Decreased lung volumes with persistent mild pulmonary edema, bilateral pleural effusions, and bibasilar atelectasis/consolidation.
[ "Edema (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)", "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Left shoulder radiographs show no dislocation or fracture and mild acromioclavicular (AC) separation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Subtle opacity in the right upper lobe corresponding to the site of recent biopsy
[ "Lung Lesion (Present)" ]
Mild right lung base atelectasis and presence of suture material in the right lung, unchanged from prior.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Possible trace pleural effusions, if present, may be decreased in size compared to previous studies.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Single lead pacemaker present on the left chest wall with lead extending to the right ventricle.
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
Poorly delineated cardiomediastinal silhouette due to positioning and low inspiratory volumes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Small left pleural effusion has slightly increased.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Tiny left apical pneumothorax with left chest tube in situ.
[ "Pleural tube (Present)", "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Enteric tube remains appropriately positioned within the stomach.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mediastinal and hilar contours appear probably unchanged, considering differences in technique.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild right pleural effusion, no pneumothorax present.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Absent)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
New right upper lobe consolidation, which may represent aspiration or developing pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)" ]
The presence of a small alveolar infiltrate in the lower left lobe is suggestive of COVID-19 pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Properly positioned endotracheal tube, 4.3 cm from the carina.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of a right central venous infusion port terminating in the upper superior vena cava without complications.
[ "No Finding" ]
New mild to moderate compression deformity in the upper thoracic vertebral body.
[ "Compression fracture (Present)" ]
The left lung apex is not demonstrated in the views obtained.
[ "No Finding" ]
Small left pleural effusion with minimal increase from prior examination.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Stable 5 cm rounded mass in the left upper lung zone, consistent with known malignancy.
[ "Mass/Solitary lung mass (Present)" ]
Findings are suggestive of carcinomatous lymphangitis.
[ "No Finding" ]
Two right internal jugular central venous catheters, bilateral chest tubes, mediastinal drain, and epicardial wires unchanged in appearance.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable small right pneumothorax with a small basilar and a small right apical component.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Mediastinum is stable.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of a bicameral pacemaker over the left pectoral region without complications noted.
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
Left pectoral infusion port terminates in mid superior vena cava (SVC).
[ "Port catheter (Present)" ]
Transesophageal drainage tube is positioned within the nondistended stomach, with the distal end not visualized.
[ "No Finding" ]
Signs of congestive heart failure with vascular plethora and interstitial edema.
[ "Edema (Present)", "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
Expected post-operative appearance
[ "No Finding" ]
No significant interval change in retrocardiac atelectasis and left greater than right-sided pleural effusions.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Presence of transvenous right atrial and right ventricular pacemaker leads in standard placements.
[ "No Finding" ]
Unchanged subcutaneous air within the right chest wall.
[ "Subcutaneous Emphysema (Present)" ]
The cardiac contour is not well assessed due to patient rotation.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild to moderate right-sided pleural effusion, unchanged.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Mild reticular opacities throughout the lungs, likely representing mild pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Appear clear without evidence of consolidation or effusion.
[ "No Finding" ]
Imaged osseous structures appear normal
[ "No Finding" ]
Unchanged chest X-ray findings including calcified granulomata in the right mid zone, mitral annulus calcifications, and an old right clavicular fracture.
[ "Acute clavicle fracture (Absent)", "Calcification of the Aorta (Present)" ]
Decrease in left pleural fluid and presence of a 2.6-cm left apical pneumothorax.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Mediastinal drain in place with overlying sternotomy wire sutures and skin staples.
[ "No Finding" ]
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without acute exacerbation or complications such as consolidation or pleural effusion.
[ "Emphysema (Present)" ]
Discontinuity of the superior most sternotomy wire.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent substantial effusion and volume loss in the left lung.
[ "Lung collapse (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Tiny amount of pneumomediastinum in the left neck and adjacent to the aortic arch
[ "Pneumomediastinum (Present)" ]
Moderately enlarged heart with a globular configuration.
[ "Cardiomegaly (Present)" ]
Presence of lines and tubes in standard placements without complications.
[ "No Finding" ]
The right chest tube has been successfully removed.
[ "Pleural tube (Absent)" ]
Possible opacity in the right middle field, which may represent additional involvement by the infectious process.
[ "Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Uncertain)" ]
No new pulmonary consolidations identified, indicating no new acute findings.
[ "No Finding" ]
Patchy ill-defined opacity at the lung bases, possibly representing atelectasis, with infection or aspiration not excluded.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Both costophrenic sulci are blunted, suggesting possible small pleural effusions.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Resolution of previously noted increased opacification at the left base medially.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right lung lower lobe volume loss with sequelae.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Faint patchy opacity in the retrocardiac region, likely representing atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Diffuse prominence of interstitial lung markings noted.
[ "Fibrosis (Uncertain)" ]
There is decreased opacification at the left base with stable opacification of the right lung base.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of a dense streak of atelectasis in the left mid zone, with smaller streaks at the bases.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Minor degenerative changes are present within the spine.
[ "No Finding" ]
Clear lungs bilaterally without evidence of focal consolidation or pulmonary edema.
[ "No Finding" ]
Resolution of the thoracic wall emphysema.
[ "Subcutaneous Emphysema (Absent)" ]
Increased opacity in the right lower lobe, possibly related to recent procedure
[ "Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Uncertain)" ]
Temporary pacemaker wire appears in appropriate position.
[ "No Finding" ]
Pulmonary edema or infection, likely contributing to the patient's clinical picture of sepsis and pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
Multiple new opacities, including in the left lower lobe and potentially right lower lobe, suggestive of an infectious process.
[ "Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Uncertain)" ]
Left arm PICC line terminating in the lower superior vena cava, unchanged.
[ "No Finding" ]
The right internal jugular line is positioned at the level of the superior SVC.
[ "No Finding" ]
Chronic non-united fracture of the distal right clavicle.
[ "Acute clavicle fracture (Absent)" ]
Persistent bibasilar opacities, bilateral pleural effusions, and mild pulmonary edema without significant interval change.
[ "Edema (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
No significant abnormalities in the skeletal, cardiopulmonary systems.
[ "No Finding" ]
Left upper lobe linear opacities and hilar fullness concerning for underlying pneumonia and adenopathy. Further evaluation with CT of the chest with contrast is recommended if clinical concern persists.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Hilar lymphadenopathy (Uncertain)" ]
Right lung aeration is essentially unchanged.
[ "No Finding" ]
Small right pleural effusion, increased in size
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Linear radiopaque density along the course of the feeding tube, possibly an esophageal temperature probe, requires clinical correlation.
[ "No Finding" ]
The feeding tube position remains unchanged.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent but improving opacities at both apices and in the left upper and mid lung, suggestive of resolving aspiration or pulmonary hemorrhage, or resolving pulmonary edema with atypical distribution.
[ "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Pulmonary congestion (Uncertain)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
Linear opacities within the left lung base, likely representing subsegmental atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Successful left pleural tube exchange with improvement in the left basilar pneumothorax and persistent small left apical pneumothorax.
[ "Pleural tube (Present)", "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
The endotracheal tube is correctly positioned with the distal tip approximately 2.7 cm above the carina.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild, asymmetric pulmonary edema, more pronounced in the left lung.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Vascular crowding noted.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
Postmedian sternotomy changes noted.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bibasilar opacities without pleural effusion
[ "Air space opacity鈥搈ultifocal (Present)" ]
Hazy bilateral opacities, right greater than left, new since the prior exam.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right lung shows decreased volume with increasing reticular opacities, particularly at the right medial lung base.
[ "No Finding" ]
Degenerative changes of the left glenohumeral joint are noted.
[ "No Finding" ]
Slightly prominent bronchovascular markings, consistent with age-related changes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right internal jugular (IJ) central venous catheter unchanged, positioned 4.2 cm below the carina, at the cavoatrial junction.
[ "No Finding" ]
Dorsal kyphosis with associated osteopenia and anterior wedging of a mid-dorsal vertebral body, suggesting underlying spinal degenerative changes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Diffuse parenchymal opacities within the lungs, likely reflecting interstitial lung disease.
[ "Fibrosis (Uncertain)" ]
Right internal jugular (IJ) central line with its tip at the caval atrial junction, grossly unchanged.
[ "No Finding" ]
The mediastinal and cardiac contours are within normal limits.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bilateral pleural effusions, more pronounced on the right, with bibasilar opacities consistent with atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
No definitive radiographic evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process.
[ "No Finding" ]
Increased size of the left pneumothorax.
[ "Simple pneumothorax (Present)" ]
Mildly enlarged cardiomediastinal silhouette suggestive of cardiomegaly
[ "Cardiomegaly (Uncertain)" ]
Stable position of the endotracheal tube and any supporting devices.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right subclavian line well placed
[ "No Finding" ]
Small right and greater left pleural effusions.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Small left pleural effusion or pleural thickening, as evidenced by blunting of the left costophrenic angle.
[ "Pleural scarring (Uncertain)", "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Minimal blunting of the bilateral posterior costophrenic angles, which may represent tiny pleural effusions or pleural thickening.
[ "Pleural scarring (Uncertain)", "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]