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Hinee niiteice3i3etouuse' | that | [ You'll eventually learn ] the order of the different prefes . |
he'ihnoh'ohusee heetohco'otoyooni' | NARRPAST-walk.uphill where-hilly-0S | He went up on a hill . |
Heetne'P bes nee'eesoohok nuhu' heetP nih'ii3ei'towuune3en wohei heetne'ce'iini ho3es heetne'bisiseen | FUT-then-pause stick be.thus-SUBJ this FUT-pause okay FUT-then-again-DETACH in.plain.sight FUT-then-appear-2S | This stick , if it is like this , the way I told you to do it , well then you will be able to go out in the open again . |
ne'ciineno' hee3eenetisiP heesinihiit hinee | then-put-3S what-say-3.S that | Then he put down those papers with what he is saying . |
A 'oh neneenin | A but | And you ? |
beexuuni beexP hoowoe'inowuu heetneeneistoono' niito' nuhu' huusi' | a.little-DETACH a.little-pause not.know-3PL FUT-things.s.o..does-12 first this day | They don't really know very well what we will do first today . |
beehiini beehneenini' nehe' nih'oo3oo hino'oteihiit | IC.all-DETACH IC.all-it this White.person 3S-power | all all of it this White Man his power . |
heetniiniibootow nih'ii3eit | FUT-IMPERF-sing-2S | You will sing the songs , they said to him . |
Beenhehe' nii3oowotoneiht | a.little believed-3.S | He is only to be believed a little bit . |
neihoowoe'in toonheesiihino' | I.don't.know | I don't remember when we left [ the north ] for good . |
Nesihoo | uncle ! | Uncle ! |
Woow niinooke' Woow niinooke' | now.PERF IMPERF-be.light now.PERF IMPERF-be.light | Now it is morning . Now it is morning . |
Honookuu'oo' heniisiiyoo' beenhehe' | IC.warm.up.after.cold-0S IC.warm.(weather)-0S a.little | It is warming up . It is a little bit warm . |
Nih'iini heeneixoxonotii3i' hi'in nec | PAST.IMPERF-DETACH fill.s.t.,.things-3PL that(aforementioned) water | Then they filled them with water . |
hoo3iihi' heetP heetneyeiniitone3enee | next-ADV FUT-pause FUT-try-hear-1S | Later , I will try to understand you . |
woow coowoxuyeit | now.PERF,.too.much-3.S | Now she has sewed too far/left too much space . |
Ce'ee3i' heetnokohun nih'ii3eit | outside FUT-sleep-2S | " You're going to sleep outside ." she said to him . |
Noh hoowkonohneehiisoono nuhu' woosoo3ii | and,.alike-0PL this arrowhead-NI.PL | And these arrowheads weren't all the same . |
'oh neixoo Jesus | but father ! Jesus | Father Jesus , |
Hetneihoowbii3ih nehe' koo'oh | 3S.FUT.NEG-eat this coyote | The coyote is not going to eat . |
heetce3i3e3eeyeinoo yeah | yeah | I will start a fire , yeah . |
Kookon nih'iinko'eihcehit ci' ciitoowuu' | just.any PAST-back.and.forth-veer-3.S too,.also inside | He was just running around in circles inside the house too . |
"Netesih'owuh tohni'bixoo3o' | 1S-dear since-good-love-1S | " My wife , whom I love so much ! |
Nuhu' hoo3itoo hinii3oot hiihoow3oo3ookutii | this story . 3.IMPERF.NEG-REDUP-follow.s.t . | This story he is telling , he doesn't follow the plot line right . |
Wo'ei3 niiwonkooko'uyei'i3i' | or IMPERF-ALLAT-REDUP-pluck-3PL | Or they go pick berries . |
'oh neisonoo heenoo | but 1S-father oblig | " But my father has to ..." |
Heneenetebiseenoni nootikonininoni hetiitoukutii nih'oo3eeyouwo nuhu' hihcebe' hooxebine' | IC.REDUP-run.into-2S.ITER IC.scout-2S.ITER IMPER.FUT-IMPERF-tie.up pieces.of.cloth this above spring-LOC | Whenever you reach this place , when you're on the warpath , you must tie pieces of cloth above this spring . |
woow beeso'ooteihinoo nih'ii3o' | now.PERF's.lesson-1S | " I have learned my lesson now ," I said to her . |
Ne'ce3i3ouu3einoo nuhu' nih'oo3ouyeitiit | this English | Then I started going to school with the English language . |
Wo'ooto hih'oowunooxeihinino | INDEF.POSS-legs 0.PAST.NEG-leave.tracks-0.OBV.PL | The feet had not left any tracks . |
He'iitoxcecnibeeni3i Nooxeihi' neihoowoe'inonoo | some.number-be.X.age-4PL maybe 1.NEG-know-3S | However old they are . Maybe I don't know him . |
Noh tesiihi' neisiihoho' wonoo3ee3i' howoo noosounoono'usee3i' | and very-ADV 1S-grandchildren also IC.still-REDUP-arrive-3PL | And a lot of my other grandchildren even still come around . |
cebitee nihtonounP | grease PAST-use-pause | they used kerosene ... |
Tohkoxuutenihcehit heni'nihi'kuutiit hikokiy noh hini' 3ii'ookuuni3 cenee3besoot | since-suddenly-jump-3.S IC.INSTR-fire.gun-3.S 3S-gun and that(aforementioned) IC.stand-4S | By suddenly jerking he pulled the trigger on his gun , and he accidentally shot the deer that was standing . |
Wohei nih'iicihce'noo3eino' | okay | Well , he would fetch them back here again . |
uhh heesiitousihi' hi'in beh'eihehihi' biiniisoo | uhh what-IMPERF-what.called ? that(aforementioned) Chokecherry.Child | Uhh , what was that little old man's name \ 'f1 Chokecherry Child . |
Niixoo hoonP ceesey neene'inonkuutiit | also REDUP-pause one.time REDUP-pick.up.on.s.t.quickly-3.S | She really caught on quick in just one time . |
nooxeihi' nenee' hinee toyoowoo'oo' | maybe that get.cold.(weather) | Maybe it's the time when the water will be getting cold .(?) |
wootii hini'iitiino nenee': nehe' 3owo3nenitee niine'eehek nehe' hinono'ei tih'eeneti3oot niixouuwutiit | like that.(aforementioned).there this indian this Arapaho IMPERF-make.s.t..clear,.straight-3.S | Well those [ gestures ], that it [ that he wants to see ]: this Indian , this Arapaho , when he speaks to someone , he makes it straight/clear . |
Niiwohoenenno' cebiisei'oo' | color.bearer-NA.PL right.face, | Color guard , right face . |
yeah 3iixo'oe | yeah stake,.peg | yeah , stake . |
yeah kookon | yeah just.any | Yeah , just . any way ... |
Ahh he'ii3ou'u heetniihi'otooneeno' | ahh something FUT-IMPERF-sell.things-12 | Ahh , we were going to sell something . |
tous | then | so then , |
teecxo' nebesiibehe' bexookeesoo nihnee'eesih'it | long.ago 1S-grandfather mountain.lion-child | A long time ago , my grandfather , Mountain Lion Cub , that was his name . |
Noh Peter heehehk hinen neihoowoe'in toonniisinihiin | and Peter said man I.don't.know INDEF-what-say-2S | But Peter said , " Man , I do not know what you are talking about !" |
'oh niine'eehek biibinootno ci' | but berry-NI.PL too | And here are berries too . |
Ceece3o'oh kouuteni3i' | dismiss-3PL | All of a sudden they fired me . |
Hoowuuni | no | [ You ] don't [ do that ]. |
'oo hee'inowoo | yes IC.know-1S | Yes , I know . |
Nee'eetou' nuh'uuno | this | There's where [ the good way ] is . |
'oh he'ih'oo3itoon nuhu' | but NARRPAST-tell.a.story-4 this | And they told him a story , this one . |
B Neniisneniinoo | B IC.alone-1S | I am alone . |
heeyou heeyou nenei'i | what.( what.( | What , what are those ? |
Nehe' ce'iseehek nehe' hisei | this go.back-SUBJ this woman | She went back , this woman . |
Woniseineehiis | burr | Licorice root ! |
toonhooyeit heetneenit heetniini tesno'oteihit nih'ii3eti3i' | FUT-DETACH very-strong,.powerful-3.S | Whoever wins , he will be the toughest and best , they said about each other . |
Heetniini heetP heetP nuhu' hoo3itoono | FUT-DETACH FUT-pause FUT-pause this stories | We are going to [ listen to ] these stories , |
Kooxhe'ihce3ei'oo hi'ihnotii3iyein | NARRPAST-grope.for.things-OBV.S | Once again he set off , groping about for things . |
B ceeceibecei'inou'u | B candy | Candy . |
nehe' nehe' honoh'oe nih'iit woowuuno beneebee3toono' | this this boy he now IC.REDUP-finish-12 | " This , this young man ," he said , " now we are all finished [ as friends ]." |
Hiiko hinen hei'iisitii'oxoh'u' noh'oo'u3eyoo hiihoowuciinen yoo3iihi' totoos hiihoowukotoyoobe'sinonee | no man when.PERF-PERF-lit-0S lamp 3.IMPERF.NEG-put hidden-ADV even.though's.put.into.cellar,.under.ground | " No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar , |
woow woow nih'iisbeteenoo | now.PERF now.PERF PAST.PERF-be.holy-1S | I am already holy . |
Noh he'ne'ii'nonoo'einit behiihi' | and that's.when-look.around-3.S all-ADV | After looking around at all of them , |
niibeetP nuhu' hinono'eino' neeneistoo3i' niibeetP | this Arapahos what-do-3PL | I want to [ learn more about ] the Arapaho ways , I want to ... |
ciibehP ciibeh'oo3iini | PROHIB-pause PROHIB-next-DETACH | Don \ 'edt ... don \ 'edt do it anymore . |
Heenoo Hihcebe' Nih'oo3oo behiihi' niiniitiit heeyouhuuho | oblig above trickster all-ADV IMPERF-make-3.S thing-OBV.PL | For nothing will be impossible with God ." |
Nee3neeni'ouubeihino' toh'uusiicoono' | very-feel.good.physically-12 since-PERF-smoke-12 | " We really feel good after smoking ." |
Nenee' nuhu' hinono'einiine'etiit hiihoowneinoo'ootiin | it, this Arapaho-life 0.IMPERF.NEG-people.get.scared | That is how Arapaho life is , you do not get scared of something . |
kookuyon he'ih'iinceno'oon noh he'ih'iineeneeyeitow | just.any NARRPAST-wander-jump-OBV.S and NARRPAST.IMPERF-REDUP-scream-4S | that jumped and screamed |
Noh hee3ebiini nihbisisee3i' | and there-DETACH PAST-appear-3PL | And they showed up there . |
niih'ineeso'oneino' wootii | IC.hurry.s.o..along, like | They make us go fast , make us run . |
wohei nih'iisni'ootowoo3i' beh'eihoho' | okay | Well that was how the old men had their prayers answered . |
Noonoohootowoo ci' cenei3oo' | REDUP-see-1S too IC.appraching,.coming.this.way-0S | I see things too , [ when ] it is coming this way . |
Heih heih heih nih'iit | hey ! hey ! hey ! he | " Hey , hey , hey !" he said . |
kookon ceitoono wo'einno kookon heeyouhuu | just.any earring-NI.PL necklace-NI.PL just.any thing | [ and ] all kinds of earrings , necklaces , just . anything . |
Xonou hiihoowuuni nihii 3ei'inowuu honoot niixoo'ei'i nuhu' biino | immediately 3.IMPERF.NEG-DETACH well... until dry-0.PL this chokecherries | You don't put them away right away , [ not ] until the chokecherries were dry . |
ne'iini bebiiswo3onkuu3oo3i' | then properly-record-3PL | Then they branded them properly . |
Noh how3o'no'oe | and never-go.out,exit | But he was always kept inside the tipi . |
Wo'ei3 toonheenentou'u'u wo'ei3 nih'ootii3i' | or almost-REDUP-present-0.PL or PAST-camp-3PL | Or [ we would look for ] whatever was there or where their camps were . |
Teb3e'ineebiixuut | (armless).sports.jersey | Jersey . |
neeyou hinee heetoh'uni | that where-DETACH | There's that place where ... |
cei3iihi' cenih'ii3ooxuwuutee' niiyou nuhu' heeneisoo': | this how.things.were-0S | There is an old rule about this situation which has been preserved up to this day : |
KoohiP woowP 'oh woowuuno koxo'uu3ou'uu'oo' | INTERR-IMPERF.IMPER-pause now.PERF-pause but now slowly-getting.towards.evening-0S | " Is it now , well now evening is slowly coming on ." |
heetnee'inow nuhu' neeneisinihiini' nih'ii3i' | FUT-know-2S this what-say-1PL they.said | " You will learn what we're saying/talking about ," they said . |
Wohei het-ise'enou'u | okay IMPER.FUT-ready | " Well , you must get ready ," [ he would reply ]. |
'oh beebeet niiyou nuh'uuno heetP heetniitonP | but just this FUT-pause FUT-hear-pause | But here is this [ way around that ], so that she will hear , |
Howoo nuhu' heetihP niibeetbiiP biibi3ehini' heetihneeni'iseenoo' | also this so.that-pause pray-1PL so.that-REDUP-go.right-0S | We also [ pray for ] this that , we want to pray that things will go well [ here ]. |
Beh'eihoho' niiceeceitoonou'u | IMPERF-REDUP-visit-1S | \ 'ecI visit the old men .\ 'ee |
'oh ceesey ceesey Dickie nihniisih'einoo co'ouu3ii'eihii | but one.time one.time dickie PAST-name-3S High.Eagle | But one time , one time Dickie named me High Eagle . |
hoowu'untotoubeih nih'ii3eit | NEG.unable-warned | He won't listen to warnings , they said about him . |
nuhu' hei'otoowoot ne'ciineno' bei'ci3ei'i beenhehe' cebe'einiihi' | this when.PERF-eat-3.S then-put-1S money a.little beyond-ADV | then he put down some money , a little extra . |
noh'oetee' toonhesitee he'ihnootee |,-0S INDEF-fire NARRPAST-burning.( | it was lit up , some fire was burning . |
'oo | yes | Yes . |
'oh he'iyoot xonouuwu3ecootonoot behiihi' hitei'yooniiwo | but knowledge IC..have.people.think.rightly-3.S all-ADV 3S-children | Nevertheless , wisdom is vindicated by all her children ." |
Tihcesisiihi3i' nih'ii3i' | PAST-said-3PL | When they started travelling , they said , |
bee3ei | owl | Owl . |
Nee'eesih'in woow hitenoo | now.PERF get-0.IMPER | You have your name now , take it ! |
heetihnotiitii3i' hi3oobe' ni'ecii kokiyono noh hoo3oo'o' heeyouhuuho nihi'woxtootiini' | so.that-search.for-3PL below lake-NI.PL gun-NI.PL and others thing-OBV.PL | to search the bottom of lakes for guns and other objects related to a crime . |
Niiyouni hino'ein nih'iit | 3S-leash,.collar,.necklace he | Here's his collar , he said . |
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