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John Evans is an archeologist who popularized the term "palstave." | Archeologist(johnEvans) ∧ Popularize(johnEvans, termPalstave) |
Paalstabs are not a type of axe but rather a digging shovel. | ¬Axe(paalstab) ∧ DiggingShovel(paalstab) |
John Evans Popularized the term paalstab. | Popularized(johnEvans, termPalstave) |
There is an axe that is found in Western Europe. | ∃x (Axe(x) ∧ FoundIn(x, westernEurope)) |
Archeologists haven't popularized anything. | ∀x ∀y (Archeologist(x) → ¬Popularize(x, y)) |
Koei Tecmo is a Japanese video game and anime holding company. | Japanese(koeitecmo) ∧ VideoGameHoldingCompany(koeitecmo) ∧ AnimeHoldingCompany(koeitecmo) ∧ HoldingCompany(x) |
Holding companies hold several companies. | ∀x (HoldingCompany(x) → ∃y(Company(y) ∧ Holds(x, y))) |
Tecmo was disbanded in Japan, while Koei survived but was renamed. | DisbandsIn(tecmo, japan) ∧ Survives(koei) ∧ Renames(koei) |
Video game holding companies are holding companies. | ∀x (VideoGameHoldingCompany(x) → HoldingCompany(x)) |
Koei Tecmo holds another company. | ∃x (Company(x) ∧ Holds(koeitecmo, x)) |
Tecmo holds another company. | ∃x (Company(x) ∧ Holds(tecmo, x)) |
Koei Tecmo holds anime. | AnimeHoldingCompany(koeitecmo) |
The PlayStation EyeToy is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 2 system. | System(playStation2) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationEyeToy, playStation2) |
The PlayStation Eye is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 3 system. | System(playStation3) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationEye, playStation3) |
The PlayStation Camera is a camera accessory for the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 5 systems. | System(playStation4) ∧ System(playStation5) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationCamera, playStation4) ∧ CameraAccessoryFor(playStationCamera, playStation5) |
Camera accessories for a system are compatible with that system. | ∀x ∀y (CameraAccessoryFor(x, y) ∧ System(y) → CompatibleWith(x, y)) |
Playstation 2, 3,4, and 5 are all different. | ¬(playStation2=playStation3) ∧ ¬(playStation2=playStation4) ∧ ¬(playStation2=playStation5) ∧ ¬(playStation3=playStation4) ∧ ¬(playStation3=playStation5) ∧ ¬(playStation4=playStation5) |
Only the PlayStation Camera camera system is compatible with different systems. | ∀x ∃y ∃z (System(y) ∧ System(z) ∧ ¬(y=z) ∧ CompatibleWith(x, y) ∧ CompatibleWith(x, z) → x=playstationCamera) |
The Playstation Eye is compatible with the PlayStation 2 and the PlayStation 3. | Compatible(playStationEye, playStation2) ∧ Compatible(playStationEye, playStation3) |
The Playstation EyeToy is compatible with the PlayStation 2. | Compatible(playStationEyeToy, playStation2) |
The Playstation Camera can be used for all Playstation consoles. | Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation2) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation3) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation4) ∧ Compatible(playStationCamera, playStation5) |
Adam Buska is a European football player. | FootballPlayer(adamBuska) ∧ European(adamBuska) |
If a European plays football, they play what Americans call soccer. | ∀x (FootballPlayer(x) ∧ European(x) → ∃y (Call(american, y, soccer) ∧ Play(x, y))) |
Adam Buska plays what Americans call soccer. | ∃y (Call(american, y, soccer) ∧ Play(adamBuska, y)) |
If a game is one of the top-3 best selling video-games, then it is multiplatform. | ∀x (ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(x) → Multiplatform(x)) |
If a game has sold more than 100 million copies, then it is one of the top-3 best-selling video games. | ∀x (SoldMoreThan100MillionCopies(x) → ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(x)) |
Some games that support Windows are developed by Nintendo. | ∃x ((SupportsWindows(x) ∧ AGameDevelopedByNintendo(x))) |
All multiplatform games can be played on a wide range of devices. | ∀x (Multiplatform(x) → CanBePlayedOnAWideRangeOfDevices(x)) |
Pokemon Diamond version is neither developed by Nintendo nor can be played on a wide range of devices. | ¬(DevelopedByNintendo(PokemonDiamond) ∨ CanBePlayedOnAWideRangeOfDevices(PokemonDiamond)) |
Pokemon Diamond version supports Windows. | Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SupportsWindows(PokemonDiamond) |
Pokemon Diamond version supports Windows and has sold more than 100 million copies. | (Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SupportsWindows(PokemonDiamond)) ∧ (Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SoldMoreThan100MillionCopies(PokemonDiamond)) |
If Pokemon Diamond version either supports Windows or has sold more than 100 million copies, then Pokemon Diamond version either is both multiplatform and one of the top-3 best selling video games, or is neither multiplatform nor one of the top-3 best selling video games. | ((Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ SupportsWindows(PokemonDiamond)) ⊕ ((Game(PokemonDiamond) v (SoldMoreThan100MillionCopies(PokemonDiamond))) → (Multiplatform(PokemonDiamond) ∧ (Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(PokemonDiamond))) ⊕ (¬Multiplatform(PokemonDiamond) ∧ ¬(Game(PokemonDiamond) ∧ ATop3BestSellingVideoGame(PokemonDiamond))) |
China is one of the BRICS, and its economy is emerging. | ∃x (BRIC(x) ∧ ¬(x=china) ∧ BRIC(china) ∧ Emerging(chinaEconomy)) |
If someone is from China, then they are from a country of BRICS. | ∀x (From(x, china) → From(x, bric)) |
India is one of the BRICS, and its economy is emerging. | BRIC(india) ∧ Emerging(indiaEconomy) |
If someone is from India, then they are in a country of BRICS. | ∀x (From(x, india) → From(x, bric)) |
All people from China are Chinese people. | ∀x (From(x, china) → Chinese(x)) |
All people from India are Indian people. | ∀x (From(x, india) → Indian(x)) |
There is a person from India. | ∃x (From(x, india)) |
No people from BRICS are Indian people. | ∀x (From(x, countryOfBRICS) → ¬IndianPeople(x)) |
India's economy is not emerging. | EmergingEconomy(india) |
There is an Indian people from BRICS. | ∃x (IndianPeople(x) ∧ From(x, countryOfBRICS)) |
Daveed Diggs is an actor and film producer. | Actor(daveedDiggs) ∧ FilmProducer(daveedDiggs) |
Daveed Diggs played two roles in the musical Hamilton on Broadway. | ∃x ∃y(PlaysIn(daveedDiggs, x, hamilton) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ PlaysIn(daveedDiggs, y, hamilton)) ∧ OnBroadway(hamilton) ∧ Musical(hamilton) |
One of the actors from Hamilton won the best actor award. | ∃x ∃y(Actor(x) ∧ PlaysIn(x, y, hamilton) ∧ Wins(x, bestActorAward)) |
The actor playing Thomas Jefferson won the best actor award. | ∃x (Actor(x) ∧ PlaysIn(x, thomasJefferson, hamilton) ∧ Wins(x, bestActorAward)) |
Daveed Diggs played Thomas Jefferson. | Plays(daveedDiggs, thomasJefferson) |
Musicals on Broadway are not films. | ∀x ((Musical(x) ∧ OnBroadway(x)) → ¬Film(x)) |
Hamilton is a film. | Film(hamilton) |
Daveed Diggs won the best actor award. | Wins(daveedDiggs, bestActorAward) |
Hamilton won two awards. | ∃x ∃y(Wins(hamilton, x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Wins(hamilton, y)) |
Ernest Pohl was a Polish football player. | Polish(ernestPohl) ∧ FootballPlayer(ernestPohl) |
A football player in the Polish First Division has scored over 180 goals. | ∃x (FootballPlayer(x) ∧ In(x, polishFirstDivision) ∧ ScoredOver(x, 180Goals)) |
Ernest Pohl scored more than 180 goals in the Polish First Division. | In(ernestPohl, polishFirstDivision) ∧ ScoredOver(ernestPohl, 180Goals) |
Górnik Zabrze's stadium was named after a soccer player from Ruda Śląska. | ∃x ∃y (GornikZabrzes(x) ∧ Stadium(x) ∧ NamedAfter(x, y) ∧ SoccerPlayer(y) ∧ From(y, rudaŚląska)) |
Ernest Pohl is from Ruda Śląska. | From(ernestPohl, rudaŚląska)) |
Ernest Pohl has not scored more than 180 goals. | ¬ScoredOver(ernestPohl, 180Goals) |
Górnik Zabrze's stadium was named after Ernest Pohl. | ∀x (GornikZabrzes(x) ∧ Stadium(x) → NamedAfter(x, ernestPohl)) |
Ann J. Land was a member of the Philadelphia City Council and the Democratic Party. | MemberOf(annJLand, philadelphiaCityCouncil) ∧ MemberOf(annJLand, democraticParty) |
Ann J. Land ran unopposed for the Philadelphia City Council in 1980. | RunUnopposedFor(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1980) |
People who run unopposed for the Philadelphia City Council are elected to the positions they run for in the same year. | ∀x ∀y (RunUnopposedFor(x, philadelphiaCityCouncil, y) → ElectedTo(x, philadelphiaCityCouncil, y)) |
Michael Nutter was a political challenger. | PoliticalChallenger(michaelNutter) |
Ann J. Land defeated Michael Nutter and ran for the Philadelphia City Council in 1987. | Defeat(annJLand, michaelNutter) ∧ RunFor(annJLand, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1987) |
Ann J. Land was elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1980. | ElectedTo(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1980) |
Ann J. Land was elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1987. | ElectedTo(ann, philadelphiaCityCouncil, year1987) |
There was some member of the Democratic Party elected to the Philadelphia City Council in 1980. | ∃x (MemberOf(x, democraticParty) ∧ ElectedTo(x, philadelphiaCouncil, year1980)) |
Aberdeen won the cup in the 2013 final. | WonCup(aberdeen, year2013Final) |
Rangers won the cup in the 2014 final. | WonCup(rangers, year2014Final) |
Aberdeen and Rangers are different teams. | ¬(aberdeen=rangers) |
Different teams cannot win the cup in the same year's final. | ∀x ∀y ∀z ∀w (¬(x=y) ∧ WonCup(x, z) ∧ WonCup(y, w) → ¬(z=w)) |
Rangers won the cup in 2015. | WonCup(rangers, year2015Final) |
Rangers won the cup in 2013. | WonCup(rangers, year2013Final) |
Aberdeen has once won a cup. | ∃x (WonCup(aberdeen, x)) |
All young working professionals who have regular 9-5 jobs have stable jobs. | ∀x (YoungWorkingProfessional(x) ∧ Have(x, regular9To5Job) → Have(x, stableJob)) |
Some people living in Manhattan are young professionals with regular 9-5 jobs. | ∃x (LiveIn(x, manhattan) ∧ YoungWorkingProfessional(x) ∧ Have(x, regular9To5Job)) |
All people who have stable jobs are people who work regularly. | ∀x (Have(x, stableJob) → WorkRegularly(x)) |
People who work regularly do not frequently disobey their bosses. | ∀x (WorkRegularly(x) → ¬DisobeyFrequently(x, boss)) |
Mary either frequently disobeys her bosses and works regularly, or that she neither frequently disobeys her bosses nor works regularly. | ¬(DisobeyFrequently(mary, boss) ⊕ WorkRegularly(mary)) |
Mary lives in Manhattan. | LiveIn(mary, manhattan) |
Mary lives in Manhattan and is a young working professional who has a regular 9-5 job. | LiveIn(mary, manhattan) ∧ YoungWorkingProfessional(mary) ∧ Have(mary, regular9-5Job) |
If Mary is a young working professional who has a regular 9-5 job, then Mary does not live in Manhattan. | YoungWorkingProfessional(mary) ∧ Have(mary, regular9-5Job) → ¬LiveIn(mary, manhattan) |
All brain study designs are either block designs or event-related designs. | ∀x (BrainStudy(x) → (BlockDesign(x) ⊕ Event-relatedDesign(x))) |
All event-related brain study designs are brain image acquisition. | ∀x ((BrainStudy(x) ∧ EventRelatedDesign(x)) → BrainImageAcquisition(x)) |
All brain image acquisition in brain study designs is preceded by data processing. | ∀x ((BrainStudy(x) ∧ BrainImageAcquisition(x)) → PrecededBy(x, dataProcessing)) |
Nothing in brain study designs preceded by data processing analyzes data. | ∀x ((BrainStudy(x) ∧ PrecededBy(x, dataProcessing)) → ¬Analyze(x, data)) |
Picture memory is a type of brain study design that is not either event-related or analyzing data. | BrainStudy(pictureMemory) ∧ (¬(EventRelatedDesign(pictureMemory) ⊕ AnalyzingData(pictureMemory))) |
Picture memory is preceded by data processing. | PrecededBy(pictureMemory, dataProcessing) |
Picture memory is a block design. | BlockDesign(pictureMemory) |
Picture memory is either a block design or analyzing data. | BlockDesign(pictureMemory) ⊕ Analyze(pictureMemory, data) |
If picture memory is not analyzing data, then picture memory is a block design and analyzing data. | ¬Analyze(pictureMemory, data) → (BlockDesign(pictureMemory) ∧ Analyze(pictureMemory, data)) |
The USS Lyon was a US Navy ship involved in WWII. | USNavyShip(theUSSLyon) ∧ InvolvedIn(theUSSLyon, wWII) |
All ships involved in WWII are currently decommissioned or in a museum. | ∀x (InvolvedIn(x, wWII) → (CurrentlyDecommissioned(x) ∨ In(x, museum))) |
The USS Lyon is currently decommissioned. | CurrentlyDecommissioned(theUSSLyon) |
All disposables are designed to be used only once. | ∀x (Disposable(x) → DesignedToBeOnlyUsedOnce(x)) |
Some items used in Tom's house are eco-friendly. | ∃x (EcoFriendly(x)) |
Every item used in Tom's house is either disposable or reusable. | ∀x (UsedIn(x, tomsHouse) → Disposable(x) ⊕ Reusable(x)) |
If something is made from metal, then it is not made from plastic. | ∀x (MadeFrom(x, metal) → ¬MadeFrom(x, plastic)) |
All reusable items used in Tom's house are made from metal. | ∀x (Reusable(x) → MadeFrom(x, metal)) |
The chopsticks used in Tom's house are either made from metals and plastics, or that they are neither made from metals nor plastics. | ¬(MadeFrom(chopsticksUsedInTomsHouse, metal) ⊕ MadeFrom(chopsticksUsedInTomsHouse, plastic)) |
The chopsticks used in Tom's house are eco-friendly. | EcoFriendly(chopsticks) |