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yksi kirja : kolme kirjaa | one.NOM.SG book.NOM.SG : three.NOM.SG book.PRT.SG | one book : three books | finn1318 | uratyp_1054 | uratyp | stan1293 | Finnish | English |
Minna-n kirja | Minna-GEN book | Minna's book | finn1318 | uratyp_1055 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Lähd-i-n töi-hin käsilauku-tta | leave-PST-1SG work-ILL handbag-ABE | I left for work without a/the handbag | finn1318 | uratyp_1056 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Kävele-n talo-lle | walk-1SG house-ALL | I walk towards the house/to the house | finn1318 | uratyp_1057 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Ole-n talo-ssa / talo-lla | be-1SG house-INE / house-ADE | I am in a/the house | finn1318 | uratyp_1058 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Tule-n talo-sta | come-1SG house-ELA | I come from (inside of) a/the house | finn1318 | uratyp_1059 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Hän kirjoitti kyn-i-ne-en | 3SG write.PST.3SG pen-PL-COM-POSS.3 | S/he wrote with a pen | finn1318 | uratyp_1060 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Hän opiskel-i opettaja-ksi | 3SG study-PST.3SG teacher-TRA | S/he studied to become a teacher | finn1318 | uratyp_1061 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Hän työskentelee opettaja-na | 3SG work-3SG teacher-ESS | She works as a teacher | finn1318 | uratyp_1062 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
Mä aattelin et se ei mahu | 1SG think-PST-1SG that it NEG.3SG fit | I thought s/he will not fit | finn1318 | uratyp_1063 | uratyp | stan1293 | Finnish | English |
katu-i-lla | street-PL-ADE | on the streets | finn1318 | uratyp_1064 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Finnish | English |
jägǝ=püw-ii parǝwl-ǝs-gǝ | brother-DU jump-PST-3DU | his two brothers were jumping | east2879 | uratyp_1077 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
jäni kwäl-t-nǝ | big house-PL-LOC | in the big houses | east2879 | uratyp_1078 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
kol keewǝr-t | house inside-LOC | in the house | east2879 | uratyp_1079 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
jänii lyüüly wöär-s-ǝm , wisy=kom-mǝ jåt tåt-ǝs-lǝm | big mistake make-PST-1SG young=man-ACC with bring-PST-SG<1SG | I made a big mistake when I took the boy with me | east2879 | uratyp_1080 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
tolmax nee senktǝ-s , il xajtǝ-s | thief woman hit-PST.3SG away run-PST.3SG | The thief hit the woman and ran away | east2879 | uratyp_1081 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
tolmax nee-m senktǝ-stǝ , il xajtǝs | thief woman-ACC hit-PST.SG>3SG away run-PST.3SG | The thief hit the woman, and she ran away | east2879 | uratyp_1082 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
kårt-taxtǝnt-aat | sneak-DER-PRS.3PL | they are sneaking around | east2879 | uratyp_1083 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
om mõõ=sow kål-t kuun mås pägrant-aam ? | 1SG land=dust middle-LOC how until roll-PRS.1SG | how long will I have to roll in the dust | east2879 | uratyp_1084 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
näg tääwǝ kasyl-ääkǝn ool-ǝk | 2SG 3SG.ACC notice-ACT.PX.SG>2SG be-COND.PRT | if you had noticed him | east2879 | uratyp_1085 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
wojǝng=kar tee-p=mätǝr isykaam ulkǝ | fat=thing eat-PTCP=what have-OPT.1SG be-OPT.3SG | I wish I had a fat-food eating-dude (child) | east2879 | uratyp_1086 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
tow minǝ-sä-g jåmǝs uulǝm wöär-ǝxʷ | there go-PST.3DU good night make-INF | they went there to say goodbye | east2879 | uratyp_1087 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
kʷäl õõw-taal ool-ǝs | house door-CAR be-PRT.3SG | the house had no door | east2879 | uratyp_1088 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
sirii=piily-tal juuntǝp=tågǝl | sword-punch-CAR harness=shirt | harness which cannot be punched with a sword | east2879 | uratyp_1089 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
söät nååti xåjtǝ-s töält-ǝng sunt töält-ään naalǝw råwtxaat-s-ǝt | 7 female=reindeer run-PTCP shore-ADJ mouth shore-POSS.SG>3SG.LAT there hurry-PST.3PL | they hurried to the harbour of the harbour having river where seven female reindeer had been running | east2879 | uratyp_1090 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
owl-ǝ joxt-taal uus teel-ǝ ! | end-POSS.3SG come-CAR town be=born-OPT.3SG | may there rise a town, not reaching the end | east2879 | uratyp_1091 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
jääp-oåm lilǝng-äg ? | brother-POSS.DU>1SG alive-DU | Are my brothers alive? | east2879 | uratyp_1093 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
åm poålt-ǝm | 1SG by-PX.1SG | by me | east2879 | uratyp_1094 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
sow-tal | skin-CAR | without skin, skinless | east2879 | uratyp_1095 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
kʷäl-nǝ juw-tuu-s | house-LAT in-come-PRT.3SG | stepped into the house | east2879 | uratyp_1096 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
kʷääl-t wonl-ii | house-LOC sit.PRS.3SG | he sits in the house | east2879 | uratyp_1097 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
põõwǝl-nǝl joxt-ii | village-ABL come.PRS.3SG | he comes from the village | east2879 | uratyp_1098 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
neeg-ii wi-s-tǝ | wife-TRA take-PST-SG>3SG | took as a wife | east2879 | uratyp_1099 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
kom lǝl-ǝ päri-tuuj-ǝp-ǝs | man spirit-PX.SG>3SG back-come-DER-PST.3SG | man’s spirit came back | east2879 | uratyp_1100 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | East Mansi | English |
vahna-s kodi-š | old-INE house-INE | in an old house | ludi1246 | uratyp_1108 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
vahna-n aka-nke | old-GEN woman-COM | with an old woman | ludi1246 | uratyp_1109 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
se ol-i voina-d vaste | it be-PST.3SG war-PRT before | it was before the war | ludi1246 | uratyp_1110 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
Keväde-л лume-n lähte-düi peлdo-d kuive-tah | spring-ADE snow-GEN go-PASS.PST.PTCP.PRT field-PL dry-PASS.PRS | In the spring after snow is gone the fields are dried | ludi1246 | uratyp_1111 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
Mečä-s kazvau mard´ioi | forest-INE grow.3SG berry.PL.PRT | There are berries growing in the forest | ludi1246 | uratyp_1112 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
muamah ottau лapse-n pätši-л , andau buaba-лe | mother take.3SG child-GEN stove-ADE/ABL give.3SG midwife-ALL | Mother takes the child from top of the (Russian) stove and gives to the midwife | ludi1246 | uratyp_1113 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
hän on kirgita-ma-s kird’a-d | 3SG be.3SG write-SUP-INE book-PRT | he is writing a book | ludi1246 | uratyp_1114 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
ole sīt kohta-s müö tuлe-mmo sinu-ллu | be.IMP.2SG that place-INE 1PL come-1PL you-PROP | Be in that place we'll come to you | ludi1246 | uratyp_1115 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
surm on tuлe-ma-s | death be.3SG come-SUP-INE | death is coming | ludi1246 | uratyp_1116 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
ol-i-n nai-nu tä-s küla-s | be-PST-1SG get_married-ACT.PST.PTCP this-INE village-INE | I had got married in this village | ludi1246 | uratyp_1117 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
anda-nu-iž d'eńgad | give-ACT.PST.PTCP-COND money.PL | (s/he) would have given money | ludi1246 | uratyp_1118 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
luge-ne-n | read-POT-1SG | Probably I read | ludi1246 | uratyp_1119 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
Tul-gah hän pert´-he | come-JUSS.3SG s/he house-ILL | Let him/her come in the house | ludi1246 | uratyp_1120 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
tedri tuлou , ištu-heze pualika-le | grouse come.3SG sit-REFL.3SG stick-ALL | A grouse comes, sits itself on a stick | ludi1246 | uratyp_1121 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
hüö suadb pide-ttih | 3PL wedding hold-IPS.PST | They held a wedding | ludi1246 | uratyp_1122 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
Ku äijä-n tiedä-ne-t , siid terväh vahna-ne-d | if much-GEN know-POT-2SG then fast become_old-2SG | If you know (one knows) much you get (one gets) old fast | ludi1246 | uratyp_1123 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
miksebo sinu-l on piä hardie-l , šuapkuo kanda-mah vai ruaduo ruada-mah ? | why 2SG-ADE be.3SG head shoulder-PL.ADE, boot.PL.PART wear-SUP.ILL or work.PART work-SUP.ILL | why do you have a head on your shoulders, to wear boots or for work | ludi1246 | uratyp_1124 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
Häin on mečnik | 3SG be.3SG forest_ranger | S/he is a forest ranger | ludi1246 | uratyp_1125 | uratyp | stan1293 | Ludian | English |
muamo da tuatto oldih karjalaiže-t | mother and father be.PASS.PST Karelian-PL | mother and father were Karelians | ludi1246 | uratyp_1126 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
ota-n : en ota | take-1SG : NEG.1SG take.CNG | I take : I don't take | ludi1246 | uratyp_1127 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
malta-mattah | can-SUP.ABE | without skills | ludi1246 | uratyp_1128 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
lähte-däh aigoi huondekse-л | leave-PASS.PRS early morning-ADE | (People) are leaving early in the morning | ludi1246 | uratyp_1129 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
hiihtä-i mužik | ski-AG.NMLZ man | ludi1246 | uratyp_1130 | uratyp | yes | Ludian | |||
luge-tu-i-d kird´oid | read-PASS.PST.PTCP-PL-PRT book.PL.PRT | ludi1246 | uratyp_1131 | uratyp | yes | Ludian | |||
El-gat hän-dä nostata-kkad ! | NEG.IMP-2PL he-PRT wake_2PL | Don't wake him up! | ludi1246 | uratyp_1132 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
poiga-n peze-nd | boy-GEN wash-NMLZ | washing the boy / boy's washing | ludi1246 | uratyp_1133 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
pu-d oma/oldaze korgeda-d | tree-PL be.3PL/be.IPS.PRS high-PL | The trees are high | ludi1246 | uratyp_1134 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
vahn-in | old-SPRL | the oldest | ludi1246 | uratyp_1135 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
kato-n piäлe : kato-n piäл : kato-n piäлpiäi | roof-GEN onto : roof-GEN on : roof-GEN from | onto the roof : on the roof : from top of the roof | ludi1246 | uratyp_1136 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
minu-d | I-ACC | me | ludi1246 | uratyp_1137 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
üks lehm : neljä lehmä-d | one.NOM.SG cow.NOM.SG : four.NOM.SG cow-PRT.SG | one cow : four cows | ludi1246 | uratyp_1138 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
lehmä-n nimi | cow-GEN name | cow's name | ludi1246 | uratyp_1139 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
tul-i-n mecä-spiäi mard´a-ta | come-PST-1SG forest-ELA berry-ABE | I came from the forest without berries | ludi1246 | uratyp_1140 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
d'ärve-le | lake-ALL | onto the lake | ludi1246 | uratyp_1141 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
doroga-л | street-ADE | on the street | ludi1246 | uratyp_1142 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
Škola-spiäi | school-ELA | from the school | ludi1246 | uratyp_1143 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
Met'šä-s | forest-INE/ELA | in the forest/from the forest | ludi1246 | uratyp_1144 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
kirveheide-nke | ax.PL-COM | with axes | ludi1246 | uratyp_1145 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
stoikke pidäu tahko-ta tahko-l ülen teräväks | scythe must.3SG whet-INF whetstone-ADE very sharp-TRA | The scythe must be whetted very sharp with a whetstone | ludi1246 | uratyp_1146 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
minu-l papa paimoi-n oli kaks kezä-d | 1SG-ADE father shepherd-ESS be.PST.3SG two summer-PRT | my father was a shepherd for two summers | ludi1246 | uratyp_1147 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
se tulou kodih | it come.3SG home.ILL | S/he comes home | ludi1246 | uratyp_1148 | uratyp | stan1293 | Ludian | English |
sarai-лoi-л | raft-PL-ADE | on the rafts | ludi1246 | uratyp_1149 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Ludian | English |
suure-s järve-s | big-INE lake-INE | in a big lake | livv1243 | uratyp_1167 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
oma-n lapse-nke | own-GEN child-COM | with one's child | livv1243 | uratyp_1168 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Myö juoks-i-mmo silla-n alle | 1PL run-PST-1PL bridge-GEN under | We ran under the bridge | livv1243 | uratyp_1169 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Muama-n kodi-h tul-duu rube-i-mmo yhtes pasta-ma-h | mother-GEN home-ILL come-PASS.PST.PTCP.PRT start-PST-1PL together bake-SUP-ILL | When mother came home we started to bake together | livv1243 | uratyp_1170 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Tyttö näg-i mečä-s kondie-n da juoks-i iäres | girl.NOM see-PST.3SG forest-INE bear-GEN and run-PST.3SG away | The girl saw a bear in the forest and run away | livv1243 | uratyp_1171 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Ole-n kaččo-mas televiizoru-a | be-1SG watch-SUP.INE televizion-PRT | I am watching the TV | livv1243 | uratyp_1172 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
lähte-n Suome-h , osta-n piirua-du | go-1SG Finland-ILL buy-1SG pie-PRT | I'll go to Finland and buy a pie | livv1243 | uratyp_1173 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Ole-n lähte-mäs piha-le | be-1SG go-SUP.INE yard-ALL | I am going to the yard | livv1243 | uratyp_1174 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Konzu havaču-i-n , ol-dih muu-t jo lähtie-tty muarja-h | when wake_up-PST-1SG be-IPS.PST other-PL already go-PASS.PST.PTCP berry-ILL | When I woke up, others had already left to pick berries | livv1243 | uratyp_1175 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Elä-zi-n kylä-s , gu vai sua-zi-n | live-COND-1SG village-INE, if only get-COND-1SG | I would live in a village if I only could | livv1243 | uratyp_1176 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Gu ol-izi-t pasta-nuh piirua-n , syö-zi-n se-n | if be-COND-2SG bake-ACT.PST.PTCP pie-GEN eat-COND-1SG it-GEN | If you would have baked a pie, I would eat it | livv1243 | uratyp_1177 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
anda-ne-n | give-POT-1SG | I probably give, come | livv1243 | uratyp_1178 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
anda-kkah | give-IMP.3PL | livv1243 | uratyp_1179 | uratyp | yes | Livvi | |||
Ota-mmos : ota-ttos | take-REFL.1SG : take-REFL.2SG | livv1243 | uratyp_1180 | uratyp | yes | Livvi | |||
hyö rua-tah | 3PL work.IPS.PRS | they work | livv1243 | uratyp_1181 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Tahto-ne-t hyvin eli-ä , pidä-y äijy ruadu-a | want-POT-2SG well live-INF need-3SG much work-INF | If you want to live well you need to work much | livv1243 | uratyp_1182 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Halgu-o ei ole perti-s päčči-e lämmit-tiä | wood_log-PRT NEG be.CNG house-INE stove-PRT heat-INF | In the house there is no wood to heat the stove | livv1243 | uratyp_1183 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Vihmu-u | rain-3SG | It is raning | livv1243 | uratyp_1184 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Häi on čoma | 3SG be.3SG beautiful | She is beautiful | livv1243 | uratyp_1185 | uratyp | stan1293 | Livvi | English |
Häi ol-i čoma | 3SG be-PST.3SG beautiful | She was beautiful | livv1243 | uratyp_1186 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
minä ellendä-n : minä e-n ellendä | 1SG understand-1SG : 1SG NEG-1SG understand.CNG | 1SG understand : I don't understand | livv1243 | uratyp_1187 | uratyp | stan1295 | yes | Livvi | German |
Lähti iäre sanu-a sano-ma-ttah | go.PST.3SG away word-PRT say-SUP-ABE | S/he went away without saying a word | livv1243 | uratyp_1188 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Tiä ele-täh hyvin | here live-IPS.PRS well | Here (people) live well | livv1243 | uratyp_1189 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
pala-nuo-s mečä-s | burn forest-INE | in a burned forest | livv1243 | uratyp_1190 | uratyp | stan1293 | yes | Livvi | English |
Subsets and Splits