All hatcheries are open to visitors.
∀x (Hatchery(x) → OpenToVisitors(x))
The National Lobster Hatchery releases animals into the wild.
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. is a Welsh football club.
∀x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) → FootballClub(x) ∧ Welsh(x))
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. is the only football club located in Ponciau.
∀x (FootballClub(x) ∧ LocatedIn(x, ponciau) ↔ Rhosaelwydfc(x))
The Premier Division was won in June 2005 by a team from Ponciau.
∃x (LocatedIn(x, ponciau) ∧ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2005MonthJune))
The winner of the Premier Division in October 2009 was promoted to the Cymru Alliance.
∀x (WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2009MonthOctober) → PromotedTo(x, cymruAlliance))
The Premier Division in October 2009 was won by the same team that won in June 2005.
∀x (WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2009MonthOctober) ↔ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, y2005MonthJune))
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. won Premier Division in June 2005.
∃x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) ∧ WonPremierDivisionDuring(x, year2005MonthJune))
Rhos Aelwyd F.C. was promoted to the Cymru Alliance.
∃x (Rhosaelwydfc(x) ∧ PromotedTo(x, cymruAlliance))
A Unix operating system used in the lab computers is a piece of software.
∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ UnixOperatingSystem(x) → Software(x))
All versions of MacOS used in the lab computer are based on Unix operating systems.
∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ MacOS(x) → UnixOperatingSystem(x))
A lab computer uses either MacOS or Linux.
∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) → MacOS(x) ⊕ Linux(x))
All Linux computers in the lab are convenient.
∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ Linux(x) → Convenient(x))
All software used in the lab computers is written with code.
∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ Software(x) → WrittenWithCode(x))
If something is convenient in the lab computer, then it is popular.
∀x (UsedIn(x, labComputer) ∧ Convenient(x) → Popular(x))
Burger is used in the lab computer, and it is written with code and a new version of MacOS.
UsedIn(burger, labComputer) ∧ WrittenWithCode(burger) ∧ MacOS(burger))
PyTorch is used in the lab computer, and PyTorch is neither a Linux system nor a piece of software.
UsedIn(pytorch, labComputer) ∧ ¬(Linux(pytorch) ⊕ Software(pytorch))
Burger is popular.
Burger is not popular.
PyTorch is popular and written with code.
Popular(pytorch) ∧ WrittenWithCode(pytorch)
PyTorch is not popular and it is not written with code.
¬(Popular(pytorch) ∧ WrittenWithCode(pytorch))
Roads are made of either concrete or asphalt.
∀x (Road(x) → (MadeOf(x, concrete) ⊕ MadeOf(x, asphalt))
Roads made of concrete last longer than roads made with asphalt.
∀x ∀y (Road(x) ∧ MadeOf(x, concrete) ∧ Road(y) ∧ MadeOf(y, asphalt) → LastLonger(x, y))
Roads made of asphalt are smoother than roads made of concrete.
∀x ∀y (Road(x) ∧ MadeOf(x, asphalt) ∧ Road(y) ∧ MadeOf(y, concrete) → Smoother(x, y))
Everyone prefers the smoother of two roads.
∀x ∀y ∀z (Road(x) ∧ Road(y) ∧ Smoother(x, y) → Prefer(z, x))
The first road is made of concrete, and the second road is made of asphalt.
Road(firstRoad) ∧ MadeOf(secondRoad, concrete) ∧ Road(firstRoad) ∧ MadeOf(secondRoad, asphalt)
The first road will last longer than the second road.
LastLonger(firstRoad, secondRoad)
The second road is not smoother than the first one.
¬Smoother(firstRoad, secondRoad)
John prefers the second road.
Prefer(john, secondRoad)
Camp Davern is a traditional summer camp for boys and girls.
TraditionalSummerCamp(campDavern) ∧ ForBoysAndGirls(campDavern)
Camp Davern was established in the year 1946.
EstablishedIn(campDavern, year1946)
Camp Davern was operated by the YMCA until the year 2015.
OperatedUntil(yMCA, campDavern, year2015)
Camp Davern is an old summer camp.
One of Ontario's oldest summer camps is a traditional summer camp for boys and girls.
∃x (Old(x) ∧ TraditionalSummerCamp(x) ∧ ForBoysAndGirls(x))
A traditional summer camp for boys and girls was operated by the YMCA until the year 2015.
∃x (TraditionalSummerCamp(x) ∧ ForBoysAndGirls(x) ∧ OperatedUntil(YMCA, x, year2015))
Camp Davern was established in 1989.
EstablishedIn(campdavern, year1989)
If Emily's friends publish journals, then they do not work in the entertainment industry.
∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ Publish(x, journal) → ¬WorkIn(x, entertainmentIndustry))
All of Emily's friends who are award-winning novelists publish journals.
∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ AwardWinningNovelist(x) → Publish(x, journal))
Emily's friends work in the entertainment industry or are highly acclaimed in their profession.
∀x (EmilysFriend(x) → WorkIn(x, entertainmentIndustry) ∨ HighlyAcclaimedIn(x, theirProfession))
If Emily's friends are highly acclaimed in their profession, then they often hold tenured and high-ranking positions at their workplace.
∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ HighlyAcclaimedIn(x, theirProfession) → ∃y (HoldAt(x, y, workPlace) ∧ Tenured(y) ∧ HighRanking(y) ∧ Position(y)))
If Emily's friends are highly acclaimed in their profession, then they often receive glowing feedback and recommendations from their colleagues.
∀x (EmilysFriend(x) ∧ HighlyAcclaimedIn(x, theirProfession) → ReceiveFrom(x, glowingFeedback, colleague) ∧ ReceiveFrom(x, glowingRecommendation, colleague))
Taylor is Emily's friend.
It is not true that Taylor both holds highly acclaimed in her profession and often holds tenured and high-ranking positions at her workplace.
¬(HighlyAcclaimedIn(taylor, theirProfession) ∧ (∃y (HoldAt(taylor, y, workPlace) ∧ Tenured(y) ∧ HighRanking(y) ∧ Position(y)))
Taylor is Emily's friend and she often holds tenured and high-ranking positions at her workplace.
EmilysFriends(taylor) ∧ (∃y (HoldAt(taylor, y, workPlace) ∧ Tenured(y) ∧ HighRanking(y) ∧ Position(y)))
Taylor is Emily's friend and she often receives glowing feedback and recommendations from their colleagues and is an award-winning novelist.
EmilysFriends(taylor) ∧ (Receive(taylor, glowingFeedback, colleague) ∧ Receive(taylor, glowingRecommendation, colleague) ∧ AwardWinningNovelist(taylor))
Taylor is Emily's friend and she does not both publish journals and is an award-winning novelist.
EmilysFriends(taylor) ∧ ¬(Publish(taylor, journal) ∧ AwardWinningNovelist(taylor))
Thick as Thieves is a young adult fantasy novel written by Megan Whalen Turner.
YoungAdultFantasy(thickAsTheives) ∧ Novel(thickAsTheives) ∧ WrittenBy(thickAsTheives, meganWhalenTurner)
Thick as Thieves was published by Greenwillow Books.
PublishedBy(thickAsTheives, greenWillowBooks)
If a book was published by a company, then the author of that book worked with the company that published the book.
∀x ∀y ∀z ((WrittenBy(x, y) ∧ PublishedBy(x, z)) → WorkedWith(y, z))
The fictional Mede Empire is where Thick as Thieves is set.
Fictional(medeEmpire) ∧ SetIn(thickAsTheives, medeEmpire)
The Mede Empire plots to swallow up some nearby countries.
∃x ∃y ((Country(x) ∧ Near(x, medeEmpire) ∧ PlotsToSwallowUp(medeEmpire, x)) ∧ (¬(x=y) ∧ Near(y, medeEmpire) ∧ PlotsToSwallowUp(medeEmpire, y)))
Attolia and Sounis are countries near the Mede Empire.
Country(attolia) ∧ Near(attolia, medeEmpire) ∧ Country(sounis) ∧ Near(sounis, medeEmpire)
Thick as Thieves was sold both as a hardcover and an e-book.
SoldAs(thickAsTheives, hardCover) ∧ SoldAs(thickAsTheives, softCover)
Megan Whalen Turner worked with Greenwillow Books.
WorkedWith(WhalenTurner, greenWillowbooks)
The Mede Empire plans to swallow up Attolia.
PlotsToSwallowUp(medeEmpire, attolia)
Thick as Thieves is not set in the Mede Empire.
¬SetIn(thickAsTheives, medeEmpire)
Megan Whalen Turner did not work with Greenwillow Books.
¬WorkedWith(megan, greenWillowbooks)
WeTab is a MeeGo-based tablet computer.
MeeGoBased(weTab) ∧ TabletComputer(weTab)
WeTab was announced by Neofonie.
∀x (AnnouncedBy(weTab, neofonie))
Neofonie is a German producer.
German(neofonie) ∧ Producer(neofonie)
Germans live in Germany or abroad.
∀x (German(x) → LiveIn(x, german) ⊕ LiveAbroad(x))
There is a tablet computer announced by a German producer.
∃x ∃y (TabletComputer(x) ∧ German(y) ∧ Producer(y) ∧ AnnouncedBy(x, y))
Neofonie doesn't speak English or German.
¬Speak(neofonie, english) ∧ ¬Speak(neofonie, german)
Some employees in James's town who work in business analysis are good at math.
∃x ∃y (EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(x, businessAnalysis) ∧ GoodAt(x, math) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ EmployeeIn(y, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(y, businessAnalysis) ∧ GoodAt(y, math))
All of the employees in James's town who work in business analysis are working for this company.
∀x ((EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(x, businessAnalysis)) → WorkFor(x, thisCompany))
None of the employees in James's town who work for this company are from China.
∀x ((EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkFor(x, thisCompany)) → ¬From(x, china))
All of the employees in James's town working in software engineering are from China.
∀x (EmployeeIn(x, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(x, softwareEngineering) → From(x, china))
Leif is an employee in James's town, and he is working in software engineering.
EmployeeIn(leif, jamesSTown) ∧ WorkIn(leif, softwareEngineering)
Leif is good at math.
EmployeesInJamesSTown(leif) ∧ GoodAt(leif, math)
Leif is not both good at math and working in business analysis.
¬(GoodAt(leif, math) ∧ WorkIn(leif, businessAnalysis))
If Leif is not both good at math and in business analysis, then he is neither working in this company nor working in software engineering.
¬(GoodAt(leif, math) ∧ WorkIn(leif, businessAnalysis)) → (¬WorkFor(x, thisCompany) ∧ ¬WorkIn(x, softwareEngineering))
The party provides five kinds of fruits: strawberry, orange, blueberry, grape, and cherry.
Provide(party, strawberry) ∧ Provide(party, orange) ∧ Provide(party, blueberry) ∧ Provide(party, grape) ∧ Provide(party, cherry)
If the fruit had the lowest remaining weight at the end of the party, then it means it was the most popular fruit.
∀x (LowestWeightRemainingAt(x, endOfParty) → MostPopular(x))
At the end of the party, strawberries had the lowest remaining weight.
LowestWeightRemainingAt(strawberries, endOfParty)
At the end of the party, the number of leftover blueberries was lower than that of cherries.
LowerWeightAt(blueberry, cherry, endOfParty)
Benjamin only ate oranges and grapes at the party.
Eat(benjamin, orange) ∧ Eat(benjamin, grape) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, blueberry) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, cherry) ∧ ¬Eat(benjamin, strawberry)
Blueberries were the most popular fruit at the party.
Cherries were the most popular fruit at the party.
Benjamin ate blueberries at the party.
Eat(blueberry, benjamin)
All students who attend in person have registered for the conference.
∀x (AttendInPerson(x) → Registered(x))
Students either attend the conference in person or remotely.
∀x (Attend(x) → (AttendInPerson(x) ⊕ AttendRemotely(x)))
No students from China attend the conference remotely.
∀x ((Attend(x) ∧ FromChina(x)) → ¬AttendRemotely(x))
James attends the conference, but he does not attend the conference remotely.
Attend(james) ∧ (¬AttendRemotely(james))
Jack attends the conference, and he is a student from China.
FromChina(jack) ∧ Attend(jack)
James attends the conference but not in person.
Attend(james) ∧ (¬AttendInPerson(james))
Jack attends the conference in person.
Attend(jack) ∧ AttendInPerson(jack)
Jack has registered for the conference.
David Ha'ivri is a political strategist.
If you are born in Israel to at least one Israeli parent, you receive Israeli citizenship at birth.
∀x ∃y (BornInIsrael(x) ∧ ParentOf(y, x) ∧ Israeli(y) → Israeli(x))
David Ha'ivri emigrated to the United States from Israel, where he was born to Israeli parents.
∃x (EmigratedTo(davidHaivri, america) ∧ BornInIsrael(davidHaivri) ∧ ParentOf(davidHaivri, x) ∧ Israeli(x))
Several Zionist leaders have been elected to the Shomron Regional Municipal council.
∃x (ZionistLeader(x) ∧ ElectedTo(x, shomronMunicipalCouncil))
David Ha'ivri is a Zionist leader.
David Ha'ivri is an Israeli citizen.
David Ha'ivri is a United States citizen.
David Ha'ivri has been elected to the Shomron Regional Municipal council.
ElectedTo(davidHaivri, shomronMunicipalCouncil)
Mary has the flu.
Has(mary, flu)
If someone has the flu, then they have influenza.
∀x (Has(x, flu) → Has(x, influenza))
Susan doesn't have influenza.
¬Has(susan, influenza)
Either Mary or Susan has influenza.
Has(mary, influenza) ⊕ Has(susan, influenza)
James Cocks was a British lawyer.
British(james) ∧ Lawyer(james)