stringlengths 1
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⌀ | translation
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poisi tuba | boy.GEN room | the boy's room | esto1258 | uratyp_667 | uratyp | stan1293 | Estonian | English |
Poisi-d on pika-d | boy-PL be.3PL tall-PL | The boys are tall | esto1258 | uratyp_668 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
kaunis : kauni-m : kaune-im | beautiful : beautiful-COMP : beautiful-SPRL | beautiful : more beautiful : the most beautiful | esto1258 | uratyp_669 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
laua pea-le : pea-l : pea-lt | table.GEN on-ALL : on-ADE : on-ABL | onto the table : on the table : from top of the table | esto1258 | uratyp_670 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
üks õpik : kaks õpiku-t | one.NOM textbook.NOM : two.NOM textbook-PRT | one textbook : two textbooks | esto1258 | uratyp_671 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
käekoti-ta | handbag-ABE | without a handbag | esto1258 | uratyp_672 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
turu-le | market-ALL | to the market | esto1258 | uratyp_673 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
turu-l | market-ADE | on the market | esto1258 | uratyp_674 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
turu-lt | market-ABL | from the market | esto1258 | uratyp_675 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
Ta õppi-s õpetaja-ks | 3SG study-PST.3SG teacher-TRA | She studied to become a teacher | esto1258 | uratyp_676 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
Ta tööta-b õpetaja-na | 3SG work-3SG teacher-ESS | S/he works as a teacher | esto1258 | uratyp_677 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
koer , kes jooks-is ära | dog who run-PST.3SG away | dog who ran away | esto1258 | uratyp_678 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
lauda-de-le | table-PL-ALL | onto the tables | esto1258 | uratyp_679 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Estonian | English |
ku pǟzöi-ᴅ lenᴅ-elȫ mā-ᴅa mǖ̬ᴅä , se tītǟ tāz vihmā | when swallow.DIM-PL fly-FRQ.3SG ground-PRT along this foretell.3SG again rain.PRT | When swallows are flying near the ground then this predicts again rain | soyk1238 | uratyp_694 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
vanh-oi-s kodi-loi-z | old-PL-INE house-PL-INE | in old houses | soyk1238 | uratyp_695 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
kan̆nōja vartta tehhǟ pissoaij̆jaᴅ | hen.PL.PRT for make.PASS.PRT picket_fence.PL | picket fences are being made for the hen | soyk1238 | uratyp_696 | uratyp | stan1293 | Soikkola | English |
poiɢa näɢi karhu-a ja jō̭ksi poiz | boy see.PST.3SG bear-PRT and run.PST.3SG away | The boy saw a bear and ran away | soyk1238 | uratyp_697 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
ku pǟzöi-ᴅ lenᴅ-elȫ mā-ᴅa mǖ̬ᴅä , se tītǟ tāz vihmā | when swallow.DIM-PL fly-FRQ.3SG ground-PRT along this foretell.3SG again rain.PRT | When swallows are flying near the ground then this predicts again rain | soyk1238 | uratyp_698 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
hȫ̭ ol̆līᴅ varastam̆māz omenā hovin sā.ūst | 3PL be.PST.3PL steal-SUP-INE apple.PRT manor-GEN garden-ELA | They were stealing apples form the garden of the manor house | soyk1238 | uratyp_699 | uratyp | stan1293 | Soikkola | English |
mǟ-n tǖ-hü | go-1SG work-ILL | I'll go to work | soyk1238 | uratyp_700 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
mȫ̭ ō̭mma mänö-mize-l | 1PL be.1PL go-NMLZ-ADE | We are about to leave | soyk1238 | uratyp_701 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
miä ol-i-n kovast häᴅähü-nᴅ | 1SG be-PST-1SG strongly get_into_trouble-ACT.PST.PTCP | soyk1238 | uratyp_702 | uratyp | yes | Soikkola | |||
Jos saisīst , möi-sīst siä miule keŋɢäᴅ ? | if get-COND-2SG sell-COND-2SG 2SG 1SG-ALL shoe-PL | If you could would you sell me the shoes? | soyk1238 | uratyp_703 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
Jos saisīst , möi-sīst siä miule keŋɢäᴅ ? | if get-COND-2SG sell-COND-2SG 2SG 1SG-ALL shoe-PL | If you could would you sell me the shoes? | soyk1238 | uratyp_704 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
ɢuim mon-ᴅ vū̬tta miä ellǟnen | how many-PRT year.PRT 1SG live-POT-1SG | How many years I might live? | soyk1238 | uratyp_705 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
pala-ɢā otsa-llē sā | burn-JUSS.3SG end-ALL until | let [it] burn till the end | soyk1238 | uratyp_706 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
hǖ̬ māttī pitkä-n aja-n | 3PL sleep.PASS.PST long-GEN time-GEN | They slept for a long time | soyk1238 | uratyp_707 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
vanhā-ks ku mǟ-ᴅ ni jala-ᴅ huʙelō-ks tul̆lōᴅ | old-TRA when go-2SG then leg-PL weak-TRA come-3PL | When you get old / When one gets old, legs will become weak | soyk1238 | uratyp_708 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
to-i-n jauho-a , joᴅ paistā pīrakko-ja | bring-PST-1SG flour-PRT in_order bake.INF pie-PL.PRT | I brought flour in order to bake pies | soyk1238 | uratyp_709 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
tūlō | be_windy.3SG | It is windy | soyk1238 | uratyp_710 | uratyp | stan1293 | Soikkola | English |
hǟ ono pīkā-n | 3SG be.3SG servant_girl-ESS | S/he is a servant girl | soyk1238 | uratyp_711 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
hǟ ol-i pīkā-n | 3SG be-PST.3SG servant_girl-ESS | S/he was a servant girl | soyk1238 | uratyp_712 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
miä pā-n : miä en pā | 1SG put-1SG : 1SG NEG.1SG put.CNG | I put : I don't put | soyk1238 | uratyp_713 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
töɢö-mä-ᴅä tǖ̬-ᴅ | do-SUP-ABE work-PL | undone work (pl) | soyk1238 | uratyp_714 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
tehhǟ tǖ̬-ᴅä | work.PASS.PRS work-PRT | Work is being done here | soyk1238 | uratyp_715 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
pieᴅe-ttäv-öi-ᴅä-mme | hide-PASS.PRS.PTCP-PL-PRT-1PL.POSS | the one's that we are hiding/will hide | soyk1238 | uratyp_716 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
kestä-vä-ᴅ vāttī-ᴅ | last-ACT.PRS.PTCP-PL clothes-PL | lasting clothes | soyk1238 | uratyp_717 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
hǟ oh hüvä laula-ja mḙ̄z | 3SG be.3SG good sing-AN man | S/he is a man who sings well | soyk1238 | uratyp_718 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
elä maito-a tilɢuttele mā-ha | NEG.IMP.2SG milk-PRT drip.CNG ground-ILL | Do not drip milk | soyk1238 | uratyp_719 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
poja-ᴅ ol̆lā piᴅä-ᴅ | boy-PL be.PASS.PRS tall-PL | boys are tall | soyk1238 | uratyp_720 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
pā vītta pǟ-llē-z | put.IMP.2SG jacket on-ALL-POSS.2SG | Put the jacket on | soyk1238 | uratyp_721 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
kaᴅo-n pǟlle : kaᴅo-n pǟl : kaᴅo-n pǟlᴅ | roof-GEN onto : roof-GEN on : roof-GEN from | on(to) the roof : on the roof : from (topp of) the roof | soyk1238 | uratyp_722 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
el-kǟ panna ühtē müttǖ nīm paljo , ken heij̆je-ᴅ kaik kant̆teli | NEG.IMP-2PL put.INF one.ILL pile.ILL so much, who they-ACC all carry-PST.3SG | Don't put in one pile so much (muck), who carried all this (here) | soyk1238 | uratyp_723 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
kä .e-n | hand-GEN | hand's | soyk1238 | uratyp_724 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
hǟ ei elä-nᴅ ilman heʙoize-ᴅa | 3SG NEG.3SG live-ACT.PST.PTCP without horse-ABE | S/he didn't live without a horse | soyk1238 | uratyp_725 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
mȫ̭ män-i-mmä metsäi-t̀sᴇ | 1PL go-PST-1PL forest-PROL | We went through the forest | soyk1238 | uratyp_726 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
jaloi-lle | foot-PL-ALL | on(to) feet | soyk1238 | uratyp_727 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
jaloi-l | foot-PL-ADE | on the feet | soyk1238 | uratyp_728 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
jaloi-lᴅ | foot-PL-ELA | from the feet | soyk1238 | uratyp_729 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
vanhā-ks ku mǟ-ᴅ ni jala-ᴅ huʙelō-ks tul̆lō-ᴅ | old-TRA when go-2SG then leg-PL weak-TRA come-3PL | When you get old / When one gets old, legs will become weak | soyk1238 | uratyp_730 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
nō̭rē-m muiss-i-ᴅ a nüᴅ e-ᴅ muissa | young-ESS remember-PST-2SG but now NEG-2SG remember.CNG | At a young age you remembered, but now you do not remember | soyk1238 | uratyp_731 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Soikkola | English |
jalkā-z : jalkā-s-t | leg-POSS.2SG : leg-POSS.2SG-PL | your leg : your legs | soyk1238 | uratyp_732 | uratyp | stan1290 | yes | Soikkola | French |
lehmäᴅ , ked… | cow-PL who | cows that... | soyk1238 | uratyp_733 | uratyp | stan1293 | Soikkola | English |
se tul̆lō | it come.3SG | S/he (lit. it) is coming | soyk1238 | uratyp_734 | uratyp | stan1293 | Soikkola | English |
ʃize-xuu-z te pɔnʲi .da-xitʃ | two-DU-NOM.PL.2SG reindeer do(IPFV).PTCP_SIM-3DU.PST | The two of them were reindeer-herders | fore1265 | uratyp_744 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
pɔnʲiŋa-xuu-z | use(IPFV)-SOdu-2SG>NSG | you (sg) use them (du) | fore1265 | uratyp_745 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
ʃita noblʔ bee-biʔ | 3SG.GEN with-DAT keep_vigil(IPFV)-1DU.(>SG) | We keep vigil with him | fore1265 | uratyp_746 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
ɛse-jʔ tʃi periʔ baziʔ-ubi-zaʃ | father-NOM.SG.1SG here always tell(IPFV)-HAB-3SG>SG.PST | My father used to tell (us) about him | fore1265 | uratyp_747 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
mɔta-ʃ | cut(PFV)-3SG.PST | he had cut | fore1265 | uratyp_749 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
bu ńi-š kańi-ʔ | 3SG NEG.AUX-3SG.PST go-CN | He did not go | fore1265 | uratyp_750 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
mɔta-nʲi | cut(PFV)-SBJV.3SG | he would cut, let him cut | fore1265 | uratyp_751 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
mɔta-j ɛ-bu-ta | cut(PFV)-PTCP_ANT be-CVB_COND-OBL.SG.3SG | if he had cut | fore1265 | uratyp_752 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
mɔta-tʃu | cut(PFV)-DEB.3SG | he will/should cut | fore1265 | uratyp_753 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
sɔŋ-e-d | come_back-M-3SG.M.IMP | let him come back! | fore1265 | uratyp_754 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
pɔnʲiŋa-j | use(IPFV)-3SG.IMP | let him use! | fore1265 | uratyp_755 | uratyp | stan1295 | yes | Forest Enets | German |
koba-saj tʃukutʃi pɛdi-zuʔ tʃukutʃi mu-dokod-e-zuʔ | skin-COM all kamus-NOM.PL.3PL all take(PFV)-HYPOT-SOpl-3PL>NSG | They will take away all the skins with the kamuses | fore1265 | uratyp_756 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
tʃuku bemu-ɔʔ ɛ-tʃu-ɔʔ | all chief-1PL(>SG) be(IPFV)-DEB-1PL(>SG) | All of us will be chiefs | fore1265 | uratyp_757 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
bunki-xuń polđi-ŋa-xiʔ | dog-PX.DU.1SG black-FREQ-3DU | My two dogs are black | fore1265 | uratyp_760 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
ir -d | under(dir) -OBL.SG.2SG | under you | fore1265 | uratyp_761 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
mi-ʔ : mi-n : mi-z | in-DAT : in-LOC : in-ABL | into : in : out of | fore1265 | uratyp_762 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
nexuʔ nʲe-jʔ | three child-NOM.SG.1SG | my three children | fore1265 | uratyp_763 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
mɛ-tʃuz | house-CAR | without a house | fore1265 | uratyp_764 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
pu-on | stone-PROL.SG | along the stone | fore1265 | uratyp_765 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
buuse-d kere-ta batʲinki-za sɛruta-bi | old_man-DAT.SG self-OBL.SG.3SG boot-NOM.PL.3SG tie(PFV)-PRF.3SG | He put his own boots on the old man’s feet | fore1265 | uratyp_766 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
mɛ-kon | house-LOC.SG | in the house | fore1265 | uratyp_767 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
badu-z | tundra-ABL | from the tundra | fore1265 | uratyp_768 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
padarka-zo-za tɔne ? | gift-DEST.SG-NOM.SG.3SG there_is(ipfv).3SG.S | Is there a gift for him? | fore1265 | uratyp_769 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
no te-r ke-za bɔa ɛ-zʔ nʲi-uʔ | well reindeer-NOM.SG.2SG side-NOM.SG.3SG bad be(ipfv)-FUT.CONN NEG-3SG.S.CONT | But your reindeer’s body (lit. ‘side’) will be bad, after all | fore1265 | uratyp_770 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
baʔa-d nʲe periʔ kɔlta-goo-za | bed-OBL.SG.2SG cover always wash-dur-3SG.O:SG | (About a daughter in law: she can sew, her house is in order, she cooks,...) she always washes the bed sheets | fore1265 | uratyp_771 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
bizu -za dʲepi -Ø | water -NOM.SG.3SG be_hot(ipfv) -3SG.S | The water is hot | fore1265 | uratyp_772 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
nɛku-ju-r ma-dʲa-uʔ , tɛxɛ to-xon dʲiri | this-LIM-NOM.SG.2SG say(PFV)-Q-3SG.CONT this lake-LOC.SG live(IPFV).3SG | That one, probably, said that he lives at this lake | fore1265 | uratyp_773 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Forest Enets | English |
qwärɣɨ-n oral-bädi qum | bear-GEN hold-PTCP.PRS man | the man who was held by he bear | sout3262 | uratyp_775 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Southern Selkup | English |
mē-sodi my-m koćiŋ jeŋ | do-PTCP:NEC matter-1SG many EX | I have many thing to do (things which must be done) | sout3262 | uratyp_776 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Southern Selkup | English |
akkol sero-ń-ńi | again rain-INCH-AOR3SG | it began to rain again | sout3262 | uratyp_778 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Southern Selkup | English |
qüːdi̮-ɡi̮dɨ qum | person | a person who is not ill | sout3262 | uratyp_779 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Southern Selkup | English |
том-тый-мы-л | promise-PTCP–NMLZ-2SG | what you have promised | sout3262 | uratyp_780 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Southern Selkup | English |
ejüm-nie | become_warm-PRS.3SG | it becomes warm | kama1351 | uratyp_782 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kamas-Koibal | English |
amor-bi-n’i | eat-PTCP-LOC.1SG | when I was eating | kama1351 | uratyp_783 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kamas-Koibal | English |
dʼala-ʔi bar numo-ʔi | day-PL PTCL long-PL | days are long | kama1351 | uratyp_784 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Kamas-Koibal | English |
pajatta-vad nuor vätši venäi-ssi | talk-3PL young people Russian-TRA | Youth speaks in Russian | west2391 | uratyp_785 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
vano-i-z koto-i-z | old-PL-INE house-PL-INE | in old houses | west2391 | uratyp_786 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
suurõ koira-ka | big.GEN dog-COM | with a big dog | west2391 | uratyp_787 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
lehm-i-ä vart tehhä einä | cow-PL-PRT for make.PASS.PRS hay.PRT | Hay is made for the cows | west2391 | uratyp_788 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
poikõ võtt-i naizõ i men-i vällä | son take-PST.3SG woman.GEN and go-PST.3SG out | (My) son married and moved out | west2391 | uratyp_789 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
pääsko lent-ele-b | swallow fly-FRQ-3SG | the swallow is flying around | west2391 | uratyp_790 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
müü õl-i-m viinaa õssa-ma-z | 1PL be-PST-1PL vodka.PRT buy-SUP-INE | west2391 | uratyp_791 | uratyp | yes | West Vod | |||
taattõ tuu-b kotto | father come-3SG home.ILL | (My) father will come home | west2391 | uratyp_792 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
miä õl-i-n kõvassi nältši-nnü | 1SG be-PST-1SG strongly starve-ACT.PST.PTCP | I had become very hungry | west2391 | uratyp_793 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
miä õllõ-izi-n vapa , ku tämä mee-b vällä | 1SG be-COND-1SG free when 3SG go-3SG out | I would be free when s/he goes away | west2391 | uratyp_794 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
miä õllõ-izi-n vapa , ku tämä mee-b vällä | 1SG be-COND-1SG free when 3SG go-3SG out | I would be free when s/he goes away | west2391 | uratyp_795 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | West Vod | English |
Subsets and Splits