1 value
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Sildenafil citrate - Theoretically, L-arginine supplements taken concomitantly with sildenafil citrate, may potentiate the effects of the drug.
<L-arginine, effect, sildenafil citrate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because there is a theoretical basis that these effects may be additive, use of ergotamine-containing or ergot-type medications (like dihydroergotamine or methysergide) and AXERT within 24 hours of each other should be avoided.
<ergotamine, advise, AXERT>, <ergot-type medications, advise, AXERT>, <dihydroergotamine, advise, AXERT>, <methysergide, advise, AXERT>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors: Coadministration of moclobemide resulted in a 27% decrease in almotriptan clearance and an increase in Cmax of approximately 6%.
<moclobemide, mechanism, almotriptan>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Other 5-HT1B/1D Agonists Concomitant use of other 5-HT1B/1D agonists within 24 hours of treatment with AXERT is contraindicated.
<5-HT1B/1D agonists, advise, AXERT>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): SSRIs (e.g., fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline) have been rarely reported to cause weakness, hyperreflexia, and incoordination when coadministered with 5-HT1 agonists.
<SSRIs, effect, 5-HT1 agonists>, <fluoxetine, effect, 5-HT1 agonists>, <fluvoxamine, effect, 5-HT1 agonists>, <paroxetine, effect, 5-HT1 agonists>, <sertraline, effect, 5-HT1 agonists>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
If concomitant treatment with AXERT and an SSRI is clinically warranted, appropriate observation of the patient is advised.
<AXERT, advise, SSRI>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Verapamil: Coadministration of almotriptan and verapamil resulted in a 24% increase in plasma concentrations of almotriptan.
<almotriptan, mechanism, verapamil>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration of almotriptan and the potent CYP3A4 inhibitor ketoconazole (400 mg q.d. for 3 days) resulted in an approximately 60% increase in the area under the plasma concentration-time curve and maximal plasma concentrations of almotriptan.
<almotriptan, mechanism, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although the interaction between almotriptan and other potent CYP3A4 inhibitors (e.g., itraconazole, ritonavir, and erythromycin) has not been studied, increased exposures to almotriptan may be expected when almotriptan is used concomitantly with these medications.
<itraconazole, advise, almotriptan>, <ritonavir, advise, almotriptan>, <erythromycin, advise, almotriptan>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Lamivudine and zalcitabine may inhibit the intracellular phosphorylation of one another.
<Lamivudine, effect, zalcitabine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore, use of lamivudine in combination with zalcitabine is not recommended
<lamivudine, advise, zalcitabine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Folic acid in large amounts may counteract the antiepileptic effect of phenobarbital, phenytoin and primidone, and increase the frequency of seizures in susceptible pediatric patients.
<Folic acid, effect, phenobarbital>, <Folic acid, effect, phenytoin>, <Folic acid, effect, primidone>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
However, high doses of leucovorin may reduce the efficacy of intrathecally administered methotrexate.
<leucovorin, effect, methotrexate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Leucovorin may enhance the toxicity of 5-fluorouracil.
<Leucovorin, effect, 5-fluorouracil>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The following drug interactions have been identified involving NIZORAL Tablets and other drugs metabolized by the cytochrome P450 3A4 enzyme system: Ketoconazole tablets inhibit the metabolism of terfenadine, resulting in an increased plasma concentration of terfenadine and a delay in the elimination of its acid metabolite.
<Ketoconazole, mechanism, terfenadine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Pharmacokinetic data indicate that oral ketoconazole inhibits the metabolism of astemizole, resulting in elevated plasma levels of astemizole and its active metabolite desmethylastemizole which may prolong QT intervals.
<ketoconazole, effect, astemizole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration of astemizole with ketoconazole tablets is therefore contraindicated.
<astemizole, advise, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Human pharmacokinetics data indicate that oral ketoconazole potently inhibits the metabolism of cisapride resulting in a mean eight-fold increase in AUC of cisapride.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, cisapride>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Data suggest that coadministration of oral ketoconazole and cisapride can result in prolongation of the QT interval on the ECG.
<ketoconazole, effect, cisapride>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Therefore concomitant administration of ketoconazole tablets with cisapride is contraindicated.
<ketoconazole, advise, cisapride>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Ketoconazole tablets may alter the metabolism of cyclosporine, tacrolimus, and methylprednisolone, resulting in elevated plasma concentrations of the latter drugs.
<Ketoconazole, mechanism, cyclosporine>, <Ketoconazole, mechanism, tacrolimus>, <Ketoconazole, mechanism, methylprednisolone>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration of NIZORAL Tablets with midazolam or triazolam has resulted in elevated plasma concentrations of the latter two drugs.
<NIZORAL, mechanism, midazolam>, <NIZORAL, mechanism, triazolam>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
It is, therefore, advisable to monitor digoxin concentrations in patients receiving ketoconazole.
<digoxin, advise, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When taken orally , imidazole compounds like ketoconazole may enhance the anticoagulant effect of coumarin-like drugs.
<imidazole compounds, effect, coumarin>, <ketoconazole, effect, coumarin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In simultaneous treatment with imidazole drugs and coumarin drugs, the anticoagulant effect should be carefully titrated and monitored.
<imidazole drugs, advise, coumarin drugs>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because severe hypoglycemia has been reported in patients concomitantly receiving oral miconazole (an imidazole) and oral hypoglycemic agents, such a potential interaction involving the latter agents when used concomitantly with ketoconazole tablets (an imidazole) can not be ruled out.
<miconazole, effect, hypoglycemic agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of ketoconazole tablets with phenytoin may alter the metabolism of one or both of the drugs.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, phenytoin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
It is suggested to monitor both ketoconazole and phenytoin.
<ketoconazole, advise, phenytoin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of rifampin with ketoconazole tablets reduces the blood levels of the latter.
<rifampin, mechanism, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
INH (Isoniazid) is also reported to affect ketoconazole concentrations adversely.
<INH, mechanism, ketoconazole>, <Isoniazid, mechanism, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
After the coadministration of 200 mg oral ketoconazole twice daily and one 20 mg dose of loratadine to 11 subjects, the AUC and Cmax of loratadine averaged 302% ( 142 S.D.) and 251% ( 68 S.D.), respectively, of those obtained after co-treatment with placebo.
<ketoconazole, mechanism, loratadine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although the occurrence has not been reported with Cefizox, nephrotoxicity has been reported following concomitant administration of other cephalosporins and aminoglycosides.
<cephalosporins, effect, aminoglycosides>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drugs that induce hepatic enzymes such as phenobarbital, phenytoin and rifampin may increase the clearance of corticosteroids and may require increases in corticosteroid dose to achieve the desired response.
<phenobarbital, mechanism, corticosteroids>, <phenobarbital, advise, corticosteroid>, <phenytoin, mechanism, corticosteroids>, <phenytoin, advise, corticosteroid>, <rifampin, mechanism, corticosteroids>, <rifampin, advise, corticosteroid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drugs such as troleandomycin and ketoconazole may inhibit the metabolism of corticosteroids and thus decrease their clearance.
<troleandomycin, mechanism, corticosteroids>, <ketoconazole, mechanism, corticosteroids>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Corticosteroids may increase the clearance of chronic high dose aspirin.
<Corticosteroids, effect, aspirin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
This could lead to decreased salicylate serum levels or increase the risk of salicylate toxicity when corticosteroid is withdrawn.
<salicylate, effect, corticosteroid>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Aspirin should be used cautiously in conjunction with cortico-steroids in patients suffering from hypopro-thrombinemia.
<Aspirin, advise, cortico-steroids>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The effect of corticosteroids on oral anticoagulants is variable.
<corticosteroids, effect, anticoagulants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
There are reports of enhanced as well as diminished effects of anticoagulants when given concurrently with corticosteroids.
<anticoagulants, effect, corticosteroids>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Co-administration of BOTOX and aminoglycosides or other agents interfering with neuromuscular transmission (e.g., curare-like compounds) should only be performed with caution as the effect of the toxin may be potentiated.
<BOTOX, advise, aminoglycosides>, <BOTOX, advise, curare-like compounds>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Excessive neuromuscular weakness may be exacerbated by administration of another botulinum toxin prior to the resolution of the effects of a previously administered botulinum toxin.
<botulinum toxin, effect, botulinum toxin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Additive adverse effects resulting from cholinergic blockade may occur when LEVSIN is administered concomitantly with other antimuscarinics, amantadine, haloperidol, phenothiazines, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants or some antihistamines.
<LEVSIN, effect, antimuscarinics>, <LEVSIN, effect, amantadine>, <LEVSIN, effect, haloperidol>, <LEVSIN, effect, phenothiazines>, <LEVSIN, effect, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors>, <LEVSIN, effect, tricyclic antidepressants>, <LEVSIN, effect, antihistamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antacids may interfere with the absorption of LEVSIN.
<Antacids, mechanism, LEVSIN>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Fluvoxamine increased mean alosetron plasma concentrations (AUC) approximately 6-fold and prolonged the half-life by approximately 3-fold.
<Fluvoxamine, mechanism, alosetron>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of alosetron and fluvoxamine is contraindicated.
<alosetron, advise, fluvoxamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Concomitant administration of alosetron and moderate CYP1A2 inhibitors, including quinolone antibiotics and cimetidine, has not been evaluated, but should be avoided unless clinically necessary because of similar potential drug interactions.
<alosetron, advise, quinolone antibiotics>, <alosetron, advise, cimetidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Ketoconazole increased mean alosetron plasma concentrations (AUC) by 29%.
<Ketoconazole, mechanism, alosetron>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Caution should be used when alosetron and ketoconazole are administered concomitantly.
<alosetron, advise, ketoconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Coadministration of alosetron and strong CYP3A4 inhibitors, such as clarithromycin, telithromycin, protease inhibitors, voriconazole, and itraconazole has not been evaluated but should be undertaken with caution because of similar potential drug interactions.
<alosetron, advise, clarithromycin>, <alosetron, advise, telithromycin>, <alosetron, advise, protease inhibitors>, <alosetron, advise, voriconazole>, <alosetron, advise, itraconazole>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Although not studied with alosetron, inhibition of N-acetyltransferase may have clinically relevant consequences for drugs such as isoniazid, procainamide, and hydralazine.
<alosetron, effect, isoniazid>, <alosetron, effect, procainamide>, <alosetron, effect, hydralazine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Adenosine: Dipyridamole has been reported to increase the plasma levels and cardiovascular effects of adenosine.
<Dipyridamole, mechanism, adenosine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Dipyridamole may counteract the anticholinesterase effect of cholinesterase inhibitors, thereby potentially aggravating myasthenia gravis.
<Dipyridamole, effect, cholinesterase inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Anticholinergic agents: Although ipratropium bromide is minimally absorbed into the systemic circulation, there is some potential for an additive interaction with concomitantly used anticholinergic medications.
<ipratropium bromide, effect, anticholinergic medications>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Caution is therefore advised in the coadministration of ATROVENT Inhalation Aerosol with other anticholinergic-containing drugs.
<ATROVENT, advise, anticholinergic>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
An encephalopathic syndrome (characterized by weakness, lethargy, fever, tremulousness and confusion, extrapyramidal symptoms, leukocytosis, elevated serum enzymes, BUN, and FBS) followed by irreversible brain damage has occurred in a few patients treated with lithium plus HALDOL.
<lithium, effect, HALDOL>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
As with other antipsychotic agents, it should be noted that HALDOL may be capable of potentiating CNS depressants such as anesthetics, opiates, and alcohol.
<antipsychotic agents, effect, CNS depressants>, <antipsychotic agents, effect, anesthetics>, <antipsychotic agents, effect, opiates>, <antipsychotic agents, effect, alcohol>, <HALDOL, effect, CNS depressants>, <HALDOL, effect, anesthetics>, <HALDOL, effect, opiates>, <HALDOL, effect, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In a study of 12 schizophrenic patients coadministered oral haloperidol and rifampin, plasma haloperidol levels were decreased by a mean of 70% and mean scores on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale were increased from baseline.
<haloperidol, mechanism, rifampin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In 5 other schizophrenic patients treated with oral haloperidol and rifampin, discontinuation of rifampin produced a mean 3.3-fold increase in haloperidol concentrations.
<rifampin, mechanism, haloperidol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Thus, careful monitoring of clinical status is warranted when rifampin is administered or discontinued in haloperidol-treated patients.
<rifampin, advise, haloperidol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
apomorphine - prior ingestion of diphenidol may decrease the emetic response to apomorphine in the treatment of poisoning.
<diphenidol, effect, apomorphine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In a placebo-controlled trial in normal volunteers, the administration of a single 1 mg dose of doxazosin on day 1 of a four-day regimen of oral cimetidine (400 mg twice daily) resulted in a 10% increase in mean AUC of doxazosin (p=0.006), and a slight but not statistically significant increase in mean Cmax and mean half-life of doxazosin.
<doxazosin, mechanism, cimetidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
MAO inhibitors prolong and intensify the anticholinergic effects of antihistamines.
<MAO inhibitors, effect, antihistamines>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Antihistamines may have additive effects with alcohol and other CNS depressants, e.g., hypnotics, sedatives, tranquilizers, antianxiety agents.
<Antihistamines, effect, alcohol>, <Antihistamines, effect, CNS depressants>, <Antihistamines, effect, hypnotics>, <Antihistamines, effect, sedatives>, <Antihistamines, effect, tranquilizers>, <Antihistamines, effect, antianxiety agents>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The addition of 540 mg/kg/day of cromolyn sodium (approximately 340 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults on a mg/m2 basis) to 2.7 mg/kg/day of isoproterenol (approximately 7 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults on a mg/m2 basis) appears to have increased the incidence of both resorptions and malformations.
<cromolyn sodium, effect, isoproterenol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
For example, since cholestyramine may reduce the gastrointestinal absorption of both the oral anticoagulants and vitamin K, the net effects are unpredictable.
<cholestyramine, mechanism, anticoagulants>, <cholestyramine, mechanism, vitamin K>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Chloral hydrate may cause an increased prothrombin response by displacing the anticoagulant from protein binding sites or a diminished prothrombin response through increased metabolism of the unbound drug by hepatic enzyme induction, thus leading to inter-patient variation in ultimate prothrombin effect.
<Chloral hydrate, mechanism, anticoagulant>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drugs that have been reported to diminish oral anticoagulant response, ie, decreased prothrom-bin time response, in man significantly include: adrenocortical steroids;
<anticoagulant, effect, adrenocortical steroids>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drugs that have been reported to diminish oral anticoagulant response, ie, decreased prothrom-bin time response, in man significantly include: adrenocortical steroids;alcohol*;antacids;antihistamines;barbiturates;carbamazepine;chloral hydrate*;chlordiazepoxide;cholestyramine;diet high in vitamin K;diuretics*;ethchlorvynol;glutethimide;griseofulvin;haloperidol;meprobamate;oral contraceptives;paraldehyde;primidone;ranitidine*;rifampin;unreliable prothrombin time determinations;vitamin C;warfarin sodium under-dosage.
<anticoagulant, effect, adrenocortical steroids>, <anticoagulant, effect, alcohol>, <anticoagulant, effect, antacids>, <anticoagulant, effect, antihistamines>, <anticoagulant, effect, barbiturates>, <anticoagulant, effect, carbamazepine>, <anticoagulant, effect, chloral hydrate>, <anticoagulant, effect, chlordiazepoxide>, <anticoagulant, effect, cholestyramine>, <anticoagulant, effect, vitamin K>, <anticoagulant, effect, diuretics>, <anticoagulant, effect, ethchlorvynol>, <anticoagulant, effect, glutethimide>, <anticoagulant, effect, griseofulvin>, <anticoagulant, effect, haloperidol>, <anticoagulant, effect, meprobamate>, <anticoagulant, effect, contraceptives>, <anticoagulant, effect, paraldehyde>, <anticoagulant, effect, primidone>, <anticoagulant, effect, ranitidine>, <anticoagulant, effect, rifampin>, <anticoagulant, effect, vitamin C>, <anticoagulant, effect, warfarin sodium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drugs that reportedly may increase oral anticoagulant response, ie, increased prothrombin response, in man include:alcohol*;
<anticoagulant, effect, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drugs that reportedly may increase oral anticoagulant response, ie, increased prothrombin response, in man include:alcohol*;allopurinol;aminosalicylic acid;amiodarone;anabolic steroids;antibiotics;bromelains;chloral hydrate*;chlorpropamide;chymotrypsin;cimetidine;cinchophen;clofibrate;dextran;dextrothyroxine;diazoxide;dietary deficiencies;diflunisal;disulfiram;drugs affecting blood elements;ethacrynic acid;fenoprofen;glucagon;hepatotoxic drugs;ibuprofen;indomethacin;influenza virus vaccine;inhalation anesthetics;mefenamic acid;methyldopa;methylphenidate;metronidazole;miconazole;monoamine oxidase inhibitors;nalidixic acid;naproxen;oxolinic acid;oxyphenbutazone;pentoxifylline;phenylbutazone;phenyramidol;phenytoin;prolonged hot weather;prolonged narcotics;pyrazolones;quinidine;quinine;ranitidine*;salicylates;sulfinpyrazone;sulfonamides, long acting;sulindac;thyroid drugs;tolbutamide;triclofos sodium;trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole;unreliable prothrombin time determinations;warfarin sodium overdosage.
<anticoagulant, effect, alcohol>, <anticoagulant, effect, allopurinol>, <anticoagulant, effect, aminosalicylic acid>, <anticoagulant, effect, amiodarone>, <anticoagulant, effect, anabolic steroids>, <anticoagulant, effect, antibiotics>, <anticoagulant, effect, bromelains>, <anticoagulant, effect, chloral hydrate>, <anticoagulant, effect, chlorpropamide>, <anticoagulant, effect, chymotrypsin>, <anticoagulant, effect, cimetidine>, <anticoagulant, effect, cinchophen>, <anticoagulant, effect, clofibrate>, <anticoagulant, effect, dextran>, <anticoagulant, effect, dextrothyroxine>, <anticoagulant, effect, diazoxide>, <anticoagulant, effect, diflunisal>, <anticoagulant, effect, disulfiram>, <anticoagulant, effect, ethacrynic acid>, <anticoagulant, effect, fenoprofen>, <anticoagulant, effect, glucagon>, <anticoagulant, effect, ibuprofen>, <anticoagulant, effect, indomethacin>, <anticoagulant, effect, influenza virus vaccine>, <anticoagulant, effect, anesthetics>, <anticoagulant, effect, mefenamic acid>, <anticoagulant, effect, methyldopa>, <anticoagulant, effect, methylphenidate>, <anticoagulant, effect, metronidazole>, <anticoagulant, effect, miconazole>, <anticoagulant, effect, monoamine oxidase inhibitors>, <anticoagulant, effect, nalidixic acid>, <anticoagulant, effect, naproxen>, <anticoagulant, effect, oxolinic acid>, <anticoagulant, effect, oxyphenbutazone>, <anticoagulant, effect, pentoxifylline>, <anticoagulant, effect, phenylbutazone>, <anticoagulant, effect, phenyramidol>, <anticoagulant, effect, phenytoin>, <anticoagulant, effect, prolonged narcotics>, <anticoagulant, effect, pyrazolones>, <anticoagulant, effect, quinidine>, <anticoagulant, effect, quinine>, <anticoagulant, effect, ranitidine>, <anticoagulant, effect, salicylates>, <anticoagulant, effect, sulfinpyrazone>, <anticoagulant, effect, sulfonamides>, <anticoagulant, effect, sulindac>, <anticoagulant, effect, thyroid drugs>, <anticoagulant, effect, tolbutamide>, <anticoagulant, effect, triclofos sodium>, <anticoagulant, effect, trimethoprim>, <anticoagulant, effect, sulfamethoxazole>, <anticoagulant, effect, warfarin sodium>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Oral anticoagulants may potentiate the hypoglycemic action of hypoglycemic agents, eg, tolbutamide and chlorpropamide, by inhibiting their metabolism in the liver.
<anticoagulants, mechanism, hypoglycemic agents>, <anticoagulants, mechanism, tolbutamide>, <anticoagulants, mechanism, chlorpropamide>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Because oral anticoagulants may interfere with the hepatic metabolism of phenytoin, toxic levels of the anticonvulsant may occur when an oral anticoagulant and phenytoin are administered concurrently.
<anticoagulants, mechanism, phenytoin>, <anticoagulant, mechanism, phenytoin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Drugs that reduce the number of blood platelets by causing bone marrow depression (such as antineoplastic agents) or drugs which inhibit platelet function (eg, aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dipyridamole, hydrochloroquine, clofibrate, dextran) may increase the bleeding tendency produced by anticoagulants without altering prothrombin time determinations.
<antineoplastic agents, effect, anticoagulants>, <aspirin, effect, anticoagulants>, <non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, effect, anticoagulants>, <dipyridamole, effect, anticoagulants>, <hydrochloroquine, effect, anticoagulants>, <clofibrate, effect, anticoagulants>, <dextran, effect, anticoagulants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The beneficial effects on arterial thrombus formation from combined therapy with antiplatelet and anticoagulant medication must be weighed against an increased risk of inducing hemorrhage.
<antiplatelet medication, advise, anticoagulant medication>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Co-administration of naltrexone with Acamprosate produced a 25% increase in AUC and a 33% increase in the Cmax of acamprosate.
<naltrexone, mechanism, Acamprosate>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients taking Acamprosate concomitantly with antidepressants more commonly reported both weight gain and weight loss, compared with patients taking either medication alone.
<Acamprosate, effect, antidepressants>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
All vasopressors should be used cautiously in patients taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors.
<vasopressors, advise, monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Epinephrine should not be administered concomitantly with other sympathomimetic drugs (such as isoproterenol) because of possible additive effects and increased toxicity.
<Epinephrine, advise, sympathomimetic drugs>, <Epinephrine, advise, isoproterenol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Administration of epinephrine to patients receiving cyclopropane or halogenated hydrocarbon general anesthetics such as halothane which sensitize the myocardium, may induce cardiac arrhythmia..
<epinephrine, effect, cyclopropane>, <epinephrine, effect, halogenated hydrocarbon general anesthetics>, <epinephrine, effect, halothane>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Epinephrine also should be used cautiously with other drugs (e.g., digitalis, glycosides) that sensitize the myocardium to the actions of sympathomimetic drugs.
<Epinephrine, advise, digitalis>, <Epinephrine, advise, glycosides>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Diuretic agents may decrease vascular response to pressor drugs such as epinephrine.
<Diuretic agents, effect, epinephrine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Epinephrine may antagonize the neuron blockade produced by guanethidine resulting in decreased antihypertensive effect and requiring increased dosage of the latter.
<Epinephrine, effect, guanethidine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
CANCIDAS reduced the blood AUC0-12 of tacrolimus by approximately 20%, peak blood concentration (Cmax) by 16%, and 12-hour blood concentration (C12hr) by 26% in healthy subjects when tacrolimus (2 doses of 0.1 mg/kg 12 hours apart) was administered on the 10th day of CANCIDAS 70 mg daily, as compared to results from a control period in which tacrolimus was administered alone.
<CANCIDAS, mechanism, tacrolimus>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In two clinical studies, cyclosporine (one 4 mg/kg dose or two 3 mg/kg doses) increased the AUC of caspofungin by approximately 35%.
<cyclosporine, mechanism, caspofungin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
There were transient increases in liver ALT and AST when CANCIDAS and cyclosporine were co-administered.
<CANCIDAS, effect, cyclosporine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
A drug-drug interaction study with rifampin in healthy volunteers has shown a 30% decrease in caspofungin trough concentrations.
<rifampin, mechanism, caspofungin>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Patients on rifampin should receive 70 mg of CANCIDAS daily.
<rifampin, advise, CANCIDAS>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In addition, results from regression analyses of patient pharmacokinetic data suggest that co-administration of other inducers of drug clearance (efavirenz, nevirapine, phenytoin, dexamethasone, or carbamazepine) with CANCIDAS may result in clinically meaningful reductions in caspofungin concentrations.
<efavirenz, mechanism, CANCIDAS>, <nevirapine, mechanism, CANCIDAS>, <phenytoin, mechanism, CANCIDAS>, <dexamethasone, mechanism, CANCIDAS>, <carbamazepine, mechanism, CANCIDAS>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
When CANCIDAS is co-administered with inducers of drug clearance, such as efavirenz, nevirapine, phenytoin, dexamethasone, or carbamazepine, use of a daily dose of 70 mg of CANCIDAS should be considered
<CANCIDAS, advise, efavirenz>, <CANCIDAS, advise, nevirapine>, <CANCIDAS, advise, phenytoin>, <CANCIDAS, advise, dexamethasone>, <CANCIDAS, advise, carbamazepine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Beta-adrenergic blocking agents should be withdrawn at least 48 hours before conducting an arbutamine-mediated stress test.
<Beta-adrenergic blocking agents, advise, arbutamine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Increased nephrotoxicity has been reported following concomitant administration of cephalosporins and aminoglycoside antibiotics.
<cephalosporins, effect, aminoglycoside antibiotics>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Corticotropin may accentuate the electrolyte loss associated with diuretic therapy.
<Corticotropin, effect, diuretic>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
It is possible that the cardiovascular action of other calcium channel blockers could be enhanced by the addition of Nimotop .
<calcium channel blockers, effect, Nimotop>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
In Europe, Nimotop was observed to occasionally intensify the effect of antihypertensive compounds taken concomitantly by patients suffering from hypertension;
<Nimotop, effect, antihypertensive compounds>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
A study in eight healthy volunteers has shown a 50% increase in mean peak nimodipine plasma concentrations and a 90% increase in mean area under the curve, after a one week course of cimetidine at 1,000 mg/day and nimodipine at 90 mg/day.
<cimetidine, mechanism, nimodipine>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Tablets: The benzodiazepines, including lorazepam, produce CNS-depressant effects when administered with such medications as barbiturates or alcohol.
<benzodiazepines, effect, barbiturates>, <benzodiazepines, effect, alcohol>, <lorazepam, effect, barbiturates>, <lorazepam, effect, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Injection: Lorazepam injection, like other injectable benzodiazepines, produces depression of the central nervous system when administered with ethyl alcohol, phenothiazines, barbiturates, MAO inhibitors, and other antidepressants.When scopolamine is used concomitantly with injectable lorazepam, an increased incidence of sedation, hallucinations, and irrational behavior has been observed.
<Lorazepam, effect, ethyl alcohol>, <Lorazepam, effect, phenothiazines>, <Lorazepam, effect, barbiturates>, <Lorazepam, effect, MAO inhibitors>, <Lorazepam, effect, antidepressants>, <benzodiazepines, effect, ethyl alcohol>, <benzodiazepines, effect, phenothiazines>, <benzodiazepines, effect, barbiturates>, <benzodiazepines, effect, MAO inhibitors>, <benzodiazepines, effect, antidepressants>, <scopolamine, effect, lorazepam>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
(See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY) Coadministration of Femara and tamoxifen 20 mg daily resulted in a reduction of letrozole plasma levels by 38% on average.
<Femara, mechanism, tamoxifen>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
Codeine in combination with other narcotic analgesics, general anesthetics, phenothiazines, tranquilizers, sedative-hypnotics, or other CNS depressants (including alcohol) has additive depressant effects.
<Codeine, effect, narcotic analgesics>, <Codeine, effect, anesthetics>, <Codeine, effect, phenothiazines>, <Codeine, effect, tranquilizers>, <Codeine, effect, sedative-hypnotics>, <Codeine, effect, CNS depressants>, <Codeine, effect, alcohol>
Extract drug entities and inter-entity relationships from sentences and output them in the form of triplets.
The extent to which SSRI-TCA interactions may pose clinical problems will depend on the degree of inhibition and the pharmacokinetics of the SSRI involved.
<SSRI, int, TCA>