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Alcohol intake needs to be shown especially in criminal cases. |
Seventeen (10 male, 7 female) healthy volunteers participated in the study. |
After taking 0.5 g/kg ethanol, blood and urine samples were collected during 48 hours. |
The samples were analyzed in LC-MS/MS. |
Serum peak concentrations of EtG and EtS were found as 0.13-0.389 mg/L and 0.211 ? Levels of urine EtG peak concentrations was 6.89-30.42 mg/L and EtS was 10.5-58.17 mg/L. |
Serum peak concentrations of EtG and EtS were found as 0.13-0.389 mg/L and 0.211 ? |
Levels of urine EtG peak concentrations was 6.89-30.42 mg/L and EtS was 10.5-58.17 mg/L. |
Additionally, correlation was found between serum EtG concentrations and serum EtS concentrations. |
By this study conducted on Turkish population, determination times of EtG and EtS, and how long they can be used as a marker of alchohol intake after 0.5 g/kg ethanol intake were showed and results of the study were generally found parallel to the literature. |
Key Words: Ethyl glucuronide, Ethyl sulfate, Ethanol, LC-MS/MS |
Data was obtained from a retrospective review of 3626 forensic cases that are admitted to our emergency room between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013. |
Using the data, our aim is to determine whether the cases that are considered as forensic cases such as trauma, traffic accident, work accident has a seasonal pattern and whether among these cases some have a higher frequency than the others at specific time periods. |
In our study 74.1% of the applicants were male while 25.9% were women. |
74.2% applicants were at the age of 40 or younger while 23.9 % were between 41 and 64 and 1.9% were of age 65 or above. |
The forensic case presentations were more common in May, June and July and least common in February. |
When we looked at the weather conditions in our study we found that, at the time of arrival 85% of the time it was open skies, 3.2% cloudy and 11.8% it was rainy or snowy. |
When looked at the relationship between weather conditions at the time of admission and the reason for emergency room hospitalization we found that traffic accidents are more common in rain or snowfall or with clear skies. |
vii In our study when we looked at the relationship between weather conditions and admission cause, no statistically significant relationship was found with wind but a statistically significant relationship is found between admission cause and temperature, and humidity. |
Although there is no statistically significant difference between initial Hb values and the endpoint of patients was found in our study, the relationship between initial WBC values and end point of patients were statistically significant. |
In our sample treatments of 8.7% of the patients are completed in the emergency room, 2.5% are admitted as in patients and 88.8% of the patients are discharged. |
It is known that the most common cause of sudden unexpected deaths is cardiovasculary system diseases. |
Cardiac diseases such as coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction take a significant place in forensic medicine practice due to being very common and fatal. |
Therefore, many methods are being tried in postmortem diagnosis and reliability and specifity studies are performed for these methods.In this study; we aimed to investigate the postmortem diagnostic features of apoptosis in the myocytes in myocardial injury. |
For this reason, apoptosis conditions were evaluated using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), bcl-2, bax, Fas, p53 immunohistochemical staining methods in the myocardial tissues of 43 cases in whom we performed medicolegal autopsies.It attracts attention that in the cases that have 75% or more stenosis in at least one of the coronary arteries and that had been diagnosed with myocardial infarction apoptosis markers are stained in a higher rate. |
It is thought that apoptosis may be helpful in diagnosing the cases with myocardial injury such as acute myocardial infarction and Bcl-2, bax, Fas, p53 markers and TUNEL staining method may be used for this purpose. For this reason, apoptosis conditions were evaluated using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL), bcl-2, bax, Fas, p53 immunohistochemical staining methods in the myocardial tissues of 43 cases in whom we performed medicolegal autopsies.It attracts attention that in the cases that have 75% or more stenosis in at least one of the coronary arteries and that had been diagnosed with myocardial infarction apoptosis markers are stained in a higher rate. |
We think that usage of these methods may be insufficient due to the low specificity and it would be useful to support them with other methods.Key words: Myocardial infarction, apoptosis, postmortem, forensic medicine |
The first section is the section that literature review has been made. |
In literature review, sexual identity, sexual orientation, sadism, masochism, forensic medicine practices in sadistic and masochistic relationship topics have been mentioned.The second section is the section that field research is talked about. |
Explanations about the data have taken part in this section.In this study, differences and similarities, in heterosexual, homosexual and transsexual?s approach have been determined. |
How people define their sexual relationship, and if they know the concepts of sadism and masochism, have been searched.In the last section, data of the survey has been clarified and data has been compared with the related literature. |
The findings during this study have been discussed in the last section. |
to determine actual age of case although we know his/her ID.In this study, in live cases, we aimed; to determine characteristics of age determination cases referred to Forensic Medicine Department of Akdeniz University School of Medicine between 2002 and 2011 to evaluate findings and efficiency of used method by comparing literature and to provide data about age determination in purpose to lead future studies will be conducted in our country.We reviewed following characteristics of the cases: place of birth, gender, age at ID, claimed age, reported age, type of institution who request age determination, nature of event which requires age determination, position of consulted case (victim, defendant etc.). |
Statistical analyses were performed by using SPSS-18 for Windows.In 10 years study period, 58 male (28,3%) and 147 female (71,7%), total 205 age determination were performed. |
The mean age according to ID was 20,47 (1-73).Most of the age determination cases (n=90, 43,9%) were requested by Civil Courts. |
The leading purposes for age determination were sexual abuse/assault in women (n=97, 66,0%) and correction of age for men (n=46, 79,3%).The average difference between determined ages and ages at ID was 2,35 in cases between 0-22 years old. |
The average differences between determined ages and ages at ID were 2,21 and 1,72 for sexual abuse/assault cases and 57 confirmed ID age cases, respectively.As a conclusion, our study and other studies from Turkey has revealed deviation that ages determined according to Gök Atlas were 1-2 year above than ages at ID. |
Although there is limited literature in Turkey which assessed availability of Greulich Pyle and Tanner Whitehouse methods, these methods seem to be provide more accurate results, however, there is statistically significant difference between chronological and determined ages. |
Thiemann-Nitz method may be useful in age determination cases in Turkish people but we proposed that instead of using methods suitable for other societies, a unique method should be formed for Turks via examining also tooth eruption and mineralization levels in a sufficient number of eligible samples selected from the country.Keywords: Age determination, bone age, forensic medicine |
The scales were applied to 364 participants whose ages varied between 18 and 63.Multivariate Analysis of Variance revealed that attitudes towards criminals varied according to crime type, participants? |
It was observed that criminals convicted of rape are perceived more negatively than criminals convicted of homicide and theft. |
It was also observed that participants were more punitive towards criminals convicted of rape as compared to criminals convicted of homicide and theft, and more punitive towards criminals convicted of homicide as compared to criminals convicted of theft. It was revealed that while explaining the reasons of delinquent behavior, participants attributed to inadequacy, outcastedness, impulsivity, and worthlessness more for criminals convicted of rape as compared to criminals convicted of theft, and more for criminals convicted of homicide as compared to criminals convicted of theft. |
It was found that participants who scored high on perfectionism perceived criminals more negatively and attributed more to inadequacy, outcastedness, impulsivity, and worthlessness and lack of discipline, education, care and faith while explaining delinquent behavior. It was revealed that participants who scored high on conservativeness and traditional worldview were more punitive towards criminals and attributed more to inadequacy, outcastedness, impulsivity, and worthlessness and lack of discipline, education, care and faith while explaining delinquent behavior. |
It was revealed that participants who scored high on conservativeness and traditional worldview were more punitive towards criminals and attributed more to inadequacy, outcastedness, impulsivity, and worthlessness and lack of discipline, education, care and faith while explaining delinquent behavior. It was found that participants who scored high on perfectionism perceived criminals more negatively and attributed more to inadequacy, outcastedness, impulsivity, and worthlessness and lack of discipline, education, care and faith while explaining delinquent behavior. |
This study was done on human remains found in 6 tombs of Van Yoncatepe site excaveted in 1998-1999. |
By the anthropometric variation of bones, sex differences, body structure and size were established in order to get information about forensic anthropologic and mass deaths of the population.Measurements were taken with osteometric board, digital and sliding caliper and tape in milimeters. Age estimation of cranial suture closure the ages of persons changed respectively avarage of 25-30 years.When morphological features of indivuduals were analyzed, they had narrow and medium sape skulls, narrow noses, medium width frontal boned, narrow and medium wideth orbits. |
Because the individuals of sex is not known in population it was preferred to give priority to skull, koksa, mandibula and maxilla bones. |
From resudes 44 male and 16 female were estimated. |
Calcaneus and talus bones were used for height estimation. |
When the formule of unknown sex was applied the avarage height was calculated 164,09 cm for calcaneus and 163,90 cm for talus. |
Age estimation of cranial suture closure the ages of persons changed respectively avarage of 25-30 years.When morphological features of indivuduals were analyzed, they had narrow and medium sape skulls, narrow noses, medium width frontal boned, narrow and medium wideth orbits. |
Dental wear of teeth, was figured out that continuing lives model of hunting and gathering had occured. |
Pathology lesions observed showed osteophyte that on vertebrae with %35,7 which is mostly seen in the population. |
Calcaneus spur that results of long term walking, to stand up or heavy workload was assessed % 5,09 among the population. |
The most common dental pathology seen was the caries with % 4 rate. |
Respectively most common nonmetric character is bifid spinous (%21,66).As a result, according to the burial tradition of skeletal remains dating Urartu Period in Yoncatepe, the determination of demographic data is important for distinguish the mass graves and tombs or chambers. |
The skeleton collections known sex, age, cause of death do not exist in Turkey so studies are directed to archaelogical societies. |
The comparision of study between Van and surrounding region dated to the same or recent periods shows the consistence of inter-communities variation in different groups. |
It is possible to monitor the stomach in detail using X-rays but X-rays have high energy and are dangerous to human health. |
On the second experiment, a suitable wavelength for the laser is determined (635 nm) using theurapeutic window that will penetrate the stomach tissue without absorption, interact with the target material (HCL-morfin) behind the tissue and send a differentiating signal, consume low power and have no harm to human health. Trials are made using medical lasers with wavelengths of 650 nm, 980 nm, 1070 nm and 1940 nm on lamb stomach tissue. |
On the third experiment, interactions of target matter and different materials looking physically the same with the target matter using 650 nm laser is evaluated on an electrical signal basis. |
Raman spectroscopy is used to investigate the signals reflected from target matter and identify the substance. |
On the last step of the experiment, measurements were made both by open and closed system Raman devices and spectrum of the target matter was aquired both in the presence and absence of the tissue. |
After this comparison both open and closed system Raman spectroscopy is evaluated for advantages and disadvantages. |
Considering the range, open system Raman gives an advantage of 10 times longer range over the closed system Raman. |
Working distance for open system is 10 mm while working distance for closed system is 1 mm. |
Also the laser wavelength of the closed system is 780 nm while the wavelength for the open system is 632.8 nm which is closer to the theurapeutic value. |
Spectrums acquired from both systems can classify the target substance as narcotics or not. |
ABSTRACTThis study was planned to examine the work health and safety measures implemented in order to protect the health of the personnel delegated in the chemotherapy centers for outpatient treatment by evaluating the efficiency of these measures through analyzes on urine samples and environmental samples.In line with the goal, interview forms were completed with 22 nurses delegated in the chemotherapy centers for outpatient treatment of five hospitals and urine samples were taken from these nurses at the beginning and end of the office hour. |
Analysis of urine and environmental samples was made by using LC/MS-MS method developed by the Toxicology Laboratory of Forensic Medicine Institute of Istanbul University. |
The analysis made on the urine samples gave LOD as 0.07ng/mL and LOQ as 0.11ng/mL. |
The analyses made on the environmental samples gave LOD 11.77ng and LOQ as 44.00ng.It was determined that almost all nurses used single examination gloves, 68.42% of the nurses not to used apron and 84.21% of the nurses not to used mask.68.18% of the nurses also stated that no training was provided to them about the details of their work areas. |
Most of them believed that they suffer from health problems in these work areas.CP was determined in the urine samples of 54.54% of the participants. |
110900.21 ng per sample in all other samples.As a result of our study, we determined that standards applicable for the safe use of antineoplastic agents were not met; that use of personal protective equipments was below the necessary level and that the nurses were exposed to the effect of medicines at undesirable levels. |
The North, East and West of the region was mostly open fields used for farming and the South of the region is surrounded by the buildings, close to the city center.Two rabbit corpses were put in the cage at the same time and during 66 days, between June 30, 2011- September 04, 2011, the stages of fresh, swelling, active decay, advanced decay and drying stages were followed and incoming insect types were collected and defined. |
Collected samples were: Ordo: Diptera, Familya: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Ordo: Coleoptera: Familya: Staphylinidae, Histeridae, Dermestidae, Silphidae, Tenebrionidae, Cleridae. Ontholestes murinus, Platydracus flavopunctatus, Philonthus laminatus, Margarinotus brunneus, Dermestes lardarius, Thanatophilus ferrugatus, Silpha obscura, Necrobia violacea were observed in drying stage. |
Chrysomya albiceps, Lucilia sericata, Calliphora vicina and Sarcophaga argyrostoma of Diptera were observed during fresh, swelling, active decay, advanced decay stages. Ontholestes murinus, Platydracus flavopunctatus, Philonthus laminatus, Margarinotus brunneus, Dermestes lardarius, Thanatophilus ferrugatus, Silpha obscura, Necrobia violacea were observed in drying stage. |
Thanatophilus sinuatus, Thanatophilus rugosus, Philonthus concinnus, Saprinus subnitescens, Saprinus sp. Ontholestes murinus, Platydracus flavopunctatus, Philonthus laminatus, Margarinotus brunneus, Dermestes lardarius, Thanatophilus ferrugatus, Silpha obscura, Necrobia violacea were observed in drying stage. |
Ontholestes murinus, Platydracus flavopunctatus, Philonthus laminatus, Margarinotus brunneus, Dermestes lardarius, Thanatophilus ferrugatus, Silpha obscura, Necrobia violacea were observed in drying stage. Collected samples were: Ordo: Diptera, Familya: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Ordo: Coleoptera: Familya: Staphylinidae, Histeridae, Dermestidae, Silphidae, Tenebrionidae, Cleridae. |
Thus, 5 species of Diptera and 14 species of Coleoptera were determined having active role in rabbits decay. |
These species of insects can help Forensic Medicine Department for place of death, time of death, and the cause of death.Our study, which was the first in Kars, aimed defining species of insects from Diptera and Coleoptera families used in Forensic Entomoloji. |
This study is limited to a particular area of Kars and more studies in larger scales are needed. |
Owing to the study, forensic evidences can emerge to solve mortal insidents within the perimeter of the study.Keywords: Forensic Entomology, Coleoptera, Diptera, carrion, decay, PMI, Kars. |
The Effect of Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase (ALAD) Polymorphism on Lead Levels in PlacentaThe aim of our study is to determine the frequency of ALAD G177C polymorphism in Turkish population, research the correlation between maternal ALAD G177C polymorphism with Pb levels in placenta thanks to determining Pb levels in placenta samples, detect whether this polymorphism has a modified effect on Pb levels in placenta and manage to draw attention to the health problems because of Pb toxicity in infant. |
?-ALAD, an essential metalloenzyme for cytoplasmic and aerobic organism, is inhibited by lead stoichiometrically.ALAD, localized on chromosome 9q34, synthesized by a single gene. |
ALAD gene is polymorphic as is seen in most of enzymes. |
8 gene variants have been described on the gene. |
This transversion causes to occur 2 codominant allel ALAD1 and ALAD2 with 3 phenotype ALAD1-1, ALAD1-2 and ALAD2-2.In the first part of the study, Pb concentration was measured in placenta samples of 97 volunteer puerperants. |
Graphite furnace AAS technique was used for the measuring.In the second part of the study, ALAD G177C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was investigated in these mothers? The Effect of Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydratase (ALAD) Polymorphism on Lead Levels in PlacentaThe aim of our study is to determine the frequency of ALAD G177C polymorphism in Turkish population, research the correlation between maternal ALAD G177C polymorphism with Pb levels in placenta thanks to determining Pb levels in placenta samples, detect whether this polymorphism has a modified effect on Pb levels in placenta and manage to draw attention to the health problems because of Pb toxicity in infant. |
The ALAD region of the isolated DNAs, were amplified via PCR technique. |
The amplified oligonucleotides were cut via RFLP technique. |
The polymorphism genotype frequency of the individuals were determined; % 92,8 homozygote typical, % 6,2 heterozygote and % 1,0 homozygote atypical genotype. The allel frequency of the individuals were determined; % 95,9 for ALAD1 and % 4,1 for ALAD2.In consequence of the study; Pb levels in homozygote atypical genotype (18,53 ppb) were determined higher than heterozygote (11,41±4,07 ppb) and homozygote typical genotype (8,03±2,73 ppb) statistically (p=0,010). |
The allel frequency of the individuals were determined; % 95,9 for ALAD1 and % 4,1 for ALAD2.In consequence of the study; Pb levels in homozygote atypical genotype (18,53 ppb) were determined higher than heterozygote (11,41±4,07 ppb) and homozygote typical genotype (8,03±2,73 ppb) statistically (p=0,010). The polymorphism genotype frequency of the individuals were determined; % 92,8 homozygote typical, % 6,2 heterozygote and % 1,0 homozygote atypical genotype. |
There was no correlation between maternal age (29,63±4,94) and Pb levels in placenta (p>0,05).Key Words: ALAD, Heme, Lead, Placenta, Polymorphism |
Forensic sciences; today received support in the light of technological developments in other disciplines more accurate and precise results are in an effort to obtain. |
Cocaine has highly psychological dependence, physical dependence, so that cocaine is accepted abuse drug all over the world.In this study, validition parameter of cocaine determination method for GC/FID which is used forensic laboratuary, is examined and accepted. |
Although least information is gained by free narrative questions, the least wrong answer is also given to this question type. |
SUMMARYIn our study, it is aimed how long do the microscopic findings of fracture healing in postmortem interval can be detected and whether the detected findings can be used in differentiation of fractures occur in the period of antemortem or postmortem or not.In our study, microscopic findings of 10 study groups included manually fractured bone samples that were created in antemortem period in New Zealand White rabbit fibulas and samples taken in the postmortem 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 120, 168, 216, 288 and 360th hours and the control group included fractured bone samples that were created in the postmortem 1st hour were evaluated by sampling 10 specimens from each group. When the findings of formation of granulation tissue and periosteal new bone are present, they also seen up to postmortem 288th hour samples.As a result in our study; in bone fractures, inflammation findings, fibrin, granulation tissue and the presence of periosteal new bone formation, have vindicated even in cases where advanced processes of autolysis and putrefaction or soft tissue has disappeared, it revealed significant findings in terms of vitality by histopathological examination.Key words: Postmortem changes, forensic pathology, bone, fractures, microscopy. |
In the specimens, in a closed environment under constant temperature and humidity that exposed to 15-day process of putrefaction, microscopic signs of inflammation, fibrin, granulation tissue and periosteal new bone formation in fracture edges were evaluated. When the findings of formation of granulation tissue and periosteal new bone are present, they also seen up to postmortem 288th hour samples.As a result in our study; in bone fractures, inflammation findings, fibrin, granulation tissue and the presence of periosteal new bone formation, have vindicated even in cases where advanced processes of autolysis and putrefaction or soft tissue has disappeared, it revealed significant findings in terms of vitality by histopathological examination.Key words: Postmortem changes, forensic pathology, bone, fractures, microscopy. |
Samples of bone fractures were stained with phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin and hematoxylin & eozin for histopathological examination.In the control group, none of the evaluated parameters were detected microscopically. |
In microscopic evaluation of the study groups; although in two of the 288th hour samples inflammatory cell silhouettes were seen in spite of advanced autolysis and putrefaction, statistically significant inflammation findings detected postmortem up to 120th hour. |
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