3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals in the square. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. The player who places three pieces in a row along one of the lines of the board wins.
(game "Selbia" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals in the square. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. The player who places three pieces in a row along one of the lines of the board wins. ###Ludii (game "Selbia" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
Three concentric squares, with the midpoints of their sides connected with lines. Twelve pieces per player. Players take turns placing one of their pieces on an empty point on the board. The first player to make three in a row obtains the privilege of starting the next phase after all of the stones are placed; if no one makes three in a row the last player to place a stone begins the next phase. Ones all of the stones are placed, the player who has the right to begin the next phase removes any one of the opponent's stones, and the opponent does the same with one of the player's pieces. Then, players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent space. When a player place three of their pieces in a row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. If a player moves in such a way that the opponent cannot move, the player must make an extra move to allow the opponent a place to play. A player cannot capture an opponent's piece when this extra move is made. The player who captures all but two of the opponent's pieces wins. Games are usually played in sequence, starting with the winner of the previous game, with the first player to win five games in a row being the winner.
(game "Shah" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (and (not (is Prev Mover)) (is Line 3)) (moveAgain) (if (no Moves Next) (and (moveAgain) (set Pending))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (and (if (and (< (var) 1) (is Line 3)) (set Var (mover))) (if (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (if (< (var) 1) (moveAgain) (set NextPlayer (player (var))))))))) (nextPhase (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) "Remove")) (phase "Remove" (play (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board"))) (nextPhase Mover "Move")) (phase "Move" (play (if (and (not (is Pending)) (is Prev Mover)) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board") (then (if (no Moves Next) (and (moveAgain) (set Pending))))) (if (is Pending) (do (forEach Piece (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))) ifAfterwards:(can Move (forEach Piece Next))) (forEach Piece)) (then (if (= 2 (count Pieces P1)) (addScore P2 1 (then (if (!= (score P2) 5) (and {(remove (sites Occupied by:All)) (add (piece (id "Marker" P1)) (to (handSite P1)) count:12) (add (piece (id "Marker" P2)) (to (handSite P2)) count:12)})))) (if (= 2 (count Pieces P2)) (addScore P1 1 (then (if (!= (score P1) 5) (and {(remove (sites Occupied by:All)) (add (piece (id "Marker" P1)) (to (handSite P1)) count:12) (add (piece (id "Marker" P2)) (to (handSite P2)) count:12)}))))))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:All container:"Board"))) "Placement"))} (end (if (= (score Mover) 5) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Three concentric squares, with the midpoints of their sides connected with lines. Twelve pieces per player. Players take turns placing one of their pieces on an empty point on the board. The first player to make three in a row obtains the privilege of starting the next phase after all of the stones are placed; if no one makes three in a row the last player to place a stone begins the next phase. Ones all of the stones are placed, the player who has the right to begin the next phase removes any one of the opponent's stones, and the opponent does the same with one of the player's pieces. Then, players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent space. When a player place three of their pieces in a row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. If a player moves in such a way that the opponent cannot move, the player must make an extra move to allow the opponent a place to play. A player cannot capture an opponent's piece when this extra move is made. The player who captures all but two of the opponent's pieces wins. Games are usually played in sequence, starting with the winner of the previous game, with the first player to win five games in a row being the winner. ###Ludii (game "Shah" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (and (not (is Prev Mover)) (is Line 3)) (moveAgain) (if (no Moves Next) (and (moveAgain) (set Pending))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (and (if (and (< (var) 1) (is Line 3)) (set Var (mover))) (if (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (if (< (var) 1) (moveAgain) (set NextPlayer (player (var))))))))) (nextPhase (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) "Remove")) (phase "Remove" (play (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board"))) (nextPhase Mover "Move")) (phase "Move" (play (if (and (not (is Pending)) (is Prev Mover)) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board") (then (if (no Moves Next) (and (moveAgain) (set Pending))))) (if (is Pending) (do (forEach Piece (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))) ifAfterwards:(can Move (forEach Piece Next))) (forEach Piece)) (then (if (= 2 (count Pieces P1)) (addScore P2 1 (then (if (!= (score P2) 5) (and {(remove (sites Occupied by:All)) (add (piece (id "Marker" P1)) (to (handSite P1)) count:12) (add (piece (id "Marker" P2)) (to (handSite P2)) count:12)})))) (if (= 2 (count Pieces P2)) (addScore P1 1 (then (if (!= (score P1) 5) (and {(remove (sites Occupied by:All)) (add (piece (id "Marker" P1)) (to (handSite P1)) count:12) (add (piece (id "Marker" P2)) (to (handSite P2)) count:12)}))))))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:All container:"Board"))) "Placement"))} (end (if (= (score Mover) 5) (result Mover Win)))))
Each player has three pieces. Pieces are initially placed three-in a row on side nearest the player. Pieces can move to an adjacent space connected to it by a line. The goal is to create three in a row through the central space.
(game "Shisima" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric {1 8}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" {1 8 7}) (place "Marker2" {3 4 5})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (and (= (what at:(centrePoint)) (mover)) (is Line 3)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Each player has three pieces. Pieces are initially placed three-in a row on side nearest the player. Pieces can move to an adjacent space connected to it by a line. The goal is to create three in a row through the central space. ###Ludii (game "Shisima" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric {1 8}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" {1 8 7}) (place "Marker2" {3 4 5})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (and (= (what at:(centrePoint)) (mover)) (is Line 3)) (result Mover Win)))))
5x6 or 6x6 board. Twelve pieces per player. Players take turns placing pieces on the board. Once all the pieces are on the board, players may move one piece orthogonally one space during their turn. Players cannot create a line of more than three in an orthogonal direction, and cannot make a line of three during the placement phase. If three pieces are in an orthogonal line, they cannot be moved again. If a player makes three rows before the opponent makes one, it is an automatic win. The game is played on a 5x6 board.
(game "Shiva" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (if (not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(from))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (if (= (value Player Mover) -1) (set Value Mover 1) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))))))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (do (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal)))) (nextPhase (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Line 4 Orthogonal)))))} (end (if (= (value Player Mover) 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 5x6 or 6x6 board. Twelve pieces per player. Players take turns placing pieces on the board. Once all the pieces are on the board, players may move one piece orthogonally one space during their turn. Players cannot create a line of more than three in an orthogonal direction, and cannot make a line of three during the placement phase. If three pieces are in an orthogonal line, they cannot be moved again. If a player makes three rows before the opponent makes one, it is an automatic win. The game is played on a 5x6 board. ###Ludii (game "Shiva" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (if (not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(from))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (if (= (value Player Mover) -1) (set Value Mover 1) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))))))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (do (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal)))) (nextPhase (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Line 4 Orthogonal)))))} (end (if (= (value Player Mover) 3) (result Mover Win)))))
4x4 board. Six pieces per player, which begin on opposite rows of the board and in the two outer squares in the row in front of it. Players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally to an adjacent space on the board. When a player moves a piece such that it creates three in a row: two of their own pieces (which must be adjacent to one another) and one of the opponent's pieces (which must have a vacant space on the opposite side of it), the opponent's piece is captured. However, when the opponent's piece moves in line with two of the player's piece on the opponent's turn, the player does not capture the opponent's piece. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Six Insect Game" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 2 Orthogonal) (or {(if (!= (ahead (last To) N) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) N))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 N) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 N))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 N) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 N)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 N)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) S) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) S))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 S) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 S)) (remove (ahead (last To) S))))))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) S) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) S))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 S) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 S))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 S) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 S)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 S)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) N) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) N))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 N) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 N)) (remove (ahead (last To) N))))))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) E) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) E))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 E) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 E))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 E) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 E)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 E)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) W) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) W))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 W) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 W)) (remove (ahead (last To) W))))))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) W) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) W))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 W) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 W))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 W) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 W)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 W)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) E) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) E))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 E) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 E)) (remove (ahead (last To) E)))))))))})))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (union (intersection (union (sites Right) (sites Left)) (sites Row 1)) (sites Bottom))) (place "Marker2" (union (intersection (union (sites Right) (sites Left)) (sites Row 2)) (sites Top)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 4x4 board. Six pieces per player, which begin on opposite rows of the board and in the two outer squares in the row in front of it. Players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally to an adjacent space on the board. When a player moves a piece such that it creates three in a row: two of their own pieces (which must be adjacent to one another) and one of the opponent's pieces (which must have a vacant space on the opposite side of it), the opponent's piece is captured. However, when the opponent's piece moves in line with two of the player's piece on the opponent's turn, the player does not capture the opponent's piece. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Six Insect Game" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 2 Orthogonal) (or {(if (!= (ahead (last To) N) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) N))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 N) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 N))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 N) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 N)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 N)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) S) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) S))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 S) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 S)) (remove (ahead (last To) S))))))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) S) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) S))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 S) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 S))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 S) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 S)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 S)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) N) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) N))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 N) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 N)) (remove (ahead (last To) N))))))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) E) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) E))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 E) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 E))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 E) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 E)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 E)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) W) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) W))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 W) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 W)) (remove (ahead (last To) W))))))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) W) (last To)) (if (= (mover) (who at:(ahead (last To) W))) (or (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 W) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) steps:2 W))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:3 W) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:3 W)) (remove (ahead (last To) steps:2 W)))))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) E) (last To)) (if (= (next) (who at:(ahead (last To) E))) (if (!= (ahead (last To) steps:2 E) (last To)) (if (is Empty (ahead (last To) steps:2 E)) (remove (ahead (last To) E)))))))))})))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (union (intersection (union (sites Right) (sites Left)) (sites Row 1)) (sites Bottom))) (place "Marker2" (union (intersection (union (sites Right) (sites Left)) (sites Row 2)) (sites Top)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Each player has six pieces. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they can remove one of the opponent's pieces. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines. If a player makes three in a row, an opponent's piece is removed as in the first phase of the game. The game is won when the opponent is reduced to two pieces. The game starts with 6 pieces by player. Any Enemy piece can be captured.
(game "Six Men's Morris" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:2) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:6)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Each player has six pieces. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they can remove one of the opponent's pieces. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines. If a player makes three in a row, an opponent's piece is removed as in the first phase of the game. The game is won when the opponent is reduced to two pieces. The game starts with 6 pieces by player. Any Enemy piece can be captured. ###Ludii (game "Six Men's Morris" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:2) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:6)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
Three concentric triangles, with lines connecting their corners. Six pieces per player. Pieces can move or be placed where the lines intersect, or in the center of the sides of the triangles. Players alternate turns placing their pieces on an empty space on the board.When all the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving their pieces to an empty adjacent space along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three pieces in a row along one of the sides of one of the lines, they remove one of the pieces belonging to the other player. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Six-Penny Madell" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Triangle rings:3 joinMidpoints:False joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:6)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric triangles, with lines connecting their corners. Six pieces per player. Pieces can move or be placed where the lines intersect, or in the center of the sides of the triangles. Players alternate turns placing their pieces on an empty space on the board.When all the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving their pieces to an empty adjacent space along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three pieces in a row along one of the sides of one of the lines, they remove one of the pieces belonging to the other player. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Six-Penny Madell" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Triangle rings:3 joinMidpoints:False joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:6)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Starting with white, each player places a marble on an empty space or platform (2x2 arrangement of marbles). A player wins by making a line of L pieces of their colour orthogonally or diagonally (where L is the layer size) but loses by making a line of L-1 of their colour beforehand (without also making a line of L). Two players. 4x4 square pyramidal board.
(game "Spava" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4 pyramidal:True) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(is Flat)))) (end {(if (is Line (- (count Rows) (layer of:(last To))) SameLayer) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Line (- (- (count Rows) (layer of:(last To))) 1) SameLayer) (result Mover Loss))})))
###Description Starting with white, each player places a marble on an empty space or platform (2x2 arrangement of marbles). A player wins by making a line of L pieces of their colour orthogonally or diagonally (where L is the layer size) but loses by making a line of L-1 of their colour beforehand (without also making a line of L). Two players. 4x4 square pyramidal board. ###Ludii (game "Spava" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4 pyramidal:True) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(is Flat)))) (end {(if (is Line (- (count Rows) (layer of:(last To))) SameLayer) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Line (- (- (count Rows) (layer of:(last To))) 1) SameLayer) (result Mover Loss))})))
Starting with white, each player places a marble on an empty space or platform (2x2 arrangement of marbles). The first player making a full line of his color on any layer wins. Lines may be diagonal. This is, for a 4x4 set, a 4-in-a-row on the first layer, or a 3-in-a-row on the 2nd layer, or a 2-in-a-row on the 3rd layer. The game is played with two players. The game is played on a 4x4 board.
(game "Spline" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4 pyramidal:True) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(is Flat)))) (end (if (is Line (- (count Rows) (layer of:(last To))) SameLayer) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Starting with white, each player places a marble on an empty space or platform (2x2 arrangement of marbles). The first player making a full line of his color on any layer wins. Lines may be diagonal. This is, for a 4x4 set, a 4-in-a-row on the first layer, or a 3-in-a-row on the 2nd layer, or a 2-in-a-row on the 3rd layer. The game is played with two players. The game is played on a 4x4 board. ###Ludii (game "Spline" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4 pyramidal:True) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(is Flat)))) (end (if (is Line (- (count Rows) (layer of:(last To))) SameLayer) (result Mover Win)))))
Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on the board. The first person to make a line of four, but without first making a line of three, wins.
(game "Squava" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end {(if (is Line 4) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Loss))})))
###Description Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on the board. The first person to make a line of four, but without first making a line of three, wins. ###Ludii (game "Squava" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end {(if (is Line 4) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Loss))})))
Three concentric squares with lines connecting their midpoints. Nine pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing pieces on the board or moving one piece on the board to an adjacent empty spot. The first player to get three of their pieces in a row wins.
(game "Sujjua" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:9)) (play (or (if (not (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Three concentric squares with lines connecting their midpoints. Nine pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing pieces on the board or moving one piece on the board to an adjacent empty spot. The first player to get three of their pieces in a row wins. ###Ludii (game "Sujjua" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:9)) (play (or (if (not (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (result Mover Win)))))
Same rules as Six Men's Morris.
(game "Symbol S0.2" (players 2) (equipment {(board (graph vertices:{{1 0} {2 0} {0 1} {1 1} {2 1} {3 1} {0 2} {1 2} {2 2} {3 2} {1 3} {2 3}} edges:{{0 2} {0 3} {3 2} {3 4} {1 4} {4 5} {1 5} {3 7} {4 8} {6 7} {7 8} {8 9} {6 10} {11 9} {10 7} {11 8}}) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:4)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Same rules as Six Men's Morris. ###Ludii (game "Symbol S0.2" (players 2) (equipment {(board (graph vertices:{{1 0} {2 0} {0 1} {1 1} {2 1} {3 1} {0 2} {1 2} {2 2} {3 2} {1 3} {2 3}} edges:{{0 2} {0 3} {3 2} {3 4} {1 4} {4 5} {1 5} {3 7} {4 8} {6 7} {7 8} {8 9} {6 10} {11 9} {10 7} {11 8}}) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:4)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals drawn in the square. Three pieces per player, which begin on the three points on opposite sides of the board. Players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. The first player to place three of their pieces in a row along one of the lines which is not one of the sides of the square, wins.
(game "T'mbl" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Top)) (place "Marker2" (sites Bottom))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (and (is In (centrePoint) (sites Occupied by:Mover)) (is Line 3)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals drawn in the square. Three pieces per player, which begin on the three points on opposite sides of the board. Players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. The first player to place three of their pieces in a row along one of the lines which is not one of the sides of the square, wins. ###Ludii (game "T'mbl" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Top)) (place "Marker2" (sites Bottom))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (and (is In (centrePoint) (sites Occupied by:Mover)) (is Line 3)) (result Mover Win)))))
3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals. Play occurs on the intersections of the lines. Players each have three pieces, initially placed on the sides closest to the player. Players move the pieces to an adjacent unoccupied intersection along the lines. The goal is to make three in a row which cannot be in the starting position. An alternate version requires the three in a row to be diagonal.
(game "Tant Fant" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites P1)) (place "Marker2" (sites P2))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (and (not (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(is In (site) (sites Mover)))) (is Line 3)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals. Play occurs on the intersections of the lines. Players each have three pieces, initially placed on the sides closest to the player. Players move the pieces to an adjacent unoccupied intersection along the lines. The goal is to make three in a row which cannot be in the starting position. An alternate version requires the three in a row to be diagonal. ###Ludii (game "Tant Fant" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites P1)) (place "Marker2" (sites P2))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (and (not (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(is In (site) (sites Mover)))) (is Line 3)) (result Mover Win)))))
3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals. Play occurs on the intersections of the lines. Three pieces per player. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they win. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines trying to make three in a row.
(game "Tapatan" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals. Play occurs on the intersections of the lines. Three pieces per player. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they win. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines trying to make three in a row. ###Ludii (game "Tapatan" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
5x6 board. Each player has twelve pieces. Players alternate placing their pieces until they are all placed on the board. The goal is to make a line of three, which allows the player to capture one of the opponent's pieces. Once the pieces are all on the board, they may be moved one space orthogonally. In the case that a move creates two lines of three, only one capture is made. The player who makes the last possible capture wins.
(game "Tauru" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 5x6 board. Each player has twelve pieces. Players alternate placing their pieces until they are all placed on the board. The goal is to make a line of three, which allows the player to capture one of the opponent's pieces. Once the pieces are all on the board, they may be moved one space orthogonally. In the case that a move creates two lines of three, only one capture is made. The player who makes the last possible capture wins. ###Ludii (game "Tauru" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
Three concentric pentagons, with lines connecting the corners and the midpoints of each side. Fourteen pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, they alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they may remove one of the opponent's pieces from the board. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row arrangement cannot be removed from the board. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Tavan Tal" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (merge {(shift 2 2 (merge {(rectangle 1 3) (shift -1.31 0.95 (rotate 108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift -0.81 2.49 (rotate 216 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 1.31 0.95 (rotate -108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 0.81 2.49 (rotate -216 (rectangle 1 3)))})) (shift 1 1 (scale 2 (merge {(rectangle 1 3) (shift -1.31 0.95 (rotate 108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift -0.81 2.49 (rotate 216 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 1.31 0.95 (rotate -108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 0.81 2.49 (rotate -216 (rectangle 1 3)))}))) (scale 3 (merge {(rectangle 1 3) (shift -1.31 0.95 (rotate 108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift -0.81 2.49 (rotate 216 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 1.31 0.95 (rotate -108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 0.81 2.49 (rotate -216 (rectangle 1 3)))}))}) edges:{{26 16} {16 6} {5 15} {15 25} {29 19} {19 9} {7 17} {17 27} {28 18} {18 8} {22 12} {12 2} {1 11} {11 21} {20 10} {10 0} {3 13} {13 23} {24 14} {14 4}}) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:14)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric pentagons, with lines connecting the corners and the midpoints of each side. Fourteen pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, they alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they may remove one of the opponent's pieces from the board. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row arrangement cannot be removed from the board. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Tavan Tal" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (merge {(shift 2 2 (merge {(rectangle 1 3) (shift -1.31 0.95 (rotate 108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift -0.81 2.49 (rotate 216 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 1.31 0.95 (rotate -108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 0.81 2.49 (rotate -216 (rectangle 1 3)))})) (shift 1 1 (scale 2 (merge {(rectangle 1 3) (shift -1.31 0.95 (rotate 108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift -0.81 2.49 (rotate 216 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 1.31 0.95 (rotate -108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 0.81 2.49 (rotate -216 (rectangle 1 3)))}))) (scale 3 (merge {(rectangle 1 3) (shift -1.31 0.95 (rotate 108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift -0.81 2.49 (rotate 216 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 1.31 0.95 (rotate -108 (rectangle 1 3))) (shift 0.81 2.49 (rotate -216 (rectangle 1 3)))}))}) edges:{{26 16} {16 6} {5 15} {15 25} {29 19} {19 9} {7 17} {17 27} {28 18} {18 8} {22 12} {12 2} {1 11} {11 21} {20 10} {10 0} {3 13} {13 23} {24 14} {14 4}}) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:14)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals. Play occurs on the intersections of the lines. Each player has three pieces. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they win. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines trying to make three in a row. The pieces can move to any empty adjacent sites.
(game "Three Men's Morris" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines with diagonals. Play occurs on the intersections of the lines. Each player has three pieces. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they win. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines trying to make three in a row. The pieces can move to any empty adjacent sites. ###Ludii (game "Three Men's Morris" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
Players take turns placing a piece of theirs at an empty cell. When all pieces have been placed, players take turns moving one of their pieces. The pieces move like the equivalent Chess pieces but do not capture. Any piece can hop over an adjacent enemy piece to an empty cell beyond (without capturing it). First to make a line of 3 of their pieces, at any time, wins the game.
(game "Tic-Tac-Chess" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (hand Each size:3) (piece "Queen" Each (or (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide All))) (piece "King" Each (or (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Rook" Each (or (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide Orthogonal)))}) (rules (start {(place "Queen" "Hand") (place "King" "Hand") (place "Rook" "Hand")}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3 Mover) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Players take turns placing a piece of theirs at an empty cell. When all pieces have been placed, players take turns moving one of their pieces. The pieces move like the equivalent Chess pieces but do not capture. Any piece can hop over an adjacent enemy piece to an empty cell beyond (without capturing it). First to make a line of 3 of their pieces, at any time, wins the game. ###Ludii (game "Tic-Tac-Chess" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (hand Each size:3) (piece "Queen" Each (or (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide All))) (piece "King" Each (or (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Rook" Each (or (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide Orthogonal)))}) (rules (start {(place "Queen" "Hand") (place "King" "Hand") (place "Rook" "Hand")}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3 Mover) (result Mover Win)))))
Play occurs on a 3x3 grid. One player places an X, the other places an O and players take turns placing their marks in the grid, attempting to get three in a row. The die is showing the cell index to place a piece. Players reroll until they roll an empty cell.
(game "Tic-Tac-Die" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (dice d:9 from:0 num:1)}) (rules (play (do (roll) next:(if (is Empty (count Pips)) (move Add (piece (if (is Mover P1) (id "Disc" P1) (id "Cross" P2))) (to (count Pips))) (move Pass (then (moveAgain)))))) (end {(if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Full) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description Play occurs on a 3x3 grid. One player places an X, the other places an O and players take turns placing their marks in the grid, attempting to get three in a row. The die is showing the cell index to place a piece. Players reroll until they roll an empty cell. ###Ludii (game "Tic-Tac-Die" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (dice d:9 from:0 num:1)}) (rules (play (do (roll) next:(if (is Empty (count Pips)) (move Add (piece (if (is Mover P1) (id "Disc" P1) (id "Cross" P2))) (to (count Pips))) (move Pass (then (moveAgain)))))) (end {(if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Full) (result Mover Draw))})))
The same rules as Tic-Tac-Toe are used with four players in a 5x5 board. The third and fourth players play with "Y" and "Z".
(game "Tic-Tac-Four" (players 4) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (piece "Y" P3) (piece "Z" P4)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description The same rules as Tic-Tac-Toe are used with four players in a 5x5 board. The third and fourth players play with "Y" and "Z". ###Ludii (game "Tic-Tac-Four" (players 4) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (piece "Y" P3) (piece "Z" P4)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
Tic-Tac-Mo uses the same rules as Tic-Tac-Toe, but the third player plays with a "y". The first player to make three in a row wins.
(game "Tic-Tac-Mo" (players 3) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 5)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (piece "Y" P3)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Tic-Tac-Mo uses the same rules as Tic-Tac-Toe, but the third player plays with a "y". The first player to make three in a row wins. ###Ludii (game "Tic-Tac-Mo" (players 3) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 5)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (piece "Y" P3)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
Play occurs on a 3x3 grid. One player places an X, the other places an O and players take turns placing their marks in the grid, losing is they make three in a row of their colour.
(game "Tic-Tac-Toe Misere" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Next Win)))))
###Description Play occurs on a 3x3 grid. One player places an X, the other places an O and players take turns placing their marks in the grid, losing is they make three in a row of their colour. ###Ludii (game "Tic-Tac-Toe Misere" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Next Win)))))
Play occurs on a 3x3 grid. One player places an X, the other places an O and players take turns placing their marks in the grid, attempting to get three in a row of their colour.
(game "Tic-Tac-Toe" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Play occurs on a 3x3 grid. One player places an X, the other places an O and players take turns placing their marks in the grid, attempting to get three in a row of their colour. ###Ludii (game "Tic-Tac-Toe" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Cross" P2)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
The object is to get a line of three of the same color. On each turn, you may do ONE of the following: (1) Put a red counter in an empty square. (2) Replace a red counter with a yellow one. (3) Replace a yellow counter with a green one. The game is played on a 3x4 board.
(game "Traffic Lights" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 4)) (piece "Square" Shared) (piece "Triangle" Shared) (piece "Disc" Shared)}) (rules (play (or {(move Add (piece "Square") (to (sites Empty))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Shared component:"Square")) (then (promote (last To) (piece {"Triangle"}) Shared))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Shared component:"Triangle")) (then (promote (last To) (piece {"Disc"}) Shared)))})) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description The object is to get a line of three of the same color. On each turn, you may do ONE of the following: (1) Put a red counter in an empty square. (2) Replace a red counter with a yellow one. (3) Replace a yellow counter with a green one. The game is played on a 3x4 board. ###Ludii (game "Traffic Lights" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 4)) (piece "Square" Shared) (piece "Triangle" Shared) (piece "Disc" Shared)}) (rules (play (or {(move Add (piece "Square") (to (sites Empty))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Shared component:"Square")) (then (promote (last To) (piece {"Triangle"}) Shared))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Shared component:"Triangle")) (then (promote (last To) (piece {"Disc"}) Shared)))})) (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
TURN - On each turn, each player drops a stone on an empty cell GOAL - A player loses if he has 3 friendly stones on an orthogonal or diagonal line (they don't need to be adjacent to each other).
(game "Trianon" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (or {(= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Row (row of:(last To))) if:(is Friend (who at:(site)))))) (= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Column (column of:(last To))) if:(is Friend (who at:(site)))))) (= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (union (sites Direction from:(last To) NE included:True) (sites Direction from:(last To) SW)) if:(is Friend (who at:(site)))))) (= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (union (sites Direction from:(last To) NW included:True) (sites Direction from:(last To) SE)) if:(is Friend (who at:(site))))))}) (result Mover Loss)))))
###Description TURN - On each turn, each player drops a stone on an empty cell GOAL - A player loses if he has 3 friendly stones on an orthogonal or diagonal line (they don't need to be adjacent to each other). ###Ludii (game "Trianon" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (or {(= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Row (row of:(last To))) if:(is Friend (who at:(site)))))) (= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Column (column of:(last To))) if:(is Friend (who at:(site)))))) (= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (union (sites Direction from:(last To) NE included:True) (sites Direction from:(last To) SW)) if:(is Friend (who at:(site)))))) (= 3 (count Sites in:(forEach (union (sites Direction from:(last To) NW included:True) (sites Direction from:(last To) SE)) if:(is Friend (who at:(site))))))}) (result Mover Loss)))))
3x3 intersecting lines. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, the players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot. A piece which is surrounded on opposite sides by pieces belonging to the opponent cannot be moved. The player who places three of their stones in a row along one of the lines wins.
(game "Triodi (Chios)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (if (not (or (if (and (!= (ahead (from) N) (from)) (!= (ahead (from) S) (from))) (and (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) N))) (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) S))))) (if (and (!= (ahead (from) E) (from)) (!= (ahead (from) W) (from))) (and (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) E))) (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) W))))))) (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, the players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot. A piece which is surrounded on opposite sides by pieces belonging to the opponent cannot be moved. The player who places three of their stones in a row along one of the lines wins. ###Ludii (game "Triodi (Chios)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (if (not (or (if (and (!= (ahead (from) N) (from)) (!= (ahead (from) S) (from))) (and (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) N))) (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) S))))) (if (and (!= (ahead (from) E) (from)) (!= (ahead (from) W) (from))) (and (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) E))) (= (next) (who at:(ahead (from) W))))))) (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
Three concentric squares, the corners and midpoints of the squares connected with lines. Nine pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, the players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row along the lines, the player removes any one of the opponent's pieces. The player who reduces the opponent to two pieces wins.
(game "Triodi (Diagonal)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:9)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric squares, the corners and midpoints of the squares connected with lines. Nine pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, the players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row along the lines, the player removes any one of the opponent's pieces. The player who reduces the opponent to two pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Triodi (Diagonal)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:9)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
Three concentric squares, the midpoints of the squares connected with lines. Nine pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, the players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row along the lines, the player removes any one of the opponent's pieces. The player who reduces the opponent to two pieces wins.
(game "Triodi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:9)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric squares, the midpoints of the squares connected with lines. Nine pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, the players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row along the lines, the player removes any one of the opponent's pieces. The player who reduces the opponent to two pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Triodi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:9)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
Triangle, with a line from the apex bisecting the base, and a line bisecting this one and the opposite sides. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on one of the empty points on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving any one of their pieces to the empty point on the board. The first player to make a line of three wins.
(game "Tsoro Yemutatu (Triangle)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (scale 1 2 (wedge 3)) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from) (to (sites Empty))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Triangle, with a line from the apex bisecting the base, and a line bisecting this one and the opposite sides. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on one of the empty points on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving any one of their pieces to the empty point on the board. The first player to make a line of three wins. ###Ludii (game "Tsoro Yemutatu (Triangle)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (scale 1 2 (wedge 3)) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from) (to (sites Empty))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals drawn in the large square. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a stone on an empty point on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to any empty point. The first player to place three of their pieces in a line wins.
(game "Tsoro Yemutatu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from) (to (sites Empty))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals drawn in the large square. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a stone on an empty point on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to any empty point. The first player to place three of their pieces in a line wins. ###Ludii (game "Tsoro Yemutatu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from) (to (sites Empty))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the diagonals and the midpoints of the sides. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on one of the empty intersections of the board. If a player places three of their stones in a straight line, the player may remove one of the opponent's pieces. When all of the pieces have been placed, the players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent point along the lines of the board. When a player is reduced to three pieces, they may move one of their stone to any empty space on the board. The player who reduces their opponent to two pieces wins.
(game "Tsoro Yemutwelve" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (if (> (count Pieces Mover) 3) (forEach Piece) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the diagonals and the midpoints of the sides. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on one of the empty intersections of the board. If a player places three of their stones in a straight line, the player may remove one of the opponent's pieces. When all of the pieces have been placed, the players alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent point along the lines of the board. When a player is reduced to three pieces, they may move one of their stone to any empty space on the board. The player who reduces their opponent to two pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Tsoro Yemutwelve" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (if (> (count Pieces Mover) 3) (forEach Piece) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
3x3 board, without the outer edges of the square. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing the pieces on an empty space on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players move pieces to an adjacent empty space on the board. the first player to place all three of their pieces in an orthogonal or diagonal line wins.
(game "Tuk Tak" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 board, without the outer edges of the square. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing the pieces on an empty space on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players move pieces to an adjacent empty space on the board. the first player to place all three of their pieces in an orthogonal or diagonal line wins. ###Ludii (game "Tuk Tak" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 3)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Win)))))
Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the diagonals and the midpoints of the sides. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When a player places three pieces in a row along one of the lines on the board, they remove one of the pieces belonging to the opponent. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. The first player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Tule Paid" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the diagonals and the midpoints of the sides. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When a player places three pieces in a row along one of the lines on the board, they remove one of the pieces belonging to the opponent. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. The first player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Tule Paid" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Each player uses twelve pieces. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they can remove one of the opponent's pieces. They cannot remove an opponent's piece that is in a three in a row formation unless there are no other options. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines. If a player makes three in a row, an opponent's piece is removed as in the first phase of the game. Once a player is reduced to three pieces, that player may move to any open space on the board. The game is won when the opponent is reduced to two pieces. The board has some diagonals.
(game "Twelve Men's Morris" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (if (> (count Pieces Mover) 3) (forEach Piece) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Each player uses twelve pieces. Play begins with each player placing pieces on empty points. If they make three in a row along the lines, they can remove one of the opponent's pieces. They cannot remove an opponent's piece that is in a three in a row formation unless there are no other options. Once all pieces are place, players take turns moving pieces one spot to an adjacent point along the lines. If a player makes three in a row, an opponent's piece is removed as in the first phase of the game. Once a player is reduced to three pieces, that player may move to any open space on the board. The game is won when the opponent is reduced to two pieces. The board has some diagonals. ###Ludii (game "Twelve Men's Morris" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (can Move (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site)))))) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board"))) (if (> (count Pieces Mover) 3) (forEach Piece) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))))))} (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
Each small 3x3 Tic-Tac-Toe board is referred to as a local board, and the larger 3x3 board is referred to as the global board. The game starts with X playing wherever they want in any of the 81 empty spots. This move 'sends' their opponent to its relative location. For example, if X played in the top right square of their local board, then O needs to play next in the local board at the top right of the global board. O can then play in any one of the nine available spots in that local board, each move sending X to a different local board. If a move is played so that it is to win a local board by the rules of normal Tic-Tac-Toe, then the entire local board is marked as a victory for the player in the global board. Once a local board is won by a player or it is filled completely, no more moves may be played in that board. If a player is sent to such a board, then that player may play in any other board. Game play ends when either a player wins the global board or there are no legal moves remaining, in which case the game is a draw.
(game "Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe" (players 2) (equipment {(board (union (square 9) (scale 3 (square 3))) use:Cell) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "DiscLarge" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (piece "CrossLarge" P2) (regions "SubGames" (sites {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80})) (regions "SubGame0" (sites {0 1 2 9 10 11 18 19 20})) (regions "SubGame1" (sites {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23})) (regions "SubGame2" (sites {6 7 8 15 16 17 24 25 26})) (regions "SubGame3" (sites {27 28 29 36 37 38 45 46 47})) (regions "SubGame4" (sites {30 31 32 39 40 41 48 49 50})) (regions "SubGame5" (sites {33 34 35 42 43 44 51 52 53})) (regions "SubGame6" (sites {54 55 56 63 64 65 72 73 74})) (regions "SubGame7" (sites {57 58 59 66 67 68 75 76 77})) (regions "SubGame8" (sites {60 61 62 69 70 71 78 79 80})) (regions "SuperGame" (sites {81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89})) (map "SubToSuper" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80} {81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89}) (map "SubToSub" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80} {0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8})}) (rules (play (priority {(move Add (piece (if (= (mover) P1) (id "Disc" P1) (id "Cross" P2))) (to (if (= 0 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame0") (if (= 1 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame1") (if (= 2 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame2") (if (= 3 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame3") (if (= 4 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame4") (if (= 5 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame5") (if (= 6 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame6") (if (= 7 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame7") (if (= 8 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame8")))))))))) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (is Empty (mapEntry "SubToSuper" (to)))))) (move Add (piece (if (= (mover) P1) (id "Disc1") (id "Cross2"))) (to (intersection (sites "SubGames") (sites Empty)) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (is Empty (mapEntry "SubToSuper" (to))))))} (then (if (is Line 3 if:(if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame0")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame0")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame1")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame1")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame2")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame2")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame3")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame3")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame4")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame4")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame5")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame5")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame6")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame6")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame7")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame7")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame8"))))))))))) (add (piece (if (= (mover) P1) (id "DiscLarge1") (id "CrossLarge2"))) (to (mapEntry "SubToSuper" (last To)))))))) (end (if (is Line 3 throughAny:(sites "SuperGame") Mover) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Each small 3x3 Tic-Tac-Toe board is referred to as a local board, and the larger 3x3 board is referred to as the global board. The game starts with X playing wherever they want in any of the 81 empty spots. This move 'sends' their opponent to its relative location. For example, if X played in the top right square of their local board, then O needs to play next in the local board at the top right of the global board. O can then play in any one of the nine available spots in that local board, each move sending X to a different local board. If a move is played so that it is to win a local board by the rules of normal Tic-Tac-Toe, then the entire local board is marked as a victory for the player in the global board. Once a local board is won by a player or it is filled completely, no more moves may be played in that board. If a player is sent to such a board, then that player may play in any other board. Game play ends when either a player wins the global board or there are no legal moves remaining, in which case the game is a draw. ###Ludii (game "Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe" (players 2) (equipment {(board (union (square 9) (scale 3 (square 3))) use:Cell) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "DiscLarge" P1) (piece "Cross" P2) (piece "CrossLarge" P2) (regions "SubGames" (sites {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80})) (regions "SubGame0" (sites {0 1 2 9 10 11 18 19 20})) (regions "SubGame1" (sites {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23})) (regions "SubGame2" (sites {6 7 8 15 16 17 24 25 26})) (regions "SubGame3" (sites {27 28 29 36 37 38 45 46 47})) (regions "SubGame4" (sites {30 31 32 39 40 41 48 49 50})) (regions "SubGame5" (sites {33 34 35 42 43 44 51 52 53})) (regions "SubGame6" (sites {54 55 56 63 64 65 72 73 74})) (regions "SubGame7" (sites {57 58 59 66 67 68 75 76 77})) (regions "SubGame8" (sites {60 61 62 69 70 71 78 79 80})) (regions "SuperGame" (sites {81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89})) (map "SubToSuper" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80} {81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 84 84 84 85 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89 87 87 87 88 88 88 89 89 89}) (map "SubToSub" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80} {0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8})}) (rules (play (priority {(move Add (piece (if (= (mover) P1) (id "Disc" P1) (id "Cross" P2))) (to (if (= 0 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame0") (if (= 1 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame1") (if (= 2 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame2") (if (= 3 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame3") (if (= 4 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame4") (if (= 5 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame5") (if (= 6 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame6") (if (= 7 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame7") (if (= 8 (mapEntry "SubToSub" (last To))) (sites "SubGame8")))))))))) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (is Empty (mapEntry "SubToSuper" (to)))))) (move Add (piece (if (= (mover) P1) (id "Disc1") (id "Cross2"))) (to (intersection (sites "SubGames") (sites Empty)) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (is Empty (mapEntry "SubToSuper" (to))))))} (then (if (is Line 3 if:(if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame0")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame0")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame1")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame1")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame2")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame2")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame3")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame3")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame4")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame4")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame5")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame5")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame6")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame6")) (if (is In (last To) (sites "SubGame7")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame7")) (is In (to) (sites "SubGame8"))))))))))) (add (piece (if (= (mover) P1) (id "DiscLarge1") (id "CrossLarge2"))) (to (mapEntry "SubToSuper" (last To)))))))) (end (if (is Line 3 throughAny:(sites "SuperGame") Mover) (result Mover Win)))))
Played on a square grid 11x11 or larger. White goes first and places two pieces every turn, Black places four pieces per turn. White wins if they make an orthogonal line of four pieces; Black wins if they make an orthogonal line of 7 pieces. Played on a size 11 board.
(game "Unfair" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (or (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= (id P1) (mover))) (then (if (= 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) (moveAgain)))) (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= (id P2) (mover))) (then (if (< (count MovesThisTurn) 3) (moveAgain)))))) (end {(if (and (= (id P1) (mover)) (is Line 4 Orthogonal)) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (= (id P2) (mover)) (is Line 7 Orthogonal)) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Played on a square grid 11x11 or larger. White goes first and places two pieces every turn, Black places four pieces per turn. White wins if they make an orthogonal line of four pieces; Black wins if they make an orthogonal line of 7 pieces. Played on a size 11 board. ###Ludii (game "Unfair" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (play (or (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= (id P1) (mover))) (then (if (= 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) (moveAgain)))) (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= (id P2) (mover))) (then (if (< (count MovesThisTurn) 3) (moveAgain)))))) (end {(if (and (= (id P1) (mover)) (is Line 4 Orthogonal)) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (= (id P2) (mover)) (is Line 7 Orthogonal)) (result Mover Win))})))
5x6 board, made in the sand. One player plays with twelve sticks and the other with twelve pebbles. The player with the sticks plays first. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty space on the board. Players are not permitted to place more than two of their own pieces in an orthogonal row on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving one of their pieces orthogonally one space. When a player successfully places three of their pieces in an orthogonal row of three, the player captures one of the opponent's pieces. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Wali" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Stick" P1 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Ball" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:12) (place "Ball2" (handSite P2) count:12)}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (do (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 5x6 board, made in the sand. One player plays with twelve sticks and the other with twelve pebbles. The player with the sticks plays first. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty space on the board. Players are not permitted to place more than two of their own pieces in an orthogonal row on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving one of their pieces orthogonally one space. When a player successfully places three of their pieces in an orthogonal row of three, the player captures one of the opponent's pieces. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Wali" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Stick" P1 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Ball" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:12) (place "Ball2" (handSite P2) count:12)}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (do (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
6x6 board. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty space on the board. No captures may be made in the placement phase. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally to an empty adjacent space on the board. When a player places three of their pieces in an orthogonal row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Lines of four or more do not capture. Moving a piece out of a line of four or more, making it now a line of three, does not capture. Lines of three made during the placement phase also do not result in capture. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Wari (Alignment)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (if (is Line 4 Orthogonal through:(from)) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain))))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 6x6 board. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty space on the board. No captures may be made in the placement phase. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally to an empty adjacent space on the board. When a player places three of their pieces in an orthogonal row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Lines of four or more do not capture. Moving a piece out of a line of four or more, making it now a line of three, does not capture. Lines of three made during the placement phase also do not result in capture. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Wari (Alignment)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 6)) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (if (is Line 4 Orthogonal through:(from)) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal exact:True) (moveAgain))))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board")) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on the board. Once all of the pieces are placed, players take turns moving one of their pieces to an adjacent empty spot. The first player to make an orthogonal line with their pieces wins.
(game "Wure Dune" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step All (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals. Three pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on the board. Once all of the pieces are placed, players take turns moving one of their pieces to an adjacent empty spot. The first player to make an orthogonal line with their pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Wure Dune" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step All (to if:(is Empty (to)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:3)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (is Line 3 Orthogonal) (result Mover Win)))))
9x9 intersecting lines. Forty pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty space on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot on the board. When a player places three of their pieces in an orthogonal or diagonal line, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Players also remove one of the opponent's pieces when they place four pieces so that they are one the four corners of one of the squares on the board. Pieces which are in these patterns cannot be removed from the board. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Xanan Zirge" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (or (is Line 3 All) (is Pattern {F R F R F R F})) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:40)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board") if:(and (not (is Line 3 All through:(site))) (not (is Pattern {F R F R F R F} from:(site)))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (or (is Line 3 All) (is Pattern {F R F R F R F})) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board") if:(and (not (is Line 3 All through:(site))) (not (is Pattern {F R F R F R F} from:(site)))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 9x9 intersecting lines. Forty pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty space on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot on the board. When a player places three of their pieces in an orthogonal or diagonal line, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Players also remove one of the opponent's pieces when they place four pieces so that they are one the four corners of one of the squares on the board. Pieces which are in these patterns cannot be removed from the board. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Xanan Zirge" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (or (is Line 3 All) (is Pattern {F R F R F R F})) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:40)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board") if:(and (not (is Line 3 All through:(site))) (not (is Pattern {F R F R F R F} from:(site)))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (or (is Line 3 All) (is Pattern {F R F R F R F})) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board") if:(and (not (is Line 3 All through:(site))) (not (is Pattern {F R F R F R F} from:(site)))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the corners and the midpoints of the sides. Two diamonds drawn, one connecting the midpoints of the outer square and intersecting the corners of the second square; the second connecting the midpoints of the second square and intersecting the corners of the central square. Twelve pieces per plays. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row pattern cannot be removed. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Xonin Shatar (Complex)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (remove (merge {(shift 3 3 (remove (square 3) edges:{{1 4} {3 4} {4 7} {4 5}})) (shift 2 2 (scale 2 (remove (square 3) edges:{{1 4} {3 4} {4 7} {4 5}}))) (scale 4 (remove (square 3) edges:{{1 4} {3 4} {4 7} {4 5}}))}) vertices:{4}) edges:{{17 19} {17 20} {20 22} {22 19} {17 9} {19 11} {22 14} {12 20} {21 13} {23 15} {18 10} {16 8} {11 9} {9 12} {12 14} {14 11} {9 1} {11 3} {6 14} {4 12} {0 8} {5 13} {7 15} {10 2}}) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the corners and the midpoints of the sides. Two diamonds drawn, one connecting the midpoints of the outer square and intersecting the corners of the second square; the second connecting the midpoints of the second square and intersecting the corners of the central square. Twelve pieces per plays. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row pattern cannot be removed. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Xonin Shatar (Complex)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (remove (merge {(shift 3 3 (remove (square 3) edges:{{1 4} {3 4} {4 7} {4 5}})) (shift 2 2 (scale 2 (remove (square 3) edges:{{1 4} {3 4} {4 7} {4 5}}))) (scale 4 (remove (square 3) edges:{{1 4} {3 4} {4 7} {4 5}}))}) vertices:{4}) edges:{{17 19} {17 20} {20 22} {22 19} {17 9} {19 11} {22 14} {12 20} {21 13} {23 15} {18 10} {16 8} {11 9} {9 12} {12 14} {14 11} {9 1} {11 3} {6 14} {4 12} {0 8} {5 13} {7 15} {10 2}}) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the corners and the midpoints of the sides. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row pattern cannot be removed from the board. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Xonin Shatar (Simple)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric squares, with lines connecting the corners and the midpoints of the sides. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing a piece on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece to an empty adjacent spot along the lines. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they remove one of the opponent's pieces. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row pattern cannot be removed from the board. The player who removes all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Xonin Shatar (Simple)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (concentric Square rings:3 joinCorners:True) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
White player takes a red piece and places a white piece on top of it, placing the stack before them. Black player takes a white piece and places a black piece on top of it, placing the stack before them. Red player takes a black piece and places a red piece on top of it, placing the stack before them. Starting with White, players take turns placing a piece of their colour on an empty space of the board until the victory condition is reached. The aim of the game is to create a 5-in-a-row containing both and only both colours of your stack.
(game "Yavalade" (players 3) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 5))) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end {(if (is Line 5 whats:{1 3}) (result P1 Win)) (if (is Line 5 whats:{1 2}) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Line 5 whats:{2 3}) (result P3 Win))})))
###Description White player takes a red piece and places a white piece on top of it, placing the stack before them. Black player takes a white piece and places a black piece on top of it, placing the stack before them. Red player takes a black piece and places a red piece on top of it, placing the stack before them. Starting with White, players take turns placing a piece of their colour on an empty space of the board until the victory condition is reached. The aim of the game is to create a 5-in-a-row containing both and only both colours of your stack. ###Ludii (game "Yavalade" (players 3) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 5))) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end {(if (is Line 5 whats:{1 3}) (result P1 Win)) (if (is Line 5 whats:{1 2}) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Line 5 whats:{2 3}) (result P3 Win))})))
Two players play, with white and black pieces, with neutral red pieces as well. Players take turns placing either a red counters on an empty space or a counter of their color on a space adjacent to a red one. Play continues until one player creates five in a row with only their color and red. The player that does so first wins.
(game "Yavalanchor" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 5))) (piece "Marker" Each) (piece "Marker" Shared) (hand Shared)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place "Marker" (handSite Shared))) (play (or (move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Shared component:"Marker") if:(is Empty (to))))) (move (from (handSite Shared)) (to (sites Empty)) copy:True))) (end (forEach Player if:(and (or (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Marker" Player)) (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Marker"))) (is Line 5 whats:{(id "Marker" Player) (id "Marker")})) (result Player Win)))))
###Description Two players play, with white and black pieces, with neutral red pieces as well. Players take turns placing either a red counters on an empty space or a counter of their color on a space adjacent to a red one. Play continues until one player creates five in a row with only their color and red. The player that does so first wins. ###Ludii (game "Yavalanchor" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 5))) (piece "Marker" Each) (piece "Marker" Shared) (hand Shared)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place "Marker" (handSite Shared))) (play (or (move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Shared component:"Marker") if:(is Empty (to))))) (move (from (handSite Shared)) (to (sites Empty)) copy:True))) (end (forEach Player if:(and (or (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Marker" Player)) (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Marker"))) (is Line 5 whats:{(id "Marker" Player) (id "Marker")})) (result Player Win)))))
Players alternate turns placing pieces on one of the spaces. The first player to place four in a row without first making three in a row wins. The version of game with 2 players. The game is played on a 5x5 board.
(game "Yavalath" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 5))) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end {(if (is Line 4) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Loss))})))
###Description Players alternate turns placing pieces on one of the spaces. The first player to place four in a row without first making three in a row wins. The version of game with 2 players. The game is played on a 5x5 board. ###Ludii (game "Yavalath" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 5))) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (end {(if (is Line 4) (result Mover Win)) (if (is Line 3) (result Mover Loss))})))
Goal: Simultaneously create two or more rows of exactly four stones of your color. Play: White starts by placing a white stone at an empty cell. Players then take turns placing two stones of their color at empty cells, one stone after another. In each placement, players are not allowed to create a single 4-in-a-row of their color, unless that placement simultaneously creates at least one other 4-in-a-row of their color to win the game. This means that players may NOT make a single 4-in-a-row of their color on the first placement of their turn even if they can make a second 4-in-a-row on their second placement. In no event are players allowed to create 5 (or more) -in-a-row of their color. The first player to make simultaneous 4-in-a-rows of their color wins immediately, whether it was their first or second placement. The game is played on a 13x13 board.
(game "Yavalax" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 13)) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase "General")) (phase "General" (play (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain)))) ifAfterwards:(and (not (is Line 5)) (!= 1 (+ {(if (is Line 4 N exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 NE exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 E exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 SE exact:True) 1 0)}))))))} (end (if (<= 2 (+ {(if (is Line 4 N exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 NE exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 E exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 SE exact:True) 1 0)})) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Goal: Simultaneously create two or more rows of exactly four stones of your color. Play: White starts by placing a white stone at an empty cell. Players then take turns placing two stones of their color at empty cells, one stone after another. In each placement, players are not allowed to create a single 4-in-a-row of their color, unless that placement simultaneously creates at least one other 4-in-a-row of their color to win the game. This means that players may NOT make a single 4-in-a-row of their color on the first placement of their turn even if they can make a second 4-in-a-row on their second placement. In no event are players allowed to create 5 (or more) -in-a-row of their color. The first player to make simultaneous 4-in-a-rows of their color wins immediately, whether it was their first or second placement. The game is played on a 13x13 board. ###Ludii (game "Yavalax" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 13)) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase "General")) (phase "General" (play (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain)))) ifAfterwards:(and (not (is Line 5)) (!= 1 (+ {(if (is Line 4 N exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 NE exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 E exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 SE exact:True) 1 0)}))))))} (end (if (<= 2 (+ {(if (is Line 4 N exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 NE exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 E exact:True) 1 0) (if (is Line 4 SE exact:True) 1 0)})) (result Mover Win)))))
Three concentric hexagons, with lines connecting the corners and midpoints of the sides. Seventeen pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, they alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they may remove one of the opponent's pieces from the board. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row arrangement cannot be removed from the board. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Zurgaan Tal" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (concentric Hexagon rings:3 joinCorners:True)) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:17)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three concentric hexagons, with lines connecting the corners and midpoints of the sides. Seventeen pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty spot on the board. When all of the pieces are placed, they alternate turns moving one of their pieces to an empty adjacent spot along the lines of the board. During either phase, when a player places three of their pieces in a row, they may remove one of the opponent's pieces from the board. Pieces which are in a three-in-a-row arrangement cannot be removed from the board. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Zurgaan Tal" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (concentric Hexagon rings:3 joinCorners:True)) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:17)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (if (is Line 3) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (forEach (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") if:(not (is Line 3 Orthogonal through:(site))))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
The game begins with an empty Diamond board. Black moves first, then turns alternate. (To offset any advantage Black has in moving first, the pie rule is used: White can choose to switch sides after Black's first move, playing from then on as Black. White has this option only after Black's first move.) The game is executed in two phases: 1) Placement phase. Players take turns placing one of their pieces on any open point on the board. No placements result in a capture in this phase. A player can win the game in this phase if they are able to occupy all four corners of a board square; otherwise, play proceeds to the Movement phase once all 24 pieces have been placed. 2) Movement phase. For their turn, a player may either: - move one of their pieces along a straight line to an adjacent empty point; or, - remove a neutral piece from the board—but only if no white or black piece is adjacent to it. Capturing moves are possible in the Movement phase. If the points of a triangle contain exactly one white and one black piece, either player can capture the opponent piece by occupying the remaining open point ("cornering" the enemy piece on the triangle). If a move simultaneously corners two opponent pieces on two different triangles, then neither enemy piece is captured. A piece can move safely to a triangle point even if the other two points of the triangle are occupied by enemy pieces. A player wins by being the first to occupy all four corners (points) of a board square with their pieces. The game is drawn if any of the following occurs: - The player whose turn it is to move cannot move a piece. - In the last 50 moves (25 moves per player) no capture has been made, nor neutral piece removed.
(game "Diamond" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (tiling T33434 3)) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) if:(and {(= 3 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Mover (who at:(site)))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Next (who at:(site))))))})))) (forEach Site (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) (if (and {(= 3 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Mover (who at:(site)))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Next (who at:(site))))))}) (and (forEach Site (forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Next (who at:(site)))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Disc" Neutral)) (to (site))))) (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Disc" Neutral) (hand Each) (regions P1 {(sites Side W) (sites Side E)}) (regions P2 {(sites Side N) (sites Side S)})}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place "Disc" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) (if (= 4 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Mover (who at:(site)))))) (trigger "Win" Mover))) (set Counter))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (or (forEach Piece) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))))} (end {(if (is Triggered "Win" Mover) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 49)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description The game begins with an empty Diamond board. Black moves first, then turns alternate. (To offset any advantage Black has in moving first, the pie rule is used: White can choose to switch sides after Black's first move, playing from then on as Black. White has this option only after Black's first move.) The game is executed in two phases: 1) Placement phase. Players take turns placing one of their pieces on any open point on the board. No placements result in a capture in this phase. A player can win the game in this phase if they are able to occupy all four corners of a board square; otherwise, play proceeds to the Movement phase once all 24 pieces have been placed. 2) Movement phase. For their turn, a player may either: - move one of their pieces along a straight line to an adjacent empty point; or, - remove a neutral piece from the board—but only if no white or black piece is adjacent to it. Capturing moves are possible in the Movement phase. If the points of a triangle contain exactly one white and one black piece, either player can capture the opponent piece by occupying the remaining open point ("cornering" the enemy piece on the triangle). If a move simultaneously corners two opponent pieces on two different triangles, then neither enemy piece is captured. A piece can move safely to a triangle point even if the other two points of the triangle are occupied by enemy pieces. A player wins by being the first to occupy all four corners (points) of a board square with their pieces. The game is drawn if any of the following occurs: - The player whose turn it is to move cannot move a piece. - In the last 50 moves (25 moves per player) no capture has been made, nor neutral piece removed. ###Ludii (game "Diamond" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (tiling T33434 3)) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) if:(and {(= 3 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Mover (who at:(site)))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Next (who at:(site))))))})))) (forEach Site (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) (if (and {(= 3 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Mover (who at:(site)))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Next (who at:(site))))))}) (and (forEach Site (forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Next (who at:(site)))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Disc" Neutral)) (to (site))))) (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Disc" Neutral) (hand Each) (regions P1 {(sites Side W) (sites Side E)}) (regions P2 {(sites Side N) (sites Side S)})}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place "Disc" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) (if (= 4 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) if:(is Mover (who at:(site)))))) (trigger "Win" Mover))) (set Counter))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (or (forEach Piece) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))))} (end {(if (is Triggered "Win" Mover) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 49)) (result Mover Draw))})))
The two players, Red and Blue, alternately place tokens on the intersections of the board until each has placed fifteen. Thereafter they alternate turns sliding a single token along a line to an adjacent vertex. A player who occupies the three vertices of any triangle has formed a mill and may relocate one enemy token. Occupying the four vertices of a square (forming a double mill) allows the player to relocate two enemy tokens. No more than two tokens may be relocated in a single turn, even if a player completes a mill and double mill with the same move. The winner is the first player to occupy all six vertices of either any neutral hexagon or one of his/her own color. A win can be achieved during either the placement or movement phases of the game.
(game "Kensington" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (tiling T3464 2)) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (regions "HexA" P1 (sites Cell "E4")) (regions "HexB" P1 (sites Cell "I4")) (regions "HexA" P2 (sites Cell "E12")) (regions "HexB" P2 (sites Cell "I12")) (regions "HexNeutral1" (sites Cell "C8")) (regions "HexNeutral2" (sites Cell "G8")) (regions "HexNeutral3" (sites Cell "K8"))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:15)) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board")) (to (sites Empty) (apply if:(is Pending) (moveAgain)))) (if (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (forEach Piece) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty))) (then (forEach Site (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) (if (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites Occupied by:Mover))) (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (if (= 6 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (if (or {(= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites Mover "HexA")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites Mover "HexB")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites "HexNeutral1")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites "HexNeutral2")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites "HexNeutral3"))}) (trigger "Lose" Next)) (and (if (= 4 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (set Pending)) (moveAgain))))))))) (end (if (is Triggered "Lose" Next) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description The two players, Red and Blue, alternately place tokens on the intersections of the board until each has placed fifteen. Thereafter they alternate turns sliding a single token along a line to an adjacent vertex. A player who occupies the three vertices of any triangle has formed a mill and may relocate one enemy token. Occupying the four vertices of a square (forming a double mill) allows the player to relocate two enemy tokens. No more than two tokens may be relocated in a single turn, even if a player completes a mill and double mill with the same move. The winner is the first player to occupy all six vertices of either any neutral hexagon or one of his/her own color. A win can be achieved during either the placement or movement phases of the game. ###Ludii (game "Kensington" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (tiling T3464 2)) use:Vertex) (hand Each) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (regions "HexA" P1 (sites Cell "E4")) (regions "HexB" P1 (sites Cell "I4")) (regions "HexA" P2 (sites Cell "E12")) (regions "HexB" P2 (sites Cell "I12")) (regions "HexNeutral1" (sites Cell "C8")) (regions "HexNeutral2" (sites Cell "G8")) (regions "HexNeutral3" (sites Cell "K8"))}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:15)) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board")) (to (sites Empty) (apply if:(is Pending) (moveAgain)))) (if (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (forEach Piece) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty))) (then (forEach Site (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(last To)) (if (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites Occupied by:Mover))) (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (if (= 6 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (if (or {(= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites Mover "HexA")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites Mover "HexB")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites "HexNeutral1")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites "HexNeutral2")) (= (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)) (sites "HexNeutral3"))}) (trigger "Lose" Next)) (and (if (= 4 (count Sites in:(sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site)))) (set Pending)) (moveAgain))))))))) (end (if (is Triggered "Lose" Next) (result Mover Win)))))
Each turn the players will put one of their pieces on the boardgame. It's forbidden to put a shape in a line, a column or an area on which this same form has already been posed by the opponent. We can only double a shape if we have played the previous one ourself. The first player who places the fourth different form in a row, column or zone wins the game immediately, no matter who owns the other pieces of that winning move.
(game "Quantik" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Square" Each) (piece "Triangle" Each) (piece "Hex" Each) (regions "BottomLeft" (expand origin:(coord "A1") All)) (regions "BottomRight" (expand origin:(coord "D1") All)) (regions "TopLeft" (expand origin:(coord "A4") All)) (regions "TopRight" (expand origin:(coord "D4") All)) (hand Each size:4) (map {(pair (id "Disc1") (id "Disc2")) (pair (id "Disc2") (id "Disc1")) (pair (id "Square1") (id "Square2")) (pair (id "Square2") (id "Square1")) (pair (id "Triangle1") (id "Triangle2")) (pair (id "Triangle2") (id "Triangle1")) (pair (id "Hex1") (id "Hex2")) (pair (id "Hex2") (id "Hex1"))})}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (handSite P1) count:2) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2) count:2) (place "Square1" (handSite P1 1) count:2) (place "Square2" (handSite P2 1) count:2) (place "Triangle1" (handSite P1 2) count:2) (place "Triangle2" (handSite P2 2) count:2) (place "Hex1" (handSite P1 3) count:2) (place "Hex2" (handSite P2 3) count:2)}) (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (sites Empty) if:(and {(all Sites (sites Row (row of:(to))) if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (all Sites (sites Column (column of:(to))) if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (if (is In (to) (sites "BottomLeft")) (all Sites (sites "BottomLeft") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (if (is In (to) (sites "BottomRight")) (all Sites (sites "BottomRight") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (if (is In (to) (sites "TopLeft")) (all Sites (sites "TopLeft") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (all Sites (sites "TopRight") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))))))})))) (end (if (or {(all Different (sites "BottomLeft") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites "BottomRight") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites "TopLeft") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites "TopRight") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 0) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 1) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 2) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 3) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 0) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 1) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 2) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 3) if:(is Occupied (site))) (no Moves Next)}) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Each turn the players will put one of their pieces on the boardgame. It's forbidden to put a shape in a line, a column or an area on which this same form has already been posed by the opponent. We can only double a shape if we have played the previous one ourself. The first player who places the fourth different form in a row, column or zone wins the game immediately, no matter who owns the other pieces of that winning move. ###Ludii (game "Quantik" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Square" Each) (piece "Triangle" Each) (piece "Hex" Each) (regions "BottomLeft" (expand origin:(coord "A1") All)) (regions "BottomRight" (expand origin:(coord "D1") All)) (regions "TopLeft" (expand origin:(coord "A4") All)) (regions "TopRight" (expand origin:(coord "D4") All)) (hand Each size:4) (map {(pair (id "Disc1") (id "Disc2")) (pair (id "Disc2") (id "Disc1")) (pair (id "Square1") (id "Square2")) (pair (id "Square2") (id "Square1")) (pair (id "Triangle1") (id "Triangle2")) (pair (id "Triangle2") (id "Triangle1")) (pair (id "Hex1") (id "Hex2")) (pair (id "Hex2") (id "Hex1"))})}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (handSite P1) count:2) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2) count:2) (place "Square1" (handSite P1 1) count:2) (place "Square2" (handSite P2 1) count:2) (place "Triangle1" (handSite P1 2) count:2) (place "Triangle2" (handSite P2 2) count:2) (place "Hex1" (handSite P1 3) count:2) (place "Hex2" (handSite P2 3) count:2)}) (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (sites Empty) if:(and {(all Sites (sites Row (row of:(to))) if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (all Sites (sites Column (column of:(to))) if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (if (is In (to) (sites "BottomLeft")) (all Sites (sites "BottomLeft") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (if (is In (to) (sites "BottomRight")) (all Sites (sites "BottomRight") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (if (is In (to) (sites "TopLeft")) (all Sites (sites "TopLeft") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (all Sites (sites "TopRight") if:(!= (what at:(site)) (mapEntry (what at:(from))))))))})))) (end (if (or {(all Different (sites "BottomLeft") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites "BottomRight") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites "TopLeft") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites "TopRight") if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 0) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 1) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 2) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Row 3) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 0) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 1) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 2) if:(is Occupied (site))) (all Different (sites Column 3) if:(is Occupied (site))) (no Moves Next)}) (result Mover Win)))))
Each player in turn places one of his marbles in an open space on the board, on top of a square (i.e. 4 marbles next to each other). After the placement of each marble, check to see if a square or marbles have been formed. If at least 3 of the 4 marbles that form a square are of the same color, a piece of that color go on top of that square. If as a result other squares are formed, the same rule is applied. The winner is the first player to have at least 27 marbles of his colour on the board.
(game "Upper Hand" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5 pyramidal:True) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each) (piece "Ball" Neutral)}) (rules (start (place "Ball0" (centrePoint))) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(is Flat)) (then (while (not (all Sites (sites Board) if:(not (can Move (or (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))}) (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))})))))) (forEach Site (sites Board) (and (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))}) (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))}))))))) (end (if (<= 27 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Mover))) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Each player in turn places one of his marbles in an open space on the board, on top of a square (i.e. 4 marbles next to each other). After the placement of each marble, check to see if a square or marbles have been formed. If at least 3 of the 4 marbles that form a square are of the same color, a piece of that color go on top of that square. If as a result other squares are formed, the same rule is applied. The winner is the first player to have at least 27 marbles of his colour on the board. ###Ludii (game "Upper Hand" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5 pyramidal:True) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each) (piece "Ball" Neutral)}) (rules (start (place "Ball0" (centrePoint))) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(is Flat)) (then (while (not (all Sites (sites Board) if:(not (can Move (or (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))}) (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))})))))) (forEach Site (sites Board) (and (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P1)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))}) (and {(if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) N) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) E)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) E) (ahead (ahead (site) S) E)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USE) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) USW))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) S)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) S) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) USW) if:(is Flat))))) (if (and (and (is Occupied (site)) (is Empty (ahead (site) UNE))) (and (!= (site) (ahead (site) N)) (!= (site) (ahead (site) W)))) (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)})))) (<= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites {(site) (ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (ahead (site) N) W)}))))) (add (piece (id "Ball" P2)) (to (ahead (site) UNE) if:(is Flat)))))}))))))) (end (if (<= 27 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Mover))) (result Mover Win)))))
The rules are identical to Go, except the winning condition is to be the first to capture a stone. The game is played on a 19x19 board.
(game "Atari Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (trigger "CaptureMade" Next) (remove (between)))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0))) (end (if (is Triggered "CaptureMade" Next) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description The rules are identical to Go, except the winning condition is to be the first to capture a stone. The game is played on a 19x19 board. ###Ludii (game "Atari Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (trigger "CaptureMade" Next) (remove (between)))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0))) (end (if (is Triggered "CaptureMade" Next) (result Mover Win)))))
Each player begins with two pieces on the four corners of the board, with each player's pieces in opposite corners. Players move one piece one or two spaces in any direction orthogonally or diagonally. If the piece is moved on space, another piece is added on the origin space. All of the opponent's pieces adjacent to the space to which the player moved now belong to the player who moved. Play ends when all spaces have been filled or one of the players has no remaining pieces. The player with the most pieces wins.
(game "Ataxx" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (or (move (from) (to (sites Around (from)) if:(is Empty (to))) copy:True) (move (from) (to (difference (expand origin:(from) steps:2) (expand origin:(from))) if:(is Empty (to)))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:Next)) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Marker" Mover)) (to (site))))))))}) (rules (start {(set Score Each 2) (place "Marker1" {"A1" "G7"}) (place "Marker2" {"A7" "G1"})}) (play (forEach Piece (then (and (set Score P1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1))) (set Score P2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2))))))) (end (if (or (= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Next)) 0) (is Full)) (byScore)))))
###Description Each player begins with two pieces on the four corners of the board, with each player's pieces in opposite corners. Players move one piece one or two spaces in any direction orthogonally or diagonally. If the piece is moved on space, another piece is added on the origin space. All of the opponent's pieces adjacent to the space to which the player moved now belong to the player who moved. Play ends when all spaces have been filled or one of the players has no remaining pieces. The player with the most pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Ataxx" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (or (move (from) (to (sites Around (from)) if:(is Empty (to))) copy:True) (move (from) (to (difference (expand origin:(from) steps:2) (expand origin:(from))) if:(is Empty (to)))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:Next)) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Marker" Mover)) (to (site))))))))}) (rules (start {(set Score Each 2) (place "Marker1" {"A1" "G7"}) (place "Marker2" {"A7" "G1"})}) (play (forEach Piece (then (and (set Score P1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1))) (set Score P2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2))))))) (end (if (or (= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Next)) 0) (is Full)) (byScore)))))
Played on a square grid. The board begins empty. One player plays as Black, the other as White. Players alternate turns placing a piece of their colour on the board; Black plays first. Passing is not allowed. After a move, all opposing pieces without liberties are captured (a stone or group of stones has no liberties if all adjacent points to that stone are occupied). Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when one player captures a number of stones equal to a winning threshold agreed upon at the start of the game. Despite not having an explicit territorial goal, this variant produces final positions quite reminiscent of standard Go. The game is played on a 9x9 board 5 captures to win.
(game "BlooGo" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Next) (if (= (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal) 0) (move Remove (site) (then (addScore Mover 1)))))))) (end {(if (>= (score Mover) 5) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Played on a square grid. The board begins empty. One player plays as Black, the other as White. Players alternate turns placing a piece of their colour on the board; Black plays first. Passing is not allowed. After a move, all opposing pieces without liberties are captured (a stone or group of stones has no liberties if all adjacent points to that stone are occupied). Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when one player captures a number of stones equal to a winning threshold agreed upon at the start of the game. Despite not having an explicit territorial goal, this variant produces final positions quite reminiscent of standard Go. The game is played on a 9x9 board 5 captures to win. ###Ludii (game "BlooGo" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Next) (if (= (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal) 0) (move Remove (site) (then (addScore Mover 1)))))))) (end {(if (>= (score Mover) 5) (result Mover Win))})))
Like Go, Cavity is played on the points of a square grid, and groups (chains, more precisely) and liberties are defined the same way. An empty region is a group (chain) of empty points, and it is said to be adjacent to a stone if any of its points are. Setup: Starting with Black, place one stone each on any empty point. The setup is over as soon as the players have one stone each on the board. Play: On your turn, place a stone of your color on any point in an empty region that's adjacent to a stone of your color. After placement, first remove all enemy groups that have no liberties, then remove all friendly groups that have no liberties. In this phase, as soon as one player is the only one with stones on the board, the game is over and that player is the winner. The game is balanced with the pie rule. The game is played on an 11x11 board
(game "Cavity" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (and (= 1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)))) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is In (to) (sites Occupied by:Mover))))) (to) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))) (then (if (can Move (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))))) (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between))))) (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Mover (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between))))))))))} (end (forEach Player if:(and (< 2 (count Moves)) (no Pieces Player)) (result Player Loss)))))
###Description Like Go, Cavity is played on the points of a square grid, and groups (chains, more precisely) and liberties are defined the same way. An empty region is a group (chain) of empty points, and it is said to be adjacent to a stone if any of its points are. Setup: Starting with Black, place one stone each on any empty point. The setup is over as soon as the players have one stone each on the board. Play: On your turn, place a stone of your color on any point in an empty region that's adjacent to a stone of your color. After placement, first remove all enemy groups that have no liberties, then remove all friendly groups that have no liberties. In this phase, as soon as one player is the only one with stones on the board, the game is over and that player is the winner. The game is balanced with the pie rule. The game is played on an 11x11 board ###Ludii (game "Cavity" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase (and (= 1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)))) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is In (to) (sites Occupied by:Mover))))) (to) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))) (then (if (can Move (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))))) (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between))))) (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Mover (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between))))))))))} (end (forEach Player if:(and (< 2 (count Moves)) (no Pieces Player)) (result Player Loss)))))
17x17 intersecting lines, with alternating black and white points, four equally spaced along the third and fifteenth rank and two along the seventh and eleventh rows, forming a large square. Each player has two kinds of piece, six bull-shaped pieces and 144 round pieces. To begin, players place their bull-shaped pieces on the opposite-color marked points on the board. Then, players alternate turns placing one of their pieces in an adjacent space next to one of their bull pieces. Once all of the bull pieces have been surrounded, the main phase of play begins. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on the board. The player who encloses the greatest number of empty spaces wins.
(game "Dorvolz" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 17) use:Vertex) (hand Each size:2) (piece "Bull" Each) (piece "Marker" Each) (regions "BullSites" P1 (sites {"C3" "K3" "O7" "C11" "G15" "O15"})) (regions "BullSites" P2 (sites {"G3" "O3" "C7" "O11" "C15" "K15"}))}) (rules (start {(place "Bull1" (handSite P1) count:6) (place "Bull2" (handSite P2) count:6) (place "Marker1" (handSite P1 1) count:144) (place "Marker2" (handSite P2 1) count:144)}) phases:{(phase "BullPlacement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 6 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Board) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))) "MarkerPlacementAroundBull")) (phase "MarkerPlacementAroundBull" (play (move (from (handSite Mover 1)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (sites Mover) All))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 54 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Board) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (move (from (handSite Mover 1)) (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (byScore {(score P1 (size Territory P1 All)) (score P2 (size Territory P2 All))}))))}))
###Description 17x17 intersecting lines, with alternating black and white points, four equally spaced along the third and fifteenth rank and two along the seventh and eleventh rows, forming a large square. Each player has two kinds of piece, six bull-shaped pieces and 144 round pieces. To begin, players place their bull-shaped pieces on the opposite-color marked points on the board. Then, players alternate turns placing one of their pieces in an adjacent space next to one of their bull pieces. Once all of the bull pieces have been surrounded, the main phase of play begins. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on the board. The player who encloses the greatest number of empty spaces wins. ###Ludii (game "Dorvolz" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 17) use:Vertex) (hand Each size:2) (piece "Bull" Each) (piece "Marker" Each) (regions "BullSites" P1 (sites {"C3" "K3" "O7" "C11" "G15" "O15"})) (regions "BullSites" P2 (sites {"G3" "O3" "C7" "O11" "C15" "K15"}))}) (rules (start {(place "Bull1" (handSite P1) count:6) (place "Bull2" (handSite P2) count:6) (place "Marker1" (handSite P1 1) count:144) (place "Marker2" (handSite P2 1) count:144)}) phases:{(phase "BullPlacement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 6 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Board) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))) "MarkerPlacementAroundBull")) (phase "MarkerPlacementAroundBull" (play (move (from (handSite Mover 1)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (sites Mover) All))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 54 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Board) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (move (from (handSite Mover 1)) (to (sites Empty)))) (end (if (and (all Sites (sites Hand P1) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (byScore {(score P1 (size Territory P1 All)) (score P2 (size Territory P2 All))}))))}))
Flower Shop is played on a hexhex board and uses the 12* placement protocol, that is: barring the first player's first placement, which must be a single piece, players make two placements in a turn. There are two types of pieces: impartial *stalks* (green) and partial *flowers* (pink and yellow). A maximal set of connected stalks is called a *plant*. Rules There are two placement restrictions: 1. Each flower may be adjacent to no more than one stalk and no other flowers. 2. Each plant can only be adjacent to at most one colour of flowers. The game ends when no legal placements can be made. The *worth* of each plant is the number of stalks in it times the number of flowers adjacent to it. The *score* of each player is the total worth of all the plants adjacent to his flowers. Highest score wins. In case of equal scores, no player wins. (Description taken - but slighlty adapted - from
(game "Flower Shop" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 7)) (tile "Hex" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (play (do (or (move Add (piece (mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:All component:"Hex") (sites Around (to) Orthogonal)))))) (move Add (piece "Disc0") (to (sites Empty)))) ifAfterwards:(and (all Sites (sites Occupied by:All component:"Hex") if:(> 2 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))) (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Neutral) if:(not (and (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (sites Group at:(site)) Own Orthogonal))) (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (sites Group at:(site)) Enemy Orthogonal))))))) (then (if (= 1 (% (+ 1 (count Moves)) 2)) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (results from:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Neutral) Orthogonal)) to:1 (* (to) (size Group at:(+ (results from:(intersection (sites Around (from) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)) to:1 (* (from) (to)))) Orthogonal if:(= (id "Disc0") (what at:(to)))))))) (score P2 (+ (results from:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Neutral) Orthogonal)) to:1 (* (to) (size Group at:(+ (results from:(intersection (sites Around (from) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)) to:1 (* (from) (to)))) Orthogonal if:(= (id "Disc0") (what at:(to))))))))})))))
###Description Flower Shop is played on a hexhex board and uses the 12* placement protocol, that is: barring the first player's first placement, which must be a single piece, players make two placements in a turn. There are two types of pieces: impartial *stalks* (green) and partial *flowers* (pink and yellow). A maximal set of connected stalks is called a *plant*. Rules There are two placement restrictions: 1. Each flower may be adjacent to no more than one stalk and no other flowers. 2. Each plant can only be adjacent to at most one colour of flowers. The game ends when no legal placements can be made. The *worth* of each plant is the number of stalks in it times the number of flowers adjacent to it. The *score* of each player is the total worth of all the plants adjacent to his flowers. Highest score wins. In case of equal scores, no player wins. (Description taken - but slighlty adapted - from ###Ludii (game "Flower Shop" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 7)) (tile "Hex" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (play (do (or (move Add (piece (mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:All component:"Hex") (sites Around (to) Orthogonal)))))) (move Add (piece "Disc0") (to (sites Empty)))) ifAfterwards:(and (all Sites (sites Occupied by:All component:"Hex") if:(> 2 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))) (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Neutral) if:(not (and (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (sites Group at:(site)) Own Orthogonal))) (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (sites Group at:(site)) Enemy Orthogonal))))))) (then (if (= 1 (% (+ 1 (count Moves)) 2)) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (results from:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Neutral) Orthogonal)) to:1 (* (to) (size Group at:(+ (results from:(intersection (sites Around (from) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)) to:1 (* (from) (to)))) Orthogonal if:(= (id "Disc0") (what at:(to)))))))) (score P2 (+ (results from:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Neutral) Orthogonal)) to:1 (* (to) (size Group at:(+ (results from:(intersection (sites Around (from) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)) to:1 (* (from) (to)))) Orthogonal if:(= (id "Disc0") (what at:(to))))))))})))))
Players take turns placing stones of their color on empty squares. If you place orthogonally adjacent to more than 2 stones, regardless of their color, you must place again. You continue until you place orthogonally adjacent to 2 or fewer stones. When the board is full, the player with the most stones on the board is the winner. A 7x7 playing area is currently selected
(game "Flume" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place "Disc0" (sites Outer))) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (and (addScore Mover 1) (if (< 2 (count Sites in:(sites Around (last To) NotEmpty Orthogonal))) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (is Full) (byScore)))))
###Description Players take turns placing stones of their color on empty squares. If you place orthogonally adjacent to more than 2 stones, regardless of their color, you must place again. You continue until you place orthogonally adjacent to 2 or fewer stones. When the board is full, the player with the most stones on the board is the winner. A 7x7 playing area is currently selected ###Ludii (game "Flume" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place "Disc0" (sites Outer))) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (and (addScore Mover 1) (if (< 2 (count Sites in:(sites Around (last To) NotEmpty Orthogonal))) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (is Full) (byScore)))))
Played on a 19x19 board. The board begins empty. One player plays as black, the other as white. The black player begins by placing a piece on one of the intersections on the board. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. A player may pass at any time. A piece or a group of pieces are captured when they are completely surrounded on all sides on adjacent intersections by the opposing player. Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when both players pass consecutively. Players total the number of intersections their pieces occupy or surround. The player with the highest total wins. The game is played on a 19x19 board
(game "Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0)) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
###Description Played on a 19x19 board. The board begins empty. One player plays as black, the other as white. The black player begins by placing a piece on one of the intersections on the board. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. A player may pass at any time. A piece or a group of pieces are captured when they are completely surrounded on all sides on adjacent intersections by the opposing player. Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when both players pass consecutively. Players total the number of intersections their pieces occupy or surround. The player with the highest total wins. The game is played on a 19x19 board ###Ludii (game "Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0)) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
--- Goal: Have the warmest goats at end. The warmth of you goats is the total number of contacts they have with other goats. To find the winner, it is only necessary to count goat-to-goat contacts between their own kind. The game start on an empty board. Play alternates. On a turn either: 1. Pass (sometimes this is forced); or 2. Place a goat on an empty cell that is not too close to another goat of its color: -- If they are in line, they need gap of 2 or 3 spaces (as selected in Options.) 3. Move one of your goats one step with the following condition: -- the goat must gain more contacts with adjacent goats of its own kind than before; or 4. Use the following alternate condition to step-move a goat that cannot move using the previous rule: -- the step must reduce your goat's net contact with enemy goats. Exception: Moves using rule 4. are not allowed immediately after the previous player has passed. Capture -- After moving, simultaneously remove all individual enemy goats that have no adjacent space empty. -- Capturing does not happen on a passing turn: to capture one must play a piece. Ending the game -- The game ends with 2 passes. Then the number of connections are compared. -- In the case of a tie, the last to pass loses. Variants not implemented: No capture. / Score simple goat count. Edge 3,4 Hex board Placements must leave a gap of 3 spaces if in sight of a friendly piece Goat graphics - Custom if mountainGoat-alt3.svg is in Ludii directory
(game "Goats Wintering" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Limping 3) use:Cell) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Disc" P2)}) (rules (start (set Score Each 0)) (play (or {(move Pass) (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(intersection (sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to)) (sites Direction from:(to) distance:3))))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))))) (forEach Piece (or (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (from))) (- (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (to))) 1)))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))))) (if (and (not (was Pass)) (not (can Move (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (from))) (- (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (to))) 1)))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2))))))))) (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (> (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from))) (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (to)))))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))))))))})) (end {(if (and (all Passed) (> (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (all Passed) (<= (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Next Win))})))
###Description --- Goal: Have the warmest goats at end. The warmth of you goats is the total number of contacts they have with other goats. To find the winner, it is only necessary to count goat-to-goat contacts between their own kind. The game start on an empty board. Play alternates. On a turn either: 1. Pass (sometimes this is forced); or 2. Place a goat on an empty cell that is not too close to another goat of its color: -- If they are in line, they need gap of 2 or 3 spaces (as selected in Options.) 3. Move one of your goats one step with the following condition: -- the goat must gain more contacts with adjacent goats of its own kind than before; or 4. Use the following alternate condition to step-move a goat that cannot move using the previous rule: -- the step must reduce your goat's net contact with enemy goats. Exception: Moves using rule 4. are not allowed immediately after the previous player has passed. Capture -- After moving, simultaneously remove all individual enemy goats that have no adjacent space empty. -- Capturing does not happen on a passing turn: to capture one must play a piece. Ending the game -- The game ends with 2 passes. Then the number of connections are compared. -- In the case of a tie, the last to pass loses. Variants not implemented: No capture. / Score simple goat count. Edge 3,4 Hex board Placements must leave a gap of 3 spaces if in sight of a friendly piece Goat graphics - Custom if mountainGoat-alt3.svg is in Ludii directory ###Ludii (game "Goats Wintering" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Limping 3) use:Cell) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Disc" P2)}) (rules (start (set Score Each 0)) (play (or {(move Pass) (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(intersection (sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to)) (sites Direction from:(to) distance:3))))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))))) (forEach Piece (or (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (from))) (- (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (to))) 1)))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))))) (if (and (not (was Pass)) (not (can Move (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (from))) (- (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Around (to))) 1)))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2))))))))) (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (> (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from))) (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (to)))))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites Board) (apply if:(and (is Next (who at:(site))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (site) includeSelf:True))))) (remove (site)))) next:(and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))))))))})) (end {(if (and (all Passed) (> (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (all Passed) (<= (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Next Win))})))
The board begins empty. One player plays as black, the other as white. The black player begins by placing a piece on one of the intersections on the board. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. A player may pass at any time. A piece or a group of pieces are captured when they are completely surrounded on all sides on adjacent intersections by the opposing player. Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when both players pass consecutively. Players total the number of intersections their pieces occupy or surround. The player with the highest total wins. For more info on this version please google Hexagonal Go. Hex Grid - Standard Order 6 board
(game "HexGo" (players 2) (equipment {(board (tri Hexagon 6) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" P1) (piece "Ball" P2)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0)) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
###Description The board begins empty. One player plays as black, the other as white. The black player begins by placing a piece on one of the intersections on the board. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. A player may pass at any time. A piece or a group of pieces are captured when they are completely surrounded on all sides on adjacent intersections by the opposing player. Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when both players pass consecutively. Players total the number of intersections their pieces occupy or surround. The player with the highest total wins. For more info on this version please google Hexagonal Go. Hex Grid - Standard Order 6 board ###Ludii (game "HexGo" (players 2) (equipment {(board (tri Hexagon 6) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" P1) (piece "Ball" P2)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0)) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
Play on a hexagonal grid composed of hexagons. Use a neutral pawn and black/white checkers. Players take turns moving a neutral pawn around on the board (passing is not allowed). The neutral pawn can move any number of empty points, in any direction in a straight line, but cannot move onto, or jump over occupied points. When a player moves the pawn, first they place a checker of their own color, onto the destination point. Then they move the pawn on top of it. When the pawn is trapped, the game is over. At the end of the game, each player gets a point for each checker of their own color adjacent to the pawn; if the number of adjacent checkers is equal, the checker under the trapped pawn breaks the tie. The person with the highest score wins. Played on a Hexagonal Board. Played on a size 7 board.
(game "HexTrike" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Hexagon 7)) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" P1 (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (set Var (last To))))) (nextPhase)) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites LineOfSight Empty at:(var))) (then (set Var (last To))))))} (end {(if (no Moves Next) {(if (> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))) (result P1 Win)) (if (> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1)))) (result P2 Win)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))) (is Mover P1)) (result P1 Win)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))) (is Mover P2)) (result P2 Win))})})))
###Description Play on a hexagonal grid composed of hexagons. Use a neutral pawn and black/white checkers. Players take turns moving a neutral pawn around on the board (passing is not allowed). The neutral pawn can move any number of empty points, in any direction in a straight line, but cannot move onto, or jump over occupied points. When a player moves the pawn, first they place a checker of their own color, onto the destination point. Then they move the pawn on top of it. When the pawn is trapped, the game is over. At the end of the game, each player gets a point for each checker of their own color adjacent to the pawn; if the number of adjacent checkers is equal, the checker under the trapped pawn breaks the tie. The person with the highest score wins. Played on a Hexagonal Board. Played on a size 7 board. ###Ludii (game "HexTrike" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Hexagon 7)) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" P1 (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (set Var (last To))))) (nextPhase)) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites LineOfSight Empty at:(var))) (then (set Var (last To))))))} (end {(if (no Moves Next) {(if (> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))) (result P1 Win)) (if (> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1)))) (result P2 Win)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))) (is Mover P1)) (result P1 Win)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))) (is Mover P2)) (result P2 Win))})})))
Start on an empty board. On a turn either enter a piece not in line of sight of your own pieces, or move a piece a number of independant single steps not to exceed the count of that piece's enemy neighbors. If one player passes, to avoid ending the game with a 2nd pass, the opponent must place a piece if possible, or if unable to place, he may move in a way that enables his future placement. Otherwise, he must pass and the game ends. The winner is the player with the most pieces in play. If equal, the last to pass loses. Order 5 board Hex N / N+1 Grid
(game "Infuse" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Limping 5) use:Cell) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start (set Score Each 0)) (play (if (was Pass) (or (move Pass) (priority (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to))))) (then (addScore Mover 1))) (forEach Piece (do (or {(if (<= 1 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))) (if (<= 2 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))) (if (<= 3 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))) (if (<= 4 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))))) (if (<= 5 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from))))))))))))))}) ifAfterwards:(can Move (add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to))))))))))) (or {(move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to))))) (then (addScore Mover 1))) (forEach Piece (or {(if (<= 1 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))) (if (<= 2 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))) (if (<= 3 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))) (if (<= 4 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))))) (if (<= 5 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from))))))))))))))})) (move Pass)}))) (end {(if (and (all Passed) (> (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (all Passed) (<= (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Next Win))})))
###Description Start on an empty board. On a turn either enter a piece not in line of sight of your own pieces, or move a piece a number of independant single steps not to exceed the count of that piece's enemy neighbors. If one player passes, to avoid ending the game with a 2nd pass, the opponent must place a piece if possible, or if unable to place, he may move in a way that enables his future placement. Otherwise, he must pass and the game ends. The winner is the player with the most pieces in play. If equal, the last to pass loses. Order 5 board Hex N / N+1 Grid ###Ludii (game "Infuse" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Limping 5) use:Cell) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start (set Score Each 0)) (play (if (was Pass) (or (move Pass) (priority (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to))))) (then (addScore Mover 1))) (forEach Piece (do (or {(if (<= 1 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))) (if (<= 2 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))) (if (<= 3 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))) (if (<= 4 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))))) (if (<= 5 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from))))))))))))))}) ifAfterwards:(can Move (add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to))))))))))) (or {(move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites LineOfSight Piece at:(to))))) (then (addScore Mover 1))) (forEach Piece (or {(if (<= 1 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))) (if (<= 2 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))) (if (<= 3 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))) (if (<= 4 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from)))))))))))) (if (<= 5 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Around (from)))) (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Around (from))))))))))))))})) (move Pass)}))) (end {(if (and (all Passed) (> (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (all Passed) (<= (score Mover) (score Next))) (result Next Win))})))
Play on an equilateral hexagonal triangle-tessellated grid. The board is seeded randomly with a black stone, a white stone, and a neutral stone. Players take turn seeding new groups. Every placement triggers growth of all enemy groups, where growth is defined as adding a stone to all empty cells adjacent to a group. When the board fills up, the person who has more pieces on the board wins. Played on a size 7 board.
(game "Inkblots" (players 2) (equipment {(board (tri Hexagon 7)) (tile "Triangle" Each) (tile "Triangle" Neutral)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place Random {"Triangle1" "Triangle2" "Triangle0"})) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (add (piece (id "Triangle" Next)) (to (intersection (expand (sites Occupied by:Next) Orthogonal) (sites Empty))))))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
###Description Play on an equilateral hexagonal triangle-tessellated grid. The board is seeded randomly with a black stone, a white stone, and a neutral stone. Players take turn seeding new groups. Every placement triggers growth of all enemy groups, where growth is defined as adding a stone to all empty cells adjacent to a group. When the board fills up, the person who has more pieces on the board wins. Played on a size 7 board. ###Ludii (game "Inkblots" (players 2) (equipment {(board (tri Hexagon 7)) (tile "Triangle" Each) (tile "Triangle" Neutral)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start (place Random {"Triangle1" "Triangle2" "Triangle0"})) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (add (piece (id "Triangle" Next)) (to (intersection (expand (sites Occupied by:Next) Orthogonal) (sites Empty))))))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
Lava is a territorial stacking game for two players, Red and Black. Play using a Hexhex board size 4 or 5, and a sufficient supply of Red/Black stacking checkers. To setup, place one Red and one Black checker in opposite corners of the hex hex board. Definitions: Stack: One or more checkers occupying the same cell. Control: You control a stack if your color is on top of it. Players take turns, with Black moving first. Each turn, take N checkers (where N is any number from 1 to stack size) from the top of a stack you control and move them N spaces in a straight line to a destination containing N or less checkers. Then, add a new checker of your color to the destination. Stacks may not jump over enemies, but may land on enemy or friendly stacks, thereby burying them. If you at any point cannot make a move, you must pass. This does not end the game, only your turn. When the board is full, the player controlling more stacks wins the game. A size 4 board is currently selected The number of pieces in a stack is currently not shown on the top piece.
(game "Lava" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (hex 4))) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (min (array (sites Board)))) (place "Disc2" (max (array (sites Board))))}) (play (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Mover top:True)) (to (sites Direction from:(from) Orthogonal stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True distance:(size Stack at:(from))) if:(>= (count Steps (from) (to)) (size Stack at:(to)))) (then (and (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To)) count:(count Steps (last From) (last To)) stack:True) (add (to (last To)) stack:True))))) (end (if (is Full) (byScore {(score P1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1 top:True))) (score P2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2 top:True)))})))))
###Description Lava is a territorial stacking game for two players, Red and Black. Play using a Hexhex board size 4 or 5, and a sufficient supply of Red/Black stacking checkers. To setup, place one Red and one Black checker in opposite corners of the hex hex board. Definitions: Stack: One or more checkers occupying the same cell. Control: You control a stack if your color is on top of it. Players take turns, with Black moving first. Each turn, take N checkers (where N is any number from 1 to stack size) from the top of a stack you control and move them N spaces in a straight line to a destination containing N or less checkers. Then, add a new checker of your color to the destination. Stacks may not jump over enemies, but may land on enemy or friendly stacks, thereby burying them. If you at any point cannot make a move, you must pass. This does not end the game, only your turn. When the board is full, the player controlling more stacks wins the game. A size 4 board is currently selected The number of pieces in a stack is currently not shown on the top piece. ###Ludii (game "Lava" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (hex 4))) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (min (array (sites Board)))) (place "Disc2" (max (array (sites Board))))}) (play (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Mover top:True)) (to (sites Direction from:(from) Orthogonal stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True distance:(size Stack at:(from))) if:(>= (count Steps (from) (to)) (size Stack at:(to)))) (then (and (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To)) count:(count Steps (last From) (last To)) stack:True) (add (to (last To)) stack:True))))) (end (if (is Full) (byScore {(score P1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1 top:True))) (score P2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2 top:True)))})))))
Lifeline is a territorial strategy game for two players (Black and White) that is played on the cells of an initially empty hexhex board. The recommended board sizes are between 3 and 12 cells per side. Definitions: A group is an entire set of connected stones of the same color. A single stone, not connected to others of its color, is also a group. A group is dead if there is no path of connected empty cells between that group and any other of its color. Play: On your turn, perform the following actions in the stated order: 1. Place a stone of your color on an empty cell. If it is your first turn of the game, perform this action twice. 2. Remove all dead enemy groups. 3. Remove all dead friendly groups. The board positions at the start and at the end of your turn must be different. The last player to make a placement wins. Note that, after your first turn, you will always have a placement available unless you have no groups on the board. To make the game fair, White will have the option, on their first turn only, to swap sides with Black instead of making a regular move. Note that, in this implementation, the two stones you place on your first turn are only visible after both cells to place on have been selected. Alternative balancing methods: The balancing method described above is what is called 'strong pie' in the options. This implementation also offers two other methods, for players who would like to explore alternatives. Weak pie: Just like with strong pie, White will have the option, on their first turn only, to swap sides with Black instead of making a regular move. But instead of placing twice on their first move, players alternate placing one piece each (with no removals) until 4 setup stones are placed. Consequently, White's choice will be made after Black has placed only one stone. Komi pie: The first player chooses a whole number of komi (between 1 and 12) and the second player chooses whether to play as White (pass) or as Black (place a stone). The first 4 stones are placed in the same order as with weak pie (Black, White, Black, White). Throughout the game proper, White will have the option to spend a point of komi instead of making a placement. A point of komi is spent by clicking the shield icon next to White's name. The strong pie rule is currently in force. A board of size 7 is currently selected.
(game "Lifeline" (players 2) (equipment {(board (dual (tri Hexagon 7))) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Shi_Western" P2) (hand P2)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (move Select (from (sites Empty)) (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is In (from) (sites Around (to) includeSelf:True)))) (then (and (add (to (last To))) (add (to (last From))))))) (nextPhase (and (= 2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1 component:"Disc"))) (= 2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2 component:"Disc")))) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (or (if (and {(< 0 (size Stack at:(handSite P2))) (= (mover) (id P2)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)))}) (move Remove (handSite P2))) (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(and (not (no Pieces Mover in:(sites Board))) (> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is Mover (who at:(to)))))) (to) (sites Occupied by:Mover))))) (then (forEach Group Orthogonal if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (not (and (< 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Enemy component:"Disc") (sites)))) (not (all Sites (sites) if:(not (> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))))) (site) (difference (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites))))))))) (remove (sites)) (pass)) (then (forEach Group Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))) (if (not (and (< 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"Disc") (sites)))) (not (all Sites (sites) if:(not (> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is Mover (who at:(to)))))) (site) (difference (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites))))))))) (remove (sites)) (pass))))))))))} (end (if (and (no Moves Next) (< 2 (count Moves))) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Lifeline is a territorial strategy game for two players (Black and White) that is played on the cells of an initially empty hexhex board. The recommended board sizes are between 3 and 12 cells per side. Definitions: A group is an entire set of connected stones of the same color. A single stone, not connected to others of its color, is also a group. A group is dead if there is no path of connected empty cells between that group and any other of its color. Play: On your turn, perform the following actions in the stated order: 1. Place a stone of your color on an empty cell. If it is your first turn of the game, perform this action twice. 2. Remove all dead enemy groups. 3. Remove all dead friendly groups. The board positions at the start and at the end of your turn must be different. The last player to make a placement wins. Note that, after your first turn, you will always have a placement available unless you have no groups on the board. To make the game fair, White will have the option, on their first turn only, to swap sides with Black instead of making a regular move. Note that, in this implementation, the two stones you place on your first turn are only visible after both cells to place on have been selected. Alternative balancing methods: The balancing method described above is what is called 'strong pie' in the options. This implementation also offers two other methods, for players who would like to explore alternatives. Weak pie: Just like with strong pie, White will have the option, on their first turn only, to swap sides with Black instead of making a regular move. But instead of placing twice on their first move, players alternate placing one piece each (with no removals) until 4 setup stones are placed. Consequently, White's choice will be made after Black has placed only one stone. Komi pie: The first player chooses a whole number of komi (between 1 and 12) and the second player chooses whether to play as White (pass) or as Black (place a stone). The first 4 stones are placed in the same order as with weak pie (Black, White, Black, White). Throughout the game proper, White will have the option to spend a point of komi instead of making a placement. A point of komi is spent by clicking the shield icon next to White's name. The strong pie rule is currently in force. A board of size 7 is currently selected. ###Ludii (game "Lifeline" (players 2) (equipment {(board (dual (tri Hexagon 7))) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Shi_Western" P2) (hand P2)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (move Select (from (sites Empty)) (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is In (from) (sites Around (to) includeSelf:True)))) (then (and (add (to (last To))) (add (to (last From))))))) (nextPhase (and (= 2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1 component:"Disc"))) (= 2 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2 component:"Disc")))) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (or (if (and {(< 0 (size Stack at:(handSite P2))) (= (mover) (id P2)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)))}) (move Remove (handSite P2))) (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(and (not (no Pieces Mover in:(sites Board))) (> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is Mover (who at:(to)))))) (to) (sites Occupied by:Mover))))) (then (forEach Group Orthogonal if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (not (and (< 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Enemy component:"Disc") (sites)))) (not (all Sites (sites) if:(not (> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))))) (site) (difference (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites))))))))) (remove (sites)) (pass)) (then (forEach Group Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))) (if (not (and (< 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"Disc") (sites)))) (not (all Sites (sites) if:(not (> Infinity (count Steps Orthogonal (step (to if:(or (is Empty (to)) (is Mover (who at:(to)))))) (site) (difference (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites))))))))) (remove (sites)) (pass))))))))))} (end (if (and (no Moves Next) (< 2 (count Moves))) (result Next Loss)))))
The game is played on the board of Kensington. It follows the rules of Go except when a capture is made, the pieces captured are flipped.
(game "Lotus" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (tiling T3464 2)) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (remove (between)) (add (to (between))))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties) 0)) (move Pass (then (addScore Mover 1))))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ {(score P1) (size Territory P1) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1))})) (score P2 (+ {(score P2) (size Territory P2) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2))}))})))))
###Description The game is played on the board of Kensington. It follows the rules of Go except when a capture is made, the pieces captured are flipped. ###Ludii (game "Lotus" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (tiling T3464 2)) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (remove (between)) (add (to (between))))))))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties) 0)) (move Pass (then (addScore Mover 1))))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ {(score P1) (size Territory P1) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1))})) (score P2 (+ {(score P2) (size Territory P2) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2))}))})))))
Reversi is played on a hexhex-6 board with some cells removed. Pieces are double-sided, with each side distinct in some way from the other. Each side designates ownership of that pieces to a certain player when face-up. In Reversi Mode, play begins with the players taking turns placing pieces into the central six hexagons until they are full; in Othello mode, the central six hexagons are pre-filled with alternating Black and White discs. Then players may place their pieces next to an opponent's piece, as long as a straight line can be drawn between the new piece and an existing piece belonging to that player that goes through the opponent's piece. The opponent's pieces between the new piece and the old piece are then flipped and now belong to the player who just played. If a player cannot make a legal move, they pass. Play continues until the board is full or neither player can make a legal move. The player with the most pieces on the board wins. The pieces are placed on the board.
(game "MacBeth" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (hex 6) cells:{7 9 11 22 24 26 28 41 43 45 47 49 62 64 66 68 79 81 83})) (piece "Disc" Neutral (flips 1 2))}) (rules phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move Add (piece "Disc0" state:(mover)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Centre))))) (nextPhase Mover (>= (count Moves) 5) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (forEach Site (sites Empty) (append (custodial (from (site)) (between if:(is Enemy (state at:(between))) (apply (allCombinations (add (piece "Disc0" state:(mover)) (to (site))) (flip (between))))) (to if:(is Friend (state at:(to))))) (then (and (set Score P1 (count Sites in:(sites State 1))) (set Score P2 (count Sites in:(sites State 2)))))))))} (end (if (all Passed) (byScore)))))
###Description Reversi is played on a hexhex-6 board with some cells removed. Pieces are double-sided, with each side distinct in some way from the other. Each side designates ownership of that pieces to a certain player when face-up. In Reversi Mode, play begins with the players taking turns placing pieces into the central six hexagons until they are full; in Othello mode, the central six hexagons are pre-filled with alternating Black and White discs. Then players may place their pieces next to an opponent's piece, as long as a straight line can be drawn between the new piece and an existing piece belonging to that player that goes through the opponent's piece. The opponent's pieces between the new piece and the old piece are then flipped and now belong to the player who just played. If a player cannot make a legal move, they pass. Play continues until the board is full or neither player can make a legal move. The player with the most pieces on the board wins. The pieces are placed on the board. ###Ludii (game "MacBeth" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (hex 6) cells:{7 9 11 22 24 26 28 41 43 45 47 49 62 64 66 68 79 81 83})) (piece "Disc" Neutral (flips 1 2))}) (rules phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move Add (piece "Disc0" state:(mover)) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Centre))))) (nextPhase Mover (>= (count Moves) 5) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (forEach Site (sites Empty) (append (custodial (from (site)) (between if:(is Enemy (state at:(between))) (apply (allCombinations (add (piece "Disc0" state:(mover)) (to (site))) (flip (between))))) (to if:(is Friend (state at:(to))))) (then (and (set Score P1 (count Sites in:(sites State 1))) (set Score P2 (count Sites in:(sites State 2)))))))))} (end (if (all Passed) (byScore)))))
17x17 intersecting lines. 151 pieces per player. Each player begins with six larger pieces on the board, on the third line from the perimeter on all four sides, one piece on every fourth intersection, alternating between black and white. These pieces are never moved from the board. There is a star marking at each of these points. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty intersection of the board. When a player encloses an area with their pieces, it becomes their territory, and any pieces of the opponent inside it are captured. The opponent cannot place one of their pieces inside a territory won on the previous turn. White plays first. When players can no longer play, the number of counters and each territory are counted to determine the winner.
(game "Mig Mang" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 17) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (sites {"C7" "K15" "C15" "G3" "O11" "O3"}) state:1) (place "Ball2" (sites {"C3" "K3" "C11" "G15" "O15" "O7"}) state:1)}) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= (state at:(to)) 0)) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Empty) (if (!= 0 (state at:(site))) (set State at:(site) 0))) (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(or (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (is Empty (between))) (apply (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (remove (between))) (set State at:(between) (mover)))))))))) (end (if (and (no Moves P1) (no Moves P2)) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (count Pieces P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (count Pieces P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
###Description 17x17 intersecting lines. 151 pieces per player. Each player begins with six larger pieces on the board, on the third line from the perimeter on all four sides, one piece on every fourth intersection, alternating between black and white. These pieces are never moved from the board. There is a star marking at each of these points. Players alternate turns placing one of their pieces on an empty intersection of the board. When a player encloses an area with their pieces, it becomes their territory, and any pieces of the opponent inside it are captured. The opponent cannot place one of their pieces inside a territory won on the previous turn. White plays first. When players can no longer play, the number of counters and each territory are counted to determine the winner. ###Ludii (game "Mig Mang" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 17) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (sites {"C7" "K15" "C15" "G3" "O11" "O3"}) state:1) (place "Ball2" (sites {"C3" "K3" "C11" "G15" "O15" "O7"}) state:1)}) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= (state at:(to)) 0)) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Empty) (if (!= 0 (state at:(site))) (set State at:(site) 0))) (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(or (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (is Empty (between))) (apply (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (remove (between))) (set State at:(between) (mover)))))))))) (end (if (and (no Moves P1) (no Moves P2)) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (count Pieces P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (count Pieces P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
Players place one token of their color each turn and the first player unable to do so has lost. You may place on any empty cell unless your opponent has a token closer to that cell than you have along at least 2 of the 3 lines (axes) the cell is on. The game uses the pie rule: One player chooses the first move and the other player chooses whose move it is. A size 5 board is currently selected
(game "Mity" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 5)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (or {(and (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))) (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))))) (and (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))) (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))))) (and (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))) (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))))}))))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Players place one token of their color each turn and the first player unable to do so has lost. You may place on any empty cell unless your opponent has a token closer to that cell than you have along at least 2 of the 3 lines (axes) the cell is on. The game uses the pie rule: One player chooses the first move and the other player chooses whose move it is. A size 5 board is currently selected ###Ludii (game "Mity" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 5)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(not (or {(and (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))) (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))))) (and (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) E stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) W stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))) (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))))) (and (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))) (> (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (mover) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board)))) (min (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) NNE stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))) (count Sites in:(if (< 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to))) stopIncluded:True)))) (sites Direction from:(to) SSW stop:(= (next) (who at:(to)))) (sites Board))))))}))))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)))))
One-Eyed Go follows the same rules as go (e.g. Japanese Rules) with the exception that it is never allowed to place a stone such that your own group has no liberties, even when they would capture other stones. This renders the ko rule superfluous. The game is played on a 19x19 board
(game "One-Eyed Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))))) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
###Description One-Eyed Go follows the same rules as go (e.g. Japanese Rules) with the exception that it is never allowed to place a stone such that your own group has no liberties, even when they would capture other stones. This renders the ko rule superfluous. The game is played on a 19x19 board ###Ludii (game "One-Eyed Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (or (do (move Add (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))))) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
DEFINITION: A group is a maximal set of orthogonally adjacent like-colored pieces. GAMEPLAY: On your turn, flip an enemy group. OBJECTIVE: Eliminate the enemy pieces. An 8x8 board is currently selected. No heuristic is used.
(game "Paintbucket" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (tile "Square" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Square1" (sites Phase 0)) (place "Square2" (sites Phase 1))}) (play (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Next)) (then (add (to (sites Group at:(last From) Orthogonal) (apply (remove (to)))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description DEFINITION: A group is a maximal set of orthogonally adjacent like-colored pieces. GAMEPLAY: On your turn, flip an enemy group. OBJECTIVE: Eliminate the enemy pieces. An 8x8 board is currently selected. No heuristic is used. ###Ludii (game "Paintbucket" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (tile "Square" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Square1" (sites Phase 0)) (place "Square2" (sites Phase 1))}) (play (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Next)) (then (add (to (sites Group at:(last From) Orthogonal) (apply (remove (to)))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Paintscape is a game for two players – Black and White – played on the squares (cells/faces) of a square grid with 8 squares per side (e.g. a Chess board). You also need a large supply of black and white stones and 5 distinguishable (e.g. by color) shared sets of 12 tiles. That is, each of the 5 sets contain 12 tiles, for 60 tiles in total. Setup: Before play begins, all 60 tiles and 2 white and 2 black stones are distributed randomly on the 64 squares of the board. A short balancing phase then ensues: One player swaps the position of any number of stones with a tile. That is, for 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the stones, swap its position with any tile. When all stones have been swapped, or the swapping player passes, indicating that they do not wish to swap any more stones, the other player choses to play first as Black or second as White in the proper playing phase. (To show the button for swapping in Ludii, you might have to click the three dots next to the pass button.) The balancing phase can be skipped by new players, or you can agree on a fixed setup for the 4 initial stones. Play: In this phase (the proper playing phase), players take turns, starting with Black, placing stones of their own color. On your turn, place a stone of your color on a square adjacent to one of your stones already on the board. You may not place a stone on a square occupied by a stone. I.e. the square you place at must be empty or only occupied by a tile. Stones placed on tiles normally just stack on top of them, however: If a placement makes you have a stone on half of the tiles of a certain color, remove all tiles of that color along with the stones stacked on top of them (regardless of whether they're friendly or enemy). The goal: You win if you remove 3 of the 5 colors. The balance protocol is currently in force.
(game "Paintscape" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Square" Shared maxState:5)}) (rules (start {(place Random (sites Empty) {"Disc1" "Disc2"} count:2) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:1) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:2) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:3) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:4) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:5)}) phases:{(phase "Swapping" (play (or (move Pass (then (set Var "Passed" 1))) (move Select (from (sites Board) if:(and (!= 3 (who at:(from))) (not (is In (from) (values Remembered))))) (to (sites Board) if:(= 3 (who at:(to)))) (then (and {(remember Value (last To)) (do (add (piece (who at:(last From))) (to (last To) (apply (do (set Var "StateToBeAtLastFrom" (state at:(to))) next:(remove (to)))))) next:(add (piece 3 state:(var "StateToBeAtLastFrom")) (to (last From) (apply (remove (to)))))) (if (!= 3 (size Array (values Remembered))) (moveAgain))}))))) (nextPhase (or (= 1 (var "Passed")) (= 4 (size Array (values Remembered)))) "Choose")) (phase "Choose" (play (or (move Swap Players P1 P2 (then (set NextPlayer (player 1)))) (move Pass))) (nextPhase "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Orthogonal) if:(not (or (= (mover) (who at:(to))) (= (next) (who at:(to)))))) stack:True (then (if (and (= 3 (who at:(last To) level:0)) (= 6 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(= (state at:(last To) level:0) (state at:(site) level:0)))))) (and (remove (forEach (sites Board) if:(= (state at:(last To) level:0) (state at:(site) level:0))) count:2) (addScore Mover 1)))))))} (end (if (or (= 3 (score P1)) (= 3 (score P2))) (byScore)))))
###Description Paintscape is a game for two players – Black and White – played on the squares (cells/faces) of a square grid with 8 squares per side (e.g. a Chess board). You also need a large supply of black and white stones and 5 distinguishable (e.g. by color) shared sets of 12 tiles. That is, each of the 5 sets contain 12 tiles, for 60 tiles in total. Setup: Before play begins, all 60 tiles and 2 white and 2 black stones are distributed randomly on the 64 squares of the board. A short balancing phase then ensues: One player swaps the position of any number of stones with a tile. That is, for 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the stones, swap its position with any tile. When all stones have been swapped, or the swapping player passes, indicating that they do not wish to swap any more stones, the other player choses to play first as Black or second as White in the proper playing phase. (To show the button for swapping in Ludii, you might have to click the three dots next to the pass button.) The balancing phase can be skipped by new players, or you can agree on a fixed setup for the 4 initial stones. Play: In this phase (the proper playing phase), players take turns, starting with Black, placing stones of their own color. On your turn, place a stone of your color on a square adjacent to one of your stones already on the board. You may not place a stone on a square occupied by a stone. I.e. the square you place at must be empty or only occupied by a tile. Stones placed on tiles normally just stack on top of them, however: If a placement makes you have a stone on half of the tiles of a certain color, remove all tiles of that color along with the stones stacked on top of them (regardless of whether they're friendly or enemy). The goal: You win if you remove 3 of the 5 colors. The balance protocol is currently in force. ###Ludii (game "Paintscape" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Square" Shared maxState:5)}) (rules (start {(place Random (sites Empty) {"Disc1" "Disc2"} count:2) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:1) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:2) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:3) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:4) (place Random (sites Empty) {"Square"} count:12 state:5)}) phases:{(phase "Swapping" (play (or (move Pass (then (set Var "Passed" 1))) (move Select (from (sites Board) if:(and (!= 3 (who at:(from))) (not (is In (from) (values Remembered))))) (to (sites Board) if:(= 3 (who at:(to)))) (then (and {(remember Value (last To)) (do (add (piece (who at:(last From))) (to (last To) (apply (do (set Var "StateToBeAtLastFrom" (state at:(to))) next:(remove (to)))))) next:(add (piece 3 state:(var "StateToBeAtLastFrom")) (to (last From) (apply (remove (to)))))) (if (!= 3 (size Array (values Remembered))) (moveAgain))}))))) (nextPhase (or (= 1 (var "Passed")) (= 4 (size Array (values Remembered)))) "Choose")) (phase "Choose" (play (or (move Swap Players P1 P2 (then (set NextPlayer (player 1)))) (move Pass))) (nextPhase "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Orthogonal) if:(not (or (= (mover) (who at:(to))) (= (next) (who at:(to)))))) stack:True (then (if (and (= 3 (who at:(last To) level:0)) (= 6 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(= (state at:(last To) level:0) (state at:(site) level:0)))))) (and (remove (forEach (sites Board) if:(= (state at:(last To) level:0) (state at:(site) level:0))) count:2) (addScore Mover 1)))))))} (end (if (or (= 3 (score P1)) (= 3 (score P2))) (byScore)))))
19x19 intersecting lines. The central, as well as every third spot, in a square with the corners at the fourth point from the corners of the board, are marked. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board on one of the marked spaces. When all of the marked spaces have been occupied, players may place a piece on any empty spot on the board. If a player surrounds one or more of the opponent's pieces orthogonally, they capture the opponent's pieces. The edge of the board can be included in such an enclosure. A group of pieces which contain two empty or more enclosures cannot be captured by the opponent. Pieces cannot be placed in an enclosure. When no further pieces can be placed, the players count the number of their pieces on the board and the number of empty spaces they enclose, and the player with the higher score wins.
(game "Patok" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each) (regions "MarkedSites" (sites {"D4" "D7" "D10" "D13" "D16" "G4" "G16" "J4" "J10" "J16" "M4" "M16" "P4" "P7" "P10" "P13" "P16"}))}) (rules phases:{(phase "MarkedPlacement" (play (move Add (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites "MarkedSites"))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites "MarkedSites") (sites Empty)))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between))))) numException:1))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))}))))}))
###Description 19x19 intersecting lines. The central, as well as every third spot, in a square with the corners at the fourth point from the corners of the board, are marked. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board on one of the marked spaces. When all of the marked spaces have been occupied, players may place a piece on any empty spot on the board. If a player surrounds one or more of the opponent's pieces orthogonally, they capture the opponent's pieces. The edge of the board can be included in such an enclosure. A group of pieces which contain two empty or more enclosures cannot be captured by the opponent. Pieces cannot be placed in an enclosure. When no further pieces can be placed, the players count the number of their pieces on the board and the number of empty spaces they enclose, and the player with the higher score wins. ###Ludii (game "Patok" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each) (regions "MarkedSites" (sites {"D4" "D7" "D10" "D13" "D16" "G4" "G16" "J4" "J10" "J16" "M4" "M16" "P4" "P7" "P10" "P13" "P16"}))}) (rules phases:{(phase "MarkedPlacement" (play (move Add (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites "MarkedSites"))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites "MarkedSites") (sites Empty)))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between))))) numException:1))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))}))))}))
Each player has his own board, set up so that the opponent cannot see it. The referee has a board of his own on which he plays the moves of both players. He can see both player's boards. To make a move, a player plays a stone on his own board. The referee then checks on his board whether the move is legal and informs both players about the tried move. How exactly the refereee comments on the move depends on the rule variant. As long as a player tries to play an illegal move, it's still his turn and he may try another move. After the player has made a legal move, the referee copies the move to his own board. Then, it's the other player's turn. The game is played on a 9x9 board
(game "Phantom Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (or (move Select (from (union (sites Empty) (sites Hidden to:Mover))) (then (priority {(if (not (is In (last To) (sites Empty))) (and {(note player:Mover "made an illegal move") (note player:Mover "to play") (moveAgain)})) (do (add (to (last To)) (then (and {(enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))) (set Hidden at:(last To) to:Next) (note player:Mover "has moved") (note player:Next "to play")}))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0)) (and {(note player:Mover "made an illegal move") (note player:Mover "to play") (moveAgain)})}))) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
###Description Each player has his own board, set up so that the opponent cannot see it. The referee has a board of his own on which he plays the moves of both players. He can see both player's boards. To make a move, a player plays a stone on his own board. The referee then checks on his board whether the move is legal and informs both players about the tried move. How exactly the refereee comments on the move depends on the rule variant. As long as a player tries to play an illegal move, it's still his turn and he may try another move. After the player has made a legal move, the referee copies the move to his own board. Then, it's the other player's turn. The game is played on a 9x9 board ###Ludii (game "Phantom Go" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (play (or (move Select (from (union (sites Empty) (sites Hidden to:Mover))) (then (priority {(if (not (is In (last To) (sites Empty))) (and {(note player:Mover "made an illegal move") (note player:Mover "to play") (moveAgain)})) (do (add (to (last To)) (then (and {(enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (addScore Mover 1) (remove (between)))))) (set Hidden at:(last To) to:Next) (note player:Mover "has moved") (note player:Next "to play")}))) ifAfterwards:(> (count Liberties Orthogonal) 0)) (and {(note player:Mover "made an illegal move") (note player:Mover "to play") (moveAgain)})}))) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (score P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (score P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
White starts by playing any piece on any space. Players take turns to play one of their pieces. Each space of the board can support only one Tower. Each Tower is made of one piece of each kind (Square, Triangle, Circle), and pieces may be played in any order. If the active player cannot play according to the last piece's rule, they may play on any empty space. A Tower is controlled by the player with the most pieces. SQUARES The opponent must play in an orthogonally adjacent space. TRIANGLES The active player selects the orientation, it must point to at least one space. The opponent must play in the line indicated by the Triangle. CIRCLES The opponent must play on the same space. SCORES: The scores show the column counts. For example: 211 means 2 Towers, 1 controlled pair and 1 singleton GAME END The first player to control 3 completed Towers wins (i.e. a score of 300+). If the active player has no possible moves the game ends with tiebreaks: most completed towers, or most two-piece towers, or most one-piece towers. Stack is owned by player with majority of pieces there. Square is placed othogonally - next piece goes on adjacent spaces. Next piece may be placed any distance ahead of triangle but may not be placed around its tails.
(game "Pyrga" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4) use:Cell) (hand Each size:15) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "SquareOrtho" Each) (piece "SquareDiag" Each) (piece "TriangleN" Each) (piece "TriangleS" Each) (piece "TriangleE" Each) (piece "TriangleW" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (handSite P1 0)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 1)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 2)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 3)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 4)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 5)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 6)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 7)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 8)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 9)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 10)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 11)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 12)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 13)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 14)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 0)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 1)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 2)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 3)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 4)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 5)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 6)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 7)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 8)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 9)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 10)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 11)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 12)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 13)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 14))}) (play (priority (or {(move Add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 1 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 1 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "Disc" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 1) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "Disc" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (remember Value (last To))}))) (forEach Value (array {0}) (move Add (piece (if (= 0 (value)) (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (id "SquareDiag" Mover))) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 2 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 2 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "SquareOrtho" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 2) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (if (= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Diagonal) (remember Value (site))))})))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleN" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step N (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleE" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step E (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleS" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step S (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleW" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step W (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered))))}) (or {(move Add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "Disc" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 1) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "Disc" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (remember Value (last To))}))) (forEach Value (array {0}) (move Add (piece (if (= 0 (value)) (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (id "SquareDiag" Mover))) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "SquareOrtho" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 2) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (if (= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Diagonal) (remember Value (site))))})))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleN" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step N (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleE" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step E (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleS" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step S (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleW" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step W (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered))))}) (then (and {(set Score (player (mover)) 0 (then (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (> (+ {(if (= (mover) (who at:(site) level:0)) 1 0) (if (= (mover) (who at:(site) level:1)) 1 0) (if (= (mover) (who at:(site) level:2)) 1 0)}) (/ (+ 1 (topLevel at:(site))) 2)) (addScore (player (mover)) (^ 10 (topLevel at:(site)))))))) (set Score (player (next)) 0 (then (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (> (+ {(if (= (next) (who at:(site) level:0)) 1 0) (if (= (next) (who at:(site) level:1)) 1 0) (if (= (next) (who at:(site) level:2)) 1 0)}) (/ (+ 1 (topLevel at:(site))) 2)) (addScore (player (next)) (^ 10 (topLevel at:(site))))))))})))) (end (if (or {(>= (score Mover) 300) (>= (score Next) 300) (no Moves Next)}) (byScore)))))
###Description White starts by playing any piece on any space. Players take turns to play one of their pieces. Each space of the board can support only one Tower. Each Tower is made of one piece of each kind (Square, Triangle, Circle), and pieces may be played in any order. If the active player cannot play according to the last piece's rule, they may play on any empty space. A Tower is controlled by the player with the most pieces. SQUARES The opponent must play in an orthogonally adjacent space. TRIANGLES The active player selects the orientation, it must point to at least one space. The opponent must play in the line indicated by the Triangle. CIRCLES The opponent must play on the same space. SCORES: The scores show the column counts. For example: 211 means 2 Towers, 1 controlled pair and 1 singleton GAME END The first player to control 3 completed Towers wins (i.e. a score of 300+). If the active player has no possible moves the game ends with tiebreaks: most completed towers, or most two-piece towers, or most one-piece towers. Stack is owned by player with majority of pieces there. Square is placed othogonally - next piece goes on adjacent spaces. Next piece may be placed any distance ahead of triangle but may not be placed around its tails. ###Ludii (game "Pyrga" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4) use:Cell) (hand Each size:15) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "SquareOrtho" Each) (piece "SquareDiag" Each) (piece "TriangleN" Each) (piece "TriangleS" Each) (piece "TriangleE" Each) (piece "TriangleW" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (handSite P1 0)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 1)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 2)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 3)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1 4)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 5)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 6)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 7)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 8)) (place "SquareOrtho1" (handSite P1 9)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 10)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 11)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 12)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 13)) (place "TriangleN1" (handSite P1 14)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 0)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 1)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 2)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 3)) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2 4)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 5)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 6)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 7)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 8)) (place "SquareOrtho2" (handSite P2 9)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 10)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 11)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 12)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 13)) (place "TriangleN2" (handSite P2 14))}) (play (priority (or {(move Add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 1 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 1 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "Disc" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 1) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "Disc" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (remember Value (last To))}))) (forEach Value (array {0}) (move Add (piece (if (= 0 (value)) (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (id "SquareDiag" Mover))) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 2 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 2 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "SquareOrtho" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 2) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (if (= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Diagonal) (remember Value (site))))})))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleN" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step N (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleE" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step E (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleS" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step S (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleW" Mover)) (to (sites (values Remembered)) if:(and {(> 3 (count Stack at:(to))) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:0)) (!= 3 (state at:(to) level:1)) (< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))})) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step W (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered))))}) (or {(move Add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "Disc" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 1) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "Disc" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (remember Value (last To))}))) (forEach Value (array {0}) (move Add (piece (if (= 0 (value)) (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (id "SquareDiag" Mover))) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "SquareOrtho" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 2) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(site))))))) (if (= (id "SquareOrtho" Mover) (what at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Diagonal) (remember Value (site))))})))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleN" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step N (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleE" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step E (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleS" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step S (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered)))) (do (move Add (piece (id "TriangleW" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Pieces Mover "TriangleN" in:(sites Hand Mover)))) stack:True (then (and {(forget Value All) (set State at:(last To) level:(topLevel at:(last To)) 3) (remove (min (array (forEach (sites Hand Mover) if:(= (id "TriangleN" Mover) (what at:(site)))))))} (then (and (forEach Site (sites Distance (step W (to (sites Board))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity)) (remember Value (site))) (forEach Site (sites {}) (remember Value (site)))))))) ifAfterwards:(< 0 (size Array (values Remembered))))}) (then (and {(set Score (player (mover)) 0 (then (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (> (+ {(if (= (mover) (who at:(site) level:0)) 1 0) (if (= (mover) (who at:(site) level:1)) 1 0) (if (= (mover) (who at:(site) level:2)) 1 0)}) (/ (+ 1 (topLevel at:(site))) 2)) (addScore (player (mover)) (^ 10 (topLevel at:(site)))))))) (set Score (player (next)) 0 (then (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (> (+ {(if (= (next) (who at:(site) level:0)) 1 0) (if (= (next) (who at:(site) level:1)) 1 0) (if (= (next) (who at:(site) level:2)) 1 0)}) (/ (+ 1 (topLevel at:(site))) 2)) (addScore (player (next)) (^ 10 (topLevel at:(site))))))))})))) (end (if (or {(>= (score Mover) 300) (>= (score Next) 300) (no Moves Next)}) (byScore)))))
Starting with Black, the two players take turns placing stones onto unoccupied points on the board, subject to restrictions, one stone per turn. Passing is not allowed in Redstone. Players will always have a placement available and must make one. GROUPS AND LIBERTIES: A group is an orthogonally interconnected collection of one or more like-colored stones. Only black groups and white groups will be discussed here, not red groups. A liberty is an unoccupied point adjacent to a (black or white) group CAPTURES: A capturing placement results in one or more groups, of either or both colors, having no liberties. Such a placement can only be made with a red stone. Conversely, a red stone can only be placed if it bounds (completely deprives of liberties) one or more groups of either or both colors. Red stones are permanent. They cannot themselves be captured. Self capture is allowed. When multiple groups without liberties result from a placement, all such groups are removed immediately following said placement, regardless of the groups' colors. Unlike Go, if you unbound your own temporarily bounded group by removing a neighboring enemy group, you must still remove your own temporarily bounded group. PIE RULE: Since Redstone is a game of annihilation, not of point score, Go’s komi can’t be used. Instead, Redstone uses the pie rule for balance. OBJECT OF THE GAME: You must annihilate your opponent, removing all of his stones from the board. If your placement eliminates all black and white stones from the board, you win. If your placement eliminates all of your own stones while enemy stones remain on the board, you lose. A size 13 board is currently selected
(game "Redstone" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 13) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (or (do (move Add (piece "Disc0") (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(or (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Enemy Orthogonal) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to)))))))) (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Own Orthogonal) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))))))))) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Enemy Orthogonal) (if (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to))))) (remove (sites Group at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to))))))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Own Orthogonal) (if (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))))) (remove (sites Group at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))))))))) (do (move Add (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(not (or (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Enemy Orthogonal) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to)))))))) (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Own Orthogonal includeSelf:True) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))))))))))))) (end {(if (and (> (count Moves) 2) (no Pieces Next)) (result Next Loss)) (if (and {(> (count Moves) 2) (no Pieces Mover) (not (no Pieces Next))}) (result Mover Loss))})))
###Description Starting with Black, the two players take turns placing stones onto unoccupied points on the board, subject to restrictions, one stone per turn. Passing is not allowed in Redstone. Players will always have a placement available and must make one. GROUPS AND LIBERTIES: A group is an orthogonally interconnected collection of one or more like-colored stones. Only black groups and white groups will be discussed here, not red groups. A liberty is an unoccupied point adjacent to a (black or white) group CAPTURES: A capturing placement results in one or more groups, of either or both colors, having no liberties. Such a placement can only be made with a red stone. Conversely, a red stone can only be placed if it bounds (completely deprives of liberties) one or more groups of either or both colors. Red stones are permanent. They cannot themselves be captured. Self capture is allowed. When multiple groups without liberties result from a placement, all such groups are removed immediately following said placement, regardless of the groups' colors. Unlike Go, if you unbound your own temporarily bounded group by removing a neighboring enemy group, you must still remove your own temporarily bounded group. PIE RULE: Since Redstone is a game of annihilation, not of point score, Go’s komi can’t be used. Instead, Redstone uses the pie rule for balance. OBJECT OF THE GAME: You must annihilate your opponent, removing all of his stones from the board. If your placement eliminates all black and white stones from the board, you win. If your placement eliminates all of your own stones while enemy stones remain on the board, you lose. A size 13 board is currently selected ###Ludii (game "Redstone" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 13) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (meta (swap)) (play (or (do (move Add (piece "Disc0") (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(or (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Enemy Orthogonal) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to)))))))) (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Own Orthogonal) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))))))))) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Enemy Orthogonal) (if (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to))))) (remove (sites Group at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to))))))) (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Own Orthogonal) (if (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))))) (remove (sites Group at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))))))))) (do (move Add (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:(not (or (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Enemy Orthogonal) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Next (who at:(to)))))))) (not (all Sites (sites Around (last To) Own Orthogonal includeSelf:True) if:(not (= 0 (count Liberties at:(site) Orthogonal if:(is Mover (who at:(to))))))))))))) (end {(if (and (> (count Moves) 2) (no Pieces Next)) (result Next Loss)) (if (and {(> (count Moves) 2) (no Pieces Mover) (not (no Pieces Next))}) (result Mover Loss))})))
2 players. Each plays Discs. - --- Goal: Most friendly-stone adjacencies at the end of the game. Ties are broken by comparing piece counts. If it is still a tie, the last player to move loses. --- Play. On your turn you may do one of the following: 1. Pass 2. Place one of your stones on an empty cell of the board is not adjacent to your existing stones. 3. Move to a location with fewer adjacent enemies than the starting location. Moves are made in one of the following ways while keeping the above restriction: -- A. Step to an adjacent empty location. -- B. Hop your opponent's stone and replace it with a mutual enemy piece. -- C. Hop a mutual enemy piece and replace it with a stone from your supply. Note that the number of enemies is based on a count of both the opponent's stones and the mutual-enemy stones combined. Board & size: Hexhex (27) with edges alternating 3 and 4 Brown Background
(game "Refugia" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex {3 4 3 4 3})) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Disc" P2) (piece "Fan" Neutral)}) (rules (start (set Score Each 0)) (play (or {(forEach Piece (move Step (to (sites Around (from)) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (to)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (from)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))) (then (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))) Mover) (forEach Piece (move Hop (between if:(is Within (id "Fan" Neutral) at:(between)) (apply (and (remove (between)) (add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (between)))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (to)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (from)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))) (then (and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2))))) Mover) (forEach Piece (move Hop (between if:(is Next (who at:(between))) (apply (and (remove (between)) (add (piece (id "Fan" Neutral)) (to (between)))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (to)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (from)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))) (then (and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2))))) Mover) (move Add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites Around (to)))))) (move Pass)})) (end (if (all Passed) {(if (> (score Mover) (score Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (< (score Mover) (score Next)) (result Next Win)) (if (> (count Pieces Mover) (count Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (< (count Pieces Mover) (count Pieces Next)) (result Next Win))} (result Next Win)))))
###Description 2 players. Each plays Discs. - --- Goal: Most friendly-stone adjacencies at the end of the game. Ties are broken by comparing piece counts. If it is still a tie, the last player to move loses. --- Play. On your turn you may do one of the following: 1. Pass 2. Place one of your stones on an empty cell of the board is not adjacent to your existing stones. 3. Move to a location with fewer adjacent enemies than the starting location. Moves are made in one of the following ways while keeping the above restriction: -- A. Step to an adjacent empty location. -- B. Hop your opponent's stone and replace it with a mutual enemy piece. -- C. Hop a mutual enemy piece and replace it with a stone from your supply. Note that the number of enemies is based on a count of both the opponent's stones and the mutual-enemy stones combined. Board & size: Hexhex (27) with edges alternating 3 and 4 Brown Background ###Ludii (game "Refugia" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex {3 4 3 4 3})) (piece "Disc" P1) (piece "Disc" P2) (piece "Fan" Neutral)}) (rules (start (set Score Each 0)) (play (or {(forEach Piece (move Step (to (sites Around (from)) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (to)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (from)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))) (then (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)))) Mover) (forEach Piece (move Hop (between if:(is Within (id "Fan" Neutral) at:(between)) (apply (and (remove (between)) (add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (between)))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (to)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (from)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))) (then (and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2))))) Mover) (forEach Piece (move Hop (between if:(is Next (who at:(between))) (apply (and (remove (between)) (add (piece (id "Fan" Neutral)) (to (between)))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (< (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (to)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (from)) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))) (then (and (set Score Mover (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2)) (set Score Next (/ (+ (results from:(sites Occupied by:Next) to:(sites Around (from) if:(is Next (who at:(to)))) 1)) 2))))) Mover) (move Add (piece (id "Disc" Mover)) (to (sites Empty) if:(not (is Within (id "Disc" Mover) in:(sites Around (to)))))) (move Pass)})) (end (if (all Passed) {(if (> (score Mover) (score Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (< (score Mover) (score Next)) (result Next Win)) (if (> (count Pieces Mover) (count Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (< (count Pieces Mover) (count Pieces Next)) (result Next Win))} (result Next Win)))))
On your turn, you place a hexagonal tile of your color that covers three mutually orthogonally adjacent rhombuses. In Ludii this is done by first selecting one of the rhombuses the tile will cover, then another. The third one is determined by these two selections. When no more placements are possible, the game is over and the winner is the player with the higher score. The general idea behind the scoring is simple: You get 1 point per empty rhombus that ends up adjacent to more of your hexagons than your opponent's hexagons. However, two slight complications are necessary to exclude all draws in as fair a manner as possible: 1: You score 1 point every time you make a placement that closes off an odd number of tied rhombuses. (A rhombus is closed off when it is adjacent to no rhombus that can be filled in on a future turn.) This is equivalent to dividing tied cells between you in a "one for me, one for you, one for me"-fashion as they are closed off. 2: You get 1 bonus point if your opponent has made more placements than you at the end of the game. All scoring is automatic in Ludii.
(game "Residuel" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (rotate 30 (dual (tiling T3636 5))) cells:{0 4 5 73 81 97 142 143 152})) (tile "Rhombus" Each)}) (rules (play (move Select (from (sites Empty) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (not (all Sites (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from))))))))) (to (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (to) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from)))))) (then (do (forEach Site (forEach (sites Empty) if:(and {(= (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Own Orthogonal)) (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Enemy Orthogonal))) (not (can Move (move Select (from (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (not (all Sites (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from))))))))))))})) (set State at:(site) 1)) next:(do (add (to (intersection (sites Around (last From) Orthogonal includeSelf:True) (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal includeSelf:True)))) next:(addScore Mover (% (count Sites in:(forEach (forEach (sites Empty) if:(and {(= (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Own Orthogonal)) (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Enemy Orthogonal))) (not (can Move (move Select (from (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (not (all Sites (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from))))))))))))})) if:(!= 1 (state at:(site))))) 2))))))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (+ {(score P1) (- (max (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) 3) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) 3)) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) 3)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P2))))))})) (score P2 (+ {(score P2) (- (max (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) 3) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) 3)) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) 3)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P2))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P1))))))}))})))))
###Description On your turn, you place a hexagonal tile of your color that covers three mutually orthogonally adjacent rhombuses. In Ludii this is done by first selecting one of the rhombuses the tile will cover, then another. The third one is determined by these two selections. When no more placements are possible, the game is over and the winner is the player with the higher score. The general idea behind the scoring is simple: You get 1 point per empty rhombus that ends up adjacent to more of your hexagons than your opponent's hexagons. However, two slight complications are necessary to exclude all draws in as fair a manner as possible: 1: You score 1 point every time you make a placement that closes off an odd number of tied rhombuses. (A rhombus is closed off when it is adjacent to no rhombus that can be filled in on a future turn.) This is equivalent to dividing tied cells between you in a "one for me, one for you, one for me"-fashion as they are closed off. 2: You get 1 bonus point if your opponent has made more placements than you at the end of the game. All scoring is automatic in Ludii. ###Ludii (game "Residuel" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (rotate 30 (dual (tiling T3636 5))) cells:{0 4 5 73 81 97 142 143 152})) (tile "Rhombus" Each)}) (rules (play (move Select (from (sites Empty) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (not (all Sites (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from))))))))) (to (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (to) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from)))))) (then (do (forEach Site (forEach (sites Empty) if:(and {(= (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Own Orthogonal)) (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Enemy Orthogonal))) (not (can Move (move Select (from (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (not (all Sites (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from))))))))))))})) (set State at:(site) 1)) next:(do (add (to (intersection (sites Around (last From) Orthogonal includeSelf:True) (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal includeSelf:True)))) next:(addScore Mover (% (count Sites in:(forEach (forEach (sites Empty) if:(and {(= (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Own Orthogonal)) (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Enemy Orthogonal))) (not (can Move (move Select (from (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (all Sites (sites Around (from) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (not (all Sites (sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal) if:(not (is Related Orthogonal (site) (from))))))))))))})) if:(!= 1 (state at:(site))))) 2))))))) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (+ {(score P1) (- (max (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) 3) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) 3)) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) 3)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P1))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P2))))))})) (score P2 (+ {(score P2) (- (max (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) 3) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) 3)) (/ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) 3)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P2))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (site) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:P1))))))}))})))))
Reversi is played on an 8x8 board. Pieces are double-sided, with each side distinct in some way from the other. Each side designates ownership of that pieces to a certain player when face-up. Play begins with the players taking turns placing pieces into the central four squares until they are full. Then players may place their pieces next to an opponent's piece, a long as a straight line can be drawn between the new piece and an existing piece belonging to that player that goes through the opponent's piece. The opponent's pieces between the new piece and the old piece are then flipped and now belong to the player who just played. If a player cannot make a legal move, they pass. Play continues until the board is full or neither player cannot make a legal move. The player with the most pieces on the board wins. The pieces are placed on the board. The board is a square board of size 8x8.
(game "Reversi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Disc" Neutral (flips 1 2))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc0" (difference (sites Centre) (sites Phase 1)) state:1) (place "Disc0" (difference (sites Centre) (sites Phase 0)) state:2)}) phases:{(phase "Playing" (play (forEach Site (sites Empty) (append (custodial (from (site)) (between if:(is Enemy (state at:(between))) (apply (allCombinations (add (piece "Disc0" state:(mover)) (to (site))) (flip (between))))) (to if:(is Friend (state at:(to))))) (then (and (set Score P1 (count Sites in:(sites State 1))) (set Score P2 (count Sites in:(sites State 2)))))))))} (end (if (all Passed) (byScore)))))
###Description Reversi is played on an 8x8 board. Pieces are double-sided, with each side distinct in some way from the other. Each side designates ownership of that pieces to a certain player when face-up. Play begins with the players taking turns placing pieces into the central four squares until they are full. Then players may place their pieces next to an opponent's piece, a long as a straight line can be drawn between the new piece and an existing piece belonging to that player that goes through the opponent's piece. The opponent's pieces between the new piece and the old piece are then flipped and now belong to the player who just played. If a player cannot make a legal move, they pass. Play continues until the board is full or neither player cannot make a legal move. The player with the most pieces on the board wins. The pieces are placed on the board. The board is a square board of size 8x8. ###Ludii (game "Reversi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Disc" Neutral (flips 1 2))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc0" (difference (sites Centre) (sites Phase 1)) state:1) (place "Disc0" (difference (sites Centre) (sites Phase 0)) state:2)}) phases:{(phase "Playing" (play (forEach Site (sites Empty) (append (custodial (from (site)) (between if:(is Enemy (state at:(between))) (apply (allCombinations (add (piece "Disc0" state:(mover)) (to (site))) (flip (between))))) (to if:(is Friend (state at:(to))))) (then (and (set Score P1 (count Sites in:(sites State 1))) (set Score P2 (count Sites in:(sites State 2)))))))))} (end (if (all Passed) (byScore)))))
This is basically 4-player Othello, albeit more "friendly", since you can place a piece of your color even if you have none on the board. It features unique ball-shaped objects that have four colors. You "roll" them to the proper color when converting them, as opposed to flipping in 2-player Othello. The game adds a higher chaos factor in the 3 and 4 player game since you don't have any control over what your opponents do. The game is playing with four players.
(game "Rolit" (players 4) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Neutral)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball0" coord:"D5" state:1) (place "Ball0" coord:"E5" state:2) (place "Ball0" coord:"E4" state:3) (place "Ball0" coord:"D4" state:4)}) (play (priority (forEach Site (sites Empty) (append (custodial (from (site)) (between if:(is Enemy (state at:(between))) (apply (allCombinations (add (piece "Ball0" state:(mover)) (to (site))) (set State at:(between) (mover))))) (to if:(is Friend (state at:(to))))))) (move Add (piece "Ball0" state:(mover)) (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Neutral) Empty))) (then (forEach Player (set Score Player (count Sites in:(sites State (player)))))))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore)))))
###Description This is basically 4-player Othello, albeit more "friendly", since you can place a piece of your color even if you have none on the board. It features unique ball-shaped objects that have four colors. You "roll" them to the proper color when converting them, as opposed to flipping in 2-player Othello. The game adds a higher chaos factor in the 3 and 4 player game since you don't have any control over what your opponents do. The game is playing with four players. ###Ludii (game "Rolit" (players 4) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Neutral)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball0" coord:"D5" state:1) (place "Ball0" coord:"E5" state:2) (place "Ball0" coord:"E4" state:3) (place "Ball0" coord:"D4" state:4)}) (play (priority (forEach Site (sites Empty) (append (custodial (from (site)) (between if:(is Enemy (state at:(between))) (apply (allCombinations (add (piece "Ball0" state:(mover)) (to (site))) (set State at:(between) (mover))))) (to if:(is Friend (state at:(to))))))) (move Add (piece "Ball0" state:(mover)) (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Neutral) Empty))) (then (forEach Player (set Score Player (count Sites in:(sites State (player)))))))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore)))))
Play on an equilateral triangular hexagon-tessellated grid. Use a neutral pawn and black/white checkers. Players take turns moving a neutral pawn around on the board (passing is not allowed). The neutral pawn can move any number of empty points, in any direction in a straight line, but cannot move onto, or jump over occupied points. When a player moves the pawn, first they place a checker of their own color, onto the destination point. Then they move the pawn on top of it. When the pawn is trapped, the game is over. At the end of the game, each player gets a point for each checker of their own color adjacent to, or underneath, the pawn. The person with the highest score wins. Played on a size 13 board.
(game "Trike" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Triangle 13)) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" P1 (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (set Var (last To))))) (nextPhase)) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites LineOfSight Empty at:(var))) (then (set Var (last To))))))} (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (if (is Mover P1) 1 0) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))))) (score P2 (+ (if (is Mover P2) 1 0) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))))})))))
###Description Play on an equilateral triangular hexagon-tessellated grid. Use a neutral pawn and black/white checkers. Players take turns moving a neutral pawn around on the board (passing is not allowed). The neutral pawn can move any number of empty points, in any direction in a straight line, but cannot move onto, or jump over occupied points. When a player moves the pawn, first they place a checker of their own color, onto the destination point. Then they move the pawn on top of it. When the pawn is trapped, the game is over. At the end of the game, each player gets a point for each checker of their own color adjacent to, or underneath, the pawn. The person with the highest score wins. Played on a size 13 board. ###Ludii (game "Trike" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex Triangle 13)) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (swap)) phases:{(phase "Opening" P1 (play (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (set Var (last To))))) (nextPhase)) (phase "Play" (play (move Add (to (sites LineOfSight Empty at:(var))) (then (set Var (last To))))))} (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (if (is Mover P1) 1 0) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P1))))) (score P2 (+ (if (is Mover P2) 1 0) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To)) (sites Occupied by:P2)))))})))))
Tumbleweed is played with stackable tokens on a hexhex board. A stack is said to be seen from a hex when they are connected by a straight line, with no stacks in between. The players take turns settling hexes by placing a stack of their tokens on a hex of their choice. The height of a new stack is equal to the number of friendly stacks seen from the settled hex. Removing a stack occupying a hex and re-settling it with a new stack is possible, only as long as the new stack is taller than the previous one. This works with opponent stacks (to capture), or your own stacks (to reinforce). The board is initially empty, except for a central neutral (blue) two-stack. The first player sets up initial one-stacks: White and Red. The second player then chooses which side he wants to play, by clicking on a stone. Red goes first. The game ends when no more moves can be made by either player, or after two successive passes. The player who occupies over half the board wins. The program automatically scores indirectly controlled territory. Played on a size 8 board.
(game "Tumbleweed" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 8)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (start (place Stack "Disc0" (centrePoint) count:2)) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (if (= 0 (count Moves)) (move Add (piece "Disc1") (to (sites Empty)) (then (moveAgain))) (if (= 1 (count Moves)) (move Add (piece "Disc2") (to (sites Empty))) (move Select (from (union (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Occupied by:P2))) (then (if (= 1 (who at:(last From))) (do (swap Players 1 2) next:(set NextPlayer (player 1))) (pass))))))) (nextPhase (= 3 (count Moves)) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (or (move Select (from (forEach (sites Board) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))) (size Stack at:(site))))) (then (add (to (last From)) count:(- (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites LineOfSight at:(last From)))) (size Stack at:(last From))) stack:True))) (move Pass))))} (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites LineOfSight at:(site))))))))) (score P2 (+ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))))))))})))))
###Description Tumbleweed is played with stackable tokens on a hexhex board. A stack is said to be seen from a hex when they are connected by a straight line, with no stacks in between. The players take turns settling hexes by placing a stack of their tokens on a hex of their choice. The height of a new stack is equal to the number of friendly stacks seen from the settled hex. Removing a stack occupying a hex and re-settling it with a new stack is possible, only as long as the new stack is taller than the previous one. This works with opponent stacks (to capture), or your own stacks (to reinforce). The board is initially empty, except for a central neutral (blue) two-stack. The first player sets up initial one-stacks: White and Red. The second player then chooses which side he wants to play, by clicking on a stone. Red goes first. The game ends when no more moves can be made by either player, or after two successive passes. The player who occupies over half the board wins. The program automatically scores indirectly controlled territory. Played on a size 8 board. ###Ludii (game "Tumbleweed" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 8)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (start (place Stack "Disc0" (centrePoint) count:2)) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (if (= 0 (count Moves)) (move Add (piece "Disc1") (to (sites Empty)) (then (moveAgain))) (if (= 1 (count Moves)) (move Add (piece "Disc2") (to (sites Empty))) (move Select (from (union (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Occupied by:P2))) (then (if (= 1 (who at:(last From))) (do (swap Players 1 2) next:(set NextPlayer (player 1))) (pass))))))) (nextPhase (= 3 (count Moves)) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (or (move Select (from (forEach (sites Board) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))) (size Stack at:(site))))) (then (add (to (last From)) count:(- (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Mover) (sites LineOfSight at:(last From)))) (size Stack at:(last From))) stack:True))) (move Pass))))} (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P1)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites LineOfSight at:(site))))))))) (score P2 (+ (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2)) (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Empty) if:(> (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))) (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites LineOfSight at:(site)))))))))})))))
Played on a 19x19 board. The board begins empty. One player plays as black, the other as white. The black player begins by placing a piece on one of the intersections on the board. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. A player may pass at any time. A piece or a group of pieces are captured when they are completely surrounded on all sides on adjacent intersections by the opposing player. Stones may be placed in a position where they are surrounded. Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when both players pass consecutively. Players then fill in the spaces in their captured territory with their own pieces. Players total the number of intersections their pieces occupy. The player with the highest total wins.
(game "Weiqi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (or (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between))))))) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (count Pieces P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (count Pieces P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
###Description Played on a 19x19 board. The board begins empty. One player plays as black, the other as white. The black player begins by placing a piece on one of the intersections on the board. Players alternate turns placing a piece on the board. A player may pass at any time. A piece or a group of pieces are captured when they are completely surrounded on all sides on adjacent intersections by the opposing player. Stones may be placed in a position where they are surrounded. Stones cannot be placed to recreate a previous position. The game ends when both players pass consecutively. Players then fill in the spaces in their captured territory with their own pieces. Players total the number of intersections their pieces occupy. The player with the highest total wins. ###Ludii (game "Weiqi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each)}) (rules (meta (no Repeat)) (play (or (move Add (to (sites Empty)) (then (enclose (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between))))))) (move Pass))) (end (if (all Passed) (byScore {(score P1 (+ (count Pieces P1) (size Territory P1))) (score P2 (+ (count Pieces P2) (size Territory P2)))})))))
The game begins with the pieces set out as in the diagram. 2. The king's side takes the first move, play then alternating between players. 3. In his turn a player moves one of his pieces along a straight line, horizontally or vertically. 4. No piece may land on another, nor is there any jumping. 5. Only the king can land on the central space, though other pieces can pass through it. 6. Only the king may move to the spaces occupied by the fixed men: see rule 11. 7. The king is captured by surrounding him on all four sides by counts. If he is next to the central square or the edge of the board, he may be captured by surrounding him on the other three sides. 8. Dukes and counts are captured by surrounding them with enemies on two opposite sides, horizontally or vertically. Two or three men may be captured simultaneously if each falls between the moving piece and another enemy. 9. The fixed men in the corners may be used to capture pieces by either player. 10. A piece may come to rest voluntarily between two others, without being captured. 11. If the king moves to one of the squares occupied by the fixed men, he has escaped the board and wins the game. 12. If the king is captured by his opponents, then he has lost the game. The rules are describing with the Cyningstan ruleset.
(game "Alea Evangelii" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19)) (regions "Fortresses" (expand (sites Corners))) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (sites "Fortresses"))) (is Empty (between)))) (to (apply if:(!= (to) (centrePoint)))) (then (or {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))}))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites Centre))))) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (not (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal)))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (sites "Fortresses"))) (is Empty (between)))) (to (apply if:(!= (to) (centrePoint)))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))})))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(!= (to) (centrePoint))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"C1" "F1" "N1" "Q1" "A3" "F3" "N3" "S3" "H4" "L4" "G5" "I5" "K5" "M5" "A6" "C6" "Q6" "S6" "E7" "O7" "D8" "P8" "E9" "O9" "E11" "O11" "D12" "P12" "E13" "O13" "A14" "C14" "Q14" "S14" "G15" "I15" "K15" "M15" "H16" "L16" "A17" "F17" "N17" "S17" "C19" "F19" "N19" "Q19"}) (place "Thrall2" {"J4" "F6" "N6" "J7" "I8" "K8" "H9" "J9" "L9" "D10" "G10" "I10" "K10" "M10" "P10" "H11" "J11" "L11" "I12" "K12" "J13" "F14" "N14" "J16"}) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
###Description The game begins with the pieces set out as in the diagram. 2. The king's side takes the first move, play then alternating between players. 3. In his turn a player moves one of his pieces along a straight line, horizontally or vertically. 4. No piece may land on another, nor is there any jumping. 5. Only the king can land on the central space, though other pieces can pass through it. 6. Only the king may move to the spaces occupied by the fixed men: see rule 11. 7. The king is captured by surrounding him on all four sides by counts. If he is next to the central square or the edge of the board, he may be captured by surrounding him on the other three sides. 8. Dukes and counts are captured by surrounding them with enemies on two opposite sides, horizontally or vertically. Two or three men may be captured simultaneously if each falls between the moving piece and another enemy. 9. The fixed men in the corners may be used to capture pieces by either player. 10. A piece may come to rest voluntarily between two others, without being captured. 11. If the king moves to one of the squares occupied by the fixed men, he has escaped the board and wins the game. 12. If the king is captured by his opponents, then he has lost the game. The rules are describing with the Cyningstan ruleset. ###Ludii (game "Alea Evangelii" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 19)) (regions "Fortresses" (expand (sites Corners))) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (sites "Fortresses"))) (is Empty (between)))) (to (apply if:(!= (to) (centrePoint)))) (then (or {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))}))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites Centre))))) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (not (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal)))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (sites "Fortresses"))) (is Empty (between)))) (to (apply if:(!= (to) (centrePoint)))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))})))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(!= (to) (centrePoint))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"C1" "F1" "N1" "Q1" "A3" "F3" "N3" "S3" "H4" "L4" "G5" "I5" "K5" "M5" "A6" "C6" "Q6" "S6" "E7" "O7" "D8" "P8" "E9" "O9" "E11" "O11" "D12" "P12" "E13" "O13" "A14" "C14" "Q14" "S14" "G15" "I15" "K15" "M15" "H16" "L16" "A17" "F17" "N17" "S17" "C19" "F19" "N19" "Q19"}) (place "Thrall2" {"J4" "F6" "N6" "J7" "I8" "K8" "H9" "J9" "L9" "D10" "G10" "I10" "K10" "M10" "P10" "H11" "J11" "L11" "I12" "K12" "J13" "F14" "N14" "J16"}) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
Pieces move one space orthogonally. Pieces are captured through the custodial capture move, but a piece moving in between two other pieces is not automatically captured. The goal of the player with the king is to reach the edge of the board. The goal of the other player is to capture the king. The game is played with the common rules.
(game "ArdRi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is In (to) (sites Centre))) (is Empty (to)))) (then (or {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl2")) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites Centre)))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is In (to) (sites Centre))) (is Empty (to)))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"C1" "D1" "E1" "D2" "A3" "A4" "A5" "B4" "G3" "G4" "G5" "F4" "D6" "C7" "D7" "E7"}) (place "Thrall2" (difference (expand (sites Centre)) (sites Centre))) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites Outer)) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
###Description Pieces move one space orthogonally. Pieces are captured through the custodial capture move, but a piece moving in between two other pieces is not automatically captured. The goal of the player with the king is to reach the edge of the board. The goal of the other player is to capture the king. The game is played with the common rules. ###Ludii (game "ArdRi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is In (to) (sites Centre))) (is Empty (to)))) (then (or {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl2")) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites Centre)))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is In (to) (sites Centre))) (is Empty (to)))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"C1" "D1" "E1" "D2" "A3" "A4" "A5" "B4" "G3" "G4" "G5" "F4" "D6" "C7" "D7" "E7"}) (place "Thrall2" (difference (expand (sites Centre)) (sites Centre))) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites Outer)) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
12x12 board, with a line of six extra squares centered on each side. Diagonals in every square. Pieces are played on the intersections of lines. Played with two or four players; with four players, the top and left players play against the bottom and right players. Six pieces per player, with one larger piece. Each player's six pieces begin on the central intersection of the extra spaces. Pieces move one spot at a time diagonally. When a player surrounds an opponent's piece on two opposite sides, this piece is captured. The piece is then replaced by the larger piece, which may move diagonally or orthogonally. Pieces may not move backward. When all of the players' remaining pieces reach the starting squares of the opponent, the player with the most captured pieces wins.
(game "Awithlaknakwe" (players {(player N) (player E) (player S) (player W)}) (equipment {(board (merge (merge (merge (merge (square 13 diagonals:Solid) (shift 3 -1 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid))) (shift 3 12 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid))) (shift -3.5 5.5 (rotate 90 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid)))) (shift 9.5 5.5 (rotate 90 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid)))) use:Vertex) (piece "Counter" Each (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (piece "DoubleCounter" Each (move Step (directions {Rightward Forwards Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (regions "Home" P1 (sites {"D9" "E8" "F7" "G6" "H5" "I4"})) (regions "Home" P2 (sites {"I22" "H21" "G20" "F19" "E18" "D17"})) (regions "Home" P3 (sites {"Q22" "R21" "S20" "T19" "U18" "V17"})) (regions "Home" P4 (sites {"V9" "U8" "T7" "S6" "R5" "Q4"})) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P4}) (set Team 2 {P2 P3}) (place "Counter1" (sites P1)) (place "Counter2" (sites P2)) (place "Counter3" (sites P3)) (place "Counter4" (sites P4)) (place "DoubleCounter" "Hand")}) (play (forEach Piece (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and {(remove (between)) (if (not (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (fromTo (from (handSite Mover)) (to (between)))) (addScore Mover 1)}))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (end (if (and (all Sites (union (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Occupied by:P4)) if:(is In (site) (union (sites P2) (sites P3)))) (all Sites (union (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites Occupied by:P3)) if:(is In (site) (union (sites P1) (sites P4))))) {(if (> (+ (score P1) (score P4)) (+ (score P2) (score P3))) (result Team1 Win)) (if (< (+ (score P1) (score P4)) (+ (score P2) (score P3))) (result Team2 Win)) (if (= (+ (score P1) (score P4)) (+ (score P2) (score P3))) (result Mover Draw))}))))
###Description 12x12 board, with a line of six extra squares centered on each side. Diagonals in every square. Pieces are played on the intersections of lines. Played with two or four players; with four players, the top and left players play against the bottom and right players. Six pieces per player, with one larger piece. Each player's six pieces begin on the central intersection of the extra spaces. Pieces move one spot at a time diagonally. When a player surrounds an opponent's piece on two opposite sides, this piece is captured. The piece is then replaced by the larger piece, which may move diagonally or orthogonally. Pieces may not move backward. When all of the players' remaining pieces reach the starting squares of the opponent, the player with the most captured pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Awithlaknakwe" (players {(player N) (player E) (player S) (player W)}) (equipment {(board (merge (merge (merge (merge (square 13 diagonals:Solid) (shift 3 -1 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid))) (shift 3 12 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid))) (shift -3.5 5.5 (rotate 90 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid)))) (shift 9.5 5.5 (rotate 90 (rectangle 2 7 diagonals:Solid)))) use:Vertex) (piece "Counter" Each (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (piece "DoubleCounter" Each (move Step (directions {Rightward Forwards Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (regions "Home" P1 (sites {"D9" "E8" "F7" "G6" "H5" "I4"})) (regions "Home" P2 (sites {"I22" "H21" "G20" "F19" "E18" "D17"})) (regions "Home" P3 (sites {"Q22" "R21" "S20" "T19" "U18" "V17"})) (regions "Home" P4 (sites {"V9" "U8" "T7" "S6" "R5" "Q4"})) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P4}) (set Team 2 {P2 P3}) (place "Counter1" (sites P1)) (place "Counter2" (sites P2)) (place "Counter3" (sites P3)) (place "Counter4" (sites P4)) (place "DoubleCounter" "Hand")}) (play (forEach Piece (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and {(remove (between)) (if (not (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (fromTo (from (handSite Mover)) (to (between)))) (addScore Mover 1)}))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (end (if (and (all Sites (union (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Occupied by:P4)) if:(is In (site) (union (sites P2) (sites P3)))) (all Sites (union (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites Occupied by:P3)) if:(is In (site) (union (sites P1) (sites P4))))) {(if (> (+ (score P1) (score P4)) (+ (score P2) (score P3))) (result Team1 Win)) (if (< (+ (score P1) (score P4)) (+ (score P2) (score P3))) (result Team2 Win)) (if (= (+ (score P1) (score P4)) (+ (score P2) (score P3))) (result Mover Draw))}))))
A player can move a piece to any empty adjacent cell of the same color; so, on an open board, six moves are possible. Throughout the game, a player's pieces are restricted to cells of the same color. A captured piece is immediately removed from the game. A player captures a regular enemy piece by surrounding it on three sides. A player captures an enemy captain by surrounding it on three sides, with the caveat that one of the surrounding pieces must be a captain. (Three regular pieces are insufficient and the enemy captain would be unaffected.) An enemy piece on the edge of the board can be captured by surrounding it on two sides, with the caveat that one of the surrounding pieces must be a captain. (Two regular pieces are insufficient.) If a piece (regular or captain) is moved to a cell already surrounded by three enemy pieces, it is instantly captured, unless the move itself performed a capture. A player wins the game by reducing the opponent to two pieces.
(game "Bizingo" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (tri 13) cells:{0 1 13 25 11 12 24 36 165 166 167 168})) (piece "Thrall" Each (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (= (phase of:(from)) (phase of:(to))))) (then (and {(if (not (can Move (or {(surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))}))) (if (= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Next)))) (remove (last To)))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))})))) (piece "Jarl" Each (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (= (phase of:(from)) (phase of:(to))))) (then (and {(if (not (can Move (or {(surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))}))) (if (= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Next)))) (remove (last To)))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))}))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" (sites {32 33 34 35 36 53 54 55 56 57 58 72 74 75 76 78})) (place "Jarl1" (sites {73 77})) (place "Thrall2" (sites {137 138 139 126 127 128 129 113 114 115 116 117 98 100 101 103})) (place "Jarl2" (sites {99 102}))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (forEach Player if:(<= (count Pieces Player) 2) (result Player Loss)))))
###Description A player can move a piece to any empty adjacent cell of the same color; so, on an open board, six moves are possible. Throughout the game, a player's pieces are restricted to cells of the same color. A captured piece is immediately removed from the game. A player captures a regular enemy piece by surrounding it on three sides. A player captures an enemy captain by surrounding it on three sides, with the caveat that one of the surrounding pieces must be a captain. (Three regular pieces are insufficient and the enemy captain would be unaffected.) An enemy piece on the edge of the board can be captured by surrounding it on two sides, with the caveat that one of the surrounding pieces must be a captain. (Two regular pieces are insufficient.) If a piece (regular or captain) is moved to a cell already surrounded by three enemy pieces, it is instantly captured, unless the move itself performed a capture. A player wins the game by reducing the opponent to two pieces. ###Ludii (game "Bizingo" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (tri 13) cells:{0 1 13 25 11 12 24 36 165 166 167 168})) (piece "Thrall" Each (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (= (phase of:(from)) (phase of:(to))))) (then (and {(if (not (can Move (or {(surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))}))) (if (= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Next)))) (remove (last To)))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))})))) (piece "Jarl" Each (move Step (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (= (phase of:(from)) (phase of:(to))))) (then (and {(if (not (can Move (or {(surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))}))) (if (= 3 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (sites Occupied by:Next)))) (remove (last To)))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 0 (phase of:(between))) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (or (not (is In (between) (sites Outer))) (and (is In (between) (sites Outer)) (= 1 (phase of:(between))))) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" Next))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) with:(piece (id "Jarl" Mover)))}))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" (sites {32 33 34 35 36 53 54 55 56 57 58 72 74 75 76 78})) (place "Jarl1" (sites {73 77})) (place "Thrall2" (sites {137 138 139 126 127 128 129 113 114 115 116 117 98 100 101 103})) (place "Jarl2" (sites {99 102}))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (forEach Player if:(<= (count Pieces Player) 2) (result Player Loss)))))
Each player has four pieces. Players take turns moving a piece to an empty dot. A player may capture an opponent’s piece by placing a piece on either side of an opponent’s piece. If a player moves their own piece between two of the opponent’s pieces, it is not captured. A player wins by reducing the opponent to one piece. The game is played according to the rules of the source.
(game "Boseog Gonu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (merge {(rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) (shift 0 -1 (rotate 180 (wedge 2))) (shift 0 2 (wedge 2)) (shift -1.5 0.5 (rotate 90 (wedge 2))) (shift 1.5 0.5 (rotate -90 (wedge 2)))}) edges:{{{1 1} {0 0}} {{1 1} {2 2}} {{1 1} {2 0}} {{1 1} {0 2}}}) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(= (what at:(to)) (what at:(last To))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" {"A3" "B3" "B4" "B2"}) (place "Disc2" {"D2" "D3" "E3" "D4"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 1) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Each player has four pieces. Players take turns moving a piece to an empty dot. A player may capture an opponent’s piece by placing a piece on either side of an opponent’s piece. If a player moves their own piece between two of the opponent’s pieces, it is not captured. A player wins by reducing the opponent to one piece. The game is played according to the rules of the source. ###Ludii (game "Boseog Gonu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (merge {(rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) (shift 0 -1 (rotate 180 (wedge 2))) (shift 0 2 (wedge 2)) (shift -1.5 0.5 (rotate 90 (wedge 2))) (shift 1.5 0.5 (rotate -90 (wedge 2)))}) edges:{{{1 1} {0 0}} {{1 1} {2 2}} {{1 1} {2 0}} {{1 1} {0 2}}}) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(= (what at:(to)) (what at:(last To))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" {"A3" "B3" "B4" "B2"}) (place "Disc2" {"D2" "D3" "E3" "D4"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 1) (result Next Loss)))))
7x7 board. One player plays as the king and four defenders, the other as eight attackers. The king begins in the center piece, with the defenders placed in the adjacent orthogonal squares. The attackers are placed two in each square extending in the orthogonal direction from the defenders' positions. Attackers move first. Pieces move any distance orthogonally. No piece may land on the central square. Only the king may enter the corner squares. A piece is captured when it is surrounded orthogonally on two sides by an opposing piece. Pieces may also be captured between the central square and an opponent or a corner square and the opponent. When in the central square, the king is captured by surrounding it on four orthogonal sides. When adjacent to the central square, the king is captured by surrounding it on the three other orthogonally adjacent sides. Otherwise, the king is captured as any other piece. The king wins by moving to a corner square. The attackers win by capturing the king. The rules are describing with the Nielsen ruleset.
(game "Brandub" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (regions "Fortresses" (sites Corners)) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(not (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))) (then (or {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2")) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))}))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites Centre))))) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (not (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal)))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(not (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1")) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))})))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(not (= (to) (centrePoint))))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1")) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))}))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"D1" "D2" "A4" "B4" "F4" "G4" "D6" "D7"}) (place "Thrall2" {"D3" "C4" "E4" "D5"}) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
###Description 7x7 board. One player plays as the king and four defenders, the other as eight attackers. The king begins in the center piece, with the defenders placed in the adjacent orthogonal squares. The attackers are placed two in each square extending in the orthogonal direction from the defenders' positions. Attackers move first. Pieces move any distance orthogonally. No piece may land on the central square. Only the king may enter the corner squares. A piece is captured when it is surrounded orthogonally on two sides by an opposing piece. Pieces may also be captured between the central square and an opponent or a corner square and the opponent. When in the central square, the king is captured by surrounding it on four orthogonal sides. When adjacent to the central square, the king is captured by surrounding it on the three other orthogonally adjacent sides. Otherwise, the king is captured as any other piece. The king wins by moving to a corner square. The attackers win by capturing the king. The rules are describing with the Nielsen ruleset. ###Ludii (game "Brandub" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (regions "Fortresses" (sites Corners)) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(not (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))) (then (or {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2")) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))}))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites Centre))))) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (not (is In (between) (expand origin:(centrePoint) Orthogonal)))) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(not (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1")) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))})))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(not (= (to) (centrePoint))))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1")) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or {(is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (sites "Fortresses")) (and (is In (to) (sites Centre)) (is Empty (to)))}))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"D1" "D2" "A4" "B4" "F4" "G4" "D6" "D7"}) (place "Thrall2" {"D3" "C4" "E4" "D5"}) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
Objectives One player has a gold fleet consisting of one large flagship and twelve escorts, with the objective of evading capture while breaking through his or her opponent's blockade to transport the flagship to the perimeter of the board. The other player has a silver fleet of twenty ships, and forms a blockade to trap the gold flagship and destroy the gold fleet's escorts with the objective of capturing the flagship. Setup Gold player places the flagship on the center square of the game board, and positions the rest of the ships anywhere within the boldly ruled central area of the board. Silver player then positions the silver ships on twenty squares in the lightly ruled peripheral area of the board. Play Gold player chooses who goes first. Players move alternately by making two moves or one capture anywhere on the board. When the flagship is moved, only one move or capture is made (thus only the flagship). Moves A player may move two of the smaller playing pieces any number of vacant squares either horizontally or vertically on the board (as a rook in Chess, except that no captures can be made with this move), although if the flagship is moved, the gold player may not move another playing piece. Captures A player may move any playing piece (including the flagship) one square diagonally to capture one of his opponent's playing pieces. (This move is similar to the capture-move of the pawn in Chess, except that captures can be made on any of the four diagonals.) This game uses displacement capture (like Chess), rather than custodial capture (like Hnefatafl), thus when a capture is made, the captured piece is removed from the board and the vacated square is occupied by the captor. Play continues until one player achieves his or her objective. If the flagship of the gold fleet reaches one of the outermost squares on the board, gold player wins. If the flagship is captured before it reaches the outer edge of the board, silver player wins.
(game "Breakthru" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11)) (piece "Disc" Each (or (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (move Slide Orthogonal (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain)))))) (piece "Commander" P1 (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (or (move Step Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Slide Orthogonal)))) (hand Each) (regions "CentreSites" (expand (sites Centre) steps:2))}) (rules (start {(place "Commander1" (sites Centre)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1) count:12) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2) count:20)}) phases:{(phase "PlacementP1" (play (move (from (handSite P1)) (to (intersection (sites "CentreSites") (sites Empty))) (then (if (is Occupied (handSite P1)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (is Empty (handSite P1)) "PlacementP2")) (phase "PlacementP2" (play (move (from (handSite P2)) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites "CentreSites"))) (then (if (is Occupied (handSite P2)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (is Empty (handSite P2)) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Commander1") in:(sites Outer)) (result P1 Win)) (if (= (where "Commander" P1) -1) (result P2 Win))}))}))
###Description Objectives One player has a gold fleet consisting of one large flagship and twelve escorts, with the objective of evading capture while breaking through his or her opponent's blockade to transport the flagship to the perimeter of the board. The other player has a silver fleet of twenty ships, and forms a blockade to trap the gold flagship and destroy the gold fleet's escorts with the objective of capturing the flagship. Setup Gold player places the flagship on the center square of the game board, and positions the rest of the ships anywhere within the boldly ruled central area of the board. Silver player then positions the silver ships on twenty squares in the lightly ruled peripheral area of the board. Play Gold player chooses who goes first. Players move alternately by making two moves or one capture anywhere on the board. When the flagship is moved, only one move or capture is made (thus only the flagship). Moves A player may move two of the smaller playing pieces any number of vacant squares either horizontally or vertically on the board (as a rook in Chess, except that no captures can be made with this move), although if the flagship is moved, the gold player may not move another playing piece. Captures A player may move any playing piece (including the flagship) one square diagonally to capture one of his opponent's playing pieces. (This move is similar to the capture-move of the pawn in Chess, except that captures can be made on any of the four diagonals.) This game uses displacement capture (like Chess), rather than custodial capture (like Hnefatafl), thus when a capture is made, the captured piece is removed from the board and the vacated square is occupied by the captor. Play continues until one player achieves his or her objective. If the flagship of the gold fleet reaches one of the outermost squares on the board, gold player wins. If the flagship is captured before it reaches the outer edge of the board, silver player wins. ###Ludii (game "Breakthru" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11)) (piece "Disc" Each (or (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (move Slide Orthogonal (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain)))))) (piece "Commander" P1 (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (or (move Step Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Slide Orthogonal)))) (hand Each) (regions "CentreSites" (expand (sites Centre) steps:2))}) (rules (start {(place "Commander1" (sites Centre)) (place "Disc1" (handSite P1) count:12) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2) count:20)}) phases:{(phase "PlacementP1" (play (move (from (handSite P1)) (to (intersection (sites "CentreSites") (sites Empty))) (then (if (is Occupied (handSite P1)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (is Empty (handSite P1)) "PlacementP2")) (phase "PlacementP2" (play (move (from (handSite P2)) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites "CentreSites"))) (then (if (is Occupied (handSite P2)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (is Empty (handSite P2)) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Commander1") in:(sites Outer)) (result P1 Win)) (if (= (where "Commander" P1) -1) (result P2 Win))}))}))
There are 30 game-pieces for each player and eleven castles. The gameboard is divided into three sections: homes and center section. Object of the game is to capture four castles (among those of the central section and the other side) or 28 pawns of your opponent. In a turn a player moves one of their pieces, horizontally, vertically. A pawn can step to an adjacent empty cell. Additionally a pawn can jump over another pawn as long as the square behind that pawn is free. Multiple jumps are allowed and all enemy pawns are captured this way and removed from the deck. A pawn can capture a maximum of five enemy pieces, and his movement ends after the fifth piece is captured. A castle is conquered when it is surrounded by three pawns.
(game "Castello" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 15 21)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Hop Orthogonal (between if:(and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (can Move (hop (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(if (< (counter) (- 5 1)) (and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (is Friend (who at:(between)))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Visited (to))))))) (moveAgain) (set Counter)))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Castle" Neutral) (hand Each size:3) (regions "LeftPart" (expand (sites Left) steps:6)) (regions "RightPart" (expand (sites Right) steps:6)) (regions "Middle" (expand (sites Centre)))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (expand (sites Left))) (place "Pawn2" (expand (sites Right))) (place "Castle0" (sites {"G2" "F6" "G10" "F14" "K3" "K8" "K13" "P2" "O6" "P10" "O14"}))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Hop (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(if (< (counter) 5) (and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (is Friend (who at:(between)))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Visited (to))))) (then (if (can Move (hop (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(if (< (counter) (- 5 1)) (and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (is Friend (who at:(between)))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Visited (to))))))) (moveAgain) (set Counter)))) (move Pass)) (forEach Piece) (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites "LeftPart")) (if (< (count Cell at:(handSite Mover)) 3) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1)) (if (is In (last To) (sites "RightPart")) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover 2))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (if (is In (last To) (sites "Middle")) (if (> (count Cell at:(handSite Mover 2)) 0) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover 1))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1)) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover 1))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1)))) (set Counter))))) (end {(if (<= (count Pieces Next) 3) (result Next Loss)) (if (> (count in:(sites Hand Mover)) 3) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description There are 30 game-pieces for each player and eleven castles. The gameboard is divided into three sections: homes and center section. Object of the game is to capture four castles (among those of the central section and the other side) or 28 pawns of your opponent. In a turn a player moves one of their pieces, horizontally, vertically. A pawn can step to an adjacent empty cell. Additionally a pawn can jump over another pawn as long as the square behind that pawn is free. Multiple jumps are allowed and all enemy pawns are captured this way and removed from the deck. A pawn can capture a maximum of five enemy pieces, and his movement ends after the fifth piece is captured. A castle is conquered when it is surrounded by three pawns. ###Ludii (game "Castello" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 15 21)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Hop Orthogonal (between if:(and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (can Move (hop (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(if (< (counter) (- 5 1)) (and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (is Friend (who at:(between)))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Visited (to))))))) (moveAgain) (set Counter)))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Castle" Neutral) (hand Each size:3) (regions "LeftPart" (expand (sites Left) steps:6)) (regions "RightPart" (expand (sites Right) steps:6)) (regions "Middle" (expand (sites Centre)))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (expand (sites Left))) (place "Pawn2" (expand (sites Right))) (place "Castle0" (sites {"G2" "F6" "G10" "F14" "K3" "K8" "K13" "P2" "O6" "P10" "O14"}))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Hop (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(if (< (counter) 5) (and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (is Friend (who at:(between)))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Visited (to))))) (then (if (can Move (hop (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(if (< (counter) (- 5 1)) (and (!= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (is Occupied (between))) (is Friend (who at:(between)))) (apply (if (= (who at:(between)) (next)) (remove (between))))) (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Visited (to))))))) (moveAgain) (set Counter)))) (move Pass)) (forEach Piece) (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites "LeftPart")) (if (< (count Cell at:(handSite Mover)) 3) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1)) (if (is In (last To) (sites "RightPart")) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover 2))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (if (is In (last To) (sites "Middle")) (if (> (count Cell at:(handSite Mover 2)) 0) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover 1))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1)) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Castle0")) (apply (fromTo (from (between)) (to (handSite Mover 1))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1)))) (set Counter))))) (end {(if (<= (count Pieces Next) 3) (result Next Loss)) (if (> (count in:(sites Hand Mover)) 3) (result Mover Win))})))
3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals in the square. Three pieces per player, which begin on opposite sides of the square. Players alternate turns moving one of their pieces along the lines of the board. When a player surrounds one of the opponent's pieces with two of their pieces, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "El-Mthaltha" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 3x3 intersecting lines, with diagonals in the square. Three pieces per player, which begin on opposite sides of the square. Players alternate turns moving one of their pieces along the lines of the board. When a player surrounds one of the opponent's pieces with two of their pieces, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "El-Mthaltha" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 3 diagonals:Alternating) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
9x9 intersecting lines, pieces are played on the intersections. 16 pieces per player, one player is black, the other white. Pieces begin placed on the edge of the board: Black on the top and right, white on the bottom and left. Sixteen others are held in reserve for each player. Pieces move any distance orthogonally along the lines. Opponent's pieces are captured when they are surrounded by two of a player's pieces. When this is done, the surrounded player's pieces are removed and replaced with the pieces of the player that surrounded them. If multiple opponent's pieces are in a line and the other player places their pieces at either end of the line, all the pieces in between are captured. When a player is reduced to one piece, it gains the ability to capture by jumping. The player that removes all of their opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Gundru" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (or (if (= 1 (+ (count Cell at:(handSite Mover)) (count Pieces Mover))) (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Slide (then (custodial (from (last To)) (between (range 1 (count Rows)) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (remove (between)) (fromTo (from (handSite Mover)) (to (between)))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Marker" "Hand" count:16) (place "Marker1" (union (sites Top) (difference (sites Right) (sites Bottom)))) (place "Marker2" (union (sites Bottom) (difference (sites Left) (sites Top))))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 9x9 intersecting lines, pieces are played on the intersections. 16 pieces per player, one player is black, the other white. Pieces begin placed on the edge of the board: Black on the top and right, white on the bottom and left. Sixteen others are held in reserve for each player. Pieces move any distance orthogonally along the lines. Opponent's pieces are captured when they are surrounded by two of a player's pieces. When this is done, the surrounded player's pieces are removed and replaced with the pieces of the player that surrounded them. If multiple opponent's pieces are in a line and the other player places their pieces at either end of the line, all the pieces in between are captured. When a player is reduced to one piece, it gains the ability to capture by jumping. The player that removes all of their opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Gundru" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (or (if (= 1 (+ (count Cell at:(handSite Mover)) (count Pieces Mover))) (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Slide (then (custodial (from (last To)) (between (range 1 (count Rows)) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (and (remove (between)) (fromTo (from (handSite Mover)) (to (between)))))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Marker" "Hand" count:16) (place "Marker1" (union (sites Top) (difference (sites Right) (sites Bottom)))) (place "Marker2" (union (sites Bottom) (difference (sites Left) (sites Top))))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)))))
HeXentafl can be played on a 4x4 or 5x5 hex grid. For the 4x4 version: The King sits on the central space, the throne, surrounded by three defenders. Six attackers sit on the outer corners of the grid. The attackers must capture the King in order to win. The defenders must escort the King to any of the six corners of the board in order to win. All pieces except the King move in a straight line, as many spaces as they like to an unoccupied space (like a rook in Chess). Only one piece at a time can occupy a space. A piece cannot jump over another piece. The King can move into any vacant adjacent space, moving one space at a time (similar to the king in Chess). Pieces are captured by surrounding them on two sides. Except for the corners, the pieces can be captured by surrounding them with two pieces which are not adjacents. You cannot "capture" your own piece by moving between two enemy pieces. The central space of the board is the throne. Only the King may occupy the throne. When the King is on the throne, he is harder to capture. He must be surrounded on three sides which are not adjacents each other. HeXentafl on a 5x5 grid is almost identical to a 4x4 grid, except there are more attackers and defenders, and the King moves just like the other pieces. It is not limited to one space at a time. The game is played on a 4x4 hex board.
(game "HeXentafl" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 4))) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide (between if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Empty (between)))) (then (and (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites "Fortresses")) (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide (between if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Empty (between)))) (then (and {(surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(= (between) (centrePoint)) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P1)) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:3) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites "Fortresses")) (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))})))) (piece "Jarl" P1 (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (and (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites "Fortresses")) (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (regions "Fortresses" (sites Corners))}) (rules (start {(place "Jarl1" (centrePoint)) (place "Thrall2" (sites "Fortresses")) (place "Thrall1" {"D3" "C4" "E5"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl1") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P1 Win)) (if (= (where "Jarl" P1) -1) (result P2 Win))})))
###Description HeXentafl can be played on a 4x4 or 5x5 hex grid. For the 4x4 version: The King sits on the central space, the throne, surrounded by three defenders. Six attackers sit on the outer corners of the grid. The attackers must capture the King in order to win. The defenders must escort the King to any of the six corners of the board in order to win. All pieces except the King move in a straight line, as many spaces as they like to an unoccupied space (like a rook in Chess). Only one piece at a time can occupy a space. A piece cannot jump over another piece. The King can move into any vacant adjacent space, moving one space at a time (similar to the king in Chess). Pieces are captured by surrounding them on two sides. Except for the corners, the pieces can be captured by surrounding them with two pieces which are not adjacents. You cannot "capture" your own piece by moving between two enemy pieces. The central space of the board is the throne. Only the King may occupy the throne. When the King is on the throne, he is harder to capture. He must be surrounded on three sides which are not adjacents each other. HeXentafl on a 5x5 grid is almost identical to a 4x4 grid, except there are more attackers and defenders, and the King moves just like the other pieces. It is not limited to one space at a time. The game is played on a 4x4 hex board. ###Ludii (game "HeXentafl" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 90 (hex 4))) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide (between if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Empty (between)))) (then (and (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites "Fortresses")) (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide (between if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Empty (between)))) (then (and {(surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(= (between) (centrePoint)) (= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P1)) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:3) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites "Fortresses")) (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))})))) (piece "Jarl" P1 (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (and (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and {(is In (between) (sites "Fortresses")) (is Enemy (who at:(between))) (all Sites (sites Around (between) Own) if:(all Sites (sites Around (site) Own) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (between) Own)))))}) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) except:1) (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(and (!= (between) (centrePoint)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (regions "Fortresses" (sites Corners))}) (rules (start {(place "Jarl1" (centrePoint)) (place "Thrall2" (sites "Fortresses")) (place "Thrall1" {"D3" "C4" "E5"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl1") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P1 Win)) (if (= (where "Jarl" P1) -1) (result P2 Win))})))
Played on an 11x11 board. The defending side comprises twelve soldiers and a king, who start the game in a cross formation in the center of the board. Their objective is for the king to escape by reaching any of the four corner squares. The attackers comprise 24 soldiers positioned in four groups of 6 around the perimeter of the board. The King piece is the only piece that can occupy the central and the four corner squares. All pieces move orthogonally any number of spaces, and pieces are taken by custodial capture (surrounding an enemy piece on either side with two of a player's pieces). The king piece must be captured by surrounding it on all four sides. The game is played with the common rules.
(game "Hnefatafl" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11)) (regions "Fortresses" (sites Corners)) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))) (is Empty (between)))) (then (and {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses"))))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))) (is Empty (between)))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses"))))))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"D1" "E1" "F1" "G1" "H1" "F2" "A4" "A5" "A6" "A7" "A8" "B6" "K4" "K5" "K6" "K7" "K8" "J6" "F10" "D11" "E11" "F11" "G11" "H11" "F10"}) (place "Thrall2" {"F4" "E5" "F5" "G5" "D6" "E6" "G6" "H6" "E7" "F7" "G7" "F8"}) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
###Description Played on an 11x11 board. The defending side comprises twelve soldiers and a king, who start the game in a cross formation in the center of the board. Their objective is for the king to escape by reaching any of the four corner squares. The attackers comprise 24 soldiers positioned in four groups of 6 around the perimeter of the board. The King piece is the only piece that can occupy the central and the four corner squares. All pieces move orthogonally any number of spaces, and pieces are taken by custodial capture (surrounding an enemy piece on either side with two of a player's pieces). The king piece must be captured by surrounding it on all four sides. The game is played with the common rules. ###Ludii (game "Hnefatafl" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 11)) (regions "Fortresses" (sites Corners)) (piece "Thrall" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))) (is Empty (between)))) (then (and {(custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall2" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Jarl" P2)) (apply (trigger "Surrounded" P2))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses"))))))})))) (piece "Thrall" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(and (not (is In (between) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))) (is Empty (between)))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses"))))))))) (piece "Jarl" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Thrall1" Next)) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(or (is Friend (who at:(to))) (is In (to) (union (sites Centre) (sites "Fortresses")))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Thrall1" {"D1" "E1" "F1" "G1" "H1" "F2" "A4" "A5" "A6" "A7" "A8" "B6" "K4" "K5" "K6" "K7" "K8" "J6" "F10" "D11" "E11" "F11" "G11" "H11" "F10"}) (place "Thrall2" {"F4" "E5" "F5" "G5" "D6" "E6" "G6" "H6" "E7" "F7" "G7" "F8"}) (place "Jarl2" (centrePoint))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (is Within (id "Jarl2") in:(sites "Fortresses")) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "Surrounded" P2) (result P1 Win))})))
7x7 board. 24 pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing two pieces on the board. The first piece of each player must be placed on a spot adjacent to the central spot. The central spot cannot be filled. When both players have placed their pieces, they move their pieces orthogonally to an empty adjacent space. When an opponent's piece is surrounded on two opposite sides by pieces belonging to the player, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who made the capture may move the same piece they moved to make a capture another time if another capture is possible by doing so. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces, or which blocks the opponent from being able to move, wins. In a case where the second player has created a blockade of their pieces containing one or more of only their own pieces which can move infinitely without possibility of being taken, the second player player may declare H'ajeb in order to regain the possibility of winning. The second player declares H'ajeb on their turn, and then the first player gains the ability to move any distance orthogonally or diagonally. The first player may also make multiple captures not just with the same piece, but with more than one. The second player may rescind the H'ajeb declaration at any time and the captures must stop. If the second player allows the first player to continue until the first player cannot capture, the second player captures any two of the first player's pieces, and the first player captures one of the second player's pieces that is able to move infinitely.
(game "Khamousiyya" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) (then (if (can Move (step (from (last To)) Orthogonal (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (or {(and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) W))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 W)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) E))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 E)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) N))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 N)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) S))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 S))))}))))) (moveAgain))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:24)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (if (no Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) (forEach (sites Around (centrePoint) Orthogonal) if:(is Empty (site))) (difference (sites Board) (centrePoint))) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Capture")) (phase "Capture" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Step (from (last To)) Orthogonal (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (or {(and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) W))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 W)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) E))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 E)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) N))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 N)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) S))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 S))))}))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) (then (if (can Move (step (from (last To)) Orthogonal (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (or {(and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) W))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 W)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) E))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 E)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) N))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 N)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) S))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 S))))}))))) (moveAgain)))))) (move Pass)) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 7x7 board. 24 pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing two pieces on the board. The first piece of each player must be placed on a spot adjacent to the central spot. The central spot cannot be filled. When both players have placed their pieces, they move their pieces orthogonally to an empty adjacent space. When an opponent's piece is surrounded on two opposite sides by pieces belonging to the player, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who made the capture may move the same piece they moved to make a capture another time if another capture is possible by doing so. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces, or which blocks the opponent from being able to move, wins. In a case where the second player has created a blockade of their pieces containing one or more of only their own pieces which can move infinitely without possibility of being taken, the second player player may declare H'ajeb in order to regain the possibility of winning. The second player declares H'ajeb on their turn, and then the first player gains the ability to move any distance orthogonally or diagonally. The first player may also make multiple captures not just with the same piece, but with more than one. The second player may rescind the H'ajeb declaration at any time and the captures must stop. If the second player allows the first player to continue until the first player cannot capture, the second player captures any two of the first player's pieces, and the first player captures one of the second player's pieces that is able to move infinitely. ###Ludii (game "Khamousiyya" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) (then (if (can Move (step (from (last To)) Orthogonal (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (or {(and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) W))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 W)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) E))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 E)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) N))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 N)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) S))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 S))))}))))) (moveAgain))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:24)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (if (no Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) (forEach (sites Around (centrePoint) Orthogonal) if:(is Empty (site))) (difference (sites Board) (centrePoint))) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Capture")) (phase "Capture" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Step (from (last To)) Orthogonal (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (or {(and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) W))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 W)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) E))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 E)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) N))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 N)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) S))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 S))))}))) (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))) (then (if (can Move (step (from (last To)) Orthogonal (to if:(and (is Empty (to)) (or {(and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) W))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 W)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) E))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 E)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) N))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 N)))) (and (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (to) S))) (is Friend (who at:(ahead (to) steps:2 S))))}))))) (moveAgain)))))) (move Pass)) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)))))
5x5 board. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing two pieces on an empty space on the board, except in the central space. Captures cannot be made during the placement phase. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally any distance. When an opponent's piece is between two of a player's pieces, it is captured. If a player is unable to make a move, they pass their turn and the opponent plays again. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Kharebga (5x5)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (difference (sites Board) (centrePoint)) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Capture")) (phase "Capture" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 5x5 board. Twelve pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing two pieces on an empty space on the board, except in the central space. Captures cannot be made during the placement phase. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally any distance. When an opponent's piece is between two of a player's pieces, it is captured. If a player is unable to make a move, they pass their turn and the opponent plays again. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Kharebga (5x5)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:12)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (difference (sites Board) (centrePoint)) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Capture")) (phase "Capture" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
7x7 board. 24 pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing two pieces on an empty space on the board, except in the central space. Captures cannot be made during the placement phase. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally any distance. When an opponent's piece is between two of a player's pieces, it is captured. If a player is unable to make a move, they pass their turn and the opponent plays again. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Kharebga (7x7)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:24)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (difference (sites Board) (centrePoint)) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Capture")) (phase "Capture" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 7x7 board. 24 pieces per player. Players alternate turns placing two pieces on an empty space on the board, except in the central space. Captures cannot be made during the placement phase. When all of the pieces have been placed, players alternate turns moving a piece orthogonally any distance. When an opponent's piece is between two of a player's pieces, it is captured. If a player is unable to make a move, they pass their turn and the opponent plays again. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Kharebga (7x7)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (then (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:24)) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (difference (sites Board) (centrePoint)) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Empty (handSite Mover)) "Capture")) (phase "Capture" (play (forEach Piece)))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))