Stable right basilar opacity and small right pleural effusion with minimal improvement in aeration of the left lung base.
[ "Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Mild prominence and indistinctness of the hila, possibly due to mild vascular congestion.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Uncertain)" ]
Mediastinal and hilar contours are normal and unchanged
[ "No Finding" ]
Cardiac silhouette appears normal; however, there are indications of mild pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Persistent right upper lobe opacity, which may represent residual airspace disease or edema.
[ "Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Uncertain)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
Interval slightly decreased lung volumes. No focal consolidation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of a dual-lead AICD pacemaker.
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
Ill-defined airspace opacity within the left lower lobe on both frontal and lateral views, suggestive of a developing infectious process, with aspiration less likely. No significant pleural effusion noted.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Absent)", "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Successful placement of a left subclavian central venous catheter with the tip in the SVC.
[ "No Finding" ]
No significant interval change with stable cardiomegaly, mild interstitial pulmonary edema, retrocardiac opacity, and a small left pleural effusion.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)", "Edema (Present)" ]
Presence of a known right diaphragmatic hernia.
[ "Hernia (Present)" ]
Signs suggestive of pulmonary edema, as indicated by the increased cardiothoracic index and changes in the pulmonary hila and parahilar regions.
[ "Edema (Present)", "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
A 5 mm nodular opacity in the right upper lung zone, likely representing a calcified granuloma.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Present)" ]
Left PICC line terminating at the level of the trachea.
[ "PICC line (Present)" ]
Chest tube in position on the left side.
[ "No Finding" ]
Diffuse bilateral pulmonary parenchymal involvement with a predominance in the left hemithorax and left superior division.
[ "No Finding" ]
Accentuated kyphosis observed.
[ "No Finding" ]
No evidence of adenopathy; previously noted adenopathy has resolved.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right-sided subclavian line with tip in the mid SVC.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of pleural calcifications along the left mid thorax.
[ "Pleural scarring (Present)" ]
Increased dense consolidation within the left lower lobe, which may represent atelectasis and/or consolidation.
[ "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Distended esophagus unchanged.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent linear atelectasis in the left lower lobe.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Presence of multiple lines and tubes with appropriate positioning.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mediastinal and hilar adenopathy, with recommendation for CT evaluation.
[ "Hilar lymphadenopathy (Uncertain)" ]
Stable post-surgical changes of coronary artery bypass grafting.
[ "No Finding" ]
Increased pulmonary markings observed.
[ "No Finding" ]
New right lower lobe opacity, possibly indicative of pneumonia; further oblique views recommended for evaluation.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Stent graft in the proximal to mid descending thoracic aorta with stable positioning of endotracheal tube, right-sided chest tube, and nasogastric tube.
[ "No Finding" ]
Additional right internal jugular catheter.
[ "No Finding" ]
Degenerative changes and osteophytes present along the thoracic spine.
[ "No Finding" ]
No significant change, structures are stable.
[ "No Finding" ]
Endotracheal tube with tip positioned 3 cm above the carina.
[ "Suboptimal endotracheal tube (Present)" ]
Dual lead pacer wires present on the left, with leads intact and in position; no attached generator observed.
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
Postsurgical changes consistent with recent median sternotomy, including the placement of a right IJ CVC, Swan-Ganz catheter, mitral valvuloplasty, bioprosthetic aortic valve, mediastinal drains, epicardial pacing wires, and sternotomy wires.
[ "No Finding" ]
12 mm faint nodular density in the right lower lung, raising the possibility of focal parenchymal disease or pulmonary nodule. Further evaluation with follow-up PA and lateral chest radiographic examination and possibly CT examination of the thorax is recommended.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Uncertain)" ]
Right infrahilar confluence suggesting possible pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
Nasogastric tube in place, extending beyond the gastroesophageal junction.
[ "Suboptimal nasogastric tube (Present)" ]
Stable positioning of lines and tubes from previous imaging.
[ "No Finding" ]
Left basal subsegmental atelectasis without additional pulmonary abnormalities.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Presence of right internal jugular tunneled catheter and left lower hemithorax pigtail drain.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mildly enlarged cardiac silhouette with prosthetic valve, indicative of underlying cardiac pathology.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Present)" ]
Slight prominence in the region of the AP window, possibly representing a slightly prominent pulmonary artery; differential includes lymphadenopathy
[ "Enlarged pulmonary artery (Uncertain)", "Hilar lymphadenopathy (Uncertain)" ]
Pacemaker present in the left axilla with leads in the right atrium and right ventricle, unchanged
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
Decreased size of previously seen right apical pneumothorax with a tiny residual pneumothorax remaining.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Indistinct vasculature and patchy hazy opacities suggesting moderate pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Chronic cardiomegaly and biventricular decompensation without current evidence of pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Absent)", "Cardiomegaly (Present)" ]
Left ventriculoperitoneal shunt present.
[ "No Finding" ]
New opacity at the left base, concerning for pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Unchanged bibasilar opacity, more pronounced on the left, which may represent atelectasis, consolidation, or aspiration.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Stable mediastinal and cardiac shift to the right.
[ "No Finding" ]
The lungs are clear without evidence of pulmonary edema or pleural effusion. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size and appearance. Osseous structures of the chest are unremarkable.
[ "No Finding" ]
The left lower lobe mass is not visualized due to superimposition with the cardiac silhouette.
[ "Mass/Solitary lung mass (Uncertain)" ]
Nasogastric tube within the esophagus; further advancement may be necessary.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent right lower lobe collapse with loss of the right heart border and some mediastinal shift to the right. The right-sided pleural effusion has markedly decreased since the prior study post-thoracentesis. There is a slight increase in the left-sided pleural effusion.
[ "Lung collapse (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Endotracheal tube terminates 2.3 cm from the carina
[ "No Finding" ]
Left apical pneumothorax measuring 5 cm, persistent and unchanged.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Bilateral pulmonary consolidations in the upper middle fields, likely of infectious etiology.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
High-density nodule at the level of the lingula, likely representing a granuloma.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Present)" ]
Bilateral calcified pleural plaques suggesting prior asbestos exposure.
[ "Pleural scarring (Present)" ]
Limited evaluation of lateral views due to respiratory motion.
[ "No Finding" ]
Prominent aortic arch without significant change, likely related to imaging technique.
[ "No Finding" ]
Partially visualized stent in the abdomen.
[ "No Finding" ]
Nodular densities in the left apex, measuring 2.5 cm and 1.2 cm
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Present)" ]
Interval placement of 2 right-sided chest tubes.
[ "Pleural tube (Present)" ]
Additional catheter seen overlying the right infraclavicular region, uncertain if external; recommend clinical correlation.
[ "Suboptimal central line (Uncertain)" ]
Multiple foreign bodies within the soft tissues of the right shoulder and upper back, likely representing shotgun pellets.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bilateral basal bronchiectasis, which could be associated with chronic pulmonary disease.
[ "Bronchiectasis (Present)" ]
Slight increase in AP diameter with mild flattening of the hemidiaphragms, suggestive of emphysema.
[ "Emphysema (Present)" ]
Increased opacity at the lung bases, likely due to atelectasis secondary to low lung volumes.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Stable heart size and mediastinal contour with the presence of sternal wires and mediastinal clips, indicative of prior heart/lung transplant.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right internal jugular central venous catheter in unchanged appropriate position.
[ "No Finding" ]
Interval improvement in the indistinctness of the pulmonary vasculature, suggesting a decrease in pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Evidence of thoracic spine spondylosis.
[ "No Finding" ]
Relative improvement in the size of the right pneumothorax when compared to the unspecified previous study.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Multiple bilateral nodular opacities throughout both lungs.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Present)" ]
Normal cardiomediastinal silhouette for patient's lung volumes and radiographic technique.
[ "No Finding" ]
Very low lung volumes with increased retrocardiac opacity, which is better seen on the lateral view, concerning for pneumonia. Clinical correlation is recommended.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Slight improvement in right upper lobe consolidation in the posterior segment.
[ "Pneumonia (Present)" ]
Tracheostomy cannula is appropriately placed 4 cm from the carina.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent right subcutaneous emphysema, unchanged from prior examination.
[ "Subcutaneous Emphysema (Present)" ]
Nasogastric tube in situ with the tip projecting within the stomach.
[ "No Finding" ]
Moderate elevation of the left diaphragm, possibly related to moderate gas-distended stomach with fluid level.
[ "No Finding" ]
Difficulty in assessing pulmonary vascularity due to extensive pulmonary changes, with probable vascular engorgement and enlargement of the cardiac silhouette suggestive of volume overload.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Uncertain)", "Pulmonary congestion (Uncertain)" ]
Possible ground glass opacity in the middle and left lung fields adjacent to the lower scapular region.
[ "No Finding" ]
Endovascular prosthesis in the abdominal aorta.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bibasilar and perihilar airspace opacities
[ "Perihilar airspace opacity (Present)" ]
Presence of a small right pleural effusion with pleural thickening.
[ "Pleural scarring (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Metallic stent in the region of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is present.
[ "No Finding" ]
Single left chest tube in situ.
[ "Pleural tube (Present)" ]
Left shoulder findings require dedicated shoulder radiograph for detailed evaluation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Increased large left pleural effusion with adjacent compressive atelectasis, underlying mass not excluded.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)", "Atelectasis (Present)", "Mass/Solitary lung mass (Uncertain)" ]
Low lung volumes with central pulmonary vascular congestion.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
NG tube in satisfactory position within the stomach.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right internal jugular central catheter with its tip near the cavoatrial junction.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent enlargement of the pulmonary arterial contour suggestive of pulmonary hypertension or volume overload.
[ "Enlarged pulmonary artery (Present)" ]
Lung fields are well inflated with no evidence of significant pneumothorax on the chest X-ray.
[ "No Finding" ]
Widening of the right acromioclavicular joint, unchanged from prior.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mildly enlarged heart size with mild left and right ventricular enlargement.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Present)" ]
Stable position of TIPS.
[ "No Finding" ]