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ciibehnei3ecoo hee3eihok Mary: | PROHIB-be.scared . Mary | " Do not be afraid , Mary , |
hoo | porcupine | porcupine . |
hee nihnee'P nihnee'eestoo3i' | yes PAST-it-pause PAST-do.thus-3PL | Yes , that's what they did . |
B Hoowuuni | B no | No . |
nooxeihi' ni'otoonee3i' | maybe sell.s.t.-3PL | Maybe [ the councilmen ] are selling it [ secretly , and keeping the money ]. |
wo'ei3 niibeebebii3oo3iteet hetnee'eeneesoo' | or IMPERF-REDUP-properly-tell.story-3.S | The Arapaho tells everything correctly , so that is will be that way [ it's supposed to be ]. |
Nih'iihoonoyoohobei3i' hini' nihbeetesiiniihei3i' | PAST.IMPERF-watch.over-4 that(aforementioned) | They served as a protector of the People , [ note prox/obv structure is confused in this sentence ]. |
hiniin nihbii3beeni3 | his.wife PAST-cook-4S | His wife cooked . |
Nuhu' heetoono' noh noxowutoo'oo'useet | this where.located-12 and INTENSE-stop.wagon,.tractor-3.S | Where we lived , he stopped the wagon right next to there . |
bisP hee3neebishootP 'ih | all-pause very-all-FUT-pause darn!.shoot ! | all , it was all very , darn it .... |
hoowtowo'onetiitoon ; | 0.NEG people.interrupt | You don't cross in front of someone ; |
Ciiteex hi'iisoono' ne'nih'ii'no'o'heso'onoo3i' | w maggot-NA.PL | Since no one paid attention to making rules about the worms , that's when they drove us out of camp . |
Keetni'ibiin bei'ci3ei'i | 2S.FUT.INTERR-able-give money | Can I have some money ? |
ne'iini heyeihcihnoonoh'oe' | then | Then it was almost light . |
A Hiitenowoo woxu'uuwo | A IC.get-1S medicines | I took medicine . |
heihoowuni'eeneti3oo heisonoo | 2S-father | You cannot talk to your father . \{ Intended father-in-law \} |
Neneeninoo Nii'eihii | eagle | I am an eagle . |
wo'ei3 nih'iikookohtowunihiinoo | or PAST.IMPERF-REDUP-funny-say-1S | or I would say inappropriate things [ then ]. |
hiiko | no | no . |
wohei heetnehbih'iyoo' yeneini'owoo' | okay | Well it will be dark for the fourth time . |
neniiniitouubeinoo houu | IC.REDUP-holler-3S crow | The crow is calling to me . |
Tous heetnii3oone3en she said | then FUT-accompany-1S she said | Well then , I'm going to accompany you , she said . |
Nuhu' hinono'eitiit beeteenoo' | this Arapaho.language IC.holy-0S | The Arapaho language is sacred . |
Ciisiniihiihi' he'ih3ebnei'oohobeeno' | far.along.(stream)-ADV | They were watching them from far off along the river . |
touku3eihiiho' heetyih'oonee | policeman-NA.PL FUT-chase-3S | The cops will come after you . |
Ne'niitwoowoohonisee3i' wo'ei3 hoonoo'eixootiini' hiihoowniitonP hinono'eitiit | that-where-REDUP-join.with-3PL or REDUP-people.assemble-0S 0.IMPERF.NEG-hear-pause Arapaho.language | When people come together or gather , Arapaho is not heard . |
'oh ne'iini 3ebiisiihi' 3ebce'kox3i' neeyou nih'iitcihbise'einini3i woow ne'P tih'eeneiniP ne'nih'iisneenteeni3i hinee wo'teeneihi' hinee he'ne'P nihcihbisiitoneit | but then in-ADV there-back-other.side.of.hill now.PERF that-pause when.PAST-various.directions-pause that-PAST.what-get.away.from.trouble, that Utah that that-pause | And they went towards there , up over the hill again , where the Utes had been popping their heads up , now that's where they skeedaddled off to , to Utah , those ones who had attacked them . |
nihco'oniini hoonoo3itoohu3i' | PAST-always-DETACH REDUP-tell.each.other.a.story-3PL | They always told each other stories . |
hoowuuni | no | No . |
Hooxuu3iiw crossing boat | crossing-boat,.canoe crossing boat | Crossing boat , crossing boat . |
Wootii niibeetnoonohkco'oonoo neeneiseeneinokotii3i' | like what-play-3PL | " I want to take part in the games they are playing ." |
Wootii toukoohowoot hini'iit hohootno' | like shade,.shelter that(aforementioned).there tree-NA.PL | Those trees were like a shade/arbor . |
woow ceesisiisi'i'oot | now.PERF IC.begin-grow.up.with | That child is getting big , growing up . |
nihce3o'oo' hini' kee'in niit | PAST-disappear,.gone-0S that(aforementioned) you.know ? whistle | All of a sudden those whistles were no longer there . |
hinono'einiihi' kooheesP koohee'inobeenoo | Arapaho-ADV INTERR-what-pause INTERR-2S-know.s.t..about.s.o.-3S | Do you know what his Arapaho name was ? |
Wohei heesi3ecoohok woow nooxeihi' nee'eetoxei'i nebei'ci3ei'i | okay what-SUBJ now.PERF maybe 1S-money | " Okay ," he thought , " maybe now I have enough money ." |
yeah ceeyowco'oc ne'nih'iisinihiit pizza ceeyowco'oc | yeah various-bread that-PAST.what-say-3.S pizza various-bread | Pizza , various bread , that's how he says pizza , various bread . |
and nih'iiP uhh nihcebe'eihoot uhh my other brothers | and PAST.IMPERF-pause uhh PAST-surpass-3S uhh my other brothers | And he beat my other brothers . |
yeah niiso'ohteet | yeah bicycle | Yeah , a bicicyle . |
Heetneyeiniiniistii3i' nii3oxoeyoo | FUT-try-REDUP-make-3PL fence | They are going to try and fix the fence . |
toonheetnee'ei'cesisce'eeneti3i' hinono'eitiit heetniiyohou'u It's gonna be gone | INDEF-FUT-that' Arapaho.language FUT-disappear-0.PL it's gonna be gone | [ or even if ] they start speaking the Arapaho language again , [ the real , pure Arapaho ] will be gone . It's gonna be gone , |
heentooni' hii3e' nihii nooxeihi' yoo3on yoo3oncec | over.there well... maybe five five-year | We were over there for , uhh , maybe five , five years . |
Beh'eihoho' heentoo3i' | | Old men are present . |
Hoowunee'eesoo hini' nih'eeneistootiini' teecxo' | NEG-be.thus that(aforementioned) long.ago | [ In 1931 ] it was not like how they used to do it in the old days . |
yeah toonheesou'u | yeah INDEF-what.type-0.ITER | yeah , whatever sort . |
Niibeexo'uunono'eitit nih'iit | IMPERF-only-speak.Arapaho-3.S he | She only speaks Arapaho , he said . |
Nii3inowoo wo3onohoe | possess-1S book | I had a book [ with Indian names in it ]. |
noh hiix he'ih'ii3e' "ciibehkoxohun | and her.husband PROHIB-dig.s.t..up-3.IMPER | And her husband told her , " Don't dig up |
Neneenit nihtouno' wootii koonootoo'hoe | PAST-hold-3S like key | He was the one that , like , held the key . |
"heetnoowouunoneen ." | FUT-take.pity.on 1PL | " We will take pity on you ." |
yeah hini'iit | yeah that(aforementioned).there | yeah , those ... |
ToonP toonhiiteyooninoo nihbi'wo3onohowu' hiniisih'iitooninoo | INDEF-pause INDEF-3S-thing.gotten,.taken-pers.PL PAST-just-write-1PL 3S-name-pers.PL | whatever they took , we just wrote down their names , |
He'ihP he'ihbei'ci3einin | NARRPAST-pause NARRPAST-metallic-0.OBV | It was made of metal . |
Nenee3i' ne'P nee' nihP hih'iicoo3ooninoo | that-pause PAST-pause 4S.PAST-thing.smoked-pers.PL | That was what they smoked in their pipes . |
When you say you say hello friend You say tous neiteh'ei | when you say you say hello friend you say hello ! 1S-friend | When you say , you say hello friend . You say hello my friend . |
hiit 3eiinooxebein | here put.horses.inside.fenced.area-2S | You put the horses out to pasture here . |
Huut cihwonceenoku | here EMPH.IMPER-won-sit.down | Come sit down here . |
Nenee' ne'nih'iitini | that-PAST.where-DETACH | That's it , where ... |
co'cooniibooo 'innit | Mexican-road right ? | Mexican Pass , 'innit ? |
Noh nuhu' ceese' neniisi3i' neisiihoho' woow heentoo3i' hinee heetoot nehe' beneesiseit neisii | and this other IC.two-3PL 1S-grandchildren now.PERF that where.located-3.S this IC.older.girl-3.S 1S-grandchild | And these other two of my grandchildren are now staying at my older granddaughter's . |
'oh heecisiisiinini' hini' Lot he'ihnoot Sodom he'ih'isiteenoosoot | but that(aforementioned) lot NARRPAST-leave Sodom NARRPAST-fire-rain | but on the day that Lot left Sodom , it rained fire , |
noh he'ne'ii'itoo'unoo'ou'u | and that' | they ceased , |
ahh nuhu' 'ihP hihP ahh hoowuuhu' ahh hinono'eitiit 'oh heesiiseihit | ahh this almost!-pause OS.PAST-pause ahh NEG ahh Arapaho.language but what-voice-3.S | This ... doesn't really [ sound like ] Arapaho , the way he voices it . |
Wo'ei3 nii3oo3ouyeitiitooni' | or how.people.speak.English-0S | And how to speak English . |
Cihcebenoo hoseino' | meat | Pass the meat . |
HeetihP heetih'iiteeteteesiini niine'eeno' nuh'uuno hetei'yooniibin | so.that-pause so.that-IMPERF-REDUP-friendly-DETACH here.are.3PL this 2S-child-12POSS | Let it be that our children here [ act ] in a friendly and humble way . |
oh yeah | oh yeah | oh yeah . |
'oh niico'oniini ni'ouubeihit | but IMPERF-always-DETACH feel.good.physically-3.S | And s/he always gets better . |
'oo | yes | yes . |
heetce'inee'eestoonee nih'ii3ou'u | FUT-again-do.thus-2PL | You will get to do it too , I said to them . |
yeah Noowunen | yeah southern | yeah . Southern Arapaho . |
'oh some hei'inou'u | but some know-3PL | But some , they know it . |
Wootii wootii ne'nih'iisiini hoo3itooneihino' | like like told.a.story-12 | This is how we were told the story . |
nuh'uuno xonou biiseeno' xonou nuhu' | this immediately insect-NA.PL immediately this | These [ insects ], right away the bugs , right away ... |
nuhu' beh'eihoho' | this | These old men . |
Watch over my son watch over neniisoo tohuuhooxuunou'oot | watch over my son watch over (my).child since.IMPERF-float.across-3.S | Watch over me son , watch over my child who is going overseas . |
wohei ne'teeteesihcehi3i' hoo3oo'o' | okay then-REDUP-get.a.ride-3PL others | Wohei then the others jumped up on their horses . |
Neheic | ! | Come here ! |
Huut woow cii3iihi' 'oh woow nih'iiwo'wukoohu3i' | here now.PERF inside,.within but now.PERF PAST.IMPERF-run-3PL | Here now [ he looked ] inside , but now they had run farther on . |
'oh nuhu' ceese' ne'ee3eb3eiinooxebei3i' | but this other that-there-put.horses.inside.fenced.area-3PL | And these others , then they put them in the pasture over there . |
Wo3onkuu3eihii recorder | filmer recorder | One who records things ... |
Hee nih'ii3o' | yes | \ 'ecYeah ,\ 'ee I said to him . |
Biskoohut niiseiht | run.into.view-3.S one-3.S | One ran out into the open . |
hee noosouwooneihinoo | yes IC.still-young-1S | Yes , I am still young . |
nih'oo3oo he'ihcoonite3is | trickster, | White Man was left out . |
hinee hotii teneiitooyookuut | that car IC.stand.calmly,.quietly-3.S | That car is standing there real quiet . |
Koohentoo (name) koohentoono' hisei hinono'ein hisei hinono'ein | INTERR-be.present (name) INTERR-be.present-pers.PL woman Arapaho-OBV.S woman Arapaho-OBV.S | Is ( name ) here , are they here , Arapaho Girl , Arapaho Girl . |
nohkco'oonoo huu3e' | over.there | take part over there . |
He'ihniisino' hotiiwo' | NARRPAST-be.two-pers.PL wagons | There were two of them , trucks . |
wohei tous nih'ii3o' | okay then | " Okay then ," I said to him . |
bixoniihi' yeah | crying-ADV yeah | Crying . |
Woow nee'eestoonoo | now.PERF do.thus-1S | That's what I am doing now . |
xonou niino'oehi3i' nih'iit | immediately IMPERF-come-3PL he | They go outside right away , she said . |
Ne'nih'iitoonoyoohowoo3i' nuhu' woxhooxebii wo'ei3 wookecii nih'oo3ounii'eihiiho | that-PAST.where-watch.over-3PL this horses or cow-NA.OBV.PL chicken-OBV.PL | That's where they would look after the horses , cows , chickens . |
uhh | uhh | uhh . |
nuhu' hiihoowcou'uhuno nih'iit | this 0.IMPERF.NEG-bothered,.molested,.disturbed-0PL he | They are not to be disturbed , he said . |
nihnoohooto' heetnooxeihit wootii he'ihnoh'oeseiteenino | PAST-see-3S where-leave.tracks-3.S like NARRPAST-illuminated.( | He saw where the tracks were as if it was lit up . |
'oh hoowuuni siinihco'onouuhut | but not,.none,.nothing INTENSE-PAST-always.climbing-3.S | But he didn't listen , he just went on climbing again . |
hi'in nenee' heeneisiine'etiit nono'ei 3ebiihi' 3eboosei3iihi' | that(aforementioned) whatever-live-3.S Arapaho there-ADV there.back.( | That's the way the Arapahos lived there , back in those days . |
hee nono'o3ou'u tihneyeiniisiheihiinou'u nuhu' niibootno | yes IC.powerful,.terrible-0.PL which-try-made,.built-0.PL this song-NI.PL | Yes , it is powerful when the songs are in the process of being made . |
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