3 values
Here is a list of politicians that have been members of the KKK in the United States.
Lara awon to wa ki Aare kaabo ni awon omo egbe PDP ti won wa ni ilu Amerika.
The flight of an arrow is a fall, too.
Ịtọpụ na igbe ahụ bụ ọnyà, kwa.
According to Semalt, they have been performing various tasks for Catholic customers, who wanted to meet other community members or share their stories.
Dị ka Semalt si kwuo, ha na-arụ ọrụ dịgasị iche maka Katọlikndị ahịa, ndị chọrọ ịgakwuru ndị obodo ma ọ bụ kọọrọ ha akụkọ ha.
What is in their hearts comes out in their talk."
Nwọn si wi pẹlu wọn ẹnu ohun ti wà ko si ni ọkàn wọn.
Do not use on skin or other parts of the body.
Maṣe lo gel uv si awọ ara tabi gige;
For those who travel by
Wadanda suke da takalma masu tafiya
Treatment is usually for 4 months.
Ọgwụgwọ na-adịkarị izu anọ.
The listing is expected to take
A na-atụ anya ndepụta a ịgbatị.
That is what you shall do to all the cities that are very far away from you, which are not among the cities of these nations nearby [which you are to dispossess].
" Otú ahụ ka ị ga- eme obodo niile dị gị anya nke ukwuu , bụ́ ndị na- esoghị n' obodo ndị dị ná mba ndị a .
stalled at the convention of the Sons
Sonlọ Nzukọ Mgbakọ Tan Son Nhat
Collecting is based on one thing: happiness.
Mgbasa ozi dabere na otu ihe, obi ụtọ.
Turn them away from me!
Lé wọn kúrò níwájú mi, kí wọ́n máa lọ!
This group is for men...
Arụmụka: arụmụka a bụ maka ụmụ nwoke ...
Mak7:14 And he called the people to him again, and said to them, 'Hear me, all of you, and understand:
7:14 Ati lẹẹkansi, pipe awọn enia fun u, o si wi fun wọn: "Gbọ mi, gbogbo awọn ti o, ki o si ye.
Life as we know it will be destroyed
Mutuntaka kamar yadda muka sani za'a share ta.
John is a physician, and perhaps -- (I would not say this to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind) -- perhaps that is the one reason I do not get well faster.
John likita ce, da kuma PERHAPS - (Ba zan faɗa wa rayayyen rai ba, amma wannan shine takarda m da kuma babban taimako a zuciyata) - KASHI na ɗaya dalili ba na da sauri.
By that time it's too late and she can be picked up and walked into an exam room.
Ta hanyar tsoho, yana da ciki, amma zaka iya shiga cikin saituna kuma canza shi don sauya kamara.
Now I know what should I do:)
Ugbu a ọ bụrụ na m matara ihe ị ga-abanye ebe ahụ.... 🙂
man in a hurry to work
Otu esi tinye Ngwa na ebe nrụọrụ weebụ gị
We know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until the present time.
N'ihi na anyị maara na ihe niile e kere eke na -asụkọ ude na mgbu nke ịmụ nwa ruo ugbu a.
From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created'."
Nítorí láti ìgbà tí àwọn baba wa ninu igbagbọ ti lọ tán, bákan náà ni gbogbo nǹkan rí láti ìṣẹ̀dálẹ̀ ayé!"
20:35 "I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak.
35 Egosiri m gị n'ụzọ niile, site n'itinye n'ọrụ otu a, na ị ga-akwado ndị na-adịghị ike.
Every night, when he was well enough to eat solid food, he was (and still is) given a large bone, as a treat.
Tare da daskare da sauri, suna riƙe duk bitamin, don haka amfanin irin wannan abincin na gida zai zama babbar.
They wanted to give me a small of money and I would have to put a lot of money out on my own to repair the damage that was done.
Have ga-etinye obere ego, etinye m nke ukwuu na iji nweta ezigbo udiri m nwere itinye otutu conditioner.
There isn't usually a ton of people playing, so finding an opponent of similar skill can be an issue, but part of the beauty of fighting games is that you learn a lot when you lose which means you'll be getting better and having more fun.
Ọ dịghị enwekarị ụda ndị na-egwu egwu, n'ihi ya ịchọta onye iro nke nkà dị otú ahụ nwere ike ịbụ ihe esemokwu, ma akụkụ nke ịma mma egwuregwu ọgụ bụ na ị na-amụta ọtụtụ ihe mgbe ị na-efunahụ gị nke ị ga-eme ka ọ dịkwuo mma na inwe ọchị.
apple laptop is greatest gadget the apple powerbook 100 has been chosen as the greatest gadget of all time by us magazine mobile pc. the 1991 laptop was chosen because it was one of the first lightweight portable computers and helped define the layout of all future notebook pcs. the magazine has compiled an all-time top 100 list of gadgets which includes the sony walkman at number three and the 1956 zenith remote control at two. gadgets needed moving parts and/or electronics to warrant inclusion. the magazine staff compiled the list and specified that gadgets also needed to be a self-contained apparatus that can be used on its own not a subset of another device . in general we included only items that were potentially mobile said the magazine. in the end we tried to get to the heart of what really makes a gadget a gadget it concluded. the oldest gadget in the top 100 is the abacus which the magazine dates at 190 a.d. and put in 60th place. other pre-electronic gadgets in the top 100 include the sextant from 1731 (59th position) the marine chronometer from 1761 (42nd position) and the kodak brownie camera from 1900 (28th position). the tivo personal video recorder is the newest device to make the top 10 which also includes the first flash mp3 player (diamond multimedia) as well as the first successful digital camera (casio qv-10) and mobile phone (motorola startac). the most popular gadget of the moment the apple ipod is at number 12 in the list while the first sony transistor radio is at number 13. sony s third entry in the top 20 is the cdp-101 cd player from 1983. who can forget the crystalline hiss-free blast of madonna s like a virgin emanating from their first cd player asked the magazine. karl elsener s knife the swiss army knife from 1891 is at number 20 in the list. gadgets which could be said to feature surprisingly low down in the list include the original telephone (23rd) the nintendo gameboy (25th) and the pulsar quartz digital watch (36th). the list also contains plenty of oddities: the pez sweet dispenser (98th) 1990s toy tamagotchi (86th) and the bizarre ronco inside the shell egg scrambler (84th). almost everyone has a mobile phone how many people own a powerbook or an ipod the findings of this magazine are not very convincing. what about the magnetic compass we still use it 1 000 years after it was invented. i am amazed by the obsession with individual gadgets rather than genre. for example the sony walkman was the first truly portable way of listening to your own music on the move whereas minidisc flash mp3 portable cd players etc. are really just improvements in technology. my favourite true gadgets are probably my portable minidisc player and the little battery powered whizzy thing i use to froth up my coffee! calm down it s only in their opinion and any list that includes the taser in the top 100 gadgets has to be suspect.... swiss army knife and no question about it. how many of the other items are still relatively unchanged from the original idea and still as useful/popular you don t need a laptop or even a pocket calculator to work that one out! this list merely illustrates interesting cultural divides between the american authors and the overwhelmingly british responses. brits see no further than mobile phones and the over thirties sinclair; whilst the americans focus on apple tv remotes and tivo (which probably is rather obscure in europe). what about the soda stream. this gadget changed my pre-teen life. lap tops may enable you to think different but you cant use them to get busy with the fizzy how about astro wars one of the pioneers for computer games i remember spending many an hour playing this and it still works today! however tried it the other day and it was rubbish still a great gadget of its time. why worry about mobile phones. soon they will be subsumed into the pda s / laptops etc. what about the marine chronometer completely revolutionised navigation for boats and was in use for centuries. for it s time a technological marvel! sony net minidisc! it paved the way for more mp3 player to explode onto the market. i always used my netmd and could not go anywhere without it. a laptop computer is not a gadget! it s a working tool! the sinclair executive was the world s first pocket calculator. i think this should be there as well. how about the clockwork radio or gps or a pocket calculator all these things are useful to real people not just pc magazine editors. are the people who created this list insane surely the most important gadget of the modern age is the mobile phone it has revolutionised communication which is more than can be said for a niche market laptop. from outside the modern age the marine chronometer is the single most important gadget without which modern transportation systems would not have evolved so quickly. has everyone forgot about the breville pie maker an interesting list. of the electronic gadgets thousands of journalists in the early 1980s blessed the original noteboook pc - the tandy 100. the size of a4 paper and light three weeks on a set of batteries an excellent keyboard a modem. a pity tandy did not make it dos compatible. what s an apple powerbook 100 it s out of date - not much of a gadget . surely it has to be something simple / timeless - the tin opener swiss army knife safety razor blade wristwatch or the thing for taking stones out of horses hooves it has to be the mobile phone. no other single device has had such an effect on our way of living in such a short space of time. the ball point pen has got to be one of the most used and common gadgets ever. also many might be grateful for the pocket calculator which was a great improvement over the slide rule. the casio pocket calculator that played a simple game and made tinny noises was also a hot gadget in 1980. a true gadget it could be carried around and shown off. all top 10 are electronic toys so the list is probably a better reflection of the current high-tech obsession than anything else. i say this as the swiss army knife only made no 20. sinclair ql a machine far ahead of its time. the first home machine with a true multi-takings os. shame the marketing was so bad!!! apple.. a triumph of fashion over... well everything else. utter rubbish. yes the apple laptop and sony walkman are classic gadgets. but to call the sextant and the marine chronometer gadgets and rank them as less important than a tv remote control reveals a quite shocking lack of historical perspective. the former literally helped change the world by vastly improving navigation at see. the latter is the seed around which the couch potato culture has developed. no competition. i d also put apple s newton and the first palm pilot there as the front runners for portable computing and possibly the toshiba libretto for the same reason. i only wish that vulcan inc s flipstart wasn t just vapourware otherwise it would be at the top. how did a laptop ever manage to beat off the challenge of the wristwatch or the telephone (mobile or otherwise) what about radios and tvs the swiss army knife. by far the most useful gadget. i got mine 12 years ago. still wearing and using it a lot! it stood the test of time. psion organiser series 3 should be up there. had a usable qwerty keyboard removable storage good set of apps and programmable. case design was good (batteries in the hinge - a first i think). great product innovation. the first mobile pc was voted best gadget by readers of...err... mobile pc ! why do you keep putting these obviously biased lists on your site it s obviously the mobile phone or remote control and readers of a less partisan publication would tell you that. the motorola startac should be number one. why there will be mobile phones long after notebook computers and other gadgets are either gone or integrated in communications devices. the psion series 3c! the first most practical way to carry all your info around... i too would back the sinclair spectrum - without this little beauty i would never have moved into the world of it and earn the living that i do now. i d have put the mobile phone high up the list. probably a nokia model. sinclair spectrum - 16k. it plugged into the tv. games were rubbish but it gave me a taste for programming and that s what i do for a living now. i wish more modern notebooks -- even apple s newest offerings -- were more like the pb100. particularly disheartening is the demise of the trackball which has given way to the largely useless trackpad which every notebook on the market today uses. they re invariably inaccurate uncomfortable and cumbersome to use. congratulations to apple a deserved win!
Kọmputa laptop apple jẹ ẹya ọja ti o dara jùlo. Apple powerbook 100 ti a yan bi ẹya ọja ti o dara jùlo lailai. Laptop ti ọdun 1991 yi ni a yan nitori wipe o jẹ ọkan ninu awọn kọmputa alagbeka ti o le je didun ati wipe o ran awọn ọja kọmputa laptop ni ọrọ. Iwe iroyin naa ti kọ orukọ ẹya ọja 100 ti o dara jùlo lailai, ti o si mu Sony Walkman si ipo keta ati ọta Zenith ti ọdun 1956 si ipo keji. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹya ọja ti o ni awọn apa ti o n gbe ati/ tabi electronics ni a yan. Iwe iroyin naa yan awọn ẹya ọja ti o le je didun, ti o si ni wipe awọn ẹya ọja naa gbọdọ jẹ ẹya ọja ti o le je didun. Awọn ẹ
Now, where did you go to high school?
onye ị gara ụlọ akwụkwọ sekọndrị,
As much fun as the vacation was, we were ready to see our boys, sleep in our own bed, and eat home-cooked food.
ọsin fun wa - bi ebi ẹgbẹ, a gba wọn lati larọwọto gbé pọ, orun ni ibusun wa, mu awọn pẹlu awọn ọmọ wẹwẹ, ki o si bẹ lori.
camp may be held that is incongruent with the University's
E nwere ike ịbụ njikọ nsogbu, nke nwere ike ime ekwekọghị music ahụmahụ.
The gunmen also killed the Sarkin Fawa (Head of local vigilante) who was on his way back to the village and set several houses in the village of about 3,000 inhabitants ablaze.
Yan bindigan kuma sun kashe Sarkin Fawa (Shugaban yan banga) a hanyar sa na dawowa kauyen tare da kona gidaje da dama a kauyen da ke da yawan mutane sama da 3,000.
This is going to be the most natural way to talk about something general that is countable
Ọ bụ ụzọ kachasị mma isi nweta okwu ahụ banyere ihe ọ bụla bara uru ịkekọrịta na iwuli aka gị.
He found Abu Sufyan in the company of the other Koraysh chieftains and embarked upon the second part of his plan.
Ọ hụrụ Abu Sufyan na ụlọ ọrụ ndị ọzọ Koraysh isi na malitere n'elu abụọ nke ya atụmatụ.
This may mean that the train can not be controlled to achieve the desired performance and is oversized.
Nke a pụtara na ọkọlọtọ na- enweghị ike ịlele ntinye ya, ma jiri obi ụtọ na-ebute ihe mkpofu.
It is entirely up to you whether you play this side bet or not, but it's always a great option to have.
Ya tabbata a gare ku ko kuna amfani da ma'anar juyawa ko a'a, amma yana da kyakkyawan ra'ayin ku kasance daidai.
full name and address).
Aha aha ya na akwụkwọ nduzi ọ bụla na-eduga (naanị njedebe ikpeazụ).
What do you think of people who are homeless?
Kedu ka ọ na-adị Olee otú ọ na-adị ndị enweghị ebe obibi?
It was a messianic fantasy where Iraq was going to be a free-market utopia.
Alakoso nimi lowo ni Utopian, ti mo tun si je olukopa nibe.
Remember they were there trying to make a name for themselves and God decided after all was said and done that He would give them a name.
O sọ fun wọn bii igba ti o pinnu ati pinnu lati ṣe abẹwo si wọn, ṣugbọn pe Ọlọrun ti da gbogbo awọn ero rẹ duro.
Depending on your version of Chrome, the initial layout that you see may be slightly different from the one presented here.
Dabere na mbipute nke Chrome, nhazi mbụ ị hụrụ nwere ike ịdịtụ iche na nke e gosipụtara ebe a.
27:27 He said: We shall see whether you speak the truth or whether you are a liar.
27:27 O (Solomon) zara ya, sị, 'Anyị ga-ahụ ma ọ bụrụ na ihe unu kwuru bụ eziokwu ma ọ bụ ma ị bụ n'etiti ndị na-edina .
The Angels had been separated into two groups.
Ni ẹgbẹ mejeeji ni awọn angẹli meji ti o wa ni ipo adura.
It is Shameful for a Woman to Speak in Church.
Nꞌihi na ọ bụ ihe ihere na nwanyị ga-ekwu okwu nꞌime ọgbakọ chọọchị.
9 Then you will go up like a storm, like a cloud covering the earth, you and all your troops and the many nations with you.
9 Iwọ o goke wá, iwọ o si de bi ijì, iwọ o dabi awọsanma lati bò ilẹ, iwọ, ati gbogbo awọn ogun rẹ, ati ọ̀pọlọpọ enia pẹlu rẹ.
"And he believed God, and it was accounted to him as righteousness."
O kweere na ịdị n'otu nke Chineke, nweekwa nnukwu ịnụ ọkụ n'obi maka okwukwe ya.
like i wish it really happened, but at least
Bana ma kaina fatan ta, in dai ba kaddara ba, wadda baka wuceta.
ratio should be as high as possible
Nkesa nke ahia kwesiri ibu oke dika o kwere mee.
You can add a new column at the end of your existing table
Ịnwere ike ịgbakwunye ederede na faịlụ ị na-edezi na njedebe faịlụ ọzọ.
However, it seems Heather has the last laugh.
Mana, ọ dị ka ọ bụ Zuma chịrị ọchị ikpeazụ.
This is not a subscription for tickets.
Iyẹn ko yẹ ki o jẹ ibi-afẹde ti awọn tikẹti.
If you want to keep your car going, you have to do maintenance.
Idan ka yanke shawarar kiyaye motar, dole ka yi aikin.
Therefore, my son, listen to me now, and do not withdraw from the words of my mouth.
Ya mere , ụmụ m , geenụ m ntị , unu ahapụkwala ihe ọnụ m na- ekwu .
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish on another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
"Jẹ ki ọrọ Kristi maa n gbe inu nyin ni ọpọlọpọ, bi ẹnyin ti nkọ ati ti kilọ fun ara nyin ni gbogbo ọgbọn, ati bi ẹnyin ti kọrin psalmu ati awọn orin ati awọn ẹmi ẹmí pẹlu ọpẹ ninu okan nyin si Ọlọhun" (Kolosse 3: 16).
49 When his followers saw what was going to happen, they said, "Lord, should we use our swords?"
49 Ma mgbe ndị nọ ya nso hụrụ ihe ga -eme, ha sịrị, "Onyenwe anyị, ànyị ga -eji mma agha gbuo?"
The first of the categories is still
Ihe mbụ iPad ka nwere ihe ole na ole .
Provide information on topics that are relevant to your business or industry
Awọn iyokuro lori ohun ti o ta tabi Awọn iṣẹ ti o nfun si onibara rẹ.
It was released in the United States in 2004.
A tọhapụrụ ya na Japan n'afọ 2004 na United States na March 2005.
(on both of them)
(Ko duka biyu).
So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish
N' otu aka ahụ , ọ dịghị Nna m nke bi n' eluigwe mma ka otu n' ime ndị a dị nta laa n' iyi .
Obedience to God's law is the cause of good in the life of the woman in question and that good radiates out to those around her.
Wani abin haushi abin takaici Wai yanxu mata basu sallah cikin lokaci sabida an miki kwalliya karkije alwala ta goge Innalillahi wa'innah illaihirraju'un kenan kin xabi duniyarki a bisa lahira ko.
You probably have a lot of memories in your house.
O nwere ike ịbụ na ị nwere ọtụtụ njikọ n'ime ụlọ gị.
and giver of life: it is in him alone we live, move, and have our being."
َ023-037 "Rãyuwa ba ta zama ba fãce rãyuwarmu ta dũniya, munã mutuwa kuma munã rãyuwa, kuma ba mu zama waɗanda ake tãyarwa ba."
If two consenting teenagers have sex, as long as they are within a few years of each other it is not "rape."
Bi o tile je wi pe awon mejeeji ti wa papo bi nnkan bi odun meje seyin ti won si ti bi omo meji fun ara won sugbon ko ti i si adehun 'N-Fe-o-O-Fe-Mi' laaarin won saaju ojo eni.
These modes of payment are simple and safe.
Awọn ofin ti iru ounjẹ yii jẹ rọrun ti o rọrun ati ki o ṣalaye.
The root meaning of the term has to do with "exercising authority."
Na nke a, ngalaba nchịkwa ikike nwere aha "Nchịkọta Njikwa Ike."
He wasn't afraid of being there at night.
Egwu anaghị atụ agbara, ya ejiri abalị aga.
collections are inspired by her love of all things
Kaunar yarinyar take ji ta kowacce kusurwa a cikin zuciyarta.
The office is finally moved and I can get back to dancing!
An dakatar da ID a baya, a ƙarshe zaku iya komawa ga hanyoyin shiga ba tare da izini ba!
The CBSA has offered alternative plans to shave off some of the costs.
Sucuri pese awọn iṣeduro lati yọ diẹ ninu awọn ipalara wọnyi kuro.
He also didn't have a Prince.
Óní òun náà ko ní l'óba kan
We are committed to make you more successful."
Ti yoo si wa ti o dara ju fun o pẹlu rẹ Ẹlẹdàá. '
The fact is most guys don't know how to take care of their hair.
Ati idi pataki ni pe ọpọlọpọ awọn ọkunrin ko mọ bi wọn ṣe le fa irun daradara.
by millions of users
Ọtụtụ nde Users
But in the event that they
cikinta sai su, idan suka
The boy was with my parents that night.
Ní ìrọ̀lẹ́ ọjọ náà niwọ́n lọ kí àwọn òbí Ṣọlá.
They were surprised to learn
Ọ tụrụ ha n'anya ịmara
The third element of the letter of transmittal is the
Akwụkwọ ozi nke atọ na-anọchite anya usoro taya;
3-And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
Mgbe ha banyere , ha ahụghị ozu Onyenwe anyị Jizọs .
It is one of the best construction businesses to start.
Eyi jẹ ọkan ninu awọn ile-iṣẹ ti o dara julọ lati bẹrẹ iṣẹ pẹlu.
well you'll know now!
Ugbu a, ị ga-amarakwa !
So why not release the same camera in a version designed to be used?
To, don me ba a Gwada lõkacin da ta ke ko da samuwa a free version da detects.
Those who have lost their way,
Ati awọn ti o ti lọ silẹ sinu iho ti o ṣe.
You can also use the VLE to look at what your child may have been doing in their lesson.
I nwekwara ike iji ngwa ahụ iji hụ ihe ụmụaka gị na-eme n'oge ọ bụla.
And it also proves that there is demand for the product in the market.
Otú ọ dị, ọ pụtakwara na arụ orụ ebe na-emegharị ka chọrọ nke n'ahịa dị n'ógbè ahụ.
I will show you my take on that and how you can compensate those factors through smart design.
Mo n fun ni ayewo idi ti eyi ati bii o ṣe le fi aami si pẹlu orukọ yiyan aṣa.
If not in the Middle East, where the State of Israel is a fait accompli, where else do you propose such a place of final refuge to exist?
In ban da Nijeriya, inda ran dan Adam bai da mutunci, ina ne za a yi irin wannan kuma gwamnatin ta rayu?
This is partially because of the file system on the DVD disc.
Nke a bụ ikpe n'ihi na nke faịlụ usoro na DVD diski.
There are additionally 47 homeless women and men which are going to be rehabilitated and transfer out of the streets.
Akwai maza da mata 47 da ke fama da rashin muhalli wanda za a taimaka musu a kuma kawar da su daga tititunan.
The most popular attractions where tourists are now not allowed
Gị na-eleta ndị weebụsaịtị ugbu a agaghịkwa achọpụtara.
You can make yourself fresh and cool.
Ị nwere ike ifriizi na nke ọhụrụ ugu, grated.
It's like a weight
kamar nauyi
On this page you will see three headings at the top.
Na ntanetị peeji a, a ga-enwe akara ngosi atọ na ala ihuenyo gị na abụọ n'elu.
Unfortunately these chairs were not very sturdy and the embellishments fell off after a year.
Ohun ti o jẹ ibanujẹ ni pe awọn apẹrẹ ko ni afihan pupọ, ati pe o ti ṣe atunṣe imudaniloju itanna wọn ni ọdun kan.
There are, however, some common themes that often times lead to a dispute between owners.
Amma akwai matsalolin, wanda sau da yawa sukan kora mazaunan gine-gine masu girma.
The program is not.
Mba, usoro ihe omume ahụ adịghị njọ.
This is a better measure than the number of new high bids.
Nke a bụ ikike dị elu karị karịa laptọọpụ larịị dị n'ogologo na ọnụọgụ ego.
I know my own sheep and they know me, 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father.
Amaara m nke m, na m makwaara m; 15 dika Nnam maram, Mu onwem mara kwa Nnam.
but to be with one another to pray.
Oni ojo ti won ba ti n se adura fun, ibe ni adura yoo maa gba wole.
*Up to 3 hours of use of the property
* Ihe dị ka izu 3 ga-achọ maka imeghe akaụntụ akụ.
As for anyone who is in the house with you, his blood will be on our
Ṣugbọn bí wọn bá pa ẹnikẹ́ni ninu àwọn tí wọ́n wà ninu ilé pẹlu rẹ, ẹ̀jẹ̀ rẹ̀ yóo wà lórí wa.
But he said to his servant , " აიყვანე ის, and lead him to his mother."
"Amma ya ce wa baransa,, "Ku kãmã shi,, kuma ya shiryar da shi zuwa ga uwarsa. "