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Nih'eenetino' beebei'on teesi' hiine'etiit nih'eesoo' | PAST-speak-12 far.away life | We talked , way up on top there , about how life was . |
boy you know nono'o3oo' | boy you know IC.tough-0S | ... It is tough . |
Niibeteee3i' yoo3oniiis hehyeinei'i biikoo | IMPERF-dance-3PL five.days NUM-four-0.PL at.night | They dance five days , and four nights . |
'oh hiiwoonhehe' niini'ouubeihinoo nih'iinoo | but now IMPERF-feel.good.physically-1S PAST-said-1S | And now I feel good , I said . |
He'ne'iteneihit heetih'oonoyoohowoot hinono'eiwookecii | then-selected,.chosen,.appointed-3.S so.that-watch.over-3S Arapaho-cow-NA.OBV.PL | Next he was appointed as the head beef herder for the tribal cattle herd . |
neheic | ! | Come here ! |
wohei nehe' nih'ei'towuun: huu3e' ceesey ceesey nihnokooyeinoo neeyou hinee houuneniibetee 3i'eyoo | okay this PAST-tell.s.o.-3S over.there one.time one PAST-fast-1S that Crow-holy monument | Well he told me about this : " one time over there , one time I was fasting at that Crowheart Butte ." |
nenee' nii3ooku'unei'oohobeihiinoo' hinee | IMPERF-follow(ing) that | It is favored [ over us ]. \ tab |
Noh siinih'onobee' | and INTENSE-PAST-joyous-0S | And we were really happy . |
Niixoowo'owoo niinoo3ou'u | overcome.obstacle-1S IMPERF-leave-1S | I always overcome obstacles , and I leave [ my adversaries ] behind in my wake . |
'oh he'ne'bisboo3etiihoot | but then-all-make.fight.with.e.o.-3S | And then he made them all fight . |
heetootonounowoo nuhu' hiine'etii3i' | FUT-REDUP-use-1S this live-3PL | I [ we ] are goign to use these living ones . |
Wohei ne'P nii'oo' | okay then-pause IC.good-0S | Well then it's good . |
yeah hoowunihii | yeah NEG-say | Yeah , she didn't say . |
Nuhu' neteenetiit henee3eeneetowoo 'unono'eininoo | this 1S-language since-be.Arapaho-1S | My Arapaho language is important to me . |
heetoo3i'eewo' nebixoo3ooo neih'e: | 1S-love-3.DEPPART 1S-son | I will send my beloved son ; |
Nesi heetyihoot hii3e' woteiho'yoot | 1S-uncle FUT-go-3.S over.there drumming | My uncle is going to the drumming . |
Wotneneehek 'oh wotneneeP wotneneehek ni'iini | but good-DETACH | I guess that's good [ up to a point ]. |
ne'iini ahh too'useenoo | then ahh stop.walking-1S | Then I stopped . |
NeihoowbeetP neihoowbeetnii3oone3 | | I don't want to go with you . |
wohei niiyou niiyou nuh'uuno | okay this | Were here is , here is this [ plant ]. |
Nihneyeico'oniini beebeteenP beebeteenP beebeteentooni' nohkuuhu' nuh'uuno | PAST-try-always-DETACH REDUP-holy-pause REDUP-holy-pause REDUP-worship-1PL with.comit.-ADV this | We always tried to act in a holy way using these things |
Nisihiinec | Whistling.Water | Whistling Water . |
Kookon nosouniini neyeih'eenei'towuunee3i' | just.any still-DETACH try-REDUP-tell.s.o.-1PL | But we still try to tell them . |
Hiiwo' niisiinihou'u | MIRATIVE,.to.s.o.-1S | Gee , what am I going to do with them ? |
neisonoo huu3e' | 1S-father over.there | My dad over there , [ she said to him ]: |
Ne'nih'ii'teeso'onee3i' honoot cihP nihno'uukohei3i' | that-PAST.when-herd.animals.onto.(train)-1PL until PAST-arrive.on.horseback-3PL | \ 'ecThen we herded them onto the traincars , until [ the buyers ] rode over here .\ 'ee |
hoowuuni booono | no road-NI.PL | There are no roads . |
ceeciis tihce'eeckoohuno' | suddenly when.PAST-back-go.home-12 | Suddenly as we were coming back home [ you killed it ], |
B 'oo | B yes | Yes . |
Mary Alice nih'iitoot howoh | Mary Al-ice PAST-where.located-3.S right ? | Where Mary Alice stayed , right ? |
wohei nehe' hisei ceese' hisei he'ih'ei'towuunee hi'in ceexoon | okay this woman one woman NARRPAST-tell.s.o.-3S that(aforementioned) one,.another | wohei this woman one woman she told her that other one . |
noh ne'yiisoowu3oowut cii3iihi' hibetee3ouw | and then-breathe.into.s.t..there-3.S inside-ADV 3S-soul,.shadow | and breathed into it his soul . |
no'outihii 'innit | Yarrow.('squirrel's.tail') right ? | Squirrel's tail , isn't it ? |
Wohei niiyou nec | okay water | " Well he is some water ." |
Wootii nenee'eeneestoono' Heihoowhee3neeneeneestoon | like do.that-12 2.NEG-very-REDUP-how-do-12 | It's like that's what we're doing . We're not doing the real thing . |
yeah nih'onobee' teecxo' | yeah PAST-joyous-0S long.ago | Yeah , it was happy long ago . |
Hohou | | thank you . |
"huut nihcenoo'oho' hini'iit bee3ei | here that(aforementioned).there owl | here I knocked him down that owl . |
hiitenowoo hini' neihciiciineyoono | IC.get-1S that(aforementioned) 1S.PAST-NEG-thing.put.down,.deposited-NI.PL | taking what I did not deposit , |
Feline nee'eesih'it | Feline | Feline is her name . |
hiikoot 'oh hooyei hooyei hiiwoonhehe' nohkco'oono' nuhu' heteenetiitoonin bisiihi' Hoowoe'in wootii heeyou hoowee3neenoo | moreover but most most now this 2S-language-12POSS all-ADV not.know like what.( 0.NEG-real | What's more , most [ people ] today , they are all taking part in our language , \{ This is a veiled criticism of younger people who are learning minimal amounts of Arapaho and then getting up at ceremonies and trying to speak , or trying to \ 'ecperform \ 'ee the language for tourists such as the Arapaho Experience show put on by the Wind River Casino every summer , which W is in charge of . W has said that they are largely incomprehensible .\} [ but ] he doesn't know , it's like the thing isn't real . |
Noh neihoowbeet3eiisin | and | And I don't want to be in jail . |
niiyoo'oeno' niine'eeno' huu3e' 3ii'ookuu3i' | mountain.birch-pers.PL here.are.3PL over.there IC.stand-3PL | Mountain birch are the ones standing over there . |
Wohei wo'ei3 ce'iihi' tootou3ooku3iihi' 'oh nih'iinenebe'eebeino' | okay or again-ADV inevitably-ADV but PAST.IMPERF-impose.rules,.forbid-3 | Or again they would have to give us rules . |
sooxe | let's.go | Let's go ! |
Hoonowo'oo' huutiino | IC.things.go.along.happily,.joyfully-0S | Things are going along joyfully here . |
Ne'P ne'too'oo'koohu' | then-pause then-stop.(traveling),.by.wagon-1PL | Then we stopped . |
tihciini'ouubeihin inside | when.PAST-NEG-feel.good.physically-2S inside | When you didn't feel good inside . |
Wohei nih'iit | okay he | " Okay ," she said . |
Heesiine'etii3i' noonoxoo3oo' | what-live-3PL IC.cruel, | " How they are living , it is cruel ." |
Heeyou | what.( | What ? |
They got lunch too three of them betebihoho' kids and adults | they got lunch too three of them old.women kids and adults | They got lunch too , three of those old ladies [ serve it ] to kids and adults . |
niiyoo'oe | mountain.birch | Mountain birch . |
toonheetniistoyou'uuwuno' nenee' heni'oo'eiseeno' | INDEF-FUT-how.IMPERF-to.remember.a.lesson-12 it, IC.INSTR-gather-12 | How we will hold on to/remember it , this is why we are meeting . |
Huutiino | | Here . |
hookuuneese'ehk ni'iiwo'owte'ci'oot hiii | thawing.wind.blows-SUBJ INSTR.CAUS-more-melt-3S snow | A warm wind ( Chinook ) will help melt the snow . |
neeso beteenoowu3oow hihcebe' nih'oo3oo neibee3heiit noh hono'ut hineniteeniit hihcebe' nih'oo3oo | three Holy.Spirit above trickster 1S.IMPERF-bless-3 and all the.people above trickster | thirdly , in God the Holy Ghost , Who sanctifieth me and all the people of God . |
niicoonbii'eeneetowoo neeneibiibi3ehit | IMPERF-unable-think.up-1S what-pray-3.S | " I can't think of it ," what he will pray about . |
Wohei noosoubeetnonouht nuhu' heso'ooniini Hee'inow heetcebe'eihi3en | okay this fast-DETACH IC.know-2S FUT-surpass-1S | Well he still wants to race . You know I'm going to beat you . |
'oh niiyou nuhu' beebeet 'oh heihoowoo3eihin hini'iit niiheeneti3i' | but this just but 2.NEG-many.little.ones-12 that(aforementioned).there IMPERF-speak-3PL | And now , there are just not very many of us left , those who speak [ Arapaho ]. |
Kookou'unei cih'owouunonei'ee | please EMPH.IMPER-take.pity.on-1PL.IMPER | Please , have mercy on us . |
woo'uh'ei | magpie | Magpie |
'oh nehe' hinen nooxeihi' he'ihP nooxeihi' nihwoowo'weso'oetiini' huu3e' beebei'on huu3e' huu3e' too3iihi' hini'iit uhh cee'iyeino'oowu' | but this man maybe NARRPAST-pause maybe PAST-REDUP-people.herd.cattle.farther.along-0S over.there far.away over.there over.there nearby-ADV that(aforementioned).there uhh Ft..Washakie,.WY | And this man [ Black Eagle ], maybe people were driving cattle along , way over there , over there near Fort Washakie |
hi'in nenee' | that(aforementioned) | That's it . |
Yeheihoo nih'ii3o' | gee.whiz ! | Gee whiz , I said to him . |
he'ih'iiP nooxeihi' cee'iiP heecoho'ooni3 | NARRPAST.IMPERF-pause maybe IC.again-IMPERF-pause recover.strength-4S | it was maybe it was recovering its strength again . |
yeah | yeah | yeah . |
Hiibeteee' xonou | IMPERF.IMPER-dance-2PL.IMPER immediately | " You must dance , right away ." |
Nehe' hinen howoo hoowoe'in | this man also not.know | And the man did not know it either . |
ne'nih'iini bisiihi' bisiihi' nuhu' honoot honoot nohkuseic hisei heetciitookoheit nih'iit | then-PAST.IMPERF-DETACH all-ADV all-ADV this until until morning woman FUT-bring.water.inside-3.S he | Then [ we did ] all that , all [ the parts of ] this [ ceremony , until , until the next morning , [ when ] the woman is going to bring in the water , he said . |
neyeinottonoo hinee | IMPER.FUT-try-ask-3S that | You must try to ask that one . |
wootii niiP hiihoowuni'beebebiiskokoh'u3ecoono' | like IMPERF-pause 3.IMPERF.NEG-able-REDUP-properly-think-pers.PL | It's like they can't think properly . |
Wohei ne'heeneiyooteno' | okay then-clean.(up)-3S | Then she cleaned it up , trimmed off the twigs . |
hii3oobee' nuhu' hoo3iteet | IC.true-0S this tell.story-3.S | What he is telling is true . |
Heenoo ne'nih'iisiini ceteihin | natural paralyzed, | " You will just always be paralyzed like this ." |
yeah teehibino' | yeah strawberries | yeah , strawberries . |
neeneixoohoo3iho' neeneisxooxouuwunihiitooni' | teach-1S what-REDUP-straight-people.say.things-0S | I teach her things , how people say things properly . |
wootii niitootonounou'u | like IMPERF-REDUP-use-3PL | like the things they use , |
WonP hiineyeih'ini niineyeih'ini | ALLAT-pause 3S.IMPERF-try.PAST-DETACH IMPERF-try.PAST-DETACH | He goes and tries , tries to ... |
Ne'P ne'iini bi'kou'unbesiiwoh'oonP | then-pause then . | Only then can you have a ceremonial grandfather . |
heenoo teecxo' nih'ee3neeciixootee' nih'ii3o' | oblig long.ago PAST-very-located.far.(apart)-0S | In the past , it was always farther to everywhere , I said to him [ teasingly ]. |
Noh he'ne'ii'ei'towuunei3i' nihnoohowo' hoocoo wootii ceheekuut heesicenise' hihii3iihi' hihcebe' | and that's.when-tell.s.o.-4 PAST-see-1S devil like lightning what-fall.down-0S from above | He said to them , " I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning . |
Wohei hiit niinee'eenee3oneihi' nee'eeneestoo' | okay here' do.those.things-2PL.IMPER | Well take your time here , with what you're doing . |
Nohuusoho' | like.that | Amen . |
Howoto'oo nonsih'ebiihii nih'ii3eit | wake.up drunkard | " Wake up you drunk !" she said to him . |
'oh neneenino' niihinono'eiyeitino' | but . IMPERF-speak.Arapaho-12 | But us , we speak Arapaho . |
BeaP Beaver Dodge no'uukoheit | -pause Beaver Dodge arrive.on.horseback-3.S | Beaver Dodge rode up . |
niiwo'teenoxoh'owoo nei3e'ee | 1S-hair | I dye my hair . |
'oo | yes | Yes . |
Ne'P niine'eehek nehe' hinen nehe' hinen ne'nih'iisiini noonP toh'uni heenetenoot heeneisiihi' | that-pause this man this man since-DETACH REDUP-remove.s.t..(from.out.of.s.t..else) 3S whatever-ADV | And here is this man . that was how this man ... When he removed various things [ from people ]. |
Bii'iitiino' niiinon he'ih'ootee | find-pers.PL tipi NARRPAST-placed | They found a tipi set up . |
noh he'ih'oxooteenebeeno' | and NARRPAST-think.of.mockingly-3PL | and they ridiculed him . |
noohobee3i' nisicoho' | see-1PL antelopes | We saw some antelope . |
Niiniitobeet neniitobeet yeah | IMPERF-hear.things-3.S IC.hear.things-3.S yeah | She understands , she understands , yeah . |
Nehe' betebihehi' hei'cihnoo3eihit | this little.old.woman | About when that old lady was left behind here . |
Wootii neenei'ou3eihit | like | Like how educated a person is , |
'oh neneenit niito' nouuhcehit | but first run-3.S | But the first thing , he ran outside . |
hootnooxowoot nih'oo3ouwoxuu | FUT-feed-3S pig-NA.OBV.PL | He will feed the pigs . |
Kookonoh hihbiinooon he'inee'ee3eihit: | completely,.entirely, 3S.PAST-eat-3S.DEPPART.obv DUBIT-be.thus-3.S | Just like the one he had eaten , that's how he was now : |
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