John Evans is an archeologist who popularized the term "palstave."
Archeologist(johnEvans) ∧ Popularize(johnEvans, termPalstave)
Paalstabs are not a type of axe but rather a digging shovel.
¬Axe(paalstab) ∧ DiggingShovel(paalstab)
John Evans Popularized the term paalstab.
Popularized(johnEvans, termPalstave)
There is an axe that is found in Western Europe.
∃x (Axe(x) ∧ FoundIn(x, westernEurope))
Archeologists haven't popularized anything.
∀x ∀y (Archeologist(x) → ¬Popularize(x, y))
Koei Tecmo is a Japanese video game and anime holding company.
Japanese(koeitecmo) ∧ VideoGameHoldingCompany(koeitecmo) ∧ AnimeHoldingCompany(koeitecmo) ∧ HoldingCompany(x)
Holding companies hold several companies.
∀x (HoldingCompany(x) → ∃y(Company(y) ∧ Holds(x, y)))
Tecmo was disbanded in Japan, while Koei survived but was renamed.
DisbandsIn(tecmo, japan) ∧ Survives(koei) ∧ Renames(koei)
Video game holding companies are holding companies.
∀x (VideoGameHoldingCompany(x) → HoldingCompany(x))
Koei Tecmo holds another company.
∃x (Company(x) ∧ Holds(koeitecmo, x))
Tecmo holds another company.
∃x (Company(x) ∧ Holds(tecmo, x))
Koei Tecmo holds anime.
The PlayStation EyeToy is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 2 system.
System(playStation2) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationEyeToy, playStation2)
The PlayStation Eye is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 3 system.
System(playStation3) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationEye, playStation3)
The PlayStation Camera is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 systems.
System(playStation4) ∧ System(playStation5) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationCamera, playStation4) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationCamera, playStation5)
Camera accessories for a system are compatible with that system.
∀x ∀y (CameraAccessoryFor(x, y) ∧ System(y) → CompatibleWith(x, y))
Playstation 2, 3,4, and 5 are all different.
¬(playStation2=playStation3) ∧ ¬(playStation2=playStation4) ∧ ¬(playStation2=playStation5) ∧ ¬(playStation3=playStation4) ∧ ¬(playStation3=playStation5) ∧ ¬(playStation4=playStation5)
Only the PlayStation Camera camera system is compatible with different systems.
∀x ∃y ∃z (System(y) ∧ System(z) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ CompatibleWith(x, y) ∧ CompatibleWith(x, z) → x=playstationCamera)
The Playstation Eye is compatible with the PlayStation 2 and the PlayStation 3.
Compatible(playStationEye, playStation2) ∧ Compatible(playStationEye, playStation3)
The Playstation EyeToy is compatible with the PlayStation 2.
Compatible(playStationEyeToy, playStation2)
The Playstation Camera can be used for all Playstation consoles.
Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation2) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation3) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation4) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation5)
Adam Buska is a European football player.
FootballPlayer(adamBuska) ∧ European(adamBuska)
If a European plays football, they play what Americans call soccer.
∀x (FootballPlayer(x) ∧ European(x) → ∃y (Call(american, y, soccer) ∧ Play(x, y)))
Adam Buska plays what Americans call soccer.
∃y (Call(american, y, soccer) ∧ Play(adamBuska, y))
If a game is one of the top-3 best selling video-games, then it is multiplatform.
∀x (ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(x) → Multiplatform(x))
If a game has sold more than 100 million copies, then it is one of the top-3 best-selling video games.
∀x (SoldMoreThan100MillionCopies(x) → ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(x))
Some games that support Windows are developed by Nintendo.
∃x ((SupportsWindows(x) ∧ AGameDevelopedByNintendo(x)))
All multiplatform games can be played on a wide range of devices.
∀x (Multiplatform(x) → CanBePlayedOnAWideRangeOfDevices(x))
Pokemon Diamond version is neither developed by Nintendo nor can be played on a wide range of devices.
¬(DevelopedByNintendo(PokemonDiamond) ∨ CanBePlayedOnAWideRangeOfDevices(PokemonDiamond))
Pokemon Diamond version supports Windows.
Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SupportsWindows(PokemonDiamond)
Pokemon Diamond version supports Windows and has sold more than 100 million copies.
(Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SupportsWindows(PokemonDiamond)) ∧ (Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SoldMoreThan100MillionCopies(PokemonDiamond))
If Pokemon Diamond version either supports Windows or has sold more than 100 million copies, then Pokemon Diamond version either is both multiplatform and one of the top-3 best selling video games, or is neither multiplatform nor one of the top-3 best selling video games.
((Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SupportsWindows(PokemonDiamond)) ⊕ ((Game(PokemonDiamond) v (SoldMoreThan100MillionCopies(PokemonDiamond))) → (Multiplatform(PokemonDiamond) ∧ (Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(PokemonDiamond))) ⊕ (¬Multiplatform(PokemonDiamond) ∧ ¬(Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(PokemonDiamond)))
China is one of the BRICS, and its economy is emerging.
∃x (BRIC(x) ∧ ¬(x=china) ∧ BRIC(china) ∧ Emerging(chinaEconomy))
If someone is from China, then they are from a country of BRICS.
∀x (From(x, china) → From(x, bric))
India is one of the BRICS, and its economy is emerging.
BRIC(india) ∧ Emerging(indiaEconomy)
If someone is from India, then they are in a country of BRICS.
∀x (From(x, india) → From(x, bric))
All people from China are Chinese people.
∀x (From(x, china) → Chinese(x))
All people from India are Indian people.
∀x (From(x, india) → Indian(x))
There is a person from India.
∃x (From(x, india))
No people from BRICS are Indian people.
∀x (From(x, countryOfBRICS) → ¬IndianPeople(x))
India's economy is not emerging.
There is an Indian people from BRICS.
∃x (IndianPeople(x) ∧ From(x, countryOfBRICS))
Daveed Diggs is an actor and film producer.
Actor(daveedDiggs) ∧ FilmProducer(daveedDiggs)
Daveed Diggs played two roles in the musical Hamilton on Broadway.
∃x ∃y(PlaysIn(daveedDiggs, x, hamilton) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ PlaysIn(daveedDiggs, y, hamilton)) ∧ OnBroadway(hamilton) ∧ Musical(hamilton)
One of the actors from Hamilton won the best actor award.
∃x ∃y(Actor(x) ∧ PlaysIn(x, y, hamilton) ∧ Wins(x, bestActorAward))
The actor playing Thomas Jefferson won the best actor award.
∃x (Actor(x) ∧ PlaysIn(x, thomasJefferson, hamilton) ∧ Wins(x, bestActorAward))
Daveed Diggs played Thomas Jefferson.
Plays(daveedDiggs, thomasJefferson)
Musicals on Broadway are not films.
∀x ((Musical(x) ∧ OnBroadway(x)) → ¬Film(x))
Hamilton is a film.
Daveed Diggs won the best actor award.
Wins(daveedDiggs, bestActorAward)
Hamilton won two awards.
∃x ∃y(Wins(hamilton, x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Wins(hamilton, y))
Ernest Pohl was a Polish football player.
Polish(ernestPohl) ∧ FootballPlayer(ernestPohl)
A football player in the Polish First Division has scored over 180 goals.
∃x (FootballPlayer(x) ∧ In(x, polishFirstDivision) ∧ ScoredOver(x, 180Goals))
Ernest Pohl scored more than 180 goals in the Polish First Division.
In(ernestPohl, polishFirstDivision) ∧ ScoredOver(ernestPohl, 180Goals)
Górnik Zabrze's stadium was named after a soccer player from Ruda Śląska.
∃x ∃y (GornikZabrzes(x) ∧ Stadium(x) ∧ NamedAfter(x, y) ∧ SoccerPlayer(y) ∧ From(y, rudaŚląska))
Ernest Pohl is from Ruda Śląska.
From(ernestPohl, rudaŚląska))
Ernest Pohl has not scored more than 180 goals.
¬ScoredOver(ernestPohl, 180Goals)
Górnik Zabrze's stadium was named after Ernest Pohl.
∀x (GornikZabrzes(x) ∧ Stadium(x) → NamedAfter(x, ernestPohl))
Ann J. Land was a member of the Philadelphia City Council and the Democratic Party.
MemberOf(annJLand, philadelphiaCityCouncil) ∧ MemberOf(annJLand, democraticParty)
Ann J. Land ran unopposed for the Philadelphia City Council in 1980.
RunUnopposedFor(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1980)
People who run unopposed for the Philadelphia City Council are elected to the positions they run for in the same year.
∀x ∀y (RunUnopposedFor(x, philadelphiaCityCouncil, y) → ElectedTo(x, philadelphiaCityCouncil, y))
Michael Nutter was a political challenger.
Ann J. Land defeated Michael Nutter and ran for the Philadelphia City Council in 1987.
Defeat(annJLand, michaelNutter) ∧ RunFor(annJLand, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1987)
Ann J. Land was elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1980.
ElectedTo(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1980)
Ann J. Land was elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1987.
ElectedTo(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1987)
There was some member of the Democratic Party elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1980.
∃x (MemberOf(x, democraticParty) ∧ ElectedTo(x, philadelphiaCouncil, year1980))
Aberdeen won the cup in the 2013 final.
WonCup(aberdeen, year2013Final)
Rangers won the cup in the 2014 final.
WonCup(rangers, year2014Final)
Aberdeen and Rangers are different teams.
Different teams cannot win the cup in the same year's final.
∀x ∀y ∀z ∀w (¬(x=y) ∧ WonCup(x, z) ∧ WonCup(y, w) → ¬(z=w))
Rangers won the cup in 2015.
WonCup(rangers, year2015Final)
Rangers won the cup in 2013.
WonCup(rangers, year2013Final)
Aberdeen has once won a cup.
∃x (WonCup(aberdeen, x))
All young working professionals who have regular 9-5 jobs have stable jobs.
∀x (YoungWorkingProfessional(x) ∧ Have(x, regular9To5Job) → Have(x, stableJob))
Some people living in Manhattan are young professionals with regular 9-5 jobs.
∃x (LiveIn(x, manhattan) ∧ YoungWorkingProfessional(x) ∧ Have(x, regular9To5Job))
All people who have stable jobs are people who work regularly.
∀x (Have(x, stableJob) → WorkRegularly(x))
People who work regularly do not frequently disobey their bosses.
∀x (WorkRegularly(x) → ¬DisobeyFrequently(x, boss))
Mary either frequently disobeys her bosses and works regularly, or that she neither frequently disobeys her bosses nor works regularly.
¬(DisobeyFrequently(mary, boss) ⊕ WorkRegularly(mary))
Mary lives in Manhattan.
LiveIn(mary, manhattan)
Mary lives in Manhattan and is a young working professional who has a regular 9-5 job.
LiveIn(mary, manhattan) ∧ YoungWorkingProfessional(mary) ∧ Have(mary, regular9-5Job)
If Mary is a young working professional who has a regular 9-5 job, then Mary does not live in Manhattan.
YoungWorkingProfessional(mary) ∧ Have(mary, regular9-5Job) → ¬LiveIn(mary, manhattan)
All brain study designs are either block designs or event-related designs.
∀x (BrainStudy(x) → (BlockDesign(x) ⊕ Event-relatedDesign(x)))
All event-related brain study designs are brain image acquisition.
∀x ((BrainStudy(x) ∧ EventRelatedDesign(x)) → BrainImageAcquisition(x))
All brain image acquisition in brain study designs is preceded by data processing.
∀x ((BrainStudy(x) ∧ BrainImageAcquisition(x)) → PrecededBy(x, dataProcessing))
Nothing in brain study designs preceded by data processing analyzes data.
∀x ((BrainStudy(x) ∧ PrecededBy(x, dataProcessing)) → ¬Analyze(x, data))
Picture memory is a type of brain study design that is not either event-related or analyzing data.
BrainStudy(pictureMemory) ∧ (¬(EventRelatedDesign(pictureMemory) ⊕ AnalyzingData(pictureMemory)))
Picture memory is preceded by data processing.
PrecededBy(pictureMemory, dataProcessing)
Picture memory is a block design.
Picture memory is either a block design or analyzing data.
BlockDesign(pictureMemory) ⊕ Analyze(pictureMemory, data)
If picture memory is not analyzing data, then picture memory is a block design and analyzing data.
¬Analyze(pictureMemory, data) → (BlockDesign(pictureMemory) ∧ Analyze(pictureMemory, data))
The USS Lyon was a US Navy ship involved in WWII.
USNavyShip(theUSSLyon) ∧ InvolvedIn(theUSSLyon, wWII)
All ships involved in WWII are currently decommissioned or in a museum.
∀x (InvolvedIn(x, wWII) → (CurrentlyDecommissioned(x) ∨ In(x, museum)))
The USS Lyon is currently decommissioned.
All disposables are designed to be used only once.
∀x (Disposable(x) → DesignedToBeOnlyUsedOnce(x))
Some items used in Tom's house are eco-friendly.
∃x (EcoFriendly(x))
Every item used in Tom's house is either disposable or reusable.
∀x (UsedIn(x, tomsHouse) → Disposable(x) ⊕ Reusable(x))
If something is made from metal, then it is not made from plastic.
∀x (MadeFrom(x, metal) → ¬MadeFrom(x, plastic))
All reusable items used in Tom's house are made from metal.
∀x (Reusable(x) → MadeFrom(x, metal))
The chopsticks used in Tom's house are either made from metals and plastics, or that they are neither made from metals nor plastics.
¬(MadeFrom(chopsticksUsedInTomsHouse, metal) ⊕ MadeFrom(chopsticksUsedInTomsHouse, plastic))
The chopsticks used in Tom's house are eco-friendly.