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3i'eyoono' nihbi'eenentoo3i' | monument-NA.PL | There were only stone monuments there . |
wohei ne'ce'cii3ihcehit | okay then-back-run-3.S | Wohei then he ran inside again . |
nihkou'usini'i nuhu' | this | He [ had ] his braids cut off . |
Nookoo3 hii3e' nih'e3ebiini 3ii3iiyohoe3i' | elsewhere over.there PAST-there-DETACH REDUP-cut.s.o.' | They would go out in different locations to shear sheep . |
ne'noohooto' tohnoh'oeseitee' | then-see-3S since-illuminated.( | Then he saw that it was illuminated . |
Noh neneenini' hi'iinee'eesinouhuni3i nuhu' sosoni'ii Hiihoowtonouneeno' nuhu' eagle | and this Shoshone-NA.PL 3.IMPERF.NEG-use-3PL this eagle | And [ with ] it , the Shoshones dress that way with them . They don't use the eagle [ plume ] |
nee'ee | wait ! | Wait ! [ he said to the deer ]. [ NOTE : women's word !] |
Neene'eehek | | There he is . |
Hoowuuni he'ii3ou'u | no something | Not something ... |
Nii3oxoeyoo | fence | Fence . |
heeteenebeihi3i' nuhu' beesneniteeno' nih'entoo3i' | respected-3PL this elder-NA.PL | The elders who were there were respected . |
woowoyoo' booo | rough-0S road | Rough road . |
Hini'iit hesiinbii3wo | that(aforementioned).there | Like those fast foods , they are called . |
'cause neihoowoe'in kee'in Nuhu' niicoonP like you said niicoonbisP you know put it together kee'in Pray kee'in | 'cause I.don't.know you.know ? this IMPERF-unable-pause like you said IMPERF-unable-all-pause you know put it together you.know ? pray you.know ? | Cause I don \ 'a5t know it , you know ? I can't find , like you said , I can \ 'a5t find all , you know , put it together , you know ? Pray , you know ? |
heihii he'ihneen hiitonih'it | soon | soon it was him he had his horse [ back again ]. |
wohei he'ih3ee3eiinowunino hiteixo'ono heenei'isiihi' tootonouneihiinou'u ce'eiino3e' | okay DUBIT.PAST-REDUP-put.inside.s.t.-4PL 3S-clothing-NI.PL REDUP-used-0.PL bag-loc | She put all his clothes , his various things , everything he would use , in a bag . |
niinii'P nii'beextootoyo3inoo'oo' beenhehe' | IMPERF-when.IMPERF-pause when.IMPERF-a.little-REDUP-getting-0S a.little | That's when is starts to get a little cool , a little bit . |
Niikoonenou'u nuhu' nii3oxoeyoo | IMPERF-open-3PL this fence | They open the gate in the fence . |
'oh nuhu' nih'oo3ouniini woxu'uuwo 'oh nih'iini hoowuuni'iini | but this white.person-DETACH medicines but PAST.IMPERF-DETACH 0.NEG-IMPERF-good-DETACH | And this white style medicine was , was not good . |
Nooxeihi' Indian camp ne'nih'iisi3ecoot he'ne'nii'he3ebkoohut nuhu' nih'oo3ou'u | maybe indian camp that-PAST.what-think-3.S that-when.IMPERF-there-run-3.S this White.people | Maybe it's an Indian camp , that's what [ the white man ] thought [ because of the smoke ]. That's when [ a white woman ] went over there . |
Ne'iiteno' hoseino' | then-get-3S meat | [ When the tongue and a piece of the best meat had been cut off and put aside ], the boy grabbed them both . |
wonoo3ei'i hoo3itoono | stories | There are many stories . |
Hoowuuni | not,.none,.nothing | They aren't ... |
hiisoho' | like.that | Like that |
Ne'nii'P ne'nih'ii'ciiyihooni' | that-when.IMPERF-pause that-PAST.when-NEG-go-1PL | " That's when , why we don ´ t come .“ |
teesbeexookee3i' niinei'inou'u niinei'inou'u | IC.very-mature-3PL IMPERF-know-3PL IMPERF-know-3PL | These very old people , they know it , they know it . |
heetniinoo'einoo nooke'ehk | FUT-hunt-1S tomorrow | I'm going to go hunting tomorrow . |
Noh nooxeihi' nehe' nec noohkuune'etiit nuhu' ceheekuut | and maybe this water IC.with-live-3.S this electricity | And maybe this water lives together with electricity . |
Heihii heetne'no'o3iitowuno' | soon | \ 'ecSoon then we will get accustomed to it ,\ 'ee [ the proponents of the housing said ]. |
'oh nuhu' bisiii'oot uhh yellow sweet clover | but this (annual).plant uhh yellow sweet clover | this plant , uhh , yellow sweet clover ? |
Wohei hetneeneenoutii neteixo'ono heeneeyoohuuho neetniiwoh'uyoono | okay IMPER.FUT-REDUP-prepare,.get.ready 1S-clothing-NI.PL various.thing(s)-NI.PL 1S-FUT-thing.carried-NI.PL | " Well you must get my clothes ready , the things I will take along ." |
Nehe' nih'oo3oo niibehcoo'u3ei'it | this White.person IMPERF-all-bother-3.S | The White Man messes with everything . \{ joking \} |
Noh niine'eeno' nuh'uuno beesoowuunenno' | and here.are.3PL this big.water.person-NA.PL | And here are these B ., |
Ciiteinoo hoowP hoowuuni | enter-1S NEG-pause not,.none,.nothing | I went in , there was no one . |
Niine'eeno' beniiinenno' | here.are.3PL soldier-NA.PL | " Here are the soldiers ." |
Wohei nihnoonoohootowoo nuhu' nih'eeneisinihii3eti3i' you know | okay PAST-REDUP-see-1S this you know | Well I saw all those things they said to each other . |
nihtouneihit nehe' tei'yoonehe' | PAST-captured,.held-3.S this child | The child was held . |
'oh marijuana nih'iit | but marijuana he | " And it was marijuana ," he said . |
He'ih'ikokoh'owooonino' nuhu' tei'yoonoh'o' | NARRPAST-have.ball-pers.PL this children | These two children had a ball with them . |
Niibiibii'iihouP niibiibii'iitii3i' nuhu' heetsei'isi'i | IMPERF-REDUP-find-pause IMPERF-REDUP-find-3PL this where-lay-3PL | They find these graves sometimes . |
TohuuP tohuuciiP tohuuciino'o3tonounou'u | since.IMPERF-pause since.IMPERF-NEG-pause since.IMPERF-NEG-a.lot-use-3PL | Because they don't use it a lot . |
Cei3iihi' cei3iihi' cihP ce'P cenihP | again-pause | Through the years , all the way up to |
noh hi3hoonoonibi3ecoohok hetce'kouutenowuunoobe | and later-regret,.repent-SUBJ IMPER.FUT-again-get.rid.of.s.t..for.s.o.-2PL | and if there is repentance , you must forgive . |
Wootii wookec niinee'eesceihi3i' | like cow | [ These moose ], they taste like cows/beef . |
nih'iinoo'ei3i' howoh | PAST-hunt-3PL right ? | They hunted , right ? |
he'ihnoohoot hoseihoowu' | NARRPAST-see Sun.Dance | He saw the Sun Dance |
Hiihoowcou'uhuno' niitse'sineetiini' | 3.IMPERF.NEG-bothered,.molested,.disturbed-pers.PL where-people.are.laying-0S | They are not to be disturbed in their graves , he said . |
noh ciiis | and cheese | And cheese . |
Yeheihoo hohookeenin nih'ii3i' | gee.whiz ! crazy-2S PAST-said-3PL | Gee whiz , you're crazy , they said . |
Ne'P nee'eesP nee'eesneyei3itoonoo | that-pause thus-pause | That's what I am trying to do . |
hee nih'iit | yes he | yes , he said . |
Nono'o3oo' huune'etiit | IC.terrible-0S life | Life is hard . |
hi'in nenee' tih'iiceh'e3tiitooni' bebiisiihi' | that(aforementioned) properly-ADV | That's how it was , when people listened to things properly . |
NiitP niitP niiyou tohP toonhini' nee'eeneesoo' | where-pause where-pause since-pause INDEF-that(aforementioned) | Here's where , here's what , whatever [ she suggests ], that's how it will be . |
nuhu' 3oo3oonbiiceiniisiis heetce'no'koohut | this | This July , he will come back . |
Cihcebenoo cee'ei'i | IC.potato-0.PL | Pass the potatoes . |
Hetebinouhuuniini wootii hiiwoonhehe' | pitiful-DETACH like now | Things can be kind of pitiful today [ if you're not careful ]. |
Yeh | gee ! | Gee ! |
A Heetnouxone3en | A FUT-meet-1S | I will meet you . |
noh heihii hokoxoeyoono nihneenini'i biito'owu' bisnoo'oeniihi' | and soon wall-NI.PL land appear-around-ADV | and the walls became the world all around . |
yeah | yeah | yeah . |
he'ihneenin bee3ei | owl | he was the one who was the owl . |
He'iiteihini3i he'ih'ini hitese' | someone-4S.ITER NARRPAST-DETACH meet-4 | Someone came to him . |
hoowuuni | no | You don't . |
toukuhuuno'oowuu' | jail | At the guardhouse .[ Taken there ? Went there ?] |
Ne'nih'iisinihiinoo nih'iit | that-PAST.what-say-1S he | That's what I said , [ what ] he said . |
noh he'ih'itesee nohkuuhu' ni'i3ecoot | and NARRPAST-meet-3S with.comit.-ADV happiness | and was happy to welcome him . |
He'ihnoohoot hinii'iwoho' hiyeih'in | NARRPAST-see 3S-grandmother 4S-home-4POSS | He saw his grandma's tipi . |
early sixties teebe uhh nebesiibehe' ne'otoonooto' koun uhh nuhu' woo'oteeyoo' nonoocoo' neniice'ee' | early sixties uhh 1S-grandfather then-buy-3S only uhh this IC.white-0S IC.gray-0S | In the early sixties , that was when my grandfather first bought one , only , uhh this black and white and grey set . |
ho'ooto' nuhu' honoh'oho' he'ihno'koohuno' | this boys | Just at that moment the young men came running up . |
Let's see what's the word for don't be shy Ciibeh'ototeihibe | let's see what's the word for don't be shy PROHIB-shy-2PL | ... Don't be shy .[ sic ] |
niicebiihinee3i' ne'nii'oyei3i' you know | IMPERF-compete-3PL that-when.IMPERF-win-3PL you know | They compete with them . That's when they win you know . |
Hee hoowuuni neihoowP neihoowP neihoowkoxkohu' nih'iit | yes no 1.NEG-pause 1.NEG-pause 1.NEG-give.s.o..a.shot-3 he | Well , no , I don \ 'ebt get shots . |
Hetoonoyoohowoono' niiniihencebkoohu3i' | IMPER.FUT-watch.over-2 cars | Watch for cars . |
bii3ihi | eat | eat ( some more ). |
hii3oobein nih'ii3o' | IC.corrrect-2S | You're right , I said to him . |
teco'onnee'eesoo' you know about tih'ini | you know about when.PAST-DETACH | It's always like that , you know , about when ... |
wohei yeneini'owoo' | okay | Well it's the fourth day . |
niibei3i' ; | sing -3PL | They sang ; |
Noonoko' heetno'eeckoohunoo nih'iinoo | FUT-arrive.home-1S PAST-said-1S | Well I might as well go home , I said . |
Nebeteecii coowoxu'unou'u | 1S-brain-NI.PL IC.overworked-0.PL | My brains are overworked . |
Nohuusoho' | like.that | That's it . |
Niinottonou'u tei'yoonoh'o' | IMPERF-ask-1S children | I ask children things . |
hini' tei'yoonoh'o' nenee3i' niinei'oohobei3i' nenee3i' niiP | that(aforementioned) children IMPERF-pause | And those children , they are the ones [ whose interests ] they should look to , they are the ones ... |
heetniiboo3ou'u nih'iit | FUT-IMPERF-fight-1S he | " I will fight them ," he said . |
Noh hee3oohok hi3ookuheiitono noh niihii3e3enee | and . 3S-follow-4PL and | He said to his disciples , " Therefore I tell you , |
hiisiiih'oo3i' ; | -3PL | they raised them ; |
wohei hini' be' hinit he'ihkohyeib | okay that(aforementioned) blood right.there NARRPAST-stuck.on.s.t., . | Well that blood , right there it was stuck on it . |
heenei't beenibouuhun | say.things-2S | You are saying 'you smell like crap' . |
Nono'o3ou'u nuhu' hiteixo'oninoo | IC.powerful,.terrible-0.PL this 3S-clothing-pers.PL | " Their clothes are powerful ." |
hohootno' ne'nii'kou'koehi3i' noh woxu' noh cee'ese'einou'u ne'nii'cesisiii'ou'u | tree-NA.PL that-when.IMPERF-leaves.sprout-3PL and grass and flowers that-when.IMPERF-begin-grow+PL-II.PL | Trees bud out and the grass and flowers begin to grow . |
hii3eti' nohkuseic bisiihi' | IC.good morning all-ADV | Good morning all |
hmm | hmm | hmm ! |
Honoot wootii neyei3eiheino' | until like teach-3 | Until they had taught us [ some English ]. |
oh beexoo3iihi' | oh later | Oh , later . |
Wohei he'iiteihi3i heetniiteseit | okay someone FUT-meet-4 | Well someone is going to come to him . |
nookuho wo'ei3 nii'ehiiho nii'ehiiho heeneiso'onoo3i' 3ebiihi' | rabbit-OBV.PL or bird-OBV.PL bird-OBV.PL scare-3PL there-ADV | rabbits or eagles/birds , eagles/birds which enemies might flush out of there somehow . |
niixoo | also | Also |
Niiwoowosei3i' you know | IMPERF-REDUP-talk.dirty-3PL you know | They say something dirty , you know . |
ho3o' hoh'eni' | star mountain | Mountain Star ! |
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