2 values
Unsure about lifeWell I'm about to tell people something I haven't told many or any if I recall. I'm 25 and about 5 years ago I lost my cousin to suicide but before that I had made an unsuccessful attempt myself. But ..... It ended up worse for me cause as the days went by my guilt of surviving my attempt amplified. Part of it i think I was told the way I was grieing was wrong (Not crying ) I'm not sure anymore how much longer I can live with my supposed guilt. I feel like if I had died he would have gotten the help he needed. It gets worse on the day it happened. But part of me knows when I die it will be by suicide.
unsure life well tell people not tell recall year ago lose cousin suicide unsuccessful attempt end bad day go guilt survive attempt amplified think tell way grief wrong not cry not sure anymore longer live suppose guilt feel like die get help need get bad day happen know die suicide
Haha yeah I have hobbies Yeah I have hobbies, like.... uuhhhhh, um... er, yeah I have hobbies haha.
hama yeah hobby yeah hobby like such user yeah hobby hama
Dr. Viktor Frankl on Meaning and HappinessI'm not sure if this will be really helpful, but you can give it a try: If it doesn't help, you may try this instead:
or victor frank mean happiness in not sure helpful try not help try instead
I'm gonna take it music Today we celebrate the anniversary of a platform unification directives. For years they have given us their songs, their labor, their dream. In exchange, we have taken our tribute, our profits, our control. This power is ours and ours alone. We shall prevail
go music today celebrate anniversary platform unification directive year give song labour dream exchange take tribute profit control power shall prevail
I can't take it anymoreI really don't what to do with my life anymore. I'm 19 years old and so tired of being alone and having to be strong. My mom died when I was 11, at 17 my dad kicked me out. I literally get super drunk and high every night to cope, my family just sees a dumb drunk yet expects me to fulfill their expectations while never asking how I feel. It's the only coping mechanism I have, my ex dumped me after begging me to come back from Oregon cause she missed me. Every other girl I talk just ghosts me, even my own friends left me behind I'm a complete loner and I can't take it anymore, I always masquerade as this super confident happy guy but inside I'm dying, this is probably it for me I'm out of options.
not anymore not life anymore year old tired have strong mon die dad kick literally super drunk high night cope family see dumb drunk expect fulfill expectation ask feel cope mechanism sex dump beg come oregon miss girl talk ghost friend leave complete loner not anymore masquerade super confident happy guy inside die probably option
why do i keep dreaming of people squeezing my balls very hard its fucking painful as fuck , oh and also i dont have a fetish for that shit
dream people squeeze ball hard fucking painful fuck of not fetish shit
Definitely think it's time.I have been fighting this for so fucking long. I keep thinking I'm finding these pockets of happiness, but I am so fucking stupid. Reached out for therapy help over the last few weeks and it is fruitless. Even therapists don't want to put up with my bullshit. I genuinely can't do this anymore. I am so lost and so sad.
definitely think time i fight fucking long think find pocket happiness fucking stupid reach therapy help week fruitless therapist not want bullshit genuinely not anymore lost sad
Valentine's day is coming soon so do you have a valentine yet? Not me I don't have friends :(
valentines day come soon valentine not not friend
Had enoughAs soon as I think I am doing OK, someone or something will do or say something and I go back to feeling like a piece of shit again. I wish I could die where it looks natural so I wouldn't have to hurt my family
enough soon think of feel like piece shit wish die look natural not hurt family
I need reason to livei have none. every day gets worse. i just want it all to end. i feel like my boyfriend doesn’t love me and i dont have any friends. i constantly feel like a bother, and everyone just tears me down. im done. i just wanna snap and be gone. im so tired of fighting and battling. i hate being alive.
need reason live day get bad want end feel like boyfriend not love not friend constantly feel like bother tear want snap go tired fight battle hate alive
I can feel it creeping in againIt frustrates me. I fill my days with distraction after coping mechanism after distraction. Nothing works. I still find myself staring at my ceiling wishing to try it once more. *Maybe this time you'll get it right.* I'm sickly excited at the thought of trying it again.
feel creep again it frustrate fill day distraction cope mechanism distraction work find stare ceiling wish try maybe time right sickly excited thought try
Eyyy, I’m playing Minecraft right now, and I just made a pretty dope diamond pickaxe! Fortune III, unbreaking III, and efficiency IV. Can I use any more enchantments on it? Pretty bad at enchanting haha.
eye play min craft right pretty dope diamond pick axe fortune ii in breaking ii efficiency in use enchantment pretty bad enchant hama
hey music question for anyone who knows anything abt latin american music/rhythms so i really like the beat and the rhythm of Body Language (Intro) by Kali Uchis. i know it's not bossa nova but i don't know what style of music it is. i really like it though and i'd love to find more like it, so if anyone has any recommendations or anything, please tell me!!
hey music question know at latin american music rhythms like beat rhythm body language intro kali chis know not boss nova not know style music like love find like recommendation tell
Lots of teens are considered edgy But most of the posts that make it to hot are wholesome
lot teen consider edgy post hot wholesome
I hate emily in paris Ew Anyways im gonna go outside of my comfort zone and call my old friend tmrw hopefully its not horribly awkward 😊 God 6th grade me was SO MUCH cooler than i am now Manifesting that personality back u feel
hate emily paris new anyways go outside comfort zone old friend term hopefully not horribly awkward god the grade cool manifest personality feel
Name suggestions I need a 4-5 letter name for youtube and fortnite that isn’t taken any suggestions?
suggestion need letter youtube footnote not take suggestion
i feel bad when peopke i used to talk to dm me, because like i dont remember most of them bruh momentum
feel bad people talk do like not remember brush momentum
I can’t cope anymoreI honestly cannot cope anymore Iv completely given up on life. The desire to kill Myself is unbearable at this point. I just want to get it over with but I’m so scared FUCKKKKKKK! Wow that’s was pathetic I’m sorry ☹️
not cope anymore honestly not cope anymore in completely give life desire kill unbearable point want scared fuck wow pathetic sorry
if being sexy is a crime.. you are all under arrest. you thought this was going to be another overused joke, didn’t you?
sexy crime arrest think go overuse joke not
i just deleted the instagram shaderoom acc for my school had to delete it because it was exposing people and there was some petty ass drama happening. ppl are trying to figure out who ran it. If I say sum I’ll get jumped or expelled for sure
delete inst gram shade room acc school delete expose people petty ass drama happening pal try figure run sum jump expel sure
has anyone seen my shoe? i lost my shoe
see shoe lose shoe
Anyone else see that reality reddit series post? Lmao was funny asf, but I lowkey wanna see it play out
reality geddit series post lao funny as low key want play
My friend thinks I'm gay I need a girlfriend to prove him wrong. M16
friend think gay need girlfriend prove wrong a
How can I fuck with my ex? So usually I wouldn't do this, but my ex just got with a guy who sexually abused and traumatized me. I also found out while we were together he was talking to that guy when he said he blocked him, and was texting another guy about how much he wishes he was with that friend instead of me. He's made me feel completely worthless and like shit, but I still have to mail him some clothes and shit he gave me and I want to make it a little special just to get some pay back. Anyone know how to make his life just a little more annoying?
fuck sex usually not sex get guy sexually abuse traumatize find talk guy say block text guy wish friend instead feel completely worthless like shit mail clothe shit give want little special pay know life little annoying
East Dakota :) Text Post
east dakota text post
I just... really need to vent. I feel wrong about everything I do. There’s all these “what if’s” and possibilities and I’m so fucking stupid and I always think the best is never enough but I can’t even reach halfway to the best option and it hurts and I just feel guilty about how it could’ve hurt others and how me caring about myself is making everything worse and it all sucks I’m sorry if you read this I’m so sorry I’m just done with this shit
need vent feel wrong ifs possibility fucking stupid think good not reach halfway good option hurt feel guilty hurt care make bad suck sorry read sorry shit
Bah-ha i just saved the world bah-ha, but bah-honestly i cant talk about it its top secret bah-ha its only a matter of time till they make me the president bah-ha ​ . ​ . ​ . ​ . ​ . ​ <Lies> ​ . ​ . ​ (if u understand u understand)
bahia save world bahia bah honestly not talk secret bahia matter time till president bahia amp amp amp amp amp amp it list amp amp amp understand understand
Just finished darling in the franxx If they didn't pull the space bullshit then it would easily be my favorite anime
finish dale france not pull space bullshit easily favourite anime
I hate my lifeI really do but I can’t seem to have the got to end it so I’m just waiting now I wonder when I’m going to die, for some reason I don’t feel like it’s any time soon
hate life not got end wait wonder go die reason not feel like time soon
Feel like a failure because I can't get a job.I applied for 15 jobs. I'm 18, no previous experience. It's been 4 months since I started applying and nothing is happening. I'm fixing my resume up, and it's much better than before, but no one is hiring. I feel like a mess up, I can't even get a job at a fast food restaurant.
feel like failure not jobs apply job no previous experience month start apply happen fix resume well no hire feel like mess not job fast food restaurant
I’m still here. I’m just really sadI think if I tried to attempt, I’d fail again and then I’d feel even worse... if that’s even possible
sadi think try attempt fail feel bad possible
Why cant he be normal? So I (16f) had a crush on this guy (18m). We would flirt and play and shit. Then I gave him head. Then he started not quite ignoring me (we work together) but like not aknowledging me or acting like I'm there. No more jokes or whatnot. Absolutely nothing. And I get it. He was only after one thing. And he got it. But like come on. I get it that you never had feelings. I dont either. But why just completely avoid me? Just fucking be normal for christs sake. Anyone have any clue as to why he's like this? Bc I'm stumped.
not normal of crush guy a flirt play shit give head start not ignore work like not a knowledge act like no joke whatnot absolutely thing get like come feeling not completely avoid fucking normal christ sake clue like by stump
My friend said they used to have a crush on me It's not really a big deal, they're over it and I prefer platonic relationships, I just am bored and wanted to put something on reddit
friend say crush not big deal prefer platonic relationship bored want geddit
Hello teenagers of reddit, what advice do you have for me, a dad, to help raise my little people? I could ask other parents but for real, we grow up and kinda forget what it was like growing up you know? My parents never took much of an interest in me besides the necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. Which is a solid start I suppose. What are some things you wish you’re parents would do more often? What are some things you absolutely wish they would just stop right away if they actually listened to you?
hello teenager geddit advice dad help raise little people ask parent real grow kind forget like grow know parent take interest necessity like food clothing shelter solid start suppose thing wish parent thing absolutely wish stop right away actually listen
‪I don’t think there’s anything more depressing than finding yourself on the way to the hospital after a suicide attempt and realizing you don’t even have anyone to tell. ‬Cut too deep, on my way to the hospital to get stitches. Second suicide attempt this month. I’m already at a residential treatment center but clearly it’s not working. Sitting in the car with a staff member I don’t know and realizing I have no one to text to let them know that I’m on my way to the hospital. How depressing is that.
not think depressing find way hospital suicide attempt realize not tell cut deep way hospital stitch second suicide attempt month residential treatment center clearly not work sit car staff member not know realize no text let know way hospital depressing
I'm out of options..I've been here before. I've already attempted numerous times. It's just..well..lately, things have gotten back to how they were before I was sent to inpatient, if not worse. I've driven all the friends I had away, my family scorns me behind my back, and I don't have like..anyone I can talk to anymore. Is this really the answer? Because for so long, there has been no light at the end of the tunnel. One is approaching rapidly now..but I don't think it's an exit..
options attempt numerous time just lately thing get send inpatient not bad drive friend away family scorn not like anyone talk anymore answer long no light end tunnel approach rapidly now but not think exit
Why do I hurt everyone that I love? I’m so stupid I always do something that affects the ones closest to me. I can never have a girl for longer than 2 weeks. Why am I such a fucking cunt. I’m such a rage filled bastard. I try do make the effort but every time I show my true colours and end hurting those closest to me.
hurt love stupid affect one close girl long week fucking cunt rage fill bastard try effort time true colour end hurt close
im so fucking stupidI never bothered to memorize my times tables and its been fucking up the ass in middle school. And everytime i get bad grades my parents beat me
fucking stupid bother memorize time table fuck ass middle school every time bad grade parent beat
You don't have to lose weight for people to stop calling you fat and bullying you for it. Just put on some much muscle it's overwhelming and they notice your ***GINORMOUS*** bulk before anything else.
not lose weight people stop call fat bully muscle overwhelming notice ginormous bulk
(15f) What were you told as a child as advice? Like if someone starts assaulting you, you yell fire instead of help because otherwise no one will come
of tell child advice like start assault yell fire instead help no come
Need some advice So I am a 17 male and I have a crush on a 16 male! I see myself as bi though. The thing is my crush has already a girlfriend and even though I tried to tell him that I love him he didn't get the hints! Right now I don't know of its good to tell him or not? I do know that he is OK with people being gay and stuff. I should also need him to help me with my depression! I really belive he could help me but I am to afraid to ask! So I could use some advice PS first time after posting something on a forum and asking for help Thanks in advance! Munkiewunk63
need advice male crush male by thing crush girlfriend try tell love not hint right not know good tell not know of people gay stuff need help depression be live help afraid ask use advice is time post forum ask help thank advance multi punk
So I’m joining a football academy in hopes of becoming a professional. So if you’re an academy player I’d really love some advice on my Do’s and don’ts.
join football academy hope professional academy player love advice do done
I tried to hang myself a couple hours ago. Fell down. Now, I'm ready to try something new; jumping off my roofPlease do hope that this actually works. I have written about why I want to do this in my other posts enough. I dont really have much to say other than goodbye now.
try hang couple hour ago fall ready try new jump roof please hope actually work write want post not goodbye
Sorry to everyone who tried to help me.I wish I could say I've gotten better, but I haven't. I'm still the same garbage human. Now I feel even shittier. I keep saying that I'm gonna do it so I probably should. Seems like I'm going to run out people who will listen to me if I keep crying wolf. Goodbye. I'm sorry.
sorry try help me i wish get better not garbage human feel shitty say go probably like go run people listen cry wolf goodbye sorry
Can’t escapeCan’t escape this constant fucking disappointment. I disappoint everyone around me. I had all intentions of just letting the drugs take over me. Now the only thing stopping me is actually having people waiting. But that’s almost done and can’t disappoint anyone much longer.
not escape ca nt escape constant fucking disappointment disappoint intention let drug thing stop actually have people wait not disappoint longer
this sub sucks this sub sucks idk what else I should add pls don't ban
sub suck sub suck not know add plus not ban
Which one is safer Weed or alcohol?
safe weed alcohol
US, UK, Kangaroo Aus and Sweden are the 4 only countries who care the world US, UK, Kangaroo Aus and Sweden are the 4 only countries who care the world
us kangaroo aus sweden country care world us kangaroo aus sweden country care world
My mother passed away today...I just wanted to come here and ask for anyone willing to talk to me. My mom passed away this morning. Wrote us a note to all of us... well that’s the most I can bare to describe. We already are setting up funeral arrangements... fuck how long does one cope ? Pls
mother pass away today i want come ask willing talk mon pass away morning write note bare describe set funeral arrangement fuck long cope plus
Desperately Need HelpI can't do this anymore. I spend each day doing my best to pretend everything is okay. I take my meds. I do my TMS therapy. But I'm struggling so damn much the only thing that makes me feel anything better is eating so much until I throw up. Nothing gives me joy anymore. I'm under so much pressure at home and can't give a damn about my schoolwork. I need someone to rely on, but there's no one I can tell everything to. There's so much
desperately need help not anymore spend day good pretend okay med tvs therapy struggle damn thing make feel well eat throw give joy anymore pressure home not damn schoolwork need rely no tell
Whats the hype over Among Us about? This game has been out for a long ass time, why are mfs playing it just now?
hype game long ass time mrs play
Who's more stupid, my brother or me? So when we make our cup noodles, we always pour random temperature of water in at the drawn line, and then we microwave it for 3 minutes. And yesterday, me and my brother were making our own noodles at the same time so we decided to put them in the microwave together. And I said that 3+3=6 so we should set the timer for 6 minutes because it divides the heat... or something. But he disagreed and said that we should still set the timer for 3 minutes because (of a reason i forgot). So we agreed to set the timer for 6 minutes but take them out when 3 minutes are left. And when 3 minutes were left, I took them out and felt them and they were harder than usual. He felt them and agreed with me and said to put them in for the remaining 3 minutes... but still disagrees with me and thinks that he's right. Who's more stupid here?
stupid brother cup noodle pour random temperature water draw line microwave minute yesterday brother make noodle time decide microwave say set timer minute divide heat disagree say set timer minute reason forget agree set timer minute minute leave minute leave take feel hard usual feel agree say remain minute disagree think right stupid
Anybody ok with talking on snapchat or something ? For real I am kinda bored and would like to meet someone new and pretty much talk to that person about movies , games and stuff. If you wanna talk , you can dm me and I will add you or I will give you my snap.
anybody of talk snap chat real kind bored like meet new pretty talk person movie game stuff want talk do add snap
WHAT EVER YOU DO. DONT WATCH “megan is missing” DONT DO IT TRUST ME Its a horror story what is based on a true storie. A girl named megan and her friend get abducted and get tortured and rape on film Its found footage in 2007 and made into a film in 2010. The torture and prisoned and rape scenes are real Personally ive seen alot of fucked up shit but this one is scary and disturbing People on tik tok say it’s scary and they havent even watched it
not watch megan miss not trust horror story base true store girl name megan friend abduct torture rape film found footage film torture prison rape scene real personally see a lot fuck shit scary disturb people tip to scary not watch
Why should I take career advice from a teacher that makes $40k/year? I take everything teachers tell me with a grain of salt bc these adults rly be out here telling me what to do when they themselves aren't even making a livable wage in their 40s
career advice teacher make year teacher tell grain salt by adult ray tell not make liable wages
Transgender people are fucking valid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
transcend people fuck valid
My google just scared the shit out of me So i have a google and a phone that has google i was using my phone cause i thought my google was unplugged i say hey google wake me up at six and the google activates and scared the living hell out of me
google scare shit google phone google phone think google unplugged hey google wake google activate scare live hell
Post nut clarification be hitting hard I just came onto my closet wall I now I fell like I committed a war crime
post nut clarification hit hard come closet wall fall like commit war crime
Do y’all ever think... I’m gonna love my kids so much more than my parents love me and I’m gonna let them be themselves. But then you realize that no one will ever love you enough to have kids with you
think go love kid parent love go let realize no love kid
Bois, its (almost) official Before today it was suspended that i have corona, now its basically guaranteed, my brother got his test back as positive and i also have symptoms so i (most likely) have it too. Ill do a test in like 1 or 2 days, just to get it official
boys official today suspend corona basically guarantee brother get test positive symptom likely ill test like day official
i wanna die!! :Di really hope i die tonight but i’m too pussy to attempt. oh well :(( guess i just gotta keep manifesting for now
want die i hope die tonight pussy attempt of guess get manifest
Was just called a Jewish slur I hate public schools. Full of racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic. (As well as other religions). There is a guy (M14) who constantly says horrible things on the bus and causes problems every single day. Today I just got so angry at him because he was making fun of Jewish songs. I told him to shut up and he responded with calling me a Kike. That’s like saying the N-word to a person..
call jewish slur hate public school racist homophobic antisemitic religion guy a constantly say horrible thing bus cause problem single day today get angry make fun jewish song tell shut respond call kike like say word person
Who’s Excited? The Phineas and Ferb movie comes out tomorrow! I loved that show when I was 6, it was my childhood.
excited phineas feb movie come tomorrow love childhood
Is someone out there willing to invite me to a vanilla minecraft server Pleeze? I‘m just frigging loneley
willing invite vanilla min craft server please frig lonely
German accent is super cute I really love the German accent, it is super cute! I just think that it is a shame no one my age has it in my country (mostly because of the prohibiting of it in the 40s) I still love it and think is is really cute, and the leftovers we had off it are still cool I guess
german accent super cute love german accent super cute think shame no age country prohibiting a love think cute leftover cool guess
Can someone help me with my math homework I'm factoring trinomials and kind of get it. One question is x^2 +2x -15 The answer is (x-3)(x+5), but I don't understand how to chose which number is negative and which is positive.
help match homework factor trinomial kind question a a answer xxx not understand choose number negative positive
fuck fake people everyone in my hs is so fake i cant stand it
fuck fake people is fake not stand
It's hero time boys. It's official, my sister's gonna be DMing a mutants and masterminds campaign. I've already got my character made and it'll be starting it up in a week or two. I'll keep you updated.
hero time boy official sister go me mutant mastermind campaign get character start week update
I have a joke about paper However it’s pretty tearable
joke paper pretty wearable
I think I’m falling in love for the first time pretty much ever I dont think that this is a highschool delusion too, I think I’ve legitimately met someone I could spend the rest of my life with. It really sucks that I met her now and not like in college but you never know. Ive known this girl about three weeks now and we have connected so well and talked so much that it’s crazy. But blah blah blah I’m in love, really hope this works out haha.
think fall love time pretty not think high school delusion think legitimately meet spend rest life suck meet not like college know know girl week connect talk crazy blah blah blah love hope work hama
Unpopular opinion : the excited award is so wholesome I mean look at it. Its sweet surprised smile and its tiny hands and its shiny open eyes! I am crying from how cute it is for real i want to give it a hug so bad
unpopular opinion excited award wholesome mean look sweet surprised smile tiny hand shiny open eye cry cute real want hug bad
Fuck asktransgenderFuck the mods at r/asktransgender I make a post about what I’m struggling with as a trans woman and they just ban and mute me without explanation. Well I’ll tell you what - I’m going to blow my brains out tonight in the middle of a major city and I’m going to have their names written on my body so the media can have fun contacting those fucking cunts about what they know about why I blew my head off. Fuck everyone and fuck all of your stupid fucking privileged lives
fuck asktransgenderfuck mod rask transgender post struggle trans woman ban mute explanation tell go blow brain tonight middle major city go name write body medium fun contact fucking cunt know blow head fuck fuck stupid fucking privileged life
Would any of us even be here is suicide wasn’t romanticized?No one has ever lived to tell us what it feels like, if it is truly a solution.
suicide not romanticized no live tell feel like truly solution
I take what people say too seriously sometimes I was told I looked tired yesterday and idk why I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I had to pretend I didn’t care but it bothered me. Once I was a leader in a group and I feel like I did a lot of the work. The teacher said that I don’t even do much, he might have been joking but it hurt me so much
people seriously tell look tired yesterday not know not stop think pretend not care bother leader group feel like lot work teacher say not joke hurt
Does online s**ual h****sment exist? And if yes...if you didn't specifically oppose to it even though you didn't want it, than it doesn't count does it? Btw I didn't know on which community to ask this, I hope it's alright here
online dual sent exist yes if not specifically oppose not want not count bow not know community ask hope alright
Being alive is traumaticI can’t look at people. Every thought I have is terrible. I can barely form a sentence anymore. I can only eat and sleep to distract myself. I’m definitely ready to die. This is fucking ridiculous.
alive traumatic not look people think terrible barely form sentence anymore eat sleep distract definitely ready die fuck ridiculous
I crave deathI've been doing this for 31 years and I can't anymore. Enough drugs and alcohol and my body will sort itself out. I'm weak and pathetic and tired and I hate myself. I hate being alive when I feel so dead inside. Time to make the exterior match.
crave death be year not anymore drug alcohol body sort weak pathetic tired hate hate alive feel dead inside time exterior match
The time has come.I personally feel, that the time has finally come for me to take some of my Oxy's, and slit my wrist finally. I am making plans to write out my "good byes" tonight and then get ready for this all to be over. I can't handle this anymore. it is all getting too much. I'm tired of being Tired all the time and not having anything to look forward to in this life.
time come personally feel time finally come oxus slit wrist finally make plan write good bye tonight ready not handle anymore get tired tired time not have look forward life
i have a semi plannot really a plan plan tbh i just want to slightly attempt at this point so i can go to the hospital or just chance it idk i just feel like i’m gonna snap soon i just don’t know if the plan would even work but i can’t comment it here or anything because it’s against the rules and i don’t want to give people ideas
semi plan not plan plan tbs want slightly attempt point hospital chance not know feel like go snap soon not know plan work not comment rule not want people idea
Heading off to sleep, comment the most random stuff, and I'll check and reply in the morning Amogus
head sleep comment random stuff check reply morning am gus
I just lost the woman I lovedMy relationship with this amazing girl ended last night. I loved her and due to having a really really hard past where I have been hurt by parents family friends and women it's hard for me to trust. And I trusted and it's gone. For the first time I've not been happy that I have a girlfriend I was happy I had her. I love her. And it's over and I don't have any close friends. She was my best friend. I feel so alone and so hopeless and for once someone loved that I'm just a dork. For once someone saw something in me. For once I felt like I was actually worth something. For once I trusted. So many women are focused on sex and just don't really care. And she was different. She was everything I've ever wanted and we are over. I have had so much go wrong in my life and so little go right. I just hurt so much
lose woman love my relationship amazing girl end night love have hard past hurt parent family friend woman hard trust trust go time not happy girlfriend happy love not close friend good friend feel hopeless love dork see feel like actually worth trust woman focus sex not care different want wrong life little right hurt
The emotion that comes with everyday life is too muchI've lost so much. I have so much more to lose. Its supposed to be normal. I don't think I can.
emotion come everyday life archive lose lose suppose normal not think
I can’t do this anymore.I’m so tired of being the person in trouble. I’m tired of being such a fucking burden to everyone. I really just don’t have the will to go on anymore because no matter what i do, it’s wrong. The only thing stopping me is lack of resources, but I finally got a blade. So, if y’all never hear from me again, I’m sorry.
not anymore tired person trouble tired fucking burden not anymore no matter wrong thing stop lack resource finally get blade hear sorry
Anyone want to chat?if you need a friend im here and we can talk as much as you want. My names angel btw and im a guy. I can maybe try and help or maybe we can just chat. Im also depressed but i just want to help the best i can.
want chat if need friend talk want name angel bow guy maybe try help maybe chat depressed want help good
it is my time i’m so sorry beni’m sorry ben but i’m only sorry to you. you were lovely and nice. i will die wearing your shirt and favorite color. please do not hate me as i know i am selfish i’m sorry tho ben. so so sorry. i love you kiddo ♥️
time sorry benin sorry ben sorry lovely nice die wear shirt favourite color not hate know selfish sorry tho ben sorry love kiddo
17m need friends Hey. I'm pretty lonely rn and would love some friends. I mainly play Apex legends, Minecraft java, valorant, and amo f us. I'm in the pst timezone. If anybody is interested please PM me. Thanks :)
a need friend hey pretty lonely in love friend mainly play apex legend min craft java val rant am fast timezone anybody interested pm thank
First time posting...I'm not even mad, or sad, or happy anymore. Just feel......bored? Filled with dread thinking of living a full life. I have nothing to contribute anymore. Burned so many bridges because of my mental health struggles. Now I'm a SAHM and I love my kids but can't help but think my issues will only hurt them. Seeing a therapist and psychiatrist and started new meds. I dunno, just thought I'd reach out?
time posting not mad sad happy anymore feel bore fill dread thinking live life contribute anymore burn bridge mental health struggle sam love kid not help think issue hurt see therapist psychiatrist start new med dunno think reach
WHY JUST WHY AM I THIS DUMB I have been using mobile data for like 4 hours now tf is wrong with me I am Home what am i doing
dumb mobile datum like hour of wrong home
Russia conspiracy I was wondering if Hillary was talking to Putin on the day of Capitol riots.
russia conspiracy wonder hillary talk putin day capitol riot
SMIRKcolumbine 2, now only on fox
smirk columbine fox
I hope all of you have a very nice day tomorrow and that someone else does something nice for you to make your day brighter That extends to everyone, not just the people who read this post. But if you did read this post, try to be that person that makes someone's day a little better tomorrow. Talk to someone about their interests, invite a friend to hang out somewhere, talk to someone who seems lonely, compliment someone. Even the smallest acts of kindness can make someone's day, so make it a goal to make someone's day tomorrow. It doesn't matter how you are feeling because when you make someone else's day better, it'll also make yours better since you'll know you at least tried to make a difference.
hope nice day tomorrow nice day brighter extend not people read post read post try person make day little well tomorrow talk interest invite friend hang talk lonely compliment small act kindness day goal day tomorrow not matter feel else day better well know try difference
I want the pain to stopMy fiancee keeps hurting me. The nightmares from Afghanistan won't stop. I am hurting all the time. I feel so alone. I want to end it.
want pain stop my fiancee keep hurt nightmare afghanistan not stop hurt time feel want end
(18F) bored and lonely, so anyone want to play the number game or just chat? Also you can DM me and no question is off limits
of bored lonely want play number game chat do no question limit
I have some sick sense of humor [I set this as my background](
sick sense humour set background
Better without meDoes anyone ever feel like if they just disappeared, everything would be better off without them ?
better mede feel like disappear well
My friend keeps thinking about suicide and just told me "We're all gonna die what's the difference" just now, what should I do?She told me to stop spamming her. JUST NOW she came back to tell me she's fine and is spamming me that I shouldn't call anyone for help... What should i do?
friend keep think suicide tell go die difference dose tell stop spammer come tell fine spammer not help
This month will decide my fateI moved to another city. Far away from my crazy christian family. Brave Right? The thing is, I'm so as numb as if I was stung by a giant bee. I miss my cat, but I can't even cry. I must have a lot of motivation, to be able to rent cat friendly place by the end of the year, but I just feel nothing. I really hate life. I just want to follow the path of many missing people and just kill myself in some quiet forest.
month decide fate move city far away crazy christian family brave right thing numb sting giant bee miss cat not cry lot motivation able rent cat friendly place end year feel hate life want follow path miss people kill quiet forest
ughh im so done rn i got high asf and now im dying and im sick and im just dead inside
ugh in get high as die sick dead inside
my pronouns she/bitch fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
pronoun she bitch