Endotracheal tube tip is positioned 2.6 cm above the carina.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable positioning of the right internal jugular (IJ) catheter and left-sided chest tube.
[ "No Finding" ]
Mild anterior wedge deformities of the mid thoracic vertebral bodies, likely chronic
[ "Compression fracture (Present)" ]
A 1.5-cm density with ill-defined borders seen on the lateral view above the left hemidiaphragm, not corroborated on the frontal view.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Uncertain)" ]
Worsening heart failure suggested by pulmonary findings.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
Clearing of previously noted opacification at the left base.
[ "No Finding" ]
Normal chest x-ray with no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable left infrahilar retrocardiac opacity with air bronchograms.
[ "Perihilar airspace opacity (Present)" ]
Possible small left pleural effusion, decreased in size from the previous examination.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Tortuous and possibly enlarged aorta.
[ "Enlarged pulmonary artery (Uncertain)", "Tortuous Aorta (Present)" ]
Bilateral hip prosthesis without evidence of complication.
[ "No Finding" ]
Widespread bilateral opacities, which could represent edema, ARDS, or pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
Stable plate and screw fixation overlying the mid to distal left clavicle.
[ "No Finding" ]
Interval removal of the left upper lung zone chest tube with postsurgical changes. Intact median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are noted.
[ "No Finding" ]
Left arm PICC line with the tip located 3.7 cm below the carina.
[ "PICC line (Present)" ]
No obvious rib fractures identified on a non-dedicated study; consider dedicated rib views with markers if clinical concern persists.
[ "No Finding" ]
The imaged osseous structures are unremarkable.
[ "No Finding" ]
Eventration of the right hemidiaphragm
[ "Hernia (Present)" ]
Bullous change is seen peripherally at the left base. The left lung otherwise appears clear.
[ "Emphysema (Present)" ]
Pacemaker leads are in the correct position.
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
New, minimally displaced pathologic right posterior seventh rib fracture.
[ "Acute rib fracture (Present)" ]
Unchanged cardiomediastinal silhouette with sternotomy wires.
[ "No Finding" ]
Blunting of the costophrenic angles, suggestive of superimposed effusion, particularly on the left.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Interval increase in fluid within the left pneumonectomy space, consistent with expected postoperative changes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable tracheostomy and positioning of right IJ dialysis catheter and PICC line.
[ "No Finding" ]
Diffuse osteopenia present.
[ "No Finding" ]
Stable position of left pigtail thoracic drain.
[ "No Finding" ]
Decreased right pleural effusion with adjacent right retrocardiac opacity likely representing atelectasis; however, coexisting pneumonia cannot be excluded.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)", "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
18 mm nodule within the right lower lobe.
[ "Nodule/Solitary lung nodule (Present)" ]
Normal appearance with intact sternotomy wires.
[ "No Finding" ]
Presence of Kerley lines.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
Moderate tortuosity of the thoracic aorta remains unchanged.
[ "Tortuous Aorta (Present)" ]
Stability of the remainder of the lung fields.
[ "No Finding" ]
Postsurgical changes from coronary artery bypass grafting are again noted, with stable positioning of AICD leads.
[ "No Finding" ]
No evidence of orotracheal intubation or nasogastric tube placement.
[ "No Finding" ]
Small pleural effusions may be present, if any.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
New focal opacity at the left lung base, possibly representing atelectasis or aspiration, without pneumothorax.
[ "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Bilateral streaky opacities consistent with subsegmental atelectasis, unchanged.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Interval repositioning of the left pigtail drain.
[ "No Finding" ]
Improvement in the right hemithorax with decreased density of previously noted opacities.
[ "No Finding" ]
Slight increase in consolidation at the right base, which may indicate worsening air-space disease or atelectasis.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Hazy opacity over the left hemithorax suggesting a layering left pleural effusion with associated left lower lobe atelectasis or consolidation, which appears stable.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Heart size at the upper limits of normal with associated pulmonary vascular congestion.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
Appropriate inspiratory lung volumes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Right hilar vascular congestion.
[ "Pulmonary congestion (Present)" ]
Increased reticular pattern, suggestive of edema.
[ "Edema (Uncertain)" ]
The distal ends of the orogastric and feeding tubes are not visualized; a repeat radiograph including the upper abdomen is recommended for complete assessment.
[ "No Finding" ]
Ill-defined mediastinal silhouette, which may indicate hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy.
[ "Hilar lymphadenopathy (Uncertain)" ]
Rounded opacity at the right cardiophrenic angle suggestive of a prominent epicardial fat pad; further evaluation with non-urgent chest CT is recommended if clinically indicated.
[ "No Finding" ]
Embolization coils overlying the mediastinum.
[ "No Finding" ]
Moderate cardiomegaly with resolved pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Absent)", "Cardiomegaly (Present)" ]
Subtle left basilar opacity, possibly representing atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Unchanged appearance of right internal jugular venous catheter, right-sided mediport, left PICC, endotracheal tube, nasogastric tube, and two left-sided chest tubes.
[ "No Finding" ]
Left apically directed pleural drain in place.
[ "Pleural tube (Present)" ]
Tracheostomy tip is 4 cm below the carina and appropriately positioned
[ "No Finding" ]
Evaluation of the heart is difficult due to bilateral opacities.
[ "No Finding" ]
Dense consolidation involving the right mid and lower lung zones with a rounded lucency at the right lateral costophrenic angle sulcus, which may represent a focal area of aerated lung versus a small pneumatocele. There is also thickening of the right pleura with probable layering pleural effusion and right paramediastinal opacities likely related to prior surgery and/or possible prior radiation in this region.
[ "Pleural scarring (Uncertain)", "Pneumonia (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Visualized mediastinal contours are stable.
[ "No Finding" ]
Scattered opacities in the left lower lobe
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Present)" ]
Right-sided peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line with the tip projecting over the right atrium; repositioning is recommended for optimal placement at the cavoatrial junction.
[ "PICC line (Present)" ]
Mild diffuse interstitial pattern throughout both lungs.
[ "No Finding" ]
Improvement in pulmonary infiltrates as evidenced by decreased density on chest x-ray.
[ "No Finding" ]
Bilateral pleural effusions with a loculated component on the right are demonstrated.
[ "Loculated pleural effusion (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Signs indicative of pulmonary edema.
[ "Edema (Present)" ]
Increased hazy opacity in the right lower lobe suggestive of either a layering pleural effusion/hemothorax or increased atelectasis.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Bilateral diffuse pulmonary infiltrates suggestive of COVID-19 pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Residual diffuse right lung opacity likely represents persistent pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Present)" ]
Otherwise, there is little change when compared to the previous study.
[ "No Finding" ]
Decreased lung volumes with persistent, moderate bilateral pleural effusions.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Cardiac silhouette at the upper limits of normal, no definitive evidence of heart failure on chest radiograph.
[ "No Finding" ]
No pneumothorax, area of consolidation, or effusion identified.
[ "No Finding" ]
No osseous abnormalities identified in the visualized structures.
[ "No Finding" ]
Reaccumulation of pleural fluid at the right lateral lung bases since the removal of the right pleural drain, contributing to increased radiodensity in this region.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
No pulmonary parenchymal consolidations are identified, suggesting the absence of acute infiltrative lung disease.
[ "No Finding" ]
Perihilar opacities suggesting vascular congestion, with potential underlying infectious process or aspiration in the left lung base or right perihilar region.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Pulmonary congestion (Uncertain)" ]
Interval removal of a previously placed left upper extremity PICC line is noted.
[ "No Finding" ]
Focal opacification in the left lower lobe may represent early infection.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
No new focal opacity or significant interval change since the prior exam.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent marked elevation of the left hemidiaphragm.
[ "No Finding" ]
Persistent left pleural effusion and smaller right pleural effusion, unchanged.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Atelectasis in the right mid lung and left lower lung; cannot exclude concurrent pneumonia in the left lower lobe.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
New patchy areas of opacity within the left mid and lower lung zones, as well as an increasing left-sided pleural effusion. These findings could represent focal atelectasis, though aspiration and pneumonia cannot be excluded.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)", "Aspiration (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]
Left pleural effusion with a small hydroaerial level.
[ "Hydropneumothorax (Present)" ]
Lungs and airways appear unremarkable.
[ "No Finding" ]
TIPS stent and embolization coils present over the right upper quadrant and mid upper abdomen.
[ "No Finding" ]
Middle lobe consolidation, suggestive of pneumonia or other localized lung pathology.
[ "Pneumonia (Uncertain)" ]
Development of bilateral pleural effusions.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Presence of contrast within the collecting systems bilaterally from recent CT angiogram exam.
[ "No Finding" ]
Left chest wall cardiac pacemaker/AICD device is noted.
[ "Pacemaker (Present)" ]
The position of the peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) is unchanged.
[ "PICC line (Present)" ]
Associated left lung base atelectasis.
[ "Atelectasis (Present)" ]
Persistent dense consolidation in the left lower lobe with probable layering left effusion.
[ "Simple pleural effusion (Uncertain)" ]
Bibasilar opacities with bilateral pleural effusions, more pronounced on the left.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Present)", "Simple pleural effusion (Present)" ]
Recommendation for repeat radiograph or clinical correlation to confirm placement of pleural drain side ports within the pleural space.
[ "Pleural tube (Uncertain)" ]
Intact lower cervical fixation plate with no changes.
[ "No Finding" ]
There is evidence of increasing air-space disease in the left lung, particularly at the base, which may indicate worsening pneumonia.
[ "Pneumonia (Present)" ]
Mild vertebral body height loss at L1 is stable.
[ "No Finding" ]
Prominence of the costochondral junction at the bilateral first rib
[ "No Finding" ]
Improvement in the heterogeneous opacity of the right lung base.
[ "No Finding" ]
Increased obscuration of the left hemidiaphragm suggesting consolidation or atelectasis.
[ "Air space opacity–multifocal (Uncertain)", "Atelectasis (Uncertain)" ]