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| labels
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Designed business intelligence dashboards using Tableau with data stored in Snowflake. | 0Data Engineer
| pycharm, tensorflow, visual studio code, google bigquery, tableau, oracle, r, bitbucket, sas, googledata studioml frameworks, postgresql, looker, python, git, microsoft excel, powerbi, github, gcp, data modeling, mysql, rstudio, statistics, aws, jupyter, snowflake, jupyter notebook, dagster, oracledata, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, apache airflow, keras, planning, airflow, aws s3, sql, airbyte |
Developed and operated a marketing automation platform with Clojure and Datomic for financial institutions, delivering personalized campaigns across multiple channels. Trusted by 30+ banks and credit unions, it provides seamless, personalized experiences at scale, integrating into clients online banking solutions to handle high request volumes with low latency. | 4Software Engineer
| aws cloudformation, kafka, oracle, apache kafka, databases, datomic, jenkins, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, git, gitlab, distributed systems, erlang, planning, sql, elasticsearch, aws api gateway, dynamodb, visualization, c++, aws cdk, aws ec2, go, aws cdk in typescript, postgresql, terraform, aws eks, ansible, aws cloudwatch, docker, cassandra, mysql, aws rds, swagger, linux, knime, aws, java, c, unix, typescript, lucidchart, data, grafana, clojure |
Supported the implementation of Secure Software Development Life-cycle, vulnerability analysis and secure coding best practices adoption. | 4Software Engineer
| other |
Created a process for calculating customer lifetime value, and used these to design customer recovery strategies. | 2Data Scientist
| other |
Developed connectors (e.g. ADA chatbot, SFTP SharepointS3 files) to an in-house framework using Python. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, apache spark, redshift, sql server, hive, terraform, matlab, looker, python, git, docker, governance policies, aws ecs, powerbi, github, aws iam, aws codebuild, decision making, power bi, aws rds, aws, apache hive, databricks, snowflake, aws redshift, aws glue, datadog, dbt, apache airflow, apache impala, airflow, impala, aws s3, sql, data, github actions, google sheets, sharepoint |
Developed a Web application using Django to follow the different stages of the ETL process. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, apache spark, tensorflow, databases, spark, postgresql, javascript, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, cassandra, aws emr, mysql, fastapi, alteryx, java, aws, ml frameworks, raspberry pi, leadership, mongodb, aws redshift, apache airflow, flask, apache impala, impala, ruby on rails, airflow, aws s3, sql, data, visualization, hadoop, django, ruby |
Asisted the development of automated goal-based portfolio management for financial institutions. | 4Software Engineer
| pytorch, spacy, circleci, sodavisualization, rabbitmq, jenkins, javascript, ms sqlserverdata, python, git, powerbi, gcp, angular, ml frameworks, matillion, snowflake, mongodb, soda, apache airflow, keras, sql, shell, c++, django, tensorflowextended, raspberrypi, tensorflow, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, terraform, docker, power bi, vue, amperity, swagger, linux, fastapi, java, aws, c, airtable, typescript, octave, kotlin, firebase, shell scripts, redash, yaml, flask, airflow, rust, grafana, mercurial, arduino, express, computer vision, react |
Designed and implemented customer segmentation models using AWS, Python and PySpark, driving tailored CRM strategies and improving consumer engagement for the retailers that use the Izio CRM platform. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, numpy, kafka, c#, bitbucket, sas, gpack, hive, javascript, kubernetes, git, shiny, powerbi, pycaret, gcp, huggingface, ggplot, seaborn, rest apis, keras, sql, dynamodb, ibm, tensorflow, dask, microsoft word, kinesis, postgresql, causalnex, azure, matlab, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, latex, linux, statsmodels, generative models, scikit-learn, dowhy, scipy, gis, hadoop, aws kinesis, adtk, gpu, apache spark, confluence, apache kafka, databases, pandas, causalimpact, spark, css, ibm watson, atlassian, apache hadoop, python, nltk, gitlab, ml frameworks, html, mongodb, apache airflow, dplyr, scala, tidyverse, visualization, mlflow, pycasual, caret, trello, sql server, r, streamlit, nlp, pyspark, mysql, plotly, statistics, aws, aws ecr, apache hive, airtable, azure sql, causality, flask, airflow, data, jira |
Developed a multi-hop data architecture using Databricks, Scala, and Spark, leveraging dimensional modeling to enable metrics extraction, using Spark streaming to consistently obtain the most recent data, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of healthcare costs. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, databases, spark, looker, python, git, github, gcp, data modeling, aws athena, aws emr, spark streaming, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, planning, scala, sql, visualization, metabase, aws lambda, go, postgresql, pyspark, aws ecs, fivetran, decision making, apache zeppelin, mysql, aws rds, golang, aws, databricks, dbt, aws sqs, airflow, aws s3, data, pytest |
Led a clustering model development with behaviour data to find different kinds of customers and developed the communication strategies for each group. | 5Analytics Engineer
| data transformation, tableau, databases, pandas, customer database, communication strategies, analytical skills, python, powerbi, gcp, ml frameworks, etl, monitoring dashboards, sql, visualization, relational databases management, email campaign, model development, probability and statistics, customer interactions, r, email marketing, google analytics, decision making, visual basic, programming tools, behaviour analysis, statistics, java, cash flow, ai, data strategy, management level, rfp, object-oriented programming, data management, analyzing data, data, selection process, support students |
Designed and developed a web portal using PHP, Javascript and MySQL. | 4Software Engineer
| oracle, sas, pandas, dax, docker., javascript, python, git, powerbi, programming, angular, javascript., node.js, ml, mongodb, keras, rest services., scala, sql, django, go, tensorflow, microsoft word, nlp, backend, postgresql, php, power, and java, power bi, mysql, java, node js, raspberry pi, postgresql and mongodb., scikit-learn, flask, data, tensorflow., computer vision |
Deployed a Python API and a MongoDB server into a Kubernetes cluster with separate namespaces and pods for each service. | 0Data Engineer
| snowplow, apache spark, circleci, javascript, kubernetes, heroku, looker, python, git, google bigquerydata, gcp, data modeling, aws athena, gitlab, node.js, snowflake, delta lake, mongodb, aws glue, nodejs, model-view controller, apache airflow, sql, elasticsearch, aws api gateway, dynamodb, visualization, airbyte, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, ibm, great expectations, postgresql, aws sns, elastichsearch, terraform, jinja, azure, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, decision making, azure devops, mysql, aws rds, linux, aws, opencv, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, dbt, aws s3, google data studio, delta live tables |
Developed a time series application using Python, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Numpy, Pydantic, and MLflow, to train-val-test multiple machine learning models (tabular, DL) to make fleet operations AI-driven in a tech mobility platform company. The application involved a series of complex tasks such as data cleaning, pre-processing, feature engineering, hyperparameter tuning, and model selection. Trained models using both significant and few samples of data. Used ECR, and AWS Batch to deliver the product in production. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, spacy, aws codedeploy, aws batch, kubernetes, git, gcp, aws codebuild, selenium, guided cognitive chatbot modeling team of three people to, huggingface, aws emr, boto3, and pydantic, shell scripting, ec2, snowflake, developed a data product to capture, dvc, keras, pymongo, bigquery, timm, dynamodb, elegy, and aws ec2 to collect, pytorch lightning, pil, google cloud run, freelance february 2021 - may 2021, tensorflow, google cloud storage, ml tools, streamlitresearched quantization and distillation methods to reduce ml model sizes. developed a guide for implementing distillation in pytorch and pytorch lightning, postgresql, and huggingface., validate, terraform, sqlalchemy, pythondatabases, docker, aws ecs, pandera, matplotlib, decision making, named entity recognition, ecr, fastapi, opencv, gcp functions, developed a debt collection platform that helps organize the operations day-to-day workload management process. the platform captures structured information with numpy, scikit-learn, shell scripts, google cloud functions, aws code build, researched topics on anomaly detection, code build, s3, aws code commit, creates machine learning models with scikit-learn, pytest, github actions, and store labels made by the labeling team., pandas, treex, lambda, google pubsub, code deploy, snowpark, text, and deploys them using fastapi, python, aws code deploy, machine learning engineer, and aws ecs to integrate them into company platforms to prioritize natural language understanding from agent collaborators needs., github, nltk, time series, cloud storagedata, jax, gcp cloud run, pytorch mobile, mongodb, aws sdk for python (boto3), and transformers on pytorch.machine learning engineer, using word2vec and bert using aws ec2, shell, creating process logs to be used by retraining model processes and for bi analysis., mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, allowing models to be optimized for edge devices, code commit, pydantic, xgboost, streamlit, gcp compute engine, nlp, developed nlp models microservices, pyspark, and pytest. the project reduced company costs by 4x. it also helps promote auto attention in specific problem domains and business up and cross-selling., google cloud pub/sub, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws ecr, developed a data labeling pipeline using pydantic, firestore, and aws ecs, aws s3, konecta march 2017 - may 2021 developed cognitive chatbot serverless platform able to scale bots creation dynamically according to business needs using aws lambda, computer vision |
Developed proofs of the concept of natural language processing systems for technical service companies. | 2Data Scientist
| aws ec2, pytorch, typer, numpy, tensorflow, xgboost, postgresql, facebook prophet, prophet, pythondatabases, pyspark, scipyvisualization, python, docker, git, matplotlib, latex, huggingface, mysql, time series, fastapi, jax, aws, ml frameworks, databricks, mongodb, seaborn, scikit-learn, react, flask, apache impala, shap, scipy, mlflow, scikit learn, mongodbdata |
Built the company`s new data pipeline leveraging AWS services: CloudFormation, DynamoDB, RDS, RedShift, Scala, Python, Spark, Jenkins, and Athena | 0Data Engineer
| apache activemq, aws cloudformation, oracle, activemq, rabbitmq, jenkins, javascript, subversion, git, gcp, aws emr, aws athena, virtuoso, resque, chef, sql, dynamodb, django, iaas, kibana, graphql, wireshark, jmeter, postgresql, docker, docke, scalatest, linux, unix, paas, aws redshift, lisp, pytest, hadoop, java dropwizard, php, junit, apache spark, databases, pandas, spark, logstash, heroku, rails, apache hadoop, python, github, ml frameworks, apache ab, mongodb, microsoft project, erlang, scala, elasticsearch, visualization, celery, aws lambda, aws ec2, go, bash, scrapy, perl, ansible, mysql, aws rds, vs code, statistics, java, sqlite, aws, c, intellij, puppet, flask, redis, aws s3, data, jira, clojure, python scrapy, react |
Implemented a simple ETL to extract and combine data from different CSV, SAS, and Parquet files with Pandas and PySpark. Used AWS Redshift to store the transformed data model for analytic queries. Then, tested it with SQL queries. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, lightgbm, rest api, sas, pandas, databases, aws batch, python, github, huggingface, nltk, time series, ml frameworks, aws sdk for python (boto3), dvc, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, c++, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, go, ibm, tensorflow, xgboost, streamlit, nlp, aws sns, terraform, matlab, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, fastapi, statistics, aws, nginx, aws ecr, aws redshift, scikit-learn, aws s3, aws sdk for python, data, github actions, computer vision |
Led the migration and rewrote a significant portion of the applications backend from Laravel to Ruby on Rails, ensuring a more efficient and maintainable codebase. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| graphql, databases, dataflow, vue.js, bootstrap, postgresql, css, javascript, heroku, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, mysql, aws, twilio, html, angular.js, react, haml, ruby on rails, sql, laravel, data, dynamodb, sinatra, rspec, ruby, aws lambda |
Developed software related to Java Concurrency, Multi-threading, Web services (JAX-RS and JAX-RS), Spring MVC, SVN, Maven, and Junit. | 4Software Engineer
| other |
Developed forecasting models (ARIMA, XGBoost models, FBProphet) using BigQuery’s BQML to model fleet volumes and price rates charged per mail based on a graph consisting of 4900 edges with US’ transportation freight market variables. Data was stored in thousands of lanes within a graph that serve as inputs to reinforcement learning model strategies to improve the outcomes of an US fleet management platform. Used Airflow and MLflow for control versioning and training for the fleet forecasting models. Saved statistical inferences in BigQuery and Snowflake | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, databases, pandas, jenkins, kubernetes, python, git, gcp, data modeling, snowflake, seaborn, google big query, apache airflow, keras, sql, visualization, mlflow, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, bash, nlp, facebook prophet, terraform, azure, pyspark, docker, ml flow, matplotlib, fastapi, aws ml, java, aws, azure sql, scikit-learn, flask, airflow, data, jira, computer vision |
Led a Matillion to dbt migration project to improve SQL code maintainability, versioning control and data quality testing for the entire company’s communications platform. | 1Data Analyst
| numpy, lightgbm, tensorflow, xgboost, tableau, r, databases, pandas, tableau prep builder, jinja, python, github, alation, matplotlib, latex, plotly, statistics, aws, ml frameworks, matillion, snowflake, seaborn, ggplot2, scikit-learn, dbt, keras, chartio, sql, dash, scipy, data, visualization, jira, beautiful soup, mathematica |
Development of ETLs (by project) from the Datalake, delivering computed metrics and user insights into several in-house destinations such as sales applications and machine learning models. Stack: AWS S3, Fargate, MongoDB, Pandas, Python, Redshift, SQL. | 0Data Engineer
| fluentd, fargate, redshift., apache spark, oracle, built power bi dashboards are helping with the communication of insights and monitoring of kpis using dbt., databases, pandas, data engineer, spark, lambda, starburst, hive, kubernetes, python, git, powerbi, support and extension of the company data lake, github, emr on ec2, apache spark. scala, aws emr, aws athena, gitlab, ml frameworks, from which the app team could monitor and discover patterns without increasing costs significantly., designed the data model for the data warehouse with a strong focus on product features and its usage., kinesis data streams, mongodb, oracle rdbms, python., aws glue, apache airflow, and being assigned as the data engineer for several strategic projects b2b and b2c of the company., scala, sql, dynamodb, visualization, aws lambda, aws ec2, atlan, go, sql server, belcorp jan 2018, aws eks, sql., aws ecs, kyligence, with serverless querying, including an in-house coordinator app for custom business rules that were not supported by orchestration tools in that moment., kyvosdeveloped a real-time pipeline for app transactions, linux, java, aws, delivering computed metrics and user insights into several in-house destinations such as sales applications and machine learning models., apache hive, part of the big data team within the data, athena. python, kinesis data firehose, data analysis with sql to test product hypothesis results and their impact on growth., aws redshift, dbt, airflow, aws s3, development of etls, data, s3, aws kinesis, redshift |
Coordinated with internal product and external clients about features requests, and technical requirements. | 4Software Engineer
| other |
Developed an end-to-end computer vision solution to extract tabular information from images and PDFs of financial statements by gathering and labeling the dataset and fine-tuning Faster-RCNN for table detection. Applied image preprocessing techniques such as morphological operations using OpenCV. Wrote a heuristic with Pytesseract OCR’s output to rebuild the table and return a pandas dataframe. This solution reduced human intervention and significantly helped process automation. | 2Data Scientist
| hyperopt, lightgbm, apache spark, kafka, tableau, oracle, apache kafka, hdfs, databases, pandas, spark, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, gitlab, ml frameworks, matillion, tfx, sphinx, snowflake, mongodb, dbschema, soda, apache airflow, keras, tensorflow serving, sql, visualization, django, aws ec2, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, azure, pyspark, docker, decision making, azure devops, mysql, statistics, java, aws, opencv, azure sql, aws redshift, scikit-learn, flask, airflow, scipy, data, hadoop, computer vision |
Maintained a BigQuery database and developed views for customized reports. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Developed and maintained a software application using AngularJS, C, SQL Server, and Azure DevOps to store employees’ information and documents for automated Power BI dashboards that helped companies map work safety and health risk levels. | 4Software Engineer
| numpy, lightgbm, apache spark, c#, react js, pandas, beautifulsoup, javascript, python, powerbi, github, data modeling, selenium, angular js, aws athena, angular, snowflake, aws glue, azure active directory, apache airflow, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, xgboost, sql server, ml tools, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, azure, pyspark, azure active directory b2c, azure devops server, docker, power bi, azure devops, aws rds, statistics, aws, java, c, aws step functions, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, aws s3, data, beautiful soup, github actions, aws kinesis, react |
Leading international teams in the execution of data processing and analytical projects. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Designed and developed dynamic dashboards using Tableau and SQL. | 1Data Analyst
| aws ec2, tableau, r, sas, databases, postgresql, microsoft office, looker, python, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, dbtvisualization, aws, snowflake, looker studio, data management, dbt, bigquery, aws s3, sql, data, aws lambda |
Proposed and implemented improvements to existing solutions, boosting organizational performance and efficiency. | 1Data Analyst
| apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, postgresql, collaboration, jinja, azure, looker, python, git, powerbi, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, azure devops, aws, ml frameworks, azure data factory, databricks, snowflake, dbt, aws sqs, aws s3, aws eventbridge, data, dynamodb, visualization, airbyte, metabase |
Developed a PoC over Graph-Based Database AWS Neptune. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, javadatabases, apache spark, aws cloudformation, dask, r, postgresql, collaboration, sqlalchemy, microsoft office, python, git, aws neptune, github, fivetran, aws emr, aws athena, shell scripting, java, aws, ml frameworks, aws step functions, psycopg, snowflake, databricks, aws redshift, aws glue, dbt, apache airflow, shell scripts, dbtvisualization, aws s3, sql, grafana, dynamodb, snowflake data, metabase, aws lambda |
Designed and developed most of the Android App using GameMakerStudio 2, Android Studio, GameMaker Language and JavaScript. Launching the game on time and with the expected quality of a digital marketing services firm. | 4Software Engineer
| capybara, circleci, css, javascript, python, git, flutter, github, gcp, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, gamemaker studio 2, angular, html, node.js, jest, ruby on rails, sql, aws api gateway, dynamodb, bootstrapdatabases, aws lambda, objective-c, aws secrets manager, graphql, postgresql, aws cognito, ngrx, terraform, aws rds, java, aws, aws cloudfront, c, wordpress, typescript, amazon dynamodb, gitflow, aws s3, android studio, github actions, rspec, scss, ruby, react |
Automated reports for the operations department using Python and Power BI reducing the number of people managing the data, increasing the accuracy of the results and facilitating the access through a centralized repository created with Access Databases. | 5Analytics Engineer
| apache spark, databases, javascript, azurevisualization, python, powerbi, github, gcp, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, dynamodb, rivery, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, sql server, streamlit, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, azure, docker, power bi, microsoft excel, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws step functions, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, snowflakedata, dbt, aws s3, github actions, aws kinesis |
Created the cloud infrastructure of the company using Azure as cloud provider. | 0Data Engineer
| pytorch, apache spark, c#, relational dbs, swift, pytorch., jenkins, functions, javascript, cognitive, and java., cloud sql, python, git, github, selenium, programming, rds, cloud, azure virtual machines, ml, mongodb, apache airflow, sql azure, keras, nosql, sql, c++, .net, django, apis., aws ec2, sql server, bash, .net core., backend, blob storage, postgresql, virtual machines, azure, docker, mysql, aws rds, aws, java, opencv, azure sql, kotlin, sklearn, appservice, bash scripting, aws s3, s3, jira, load balancer, php, react |
Implemented ETL transformations and pipelines combining batch and streaming processes with Spark and Kafka in Databricks as a POC development to evaluate different data sources and targets, inspect functionality and gather useful insights and best practices to share with the development team. | 0Data Engineer
| talenddataprep, apache spark, kafka, redshift, oracle, tableau, apache kafka, universidad de san buenaventura, pandas, talendetltool, scrum master certified, cloud sql, python, talend data integration certified, vmware, powerbi, sql serveranalysisservices, gcp, data modeling, time series, scrum developer certified, mechatronic engineering, lambda functions, azure data factory, snowflake, aws glue, seaborn, datadog, azure blob storagebsc, hyper v, scala, sql, talendcloud, schema registry, aws lambda, data lineage, sap, sql serverintegrationservices, tensorflow, sql servermanagementstudio, azure time series insights, ssrs., sql server, provisioning sql databases, postgresql, azure functions, azure, matlab, azure synapse, pyspark, docker, talendstudio on-premise cloud, matplotlib, saas, data management and analytics, mysql, databricks solutions architect essentials, aws, azure sql, databricks, influxdb, mssql, master data management, administering a microsoft sql database infrastructure, aws redshift, scikit learn, data management, scikit-learn, aws s3, data, grafana, perform cloud data science with azure machine learning |
Created budgeting and forecasting models for loans and bonuses on Hyperion Planning for a Top 3 bank in Argentina. Data from accounting and loans division projects was gathered from different sources using MySQL, SmartView. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Designed dashboards and reports for decision making, control, monitoring and search of business opportunities using Looker. | 1Data Analyst
| tableau, oracle, r, bitbucket, postgresql, looker, python, power bi, microsoft excel, powerbi, github, decision making, selenium, latex, aws, mongodb, scikit-learn, nosql, playwriting, sql, data |
Supported and extended the core business management software. | 0Data Engineer
| rest api, socket.io, data warehouse, databases, mobile app, rest apis development, javascript, linear regression, cloud sql, python, programming, pipeline design, aws emr, chart.js, business needs, cloud, ml frameworks, etl, snowflake, mongodb, web app, sql, transactional databases, dms, visualization, aws dms, collect requirements, aws ec2, approximation algorithms, aurora, aws aurora, machine learning, deep learning, analysis domain, mysql, epidemiology, aws, ai, scikit-learn, cloud services, flask, aws s3, numerical analysis, sql and javascript, data, s3 |
Developed a datamart using dbt to change from a one big table approach to a dimensional model improving data quality and response time for the capital markets area. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, tableau, oracle, pandas, qlik, spark, cloud sql, python, git, structured streaming, github, alation, data modeling, aws athena, matillion, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, visualization, spark structured streaming, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, google cloud storage, sql server, postgresql, docker, governance policies, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, aws rds, alteryx, google cloud, aws, qlik sense, aws ecr, databricks, aws redshift, data management, dbt, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, gc function |
Generated solar metrics reports for customer acquisition using PostgreSQL and Superset | 1Data Analyst
| other |
Set up an ETL used to pull 100,000 images serialized as TensorFlow TF.Records in AWS S3 to be consumed by a computer vision object detection model trained on TensorFlows object detection API with SSD-Mobilnet as backbone and deployed it via AWS Lambda with AWS API Gateway, including a PythonStreamlit web application to simplify image uploads. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, challenges and possible solutions. sme annual conference, aws lambda and the serverless framework - hands on, aws ebsdata, aws batch, git, compose, powerbi, gcp, huggingface, aws emr, dvc, seaborn, python data analysis and machine learning course, keras, nosql, sql, aws eventbridge, shap, tensorflow, ml tools, postgresql, docker, power bi, microsoft excel, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, fastapi, opencv, databricks, jupyter notebook, mssql, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, langchain for llm application development, github actions, docker compose, apache spark, tableau, pandas, apache cassandra, python, az., github, nltk, chatgpt prompt engineering for developers, apache airflow, excel, aws api gateway, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, google bigquery, sql server, streamlit, gcp compute engine, bash, nlp, restrepo, aws sns, pyspark, anaconda, the complete python course - learn python by doing, vs code, publicationvelasquez, aws, aws ecr, antioquia - colombia, ms sql, aws s3, label-studio, google data studio, aws cloud practitioner essentials, computer vision |
Built data pipelines using Spark on AWS EMR and feature engineering for a state-of-the-art recommender system, which was accepted and ranked 6 in the ACM RecSys 2020 challenge. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| hyperopt, cloudformation, pytorch, numpy, apache spark, aws cloudformation, kafka, apache kafka, databases, pandas, spark, hive, aws batch, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, git, aws emr, aws athena, time series, spark streaming, prestosql, mongodb, aws glue, dvc, seaborn, apache airflow, scala, vuejs, dynamodb, c++, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, go, tensorflow, ml tools, streamlit, bash, kinesis, postgresql, facebook prophet, cubejs, sqlalchemy, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, mysql, aws rds, fastapi, plotly, statistics, aws, apache hive, databricks, aws redshift, snowflakedata, scikit-learn, airflow, and, aws s3, dash, presto, data, hadoop, aws kinesis, react |
Extracted data from an API using AWS Lambda, Docker, S3 buckets, DynamoDB storage, AWS EventBridge, AWS SNS, and Step functions to find valuable insights. | 0Data Engineer
| numpy, lightgbm, apache spark, c#, react js, pandas, beautifulsoup, javascript, python, powerbi, github, data modeling, selenium, angular js, aws athena, angular, snowflake, aws glue, azure active directory, apache airflow, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, xgboost, sql server, ml tools, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, azure, pyspark, azure active directory b2c, azure devops server, docker, power bi, azure devops, aws rds, statistics, aws, java, c, aws step functions, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, aws s3, data, beautiful soup, github actions, aws kinesis, react |
Developed a customer churn predictive model using SQL, R, STATA and Tableau. | 1Data Analyst
| pytorch, gcpml tools, lightgbm, tensorflow, google cloud storage, xgboost, tableau, oracle, r, streamlit, sas, nlp, postgresql, apache hadoop, python, git, docker, gcp, decision making, amazon redshift, mysql, fastapi, statistics, aws, html, node.js, aws redshift, vertexai, stata, scikit-learn, keras, apache impala, bigquery, sql, shap, data, hadoop, pytorch lightning |
Implemented ML models applying LightGBM and XGBoost tree-based algorithms to detect churn prevention, enabling the Customer Value Management (CVM) team of a telecommunications company to target clients, improve performance and reduce costs on retention campaigns. | 2Data Scientist
| numpy, lightgbm, apache spark, c#, react js, pandas, beautifulsoup, javascript, python, powerbi, github, data modeling, selenium, angular js, aws athena, angular, snowflake, aws glue, azure active directory, apache airflow, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, xgboost, sql server, ml tools, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, azure, pyspark, azure active directory b2c, azure devops server, docker, power bi, azure devops, aws rds, statistics, aws, java, c, aws step functions, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, aws s3, data, beautiful soup, github actions, aws kinesis, react |
Integrated 3rd party APIs delivering cutting edge retail investment experiences. | 4Software Engineer
| other |
Delivered an API in production that exposed by REST some internal parameters of a mathematical model in charge of calculating different prices using Golang. | 4Software Engineer
| aws ec2, draw.io, go, tensorflow, aws cloudformation, c#, oracle, kafka, apache kafka, ownership, databases, rabbitmq, prometheus, python, docker, linux, golang, java, aws, gitlab, ml frameworks, elixir, erlang, lucidchart, sql, data, grafana, dynamodb, visualization, aws lambda |
Analyzed data sets from multiple sources to identify business improvement opportunities. | 1Data Analyst
| other |
Performed cluster analysis in R based on relevant public and private web sources to predict customer interest in a new antiviral test, which was developed by a multinational healthcare company, to market at specific times and locations in Brazil. | 1Data Analyst
| teradata, jupyter notebooks, oracle, tableau, adobe analytics, sas, ms, looker, python, git, powerbi, github, data modeling, googlecloud, microsoft power point, snowflake, mongodb, qgis, knowledge of, bigquery, sql, visualization, amazon quicksight, r, bash, zeppelin, postgresql, power bi, microsoft excel, decision making, mysql, aws quicksight, statistics, aws, spss, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, dbt, redash, amazon, aws s3, data |
Developed analytical dashboards using looker for visualization of payment methods identified trends and usage of consumer for finance and demand team. | 0Data Engineer
| teradata, apache spark, tableau, oracle, sas visual analytics, sas, pandas, databases, spark, hive, apache hadoop, python, looker, powerbi, pentaho, data modeling, ml frameworks, shell scripts., prestosql, snowflake, mongodb, seaborn, apache airflow, ruby on rails, sql, visualization, powercenter, google bigquery, sql server, postgresql, azure, pyspark, microstrategy, matplotlib, decision making, aws, apache hive, azure sql, databricks, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, airflow, presto, data, hadoop, sas., ruby |
Built TiDB databases and table structures following Kafka event-driven architecture methodology to enable data flow within core apps to improve delivery, onboarding, ledger accounts and campaigns features and processes for a fintech company in Latin America. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, sql server, apache kafka, dataflow, centos, postgresql, jenkins, azure, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, cassandra, data modeling, aws emr, mysql, datastax, aws, cql, tidb, azure sql, databricks, dagster, apache airflow, azure sq, apache flink, scala, sql, data, azure cosmosdb, hadoop, metabase |
Leading consultants in the building of new data models and ETLs. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Designed, trained, and tested various machine learning models such as SVM, Linear Regression with splines kernel, Random Forest, and SARIMAX and ensemble them to optimize predictions for individual energy consumers. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, numpy, lightgbm, rest api, sas, pandas, databases, aws batch, python, github, huggingface, nltk, time series, ml frameworks, aws sdk for python (boto3), dvc, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, c++, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, go, ibm, tensorflow, xgboost, streamlit, nlp, aws sns, terraform, matlab, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, fastapi, statistics, aws, nginx, aws ecr, aws redshift, scikit-learn, aws s3, aws sdk for python, data, github actions, computer vision |
Developed and maintained all BI reports suite using PowerBI, Tableau and SSRS. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Collaborated on webscraping initiatives to gather neighborhood data, gathering comprehensive neighborhood data and delivering user-consumable content for integration into the companys app. Leveraged technologies such as Scrapy, AWS Lambda, and GitHub Actions to streamline data extraction and processing workflows, enhancing overall efficiency and accuracy. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, apache spark, awsvisualization, sas, pandas, databases, javascript, aws batch, apache cassandra, python, git, powerbi, github, huggingface, dvc, apache airflow, keras, apache impala, ruby on rails, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, c++, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, tensorflow object detection api, ibm, tensorflow, ml tools, streamlit, postgresql, aws sns, scrapy, docker, power bi, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, hugging face, fastapi, linux, aws, java, c, aws ecr, opencv, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, apache sparkdata, scikit-learn, flask, airflow, aws s3, fast api, github actions, ruby, computer vision, react |
Performed data analysis using SQL, Python, PowerBI, and Airflow to generate insight to enable the creation of personalized offers according to customer life stages (marriage, parenthood, vacations periods, accidents & bonuses). | 2Data Scientist
| numpy, apache spark, tensorflow, google bigquery, google cloud storage, databases, pandas, spark, css, looker, python, git, cloud sql, powerbi, github, gcp, anaconda jupyter notebook, latex, vs code, mysql, knime, statistics, gitlab, ml frameworks, c, html, snowflake, jupyter notebook, scikit-learn, apache airflow, keras, airflow, sql, google data studio, data, visualization |
Designed, presented, and implemented technical proposals related to Rate-limiting Lookup API services USING WHAT TECH TOOLS? and backing up an information provider with a circuit-breaker strategy. WHY WAS THIS IMPORTANT? | 4Software Engineer
| junit, go, redux, maven, databases, solr, css, f#, javascript, json, python, git, design patterns, apache maven, knockout js, angular, angular 5, aws, java, ml frameworks, html, typescript, mongodb, jest, aws s3, sql, react-redux, data, dynamodb, visualization, c++, css3, xml, react |
Proposed a methodology to compute socioeconomic impact of the SENA Research, Technological Development and Innovation System (SENNOVA) in different regions of Colombia regarding the gap in development between regions. Performed data transformation using Excel Macros and R scripts. | 1Data Analyst
| pytorch, numpy, jupyter notebooks, pandas, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, git, fastapi git, github, data modeling, huggingface, time series, ggplot, rasa, dvc, apache airflow, keras, sql, tidyverse, aws api gateway, aws ebs, tidymodels, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, r, azureml, ml tools, streamlit, bash, postgresql, facebook prophet, azure functions, azure, pyspark, roxygen2, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, azure devops, fastapi, modeltime, statistics, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, ggplot2, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, computer vision |
Performed exploratory and statistical analysis using R with Jupyter Notebooks to help HR teams make better decisions that ensured the well-being of employees, based on data from internal surveys carried out throughout the pandemic. | 1Data Analyst
| apache spark, kafka, cloudwatch, tableau, apache kafka, databases, pandas, jenkins, hive, kubernetes, looker, python, cloud sql, gcp, data modeling, microsoft access, aws emr, ml frameworks, prestosql, pubsub, vba, seaborn, apache airflow, planning, sql, aws ebs, digdag, visualization, c++, sigma, google dataproc, aws ec2, caret, google cloud storage, xgboost, google bigquery, r, streamlit, bash, postgresql, embulk, terraform, pyspark, aws cloudwatch, docker, matplotlib, sparkml, mysql, aws rds, fastapi, plotly, google cloud, aws, aws cloudfront, rpart, apache hive, dataform, data studio, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, redis, airflow, aws s3, dataproc, data |
Implemented and maintained ETL pipelines and a data warehouse with Apache Airflow and PostgreSQL. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, apache spark, redshift, sql server, hive, terraform, matlab, looker, python, git, docker, governance policies, aws ecs, powerbi, github, aws iam, aws codebuild, decision making, power bi, aws rds, aws, apache hive, databricks, snowflake, aws redshift, aws glue, datadog, dbt, apache airflow, apache impala, airflow, impala, aws s3, sql, data, github actions, google sheets, sharepoint |
Classified forum questions (abovebelow median score) using deep-learning-based NLP models and mixing unstructured and structured features, trained the task with >1M data samples and applied Lime explainability framework to suggest improvements in the questions. The predictions and suggestions were served through a dockerized FastAPI application deployed in AWS Fargate. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, lightgbm, trax, weights, apache kafka, databases, pandas, apache cassandra, python, git, github, huggingface, mongodb, dvc, apache airflow, keras, sql, sensors, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, ml tools, nlp, postgresql, terraform, matlab, pyspark, microcontrollers, docker, aws ecs, hugging face, fastapi, aws, aws ecr, opencv, raspberry pi, aws redshift, scikit-learn, airflow, aws s3, weights & biases, data, github actions, arduino, computer vision |
Implemented +208 contributions, with 105 commits, a total of 103 Pull Requests where 96.12% were merged, and more than 114,936 lines of code were added, working on different features for internal tools to customize Google Pay Passes and Apple Wallet passes. That saved a lot of human time and removed the need to manually customize the design, as there were templates that could be immediately used. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| capybara, circleci, css, javascript, python, git, flutter, github, gcp, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, gamemaker studio 2, angular, html, node.js, jest, ruby on rails, sql, aws api gateway, dynamodb, bootstrapdatabases, aws lambda, objective-c, aws secrets manager, graphql, postgresql, aws cognito, ngrx, terraform, aws rds, java, aws, aws cloudfront, c, wordpress, typescript, amazon dynamodb, gitflow, aws s3, android studio, github actions, rspec, scss, ruby, react |
Conducted research on multichannel marketing campaigns to optimize ad spending across various channels and platforms, such as social media, search engines, and content marketing, to maximize ROI. Tools used were Python, Google BigQuery, PowerBI, and Jupyter Notebook reaching approximately a 50% increase in ROI per day for the largest Jamaican direct-to-customer e-commerce. | 0Data Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, kafka, tableau, apache kafka, sas, pandas, databases, looker, python, powerbi, github, gcp, time series, gitlab, ml frameworks, azure data factory, google docs, snowflake, stata, apache airflow, apache flink, sql, visualization, google cloud composer, go, ibm, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, flink, r, nlp, collaboration, azure, azure synapse, microsoft excel, decision making, fastapi, linux, statistics, java, azure sql, jupyter notebook, windows, data management, scikit-learn, airflow, google data studio, data |
Developed the architecture which helped Integrate the credit risk models developed in R with the Cobol software stack using micro-services written in Java and Python. This allowed the biggest credit bureau company in the country to use complex machine learning models. | 4Software Engineer
| apache spark, c#, hdfs, tableau, uwsgi, databases, pandas, dataflow, spark, jenkins, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, github, gcp, aws athena, ml frameworks, azure data factory, node.js, snowflake, aws glue, cron, apache airflow, keras, spring, prefect, scala, sql, visualization, c++, django, cobol, google dataproc, sap, tensorflow, google bigquery, r, microsoft word, azure, matlab, pyspark, docker, cloudera, decision making, design patterns, java, aws, nginx, apache hive, apache beam, opencv, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, flask, aws s3, dataproc, data, github actions, hadoop, redshift, delta lake, open cv |
Developed a data pipeline using Kafka for real-time data ingestion and PySpark for processing, transforming and storing sales information in S3 for future analysis and reporting, achieving scalability and allowing the addition of new data sources and processing logic. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, kafka, apache kafka, circleci, spark, hive, javascript, kubernetes, f, apache hadoop, python, github, gcp, aws athena, aws emr, azure data factory, prestosql, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, splunk, sql, dynamodb, c++, nexla, aws ec2, ibm, google cloud storage, google bigquery, sparksql, postgresql, terraform, azure, matlab, pyspark, java, aws, c, apache hive, azure sql, databricks, google cloud storagedata, octave, aws redshift, dbt, airflow, aws s3, presto, grafana, github actions, hadoop, aws kinesis, redshift |
Elaborated the documentation for the three processes migrated and presented it to the operators team for the management and monitoring of the processes. | 0Data Engineer
| qlikview, teradata, apache spark, oracle, tableau, databases, pandas, powerquery, dax, apache hadoop, python, powerbi, alation, miro, snowflake, microsoft project, seaborn, databricksvisualization, sql, microsoft visio, trello, ibm, tensorflow, domo, netezza, r, bash, collaboration, power bi, microsoft excel, matplotlib, asana, linux, plotly, c, databricks, ggplot2, shell scripts, redash, dash, google data studio, data, jira, leadership |
Built a data pipeline exposed through an API endpoint using AWS (API Gateway, S3, Glue, Lambda, RDS, IAM), Terraform and MySQL to generate neighborhood statistics that help clients find homes faster for a leading employee relocation company in the US. | 0Data Engineer
| oracle, tableau, sf, python, shiny, aws athena, oracle rdbms, vba, aws glue, apache airflowvisualization, qgis, mysql aws dynamodb, sql, aws api gateway, dynamodb, prioritization, aws lambda, aws ec2, domo, r, bash, postgresql, scrapy, terraform, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, aws iam, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws ecr, aws redshift, dbt, gdal, aws s3, dash, data, serverless |
Led the development of a DashPython web application that allows users to optimize cloud storage health status. The new service was included on the marketing department value proposition to enhance brand awareness and market positioning regarding cloud services and best practices. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, beautifulsoup, css, javascript, kubernetes, python, powerbi, github, gcp, data modeling, html, delta lake, aws glue, seaborn, apache airflow, splunk, sql, dynamodb, django, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, matplotlib, mysql, aws rds, linux, aws, aws step functions, apache hive, typescript, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, dbt, flask, aws s3, dash, rpa, data, beautiful soup, github actions, aws kinesis, delta live tables, react |
Processed and imported the model’s result from an S3 bucket to an ElasticSearch index, including adding scripted queries to the ElasticSearch pipeline for dynamic calculation of results. | 0Data Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, apache activemq, apache spark, oracle, rest api, databases, pandas, spark, jenkins, javascript, comet, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, aws emr, angular, ml frameworks, snowflake, seaborn, spring, sql, kerasturner, elasticsearch, visualization, django, kerastuner, bokeh, tensorflow, nlp, azure, docker, matplotlib, hibernate orm, decision making, mysql, linux, java, aws, oracle database, typescript, azure sql, jupyter notebook, triton, scikit-learn, aws sqs, redis, aws s3, data, scikit learn |
Built and maintained the company’s data warehouse by creating ETLs to integrate information between the DW and the source system using Python. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, kafka, oracle, tableau, apache kafka, spark, ibm db2, apache hadoop, python, microsoft sql, aws athena, aws emr, spss modeler, aws glue, apache airflow, azure storage account.data, sql, ssas, aws kinesis firehose, aws kinesis data streams, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, ibm, netezza, aws spectrum, sql server, azure purview, ibm cognos, great expectations, postgresql, azure, pyspark, mysql, azure hdinsight, great expectations., ibm information server, aws, spss, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, dbt, azure sql pool, cognos, databases sql database queries, aws s3, monte carlo, uipath, aws kinesis, azure data lake |
Developed business reports using Tableau and PowerQuery that allowed the delivery of data-driven insights for a European food-tech company. | 1Data Analyst
| played a crucial role in establishing new reports focused on online stores performance using sql and excel getting to set priorities and implementing processes for the new bi area created from scratch after the company got acquired by infracommerce., luigi, tableau, developed business reports using tableau and powerquery that allowed the delivery of data-driven insights for a european food-tech company., databases, powerquery, including table modeling for the data warehouse using pyspark on databricks and report creation on looker. the migration led to an easier way to calculate kpis for different areas of the company., business administration, report creation, leading to a faster and easier way to create reports and data analysis., on various kpis for senior management and foreign investors of one of the biggest latam e-commerces., supervised an intern, worked with data engineering and data analytics projects to migrate data from tableau to looker, guiabolso sep 2017, restructured the bi area, looker, python, powerbi, gcp, international management, business intelligence analyst, developed ad hoc analysis, created the companys data warehouse by developing data pipelines, including interns and junior analysts, mongodb, vba, such as clustering analysis, apache impala, resulting in the development of strong interpersonal skills and valuable insights into international business practices delivering accurate and timely reporting and insights., università luigi bocconi, sql, visualization, multicultural team on projects with significant international exposure, databricks and looker at a brazilian fintech startup., metabase, and coordinated information needs for the companys subsidiaries in eight different countries., olook june 2014, google bigquery, hellofresh aug 2016, bi, advanced analytics and models using pyspark in databricks, pyspark, demonstrating strong leadership and communication skills., microsoft excel, education, improving data-gathering and report-building using sql and excel in a brazilian well known online store. defined new key performance indicators, dataform, databricks, supervised a team of four analysts, providing mentorship and support to ensure her success in the role., dafiti june 2012, created dashboards and reports for senior management using sql, ba, analyzed data mainly using excel to develop actionable insights that drove business decisions related to the business expansion in brazil and other latam countries., fgv-eaesp, excelsenior data analyst, junior business intelligence analyst, data, worked on data science projects, contributed to a high-performance, leadership, gathered information and built reports and presentations using vba and sql, and kpi calculation using sql, excel and tableau |
Developed a scalable and orchestrated data pipeline using AWS lambda, AWS S3 and Snowflake to create a dimensional data model based on the Kimball’s paradigm, allowing the centralization of data for the creation of dashboards to leverage the marketing plans of a music company. This data-driven approach helped Optimusic optimize their marketing plans and drive business growth. | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Developed clustering methods to aid customer segmentation in marketing initiatives using R. | 2Data Scientist
| numpy, teradata, tensorflow, xgboost, tableau, sql server, r, ownership, sas, pandas, databases, nlp, pyspark, python, microsoft excel, powerbi, tensorflow probability, sqlserver, mysql, time series, alteryx, statistics, ml frameworks, hue, daskvisualization, scikit-learn, apache impala, impala, sql, data |
Refactored On-Premise pipelines to AWS Cloud to improve scalability and reliability for the data engineering project of a banking institution. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, kafka, hdfs, tableau, apache kafka, confluence, bitbucket, pandas, databases, spark, jenkins, hive, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, pentaho, github, gcp, aws emr, azure data factory, mongodb, apache airflow, apache impala, scala, sql, visualization, neo4j, sap, ibm, tensorflow, hbase, sql server, bash, postgresql, collaboration, sql server integration services, terraform, azure, pyspark, power bi, cloudera, decision making, mysql, linux, aws, apache hive, accountability, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, data management, dbt, azure cosmos, impala, airflow, rpa, data, jira, hadoop, azure data lake |
Set up a CICD pipeline for a classification task using MLflow and GitHub Actions that logged metrics and artifacts of trained models, wrapped them in a FastAPI application, performed unit tests on endpoints, built Docker images pushed to AWS ECR, and deployed the application using AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Used DVC and AWS S3 to manage the data used to train the model. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| numpy, jupyter notebooks, pandas, apache cassandra, python, git, github, databricksdata, huggingface, azure machine learning, dvc, keras, planning, sql, aws api gateway, aws ebs, mlflow, django, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, xgboost, streamlit, bash, postgresql, aws sns, azure functions, azure, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, azure devops, fastapi, statistics, aws, aws ecr, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, azureml tools, aws s3, scipy, github actions, computer vision |
Developed a data lakehouse solution utilizing AWS Glue to efficiently extract and curate data. This solution was built for a company specializing in a device that collects sensor data and utilizes the data to train users in balance exercises. The curated data is readily available for data scientists, empowering them to effectively train the learning model and derive valuable insights. | 0Data Engineer
| docker compose, numpy, apache spark, tableau, rest api, databases, pandas, aws batch, microsoft office, looker, python, git, compose, github, gitlab, ml frameworks, jupyter, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, chartio, sql, aws eventbridge, visualization, aws lambda, aws ec2, nlp, postgresql, jinja, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, mysql, plotly, aws, aws ecr, c, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, aws s3, google data studio, data, computer vision |
Identified target clients for customer commercial offers via statistical methods. | 5Analytics Engineer
| olap cubes, numpy, apache spark, nnet, python seaborn, hdfs, tableau, sas, pandas, qlik, markdown, python, shiny, powerbi, tableau server, ml frameworks, seaborn, sparkr, sql, tidyverse, aws eventbridge, aws sagemaker, visualization, tidymodels, requests, aws lambda, aws ec2, caret, sql server, r, nlp, tableau prep, postgresql, data.table, pyspark, power bi, mysql, statistics, aws, qlik sense, spotfire, aws redshift, sagemaker, scikit-learn, aws s3, google data studio, data, forecast, solver |
Developed software features following serverless patterns and using tools like Python (3.6+), AWS Lambda, RDS, and Cognito to leverage iOS apps. | 4Software Engineer
| pytorch, scikit, apache spark, python, git, github, data modeling, google identity platform, redcap, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, google cloud run, go, google cloud storage, google bigquery, r, ml tools, streamlit, nlp, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, matlab, docker, latex, aws rds, linux, statistics, aws, java, aws step functions, aws redshift, firestore, dbt, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, leadership, computer vision |
Developed ETL pipelines and designed dashboards using Python, GCP, QlikView, Qlik Sense, and Power BI, Azure and SuperSet Apache | 0Data Engineer
| qlikview, postgres sql, oracle, tableau, confluence, hue apachevisualization, sas, qlik, css, google sql, salesforce, json, looker, python, qlik cloudml frameworks, powerbi, github, ssis integration services, gcp, data modeling, yii framework, html, snowflake, mongodb, superset apache, ssrs mobile, planning, sql, c++, monday, joomla, google bigquery, sql server, r, service desk jira, rd station, google analytics, nlp, postgresql, azure, totvs, blitz basic, microstrategy, blitz basicdatabases, mysql, alteryx, aws, qlik sense, c, wordpress, jquery, azure sql, mariadb, azuredata, delphi, google data studio, jira, ssrs reporting services, php |
Developed credit default models using alternative data (not only central bureau data) . | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, tableau, databases, javascript, convolutional neural networks, python, git, data engineering, javascript and r., churn prediction, ml frameworks, social media, advertising optimization, mongodb, dvc, research, apache airflow, sql, android app, visualization, research project, tensorflow, business intelligence, r, applied machine learning, public policy, data versioning with dvc, nlp, postgresql, collaboration, nlp model, machine learning, mongodb., fraud detection, machine translation, mysql, fastapi, statistics, java, ai, demand forecasting, reinforcement learning, fastapi., real-time bidding, flask, airflow, prediction, scikit-learn., data, satellite imagery, apache airflow., information retrieval, computer vision |
Prepared multiple BI dashboards in Tableau from getting the data in SQL to create regional and global data visualizations to provide insights and identify trends for mid and long-term planning and to monitor critical activities related to the Machine Learning model’s performance. | 1Data Analyst
| other |
Designed, built, implemented, and maintained the backend infrastructure of web and mobile applications using MS Azure services. | 0Data Engineer
| numpy, apache spark, tableau, rest api, hubspot, databases, pandas, spark, javascript, apache cassandra, python, looker, powerbi, github, gcp, jupyter, azure data factory, node.js, ms sql server, postman, mongodb, scala, sql, visualization, azure cosmosdb, express.js, sql server, r, azure api management, postgresql, azure, pyspark, azure synapse, cassandra, decision making, azure devops, aws, google apis, sequelize, azure sql, databricks, jupyter notebook, mssql, windows, mariadb, aws s3, google data studio, data, azure data lake |
Implemented ingestion from different sources into a raw zone of a data lake using Amazon services like Kinesis and DMS CDC (Database Migration Service). | 0Data Engineer
| other |
Designed a rich UIUX utilizing Stimulus.js and Stimulus Reflex to enhance UI and real-time responsiveness of the institute site. | 6Full-Stack Engineer
| bootstrap, moment.js, vuetify, css, javascript, cacoon, heroku, aws ses, jbuilder, python, git, carrierwave, gcp, programming, stimulus.jsdatabases, kaminari, chart.js, aws cloud watcher, html, node.js, vuex, jest, apache airflow, ruby on rails, nuxt.js, visualization, vue router, graphql, google bigquery, datastudio, hotwire, vue.js, pagy, postgresql, aws sns, apollo, vue, microsoft excel, next.js, aws, jquery, typescript, minitest, firebase, gemfury, data management, firestore, redis, airflow, tailwind css, google data studio, data, jira, auth0, rspec, ruby, react |
Contributed to the main Terraform project in GCP to automate the creation, updates and maintenance of infrastructure needed to host the pipelines and data products of the team: Resources as service accounts, IAM custom roles, alerts, schedulers, VMs, PubSubs, buckets, datasets, data transfers, dataflow jobs, etc). | 0Data Engineer
| numpy, apache spark, kafka, apache kafka, pandas, dataflow, dax, aws cli, kubernetes, looker, python, git, structured streaming, sac, powerbi, cloud sql, github, gcp, sql serveranalysisservices, datastream, ml frameworks, sap analytics cloud, google compute engine, snowflake, structured streaming spark, mongodb, looker studio, google vertex ai, apache airflow, sap hana, sql, visualization, spark structured streaming, django, requests, aws lambda, sap, google cloud run, firestore database, google cloud storage, google bigquery, sql server, postgresql, aws aurora, terraform, azure, pyspark, ansible, docker, microsoft excel, gcloud cli, mysql, aws rds, linux, google cloud, nielsenanswersdata, aws, apache beam, azure sql, databricks, dagster, firestore, dbt, scikit-learn, google cloud functions, airflow, aws s3, gcp iam, github actions, golangdatabases |
Built data pipelines in GCP using Apache Beam (in Java) and Apache Airflow (via Cloud Composer) for the orchestration. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, c#, pandas, spark, apache hadoop, python, git, structured streaming, gcp, data modeling, angular, html, redcap, snowflake, mongodb, composer, apache airflow, ruby on rails, sql, spark structured streaming, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, streamlit, postgresql, jinja, sqlalchemy, matlab, docker, java, apache beam, opencv, raspberry pi, databricks, octave, scikit-learn, dbt, data, hadoop, leadership, delta lake, ruby |
Created real-time dashboards in Python, Splunk and AWS Kinesis and S3. | 0Data Engineer
| aws ec2, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, apache spark, ml tools, pandas, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, pyspark, python, git, docker, microsoft excel, github, matplotlib, data modeling, aws emr, aws rds, aws, aws step functions, snowflake, aws redshift, aws glue, scikit-learn, dbt, apache airflow, keras, splunk, aws s3, sql, data, dynamodb, github actions, aws kinesis, airbyte, aws lambda |
Executed and participated in the entire data science lifecycle including: | 2Data Scientist
| other |
Worked on several Deep Learning and Machine Learning projects building end to end applications on different domains such as : Tabular data, Images and Text. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, skill development, databases, computer vision, jekyll, javascript, python, computer science, github, google, gcp, angular, business model, ml frameworks, node.js, data privacy, music production, learning, keras, ruby on rails, nuxt.js, visualization, manufacturing processes, classification, pytorch lightning, package management, unsupervised learning, tensorflow, outlier detection, web application, nlp, programming languages, postgresql, machine learning, deep learning, vue, oop, recommendation system, java, c, firebase, pure data, firestore, user interaction, prediction, data, object detection, ruby, react |
Improved a web application for our search engine based on Python Dash that’s used during our sales process by implementing user authentication and keyword extraction of resumes and deals using Python, SQL and NLP tools. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, databases, pandas, python, git, vagrant, torchmetrics, github, webdatasets, huggingface, gitlab, apache airflow, qdrant, langchain, sql, visualization, c++, celery, mlflow, aws ec2, chroma, tensorflow, ml tools, streamlit, bash, nlp, postgresql, terraform, pyspark, ansible, docker, decision making, latex, mysql, fastapi, linux, aws, sqlite, c, generative models, databricks, scikit-learn, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, scipy, data, ruby, computer vision |
Developed and maintained ETL pipelines in PySpark and Dask Pandas running in AWS EMR and AWS Batch, AWS RDS, and AWS DynamoDB databases and a Snowflake data warehouse to process millions of daily transactions in a SaaS platform for a payments infrastructure provider and global payment orchestration platform. | 0Data Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, circleci, aws batch, kubernetes, microsoft office, huggingface transformers, git, huggingface, aws emr, neptune, node.js, snowflake, seaborn, pinecone, keras, langchain, prefect, sql, shap, dynamodb, prioritization, mathematica, javadatabases, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, dask, hugingface peft, postgresql, terraform, aws eks, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, latex, fastapi, linux, aws quicksight, unix, aws redshift, scikit-learn, aws sqs, tf object detection api, github actions, hadoop, aws neptune, aws elastic beanstalk, tableau, aws s3data, pandas, oidc sso connectors, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, github, chainlit, sql serveranalysisservices, open ai gpt4, time series, ml frameworks, mongodb, daskvisualization, nodejs, apache airflow, aws api gateway, mlflow, aws ec2, streamlit, bash, nlp, scrapy, pyspark, mysql, aws rds, aws, java, c, aws ecr, aws ssm, dbt, flask, aws s3, dash, traefik |
Prepared and hosted technical events, including the largest machine learning boot camp offered by Google Developers, with +2400 students enrolled over four weeks of training and live sessions. | 2Data Scientist
| numpy, lightgbm, apache spark, hdfs, tableau, databases, pandas, mlops, ibm db2, hive, apache hadoop, python, git, cloud sql, pycaret, github, gcp, time series, gitlab, ml frameworks, yarn, cognos analytics, mongodb, seaborn, keras, sql, visualization, django, sigma, db2, ibm, tensorflow, hbase, xgboost, postgresql, azure, pyspark, ibm data refinery, ibm cloud, fastapi, linux, plotly, c, apache hive, spss, azure sql, apache nifi, gitops, scikit-learn, datastage, cognos, data, hadoop, computer vision |
Developed advanced analytical models to support data-driven decision-making for customers, using KNIME, R, and Python to build predictive and prescriptive models for clients in the Oil & Gas industry. | 5Analytics Engineer
| apache spark, sas visual analytics, sas, pandas, databases, introduction to the top public cloud platforms, az-900 exam, spark, javascript, apache hadoop, python, powerbi, gcp, sql serveranalysisservices, azure machine learning, sas certified visual business analyst, azure cognitive search, ml frameworks, google machine learning, exploration and design using sas visual analytics, google vertex ai, torch, sql, pandas foundations, visualization, fundamentals of aws, sap, xgboost, google bigquery, r, azure ml, vertex ai, nlp, cloudera developer training for spark, manipulating dataframes in pandas, azure, azure synapse, using credit scoring nodes, microsoft excel, microsoft azure fundamentals, decision making, roberta, azure devops, devops fundamentals, risk modeling add-on for sas visual data mining and machine, knime, aws, neural networks and deep learning, azure sql, flask, data, hadoop, deploying machine learning models with flask |
Built complex data pipelines to understand the company’s needs on daily operations and how much was being sold, using, Databricks, Azure Data Factory, Scala, Python, Spark and SQL for the sales department, product department and Logistics department of the multinational. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, kafka, apache kafka, databases, pandas, spark, javascript, python, git, powerbi, react native, aws athena, aws emr, azure data factory, prestosql, snowflake, mongodb, aws sdk for python (boto3), aws glue, glue, apache airflow, scala, sql, dynamodb, visualization, metabase, aws ec2, sap, ibm, nlp, postgresql, azure, aws cloudwatch, decision making, azure devops, aws quicksight, java, aws, typescript, databricks, azure sql, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, dbt, aws sqs, airflow, aws s3, presto, data, react |
Guided a BSc thesis focused on applying neural networks to classify tree images from Peru Amazonia. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| pytorch, numpy, spacy, aws codedeploy, aws batch, kubernetes, git, gcp, aws codebuild, selenium, guided cognitive chatbot modeling team of three people to, huggingface, aws emr, boto3, and pydantic, shell scripting, ec2, snowflake, developed a data product to capture, dvc, keras, pymongo, bigquery, timm, dynamodb, elegy, and aws ec2 to collect, pytorch lightning, pil, google cloud run, freelance february 2021 - may 2021, tensorflow, google cloud storage, ml tools, streamlitresearched quantization and distillation methods to reduce ml model sizes. developed a guide for implementing distillation in pytorch and pytorch lightning, postgresql, and huggingface., validate, terraform, sqlalchemy, pythondatabases, docker, aws ecs, pandera, matplotlib, decision making, named entity recognition, ecr, fastapi, opencv, gcp functions, developed a debt collection platform that helps organize the operations day-to-day workload management process. the platform captures structured information with numpy, scikit-learn, shell scripts, google cloud functions, aws code build, researched topics on anomaly detection, code build, s3, aws code commit, creates machine learning models with scikit-learn, pytest, github actions, and store labels made by the labeling team., pandas, treex, lambda, google pubsub, code deploy, snowpark, text, and deploys them using fastapi, python, aws code deploy, machine learning engineer, and aws ecs to integrate them into company platforms to prioritize natural language understanding from agent collaborators needs., github, nltk, time series, cloud storagedata, jax, gcp cloud run, pytorch mobile, mongodb, aws sdk for python (boto3), and transformers on pytorch.machine learning engineer, using word2vec and bert using aws ec2, shell, creating process logs to be used by retraining model processes and for bi analysis., mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, allowing models to be optimized for edge devices, code commit, pydantic, xgboost, streamlit, gcp compute engine, nlp, developed nlp models microservices, pyspark, and pytest. the project reduced company costs by 4x. it also helps promote auto attention in specific problem domains and business up and cross-selling., google cloud pub/sub, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws ecr, developed a data labeling pipeline using pydantic, firestore, and aws ecs, aws s3, konecta march 2017 - may 2021 developed cognitive chatbot serverless platform able to scale bots creation dynamically according to business needs using aws lambda, computer vision |
Built and deployed statistical and ML models using Tensorflow. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, statistics, tensorflow, xgboost, oracle, google bigquery, r, ownership, ml, stata, eview, planning, sql, python, data, gcp, latex, time series |
Designed and Implemented a data lake architecture for an online retail company using AWS Glue, AWS S3 and AWS Athena. The client replaced transactional databases for the reporting tools created. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, c#, hdfs, tableau, uwsgi, databases, pandas, dataflow, spark, jenkins, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, github, gcp, aws athena, ml frameworks, azure data factory, node.js, snowflake, aws glue, cron, apache airflow, keras, spring, prefect, scala, sql, visualization, c++, django, cobol, google dataproc, sap, tensorflow, google bigquery, r, microsoft word, azure, matlab, pyspark, docker, cloudera, decision making, design patterns, java, aws, nginx, apache hive, apache beam, opencv, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, flask, aws s3, dataproc, data, github actions, hadoop, redshift, delta lake, open cv |
Worked in a text analysis project to detect anomalies in internal I.T reports. | 1Data Analyst
| gcp cloud functions, apache spark, databases, spark, pruning, java programming, anomaly detection, python, powerbi, gcp, programming, and nodejs, data analytics, cloud infrastructure, nltk, cloud, neural network, ml frameworks, node.js, programming language, aws glue, glue, big data processing, keras, artificial intelligence, sql, rds and, visualization, c++, aws ec2, gcp cloud storage, unsupervised learning, go, tensorflow, google cloud storage, amazon s3, gcp compute engine, text analysis, nlp, postgresql, gcp app engine, scrapy, image processing, terraform, machine learning, power bi, java and, other, mysql, aws rds, tensorflow 2.0, fastapi, java, aws, ai, and dash., data structures, scikit-learn, api, and athena., data cleaning, flask, aws s3, data, and keras. |
Developed a text classification model using Scikit-Learn to improve data preprocessing pipeline by filtering out bad-quality data in a 78 million dataset with a lot of noise. The model achieved an F1-Score of 86% and helped improve the performance of downstream models by 18 percentage points. | 2Data Scientist
| pytorch, gcpml tools, lightgbm, tensorflow, google cloud storage, xgboost, tableau, oracle, r, streamlit, sas, nlp, postgresql, apache hadoop, python, git, docker, gcp, decision making, amazon redshift, mysql, fastapi, statistics, aws, html, node.js, aws redshift, vertexai, stata, scikit-learn, keras, apache impala, bigquery, sql, shap, data, hadoop, pytorch lightning |
Optimization of queries in SQL to speed up the query in postgreSQL databases, reducing the cost and accelerating the query of clients in our apis | 0Data Engineer
| fargate, numpy, apache spark, kafka, cloudwatch, tableau, apache kafka, eventbridge, databases, pandas, julia, dax, spark, javascript, python, git, powerbi, pentaho, github, selenium, rds, aws athena, aws emr, gitlab, secrets manager, aws glue, glue, apache airflow, planning, scala, sql, aws eventbridge, dynamodb, visualization, postgres, prioritization, aws lambda, aws ec2, sap, r, step functions, quicksight, elasticache, postgresql, iam, terraform, azure, pyspark, aws cloudwatch, docker, aws ecs, aws iam, matplotlib, decision making, aws rds, aws, java, aws ecr, apache beam, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, dbt, airflow, aws s3, rpa, data, s3, github actions, emr |
Leading the engineering team, projects execution, and working on project proposals for internal and external clients. | 3Machine Learning Engineer
| other |
Developed an end-to-end automated music report generation app using Docker, AWS Lambda, and S3 to generate a report file sending to an email through the SNS. | 0Data Engineer
| apache spark, tableau, oracle, pandas, qlik, spark, cloud sql, python, git, structured streaming, github, alation, data modeling, aws athena, matillion, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, visualization, spark structured streaming, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, google cloud storage, sql server, postgresql, docker, governance policies, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, aws rds, alteryx, google cloud, aws, qlik sense, aws ecr, databricks, aws redshift, data management, dbt, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, gc function |
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