3 values
What is the source of water you drink?
A hatsale nace ina ruwan ka? nima bansani ba,kai da kasani mekayi?..
You can see it when you come near in the street.
Ị nwere ike ịhụ ya n'ogige dị nso n'okporo ụzọ mgbe ị nwụsịrị.
How is the event occurred.
Olee otú ihe omume ahụ?
The child's auricle is small and soft, and the supporting force is poor, so the volume of the hearing aid should be minimized under the premise of ensuring the acoustic gain.
Auricle na yaro karami ne kuma mai laushi, kuma ƙarfin tallafi ba shi da kyau, saboda haka ya kamata a rage girman abin jin a ƙarkashin taken tabbatar da ribar acoustic.
And it truly is a spiritual place.
N'ezie, ọ bụ ebe etiti ime mmụọ ya.
1 John 4:4 (NASB) 4You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.
1 Jọn 4: 4 littlemụntakịrị, unu sitere na Chineke, unu meriekwala: n'ihi na onye nọ n'ime unu ka onye ahụ nke nọ n'ụwa ukwuu.
Our booth number is #3006.
Nọmba agọ wa jẹ #3625.
This first section contains a few sharp ascents to get the blood flowing.
Wannan lokacin yana nufin motsi kaɗan na gaba don aiwatar da bugun jini.
"All the ships of the sea and the sailors in them visited you to trade with you."
Gbogbo ọkọ̀ ojú omi ati àwọn tí ń tù wọ́nwà lọ́dọ̀ rẹ, wọ́n ń bá ọ ra ọjà.
One of the relatively recent ones is dubstep.
Daya daga cikin yanayin yanayi na kwanan nan shine wando da ratsi.
your business becomes profitable or not.
Ikekwe azụmahịa gị na-adaba ma ọ bụ na ọ naghị eto.
Teachers say the name is a perfect fit.
Nwọn sọ pé orukọ wọn ni pataki.
I hear waves from the sea.
Nigba miiran Mo gbọ iru ohun bẹ lati okeokun.
"It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and by ourselves not to impose on you any burden beyond these essentials..."
Ẹ̀mí Mímọ́ ati àwa náà pinnu pé kí á má tún di ẹrù tí ó wúwo jù le yín lórí mọ́, yàtọ̀ sí àwọn nǹkan pataki wọnyi:
responsibility is to engage in public relations and assist the
Ya danganta ne a kan karɓar haɗin jama'a da kuma kula da dangantaka.
the toy car
Kayan wasanni na motoci
"When we were in the Founder Institute cohort, I was on the lookout for a technical co-founder who could help translate the vision into codes.
"Nigbati a wa ninu ẹgbẹ Ẹlẹda Oludasile, Mo wa ni iṣojuuṣe fun oludasile-ẹrọ imọ-ẹrọ kan ti o le ṣe iranlọwọ tumọ iran naa sinu awọn koodu.
The noise can sometimes be large, which can lead to uncomfortable wearing.
Hayaniyar wasu lokuta na iya zama babba, wanda hakan na iya haifar da sanya sutturar rashin jin daɗi.
The angel said to the women, "Do not be alarmed and frightened, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
Intisar ta kalli Nidal ta ce, "Nidal ko jiya albarkacinshi ka ci har ka ga hak'orana, in baka sani ba yanzu ka sani ni bani da sha'awar auren had'i, ga zab'ina nan zaune a gabana, dan haka ka je ka nemi sa'arka dan ni matar mai gadi nake."
Plus, since his name's already on the left when Ref-Renee dumps his ass and starts singing, "To the left, to the left...everything you own in a box to the left" he'll know which direction to go.
Mgbe i?omi okok?re, i nwere ike ?h? nd? niile h?r? fa?l? na-egosip?ta n'aka ekpe nke usoro ihe omume na windo na-?d? & ?z?. ? nwere ike ?lele ha aha ma h?r? ihe ? ch?r? naputa site na P?a "Naghachi"Button.
All of them, save for Ian, appear to be severely maladjusted, as are the people to whom they are married.
Ọpọlọpọ, kii ṣe gbogbo rẹ, Klee Kai jẹ ibinu si awọn aja miiran ayafi ti wọn ba darapọ daradara bi awọn ọmọ aja.
The damage was discovered when employees showed up to work.
An kai harin ne yayin da 'yan majalisar dokokin ke zuwa wurin aiki.
Gould by reciting the names of co-directors
Fọwọ ba awọn orukọ ti awọn app lati awọn ti han awọn didaba.
But that's only been
Ma nke ahụ bụ nanị ọnụ mmiri kpụkọrọ akpụkọ.
at the west end of the track at better
A karshen yamma muka aka mafi alhẽri zan je faruwa sake
Also keep in mind this research is based on the "typical" student with a ...
Ọ bụ ezie na tebụl a nwere otu ọrụ ịdabere na Student_Name -> Egwuregwu:
It is advised to place it in the middle or back portion of your tank.
Ihe ndị a na-agbawa na ị na-ejide ya na etiti ma ọ bụ ụfọdụ akụkụ ihe eji emegharị ụgbọ ala gị.
This is always a big decision.
Eyi jẹ ipinnu nla kan nigbagbogbo ṣe ni ibẹrẹ.
These are some of the influences the members brought into Ghymes.
Iwọnyi jẹ diẹ ninu awọn orisun ti Geofumadas ti wa fun gbigba lati ayelujara.
This is boring, and I'm still cold.'
Duk da zafi akeyi amma ni kam mura ta kamani:' (.
Remember that it is YOUR money.
Cheta, odi iche na ego aka gi.
The game is an illustration of a paradox in which the participants are constrained to make, in the end, an irrational decision based on a sequence of rational decisions; [...]
Awọn ere jẹ ẹya apejuwe ti a paradox ninu eyi ti awọn olukopa ti wa ni rọ lati ṣe, ni ipari, ohun irrational ipinnu da lori kan ọkọọkan ti onipin ipinu; [...]
Texas has two seasons: hot and cold.
Mauritius nwere ikuku oke osimiri nke nwere oge abụọ: ajọ ọkọchị na udu mmiri mmiri na oyi na oyi.
When they reached the hospital, the doctors declared him dead.
Nígbà tí wọn yóò fi gbé dé ilé ìwòsan, àwọn dókítà ní ọ ti je Olohun ni pé.
After 54 lines, he heard a knock on the door.
Bayan daƙiƙai 45 ta ji sallama a ƙofarsu.
The fury of a fire burning
Fushin kashe wutar gaba daya
The interest of the cards
Mmasị kaadị
situated at the corner of Commercial and Beg
Ọ bụ elu na-eri-irè ruru ngwaahịa na ọrụ table ahịa.
But for the sake of the elect whom he has chosen, he has shortened those days.
Ma n' ihi ndị a họọrọ , ya bụ , ndị ọ họọrọ , o mewo ka ụbọchị ndị ahụ dị mkpirikpi .
That is the best way to know what is really there.
Wannan ita ce hanyar da ta fi dacewa ta gano inda hakikanin batutuwan da ke faruwa, idan akwai.
finish is easy to obtain.
Ipari naa jẹ rọrun lati ṣe.
There already seems to be a day for everything, but we're sure we can come up with something fun.
Ha na-ekwu na enwere ngwa maka ihe niile, ma ugbu a, anyị nwere ike ịnwe nke anyị ga-ezute na arụpụta ihe, Nzuko.
So I called my sister and said, "OMG what is wrong with Dad?"
Juyowa daddy yayi ya kalleta shima Hankalinsa a tashe, yace "ni kaina ina mamakin hakan dan Hassana yarinyace me matu'kar tsoro da kiyaye fushinmu amma yau ace tawuce ka'idar dana gindaya mata,
This is a list of some of the solutions that governments have successfully applied to reduce unemployment directly.
Wannan shi ne jerin wasu mafita da gwamnatoci suka yi amfani da su don rage rashin aikin yi kai tsaye.
They are very bold and comfortable with people.
Wọn jẹ itiju pupọ pẹlu awọn eniyan ati ni itara pupọ si aapọn.
2010 was the year when loancurrencies began to appear, and from 2013, already almost a dozen different loancurrencies in existence.
2010 ni ọdun nigbati awọn owo-iworo bẹrẹ si farahan, ati nipasẹ ọdun 2013, tẹlẹ ti fẹrẹ to mejila oriṣiriṣi oriṣiriṣi awọn iworo-aye tẹlẹ.
Turabian style is used mainly for history papers but it is sometimes used in other disciplines.
An yi amfani da harshen Turabian musamman don rubutun tarihin, amma ana amfani da shi a wasu lokuta.
They are the tribe of Gad.
Ndị a bụ ezinụlọ ndị si n' ebo Gad .
You are in the body
Ị nọ na ebe nchekwa dị n'ime ngwaọrụ ahụ.
If these are not completed in a timely fashion, the business as a whole, suffers.
Idan abubuwa ba su faru ba ne kawai a lokacin da ya dace, sai an kashe dukan yanki.
For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."
Lee a na-ahapụ ụlọ ụnụ! ma agwa m ụnụ, ụnụ agaghị ahụ m anya ọzọ ruo mgbe ụnụ ga-asị, "Ngọzi na-adịrị onye bịara n'aha Dinwenụ."
The first time it happened I thought I would die.
A duk lokacin da wannan ya faru, na tsammanin zan mutu.
His accounts have already been suspended, but I'm sure the footage is somewhere online.
Iṣẹ mi ti ya fidio, ṣugbọn kii ṣe igbasilẹ nibikibi.
He withdrew his hand, wiped the water from her eyes, and smoothed hair from her face.
Tana ganinshi tayi saurin cire hannunta daga gabanta, taja bargo ta rufe jikinta, idonta ya cika da hawaye,
This is obvious when you are shopping for them.
Eyi jẹ nkan lati ni iranti nigbati o ba ra wọn.
He has not allowed a run yet this year, but that only covers 3.2 innings.
Mana o nyebeghi goolu ọbụla n'afọ a agbanyeghi na ọ gbaala asọmpi dị 33.
Note that the spelling and pronunciation is the same in every language.
Lura cewa annabci da kuma fassara iri-iri harsunansu ne ba daidai da wancan.
listen to your own body and eat what YOU want to eat.
gbìyànjú lati mu ifẹkufẹ wọn mu, gbiyanju lati jẹ ohun ti o fẹ ara rẹ lati jẹ.
Yet He went ahead and healed him.
N'agbanyeghị nke ahụ, ọ gara, saa anya ya ma gwọọ ya.
It begins on our knees, when we cry out for help.
Nibi ati fun wa bata orunkun igba otutu yoo wa si iranlọwọ wa.
[77] See note at the close of this article.
" [2] - Tụlee ihe e dere ná ngwụcha isiokwu a.
Did you used to live in here?
Akasya Duragi ne zaman cikiyor?
St. John 3:23 And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized.
3:23 Ma Jọn nke a nwekwara baptism, na n'Inon nke di Selem nso Salim, n'ihi na e nwere mmiri dị ukwuu na ebe.
This is why I Love Leonard.
Ahụrụ m Leonardo n'anya otú ahụ.
You are trying to force a field, formula, or function to be evaluated earlier than is possible.
Kana kokarin tilasta a filin, dabara, ko aiki da za a kimanta a baya fiye da mai yiwuwa ne.
is only permitted outside.
An yarda ta harba kawai daga waje.
So they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to everyone in his house."
32 Nigbana ni wọn sọ ọrọ Oluwa fun u ati fun gbogbo awọn ti o wa ni ile rẹ.
This is a very wooded area along 18 mile creek.
O jẹ apakan ilẹ ti atijọ "aqueduct" ti o gbooro fun 18km.
What is happening to me ...?
Gini mere m ...
That means that a large amount of human labor, which might have been devoted to producing something which could be enjoyed, was expended on producing machines which, when produced, lay idle and did no good to anyone.
Wannan yana nufin cewa yawancin aikin ɗan adam, wadda za a iya ba da gudummawa ga samar da wani abu da za a iya jin dadi, an kashe shi a kan samar da inji wanda idan aka samar da shi, ya kwanta kuma ba ya da kyau ga kowa.
earth was filled with blood and oppression.
Ati gbogbo aiye kún fun ẹjẹ ati aiṣedede.
shop is open every day except
An bude yau da kullum sai dai Litinin.
The money can buy what you want
na akparaghị ókè ego ị ga-enwe ike ịzụta ihe ọ bụla ị chọrọ.
The first developments in the field of neural technologies were made long ago.
Loni, alaye nipa awọn ifiṣakoso ifọnọhan nipa lilo nanotechnology jẹ igba kan diẹ ikọja.
26 Furthermore, it had been divinely revealed to him by the holy spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Christ of Jehovah.
26 Ọzọkwa, mmụọ nsọ ekpughewo ya site na mmụọ nsọ na ọ gaghị anwụ tupu ya ahụ Kraịst nke Jehova.
Try and rock the car back and forth a bit when you start it.
Koma zuwa gefen kuma jingina kadan yayin da kake fada.
They will worship the Lord God of Israel.
Ha ga na-atụrụ Chineke nke Izrel egwu.
We are saying that for America to get back on track, we are probably going to cut that short and not give it to you.
Muna cewa don Amurka ta dawo kan hanya, muna yiwuwa za mu yanke wannan gajere kuma ba za a ba ka ba.
Now, which of these primary sources is part of the UN or any of its agencies?
Ewo ninu awon mejeji lo fun? si Un-Root tabi Tun-Gbongbo?
All you are saying is the TRUTH.
Nke bụ eziokwu ka i kwuru - you just said the truth.
That is true of many scholars.
Wannan gaskiya ne ga masu bincike da yawa.
Woe is on that day to the beliers.
77:45 Ahụhụ ga-adịrị na na Day ndị na-emegide ya !
77:27 And he rained down flesh upon them, as if it were dust, and feathered birds, as if they were the sand of the sea.
77:27 Ati awọn ti o rọ ẹran sórí wọn, bi ti o ba wà ekuru, ati feathered ẹiyẹ, bi o ba ti nwọn wà ni iyanrin okun.
Wtf.. stfu... They are the ones
SG Wannabe - Sun Shine
When you open this shortcut, a pop-up message will tell you when the image was taken and how far away it was taken from your current location (if it's more than one mile away).
Mgbe ị mepee akwụkwọ ọrụ a, ozi mgbanyụ ga-agwa gị mgbe eburu onyinyo ahụ na ebe dịpụrụ adịpụ site na ọnọdụ gị ugbu a (ọ bụrụ na ọ dị ihe karịrị otu kilomita).
But, it is important to know when and how to post to maximize the impact.
Ṣugbọn, kii ṣe gbogbo eniyan mọ akoko ati bi o ṣe le gbin wọn daradara lati le gba ikore ti o dara julọ.
I fainted at home one day.
Mo ni awọn ala ti ọjọ kan ṣi ile mi.
Of those who left the
daga cikin dakin suka barta ita
For most of us our lives are determined by the decisions we have made in the past, whilst the decisions we make now affect the life we are going to live in the future.
Kii awọn eniyan ti o wa laileto wa nipa awọn aaye pataki pẹlu igbesi aye, awọn olumulo ti o ni ilọsiwaju ni iwadii ṣe ipinnu awọn iṣeeṣe ti awọn ijiroro agbalagba ṣaaju dida iwiregbe wa.
God has power and dominion over each of us.
O ni lagbara Olorun, gbogbo oun ti o ba n wa ni yoo to o lowo.
parked car with you.
Car Majalisar aiki da kai
In terms of bringing it up to code, the district isn't sure exactly what would be required.
Na ọtụtụ nyiwe, meta nkọwa ubi bụ bụghị doro anya na otú i nwere ike ịchọ ya.
There is no direct neighbors.
Enweghị ndị agbata obi kwụ ọtọ!
This brings us on to the subject of timing which is a property which we will be making use of in this project.
Lẹhinna tiwa olumulo, eyiti o jẹ olumulo ti a yoo lo lati wọle si igba wa.
"As I was pulling into work, I was following this car.
"Nígbà yẹn, nígbà tí mò ń wa ilẹ̀, àwòrán-ìtọ́nà yìí ni mo tẹ̀lé.
the luminous appearance of living animals, are much more favourable to the
Awọn ogbon ori ti ẹranko han lati dara julọ ju ti eniyan lọ.
but unfortunately they did not arrive
O di nwute, ha adighi akwụghachi.
It is our hope to be the conduit between all of your Feels and all of ours.
O to fun lati beere pẹlu ọwọ ati ohun gbogbo yoo wa ni ipese.
Matilda, I have a little gift for you, the one she's been asking for me to bring back from the Vatican which I did recently.
Azụ mmụọ Sicilian bụ onye mmụọ nsọ nyere m ike ịkọ nri a nke m nwere na njem na nso nso a ...
It is God's will that you should be sanctified;
[3] Nꞌihi na ọ bụ ọchịchọ Chineke ka unu bụrụ ndị e debere iche, ndị dị ọcha na ndị dị nsọ.