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et tee tüü-tä , eb lee-ne i süüvvä | NEG.2SG do.CNG work-PRT NEG.3SG will_be-POT and eat.INF | (If) you don't/one does not work, there won't be food | west2391 | uratyp_796 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
tul-ko siis pakana appii , kui jumala minnu-a b avita | come-JUSS.3SG then devil help.ILL if God 1SG-PRT NEG.3SG help.CNG | then let the devil come to my aid if God doesn't help me | west2391 | uratyp_797 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
nämät tulla oomõn | 3PL come.IPS.PRS tomorrow | They'll come tomorrow | west2391 | uratyp_798 | uratyp | stan1293 | West Vod | English |
ku-hõ tä-tä hullu-a vee-d | where-ILL this-PRT fool-PRT take-2SG | Where are you taking this fool? / Where to take this fool? | west2391 | uratyp_799 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
mee-n lafka , jott õssa leipä | go-1SG shop.ILL in_order_to buy.INF bread.PRT | I am going to shop in order to buy some bread | west2391 | uratyp_800 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
tuulõ-b | wind-3SG | The wind is blowing / It is windy | west2391 | uratyp_801 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
tänäve on lusti ilmõ | today be.3SG nice weather | It is nice weather today | west2391 | uratyp_802 | uratyp | stan1293 | West Vod | English |
egle õl-i lusti ilmõ | yesterday be-PST.3SG nice weather | It was nice weather yesterday | west2391 | uratyp_803 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
katti i koirõ süüvvä i juuvva | cat and dog eat.IPS.PRS and drink.IPS.PRS | the cat and dog are drinking and eating | west2391 | uratyp_804 | uratyp | stan1293 | West Vod | English |
miä lugõ-n : miä en lugõ | I read-1SG : I NEG.1SG read.CNG | I read : I don't read | west2391 | uratyp_805 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
tetše-mä-ttä aźźad | do-SUP-ABE thing-PL | things that are undone | west2391 | uratyp_806 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
mei-ll ele-tä üvässi | 1PL-ADE live-IPS.PRS well | Here (people) live well | west2391 | uratyp_807 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
poiki-v-i-llõ lehm-i-lle | calve-ACT.PRS.PTCP-PL-ALL cow-PL-ALL | to the calving cows | west2391 | uratyp_808 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
tämä õl-i kõvassi luki-jõ poikõ | 3SG be-PST.3SG strongly read-AN boy | He was a boy, who read a lot | west2391 | uratyp_809 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
Juu tšaaju-a | drink.IMP.2SG tea-PRT | Drink tea! | west2391 | uratyp_810 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
Elä tšaaju-a juu | NEG.IMP.2SG tea-PRT drink.CNG | Don't drink tea! | west2391 | uratyp_811 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
poigõ-d õlla pitšä-d | boy-PL be.IPS.PRS tall-PL | The boys are tall | west2391 | uratyp_812 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
rihi lähelle : lähell : lähelte | house near-ALL : near-ADE : near-ELA | (go) near the house : (be) near the house : from near the house | west2391 | uratyp_813 | uratyp | stan1293 | West Vod | English |
kuttsu med́d́e-t toožõ võrkka-i-lõõ | invite.PST.3SG 1PL-ACC also fishing_net-PL.ALL | (S/he) also invited us to net fishing | west2391 | uratyp_814 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
ühs poikõ : kahs poika | one boy.SG.NOM : two boy.SG.PRT | one boy : two boys | west2391 | uratyp_815 | uratyp | stan1293 | West Vod | English |
ühs poikõ : kahs poika | one boy.SG.NOM : two boy.SG.PRT | one boy : two boys | west2391 | uratyp_816 | uratyp | stan1293 | West Vod | English |
mettsä-ssaa | forest-TERM | until the forest | west2391 | uratyp_817 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
ilmaa leive-ttä | without bread-ABE | without bread | west2391 | uratyp_818 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
paa-n leivä lavvõ-llõ | put-1SG bread.GEN table-ALL | I put the bread onto the table | west2391 | uratyp_819 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
leipe on lavvõ-ll | bread be.3SG table-ALL | The bread is on the table | west2391 | uratyp_820 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
võta-n leivä lavvõ-lt | take-1SG bread.GEN table-ABL | I'll take the bread from the table | west2391 | uratyp_821 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
pere-ne i poiki-ka | family.PL-COM1 and boy.PL-COM2 | with family and boys | west2391 | uratyp_822 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
tämä tul-i õpõtõjõ-ssi | 3SG come-PST.3SG teacher-TRA | S/he became a teacher | west2391 | uratyp_823 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
tämä on õpõtõjõ-n | 3SG be.3SG teacher-ESS | S/he is (working as) a teacher | west2391 | uratyp_824 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
kasõ tulõ-b | it come-3SG | S/he (lit. it) comes | west2391 | uratyp_825 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
vano-h majo-h | old.PL-INE house.PL-INE | in old houses | voro1241 | uratyp_840 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
suurõ pini-gaq | big.GEN dog-COM | with a big dog | voro1241 | uratyp_841 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
imä käest küs-se rahha | mother.GEN from ask-PST.3SG money.PRT | (S/he) asked money from (his/her) mother | voro1241 | uratyp_842 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
vahtsõ perreliikme sündü-den | new.GEN family_member.GEN be_born-CVB | When a new family member is born | voro1241 | uratyp_843 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
joosisk-õlõ-s | run-FRQ-3SG | s/he is running around | voro1241 | uratyp_844 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Nä lääväq puulpäävä sanna | 3PL go-3PL Saturday sauna.ILL | They'll go to the sauna on Saturday | voro1241 | uratyp_845 | uratyp | stan1293 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
ma olõ liina mine-mä-h | 1SG be[1SG] town.ILL go-SUP-INE | I'm about to go to town | voro1241 | uratyp_846 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
ma oll-i ten-nüq | 1SG be-PST[1SG] do-ACT.PST.PTCP | I had done | voro1241 | uratyp_847 | uratyp | stan1288 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | Spanish |
ma es tulõq | 1SG NEG.PST come.CNG | I didn't come | voro1241 | uratyp_848 | uratyp | stan1293 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
ku ma saa-siq , ma elä-siq mõtsa-n | if 1SG get-COND 1SG live-COND forest-INE | If I could, I would live in the forest | voro1241 | uratyp_849 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
ku ma saa-siq , ma elä-siq mõtsa-n | if 1SG get-COND 1SG live-COND forest-INE | If I could, I would live in the forest | voro1241 | uratyp_850 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
tä ol-nõs | 3SG be-POT.3SG | S/he would probably be | voro1241 | uratyp_851 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
tä tul-kuq | 3SG come-JUSS | Let him/her come | voro1241 | uratyp_852 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
ma te-kuq kõik tüü-q ärq | 1SG do-JUSS all work-PL PFV | (S/he said that) I should do all the work | voro1241 | uratyp_853 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Mis sääl tetäs ? Juusk-vaq | what there do.IPS.PRS run-3PL | What is being done there? - (They are) running | voro1241 | uratyp_854 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
mis sa hädä-gaq tii-t | what you trouble-COM do-2SG | What to do when one is in trouble | voro1241 | uratyp_855 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Ma lää et oppi-q võro kiil-t | 1SG go[1SG] that study-INF Võro language-PRT | I am going in order to study the Võro language | voro1241 | uratyp_856 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Sata-s | rain-3SG | It is raining | voro1241 | uratyp_857 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
tä om oppaja | 3SG be.3SG teacher | S/he is a teacher | voro1241 | uratyp_858 | uratyp | stan1293 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
tä oll´ oppaja | 3SG be.PST.3SG teacher | S/he is a teacher | voro1241 | uratyp_859 | uratyp | stan1293 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
ma loe : ma ei loeq | 1SG read[1SG] : 1SG NEG read.CNG | voro1241 | uratyp_860 | uratyp | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | ||||
tege-mä-ldäq tüü | do-SUP-ABE work | undone work | voro1241 | uratyp_861 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Mei-l ele-täs häste | 1PL-ADE live-IPS.PRS well | People live well here | voro1241 | uratyp_862 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
loe-t raamat | read-ACT.PST.PTCP book | a book that has been read | voro1241 | uratyp_863 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
juusk-v-i-l poisõ-l om rahha | run-ACT.PRS.PTCP-PL-ADE boy.PL-ADE be.3SG money.PRT | running boys have money | voro1241 | uratyp_864 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
juusk-ja poiss | run-AG.NMLZ boy | voro1241 | uratyp_865 | uratyp | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | |||
juu-q tsäi-d | drink-IMP.2SG tea-PRT | Drink tea! | voro1241 | uratyp_866 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
ärq tsäi-d jooguq | NEG.IMP.2SG tea-PRT drink.CNG | Don't drink tea! | voro1241 | uratyp_867 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
poisi-q omma-q pikä-q | boy-PL be-3PL tall-PL | The boys are tall | voro1241 | uratyp_868 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
järve lähkü-he : järve lähkü-h : järve lähkü-st | lake.GEN near-ILL : lake.GEN near-INE : lake.GEN near-ELA | (to) near the lake : near the lake : from near the lake | voro1241 | uratyp_869 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
üts tütrik : kats tütrikku | one.NOM.SG girl.NOM.SG : two.NOM.SG girl.PRT.SG | one girl : two girls | voro1241 | uratyp_870 | uratyp | stan1295 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | German |
üts tütrik : kats tütrikku | one.NOM.SG girl.NOM.SG : two.NOM.SG girl.PRT.SG | one girl : two girls | voro1241 | uratyp_871 | uratyp | stan1295 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | German |
suurõ(-ni) mõtsa-ni | big.GEN(-TERM) forest-TERM | until the big forest | voro1241 | uratyp_872 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
suurõ mõtsa-ldaq | big.GEN forest-ABE | without the big forest | voro1241 | uratyp_873 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Tä sa-i oppaja-s | 3SG get-PST.3SG teacher-TRA | S/he became a teacher | voro1241 | uratyp_874 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
kass , kiä tulõ | cat who come.3SG | The cat, which is coming | voro1241 | uratyp_875 | uratyp | stan1293 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Moodori man om kolb , kiä moodori-t edesi aja | engine.GEN by be.3SG piston who engine-PRT further drive | By the motor there is a piston, which makes the engine go further | voro1241 | uratyp_876 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
Tuu tull täämbä sinnä | that come.PST.3SG today there | S/he (lit. that) came there today | voro1241 | uratyp_877 | uratyp | stan1293 | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
lavvo-lõ | table.PL-ALL | onto the tables | voro1241 | uratyp_878 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Võro-Mulgi-Tartu | English |
nawrǝmǝ-s nŭw χŭwat ʌaŋki | spring-PST.3SG branch along squirrel | A squirrel sprang along a branch | khan1273 | uratyp_898 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
χǫ măn-ǝm χǫj-ǝŋ sŭŋ kăš-ti măn-ʌ-ǝm | man go-PTCP.PST man-DER.ADJ corner look.for-INF go-PRS-1SG | I go to look for a region inhabited by men | khan1273 | uratyp_900 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
aśe-ʌ wŭʌi ʌawǝʌ-ti χǫ wǫs | father-3SG reindeer guard-PTCP.PRS man be.PST.3SG | His father was a reindeer herder | khan1273 | uratyp_901 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
năŋ pɛše-n tăta | 2SG reindeer-2SG here | Your reindeer is here | khan1273 | uratyp_902 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
ninan păʌtaptijǝʌ-ti ŏt-ǝn ŭše ăntǫm | 2DU.ACC frighten-PTCP.PRS thing-2DU already NEG.EXIST | The thing that always frightened you doesn’t exist any longer | khan1273 | uratyp_903 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
mănem ăn mɔs-ti χŏjat ke jŏχt-ǝs , sej tăχtaŋ χăr-ǝʌ-a măṇš-aʌn̥ | 1SG.DAT NEG be.likeable-PTCP.PRS man if arrive-PST.3SG sand piece-DER.ADJ place-3PL-LAT tear-IMP.SG<2DU | If I don’t like the man who arrived, tear him into so small pieces like sand | khan1273 | uratyp_904 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
ij at-ǝŋ χătǝʌ măr sŏrm-a jŭw-ǝm χŏjat jŏʌǝn tăj-ʌ-a | one night-DER.ADJ day time death-LAT become-PTCP.PST person at.home have-PRS-PASS.3SG | The dead body is kept at home for a whole day | khan1273 | uratyp_905 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
škola-ja jŏχǝt-m-em-ǝn ńawrem-ǝt jŏχǝt-ti pit-ʌ-ǝt | school-LAT arrive-PTCP.PST-1SG-LOC child-PL arrive-INF start-PRS-PL | After I arrive at scool, children (also) start to arrive | khan1273 | uratyp_906 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
a ʌŭw χǫʌmit ŭw-m-aʌ-n… | but 3SG third cry-PTCP.PST-3SG-LOC | But when he cried for the third time… | khan1273 | uratyp_907 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
nŏχ pit-ǝs šăš-kišǝŋ iki | up fall-PST.3SG back-hunched | It is the hunchbacked old man that won (lit. fell up) | khan1273 | uratyp_908 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
ńawrɛm-ʌaʌ isa sɔrm-ǝt , isa jăm-ǝt | child-PL<3SG all dry-PL all good-PL | Her children are all dry, they are all well | khan1273 | uratyp_909 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
min năŋ χŏśe-n-a măn-ʌ-amǝn | 1DU 2SG to-2SG-LAT go-PRS-1DU | We (dual) will go to you | khan1273 | uratyp_910 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
χǫʌmit χɔt-a jŏχt-ǝs | third house-LAT arrive-PST.3SG | he arrived at the third house | khan1273 | uratyp_911 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
jŏʌǝn nŏrij-n mŏʌti ɔmǝs-ʌ | inside bed-LOC something sit-PRS.3SG | Inside, something is sitting on the bed | khan1273 | uratyp_912 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
ʌŭw sɛm-ǝʌ-a ăn pit-ǝʌ , śi sɛŋk-ǝʌ | 3SG eye-SG<3SG-LAT NEG fall-PRS.3SG PTL strike-PRS.3SG | Although he can’t see (it) (lit.: it doesn’t fall into his eye), he keeps on striking | khan1273 | uratyp_913 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
tŭt-en nŏχ ăʌ-e ! | fire-2SG PREV light-IMP.SG<2SG | Get the fire going! | khan1273 | uratyp_914 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
kŭrk-ǝʌ pa iśi tăχe-ʌ-a śi măn-s | eagle-3SG in-turn similarly place-3SG-LAT PRT go-PST.3SG | Similarly, the eagle has gone to her own place | khan1273 | uratyp_915 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kazym-Berezover-Suryskarer Khanty | English |
g´ä-i-ba ~ g´ä-i g´äl´ged | remain-PST-3PL ~ remain-PST.3SG step-PL | the steps remained | cent1812 | uratyp_918 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
sure-s lidna-s | big-INE town-INE | in a big town | cent1812 | uratyp_919 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
leveda-d te-dme | wide-PRT road-PROL | along the wide road | cent1812 | uratyp_920 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
kesked järve-d sarik om | middle lake-PRT island be.3SG | In the middle of the lake there is an island | cent1812 | uratyp_921 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
Ižand riko-i kana-n i toi kodi-he | master kill-PST.3SG chicken-GEN and bring-PST.3SG home-ILL | The master killed the chicken and brought home | cent1812 | uratyp_922 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
Aje-li-moi kodi-he | drive-FRQ.PST-1PL home-ILL | We were driving home | cent1812 | uratyp_923 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
Ole-n teh-mas rado-i-d , kerada-mas babuko-i-d | be-1SG do-SUP.INE work-PL-PRT pick-SUP-INE berry-PL-PRT | I am working, picking berries | cent1812 | uratyp_924 | uratyp | stan1295 | yes | Central Veps | German |
Mina sö-ška-n i gó-ška-n | 1SG eat-INCH-1SG and drink-INCH-1SG | I'll start to eat and drink | cent1812 | uratyp_925 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
Hän om jo läht-mas | 3SG be.3SG already leave-SUP.INE | S/he is about to leave | cent1812 | uratyp_926 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
ol-i-n sö-nu , konz sina tul-i-d | be-PST-1SG eat-ACT.PST.PTCP when 2SG come-PST-2SG | I had eaten when you came | cent1812 | uratyp_927 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
sö-iži-n | eat-COND-1SG | I would eat | cent1812 | uratyp_928 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
Ku mina ol-nu-iži-n kodi-š süu aigou , ka mina sanu-nu-iži-n sinei | if 1SG be-ACT.PST.PTCP-COND-1SG home-INE that time, then 1SG tell-ACT.PST.PTCP-COND-1SG 2SG.ALL | If I would have been at home, I would have told you | cent1812 | uratyp_929 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
sanele-b ka sanu-ga-ha | tell-3SG then tell-JUSS-3SG | [If] s/he tells then let him/her tell | cent1812 | uratyp_930 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
peze-moi | wash-REFL.1SG | I was myself | cent1812 | uratyp_931 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Central Veps | English |
Subsets and Splits