class label
7 classes
Developed a project aggregating transactional data into analytical data through the raw, staging and service layers of the data lake for Slow Storage using Spark and Python, giving a more complete view to the analysis of the information for the electronic payments company.
0Data Engineer
oracle, bitbucket, dataflow, circleci, jenkins, javascript, gcp, confluent schema registry, flyway, aws emr, aws athena, aws glue, datadog, planning, testcontainers, bigquery, sql, spring framework, django, sap, ibm, google cloud storage, kinesis, gcp dataflow, postgresql, docker, design patterns, decision making, fastapi, jquery, databricks, sns, kotlin, aws redshift, gcs, oracle db, aws sqs, s3, pytest, github actions, hadoop, aws kinesis, sap erp, aws neptune, junit 5, msk, apache spark, tableau, rest api, apache kafka, databases, pandas, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, structured streaming, data engineering, github, rds, apache airflow, spring, scala, sqs, elasticsearch, visualization, spark structured streaming, airbyte, aws ec2, go, aws sns, collaboration, pyspark, cassandra, mysql, aws rds, java, aws, apache beam, dbt, aws msk, kotest, redis, airflow, aws s3, redshift
Built Python models using advanced Machine Learning and Data Science algorithms in order to identify customers with problems in their payments.
3Machine Learning Engineer
oracle, sas, pandas, dax, docker., javascript, python, git, powerbi, programming, angular, javascript., node.js, ml, mongodb, keras, rest services., scala, sql, django, go, tensorflow, microsoft word, nlp, backend, postgresql, php, power, and java, power bi, mysql, java, node js, raspberry pi, postgresql and mongodb., scikit-learn, flask, data, tensorflow., computer vision
Deployed a service for classifying financial transactions using FastAPI, and containerized using Docker. Integrated several containerized services, deploying the final solution using Kubernetes in Google Kubernetes Engine. Improved consulting company’s new clients onboarding process by detecting relevant spending data, and reducing manual efforts to categorize data.
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, google kubernetes engine, apache spark, spark, kubernetes, apache hadoop, python, git, aws emr, google compute engine, onnx, google vertex ai, sql, celery, pytorch lightning, aws ec2, sap, tensorflow, google bigquery, gcpml frameworks, streamlit, bash, nlp, postgresql, aws cognito, sqlalchemy, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, decision making, mysql, fastapi, linux, aws, pytorch-lightning, google cloud storagedata, scikit-learn, aws gateway, aws s3, artifact registry, computer vision, react
Used exploratory data analysis visualizations and unsupervised learning to identify patterns, potential new customers groups, and trends on portfolio management using Scikit-learn, Seaborn and Plotly.
2Data Scientist
pytorch, numpy, tableau, pandas, dataflow, javascript, cloud sql, python, gcp, time series, ml frameworks, seaborn, google vertex ai, bigquery, sql, shap, visualization, c++, postgres, tensorflow, xgboost, r, vertex ai, bash, postgresql, perl, crisp-dm, matlab, fastai, matplotlib, linux, plotly, statistics, aws, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dash, data, redshift, computer vision
Developed feature-rich web applications for a governmental agency, utilizing Ruby on Rails and React as the primary tech stack.
4Software Engineer
numpy, kafka, apache kafka, redux, databases, pandas, perfect, css, javascript, heroku, python, github, gcp, selenium, programming, time series, ml frameworks, html, node.js, software architecture, mongodb, apache airflow, keras, spring, planning, pymongo, ruby on rails, react.js, visualization, postgres, travisci, django, teamwork, bokeh, graphql, go, express.js, tensorflow, xgboost, r, ownership, storybook, streamlit, bash, postgresql, collaboration, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, sqlserver, mysql, plotly, statistics, aws, nginx, java, c, opencv, jquery, typescript, aws redshift, scikit-learn, sidekiq, flask, airflow, data, pytest, sinatra, ruby, php, react
Led the transformation of the company, making it data-oriented, delivering service of historical reports and real time metrics via JS socket.io.
0Data Engineer
cloudformation, pytorch, aws cloudformation, relational dbs, socket.io, mssql and, javascript, shapely, git, powerbi, selenium, aws emr, cloud, azure data factory, node.js, aws glue, glue, qgis, nosql, sql, dynamodb, athena., azure sql datawarehouse, vpcs. microsoft azure., django, socket io, geoanalytics, backend, postgresql, azure devops., azure, azure synapse, docker, power bi, aws ecs, metabase., spectrum, databricks, mssql, aws redshift, aws stack, html., aws sqs, databricks sql, delta lake, apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, spark, cloud sql, python, programming, html, big data processing, scala, postgis, visualization, metabase, aws lambda, aws ec2, esp. lambda, go, google bigquery, r, flask., h3, azure devops, mysql, aws rds, apache sedona, java, aws, c, azure sql, dbt, ms sql, flask, aws s3, rpa, data, redshift
Created reports and statistical analysis for decision making for the final consumer, ensuring the success of the project.
5Analytics Engineer
Oversaw the research and planned migration from SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) to AWS Glue, moving legacy ETL systems to Databricks, Snowflake and Redshift environments. Made for 2 clients in the health industry and one client in the automobile industry.
0Data Engineer
Advised data science projects throughout their entire life cycle and led the development and implementation of cloud scalable data products from dashboards to machine learning solutions related to customer understanding such as sentiment analysis, churn prediction, customer lifetime value, basket marketing analysis, RFM analysis, sales funnels.
2Data Scientist
Tableau Server SDK developer of custom management portal using ReactJS as front end and Flask Server with SQL Alchemy ORM over Python as back end.
0Data Engineer
apache spark, tableau, oracle, databases, kusto sql, spark, hive, javascript, apache hadoop, python, looker, powerbi, aws emr, sql server data tools, jupyter, yarn, node.js, snowflake, sql server integration servicesdata, aws glue, apache airflow, databricksvisualization, scala, sql, .net, postgres, google bigquery, sql server, postgresql, collaboration, sqlalchemy, azure, mysql, aws rds, linux, alteryx, statistics, aws, apache hive, azure sql, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, d3.js, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, hadoop, aws kinesis, sql server database, react
Performed reviews over data scientists codes and their results on Atlassian Bitbucket.
2Data Scientist
hyperopt, numpy, lightgbm, apache spark, spacy, sas, pandas, databases, spark, python, git, powerbi, pycaret, gcp, nltk, time series, ml frameworks, vba, seaborn, keras, sql, dynamodb, visualization, mlflow, aws ec2, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, r, streamlit, nlp, facebook prophet, prophet, azure, pyspark, microsoft excel, matplotlib, decision making, azure devops, linux, plotly, aws, statsmodels, databricks, evidently, aws redshift, sagemaker, scikit-learn, scipy, google data studio, data
Created ETLs and dashboards using SQL and Power BI to automate KPI reporting.
1Data Analyst
olap cubes, numpy, apache spark, nnet, python seaborn, hdfs, tableau, sas, pandas, qlik, markdown, python, shiny, powerbi, tableau server, ml frameworks, seaborn, sparkr, sql, tidyverse, aws eventbridge, aws sagemaker, visualization, tidymodels, requests, aws lambda, aws ec2, caret, sql server, r, nlp, tableau prep, postgresql, data.table, pyspark, power bi, mysql, statistics, aws, qlik sense, spotfire, aws redshift, sagemaker, scikit-learn, aws s3, google data studio, data, forecast, solver
Developed data monetization prototypes directed towards smart cities such as origin-destination analysis, and people space-time mobility patterns across urban areas. Prototypes were deployed using Tableau and the analytics were developed using Netezza, Teradata and Python.
5Analytics Engineer
netezza, teradata, apache spark, tableau, ml frameworks and, folium, geospatial analysis, databases, sql and r., postgresql, microsoft office, python, arcgis storymaps, microsoft excel, arcgis webapp builder, decision making, programming, apache sedona, esda, aws, ml frameworks, geopandas, databricks, leadership, arcgis dashboards, aws redshift, prince, scikit learn, arcgis pro, scikit-learn, geospatial, arcgis and qgis., qgis, sql, postgis, scipy, data, visualization, prioritization, redshift, pysal
Set up an experiment tracking and CICD pipeline for a classification task using MLflow and GitHub Actions to log metrics and artifacts of trained models and to automatically wrap them in a FastAPI application, run unit tests on the endpoints, build a docker image of the application, push the image to AWS ECR, and deploy the application using AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Used DVC and AWS S3 to manage the data used to train the model.
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, gcp cloud functions, numpy, apache spark, jupyter notebooks, tableau, pandas, apache cassandra, python, git, github, gcp, huggingface, gcp cloud run, google compute engine, snowflake, dvc, google big query, apache airflow, keras, nosql, scala, sql, aws api gateway, mlflow, fast, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, go, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, ml tools, streamlit, bash, postgresql, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, design patterns, fastapi, aws, java, aws ecr, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, github actions, computer vision
Acted in the banking segment with demands related to Open Finance, enhancing financial data-sharing capabilities for the banks customers.
0Data Engineer
apache spark, kafka, hdfs, tableau, apache kafka, confluence, bitbucket, pandas, databases, spark, jenkins, hive, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, pentaho, github, gcp, aws emr, azure data factory, mongodb, apache airflow, apache impala, scala, sql, visualization, neo4j, sap, ibm, tensorflow, hbase, sql server, bash, postgresql, collaboration, sql server integration services, terraform, azure, pyspark, power bi, cloudera, decision making, mysql, linux, aws, apache hive, accountability, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, data management, dbt, azure cosmos, impala, airflow, rpa, data, jira, hadoop, azure data lake
Created reports using Business Objects for the Operations and Inventory Planning teams to track performance and ensure efficient and effective operations management.
1Data Analyst
sap, oracle, tableau, sql server, databases, oracle data integrator visualization, postgresql, microsoft office, looker, python, power bi, powerbi, alation, microsoft access, visual basic, oracle data integrator, decision making, java, aws, ms sql server, sap information design tool, databricks, snowflake, mssql, aws redshift, oracle db, dbt, sqlitedata, planning, sql, sap businessobjects, sharepoint, purview
Commanded the team in charge of tracking criminal organizations by using network modeling and graph representation in Python (Networkx package).
2Data Scientist
networkx, numpy, apache spark, tableau, react js, pandas, pool, julia, spark, javascript, python, git, powerbi, gcp, huggingface, time series, ml frameworks, google compute engine, snowflake, google big query, google functions, asyncio, planning, sql, visualization, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, r, streamlit, postgresql, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, latex, fastapi, linux, statistics, aws, databricks, scikit-learn, scikitlearn, dash, data, leadership, react
Currently leading MLE teams working with different clients.
3Machine Learning Engineer
apache spark.visualization, bokeh, lightgbm, tensorflow, pandas, twisted., postgresql, jenkins, twisted, apache cassandra, python, git, docker, aws ecs, github, amazon redshift, and javascript.databases, fastapi, aws, ml frameworks, mongodb.data, mongodb, aws redshift, scikit-learn, apache airflow, flask, c++, github actions, mlflow, computer vision
Developed a web application to manage reports using VueJS, for a client that handles the social benefits payments of companies. The main challenge of the application was to ensure a fast load of the reports even when the information received from the backend wasn’t paginated. This app helped the client to provide more reports in a more customizable way than they had before.
4Software Engineer
objective-c, go, xamarin, firebase realtime db, socket.io, databases, swift, bootstrap, postgresql, css, javascript, google datastore, vue, gcp, programming, react native, angular, electronjs, java, aws, twilio, c, html, node.js, typescript, play framework, firebase, react, planning, redis, ruby on rails, vue js, scala, sql, mac os, angularjs, ruby, aws lambda
Supported the design and architecting the ERD for the integrated system of Factored.
4Software Engineer
Carried out data frames and integration of tables models using Jupyter,Python, and Spark.
1Data Analyst
apache spark, c#, oracle, databases, spark, css, javascript, apache hadoop, python, ml frameworks, jupyter, html, azure data factory, aws glue, glue, apache airflow, planning, scala, sql, elasticsearch, c++, .net, postgresqldata, go, sql server, postgresql, terraform, azure, mysql, alteryx, linux, java, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, jupyter notebook, windows, sagemaker, dbt, airflow, aws s3, hadoop
Created insightful reports with Power BI Desktop and published them using Power BI Service and Power BI Embedded.
2Data Scientist
numpy, apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, spark, analysis, javascript, vue.js and django., anomaly detection, cloud sql, python, powerbi, programming, rds, time series, cloud, ml frameworks, jupyter, automated processes, operational performance, monitoring dashboards, sql server and, mongodb, bi tools, and sql, web app, sql, data analysis, visualization, business metrics, django, and javascript., aws ec2, sql server, azure ml, streamlit, supervised learning, vue.js, data lakes, postgresql, azure, matlab, azure synapse, power bi, cloud computing, matplotlib, mysql, aws rds, data warehouses, and aws, fastapi, plotly, java, sqlite, aws, statistical methods, ai, azure sql, jupyter notebook, machine learning algorithms, data cleaning, development, aws s3, data, power bi desktop, tableau and plotly dash.
Led a team of 3 on the development from scratch of a derivative-free optimization project in Golang which contains two libraries: a derivative-free algorithm library and a benchmark functions library.
3Machine Learning Engineer
hyperopt, , pytorch, aws cloudformation, financial, actuarial, javascript, aws batch, universidad de los andes, built a model for loan default prediction, s3 and airflow to collect job postings from websites and public apis, powerbi, senior machine learning engineer, aws emr, aws athena, implemented a portfolio-construction plus backtest system for 11 poc partnerships., ai product manager nanodegree, designed and managed the connection of the front-end product with financial back-end data necessities., built data pipelines using spark on aws emr and feature engineering for a state-of-the-art recommender system, and deep learning to optimize vehicle allocation for a mobility-as-a-service, developed quantitative methodologies to calculate risk-return properties of global assets to construct efficient portfolios., calculated and managed life insurance policy reserves for 5 life insurance, aws glue, seaborn, university of bonn, keras, implemented financial functions to keep track of, movii feb 2019, sql, dynamodb, c++, developed market execution rules and algorithms on 4 different markets to optimize, express del futuro july 2018, bsc, mathematical finance., tensorflow, mathematics, kinesis, developed an identity fraud detection model for a fintech company with, financial mathematics lead, built a data warehouse for the company, postgresql, prophet, sqlalchemy, matlab, docker, led a team of 6 people in the financial mathematics branch of the company., microsoft excel, vue, matplotlib, latex, which was accepted and ranked, data science, alkanza inc jan 2017, built optimized portfolios for clients from 8 business partnerships in the u.s., fastapi, developed quantitative investment strategies and short-term tactics for 5 fixed income mutual funds and 4 equity mutual funds., databricks, integrating 5 different sources of data., developed job crawler using python, octave, financial mathematics senior analyst, scikit-learn, certified trader on derivatives and fixed income and equity mutual funds, led the data analytics team, developed customer segmentation program for financial inclusion based on transactional data and in-app behavior., sarima, aws kinesis, scikit-learn go package, implicit strong convergence schemes for stochastic differential equations without global lipschitz coefficients.specialization in stochastic analysis, apache spark, tableau, apache kafka, quantitative analyst, brazil and colombia, assisted in the design of 4 back-end services to run data-driven analyses on, as well as the profitability of the bidding prices., certificate of international competence icc, advised on the financial statistics side for the economic offer of the company on the public tender for the operation of 6 public transport routes of the city of bogotá., python, github, nltk, time series, profesionales de bolsa - stockbroker feb 2014, implemented and analyzed the complexity of statistical tests and algorithms for several downstream tasks in signal processing., ml frameworks, hyperopt for hyperparameter optimization and mlflow for experiment tracking. implemented a neural machine translation, mexico, rocksdb, mongodb, apache airflow, revisited the financial model of the, developed and implemented the financial valuation model of the life insurance branch of the company., mlflow, including the deployment as a dockerized api in aws and an explainability framework on top of it., aws lambda, aws ec2, built dashboards that generated bidding, created business dashboards that showed customer behavior and helped managers make business decisions., alkanza inc feb 2016, go, bringing automated financial advisory to over 2, xgboost, r, streamlit, bash, nlp, facebook prophet, machine learning in finance, developed a proprietary collection of microservices for sentiment analysis and topic classification tasks using deep learning., mysql, education, plotly, statistics, java, aws, c, machine learning phd summer school, machine learning engineer nanodegree, airflow, vue js, factored may 2019, aws s3, dash, apache kafkavisualization, data, built a demand estimation model and a demand forecasting model using gradient boosting, old mutual holdings latam june 2015, exponential time smoothing
Optimized a large delivery apps advertisement using large amounts of streaming data.
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, tableau, databases, javascript, convolutional neural networks, python, git, data engineering, javascript and r., churn prediction, ml frameworks, social media, advertising optimization, mongodb, dvc, research, apache airflow, sql, android app, visualization, research project, tensorflow, business intelligence, r, applied machine learning, public policy, data versioning with dvc, nlp, postgresql, collaboration, nlp model, machine learning, mongodb., fraud detection, machine translation, mysql, fastapi, statistics, java, ai, demand forecasting, reinforcement learning, fastapi., real-time bidding, flask, airflow, prediction, scikit-learn., data, satellite imagery, apache airflow., information retrieval, computer vision
Proposed and implemented database strategies for an epidemiological laboratory in order to solve geolocation problems.
1Data Analyst
tableau, sql server, r, seabornml frameworks, pandas, beautifulsoup, javascript, jinja, looker, python, power bi, microsoft excel, powerbi, reactdatabases, github, alation, data modeling, decision making, sqlite, databricks, snowflake, mongodb, ggplot2, dbt, excel, keras, sql, dash, data, visualization, beautiful soup, react
Led data fraud detection team, being responsible for creating rules, insights and data solutions to prevent and detect frauds with the company’s products using Snowflake tables, Oracle tables, Matillion for data modeling, Knime and Sagemaker for specific analysis and Power Bi for visualization. Decreasing the losses caused by fraud by 3.5% so far this year since the data team was created.
1Data Analyst
apache spark, c#, tableau, oracle, cassandra., databases, spark, sql server stack, apache cassandra, python, git, looker, powerbi, -, aws services, data modeling, rds, aws athena, ml frameworks, athena, matillion, snowflake, aws glue, sql, dynamodb, ssas, visualization, postgres, teamwork, vb.net, aws ec2, ibm, sql server, visual fox, step, postgresql, aurora, aws aurora, pyspark, microstrategy, mysql, aws rds, knime, aws quicksight, aws, sqlite, apache nifi, aws redshift, sagemaker, datastage, cognos, aws s3, google data studio, data
Designed and built a Data Warehouse following Kimball’s data modeling technique and the modular data modeling technique using DBT and SQL.
0Data Engineer
apache spark, rest api, pandas, dataflow, regex, jenkins, javascript, google datastore, python, git, github, google, gcp, data modeling, selenium, google dataflow, node.js, postman, aws glue, apache airflow, planning, sql, dynamodb, c++, aws lambda, aws ec2, neo4j, aws dynamodb, google cloud storage, google bigquery, bash, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, pyspark, docker, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws step functions, apache beam, unix, data studio, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, serverless framework, aws s3, google data studio, data, pytest, github actions, aws kinesis
Implemented machine learning techniques in R to explain a sales drop.
2Data Scientist
pytorch, tableau, databases, javascript, convolutional neural networks, python, git, data engineering, javascript and r., churn prediction, ml frameworks, social media, advertising optimization, mongodb, dvc, research, apache airflow, sql, android app, visualization, research project, tensorflow, business intelligence, r, applied machine learning, public policy, data versioning with dvc, nlp, postgresql, collaboration, nlp model, machine learning, mongodb., fraud detection, machine translation, mysql, fastapi, statistics, java, ai, demand forecasting, reinforcement learning, fastapi., real-time bidding, flask, airflow, prediction, scikit-learn., data, satellite imagery, apache airflow., information retrieval, computer vision
Designed and developed interactive dashboards using BI tools for clients that belong to the retail, B2B, merchandising and e-commerce industry.
1Data Analyst
data studio., google bigquery, oracle, tableau, snowflake, databases, sql, python, qliksense, visualization, gcp, mysql
Developed cubes based in Corporate multidimensional model under Corporate BI tool (Pentaho Enterprise).WHAT WAS THE OJETIVEOUTCOME? FOR WHOM?
0Data Engineer
db2, sap, c#, oracle, databases, bootstrap, css, javascript, python, docker, oracle warehouse builder, wpf, pentaho, microstrategy, sap business warehouse, java, aws, ml frameworks, node.js, snowflake, aws redshift, asp.net, apache airflow, dbt, wcf, planning, airflow, sql, data, visualization, .net, aws lambda
Cleaned data and created Airflow scripts to orchestrate SQL scripts in an incremental fashion.
5Analytics Engineer
object-oriented programming in python, sql for data analysis, numpy, dbt fundamentals, r, databases, pandas, applied plotting, dax, postgresql, jinja, shiny app, pyspark, python, git, docker, shiny, powerbi, matplotlib, time series, ml frameworks, snowflake, scikit-learn, dbt, apache airflow, introduction to pyspark, airflow, sql, data, introduction to airflow in python, visualization, bloomberg, charting
Worked closely with the healthcare management team for improving the hospital’s operations:
2Data Scientist
numpy, azure sql databases, databases, pandas, mrmr, microsoft sql server, python, powerbi, pycaret, pytesseract, aws athena, time series, ml frameworks, jupyter, azure machine learning studio, seaborn, keras, sql, shap, aws sagemaker, visualization, teamwork, go, tensorflow, sql server, r, streamlit, azure, microsoft excel, matplotlib, statistics, aws, opencv, azure sql, databricks, jupyter notebook, sklearn, sagemaker, scikit-learn, aws s3, data, azure databricks, computer vision
Implemented a customer compliance model developed to collect data on creditors in order to automatically analyze the financial health of each business, predicting 30 days of customer default.
2Data Scientist
apache spark, rest api, databases, pandas, kubernetes, python, git, pyplot, aws athena, time series, ml frameworks, seaborn, alert manager, apache airflow, databricksvisualization, keras, sql, aws ec2, db2, go, tensorflow, quicksight, aws recognition, bash, nlp, prometheus, sharp, docker, aws ecs, aws sdk, fastapi, linux, aws quicksight, golang, aws, databricks, sagemaker, flask, airflow, scipy, data, grafana, zabbix, computer vision
Developed NLP models to identify problems in ITIL processes.
2Data Scientist
sap, numpy, tensorflow, oracle, kubeflow, microsoft word, databases, pandas, dataflow, nlp, postgresql, kubernetes, matlab, python, docker, nltk, linux, aws, ml frameworks, jupyter, c, jupyter notebook, seaborn, scikit-learn, google vertex ai, apache airflow, shell scripts, keras, flask, airflow, sql, data, arduino, mlflow
Worked on the migration of the payment system, for which I developed all the queries and dashboards for different lines of business.
1Data Analyst
dimensional modeling, tableau, r, databases, postgresql, python, powerbi, github, alation, decision making, aws quicksight, statistics, aws, spss, snowflake, vba, dbt, apache airflow, sql, data, visualization, postgres
Built and maintained complex big data pipelines.
0Data Engineer
apache spark, aws cloudformation, oracle, sql servers, dax, spark, dax., cloud sql, python, git, powerbi, programming, rds, aws emr, cloud, gitlab, matillion, azure data factory, dbschema, apache airflow, big data processing, sql, visualization, aws lambda, sap, azure analysis services., bash, postgresql, azure, docker, azure data warehouse., aws rds, aws, lambda. azure data factory, gradle., azure sql, kotlin, aws redshift, aws s3, kotlin., power bi., redshift, emr, oracle dbs
Co-led the data validation effort on the payment processor migration for a FinTech, understanding business data modeling differences between the two systems and making sure its consistency on cutover date.
1Data Analyst
daily sales, customer service processes, tableau, business intelligence, databases, finance domain, alignment process, agile, technological tools, matlab and visual basic., matlab, fintech, business reporting, python, business strategy, power bi and spotfire., powerbi, data modeling, business intelligence tools, visual basic, finance data mart, programming, ml frameworks, top management, financial metrics, spotfire, ai, massive datasets, profitable growth, competition analysis, strategic business, implementing business intelligence, sql, operational processes, data, data validation, visualization
Developed corporate tools through VBA in Excel, Access, and C focused on the automation of ad-hoc processes for Publicis Groupes internal and external clients.
1Data Analyst
numpy, apache spark, c#, tableau, sas, pandas, powerquery, databases, dax, spark, microsoft office, python, git, powerbi, github, programming, ml frameworks, microsoft power point, sas base, snowflake, vba, seaborn, postgresql., t-sql, vba and matlab., scala, sql, visualization, talend, sap, trello, pycharm, go, visual studio code, and tableau., sql server, r, nlp, postgresql, matlab, pyspark, power bi, microsoft excel, sql seververintegrationservices, matplotlib, decision making, mysql, vs code, aws quicksight, aws, databricks, ggplot2, powerpivot, aws s3, scipy, data, jira, powerview
Helped secure USD$40M infrastructure investment with multicriteria geospatial analysis for the prioritization of development on fixed internet networks presented on a Tableau Dashboard for one of the most prestigious telecommunications companies in Latin America. The analytics was developed on Python using GeoPandas
5Analytics Engineer
netezza, teradata, apache spark, tableau, ml frameworks and, folium, geospatial analysis, databases, sql and r., postgresql, microsoft office, python, arcgis storymaps, microsoft excel, arcgis webapp builder, decision making, programming, apache sedona, esda, aws, ml frameworks, geopandas, databricks, leadership, arcgis dashboards, aws redshift, prince, scikit learn, arcgis pro, scikit-learn, geospatial, arcgis and qgis., qgis, sql, postgis, scipy, data, visualization, prioritization, redshift, pysal
Led the architecture definition and the development of new features and improvements in one of the core components of the product, emphasizing software maintainability and delivering exceptional end-user experiences.
4Software Engineer
objective-c, go, xamarin, firebase realtime db, socket.io, databases, swift, bootstrap, postgresql, css, javascript, google datastore, vue, gcp, programming, react native, angular, electronjs, java, aws, twilio, c, html, node.js, typescript, play framework, firebase, react, planning, redis, ruby on rails, vue js, scala, sql, mac os, angularjs, ruby, aws lambda
Built dashboards using Metabase and Google Cloud Bigquery for business units such as Tax, Compliance and Accounting of the startup.
6Full-Stack Engineer
sql server, databases, postgresql, javascript, azure, kubernetes, phoenix, gcp, programming, java, aws, node.js, elixir, azure sql, google cloud functions, planning, ruby on rails, bigquery, sql, google data studio, data, visualization, jira, .net, angularjs, rspec, ruby, metabase, react
Automated data flows using SQL.
1Data Analyst
Designed and implemented an ETL data pipeline using AWS S3, Glue & Athena orchestrated with Apache Airflow. This pipeline fed a data lake and a data warehouse that works as the single source of truth for the company.
0Data Engineer
sap, tensorflow, power automate, tableau, oracle, r, swps, dataflow, postgresql, matlab, python, git, docker, power bi, powerbi, data modeling, aws athena, linux, statistics, aws, ml frameworks, c, microsoft, aws redshift, aws glue, sickit-learn visualization, apache airflow, aws s3, sql, data, sharepoint, erp, metabase
Defined an access control layer using Databricks and Terraform over Delta Lake tables to limit external partners access and prevent unauthorized data access.
0Data Engineer
aws ec2, luigi, apache spark, kafka, c#, sql server, apache kafka, databases, spark, prometheus, terraform, kubernetes, pyspark, ansible, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, cassandra, mysql, gitlab, java, aws, databricks, chef, mesos, apache airflow, redis, airflow, scala, sql, elasticsearch, data, grafana, dynamodb, visualization, jira, hadoop, delta lake
Led a research project studying the mathematical properties and real-life consequences of dealing with fat-tailed variables for construction companies and the resulting consequences in their construction strategy. Analyzed the over-reliance on government subsidized projects and how we should price in the uncertainty that new governmental rules could significantly alter the construction landscape.
2Data Scientist
pytorch, lightgbm, apache spark, trax, c#, tableau, databases, spark, jenkins, javascript, snowpark, apache cassandra, python, github, gcp, alation, selenium, aws emr, jax, ml frameworks, node.js, snowflake, mongodb, seaborn, apache airflow, sql, tidyverse, visualization, pydata, arrow, tensorflow, express.js, xgboost, google cloud storage, r, postgresql, matlab, docker, matplotlib, mysql, fastapi, plotly, aws, java, pydata stack, aws redshift, windows, sagemaker, ggplot2, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions
Performed sentiment analysis and NER (Named Entity Recognition) to analyze comments on petitionscomplaintsclaims (PCCs) tickets using NLTK library in Python to uncover UX issues with discounting campaigns for the Growth Team.
5Analytics Engineer
apache spark, tableau, databases, python, powerbi, github, data modeling, nltk, snowflake, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, aws eventbridge, dynamodb, visualization, google sheets, airbyte, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, bash, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, matlab, docker, power bi, decision making, aws rds, aws, aws step functions, airtable, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, dbt, redash, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, leadership
One time Python codes to quickly address business needs.
1Data Analyst
sap, power automate, tableau, microsoft word, pandas, jinja, python, git, sharepoint, microsoft excel, powerbi, github, decision making, sap business objects data services, sap business objects web, vs code, microsoft power point, ms excel, minitab visualization, snowflake, mssql, oracle data, dbt, apache airflow, ms sql, planning, sql, sap business objects bi, matlab databases, power apps, sigma
Worked at the intersection of Credit & Data Science teams to optimize downstream financial decisions through the use of Bayesian Survival Models; Generalized Linear Models; and Buy Till You Die Models; these models were used to derive account level utilization, risk, and purchase volume curves. The resulting flexibility and precision allowed the fintech company to underwrite deeper into the population (8% increase in approval rates) with higher credit lines (11% higher credit lines).
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, lightgbm, apache spark, trax, c#, tableau, databases, spark, jenkins, javascript, snowpark, apache cassandra, python, github, gcp, alation, selenium, aws emr, jax, ml frameworks, node.js, snowflake, mongodb, seaborn, apache airflow, sql, tidyverse, visualization, pydata, arrow, tensorflow, express.js, xgboost, google cloud storage, r, postgresql, matlab, docker, matplotlib, mysql, fastapi, plotly, aws, java, pydata stack, aws redshift, windows, sagemaker, ggplot2, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions
Retrieved data from APIs (Facebook Graph, InstagramGraph, FacebookMarketing API, Twitter API, etc.) to measure social media metrics for the Analytics Department .
1Data Analyst
apache spark, rest api, spark, apache cassandra, python, git, github, selenium, matillion, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, pymongo, apache flink, bigquery, scala, sql, redshiftdata, metabase, aws lambda, bash, great expectations, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, design patterns, aws rds, oop, aws, aws step functions, databricks, aws redshift, dbt, airflow, aws s3, data, github actions, aws kinesis, solid principles
Provided consulting services in the roles of Data Engineer and Business Analyst using Python, Databricks, PySpark and tools from AWS suite. Maintaining close contact with main stakeholders, also responsible for sprint planning and prioritization of project tasks for a big clothing company.
0Data Engineer
fargate, numpy, apache spark, kafka, cloudwatch, tableau, apache kafka, eventbridge, databases, pandas, julia, dax, spark, javascript, python, git, powerbi, pentaho, github, selenium, rds, aws athena, aws emr, gitlab, secrets manager, aws glue, glue, apache airflow, planning, scala, sql, aws eventbridge, dynamodb, visualization, postgres, prioritization, aws lambda, aws ec2, sap, r, step functions, quicksight, elasticache, postgresql, iam, terraform, azure, pyspark, aws cloudwatch, docker, aws ecs, aws iam, matplotlib, decision making, aws rds, aws, java, aws ecr, apache beam, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, dbt, airflow, aws s3, rpa, data, s3, github actions, emr
Assists in the creation of multiple datasets used in the industry, such as Peoples speech which was used for Whisper training. Special focus on data taxonomy.
4Software Engineer
pytorch, teacher course ceimtun group, worked on a sports predictions project., javascript, developed systems and applications to improve the control and efficiency of processes within the company. used visual basic as the main programming language., junior software developer, kubernetes, git, js, platform for the creation of advanced ai challenges, deep learning specialization, aws emr, quantum leap data jan 2017, sentimental analysis, a neural networks framework based on jax inspired by keras and haiku., keras, worked on a virtual car autonomous driving project., platform for the development of engineers by improving their skills, nosql, a large-scale diverse english speech recognition dataset for commercial usage, sql, elegy, gecko systems jan 2018, bsc, tensorflow, augmented reality, postgresql, publicationsthe peoples, docker, mongodb., developed and produced systems that allowed the optimization and scaling of different processes within the company using machine learning, decision making, researched and developed data analysis models through advanced artificial intelligence techniques and created new predictive models., emphasis on nlp models, solidity, aws redshift, generated optimizations that made a significant impact on revenue., petroleum engineer, lsh methods for data deduplication in a wikipedia artificial dataset., benchmarks for data-centric ai development, winner of the award for one of the best theses of the year 2022., apache spark, adversarial, databases, pandas, react advanced, creation of web pages for the exposition of datasets. speaker at machine learning group meetup, spark, etc., python, gcp., github, collaborator at the open-source elegy project, githubdeveloped a platform for engineers skills improvements, jax, question answering, ml frameworks, national university, mongodb, nextjs full course, vba, tensorflowjs, artificial intelligence, managing their information, speaker at national university, visualization, expertise in the development of interactive applications, go, speaker at software conference, next., streamlit, creation of software applications to deploy ai models for real-world applications, software, natural language processing -nlp- specialization, nlp, aws aurora, typescript., writer in towards artificial intelligence, data science specialization, deep learning, a data-centric challenge for improving the safety of text-to-image models, visual basic, and more., aws solutions architect, nlp platform with text summarization, mysql, education, multilingual spoken words corpus, aws, premex jan 2019, apache hive, as well as pix2pix painting images and transfer style., typescript, looked and implemented techniques with python to support decision making based on data. generated added value to these companies., applied data science with python, developed innovative web application projects for the construction sector., iubh, certifications, and certifications management, data, sentiment analysis project on nlp., generative images with gans, researched, computer vision, react
Researched quantization and distillation methods to reduce ML model sizes. Developed a guide for implementing distillation in PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning, allowing models to be optimized for edge devices (such as mobile phones).
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, numpy, spacy, aws codedeploy, aws batch, kubernetes, git, gcp, aws codebuild, selenium, guided cognitive chatbot modeling team of three people to, huggingface, aws emr, boto3, and pydantic, shell scripting, ec2, snowflake, developed a data product to capture, dvc, keras, pymongo, bigquery, timm, dynamodb, elegy, and aws ec2 to collect, pytorch lightning, pil, google cloud run, freelance february 2021 - may 2021, tensorflow, google cloud storage, ml tools, streamlitresearched quantization and distillation methods to reduce ml model sizes. developed a guide for implementing distillation in pytorch and pytorch lightning, postgresql, and huggingface., validate, terraform, sqlalchemy, pythondatabases, docker, aws ecs, pandera, matplotlib, decision making, named entity recognition, ecr, fastapi, opencv, gcp functions, developed a debt collection platform that helps organize the operations day-to-day workload management process. the platform captures structured information with numpy, scikit-learn, shell scripts, google cloud functions, aws code build, researched topics on anomaly detection, code build, s3, aws code commit, creates machine learning models with scikit-learn, pytest, github actions, and store labels made by the labeling team., pandas, treex, lambda, google pubsub, code deploy, snowpark, text, and deploys them using fastapi, python, aws code deploy, machine learning engineer, and aws ecs to integrate them into company platforms to prioritize natural language understanding from agent collaborators needs., github, nltk, time series, cloud storagedata, jax, gcp cloud run, pytorch mobile, mongodb, aws sdk for python (boto3), and transformers on pytorch.machine learning engineer, using word2vec and bert using aws ec2, shell, creating process logs to be used by retraining model processes and for bi analysis., mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, allowing models to be optimized for edge devices, code commit, pydantic, xgboost, streamlit, gcp compute engine, nlp, developed nlp models microservices, pyspark, and pytest. the project reduced company costs by 4x. it also helps promote auto attention in specific problem domains and business up and cross-selling., google cloud pub/sub, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws ecr, developed a data labeling pipeline using pydantic, firestore, and aws ecs, aws s3, konecta march 2017 - may 2021 developed cognitive chatbot serverless platform able to scale bots creation dynamically according to business needs using aws lambda, computer vision
Tools: Python, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Teradata, DB2
1Data Analyst
numpy, apache spark, teradata, oracle, hdfs, bitbucket, pandas, databases, qlik, spark, hive, kubernetes, apache hadoop, python, git, powerbi, github, gcp, time series, gitlab, ml frameworks, mongodb, apache airflow, sql, elasticsearch, visualization, mlflow, metabase, aws ec2, db2, tensorflow, sql server, postgresql, scrapy, azure, azure synapse, docker, sqlserver, mysql, linux, statistics, aws, sqlite, apache hive, azure sql, databricks, jupyter notebook, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, flask, airflow, data, hadoop, delta lake
Supported the intern selection process, guided and led the interns during their experience.
5Analytics Engineer
data transformation, tableau, databases, pandas, customer database, communication strategies, analytical skills, python, powerbi, gcp, ml frameworks, etl, monitoring dashboards, sql, visualization, relational databases management, email campaign, model development, probability and statistics, customer interactions, r, email marketing, google analytics, decision making, visual basic, programming tools, behaviour analysis, statistics, java, cash flow, ai, data strategy, management level, rfp, object-oriented programming, data management, analyzing data, data, selection process, support students
Designed a new authorization system to enable different roles and profiles to user to the admin panel using PHP and AWS in order to avoid cybersecurity attacks to the service.
4Software Engineer
Developed a health app to register Covid symptoms and contact with others in order to create backtracking and detect new covid cases.
4Software Engineer
Trained data analysts and campaign analysts in Python and SQL topics to contribute to their development and career paths.
1Data Analyst
pytorch, numpy, challenges and possible solutions. sme annual conference, aws lambda and the serverless framework - hands on, aws ebsdata, aws batch, git, compose, powerbi, gcp, huggingface, aws emr, dvc, seaborn, python data analysis and machine learning course, keras, nosql, sql, aws eventbridge, shap, tensorflow, ml tools, postgresql, docker, power bi, microsoft excel, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, fastapi, opencv, databricks, jupyter notebook, mssql, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, langchain for llm application development, github actions, docker compose, apache spark, tableau, pandas, apache cassandra, python, az., github, nltk, chatgpt prompt engineering for developers, apache airflow, excel, aws api gateway, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, google bigquery, sql server, streamlit, gcp compute engine, bash, nlp, restrepo, aws sns, pyspark, anaconda, the complete python course - learn python by doing, vs code, publicationvelasquez, aws, aws ecr, antioquia - colombia, ms sql, aws s3, label-studio, google data studio, aws cloud practitioner essentials, computer vision
Implemented the integration between the broker platform written in Elixir with a Monolith application using Ruby on Rails allowing the company to operate its own Investment Broker, allowing it to process with hundreds of thousands of reais (BRL) of Investment and Redemptions every day, for a Brazilian investments company.
6Full-Stack Engineer
sql server, databases, postgresql, javascript, azure, kubernetes, phoenix, gcp, programming, java, aws, node.js, elixir, azure sql, google cloud functions, planning, ruby on rails, bigquery, sql, google data studio, data, visualization, jira, .net, angularjs, rspec, ruby, metabase, react
Coordinated an infrastructure migration and code refactoring using PySpark in EMR, Pandas, and Dask in an ECS cluster, minimizing cold start times and simplifying cluster configuration and deployment.
0Data Engineer
pytorch, numpy, circleci, aws batch, kubernetes, microsoft office, huggingface transformers, git, huggingface, aws emr, neptune, node.js, snowflake, seaborn, pinecone, keras, langchain, prefect, sql, shap, dynamodb, prioritization, mathematica, javadatabases, aws dynamodb, tensorflow, dask, hugingface peft, postgresql, terraform, aws eks, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, latex, fastapi, linux, aws quicksight, unix, aws redshift, scikit-learn, aws sqs, tf object detection api, github actions, hadoop, aws neptune, aws elastic beanstalk, tableau, aws s3data, pandas, oidc sso connectors, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, github, chainlit, sql serveranalysisservices, open ai gpt4, time series, ml frameworks, mongodb, daskvisualization, nodejs, apache airflow, aws api gateway, mlflow, aws ec2, streamlit, bash, nlp, scrapy, pyspark, mysql, aws rds, aws, java, c, aws ecr, aws ssm, dbt, flask, aws s3, dash, traefik
Supported business decisions for 17 processes in 3 business units.
1Data Analyst
Developed powerful libraries for caching, content management, and web-building tools, utilizing Ruby, which empowered the team to create and manage dynamic, high-quality websites for clients across various industries. One notable application was a custom content management system built with Ruby, storing files in Dropbox and using Markdown for content, benefiting clients marketing campaign landing pages.
4Software Engineer
numpy, kafka, apache kafka, redux, databases, pandas, perfect, css, javascript, heroku, python, github, gcp, selenium, programming, time series, ml frameworks, html, node.js, software architecture, mongodb, apache airflow, keras, spring, planning, pymongo, ruby on rails, react.js, visualization, postgres, travisci, django, teamwork, bokeh, graphql, go, express.js, tensorflow, xgboost, r, ownership, storybook, streamlit, bash, postgresql, collaboration, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, sqlserver, mysql, plotly, statistics, aws, nginx, java, c, opencv, jquery, typescript, aws redshift, scikit-learn, sidekiq, flask, airflow, data, pytest, sinatra, ruby, php, react
Designed data pipelines using Python to reduce manual data processes related to aggregation, filtering, extracting, and loading. The execution time was reduced from two days to half a day and the workforce was optimized from three senior analysts to one junior analyst.
2Data Scientist
aws ec2, numpy, ibm, sql server, transformers, databases, pandas, powerquery, beautifulsoup, nlp, dax, sqlalchemy, azure, python, microsoft excel, powerbi, selenium, roberta, aws, ml frameworks, spss, power query, azure sql, sql, data, visualization, beautiful soup, dbscan
Established consistent data usage practices, including standardized naming conventions and normalization of tables. These practices were most beneficial to the company because before they were implemented every developer added columns and tables at their own discretion resulting in redundant columns and loss of the veracity of the data since there were many different columns used to access the same information that could be outdated. The tool used for versioning changes in the databases was Liquibase.
0Data Engineer
apache spark, kafka, c#, oracle, hdfs, apache kafka, databases, bootstrap, spark, prolog, css, javascript, grpc, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, gcp, aws emr, ml frameworks, html, node.js, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, nodejs, apache airflow, erlang, spring, apache flink, ruby on rails, scala, sql, dynamodb, c++, .net, angularjs, aws lambda, go, flink, sql server, r, postgresql, azure, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, cassandra, decision making, protocol buffers, mysql, aws, java, jquery, typescript, azure sql, scheme, aws redshift, dbt, asp.net, azure cosmos, airflow, data, antlr, ruby, react
Identified and resolved n+1 query issues using Ruby, leading to a 10% improvement in application performance and faster data retrieval for users of the marketing company.
4Software Engineer
bootstrap, moment.js, vuetify, css, javascript, cacoon, heroku, aws ses, jbuilder, python, git, carrierwave, gcp, programming, stimulus.jsdatabases, kaminari, chart.js, aws cloud watcher, html, node.js, vuex, jest, apache airflow, ruby on rails, nuxt.js, visualization, vue router, graphql, google bigquery, datastudio, hotwire, vue.js, pagy, postgresql, aws sns, apollo, vue, microsoft excel, next.js, aws, jquery, typescript, minitest, firebase, gemfury, data management, firestore, redis, airflow, tailwind css, google data studio, data, jira, auth0, rspec, ruby, react
Implemented NLP models (RNN and Transformers) and text analytics for a forum questions classifie, helping users determine in advance whether their question is likely to become viral or receive a high number of responses using Hugging Face and Pytorch frameworks.
2Data Scientist
pytorch, typer, fargate, numpy, apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, spark, javascript, cloud sql, python, git, node, powerbi, github, gcp, programming, huggingface, python libraries and, delta tables, cloud, ml frameworks, dataabricks, html, reactjs, react, apache airflow, sql, shap, dynamodb, visualization, mlflow, angularjs, sigma, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, nlp, postgresql, pyspark, neptune.ai, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, mysql, hugging face, ecr, fastapi, aws, ecs, aws ecr, raspberry pi, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, s3, redshift, computer vision, sckit-learn
Supported business decisions through data analysis.
1Data Analyst
web scraping, kafka, aws certified developer - associate., apache kafka, data warehouse, databases, lambda, several articles written around data warehousing, python, git, pipelines and more., programming, rds, cloud infrastructure, aws emr, cloud, ml frameworks, ec2, etl, and meltano., ml, and r., aws glue, glue, apache airflow, excel, keras, data-driven, apache impala, sql, data analysis, aws certified solutions architect - associate., dynamodb, visualization, optical character recognition, batch, aws ec2, tensorflow, data governance, bash, data pipelines, nlp, analyzed data, tensorflow and keras., pyspark, flask., machine learning, docker, microsoft excel, other, fraud detection, technical writer, professional development, automated reporting, aws rds, data architectures, data infrastructures, metabase., aws, financial services, aws ecr, ai, aws redshift, aws data stack, sagemaker, dbt, flask, impala, airflow, aws s3, data, redshift, emr
Orchestrated data pipelines by integrating Airflow with DBT. Designed jinja model templates to standardize DBT models contained in pipelines with similar workflows, allowing the data team of the retail conglomerate to reduce in a fraction the time it takes to build stable pipelines with regular DBT models.
5Analytics Engineer
sap, teradata, tableau, r, geospatial analysis, bash, circleci, postgresql, powershell, power, jinja, python, git, microsoft excel, powerbi, github, matplotlib, data modeling, statavisualization, time series, linux, plotly, aws, snowflake, seaborn, dbt, apache airflow, shell scripts, sql, github actions, teradatadata, aws lambda
custom repo and utilized tools such as Langchain, OpenAI API, SQLAlchemy and Milvus. The resulting
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, tensorflow, transformers, microsoft word, databases, nlp, julia, javascript, collaboration, sqlalchemy, python, git, docker, openai api, fastapi, linux, google drive, milvus, aws, node.js, typescript, mongodb, reactjs, firebase, nodejs, onnx, keras, flask, lisp, amplify, bigquery, langchain, sql, dynamodb, c++, flaskml tools, sqlachemy, react
Worked closely with cross-functional teams to understand their data needs and providing support to develop or enhance different products within the company such as collections and payments, also using SQL and Dataform (inside GCP).
5Analytics Engineer
played a crucial role in establishing new reports focused on online stores performance using sql and excel getting to set priorities and implementing processes for the new bi area created from scratch after the company got acquired by infracommerce., luigi, tableau, developed business reports using tableau and powerquery that allowed the delivery of data-driven insights for a european food-tech company., databases, powerquery, including table modeling for the data warehouse using pyspark on databricks and report creation on looker. the migration led to an easier way to calculate kpis for different areas of the company., business administration, report creation, leading to a faster and easier way to create reports and data analysis., on various kpis for senior management and foreign investors of one of the biggest latam e-commerces., supervised an intern, worked with data engineering and data analytics projects to migrate data from tableau to looker, guiabolso sep 2017, restructured the bi area, looker, python, powerbi, gcp, international management, business intelligence analyst, developed ad hoc analysis, created the companys data warehouse by developing data pipelines, including interns and junior analysts, mongodb, vba, such as clustering analysis, apache impala, resulting in the development of strong interpersonal skills and valuable insights into international business practices delivering accurate and timely reporting and insights., università luigi bocconi, sql, visualization, multicultural team on projects with significant international exposure, databricks and looker at a brazilian fintech startup., metabase, and coordinated information needs for the companys subsidiaries in eight different countries., olook june 2014, google bigquery, hellofresh aug 2016, bi, advanced analytics and models using pyspark in databricks, pyspark, demonstrating strong leadership and communication skills., microsoft excel, education, improving data-gathering and report-building using sql and excel in a brazilian well known online store. defined new key performance indicators, dataform, databricks, supervised a team of four analysts, providing mentorship and support to ensure her success in the role., dafiti june 2012, created dashboards and reports for senior management using sql, ba, analyzed data mainly using excel to develop actionable insights that drove business decisions related to the business expansion in brazil and other latam countries., fgv-eaesp, excelsenior data analyst, junior business intelligence analyst, data, worked on data science projects, contributed to a high-performance, leadership, gathered information and built reports and presentations using vba and sql, and kpi calculation using sql, excel and tableau
Provided analysis of internal data to identify trends and new opportunities for growing in the car loans market.
1Data Analyst
Created MLOps solutions for machine learning initiatives and acted as Solutions Architect for Factored internal operations’ projects.
3Machine Learning Engineer
aws ec2, aws cloudformation, c#, oracle, sql server, bash, nlp, postgresql, javascript, terraform, kubernetes, microsoft office, python, docker, git, aws ecs, github, gcp, amazon redshift, mysql, aws rds, angular, linux, aws, linux., typescript, databricks, aws redshift, aws glue, apache airflow, sql, rpa, dynamodb, github actions, mlflow, django, react
Tuned a text classification model using HuggingFace. Implemented detection for covariate shift that sent alarms on AWS Simple Notification Service when reaching a set parameter of violations.
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, gcp cloud functions, numpy, apache spark, jupyter notebooks, tableau, pandas, apache cassandra, python, git, github, gcp, huggingface, gcp cloud run, google compute engine, snowflake, dvc, google big query, apache airflow, keras, nosql, scala, sql, aws api gateway, mlflow, fast, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws fargate, go, tensorflow, google cloud storage, google bigquery, ml tools, streamlit, bash, postgresql, pyspark, docker, aws ecs, design patterns, fastapi, aws, java, aws ecr, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, github actions, computer vision
Created an own version of the K-Means clustering algorithm through vectorized operations using the NumPy Python library, allowing different weights assignment for each feature, defining the specific features importance during the segments definition.
2Data Scientist
pytorch, typer, fargate, numpy, apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, spark, javascript, cloud sql, python, git, node, powerbi, github, gcp, programming, huggingface, python libraries and, delta tables, cloud, ml frameworks, dataabricks, html, reactjs, react, apache airflow, sql, shap, dynamodb, visualization, mlflow, angularjs, sigma, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, nlp, postgresql, pyspark, neptune.ai, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, mysql, hugging face, ecr, fastapi, aws, ecs, aws ecr, raspberry pi, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, s3, redshift, computer vision, sckit-learn
Implemented a machine learning model that takes into account clients medical information such as lab results and unstructured information with medical history data to determine in which cases is required an attending physician statement (APS) to obtain more detailed information of clients health condition and further determine their risk level.
2Data Scientist
pytorch, gcp ml tools, lightgbm, tensorflow, google cloud storage, xgboost, tableau, oracle, r, streamlit, sas, nlp, postgresql, apache hadoop, python, git, docker, gcp, decision making, amazon redshift, mysql, fastapi, statistics, aws, html, node.js, aws redshift, vertexai, stata, scikit-learn, keras, apache impala, bigquery, sql, shap, data, hadoop, pytorch lightning
Spearheaded the development and implementation of mission-critical features using the Ruby on Rails framework and PostgreSQL, and leveraged modern frontend technologies such as React.js, Angular.js, HAML, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. This ensured unparalleled performance, scalability, and maintainability for a cutting-edge SAAS platform that serves as a marketplace connecting fleet managers and service providers in the trucking industry, facilitating efficient and prompt truck repairs for clients like Volvo and PACCAR.
6Full-Stack Engineer
graphql, databases, dataflow, vue.js, bootstrap, postgresql, css, javascript, heroku, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, mysql, aws, twilio, html, angular.js, react, haml, ruby on rails, sql, laravel, data, dynamodb, sinatra, rspec, ruby, aws lambda
Maintained, monitored and fixed data lake platform, which had 26 petabytes of tabular data, with most ETL pipelines managed through Airflow and transformations done with PySpark.
0Data Engineer
apache spark, kafka, apache kafka, databases, spark, javascript, kubernetes, python, git, gcp, aws emr, gitlab, ml frameworks, aws glue, apache airflow, keras, sql, dynamodb, c++, aws lambda, aws ec2, go, tensorflow, apache iceberg, ownership, postgresql, terraform, pyspark, docker, linux, aws, nginx, c, unix, raspberry pi, databricks, aws redshift, flask, airflow, aws s3, data, arduino, delta lake
Designed, implemented and optimized data lake architectures in order to provide the necessary data for internal applications by employing solutions via Python, SQL, AWS S3 and AWS RDS for an automotive manufacturer.
0Data Engineer
pydantic, ibm, apache spark, google cloud storage, tableau, r, databases, pandas, postgresql, sqlalchemy, pyspark, python, git, docker, powerbi, data modeling, decision making, rds, aws rds, fastapi, aws, ml frameworks, databricks, snowflake, datadog, scikit-learn, dbt, apache airflow, airflow, scala, sql, aws s3, data, visualization
Built sales forecasting and churn analysis dashboards analyzing data such as renewals, logo retention, and trends in churned accounts.
1Data Analyst
aws ec2, numpy, tensorflow, spacy, xgboost, tableau, pandas, talent stitch, postgresql, salesforce, matlab, python, power bi, powerbi, github, sql serveranalysisservices, matplotlib, decision making, mysql, plotly, aws, ml frameworks, snowflake, scikit-learn, dbt, sql, data, visualization, google sheets, metabase
Migrated and tested 50+ stored procedures using SQL Server and Oracle database.
1Data Analyst
powercenter, ibm, google bigquery, oracle, sql server, r, sas, databases, google analytics, sql server integration services, python, powerbi, datacleaner, gcp, fivetran, decision making, asana, aws glue visualization, aws, google tag manager, oracle database, sql ssis, snowflake, aws redshift, aws glue, asp.net, dbt, apache airflow, sas miner, google cloud functions, airflow, ibm datastage, aws s3, sql, google data studio, data, aws lambda
Defined and tracked the progress of technical requirements gathered for a bank web application login component to enable loan data modification and visualization for businesses affected by COVID-19. Project was promoted by the UK government and was developed using Azure Active Directory B2C and Azure DevOps to manage the different environments per each bank and pre-production stages.
4Software Engineer
numpy, lightgbm, apache spark, c#, react js, pandas, beautifulsoup, javascript, python, powerbi, github, data modeling, selenium, angular js, aws athena, angular, snowflake, aws glue, azure active directory, apache airflow, sql, aws eventbridge, aws api gateway, dynamodb, aws lambda, aws ec2, aws dynamodb, xgboost, sql server, ml tools, postgresql, aws sns, terraform, azure, pyspark, azure active directory b2c, azure devops server, docker, power bi, azure devops, aws rds, statistics, aws, java, c, aws step functions, azure sql, databricks, aws redshift, sagemaker, scikit-learn, dbt, shell scripts, aws s3, data, beautiful soup, github actions, aws kinesis, react
Consumption of APIs from different vendors (used for product features) into the lakehouse. Also, evaluated and selected a vendor for app event analytics based on business goals and product team skills. Stack: AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, Python
0Data Engineer
fluentd, fargate, redshift., apache spark, oracle, built power bi dashboards are helping with the communication of insights and monitoring of kpis using dbt., databases, pandas, data engineer, spark, lambda, starburst, hive, kubernetes, python, git, powerbi, support and extension of the company data lake, github, emr on ec2, apache spark. scala, aws emr, aws athena, gitlab, ml frameworks, from which the app team could monitor and discover patterns without increasing costs significantly., designed the data model for the data warehouse with a strong focus on product features and its usage., kinesis data streams, mongodb, oracle rdbms, python., aws glue, apache airflow, and being assigned as the data engineer for several strategic projects b2b and b2c of the company., scala, sql, dynamodb, visualization, aws lambda, aws ec2, atlan, go, sql server, belcorp jan 2018, aws eks, sql., aws ecs, kyligence, with serverless querying, including an in-house coordinator app for custom business rules that were not supported by orchestration tools in that moment., kyvosdeveloped a real-time pipeline for app transactions, linux, java, aws, delivering computed metrics and user insights into several in-house destinations such as sales applications and machine learning models., apache hive, part of the big data team within the data, athena. python, kinesis data firehose, data analysis with sql to test product hypothesis results and their impact on growth., aws redshift, dbt, airflow, aws s3, development of etls, data, s3, aws kinesis, redshift
Data Lake Modeling and developing for Scotiabank Mexico .
0Data Engineer
apache spark, kafka, hdfs, and oozie, apache kafka, databases, dataflow, hive, apache hadoop, python, git, gcp, aws emr, aws athena, ml frameworks, apache and oozie, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, apache impala, bigquery, scala, sql, visualization, airbyte, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, sql server, step functions, pyspark, docker, cloudera, aws, java, aws step functions, apache hive, unix, databricks, aws redshift, airflow, and, aws s3, data, hadoop, leadership
Provided support to the Experian consultancy team on the definition and execution of analytics projects.
5Analytics Engineer
Researched topics on anomaly detection, NLP (NER, summarization), and transformers on PyTorch.
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, numpy, spacy, aws codedeploy, aws batch, kubernetes, git, gcp, aws codebuild, selenium, guided cognitive chatbot modeling team of three people to, huggingface, aws emr, boto3, and pydantic, shell scripting, ec2, snowflake, developed a data product to capture, dvc, keras, pymongo, bigquery, timm, dynamodb, elegy, and aws ec2 to collect, pytorch lightning, pil, google cloud run, freelance february 2021 - may 2021, tensorflow, google cloud storage, ml tools, streamlitresearched quantization and distillation methods to reduce ml model sizes. developed a guide for implementing distillation in pytorch and pytorch lightning, postgresql, and huggingface., validate, terraform, sqlalchemy, pythondatabases, docker, aws ecs, pandera, matplotlib, decision making, named entity recognition, ecr, fastapi, opencv, gcp functions, developed a debt collection platform that helps organize the operations day-to-day workload management process. the platform captures structured information with numpy, scikit-learn, shell scripts, google cloud functions, aws code build, researched topics on anomaly detection, code build, s3, aws code commit, creates machine learning models with scikit-learn, pytest, github actions, and store labels made by the labeling team., pandas, treex, lambda, google pubsub, code deploy, snowpark, text, and deploys them using fastapi, python, aws code deploy, machine learning engineer, and aws ecs to integrate them into company platforms to prioritize natural language understanding from agent collaborators needs., github, nltk, time series, cloud storagedata, jax, gcp cloud run, pytorch mobile, mongodb, aws sdk for python (boto3), and transformers on pytorch.machine learning engineer, using word2vec and bert using aws ec2, shell, creating process logs to be used by retraining model processes and for bi analysis., mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, allowing models to be optimized for edge devices, code commit, pydantic, xgboost, streamlit, gcp compute engine, nlp, developed nlp models microservices, pyspark, and pytest. the project reduced company costs by 4x. it also helps promote auto attention in specific problem domains and business up and cross-selling., google cloud pub/sub, mysql, aws rds, statistics, aws, aws ecr, developed a data labeling pipeline using pydantic, firestore, and aws ecs, aws s3, konecta march 2017 - may 2021 developed cognitive chatbot serverless platform able to scale bots creation dynamically according to business needs using aws lambda, computer vision
Implemented business intelligence solutions by building data pipelines connecting multiple data sources using Snowflake and then created dashboard and analytics using Power BI and SQL for clients in different industries like financial, construction, retail and sports.
0Data Engineer
pydantic, ibm, apache spark, google cloud storage, tableau, r, databases, pandas, postgresql, sqlalchemy, pyspark, python, git, docker, powerbi, data modeling, decision making, rds, aws rds, fastapi, aws, ml frameworks, databricks, snowflake, datadog, scikit-learn, dbt, apache airflow, airflow, scala, sql, aws s3, data, visualization
Developed fraud risk predictive models using Python and applying data science and statistical techniques to minimize monetary losses and increase overall profitability of the fintech business. Led shaping, development and deployment phases, interacting with key business stakeholders to better understand the requirements needed.
2Data Scientist
networkx, numpy, apache spark, tableau, react js, pandas, pool, julia, spark, javascript, python, git, powerbi, gcp, huggingface, time series, ml frameworks, google compute engine, snowflake, google big query, google functions, asyncio, planning, sql, visualization, mlflow, aws lambda, aws ec2, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, r, streamlit, postgresql, pyspark, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, latex, fastapi, linux, statistics, aws, databricks, scikit-learn, scikitlearn, dash, data, leadership, react
Helped integrate multiple data sources, such as Snowflake and Amazon S3, while engineering new features to the existing ML pipeline, which ran in a dedicated AWS EMR cluster.
3Machine Learning Engineer
pytorch, numpy, apache activemq, apache spark, oracle, rest api, databases, pandas, spark, jenkins, javascript, comet, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, aws emr, angular, ml frameworks, snowflake, seaborn, spring, sql, kerasturner, elasticsearch, visualization, django, kerastuner, bokeh, tensorflow, nlp, azure, docker, matplotlib, hibernate orm, decision making, mysql, linux, java, aws, oracle database, typescript, azure sql, jupyter notebook, triton, scikit-learn, aws sqs, redis, aws s3, data, scikit learn
Building big data and machine learning applications using Databricks, Redshift, Spark, Delta, AWS Glue, SageMaker among others with data engineers.
3Machine Learning Engineer
Built customer and business commercial profiles using regression, clustering, and classification algorithms, utilized data from customer, sales, products to create better insights for commercial and strategic departments, gathering different information to make strategic decisions that created at least five new products and a new marketing strategy, increasing sales and reducing the plan cancellation.
2Data Scientist
apache spark, kafka, oracle, tableau, apache kafka, databases, pandas, spark, kubernetes, apache cassandra, python, apache hadoop, git, powerbi, pentaho, gcp, aws emr, aws athena, ml frameworks, snowflake, mongodb, aws glue, apache airflow, scala, sql, elasticsearch, dynamodb, visualization, talend, aws cdk, neo4j, aws ec2, aws lambda, sap, google bigquery, sql server, r, postgresql, terraform, azure, docker, governance policies, cassandra, decision making, mysql, linux, java, aws, aws ecr, azure sql, aws redshift, mariadb, sagemaker, data management, redis, aws s3, data, hadoop
Designed dashboards for KPIs monitoring and visualization using PowerBI, React, and Dash. These dashboards were mainly intended to control the fulfillment of orders in specific periods, also to visualize anomalies, and monitor the status of all operations in the supply chain.
1Data Analyst
pytorch, typer, fargate, numpy, apache spark, tableau, databases, pandas, spark, javascript, cloud sql, python, git, node, powerbi, github, gcp, programming, huggingface, python libraries and, delta tables, cloud, ml frameworks, dataabricks, html, reactjs, react, apache airflow, sql, shap, dynamodb, visualization, mlflow, angularjs, sigma, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, nlp, postgresql, pyspark, neptune.ai, docker, microsoft excel, aws ecs, mysql, hugging face, ecr, fastapi, aws, ecs, aws ecr, raspberry pi, databricks, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, flask, airflow, aws s3, dash, data, s3, redshift, computer vision, sckit-learn
Prepared data visualization dashboards in Tableau to monitor key performance indicators.
2Data Scientist
pycharm, tensorflow, visual studio code, google bigquery, tableau, oracle, r, bitbucket, sas, googledata studio ml frameworks, postgresql, looker, python, git, microsoft excel, powerbi, github, gcp, data modeling, mysql, rstudio, statistics, aws, jupyter, snowflake, jupyter notebook, dagster, oracle data, aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, apache airflow, keras, planning, airflow, aws s3, sql, airbyte
Supported branding directors by creating easy access to dashboards displaying key information of each brand.
1Data Analyst
dbeaver, c, tableau, sql server, snowflake, postgresql, microsoft sql server, as400 queryvisualization, sql, google data studio, data, pgadmin, powerbi, power bi, agile methodologies
Built a data pipeline using ETL processes based on PySpark and Airflow.
0Data Engineer
aws ecr., awards and certificatesorden al mérito académico javeriano award 2018, redshift., aws cloudformation, c#, tableau, award given to the student with the highest gpa of the promotion, databases, pandas, aws codedeploy, automation, ibm db2, pega robotics, python, git, smc, data engineering, github, aws codebuild, selenium, aws emr, aws athena, matillion, snowflake, ml, aws glue, apache airflow, planning, nosql, sql, dynamodb, visualization, c++, postgres, aws lambda, aws ec2, db2, ibm, sql server, r, blue prism, uipath., nlp, postgresql, aws sns, pyspark, matlab, sql., docker, aws ecs, delivered by coursera, fivetran, matplotlib, honorable, mysql, aws, deep learning specialization 2020 completed the deep learning specialization, c, matplotlib and tensorflow., offered by deeplearning.ai., aws redshift, scikit-learn, dbt, airflow, aws s3, rpa, data, uipath, github actions, scrum
Developed a Django and React web application for managing change requests from system administrators. This resulted in a turnaround time reduction between request and approval from 2 weeks to 4 days.
4Software Engineer
apache spark, kafka, rest api, apache kafka, databases, pandas, spark, python, github, aws athena, ml frameworks, jupyter, aws glue, seaborn, apache airflow, scala, sql, visualization, django, transact-sql, azure synapse analytics, streamlit, azure, azure synapse, aws ecs, matplotlib, aws, azure sql, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, dbt, aws sqs, zabbix rest api, airflow, data, github actions, azure databricks, react
Built an NLP text clustering model using word mover’s distance (WMD) with Python for ITSM incidents and problem management.
2Data Scientist
sap, numpy, tensorflow, oracle, kubeflow, microsoft word, databases, pandas, dataflow, nlp, postgresql, kubernetes, matlab, python, docker, nltk, linux, aws, ml frameworks, jupyter, c, jupyter notebook, seaborn, scikit-learn, google vertex ai, apache airflow, shell scripts, keras, flask, airflow, sql, data, arduino, mlflow
Integrated IoT devices act as sensors to determine information about the different batches that are being or have been produced. We use S3, Airflow, lambdas, Airbyte, and Redshift.
4Software Engineer
Implemented an ETL pipeline using Python and Airflow to process a corpus of text to label data using different heuristic approaches. The processed data set was used for classification using fine-tuned Sentence-Transformers.
3Machine Learning Engineer
simul 8, pytorch, numpy, apache spark, teradata, jupyter notebooks, databases, pandas, regex, google sql, microsoft office, apache cassandra, python, looker, git, gcp, huggingface, ml frameworks, mongodb, seaborn, apache airflow, keras, planning, sql, xdk, elasticsearch, aws api gateway, google plx dashboards, visualization, mlflow, aws ec2, aws fargate, tensorflow, xgboost, google bigquery, r, streamlit, bash, nlp, postgresql, pyspark, matlab, docker, aws ecs, matplotlib, decision making, latex, mysql, fastapi, java, aws, aws ecr, apache beam, databricks, jupyter notebook, aws redshift, scikit-learn, shell scripts, tf object detection api, airflow, aws s3, data, beautiful soup
Built social media applications using Ruby on Rails. The objective was to build a social media app integrating Facebook and Twitter for the MVP. Completing critical features like building the corresponding clients, for a local Colombian start-up.
4Software Engineer
capybara, circleci, css, javascript, python, git, flutter, github, gcp, sql serveranalysisservices, programming, gamemaker studio 2, angular, html, node.js, jest, ruby on rails, sql, aws api gateway, dynamodb, bootstrapdatabases, aws lambda, objective-c, aws secrets manager, graphql, postgresql, aws cognito, ngrx, terraform, aws rds, java, aws, aws cloudfront, c, wordpress, typescript, amazon dynamodb, gitflow, aws s3, android studio, github actions, rspec, scss, ruby, react
data inside the customer. The main project was maintain a home made solution to integrate HR data,
4Software Engineer
decrease, data in a very intense batch job., apache spark, kafka, oracle, rest api, apache kafka, kubeflow, i was asked to design and build tools to improve citizens relationship, databases, with government, performance, spark, jenkins, javascript, bureaucracy and other key aspects to improve government efficiency., kubernetes, microsoft office, writing applications with a good design to be delivered continuously and follow deployment status to other teams, python, software engineer, using java related technologies, senior software engineer, my tasks were related to deliver solutions that would help, my main tasks were, gitlab, ml frameworks, programs to decrease debts, software architecture, people across the state., snowflake, applying multithreading techniques, pulsar, apache airflow, applying best practices and selecting tools that help developing and delivering applications in a fast-paced and reliable way. programming, softtek jan 2012, scala, acting mainly as an integration architect inside one of the great retailers on brazil, resource it solutions jan 2013, visualization, mlflow, metabase, sigma, go, working for a state sponsored company, magna sistemas sep 2013, postgresql, the team were able to almost double the throughput of processed, azure, delivered solutions to support a large number of accesses by users worldwide, using an agile methodology and java for a large financial company., process and transform external data delivered by third-party providers into useful, mysql, golang, java, aws, data inside the customer. the main project was maintain a home made solution to integrate hr data, that later was replaced by a solution designed on oracle odi. ive participated designing the solution, applied tdd and architecture knowledge to increase code coverage, testing and fixing errors on odi scripts., deliver information, dbt, increase transparency, tech mahindra may 2014, redash, with a high availability and secure architecture is my current focus, airflow, aws s3, data, s3, related to receive, seldon
Built a data pipeline using orchestration tools for ETL tasks using Apache Airflow and Docker, AWS S3 to automate scheduled reporting.
0Data Engineer
numpy, google cloud storage, r, pandas, postgresql, aws sns, javascript, terraform, azure, pyspark, apache hadoop, python, docker, github, gcp, matplotlib, amazon redshift, aws rds, airflow visualization, plotly, statistics, aws, aws ecr, amazon rds, mongodb, dynamodb data, aws redshift, aws glue, scikit-learn, apache airflow, flask, aws s3, dash, github actions, hadoop, aws lambda