinement level. """ import os from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain if level > 0: mesh =
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace from six.moves import range def prepare_remap(indices, n_full): """ Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given by `indices`. """ remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32) remap.fill(-1) remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return remap def invert_remap(remap): """ Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`. """ if remap is not None: inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32) else: inverse = None return inverse def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices): """ Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`. Returns ------- translate : array The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`. """ old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices) new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices) translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype) translate[old_indices] = new_indices return translate def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of elements every node is contained in. """ dim = region.dim field.domain.create_surface_group(region) field.setup_surface_data(region) # Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes. ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet, field.approx_order) qp_coors = ps.node_coors # Unit normals -> weights = ones. qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) integral = Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights) normals = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) mask = nm.zeros((nodes.max() + 1,), dtype=nm.int32) imap = nm.empty_like(mask) imap.fill(nodes.shape[0]) # out-of-range index for normals. imap[nodes] = nm.arange(nodes.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) cmap, _ = field.get_mapping(region, integral, 'surface') e_normals = cmap.normal[..., 0] sd = field.surface_data[] econn = sd.get_connectivity() mask[econn] += 1 # normals[imap[econn]] += e_normals im = imap[econn] for ii, en in enumerate(e_normals): normals[im[ii]] += en # All nodes must have a normal. if not nm.all(mask[nodes] > 0): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete faces!' % norm = la.norm_l2_along_axis(normals)[:, nm.newaxis] if (norm < 1e-15).any(): raise ValueError('zero nodal normal! (a node in volume?)') normals /= norm if return_imap: return normals, imap else: return normals def _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask, cycle=False): """ Get a path in an edge graph starting with seed. The mask is incremented by one at positions of the path vertices. """ if mask[seed]: return [] path = [seed] mask[seed] = 1 row = graph[seed].indices nv = len(row) while nv: if nv == 2: if mask[row[0]]: if mask[row[1]]: if cycle: path.append(seed) break else: vert = row[1] else: vert = row[0] elif mask[row[0]]: break else: vert = row[0] path.append(vert) mask[vert] = 1 row = graph[vert].indices nv = len(row) path = nm.array(path, dtype=nm.int32) return path def get_edge_paths(graph, mask): """ Get all edge paths in a graph with non-masked vertices. The mask is updated. """ nodes = nm.unique(graph.indices) npv = nm.diff(graph.indptr) if npv.max() > 2: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex!') seeds = nm.where(npv == 1)[0] # 1. get paths. paths = [] for seed in seeds: path = _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask) if len(path): paths.append(path) # 2. get possible remaing cycles. while 1: ii = nm.where(mask[nodes] == 0)[0] if not len(ii): break path = _get_edge_path(graph, nodes[ii[0]], mask, cycle=True) if len(path): paths.append(path) return paths def compute_nodal_edge_dirs(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal edge directions are computed by simple averaging of direction vectors of edges a node is contained in. Edges are assumed to be straight and a node must be on a single edge (a border node) or shared by exactly two edges. """ coors = region.domain.mesh.coors dim = coors.shape[1] graph = region.get_edge_graph() imap = prepare_remap(nodes, nodes.max() + 1) mask = nm.zeros_like(imap) try: paths = get_edge_paths(graph, mask) except ValueError: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex in region %s!' % # All nodes must have an edge direction. if not nm.all(mask[nodes]): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete edges!' % edge_dirs = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) for path in paths: pcoors = coors[path] edirs = nm.diff(pcoors, axis=0) la.normalize_vectors(edirs, eps=1e-12) im = imap[nm.c_[path[:-1], path[1:]]] for ii, edir in enumerate(edirs): edge_dirs[im[ii]] += edir la.normalize_vectors(edge_dirs, eps=1e-12) if return_imap: return edge_dirs, imap else: return edge_dirs def get_min_value(dofs): """ Get a reasonable minimal value of DOFs suitable for extending over a whole domain. """ if dofs.shape[1] > 1: # Vector. val = 0.0 else: # Scalar. val = dofs.min() return val def extend_cell_data(data, domain, rname, val=None, is_surface=False, average_surface=True): """ Extend cell data defined in a region to the whole domain. Parameters ---------- data : array The data defined in the region. domain : FEDomain instance The FE domain. rname : str The region name. val : float, optional The value for filling cells not covered by the region. If not given, the smallest value in data is used. is_surface : bool If True, the data are defined on a surface region. In that case the values are averaged or summed into the cells containing the region surface faces (a cell can have several faces of the surface), see `average_surface`. average_surface : bool If True, the data defined on a surface region are averaged, otherwise the data are summed. Returns ------- edata : array The data extended to all domain elements. """ n_el = domain.shape.n_el if data.shape[0] == n_el: return data if val is None: if data.shape[2] > 1: # Vector. val = nm.amin(nm.abs(data)) else: # Scalar. val = nm.amin(data) edata = nm.empty((n_el,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=data.dtype) edata.fill(val) region = domain.regions[rname] if not is_surface: edata[region.get_cells()] = data else: cells = region.get_cells(true_cells_only=False) ucells = nm.unique(cells) if len(cells) != len(region.facets): raise ValueError('region %s has an inner face!' % if average_surface: avg = nm.bincount(cells, minlength=n_el)[ucells] else: avg = 1.0 for ic in range(data.shape[2]): if nm.isrealobj(data): evals = nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0], minlength=n_el)[ucells] else: evals = (nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].real, minlength=n_el)[ucells] + 1j * nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].imag, minlength=n_el)[ucells]) edata[ucells, 0, ic, 0] = evals / avg return edata def refine_mesh(filename, level): """ Uniformly refine `level`-times a mesh given by `filename`. The refined mesh is saved to a file with name constructed from base name of `filename` and `level`-times appended `'_r'` suffix. Parameters ---------- filename : str The mesh file name. level : int The refinement level. """ import os from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain if level > 0: mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename) domain =
FEDomain(, mesh)
from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm import sfepy.linalg as la from sfepy.discrete.integrals import Integral from sfepy.discrete import PolySpace from six.moves import range def prepare_remap(indices, n_full): """ Prepare vector for remapping range `[0, n_full]` to its subset given by `indices`. """ remap = nm.empty((n_full,), dtype=nm.int32) remap.fill(-1) remap[indices] = nm.arange(indices.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) return remap def invert_remap(remap): """ Return the inverse of `remap`, i.e. a mapping from a sub-range indices to a full range, see :func:`prepare_remap()`. """ if remap is not None: inverse = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0].astype(nm.int32) else: inverse = None return inverse def prepare_translate(old_indices, new_indices): """ Prepare vector for translating `old_indices` to `new_indices`. Returns ------- translate : array The translation vector. Then `new_ar = translate[old_ar]`. """ old_indices = nm.asarray(old_indices) new_indices = nm.asarray(new_indices) translate = nm.zeros(old_indices.max() + 1, dtype=new_indices.dtype) translate[old_indices] = new_indices return translate def compute_nodal_normals(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal normals are computed by simple averaging of element normals of elements every node is contained in. """ dim = region.dim field.domain.create_surface_group(region) field.setup_surface_data(region) # Custom integral with quadrature points in nodes. ps = PolySpace.any_from_args('', field.gel.surface_facet, field.approx_order) qp_coors = ps.node_coors # Unit normals -> weights = ones. qp_weights = nm.ones(qp_coors.shape[0], dtype=nm.float64) integral = Integral('aux', coors=qp_coors, weights=qp_weights) normals = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) mask = nm.zeros((nodes.max() + 1,), dtype=nm.int32) imap = nm.empty_like(mask) imap.fill(nodes.shape[0]) # out-of-range index for normals. imap[nodes] = nm.arange(nodes.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) cmap, _ = field.get_mapping(region, integral, 'surface') e_normals = cmap.normal[..., 0] sd = field.surface_data[] econn = sd.get_connectivity() mask[econn] += 1 # normals[imap[econn]] += e_normals im = imap[econn] for ii, en in enumerate(e_normals): normals[im[ii]] += en # All nodes must have a normal. if not nm.all(mask[nodes] > 0): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete faces!' % norm = la.norm_l2_along_axis(normals)[:, nm.newaxis] if (norm < 1e-15).any(): raise ValueError('zero nodal normal! (a node in volume?)') normals /= norm if return_imap: return normals, imap else: return normals def _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask, cycle=False): """ Get a path in an edge graph starting with seed. The mask is incremented by one at positions of the path vertices. """ if mask[seed]: return [] path = [seed] mask[seed] = 1 row = graph[seed].indices nv = len(row) while nv: if nv == 2: if mask[row[0]]: if mask[row[1]]: if cycle: path.append(seed) break else: vert = row[1] else: vert = row[0] elif mask[row[0]]: break else: vert = row[0] path.append(vert) mask[vert] = 1 row = graph[vert].indices nv = len(row) path = nm.array(path, dtype=nm.int32) return path def get_edge_paths(graph, mask): """ Get all edge paths in a graph with non-masked vertices. The mask is updated. """ nodes = nm.unique(graph.indices) npv = nm.diff(graph.indptr) if npv.max() > 2: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex!') seeds = nm.where(npv == 1)[0] # 1. get paths. paths = [] for seed in seeds: path = _get_edge_path(graph, seed, mask) if len(path): paths.append(path) # 2. get possible remaing cycles. while 1: ii = nm.where(mask[nodes] == 0)[0] if not len(ii): break path = _get_edge_path(graph, nodes[ii[0]], mask, cycle=True) if len(path): paths.append(path) return paths def compute_nodal_edge_dirs(nodes, region, field, return_imap=False): """ Nodal edge directions are computed by simple averaging of direction vectors of edges a node is contained in. Edges are assumed to be straight and a node must be on a single edge (a border node) or shared by exactly two edges. """ coors = region.domain.mesh.coors dim = coors.shape[1] graph = region.get_edge_graph() imap = prepare_remap(nodes, nodes.max() + 1) mask = nm.zeros_like(imap) try: paths = get_edge_paths(graph, mask) except ValueError: raise ValueError('more than 2 edges sharing a vertex in region %s!' % # All nodes must have an edge direction. if not nm.all(mask[nodes]): raise ValueError('region %s has not complete edges!' % edge_dirs = nm.zeros((nodes.shape[0], dim), dtype=nm.float64) for path in paths: pcoors = coors[path] edirs = nm.diff(pcoors, axis=0) la.normalize_vectors(edirs, eps=1e-12) im = imap[nm.c_[path[:-1], path[1:]]] for ii, edir in enumerate(edirs): edge_dirs[im[ii]] += edir la.normalize_vectors(edge_dirs, eps=1e-12) if return_imap: return edge_dirs, imap else: return edge_dirs def get_min_value(dofs): """ Get a reasonable minimal value of DOFs suitable for extending over a whole domain. """ if dofs.shape[1] > 1: # Vector. val = 0.0 else: # Scalar. val = dofs.min() return val def extend_cell_data(data, domain, rname, val=None, is_surface=False, average_surface=True): """ Extend cell data defined in a region to the whole domain. Parameters ---------- data : array The data defined in the region. domain : FEDomain instance The FE domain. rname : str The region name. val : float, optional The value for filling cells not covered by the region. If not given, the smallest value in data is used. is_surface : bool If True, the data are defined on a surface region. In that case the values are averaged or summed into the cells containing the region surface faces (a cell can have several faces of the surface), see `average_surface`. average_surface : bool If True, the data defined on a surface region are averaged, otherwise the data are summed. Returns ------- edata : array The data extended to all domain elements. """ n_el = domain.shape.n_el if data.shape[0] == n_el: return data if val is None: if data.shape[2] > 1: # Vector. val = nm.amin(nm.abs(data)) else: # Scalar. val = nm.amin(data) edata = nm.empty((n_el,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=data.dtype) edata.fill(val) region = domain.regions[rname] if not is_surface: edata[region.get_cells()] = data else: cells = region.get_cells(true_cells_only=False) ucells = nm.unique(cells) if len(cells) != len(region.facets): raise ValueError('region %s has an inner face!' % if average_surface: avg = nm.bincount(cells, minlength=n_el)[ucells] else: avg = 1.0 for ic in range(data.shape[2]): if nm.isrealobj(data): evals = nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0], minlength=n_el)[ucells] else: evals = (nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].real, minlength=n_el)[ucells] + 1j * nm.bincount(cells, weights=data[:, 0, ic, 0].imag, minlength=n_el)[ucells]) edata[ucells, 0, ic, 0] = evals / avg return edata def refine_mesh(filename, level): """ Uniformly refine `level`-times a mesh given by `filename`. The refined mesh is saved to a file with name constructed from base name of `filename` and `level`-times appended `'_r'` suffix. Parameters ---------- filename : str The mesh file name. level : int The refinement level. """ import os from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain if level > 0: mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename) domain = FEDomain(, mesh) for ii in range(level):
output('refine %d...' % ii)
import numpy as np import itertools import os import scipy.linalg from sfepy.discrete import fem from .algo_core import generalized_courant_fischer, spring_energy_matrix_accelerate_3D import util.geometry_util as geo_util import util.meshgen as meshgen from util.timer import SimpleTimer from visualization.model_visualizer import visualize_hinges, visualize_3D import visualization.model_visualizer as vis from .constraints_3d import select_non_colinear_points, direction_for_relative_disallowed_motions from .internal_structure import tetrahedron from .stiffness_matrix import stiffness_matrix_from_mesh class Model: """ Represent an assembly """ def __init__(self): self.beams = [] self.joints = [] def point_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: beam_points = np.vstack([b.points for b in self.beams]).reshape(-1, 3) # joint_points = np.array([j.virtual_points for j in self.joints]).reshape(-1, 3) return np.vstack(( beam_points, )) def point_indices(self): beam_point_count = np.array([b.point_count for b in self.beams]) end_indices = np.cumsum(beam_point_count) start_indices = end_indices - beam_point_count return [np.arange(start, end) for start, end in zip(start_indices, end_indices)] def edge_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: edge_indices = [] index_offset = 0 for beam in self.beams: edge_indices.append(beam.edges + index_offset) index_offset += beam.point_count matrix = np.vstack([edges for edges in edge_indices if edges.size > 0]) return matrix def constraint_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: matrix = [] # collect constraints for each joint and stack them for joint in self.joints: constraints = joint.linear_constraints(self) matrix.append(constraints) numpy_matrix = np.vstack(matrix) if len(matrix) > 0 else np.empty(0) return numpy_matrix def constraints_fixing_first_part(self): count = len(self.beams[0].points) fixed_coordinates = np.zeros((count * 3, self.point_count * 3)) for r, c in enumerate(range(count * 3)): fixed_coordinates[r, c] = 1 return fixed_coordinates @property def point_count(self): return sum(beam.point_count for beam in self.beams) def add_beam(self, beam): self.beams.append(beam) def add_beams(self, beams): for beam in beams: self.add_beam(beam) def add_joint(self, joint): self.joints.append(joint) def add_joints(self, joints): for joint in joints: self.add_joint(joint) def beam_point_index(self, beam): beam_index = self.beams.index(beam) return sum(b.point_count for b in self.beams[:beam_index]) def joint_point_indices(self): indices = [] for joint in self.joints: offset_part_1 = self.beam_point_index(joint.part1) offset_part_2 = self.beam_point_index(joint.part2) indice_on_part_1 = select_non_colinear_points(joint.part1.points, near=joint.pivot_point)[1] + offset_part_1 indice_on_part_2 = select_non_colinear_points(joint.part2.points, near=joint.pivot_point)[1] + offset_part_2 indices.append((indice_on_part_1, indice_on_part_2)) return np.array(indices) def save_json(self, filename: str, **kwargs): import json from util.json_encoder import ModelEncoder with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(self, f, cls=ModelEncoder, **kwargs) def visualize(self, arrows=None, show_axis=True, show_hinge=True, arrow_style=None): defaults = { "length_coeff": 0.2, "radius_coeff": 0.2, } if arrow_style is not None: arrow_style = { **defaults, **arrow_style, } else: arrow_style = defaults geometries = [] model_mesh = vis.get_lineset_for_edges(self.point_matrix(), self.edge_matrix()) geometries.append(model_mesh) if show_hinge: rotation_axes_pairs = [(j.pivot, j.rotation_axes[0]) for j in self.joints if j.rotation_axes is not None] if len(rotation_axes_pairs) > 0: rotation_pivots, rotation_axes = zip(*rotation_axes_pairs) axes_arrows = vis.get_mesh_for_arrows( rotation_pivots, geo_util.normalize(rotation_axes), length_coeff=0.01, radius_coeff=0.4) axes_arrows.paint_uniform_color([0.5, 0.2, 0.8]) geometries.append(axes_arrows) translation_vector_pairs = [(j.pivot, j.translation_vectors[0]) for j in self.joints if j.translation_vectors is not None] if len(translation_vector_pairs) > 0: translation_pivots, translation_vector = zip(*translation_vector_pairs) vector_arrows = vis.get_mesh_for_arrows(translation_pivots, translation_vector, length_coeff=0.01, radius_coeff=0.4) vector_arrows.paint_uniform_color([0.2, 0.8, 0.5]) geometries.append(vector_arrows) melded_points = [j.pivot for j in self.joints if j.translation_vectors is None and j.rotation_axes is None] if len(melded_points) > 0: point_meshes = vis.get_mesh_for_points(melded_points) geometries.append(point_meshes) mesh_frame = vis.o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(size=10, origin=[0, 0, 0]) geometries.append(mesh_frame) if arrows is not None: points = self.point_matrix() arrow_mesh = vis.get_mesh_for_arrows(points, arrows.reshape(-1, points.shape[1]), **arrow_style) model_meshes = vis.get_geometries_3D(self.point_matrix(), edges=self.edge_matrix(), show_axis=False, show_point=False) geometries.extend([arrow_mesh, *model_meshes]) vis.o3d.visualization.draw_geometries(geometries) def joint_stiffness_matrix(self): from functools import reduce matrix = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [j.joint_stiffness(self) for j in self.joints]) return matrix def soft_solve(self, num_pairs=-1, extra_constr=None, verbose=False): points = self.point_matrix() edges = self.edge_matrix() part_stiffness = spring_energy_matrix_accelerate_3D(points, edges, abstract_edges=[]) joint_stiffness = self.joint_stiffness_matrix() K = part_stiffness + joint_stiffness # global stiffness eigenpairs = geo_util.eigen(K, symmetric=True) if verbose: print( if num_pairs == -1: return [(e, v) for e, v in eigenpairs] else: return [(e, v) for e, v in eigenpairs[:num_pairs]] def eigen_solve(self, num_pairs=-1, extra_constr=None, verbose=False): points = self.point_matrix() edges = self.edge_matrix() timer = SimpleTimer() stiffness = spring_energy_matrix_accelerate_3D(points, edges, abstract_edges=[]) timer.checkpoint("K") constraints = self.constraint_matrix() if extra_constr is not None: constraints = np.vstack((constraints, extra_constr)) K, B = generalized_courant_fischer(stiffness, constraints) eigenpairs = geo_util.eigen(K, symmetric=True) timer.checkpoint("eig") if verbose: print( if num_pairs == -1: return [(e, B @ v) for e, v in eigenpairs[:]] else: return [(e, B @ v) for e, v in eigenpairs[:num_pairs]] def __str__(self): return str( def report(self) -> dict: return { **{ "#parts": len(self.beams), "#points": self.point_count, "#joints": len(self.joints), "#constraints": len(self.constraint_matrix()) }, **vars(self) } class Beam: def __init__(self, points, edges=None, principle_points=None): if edges is None: index_range = range(len(points)) edges = np.array(list(itertools.combinations(index_range, 2))) self._edges = edges self.points = points self.principle_points = principle_points @classmethod def crystal(cls, p1, p2, crystal_counts): from solvers.rigidity_solver.internal_structure import get_crystal_vertices orient = (p2 - p1) / np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1) crystals = [get_crystal_vertices(c, orient) for c in np.linspace(p1, p2, num=crystal_counts)] points = np.vstack(crystals) return Beam(points) @classmethod def tetra(cls, p, q, thickness=1, density=0.333333, ori=None): points, edges = tetrahedron(p, q, thickness=thickness, density=density, ori=ori) return Beam(points, edges, principle_points=(p, q)) @classmethod def dense_tetra(cls, p, q, density=0.333333, thickness=1, ori=None): points, _ = tetrahedron(p, q, density=density, thickness=thickness, ori=ori) return Beam(points, principle_points=(p, q)) @classmethod def vertices(cls, points, orient): orient = orient / np.linalg.norm(orient) * 10 points = np.vstack((points, points + orient)) return Beam(points) @classmethod def cube_as_mesh(cls, pivot, u, v, w): hashes = hash((tuple(pivot), tuple(u), tuple(v), tuple(w))) soup_filename = f"data/{hashes}.stl" mesh_filename = f"data/{hashes}.mesh" import os if not os.path.exists(mesh_filename): meshgen.cube_surface_mesh(soup_filename, pivot, u, v, w) meshgen.tetrahedralize(soup_filename, mesh_filename) mesh =
import numpy as np import itertools import os import scipy.linalg from sfepy.discrete import fem from .algo_core import generalized_courant_fischer, spring_energy_matrix_accelerate_3D import util.geometry_util as geo_util import util.meshgen as meshgen from util.timer import SimpleTimer from visualization.model_visualizer import visualize_hinges, visualize_3D import visualization.model_visualizer as vis from .constraints_3d import select_non_colinear_points, direction_for_relative_disallowed_motions from .internal_structure import tetrahedron from .stiffness_matrix import stiffness_matrix_from_mesh class Model: """ Represent an assembly """ def __init__(self): self.beams = [] self.joints = [] def point_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: beam_points = np.vstack([b.points for b in self.beams]).reshape(-1, 3) # joint_points = np.array([j.virtual_points for j in self.joints]).reshape(-1, 3) return np.vstack(( beam_points, )) def point_indices(self): beam_point_count = np.array([b.point_count for b in self.beams]) end_indices = np.cumsum(beam_point_count) start_indices = end_indices - beam_point_count return [np.arange(start, end) for start, end in zip(start_indices, end_indices)] def edge_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: edge_indices = [] index_offset = 0 for beam in self.beams: edge_indices.append(beam.edges + index_offset) index_offset += beam.point_count matrix = np.vstack([edges for edges in edge_indices if edges.size > 0]) return matrix def constraint_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: matrix = [] # collect constraints for each joint and stack them for joint in self.joints: constraints = joint.linear_constraints(self) matrix.append(constraints) numpy_matrix = np.vstack(matrix) if len(matrix) > 0 else np.empty(0) return numpy_matrix def constraints_fixing_first_part(self): count = len(self.beams[0].points) fixed_coordinates = np.zeros((count * 3, self.point_count * 3)) for r, c in enumerate(range(count * 3)): fixed_coordinates[r, c] = 1 return fixed_coordinates @property def point_count(self): return sum(beam.point_count for beam in self.beams) def add_beam(self, beam): self.beams.append(beam) def add_beams(self, beams): for beam in beams: self.add_beam(beam) def add_joint(self, joint): self.joints.append(joint) def add_joints(self, joints): for joint in joints: self.add_joint(joint) def beam_point_index(self, beam): beam_index = self.beams.index(beam) return sum(b.point_count for b in self.beams[:beam_index]) def joint_point_indices(self): indices = [] for joint in self.joints: offset_part_1 = self.beam_point_index(joint.part1) offset_part_2 = self.beam_point_index(joint.part2) indice_on_part_1 = select_non_colinear_points(joint.part1.points, near=joint.pivot_point)[1] + offset_part_1 indice_on_part_2 = select_non_colinear_points(joint.part2.points, near=joint.pivot_point)[1] + offset_part_2 indices.append((indice_on_part_1, indice_on_part_2)) return np.array(indices) def save_json(self, filename: str, **kwargs): import json from util.json_encoder import ModelEncoder with open(filename, "w") as f: json.dump(self, f, cls=ModelEncoder, **kwargs) def visualize(self, arrows=None, show_axis=True, show_hinge=True, arrow_style=None): defaults = { "length_coeff": 0.2, "radius_coeff": 0.2, } if arrow_style is not None: arrow_style = { **defaults, **arrow_style, } else: arrow_style = defaults geometries = [] model_mesh = vis.get_lineset_for_edges(self.point_matrix(), self.edge_matrix()) geometries.append(model_mesh) if show_hinge: rotation_axes_pairs = [(j.pivot, j.rotation_axes[0]) for j in self.joints if j.rotation_axes is not None] if len(rotation_axes_pairs) > 0: rotation_pivots, rotation_axes = zip(*rotation_axes_pairs) axes_arrows = vis.get_mesh_for_arrows( rotation_pivots, geo_util.normalize(rotation_axes), length_coeff=0.01, radius_coeff=0.4) axes_arrows.paint_uniform_color([0.5, 0.2, 0.8]) geometries.append(axes_arrows) translation_vector_pairs = [(j.pivot, j.translation_vectors[0]) for j in self.joints if j.translation_vectors is not None] if len(translation_vector_pairs) > 0: translation_pivots, translation_vector = zip(*translation_vector_pairs) vector_arrows = vis.get_mesh_for_arrows(translation_pivots, translation_vector, length_coeff=0.01, radius_coeff=0.4) vector_arrows.paint_uniform_color([0.2, 0.8, 0.5]) geometries.append(vector_arrows) melded_points = [j.pivot for j in self.joints if j.translation_vectors is None and j.rotation_axes is None] if len(melded_points) > 0: point_meshes = vis.get_mesh_for_points(melded_points) geometries.append(point_meshes) mesh_frame = vis.o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_coordinate_frame(size=10, origin=[0, 0, 0]) geometries.append(mesh_frame) if arrows is not None: points = self.point_matrix() arrow_mesh = vis.get_mesh_for_arrows(points, arrows.reshape(-1, points.shape[1]), **arrow_style) model_meshes = vis.get_geometries_3D(self.point_matrix(), edges=self.edge_matrix(), show_axis=False, show_point=False) geometries.extend([arrow_mesh, *model_meshes]) vis.o3d.visualization.draw_geometries(geometries) def joint_stiffness_matrix(self): from functools import reduce matrix = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [j.joint_stiffness(self) for j in self.joints]) return matrix def soft_solve(self, num_pairs=-1, extra_constr=None, verbose=False): points = self.point_matrix() edges = self.edge_matrix() part_stiffness = spring_energy_matrix_accelerate_3D(points, edges, abstract_edges=[]) joint_stiffness = self.joint_stiffness_matrix() K = part_stiffness + joint_stiffness # global stiffness eigenpairs = geo_util.eigen(K, symmetric=True) if verbose: print( if num_pairs == -1: return [(e, v) for e, v in eigenpairs] else: return [(e, v) for e, v in eigenpairs[:num_pairs]] def eigen_solve(self, num_pairs=-1, extra_constr=None, verbose=False): points = self.point_matrix() edges = self.edge_matrix() timer = SimpleTimer() stiffness = spring_energy_matrix_accelerate_3D(points, edges, abstract_edges=[]) timer.checkpoint("K") constraints = self.constraint_matrix() if extra_constr is not None: constraints = np.vstack((constraints, extra_constr)) K, B = generalized_courant_fischer(stiffness, constraints) eigenpairs = geo_util.eigen(K, symmetric=True) timer.checkpoint("eig") if verbose: print( if num_pairs == -1: return [(e, B @ v) for e, v in eigenpairs[:]] else: return [(e, B @ v) for e, v in eigenpairs[:num_pairs]] def __str__(self): return str( def report(self) -> dict: return { **{ "#parts": len(self.beams), "#points": self.point_count, "#joints": len(self.joints), "#constraints": len(self.constraint_matrix()) }, **vars(self) } class Beam: def __init__(self, points, edges=None, principle_points=None): if edges is None: index_range = range(len(points)) edges = np.array(list(itertools.combinations(index_range, 2))) self._edges = edges self.points = points self.principle_points = principle_points @classmethod def crystal(cls, p1, p2, crystal_counts): from solvers.rigidity_solver.internal_structure import get_crystal_vertices orient = (p2 - p1) / np.linalg.norm(p2 - p1) crystals = [get_crystal_vertices(c, orient) for c in np.linspace(p1, p2, num=crystal_counts)] points = np.vstack(crystals) return Beam(points) @classmethod def tetra(cls, p, q, thickness=1, density=0.333333, ori=None): points, edges = tetrahedron(p, q, thickness=thickness, density=density, ori=ori) return Beam(points, edges, principle_points=(p, q)) @classmethod def dense_tetra(cls, p, q, density=0.333333, thickness=1, ori=None): points, _ = tetrahedron(p, q, density=density, thickness=thickness, ori=ori) return Beam(points, principle_points=(p, q)) @classmethod def vertices(cls, points, orient): orient = orient / np.linalg.norm(orient) * 10 points = np.vstack((points, points + orient)) return Beam(points) @classmethod def cube_as_mesh(cls, pivot, u, v, w): hashes = hash((tuple(pivot), tuple(u), tuple(v), tuple(w))) soup_filename = f"data/{hashes}.stl" mesh_filename = f"data/{hashes}.mesh" import os if not os.path.exists(mesh_filename): meshgen.cube_surface_mesh(soup_filename, pivot, u, v, w) meshgen.tetrahedralize(soup_filename, mesh_filename) mesh = fem.Mesh.from_file(mesh_filename) points = mesh.coors nonzero_x, nonzero_y = mesh.create_conn_graph().nonzero() edges = np.hstack((nonzero_x.reshape(-1, 1), nonzero_y.reshape(-1, 1))) beam = Beam(points, edges) beam.stiffness = stiffness_matrix_from_mesh(mesh_filename) beam.mesh_filename = mesh_filename return beam @classmethod def from_soup_file(cls, soup_filename: str): mesh_filename = soup_filename.replace(".obj", ".mesh") if not os.path.exists(mesh_filename): meshgen.tetrahedralize(soup_filename, mesh_filename) beam = cls.from_mesh_file(mesh_filename) return beam @classmethod def from_mesh_file(cls, mesh_filename): mesh =
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr =
tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False)
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr = tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok tr =
tn.get_trace(a_sym, sym_storage=True)
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr = tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok tr = tn.get_trace(a_sym, sym_storage=True) ok = ok and nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt =
tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_full, sym_storage=False)
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr = tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok tr = tn.get_trace(a_sym, sym_storage=True) ok = ok and nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt =
tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_sym, sym_storage=True)
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr = tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok tr = tn.get_trace(a_sym, sym_storage=True) ok = ok and nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_sym, sym_storage=True) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_sym, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok dev =
tn.get_deviator(a_full, sym_storage=False)
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr = tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok tr = tn.get_trace(a_sym, sym_storage=True) ok = ok and nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_sym, sym_storage=True) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_sym, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok dev = tn.get_deviator(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(dev, _dev_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'deviator full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok aux = (dev * nm.transpose(dev, (0, 2, 1))).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1) vms2 = nm.sqrt((3.0/2.0) * aux)[:,None] dev =
tn.get_deviator(a_sym, sym_storage=True)
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr = tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok tr = tn.get_trace(a_sym, sym_storage=True) ok = ok and nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_sym, sym_storage=True) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_sym, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok dev = tn.get_deviator(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(dev, _dev_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'deviator full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok aux = (dev * nm.transpose(dev, (0, 2, 1))).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1) vms2 = nm.sqrt((3.0/2.0) * aux)[:,None] dev = tn.get_deviator(a_sym, sym_storage=True) _ok = nm.allclose(dev, _dev_sym, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'deviator sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vms =
tn.get_von_mises_stress(a_full, sym_storage=False)
from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon, assert_, debug class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): return Test(conf=conf, options=options) def test_tensors(self): import numpy as nm import sfepy.mechanics.tensors as tn ok = True a_full = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,3,3), dtype=nm.float64) a_sym = 2.0 * nm.ones((5,6), dtype=nm.float64) _tr = nm.array([6.0] * 5, dtype=nm.float64) _vt_full = 2.0 * nm.tile(nm.eye(3, dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _vt_sym = nm.tile(nm.array([2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], dtype=nm.float64), (5,1,1)) _dev_full = a_full - _vt_full _dev_sym = a_sym - _vt_sym _vms = 6.0 * nm.ones((5,1), dtype=nm.float64) tr = tn.get_trace(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok tr = tn.get_trace(a_sym, sym_storage=True) ok = ok and nm.allclose(tr, _tr, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'trace sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vt = tn.get_volumetric_tensor(a_sym, sym_storage=True) _ok = nm.allclose(vt, _vt_sym, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'volumetric tensor sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok dev = tn.get_deviator(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(dev, _dev_full, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'deviator full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok aux = (dev * nm.transpose(dev, (0, 2, 1))).sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1) vms2 = nm.sqrt((3.0/2.0) * aux)[:,None] dev = tn.get_deviator(a_sym, sym_storage=True) _ok = nm.allclose(dev, _dev_sym, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'deviator sym: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vms = tn.get_von_mises_stress(a_full, sym_storage=False) _ok = nm.allclose(vms, _vms, rtol=0.0, atol=1e-14)'von Mises stress full: %s' % _ok) ok = ok and _ok vms =
tn.get_von_mises_stress(a_sym, sym_storage=True)
# AtrialFibrePlugin # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME>, King's College London, all rights reserved, see LICENSE file ''' Atrial fibre generation plugin. ''' import os import stat import ast import shutil import datetime import zipfile import warnings from itertools import starmap from collections import defaultdict try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser try: from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf from sfepy.applications import solve_pde from sfepy.base.base import output except ImportError: warnings.warn('SfePy needs to be installed or in PYTHONPATH to generate fiber directions.') from eidolon import ( ui, ScenePlugin, Project, avg, vec3, successive, first, RealMatrix, IndexMatrix, StdProps, timing, ReprType, listToMatrix,MeshSceneObject, BoundBox, ElemType, reduceMesh, PyDataSet, taskmethod, taskroutine, printFlush ) import eidolon import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree plugindir= os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # this file's directory # directory/file names uifile=os.path.join(plugindir,'AtrialFibrePlugin.ui') deformDir=os.path.join(plugindir,'deformetricaC') deformExe=os.path.join(deformDir,'deformetrica') architecture=os.path.join(plugindir,'architecture.ini') problemFile=os.path.join(plugindir,'') # registration file names decimatedFile='subject.vtk' targetFile='target.vtk' datasetFile='data_set.xml' modelFile='model.xml' optimFile='optimization_parameters.xml' registeredFile='Registration_subject_to_subject_0__t_9.vtk' decimate='decimate-surface' # deformetrica parameters kernelWidthSub=5000 kernelWidthDef=8000 kernelType='cudaexact' dataSigma=0.1 stepSize=0.000001 # field names #regionField='regions' #landmarkField='landmarks' #directionField='directions' #gradientDirField='gradientDirs' #elemDirField='elemDirs' #elemRegionField='elemRegions' #elemthickness='elemThickness' #elemGradient='elemGradient' fieldNames=eidolon.enum( 'regions','landmarks', 'directions','gradientDirs', 'elemDirs','elemRegions','elemThickness', 'nodeGradient' ) objNames=eidolon.enum( 'atlasmesh', 'origmesh', 'epimesh','epinodes', 'endomesh','endonodes', 'architecture' ) regTypes=eidolon.enum('endo','epi') # load the UI file into the ui namespace, this is subtyped below ui.loadUI(open(uifile).read()) def showLines(nodes,lines,name='Lines',matname='Default'): mgr=eidolon.getSceneMgr() lineds=eidolon.LineDataSet(name+'DS',nodes,lines) obj=MeshSceneObject(name,lineds) mgr.addSceneObject(obj) rep=obj.createRepr(eidolon.ReprType._line,matname=matname) mgr.addSceneObjectRepr(rep) return obj,rep def showElemDirs(obj,glyphscale,mgr): ds=obj.datasets[0] nodes=ds.getNodes() tets=first(i for i in ds.enumIndexSets() if i.getType()==ElemType._Tet1NL) elemdirfield=ds.getDataField(fieldNames._elemDirs) mid=ElemType.Tet1NL.basis(0.25,0.25,0.25) elemnodes=[ElemType.Tet1NL.applyCoeffs([nodes[e] for e in elem],mid) for elem in tets] elemobj=MeshSceneObject('elemobj',PyDataSet('elemobjds',elemnodes,[],[elemdirfield])) mgr.addSceneObject(elemobj) rep=elemobj.createRepr(eidolon.ReprType._glyph,0,externalOnly=False,drawInternal=True,glyphname='arrow', glyphscale=glyphscale,dfield=elemdirfield.getName(),vecfunc=eidolon.VecFunc._Linear) mgr.addSceneObjectRepr(rep) class initdict(defaultdict): def __init__(self,initfunc,*args,**kwargs): defaultdict.__init__(self,None,*args,**kwargs) self.initfunc=initfunc def __missing__(self,key): value=self.initfunc(key) self.__setitem__(key,value) return value class plane(object): def __init__(self,center,norm): self.norm=norm.norm() def dist(self,pt): return pt.planeDist(,self.norm) def moveUp(self,dist):*dist def numPointsAbove(self,nodes): return sum(1 for n in nodes if self.dist(n)>=0) def between(self,nodes,otherplane): numnodes=len(nodes) return self.numPointsAbove(nodes)==numnodes and otherplane.numPointsAbove(nodes)==numnodes def findIntersects(self,nodes,inds): numnodes=inds.m() result=[] for n in range(inds.n()): if 0<self.numPointsAbove(nodes.mapIndexRow(inds,n))<numnodes: result.append(n) return result class TriMeshGraph(object): def __init__(self,nodes,tris,ocdepth=3): self.nodes=nodes if isinstance(nodes,eidolon.Vec3Matrix) else listToMatrix(nodes,'nodes') self.tris=tris if isinstance(tris,eidolon.IndexMatrix) else listToMatrix(tris,'tris') self.tricenters=[avg(self.getTriNodes(r),vec3()) for r in range(self.tris.n())] self.adj,self.ragged=generateTriAdj(self.tris) # elem -> elems self.nodeelem=generateNodeElemMap(self.nodes.n(),self.tris) # node -> elems self.edges=generateSimplexEdgeMap(self.nodes.n(),self.tris) # node -> nodes self.boundbox=BoundBox(nodes) # self.octree=eidolon.Octree(ocdepth,self.boundbox.getDimensions(), # self.octree.addMesh(self.nodes,self.tris) def computeDist(key): i,j=key return self.tricenters[i].distTo(self.tricenters[j]) self.tridists=initdict(computeDist) # def getIntersectedTri(self,start,end): # ''' # Returns the triangle index and the (t,u,v) triple if the line from `start' to `end' intersects the indexed triangle # at a distance of `t' from `start' with xi coord (u,v). Returns None if no triangle intersected. # ''' # startoc=self.octree.getLeaf(start) # endoc=self.octree.getLeaf(end) # inds=(startoc.leafdata if startoc is not None else []) + (endoc.leafdata if endoc is not None else []) # # r=eidolon.Ray(start,end-start) # # for tri in inds: # d=r.intersectsTri(*self.getTriNodes(tri)) # if d:# and d[0]<=start.distTo(end): # return tri,d # # return None def getPathSubgraph(self,starttri,endtri): return getAdjTo(self.adj,starttri,endtri) def getTriNodes(self,triindex): return self.nodes.mapIndexRow(self.tris,triindex) def getTriNorm(self,triindex): a,b,c=self.getTriNodes(triindex) return a.planeNorm(b,c) def getSharedNodeTris(self,triindex): tris=set() for n in self.tris[triindex]: tris.update(self.nodeelem[n]) tris.remove(triindex) return list(sorted(tris)) def getNearestTri(self,pt): def triDist(tri): norm=self.getTriNorm(tri) pt=self.tricenters[tri] return abs(pt.planeDist(pt,norm)) nearestnode=min([n for n in range(self.nodes.n()) if self.nodeelem[n]],key=lambda n:self.nodes[n].distToSq(pt)) tris=self.nodeelem[nearestnode] return min(tris,key=triDist) def getPath(self,starttri,endtri,acceptTri=None): return dijkstra(self.adj,starttri,endtri,lambda i,j:self.tridists[(i,j)],acceptTri) def loadArchitecture(path,section): ''' Load the architecture from the given file `path' and return values from the given section (endo or epi). The return value is a tuple containing: landmarks: 0-based indices of landmark nodes in the atlas lmlines : 0-based index pairs defining lines between indices in landmarks lmregions: a list of maps, each map defining a region which are mappings from a 0-based indices into lmlines to the line's landmark index pair lmstim : a per-region specifier list stating which lines (L# for index #) or atlas node (N#) defines stimulation lground : a per-region specifier list stating which lines (L# for index #) or atlas node (N#) defines ground appendageregion: region number for the appendage appendagenode: node index for the appendage's division node which must be generated ''' c=configparser.SafeConfigParser() assert len(>0 landmarks=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'landmarks')) # 0-based node indices lines=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'lines')) # 1-based landmark indices regions=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'regions')) # 1-based landmark indices stimulus=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'stimulus')) # per region ground=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'ground')) # per region appendageregion=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendageregion')) appendagenode=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendagenode')) appendagelmindex=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendagelmindex')) # types=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'type')) # per region # indices that don't exist are for landmarks that need to be calculated lmlines=[subone(l) for l in lines ]#if max(l)<=len(landmarks)] # filter for lines with existing node indices lmregions=[subone(r) for r in regions] # lmregions=[subone(r) for r in regions if all(i<=len(landmarks) for i in r)] lmstim=stimulus#[:len(lmregions)] lmground=ground#[:len(lmregions)] allregions=[] for r in lmregions: lr={i:(a,b) for i,(a,b) in enumerate(lmlines) if a in r and b in r} if len(lr)>2: allregions.append(lr) return landmarks,lmlines,allregions,lmstim,lmground, appendageregion,appendagenode,appendagelmindex def writeMeshFile(filename,nodes,inds,nodegroup,indgroup,dim): '''Write a medit format mesh file to `filename'.''' with open(filename,'w') as o: print('MeshVersionFormatted 1',file=o) print('Dimension %i'%dim,file=o) print('Vertices',file=o) print(len(nodes),file=o) for n in range(len(nodes)): for v in tuple(nodes[n])[:dim]: print('%20.10f'%v,end=' ',file=o) group=0 if nodegroup is None else nodegroup[n] print(group,file=o) print('Triangles' if len(inds[0])==3 else 'Tetrahedra',file=o) print(len(inds),file=o) for n in range(len(inds)): print(*['%10i'%(t+1) for t in inds[n]],file=o,end=' ') group=0 if indgroup is None else indgroup[n] print(group,file=o) def createNodeQuery(nodes): ''' Create a cKDTree object from `nodes' and return a query function which accepts a position and radius value. The function will return the nearest point index to the given position if radius<=0 and a list of indices of points within the given radius of the position otherwise. The node list is also returned as a second return value. ''' tree=cKDTree(np.asarray(list(map(tuple,nodes)))) def _query(pos,radius=0): '''Query `nodes' for the nearest node to `pos' if `radius'<=0 or a list of those within `radius' otherwise.''' pos=tuple(pos) if radius<=0: return tree.query(pos)[1], else: return tree.query_ball_point(pos,radius), return _query def registerSubjectToTarget(subjectObj,targetObj,targetTrans,outdir,decimpath,VTK): ''' Register the `subjectObj' mesh object to `targetObj' mesh object putting data into directory `outdir'. The subject will be decimated to have roughly the same number of nodes as the target and then stored as subject.vtk in `outdir'. Registration is done with Deformetrica and result stored as 'Registration_subject_to_subject_0__t_9.vtk' in `outdir'. If `targetTrans' must be None or a transform which is applied to the nodes of `targetObj' before registration. ''' dpath=os.path.join(outdir,decimatedFile) tmpfile=os.path.join(outdir,'tmp.vtk') # if a transform is given, apply that transform to the target mesh when saving otherwise do no transformation vecfunc=(lambda i: tuple(targetTrans*i)) if targetTrans else None shutil.copy(os.path.join(deformDir,datasetFile),os.path.join(outdir,datasetFile)) # copy dataset file unchanged model=open(os.path.join(deformDir,modelFile)).read() model=model.replace('%1',str(dataSigma)) model=model.replace('%2',str(kernelWidthSub)) model=model.replace('%3',str(kernelType)) model=model.replace('%4',str(kernelWidthDef)) with open(os.path.join(outdir,modelFile),'w') as o: # save modified model file o.write(model) optim=open(os.path.join(deformDir,optimFile)).read() optim=optim.replace('%1',str(stepSize)) with open(os.path.join(outdir,optimFile),'w') as o: # save modified optimization file o.write(optim) VTK.saveLegacyFile(tmpfile,subjectObj,datasettype='POLYDATA') VTK.saveLegacyFile(os.path.join(outdir,targetFile),targetObj,datasettype='POLYDATA',vecfunc=vecfunc) snodes=subjectObj.datasets[0].getNodes() tnodes=targetObj.datasets[0].getNodes() sizeratio=float(tnodes.n())/snodes.n() sizepercent=str(100*(1-sizeratio))[:6] # percent to decimate by # decimate the mesh most of the way towards having the same number of nodes as the target ret,output=eidolon.execBatchProgram(decimpath,tmpfile,dpath,'-reduceby',sizepercent,'-ascii',logcmd=True) assert ret==0,output env={'LD_LIBRARY_PATH':deformDir} ret,output=eidolon.execBatchProgram(deformExe,"registration", "3D", modelFile, datasetFile, optimFile, "--output-dir=.",cwd=outdir,env=env,logcmd=True) assert ret==0,output return output def transferLandmarks(archFilename,fieldname,targetObj,targetTrans,subjectObj,outdir,VTK): ''' Register the landmarks defined as node indices on `targetObj' to equivalent node indices on `subjectObj' via the decimated and registered intermediary stored in `outdir'. The result is a list of index pairs associating a node index in `subjectObj' for every landmark index in `targetObj'. ''' decimated=os.path.join(outdir,decimatedFile) registered=os.path.join(outdir,registeredFile) arch=loadArchitecture(archFilename,fieldname) lmarks,lines=arch[:2] appendagelmindex=arch[-1] # append the index for the estimated appendage node, this will have to be adjusted manually after registration lmarks.append(appendagelmindex) reg=VTK.loadObject(registered) # mesh registered to target dec=VTK.loadObject(decimated) # decimated unregistered mesh tnodes=targetObj.datasets[0].getNodes() # target points rnodes=reg.datasets[0].getNodes() # registered decimated points dnodes=dec.datasets[0].getNodes() # unregistered decimated points snodes=subjectObj.datasets[0].getNodes() # original subject points targetTrans=targetTrans or eidolon.transform() lmpoints=[(targetTrans*tnodes[m],m) for m in lmarks] # (transformed landmark node, index) pairs # find the points in the registered mesh closest to the landmark points in the target object query=createNodeQuery(rnodes) rpoints=[(query(pt)[0],m) for pt,m in lmpoints] # find the subject nodes closes to landmark points in the decimated mesh (which are at the same indices as in the registered mesh) query=createNodeQuery(snodes) spoints=[(query(dnodes[i])[0],m) for i,m in rpoints] assert len(spoints)==len(lmpoints) assert all(p[0] is not None for p in spoints) slines=[l for l in lines if max(l)<len(spoints)] return spoints,slines # return list (i,m) pairs where node index i in the subject mesh is landmark m def generateTriAdj(tris): ''' Generates a table (n,3) giving the indices of adjacent triangles for each triangle, with a value of `n' indicating a free edge. The indices in each row are in sorted order rather than per triangle edge. The result is the dual of the triangle mesh represented as the (n,3) array and a map relating the mesh's ragged edges to their triangle. ''' edgemap = {} # maps edges to the first triangle having that edge result=IndexMatrix(tris.getName()+'Adj',tris.n(),3) result.fill(tris.n()) # Find adjacent triangles by constructing a map from edges defined by points (a,b) to the triangle having that edge, # when that edge is encountered twice then the current triangle is adjacent to the one that originally added the edge. for t1,tri in enumerate(tris): # iterate over each triangle t1 for a,b in successive(tri,2,True): # iterate over each edge (a,b) of t1 k=(min(a,b),max(a,b)) # key has uniform edge order t2=edgemap.pop(k,None) # attempt to find edge k in the map, None indicates edge not found if t2 is not None: # an edge is shared if already encountered, thus t1 is adjacent to t2 result[t1]=sorted(set(result[t1]+(t2,))) result[t2]=sorted(set(result[t2]+(t1,))) else: edgemap[k]=t1 # first time edge is encountered, associate this triangle with it return result,edgemap @timing def getAdjTo(adj,start,end): ''' Returns a subgraph of `adj',represented as a node->[neighbours] dict, which includes nodes `start' and `end'. If `end' is None or an index not appearing in the mesh, the result will be the submesh contiguous with `start'. ''' visiting=set([start]) found={} numnodes=adj.n() while visiting and end not in found: visit=visiting.pop() neighbours=[n for n in adj[visit] if n<numnodes] found[visit]=neighbours visiting.update(n for n in neighbours if n not in found) return found def generateNodeElemMap(numnodes,tris): '''Returns a list relating each node index to the set of element indices using that node.''' nodemap=[set() for _ in range(numnodes)] for i,tri in enumerate(tris): for n in tri: nodemap[n].add(i) #assert all(len(s)>0 for s in nodemap), 'Unused nodes in triangle topology' return nodemap def generateSimplexEdgeMap(numnodes,simplices): ''' Returns a list relating each node index to the set of node indices joined to it by graph edges. This assumes the mesh has `numnodes' number of nodes and simplex topology `simplices'. ''' nodemap=[set() for _ in range(numnodes)] for simplex in simplices: simplex=set(simplex) for s in simplex: nodemap[s].update(simplex.difference((s,))) return nodemap @timing def dijkstra(adj, start, end,distFunc,acceptTri=None): # # shortest paths is a dict of nodes to previous node and distance paths = {start: (None,0)} curnode = start visited = set() # consider only subgraph containing start and end, this expands geometrically so should contain the minimal path adj=getAdjTo(adj,start,end) eidolon.printFlush(len(adj)) if acceptTri is not None: accept=lambda a: (a in adj and acceptTri(a)) else: accept=lambda a: a in adj while curnode != end: visited.add(curnode) destinations = list(filter(accept,adj[curnode])) curweight = paths[curnode][1] for dest in destinations: weight = curweight+distFunc(curnode,dest) if dest not in paths or weight < paths[dest][1]: paths[dest] = (curnode, weight) nextnodes = {node: paths[node] for node in paths if node not in visited} if not nextnodes: raise ValueError("Route %i -> %i not possible"%(start,end)) # next node is the destination with the lowest weight curnode = min(nextnodes, key=lambda k:nextnodes[k][1]) # collect path from end node back to the start path = [] while curnode is not None: path.insert(0,curnode) curnode = paths[curnode][0] return path def subone(v): return tuple(i-1 for i in v) def findNearestIndex(pt,nodelist): return min(range(len(nodelist)),key=lambda i:pt.distToSq(nodelist[i])) def findFarthestIndex(pt,nodelist): return max(range(len(nodelist)),key=lambda i:pt.distToSq(nodelist[i])) def getContiguousTris(graph,starttri,acceptTri): accepted=[starttri] adjacent=first(i for i in graph.getSharedNodeTris(starttri) if i not in accepted and acceptTri(i)) while adjacent is not None: accepted.append(adjacent) for a in accepted[::-1]: allneighbours=graph.getSharedNodeTris(a) adjacent=first(i for i in allneighbours if i not in accepted and acceptTri(i)) if adjacent: break return accepted @timing def findTrisBetweenNodes(start,end,landmarks,graph): eidolon.printFlush('Nodes:',start,end) start=landmarks[start] end=landmarks[end] assert 0<=start<len(graph.nodeelem) assert 0<=end<len(graph.nodeelem) starttri=first(graph.nodeelem[start]) endtri=first(graph.nodeelem[end]) assert starttri is not None assert endtri is not None nodes=graph.nodes startnode=nodes[start] endnode=nodes[end] easypath= graph.getPath(starttri,endtri) midnode=graph.tricenters[easypath[len(easypath)//2]] # define planes to bound the areas to search for triangles to within the space of the line splane=plane(startnode,midnode-startnode) eplane=plane(endnode,midnode-endnode) # adjust the plane's positions to account for numeric error adjustdist=1e1 splane.moveUp(-adjustdist) eplane.moveUp(-adjustdist) assert starttri is not None assert endtri is not None # TODO: plane normal determination still needs work #linenorm=midnode.planeNorm(startnode,endnode) #linenorm=graph.getTriNorm(easypath[len(easypath)//2]).cross(midnode-startnode) linenorm=eidolon.avg(graph.getTriNorm(e) for e in easypath).cross(midnode-startnode) lineplane=plane(,linenorm) indices=set([starttri,endtri]) # list of element indices on lineplane between splane and eplane for i in range(graph.tris.n()): trinodes=graph.getTriNodes(i) numabove=lineplane.numPointsAbove(trinodes) if numabove in (1,2) and splane.between(trinodes,eplane): indices.add(i) accepted=getContiguousTris(graph,starttri,lambda i:i in indices) if endtri not in accepted or len(easypath)<len(accepted): eidolon.printFlush('---Resorting to easypath') accepted=easypath return accepted @timing def assignRegion(region,index,assignmat,landmarks,linemap,graph): def getEnclosedGraph(adj,excludes,start): visiting=set([start]) found=set() numnodes=adj.n() assert start is not None while visiting: visit=visiting.pop() neighbours=[n for n in adj.getRow(visit) if n<numnodes and n not in excludes] found.add(visit) visiting.update(n for n in neighbours if n not in found) return found # collect all tri indices on the border of this region bordertris=set() for lineindex,(a,b) in region.items(): if (a,b) in linemap: line=linemap[(a,b)] else: line=findTrisBetweenNodes(a,b,landmarks,graph) linemap[(a,b)]=line linemap[(b,a)]=line # assign line ID to triangles on the line for tri in line: assignmat[tri,0]=lineindex bordertris.update(line) bordertri=graph.tricenters[first(bordertris)] farthest=max(range(len(graph.tris)),key=lambda i:graph.tricenters[i].distToSq(bordertri)) maxgraph=getEnclosedGraph(graph.adj,bordertris,farthest) for tri in range(len(graph.tris)): if tri in bordertris or tri not in maxgraph: if assignmat[tri,1]<0: assignmat[tri,1]=index elif assignmat[tri,2]<0: assignmat[tri,2]=index elif assignmat[tri,3]<0: assignmat[tri,3]=index @timing def generateRegionField(obj,landmarkObj,regions,appendageregion,appendagenode,task=None): ds=obj.datasets[0] nodes=ds.getNodes() tris=first(ind for ind in ds.enumIndexSets() if ind.m()==3 and bool(ind.meta(StdProps._isspatial))) lmnodes=landmarkObj.datasets[0].getNodes() linemap={} landmarks={i:nodes.indexOf(lm)[0] for i,lm in enumerate(lmnodes)} assert all(0<=l<nodes.n() for l in landmarks) graph=TriMeshGraph(nodes,tris) edgenodeinds=set(eidolon.listSum(graph.ragged)) # list of all node indices on the ragged edge filledregions=RealMatrix(fieldNames._regions,tris.n(),4) filledregions.meta(StdProps._elemdata,'True') filledregions.fill(-10) #landmarks[appendagenode]=0 # TODO: skipping appendage node for now for region in regions: for a,b in region.values(): if appendagenode not in (a,b): if a in landmarks and b not in landmarks: oldlmnode=nodes[landmarks[a]] newlm=b elif b in landmarks and a not in landmarks: oldlmnode=nodes[landmarks[b]] newlm=a else: continue newlmnode=min(edgenodeinds,key=lambda i:nodes[i].distToSq(oldlmnode)) # ragged edge node closest to landmark landmarks[newlm]=newlmnode # eidolon.printFlush(newlm,newlmnode,graph.getPath(min(a,b),newlmnode),'\n') # line=findTrisBetweenNodes(a,b,landmarks,graph) # for tri in line: # filledregions[tri,0]=max(a,b) if task: task.setMaxProgress(len(regions)) for rindex,region in enumerate(regions): eidolon.printFlush('Region',rindex,'of',len(regions),region) allnodes=set(eidolon.listSum(region.values())) if all(a in landmarks for a in allnodes): assignRegion(region,rindex,filledregions,landmarks,linemap,graph) else: eidolon.printFlush('Skipping',rindex,[a for a in allnodes if a not in landmarks]) if task: task.setProgress(rindex+1) return filledregions,linemap def extractTriRegion(nodes,tris,acceptFunc): ''' Extract the region from the mesh (nodes,tris) as defined by the triangle acceptance function `acceptFunc'. The return value is a tuple containing the list of new nodes, a list of new tris, a map from old node indices in `nodes' to new indices in the returned node list, and a map from triangle indices in `tris' to new ones in the returned triangle list. ''' #old -> new newnodes=[] # new node set newtris=[] # new triangle set nodemap={} # maps old node indices to new trimap={} # maps old triangle indices to new for tri in range(len(tris)): if acceptFunc(tri): newtri=list(tris[tri]) for i,n in enumerate(newtri): if n not in nodemap: nodemap[n]=len(newnodes) newnodes.append(nodes[n]) newtri[i]=nodemap[n] trimap[tri]=len(newtris) newtris.append(newtri) return newnodes,newtris,nodemap,trimap def calculateMeshGradient(prefix,nodes,elems,groups,VTK): '''Calculate the laplace gradient for the mesh given as (nodes,elems,groups) using sfepy.''' tempdir=os.path.dirname(prefix) infile=prefix+'.mesh' logfile=prefix+'.log' outfile=prefix+'.vtk' probfile=prefix+'.py' writeMeshFile(infile,nodes,elems,groups,None,3) with open(problemFile) as p: with open(probfile,'w') as o: o.write({'inputfile':infile,'outdir':tempdir}) p=
# AtrialFibrePlugin # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME>, King's College London, all rights reserved, see LICENSE file ''' Atrial fibre generation plugin. ''' import os import stat import ast import shutil import datetime import zipfile import warnings from itertools import starmap from collections import defaultdict try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser try: from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf from sfepy.applications import solve_pde from sfepy.base.base import output except ImportError: warnings.warn('SfePy needs to be installed or in PYTHONPATH to generate fiber directions.') from eidolon import ( ui, ScenePlugin, Project, avg, vec3, successive, first, RealMatrix, IndexMatrix, StdProps, timing, ReprType, listToMatrix,MeshSceneObject, BoundBox, ElemType, reduceMesh, PyDataSet, taskmethod, taskroutine, printFlush ) import eidolon import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree plugindir= os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # this file's directory # directory/file names uifile=os.path.join(plugindir,'AtrialFibrePlugin.ui') deformDir=os.path.join(plugindir,'deformetricaC') deformExe=os.path.join(deformDir,'deformetrica') architecture=os.path.join(plugindir,'architecture.ini') problemFile=os.path.join(plugindir,'') # registration file names decimatedFile='subject.vtk' targetFile='target.vtk' datasetFile='data_set.xml' modelFile='model.xml' optimFile='optimization_parameters.xml' registeredFile='Registration_subject_to_subject_0__t_9.vtk' decimate='decimate-surface' # deformetrica parameters kernelWidthSub=5000 kernelWidthDef=8000 kernelType='cudaexact' dataSigma=0.1 stepSize=0.000001 # field names #regionField='regions' #landmarkField='landmarks' #directionField='directions' #gradientDirField='gradientDirs' #elemDirField='elemDirs' #elemRegionField='elemRegions' #elemthickness='elemThickness' #elemGradient='elemGradient' fieldNames=eidolon.enum( 'regions','landmarks', 'directions','gradientDirs', 'elemDirs','elemRegions','elemThickness', 'nodeGradient' ) objNames=eidolon.enum( 'atlasmesh', 'origmesh', 'epimesh','epinodes', 'endomesh','endonodes', 'architecture' ) regTypes=eidolon.enum('endo','epi') # load the UI file into the ui namespace, this is subtyped below ui.loadUI(open(uifile).read()) def showLines(nodes,lines,name='Lines',matname='Default'): mgr=eidolon.getSceneMgr() lineds=eidolon.LineDataSet(name+'DS',nodes,lines) obj=MeshSceneObject(name,lineds) mgr.addSceneObject(obj) rep=obj.createRepr(eidolon.ReprType._line,matname=matname) mgr.addSceneObjectRepr(rep) return obj,rep def showElemDirs(obj,glyphscale,mgr): ds=obj.datasets[0] nodes=ds.getNodes() tets=first(i for i in ds.enumIndexSets() if i.getType()==ElemType._Tet1NL) elemdirfield=ds.getDataField(fieldNames._elemDirs) mid=ElemType.Tet1NL.basis(0.25,0.25,0.25) elemnodes=[ElemType.Tet1NL.applyCoeffs([nodes[e] for e in elem],mid) for elem in tets] elemobj=MeshSceneObject('elemobj',PyDataSet('elemobjds',elemnodes,[],[elemdirfield])) mgr.addSceneObject(elemobj) rep=elemobj.createRepr(eidolon.ReprType._glyph,0,externalOnly=False,drawInternal=True,glyphname='arrow', glyphscale=glyphscale,dfield=elemdirfield.getName(),vecfunc=eidolon.VecFunc._Linear) mgr.addSceneObjectRepr(rep) class initdict(defaultdict): def __init__(self,initfunc,*args,**kwargs): defaultdict.__init__(self,None,*args,**kwargs) self.initfunc=initfunc def __missing__(self,key): value=self.initfunc(key) self.__setitem__(key,value) return value class plane(object): def __init__(self,center,norm): self.norm=norm.norm() def dist(self,pt): return pt.planeDist(,self.norm) def moveUp(self,dist):*dist def numPointsAbove(self,nodes): return sum(1 for n in nodes if self.dist(n)>=0) def between(self,nodes,otherplane): numnodes=len(nodes) return self.numPointsAbove(nodes)==numnodes and otherplane.numPointsAbove(nodes)==numnodes def findIntersects(self,nodes,inds): numnodes=inds.m() result=[] for n in range(inds.n()): if 0<self.numPointsAbove(nodes.mapIndexRow(inds,n))<numnodes: result.append(n) return result class TriMeshGraph(object): def __init__(self,nodes,tris,ocdepth=3): self.nodes=nodes if isinstance(nodes,eidolon.Vec3Matrix) else listToMatrix(nodes,'nodes') self.tris=tris if isinstance(tris,eidolon.IndexMatrix) else listToMatrix(tris,'tris') self.tricenters=[avg(self.getTriNodes(r),vec3()) for r in range(self.tris.n())] self.adj,self.ragged=generateTriAdj(self.tris) # elem -> elems self.nodeelem=generateNodeElemMap(self.nodes.n(),self.tris) # node -> elems self.edges=generateSimplexEdgeMap(self.nodes.n(),self.tris) # node -> nodes self.boundbox=BoundBox(nodes) # self.octree=eidolon.Octree(ocdepth,self.boundbox.getDimensions(), # self.octree.addMesh(self.nodes,self.tris) def computeDist(key): i,j=key return self.tricenters[i].distTo(self.tricenters[j]) self.tridists=initdict(computeDist) # def getIntersectedTri(self,start,end): # ''' # Returns the triangle index and the (t,u,v) triple if the line from `start' to `end' intersects the indexed triangle # at a distance of `t' from `start' with xi coord (u,v). Returns None if no triangle intersected. # ''' # startoc=self.octree.getLeaf(start) # endoc=self.octree.getLeaf(end) # inds=(startoc.leafdata if startoc is not None else []) + (endoc.leafdata if endoc is not None else []) # # r=eidolon.Ray(start,end-start) # # for tri in inds: # d=r.intersectsTri(*self.getTriNodes(tri)) # if d:# and d[0]<=start.distTo(end): # return tri,d # # return None def getPathSubgraph(self,starttri,endtri): return getAdjTo(self.adj,starttri,endtri) def getTriNodes(self,triindex): return self.nodes.mapIndexRow(self.tris,triindex) def getTriNorm(self,triindex): a,b,c=self.getTriNodes(triindex) return a.planeNorm(b,c) def getSharedNodeTris(self,triindex): tris=set() for n in self.tris[triindex]: tris.update(self.nodeelem[n]) tris.remove(triindex) return list(sorted(tris)) def getNearestTri(self,pt): def triDist(tri): norm=self.getTriNorm(tri) pt=self.tricenters[tri] return abs(pt.planeDist(pt,norm)) nearestnode=min([n for n in range(self.nodes.n()) if self.nodeelem[n]],key=lambda n:self.nodes[n].distToSq(pt)) tris=self.nodeelem[nearestnode] return min(tris,key=triDist) def getPath(self,starttri,endtri,acceptTri=None): return dijkstra(self.adj,starttri,endtri,lambda i,j:self.tridists[(i,j)],acceptTri) def loadArchitecture(path,section): ''' Load the architecture from the given file `path' and return values from the given section (endo or epi). The return value is a tuple containing: landmarks: 0-based indices of landmark nodes in the atlas lmlines : 0-based index pairs defining lines between indices in landmarks lmregions: a list of maps, each map defining a region which are mappings from a 0-based indices into lmlines to the line's landmark index pair lmstim : a per-region specifier list stating which lines (L# for index #) or atlas node (N#) defines stimulation lground : a per-region specifier list stating which lines (L# for index #) or atlas node (N#) defines ground appendageregion: region number for the appendage appendagenode: node index for the appendage's division node which must be generated ''' c=configparser.SafeConfigParser() assert len(>0 landmarks=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'landmarks')) # 0-based node indices lines=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'lines')) # 1-based landmark indices regions=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'regions')) # 1-based landmark indices stimulus=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'stimulus')) # per region ground=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'ground')) # per region appendageregion=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendageregion')) appendagenode=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendagenode')) appendagelmindex=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendagelmindex')) # types=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'type')) # per region # indices that don't exist are for landmarks that need to be calculated lmlines=[subone(l) for l in lines ]#if max(l)<=len(landmarks)] # filter for lines with existing node indices lmregions=[subone(r) for r in regions] # lmregions=[subone(r) for r in regions if all(i<=len(landmarks) for i in r)] lmstim=stimulus#[:len(lmregions)] lmground=ground#[:len(lmregions)] allregions=[] for r in lmregions: lr={i:(a,b) for i,(a,b) in enumerate(lmlines) if a in r and b in r} if len(lr)>2: allregions.append(lr) return landmarks,lmlines,allregions,lmstim,lmground, appendageregion,appendagenode,appendagelmindex def writeMeshFile(filename,nodes,inds,nodegroup,indgroup,dim): '''Write a medit format mesh file to `filename'.''' with open(filename,'w') as o: print('MeshVersionFormatted 1',file=o) print('Dimension %i'%dim,file=o) print('Vertices',file=o) print(len(nodes),file=o) for n in range(len(nodes)): for v in tuple(nodes[n])[:dim]: print('%20.10f'%v,end=' ',file=o) group=0 if nodegroup is None else nodegroup[n] print(group,file=o) print('Triangles' if len(inds[0])==3 else 'Tetrahedra',file=o) print(len(inds),file=o) for n in range(len(inds)): print(*['%10i'%(t+1) for t in inds[n]],file=o,end=' ') group=0 if indgroup is None else indgroup[n] print(group,file=o) def createNodeQuery(nodes): ''' Create a cKDTree object from `nodes' and return a query function which accepts a position and radius value. The function will return the nearest point index to the given position if radius<=0 and a list of indices of points within the given radius of the position otherwise. The node list is also returned as a second return value. ''' tree=cKDTree(np.asarray(list(map(tuple,nodes)))) def _query(pos,radius=0): '''Query `nodes' for the nearest node to `pos' if `radius'<=0 or a list of those within `radius' otherwise.''' pos=tuple(pos) if radius<=0: return tree.query(pos)[1], else: return tree.query_ball_point(pos,radius), return _query def registerSubjectToTarget(subjectObj,targetObj,targetTrans,outdir,decimpath,VTK): ''' Register the `subjectObj' mesh object to `targetObj' mesh object putting data into directory `outdir'. The subject will be decimated to have roughly the same number of nodes as the target and then stored as subject.vtk in `outdir'. Registration is done with Deformetrica and result stored as 'Registration_subject_to_subject_0__t_9.vtk' in `outdir'. If `targetTrans' must be None or a transform which is applied to the nodes of `targetObj' before registration. ''' dpath=os.path.join(outdir,decimatedFile) tmpfile=os.path.join(outdir,'tmp.vtk') # if a transform is given, apply that transform to the target mesh when saving otherwise do no transformation vecfunc=(lambda i: tuple(targetTrans*i)) if targetTrans else None shutil.copy(os.path.join(deformDir,datasetFile),os.path.join(outdir,datasetFile)) # copy dataset file unchanged model=open(os.path.join(deformDir,modelFile)).read() model=model.replace('%1',str(dataSigma)) model=model.replace('%2',str(kernelWidthSub)) model=model.replace('%3',str(kernelType)) model=model.replace('%4',str(kernelWidthDef)) with open(os.path.join(outdir,modelFile),'w') as o: # save modified model file o.write(model) optim=open(os.path.join(deformDir,optimFile)).read() optim=optim.replace('%1',str(stepSize)) with open(os.path.join(outdir,optimFile),'w') as o: # save modified optimization file o.write(optim) VTK.saveLegacyFile(tmpfile,subjectObj,datasettype='POLYDATA') VTK.saveLegacyFile(os.path.join(outdir,targetFile),targetObj,datasettype='POLYDATA',vecfunc=vecfunc) snodes=subjectObj.datasets[0].getNodes() tnodes=targetObj.datasets[0].getNodes() sizeratio=float(tnodes.n())/snodes.n() sizepercent=str(100*(1-sizeratio))[:6] # percent to decimate by # decimate the mesh most of the way towards having the same number of nodes as the target ret,output=eidolon.execBatchProgram(decimpath,tmpfile,dpath,'-reduceby',sizepercent,'-ascii',logcmd=True) assert ret==0,output env={'LD_LIBRARY_PATH':deformDir} ret,output=eidolon.execBatchProgram(deformExe,"registration", "3D", modelFile, datasetFile, optimFile, "--output-dir=.",cwd=outdir,env=env,logcmd=True) assert ret==0,output return output def transferLandmarks(archFilename,fieldname,targetObj,targetTrans,subjectObj,outdir,VTK): ''' Register the landmarks defined as node indices on `targetObj' to equivalent node indices on `subjectObj' via the decimated and registered intermediary stored in `outdir'. The result is a list of index pairs associating a node index in `subjectObj' for every landmark index in `targetObj'. ''' decimated=os.path.join(outdir,decimatedFile) registered=os.path.join(outdir,registeredFile) arch=loadArchitecture(archFilename,fieldname) lmarks,lines=arch[:2] appendagelmindex=arch[-1] # append the index for the estimated appendage node, this will have to be adjusted manually after registration lmarks.append(appendagelmindex) reg=VTK.loadObject(registered) # mesh registered to target dec=VTK.loadObject(decimated) # decimated unregistered mesh tnodes=targetObj.datasets[0].getNodes() # target points rnodes=reg.datasets[0].getNodes() # registered decimated points dnodes=dec.datasets[0].getNodes() # unregistered decimated points snodes=subjectObj.datasets[0].getNodes() # original subject points targetTrans=targetTrans or eidolon.transform() lmpoints=[(targetTrans*tnodes[m],m) for m in lmarks] # (transformed landmark node, index) pairs # find the points in the registered mesh closest to the landmark points in the target object query=createNodeQuery(rnodes) rpoints=[(query(pt)[0],m) for pt,m in lmpoints] # find the subject nodes closes to landmark points in the decimated mesh (which are at the same indices as in the registered mesh) query=createNodeQuery(snodes) spoints=[(query(dnodes[i])[0],m) for i,m in rpoints] assert len(spoints)==len(lmpoints) assert all(p[0] is not None for p in spoints) slines=[l for l in lines if max(l)<len(spoints)] return spoints,slines # return list (i,m) pairs where node index i in the subject mesh is landmark m def generateTriAdj(tris): ''' Generates a table (n,3) giving the indices of adjacent triangles for each triangle, with a value of `n' indicating a free edge. The indices in each row are in sorted order rather than per triangle edge. The result is the dual of the triangle mesh represented as the (n,3) array and a map relating the mesh's ragged edges to their triangle. ''' edgemap = {} # maps edges to the first triangle having that edge result=IndexMatrix(tris.getName()+'Adj',tris.n(),3) result.fill(tris.n()) # Find adjacent triangles by constructing a map from edges defined by points (a,b) to the triangle having that edge, # when that edge is encountered twice then the current triangle is adjacent to the one that originally added the edge. for t1,tri in enumerate(tris): # iterate over each triangle t1 for a,b in successive(tri,2,True): # iterate over each edge (a,b) of t1 k=(min(a,b),max(a,b)) # key has uniform edge order t2=edgemap.pop(k,None) # attempt to find edge k in the map, None indicates edge not found if t2 is not None: # an edge is shared if already encountered, thus t1 is adjacent to t2 result[t1]=sorted(set(result[t1]+(t2,))) result[t2]=sorted(set(result[t2]+(t1,))) else: edgemap[k]=t1 # first time edge is encountered, associate this triangle with it return result,edgemap @timing def getAdjTo(adj,start,end): ''' Returns a subgraph of `adj',represented as a node->[neighbours] dict, which includes nodes `start' and `end'. If `end' is None or an index not appearing in the mesh, the result will be the submesh contiguous with `start'. ''' visiting=set([start]) found={} numnodes=adj.n() while visiting and end not in found: visit=visiting.pop() neighbours=[n for n in adj[visit] if n<numnodes] found[visit]=neighbours visiting.update(n for n in neighbours if n not in found) return found def generateNodeElemMap(numnodes,tris): '''Returns a list relating each node index to the set of element indices using that node.''' nodemap=[set() for _ in range(numnodes)] for i,tri in enumerate(tris): for n in tri: nodemap[n].add(i) #assert all(len(s)>0 for s in nodemap), 'Unused nodes in triangle topology' return nodemap def generateSimplexEdgeMap(numnodes,simplices): ''' Returns a list relating each node index to the set of node indices joined to it by graph edges. This assumes the mesh has `numnodes' number of nodes and simplex topology `simplices'. ''' nodemap=[set() for _ in range(numnodes)] for simplex in simplices: simplex=set(simplex) for s in simplex: nodemap[s].update(simplex.difference((s,))) return nodemap @timing def dijkstra(adj, start, end,distFunc,acceptTri=None): # # shortest paths is a dict of nodes to previous node and distance paths = {start: (None,0)} curnode = start visited = set() # consider only subgraph containing start and end, this expands geometrically so should contain the minimal path adj=getAdjTo(adj,start,end) eidolon.printFlush(len(adj)) if acceptTri is not None: accept=lambda a: (a in adj and acceptTri(a)) else: accept=lambda a: a in adj while curnode != end: visited.add(curnode) destinations = list(filter(accept,adj[curnode])) curweight = paths[curnode][1] for dest in destinations: weight = curweight+distFunc(curnode,dest) if dest not in paths or weight < paths[dest][1]: paths[dest] = (curnode, weight) nextnodes = {node: paths[node] for node in paths if node not in visited} if not nextnodes: raise ValueError("Route %i -> %i not possible"%(start,end)) # next node is the destination with the lowest weight curnode = min(nextnodes, key=lambda k:nextnodes[k][1]) # collect path from end node back to the start path = [] while curnode is not None: path.insert(0,curnode) curnode = paths[curnode][0] return path def subone(v): return tuple(i-1 for i in v) def findNearestIndex(pt,nodelist): return min(range(len(nodelist)),key=lambda i:pt.distToSq(nodelist[i])) def findFarthestIndex(pt,nodelist): return max(range(len(nodelist)),key=lambda i:pt.distToSq(nodelist[i])) def getContiguousTris(graph,starttri,acceptTri): accepted=[starttri] adjacent=first(i for i in graph.getSharedNodeTris(starttri) if i not in accepted and acceptTri(i)) while adjacent is not None: accepted.append(adjacent) for a in accepted[::-1]: allneighbours=graph.getSharedNodeTris(a) adjacent=first(i for i in allneighbours if i not in accepted and acceptTri(i)) if adjacent: break return accepted @timing def findTrisBetweenNodes(start,end,landmarks,graph): eidolon.printFlush('Nodes:',start,end) start=landmarks[start] end=landmarks[end] assert 0<=start<len(graph.nodeelem) assert 0<=end<len(graph.nodeelem) starttri=first(graph.nodeelem[start]) endtri=first(graph.nodeelem[end]) assert starttri is not None assert endtri is not None nodes=graph.nodes startnode=nodes[start] endnode=nodes[end] easypath= graph.getPath(starttri,endtri) midnode=graph.tricenters[easypath[len(easypath)//2]] # define planes to bound the areas to search for triangles to within the space of the line splane=plane(startnode,midnode-startnode) eplane=plane(endnode,midnode-endnode) # adjust the plane's positions to account for numeric error adjustdist=1e1 splane.moveUp(-adjustdist) eplane.moveUp(-adjustdist) assert starttri is not None assert endtri is not None # TODO: plane normal determination still needs work #linenorm=midnode.planeNorm(startnode,endnode) #linenorm=graph.getTriNorm(easypath[len(easypath)//2]).cross(midnode-startnode) linenorm=eidolon.avg(graph.getTriNorm(e) for e in easypath).cross(midnode-startnode) lineplane=plane(,linenorm) indices=set([starttri,endtri]) # list of element indices on lineplane between splane and eplane for i in range(graph.tris.n()): trinodes=graph.getTriNodes(i) numabove=lineplane.numPointsAbove(trinodes) if numabove in (1,2) and splane.between(trinodes,eplane): indices.add(i) accepted=getContiguousTris(graph,starttri,lambda i:i in indices) if endtri not in accepted or len(easypath)<len(accepted): eidolon.printFlush('---Resorting to easypath') accepted=easypath return accepted @timing def assignRegion(region,index,assignmat,landmarks,linemap,graph): def getEnclosedGraph(adj,excludes,start): visiting=set([start]) found=set() numnodes=adj.n() assert start is not None while visiting: visit=visiting.pop() neighbours=[n for n in adj.getRow(visit) if n<numnodes and n not in excludes] found.add(visit) visiting.update(n for n in neighbours if n not in found) return found # collect all tri indices on the border of this region bordertris=set() for lineindex,(a,b) in region.items(): if (a,b) in linemap: line=linemap[(a,b)] else: line=findTrisBetweenNodes(a,b,landmarks,graph) linemap[(a,b)]=line linemap[(b,a)]=line # assign line ID to triangles on the line for tri in line: assignmat[tri,0]=lineindex bordertris.update(line) bordertri=graph.tricenters[first(bordertris)] farthest=max(range(len(graph.tris)),key=lambda i:graph.tricenters[i].distToSq(bordertri)) maxgraph=getEnclosedGraph(graph.adj,bordertris,farthest) for tri in range(len(graph.tris)): if tri in bordertris or tri not in maxgraph: if assignmat[tri,1]<0: assignmat[tri,1]=index elif assignmat[tri,2]<0: assignmat[tri,2]=index elif assignmat[tri,3]<0: assignmat[tri,3]=index @timing def generateRegionField(obj,landmarkObj,regions,appendageregion,appendagenode,task=None): ds=obj.datasets[0] nodes=ds.getNodes() tris=first(ind for ind in ds.enumIndexSets() if ind.m()==3 and bool(ind.meta(StdProps._isspatial))) lmnodes=landmarkObj.datasets[0].getNodes() linemap={} landmarks={i:nodes.indexOf(lm)[0] for i,lm in enumerate(lmnodes)} assert all(0<=l<nodes.n() for l in landmarks) graph=TriMeshGraph(nodes,tris) edgenodeinds=set(eidolon.listSum(graph.ragged)) # list of all node indices on the ragged edge filledregions=RealMatrix(fieldNames._regions,tris.n(),4) filledregions.meta(StdProps._elemdata,'True') filledregions.fill(-10) #landmarks[appendagenode]=0 # TODO: skipping appendage node for now for region in regions: for a,b in region.values(): if appendagenode not in (a,b): if a in landmarks and b not in landmarks: oldlmnode=nodes[landmarks[a]] newlm=b elif b in landmarks and a not in landmarks: oldlmnode=nodes[landmarks[b]] newlm=a else: continue newlmnode=min(edgenodeinds,key=lambda i:nodes[i].distToSq(oldlmnode)) # ragged edge node closest to landmark landmarks[newlm]=newlmnode # eidolon.printFlush(newlm,newlmnode,graph.getPath(min(a,b),newlmnode),'\n') # line=findTrisBetweenNodes(a,b,landmarks,graph) # for tri in line: # filledregions[tri,0]=max(a,b) if task: task.setMaxProgress(len(regions)) for rindex,region in enumerate(regions): eidolon.printFlush('Region',rindex,'of',len(regions),region) allnodes=set(eidolon.listSum(region.values())) if all(a in landmarks for a in allnodes): assignRegion(region,rindex,filledregions,landmarks,linemap,graph) else: eidolon.printFlush('Skipping',rindex,[a for a in allnodes if a not in landmarks]) if task: task.setProgress(rindex+1) return filledregions,linemap def extractTriRegion(nodes,tris,acceptFunc): ''' Extract the region from the mesh (nodes,tris) as defined by the triangle acceptance function `acceptFunc'. The return value is a tuple containing the list of new nodes, a list of new tris, a map from old node indices in `nodes' to new indices in the returned node list, and a map from triangle indices in `tris' to new ones in the returned triangle list. ''' #old -> new newnodes=[] # new node set newtris=[] # new triangle set nodemap={} # maps old node indices to new trimap={} # maps old triangle indices to new for tri in range(len(tris)): if acceptFunc(tri): newtri=list(tris[tri]) for i,n in enumerate(newtri): if n not in nodemap: nodemap[n]=len(newnodes) newnodes.append(nodes[n]) newtri[i]=nodemap[n] trimap[tri]=len(newtris) newtris.append(newtri) return newnodes,newtris,nodemap,trimap def calculateMeshGradient(prefix,nodes,elems,groups,VTK): '''Calculate the laplace gradient for the mesh given as (nodes,elems,groups) using sfepy.''' tempdir=os.path.dirname(prefix) infile=prefix+'.mesh' logfile=prefix+'.log' outfile=prefix+'.vtk' probfile=prefix+'.py' writeMeshFile(infile,nodes,elems,groups,None,3) with open(problemFile) as p: with open(probfile,'w') as o: o.write({'inputfile':infile,'outdir':tempdir}) p=ProblemConf.from_file(probfile)
# AtrialFibrePlugin # Copyright (C) 2018 <NAME>, King's College London, all rights reserved, see LICENSE file ''' Atrial fibre generation plugin. ''' import os import stat import ast import shutil import datetime import zipfile import warnings from itertools import starmap from collections import defaultdict try: import configparser except ImportError: import ConfigParser as configparser try: from sfepy.base.conf import ProblemConf from sfepy.applications import solve_pde from sfepy.base.base import output except ImportError: warnings.warn('SfePy needs to be installed or in PYTHONPATH to generate fiber directions.') from eidolon import ( ui, ScenePlugin, Project, avg, vec3, successive, first, RealMatrix, IndexMatrix, StdProps, timing, ReprType, listToMatrix,MeshSceneObject, BoundBox, ElemType, reduceMesh, PyDataSet, taskmethod, taskroutine, printFlush ) import eidolon import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree plugindir= os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # this file's directory # directory/file names uifile=os.path.join(plugindir,'AtrialFibrePlugin.ui') deformDir=os.path.join(plugindir,'deformetricaC') deformExe=os.path.join(deformDir,'deformetrica') architecture=os.path.join(plugindir,'architecture.ini') problemFile=os.path.join(plugindir,'') # registration file names decimatedFile='subject.vtk' targetFile='target.vtk' datasetFile='data_set.xml' modelFile='model.xml' optimFile='optimization_parameters.xml' registeredFile='Registration_subject_to_subject_0__t_9.vtk' decimate='decimate-surface' # deformetrica parameters kernelWidthSub=5000 kernelWidthDef=8000 kernelType='cudaexact' dataSigma=0.1 stepSize=0.000001 # field names #regionField='regions' #landmarkField='landmarks' #directionField='directions' #gradientDirField='gradientDirs' #elemDirField='elemDirs' #elemRegionField='elemRegions' #elemthickness='elemThickness' #elemGradient='elemGradient' fieldNames=eidolon.enum( 'regions','landmarks', 'directions','gradientDirs', 'elemDirs','elemRegions','elemThickness', 'nodeGradient' ) objNames=eidolon.enum( 'atlasmesh', 'origmesh', 'epimesh','epinodes', 'endomesh','endonodes', 'architecture' ) regTypes=eidolon.enum('endo','epi') # load the UI file into the ui namespace, this is subtyped below ui.loadUI(open(uifile).read()) def showLines(nodes,lines,name='Lines',matname='Default'): mgr=eidolon.getSceneMgr() lineds=eidolon.LineDataSet(name+'DS',nodes,lines) obj=MeshSceneObject(name,lineds) mgr.addSceneObject(obj) rep=obj.createRepr(eidolon.ReprType._line,matname=matname) mgr.addSceneObjectRepr(rep) return obj,rep def showElemDirs(obj,glyphscale,mgr): ds=obj.datasets[0] nodes=ds.getNodes() tets=first(i for i in ds.enumIndexSets() if i.getType()==ElemType._Tet1NL) elemdirfield=ds.getDataField(fieldNames._elemDirs) mid=ElemType.Tet1NL.basis(0.25,0.25,0.25) elemnodes=[ElemType.Tet1NL.applyCoeffs([nodes[e] for e in elem],mid) for elem in tets] elemobj=MeshSceneObject('elemobj',PyDataSet('elemobjds',elemnodes,[],[elemdirfield])) mgr.addSceneObject(elemobj) rep=elemobj.createRepr(eidolon.ReprType._glyph,0,externalOnly=False,drawInternal=True,glyphname='arrow', glyphscale=glyphscale,dfield=elemdirfield.getName(),vecfunc=eidolon.VecFunc._Linear) mgr.addSceneObjectRepr(rep) class initdict(defaultdict): def __init__(self,initfunc,*args,**kwargs): defaultdict.__init__(self,None,*args,**kwargs) self.initfunc=initfunc def __missing__(self,key): value=self.initfunc(key) self.__setitem__(key,value) return value class plane(object): def __init__(self,center,norm): self.norm=norm.norm() def dist(self,pt): return pt.planeDist(,self.norm) def moveUp(self,dist):*dist def numPointsAbove(self,nodes): return sum(1 for n in nodes if self.dist(n)>=0) def between(self,nodes,otherplane): numnodes=len(nodes) return self.numPointsAbove(nodes)==numnodes and otherplane.numPointsAbove(nodes)==numnodes def findIntersects(self,nodes,inds): numnodes=inds.m() result=[] for n in range(inds.n()): if 0<self.numPointsAbove(nodes.mapIndexRow(inds,n))<numnodes: result.append(n) return result class TriMeshGraph(object): def __init__(self,nodes,tris,ocdepth=3): self.nodes=nodes if isinstance(nodes,eidolon.Vec3Matrix) else listToMatrix(nodes,'nodes') self.tris=tris if isinstance(tris,eidolon.IndexMatrix) else listToMatrix(tris,'tris') self.tricenters=[avg(self.getTriNodes(r),vec3()) for r in range(self.tris.n())] self.adj,self.ragged=generateTriAdj(self.tris) # elem -> elems self.nodeelem=generateNodeElemMap(self.nodes.n(),self.tris) # node -> elems self.edges=generateSimplexEdgeMap(self.nodes.n(),self.tris) # node -> nodes self.boundbox=BoundBox(nodes) # self.octree=eidolon.Octree(ocdepth,self.boundbox.getDimensions(), # self.octree.addMesh(self.nodes,self.tris) def computeDist(key): i,j=key return self.tricenters[i].distTo(self.tricenters[j]) self.tridists=initdict(computeDist) # def getIntersectedTri(self,start,end): # ''' # Returns the triangle index and the (t,u,v) triple if the line from `start' to `end' intersects the indexed triangle # at a distance of `t' from `start' with xi coord (u,v). Returns None if no triangle intersected. # ''' # startoc=self.octree.getLeaf(start) # endoc=self.octree.getLeaf(end) # inds=(startoc.leafdata if startoc is not None else []) + (endoc.leafdata if endoc is not None else []) # # r=eidolon.Ray(start,end-start) # # for tri in inds: # d=r.intersectsTri(*self.getTriNodes(tri)) # if d:# and d[0]<=start.distTo(end): # return tri,d # # return None def getPathSubgraph(self,starttri,endtri): return getAdjTo(self.adj,starttri,endtri) def getTriNodes(self,triindex): return self.nodes.mapIndexRow(self.tris,triindex) def getTriNorm(self,triindex): a,b,c=self.getTriNodes(triindex) return a.planeNorm(b,c) def getSharedNodeTris(self,triindex): tris=set() for n in self.tris[triindex]: tris.update(self.nodeelem[n]) tris.remove(triindex) return list(sorted(tris)) def getNearestTri(self,pt): def triDist(tri): norm=self.getTriNorm(tri) pt=self.tricenters[tri] return abs(pt.planeDist(pt,norm)) nearestnode=min([n for n in range(self.nodes.n()) if self.nodeelem[n]],key=lambda n:self.nodes[n].distToSq(pt)) tris=self.nodeelem[nearestnode] return min(tris,key=triDist) def getPath(self,starttri,endtri,acceptTri=None): return dijkstra(self.adj,starttri,endtri,lambda i,j:self.tridists[(i,j)],acceptTri) def loadArchitecture(path,section): ''' Load the architecture from the given file `path' and return values from the given section (endo or epi). The return value is a tuple containing: landmarks: 0-based indices of landmark nodes in the atlas lmlines : 0-based index pairs defining lines between indices in landmarks lmregions: a list of maps, each map defining a region which are mappings from a 0-based indices into lmlines to the line's landmark index pair lmstim : a per-region specifier list stating which lines (L# for index #) or atlas node (N#) defines stimulation lground : a per-region specifier list stating which lines (L# for index #) or atlas node (N#) defines ground appendageregion: region number for the appendage appendagenode: node index for the appendage's division node which must be generated ''' c=configparser.SafeConfigParser() assert len(>0 landmarks=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'landmarks')) # 0-based node indices lines=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'lines')) # 1-based landmark indices regions=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'regions')) # 1-based landmark indices stimulus=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'stimulus')) # per region ground=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'ground')) # per region appendageregion=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendageregion')) appendagenode=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendagenode')) appendagelmindex=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'appendagelmindex')) # types=ast.literal_eval(c.get(section,'type')) # per region # indices that don't exist are for landmarks that need to be calculated lmlines=[subone(l) for l in lines ]#if max(l)<=len(landmarks)] # filter for lines with existing node indices lmregions=[subone(r) for r in regions] # lmregions=[subone(r) for r in regions if all(i<=len(landmarks) for i in r)] lmstim=stimulus#[:len(lmregions)] lmground=ground#[:len(lmregions)] allregions=[] for r in lmregions: lr={i:(a,b) for i,(a,b) in enumerate(lmlines) if a in r and b in r} if len(lr)>2: allregions.append(lr) return landmarks,lmlines,allregions,lmstim,lmground, appendageregion,appendagenode,appendagelmindex def writeMeshFile(filename,nodes,inds,nodegroup,indgroup,dim): '''Write a medit format mesh file to `filename'.''' with open(filename,'w') as o: print('MeshVersionFormatted 1',file=o) print('Dimension %i'%dim,file=o) print('Vertices',file=o) print(len(nodes),file=o) for n in range(len(nodes)): for v in tuple(nodes[n])[:dim]: print('%20.10f'%v,end=' ',file=o) group=0 if nodegroup is None else nodegroup[n] print(group,file=o) print('Triangles' if len(inds[0])==3 else 'Tetrahedra',file=o) print(len(inds),file=o) for n in range(len(inds)): print(*['%10i'%(t+1) for t in inds[n]],file=o,end=' ') group=0 if indgroup is None else indgroup[n] print(group,file=o) def createNodeQuery(nodes): ''' Create a cKDTree object from `nodes' and return a query function which accepts a position and radius value. The function will return the nearest point index to the given position if radius<=0 and a list of indices of points within the given radius of the position otherwise. The node list is also returned as a second return value. ''' tree=cKDTree(np.asarray(list(map(tuple,nodes)))) def _query(pos,radius=0): '''Query `nodes' for the nearest node to `pos' if `radius'<=0 or a list of those within `radius' otherwise.''' pos=tuple(pos) if radius<=0: return tree.query(pos)[1], else: return tree.query_ball_point(pos,radius), return _query def registerSubjectToTarget(subjectObj,targetObj,targetTrans,outdir,decimpath,VTK): ''' Register the `subjectObj' mesh object to `targetObj' mesh object putting data into directory `outdir'. The subject will be decimated to have roughly the same number of nodes as the target and then stored as subject.vtk in `outdir'. Registration is done with Deformetrica and result stored as 'Registration_subject_to_subject_0__t_9.vtk' in `outdir'. If `targetTrans' must be None or a transform which is applied to the nodes of `targetObj' before registration. ''' dpath=os.path.join(outdir,decimatedFile) tmpfile=os.path.join(outdir,'tmp.vtk') # if a transform is given, apply that transform to the target mesh when saving otherwise do no transformation vecfunc=(lambda i: tuple(targetTrans*i)) if targetTrans else None shutil.copy(os.path.join(deformDir,datasetFile),os.path.join(outdir,datasetFile)) # copy dataset file unchanged model=open(os.path.join(deformDir,modelFile)).read() model=model.replace('%1',str(dataSigma)) model=model.replace('%2',str(kernelWidthSub)) model=model.replace('%3',str(kernelType)) model=model.replace('%4',str(kernelWidthDef)) with open(os.path.join(outdir,modelFile),'w') as o: # save modified model file o.write(model) optim=open(os.path.join(deformDir,optimFile)).read() optim=optim.replace('%1',str(stepSize)) with open(os.path.join(outdir,optimFile),'w') as o: # save modified optimization file o.write(optim) VTK.saveLegacyFile(tmpfile,subjectObj,datasettype='POLYDATA') VTK.saveLegacyFile(os.path.join(outdir,targetFile),targetObj,datasettype='POLYDATA',vecfunc=vecfunc) snodes=subjectObj.datasets[0].getNodes() tnodes=targetObj.datasets[0].getNodes() sizeratio=float(tnodes.n())/snodes.n() sizepercent=str(100*(1-sizeratio))[:6] # percent to decimate by # decimate the mesh most of the way towards having the same number of nodes as the target ret,output=eidolon.execBatchProgram(decimpath,tmpfile,dpath,'-reduceby',sizepercent,'-ascii',logcmd=True) assert ret==0,output env={'LD_LIBRARY_PATH':deformDir} ret,output=eidolon.execBatchProgram(deformExe,"registration", "3D", modelFile, datasetFile, optimFile, "--output-dir=.",cwd=outdir,env=env,logcmd=True) assert ret==0,output return output def transferLandmarks(archFilename,fieldname,targetObj,targetTrans,subjectObj,outdir,VTK): ''' Register the landmarks defined as node indices on `targetObj' to equivalent node indices on `subjectObj' via the decimated and registered intermediary stored in `outdir'. The result is a list of index pairs associating a node index in `subjectObj' for every landmark index in `targetObj'. ''' decimated=os.path.join(outdir,decimatedFile) registered=os.path.join(outdir,registeredFile) arch=loadArchitecture(archFilename,fieldname) lmarks,lines=arch[:2] appendagelmindex=arch[-1] # append the index for the estimated appendage node, this will have to be adjusted manually after registration lmarks.append(appendagelmindex) reg=VTK.loadObject(registered) # mesh registered to target dec=VTK.loadObject(decimated) # decimated unregistered mesh tnodes=targetObj.datasets[0].getNodes() # target points rnodes=reg.datasets[0].getNodes() # registered decimated points dnodes=dec.datasets[0].getNodes() # unregistered decimated points snodes=subjectObj.datasets[0].getNodes() # original subject points targetTrans=targetTrans or eidolon.transform() lmpoints=[(targetTrans*tnodes[m],m) for m in lmarks] # (transformed landmark node, index) pairs # find the points in the registered mesh closest to the landmark points in the target object query=createNodeQuery(rnodes) rpoints=[(query(pt)[0],m) for pt,m in lmpoints] # find the subject nodes closes to landmark points in the decimated mesh (which are at the same indices as in the registered mesh) query=createNodeQuery(snodes) spoints=[(query(dnodes[i])[0],m) for i,m in rpoints] assert len(spoints)==len(lmpoints) assert all(p[0] is not None for p in spoints) slines=[l for l in lines if max(l)<len(spoints)] return spoints,slines # return list (i,m) pairs where node index i in the subject mesh is landmark m def generateTriAdj(tris): ''' Generates a table (n,3) giving the indices of adjacent triangles for each triangle, with a value of `n' indicating a free edge. The indices in each row are in sorted order rather than per triangle edge. The result is the dual of the triangle mesh represented as the (n,3) array and a map relating the mesh's ragged edges to their triangle. ''' edgemap = {} # maps edges to the first triangle having that edge result=IndexMatrix(tris.getName()+'Adj',tris.n(),3) result.fill(tris.n()) # Find adjacent triangles by constructing a map from edges defined by points (a,b) to the triangle having that edge, # when that edge is encountered twice then the current triangle is adjacent to the one that originally added the edge. for t1,tri in enumerate(tris): # iterate over each triangle t1 for a,b in successive(tri,2,True): # iterate over each edge (a,b) of t1 k=(min(a,b),max(a,b)) # key has uniform edge order t2=edgemap.pop(k,None) # attempt to find edge k in the map, None indicates edge not found if t2 is not None: # an edge is shared if already encountered, thus t1 is adjacent to t2 result[t1]=sorted(set(result[t1]+(t2,))) result[t2]=sorted(set(result[t2]+(t1,))) else: edgemap[k]=t1 # first time edge is encountered, associate this triangle with it return result,edgemap @timing def getAdjTo(adj,start,end): ''' Returns a subgraph of `adj',represented as a node->[neighbours] dict, which includes nodes `start' and `end'. If `end' is None or an index not appearing in the mesh, the result will be the submesh contiguous with `start'. ''' visiting=set([start]) found={} numnodes=adj.n() while visiting and end not in found: visit=visiting.pop() neighbours=[n for n in adj[visit] if n<numnodes] found[visit]=neighbours visiting.update(n for n in neighbours if n not in found) return found def generateNodeElemMap(numnodes,tris): '''Returns a list relating each node index to the set of element indices using that node.''' nodemap=[set() for _ in range(numnodes)] for i,tri in enumerate(tris): for n in tri: nodemap[n].add(i) #assert all(len(s)>0 for s in nodemap), 'Unused nodes in triangle topology' return nodemap def generateSimplexEdgeMap(numnodes,simplices): ''' Returns a list relating each node index to the set of node indices joined to it by graph edges. This assumes the mesh has `numnodes' number of nodes and simplex topology `simplices'. ''' nodemap=[set() for _ in range(numnodes)] for simplex in simplices: simplex=set(simplex) for s in simplex: nodemap[s].update(simplex.difference((s,))) return nodemap @timing def dijkstra(adj, start, end,distFunc,acceptTri=None): # # shortest paths is a dict of nodes to previous node and distance paths = {start: (None,0)} curnode = start visited = set() # consider only subgraph containing start and end, this expands geometrically so should contain the minimal path adj=getAdjTo(adj,start,end) eidolon.printFlush(len(adj)) if acceptTri is not None: accept=lambda a: (a in adj and acceptTri(a)) else: accept=lambda a: a in adj while curnode != end: visited.add(curnode) destinations = list(filter(accept,adj[curnode])) curweight = paths[curnode][1] for dest in destinations: weight = curweight+distFunc(curnode,dest) if dest not in paths or weight < paths[dest][1]: paths[dest] = (curnode, weight) nextnodes = {node: paths[node] for node in paths if node not in visited} if not nextnodes: raise ValueError("Route %i -> %i not possible"%(start,end)) # next node is the destination with the lowest weight curnode = min(nextnodes, key=lambda k:nextnodes[k][1]) # collect path from end node back to the start path = [] while curnode is not None: path.insert(0,curnode) curnode = paths[curnode][0] return path def subone(v): return tuple(i-1 for i in v) def findNearestIndex(pt,nodelist): return min(range(len(nodelist)),key=lambda i:pt.distToSq(nodelist[i])) def findFarthestIndex(pt,nodelist): return max(range(len(nodelist)),key=lambda i:pt.distToSq(nodelist[i])) def getContiguousTris(graph,starttri,acceptTri): accepted=[starttri] adjacent=first(i for i in graph.getSharedNodeTris(starttri) if i not in accepted and acceptTri(i)) while adjacent is not None: accepted.append(adjacent) for a in accepted[::-1]: allneighbours=graph.getSharedNodeTris(a) adjacent=first(i for i in allneighbours if i not in accepted and acceptTri(i)) if adjacent: break return accepted @timing def findTrisBetweenNodes(start,end,landmarks,graph): eidolon.printFlush('Nodes:',start,end) start=landmarks[start] end=landmarks[end] assert 0<=start<len(graph.nodeelem) assert 0<=end<len(graph.nodeelem) starttri=first(graph.nodeelem[start]) endtri=first(graph.nodeelem[end]) assert starttri is not None assert endtri is not None nodes=graph.nodes startnode=nodes[start] endnode=nodes[end] easypath= graph.getPath(starttri,endtri) midnode=graph.tricenters[easypath[len(easypath)//2]] # define planes to bound the areas to search for triangles to within the space of the line splane=plane(startnode,midnode-startnode) eplane=plane(endnode,midnode-endnode) # adjust the plane's positions to account for numeric error adjustdist=1e1 splane.moveUp(-adjustdist) eplane.moveUp(-adjustdist) assert starttri is not None assert endtri is not None # TODO: plane normal determination still needs work #linenorm=midnode.planeNorm(startnode,endnode) #linenorm=graph.getTriNorm(easypath[len(easypath)//2]).cross(midnode-startnode) linenorm=eidolon.avg(graph.getTriNorm(e) for e in easypath).cross(midnode-startnode) lineplane=plane(,linenorm) indices=set([starttri,endtri]) # list of element indices on lineplane between splane and eplane for i in range(graph.tris.n()): trinodes=graph.getTriNodes(i) numabove=lineplane.numPointsAbove(trinodes) if numabove in (1,2) and splane.between(trinodes,eplane): indices.add(i) accepted=getContiguousTris(graph,starttri,lambda i:i in indices) if endtri not in accepted or len(easypath)<len(accepted): eidolon.printFlush('---Resorting to easypath') accepted=easypath return accepted @timing def assignRegion(region,index,assignmat,landmarks,linemap,graph): def getEnclosedGraph(adj,excludes,start): visiting=set([start]) found=set() numnodes=adj.n() assert start is not None while visiting: visit=visiting.pop() neighbours=[n for n in adj.getRow(visit) if n<numnodes and n not in excludes] found.add(visit) visiting.update(n for n in neighbours if n not in found) return found # collect all tri indices on the border of this region bordertris=set() for lineindex,(a,b) in region.items(): if (a,b) in linemap: line=linemap[(a,b)] else: line=findTrisBetweenNodes(a,b,landmarks,graph) linemap[(a,b)]=line linemap[(b,a)]=line # assign line ID to triangles on the line for tri in line: assignmat[tri,0]=lineindex bordertris.update(line) bordertri=graph.tricenters[first(bordertris)] farthest=max(range(len(graph.tris)),key=lambda i:graph.tricenters[i].distToSq(bordertri)) maxgraph=getEnclosedGraph(graph.adj,bordertris,farthest) for tri in range(len(graph.tris)): if tri in bordertris or tri not in maxgraph: if assignmat[tri,1]<0: assignmat[tri,1]=index elif assignmat[tri,2]<0: assignmat[tri,2]=index elif assignmat[tri,3]<0: assignmat[tri,3]=index @timing def generateRegionField(obj,landmarkObj,regions,appendageregion,appendagenode,task=None): ds=obj.datasets[0] nodes=ds.getNodes() tris=first(ind for ind in ds.enumIndexSets() if ind.m()==3 and bool(ind.meta(StdProps._isspatial))) lmnodes=landmarkObj.datasets[0].getNodes() linemap={} landmarks={i:nodes.indexOf(lm)[0] for i,lm in enumerate(lmnodes)} assert all(0<=l<nodes.n() for l in landmarks) graph=TriMeshGraph(nodes,tris) edgenodeinds=set(eidolon.listSum(graph.ragged)) # list of all node indices on the ragged edge filledregions=RealMatrix(fieldNames._regions,tris.n(),4) filledregions.meta(StdProps._elemdata,'True') filledregions.fill(-10) #landmarks[appendagenode]=0 # TODO: skipping appendage node for now for region in regions: for a,b in region.values(): if appendagenode not in (a,b): if a in landmarks and b not in landmarks: oldlmnode=nodes[landmarks[a]] newlm=b elif b in landmarks and a not in landmarks: oldlmnode=nodes[landmarks[b]] newlm=a else: continue newlmnode=min(edgenodeinds,key=lambda i:nodes[i].distToSq(oldlmnode)) # ragged edge node closest to landmark landmarks[newlm]=newlmnode # eidolon.printFlush(newlm,newlmnode,graph.getPath(min(a,b),newlmnode),'\n') # line=findTrisBetweenNodes(a,b,landmarks,graph) # for tri in line: # filledregions[tri,0]=max(a,b) if task: task.setMaxProgress(len(regions)) for rindex,region in enumerate(regions): eidolon.printFlush('Region',rindex,'of',len(regions),region) allnodes=set(eidolon.listSum(region.values())) if all(a in landmarks for a in allnodes): assignRegion(region,rindex,filledregions,landmarks,linemap,graph) else: eidolon.printFlush('Skipping',rindex,[a for a in allnodes if a not in landmarks]) if task: task.setProgress(rindex+1) return filledregions,linemap def extractTriRegion(nodes,tris,acceptFunc): ''' Extract the region from the mesh (nodes,tris) as defined by the triangle acceptance function `acceptFunc'. The return value is a tuple containing the list of new nodes, a list of new tris, a map from old node indices in `nodes' to new indices in the returned node list, and a map from triangle indices in `tris' to new ones in the returned triangle list. ''' #old -> new newnodes=[] # new node set newtris=[] # new triangle set nodemap={} # maps old node indices to new trimap={} # maps old triangle indices to new for tri in range(len(tris)): if acceptFunc(tri): newtri=list(tris[tri]) for i,n in enumerate(newtri): if n not in nodemap: nodemap[n]=len(newnodes) newnodes.append(nodes[n]) newtri[i]=nodemap[n] trimap[tri]=len(newtris) newtris.append(newtri) return newnodes,newtris,nodemap,trimap def calculateMeshGradient(prefix,nodes,elems,groups,VTK): '''Calculate the laplace gradient for the mesh given as (nodes,elems,groups) using sfepy.''' tempdir=os.path.dirname(prefix) infile=prefix+'.mesh' logfile=prefix+'.log' outfile=prefix+'.vtk' probfile=prefix+'.py' writeMeshFile(infile,nodes,elems,groups,None,3) with open(problemFile) as p: with open(probfile,'w') as o: o.write({'inputfile':infile,'outdir':tempdir}) p=ProblemConf.from_file(probfile) output.set_output(logfile,True,True)
# mixed formulation # 07.08.2009 #! #! Homogenization: Linear Elasticity #! ================================= #$ \centerline{Example input file, \today} #! Homogenization of heterogeneous linear elastic material - mixed formulation import numpy as nm import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed, bulk_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions, get_box_volume import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.homogenization.recovery import compute_micro_u, compute_stress_strain_u, compute_mac_stress_part, add_stress_p def recovery_le( pb, corrs, macro ): out = {} dim = corrs['corrs_le']['u_00'].shape[1] mic_u = - compute_micro_u( corrs['corrs_le'], macro['strain'], 'u', dim ) mic_p = - compute_micro_u( corrs['corrs_le'], macro['strain'], 'p', dim ) out['u_mic'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'vertex', data = mic_u, var_name = 'u', dofs = None ) out['p_mic'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = mic_p[:,nm.newaxis, :,nm.newaxis], var_name = 'p', dofs = None ) stress_Y, strain_Y = compute_stress_strain_u( pb, 'i', 'Y', 'mat.D', 'u', mic_u ) stress_Y += compute_mac_stress_part( pb, 'i', 'Y', 'mat.D', 'u', macro['strain'] ) add_stress_p( stress_Y, pb, 'i', 'Y', 'p', mic_p ) strain = macro['strain'] + strain_Y out['cauchy_strain'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = strain, dofs = None ) out['cauchy_stress'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = stress_Y, dofs = None ) return out #! Mesh #! ---- dim = 3 filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/3d/matrix_fiber.mesh' region_lbn = (0, 0, 0) region_rtf = (1, 1, 1) #! Regions #! ------- #! Regions, edges, ... regions = { 'Y' : 'all', 'Ym' : 'cells of group 1', 'Yc' : 'cells of group 2', } regions.update( define_box_regions( dim, region_lbn, region_rtf ) ) #! Materials #! --------- materials = { 'mat' : ({'D' : {'Ym':
stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed(dim, 7.0e9, 0.4)
# mixed formulation # 07.08.2009 #! #! Homogenization: Linear Elasticity #! ================================= #$ \centerline{Example input file, \today} #! Homogenization of heterogeneous linear elastic material - mixed formulation import numpy as nm import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed, bulk_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions, get_box_volume import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.homogenization.recovery import compute_micro_u, compute_stress_strain_u, compute_mac_stress_part, add_stress_p def recovery_le( pb, corrs, macro ): out = {} dim = corrs['corrs_le']['u_00'].shape[1] mic_u = - compute_micro_u( corrs['corrs_le'], macro['strain'], 'u', dim ) mic_p = - compute_micro_u( corrs['corrs_le'], macro['strain'], 'p', dim ) out['u_mic'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'vertex', data = mic_u, var_name = 'u', dofs = None ) out['p_mic'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = mic_p[:,nm.newaxis, :,nm.newaxis], var_name = 'p', dofs = None ) stress_Y, strain_Y = compute_stress_strain_u( pb, 'i', 'Y', 'mat.D', 'u', mic_u ) stress_Y += compute_mac_stress_part( pb, 'i', 'Y', 'mat.D', 'u', macro['strain'] ) add_stress_p( stress_Y, pb, 'i', 'Y', 'p', mic_p ) strain = macro['strain'] + strain_Y out['cauchy_strain'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = strain, dofs = None ) out['cauchy_stress'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = stress_Y, dofs = None ) return out #! Mesh #! ---- dim = 3 filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/3d/matrix_fiber.mesh' region_lbn = (0, 0, 0) region_rtf = (1, 1, 1) #! Regions #! ------- #! Regions, edges, ... regions = { 'Y' : 'all', 'Ym' : 'cells of group 1', 'Yc' : 'cells of group 2', } regions.update( define_box_regions( dim, region_lbn, region_rtf ) ) #! Materials #! --------- materials = { 'mat' : ({'D' : {'Ym': stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed(dim, 7.0e9, 0.4), 'Yc':
stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed(dim, 70.0e9, 0.2)
# mixed formulation # 07.08.2009 #! #! Homogenization: Linear Elasticity #! ================================= #$ \centerline{Example input file, \today} #! Homogenization of heterogeneous linear elastic material - mixed formulation import numpy as nm import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed, bulk_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions, get_box_volume import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.homogenization.recovery import compute_micro_u, compute_stress_strain_u, compute_mac_stress_part, add_stress_p def recovery_le( pb, corrs, macro ): out = {} dim = corrs['corrs_le']['u_00'].shape[1] mic_u = - compute_micro_u( corrs['corrs_le'], macro['strain'], 'u', dim ) mic_p = - compute_micro_u( corrs['corrs_le'], macro['strain'], 'p', dim ) out['u_mic'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'vertex', data = mic_u, var_name = 'u', dofs = None ) out['p_mic'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = mic_p[:,nm.newaxis, :,nm.newaxis], var_name = 'p', dofs = None ) stress_Y, strain_Y = compute_stress_strain_u( pb, 'i', 'Y', 'mat.D', 'u', mic_u ) stress_Y += compute_mac_stress_part( pb, 'i', 'Y', 'mat.D', 'u', macro['strain'] ) add_stress_p( stress_Y, pb, 'i', 'Y', 'p', mic_p ) strain = macro['strain'] + strain_Y out['cauchy_strain'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = strain, dofs = None ) out['cauchy_stress'] = Struct( name = 'output_data', mode = 'cell', data = stress_Y, dofs = None ) return out #! Mesh #! ---- dim = 3 filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/3d/matrix_fiber.mesh' region_lbn = (0, 0, 0) region_rtf = (1, 1, 1) #! Regions #! ------- #! Regions, edges, ... regions = { 'Y' : 'all', 'Ym' : 'cells of group 1', 'Yc' : 'cells of group 2', } regions.update( define_box_regions( dim, region_lbn, region_rtf ) ) #! Materials #! --------- materials = { 'mat' : ({'D' : {'Ym': stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed(dim, 7.0e9, 0.4), 'Yc': stiffness_from_youngpoisson_mixed(dim, 70.0e9, 0.2)}, 'gamma': {'Ym': 1.0/
bulk_from_youngpoisson(7.0e9, 0.4)
# This example implements homogenization of piezoeletric porous media. # The mathematical model and numerical results are described in: # # <NAME>., <NAME>. # Homogenization of the fluid-saturated piezoelectric porous media. # International Journal of Solids and Structures # Volume 147, 15 August 2018, Pages 110-125 # # # Run calculation of homogeized coefficients: # # ./ example_poropiezo-1/ # # The results are stored in `example_poropiezo-1/results` directory. # import sys import numpy as nm import os.path as osp from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import coor_to_sym, define_box_regions import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.base.base import Struct data_dir = 'example_poropiezo-1' def data_to_struct(data): out = {} for k, v in data.items(): out[k] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell' if v[2] == 'c' else 'vertex', data=v[0], var_name=v[1], dofs=None) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # reconstruct displacement, and electric fields at the microscopic level, # see Section 6.2 def recovery_micro_dfc(pb, corrs, macro): eps0 = macro['eps0'] mesh = pb.domain.mesh regions = pb.domain.regions dim = mesh.dim Yms_map = regions['Yms'].get_entities(0) Ym_map = regions['Ym'].get_entities(0) gl = '_' + list(corrs.keys())[0].split('_')[-1] u1 = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['u'] * macro['press'][Yms_map, :] phi = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['r'] * macro['press'][Ym_map, :] for ii in range(2): u1 += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['u'] * macro['phi'][ii] phi += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['r'] * macro['phi'][ii] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk = coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim) phi += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['r_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Ym_map, kk], axis=1) u1 += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['u_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Yms_map, kk], axis=1) u = macro['u'][Yms_map, :] + eps0 * u1 mvar = pb.create_variables(['u', 'r', 'svar']) e_mac_Yms = [None] * macro['strain'].shape[1] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk = coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim) mvar['svar'].set_data(macro['strain'][:, kk]) mac_e_Yms = pb.evaluate('ev_volume_integrate.i2.Yms(svar)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'svar': mvar['svar']}) e_mac_Yms[kk] = mac_e_Yms.squeeze() e_mac_Yms = nm.vstack(e_mac_Yms).T[:, nm.newaxis, :, nm.newaxis] mvar['r'].set_data(phi) E_mic = pb.evaluate('ev_grad.i2.Ym(r)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'r': mvar['r']}) / eps0 mvar['u'].set_data(u1) e_mic = pb.evaluate('ev_cauchy_strain.i2.Yms(u)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'u': mvar['u']}) e_mic += e_mac_Yms out = { 'u0': (macro['u'][Yms_map, :], 'u', 'p'), # macro displacement 'u1': (u1, 'u', 'p'), # local displacement corrections, see eq. (58) 'u': (u, 'u', 'p'), # total displacement 'e_mic': (e_mic, 'u', 'c'), # micro strain field, see eq. (58) 'phi': (phi, 'r', 'p'), # electric potential, see eq. (57) 'E_mic': (E_mic, 'r', 'c'), # electric field, see eq. (58) } return data_to_struct(out) # define homogenized coefficients and subproblems for correctors def define(grid0=100, filename_mesh=None): eps0 = 0.01 / grid0 if filename_mesh is None: filename_mesh = osp.join(data_dir, 'piezo_mesh_micro_dfc.vtk') mesh =
# This example implements homogenization of piezoeletric porous media. # The mathematical model and numerical results are described in: # # <NAME>., <NAME>. # Homogenization of the fluid-saturated piezoelectric porous media. # International Journal of Solids and Structures # Volume 147, 15 August 2018, Pages 110-125 # # # Run calculation of homogeized coefficients: # # ./ example_poropiezo-1/ # # The results are stored in `example_poropiezo-1/results` directory. # import sys import numpy as nm import os.path as osp from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import coor_to_sym, define_box_regions import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.base.base import Struct data_dir = 'example_poropiezo-1' def data_to_struct(data): out = {} for k, v in data.items(): out[k] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell' if v[2] == 'c' else 'vertex', data=v[0], var_name=v[1], dofs=None) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # reconstruct displacement, and electric fields at the microscopic level, # see Section 6.2 def recovery_micro_dfc(pb, corrs, macro): eps0 = macro['eps0'] mesh = pb.domain.mesh regions = pb.domain.regions dim = mesh.dim Yms_map = regions['Yms'].get_entities(0) Ym_map = regions['Ym'].get_entities(0) gl = '_' + list(corrs.keys())[0].split('_')[-1] u1 = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['u'] * macro['press'][Yms_map, :] phi = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['r'] * macro['press'][Ym_map, :] for ii in range(2): u1 += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['u'] * macro['phi'][ii] phi += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['r'] * macro['phi'][ii] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk = coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim) phi += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['r_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Ym_map, kk], axis=1) u1 += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['u_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Yms_map, kk], axis=1) u = macro['u'][Yms_map, :] + eps0 * u1 mvar = pb.create_variables(['u', 'r', 'svar']) e_mac_Yms = [None] * macro['strain'].shape[1] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk = coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim) mvar['svar'].set_data(macro['strain'][:, kk]) mac_e_Yms = pb.evaluate('ev_volume_integrate.i2.Yms(svar)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'svar': mvar['svar']}) e_mac_Yms[kk] = mac_e_Yms.squeeze() e_mac_Yms = nm.vstack(e_mac_Yms).T[:, nm.newaxis, :, nm.newaxis] mvar['r'].set_data(phi) E_mic = pb.evaluate('ev_grad.i2.Ym(r)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'r': mvar['r']}) / eps0 mvar['u'].set_data(u1) e_mic = pb.evaluate('ev_cauchy_strain.i2.Yms(u)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'u': mvar['u']}) e_mic += e_mac_Yms out = { 'u0': (macro['u'][Yms_map, :], 'u', 'p'), # macro displacement 'u1': (u1, 'u', 'p'), # local displacement corrections, see eq. (58) 'u': (u, 'u', 'p'), # total displacement 'e_mic': (e_mic, 'u', 'c'), # micro strain field, see eq. (58) 'phi': (phi, 'r', 'p'), # electric potential, see eq. (57) 'E_mic': (E_mic, 'r', 'c'), # electric field, see eq. (58) } return data_to_struct(out) # define homogenized coefficients and subproblems for correctors def define(grid0=100, filename_mesh=None): eps0 = 0.01 / grid0 if filename_mesh is None: filename_mesh = osp.join(data_dir, 'piezo_mesh_micro_dfc.vtk') mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename_mesh) n_conduct = len(nm.unique(mesh.cmesh.cell_groups)) - 2 sym_eye = 'nm.array([1,1,0])' if mesh.dim == 2 else\ 'nm.array([1,1,1,0,0,0])' bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() regions =
define_box_regions(mesh.dim, bbox[0], bbox[1], eps=1e-3)
# This example implements homogenization of piezoeletric porous media. # The mathematical model and numerical results are described in: # # <NAME>., <NAME>. # Homogenization of the fluid-saturated piezoelectric porous media. # International Journal of Solids and Structures # Volume 147, 15 August 2018, Pages 110-125 # # # Run calculation of homogeized coefficients: # # ./ example_poropiezo-1/ # # The results are stored in `example_poropiezo-1/results` directory. # import sys import numpy as nm import os.path as osp from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import coor_to_sym, define_box_regions import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.base.base import Struct data_dir = 'example_poropiezo-1' def data_to_struct(data): out = {} for k, v in data.items(): out[k] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell' if v[2] == 'c' else 'vertex', data=v[0], var_name=v[1], dofs=None) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # reconstruct displacement, and electric fields at the microscopic level, # see Section 6.2 def recovery_micro_dfc(pb, corrs, macro): eps0 = macro['eps0'] mesh = pb.domain.mesh regions = pb.domain.regions dim = mesh.dim Yms_map = regions['Yms'].get_entities(0) Ym_map = regions['Ym'].get_entities(0) gl = '_' + list(corrs.keys())[0].split('_')[-1] u1 = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['u'] * macro['press'][Yms_map, :] phi = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['r'] * macro['press'][Ym_map, :] for ii in range(2): u1 += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['u'] * macro['phi'][ii] phi += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['r'] * macro['phi'][ii] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk =
coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim)
# This example implements homogenization of piezoeletric porous media. # The mathematical model and numerical results are described in: # # <NAME>., <NAME>. # Homogenization of the fluid-saturated piezoelectric porous media. # International Journal of Solids and Structures # Volume 147, 15 August 2018, Pages 110-125 # # # Run calculation of homogeized coefficients: # # ./ example_poropiezo-1/ # # The results are stored in `example_poropiezo-1/results` directory. # import sys import numpy as nm import os.path as osp from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import coor_to_sym, define_box_regions import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.base.base import Struct data_dir = 'example_poropiezo-1' def data_to_struct(data): out = {} for k, v in data.items(): out[k] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell' if v[2] == 'c' else 'vertex', data=v[0], var_name=v[1], dofs=None) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # reconstruct displacement, and electric fields at the microscopic level, # see Section 6.2 def recovery_micro_dfc(pb, corrs, macro): eps0 = macro['eps0'] mesh = pb.domain.mesh regions = pb.domain.regions dim = mesh.dim Yms_map = regions['Yms'].get_entities(0) Ym_map = regions['Ym'].get_entities(0) gl = '_' + list(corrs.keys())[0].split('_')[-1] u1 = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['u'] * macro['press'][Yms_map, :] phi = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['r'] * macro['press'][Ym_map, :] for ii in range(2): u1 += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['u'] * macro['phi'][ii] phi += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['r'] * macro['phi'][ii] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk = coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim) phi += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['r_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Ym_map, kk], axis=1) u1 += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['u_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Yms_map, kk], axis=1) u = macro['u'][Yms_map, :] + eps0 * u1 mvar = pb.create_variables(['u', 'r', 'svar']) e_mac_Yms = [None] * macro['strain'].shape[1] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk =
coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim)
# This example implements homogenization of piezoeletric porous media. # The mathematical model and numerical results are described in: # # <NAME>., <NAME>. # Homogenization of the fluid-saturated piezoelectric porous media. # International Journal of Solids and Structures # Volume 147, 15 August 2018, Pages 110-125 # # # Run calculation of homogeized coefficients: # # ./ example_poropiezo-1/ # # The results are stored in `example_poropiezo-1/results` directory. # import sys import numpy as nm import os.path as osp from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_youngpoisson from sfepy.homogenization.utils import coor_to_sym, define_box_regions import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.base.base import Struct data_dir = 'example_poropiezo-1' def data_to_struct(data): out = {} for k, v in data.items(): out[k] = Struct(name='output_data', mode='cell' if v[2] == 'c' else 'vertex', data=v[0], var_name=v[1], dofs=None) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # reconstruct displacement, and electric fields at the microscopic level, # see Section 6.2 def recovery_micro_dfc(pb, corrs, macro): eps0 = macro['eps0'] mesh = pb.domain.mesh regions = pb.domain.regions dim = mesh.dim Yms_map = regions['Yms'].get_entities(0) Ym_map = regions['Ym'].get_entities(0) gl = '_' + list(corrs.keys())[0].split('_')[-1] u1 = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['u'] * macro['press'][Yms_map, :] phi = -corrs['corrs_p' + gl]['r'] * macro['press'][Ym_map, :] for ii in range(2): u1 += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['u'] * macro['phi'][ii] phi += corrs['corrs_k%d' % ii + gl]['r'] * macro['phi'][ii] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk = coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim) phi += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['r_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Ym_map, kk], axis=1) u1 += corrs['corrs_rs' + gl]['u_%d%d' % (ii, jj)]\ * nm.expand_dims(macro['strain'][Yms_map, kk], axis=1) u = macro['u'][Yms_map, :] + eps0 * u1 mvar = pb.create_variables(['u', 'r', 'svar']) e_mac_Yms = [None] * macro['strain'].shape[1] for ii in range(dim): for jj in range(dim): kk = coor_to_sym(ii, jj, dim) mvar['svar'].set_data(macro['strain'][:, kk]) mac_e_Yms = pb.evaluate('ev_volume_integrate.i2.Yms(svar)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'svar': mvar['svar']}) e_mac_Yms[kk] = mac_e_Yms.squeeze() e_mac_Yms = nm.vstack(e_mac_Yms).T[:, nm.newaxis, :, nm.newaxis] mvar['r'].set_data(phi) E_mic = pb.evaluate('ev_grad.i2.Ym(r)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'r': mvar['r']}) / eps0 mvar['u'].set_data(u1) e_mic = pb.evaluate('ev_cauchy_strain.i2.Yms(u)', mode='el_avg', var_dict={'u': mvar['u']}) e_mic += e_mac_Yms out = { 'u0': (macro['u'][Yms_map, :], 'u', 'p'), # macro displacement 'u1': (u1, 'u', 'p'), # local displacement corrections, see eq. (58) 'u': (u, 'u', 'p'), # total displacement 'e_mic': (e_mic, 'u', 'c'), # micro strain field, see eq. (58) 'phi': (phi, 'r', 'p'), # electric potential, see eq. (57) 'E_mic': (E_mic, 'r', 'c'), # electric field, see eq. (58) } return data_to_struct(out) # define homogenized coefficients and subproblems for correctors def define(grid0=100, filename_mesh=None): eps0 = 0.01 / grid0 if filename_mesh is None: filename_mesh = osp.join(data_dir, 'piezo_mesh_micro_dfc.vtk') mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename_mesh) n_conduct = len(nm.unique(mesh.cmesh.cell_groups)) - 2 sym_eye = 'nm.array([1,1,0])' if mesh.dim == 2 else\ 'nm.array([1,1,1,0,0,0])' bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() regions = define_box_regions(mesh.dim, bbox[0], bbox[1], eps=1e-3) regions.update({ 'Y': 'all', # matrix 'Ym': 'cells of group 1', 'Ym_left': ('r.Ym *v r.Left', 'vertex'), 'Ym_right': ('r.Ym *v r.Right', 'vertex'), 'Ym_bottom': ('r.Ym *v r.Bottom', 'vertex'), 'Ym_top': ('r.Ym *v r.Top', 'vertex'), 'Ym_far': ('r.Ym *v r.Far', 'vertex'), 'Ym_near': ('r.Ym *v r.Near', 'vertex'), 'Gamma_mc': ('r.Ym *v r.Yc', 'facet', 'Ym'), # channel / inclusion 'Yc': 'cells of group 2', 'Yc0': ('r.Yc -v r.Gamma_cm', 'vertex'), 'Gamma_cm': ('r.Ym *v r.Yc', 'facet', 'Yc'), }) print('number of cnonductors: %d' % n_conduct) regions.update({ 'Yms': ('r.Ym +v r.Ys', 'cell'), 'Yms_left': ('r.Yms *v r.Left', 'vertex'), 'Yms_right': ('r.Yms *v r.Right', 'vertex'), 'Yms_bottom': ('r.Yms *v r.Bottom', 'vertex'), 'Yms_top': ('r.Yms *v r.Top', 'vertex'), 'Yms_far': ('r.Yms *v r.Far', 'vertex'), 'Yms_near': ('r.Yms *v r.Near', 'vertex'), 'Gamma_ms': ('r.Ym *v r.Ys', 'facet', 'Ym'), 'Gamma_msc': ('r.Yms *v r.Yc', 'facet', 'Yms'), 'Ys': (' +v '.join(['r.Ys%d' % k for k in range(n_conduct)]), 'cell'), }) options = { 'coefs_filename': 'coefs_poropiezo_%d' % (grid0), 'volume': { 'variables': ['svar'], 'expression': 'd_volume.i2.Y(svar)', }, 'coefs': 'coefs', 'requirements': 'requirements', 'output_dir': osp.join(data_dir, 'results'), 'ls': 'ls', 'file_per_var': True, 'absolute_mesh_path': True, 'multiprocessing': False, 'recovery_hook': recovery_micro_dfc, } fields = { 'displacement': ('real', 'vector', 'Yms', 1), 'potential': ('real', 'scalar', 'Ym', 1), 'sfield': ('real', 'scalar', 'Y', 1), } variables = { # displacement 'u': ('unknown field', 'displacement'), 'v': ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'), 'Pi_u': ('parameter field', 'displacement', 'u'), 'U1': ('parameter field', 'displacement', '(set-to-None)'), 'U2': ('parameter field', 'displacement', '(set-to-None)'), # potential 'r': ('unknown field', 'potential'), 's': ('test field', 'potential', 'r'), 'Pi_r': ('parameter field', 'potential', 'r'), 'R1': ('parameter field', 'potential', '(set-to-None)'), 'R2': ('parameter field', 'potential', '(set-to-None)'), # aux variable 'svar': ('parameter field', 'sfield', '(set-to-None)'), } epbcs, periodic = get_periodic_bc([('u', 'Yms'), ('r', 'Ym')]) mat_g_sc, mat_d_sc = eps0, eps0**2 # BaTiO3 - Miara, Rohan, ... doi: 10.1016/j.jmps.2005.05.006 materials = { 'matrix': ({ 'D': {'Ym': nm.array([[1.504, 0.656, 0.659, 0, 0, 0], [0.656, 1.504, 0.659, 0, 0, 0], [0.659, 0.659, 1.455, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.424, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.439, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.439]]) * 1e11, } },), 'piezo': ({ 'g': nm.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 11.404, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11.404], [-4.322, -4.322, 17.360, 0, 0, 0]]) / mat_g_sc, 'd': nm.array([[1.284, 0, 0], [0, 1.284, 0], [0, 0, 1.505]]) * 1e-8 / mat_d_sc, },), 'fluid': ({'gamma': 1.0 / 2.15e9},), } functions = { 'match_x_plane': (per.match_x_plane,), 'match_y_plane': (per.match_y_plane,), 'match_z_plane': (per.match_z_plane,), } ebcs = { 'fixed_u': ('Corners', {'u.all': 0.0}), 'fixed_r': ('Gamma_ms', {'r.all': 0.0}), } integrals = { 'i2': 2, 'i5': 5, } solvers = { 'ls': ('ls.scipy_direct', {}), 'ns_em6': ('nls.newton', { 'i_max': 1, 'eps_a': 1e-6, 'eps_r': 1e-6, 'problem': 'nonlinear'}), 'ns_em3': ('nls.newton', { 'i_max': 1, 'eps_a': 1e-3, 'eps_r': 1e-6, 'problem': 'nonlinear'}), } coefs = { # homogenized elasticity, see eq. (46)_1 'A': { 'requires': ['c.A1', 'c.A2'], 'expression': 'c.A1 + c.A2', 'class': cb.CoefEval, }, 'A1': { 'status': 'auxiliary', 'requires': ['pis_u', 'corrs_rs'], 'expression': 'dw_lin_elastic.i2.Yms(matrix.D, U1, U2)', 'set_variables': [('U1', ('corrs_rs', 'pis_u'), 'u'), ('U2', ('corrs_rs', 'pis_u'), 'u')], 'class': cb.CoefSymSym, }, 'A2': { 'status': 'auxiliary', 'requires': ['corrs_rs'], 'expression': 'dw_diffusion.i2.Ym(piezo.d, R1, R2)', 'set_variables': [('R1', 'corrs_rs', 'r'), ('R2', 'corrs_rs', 'r')], 'class': cb.CoefSymSym, }, # homogenized Biot coefficient, see eq. (46)_2 'B': { 'requires': ['c.Phi', 'c.B1', 'c.B2'], 'expression': 'c.B1 - c.B2 + c.Phi * %s' % sym_eye, 'class': cb.CoefEval, }, 'B1': { 'status': 'auxiliary', 'requires': ['pis_u', 'corrs_p'], 'expression': 'dw_lin_elastic.i2.Yms(matrix.D, U1, U2)', 'set_variables': [('U1', 'corrs_p', 'u'), ('U2', 'pis_u', 'u')], 'class': cb.CoefSym, }, 'B2': { 'status': 'auxiliary', 'requires': ['pis_u', 'corrs_p'], 'expression': 'dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, U1, R1)', 'set_variables': [('R1', 'corrs_p', 'r'), ('U1', 'pis_u', 'u')], 'class': cb.CoefSym, }, # homogenized compressibility coefficient, see eq. (46)_6 'M': { 'requires': ['c.Phi', 'c.N'], 'expression': 'c.N + c.Phi * %e' % materials['fluid'][0]['gamma'], 'class': cb.CoefEval, }, 'N': { 'status': 'auxiliary', 'requires': ['corrs_p'], 'expression': 'dw_surface_ltr.i2.Gamma_msc(U1)', 'set_variables': [('U1', 'corrs_p', 'u')], 'class': cb.CoefOne, }, 'Phi': { 'requires': ['c.vol'], 'expression': 'c.vol["fraction_Yc"]', 'class': cb.CoefEval, }, # volume fractions of Ym, Yc, Ys1, Ys2, ... 'vol': { 'regions': ['Ym', 'Yc'] + ['Ys%d' % k for k in range(n_conduct)], 'expression': 'd_volume.i2.%s(svar)', 'class': cb.VolumeFractions, }, 'eps0': { 'requires': [], 'expression': '%e' % eps0, 'class': cb.CoefEval, }, 'filenames': {}, } requirements = { 'pis_u': { 'variables': ['u'], 'class': cb.ShapeDimDim, }, 'pis_r': { 'variables': ['r'], 'class': cb.ShapeDim, }, # local subproblem defined by eq. (41) 'corrs_rs': { 'requires': ['pis_u'], 'ebcs': ['fixed_u', 'fixed_r'], 'epbcs': periodic['per_u'] + periodic['per_r'], 'is_linear': True, 'equations': { 'eq1': """dw_lin_elastic.i2.Yms(matrix.D, v, u) - dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, v, r) = - dw_lin_elastic.i2.Yms(matrix.D, v, Pi_u)""", 'eq2': """ - dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, u, s) - dw_diffusion.i2.Ym(piezo.d, s, r) = dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, Pi_u, s)""", }, 'set_variables': [('Pi_u', 'pis_u', 'u')], 'class': cb.CorrDimDim, 'save_name': 'corrs_rs_%d' % grid0, 'dump_variables': ['u', 'r'], 'solvers': {'ls': 'ls', 'nls': 'ns_em3'}, }, # local subproblem defined by eq. (42) 'corrs_p': { 'requires': [], 'ebcs': ['fixed_u', 'fixed_r'], 'epbcs': periodic['per_u'] + periodic['per_r'], 'is_linear': True, 'equations': { 'eq1': """dw_lin_elastic.i2.Yms(matrix.D, v, u) - dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, v, r) = dw_surface_ltr.i2.Gamma_msc(v)""", 'eq2': """ - dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, u, s) - dw_diffusion.i2.Ym(piezo.d, s, r) = 0""" }, 'class': cb.CorrOne, 'save_name': 'corrs_p_%d' % grid0, 'dump_variables': ['u', 'r'], 'solvers': {'ls': 'ls', 'nls': 'ns_em6'}, }, # local subproblem defined by eq. (43) 'corrs_rho': { 'requires': [], 'ebcs': ['fixed_u', 'fixed_r'], 'epbcs': periodic['per_u'] + periodic['per_r'], 'is_linear': True, 'equations': { 'eq1': """dw_lin_elastic.i2.Yms(matrix.D, v, u) - dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, v, r) = 0""", 'eq2': """ - dw_piezo_coupling.i2.Ym(piezo.g, u, s) - dw_diffusion.i2.Ym(piezo.d, s, r) = - dw_surface_integrate.i2.Gamma_mc(s)""" }, 'class': cb.CorrOne, 'save_name': 'corrs_p_%d' % grid0, 'dump_variables': ['u', 'r'], 'solvers': {'ls': 'ls', 'nls': 'ns_em6'}, }, } for k in range(n_conduct): sk = '%d' % k regions.update({ 'Ys' + sk: 'cells of group %d' % (3 + k), 'Gamma_s' + sk: ('r.Ym *v r.Ys' + sk, 'facet', 'Ym'), }) materials['matrix'][0]['D'].update({ 'Ys' + sk:
stiffness_from_youngpoisson(3, 200e9, 0.25)
# Vibroacoustics # # E.Rohan, V.Lukeš # Homogenization of the vibro–acoustic transmission on periodically # perforated elastic plates with arrays of resonators. # (arXiv:2104.01367v1) import os import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.homogenization.coefficients import Coefficients from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain def coefs2qp(out, coefs, nqp): others = {} for k, v in coefs.items(): if type(v) is nm.float64: v = nm.array(v) if type(v) is not nm.ndarray: others[k] = v continue if k[0] == 's': out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) else: if not(k in out): out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) out.update(others) return out def get_homogmat(coors, mode, pb, coefs_filename, omega=None): if mode == 'qp': nqp = coors.shape[0] outdir = pb.conf.options['output_dir'] cfname = os.path.join(outdir, coefs_filename + '.h5') out = {} print('>>> coefs from: ', cfname) coefs_ = Coefficients.from_file_hdf5(cfname).to_dict() coefs = {} if 'omega' in coefs_ and omega is not None: idx = (nm.abs(coefs_['omega'] - omega)).argmin() rerr = nm.abs(coefs_['omega'][idx] - omega) / omega if rerr > 1e-3: raise ValueError('omega: given=%e, found=%e' % (omega, coefs_['omega'][idx])) print('found coeficcients for w=%e' % coefs_['omega'][idx]) del(coefs_['omega']) else: idx = 4 # magic index? for k, v in coefs_.items(): if isinstance(v, nm.ndarray) and len(v.shape) == 3: coefs[k] = v[idx, ...] else: coefs[k] = v coefs2qp(out, coefs, nqp) transpose = [k for k, v in out.items() if type(v) == nm.ndarray and (v.shape[-1] > v.shape[-2])] for k in transpose: out[k] = out[k].transpose((0, 2, 1)) return out def read_dict_hdf5(filename, level=0, group=None, fd=None): import tables as pt out = {} if level == 0: # fd = pt.openFile(filename, mode='r') fd = pt.open_file(filename, mode='r') group = fd.root for name, gr in group._v_groups.items(): name = name.replace('_', '', 1) out[name] = read_dict_hdf5(filename, level + 1, gr, fd) for name, data in group._v_leaves.items(): name = name.replace('_', '', 1) out[name] = if level == 0: fd.close() return out def eval_phi(pb, state_p1, state_p2, p_inc): pvars = pb.create_variables(['P1', 'P2']) # transmission loss function: log10(|p_in|^2/|p_out|^2) pvars['P2'].set_data(nm.ones_like(state_p2) * p_inc**2) phi_In = pb.evaluate('ev_surface_integrate.5.GammaIn(P2)', P2=pvars['P2']) pvars['P1'].set_data(state_p1**2) phi_Out = pb.evaluate('ev_surface_integrate.5.GammaOut(P1)', P1=pvars['P1']) return 10.0 * nm.log10(nm.absolute(phi_In) / nm.absolute(phi_Out)) def post_process(out, pb, state, save_var0='p0'): rmap = {'g01': 0, 'g02': 0, 'g0': 0, 'dp0': 0, 'sp0': 0, 'p0': 0, 'px': 1, 'p1': 1, 'p2': 2} for k in out.keys(): if 'real_' in k or 'imag_' in k: newk = k[:4] + '.' + k[5:] out[newk] = out[k] del(out[k]) midfn = pb.conf.filename_mesh_plate fname, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(midfn)) fname = os.path.join(pb.output_dir, fname + '.h5') aux = [] for k, v in read_dict_hdf5(fname)['step0'].items(): if ('real' in k) or ('imag' in k): aux.append(k) vn = k.strip('_').split('_') key = '%s.%s' % tuple(vn) if key not in out: out[key] = Struct(name=v['name'].decode('ascii'), mode=v['mode'].decode('ascii'), dofs=[j.decode('ascii') for j in v['dofs']], var_name=v['varname'].decode('ascii'), shape=v['shape'], data=v['data'], dname=v['dname']) if 'imag' in k: rmap[vn[1]] = 0 absvars = [ii[4:] for ii in out.keys() if ii[0:4] == 'imag'] for ii in absvars: if type(out['real' + ii]) is dict: rpart = out.pop('real' + ii) rdata = rpart['data'] ipart = out.pop('imag' + ii) idata = ipart['data'] dim = rdata.shape[1] varname = save_var0 if dim > 1: aux = nm.zeros((rdata.shape[0], 1), dtype=nm.float64) data = rdata if dim < 2 else nm.hstack((rdata, aux)) out['real' + ii] = Struct(name=rpart['name'], mode=rpart['mode'], dofs=rpart['dofs'], var_name=varname, data=data.copy()) data = idata if dim < 2 else nm.hstack((idata, aux)) out['imag' + ii] = Struct(name=ipart['name'], mode=ipart['mode'], dofs=ipart['dofs'], var_name=varname, data=data.copy()) else: rpart = out['real' + ii].__dict__ rdata = rpart['data'] ipart = out['imag' + ii].__dict__ idata = ipart['data'] varname = rpart['var_name'] absval = nm.absolute(rdata + 1j*idata) if rdata.shape[1] > 1: aux = nm.zeros((rpart['data'].shape[0], 1), dtype=nm.float64) absval = nm.hstack((absval, aux)) out[ii[1:]] = Struct(name=rpart['name'], mode=rpart['mode'], dofs=rpart['dofs'], var_name=varname, data=absval.copy()) # all plate variables as save_var0 for k in out.keys(): k0 = k.replace('imag.', '').replace('real.', '') if rmap[k0] == 0: out[k].var_name = save_var0 return out def get_region_entities(rvar, noff=0): reg = rvar.field.region mesh = reg.domain.mesh rnodes = reg.entities[0] coors = mesh.coors ngrp = mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.squeeze() descs = mesh.descs[0] rcells = reg.entities[-1] rconn = mesh.get_conn(descs)[rcells] mat_ids = mesh.cmesh.cell_groups[rcells] remap = -nm.ones((nm.max(rnodes) + 1,), dtype=nm.int64) remap[rnodes] = nm.arange(rnodes.shape[0]) + noff rconn = remap[rconn] nmap = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0] return coors[rnodes, :], ngrp[rnodes], rconn, mat_ids, descs, nmap def generate_plate_mesh(fname): dim_tab = {'3_4': '2_3', '3_8': '2_4'} mesh3d =
# Vibroacoustics # # E.Rohan, V.Lukeš # Homogenization of the vibro–acoustic transmission on periodically # perforated elastic plates with arrays of resonators. # (arXiv:2104.01367v1) import os import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.homogenization.coefficients import Coefficients from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain def coefs2qp(out, coefs, nqp): others = {} for k, v in coefs.items(): if type(v) is nm.float64: v = nm.array(v) if type(v) is not nm.ndarray: others[k] = v continue if k[0] == 's': out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) else: if not(k in out): out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) out.update(others) return out def get_homogmat(coors, mode, pb, coefs_filename, omega=None): if mode == 'qp': nqp = coors.shape[0] outdir = pb.conf.options['output_dir'] cfname = os.path.join(outdir, coefs_filename + '.h5') out = {} print('>>> coefs from: ', cfname) coefs_ = Coefficients.from_file_hdf5(cfname).to_dict() coefs = {} if 'omega' in coefs_ and omega is not None: idx = (nm.abs(coefs_['omega'] - omega)).argmin() rerr = nm.abs(coefs_['omega'][idx] - omega) / omega if rerr > 1e-3: raise ValueError('omega: given=%e, found=%e' % (omega, coefs_['omega'][idx])) print('found coeficcients for w=%e' % coefs_['omega'][idx]) del(coefs_['omega']) else: idx = 4 # magic index? for k, v in coefs_.items(): if isinstance(v, nm.ndarray) and len(v.shape) == 3: coefs[k] = v[idx, ...] else: coefs[k] = v coefs2qp(out, coefs, nqp) transpose = [k for k, v in out.items() if type(v) == nm.ndarray and (v.shape[-1] > v.shape[-2])] for k in transpose: out[k] = out[k].transpose((0, 2, 1)) return out def read_dict_hdf5(filename, level=0, group=None, fd=None): import tables as pt out = {} if level == 0: # fd = pt.openFile(filename, mode='r') fd = pt.open_file(filename, mode='r') group = fd.root for name, gr in group._v_groups.items(): name = name.replace('_', '', 1) out[name] = read_dict_hdf5(filename, level + 1, gr, fd) for name, data in group._v_leaves.items(): name = name.replace('_', '', 1) out[name] = if level == 0: fd.close() return out def eval_phi(pb, state_p1, state_p2, p_inc): pvars = pb.create_variables(['P1', 'P2']) # transmission loss function: log10(|p_in|^2/|p_out|^2) pvars['P2'].set_data(nm.ones_like(state_p2) * p_inc**2) phi_In = pb.evaluate('ev_surface_integrate.5.GammaIn(P2)', P2=pvars['P2']) pvars['P1'].set_data(state_p1**2) phi_Out = pb.evaluate('ev_surface_integrate.5.GammaOut(P1)', P1=pvars['P1']) return 10.0 * nm.log10(nm.absolute(phi_In) / nm.absolute(phi_Out)) def post_process(out, pb, state, save_var0='p0'): rmap = {'g01': 0, 'g02': 0, 'g0': 0, 'dp0': 0, 'sp0': 0, 'p0': 0, 'px': 1, 'p1': 1, 'p2': 2} for k in out.keys(): if 'real_' in k or 'imag_' in k: newk = k[:4] + '.' + k[5:] out[newk] = out[k] del(out[k]) midfn = pb.conf.filename_mesh_plate fname, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(midfn)) fname = os.path.join(pb.output_dir, fname + '.h5') aux = [] for k, v in read_dict_hdf5(fname)['step0'].items(): if ('real' in k) or ('imag' in k): aux.append(k) vn = k.strip('_').split('_') key = '%s.%s' % tuple(vn) if key not in out: out[key] = Struct(name=v['name'].decode('ascii'), mode=v['mode'].decode('ascii'), dofs=[j.decode('ascii') for j in v['dofs']], var_name=v['varname'].decode('ascii'), shape=v['shape'], data=v['data'], dname=v['dname']) if 'imag' in k: rmap[vn[1]] = 0 absvars = [ii[4:] for ii in out.keys() if ii[0:4] == 'imag'] for ii in absvars: if type(out['real' + ii]) is dict: rpart = out.pop('real' + ii) rdata = rpart['data'] ipart = out.pop('imag' + ii) idata = ipart['data'] dim = rdata.shape[1] varname = save_var0 if dim > 1: aux = nm.zeros((rdata.shape[0], 1), dtype=nm.float64) data = rdata if dim < 2 else nm.hstack((rdata, aux)) out['real' + ii] = Struct(name=rpart['name'], mode=rpart['mode'], dofs=rpart['dofs'], var_name=varname, data=data.copy()) data = idata if dim < 2 else nm.hstack((idata, aux)) out['imag' + ii] = Struct(name=ipart['name'], mode=ipart['mode'], dofs=ipart['dofs'], var_name=varname, data=data.copy()) else: rpart = out['real' + ii].__dict__ rdata = rpart['data'] ipart = out['imag' + ii].__dict__ idata = ipart['data'] varname = rpart['var_name'] absval = nm.absolute(rdata + 1j*idata) if rdata.shape[1] > 1: aux = nm.zeros((rpart['data'].shape[0], 1), dtype=nm.float64) absval = nm.hstack((absval, aux)) out[ii[1:]] = Struct(name=rpart['name'], mode=rpart['mode'], dofs=rpart['dofs'], var_name=varname, data=absval.copy()) # all plate variables as save_var0 for k in out.keys(): k0 = k.replace('imag.', '').replace('real.', '') if rmap[k0] == 0: out[k].var_name = save_var0 return out def get_region_entities(rvar, noff=0): reg = rvar.field.region mesh = reg.domain.mesh rnodes = reg.entities[0] coors = mesh.coors ngrp = mesh.cmesh.vertex_groups.squeeze() descs = mesh.descs[0] rcells = reg.entities[-1] rconn = mesh.get_conn(descs)[rcells] mat_ids = mesh.cmesh.cell_groups[rcells] remap = -nm.ones((nm.max(rnodes) + 1,), dtype=nm.int64) remap[rnodes] = nm.arange(rnodes.shape[0]) + noff rconn = remap[rconn] nmap = nm.where(remap >= 0)[0] return coors[rnodes, :], ngrp[rnodes], rconn, mat_ids, descs, nmap def generate_plate_mesh(fname): dim_tab = {'3_4': '2_3', '3_8': '2_4'} mesh3d = Mesh.from_file(fname) domain =
FEDomain('domain', mesh3d)
# Vibroacoustics # # E.Rohan, V.Lukeš # Homogenization of the vibro–acoustic transmission on periodically # perforated elastic plates with arrays of resonators. # (arXiv:2104.01367v1) import os import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.homogenization.coefficients import Coefficients from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain def coefs2qp(out, coefs, nqp): others = {} for k, v in coefs.items(): if type(v) is nm.float64: v = nm.array(v) if type(v) is not nm.ndarray: others[k] = v continue if k[0] == 's': out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) else: if not(k in out): out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) out.update(others) return out def get_homogmat(coors, mode, pb, coefs_filename, omega=None): if mode == 'qp': nqp = coors.shape[0] outdir = pb.conf.options['output_dir'] cfname = os.path.join(outdir, coefs_filename + '.h5') out = {} print('>>> coefs from: ', cfname) coefs_ =
import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import OneTypeList, Container, Struct class Functions(Container): """Container to hold all user-defined functions.""" def from_conf(conf): objs =
r""" Poisson equation. This example demonstrates parametric study capabilities of Application classes. In particular (written in the strong form): .. math:: c \Delta t = f \mbox{ in } \Omega, t = 2 \mbox{ on } \Gamma_1 \;, t = -2 \mbox{ on } \Gamma_2 \;, f = 1 \mbox{ in } \Omega_1 \;, f = 0 \mbox{ otherwise,} where :math:`\Omega` is a square domain, :math:`\Omega_1 \in \Omega` is a circular domain. Now let's see what happens if :math:`\Omega_1` diameter changes. Run:: $ ./ <this file> and then look in 'output/r_omega1' directory, try for example:: $ ./ output/r_omega1/circles_in_square*.vtk Remark: this simple case could be achieved also by defining :math:`\Omega_1` by a time-dependent function and solve the static problem as a time-dependent problem. However, the approach below is much more general. Find :math:`t` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} c \nabla s \cdot \nabla t = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import output # Mesh. filename_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/2d/special/circles_in_square.vtk' # Options. The value of 'parametric_hook' is the function that does the # parametric study. options = { 'nls' : 'newton', # Nonlinear solver 'ls' : 'ls', # Linear solver 'parametric_hook' : 'vary_omega1_size', 'output_dir' : 'output/r_omega1', } # Domain and subdomains. default_diameter = 0.25 regions = { 'Omega' : 'all', 'Gamma_1' : ('vertices in (x < -0.999)', 'facet'), 'Gamma_2' : ('vertices in (x > 0.999)', 'facet'), 'Omega_1' : 'vertices by select_circ', } # FE field defines the FE approximation: 2_3_P1 = 2D, P1 on triangles. field_1 = { 'name' : 'temperature', 'dtype' : 'real', 'shape' : (1,), 'region' : 'Omega', 'approx_order' : 1, } # Unknown and test functions (FE sense). variables = { 't' : ('unknown field', 'temperature', 0), 's' : ('test field', 'temperature', 't'), } # Dirichlet boundary conditions. ebcs = { 't1' : ('Gamma_1', {'t.0' : 2.0}), 't2' : ('Gamma_2', {'t.0' : -2.0}), } # Material coefficient c and source term value f. material_1 = { 'name' : 'coef', 'values' : { 'val' : 1.0, } } material_2 = { 'name' : 'source', 'values' : { 'val' : 10.0, } } # Numerical quadrature and the equation. integral_1 = { 'name' : 'i', 'order' : 2, } equations = { 'Poisson' : """dw_laplace.i.Omega( coef.val, s, t ) = dw_volume_lvf.i.Omega_1( source.val, s )""" } # Solvers. solver_0 = { 'name' : 'ls', 'kind' : 'ls.scipy_direct', } solver_1 = { 'name' : 'newton', 'kind' : 'nls.newton', 'i_max' : 1, 'eps_a' : 1e-10, 'eps_r' : 1.0, 'macheps' : 1e-16, 'lin_red' : 1e-2, # Linear system error < (eps_a * lin_red). 'ls_red' : 0.1, 'ls_red_warp' : 0.001, 'ls_on' : 1.1, 'ls_min' : 1e-5, 'check' : 0, 'delta' : 1e-6, } functions = { 'select_circ': (lambda coors, domain=None: select_circ(coors[:,0], coors[:,1], 0, default_diameter),), } # Functions. def select_circ( x, y, z, diameter ): """Select circular subdomain of a given diameter.""" r = nm.sqrt( x**2 + y**2 ) out = nm.where(r < diameter)[0] n = out.shape[0] if n <= 3: raise ValueError( 'too few vertices selected! (%d)' % n ) return out def vary_omega1_size( problem ): """Vary size of \Omega1. Saves also the regions into options['output_dir']. Input: problem: Problem instance Return: a generator object: 1. creates new (modified) problem 2. yields the new (modified) problem and output container 3. use the output container for some logging 4. yields None (to signal next iteration to Application) """ from sfepy.discrete import Problem from sfepy.solvers.ts import get_print_info output.prefix = 'vary_omega1_size:' diameters = nm.linspace( 0.1, 0.6, 7 ) + 0.001 ofn_trunk, output_format = problem.ofn_trunk, problem.output_format output_dir = problem.output_dir join = os.path.join conf = problem.conf cf = conf.get_raw( 'functions' ) n_digit, aux, d_format = get_print_info( len( diameters ) + 1 ) for ii, diameter in enumerate( diameters ): output( 'iteration %d: diameter %3.2f' % (ii, diameter) ) cf['select_circ'] = (lambda coors, domain=None: select_circ(coors[:,0], coors[:,1], 0, diameter),) conf.edit('functions', cf) problem =
r""" Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions given by a sine function and constants. Find :math:`t` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} c \nabla s \cdot \nabla t = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. The :class:`sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio.UserMeshIO` class is used to refine the original two-element mesh before the actual solution. The FE polynomial basis and the approximation order can be chosen on the command-line. By default, the fifth order Lagrange polynomial space is used, see ``define()`` arguments. This example demonstrates how to visualize higher order approximations of the continuous solution. The adaptive linearization is applied in order to save viewable results, see both the options keyword and the ``post_process()`` function that computes the solution gradient. The linearization parameters can also be specified on the command line. The Lagrange or Bernstein polynomial bases support higher order DOFs in the Dirichlet boundary conditions, unlike the hierarchical Lobatto basis implementation, compare the results of:: python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lagrange python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=bernstein python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lobatto Use the following commands to view each of the results of the above commands (assuming default output directory and names):: python -b -d't,plot_warp_scalar,rel_scaling=1' 2_4_2_refined_t.vtk --wireframe python -b 2_4_2_refined_grad.vtk """ from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO, MeshIO from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions from six.moves import range base_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/elements/2_4_2.mesh' def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Load and refine a mesh here. """ if mode == 'read': mesh = Mesh.from_file(base_mesh) domain = FEDomain(, mesh) for ii in range(3): output('refine %d...' % ii) domain = domain.refine() output('... %d nodes %d elements' % (domain.shape.n_nod, domain.shape.n_el)) = '2_4_2_refined' return domain.mesh elif mode == 'write': pass def post_process(out, pb, state, extend=False): """ Calculate gradient of the solution. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem.fields_base import create_expression_output aux = create_expression_output(' t )', 'grad', 'temperature', pb.fields, pb.get_materials(), pb.get_variables(), functions=pb.functions, mode='qp', verbose=False, min_level=0, max_level=5, eps=1e-3) out.update(aux) return out def define(order=5, basis='lagrange', min_level=0, max_level=5, eps=1e-3): filename_mesh =
r""" Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions given by a sine function and constants. Find :math:`t` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} c \nabla s \cdot \nabla t = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. The :class:`sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio.UserMeshIO` class is used to refine the original two-element mesh before the actual solution. The FE polynomial basis and the approximation order can be chosen on the command-line. By default, the fifth order Lagrange polynomial space is used, see ``define()`` arguments. This example demonstrates how to visualize higher order approximations of the continuous solution. The adaptive linearization is applied in order to save viewable results, see both the options keyword and the ``post_process()`` function that computes the solution gradient. The linearization parameters can also be specified on the command line. The Lagrange or Bernstein polynomial bases support higher order DOFs in the Dirichlet boundary conditions, unlike the hierarchical Lobatto basis implementation, compare the results of:: python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lagrange python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=bernstein python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lobatto Use the following commands to view each of the results of the above commands (assuming default output directory and names):: python -b -d't,plot_warp_scalar,rel_scaling=1' 2_4_2_refined_t.vtk --wireframe python -b 2_4_2_refined_grad.vtk """ from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO, MeshIO from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions from six.moves import range base_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/elements/2_4_2.mesh' def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Load and refine a mesh here. """ if mode == 'read': mesh = Mesh.from_file(base_mesh) domain = FEDomain(, mesh) for ii in range(3): output('refine %d...' % ii) domain = domain.refine() output('... %d nodes %d elements' % (domain.shape.n_nod, domain.shape.n_el)) = '2_4_2_refined' return domain.mesh elif mode == 'write': pass def post_process(out, pb, state, extend=False): """ Calculate gradient of the solution. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem.fields_base import create_expression_output aux = create_expression_output(' t )', 'grad', 'temperature', pb.fields, pb.get_materials(), pb.get_variables(), functions=pb.functions, mode='qp', verbose=False, min_level=0, max_level=5, eps=1e-3) out.update(aux) return out def define(order=5, basis='lagrange', min_level=0, max_level=5, eps=1e-3): filename_mesh = UserMeshIO(mesh_hook) # Get the mesh bounding box. io =
r""" Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions given by a sine function and constants. Find :math:`t` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} c \nabla s \cdot \nabla t = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. The :class:`sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio.UserMeshIO` class is used to refine the original two-element mesh before the actual solution. The FE polynomial basis and the approximation order can be chosen on the command-line. By default, the fifth order Lagrange polynomial space is used, see ``define()`` arguments. This example demonstrates how to visualize higher order approximations of the continuous solution. The adaptive linearization is applied in order to save viewable results, see both the options keyword and the ``post_process()`` function that computes the solution gradient. The linearization parameters can also be specified on the command line. The Lagrange or Bernstein polynomial bases support higher order DOFs in the Dirichlet boundary conditions, unlike the hierarchical Lobatto basis implementation, compare the results of:: python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lagrange python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=bernstein python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lobatto Use the following commands to view each of the results of the above commands (assuming default output directory and names):: python -b -d't,plot_warp_scalar,rel_scaling=1' 2_4_2_refined_t.vtk --wireframe python -b 2_4_2_refined_grad.vtk """ from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO, MeshIO from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions from six.moves import range base_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/elements/2_4_2.mesh' def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Load and refine a mesh here. """ if mode == 'read': mesh =
r""" Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions given by a sine function and constants. Find :math:`t` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} c \nabla s \cdot \nabla t = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. The :class:`sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio.UserMeshIO` class is used to refine the original two-element mesh before the actual solution. The FE polynomial basis and the approximation order can be chosen on the command-line. By default, the fifth order Lagrange polynomial space is used, see ``define()`` arguments. This example demonstrates how to visualize higher order approximations of the continuous solution. The adaptive linearization is applied in order to save viewable results, see both the options keyword and the ``post_process()`` function that computes the solution gradient. The linearization parameters can also be specified on the command line. The Lagrange or Bernstein polynomial bases support higher order DOFs in the Dirichlet boundary conditions, unlike the hierarchical Lobatto basis implementation, compare the results of:: python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lagrange python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=bernstein python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lobatto Use the following commands to view each of the results of the above commands (assuming default output directory and names):: python -b -d't,plot_warp_scalar,rel_scaling=1' 2_4_2_refined_t.vtk --wireframe python -b 2_4_2_refined_grad.vtk """ from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO, MeshIO from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions from six.moves import range base_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/elements/2_4_2.mesh' def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Load and refine a mesh here. """ if mode == 'read': mesh = Mesh.from_file(base_mesh) domain =
FEDomain(, mesh)
r""" Laplace equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions given by a sine function and constants. Find :math:`t` such that: .. math:: \int_{\Omega} c \nabla s \cdot \nabla t = 0 \;, \quad \forall s \;. The :class:`sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio.UserMeshIO` class is used to refine the original two-element mesh before the actual solution. The FE polynomial basis and the approximation order can be chosen on the command-line. By default, the fifth order Lagrange polynomial space is used, see ``define()`` arguments. This example demonstrates how to visualize higher order approximations of the continuous solution. The adaptive linearization is applied in order to save viewable results, see both the options keyword and the ``post_process()`` function that computes the solution gradient. The linearization parameters can also be specified on the command line. The Lagrange or Bernstein polynomial bases support higher order DOFs in the Dirichlet boundary conditions, unlike the hierarchical Lobatto basis implementation, compare the results of:: python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lagrange python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=bernstein python examples/diffusion/ -d basis=lobatto Use the following commands to view each of the results of the above commands (assuming default output directory and names):: python -b -d't,plot_warp_scalar,rel_scaling=1' 2_4_2_refined_t.vtk --wireframe python -b 2_4_2_refined_grad.vtk """ from __future__ import absolute_import import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.base.base import output from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain from sfepy.discrete.fem.meshio import UserMeshIO, MeshIO from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions from six.moves import range base_mesh = data_dir + '/meshes/elements/2_4_2.mesh' def mesh_hook(mesh, mode): """ Load and refine a mesh here. """ if mode == 'read': mesh = Mesh.from_file(base_mesh) domain = FEDomain(, mesh) for ii in range(3):
output('refine %d...' % ii)
""" Elapsed time measurement utilities. """ import time from sfepy.base.base import Struct class Timer(Struct): def __init__(self, name='timer', start=False):
Struct.__init__(self, name=name)
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors =
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax =
_get_axes(ax, dim)
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) edges = cmesh.get_conn(1, 0) for edge_vertices in edges.indices.reshape((edges.num, 2)): cc = coors[edge_vertices] ax.plot(*cc.T, color=color) return ax def plot_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', size=10): """ Plot mesh topology entities using scatter plot. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors =
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) edges = cmesh.get_conn(1, 0) for edge_vertices in edges.indices.reshape((edges.num, 2)): cc = coors[edge_vertices] ax.plot(*cc.T, color=color) return ax def plot_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', size=10): """ Plot mesh topology entities using scatter plot. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax =
_get_axes(ax, dim)
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) edges = cmesh.get_conn(1, 0) for edge_vertices in edges.indices.reshape((edges.num, 2)): cc = coors[edge_vertices] ax.plot(*cc.T, color=color) return ax def plot_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', size=10): """ Plot mesh topology entities using scatter plot. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) ax.scatter(*coors.T, s=size, c=color) return ax def label_global_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', fontsize=10): """ Label mesh topology entities using global ids. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors =
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) edges = cmesh.get_conn(1, 0) for edge_vertices in edges.indices.reshape((edges.num, 2)): cc = coors[edge_vertices] ax.plot(*cc.T, color=color) return ax def plot_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', size=10): """ Plot mesh topology entities using scatter plot. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) ax.scatter(*coors.T, s=size, c=color) return ax def label_global_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', fontsize=10): """ Label mesh topology entities using global ids. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax =
_get_axes(ax, dim)
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) edges = cmesh.get_conn(1, 0) for edge_vertices in edges.indices.reshape((edges.num, 2)): cc = coors[edge_vertices] ax.plot(*cc.T, color=color) return ax def plot_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', size=10): """ Plot mesh topology entities using scatter plot. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) ax.scatter(*coors.T, s=size, c=color) return ax def label_global_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', fontsize=10): """ Label mesh topology entities using global ids. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) for ii, cc in enumerate(coors): ax.text(*cc.T, s=ii, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) return ax def label_local_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', fontsize=10): """ Label mesh topology entities using cell-local ids. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors =
""" Functions to visualize the CMesh geometry and topology. """ from sfepy.postprocess.plot_dofs import _get_axes, _to2d def plot_wireframe(ax, cmesh, color='k'): """ Plot a finite element mesh as a wireframe using edges connectivity. """ coors = cmesh.coors coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) edges = cmesh.get_conn(1, 0) for edge_vertices in edges.indices.reshape((edges.num, 2)): cc = coors[edge_vertices] ax.plot(*cc.T, color=color) return ax def plot_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', size=10): """ Plot mesh topology entities using scatter plot. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) ax.scatter(*coors.T, s=size, c=color) return ax def label_global_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', fontsize=10): """ Label mesh topology entities using global ids. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim ax = _get_axes(ax, dim) for ii, cc in enumerate(coors): ax.text(*cc.T, s=ii, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) return ax def label_local_entities(ax, cmesh, edim, color='b', fontsize=10): """ Label mesh topology entities using cell-local ids. """ coors = cmesh.get_centroids(edim) coors = _to2d(coors) dim = cmesh.dim centres = cmesh.get_centroids(dim) cmesh.setup_connectivity(dim, edim) conn = cmesh.get_conn(dim, edim) off = conn.offsets ax =
_get_axes(ax, dim)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh =
Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh')
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain =
FEDomain('domain', mesh)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u =
FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v =
FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u')
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs =
Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral =
Integral('i', order=3)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 =
Integral('i', order=2)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq =
Equation('balance', t1 + t2)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs =
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs = Equations([eq]) fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', Bottom, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, # extra_args={'shift' : 0.01}) # shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun}) ls =
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs = Equations([eq]) fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', Bottom, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, # extra_args={'shift' : 0.01}) # shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun}) ls = ScipyDirect({}) nls_status =
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs = Equations([eq]) fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', Bottom, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, # extra_args={'shift' : 0.01}) # shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun}) ls = ScipyDirect({}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls =
Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs = Equations([eq]) fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', Bottom, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, # extra_args={'shift' : 0.01}) # shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun}) ls = ScipyDirect({}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status) pb =
Problem('elasticity', equations=eqs)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs = Equations([eq]) fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', Bottom, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, # extra_args={'shift' : 0.01}) # shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun}) ls = ScipyDirect({}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status) pb = Problem('elasticity', equations=eqs) pb.save_regions_as_groups('regions') pb.set_bcs(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u])) pb.set_solver(nls) status =
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs = Equations([eq]) fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', Bottom, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, # extra_args={'shift' : 0.01}) # shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun}) ls = ScipyDirect({}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status) pb = Problem('elasticity', equations=eqs) pb.save_regions_as_groups('regions') pb.set_bcs(ebcs=Conditions([fix_u])) pb.set_solver(nls) status = IndexedStruct() state = pb.solve(status=status) print('Nonlinear solver status:\n', nls_status) print('Stationary solver status:\n', status) pb.save_state('linear_elasticity.vtk', state) # if view =
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=
stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)
from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import absolute_import from argparse import ArgumentParser import numpy as nm import sys sys.path.append('.') from sfepy.base.base import IndexedStruct from sfepy.discrete import (FieldVariable, Material, Integral, Function, Equation, Equations, Problem) from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy.terms import Term from sfepy.discrete.conditions import Conditions, EssentialBC from import ScipyDirect from sfepy.solvers.nls import Newton from sfepy.postprocess.viewer import Viewer from sfepy.mechanics.matcoefs import stiffness_from_lame import numpy as np def shift_u_fun(ts, coors, bc=None, problem=None, shift=0.0): """ Define a displacement depending on the y coordinate. """ val = shift * coors[:,1]**2 return val helps = { 'show' : 'show the results figure', } # def main(): from sfepy import data_dir parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s') parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', action="store_true", dest='show', default=False, help=helps['show']) options = parser.parse_args() # mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/2d/rectangle_tri.mesh') mesh = Mesh.from_file(data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_hexa.mesh') domain = FEDomain('domain', mesh) # min_x, max_x = domain.get_mesh_bounding_box()[:,0] # eps = 1e-8 * (max_x - min_x) omega = domain.create_region('Omega', 'all') # gamma1 = domain.create_region('Gamma1', # 'vertices in x < %.10f' % (min_x + eps), # 'facet') Bottom = domain.create_region('Bottom', 'vertices in z < %.10f' % -0.499, 'facet') # gamma2 = domain.create_region('Gamma2', # 'vertices in x > %.10f' % (max_x - eps), # 'facet') Top = domain.create_region('Top', 'vertices in z > %.10f' % 0.499, 'facet') field = Field.from_args('fu', nm.float64, 'vector', omega, approx_order=3) u = FieldVariable('u', 'unknown', field) v = FieldVariable('v', 'test', field, primary_var_name='u') # materials = { # 'solid' : ({ # 'D': stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846), # },), # 'cs' : ({ # 'f' : [1e5, 1e-2], # '.c' : [0.0, 0.0, 1.2], # '.r' : 0.8, # },), # } # defK = materials['cs'][0] # cs = ContactSphere(csc['.c'], csc['.r']) m = Material('m', D=stiffness_from_lame(dim=3, lam=5.769, mu=3.846)) # f = Material('f', val=[[0.02], [0.01]]) # csf = Material('csf', val=[1e5, 1e-2]) # csc = Material('csc', val=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2]) # csr = Material('csr', val=0.8) cs = Material('cs',f=[1e5, 1e-2],c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.2],r=0.8) integral = Integral('i', order=3) integral1 = Integral('i', order=2) t1 ='dw_lin_elastic(m.D, v, u)', integral, omega, m=m, v=v, u=u) t2 ='dw_contact_sphere(cs.f, cs.c, cs.r, v, u)', integral1, Top, cs=cs, v=v, u=u) eq = Equation('balance', t1 + t2) eqs = Equations([eq]) fix_u = EssentialBC('fix_u', Bottom, {'u.all' : 0.0}) # bc_fun = Function('shift_u_fun', shift_u_fun, # extra_args={'shift' : 0.01}) # shift_u = EssentialBC('shift_u', gamma2, {'u.0' : bc_fun}) ls = ScipyDirect({}) nls_status = IndexedStruct() nls = Newton({}, lin_solver=ls, status=nls_status) pb = Problem('elasticity', equations=eqs) pb.save_regions_as_groups('regions') pb.set_bcs(ebcs=
""" Classes holding information on global DOFs and mapping of all DOFs - equations (active DOFs). Helper functions for the equation mapping. """ import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sp from sfepy.base.base import assert_, Struct, basestr from sfepy.discrete.functions import Function from sfepy.discrete.conditions import get_condition_value, EssentialBC, \ PeriodicBC, DGPeriodicBC, DGEssentialBC def expand_nodes_to_dofs(nods, n_dof_per_node): """ Expand DOF node indices into DOFs given a constant number of DOFs per node. """ dofs = nm.repeat(nods, n_dof_per_node) dofs.shape = (nods.shape[0], n_dof_per_node) idof = nm.arange(n_dof_per_node, dtype=nm.int32) dofs = n_dof_per_node * dofs + idof return dofs def expand_nodes_to_equations(nods, dof_names, all_dof_names): """ Expand vector of node indices to equations (DOF indices) based on the DOF-per-node count. DOF names must be already canonized. Returns ------- eq : array The equations/DOF indices in the node-by-node order. """ dpn = len(all_dof_names) nc = len(dof_names) eq = nm.empty(len(nods) * nc, dtype=nm.int32) for ii, dof in enumerate(dof_names): idof = all_dof_names.index(dof) eq[ii::nc] = dpn * nods + idof return eq def resolve_chains(master_slave, chains): """ Resolve EPBC chains - e.g. in corner nodes. """ for chain in chains: slave = chain[-1] master_slave[chain[:-1]] = slave + 1 master_slave[slave] = - chain[0] - 1 # Any of masters... def group_chains(chain_list): """ Group EPBC chains. """ chains = [] while len(chain_list): chain = set(chain_list.pop(0)) ## print ':', chain ii = 0 while ii < len(chain_list): c1 = sorted(chain_list[ii]) ## print '--', ii, c1, chain is0 = c1[0] in chain is1 = c1[1] in chain if is0 and is1: chain_list.pop(ii) elif is0 or is1: chain.update(c1) chain_list.pop(ii) ii = 0 else: ii += 1 ## print ii, chain, chain_list ## print '->', chain ## print chain_list chains.append(list(chain)) ## print 'EPBC chain groups:', chains aux = {} for chain in chains: aux.setdefault(len(chain), [0])[0] += 1 ## print 'EPBC chain counts:', aux return chains class DofInfo(Struct): """ Global DOF information, i.e. ordering of DOFs of the state (unknown) variables in the global state vector. """ def __init__(self, name):
Struct.__init__(self, name=name)
""" Classes holding information on global DOFs and mapping of all DOFs - equations (active DOFs). Helper functions for the equation mapping. """ import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sp from sfepy.base.base import assert_, Struct, basestr from sfepy.discrete.functions import Function from sfepy.discrete.conditions import get_condition_value, EssentialBC, \ PeriodicBC, DGPeriodicBC, DGEssentialBC def expand_nodes_to_dofs(nods, n_dof_per_node): """ Expand DOF node indices into DOFs given a constant number of DOFs per node. """ dofs = nm.repeat(nods, n_dof_per_node) dofs.shape = (nods.shape[0], n_dof_per_node) idof = nm.arange(n_dof_per_node, dtype=nm.int32) dofs = n_dof_per_node * dofs + idof return dofs def expand_nodes_to_equations(nods, dof_names, all_dof_names): """ Expand vector of node indices to equations (DOF indices) based on the DOF-per-node count. DOF names must be already canonized. Returns ------- eq : array The equations/DOF indices in the node-by-node order. """ dpn = len(all_dof_names) nc = len(dof_names) eq = nm.empty(len(nods) * nc, dtype=nm.int32) for ii, dof in enumerate(dof_names): idof = all_dof_names.index(dof) eq[ii::nc] = dpn * nods + idof return eq def resolve_chains(master_slave, chains): """ Resolve EPBC chains - e.g. in corner nodes. """ for chain in chains: slave = chain[-1] master_slave[chain[:-1]] = slave + 1 master_slave[slave] = - chain[0] - 1 # Any of masters... def group_chains(chain_list): """ Group EPBC chains. """ chains = [] while len(chain_list): chain = set(chain_list.pop(0)) ## print ':', chain ii = 0 while ii < len(chain_list): c1 = sorted(chain_list[ii]) ## print '--', ii, c1, chain is0 = c1[0] in chain is1 = c1[1] in chain if is0 and is1: chain_list.pop(ii) elif is0 or is1: chain.update(c1) chain_list.pop(ii) ii = 0 else: ii += 1 ## print ii, chain, chain_list ## print '->', chain ## print chain_list chains.append(list(chain)) ## print 'EPBC chain groups:', chains aux = {} for chain in chains: aux.setdefault(len(chain), [0])[0] += 1 ## print 'EPBC chain counts:', aux return chains class DofInfo(Struct): """ Global DOF information, i.e. ordering of DOFs of the state (unknown) variables in the global state vector. """ def __init__(self, name): Struct.__init__(self, name=name) self.n_var = 0 self.var_names = [] self.n_dof = {} self.ptr = [0] self.indx = {} self.details = {} def _update_after_append(self, name): self.ptr.append(self.ptr[-1] + self.n_dof[name]) ii = self.n_var self.indx[name] = slice(int(self.ptr[ii]), int(self.ptr[ii+1])) self.n_var += 1 def append_variable(self, var, active=False): """ Append DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var : Variable instance The variable to append. active : bool, optional When True, only active (non-constrained) DOFs are considered. """ name = if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = var.get_dof_info(active=active) self._update_after_append(name) def append_raw(self, name, n_dof): """ Append raw DOFs. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = n_dof, None self._update_after_append(name) def update(self, name, n_dof): """ Set the number of DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if not name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s is not present!' % name) ii = self.var_names.index(name) delta = n_dof - self.n_dof[name] self.n_dof[name] = n_dof for iv, nn in enumerate(self.var_names[ii:]): self.ptr[ii+iv+1] += delta self.indx[nn] = slice(self.ptr[ii+iv], self.ptr[ii+iv+1]) def get_info(self, var_name): """ Return information on DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable. """ return Struct(name='%s_dof_info' % var_name, var_name=var_name, n_dof=self.n_dof[var_name], indx=self.indx[var_name], details=self.details[var_name]) def get_subset_info(self, var_names): """ Return global DOF information for selected variables only. Silently ignores non-existing variable names. Parameters ---------- var_names : list The names of the selected variables. """ di = DofInfo( + ':subset') for var_name in var_names: if var_name not in self.var_names: continue di.append_raw(var_name, self.n_dof[var_name]) return di def get_n_dof_total(self): """ Return the total number of DOFs of all state variables. """ return self.ptr[-1] def is_active_bc(bc, ts=None, functions=None): """ Check whether the given boundary condition is active in the current time. Returns ------- active : bool True if the condition `bc` is active. """ if (bc.times is None) or (ts is None): active = True elif isinstance(bc.times, list): for tt in bc.times: if tt[0] <= ts.time < tt[1]: active = True break else: active = False else: if isinstance(bc.times, basestr): if functions is not None: fun = functions[bc.times] else: raise ValueError('no functions given for bc %s!' % elif isinstance(bc.times, Function): fun = bc.times else: raise ValueError('unknown times type! (%s)' % type(bc.times)) active = fun(ts) return active class EquationMap(Struct): """ Map all DOFs to equations for active DOFs. """ def __init__(self, name, dof_names, var_di):
Struct.__init__(self, name=name, dof_names=dof_names, var_di=var_di)
""" Classes holding information on global DOFs and mapping of all DOFs - equations (active DOFs). Helper functions for the equation mapping. """ import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sp from sfepy.base.base import assert_, Struct, basestr from sfepy.discrete.functions import Function from sfepy.discrete.conditions import get_condition_value, EssentialBC, \ PeriodicBC, DGPeriodicBC, DGEssentialBC def expand_nodes_to_dofs(nods, n_dof_per_node): """ Expand DOF node indices into DOFs given a constant number of DOFs per node. """ dofs = nm.repeat(nods, n_dof_per_node) dofs.shape = (nods.shape[0], n_dof_per_node) idof = nm.arange(n_dof_per_node, dtype=nm.int32) dofs = n_dof_per_node * dofs + idof return dofs def expand_nodes_to_equations(nods, dof_names, all_dof_names): """ Expand vector of node indices to equations (DOF indices) based on the DOF-per-node count. DOF names must be already canonized. Returns ------- eq : array The equations/DOF indices in the node-by-node order. """ dpn = len(all_dof_names) nc = len(dof_names) eq = nm.empty(len(nods) * nc, dtype=nm.int32) for ii, dof in enumerate(dof_names): idof = all_dof_names.index(dof) eq[ii::nc] = dpn * nods + idof return eq def resolve_chains(master_slave, chains): """ Resolve EPBC chains - e.g. in corner nodes. """ for chain in chains: slave = chain[-1] master_slave[chain[:-1]] = slave + 1 master_slave[slave] = - chain[0] - 1 # Any of masters... def group_chains(chain_list): """ Group EPBC chains. """ chains = [] while len(chain_list): chain = set(chain_list.pop(0)) ## print ':', chain ii = 0 while ii < len(chain_list): c1 = sorted(chain_list[ii]) ## print '--', ii, c1, chain is0 = c1[0] in chain is1 = c1[1] in chain if is0 and is1: chain_list.pop(ii) elif is0 or is1: chain.update(c1) chain_list.pop(ii) ii = 0 else: ii += 1 ## print ii, chain, chain_list ## print '->', chain ## print chain_list chains.append(list(chain)) ## print 'EPBC chain groups:', chains aux = {} for chain in chains: aux.setdefault(len(chain), [0])[0] += 1 ## print 'EPBC chain counts:', aux return chains class DofInfo(Struct): """ Global DOF information, i.e. ordering of DOFs of the state (unknown) variables in the global state vector. """ def __init__(self, name): Struct.__init__(self, name=name) self.n_var = 0 self.var_names = [] self.n_dof = {} self.ptr = [0] self.indx = {} self.details = {} def _update_after_append(self, name): self.ptr.append(self.ptr[-1] + self.n_dof[name]) ii = self.n_var self.indx[name] = slice(int(self.ptr[ii]), int(self.ptr[ii+1])) self.n_var += 1 def append_variable(self, var, active=False): """ Append DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var : Variable instance The variable to append. active : bool, optional When True, only active (non-constrained) DOFs are considered. """ name = if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = var.get_dof_info(active=active) self._update_after_append(name) def append_raw(self, name, n_dof): """ Append raw DOFs. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = n_dof, None self._update_after_append(name) def update(self, name, n_dof): """ Set the number of DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if not name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s is not present!' % name) ii = self.var_names.index(name) delta = n_dof - self.n_dof[name] self.n_dof[name] = n_dof for iv, nn in enumerate(self.var_names[ii:]): self.ptr[ii+iv+1] += delta self.indx[nn] = slice(self.ptr[ii+iv], self.ptr[ii+iv+1]) def get_info(self, var_name): """ Return information on DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable. """ return Struct(name='%s_dof_info' % var_name, var_name=var_name, n_dof=self.n_dof[var_name], indx=self.indx[var_name], details=self.details[var_name]) def get_subset_info(self, var_names): """ Return global DOF information for selected variables only. Silently ignores non-existing variable names. Parameters ---------- var_names : list The names of the selected variables. """ di = DofInfo( + ':subset') for var_name in var_names: if var_name not in self.var_names: continue di.append_raw(var_name, self.n_dof[var_name]) return di def get_n_dof_total(self): """ Return the total number of DOFs of all state variables. """ return self.ptr[-1] def is_active_bc(bc, ts=None, functions=None): """ Check whether the given boundary condition is active in the current time. Returns ------- active : bool True if the condition `bc` is active. """ if (bc.times is None) or (ts is None): active = True elif isinstance(bc.times, list): for tt in bc.times: if tt[0] <= ts.time < tt[1]: active = True break else: active = False else: if isinstance(bc.times, basestr): if functions is not None: fun = functions[bc.times] else: raise ValueError('no functions given for bc %s!' % elif isinstance(bc.times, Function): fun = bc.times else: raise ValueError('unknown times type! (%s)' % type(bc.times)) active = fun(ts) return active class EquationMap(Struct): """ Map all DOFs to equations for active DOFs. """ def __init__(self, name, dof_names, var_di): Struct.__init__(self, name=name, dof_names=dof_names, var_di=var_di) self.dpn = len(self.dof_names) self.eq = nm.arange(var_di.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32) self.n_dg_ebc = 0 self.dg_ebc_names = {} self.dg_ebc = {} self.dg_ebc_val = {} self.n_dg_epbc = 0 self.dg_epbc_names = [] self.dg_epbc = [] def _init_empty(self, field): self.val_ebc = nm.empty((0,), dtype=field.dtype) if field.get('unused_dofs') is None: self.eqi = nm.arange(self.var_di.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32) else: self._mark_unused(field) self.eqi = nm.compress(self.eq >= 0, self.eq) self.eq[self.eqi] = nm.arange(self.eqi.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) self.eq_ebc = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.master = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.slave = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.n_eq = self.eqi.shape[0] self.n_ebc = self.eq_ebc.shape[0] self.n_epbc = self.master.shape[0] def _mark_unused(self, field): unused_dofs = field.get('unused_dofs') if unused_dofs is not None: unused = expand_nodes_to_equations(field.unused_dofs, self.dof_names, self.dof_names) self.eq[unused] = -3 def map_equations(self, bcs, field, ts, functions, problem=None, warn=False): """ Create the mapping of active DOFs from/to all DOFs. Parameters ---------- bcs : Conditions instance The Dirichlet or periodic boundary conditions (single condition instances). The dof names in the conditions must already be canonized. field : Field instance The field of the variable holding the DOFs. ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepper. functions : Functions instance The registered functions. problem : Problem instance, optional The problem that can be passed to user functions as a context. warn : bool, optional If True, warn about BC on non-existent nodes. Returns ------- active_bcs : set The set of boundary conditions active in the current time. Notes ----- - Periodic bc: master and slave DOFs must belong to the same field (variables can differ, though). """ if bcs is None: self._init_empty(field) return set() eq_ebc = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=nm.int32) val_ebc = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=field.dtype) master_slave = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=nm.int32) chains = [] active_bcs = set() for bc in bcs: # Skip conditions that are not active in the current time. if not is_active_bc(bc, ts=ts, functions=functions): continue active_bcs.add(bc.key) if isinstance(bc, DGEssentialBC): ntype = "DGEBC" region = bc.region elif isinstance(bc, DGPeriodicBC): ntype = "DGEPBC" region = bc.regions[0] elif isinstance(bc, EssentialBC): ntype = 'EBC' region = bc.region elif isinstance(bc, PeriodicBC): ntype = 'EPBC' region = bc.regions[0] if warn: clean_msg = ('warning: ignoring nonexistent %s node (%s) in ' % (ntype, self.var_di.var_name)) else: clean_msg = None # Get master region nodes. master_nod_list = field.get_dofs_in_region(region) if len(master_nod_list) == 0: continue if ntype == 'EBC': # EBC. dofs, val = bc.dofs ## # Evaluate EBC values. fun =
get_condition_value(val, functions, 'EBC',
""" Classes holding information on global DOFs and mapping of all DOFs - equations (active DOFs). Helper functions for the equation mapping. """ import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sp from sfepy.base.base import assert_, Struct, basestr from sfepy.discrete.functions import Function from sfepy.discrete.conditions import get_condition_value, EssentialBC, \ PeriodicBC, DGPeriodicBC, DGEssentialBC def expand_nodes_to_dofs(nods, n_dof_per_node): """ Expand DOF node indices into DOFs given a constant number of DOFs per node. """ dofs = nm.repeat(nods, n_dof_per_node) dofs.shape = (nods.shape[0], n_dof_per_node) idof = nm.arange(n_dof_per_node, dtype=nm.int32) dofs = n_dof_per_node * dofs + idof return dofs def expand_nodes_to_equations(nods, dof_names, all_dof_names): """ Expand vector of node indices to equations (DOF indices) based on the DOF-per-node count. DOF names must be already canonized. Returns ------- eq : array The equations/DOF indices in the node-by-node order. """ dpn = len(all_dof_names) nc = len(dof_names) eq = nm.empty(len(nods) * nc, dtype=nm.int32) for ii, dof in enumerate(dof_names): idof = all_dof_names.index(dof) eq[ii::nc] = dpn * nods + idof return eq def resolve_chains(master_slave, chains): """ Resolve EPBC chains - e.g. in corner nodes. """ for chain in chains: slave = chain[-1] master_slave[chain[:-1]] = slave + 1 master_slave[slave] = - chain[0] - 1 # Any of masters... def group_chains(chain_list): """ Group EPBC chains. """ chains = [] while len(chain_list): chain = set(chain_list.pop(0)) ## print ':', chain ii = 0 while ii < len(chain_list): c1 = sorted(chain_list[ii]) ## print '--', ii, c1, chain is0 = c1[0] in chain is1 = c1[1] in chain if is0 and is1: chain_list.pop(ii) elif is0 or is1: chain.update(c1) chain_list.pop(ii) ii = 0 else: ii += 1 ## print ii, chain, chain_list ## print '->', chain ## print chain_list chains.append(list(chain)) ## print 'EPBC chain groups:', chains aux = {} for chain in chains: aux.setdefault(len(chain), [0])[0] += 1 ## print 'EPBC chain counts:', aux return chains class DofInfo(Struct): """ Global DOF information, i.e. ordering of DOFs of the state (unknown) variables in the global state vector. """ def __init__(self, name): Struct.__init__(self, name=name) self.n_var = 0 self.var_names = [] self.n_dof = {} self.ptr = [0] self.indx = {} self.details = {} def _update_after_append(self, name): self.ptr.append(self.ptr[-1] + self.n_dof[name]) ii = self.n_var self.indx[name] = slice(int(self.ptr[ii]), int(self.ptr[ii+1])) self.n_var += 1 def append_variable(self, var, active=False): """ Append DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var : Variable instance The variable to append. active : bool, optional When True, only active (non-constrained) DOFs are considered. """ name = if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = var.get_dof_info(active=active) self._update_after_append(name) def append_raw(self, name, n_dof): """ Append raw DOFs. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = n_dof, None self._update_after_append(name) def update(self, name, n_dof): """ Set the number of DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if not name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s is not present!' % name) ii = self.var_names.index(name) delta = n_dof - self.n_dof[name] self.n_dof[name] = n_dof for iv, nn in enumerate(self.var_names[ii:]): self.ptr[ii+iv+1] += delta self.indx[nn] = slice(self.ptr[ii+iv], self.ptr[ii+iv+1]) def get_info(self, var_name): """ Return information on DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable. """ return Struct(name='%s_dof_info' % var_name, var_name=var_name, n_dof=self.n_dof[var_name], indx=self.indx[var_name], details=self.details[var_name]) def get_subset_info(self, var_names): """ Return global DOF information for selected variables only. Silently ignores non-existing variable names. Parameters ---------- var_names : list The names of the selected variables. """ di = DofInfo( + ':subset') for var_name in var_names: if var_name not in self.var_names: continue di.append_raw(var_name, self.n_dof[var_name]) return di def get_n_dof_total(self): """ Return the total number of DOFs of all state variables. """ return self.ptr[-1] def is_active_bc(bc, ts=None, functions=None): """ Check whether the given boundary condition is active in the current time. Returns ------- active : bool True if the condition `bc` is active. """ if (bc.times is None) or (ts is None): active = True elif isinstance(bc.times, list): for tt in bc.times: if tt[0] <= ts.time < tt[1]: active = True break else: active = False else: if isinstance(bc.times, basestr): if functions is not None: fun = functions[bc.times] else: raise ValueError('no functions given for bc %s!' % elif isinstance(bc.times, Function): fun = bc.times else: raise ValueError('unknown times type! (%s)' % type(bc.times)) active = fun(ts) return active class EquationMap(Struct): """ Map all DOFs to equations for active DOFs. """ def __init__(self, name, dof_names, var_di): Struct.__init__(self, name=name, dof_names=dof_names, var_di=var_di) self.dpn = len(self.dof_names) self.eq = nm.arange(var_di.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32) self.n_dg_ebc = 0 self.dg_ebc_names = {} self.dg_ebc = {} self.dg_ebc_val = {} self.n_dg_epbc = 0 self.dg_epbc_names = [] self.dg_epbc = [] def _init_empty(self, field): self.val_ebc = nm.empty((0,), dtype=field.dtype) if field.get('unused_dofs') is None: self.eqi = nm.arange(self.var_di.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32) else: self._mark_unused(field) self.eqi = nm.compress(self.eq >= 0, self.eq) self.eq[self.eqi] = nm.arange(self.eqi.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) self.eq_ebc = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.master = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.slave = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.n_eq = self.eqi.shape[0] self.n_ebc = self.eq_ebc.shape[0] self.n_epbc = self.master.shape[0] def _mark_unused(self, field): unused_dofs = field.get('unused_dofs') if unused_dofs is not None: unused = expand_nodes_to_equations(field.unused_dofs, self.dof_names, self.dof_names) self.eq[unused] = -3 def map_equations(self, bcs, field, ts, functions, problem=None, warn=False): """ Create the mapping of active DOFs from/to all DOFs. Parameters ---------- bcs : Conditions instance The Dirichlet or periodic boundary conditions (single condition instances). The dof names in the conditions must already be canonized. field : Field instance The field of the variable holding the DOFs. ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepper. functions : Functions instance The registered functions. problem : Problem instance, optional The problem that can be passed to user functions as a context. warn : bool, optional If True, warn about BC on non-existent nodes. Returns ------- active_bcs : set The set of boundary conditions active in the current time. Notes ----- - Periodic bc: master and slave DOFs must belong to the same field (variables can differ, though). """ if bcs is None: self._init_empty(field) return set() eq_ebc = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=nm.int32) val_ebc = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=field.dtype) master_slave = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=nm.int32) chains = [] active_bcs = set() for bc in bcs: # Skip conditions that are not active in the current time. if not is_active_bc(bc, ts=ts, functions=functions): continue active_bcs.add(bc.key) if isinstance(bc, DGEssentialBC): ntype = "DGEBC" region = bc.region elif isinstance(bc, DGPeriodicBC): ntype = "DGEPBC" region = bc.regions[0] elif isinstance(bc, EssentialBC): ntype = 'EBC' region = bc.region elif isinstance(bc, PeriodicBC): ntype = 'EPBC' region = bc.regions[0] if warn: clean_msg = ('warning: ignoring nonexistent %s node (%s) in ' % (ntype, self.var_di.var_name)) else: clean_msg = None # Get master region nodes. master_nod_list = field.get_dofs_in_region(region) if len(master_nod_list) == 0: continue if ntype == 'EBC': # EBC. dofs, val = bc.dofs ## # Evaluate EBC values. fun = get_condition_value(val, functions, 'EBC', if isinstance(fun, Function): aux = fun fun = lambda coors: aux(ts, coors, bc=bc, problem=problem) nods, vv = field.set_dofs(fun, region, len(dofs), clean_msg) eq = expand_nodes_to_equations(nods, dofs, self.dof_names) # Duplicates removed here... eq_ebc[eq] = 1 if vv is not None: val_ebc[eq] = nm.ravel(vv) elif ntype == "DGEBC": dofs, val = bc.dofs ## # Evaluate EBC values. fun =
get_condition_value(val, functions, 'EBC',
""" Classes holding information on global DOFs and mapping of all DOFs - equations (active DOFs). Helper functions for the equation mapping. """ import numpy as nm import scipy.sparse as sp from sfepy.base.base import assert_, Struct, basestr from sfepy.discrete.functions import Function from sfepy.discrete.conditions import get_condition_value, EssentialBC, \ PeriodicBC, DGPeriodicBC, DGEssentialBC def expand_nodes_to_dofs(nods, n_dof_per_node): """ Expand DOF node indices into DOFs given a constant number of DOFs per node. """ dofs = nm.repeat(nods, n_dof_per_node) dofs.shape = (nods.shape[0], n_dof_per_node) idof = nm.arange(n_dof_per_node, dtype=nm.int32) dofs = n_dof_per_node * dofs + idof return dofs def expand_nodes_to_equations(nods, dof_names, all_dof_names): """ Expand vector of node indices to equations (DOF indices) based on the DOF-per-node count. DOF names must be already canonized. Returns ------- eq : array The equations/DOF indices in the node-by-node order. """ dpn = len(all_dof_names) nc = len(dof_names) eq = nm.empty(len(nods) * nc, dtype=nm.int32) for ii, dof in enumerate(dof_names): idof = all_dof_names.index(dof) eq[ii::nc] = dpn * nods + idof return eq def resolve_chains(master_slave, chains): """ Resolve EPBC chains - e.g. in corner nodes. """ for chain in chains: slave = chain[-1] master_slave[chain[:-1]] = slave + 1 master_slave[slave] = - chain[0] - 1 # Any of masters... def group_chains(chain_list): """ Group EPBC chains. """ chains = [] while len(chain_list): chain = set(chain_list.pop(0)) ## print ':', chain ii = 0 while ii < len(chain_list): c1 = sorted(chain_list[ii]) ## print '--', ii, c1, chain is0 = c1[0] in chain is1 = c1[1] in chain if is0 and is1: chain_list.pop(ii) elif is0 or is1: chain.update(c1) chain_list.pop(ii) ii = 0 else: ii += 1 ## print ii, chain, chain_list ## print '->', chain ## print chain_list chains.append(list(chain)) ## print 'EPBC chain groups:', chains aux = {} for chain in chains: aux.setdefault(len(chain), [0])[0] += 1 ## print 'EPBC chain counts:', aux return chains class DofInfo(Struct): """ Global DOF information, i.e. ordering of DOFs of the state (unknown) variables in the global state vector. """ def __init__(self, name): Struct.__init__(self, name=name) self.n_var = 0 self.var_names = [] self.n_dof = {} self.ptr = [0] self.indx = {} self.details = {} def _update_after_append(self, name): self.ptr.append(self.ptr[-1] + self.n_dof[name]) ii = self.n_var self.indx[name] = slice(int(self.ptr[ii]), int(self.ptr[ii+1])) self.n_var += 1 def append_variable(self, var, active=False): """ Append DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var : Variable instance The variable to append. active : bool, optional When True, only active (non-constrained) DOFs are considered. """ name = if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = var.get_dof_info(active=active) self._update_after_append(name) def append_raw(self, name, n_dof): """ Append raw DOFs. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s already present!' % name) self.var_names.append(name) self.n_dof[name], self.details[name] = n_dof, None self._update_after_append(name) def update(self, name, n_dof): """ Set the number of DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of variable the DOFs correspond to. n_dof : int The number of DOFs. """ if not name in self.var_names: raise ValueError('variable %s is not present!' % name) ii = self.var_names.index(name) delta = n_dof - self.n_dof[name] self.n_dof[name] = n_dof for iv, nn in enumerate(self.var_names[ii:]): self.ptr[ii+iv+1] += delta self.indx[nn] = slice(self.ptr[ii+iv], self.ptr[ii+iv+1]) def get_info(self, var_name): """ Return information on DOFs of the given variable. Parameters ---------- var_name : str The name of the variable. """ return Struct(name='%s_dof_info' % var_name, var_name=var_name, n_dof=self.n_dof[var_name], indx=self.indx[var_name], details=self.details[var_name]) def get_subset_info(self, var_names): """ Return global DOF information for selected variables only. Silently ignores non-existing variable names. Parameters ---------- var_names : list The names of the selected variables. """ di = DofInfo( + ':subset') for var_name in var_names: if var_name not in self.var_names: continue di.append_raw(var_name, self.n_dof[var_name]) return di def get_n_dof_total(self): """ Return the total number of DOFs of all state variables. """ return self.ptr[-1] def is_active_bc(bc, ts=None, functions=None): """ Check whether the given boundary condition is active in the current time. Returns ------- active : bool True if the condition `bc` is active. """ if (bc.times is None) or (ts is None): active = True elif isinstance(bc.times, list): for tt in bc.times: if tt[0] <= ts.time < tt[1]: active = True break else: active = False else: if isinstance(bc.times, basestr): if functions is not None: fun = functions[bc.times] else: raise ValueError('no functions given for bc %s!' % elif isinstance(bc.times, Function): fun = bc.times else: raise ValueError('unknown times type! (%s)' % type(bc.times)) active = fun(ts) return active class EquationMap(Struct): """ Map all DOFs to equations for active DOFs. """ def __init__(self, name, dof_names, var_di): Struct.__init__(self, name=name, dof_names=dof_names, var_di=var_di) self.dpn = len(self.dof_names) self.eq = nm.arange(var_di.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32) self.n_dg_ebc = 0 self.dg_ebc_names = {} self.dg_ebc = {} self.dg_ebc_val = {} self.n_dg_epbc = 0 self.dg_epbc_names = [] self.dg_epbc = [] def _init_empty(self, field): self.val_ebc = nm.empty((0,), dtype=field.dtype) if field.get('unused_dofs') is None: self.eqi = nm.arange(self.var_di.n_dof, dtype=nm.int32) else: self._mark_unused(field) self.eqi = nm.compress(self.eq >= 0, self.eq) self.eq[self.eqi] = nm.arange(self.eqi.shape[0], dtype=nm.int32) self.eq_ebc = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.master = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.slave = nm.empty((0,), dtype=nm.int32) self.n_eq = self.eqi.shape[0] self.n_ebc = self.eq_ebc.shape[0] self.n_epbc = self.master.shape[0] def _mark_unused(self, field): unused_dofs = field.get('unused_dofs') if unused_dofs is not None: unused = expand_nodes_to_equations(field.unused_dofs, self.dof_names, self.dof_names) self.eq[unused] = -3 def map_equations(self, bcs, field, ts, functions, problem=None, warn=False): """ Create the mapping of active DOFs from/to all DOFs. Parameters ---------- bcs : Conditions instance The Dirichlet or periodic boundary conditions (single condition instances). The dof names in the conditions must already be canonized. field : Field instance The field of the variable holding the DOFs. ts : TimeStepper instance The time stepper. functions : Functions instance The registered functions. problem : Problem instance, optional The problem that can be passed to user functions as a context. warn : bool, optional If True, warn about BC on non-existent nodes. Returns ------- active_bcs : set The set of boundary conditions active in the current time. Notes ----- - Periodic bc: master and slave DOFs must belong to the same field (variables can differ, though). """ if bcs is None: self._init_empty(field) return set() eq_ebc = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=nm.int32) val_ebc = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=field.dtype) master_slave = nm.zeros((self.var_di.n_dof,), dtype=nm.int32) chains = [] active_bcs = set() for bc in bcs: # Skip conditions that are not active in the current time. if not is_active_bc(bc, ts=ts, functions=functions): continue active_bcs.add(bc.key) if isinstance(bc, DGEssentialBC): ntype = "DGEBC" region = bc.region elif isinstance(bc, DGPeriodicBC): ntype = "DGEPBC" region = bc.regions[0] elif isinstance(bc, EssentialBC): ntype = 'EBC' region = bc.region elif isinstance(bc, PeriodicBC): ntype = 'EPBC' region = bc.regions[0] if warn: clean_msg = ('warning: ignoring nonexistent %s node (%s) in ' % (ntype, self.var_di.var_name)) else: clean_msg = None # Get master region nodes. master_nod_list = field.get_dofs_in_region(region) if len(master_nod_list) == 0: continue if ntype == 'EBC': # EBC. dofs, val = bc.dofs ## # Evaluate EBC values. fun = get_condition_value(val, functions, 'EBC', if isinstance(fun, Function): aux = fun fun = lambda coors: aux(ts, coors, bc=bc, problem=problem) nods, vv = field.set_dofs(fun, region, len(dofs), clean_msg) eq = expand_nodes_to_equations(nods, dofs, self.dof_names) # Duplicates removed here... eq_ebc[eq] = 1 if vv is not None: val_ebc[eq] = nm.ravel(vv) elif ntype == "DGEBC": dofs, val = bc.dofs ## # Evaluate EBC values. fun = get_condition_value(val, functions, 'EBC', if isinstance(fun, Function): aux = fun fun = lambda coors: aux(ts, coors, bc=bc, problem=problem) values = field.get_bc_facet_values(fun, region, diff=bc.diff) bc2bfi = field.get_bc_facet_idx(region) self.dg_ebc_val.setdefault(bc.diff, []).append(values) self.dg_ebc.setdefault(bc.diff, []).append(bc2bfi) self.n_dg_ebc += 1 elif ntype == "DGEPBC": # ensure matching boundaries? master_bc2bfi = field.get_bc_facet_idx(region) slave_bc2bfi = field.get_bc_facet_idx(bc.regions[1]) self.dg_epbc.append((master_bc2bfi, slave_bc2bfi)) self.n_dg_epbc += 1 else: # EPBC. region = bc.regions[1] slave_nod_list = field.get_dofs_in_region(region) nmaster = nm.unique(master_nod_list) # Treat fields not covering the whole domain. if nmaster[0] == -1: nmaster = nmaster[1:] nslave = nm.unique(slave_nod_list) # Treat fields not covering the whole domain. if nslave[0] == -1: nslave = nslave[1:] ## print nmaster + 1 ## print nslave + 1 if nmaster.shape != nslave.shape: msg = 'EPBC list lengths do not match!\n(%s,\n %s)' %\ (nmaster, nslave) raise ValueError(msg) if (nmaster.shape[0] == 0) and (nslave.shape[0] == 0): continue mcoor = field.get_coor(nmaster) scoor = field.get_coor(nslave) fun =
get_condition_value(bc.match, functions, 'EPBC',
""" Reference-physical domain mappings. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import Struct class PhysicalQPs(Struct): """ Physical quadrature points in a region. """ def __init__(self, igs, n_total=0, is_uniform=True): Struct.__init__(self, igs=igs, n_total=n_total, indx={}, rindx={}, n_per_group={}, shape={}, values={}, is_uniform=is_uniform) for ig in self.igs: self.indx[ig] = slice(None) self.rindx[ig] = slice(None) self.n_per_group[ig] = 0 self.shape[ig] = (0, 0, 0) self.values[ig] = nm.empty(self.shape[ig], dtype=nm.float64) def get_merged_values(self): qps = nm.concatenate([self.values[ig] for ig in self.igs], axis=0) return qps def get_shape(self, rshape, ig=None): """ Get shape from raveled shape. """ if ig is None: if self.is_uniform: n_qp = self.shape[self.igs[0]][1] else: msg = 'ig argument must be given for non-uniform QPs!' raise ValueError(msg) else: n_qp = self.shape[ig][1] if (rshape[0] / n_qp) * n_qp != rshape[0]: raise ValueError('incompatible shapes! (n_qp: %d, %s)' % (n_qp, rshape)) shape = (rshape[0] / n_qp, n_qp) + rshape[1:] return shape class Mapping(Struct): """ Base class for mappings. """ @staticmethod def from_args(region, kind='v', ig=None): """ Create mapping from reference to physical entities in a given region, given the integration kind ('v' or 's'). This mapping can be used to compute the physical quadrature points. Parameters ---------- region : Region instance The region defining the entities. kind : 'v' or 's' The kind of the entities: 'v' - cells, 's' - facets. ig : int, optional The group index. Returns ------- mapping : VolumeMapping or SurfaceMapping instance The requested mapping. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem.domain import FEDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain if isinstance(region.domain, FEDomain): import sfepy.discrete.fem.mappings as mm coors = region.domain.get_mesh_coors() if kind == 's': coors = coors[region.vertices] gel = region.domain.groups[ig].gel conn = region.domain.groups[ig].conn if kind == 'v': cells = region.get_cells(ig) mapping =
mm.VolumeMapping(coors, conn[cells], gel=gel)
""" Reference-physical domain mappings. """ import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.base import Struct class PhysicalQPs(Struct): """ Physical quadrature points in a region. """ def __init__(self, igs, n_total=0, is_uniform=True): Struct.__init__(self, igs=igs, n_total=n_total, indx={}, rindx={}, n_per_group={}, shape={}, values={}, is_uniform=is_uniform) for ig in self.igs: self.indx[ig] = slice(None) self.rindx[ig] = slice(None) self.n_per_group[ig] = 0 self.shape[ig] = (0, 0, 0) self.values[ig] = nm.empty(self.shape[ig], dtype=nm.float64) def get_merged_values(self): qps = nm.concatenate([self.values[ig] for ig in self.igs], axis=0) return qps def get_shape(self, rshape, ig=None): """ Get shape from raveled shape. """ if ig is None: if self.is_uniform: n_qp = self.shape[self.igs[0]][1] else: msg = 'ig argument must be given for non-uniform QPs!' raise ValueError(msg) else: n_qp = self.shape[ig][1] if (rshape[0] / n_qp) * n_qp != rshape[0]: raise ValueError('incompatible shapes! (n_qp: %d, %s)' % (n_qp, rshape)) shape = (rshape[0] / n_qp, n_qp) + rshape[1:] return shape class Mapping(Struct): """ Base class for mappings. """ @staticmethod def from_args(region, kind='v', ig=None): """ Create mapping from reference to physical entities in a given region, given the integration kind ('v' or 's'). This mapping can be used to compute the physical quadrature points. Parameters ---------- region : Region instance The region defining the entities. kind : 'v' or 's' The kind of the entities: 'v' - cells, 's' - facets. ig : int, optional The group index. Returns ------- mapping : VolumeMapping or SurfaceMapping instance The requested mapping. """ from sfepy.discrete.fem.domain import FEDomain from sfepy.discrete.iga.domain import IGDomain if isinstance(region.domain, FEDomain): import sfepy.discrete.fem.mappings as mm coors = region.domain.get_mesh_coors() if kind == 's': coors = coors[region.vertices] gel = region.domain.groups[ig].gel conn = region.domain.groups[ig].conn if kind == 'v': cells = region.get_cells(ig) mapping = mm.VolumeMapping(coors, conn[cells], gel=gel) elif kind == 's': from sfepy.discrete.fem.fe_surface import FESurface aux = FESurface('aux', region, gel.get_surface_entities(), conn , ig) mapping = mm.SurfaceMapping(coors, aux.leconn, gel=gel.surface_facet) elif isinstance(region.domain, IGDomain): import sfepy.discrete.iga.mappings as mm mapping =
mm.IGMapping(region.domain, region.cells)
# This example implements 2nd-level homogenization of Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model of flow in deformable # double porous media. # The mathematical model is described in: # #<NAME>., <NAME>., <NAME>. #The Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model of flow in deformable double porous media; homogenization and numerical modelling. # Computers and Mathematics with applications, 78(9):3044-3066, 2019, # # # Run calculation of homogenized coefficients: # # ./ example_perfusion_BDB/ # # The results are stored in `example_perfusion_BDB/results/meso` directory. # import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as osp from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import dim2sym from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.homogenization.micmac import get_homog_coefs_linear data_dir = 'example_perfusion_BDB' def coefs2qp(coefs, nqp): out = {} for k, v in coefs.items(): if type(v) not in [nm.ndarray, float]: continue if type(v) is nm.ndarray: if len(v.shape) >= 3: out[k] = v out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # get homogenized coefficients, recalculate them if necessary def get_homog(coors, mode, pb,micro_filename, **kwargs): if not (mode == 'qp'): return nqp = coors.shape[0] coefs_filename = 'coefs_micro' coefs_filename = osp.join(pb.conf.options.get('output_dir', '.'), coefs_filename) + '.h5' coefs = get_homog_coefs_linear(0, 0, None, micro_filename=micro_filename,coefs_filename = coefs_filename ) coefs['B'] = coefs['B'][:, nm.newaxis] for k in coefs.keys(): v = coefs[k] if type(v) is nm.ndarray: if len(v.shape) == 0: coefs[k] = v.reshape((1, 1)) elif len(v.shape) == 1: coefs[k] = v[:, nm.newaxis] elif isinstance(v, float): coefs[k] = nm.array([[v]]) out = coefs2qp(coefs, nqp) return out def define(filename_mesh=None): eta = 3.6e-3 if filename_mesh is None: filename_mesh = osp.join(data_dir, 'meso_perf_puc.vtk') mesh =
# This example implements 2nd-level homogenization of Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model of flow in deformable # double porous media. # The mathematical model is described in: # #<NAME>., <NAME>., <NAME>. #The Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model of flow in deformable double porous media; homogenization and numerical modelling. # Computers and Mathematics with applications, 78(9):3044-3066, 2019, # # # Run calculation of homogenized coefficients: # # ./ example_perfusion_BDB/ # # The results are stored in `example_perfusion_BDB/results/meso` directory. # import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as osp from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import dim2sym from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.homogenization.micmac import get_homog_coefs_linear data_dir = 'example_perfusion_BDB' def coefs2qp(coefs, nqp): out = {} for k, v in coefs.items(): if type(v) not in [nm.ndarray, float]: continue if type(v) is nm.ndarray: if len(v.shape) >= 3: out[k] = v out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # get homogenized coefficients, recalculate them if necessary def get_homog(coors, mode, pb,micro_filename, **kwargs): if not (mode == 'qp'): return nqp = coors.shape[0] coefs_filename = 'coefs_micro' coefs_filename = osp.join(pb.conf.options.get('output_dir', '.'), coefs_filename) + '.h5' coefs = get_homog_coefs_linear(0, 0, None, micro_filename=micro_filename,coefs_filename = coefs_filename ) coefs['B'] = coefs['B'][:, nm.newaxis] for k in coefs.keys(): v = coefs[k] if type(v) is nm.ndarray: if len(v.shape) == 0: coefs[k] = v.reshape((1, 1)) elif len(v.shape) == 1: coefs[k] = v[:, nm.newaxis] elif isinstance(v, float): coefs[k] = nm.array([[v]]) out = coefs2qp(coefs, nqp) return out def define(filename_mesh=None): eta = 3.6e-3 if filename_mesh is None: filename_mesh = osp.join(data_dir, 'meso_perf_puc.vtk') mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename_mesh) poroela_micro_file = osp.join(data_dir, '') dim = 3 sym = (dim + 1) * dim // 2 sym_eye = 'nm.array([1,1,0])' if dim == 2 else 'nm.array([1,1,1,0,0,0])' bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() regions =
define_box_regions(mesh.dim, bbox[0], bbox[1], eps=1e-3)
# This example implements 2nd-level homogenization of Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model of flow in deformable # double porous media. # The mathematical model is described in: # #<NAME>., <NAME>., <NAME>. #The Biot-Darcy-Brinkman model of flow in deformable double porous media; homogenization and numerical modelling. # Computers and Mathematics with applications, 78(9):3044-3066, 2019, # # # Run calculation of homogenized coefficients: # # ./ example_perfusion_BDB/ # # The results are stored in `example_perfusion_BDB/results/meso` directory. # import numpy as nm from sfepy import data_dir import os.path as osp from sfepy.discrete.fem.mesh import Mesh import sfepy.discrete.fem.periodic as per from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import dim2sym from sfepy.homogenization.utils import define_box_regions import sfepy.homogenization.coefs_base as cb from sfepy.homogenization.micmac import get_homog_coefs_linear data_dir = 'example_perfusion_BDB' def coefs2qp(coefs, nqp): out = {} for k, v in coefs.items(): if type(v) not in [nm.ndarray, float]: continue if type(v) is nm.ndarray: if len(v.shape) >= 3: out[k] = v out[k] = nm.tile(v, (nqp, 1, 1)) return out def get_periodic_bc(var_tab, dim=3, dim_tab=None): if dim_tab is None: dim_tab = {'x': ['left', 'right'], 'z': ['bottom', 'top'], 'y': ['near', 'far']} periodic = {} epbcs = {} for ivar, reg in var_tab: periodic['per_%s' % ivar] = pers = [] for idim in 'xyz'[0:dim]: key = 'per_%s_%s' % (ivar, idim) regs = ['%s_%s' % (reg, ii) for ii in dim_tab[idim]] epbcs[key] = (regs, {'%s.all' % ivar: '%s.all' % ivar}, 'match_%s_plane' % idim) pers.append(key) return epbcs, periodic # get homogenized coefficients, recalculate them if necessary def get_homog(coors, mode, pb,micro_filename, **kwargs): if not (mode == 'qp'): return nqp = coors.shape[0] coefs_filename = 'coefs_micro' coefs_filename = osp.join(pb.conf.options.get('output_dir', '.'), coefs_filename) + '.h5' coefs = get_homog_coefs_linear(0, 0, None, micro_filename=micro_filename,coefs_filename = coefs_filename ) coefs['B'] = coefs['B'][:, nm.newaxis] for k in coefs.keys(): v = coefs[k] if type(v) is nm.ndarray: if len(v.shape) == 0: coefs[k] = v.reshape((1, 1)) elif len(v.shape) == 1: coefs[k] = v[:, nm.newaxis] elif isinstance(v, float): coefs[k] = nm.array([[v]]) out = coefs2qp(coefs, nqp) return out def define(filename_mesh=None): eta = 3.6e-3 if filename_mesh is None: filename_mesh = osp.join(data_dir, 'meso_perf_puc.vtk') mesh = Mesh.from_file(filename_mesh) poroela_micro_file = osp.join(data_dir, '') dim = 3 sym = (dim + 1) * dim // 2 sym_eye = 'nm.array([1,1,0])' if dim == 2 else 'nm.array([1,1,1,0,0,0])' bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() regions = define_box_regions(mesh.dim, bbox[0], bbox[1], eps=1e-3) regions.update({ 'Z': 'all', 'Gamma_Z': ('vertices of surface', 'facet'), # matrix 'Zm': 'cells of group 1', 'Zm_left': ('r.Zm *v r.Left', 'vertex'), 'Zm_right': ('r.Zm *v r.Right', 'vertex'), 'Zm_bottom': ('r.Zm *v r.Bottom', 'vertex'), 'Zm_top': ('r.Zm *v r.Top', 'vertex'), 'Gamma_Zm': ('r.Zm *v r.Zc', 'facet', 'Zm'), # canal 'Zc': 'cells of group 2', 'Zc0': ('r.Zc -v r.Gamma_Zc', 'vertex'), 'Zc_left': ('r.Zc0 *v r.Left', 'vertex'), 'Zc_right': ('r.Zc0 *v r.Right', 'vertex'), 'Zc_bottom': ('r.Zc0 *v r.Bottom', 'vertex'), 'Zc_top': ('r.Zc0 *v r.Top', 'vertex'), 'Gamma_Zc': ('r.Zm *v r.Zc', 'facet', 'Zc'), "Surface": ("vertices of surface", "facet"), 'Center_c': ('vertex 5346', 'vertex'), # canal center }) if dim == 3: regions.update({ 'Zm_far': ('r.Zm *v r.Far', 'vertex'), 'Zm_near': ('r.Zm *v r.Near', 'vertex'), 'Zc_far': ('r.Zc0 *v r.Far', 'vertex'), 'Zc_near': ('r.Zc0 *v r.Near', 'vertex'), }) fields = { 'one': ('real', 'scalar', 'Z', 1), 'displacement': ('real', 'vector', 'Zm', 1), 'pressure_m': ('real', 'scalar', 'Zm', 1), 'pressure_c': ('real', 'scalar', 'Zc', 1), 'displacement_c': ('real', 'vector', 'Zc', 1), 'velocity': ('real', 'vector', 'Zc', 2), } variables = { # displacement 'u': ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0), 'v': ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'), 'Pi_u': ('parameter field', 'displacement', 'u'), 'U1': ('parameter field', 'displacement', '(set-to-None)'), 'U2': ('parameter field', 'displacement', '(set-to-None)'), 'uc': ('unknown field', 'displacement_c', 4), 'vc': ('test field', 'displacement_c', 'uc'), # velocity 'w': ('unknown field', 'velocity', 1), 'z': ('test field', 'velocity', 'w'), 'Pi_w': ('parameter field', 'velocity', 'w'), 'W1': ('parameter field', 'velocity', '(set-to-None)'), 'W2': ('parameter field', 'velocity', '(set-to-None)'), # pressure 'pm': ('unknown field', 'pressure_m', 2), 'qm': ('test field', 'pressure_m', 'pm'), 'Pm1': ('parameter field', 'pressure_m', '(set-to-None)'), 'Pm2': ('parameter field', 'pressure_m', '(set-to-None)'), 'Pi_pm': ('parameter field', 'pressure_m', 'pm'), 'pc': ('unknown field', 'pressure_c', 3), 'qc': ('test field', 'pressure_c', 'pc'), 'Pc1': ('parameter field', 'pressure_c', '(set-to-None)'), 'Pc2': ('parameter field', 'pressure_c', '(set-to-None)'), # one 'one': ('parameter field', 'one', '(set-to-None)'), } functions = { 'match_x_plane': (per.match_x_plane,), 'match_y_plane': (per.match_y_plane,), 'match_z_plane': (per.match_z_plane,), 'get_homog': (lambda ts, coors, mode=None, problem=None, **kwargs:\ get_homog(coors, mode, problem, poroela_micro_file, **kwargs),), } materials = { 'hmatrix': 'get_homog', 'fluid': ({ 'eta_c': eta* nm.eye(
import os import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) test.join = lambda x: os.path.join(test.options.out_dir, x) return test def test_linearization(self): from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy import data_dir geometries = ['2_3', '2_4', '3_4', '3_8'] approx_orders = [1, 2] funs = [nm.cos, nm.sin, lambda x: x] ok = True for geometry in geometries: name = os.path.join(data_dir, 'meshes/elements/%s_1.mesh' % geometry) mesh =
import os import numpy as nm from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) test.join = lambda x: os.path.join(test.options.out_dir, x) return test def test_linearization(self): from sfepy.base.base import Struct from sfepy.discrete.fem import Mesh, FEDomain, Field from sfepy import data_dir geometries = ['2_3', '2_4', '3_4', '3_8'] approx_orders = [1, 2] funs = [nm.cos, nm.sin, lambda x: x] ok = True for geometry in geometries: name = os.path.join(data_dir, 'meshes/elements/%s_1.mesh' % geometry) mesh = Mesh.from_file(name) domain =
FEDomain('', mesh)
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 =
Domain('d1', m1)
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 =
Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2])
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 =
Domain('d2', m2)
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 =
Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2])
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh'), 'si' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh'), } datas = {} for key, mesh in meshes.iteritems(): bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() nx = bbox[1,0] - bbox[0,0] centre = 0.5 * bbox.sum(axis=0) mesh.coors -= centre data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0:1] / nx) datas['scalar_' + key] = data data = nm.zeros_like(mesh.coors) data[:,0] = 0.05 * nx * nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) data[:,2] = 0.05 * nx * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) datas['vector_' + key] = data for field_name in ['scalar_si', 'vector_si', 'scalar_tp', 'vector_tp']: m1 = meshes[field_name[-2:]] for ia, angle in enumerate(nm.linspace(0.0, nm.pi, 11)):'%s: %d. angle: %f' % (field_name, ia, angle)) shift = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([0, 1, 0], angle) m2 = m1.copy('rotated mesh') m2.transform_coors(mtx) data = datas[field_name] u1, u2 = do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name) if ia == 0: u1.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u1.vtk' % field_name)) u2.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u2.%03d.vtk' % (field_name, ia))) return True def test_interpolation_two_meshes(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables m1 =
Mesh('source mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh')
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh'), 'si' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh'), } datas = {} for key, mesh in meshes.iteritems(): bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() nx = bbox[1,0] - bbox[0,0] centre = 0.5 * bbox.sum(axis=0) mesh.coors -= centre data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0:1] / nx) datas['scalar_' + key] = data data = nm.zeros_like(mesh.coors) data[:,0] = 0.05 * nx * nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) data[:,2] = 0.05 * nx * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) datas['vector_' + key] = data for field_name in ['scalar_si', 'vector_si', 'scalar_tp', 'vector_tp']: m1 = meshes[field_name[-2:]] for ia, angle in enumerate(nm.linspace(0.0, nm.pi, 11)):'%s: %d. angle: %f' % (field_name, ia, angle)) shift = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([0, 1, 0], angle) m2 = m1.copy('rotated mesh') m2.transform_coors(mtx) data = datas[field_name] u1, u2 = do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name) if ia == 0: u1.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u1.vtk' % field_name)) u2.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u2.%03d.vtk' % (field_name, ia))) return True def test_interpolation_two_meshes(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables m1 = Mesh('source mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh') m2 =
Mesh('target mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_tetra.mesh')
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh'), 'si' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh'), } datas = {} for key, mesh in meshes.iteritems(): bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() nx = bbox[1,0] - bbox[0,0] centre = 0.5 * bbox.sum(axis=0) mesh.coors -= centre data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0:1] / nx) datas['scalar_' + key] = data data = nm.zeros_like(mesh.coors) data[:,0] = 0.05 * nx * nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) data[:,2] = 0.05 * nx * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) datas['vector_' + key] = data for field_name in ['scalar_si', 'vector_si', 'scalar_tp', 'vector_tp']: m1 = meshes[field_name[-2:]] for ia, angle in enumerate(nm.linspace(0.0, nm.pi, 11)):'%s: %d. angle: %f' % (field_name, ia, angle)) shift = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([0, 1, 0], angle) m2 = m1.copy('rotated mesh') m2.transform_coors(mtx) data = datas[field_name] u1, u2 = do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name) if ia == 0: u1.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u1.vtk' % field_name)) u2.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u2.%03d.vtk' % (field_name, ia))) return True def test_interpolation_two_meshes(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables m1 = Mesh('source mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh') m2 = Mesh('target mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_tetra.mesh') m2.coors *= 2.0 bbox = m1.get_bounding_box() dd = bbox[1,:] - bbox[0,:] data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,0:1] / dd[0]) \ * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,1:2] / dd[1]) variables1 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_tp', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_tp', 'u'), } variables2 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_si', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_si', 'u'), } d1 =
Domain('d1', m1)
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh'), 'si' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh'), } datas = {} for key, mesh in meshes.iteritems(): bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() nx = bbox[1,0] - bbox[0,0] centre = 0.5 * bbox.sum(axis=0) mesh.coors -= centre data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0:1] / nx) datas['scalar_' + key] = data data = nm.zeros_like(mesh.coors) data[:,0] = 0.05 * nx * nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) data[:,2] = 0.05 * nx * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) datas['vector_' + key] = data for field_name in ['scalar_si', 'vector_si', 'scalar_tp', 'vector_tp']: m1 = meshes[field_name[-2:]] for ia, angle in enumerate(nm.linspace(0.0, nm.pi, 11)):'%s: %d. angle: %f' % (field_name, ia, angle)) shift = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([0, 1, 0], angle) m2 = m1.copy('rotated mesh') m2.transform_coors(mtx) data = datas[field_name] u1, u2 = do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name) if ia == 0: u1.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u1.vtk' % field_name)) u2.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u2.%03d.vtk' % (field_name, ia))) return True def test_interpolation_two_meshes(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables m1 = Mesh('source mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh') m2 = Mesh('target mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_tetra.mesh') m2.coors *= 2.0 bbox = m1.get_bounding_box() dd = bbox[1,:] - bbox[0,:] data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,0:1] / dd[0]) \ * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,1:2] / dd[1]) variables1 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_tp', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_tp', 'u'), } variables2 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_si', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_si', 'u'), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') field1 =
Field('scalar_tp', nm.float64, (1,1), omega1, approx_order=1)
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh'), 'si' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh'), } datas = {} for key, mesh in meshes.iteritems(): bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() nx = bbox[1,0] - bbox[0,0] centre = 0.5 * bbox.sum(axis=0) mesh.coors -= centre data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0:1] / nx) datas['scalar_' + key] = data data = nm.zeros_like(mesh.coors) data[:,0] = 0.05 * nx * nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) data[:,2] = 0.05 * nx * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) datas['vector_' + key] = data for field_name in ['scalar_si', 'vector_si', 'scalar_tp', 'vector_tp']: m1 = meshes[field_name[-2:]] for ia, angle in enumerate(nm.linspace(0.0, nm.pi, 11)):'%s: %d. angle: %f' % (field_name, ia, angle)) shift = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([0, 1, 0], angle) m2 = m1.copy('rotated mesh') m2.transform_coors(mtx) data = datas[field_name] u1, u2 = do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name) if ia == 0: u1.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u1.vtk' % field_name)) u2.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u2.%03d.vtk' % (field_name, ia))) return True def test_interpolation_two_meshes(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables m1 = Mesh('source mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh') m2 = Mesh('target mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_tetra.mesh') m2.coors *= 2.0 bbox = m1.get_bounding_box() dd = bbox[1,:] - bbox[0,:] data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,0:1] / dd[0]) \ * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,1:2] / dd[1]) variables1 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_tp', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_tp', 'u'), } variables2 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_si', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_si', 'u'), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') field1 = Field('scalar_tp', nm.float64, (1,1), omega1, approx_order=1) ff1 = { : field1} d2 =
Domain('d2', m2)
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh'), 'si' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh'), } datas = {} for key, mesh in meshes.iteritems(): bbox = mesh.get_bounding_box() nx = bbox[1,0] - bbox[0,0] centre = 0.5 * bbox.sum(axis=0) mesh.coors -= centre data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0:1] / nx) datas['scalar_' + key] = data data = nm.zeros_like(mesh.coors) data[:,0] = 0.05 * nx * nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) data[:,2] = 0.05 * nx * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * mesh.coors[:,0] / nx) datas['vector_' + key] = data for field_name in ['scalar_si', 'vector_si', 'scalar_tp', 'vector_tp']: m1 = meshes[field_name[-2:]] for ia, angle in enumerate(nm.linspace(0.0, nm.pi, 11)):'%s: %d. angle: %f' % (field_name, ia, angle)) shift = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] mtx = make_axis_rotation_matrix([0, 1, 0], angle) m2 = m1.copy('rotated mesh') m2.transform_coors(mtx) data = datas[field_name] u1, u2 = do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name) if ia == 0: u1.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u1.vtk' % field_name)) u2.save_as_mesh(fname('test_mesh_interp_%s_u2.%03d.vtk' % (field_name, ia))) return True def test_interpolation_two_meshes(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh, Domain, Field, Variables m1 = Mesh('source mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh') m2 = Mesh('target mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cube_medium_tetra.mesh') m2.coors *= 2.0 bbox = m1.get_bounding_box() dd = bbox[1,:] - bbox[0,:] data = nm.sin(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,0:1] / dd[0]) \ * nm.cos(4.0 * nm.pi * m1.coors[:,1:2] / dd[1]) variables1 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_tp', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_tp', 'u'), } variables2 = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'scalar_si', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'scalar_si', 'u'), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') field1 = Field('scalar_tp', nm.float64, (1,1), omega1, approx_order=1) ff1 = { : field1} d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 =
Field('scalar_si', nm.float64, (1,1), omega2, approx_order=0)
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' :
Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh')
import os.path as op from sfepy.base.base import * from sfepy.base.conf import transform_variables, transform_fields from sfepy.base.testing import TestCommon variables = { 'u' : ('unknown field', 'f', 0), 'v' : ('test field', 'f', 'u'), } def in_dir(adir): return lambda x: op.join(adir, x) def do_interpolation(m2, m1, data, field_name): """Interpolate data from m1 to m2. """ from sfepy.fem import Domain, Field, Variables fields = { 'scalar_si' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 2), 'vector_si' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 2), 'scalar_tp' : ((1,1), 'Omega', 1), 'vector_tp' : ((3,1), 'Omega', 1), } d1 = Domain('d1', m1) omega1 = d1.create_region('Omega', 'all') f = fields[field_name] field1 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d1.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff = { : field1} vv = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff) u1 = vv['u'] u1.set_from_mesh_vertices(data) d2 = Domain('d2', m2) omega2 = d2.create_region('Omega', 'all') field2 = Field('f', nm.float64, f[0], d2.regions[f[1]], approx_order=f[2]) ff2 = { : field2} vv2 = Variables.from_conf(transform_variables(variables), ff2) u2 = vv2['u'] # Performs interpolation, if other field differs from self.field # or, in particular, is defined on a different mesh. u2.set_from_other(u1, strategy='interpolation', close_limit=0.5) return u1, u2 class Test(TestCommon): @staticmethod def from_conf(conf, options): test = Test(conf=conf, options=options) return test def test_interpolation(self): from sfepy import data_dir from sfepy.fem import Mesh from sfepy.linalg import make_axis_rotation_matrix fname = in_dir(self.options.out_dir) meshes = { 'tp' : Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/block.mesh'), 'si' :
Mesh('original mesh', data_dir + '/meshes/3d/cylinder.mesh')