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Stasis interrupted. Fire in cryogenic compartment.
Repeat. Fire in cryogenic compartment.
All personnel report to...
emergency escape vehicle launchpad.
Deep space flight will commence...
in T minus 20 seconds.
An E.E.V.'s come down.
Get down to the beach. There may be others.
Talk to me.
All right, all right. Let's get it going.
Keep it together. Come on. Right.
Right. Here we go, Mr. Dillon.
Give us strength, O Lord, to endure.
We recognize that we are poor sinners in the hands of an angry God.
Let the circle be un oken...
until the day.
- Amen. - Amen.
Thank you, gentlemen. This is rumor control.
Here are the facts.
As some of you know...
a 337 model E.E.V...
crash-landed here at 0600...
on the morning watch.
There was one survivor...
two dead and a droid that was hopelessly smashed beyond repair.
The survivor is a woman.
I just want to say that I have taken a vow of celibacy.
- So have we all. - That also includes women.
- Yes. - We've all taken the vow!
- Shut your gob, Morse. - I'd like to say, that I for one...
do not appreciate company policy allowing her to freely...
intermingle with inmates and the rest of the staff.
What other means to say is we view the presence of any outsider...
especially a woman, as a violation of the harmony...
a potential eak in the spiritual unity.
We are well aware of your feelings in this matter.
You will be pleased to know that I have requested a rescue team.
Hopefully, they will be here inside of a week...
and evacuate her A.S.A.P.
Don't give us that!
What's her medical status?
She doesn't seem too badly damaged.
She's unconscious. Can't give you a more specific diagnosis at the moment.
- Will she live? - I would think so.
Look. It's in everybody's interest...
the woman doesn't come out of the infirmary until the rescue team arrives.
And certainly not without an escort, right?
Gentlemen, we should all stick to our set routine...
and not get unduly agitated.
- Right. - Correct?
All right. Thank you, gentlemen.
- All right. - Better get here sooner.
- There ain't gonna be much left. - Everybody's dead.
What's that?
It's just a little cocktail of my own mix. Sort of eye-opener.
You the doctor?
My name is Clemens. I'm the chief medical officer here.
- Here? - Fury 161.
It's one of Weyland-Yutani's backwater work prisons...
it grieves me to say.
Do you mind?
This is basically a stabilizer.
I really ought to shave your head.
We have a big problem with lice here.
And when you're feeling better, I'll give you some clippers...
- and you can tend to your private parts yourself. - How'd I get here?
You crash-landed in an E.E.V.
Evidently separated from your mother ship before you hit our atmosphere.
You have any idea how long you were in hypersleep?
Coming out the way you did can be a jolt on your system.
Yeah, I'll be sick for a couple weeks.
Where are the others?
They didn't make it.
- What? - They didn't survive.
I have to get to the ship.
- I have to get to the ship. - You're in no condition for that.
You wanna get me some clothes, or should I just go like this?
Given the nature of our indigenous population, I would suggest clothes.
None of them have seen a woman in years.
Neither have I for that matter.
This used to be a 5000 convict facility...
but it's been reduced to a custodial staff of 25.
- Why? - Keep the pilot light on.
The pilot light for what?
Blocked furnace. Natural methane.
We have a foundry, Lieutenant Ripley.
The inmates forge lead sheets for toxic waste containers.
How do you know my name?
It's stenciled on the back of your shorts.
Release the cable!
- Where are the bodies? - We have a morgue.
We put them there until the investigative team arrives in about a week, I think.
- There was a droid. - Disconnected.
There were bits and pieces of him all over the place.
We put what was left on the rubbish tow.
The corporal was impaled by that safety support.
He never knew what hit him.
And the girl?
She drowned in her cryo-tube.
I don't think she was conscious when it happened.
I'm... sorry.
What's the matter?
- Where is she? - In the morgue.
I have to see her.
I have to see what's left of her.
Is there any particular reason that you're so insistent?
Yes. I have to be sure how she died.
I hate to be repetitious about such a sensitive subject...
but it is perfectly clear that she drowned.
Was she your daughter?
No. She wasn't.
Could I have a moment alone, please?
Yes, of course.
Forgive me.
What's she doing?
We have to do an autopsy.
- What? - I told you...
we have to make sure how she died.
And I told you, she drowned.
I'm not so sure. I have to see inside ofher.
You're disorientated. Half your system's still in...
I have a very, very good reason.
Well, perhaps you'd like to share that reason.
Possible contagion.
What kind exactly?
- Cholera. - Cholera?
There hasn't been a case of cholera reported for 200 years.
Everything's in place.
There's no sign of infection.
- No indication of disease. - The chest.
Open the chest.
Flooded with fluid.
Ergo, she drowned.
Now, since I'm not a complete idiot...
would you like to tell me what we're really looking for?
Mr. Clemens.
I don't believe you've met Lieutenant Ripley.
What's going on, Mr. Clemens?
That's right, sir. What's going on, Mr. Clemens?
Well, first...
the lieutenant is feeling much better, I'm happy to say.
Second, in the interest of public health...
- I am performing an autopsy. - Without my authority.
Well, there didn't seem to be time.
But it's turned out all right.
- There's no sign of contagion in the body. - Good.
But it might be helpful if Lt. Ripley didn't parade around in front of the prisoners...
as I am told she did in the last hour.
It might also be helpful...
if you kept me informed as to any change in her physical status.
Or would that be asking too much?
- We have to cremate the bodies. - Nonsense. We'll keep their bodies on ice...
- till the rescue team arrives. - On ice.
There is the public health issue.
The lieutenant feels that there is still a possibility of a communicable infection.
I thought you said there was no sign of disease.
It would appear that the child drowned.
But without the benefit of proper laboratory tests...
it's impossible to be absolutely certain.
I would consider it unwise...
to tolerate even the possibility of an unwelcomed virus.
An out eak of cholera would look extremely bad on a report.
Would it not, sir?
We've 25 prisoners in this facility.
All double Y chromos.
All thieves, rapists, murderers, child molesters. All scum.
Just because they've taken on religion, doesn't make them any less dangerous.
I try not to offend their convictions.
I don't want to upset the order.
I don't want ripples in the water.
And I don't want a woman walking around giving them ideas.
I see. For my own personal safety.
I will leave the details of the cremation to you, Mr. Clemens.
They may use the furnace, but I want everyone back in lockup by 2200 hours.
Recorded, sir.
- Christmas has come early, Murph. - What do you mean?
- Any dead ox is a good ox. - You're bloody right.
Smelly bastard's all covered in lice.
There's only seven of the friggin' things left, and then we're done with them.
God, I hates hosin' these bastards down.
I always get shite all over me boots.
- Sure we're gonna hose these things down, Frank? - Yeah.
If you had the chance, what would you say to her?
- What do you mean, if I got the chance? - You know.
- If you got the chance. - You mean, casual like?
Yeah. I mean, how would you put it to her if you bumped into her in the mess hall or somewhere?
No problem!
I've never had any problem with the ladies.
I'd say to her, Good day, my dear. How's it goin'?
Anything I could do to be of service?
Then I'd give her the look, you know... up and down.
And I'd give her the wink, the dirty smile.
- She'd soon get the picture. - Yeah, right.
And then she'd say, Kiss my ass, you horny old fucker!
I'd be happy to kiss her ass.
I'd be happy to kiss her anywhere she wants.
- Yeah, but treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen. Right, Frank? - Told you before, Murph.
Treat a queen like a whore and a whore like a queen.
You can't go wrong.
What do you think killed Babe?
Beats me. She just keeled over.
- How old was she? - The charts say 11.
In her prime. Never mind.
- We'll chop her up later and throw her in the stew. - Right.
Hey, Frank.
What's this?
We commit this child...
and this man to your keeping, O Lord.
Their bodies...
have been taken from the shadow of our nights.
They have been released...
from all darkness and pain.
The child and the man...
have gone beyond our world.
They are forever eternal...
and everlasting.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Why are the innocent punished?
Why the sacrifice?
Why the pain?
There aren't any promises.
Nothing's certain.
Only that some get called, some get saved.
She won't ever know the hardship and grief...
for those of us left behind.
We commit these bodies to the void...
with a glad heart.
For within each seed...
there is a promise of a flower.
And within each death...
no matter how small...
there's always a new life.
A new beginning.
I'll tell you, it's fucking weird.
The only one to survive that crash is a woman.
What trouble can she become?
She's already changed everything.
What the fuck are we supposed to...
I mean it.
There's a lot of talk going around that we've got some disharmony here?
Any you guys want to tell me what the problem is?
Come on. Speak to me, others.
All right. I'll tell ya.
I don't mind the dark. I don't mind the bugs.
I don't mind wanderin' around in some cold, wet, damp tunnel for a week at a time.
I don't mind anything. But I mind Golic.
That the way you feel about it?
Yeah. The guy's crazy and he smells bad.
I ain't going out with him anymore.
You got anything to say for yourself?
Well, he's going with you.
Golic is just another poor, miserable, suffering son of a bitch just like you and me.
- 'Cept he smells worse. - And he's crazy.
Knock off the shit!
You got a job to do.
I don't want to hear another word about Golic.
As I thought, Mr. Aaron.
- As I thought. - You called it, sir.
I just wanted to say thanks for what you said at the funeral.
My friends would have appreciated it.
Yeah, well, you don't wanna know me, lady.
I'm a murderer and rapist of women.
Well, I guess I must make you nervous.
- You have any faith, sister? - Not much.
Well, we've got a lot of faith here. Enough even for you.
I thought women weren't allowed.
Well, we've never had any before...
but we tolerate anybody.
- Even the intolerable. - Thank you.
That's just a statement of principle. Nothing personal.
You see, we've got a good place to wait here.
And until now, no temptation.
What are you waiting for?
We're waiting for God to return...
and raise his servants to redemption.
Dillon and the rest of the alternative people...
em aced religion, as it were, about five years ago.
- Tempt you? - I'm on medication.
- Hardly. - What kind of religion?
Some sort of apocalyptic, millenarian, Christian fundamentalist...
- Right. - Exactly.
Point is, when the company wanted to close the facility down...
Dillon and the rest of the converts wanted to stay.
And they were allowed to remain as custodians...
with two minders...
and a medical officer.
And here we are.
How did you get this wonderful assignment?
How do you like your new haircut?
It's okay.
Now that I've gone out on a limb for you with Andrews...
damaged my already less-than-perfect relationship with that good man...
and iefed you...
on the humdrum history of Fury 161...
can you not tell me what you were looking for in the girl?
You attracted to me?
In what way?
In that way.
Very direct.
I've been out here a long time.
So have I.
Hey, Spike. Spike? Spikey!
Are you down there? What are you doing?
I really appreciate your affections...
but I am aware that they... deflected my question.
In the nicest possible way, of course.
You're spoiling the mood.
I have a job to do.
I just want to know why we had to cremate the bodies.
And now that I'm in your cot...
you think I owe you an answer.
I think you owe me an answer.
Being in my bed's got nothing to do with it.
I had a terrible dream in hypersleep.
And I had to be sure what killed her.
Anyway, I made a mistake.
And now I've made another mistake.
Really? What's that?
Fraternizing with a prisoner.
Physical contact. It's against the rules, isn't it?
Definitely. When was this?
I think you know.
I'm not a prisoner.
You have a bar code on the back of your head.
That does deserve an explanation.
But I don't think now is the moment.
Sorry. We are rather spoiling things, aren't we?
Mr. Clemens.
- Mr. Aaron. - Superintendent Andrews would like you to report...
to vent shaft 22 on the second quadrant now.
- We've had an accident. - Something serious?
You could call it that. One of our prisoners has been... diced.
Sorry. I have to go.
Official duties.
- Who was it? - Murphy.
How do you know?
That's his boot.
I gave him the assignment, sir. He was a wanker.
No apologies, Mr. Aaron. It wasn't your fault.
Well, not much to say, is there?
- Death was instantaneous. - No shit.
I take it he was pulled into the fan.
A sudden rush of air, I'd imagine, except...
Right. Almost happened to me once.
I've told him so many times, Stay away from the fans.
Nobody bloody listens.
Except the fan was blowing.
- What's that? - I don't know.
I want to see you in my quarters in 30 minutes, if you please, Mr. Clemens.
Have you got any ideas?
Here you are. You know, wandering around without an escort...
is really gonna piss Superintendent Andrews off.
Will you tell me about your accident?
One of the prisoners has been killed.
Really? How?
In the air shaft.
Poor soul backed into a nine-foot fan.
I found something at the accident site...
just a bit away from where it happened.
A mark. A burn.
Rather like the one you found on the girl's cryo-tube.
Look. I'm on your side.
I want to help, but I need to know what's going on...
or what you think is going on.
If you really wanna help...
find me a computer with audio capabilities...
so I can access this flight recorder.
We don't have anything like that here.
- Well, what about Bishop? - Bishop?
The droid that crashed with me.
I can point you in the right direction.
I can't join you.
I have a previous engagement.
This'll clop you up. Golic, don't fidget.
What's all this shit? It's not properly wrapped.
- What the hell does he ever do right? - Eat.
- He got that down pretty good. - Golic!
- You light a candle for Murphy. - Plus thousands.
He was special.
Never complained about me once.
I loved him.
Is it true what they say?
His head split into a million pieces?
Okay. Who's got the matches?
- Sit down, Mr. Clemens. - Thank you.
- Sugar? - No thanks.
- Milk? - Just a little, please.
Thank you, Mr. Aaron.
Listen to me, you piece of shit.
You screw with me one more time, I'll cut you in half.
I'm sorry. I don't think I understand.
At 0700 hours, I received word from the network.
I may point out this is the first high-level communication...
this installation has ever received to my knowledge.
They want this woman looked after.
- They consider her to be very high priority. - Why?
I have no idea.
But why did you let her out of the infirmary?
This accident with Murphy is what happens...
when one of these dumb sons of a bitches walks around with a hard-on.
I'm a doctor. You're the jailer.
We both know exactly what you are.
- Sit down. - I think it might be better if I left.
I find you... unpleasant to be around.
You do? Isn't that lovely? Consider this, Mr. Clemens.
How would you like me to explain your sordid history...
to your newfound friend?
For her personal edification, of course.
Now sit the hell down.
I don't like you. You're unpredictable.
Insolent. Possibly dangerous.
You question everything!
If I didn't need a medical officer...
I wouldn't let you within light years of this operation. - I'm eternally grateful.
Keep your sarcasms to yourself.
Now, is there anything I should know?
- About what? - About the woman.
Don't play with me, Mr. Clemens. You spend every second you can with her.
And I have my suspicions not all of your concerns with her are medical.
Has she said anything to you... anything about where she's from, what her mission is?
What the hell she was doing in an E.E.V.?
She told me she was part of a combat unit that came to grief.
Beyond that, I assume it's all classified.
I haven't pressed her for more.
- That's all? - That's all.
- You're sure? - Yes.
- Nothing more? - No.
Get out of here.
Shut up, you fuckin' bitch!
Shut up, you bitch!
- Nobody's gonna hear you. - Goddamn it, let go of me!
Damn you! No!
Hold still!
No! Goddamn it!
You okay?
Now, you son of a bitch!
Take off. I gotta reeducate some of the others.
We've gotta discuss some matters of the spirit.
Okay. Let's do it.
This is like 10 city blocks.
- How many? - This makes 176.
Can't you chew a little quieter?
I'm trying to figure out how big this compartment is.
I can't think with all this goddamn noise you're making.
- You're not supposed to swear. - I'm sorry.
- Now, we've encircled this entire compartment once...
What the shit is doing that?
- You're swearing. - Shut up.
It's all right to say shit. It ain't against God.
What the hell is going on with the candles?
Must be the wind from one of the vent shafts.
Backwash from the closest circulating unit.
If all the candles go out, how we gonna know where we are?
Somebody will just have to go back and relight them.
I guess I'm nominated.
Watch your step, other.
Okay, who are the comedians?
- Quick, grab it. Here. - Help me! Help me!
Go! Fuckin' go!
Go, go, go! Quick! Run!
Gimme that!
Get this fucking thing off me!
Oh, fuck!
Let me go!
Hi, Bishop. How are you feeling?
My legs hurt.
Hey, listen, I'm sorry.
It's okay. I'm just a glorified toaster.
How are you?
I like your new haircut.
Bishop, can you access data on the flight recorder?
No problem.
- I am home. - What happened on the Sulaco?
Why were our cryo-tubes ejected?
Stasis interrupted.
Fire in cryogenic compartment.
- Repeat. Fire in cryogenic... - What happened?
What started the fire, Bishop?
Can you hear me?
The fire was electrical.
It was in the subflooring.
Did the sensors pick up anything moving around on the ship prior to separation?
It's very dark here, Ripley. I'm not what I used to be.
Just tell me. Does the recorder indicate anything?
Was there an alien on board?
Is it on the Sulaco or did it come with us on the E.E.V.?
It was with us all the way.
Does the company know?
The company knows everything that happened on the ship.
It all goes into the computer and gets sent back to Network.
And they want it.
I hurt. Do me a favor. Disconnect me.
I could be reworked, but I'll never be top of the line again.
I'd rather be nothing.
You're sure?
Do it for me, Ripley.
It wasn't me! I didn't do it!
It wasn't... It was the dragon.
Feeds on minds. It was...
- Nobody can stop it. - What about Boggs and Rains?
But they got slaughtered like pigs. It wasn't me!
- It wasn't me! - Stark raving mad.
I'm not saying it was anyone's fault, but he should have been chained up.
You called it, sir. Mad as a fucking hatter.
Keep him separated from the rest. I don't want him causing a panic.
- Clemens, sedate this poor idiot. - Yes.
Not until we know about the others.
No, now, pull yourself together. Talk to me now.
- Now, where are Boggs and Rains? - It wasn't me!
Hopeless. You're not gonna get anything out of him.
- It wasn't me. - We'll have to send out a search team.
I'm afraid we'll have to assume there's a very good chance...
this simple bastard has murdered them.
Now, you don't know that.
He's never lied to me.
He's crazy, he's a fool, but he's not a liar.
He's telling the truth.
I'd like to talk to him about this... this dragon.
- It was a dragon. - You're not talking to anyone, Lieutenant.
I'm not interested in your opinion...
because you are not in full possession of the facts.
This man is a convicted multiple murderer, known for particularly utal crimes.
Isn't that right, Mr. Dillon?
Yeah. That part's right.
Then I'll talk to you. It's important.
When I have finished with my official duties...
I will be quite pleased to have a little chat, yes?
Let me see if I have this correct, Lieutenant.
It's an eight-foot creature of some kind, with acid for blood...
and it arrived on your spaceship.
It kills on sight and is generally unpleasant.
And, of course, you expect me to accept all this on your word.
No, I don't expect anything.
- Quite a story, Mr. Aaron. - Right, sir. It's a beauty.
- Never heard anything quite like it, sir. - Expect not.
Tell me, Lieutenant, what would you suggest we do?
Well, what kind of weapons have you got?
This is a prison.
It's not a good idea to allow prisoners access to firearms.
What keeps them from killing you?
Fear. There's no way to escape.
With the arrival of the next supply ship, the company will eliminate them.
This is a maximum security prison...
and you have no weapons of any kind?
We have some carving knives in the abattoir. A few more in the mess hall.
Some fire axes scattered about the place. Nothing terribly formidable.
That's all?
We're on the honor system.
- Then we're fucked. - No, you're fucked.
Confined to the infirmary. Quarantined.
Mr. Aaron will escort you.
I think you'll be safe from any large, nasty beast while you're there, right?
Yes, that's a good girl.
Let's all report to the mess hall.
Superintendent Andrews wants a meeting. Mess hall, right away, people.
Isn't there any way off of this place? Some way to escape?
No. Supply ship comes every six months.
And that's it?
They are sending somebody to pick you up quite soon, I gather.
Really. What's soon?
I don't know. Nobody's ever been in a hurry to get here before.
Do you want to tell me what you and Andrews talked about?
You'll just say I'm crazy.
That's a bit uncharitable.
How are you feeling?
Not so hot.
Sore throat.
Sick to my stomach. Pissed off.
Well, that's understandable given the circumstances.
Perhaps I should give you one of my special cocktails.
I don't know why everybody blames everybody for everything.
Nobody's perfect, only human. I don't know a perfect human.
There's no such thing as a perfect human.
In an insane world...
a sane man...
must... appear... insane.
That's very profound, Golic. Thank you.
You married?
- Me? - You should get married, have kids.
Pretty girl. I used to know lots of them back home.
They used to like me.
For a while.
You're gonna die too.
- Are you? - What?
- Just curious. - No.
- How about leveling with me? - Could you be more specific?
When I asked how you got assigned here, you avoided the question.
And then when I asked about the prison I.D. tattooed on the back of your head...
you ducked me again.
It's a long, sad story...
and more than a little melodramatic.
Try me.
If you insist.
After my student years...
despite the fact that I had become...
secretly addicted to morphine...
I was considered to be most promising...
a man with a future.
And during my first residency, I did a 36-hour stretch on an E.R.
So, I went out and I got more than a little drunk.
Then I got called back.
Boiler had blown on a fuel plant...
and there were 30 casualties.
And 11 of them died.
Not as a result of the accident...
but because I prescribed the wrong dosage of painkiller.
I got seven years in prison and my license reduced to a 3-C.
At least I got off the morphine.
I'm sorry.
I think I was let off lightly.
Did you serve your time here?
I got to know this motley crew quite well.
So when they stayed, I stayed.
Nobody else would employ me.
So, do you still trust me with a needle?
Give us strength, O Lord, to endure.
We recognize we are poor sinners in the hands of an angry God.
Let the circle be un oken until the day. Amen.
- Amen. - What the fuck is happening here?
What the fuck is this bullshit that's comin' down?
We got murder. We got rape. We got others in trouble.
I don't want no more bullshit around here!
Now, we got problems, we stand together.
Yes. Thank you, Mr. Dillon. All right.
Once again, this is rumor control.
Here are the facts.
At 0800 hours, prisoner Murphy...
through carelessness on his part...
was found dead in vent shaft 17.
He seems to have been sucked into a ventilator fan.
At about 2100 hours...
prisoner Golic reappeared in a deranged state.
Prisoners Boggs and Rains are missing.
There seems to be a good chance that they have met with foul play...
at the hands of prisoner Golic.
We need to organize and send out a search party.
Volunteers will be appreciated.
I think it's fair to say that our smoothly running facility...
has suddenly developed a few problems.
I can only hope we are able to all pull together over the next few days...
until the rescue team arrives for Lieutenant Ripley.
It's here! It got Clemens!
- Stop this raving at once! Stop it! - I'm telling you it's here!
Aaron, get that foolish woman back to the infirmary!
Move it!
Out of my way!
We give you thanks, O Lord.
Your wrath has come, and the time is near for us to bejudged.
The apocalypse is upon us.
Let us be ready. Let your mercy be just.
- That thing was massive. - Amen. - Amen!
- I saw it. - Yeah, I know.
What the fuck do we do now? Who's in fucking charge?
Organize. We got to organize, right?
Right. Well, I guess I'm next in line.
- 85's gonna be in charge. Jesus, give us a eak! - Don't call me that.
Okay, look. There's no way I can replace Andrews.
He was a good man. I know you guys didn't appreciate him.
Aaron, we don't want to hear that shit now.
Hey, sister, what about you? You're an officer.
How about showing us a little leadership?
Forget fucking Shirley Temple. You take charge.
- Right. - You run things here anyway.
No fuckin' way. I'm not the officer type.
I just take care of my own.
Well, what does this fucking beast want?
Is this mother gonna try for us all?
- Yeah. - Well, ain't that sweet?
So how are we gonna stop it?
- We have no weapons. Is that correct? - Right.
I haven't seen one exactly like this before.
Moves differently.
But the others were afraid of fire...
Not much else.
- Can we seal off this area? - No chance.
The installation's 10 miles square.
- There's 600 air ducts running to the surface. - What about video?
I see these closed-circuit monitors everywhere. We could try to find it that way.
The video system hasn't worked in years. Nothing much works here.
We've got a lot of technology, no way to fix it.
- What 85 is trying to tell you is... - Don't call me that!
we ain't got no entertainment center, no climate control...
no video system, no surveillance...
no freezers, no fucking ice cream...
no rubbers, no women, no guns.
All we got here is shit!
Oh, what the hell are we even talking to her for?
She's the one that ought the fucker.
Why don't we just get her head and shove it through the fucking wall?
Sounds good to me.
Why don't you shut the fuck up?
Right. What are we going to do?
What's this?
That leads from the mess hall to the infirmary.
It's a ventilation shaft.
Then we go in there, flush it out.
Hey, look, there's miles and miles of tunnel through there.
It won't go far.
It'll nest in this area.
Right around...
- here. - How do you know that?
It's like a lion.
It sticks close to the ze as.
Ze as? Oh, right.
But, look. Running around down here in the dark... are you kidding?
Once you get out of this main shaft, there's no overheads.
- Don't we have flashlights? - We've got thousands of 'em, but no batteries.
- I told you, nothing works. - Torches?
Do we have the capacity to make fire?
Most humans have enjoyed that privilege since the Stone Age.
No need to be sarcastic.
Never been used. They were gonna dump a lot of nuclear crap in there.
Never got around to it. It's clean as a whistle inside.
This the only way in or out?
That's right. Walls are six feet thick, solid steel.
Really knew how to build these babies.
You're saying we get something in there...
there's no way it can get out?
That's right. No fucking way.
This is where we keep it. I forget what the stuff's called.
- Quinitricetyline. - I knew that.
Right. I've got to get these section arrangements organized with Dillon...
for the paint ush...
- So... - David.
- Yeah. You can get these drums organized. - Right, 85.
And don't call me that.
What's this 85 thing?
A couple of us sneaked a look at his personnel file the day he arrived.
It's his I.Q.
I saw a drum of this stuff...
fall into a beachhead bunker once.
The blast put a tug in dry dock for 17 weeks.
Great stuff!
All right. Let me get this straight.
You want to burn it down and out of the pipes...
force it in here, slam the door...
- and trap its ass? - Right.
And you want help from us y-chromo boys?
You got something better to do?
Why should we put our ass on the line for you?
Your ass is already on the line.
The only question is...
what are you gonna do about it?
Look at this.
There's only one of these fucking batteries in 2000 that works.
- Hey, it could have been a lot worse. - Yeah.
We might have got the paint ush detail. |
Help me!
Wait for the fucking signal!
Get down!
Come on, come on! We gotta find the sprinklers!
Come on! We gotta help these guys!
Come on! Move! Move!
Get to the waste dump. Don't open the doors!
No! No!
It's all right.
It's all right. You're gonna be all right. We got you.
Fire's out.
Junior! Junior! Get down and cut him off.
We gotta get him out of here.
Come on. We're walking you out.
Junior! Behind you!
Come on! Come on!
Come and get me, fucker!
Even for those who have fallen...
this is a time of rejoicing.
We salute their courage.
They will live forever.
Those that are dead, are not dead.
They have moved up.
They have moved to a higher place.
Crazy bastards.
Andrews used to call them Dillon's God squad. Keeps 'em out of mischief.
- You're not the religious type. - Me?
Shit, no. I've got a job.
I figure the rescue team gets here in four or five days...
six, tops.
Open the door, go in there with smart guns and kill it.
- What have you heard from them? - Nothing much.
We got a message received.
And later, we got something that said you were top priority.
They don't cut us in on much.
We're the ass end of the totem pole out here.
What if they don't want to kill it?
- Take it back? - Yeah.
They're not lunatics, you know? Gotta kill it.
Morse, please, cut me loose.
- No fucking way. - Come on, man. It hurts.
Oh, sorry.
Come on. I haven't done nothing.
- Just don't talk to me. - Please, what did I do? Please.
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna sit here and guard your ass like I'm supposed to.
I don't need any fucking trouble with Dillon.
All I did was tell 'em about the dragon. What it did to Boggs and Rains.
I didn't lie. You saw it.
Fuckin' A I saw it.
Oh, please.
If it gets in here, I'm dead. I can't run.
Look, it's not going to get in here. We've got it trapped.
So what's the big deal? Come on. Let me loose, man.
Don't I always give you cigarettes first?
- Yeah. - Aren't I your friend?
I love you, Morse.
Why not?
But behave yourself. No fucking around...
or I'll get nothing but shit.
- So where they got it? - In a waste tank.
We got that sucker nailed. I mean, tight.
- I gotta see it again. - What the fuck you talking about?
No more cigarettes for you.
Well, we got the first part. Now what do we say?
- Tell them we trapped it. - Right.
- What do we call it? - A xenomorph.
Spell it.
Hey, wait a minute. We can't kill it. We don't have any weapons, right?
See? That's all they ever tell us. Treat us like shit.
- Off and on me now? - What the hell you talking about?
Talk to me, the beast.
You can't go in there, Dickens. The big motherfucker will eat you alive.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry.
Tell me what to do next.
So, you're telling me they're coming to take this thing away?
Yeah, they're gonna try. They don't wanna kill it.
We gotta figure out a way to do it before they come here.
Why do we have to kill it? You just said the company's coming for it.
That's right. They wanna take it back.
- Some sort of weapon. - Yeah, what's wrong with that?
They can't control it. They don't understand. It'll kill them all.
Like I said, what's wrong with that?
Nothing's wrong with that... except a lot of innocent people will die.
I thought you were a religious man.
You don't understand, do you?
That world out there doesn't exist for us anymore.
We've got our own little world out here.
It ain't much, but it's ours.
So fuck everybody else.
No. Fuck them.
- Hey, Dillon? - Yeah?
Dillon, we got a teeny-weeny problem.
Fucking great!
Miserable, crazy son of a bitch let him loose.
Got what he fucking deserved.
Well, now what are we gonna do?
Andrews was right. We should have kept the shithead chained up.
You okay?
Piss on her. The fucking thing's loose out there what are we gonna do?
I just said that.
And you're the dumb prick that let Golic out. You miserable little shit!
Come on. Cut that shit out.
Tell your fucking bozo to shape up!
What do you think?
I think I have to get to the E.E.V.
- Why? What's up? - I just have to use the neuroscanner.
- You don't look so good. - Who gives a shit? What are we going to do?
Want a smack in the mouth, you stupid wanker?
Shut the fuck up and stop causing panic!
Panic... you're so fucking stupid, you couldn't spell it.
- Don't talk to me about panic. We ought to fucking panic! - Shut up, both of you!
Shut up!
- Well, I'm out of ideas! - Oh, surprise me.
- What about outside? - Great idea.
The sun don't come up for another two days. It's 40 below zero.
The rescue team's 10 hours away. So that makes a lot of sense!
Wonderful. You just want us to stay here and let this thing have us for lunch!
I want you to get everybody that's still left together.
Get 'em into the assembly hall.
Where'd she go?
Need any help?
I didn't mean to scare you.
You shouldn't be wandering around alone.
Do me a favor and run this keyboard, will you?
- What do I do? - Hit B or C.
What's C?
- Display biofunctions. - That's it.
Okay, we're hot. Now what?
Let it run a cycle.
It's real fuzzy.
Hit enhancement.
Keep looking.
I don't know how to read this stuff.
Hemorrhaging will show as a dark patch.
Look for...
hairline fractures through the base of the skull.
Little white lines.
What is it?
I think you've got one inside of you.
That's not possible.
What does it look like?
- Horrible. - I have to see it.
- Freeze it. - You don't want to look at it.
Freeze it!
I'm sorry.
All right. The fucking thing is loose. It's out there.
The rescue team is on its way with guns and shit.
Right now there isn't any place that's real safe.
But we stay here, in the assembly hall.
This place never had any fucking air conditioning.
If it comes in, it's gotta be through one of these doors.
Now we post a guard to let us know if it's coming.
In the meantime, you lay low, be ready and stay right...
in case your time comes.
Don't you start bullshitting, Dillon.
We're gonna be trapped in here like rats.
You got a weapon? You got a blade? Then you take it out and fucking use it!
Oh, right. So you think we're gonna stab this motherfucker to death?
No, I don't think shit! Maybe.
Maybe you'll hurt it before it takes you out?
Isn't that something? Any of you got any better ideas?
And I'll tell you, until the rescue team gets here, we're fucked!
So you better get prepared.
Well, I ain't staying here.
Well, then, suit yourself.
Yeah. Let's make it to the furnace.
Holy shit.
Well, all right.
Fuckin' A.
- Fuckin' A. - Fuckin' right it's right.
It's up. What do you want to say?
Tell them the whole place has gone toxic.
Are you kidding?
Then they won't come here. The rescue team will turn back.
- Yeah. I know. - What are you talking about?
Our only hope is that they kill this fucker.
And maybe they can do something for you. I don't know, freeze you...
They can do an operation. They've got the technology.
If this organism gets off the planet, it'll kill everything.
The company doesn't care about that.
They just want it for their bioweapons division, okay?
So we can't let them come here.
Fuck you.
Look, I'm sorry you've got this thing inside you, but I'm getting rescued.
I don't give a shit about these stupid prisoners, but I've got a wife, a kid.
- I'll go home on the next rotation! - I know. This is hard.
I'm gonna send this message back, and I need that fucking code.
I'm sorry, babe. It's classified.
Listen, you stupid little shit! This has got to be done, okay?
- There are no alternatives! - No way!
You're not getting it! No fucking way!
Look, it's nothing personal.
I think you're okay.
Have you got any ideas?
It won't kill me.
I'm carrying the new queen.
It won't kill its future.
- Do you wanna bet this thing's that smart? - I don't know.
Maybe I'll go find it. See how smart it is.
- You're gonna go and look for it? - Yeah.
I have a pretty good idea of where it is.
It's just down there... in the basement.
This whole place is a basement.
It's a metaphor. Wanna come?
Fuck me.
Where are you when I need you?
Don't be afraid.
I'm part of the family.
You've been in my life so long...
I can't remember anything else.
Now do something for me.
It's easy.
Just do what you do.
It won't kill me.
- What are you doing? You're supposed to be laying low. - I have one inside of me.
The big one won't kill its own.
- What are you talking about? - I saw it...
an hour ago.
I stood right next to it.
I could've been lunch, but it wouldn't touch me.
It ran away.
It knows I'm carrying its future.
Bullshit. How do you know that thing's inside you?
I saw it... on the CAT scan.
It's a queen... an egg layer.
It can make thousands more like the one we've got here.
Still sounds like bullshit to me.
If that thing's inside you, how'd it get there?
When I was in hypersleep, I guess.
I was violated.
Now I get to be the mother.
I don't have much time...
and I can't do what I should.
I need you to help me.
I need you to kill me.
- What the fuck are you talking about? - I'm dead anyway.
I can't survive it.
But the one inside of me can generate thousands more.
It can wipe out the whole universe.
It has to die.
So somebody's gotta kill me.
Are you up to it?
You don't have to worry about that.
No speeches.
No prayers.
- What's going on? - I don't like losing a fight.
Not to nobody, not to nothing.
That damn thing out there has already killed half my men...
got the other half scared shitless.
As long as it's alive, sister, you're not gonna save any universe.
You said you were gonna kill me.
You fucking coward!
I want to get this thing, and I need you to do it.
And if it won't kill you, then maybe that helps us fight it.
Otherwise, fuck you!
Go kill yourself.
We waste this thing...
- then you take care of me. - No problem.
Quick, easy and painless.
This is the choice.
You die sitting here on your ass...
or you die out there.
At least we take a shot. We owe it one.
It's fucked us up. Maybe we can get even for the others.
- So how do you want it? - What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm talkin' about killing that big motherfucker!
Hold it, hold it. The rescue team's on its way.
We could just sit this out.
- A rescue team for whom? - For us.
They just want the beast. You know that.
I don't give a damn what they want.
They're not gonna pick us off one by one, are they?
- I wouldn't be so sure. - Come on. They're gonna take us home.
They're not gonna take us home.
Still doesn't mean we should go out and fight it.
- Jesus Christ! Give us a eak! - You guys have got to be fucking nuts!
- Jesus Christ! Give us a eak! - You guys have got to be fucking nuts!
- I've got a wife and kid. - Nobody gives a shit about you, 85.
You're not one of us. You're not a believer.
- You're a fucking company man! - Yeah, okay.
Okay, I'm a company man and not a fucking criminal.
You keep telling me how dumb I am.
I'm smart enough not to have a life sentence on this rock!
- Fuck you! - Piss off, 85!
And I'm smart enough to wait for some firepower to show up...
before we fight this thing!
- Right, Morse? - Right. Okay. Just sit here on your asses. Fine.
How about if I sit here on my ass?
No problem. Oh, I forgot.
You're the guy that's made a deal with God...
to live forever.
And all the rest of you pussies can sit it out too.
Me and her'll do all the fighting.
Okay. But I want the same thing as you.
I want to see it dead. I hate the fucker! They killed my mates too!
Why the fuck can't we wait for the company and have some guns on our side?
- Why do we have to go on some fucking suicide run? - Right.
Because they won't kill it.
They might kill you just for having seen it. But they're not gonna kill it.
That is crazy! That is horseshit! They will not kill us!
When they first heard about this thing...
it was crew expendable.
The next time they sent in marines. They were expendable too.
What makes you think they're gonna care about a bunch of lifers...
who found God at the ass end of space?
You really think they're going to let you...
interfere with their plans for this thing?
They think we're... we're crud.
And they don't give a fuck about one friend of yours...
that's... that's died.
Not one.
Have you got some sort of plan?
This is a lead works, isn't it?
All we got to do is lure the fucking beast into the mold...
drown it in hot lead.
All right. So how do we do that?
Yeah. What are we gonna use for bait?
- Oh, fuck! - We're all gonna die.
The only question is when.
This is as good a place as any...
to take our first steps to heaven.
The only question is how you check out.
Do you want it on your feet...
or on your fucking knees, begging?
I ain't much for begging.
Nobody ever gave me nothin'.
So I say fuck that thing! Let's fight it!
Fuck it! Let's go for it!
- Let's kick its fucking ass. - What if it runs at us?
That's a fucking good idea.
Two, one. Open.
When was the last time you used this place?
We fired it up five, six years ago.
You sure the piston's gonna work?
There's nothing for sure in this place.
We trap it here first, then you pull the lever.
Start the piston. The piston's gonna push the motherfucker right into the mold.
Then one of the guys will pour the lead. End of his ass. End of story.
- What if somebody screws it up? - We're fucked. You got one chance.
One shot at it. That's all.
We'll never have time to reset it. Now remember, when you pull the lever...
for a few seconds you're gonna be trapped in here with that fuckin' thing.
You guys don't drop the ball, I won't.
You just better be right about that thing not wanting you.
Because if it wants out, that's how it's gonna go.
Through that alcove, through you.
- Where are you gonna be? - I'll be around.
- What about the others? Where are they? - Praying.
- You believe in this heaven shit? - I don't know.
Me neither.
Fuck it, though. What else have we got to believe?
You can say that for fucking sure.
What the fuck.
Fellas! I can't he...
I don't know about this shit.
Hey, guys! My door ain't working!
- What the fuck's he saying? - I think we'd better rethink this thing!
Did anybody hear anything?
Come on! Come and get me, you fucker!
It's behind me!
- It's started. - It's still behind me!
It's in Channel B!
It's still coming! Shut the doors!
Must be heading over to Channel A!
This thing is really pissed off!
- Did you say B? - No, E!
- But you said we should stay here! - Move your fucking ass!
I think I found Vincent.
Hey, fuckface!
Come and get me! Take your best shot!
- Kevin, where are you? - A-7 closed.
Over in the east wing. Door B-7 safe!
- You too? - Yeah! Okay. Over to E, everybody!
- Where the fuck is E? - This way!
Troy. Troy? Troy, help them.
Where the hell are they going? What about the plan?
- Look, you're immune, they're not. - So what are we doing?
We're improvising.
Here, here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Here, kitty, kitty. Oh, my God.
Oh, my... you bastard!
It's coming! It's coming down! Geez, it's coming!
It's onto us! Shut the fucking doors! That was the plan!
Geez, it's on the fucking ceiling!
Dillon! Anybody! This is not a drill!
Kevin! Gregor!
Where the fuck are you?
Now I'm back in A!
Shut. Come on.
Door 3, F Channel closed!
I hope.
- What the fuck are you doing? - What?
- Don't hold it like that. Hold it like this. - What the fuck...
You'll fucking kill someone, you fucking moron!
Morse! Kevin!
All they have to do is run down the damn corridor.
Stay here.
Where the hell is it?
It's coming.
No! Don't start the piston!
No! We have to trap it! No!
What are you doing? It's gone! No! No.
It's gone.
What the heck?
All right!
Kevin! Don't struggle!
Don't move! No! Don't struggle.
Come on. Come on, Kevin. Come on!
Come on! Come on! Come on.
- The doors. - It's coming!
Take the piston!
Come on. I got ya. It's all right.
It's okay. I got ya. It's okay.
It's all right, Kevin.
Kevin. Kevin!
Leave him.
Leave him. He's dead. We lured him.
Shit. How much time?
I'm not sure. Four or five minutes.
But we've got to get it back in here before the piston seals this place off.
Now, let's move it!
- Help me! - Jude!
Dillon! Help me, Dillon!
It's coming at me!
Goddamn it! Don't look back, Jude!
Run as fast as you fucking can!
Help me!
God! Please! Help!
Jesus Christ! Thank God you're here.
Warder Aaron, sir. 1-3-7-5-1-2.
- Not many of us left, sir. - Where is Lieutenant Ripley?
- Is she still alive? - If she's alive, she's in the furnace.
She's in the lead works with the beast.
Wouldn't wait.
Jesus Christ. You fucker. Scared me shitless!
I thought you were the fucking beast. You fuck!
Move. Come on, you bastard.
Come on! Come on, get out of there!
Come here!
Ripley, we're running out of time!
Ripley, where are you?
Come on. Get out of there!
What are you doing? What the fuck is wrong with you? - No! No!
- Let it go! Ripley! - Yes! It's working!
- Scream. - To the pistons! No!
Scream! Let it follow us.
- Come on! - We got to get it in front of the piston.
Get back here. It's following us!
Come on! Motherfucker, come on!
Come and get us! Come on!
- Open the door! - Come on. Come on.
Come on, motherfucker! Come on.
Come on! Get the door!
- Get the door! - Morse!
- Now! - Shut it!
Shut it, Morse!
Morse, shut that door!
- Now! - Shut the fucking door!
Shut it now!
I'm going for the lead!
- Now! I'm staying. - What about you?
Bullshit! There's gonna be 10 tons of hot lead in there!
- I'm telling you, I want to die! - We got a deal!
Remember? It dies first, then you! I'm not gonna move without you!
Now get going!
- Dillon! - I've got to hold it here.
- What about me? - God will take care of you now, sister!
Pour the lead.
Fuck you.
Pour it, Ripley! Go on! Goddamn it!
Pour the lead, Ripley! Pour it now!
Come on! Come on! That's all you've got?
Is that all that you bite, motherfucker! Come on!
Morse! Morse, over here!
- Ripley! - Pour the lead!
Pour the lead!
Pour it!
All right, bug!
Ripley! It's scalding hot!
Hit the sprinklers!
Douse the fucker!
- Don't come any closer. - Wait. They're here to help.
Stay where you are.
- Ripley. - Bishop.
- I'm here to help you. - No more bullshit.
I just felt it move.
- You know who I am? - You're a droid.
Same model as Bishop. Sent by the fucking company.
No. I'm not the Bishop android.
I designed it.
I'm very human.
The company sent me here to show you a friendly face...
to demonstrate how important you are to us...
- To me. - You just want to take it back.
- We want to kill it and take you home. - Bullshit.
You're wrong. We want to help.
What does that mean?
- We're gonna take that out of you. - And keep it.
Can't allow it to live. Everything we know would be in jeopardy.
You don't want to take it back?
Ripley, time is important. Let us deal with the mutant.
We've got a surgical bay set up on the rescue ship.
- Come with me. - It's very quick.
Painless. A couple of incisions, you'll be out for two hours.
Then it's over.
You still can have a life.
And most important, you'll know it's dead.
Let me help you.
What guarantee do I have...
once you've taken it out, you'll destroy it?
You'll have to trust me.
Please? Trust me?
What's this going to achieve?
- Stop! - Oh, Jesus!
- Will you help me? - What do you want me to do?
It was a mistake! There was no need for any of it!
Fucking android!
I'm not a droid!
Ripley, think of all we could learn from it.
It's the chance of a lifetime!
You must let me have it! It's a magnificent specimen!
No pictures!
What are you doing?
- Come on, you. Get going. - Oh, fuck you!
Ash, Captain Dallas are dead.
Cargo and ship destroyed.
I should reach the frontier in about six weeks.
With a little luck, the network will pick me up.
This is Ripley...
last survivor of the Nostromo...
signing off. |
If our gods and our hopes are
nothing but scientific phenomens,
then it must be said that our love
is scientific as well - L'Eve Future
Observer 202
Arrival on the accident site
Now start the live oadcasting
what's the situation?
Before 52 minutes,
In that apartment as first site,
The victim was murdered,
Killer ran away
and in the second site,
2 police officers got killed
all entrance blocked,
siege will be started after 2 minutes
Damned fellows of 9th Section
There will be more casualty in such a situation
Telecom got in,
Do we need information support?
First Police, here comes Telecom agents
We must be very careful
Help me
Help me
About Robot Murder
There has been 8 murders during this week
All victims have reset their robots
All of them are Mode 2050 from Rox Corporation
This mode is a test version just for envaluation
The customers can get one for free
after they signed a contract with Rox
Now all the machines were recalled
According to the offered report
There is nothing wrong within these machine
just such kind of explanation
New mode robots attacked their
master for unexplained reason
The producer recalled these machines in panic
And they have to face the charge
from victim's family
Some mistakes by producer could
result in many lawsuits and huge compensation
So that is why the 9th Section was
authorized to handle this problem
Do you understand?
It's your problem to understand or not
Now there are 2 reasons for 9th Section's intervention
First, None of victim's family has taken any action
All accidents alike
have been imparled between both sides
Two of victims are politicians
And one retired police officer
Considering such a possiblity
the 9th Section will face a challenge
It's our duty to investigate this case
Let't start from the victims
First you must check the machines with problem
Don't ask anything, just go
I want to tell you, I am not a volunteer
There are so much that I should learn from you, Major
I don't think so
We lost all traces
This person only has his ain for nature part
It's doubted that this man exists as a human
His arm, leg and computer totally
are spares parts from the government
The classified information in the computer,
and all alike this,
Belonged to the government
They are eager to reclaim the memory
so his life was not belonged to himself
Where shall we start?
Rox Corporation is located to the north
We'd better start our investigation there
It's you!
About the robot destroyed by that madam yesterday
Two of our young men got killed too
You should not forget this
We come here right for this
Identify Room is located on the
right side of 19th floor corridor
Need me to show you the way?
No, thanks. I come here not for amusement
Destruction pursues the great
especially at the easiest moment
It is a hard time for you
Be arranged to one trouble team
but it seems you don't hate this position
It's terrible for me to remember my previous appearance
This is not your mirror's fault
The mirror only makes you confused
We can be reference with one another
It is useless for coming frequently
I am ordered to reject cooperation
I will arrest you if you keep uncooperative
I am from 9th Section
Who's the horrible man you are talking with?
the guy who blasted the robot
all with.50 cali e gun
So the damaged robot could be easy to recover
There are 2 policemen in 3 victims
They tried to committ suicide before murder
all right?
What's about suicide?
Miss Halloway, What's about suicide?
If the machine failed
Is it possible for them to attack people?
This situation has been considered by Three Laws of Robot
So they should be harmless to people
It is called Self-Existence
The right description should be self-destruction, shouldn't it?
Thinking made human being different from machine
Is the self-destruction a special function for this mode?
That's not completely right
Those years, more gadgets concerning robot
appeared in haste
we got too many human-shaped robots
Virus, Microbe Pollution
Man-made mistakes during production
Problems due to ages
So many reasons, but
but what?
The main reason is that people discarded robots
They got tired of old robots
Kept buying newer mode
Then the discarding problem comes
Robots do not want to be discarded
Is that true?
Human is different from robot
but that's not simple as black and white
human is too selfish
Industry robots are mostly different from human
But domestic robots are deeply affected
with utilitarianism and pragmatism
Why they are human-shaped?
based on the idealest human body
Why human make such a decision?
Make a robot as same as himself
Have you got kids?
one daughter
Kids always violated adult regulation
That means they have egos
acting with consciousness from themselves
When an human was in the childhood
What's his role in exploration?
with a human body, or human-shaped?
Although all girls love dolls,
those dolls are not for practicing
Girls are not practicing baby-sitting
They just try to find common places between
doll games and baby-sitting
What are you talking about?
baby-sitting a kid implied making a human, by a human
That's an old dream
That's the shortest way to realize this dream
I do not agree to this idea
Kids are not dolls!
human and machine,
difference between life-form and nonlife-form
A doll as same as my daughter
who died when she was 5 years old
I named her France, and loved her so deeply
Some people told me the same thing
Shall we change to some realistic topic?
About the Mode 2050 Robot from ROX corporation
I would like to know more about it
That's all right
Hig quality products
Although these are test version
They are special mode
Special mode?
Yeah, with some unnecessary parts
What kind of parts?
Sexual function
just for immoral interest
Is this illegal?
All right, so their family don't charge
When the robot is reset, their data bank
will erase all information
The producer did this just to protect their technology,
just a common measure
But what?
But the voice data will be kept,
you want to hear?
Help me
Help me, Help me
Help me, Help me
Help me
Help me
Help me
Help me
Help me
Help me
Help me
Thanks for your help
May I ask a question?
I neither gave any birth nor baby-sitted any kid
That means, I never registered my ovum
Thank you, Miss
Don't call me Miss
She didn't look like a technical grandma
who can only write her emotion in report sheet
I often writed report sheets too
Don't you think our investigation are too slow?
Anyway, you must protect that computer for 9th Section
The relationship with the grandma was over
Who's your ideal woman?
Actually, I like women older than me
There are so many in the street
09 calling 907
Accident 602 in 201 area
the victim is a Keepr of ROX
the team will be there within 2 minutes
907 roger
the spring always pass quickly
Just you?
Koka and Lukuou will be back after sandwich snack
leisure guys
That's the situation 22 minutes ago
How did you teach these freshman?
There is nothing more important than teaching
Read the situation now
This is the victim's image
Jack Walkson, Keeper Director of ROX Corporation
54 years old
He lost contact with other people after asking leave before 5 days
This robot's contract was ended 3 days ago
Weapons used by cirminal are kitchen knives
We checked neighbour parking record
Try to verify with underground force
Seven cards are found in victim's jacketing
Now we are looking for their source
.38 cali e pistol
It seems no one has used the gun recently
Was this a meaningless waste?
Maybe some smart guy faked it
969 calling 906
We will arrive in 20 seconds
Don't play joke on me
The rest work depends on you
907 calling 09
We leave site to 969
09 Roger
Today is my daughter's birthday
But I have bought nothing
Let me drive you back
You made a mistake, Ishikawa
Me too
Daughter's birthday should be most important
You looked like happy
It's the first time you don't talk nonsense
Because the body was incomplete, so I come
OK, help yourself, we are leaving
Why give the case to local police?
Because that guy get involved
We found it, in the refrigerator
Heart, liver, kidney and pancreas
This asshole
After half a year, fresh dog food has been dry
You call this food?
You were his partner, weren't you?
I would rather go with a recruit than him
There are only complaints with him
You are a partner less tough than Major
Ishikawa, you talked too much recently
See you
What's up?
Maybe dry dog food was not that bad
Considering nutrition balance,
that would be a good choice
impact on the neckbone caused rupture and death
Kitchen knives did not cause death,
they are used for disassembling the body
So the killer disassembled the body after murder
That seems to be the truth
The stuff we found in the refrigerator
are victim's bowels
He suffered from gastritis,
and hepatocirrhosis due to long time drunk
Why did the killer disassemble victim's body
in suck a detailed method?
The killer may be a psycho
Or that hinted a strong desire for revenge
then the killer was not a professional
And that twisted door handle?
Analysis report tells that is created by a NR26 artifical arm,
made in China
crab pincers shape
Is that for military purpose?
It should be inferior mode from black market
And all the pictures were confirmed
What about the car?
That's a multi-illegal modified car
Give me the conclusion
According to the neighbour parking record,
that car belongs to a violent orgnization, Human Society
which was bullet-proofed
This car appeared several times in previous cases
What a Human Society!
Illegally produced
What's their motive?
What the hell does Human Society want?
This was a old Japanese violent organization
Drug, prostitute, gameling
They do every illegal business
3 days ago, captain tried to arrest their boss
Now he is in charge of this case
How could they make such a decision!
In organization, only the revenger of predecessor's
death could be recognized as successor
Another question
Could the victim foresee his death?
What's the reason for him to lurk in Human Society?
All computer data are erased
This is also your investigation object
Does the killer use robot to
mislead our investigation?
At this time, all victims have no relationship
with each other, or political-concerned
and we almost got nothing useful
Adding this case,
you first investigate these victims
Other people return to previous position, dismiss
Come to my office before you leave
What's the situation?
Anyway, we must find the relationship between
Human Society and Rox Corporation
About Batou
It is very important to undertake
psychological interactive verification
But I am not a computer psychologist
You don't need to change into one thing
if you are trying to comprehend it
You have family?
now did you feel happy?
Yeah.. that is it
Most people feel themselves between happy and unhappy
It is so touching
they never give up the eager for survival
What do you mean?
When I saw that guy,
I remembered Major before her missing
Solitary makes evil
Need few things
Just like the elephant in forest
Director, why did you choose me?
You are recommended by local department
What does this mean?
You don't need to change into one thing
if you are trying to comprehend it
That is right
You can not live with the rule of great man
Shall we start a war?
You don't need to change into a rascal
if you are going to rascal's place
Weapon is necessary
We should prepare before going out
Listen to my words
Do you hate rascal?
very much
Me too
I can only tell you this
I told you, we are going to rascal's place
we don't need to change into rascal
but weapon is necessary
I have a family
A bachelor could be better
We go together
We are partners,
so you'd better tell me your plan
Listen to me,
Do not fire gun unless you have to
I got it
Let's go, partner
What, is that you?
Bring him here
Don't shoot
I said unless you have to
go, go
come on
Did he planed to disturb our eyesight?
I hate these computers
What's the matter?
How can we launch attack in this
dark and narrow staircase?
rush fast, I go first
I go first, you are too huge
This bomb is a gift for you
In such a wide riot
you can not kill only 2 people
with bullet-proofed vest
Are you woman?
This is not only for the death of Keeper Director
Tell me everything about ROX Corporation,
as much as you know
Come on, crab shit,
you are not qualified as my opponet
That's just a easy job, idiot
Tell me where is the Keeper Director
Or I will hit you with my hand
I haven't been there for 3 years
I even don't know what my ancestor did in that corporaion
Partner, are you still alive?
My wife and my daughter's face became clear in my ain
but this guy is neither your wife nor your daughter
He is the Death
I told you to investigate
But you made this illegally
I don't want you pick fighting with these rascals
This city is not a jungle
And you are not people-killing special agents
Are you still angry?
It is unexpected you saved my life
After being your partner,
I would die hundred times
A investigation team of 2 man
Nobody cares what we did
I must find the guilty proof of ROX Corporation
So you did that?
If he is really angry, we should have been fired
Now that should be enough
I have to excuse myself
Trampled by Quillson
You should reset the right arm by yourself
increse defense and the shooting integrity system
It is possiblly caused by malfunction
In this situation, you must reset to default position
Where's my previous arm?
Don't say nonsense
This arm is made with organic material,
specially tuned with your DNA
Overload usage may cause initialization
Get out! wait
Why you hold my dog?
I went to your home
can not find the host
but a hungry dog
That makes me feel pity
You are so kind to dog
I took it to my home
My daughter was happy, but my wife
got angry, because it polluted the carpet
When did you put me under surveillance?
All right, that's not your problem
It is not comfortable to be watched
But how can you neglect?
If you hate, do not hate the old man
Is it recreated?
Original eed should be stronger
This eed is created by test-tube
It comes from most ancient eed
Is this come from computer, are you really?
what a persistent life
So I said the dry dog food is better
Its favorite
Only on sale in that store
It looked so happy, bouncing a lot
You shot 5 bullets
in that dangerous store
He is not regarded as dementia
This man was a good hunter
Besides the Major
Shall I tell the reason to miss my head?
They don't want to kill you,
just challenge
You picked fighting in the place of Human Society
Over 10 people dead or wounded
The store was shot in the same day
Are you crazy, or computer oke down?
Wait, Did you feel to be attacked?
This matter was not an independent accident
From this, we can understand
The significance of 9th Section
What he said is right
Old man ordered us to continue investigation
But we do not need evidence hereafter
and without any official support
It seems that we have to go directly to ROX Corporation
Quick victory keeps no secretry
Go to the north as soon as possible
The north?
2 people are not enough
And... What about this dog?
This matter
I will take care of it
But you still have time for dog feeding
Come on, mind your own business
The biggest information city in the easternmost area
A special economic zone of prosperity
Just this colony
Nationalism evanesced in vagueness
Now this place has been paradise for
enterprise criminals
Even Union Nations Cyber Police,
and Telecom Agents from ASEAN
can not reach their hands here
I remembered those words,
Act as an individual
Represent with the same inheritance gene
They looked like nest of the spider
Just like the actinozoan changed into the coral reef
the essence of life lies in the continuance of gene
What about social culture and expanded memory system
The city looked like huge exterior memory sets
There should be many people with this idea
Adding me, the number could be more than sand
It is said in Chapter 139, Psalter of the Old Testament
I will check it
It seems you are inclined to exterior memory set
I don't want to hear this again
Now you are over ROX Corporation
After a long trip, it is time for visit
flight is over, we are in landing process
They will fly as leaves in fall
Gnarring to the chaos
Now it is your turn, but we are not Satan
You are great man now, my postion has been yours
I will never forget your benefaction
Never forget?
Forgive me, Mister Batou
It is not appropriate to call me Mister
Please forgive me, Please
You are the benefactor of all my life
Do you know that asshole, Kim?
I don't know such a person
Many people have this name
The Kim I am looking for is unique
We must keep promises in our business
There are 2 kinds of promises
One is keeping secret, The other is keeping truth
Both of them are promises,
Which one is yours?
It is said that there is no honest without secret
Let me ask again,
Do you know that asshole, Kim?
I don't know such a person
People are just like puppets on the stage
Begin from birth, End to death
Puppet falls when the string oke up
And then?
They had been long-term contractor with the Army
A man can not reach when he is on the top,
or when he is under
Just like a man lying on the roadside
No matter whether they had been special force,
or electronic disturbance specialist
Secret arm sale, and other achievements
The come-off will be same
all roads are ended at the tomb
A characteristic man
It is impossible that a robot changed into a horse after a field trip
This asshole can only demolish everything around him
Let's go
Batou, the toppest sanctum
We are late
He escaped
the ain has been burned out due to attack and defense action
That gives no help
According to the will
In my funeral,
all artificial flower and birds
should be rejected
Don't sleep like a dead man
Confucius told us not to sleep like a dead man
I have no time for your nonsense
It has been a long time since last meeting
Are you coming for official business?
ROX Corporation
They started Robot production
not from the very beginning
Advanced robots ought a rapid expansion
to this corporation
Politicians and senior officers got
their shares
They became alert
as the government paid attention to this business
Assembly lines were shut down
Maybe they transfered assembly lines to that multi-flag ship
And kept producing their robots
Is it so depressed that you want to committ suicide?
It will be a big trouble if this is true
Eliminating human soul, Producing human-shaped puppet
I can not imagine what they are thinking
If there is a perfect man
That is just a body without soul
A body until final a asion
This is why the Cyborg waste became more and more
Human shape is always beautiful
No, they should not appear in the shape of kid
Because human being has incomplete perception
It is impossible for them to understand
the inconsistency of reality
They have neither this consciousness
Nor the unlimited tendency
Only robot or God can make this true
Shall we talk about official business?
There is only one creature
who can be compared with robot and God
Is it animal?
A creature with self-consciousness stronger than us
Without any negative emotion
Always full of happy unconsciousness
To these birds depending on fruit
It is harder even than becoming God
Changing into dolls as the dead
That is the reason
You don't know the death
before you know the life
Confucius said something like this
There are few people who understand the death
Most people kept unconscious,
they are used to such a stupid life
People even don't know for what they will die
Their lives faded away in waiting for death
So Kim chose to change himself into a full cyberg
And then?
they had been special force,
or electronic disturbance specialist
Secret arm sale, and other achievements
all will be ended at the tomb
A characteristic man
It is impossible that a robot changed into a horse after a field trip
Let's go
Compliment to people who shall die today
These are like advertisement
It makes people uncomfortable
I got it
Look outside, these things looked like alive
Are they really alive?
Thinking on the other hand
These lifeless things looked like alive
Where did robot's pain come from?
They are human from robots
made by human being
Very simple material made by human being
The terror to reset it
is just the essence of human being
A shadow between existence and non-existence
Stop that, let's talk about official business
It is also a science to know the life
We created this terror by ourselves
In nature world, human is too young
That is quite simple to reset the machine
which are made by human being
They are trying to make persistent active specimen
From robot theory of 18 century
Because the realization of computerization and cyberg
Even the appearance of exterior memory sets
The biological limitation of human being was oken
Through excessive self-mechanization
Human being has overcome Darwin's Natural Selection
They overcame evolutionism by themselves
Sublimation of consciousness
Born from self-consciousness
A dream to go beyond the nature
Replacing the body with hardware
That is the beginning of nightmare
God is always located in geometry
let's go
What do you feel?
Who am I?
In a computer-like maze,
you are confused by computer
Luck comes with unluck for 3 times
Don't look it before you want
Don't listen anything
Just wait for the end
So we visited this place for 3 times
The first omen should be the final end?
There is no time for explanation
When did you find out?
We are fooled by the swindler
who is waiting for our arrival
You can be a eletronic specialist
but I am a elite spy
with my guardian watching for me
You stupid, clumsy exterior memory sets
Check your memory
If that is really
this robot wrote AEMAETH on the ground
That means getting energy from truth
but when the prefix AE was erased,
we saw MEATH
That means death, return all to the ground
That's not real
Our trap has been intruded
What a hell! It is faked as real
So I told you it is my guardian
The game is over, Kim, show yourself
This guy is just an ordinary robot
Kim, you can not defeat me
Batou, Is this a fake too?
not real?
Have you got enough confidence?
My ghost
Humen being is pursuing the dream of life
Is it a dream or a ghost?
All non-existence
I am a man useless as same as you
I wore shoes different from you
I don't believe in ghost
Are you suffering from schizophrenia?
I have to destroy your remains
Get ready to death
Your physical function will be stopped
eh... eh...
Is it really a physical reset phenomenon?
It is neither memory nor imagination
It's what it should be
You have to understand before you go further
The time can not be saved, so it is hard
Memory shared computerization along with exterior memory sets
When you go home
Are the wife and daughter real?
Or I am just a lonely individual?
Or am I just making the dream of a family?
Is there any way to make sure?
I knew, but for what?
I have to know his purpose
I come here for work
That's an experience of virtual image
When I get freaked in the food store
Maybe it is caused by computerization
just like what Ishikawa said
Suck a realistic guy may not be here
the same idea
I expected this from the beginning
They wanted to intrude us
Kim, this man is smart
We will lose if he escape
What's your guardian angel?
He is gone
In the cyber world
In huge network system,
there is one area which integrated all domains
You want to make sure your existence?
You got a daughter
When we are in the jungle
Kim knew this
I am sure for one thing
what's it?
I will be your partner
Are you afraid?
It's not like what you are thinking
I want to go back alive, to my daughter
But you can not leave your job undone
Shall we continue?
I will collect all data evidence
for ROX Corporation's guilt
If this accusation is successful
All computer rules must be oke up
Our investigation was illegal
The matter caused serial murders
We have to find evidence for criminal penalty
But Kim cut off all clues
His computer is linked to ROX Corporation
We must capture all of them
and destroy
People have always been talking good wills
Now it is time for battle
Violence comes after the failure of negotiation
Hi, this explanation is different
from our trip to rascal's place
He is here
I expect nothing from you
Birds fly in the air
fishes dive in the water
Get contacted
I knew
Use this body to finish something
It is deep here, very dangerous
I had a friend who liked diving very much
I don't know what you are thinking
May I introduce Lin as your girl friend?
No one goes back alive from that ship
I don't know what you are thinking
Just go ahead
Hold fast
Contact after 12 seconds
The disturbance signal will feed back only in 2 seconds
This guy linked to Security Director's computer
Synchronization Initialized
Send back more information if you get in
just follow me
Of course, the older one started invasion,
recording began
You are not lovely guy
2nd level security system reset
Computer activity searching initialized in all facility
Searching for virus in memory initialized
Searching for delayed virus, and interactive surveillance
Linking to Director impossible
Reset as soon as possible
System Reset finished
2nd level security system initialized
Figuring intruder's waypoints
Strenthening defense wall
supplementing antibody
Virus checking
Anti-spy game started
Searching for lurking virus in full-scale
No. 014 wall oken
No. 032 wall error, error code 280
Quarantining affected area initialized
1st level exterior defense wall rebuilt
Identifying enemy's attack mode
Virus transfer started
Retreat! Your ain will be too dangerous to keep cool
Wait, Let me try again
Shit, they are using this damned method!
Assembly Lines
Unfinished Project
Only accessable for authorized
Confirmed as unidentified lurking virus
Stop him with all anti-body
Virus tracing unavailable
All facility in resetting,
Linking with system unavailable
Battle arm loading system initialized
Warning... abnormal body active in line THO7
all security armed
Move to that line, repeat..
Soul Phenomenon happened
Haven't see you for a time, Major
What should I call you?
This just is part of me,
through satelitte
There is not enough capacity in this computer
I can only load battle system and arm defense system
So I have to spare emotion and voice
50 meters away from here
there should be an emergency terminal
We can linkup there and capture all system
Nothing changed
Hurry up, I take care of this place
Just like before
Who give me a mirror
the ghost will be visible in mirror
It is not time for appreciation
We don't have much ammo left
real time mirror can tell
Hi, are you ok?
This ship will be ours,
it is just a problem of time
Linked to supply terminal system
Stop arm function before full control
We can only depend on Batou's.30 gun
Ammo reserve, only 1 magazine
It seems our oppoent will not surrender
It started
Abnormal linking activity in ship
In ship?
Tracing for linking point, defense action started
too much signals from multiple terminals
No computer activity increased at all terminal
Checking for all exterior linking point
All linking points cut off except base facility
All exterior physical parts isolated from this ship
Emergency defense system unaccessable
Long distance initializtion failed
Expansive Virus get in concourse
Defense of system area failed
System reset ready
1st level data quarantine started
Many linking points found in the core system
Interactive tracing failed
All exterior linkings cut off
this ship is under control
Are we successful?
Now this ship is not controlled by the north
The nearest country sent force coming in
This ship could be guilty evidence of ROX
Do we still have time for investigation?
Found Naval frigate
they are informed
Shall we go to see the true face of ROX Corporation
Have you already known it?
Batou, you want to go with us?
No voice, eletronic wave screened out
Ghost face
They can produce many animal examples
but that will destroy the ain
This technology was prohibited
the Human Society supply kids who will be neutralized here
They will be ghost faces finally
That is the secret
Help me
Help me
You come to save me at last,
Walkson told me
he said, the police will come to save me
I come here when I was 4 grade,
Suvalla was 5 grade
I can hear nothing, or say nothing
the murdered Director modified
robot program for this kid
but he was killed soon
Nobody will notice this without robot case
Then who will save me?
We did not expect sacrifice
It seems not real
How could it be if a robot has no soul
I can not imagine
But.. But..
I never want to be a robot
When you cried for birds,
you cried for yourself
People with voice is happy
If a robot has his own voice
He may cried, I don't want to be human being
Ask yourself
Now do you feel happy?
This scene put me in a reminiscent mood
I don't have this feeling, at least not now
Solitary rejects evil
Need few things
Just like the elephant in forest
Don't forget, Batou
When you get online
I will be with you
That ship is out
Your guardian angel?
Need me to write report?
I will pick you up 8:20am tomorrow
I can not get back without a gift
Do you want geting in with me?
No interest for your family party
Have you got any gift for me?
I did not forget this |
My poor baby.
Who has stolen the child's dream?
The mad genius Krank
in his evil scheme.
To what vicious depths
will he not descend?
Will the tale turn to tragedy...
or have a happy end?
Step up, ladies and gentlemen!
Step right up! Come closer.
Don't be afraid.
See the strongest man in the world.
Look at those chains,
made of the same steel...
as that used to lift...
Yes, my friends...
The true light is invisible.
Penetrate the corridor of shadows...
and you will enter
the world of the chosen ones.
Renounce the gift of sight.
I know there are skeptics among you...
afraid to share with us
the dead of night.
Be ave.
Renounce your gift of sight.
Pluck out your eyes.
Come and join us.
Help us build a better world.
The crusher Bones is going to try
once more to shatter steel...
only using the power
of his mighty arms.
Please, ladies and gentlemen,
I want absolute silence...
during the demonstration.
I must beg of you,
for your own safety...
not to look him in the eye...
because his power of concentration
is so great...
that he might provoke
a cere al hemorrhage...
in the weaker ones among you.
Mr. One, ready?
And now, attention!
Little thief!
Stealing money from orphans.
I'll teach you!
Let go of that!
What's going on?
What's the matter?
The poor man's not well.
Don't move!
Don't move or I'll waste you!
Kill him!
- Who's that?
- He's the strong man at the fun fair.
I don't know him.
What do you want?
I have lost little other.
He didn't come all by himself.
Well, well, kiddies, hard at work?
It looks like you're doing
really well.
Thanks for waiting for us.
Thank you.
Just remember,
my ears are so sharp...
that I can hear you think.
Go buy yourself some sweets.
Don't overdo it.
Come on. Move your bum.
Go on. Here.
Move it!
Get the tools and let's beat it.
Move it!
Those rotten Cyclops.
Don't worry.
We know where to find them.
And him?
What about him?
You helped us out.
Here. Now we're even.
Hey, girl. Cyclops.
You know where to find Cyclops?
Will you get lost?
Beat it!
Happy birthday, Uncle dear
Our wish is most sincere
We hope this cake of ours
will ing you happiness
Good fortune and success
Wait till the candles are blown out!
In fair or foul weather
We'll always be together
Happy birthday, Uncle Irvin.
A cake for me?
You're really too kind.
Are you ready, children?
Not you.
You've got a cold.
One, two.
What is all this bellowing about?
But, sweetheart,
it's Irvin's birthday.
Irvin's birthday?
Why, of course.
How could I have forgotten?
Let us cele ate.
Let us all make merry.
Everyone, let's shout!
Scream out!
Krank, come back.
I had a thought last night.
If these children
only have nightmares...
it's perhaps
because the evil is in you.
Why not seek the cause
of your torment...
in the molecular study
of your own tears?
Who could make me cry?
Well, boss...
we could make you cry
with laughter.
I am a gnome
a bag of bones
A man of means
and full of beans
The girls in Spain
sing my refrains
I've such a pain
that it's insane
You mustn't be angry.
Your others are doing their best.
My others?
May I give it a try?
Go ahead, mollusk.
Once upon a time,
there was an inventor so gifted...
that he could create life.
- Truly remarkable man.
- Ah, a fairy tale.
I can already feel tears
in my eyes.
Since he had no wife or children...
he decided to make them
in his laboratory.
He started with his wife
and fashioned her...
into the most beautiful princess
in the world.
Alas, a wicked genetic fairy
cast a spell on the inventor...
so much so that the princess
was only knee-high to a grasshopper.
He then cloned six children
in his own image.
Faithful, hardworking,
they were so alike...
no one could tell them apart.
But fate tricked him again,
giving them all sleeping sickness.
Craving someone to talk to,
he grew in a fish tank...
a poor migraine-ridden ain.
And then, at last,
he created his masterpiece...
more intelligent than
the most intelligent man on Earth.
But, alas, the inventor
made a serious mistake.
While his creation was intelligent,
he, too, had a defect.
He never, ever had a dream.
You can't imagine
how quickly he grew old...
because he was so unhappy.
An eye dropper, quick!
An eye dropper!
Then the poor masterpiece
became so crazed...
that he believed
a single teardrop could save him.
And, after committing
many cruel deeds...
he died a horrible death...
never knowing
what it is to dream.
Get out!
All of you, get out!
Good-bye, Uncle. Happy birthday.
See you tonight.
you glub!
What do you expect us
to do with that?
I wouldn't waste a nail
to hang it up.
But it's pretty, isn't it?
Don't get smart with us.
The picklock won't always
be there to save your behind.
All right, get lost.
- That's all?
- Afraid so.
If you keep being sassy...
You'll be sorry.
There's no shortage
of orphans, Miette.
Listen carefully, Tadpole.
You don't want to go
to the hole, do you?
- It's very cold there.
- And pitch black.
And full of spiders.
So give us all the rest.
The rest.
There's a fine lad.
See? When you want to.
Now, the second shift.
The neighborhood's calm, isolated.
But be careful.
You never know.
There's a backyard.
You'll go that way
with all the stuff.
On the landing,
there are three doors.
One is locked from inside.
That's the one that must be forced.
Behind is what interests us.
Here's the prize.
It's identical to the one
where he hides his loot.
The problem with this safe:
It takes two hours to crack it.
Two hours?
We're going to get caught.
We have no choice, unless you know
someone capable of carrying it.
Somebody got in.
- You big idiot!
- He's right here now.
Do I pay you to sleepwalk?
Who is this guy?
- Don't ask me.
- I know who he is.
The strong man at the fair,
the one who eaks his chains.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Nice going, Mr. One.
One don't like whistles.
One not thief.
A thief? Who's a thief?
We're not stealing, just borrowing.
What he said?
He said you can take it back.
It just won't be as heavy.
- The true light.
- Little other.
Renounce the gift of sight
and penetrate the corridor of shadows...
the world of the blind.
That guy is crazy.
The Octopus will kill us.
Tell her I'll ing him back.
I won't be long.
Help us build a better world...
or we shall witness
a reign of terror.
One! Where do you think you're going?
Cyclops truck.
Denree, little other.
What about the truck?
Cyclops truck.
Kidnap Denree.
Kidnap little other.
You know something?
You won't find Cyclops truck like that.
When you get there,
someone will have eaten Denree.
The wolf will have eaten him.
Take a eak.
No use wearing out your shoes.
I know where the truck's going.
Miette and One together?
And then what?
And anyway, how old
was this other of yours?
Little, little other.
Found him...
one night...
on his rubbish bin, crying.
One comes close.
Okay, I can guess the rest.
He's just like I thought.
He's too little to bother.
Let's go.
We have to get out of here.
Lmbecile! Idiot!
Have you finished?
My crystal glasses are oken!
You'll crack my chandelier!
Are you calmer now?
One look for Denree.
See you.
Oh, come on, fat head.
- Where did those ats go?
- I don't know.
It's the big guy's fault.
Miette's different since he came.
Does he have all the jewels?
That's all he's interested in?
You had big ideas?
Poor little Tadpole.
You haven't fallen in love, too,
like the others? Get to bed!
- Filthy ats.
- All the same.
We really can't count on them.
- Raise crows, they'll rip out...
- Your eyes.
- It's the best ones who want to go.
- It's not the first time it's happened.
It's always the same old story.
- Remember little Lucas six years ago?
- And Marcus before.
Yes, Marcus.
I'd almost forgotten him.
- When we think...
- Of everything we've done for them.
And if she had an accident?
You never know.
At that moment, the winkles
suddenly eak into a dance...
then cast off their shells
and begin to use them as megaphones...
to announce the concert.
Winkles, winkles.
Shells, shells.
And then, at that moment...
all the winkles
cast off their shells...
and use them as megaphones
to announce the concert.
The winkles?
The winkles cast off their shells?
Please continue.
Continue, and with colors as well.
Yes, yes, yes.
Then the hammerhead shark plays
xylophone with the catfish bones.
The walrus plays
the Jew's harp with the...
the sperm whale's suspenders.
The sea is blue like the sky...
and the sky is blue
like the South Seas.
And I don't know
if I'm swimming in the sky or...
or flying at the bottom
of the sea.
I swear it gives me the shivers.
Shivers? Shivers all over.
And igloos?
Oh, yes, tell me about the igloos.
Igloos that turn into mushrooms.
Ah, it's you, my boy.
I was expecting you.
Not so loud. Turn it down.
The boss might hear you.
The boss? He's out of a test tube,
like all of us.
Lay the boy in the sarcophagus
and come here.
But before...
Well, you promised me...
What's tormenting you, my son?
Well, this story that among us
there's an original clone...
different from the others.
Is that true?
Of course it's true. The others
are nothing but cheap copies...
while the original one is unique.
- Unique?
- Yes.
And do you know who it is?
Do you really want to know?
Connect yourself to the child.
- To the child?
- Yes.
Connect myself to the child?
But I can't.
It's forbidden.
The others wouldn't dare,
but you, you can do it...
because you're the original.
I'm the original?
But it's not lonely
being the original?
All the penguins, the centipedes,
everyone applauds.
Except, even if you climb
to the treetops...
it's impossible to catch
the candy floss.
And so, everybody climbs
to the top of the mountain...
except the giraffes who, of course,
stay in one spot...
munching the clouds.
Sleep, my little one.
I am the sandman...
and you can't resist me.
Your eyelids are so heavy.
Sleep, my little one.
The snowflakes evaporate...
and then turn into hailstones.
In the farmyards...
the turkeys scramble towards...
the hailstones.
The better to peck them?
And then when the children's voices
cry for help...
the chickens are merciless.
Now he's going to come around
very nicely.
- Who, the boss?
- No, the child.
He's a real nightmare factory.
- What's that? A fuse blew!
- Perfect.
Be careful.
Someone will hear you.
It's hard to be original.
Now, throw this message...
uh, bottle into the sea.
- Yes.
- Go on!
May someone find my plea
to get it over with.
Ga iel Marie...
I came into this world
with open eyes...
but I saw a world...
that was a world of dogs.
Litter of dogs!
And so, the creator...
sent me down here to Earth...
to recover the power...
that men have illegally seized.
My others...
you who have joined me
in this struggle...
understand that together
we must fight...
human beings...
from their own grounds.
The world...
of appearances.
I thought we had agreed
on half a dozen.
But you know it's becoming
more and more difficult.
People are suspicious.
They've put up posters.
In any case, this batch
is as fresh as they come.
Not one of them
is over five years old.
Listen. Let us have
maybe a couple of hours...
and we'll sort this thing out.
Only the third eye...
will enable you to enter...
the world of appearances.
But beware...
because this sordid world
of temptation and perversion...
is also the world of desire.
Try, Brother Angel Joseph...
to discover it...
without your losing sight...
of the only true light.
Be strong.
My others...
our grace...
our great superior race...
shall reign once more...
on Earth!
From that day on...
our faithful third eye...
will become useless...
as the world of appearances...
will be abolished.
It's Denree.
I see!
What's that?
That, Brother Angel Joseph...
is a female.
- A female.
- Do you have a problem?
What's that?
That is a condemned man.
Take them. Go on!
Come back when those idiots
have had enough.
Search her!
What is it?
Kill her!
She's clean.
Then tomorrow night at Pier 24.
We'll never get half that.
One more scrap of information.
A girl in a red dress...
with a big moron.
We found these on them.
But there was much more in the...
What'll you do with them?
A midnight snack for the fishes,
tonight, Pier 24.
A midnight snack for the fishes.
- Irvin?
- Such a migraine.
You know all about feelings.
Won't you try to help me?
Won't you explain why all those children
only have nightmares?
'Cause you were their nightmare.
You can persecute
all the children in the world...
but there's one thing
you'll never have.
- What?
- A soul.
Because you believe you have one?
You don't even have a body.
He who created us
made us all monsters.
No, Krank, you're wrong.
You are the only monster here.
Be quiet!
He's the only one responsible.
For that, I say I'm innocent.
I'm innocent!
I thank you for your help.
Hurry up! And don't eak
any of the baubles.
Well done.
And don't cut yourself.
Are you sure that we're doing
the right thing?
Of course, my pet.
All children love it.
Lift your elbow.
Why worry, Krank?
If you're sincere,
you have nothing to lose.
How are you, Marcello?
What's it to you?
We need you, Marcello,
and your creepy-crawlies.
Have you still got the knack?
No, please, not again.
I paid enough already.
- Nice place...
- You've got here, Marcello.
I'm glad to see
it hasn't changed much.
You know, I never liked
that blue cage.
You were always so kind
to us, Marcello.
- It's only fair...
- That we look after you...
- A little girl in a red dress...
- With a big moron.
We want him.
And what do I do with her?
A midnight snack for the fishes.
Come on, my little flea.
There, there.
Easy does it.
Midnight snack for the fishes.
Will you shut up, you idiots?
- It wasn't me.
- I don't care.
Work this out among yourselves.
How dare you hit the original.
You, the original?
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
One will die?
You're born in the gutter.
You end up in the port.
Miette too little.
Not as little as all that.
Five thousand on the kid.
Ten thousand on the monster.
There are pebbles in the meat pie.
There are pebbles, bits of...
- Did you hear anything?
- Just them crazy birds.
- There's something over there.
- I don't see anything.
- Who is that guy there?
- What's all that monkey business?
Well, Brutus.
- I can't see anything now.
- Don't you like the music?
What you doing?
I can't see.
I don't want to be dead.
Jump! Go on! Jump!
Save Miette!
Hurry! Jump!
Found, West Pier,
eve of St. John.
Oh, it's a miracle!
She's come to.
Feel better? Look at me.
Are you all right?
You're very lucky that I came by.
Haven't I seen you somewhere?
I doubt it.
No one ever sees me.
I'm always underwater.
It's dangerous up there.
- He wants to kill me.
- Who?
I can't remember anything.
Some people lose their marbles.
And me, I've lost my memory.
I'm glad you're here.
I ing in more than enough stuff
for two.
You see, I'm a treasure hunter.
The city's history is here.
Cast into the sea
and forgotten forever.
- I see.
- I'm here, cataloging, dating.
Wait. That's the land shark's safe.
Oh, yes.
Yes, I ought it in yesterday.
And this is Vito Nine Fingers.
Everyone thought he ran away
with his money.
They're wrong.
What are you doing?
I stole them.
I'm taking back what's mine.
Don't go back up there.
It's dangerous!
You're a kid.
Stay with me.
Well, thanks for everything,
but I've got to go.
Not that way.
- The children.
- What about them? What do you know?
He takes them.
The devil takes them away...
in his boat.
He takes them to hell.
- What hell?
- The Tattooed Man, he knows where.
The map.
The map of the minefield
is tattooed on his body.
It's all my fault.
This man's a proper nutcase.
Holy cow, it's little other again.
Take care of him.
He's hopeless.
What's the trouble, handsome?
There's no reason to be depressed. |
- What?
- The girl...
Yes. The girl drowned.
I wasn't going to resuscitate her.
- You should be twice as happy.
- Why are you sniffing?
Why I sniff? So what?
I caught a cold at the pier.
- Get ready in half an hour.
- In a half hour?
Cyclops truck kidnap little other.
Kidnap Denree.
Very funny.
What are you doing here?
Well, smarty, it wasn't nice
of you to disappear.
I'm sorry, but incredible things
happened to One and me.
No kidding?
The Cyclops
are stealing the children.
Yeah? And if you want to know,
that doesn't seem to bother Mr. One.
He's picking up girls.
- Who says so?
- Pipo saw him.
- That night.
- In the bar.
You're feeling
a lot better already.
You can handle your liquor,
a strong man like you.
That body, hard as a rock.
May I touch you?
Oh, wow!
Pretty nice.
I don't like to ag,
but they haven't failed me yet.
My little angel.
Little angel.
Life's a real bitch.
Feel better?
You're not cold?
You kidding?
You're a real radiator.
You should be ashamed
of yourself!
Of course Miette!
You expecting Santa Claus?
When you're through being ridiculous,
maybe we can talk.
Oh, well, there's no problem.
I'll leave you.
See you later, Mr. One.
I know where your other is.
Why, you're absolutely smashed.
It's really you.
- But how did you manage to...
- You won't believe me.
Tell me about it.
- No, I have to take him back.
- He's too heavy.
See what state he's in? You won't
be able to carry him all alone.
- Maybe you can help me.
- Me?
Yes, but for real this time.
I'm embarrassed.
You know I didn't
do it for money.
I didn't betray you.
What's she doing?
Quick, run!
Go on, run!
They think you drowned.
Let them go on believing it.
We have to do something.
Lower him!
Get him!
- A job well done.
- Trapped like a big, slobbering fish.
What's the matter?
What did he do to you?
- What did he do to you?
- You're inseparable.
- You must be in love.
- Think you're funny?
He's a grown-up,
and you know it.
He may be big,
but he's not grown up.
And maybe you're not
so little either.
- Or you, or you.
- I am.
Okay, we get the message.
- See ya.
- Bye, Miette.
You'd better get going.
It'll soon get dark.
You asleep?
What did you do before?
One sailor.
Harpooned whales.
One night...
One hear whales singing.
always the target I miss.
One loses job.
What's it like to have
a little other?
Keeps you...
Well, he can't complain
he's got nobody to worry about him.
Denree... little other.
Miette... little sister.
What are you doing?
Okay, Miette?
You had bad dream?
I saw that woman again.
You know, who steals children.
There were huge balls
in the port...
full of spikes.
The Tattooed Man
knows where they've taken them.
The map of the minefield
is tattooed on his body.
You were a sailor.
You should know about tattoos.
Big strong guy.
Kinda stupid.
Now that rings a bell...
with red hair.
- And hands like a baboon.
- He was supposed to deliver him.
We sent him the trumpet.
He ought it back empty.
- Nothing!
- But he took my sight, I swear!
Shut up!
- The beacons. Don't hurt them.
- Would we do that?
On the contrary.
Finish him.
Those sluts.
Always naggin' at me.
- The boy ate your dinner.
- It doesn't matter.
You were hungry, no doubt,
my angel. Come closer.
No violence, Mishinka. After all,
this young man is our guest.
The merciless burden
of solitude.
And no one...
no one is spared.
Not even great minds.
And that shows...
just how much
I appreciate a visit...
that's as spontaneous
as yours.
I'm glad I have
no ears to hear such nonsense.
It's getting rather late
for Irvin.
He becomes so tired.
I'm sorry, Uncle Irvin.
Tell me...
are you susceptible
to the influence...
of the full moon?
And to the werewolf?
You're only sensitive
to your nutritive urges.
You're not at all
terrified of me.
You and I were
made for each other.
You are the little boy
that I need.
Let everyone know.
Tattoo artist there.
Fifteenth one we've seen.
Hey, Cro-Magnon, slow down!
I'm pooped.
For every step you take,
I take three.
Tell me...
after you've found your
little other, what'll you do?
Don't know.
Find work.
One day...
take wife, maybe.
Well, what kind of wife?
No hurry to choose.
Need time to find
shoes One's size.
Miette for life.
Are you sure you don't remember?
He was a sailor who worked the
minefields. You tattooed the map on him.
He will be most honored
to answer your question.
What on Earth is that, Mama?
It can't be a submarine.
It's going through the mines.
It's the Messiah.
The Messiah has come to save us.
The Messiah walked
on top of the water.
Two hands are better than one.
Hello, Miette.
Oh, no!
Don't say you've forgotten us.
Days and nights without news.
- We were beginning to worry about you.
- Don't bother.
We're never coming back.
Right, One?
Truer words were never said.
You'd better give us
those jewels, quick.
Good work.
Very good.
Now we'll play a little tune
for you in our own way.
A farewell tune.
All right?
He's killing her.
Will you keep quiet?
Shut up, I said!
Will you shut up?
There's been an accident!
The two little ats
got away, Zee.
But it's not over,
is it?
They're hiding.
- And why are they hiding?
- Because they don't want to play.
So that's why they hide.
Why, it's you,
my little flea.
Tell me where you've been.
How horrible.
What's the Octopus doing?
Go on.
Be careful.
- You got stung, you bitch!
- Bitch!
Bitch yourself!
Let go!
You're hurting me!
Die, you crazy witch!
- Why must you look like me?
- That's not true!
I don't look like you!
It's you who looks like me!
You old hag!
I'm going to kill you!
I'll kill you first!
- I'll tear your nose off!
- Die!
If I die, you die too!
Think you can live forever.
Always better than anyone else.
You ugly old bitch!
Not a migraine tonight.
I want you
in impeccable condition.
Your concern
is really touching.
Has the boy put you
into such good spirits?
A perfect specimen
that is totally uninhibited.
Tonight is my last chance.
What is it?
The thing is here, Mama.
In the house.
What do we do now?
Don't you panic!
Are you men?
Yes or no?
Well, that's enough!
Inspection and report!
The explosives!
They've disappeared.
It came from there.
There must be a passage.
Too small.
Mouse hole.
It's worth a try.
I'm off.
We're really starting
to get attached.
Concentrate on my voice, Krank.
You're sinking into sleep.
You're falling
into a void.
Always deeper.
Together, we shall
open a door.
Please don't hurt me.
Don't hurt me.
Good-bye, grasshopper.
- You, Professor.
- There's no more professor, Martha.
Just a terrible mistake.
It must be erased.
Say, I recognize you.
So, little crayfish, huh?
You fell into
a strange net, huh?
Run before it's too late.
- Does it hurt?
- Yes. I'm allergic to steel.
It's nothing. He'll erase everything,
like a mistake, you see.
He explained it to me.
You'll feel better after.
Yes. He really knows.
- He's the original.
- What are you doing?
- I found him.
- Who?
- The original.
- The original?
- Quite a shock, no?
- The original.
That's the original.
But I'm the original.
It's me!
- No, I'm the original.
- Smell that.
33 sodium nitrate,
20 glycerine carbonate and S02.
Very strange. You remind me
of someone. All of you.
Well, come on.
- Back to work, huh?
- Hey! And the kids?
- You've forgotten?
- Of course! The little children.
I came for them.
I even ought them this.
And this.
Give them back to them, huh?
Come on! Let's go!
Please, help me!
Which is the way out?
The passage there.
Take the key. Here.
But don't hurt him.
Go save the children.
Here you are at last.
I've been waiting so long.
Is someone there?
I'm the one speaking.
In the fish tank.
Come closer.
Don't be afraid.
It's you who's speaking, mister?
The mines.
The oil rig in your dream.
That was my message.
Don't try to trick me,
too, mister.
Get up, little other.
We have to go.
- Wake up, now.
- Oh, no! You'll kill him!
He's under a spell.
There's only one way.
Go find the child
where he is...
in the clutches of evil.
Inside the dream.
Look, no hands!
I don't believe this.
What am I doing here?
Don't worry.
Everything will be all right.
If you say so, mister.
It's funny.
I don't even know
the little other.
But I know you.
The little other
could have been yours.
Don't be afraid.
Just relax.
Now, close your eyes,
listen to my voice...
and sleep.
Be ave, little girl.
Who are you?
Why are you in my dream?
- Why is it his dream?
- Because he's not afraid of me.
Please let me take his place.
What would you get
in exchange?
A other.
If I take his place, maybe
I'll see his big other again.
You are trying
to trap me, aren't you?
You don't risk very much.
So be it.
Well, my chickadee, huh?
Sometimes it's better to land
in the muck, huh?
Hey, you'd better
get out of this place.
It's going sky-high!
I had a weird dream.
I was very, very old.
And you were dead.
The void equals infinity!
Oh, no, Uncle!
Heave, ho!
Row faster, guys!
It's following us!
What do you mean, following us?
Untie the bowlines, idiots.
Come back!
It's me!
Your creator!
I made you!
I gave you life!
Irvin! You hear me?
I order you to come back! |
Declare all valuables to Customs.
ltems undeclared will be...
...confisticated plus a 1000 fine.
Fei-hung, delcare the ginseng to Customs.
Dad, we've to pay at least...
...a duty of 50 yen.
Let's pass by hiding it...
...inside our pants.
They won't search him,
taking it for hernia only.
The idea...
Outrageous, outrageous!
lt won't work.
You've got nothing but lousy ideas.
The Northern Army has imposed...
...heavy duties.
That's most unfair.
Nothing in this world is fair.
One travelling must avoid as much as possible.
Declare it.
Who's he? Why's he so snobbish?
Who's he?
Don't you know British Counsul is privileged?
You don't pay duties...
...if you become a Counsul.
Exempt from duties?
Watch out!
What's wrong with you?
Get up, get up!
What the hell are you up to?
He was knocked down.
Why have you given away...
...such a big ginseng?
To avoid tax!
l'll get it back in a minutes.
Let me have another fall then.
By putting everything in,
l don't have to pay tax.
What's wrong with him.
Epilepsy Attack.
Tso, get up!
Set him free!
Dad, l'll pay tax in front.
Take care.
Don't jostle.
Follow the queue!
Catch it, master.
Come quick!
These kids really are OK.
Put it aside.
A pickpocket!
Stolen my dad's wallet.
Stay where you are!
Fei-hung, don't chase him!
Come up.
Fei-hung, remember what i've taught you.
You can't win over a local boy.
Don't chase a desperate thief, understand?
But he stole your money.
Forget it, as there's no loss.
Remember, the important thing in life is...
Forgive while you can.
Remember it.
l forgot.
A man shouldn't renege.
How should l move now?
Think, think it over.
Dad, look, many trees.
That tree's big!
Already gone.
Come on.
Can l concede the loss?
Use your ains.
What? Can't move now.
Are you okay?
How did you catch?
Sorry, old gentleman.
Young man, be careful in playing ball.
Thank you.
Have you thought it over?
Come on.
How come it's ''go'' chess?
l can't beat you.
Don't go away, vendor.
Dad, you don't like this.
Let me go down to buy roast chicken for you.
Just wait. A vendor will come in a minute.
No, we must go down to get a nice roast chicken.
Right, right.
You yearn for a chance to move around.
Why make an excuse? go then.
Go, go.
Don't cause any trouble.
Be sure to come back early!
Master, what class is the compartment?
Why are the cattle here too?
lt stinks like hell!
lt's just another world.
The weather in the northest is OK.
l like it.
This is first class.
The number of foreigners says it all.
What are you doing?
Looking for a friend.
Could you possible have friends here?
Right, right.
You can't go in anyway.
Can't we just have a look?
No. Go away!
Go away, or i'll report you!
Master, what now?
Let's try something.
Of course.
Master, the next step?
See how i do it.
What are you doing?
What's wrong?
The ducks have fled!
Chase them!
Throw away the poultry quick!
Get back the poultry quick!
Hitting me?
A thief.
Sorry, i'll clear it up right away!
What are you doing?
A thief beating people!
Have a bowl of tea.
Move and i'll stab you!
Don't run
First, i'm not a henchman.
i've already conceded to you.
Who cares? i won't lose.
You mule, what do you want?
Simple, just apologise to me.
Apologise to you?
Of course, you've misunderstand me.
OK, sorry.
And let me box you on the ear.
Ducking? Again.
Hit me if you can!
Don't say i'm bullying you!
Ok, i'll play along.
Come on.
Come on.
Drunken boxing.
Sure, you think i'm getting dizzy?
OK, come on.
Come over.
Come over.
Come over.
Well, wait till you get sober first.
Uncle Tsao, God Serving Wine.
Cripple Li, Elbows Whirl and Knees Hit.
Any such blow is drunken boxing?
it's Holding a Jar. New to you?
Fairies Littering Petals.
Grasping Wrist and Hitting Chest.
Han Blowing a Flute.
What's this?
it's Drunk on the Battlefield.
Don't worry, stand up.
This hero's kung fu is OK.
Young man, your skills are not bad either.
But your drunken boxing...
No, not powerful enough
and can't kill.
My drunken boxing can't kill?
Let's go on.
You're running out of time.
i'm young and strong. l've lots of time.
The train's leaving.
Who cares?
The train!
Wait for me. i can't keep up.
Your hand, come on, quick!
Thank you.
Have you got back your stuff?
Get up, all of you!
Get down the luggugae for inspection!
Hurry up!
What's up, please?
The British Council has lost something,
so everyone has to be searched.
Have a check.
Open your luggage, be quick!
What's this!
And that?
Bear gall.
What's that? Show me.
And that?
Deer foot ribs.
And that?
Deer tail.
Checked. And that box?
That box...
That box, not this.
That box?
That box behind you.
Ginseng, and you've already seen it!
Open it.
Show him.
All medicine.
Open it.
Open it!
Sir, he's my friend...
...in a legit business.
He's never been away. No need to search.
Who are you?
What have you got to say?
His dad is a General in Northeast.
His dad's a general,
and this is his territory.
Check the next compartment.
Go forward.
Let's go.
This young man's quite capable.
Fei-hung, follow his example.
Fei-hung, put aside the ginseng.
You said the jade seal's missing?
The Emperor's jade seal...
...is like the crown of England.
Everything combined here...
...is not as valuable.
The British Empire's premier is my friend.
i promised to put...
the jade seal symbolsing...
the power of Chinese Emperor...
into the London Museum of Art.
i don't care how you're going to do it.
i want it back.
Yes, sir.
Sir, i know who's taken it.
go and find it!
Yes, sir.
The workers at the steel factory...
...refuse to work at night.
Anything you can do about it?
Don't worry.
i'll get someone to convince them.
They'll nicely return to work at night for sure
Go then.
The ancestor be blessed.
All of a kind!
Thank you, Patriarch.
Come on, pay up.
Cut off the nonsense and pay.
For treatment tell him to see Luk-Ah-choi.
My luck's beat you all.
Pay, pay.
One make leads to a series of others.
Madam, Master's back.
Good, why fuss?
Master's back!
What's taken you so long?
i didn't hear it inside.
Let me.
Master, you're back.
Any hardship on the journey?
No, no.
No mahjong game?
I told you repeatedly...
...not to treat when i am out.
Master, you preached a doctor's...
...parental love too.
I couldn't stand...
...by doing nothing about a dying person.
lf i did, you'd blame me.
Have they lost much?
Yes, yes.
Need my help?
Gynaecology only.
i alone can cope.
Fei-hung, you've been away long.
Now serve incense to mothers shrine.
Wash your hands before you do it.
Don't laugh.
Get a ladder for him to do it.
Did you water the plants regularly?
Yes, master.
The chips.
What are you doing?
Go and serve incense.
Get up. Go now, go.
This is mine.
It's mine, it's on my chair!
What are you doing?
Behave yourself.
Remember to come again for treatment.
Don't forget.
Madam Wong.
Mr. Chan.
Is Master Wong back?
Yes, he's inside.
What about the ginseng i told him to buy for me
He has got it. This way, please.
Master, Mr. Chan's here to get the ginseng.
Mr. Chan, you've come...
To get the ginseng?
What are you doing?
I'm going in to get the ginseng.
Go quick.
Mr. Chan, l've bought you a big ginseng.
Sit a while. Let's chat after l've serve incense
Sorry for the trouble.
Mr. Chan, let me...
... ing you a cup of tea.
Good, thank you.
What's the matter with you? Where're you going?
If master knows the ginseng's lost,
I'll be finished.
You won't.
What are you two doing?
Mom, come here, come here.
Mom, we're finished.
The ginseng was replaced on the train.
Tso, you're finished.
Mom, what shall we do now? Do something.
Go and get a cup of tea for Mr. Chan.
What? Get tea?
Get tea
l get tea and you try something.
Do, as i told you.
Go, go.
He gets the tea. What about me?
Come. What is it behind you?
A staircase.
And above the stairs?
The medicine storehouse.
And inside the storehouse?
A box.
And inside it?
Ginseng. Thank you, madam.
It's poison.
What do you mean?
Stop making fun of me, madam.
Better let me handle it.
Mr. Chan, have tea, please.
Thank you.
Dad, have tea.
Mr. Chan.
Why serve tea now?
To show mom my filial piety to you.
A big ginseng, isn't it?
A rare genus of super quality...
...appears only once in a blue moon.
Just put it in boiling water.
After taking it, you assured...
...of potency and youth.
Why have you ought a carrot?
Doesn't it look like ginseng?
l was going to tell you it's carrot,
and a big carrot.
it neutralises...
...other tonics.
Don't take it within 3 months...
...after taking ginseng.
All right now.
Mr. Chan, my wife really is considerate.
She showed you the carrot,
just to warn you against...
taking carrot within 3 months...
after taking ginseng.
Why doesn't it look like it?
I didn't see it.
Nor did i.
i didn't see it either.
Fei-hung, what are you doing?
i really didn't see anything.
Mom, does it look like it?
Yes, very much.
Brat, where did you steal it?
Dad's plant.
You're finished, but never mind.
Blame it on Tso.
Blame me again? My goodness!
Come in quick. Let me help you.
Are you all right? Did you trip?
it looks like it.
Of course.
Fei-hung's dad, come over.
Sorry, Mr. Chan.
What happened?
Come on, come over.
Why are you acting so furtively?
I want to consult you on something.
Fei-hung's grown now,
he must be lonesome.
What then?
Do you feel that...
Mr. Chan, your ginseng.
Still wet?
Just unearthed.
Mr. Chan, my dad...
...got it hard.
He said it's wild ginseng.
it's to be taken only after being put...
...in a rice container for 3 days.
To ing him a...
...small other or sister?
No hurry, let's talk about it later.
Why not?
Your master Lu Ah-choi's birthday is coming.
It's just passed.
He'll have his birthday again next year.
That's for next year only.
Mr. Chan.
No, no.
Ginseng has to be put on the chest...
...to get some human eath.
Rember, take it only in 3 days.
And don't forget...
tomorrows fund-raising assembly.
Master Wong.
i must take my leave.
Have you seen the ginseng?
Yes, yes.
Very satisfied!
Let me see you out.
No, let Fei-hung do it. Where's he?
Let me. Please, please.
Take care.
The Militia want you...
...to be their coach.
They ask if you're interested.
i've already given them my word.
l know you did.
Mr. Chan has left.
What do you want to tell me?
I need your advice.
Should we to ask for...
...a 30-years deposit in advance?
Forget it. You're tired. Talk about it tomorrow
Go in and retire.
Dad, go in and retire.
How long am i going to live?
if they do pay you a 30-year deposit,
that's a good thing.
Why pull a long face?
lf dad should see that plant...
Just throw the pot away.
One more thing.
What's it?
If Mr. Chan takes the fake...
...ginseng after return.
Let's wait till he is sick.
Wish he could really wait for 3 days.
Just for some water. Be back soon.
Hurry up
Hurry up
Time for dismissal. No bells
Deliver the coffee before ringing the bell
Fo Sang, my stove's going out. Stoke it
In a moment
Uncle Hing, take care
So i noticed
Time for dismissal
Ring the bell
So much hurry!
Coffee time
Off now.
Bells to start work!
I'm the new foreman.
Do as i tell you!
What happened?
What's wrong?
Isn't it time to be off?
Today, that's no way to curry favor.
Right, we're already off.
Why did you clock-in?
He is...
The new foreman told me to do it.
The new foreman?
What a waste letting...
...the factory go idle?
So we're working overtime.
4 hours' overtime each night...
...for a month.
Hear me?
What? One month?
One month?
Quiet, everybody!
Well, Mr. Smith,
We'll work over time,
if you agree to pay us overtime.
Right, we must've overtime pay.
We've already paid you overtime pay.
The free board...
...and lodging we provided you...
already cover the overtime pay
don't they?
Understand? Quiet!
Mr. Smith, free board and lodging...
are precondition.
We won't work overtime...
...if you don't pay for it.
Right, we won't work.
Let's go.
You won't work overtime
the 1st day of my appointment.
It means not giving me face.
That's not true.
It's a matter of principle.
Who'd work overtime without extra pay?
Let's go.
Why not?
All back to work, hear me?
Stand back, all of you!
Are you going to work or not?
Who dares to disobey?
Henry, you're great!
Are you convinced now?
They've to work.
Well, you go on with practice.
The racket! it disturbs my sleep
Any way to buy up that plot
The land is owned by Po Chi Lam gym
He just won't sell
Damn! i must get rid of him
Fun, are'nt you tired of working alone?
Why not let someone help you?
Don't you agree?
Getting help?
No female dares to kill snakes like i do.
And i can't afford...
...to pay wages to a man.
So i prefer to be alone.
Right you are.
But a female...
...may suffer...
...without the care of a man.
Why not let me teach you kung fu...
...to protect yourself?
I like nothing but drunken boxing.
What good is it?
Come to Sha Min tonight.
and i'll teach you Tsai Li Fu boxing!
I prefer drunken boxing.
What's there to see? Back to work!
So many are waiting to buy fish. Are you blind?
How much?
Drunken boxing beat Tsai Li Fu? l chop!
Master Tsan.
Wong Fei-hung.
Half fish, minced,
and a fish head, please.
Which half?
Snake gall is good for the eyes,
suits elderly people best.
Boiled snake soup.
You snake has fled!
Never mind. What do you want?
Give me 3 snake galls and one pheasant.
I've already reserved them for you.
Thank you.
Which half do you want?
It makes no difference.
they say your drunken boxing is OK.
Thank you.
Teach me a few moves when you've time.
I won't mince fish today.
Never mind. I'll do it at home myself.
Just do it as i told you. Stop nagging.
I want it right away.
Fei-hung, when will you teach me drunken boxing?
What good is drunken boxing?
It's so sissy.
Wong Fei-hung, you've spoken the truth.
Why don't you ask Tsan to teach you Tsai Li Fu?
What good is your Tsai Li Fu?
At least it's better than drunken boxing?
Never mind him, Fei-hung.
When will you teach me drunken boxing?
Fun, don't you prefer...
Tsai Li Fu to drunken boxing?
Pupils, don't you agree?
It depends on who's the master.
My Tsai Li Fu will beats your
drunken boxing.
If l lose to you.
I'll pay for the fish and fish head...
...you bought today.
Tsan, isn't that a deal?
Yes, it's a deal
Master Tsan, I'm afraid...
...i may hurt the passers-by.
Let them be the witness then.
Neighbors, ladies and gentlemen.
I, fishmonger Tsan, will have...
...a fight with Wong Fei-hung.
Be our witness.
Come on.
Don't worry, just a token fight.
Go ahead.
Why don't you use drunken boxing?
Great, Fei-hung, you've won.
No, i drew with...
...Master Tsan.
Right. Again.
Master Tsan.
Mom wants me.
Excuse me. My mom wants me.
Your fish.
Well, how much?
It's my treat.
Thank you.
All right now. it's a draw.
Buy anything you want.
Getting your food free?
Didn't you fight?
You may get hell from your
dad again if you did.
How can we afford...
...to get the ginseng?
Just sell my diamond necklace...
...from your dad.
No way.
Why not?
You're finished if he...
...takes the fake ginseng.
Thank you, mom.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
He's the man wanted by Counsul.
You follow him.
I'll ing men, OK?
Wong Kei-ying sells his wife's...
...jewelry only in emergency.
Try to cut down the price, understand?
Yes, what a nagger.
Let's go.
Is the drought so serious?
The province...
...is known for infertility.
There's no harvest and no rainfall.
How can it not be serious?
My friend told me one whole family there...
shares one pair of pants only.
Who wears it then?
Any member that goes out.
Mr. Chiu, so you're here.
Sorry, i'm late.
Mr. Chiu.
Don't mention it.
Don't mention it.
Don't you have an appointment...
...with my wife in ABC Cafe?
Are you one player short again?
No, i'll help you to raise funds.
Aren't you coming with me?
Right, i'll try to get a donation from Tsan.
Go quick, don't keep them waiting.
Excuse me, Dad.
Don't cause trouble.
I won't.
This way.
Go and ing men.
Since everyone's here,
please explain the procedure.
Good. This...
Since Po Chi Lam's in trouble, we must...
...answer Master Wong's request for donation.
Please don't misunderstand.
The donation is not for Po Chi Lam.
It's for the relief of draught victims.
The donation goes to whoever's in trouble.
We're all Chinese, right?
Don't come over unless i tell you to.
Hurry up!
Has anybody disclosed this?
And you?
I didn't.
Don't frame me.
Whoever revealed it gets his face punched in.
You'll get it for sure.
...my face's OK.
We're no busybody.
Who's a busybody then?
They're every inch a busybody.
Cut it out! Show me quick!
Show us quick!
Open it quick to show us.
It's valuable!
It's beautiful!
Show me.
It's understood this is to put in your custody,
and i'll redeem it as soon as l can.
OK. At worst i'll pay a higher price.
don't begrudge it. Produce it.
Did you see what it was?
No, may be...
...an expensive item she tried to sell.
We'll snatch it all the same.
Be careful not to...
...expose your identity.
You act, you help.
Listen, don't wear it to show off.
You may ruin me.
Don't worry,
I'll enjoy it at home only.
When will be our game?
What's wrong?
Thief! Thief!
Wait for me here.
Fei-hung, over there.
Luckily you ran fast.
Fei-hung, great, you've got it back!
My dear son!
Fat, hello.
Thank you.
What happened?
You've hit me.
You can't get over by saying 'sorry' only.
What do you want then?
Kneel down and kowtow to say 'sorry'.
Your Not Serious!
Never mind them.
They're birds of the same feather.
Nonsense, bitch!
No one has called me...
...that for a long time.
You couldn't escape our attention.
You exchanged eyes...
...with that man.
You look wretched...
...even in a foreign suit.
You're hitting my mom!
Mom, are you OK?
Hitting my son?
Mom, is it serious?
Don't dream of leaving her if you...
...don't apologize on your knees.
You're really going too far.
What did you say?
It means fight.
Fight, fight.
What happened to your mouth?
It's all right.
My necklace is in that wallet.
Pass it over quick!
Darling, fling it over to me.
Who's that young man!
Wong Kei-ying's son.
Po Chi Lam.
His drunken boxing is terrific.
lt's a superb!
How's drunken boxing? Show me.
He's Wong Fei-hung. i'm on good terms with him.
Fei-hung, teach them a lesson......
with drunken boxing.
Dad may give me hell.
Don't worry, I'll out talk him.
Why don't you promote...
...Po Chi Lam's image?
Come on.
What the hell do you live on?
A bunch of fools! Four beaten by one!
Come on!
Is that drunken boxing?
I think so.
Not bad.
Not too powerful.
Just so-so.
You don't understand.
Go, go.
Hold it quick!
Get us much wine as possible.
You didn't pay for the wine.
Charge it to Mrs. Wong's account.
They're fighting over there.
Go over quick!
Where's he now?
Why's he missing?
Over there.
Hurry up!
Oh, no, i'll go with Yee to call the police.
Don't call the police.
Fei-hung, catch!
Dad won't let me drink!
I will.
You're finished if you're beaten...
and your gym ruined.
And white wine, red wine.
Can your son drink it adultrated?
why not? lt adds to the strength.
Can you make it?
I think i must drink a bit more.
A little bit. Give it to me.
Thank you.
Get up!
Why crouch over there?
It's strong. What wine is this, mom?
I don't read English,
it has a cross and a skull.
Good Wine!
Lu Tung Pin, Drinking Gives Herculean Strength.
Gripple Li, Elbow Whirl and Knees Hit.
Old Han, Holding Jar with Drunken gait.
Uncle Tsao.
Fairies Serve Wine, Choking the Throat.
Come on!
Chang Kuo Lao, Drunken, Throwing cup...
...and kicking Continuously.
Lan Tsai Ho, Serving Wine on One Foot.
Han Hsiang Tsu, Grasping Wrist,
Attacking Chest, Playing Flute Drunken.
This is Angel Ho.
Serving Wine with Swaying Wait & Drunken Gait.
Twist, twist, I twist.
What blow is this?
Angel Pisses.
I've never seen it before.
Uncle Tsao, Cleaning Whiskers at the Brook.
Drinking Removes Myraids of Woes.
Go, go.
Your son wants another kind of wine.
I don't have any.
Go and find it.
Master, so you're here.
What's happening?
Master, Fei-hung got beaten.
God on Birthday Cele ation.
Are you out of your mind?
Wake up!
I'm your Father!
What happened?
Great father and son.
So it's you, dad!
Why did you fight again?
What on earth is it?
You should come earlier.
Fei-hung fought illiantly.
The thugs snatched Fa's diamond...
...necklace from Mrs. Wong.
With the little money from you,
I couldn't buy it.
Why did you sell the diamond necklace?
Who's got any diamond necklace?
Mr. Wong.
Why hide Po Chi Lam's financial trouble?
Why raise funds under the pretext of relief?
Po Chi Lam's all right.
Keep the money in custody.
Don't drink anymore.
He's deadly drunk.
Mrs. Wong.
Don't drink no more!
Mr. Wong.
Let's help him back.
You get the wine...
Let me help you.
Why are you standing there?
Go home.
Yes, master.
They're gone.
Go now.
Me, too.
Where's he going?
What's there to see? Follow him!
A bunch of fools!
You're not any good either.
You meant to tell on me?
You meant to tarnish our image.
You at!
Now everybody thought l raise money...
...under the pretext of relief!
Are you oke?
You're even selling my jewelry.
Who's selling it?
l showed it to Fa as an example only.
because she...
...likes the pattern.
Don't deny.
Mr. Chiu's wife asked him...
...for money to buy it.
Did you lose much on mahjong games?
Fa could've lied to her husband...
...to get the money.
You only believe others, not me.
Is there any justice?
Mom, you're OK, you have a way.
Be on your knees properly!
See how drunk you are!
Kneel properly!
I told you not to use...
...drunken boxing or fight.
But you're disobedient.
You do it your way?
You're drunk, you hit your own dad!
I'll kill you.
Why are you hitting your son?
He helped me only because i got beaten.
You prefer to let me be killed...
...than have him use drunken boxing?
Like mother...
...like son!
I don't let him use drunken boxing...
...for his own good only.
What's wrong with that?
You expected him to stick to that...
...old medicine shop all his life?
You really make my temperature rise!
You never learn!
Who made a mess of this...
...pot of mine?
Oh, i forgot to...
...fling away that pot!
You're responsible.
why fuss over such a triffle?
Master, why get so excited?
I ruined the plant.
I sold the necklace because l lost in gambling.
And i forced him to use...
drunken boxing.
And i made him drink as he did.
Curse me!
Kill me, i asked for it!
Don't go too far!
Don't just take the blame...
...yourself for everything!
You resent it?
Beat me!
Don't think i daren't lay hands on you!
Why cry? l haven't done anything.
Come on, beat me!
Kill me, and be a man!
Hitting my own wife, why not?
I'll kill...
Just kill me!
One body with two lives of the Wongs!
Are you pregnant?
Why on your knees?
Come. Get up!
You told me to kneel.
And i'll do it accordingly.
I kneel, kneel.
Well, i'm sorry, all my fault!
Great, i'm going to have a small other!
Get up, come on!
Leave me alone! Keep away!
I crouch!
Watch out!
Put me down!
I hate you! i'll back-somersault!
My fault!
Put me down!
All my fault!
I'll spin one full circle.
Keep cool, it was all my fault!
Tso, get a chair for madam
My wife, sit down, please!
My fault again.
Are you all right?
You missed me.
Only an accident. Get up!
You did it deliberately.
Nothing wrong with your belly?
Don't touch me!
It's all right.
Thank God!
Mrs. Chan wants to see you on urgent business.
Take a rest.
Dad's OK, he's as sophiscated as ever.
Master Wong.
Mrs. Chan, what is it?
Master Wong, look.
This is not ginseng.
I showed it to another doctor,
and he said it's a poison plant.
I knew you wouldn't cheat me with an imitation.
I'm afraid you've been fooled.
Luckily, my husband took only half of it.
He's now only half alive.
What are you doing?
Time for you...
...to repay my favor now.
Beat it for me.
Uncle Ho, go get the antidote Lingtzu.
Boil it and feed it to Mr. Chan.
He'll be all right in time.
Master Wong, l've come to...
...tell you about it only.
I won't disturb you any more.
Who did it?
Master, young master did it.
Not my fault.
Don't you know this...
...could be fatal?
And you've ruined...
Po Chi Lam's reputation.
Mom, the ginseng grown by dad...
I'll kill you!
Brat, I'll kill you!
lmitation ginseng kills, don't you know?
He knew it for sure.
I sold the diamond necklace...
to buy a ginseng only.
A slip of the tongue!
To evade payment of duty.
Your son hid the ginseng in someone...
...else's luggage and it got lost.
To evade tax for me? Outrageous!
I may be poor, but l'm honest.
Dishonesty is worse than starvation.
Now you've ought...
...this way!
You want to drink?
l'll let you drink it now.
Drink it, drink it like hell, come on!
Drink it like hell!
How dare you fight back?
I've ought you up for nothing.
Get out of my sight!
You're not my son!
Get out!
Get out!
Get out!
Stop it, master!
Stop it, master!
Get out!
Get out! You're not my son!
Stop it!
Get up!
Master, stop it, please!
Master, don't.
Are you out of your mind? He's your dad!
Get out!
Tso, after him!
Thanks for the trouble.
Don't mention it.
Boss, here you are.
Thank you.
Same as usual
Please be seated. i'll be with you right away.
Fei-hung, your dad wouldn't let you loose,
this is to protect the image of Po Chi Lam.
I see a generation gap.
Let me toast my dad. Drink!
No, we won't continue.
Don't drink after this.
It's bad for the health.
Name a song.
I want to name a song.
What will you name, sir?
Dad's nice. i'll sing it myself.
Dad's nice.
No one's better than dad.
His child's like a straw.
lf i misbehave, he boxes me on the ear.
No one's better than dad.
He takes his son for a sandbag.
Punches, kicks, yes. Em aces, never.
No one's better than dad.
A pity i never knew.
Look, it's that guy.
So that's him
His drunken boxing is terrific.
Well, let me take him on.
It's deep night, don't awake others!
What are you doing?
None of your business,
none of your business either!
Whoever interferes will be beaten.
Run quick!
Stand back, or you'll be beaten too!
Keep away!
Keep away!
Why don't you play?
I'd like to try your drunken boxing.
Dad won't let me fight it.
Watch out, he is joking.
What's wrong? They say it's terrific!
Wong Fei-hung?
Excuse me.
Why hit him?
Nothing for you.
Stop him from getting closer.
Henry, you said...
...it's terrific?
How come?
He wasn't like that today.
Ask them and you'll be convinced.
Why hit me?
isn't your drunken boxing powerful?
Show me.
You call that drunken boxing?
Take his life right now!
Mad? With so many around,
just teach him a lesson.
King of Drunken Boxing?
Wong Fei-hung.
Something wrong.
Over there, Master Wong.
Thank you.
What's wrong?
He even gets dizzy.
His dad.
What did you say?
Don't be sorry.
When young,
we ran around naked too.
If i had been present,
this might not have happened!
Young master, don't be sad.
Let me tell you some good news.
All girls in the city...
...yearn to marry you.
Are you happy now?
Don't cry. Come on, wipe your face.
Where's my dad?
In the garden.
Fei-hung never forgets he once...
...won with drunken boxing.
I've my reasons for not letting him use it.
There's nothing wrong with drunken boxing.
You to drink to use it though,
and you get drunk easily.
Let alone fighting,
you can't even stand properly.
He get's into trouble because of this.
Don't drink so much then.
No, he must drink a proper portion,
before it becomes effective.
He gets powerful but feels no pain when beaten.
So it gives the wrong...
...illusion of being powerful.
A drinker knows...
...he can't stop drinking.
Is it worth being...
...a drunkard to use this move?
Water floats but also capizse boats.
A good thing must have
something bad in it.
Yet a righteous fighter like Fei-hung.
should be excusable for drinking a bit more.
Master, your words are...
...too profound for me.
What is ''excusable''?
How does ''water floats, also capsizes boats''?
How much drink is a proper portion?
I won't drink any more.
You're grown.
Get up, shame on you.
go and thank your two friends now.
Come on, thank them.
Is he naughty?
Don't touch him. He's asleep.
Come again for treatment tomorrow.
Does Wong Fei-hung live here?
What if he does?
I want to get something from him.
What's it at this late hour?
I can't tell you.
Did those men send you here?
Skirt kick!
Don't misunderstand.
You old dog!
What did you say?
Have you had enough?
You're hitting my mom?
Fei-hung, let me help you.
He's hitting my belly.
Dad, help!
Come on!
Did you get hurt?
I lied only to make dad fight.
You at!
Fei-hung, he's...
Stay where you are!
Stay where you are!
We'll join to kill you!
I told you not to move.
I told you not to move!
Are you all right?
I'm Wong Kei-Ying. And you?
You're the coach of the Militia.
I'm Fu Wen-chi.
The last decorated...
...Manchu officer?
It's nice seeing you.
Go in.
Mom, what did dad say?
Damn the...
...military honours.
Don't you understand?
You won't understand no matter how i explain.
Everything's in a mess.
Have you found it?
Search closely.
Fei-hung, have you got it?
Where has it gone?
Finished! Finished if it can't be found.
What are you doing?
It's hot. l'm keeping cool over here.
You've a good sense of humor.
Where's that stone i ought back?
What stone?
What's this?
i don't know.
is it the one l ought back?
i don't know.
i've found it!
You took it away while i was using it.
Mr. Fu,
you came from Beijing to Canton,
and got back the jade seal.
The jade seal is a Chinese Royal emblem.
It mustn't be taken away by foreigners.
Right you are.
There have so far been over...
...a dozen Emperors in China.
Missing one jade seal is not too serious.
If you tolerate the plunder of a jade seal now,
tomorrow he may...
...pull down the Great Wall.
Then our children will have to go aboard...
...to see Chinese treasure.
Don't you know why the Allies...
...invaded Beijing?
To seize the large territory of China.
Would they restain themselves...
...if you don't collect yourself?
It's but natural that might wins.
You won't win respect without spines.
Anyone gets bulled if he bullies himself,
I do. Thanks for your guidance, sir.
Come on, drink.
Let's drink.
What happened? Why so quiet?
They left without saying a word.
Let me go and see if Tsan has come.
Where's everybody in the street?
Chop them, kill them!
What a crowd. Fei-hung, you got first.
I'll lead.
Fei-hung, grasp it.
Go, sir.
How's the situation?
No problem.
We The Ax Gang...
...never miss.
So much the better.
Come on!
Undress now!
Follow me!
After him!
What are you doing?
No boat today. Why stand there?
Come quick!
Stop chasing!
Help him up quick!
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Sir. Are you all right?
The jade seal...
Don't worry, sir, I'll get it back for you.
We'll get it back for sure.
Forget it. You can't beat them.
Sir, hold on.
I'll help you back to Po Chi Lam.
My dad will treat you.
Don't die. He'll help you for sure.
Wake up!
What's on your mind?
Why didn't you tell me you would come here?
Neither did you.
Have you found the jade seal?
I'd have left if l had found it. Come.
It's pitch dark. Have you ought fire?
Light it quick!
You want to get back this.
You really are too naive.
I've already taken photos of you.
Intrusion into a consulate means invasion.
I can punish you any way l like.
Kill us if you've the guts.
Do you understand what i said?
We planned to buy the land...
...of Po Chi Lam, but failed.
Now we've thrown out those boxers
Right, Po Chi Lam has been in power for too long
Now it's our turn.
Send someone to Po Chi Lam,
and tell him his son sneaked...
...into our consulate illegally.
and see what he says.
Only if he agrees to sell the land...
...of Sha Min to us cheap,
we'll free his son.
And we can sit back and relax.
He really is foolhardy.
A consulate is foreign territory.
Any intruders are shot on sight.
I'll go and talk...
...with them.
Sit down!
You think it's so easy?
It's already vexing enough...
...to have a son captured.
They merely wanted to be heroes.
They're not criminals.
It was all your fault.
You taught him patriotism
You lack the dignity of a mother.
Are you blaming it on me?
Try to do something, I beg you.
I can't.
Nor can i.
The truth is obvious.
The British are after the land of Sha Min.
You mean giving it...
...away to them?
If he wants to be a hero, let him,
and don't take him for a son.
If you won't help your son,
I'll beg his mother to.
Sister, your son's in trouble
and now none wants to help him.
Please show me your divine powers.
Release them.
OK, release them.
Are you all right?
Your mom's over there.
Master Wong.
They've beaten you badly.
I'll be OK mom
Master, are you all right?
Yes, only a few uises.
Master, where are we moving to?
What do you mean?
Master Wong has sold the land in Sha Min.
What has dad done?
To help you, Master Wong did it.
He sold the land...
...cheap to the consulate.
Fei-hung, I covered up for you each time,
but not now.
You like to...
...butt in?
I regret not having taken dad's advise.
It's not too late for you to repent now.
Learn a lesson...
...and forget the past.
Take it as a lesson.
Go back.
When will they be sailing for HK?
In 10 days.
Have you completed production?
No problem.
Close the factory...
...for the time being lay them off.
After the shipment leaves,
find cheaper workers.
They always force us to work overtime.
If we refuse, they beat us up.
Now they dismiss us...
...without paying.
and we have...
...to starve.
There are no good foreigners.
Tsan, what happened?
Let's talk about that later.
The one who hit us is the foreman...
...of the steel factory.
Tsan, forget it.
The less trouble the better.
What? That kid's cocky.
He beat us if we refused to work OT.
And he stops our work at will too.
Look, they've promised us nothing.
How could the factory have suddenly closed?
I've lately noticed they've...
...been acting sneaky.
They msut be up to no good.
Fei-hung, what now?
Go with Uncle Hing...
...see what's happened.
Is there really something fishy?
Then we'll try to do something, okay?
Let's go.
Looks valuable.
Why's the curio hidden...
...in the steel for shipment.
I'll go and tell them.
Go quick.
Go quick.
Go quick.
This way.
Get them!
Run quick!
Leave me alone!
Young master, we're leaving.
Go into hiding!
Madam, we're leaving.
Good, take care on the journey.
Mind your belly.
I will.
Keep on writing.
You know what to do.
I'll remember what you said.
I'll visit the drought zone for a few days.
Don't worry, leave everything to me.
Take care now that...
...you're pregnant.
I will.
i must leave.
Master, i want to have a word with you.
If it's a boy,
call him Wong Tai.
lf its a girl, call her Wong Fei.
You're only 4 months' pregnant, still early.
It may be premature.
It's taboo.
I'll be away for a few days only.
Fei-hung, remember.
Master Wong, time to leave.
I'll rein Fei-hung in.
Take good care on the road. Come back early.
Take care.
You may come out.
They really ship away the Chinese treasure.
Wonder how Uncle Hing's.
I've got him involved.
Don't be silly.
No Chinese would tolerate...
...seeing treasures being shipped away.
What now, mom?
Come with me.
Mom, where are you going?
Beat the bastard!
Dad said...
Madam, you're pregnant.
Only 4 months, nothing serious.
Auntie, we told Master Wong...
...nothing would happen to you.
Right, that son of the bitch is lucky.
Tell Fun to get helpers.
Fine, I'm on my way.
See you at the idgehead.
Fei-hung, let's go.
We're leaving.
Take care.
If anything happens to me,
take care of my dad.
Daon't say things like that!
One without ambitions...
...is not my worthy son!
I'm Going.
Don't ever come back if you get beaten.
Yes, mom.
Protest unreasonable closure,
demand reasonable compensation!
Protest unreasonable closure,
demand reasonable compensation!
Don't get carried away
What are you doing here? Go away!
Hand over the treasure or we won't let you go
Fuck You
Hand over Uncle Hing quickly...
...or we'll get nasty.
So what?
Throw them out!
Don't move!
Don't shoot!
Fei-hung, come and rescue Uncle Hing!
Come on!
Go and rescue Uncle Hing.
I know where he is.
Good. Keep an eye on him.
Wong Fei-hung's rushing in!
Stop him!
Don't you know what you're doing?
He's helping foreigners ship away...
...China's treasure. Why help him?
State treasure? What about our empty stomachs?
Others will do it if they don't.
I won't let you do it.
Have you got the guts?
We saw through...
...you, when we beat you.
Didn't that consulate beating hurt enough?
I want to try it again.
Fine, I'll get you carried away horizontally.
Too much talk.
Go kill him.
Come on!
Finish him off!
Come on!
Drag him over, quick!
Drunken boxing.
Just so-so.
Come on.
I can also use my fists.
Water floats but also capsizes boats
Now you are beyond help
Jump to it
Damn you
Mr. Wong, thank your son for his efforts...
...to protect a national antique.
You really are a good father.
General, we might as well tell you.
Master taught Fei-hung...
...drunken boxing.
So your drunken boxing is even more powerful?
Yes, thank you.
Like father like son.
Where's Fei-hung?
to demonstrate his boxing,
Fei-hung wrongly drank industrial...
...alcohol affecting his eyes.
But the doctor said it can be treated.
He's so active,
he'll be sorry if he can't see anything.
This is only a temporary symptom.
Over here.
Take photos.
Let's go in to see him.
Good, good.
Please, please.
Hang it up.
He's here.
What's he doing?
Practicing blind boxing.
Master, The doctor said..said....
He said the alcohol not only ruined his eyes,
but his ain too.
Subs Edited By
Ghost |
CHINA 859 A.D.
After 241 years of prosperity,
the Tang Dynasty is in decline.
The Emperor is weak and incompetent.
His government, crippled by corruption,
no longer controls the land.
Unrest sweeps the country.
Village by village,
an underground alliance forms...
'The House of Flying Daggers'.
Based in Feng Tian County,
near the Imperial Capital,
The House Of Flying Daggers
moves in the shadows,
Stealing From the rich
to give to the poor,
they earn the support and
admiration of the people.
At the same time, they
are feared and hated
by their bitter rivals...
the local deputies,
Captain Leo, Captain Jin.
We're heading out on patrol.
We're going to be busy again.
The Provincial Office
has given us ten days
to catch the new leader
of the 'Flying Daggers'.
It took us three months to assassinate
their old leader.
Ten days? Impossible.
Have you heard of the
new Peony Pavilion?
Does anyone know you there?
No, I haven't been there yet.
Good, now's your chance.
Any information?
We suspect one of the showgirls
is a member of the 'Flying Daggers'.
OK, I'll check it out.
Pull. Pull harder.
Pull harder.
That's it. I'm done.
I'm coming.
Here I am.
What can I do for you, sir?
I heard you have a new girl.
You're well informed.
Is she pretty?
She's quite a beauty.
Bring her to me.
There is one thing you need to know.
What's that?
The girl is blind.
Then she must be special.
I'm curious.
How did you lose your sight?
I was born blind.
Why would a blind girl work here?
Why can't a blind girl work here?
You're right.
What's your name?
Every girl here is named after a flower.
Why is yours so plain?
I don't want to compete
with those girls.
What do you mean?
The flowers here can
hardly be called flowers.
Real flowers bloom in the wilderness.
Well said.
If you impress me
I'll take you to where
the real flowers grow.
What's your talent as the top showgirl?
Come closer.
Don't you know the rules?
A rare beauty in the North.
She's the finest lady on earth.
A glance from her, the
whole city goes down.
A second glance leaves
the nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation
that has been more cherished
than a beauty like this.
A rare beauty in the North.
She's the finest lady on earth.
A glance from her, the
whole city goes down.
A second glance leaves
the nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation
that has been more cherished
than a beauty like this.
Please calm down, sir.
Go away.
What's the matter?
Please let me explain.
This girl is young and inexperienced.
Please forgive her.
Take her away.
Go away.
Take her away.
This is the Captain of the County.
To hell with the captain!
Outrageous! Arrest him.
Let me go.
Who are you?
How dare you! I'm the captain.
You're drunk and indecently dressed.
Arrest both of them.
Get your hands off me.
Let me go.
Please spare the girl, Captain.
That man was drunk.
It was not her fault.
Please don't arrest her.
Our business is new.
I rely on her to ing in guests.
How can a blind girl
be a top showgirl? Move!
She's a dancer with rare skills.
Please see for yourself.
Do you know the 'Echo Game'?
I played it once...
All right.
Perform well and I'll let you go.
Thank you, Captain.
Go and change quickly.
Who are you, really?
Why do you want to kill me?
Government running dogs...
I wish to kill all of you!
I do enjoy fighting a blind girl.
We found this in her room.
You're a member of the 'Flying Daggers'.
Who's the new leader?
Where's the new leader?
I'll show you
what we'll do if you don't answer.
Show her!
In front of you is a torture device.
Your head will be put here.
Your shoulder, here.
Your back, here.
Your legs, here.
You'll never dance again after this.
Do you understand?
You have one day to think it over.
This girl reminds me of someone.
Rumor has it,
the old leader's blind daughter
disappeared after his death.
It was a heavy blow to
the 'Flying Daggers'.
They vowed revenge for their loss,
while searching for the girl.
Why would the old leader's daughter
end up in a othel?
Who owns the Peony Pavilion?
Perhaps the 'Flying
Daggers' has realized
we were responsible for
their old leader's death.
Forget it.
Let's turn her over for a reward,
and then go out for a drink.
I have a better idea.
Since we have some clues,
let's follow them through
for a bigger reward.
Do you want me to do it?
Of course, who else?
All right. This girl is a rare beauty.
You know I love flirting with girls.
Don't let beauty blind your judgment.
If I die under a skirt, I
can still flirt as a ghost.
Who are you?
I undressed you only yesterday.
Have you forgotten me already?
Why did you rescue me?
Why do you think?
You're an exquisite flower.
I'll do anything to help you.
Control yourself.
Don't worry.
I'm no longer a guest
of the Peony Pavilion.
You're not a showgirl anymore.
You're the daughter of the old leader.
What did you say?
How many blind girls know martial arts
and carry daggers like these?
I've rescued you,
and your daggers as well.
Why did you take such a risk?
I hate the corrupt government
and admire the 'Flying Daggers'.
Much obliged.
Why did we abandon the horses?
Hoof prints can be easily tracked.
I have two new horses hidden ahead.
You've planned well.
What's your name, Master?
Just call me Wind.
I wander around all alone,
come and go without a trace.
Like a carefree wind?
No, a playful wind.
You like to tease.
I wonder what you look like?
That's easy to find out.
Please let go.
This isn't the Peony
Pavilion. No rules here.
You'll know what I look
like if you touch my face.
Come on.
It's not respectful to
touch your face first.
You prefer to start at the bottom.
That's fine with me.
You've mastered the flying technique.
Your right hand is
skilled with a machete.
Your left hand is powerful
with a bow and arrow.
Your heart beats
steadily, you seem sincere.
You can read me like a book.
You're a ave man.
I'm never shy around women.
You're young, indeed.
You know how to hold your drink.
The soldiers are approaching.
I've lost my dagger pouch.
I'm sorry I was late.
The 'Flying Daggers' are always moving.
Where should we go?
We just keep heading north.
Just head north?
They will come to us.
The 'Flying Daggers' has many masters.
Why did they send you as an assassin?
No one sent me. I came alone.
As the old leader's daughter,
you should be more cautious.
Have you considered the consequences?
I'll do anything to avenge my father.
Come here.
These are men's clothes.
Put them on for now.
I won't take advantage of you.
Have you seen enough?
Please hand me the clothes.
You knew I was here?
Master Wind wanders like the wind.
I'd expect you to be anywhere.
You look different in men's clothes.
Do I look awful?
I will tell all the girls
to wear men's clothes
the next time I visit
the Peony Pavilion.
Now I know
you're not shy around women.
You're not shy either.
How do you know?
You knew I was watching you bathe,
yet you said nothing.
You saved my life.
You can look all you please.
I thought you were hot as fire.
In fact, you're cool as water.
I don't know you well enough.
I really care for you.
A playboy like you,
are you ever for real?
What if I am this time?
Are our men close by?
I'm sure today's
fighting has fooled Mei.
Our men will ease off from now on.
Good. That'll save me some arrows.
Any clues?
Not yet.
Don't let her see through you.
Don't worry. I never
fail at seducing a woman.
She trusts me.
I warn you, don't fall for her.
What do you mean fall?
Fall into bed?
Like her father, she
must be very cunning.
Don't let her fool you.
Don't be absurd.
I'm in control.
I have to get back now.
Don't turn a game into
reality and ruin our plan.
Who cares, as long as the plan works.
Shall we rest for a while?
I smell flowers.
You told me
you'd ing me to
where real flowers grow.
Which is the most beautiful?
How do I look?
Pretty as a flower.
Soldiers are approaching.
I'm on your side.
I am a Captain of the County.
A captain?
Nonsense. You are the
bastard who oke the jail.
You're wounded. Is it serious?
Was it someone from
the 'Flying Daggers'?
It's not likely.
Then who?
I don't know.
He's gone.
I guess he doesn't
want to reveal himself.
This time, I believe
that you're for real. |
You've done enough for me.
Please leave.
Don't worry about me.
We've come this far.
I can't leave you now.
I hope you're not seriously wounded.
We agreed there would be no more fights.
Why did government soldiers turn up?
The general sent them.
They don't know you.
The general?
How did the general get involved?
This case is important.
I had to report it.
The general is taking over.
The soldiers didn't have
to be that aggressive.
The general ordered it.
He said we need real blood
to draw the 'Flying Daggers' out.
Even if the blood is mine?
the soldiers' lives and our lives
are worth nothing to him.
You don't know how I felt
as I killed our own men.
I feel worse. I am tortured.
I truly regret
taking on this mission.
I've followed you all the way.
Endured many sleepless nights.
My heart grows heavy
when I think about what lies ahead.
Is there no other way to do this?
The general said:
It's the only way to
expose the 'Flying Daggers'.
Jin, you should know,
there are more soldiers ahead.
The general sent them.
They don't know you either.
You must stop them.
There is nothing I can do.
The order given to these soldiers
is 'Fight to kill'.
If you don't kill them
they will kill you.
Take care.
I quit!
Where have you been?
I have a question for you.
What question?
Are you for real?
What do you mean?
Do you feel anything for me?
Don't take this so seriously.
I want to know.
I'm a free spirit,
like the wind, always moving.
The wind never thinks too much.
I want the wind to stop and think.
The wind cannot stop.
Not even for me?
The wind eezes
through without a trace.
Now you understand
why I'm called Wind.
Fine, go and be the wind.
I don't need you anymore!
I don't care if you're true or not,
I have to leave.
I want to end this.
Are you going alone?
I'd like to be the wind for once.
Where will you go?
Who knows. Whichever way the wind blows.
Aren't you going back
to the 'Flying Daggers?
Do you want me to go back?
I've left them, why would I return?
Thank you for all you've done for me.
It's you.
You said the wind could not stop.
A playful wind stops at will.
You shouldn't have come back.
I came back,
for you.
Mei, you're back.
Who will believe the
madam of Peony Pavilion
is the leader of the Flying Daggers!
I behaved badly that
day. Please forgive me.
Did I look like a real madam?
Very much so.
What do you think of Mei?
What do you mean?
I mean her personality, of course.
She's passionate.
Go on.
She may be blind, but she's very ight.
Hardly anyone can match her.
Not even I.
Do you care for her?
You are asking...?
A man and a girl traveling all alone,
what else could I be talking about?
Mei is a rare beauty.
I care for her a lot.
Then, I shall act as the matchmaker
for you two to marry.
Marriage is a big deal.
This is too sudden.
She's not a good match for you?
On the contrary.
Mei is from a respectable family.
I'm just a humble swordsman.
Our old leader loved
his daughter dearly.
Now I've become the new leader,
it's my duty to find her a good husband.
I haven't been able to find anyone
within the 'Flying Daggers'
who would be a better choice than you.
What do you say?
I accept your offer.
Our House is much obliged to you.
You've done us a great favour.
Please accept my gratitude.
With much pleasure.
What is going on?
Where are our soldiers?
They were ambushed.
You were both plotting to catch me
by following Mei.
You're not blind?
Are you the old leader's daughter?
He has a blind daughter.
She doesn't know martial arts,
so I pretended to be her.
If you had known the truth,
would you have followed her here?
It's all been an act.
Who are you, really?
My name is Mei.
I'm just one of many girls
in the House of Flying Daggers.
That's enough. Take him out.
You wait here.
I want to finish him off myself.
Do you have anything to say?
You're not Nia, the new leader.
You're right.
Of course I'm not Nia.
Nia wouldn't show herself so easily.
Who are you then?
That is not important.
Nia sent me to finish this matter.
You've done a good job, Leo.
We've never met before,
but I know you by reputation.
Three years ago,
we planted you as a
mole in the government.
You've accomplished much in that role.
I failed to protect our old leader
from being assassinated.
Nia knew that you were away on duty.
There was nothing you could do.
I'm grateful for her understanding.
We need to win this battle
against the government troops.
You and Mei have successfully
set up a trap for the general.
Well done.
I'll report to Nia
and have you rewarded.
It's my duty.
Please tell Nia
the general has led all his
best soldiers towards us.
Be careful.
Don't worry. Nia has a good plan.
There is one thing I don't understand.
What's that?
Who sent Mei on this mission?
Nia did.
Has Nia ever considered my feelings?
What do you mean?
I haven't seen Mei for three years.
Now I have to watch her
flirt with another man.
It's not the first time
Mei's used her beauty to aid our cause.
I've heard about your feelings for her.
Do you still love her?
We're facing a battle
that will decide the fate
of the 'Flying Daggers'.
The troops are closing in.
This is not the time for love.
All right.
I will let you see Mei.
You haven't changed.
I'm still Mei.
It's been three years.
Finally, we're alone together.
I know.
You saved me during the
battle with the soldiers.
Thank you.
You don't need to thank me.
I would do anything for you.
I know.
You've risked everything
going undercover
to win honour
and to impress me.
You're the only one
who understands me.
I was all alone for three years.
You were in my mind every single moment.
My love for you
was all I had to keep me going.
Do you love him?
You knew the plan.
It was only an act between you and him.
There is no future for you two.
Do you understand?
You can't force a woman
against her will.
Do not pull this dagger out.
I'm sending you back
to keep spying for us.
You will be more convincing
with a dagger in your back.
You must leave immediately.
Yes, Ma'am.
I have sacrificed three years for you.
How could you love Jin
after just three days?
Mei, I also have a task for you.
Jin is of no use to us anymore.
Take him out and kill him.
Leo plays a crucial role for us.
We can't let Jin ruin our plan.
You must kill him
to prevent any future trouble.
You know our rules.
Yes, Ma'am.
I left you
in order to save your life,
but you still followed me.
Please don't blame me.
If your plan succeeded
many in the 'Flying Daggers' would die.
You wouldn't let me go either.
It would be me on my knees,
waiting to die.
You're right.
If I won,
I wouldn't let you go.
How will you explain this to Nia?
That's my business.
Why don't you come with me?
Deep in your heart, you have a secret.
I guess
there is a man you find
hard to leave behind.
Yes, a man who's saved
my life many times.
Was it he who helped
us in the last battle?
Then he has saved my life too.
Do you still love him?
When can we see each other again?
We cannot.
We belong to two opposing sides.
If we meet again,
one of us will have to die.
A decisive battle is imminent.
You and I are just
pawns on a chessboard.
Nobody cares if we live or die.
Let's go away together
and roam the world,
as free as the wind.
We'll wander around alone.
Come and go without a trace,
like a playful wind.
No, a carefree wind.
Just you and me.
Come with me, please.
Are you going with him?
You're the love of my life.
You don't have to love me,
but you can never go with him.
Otherwise you'll die.
you've forced me to kill you.
I knew you would do this.
You knew and you went anyway. Why?
Why did you go?
Why did you go? Why?
To be free... like the wind.
Turn around?
Look behind you.
You're a member of the 'Flying Daggers'.
You're right.
You're the one who loves Mei?
Yes, I love her truly,
while you are only playing a game.
If you love her, why kill her?
It's all your fault.
My fault?
I warned you but you wouldn't listen.
If I can't have her, no one will.
She has betrayed me because of you.
You must die!
You kill Mei, you must die too!
Let him go.
If you kill him,
I'll kill you with this dagger.
Mei! Don't pull the dagger out!
If you do
your blood will drain and you will die.
You must not do it!
I'm closer to him.
He will hit me first.
You cannot save me
with your dagger.
You shouldn't have come back...
I came back
for you, my love...
A rare beauty in the North.
She's the finest lady on earth.
A glance from her, the
whole city goes down.
A second glance leaves
the nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation
that has been more cherished
than a beauty like this. |
"In the early regime of Kang-Hsi in the\nChing dynasty, emperor Hsuan-Hua\nwas too young to rule the(...TRUNCATED) |
"RASHOMON\nBased on In a Grove\nby Ryunosuke Akutagawa\nScreenplay byAkira Kurosawa\nand Shinobu Has(...TRUNCATED) |
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