James Cocks was a Whig politician who sat in the House of Commons.
Whig(james) ∧ Politician(james) ∧ SatInHouseOfCommons(james)
A British is a European.
∀x (British(x) → European(x))
Any lawyer is familiar with laws.
∀x (Lawyer(x) → FamiliarWithLaws(x))
Some Whigs speak French.
∃x ∃y (Whig(x) ∧ SpeakFrench(x)) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ (Whig(y) ∧ SpeakFrench(y))
No lawyer ever sat in the House of Commons.
∀x (Lawyer(x) → ¬SatInHouseOfCommons(x))
Some European was familiar with laws.
∃x (European(x) ∧ FamiliarWithLaws(x))
James Cocks speaks French.
Beasts of Prey is a fantasy novel or a science fiction novel, or both.
Novel(beastsOfPrey) → (Fantasy(beastsOfPrey) ∨ ScienceFiction(beastsOfPrey))
Science fiction novels are not about mythological creatures
∀x ∀y (ScienceFiction(x) ∧ Mythological(y) ∧ Creature(y) → ¬About(x, y))
Beasts of Prey Is about a creature known as the Shetani.
About(beastsOfPrey, shetani) ∧ Creature(shetani)
Shetanis are mythological.
Beasts of prey is a fantasy novel.
Fantasy(beastsOfpPrey) ∧ Novel(beastsOfPrey)
Beasts of prey isn't a science fiction novel.
¬ScienceFiction(beastsofprey) ∧ Novel(beastsOfPrey)
A shetani is either mythological or a creature.
Mythological(shetani) ⊕ Creature(shetani)
Odell is an English surname originating in Odell, Bedfordshire.
Surname(nameODell) ∧ From(nameODell, oDellBedfordshire)
In some families, Odell is spelled O'Dell in a mistaken Irish adaptation.
MistakenSpellingOf(nameO'Dell, nameODell) ∧ (∃x∃y(Family(x) ∧ Named(x, nameO'Dell) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ Family(y) ∧ Named(y, nameO'Dell))
Notable people with surnames include Amy Odell, Jack Odell, and Mats Odell.
Named(amyODell, nameODell) ∧ NotablePerson(amyODell) ∧ Named(jackODell, nameODell) ∧ NotablePerson(jackODell) ∧ Named(matsODell, nameODell) ∧ NotablePerson(matsODell)
Amy Odell is a British singer-songwriter.
British(amyODell) ∧ Singer(amyODell) ∧ SongWriter(amyODell)
Jack Odell is an English toy inventor.
English(jackODell) ∧ ToyInventor(jackODell)
Jack Odell is a notable person.
Odell is Amy Odell's surname.
Named(amyODell, nameODell)
Amy Odell is an English toy inventor.
English(amyODell) ∧ ToyInventor(amyODell)
Amy Odell is also Amy O'Dell.
Named(amyODell, nameODell) ∧ Named(amyODell, nameO'Dell)
If you go somewhere by train, you will not lose time.
∀x (GoByTrain(x) → ¬LoseTime(x))
If you go somewhere by car and meet a traffic jam, you will lose time.
∀x((GoByCar(x) ∧ Meet(x, trafficJam)) → LoseTime(x))
If you lose time, you will be late for work.
∀x (LoseTime(x) → LateForWork(x))
Mary can get from New Haven to New York City either by train or car.
FromAndTo(newHaven, newYork) ∧ (GoByTrain(mary) ⊕ GoByCar(mary))
Mary is late for work.
Mary gets from New Haven to New York City by train.
FromAndTo(newHaven, newYork) ∧ GoByTrain(mary)
Mary gets from New Haven to New York City by car.
FromAndTo(newHaven, newYork) ∧ GoByCar(mary)
Mary meets a traffic jam.
Meet(mary, trafficJam)
If a person is hungry, the person is uncomfortable.
∀x (Hungry(x) → Uncomfortable(x))
If a person is uncomfortable, the person is unhappy.
∀x (Uncomfortable(x) → ¬Happy(x))
If a person is not hungry, the person is unhappy.
∀x (¬Hungry(x) → ¬Happy(x))
Tipped employees are not entitled to be paid the federal minimum wage by their employees.
∀x (TippedEmployee(x) → ¬EntitledTo(x, federalMinimumWage))
If a person is a white-collar worker, they are entitled to be paid the federal minimum wage by their employees.
∀x (WhiteCollarWorker(x) → EntitledTo(x, federalMinimumWage))
All lawyers are white-collar workers.
∀x (Lawyer(x) → WhiteCollarWorker(x))
Every advocate is a lawyer.
∀x (Advocate(x) → Lawyer(x))
Mary is not a lawyer or a tipped employee.
¬(Lawyer(mary) ⊕ TippedEmployee(mary))
Mary is a white-collar worker.
Mary is an advocate.
Mary is not an advocate.
Mary is either an advocate or a tipped employee.
Advocate(mary) ⊕ TippedEmployee(mary)
If Mary is not both an advocate and is entitled to be paid the federal minimum wage by their employees, she is not a tipped employee.
(¬(Advocate(mary) ∧ EntitledTo(mary, federalMinimumWage))) → ¬TippedEmployee(mary)
If Mary is either an advocate or a tipped employee, she is an advocate.
(Advocate(mary) ⊕ TippedEmployee(mary)) → Advocate(mary)
Asa Hoffmann was born in New York City.
BornIn(asaHoffmann, newYorkCity)
Asa Hoffman lives in Manhattan.
LiveIn(asaHoffmann, manhattan)
Asa Hoffman is a chess player.
Some chess players are grandmasters.
∃x ∃y (ChessPlayer(x) ∧ GrandMaster(x) ∧ (¬(x=y)) ∧ ChessPlayer(y) ∧ GrandMaster(y))
People born and living in New York City are New Yorkers.
∀x ((BornIn(x, newYorkCity) ∧ LiveIn(x, newYorkCity)) → NewYorker(x))
People living in Manhattan live in New York City.
∀x (LiveIn(x, manhattan) → LiveIn(x, newYorkCity))
Asa Hoffmann is a New Yorker.
Asa Hoffmann is a grandmaster.
Asa Hoffmann does not live in New York.
¬LiveIn(asaHoffmann, newYorkCity)
Some of those who apply for a Schengen visa get it.
∃x (Apply(x, schengenVisa) → Get(x, schengenVisa))
To apply for a Schengen Visa, you need to provide financial guarantees.
∀x (Apply(x, schengenVisa) → Provide(x, financialGuarantees))
If you need to provide financial guarantees, you must request documents from the bank.
∀x (Provide(x, financialGuarantees) → Request(x, documentsFromBank))
Do not close your bank account if you request documents from the bank.
∀x (Request(x, documentsFromBank) → ¬Close(x, bankAccount))
Philip closed his bank account.
Close(philip, bankAccount)
Philip got a Schengen visa.
Get(philip, schengenVisa)
Philip applied for a Schengen visa and got it.
Apply(philip, schengenVisa) ∧ Get(philip, schengenVisa)
If Philip did not request documents from the bank or get a Schengen visa, he didn’t apply for a Schengen visa.
(¬Request(philip, documentsFromBank) ∧ ¬Get(x, schengenVisa)) → Apply(x, schengenVisa)
Some fears lead to anxiety.
∃x ∃y (Fear(x) ∧ Anxiety(y) ∧ LeadTo(x, y) ∧ ¬(x=y))
Some anxiety leads to terror.
∃x ∃y (Anxiety(x) ∧ Terror(y) ∧ LeadTo(x, y))
No fears lead to terror.
∀x ∀y (Fear(x) → ¬(Terror(y) ∧ LeadTo(x, y)))
The Great Lakes are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.
∀x (GreatLake(x) → Superior(x) ⊕ Michigan(x) ⊕ Huron(x) ⊕ Erie(x) ⊕ Ontario(x))
Some major settlements of Lake Erie are in NY, PA, OH, and MI.
∀x (Erie (x) ∧ MajorSettlement(x) → In(x, nY) ∨ In(x, pA) ∨ In(x, oH) ∨ In(x, mI))
NY, PA, OH, and MI are states in the US.
StateOf(nY, uS) ∧ StateOf(pA, uS) ∧ StateOf(oH, uS) ∧ StateOf(mI, uS)
ON is a state of Canada.
StateOf(oN, canada)
There is a major settlement of Lake Huron in ON.
∃x (Huron(x) ∧ MajorSettlement(x) ∧ In(x, oN))
All states are in their country.
∀x ∀y (StateOf(x, y) → In(x, y))
The US is in North America.
In(us, northAmerica)
The Great Lakes began to form at the end of the Last Glacial Period.
∀x (GreatLake(x) → FormAtEndOf(x, lastGlacialPeriod))
Lake Erie has a major settlement.
∃x ∃y (Erie(y) ∧ MajorSettlementOf(x, y))
There is a great lake that did not form at the end of the Last Glacial Period.
∃x (GreatLake(x) ∧ ¬FormAtEndOf(x, lastGlacialPeriod))
All professional soccer defenders are professional soccer players.
∀x ((Professional(x) ∧ Defender(x)) → (Professional(x) ∧ SoccerPlayer(x)))
No professional soccer players are professional basketball players.
∀x ((Professional(x) ∧ SoccerPlayer(x)) → ¬(Professional(x) ∧ BasketballPlayer(x)))
All professional centerbacks are professional soccer defenders.
∀x ((Professional(x) ∧ CenterBack(x)) → (Professional(x) ∧ Defender(x))
Stephen Curry is a professional basketball player.
Professional(stephenCurry) ∧ BasketballPlayer(stephenCurry)
Stephen Curry is a professional centerback.
Professional(stephenCurry) ∧ CenterBack(stephenCurry)
Stephen Curry is not a centerback.
¬(Professional(stephenCurry) ∧ CenterBack(stephenCurry))
Naive cynicism was proposed by Justin Kruger and a colleague.
Proposed(justinKruger, naiveCynicism) ∧ ∃y (colleagueOfJustinKruger(y) ∧ Proposed(y, naiveCynicism))
Thomas Gilovich is a colleague of Justin Kruger.
Colleagues(thomasGilovich, justinKruger)
Naive cynicism is a philosophy of mind.
Thomas Gilovich proposed naive cynicism.
Proposed(thomasGilovich, naiveCynicism)
Justin Kruger proposed a philosophy of mind.
∃x (Proposed(justinKruger, x) ∧ PhilosophyOfMind(x))
Thomas Gilovich worked on philosophies of mind.
∃x (WorkedOn(thomasGilovich, x) ∧ PhilosophyOfMind(x))
The Turing Award has been awarded to Donald Knuth, Marvin Minsky, Richard Hamming, and John McCarthy.
AwardedTo(turingAward, donaldKnuth) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, marvinMinsky) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, richardHamming) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, johnMccarthy)
Donald Knuth made contributions to the analysis of algorithms.
ContributedTo(donaldKnuth, analysisOfAlgorithms)
Marvin Minsky is recognized for his contributions to the field of artificial intelligence.
ContributedTo(marvinMinsky, artificialIntelligence)
Richard Hamming researched numerical methods.
ContributedTo(richardHamming, numericalMethods)
John McCarthy made contributions to the field of artificial intelligence.
ContributedTo(johnMccarthy, artificialIntelligence)
At least two people who have won the Turing Award worked in artificial intelligence.
∃x ∃y (¬(x=y) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, x) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, y) ∧ ContributedTo(x, artificialIntelligence) ∧ ContributedTo(y, artificialIntelligence))
At least two people who worked in artificial intelligence have won the Turing Award.
∃x ∃y (¬(x=y) ∧ ContributedTo(x, artificialIntelligence) ∧ ContributedTo(x, artificialIntelligence) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, x) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, y))
Only one person who won the Turing Award made significant contributions to the analysis of algorithms.
∃x ∀y ((AwardedTo(turingAward, x) ∧ AwardedTo(turingAward, y) ∧ ContributedTo(y, algorithms) ∧ ¬(x=y)) → ¬ContributedTo(y, algorithms))
No Turing Award winners worked in the field of numerical methods.
∀x (AwardedTo(turingAward, x) → ¬ContributedTo(x, numericalMethods))
None of the easy Leetcode problems have an AC rate lower than 20 percent.
∀x ((LeetcodeProblems(x) ∧ Easy(x)) → ¬HaveAnACRateLowerThan(x, percent20))
All Leetcode problems recommended to novices are easy.
∀x ((LeetcodeProblems(x) ∧ RecommendedTo(x, novices)) → Easy(x))
Leetcode problems either have an AC rate lower than 20 percent or are starred by more than 1 thousand users.
∀x (LeetcodeProblems(x) → HaveAnACRateLowerThan(x, percent20) ⊕ StarredByMoreThan(x, num1000))
All hard Leetcode problems are starred by more than 1,000 users.
∀x ((LeetcodeProblems(x) ∧ Hard(x)) → StarredByMoreThan(x, num1000))