3 values
Then move on to each set of your grandparents, giving them each their own sheet.
Ge awọn agogo kanna kuro ki o si fi nkan ti o wa ni fifẹ ni aarin ti kọọkan.
Keep up the good work guys and thank you very much.
Kú iṣẹ́ ńlá ìwọ ọmọ ènìyàn, kú u làálàá.
I can get the baby in.
N'izi, m ga - enwe ike izipu nwatakịrị ahụ n'akụkụ ahụ.
Since May 2008 she is also a Councilor at the World Future Council among 49 other well known personalities.
[2] [3] Tun daga watan Mayun shekarar 2008 ita ma memba ce a Majalisar Duniya ta Duniya a tsakanin wasu sanannun mutane 49.
Well, you need one of these.
Ma nke mbụ ị chọrọ otu n'ime ndị a.
6He is not here, for he has risen, s as he said.
6 Ọ nọghi n'ebe a, n'ihi na emere ka O si n'ọnwu bilie, dika O kwuru.
"And the Lord heard the sound of your words, and was angry, and took an oath, saying,
"OLUWA gbọ́ ohun tí ẹ sọ, inú bí i, ó sì búra pé,
It is lawful for you to eat the flesh of all beasts other than that which is hereby announced to you.
Ọ bụ ezi n'iwu ka i (iri anụ ahụ nke) anụ ọhịa ahụ n'etiti ehi ọzọ karịa na nke a na-agụghachi gị, ịchụ nta a machibidoro iwu ka unu nọ na na njem uka.
The servant asked him, 'What if the girl does not want to follow me to this country?
Otú ọ dị , onye ahụ na- ejere ya ozi jụrụ ya: " Ọ́ bụrụkwanụ na nwaanyị ahụ achọghị iso m bịa n' ala a ?
This does not include most birds.
Ṣugbọn, eyi ko jẹ eyiti ko fun fun ọpọlọpọ awọn o ni ẹiyẹ.
He did not have your size?!?!?
Ko kamshinsa ne baiyi maka ba?"
Depends on the fish species and size of fish.
Nibi ohun gbogbo da lori iru eweko ati agbara ti ẹja nla.
That's actually exactly what I wanted, thanks!
Nke a mere kpọmkwem ihe m na-achọ, ekele!
We also have no evidence of reports of harm to the swine themselves."
Har ila yau, ba mu da wani rikodin rahoto daga Semalt wanda yake nuna rashin lafiyarta. "
He has become unhinged
ó sì ti di aláìmọ́.
"In order to cope with the boredom I was facing in my life, I resorted to stimulants.
"Ti n wo awọn iṣẹlẹ ti ode oni ṣe ni aye, Mo gba ifarabalẹ ti Mo n wa sinu iṣaju.
When I get the results I was surprised.
Mgbe m hụrụ nsonaazụ ya, ọ juru m anya.
Check your bill or contact the company to see how they can help.
Gaa na ebe nrụọrụ weebụ ma ọ bụ kpọọ onye na-emeputa gị ka ị hụ otu esi enyere gị aka.
It must release, with appropriate redactions, this report so that Victorians understand what went wrong and what is being done to fix it.
Lati yago fun eyi, ṣayẹwo jade awọn atunyẹwo awọn aaye ayelujara ibaṣepọ ki o le mọ ohun ti o jẹti o dara ati ohun ti kii ṣe.
And he descended to meet me when I crossed over the Jordan , and I swore to him by the Lord , ասելով, 'I will not put you to death by the sword ,'
Ati awọn ti o sọkalẹ lati pade mi nigbati mo sọdá odò Jordani, ati ki o Mo bura fun u nipa Oluwa, wipe, 'Mo ti yoo ko fi o si iku nipa idà,'
The state of the Hobby
Zarada na hobi
If a person speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness will follow him like a shadow that never leaves.
Idan wanda yayi magana ko abubuwa da wani m hankali, farin ciki (sukha) ya bi shi kamar inuwa cewa ba ya fita da shi.
It's the statue of a man lying on his face
Ga wani siririn saje da ya kwanta gefe da gefen fuskarsa.
He thought doing so would reduce the rate of error.
Muna tsammanin yin hakan zai iya raunana ingancin bayanin da aka bayar.
The term superfood refers to foods that are nutrient dense, this means...
Ndị ọ gbara ọhụrụ ga-asị kedu ihe bụ nri ede, mana nri ede a so...
And their patience is to be appreciated when we do mistakes.
Muna godiya ga jinƙanka idan muka yi kuskure .
The oem operating system is not supported by Microsoft.
Na mgbakwunye, usoro nchịkwa System Builder adịghị abịa na nkwado Microsoft ọ bụla maka OS.
To that we must add Bluetooth 5.0, which will also be available.
Zuwa ga wannan dole ne mu ƙara Bluetooth 5.0, wanda shima zai kasance.
It will be a way for us to track how many tests we have given and the results.
Hakanan zamu iya sanin adadin matakan da muka ɗauka da kuma adadin kuzarin da muka kashe.
This is how the foundations of female attractiveness are laid.
N'ikwu nke a, nke a bụ otu esi eme ka mkpakọrịta nwoke na nwanyị na nkwenye na-aga ụkwụ na ụkwụ.
The first two are kinda weak and non-representative of the series
Ya mere, ọnụọgụ abụọ nke ọnụọgụ abụọ, bụ nke na-erughị ogo nke nkwụsịtụ na ohere nke nnyonye anya.
I bought one of these for my vehicle and my wife's.
Enyere m ozi m ma ha debe ozi gbasara ụgbọala m maka mụ na nwa m nwanyị.
For the sake of control, the Assyrians forced their conquered subjects into exile, including the Hebrews who were exiled to Babylon.
Domin kare kansu, Assuriyawa suka tilasta wa waɗanda suka ci nasara da su zuwa bauta, ciki har da Ibraniyawa waɗanda aka kwashe su zuwa Babila.
"When people say to me it was a brave decision to become a painter, I tell them the decision was a natural one.
Nigbati awọn eniyan ba sọ fun mi pe wọn ni ẹnikan SEO aaye wọn bi ẹni pe o jẹ iṣẹlẹ kan, Mo nigbagbogbo beere lọwọ ẹni ti n ṣe iṣẹ naa.
"I'm not confident that this is going to solve the problem."
Ina tabbatar masa da cewa irin wannan hanyar ba za ta magance wannan matsalar a kasa ba. "
were the souls of the ancestors.
Àwọn ni irú-ọmọ àwọn baba-ńlá ayé àtijọ́.
It was not until she was five, hearing stories from her grandmother about slavery, that she began to be conscious of Black American history.
Ba sai lokacin tana da shekaru biyar, yana sauraron labarunta daga tarinta game da bautar, cewa ta fara sane da tarihin tarihin Afirka.
steps are not covered here.
Matakan launi ba'a iyakance a nan ba.
I'm curious to know if the issue appears to be continues once it starts or if it resolves itself after some time.
Mo fẹ lati mọ boya lẹhin ti o sọ di mimọ iṣoro naa pari tabi o nilo lati ṣe lati igba de igba. e dupe
The bit is tempered to take and hold an edge.
Ikpe ahụ nwere ntakịrị ntachi anya ka ị jide ma nweekwa bọtịnụ omenala omenala.
He also said all three gunmen were killed.
Ya kuma ce an kashe dukan 'yan bindigan uku.
The second type of relationship is based on a special confidence
Iṣe ti atunṣe titẹ jẹ igbẹkẹle pẹlu iṣedede giga.
Kerry told her that she belonged to him and the only way she was going to leave was dead.
Bieber beere fun u pe ki o jẹ ki obinrin naa lọ, ṣugbọn ẹniti o jẹ olufisun naa nikan ni o wa.
Here are 4 of the final 5.
Eyi ni awọn eyo mẹrin 4 fun alabapin.
Viana is on the French Way path of the Camino de Santiago.
Ọ dị na Camino de Santiago Frances, yabụ na ọ bụ ebe ndị mmadụ juru.
He said: "No, you are not part of this humanity.
Shin za ku so ku ce, "A'a, a'a, saboda ba ƙungiyar Allah kuke ba."
This is a very good racquet for the beginners.
O jẹ distro ti o dara fun awọn ti o bẹrẹ.
Despite their differing opinions on the worth of a hostel stay, both these students have the same opinion on who you'll find in the neighboring bunk.
N'agbanyeghi na o nwere mputa mputa ocha, ihe ndi ozo di otu ihe gi ga - ahuta n'ime ulo ogwu.
When I first went to DCon in 2013 I was struck by the level of camaraderie and support the artists and patrons had for each other.
Mbụ wee hụ SWOT mgbe m gara ọzụzụ na 1992 nke ụlọ ọrụ Dnes na-akwado, iji gosi ndị nwe ụlọ ahịa na ndị isi.
With these opportunities, you can easily find something that you like doing and have some experience in.
Lara awọn iyatọ ti a ṣalaye, iwọ yoo rii ohun kan ti o wu rẹ lenu ati pe o le ṣe iṣe naa ni iṣedede.
I just make sure it is clean and waxed.
Aga m elele na obere oge, Achọrọ m ijide n'aka na ọ dị ọcha ma nwee mmetọ.
The police told the court that the incident occurred on May 4, 2018, when the Speaker was returning from an official engagement.
'Yan Sanda sun bayyanawa kotun cewa lamarin ya auku ne a ranar 4 ga watan Mayu, 2018, lokacin da shugaban majalisar ke dawowa daga tafiyar da yayi don gudanar da wani aiki.
Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for safe removal, but it has not been removed from the computer .
Windows enweghị ike iji ngwaọrụ ngwanrọ a n'ihi na ọ kwadebe maka iwepụ nsogbu, ma ewepụghị ya na komputa.
the total number of distances recorded (spins) during the session, which also corresponds to the number of points on the graph.
ọnụ ọgụgụ dị anya nke ederede (ntụgharị) n'oge nnọkọ ahụ, nke kwekwara na ọnụ ọgụgụ nke isi na eserese ahụ.
A major event occurred at the beginning of 2015.
Awọn iṣẹlẹ nla waye ni Kínní 2015.
But, if anyone suffers as a Christian, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in this name.
16 Ma ọ bụrụ na onye ọ bụla na -ata ahụhụ dị ka onye Kristian, ka ihere ghara ime ya, kama ka ọ too Chineke n'aha ahụ.
32 For the saying which he cried by the word of the LORD against the altar in Bethel, and against all the houses of the high places which are in the cities of Samaria, will surely happen."
32 Nítorí iṣẹ́ tí ó jẹ́ nípa ọ̀rọ̀ Olúwa sí pẹpẹ tí ó wà ní Beteli àti sí gbogbo ojúbọ lórí ibi gíga tí ń bẹ ní àwọn ìlú Samaria yóò wá sí ìmúṣẹ dájúdájú."
a complete row may be added to or subtracted from another;
ana iya fentin tip ɗin a cikin launi daya, kuma a gaba yana iya zama guda ɗaya ko dama na raba wani inuwa;
I like to teach in as simple a fashion as possible.
M "Eh-agbalị ịkụziri ọhụrụ echiche ndị dị na mfe ụzọ na o kwere omume.
God is keeping him safe for you.
Allah nagode maka da ka sa wannan motar ta kawoni gida lafiya.
through the use of ICTs or indeed is used to describe a new form of
Har way au ana faman tattaunawa da Olu Aina kan sabon kwantiragi.
The priest is then to take a handful of the grain offering as a memorial offering and burn it on the altar; after that, he is to make the woman drink the water.
Onye nchụàjà ga- ekporokwa ụfọdụ n' ime àjà ọka ahụ ka ọ bụrụ ihe ncheta ya ma suree ya n' ọkụ n' elu ebe ịchụàjà , e mesịa , ọ ga- eme ka nwaanyị ahụ ṅụọ mmiri ahụ .
Or leaving a paper trail when they are going to pay a stripper to get the dirt on A-Rod."
Batụ u kai kere ini i kitẹ mẹ̌koạ kěbị ikẹ̌kapulung Duata."
Today they do not know.
Loni awọn ọkunrin ko mọ pe
I know Mum, I know.
Nneka: Ooh nne,aga m aju ya
Is he about to go to the dispersion among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?
Shin zai je wurin watsawa tsakanin Helenawa, kuma ya koyar da Helenawa?
this is how she carried on
Haka dai ta hakura ta ci-gaba da aiki.
I was scrolling through the comments on a video...
Ta karyata hakan ne a wani sakon Video ta yada a shafin ta na...
Speedtrap is run early mornings when people are on their way to work.
Nke a malitere n' isi ụtụtụ n' oge ndị mmadụ ji aga ebe dị ịche ịche .
Are you about to let them be alone and without a man by their side to make them feel complete.
Awọn ibeere ni wipe o yoo ko tun ara rẹ, ati awọn ti o yoo nikan FA kan ti o dara idahun si yi, ati awọn ti o yoo ko so ohunkohun nipa ti o?
Provide it in the direction of all your appointments.
O si gbé e li oju gbogbo awọn ọrẹ rẹ.
He healed the sick, He listened to the lonely and He shared with the poor.
Haka ya yi amfani da salon tattaunawa da zancen zuci, wanda ya kara kawata, ya kuma saukaka bin labarin ga mai karatu.
Connery's son Jason said his father died peacefully in his sleep overnight in the Bahamas where he lived, having been "unwell for some time."
Jason Connery, dan marigayi Sean, ya gaya wa BBC ranar Asabar 31 ga watan Oktoba da rana cewa " Mahaifi na ya mutu cikin kwanciyar hankali yayin da yake barci a Bahamas, inda ya je hutu, duk da yake ya kasance baya da lafiya na wani lokaci."
The city was officially established as a municipality in December 23, 1924.[3]
Gundumar ɗanja ta samu zama ƙaramar hukuma a ranar 24 ga watan satumba a 1991[4].
How was the process of planning and preparation?
Mene ne tsarin da aka yanke da kuma tsarin tsarawa?
Dress was designed by John Galliano.
Awọn ohun orin ni awọn aṣa fun wọ ọṣọ jẹ ṣeto nipasẹ John Galliano.
A market value can be placed on the currency
5.We le tẹ sita rẹ LOGO lori awọn ọja.
Isa48:21 And they did not thirst when He led them through the deserts.
48:21 Ongbẹ ko gbẹ wọn ninu aginju, nigbati o mu wọn jade.
No one would start there, would they?
ha ha nobody flys there eh ?
all the items that are not needed
Ọnụ ọgụgụ mkpuchi mkpuchi niile niile na-ejighị ya mkpa ịkwado.
The first thing to do is to call for help in the building or from neighbours, then give CPR.'
Nitorina ni ojo iwaju ni Mo n wo gbigbe si boya awọsanma tabi alejo gbigba VPS. "
The baby is sleeping, she's full and in pain.
Nibi ọmọ naa sùn, dun ati ṣe.
You can always add another goal to your list after you've achieved the first.
O le kọ nkan keji nigbagbogbo lori koko ti wọn ba kan si ọ lẹhin ti o ti kọ tẹlẹ.
Ask yourself if you have knit at least one thing from each book.
Kedu ị ga-esi pịa, ma ọ dịkarịa ala otu ugboro, maka akwụkwọ ọ bụla i nwetara?
I have a Vizsla and the hair is the same.
Emi jẹ oṣere afẹsẹgba kan ati pe Mo ni irun kanna.
Who are interested in films and movie
Onye bụ kpọrọ ihe riri ahụ na ihe nkiri mmadụ .
The offered honey is free from preser...
The slitted ákwà bụ free si burr ...
She explained that she started reading to both her children when they were in the womb.
Karan suna fara gane mahaifiyar, yayin da yake cikin kwai.
and, so long as it was practised in moderation, gave rise to some of the
Amma kamar yadda aka yi amfani da shi don jin dadi, ya zama ƙasa da haka.
The hammocks and trampoline were popular with children.
Dankali da cuku croquettes suna shahara tare da uwayen gida.
A well maintained car should have maintenance records to match, and these can give you a great window into the true condition of the car.
Awọn iru ti ṣiṣu ni o yẹ ni apamọwọ nla kan, eyiti o le gbe wọn lọ lati gbe ni ijinna pipẹ ni ọkọ ayọkẹlẹ kan.
Things you might not have known about George HW Bush
Ihe ise ị na-amaghị maka George H W Bush nke nnukwu
The men's names are
Maza a gaya sunke 👌
I always looked up to them and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
M ka na-agbasi mbọ ike n'ebe ha nọ ma na-eche na ha bụ ihe kacha mma m rụtụrụla.
The Undertaker's Daughter is now also available as a downloadable
Onye isi na uwe ugbu a nọ n'ihe mkpuchi dị ka nwa bebi.
21:23 He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned.
21:23 Ọ na-ọ bụghị ka e ajụjụ banyere ihe ọ na, ma ha ga-ajụjụ .
It helps you understand how people feel about you and your competitors.
Ha ga - enyere gị aka inyocha mmetụta ndị ọrụ gị ma chọpụta ihe ha chere gbasara gị na ndị asọmpi gị.
You have only failed if you stop trying.
Only ga-ada naanị mgbe ị kwụsịrị ịnwale. - Amaghi
"This is a tourist town!
Wannan shine garin ziyara!
a walk to remember 13 going on 30
Aaja kehde zara ki pyar pyar pyar hai