Played on an 8x8 board with pieces with specialized moves: Pawns (8): can move one space orthogonally forward, or two steps orthogonally forward on their first move, capture one space diagonally forward; Rooks (2): can move any number of spaces orthogonally; Bishops (2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Knight (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Queens (1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally, cannot capture another Queen; Kings (1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally, but on the first turn may move two squares provided it is not currently in check. The King cannot capture with this move. Castling, En Passant, and Pawn promotion allowed. Pawns promote to Queens when reaching the last row on the board only if that player's Queen has already been captured. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. If the opponent is reduced to only a king, it is considered a win. Stalemate is also a win for the player causing the stalemate.
(game "Scachs" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (if (and (= (where "Queen" Mover) -1) (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (promote (last To) (piece {"Queen"}) Mover))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (or (if (and (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1)) (move Slide (between (exact 2)) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Queen" Next))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Played on an 8x8 board with pieces with specialized moves: Pawns (8): can move one space orthogonally forward, or two steps orthogonally forward on their first move, capture one space diagonally forward; Rooks (2): can move any number of spaces orthogonally; Bishops (2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Knight (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Queens (1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally, cannot capture another Queen; Kings (1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally, but on the first turn may move two squares provided it is not currently in check. The King cannot capture with this move. Castling, En Passant, and Pawn promotion allowed. Pawns promote to Queens when reaching the last row on the board only if that player's Queen has already been captured. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. If the opponent is reduced to only a king, it is considered a win. Stalemate is also a win for the player causing the stalemate. ###Ludii (game "Scachs" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (if (and (= (where "Queen" Mover) -1) (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (promote (last To) (piece {"Queen"}) Mover))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (or (if (and (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1)) (move Slide (between (exact 2)) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Queen" Next))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
8x8 board. The pieces move as follows, with the number per player: 1 x King (king): moves one space orthogonally or diagonally. The King may leap one, two, or three squares on its first move if it has not yet been checked and does not hop over an opponent's piece. The King cannot make this leap over an opponent's piece. A capture cannot be made with this special first move. 1 x Queen: One square diagonally. On its first move, the Queen may jump diagonally two squares. The Queen cannot capture when making this move. 2 x Rook: Any number of spaces orthogonally. 2 x Bishop: Two squares diagonally, jumping over the first. Cannot capture another Bishop. 2 x Knight: Moves as a chess knight. 8 x Pawn: Moves one space forward orthogonally; one space forward diagonally to capture. The Rook's, King's and Queen's Pawns may move two spaces on its first move. The King's and Queen's Pawns are restricted in having this ability only if no piece on the board has been captured. Promoted to Queen when reaching the eighth rank, and may make the Queen's leap on its first move after being promoted, but cannot capture with this move. No castling. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins.
(game "Schachzabel" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "King" Each (or (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from))) (move Hop (between (range 1 3) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(between))))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Hop Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (or (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from))) (move Hop Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (and {(is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (= 1 (state at:(from))) (= 32 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:All)))}) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))} (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (and (promote (last To) (piece (id "Queen" Mover))) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites {"A2" "D2" "E2" "H2"}) state:1) (place "Pawn2" (sites {"A7" "D7" "E7" "H7"}) state:1) (place "Pawn1" (sites {"B2" "C2" "F2" "G2"})) (place "Pawn2" (sites {"B7" "C7" "F7" "G7"})) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"}) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1" state:1) (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8" state:1) (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (then (if (and (= 1 (state at:(where "King" Next))) (is Threatened (id "King" Next))) (set State at:(where "King" Next) 0))))) (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 8x8 board. The pieces move as follows, with the number per player: 1 x King (king): moves one space orthogonally or diagonally. The King may leap one, two, or three squares on its first move if it has not yet been checked and does not hop over an opponent's piece. The King cannot make this leap over an opponent's piece. A capture cannot be made with this special first move. 1 x Queen: One square diagonally. On its first move, the Queen may jump diagonally two squares. The Queen cannot capture when making this move. 2 x Rook: Any number of spaces orthogonally. 2 x Bishop: Two squares diagonally, jumping over the first. Cannot capture another Bishop. 2 x Knight: Moves as a chess knight. 8 x Pawn: Moves one space forward orthogonally; one space forward diagonally to capture. The Rook's, King's and Queen's Pawns may move two spaces on its first move. The King's and Queen's Pawns are restricted in having this ability only if no piece on the board has been captured. Promoted to Queen when reaching the eighth rank, and may make the Queen's leap on its first move after being promoted, but cannot capture with this move. No castling. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. ###Ludii (game "Schachzabel" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "King" Each (or (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from))) (move Hop (between (range 1 3) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(between))))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Hop Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (or (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from))) (move Hop Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (and {(is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (= 1 (state at:(from))) (= 32 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:All)))}) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))} (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (and (promote (last To) (piece (id "Queen" Mover))) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites {"A2" "D2" "E2" "H2"}) state:1) (place "Pawn2" (sites {"A7" "D7" "E7" "H7"}) state:1) (place "Pawn1" (sites {"B2" "C2" "F2" "G2"})) (place "Pawn2" (sites {"B7" "C7" "F7" "G7"})) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"}) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1" state:1) (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8" state:1) (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (then (if (and (= 1 (state at:(where "King" Next))) (is Threatened (id "King" Next))) (set State at:(where "King" Next) 0))))) (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
Shafran Chess is played on a 'narrow' hexagonal board that can be thought of as a hexagonal board of size 6 with some outer spaces removed. The board has 70 spaces. Piece Movement: * Queens, Rooks, Bishops, and Knights move as in Glinski Chess. - Queens slide in any of the 12 directions. - Rooks slide in any of the 6 adjacent directions. - Bishops slide in any of the 6 'diagonal' directions. - Knights move two spaces in an adjacent direction, then one space in another direction. * Kings move as in Glinski Chess, but can also castle. In 'Long Castling', the King moves three spaces toward its queenside Rook and the Rook moves two spaces in the opposite direction. In 'Short Castling', the King moves two spaces toward its bishopside Rook (i.e., the one on the side of the board with two bishops), and the Rook moves three spaces. Castling can only take place when neither the King nor the Rook being moved have moved before. * Pawns can advance one space forward without capturing. A Pawn on a Pawn start space can advance any number of spaces, up to the middle row of the board. Thus the outermost Pawns on their first moves can only advance one space, while the Pawns in the three innermost columns can advance up to three spaces. Pawns capture 'diagonally forward' (i.e., to a space ahead connected by an edge, and having the same colour). En passant capture works as in Glinski chess, except that if the opponent just advanced a Pawn three spaces, then the next player can perform en passant capture by landing a Pawn on either of the two spaces that the opponent Pawn just skipped over. On reaching the farthest rank in a given file, Pawns are promoted to a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight, as the player chooses.
(game "Shafran Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (remove (rotate 90 (hex 6)) cells:{0 1 2 3 4 5 85 86 87 88 89 90 84 77 69 60 50 39 29 20 12})) (piece "King" Each (or {(move Step All (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or {(if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 2) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 2) if:True))))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 3) if:True))))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 2) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 2) if:True))))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 3) if:True)))))))}))})) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide All (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Pawn_Step2Cells")) (move Hop (from) Forward (between (range 1 1) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To))))) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Pawn_Step3Cells")) (move Hop (from) Forward (between (range 1 2) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To)))))})) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (directions {SSW SSE})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (directions {SSW SSE})) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Pending))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "PromotionZone")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "J10")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A5") (pair 2 "F10")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "J6")}) (regions "Pawn_Step2Cells" P1 (sites {"B5" "B4" "B3" "B2" "C2" "D2" "E2"})) (regions "Pawn_Step2Cells" P2 (sites {"F9" "G9" "H9" "I9" "I8" "I7" "I6"})) (regions "Pawn_Step3Cells" P1 (sites {"B3" "B2" "C2"})) (regions "Pawn_Step3Cells" P2 (sites {"H9" "I9" "I8"})) (regions "PromotionZone" P1 (union (sites Side NW) (sites Side NE))) (regions "PromotionZone" P2 (union (sites Side SW) (sites Side SE))) (regions "Region-Dark" (sites Phase 2)) (regions "Region-Light" (sites Phase 0)) (regions "Region-Medium" (sites Phase 1))}) (rules (start {(place "King1" coord:"A1" state:1) (place "Queen1" coord:"A2") (place "Rook1" {"A5" "E1"} state:1) (place "Bishop1" {"A3" "B1" "D1"}) (place "Knight1" {"A4" "C1"}) (place "King2" coord:"J10" state:1) (place "Queen2" coord:"J9") (place "Rook2" {"F10" "J6"} state:1) (place "Bishop2" {"G10" "I10" "J8"}) (place "Knight2" {"H10" "J7"}) (place "Pawn1" {"B6" "B5" "B4" "B3" "B2" "C2" "D2" "E2" "F2"}) (place "Pawn2" {"E9" "F9" "G9" "H9" "I9" "I8" "I7" "I6" "I5"})}) phases:{(phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Rook" "Bishop" "Knight"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))}))}))
###Description Shafran Chess is played on a 'narrow' hexagonal board that can be thought of as a hexagonal board of size 6 with some outer spaces removed. The board has 70 spaces. Piece Movement: * Queens, Rooks, Bishops, and Knights move as in Glinski Chess. - Queens slide in any of the 12 directions. - Rooks slide in any of the 6 adjacent directions. - Bishops slide in any of the 6 'diagonal' directions. - Knights move two spaces in an adjacent direction, then one space in another direction. * Kings move as in Glinski Chess, but can also castle. In 'Long Castling', the King moves three spaces toward its queenside Rook and the Rook moves two spaces in the opposite direction. In 'Short Castling', the King moves two spaces toward its bishopside Rook (i.e., the one on the side of the board with two bishops), and the Rook moves three spaces. Castling can only take place when neither the King nor the Rook being moved have moved before. * Pawns can advance one space forward without capturing. A Pawn on a Pawn start space can advance any number of spaces, up to the middle row of the board. Thus the outermost Pawns on their first moves can only advance one space, while the Pawns in the three innermost columns can advance up to three spaces. Pawns capture 'diagonally forward' (i.e., to a space ahead connected by an edge, and having the same colour). En passant capture works as in Glinski chess, except that if the opponent just advanced a Pawn three spaces, then the next player can perform en passant capture by landing a Pawn on either of the two spaces that the opponent Pawn just skipped over. On reaching the farthest rank in a given file, Pawns are promoted to a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight, as the player chooses. ###Ludii (game "Shafran Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (remove (rotate 90 (hex 6)) cells:{0 1 2 3 4 5 85 86 87 88 89 90 84 77 69 60 50 39 29 20 12})) (piece "King" Each (or {(move Step All (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or {(if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 2) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 2) if:True))))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WSW (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ENE (between (exact 3) if:True))))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 2) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 2) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 3) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 2) if:True))))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 3) if:(is In (to) (sites Empty)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) ESE (between (exact 2) if:(and (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) WNW (between (exact 3) if:True)))))))}))})) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide All (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Pawn_Step2Cells")) (move Hop (from) Forward (between (range 1 1) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To))))) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Pawn_Step3Cells")) (move Hop (from) Forward (between (range 1 2) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To)))))})) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (directions {SSW SSE})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (directions {SSW SSE})) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Pending))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "PromotionZone")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "J10")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A5") (pair 2 "F10")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "J6")}) (regions "Pawn_Step2Cells" P1 (sites {"B5" "B4" "B3" "B2" "C2" "D2" "E2"})) (regions "Pawn_Step2Cells" P2 (sites {"F9" "G9" "H9" "I9" "I8" "I7" "I6"})) (regions "Pawn_Step3Cells" P1 (sites {"B3" "B2" "C2"})) (regions "Pawn_Step3Cells" P2 (sites {"H9" "I9" "I8"})) (regions "PromotionZone" P1 (union (sites Side NW) (sites Side NE))) (regions "PromotionZone" P2 (union (sites Side SW) (sites Side SE))) (regions "Region-Dark" (sites Phase 2)) (regions "Region-Light" (sites Phase 0)) (regions "Region-Medium" (sites Phase 1))}) (rules (start {(place "King1" coord:"A1" state:1) (place "Queen1" coord:"A2") (place "Rook1" {"A5" "E1"} state:1) (place "Bishop1" {"A3" "B1" "D1"}) (place "Knight1" {"A4" "C1"}) (place "King2" coord:"J10" state:1) (place "Queen2" coord:"J9") (place "Rook2" {"F10" "J6"} state:1) (place "Bishop2" {"G10" "I10" "J8"}) (place "Knight2" {"H10" "J7"}) (place "Pawn1" {"B6" "B5" "B4" "B3" "B2" "C2" "D2" "E2" "F2"}) (place "Pawn2" {"E9" "F9" "G9" "H9" "I9" "I8" "I7" "I6" "I5"})}) phases:{(phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Rook" "Bishop" "Knight"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))}))}))
Played on an 8x8 board with pieces with specialized moves: Pawns (8): can move one space orthogonally forward, or two steps orthogonally forward on their first move, capture one space diagonally forward; Rooks (2): can move any number of spaces orthogonally; Bishops (2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Knight (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Queens (1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Kings (1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally. Castling, En Passant, and Pawn promotion allowed. Play begins by each player moving two of their pieces in the same turn, provided that neither enter the opponent's half of the board. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins.
(game "Shakhmaty" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward))))} (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Half" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:3)) (regions "Half" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:3))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Half")) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Prev Mover) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))))} (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Played on an 8x8 board with pieces with specialized moves: Pawns (8): can move one space orthogonally forward, or two steps orthogonally forward on their first move, capture one space diagonally forward; Rooks (2): can move any number of spaces orthogonally; Bishops (2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Knight (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Queens (1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Kings (1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally. Castling, En Passant, and Pawn promotion allowed. Play begins by each player moving two of their pieces in the same turn, provided that neither enter the opponent's half of the board. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. ###Ludii (game "Shakhmaty" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward))))} (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Half" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:3)) (regions "Half" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:3))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Half")) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (is Prev Mover) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))))} (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
Played on an 8x8 board with pieces with specialized moves: Pawns (8): can move one space forward or two on their first turn, capture diagonally one space forward; Rooks (2): can move any number of spaces orthogonally; Bishops (2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Knight (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Queens (1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Kings (1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally. Players move three pieces on their first turn. Players capture pieces by moving onto a space occupied by an opponent's piece. When a king can be captured on the next turn, it is in check, and the king must not be in check at the beginning of the opponent's next turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate, and the opponent wins.
(game "Shatera" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))})) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"}) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1") (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8")}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (then (and (set Value Mover (+ 1 (value Player Mover))) (if (!= (value Player Mover) 1) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 2 (value Player Mover)) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))))} (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Played on an 8x8 board with pieces with specialized moves: Pawns (8): can move one space forward or two on their first turn, capture diagonally one space forward; Rooks (2): can move any number of spaces orthogonally; Bishops (2): can move any number of spaces diagonally; Knight (2): moves in any direction, one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally; Queens (1): can move any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally; Kings (1): can move one space orthogonally or diagonally. Players move three pieces on their first turn. Players capture pieces by moving onto a space occupied by an opponent's piece. When a king can be captured on the next turn, it is in check, and the king must not be in check at the beginning of the opponent's next turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate, and the opponent wins. ###Ludii (game "Shatera" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))})) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"}) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1") (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8")}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (then (and (set Value Mover (+ 1 (value Player Mover))) (if (!= (value Player Mover) 1) (moveAgain)))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 2 (value Player Mover)) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))))} (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
8x8 board. The pieces move as follows, with the number per player: 1 x King (king): moves one space orthogonally or diagonally. 1 x Queen: One square diagonally. 2 x Rook: Any number of spaces orthogonally. 2 x Fil (elephant): Two squares diagonally, jumping over the first. Cannot capture another Fil. 2 x Knight: Moves as a chess knight. 8 x Pawn: Moves one space forward orthogonally; one space forward diagonally to capture. No en passant. Promoted to Queen when reaching the eighth rank. The pieces begin in the following position: Fils on the third and sixth spaces of the first row, King on the fifth space of the first row, Rooks on the third and sixth spaces of the second row, Knights on the fourth and fifth spaces of the second row, Pawns on the third row, the Queen sharing a space with the Pawn in the fifth space. Kings are on the same column. The only time two pieces can be on the same space is in this initial arrangement. No castling. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. Stalemate results in a win for that player causing it. Capturing all of an opponent's pieces except the King also results in a win.
(game "Short Assize" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "King" Each (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide (from (from) level:(level)) Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Hop (from (from) level:(level)) Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap (from (from) level:(level)) {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (promote (last To) (piece (id "Queen" Mover))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Bishop1" (sites {"C1" "F1"})) (place "Rook1" (sites {"C2" "F2"})) (place "Knight1" (sites {"D2" "E2"})) (place "King1" coord:"E1") (place Stack "Pawn1" (sites Row 2)) (place Stack "Queen1" (sites {"D3"})) (place "Bishop2" (sites {"C8" "F8"})) (place "Rook2" (sites {"C7" "F7"})) (place "Knight2" (sites {"D7" "E7"})) (place "King2" coord:"E8") (place Stack "Pawn2" (sites Row 5)) (place Stack "Queen2" (sites {"D6"}))}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)) (if (= (count Pieces Next) 1) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description 8x8 board. The pieces move as follows, with the number per player: 1 x King (king): moves one space orthogonally or diagonally. 1 x Queen: One square diagonally. 2 x Rook: Any number of spaces orthogonally. 2 x Fil (elephant): Two squares diagonally, jumping over the first. Cannot capture another Fil. 2 x Knight: Moves as a chess knight. 8 x Pawn: Moves one space forward orthogonally; one space forward diagonally to capture. No en passant. Promoted to Queen when reaching the eighth rank. The pieces begin in the following position: Fils on the third and sixth spaces of the first row, King on the fifth space of the first row, Rooks on the third and sixth spaces of the second row, Knights on the fourth and fifth spaces of the second row, Pawns on the third row, the Queen sharing a space with the Pawn in the fifth space. Kings are on the same column. The only time two pieces can be on the same space is in this initial arrangement. No castling. An opponent's piece is captured by moving a player's own piece onto a space occupied by the opponent's piece. When a King can be captured on the next turn by an opponent's piece, it is in check. The King must not be in check at the end of the player's turn. If this is not possible, it is checkmate and the opponent wins. Stalemate results in a win for that player causing it. Capturing all of an opponent's pieces except the King also results in a win. ###Ludii (game "Short Assize" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "King" Each (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide (from (from) level:(level)) Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Hop (from (from) level:(level)) Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap (from (from) level:(level)) {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (from (from) level:(level)) (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (forEach Level (to) (remove (to) level:(level)))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (promote (last To) (piece (id "Queen" Mover))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Bishop1" (sites {"C1" "F1"})) (place "Rook1" (sites {"C2" "F2"})) (place "Knight1" (sites {"D2" "E2"})) (place "King1" coord:"E1") (place Stack "Pawn1" (sites Row 2)) (place Stack "Queen1" (sites {"D3"})) (place "Bishop2" (sites {"C8" "F8"})) (place "Rook2" (sites {"C7" "F7"})) (place "Knight2" (sites {"D7" "E7"})) (place "King2" coord:"E8") (place Stack "Pawn2" (sites Row 5)) (place Stack "Queen2" (sites {"D6"}))}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win)) (if (= (count Pieces Next) 1) (result Mover Win))})))
(game "Social Distance Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 8 15)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "I1") (pair 2 "I8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "O1") (pair 2 "O8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"A3" "C3" "E3" "G3" "I3" "K3" "M3" "O3"}) (place "Pawn2" {"A6" "C6" "E6" "G6" "I6" "K6" "M6" "O6"}) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "O1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"C1" "M1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"E1" "K1"}) (place "Queen1" {"G1"}) (place "King1" {"I1"} state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "O8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"C8" "M8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"E8" "K8"}) (place "Queen2" {"G8"}) (place "King2" {"I8"} state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 4) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 5) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 4) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 4) if:True))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description TODO ###Ludii (game "Social Distance Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 8 15)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "I1") (pair 2 "I8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "O1") (pair 2 "O8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"A3" "C3" "E3" "G3" "I3" "K3" "M3" "O3"}) (place "Pawn2" {"A6" "C6" "E6" "G6" "I6" "K6" "M6" "O6"}) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "O1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"C1" "M1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"E1" "K1"}) (place "Queen1" {"G1"}) (place "King1" {"I1"} state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "O8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"C8" "M8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"E8" "K8"}) (place "Queen2" {"G8"}) (place "King2" {"I8"} state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 4) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 5) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 4) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 4) if:True))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
<b>The Pieces</b> - <i>White</i> (the Persians) has orthodox chess pieces in standard spaces: 2 Rooks (A1, H1); 2 Knights (B1, G1); 2 Bishops (C1, F1); 1 Queen (D1); 1 King (E1); 8 Pawns (A2-H2). - <i>Black</i> (the Spartans) has: 2 Lieutenants (A8, H8); 1 General (B8); 1 Warlord (G8); 2 Kings (C8, F8); 2 Captains (D8, E8); 8 Hoplites (A7-H7). <b>The Moves</b> - <i>Pawns</i> can move (but not capture) one space forward. On their first move they can move two spaces forward. They capture one space diagonally forward. There is no en passant rule. - <i>Rooks</i> can move and capture any number of spaces orthogonally. - <i>Bishops</i> can move and capture any number of spaces diagonally. - <i>Knights</i> can move one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally leaping over intervening pieces and capturing what they land on. - The <i>Queen</i> can move and capture any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally. - <i>Kings</i> can move and capture one space orthogonally or diagonally. - <i>Lieutenants</i> (shown as crosses) can move and capture diagonally upto two spaces, jumping over any piece if necessary. They can also move (but not capture) one space sideways. - The <i>General</i> (shown as an upside-down rook) can move and capture any number of spaces orthogonally or one space diagonally. - The <i>Warlord</i> (shown as an upside-down bishop) can move and capture any number of spaces diagonally or like a knight. - <i>Captains</i> (shown as squares) can move and capture upto spaces orthogonally and may jump if necessary. - <i>Hoplites</i> (shown as an upside-down pawns) can move (but not capture) one space diagonally forward. On their first move they can move two spaces diagonally forward, jumping if necessary. They capture one space forward. <b>Winning</b> The Spartan and Persian have different victory conditions. <i>Spartan Victory</i>: The Spartan wins when the Persian King is checkmated as in orthodox chess. <i>Persians Victory</i>: The Persian wins once one of the Spartan Kings is captured and the remaining Spartan King is checkmated or when both Spartan Kings are placed under simultaneous attack (duple-check) and neither King can be removed from attack on the next move (Duple-Check and Mate). <b>First Move</b> The Persians, being the aggressors historically and White, always move first. <b>Check Immunity</b> When the Spartan has two Kings in play a Spartan King is immune from check. Thus, the Spartan may move a King onto an enemy attacked square, leave a King under attack or move a piece that would expose a King to attack. <b>Duple-Check & Mate</b> If both Spartan Kings are placed under simultaneous attack this is a form of check called duple-check. It is illegal for the Spartan to make a move that will place both of his Kings underattack. With both Kings under attack, the Spartan loses if on his move he is unable to remove at least one King from attack. In such case the game ends in checkmate. <b>Promotion</b> A hoplite, upon reaching its 8th rank, may promote to any Spartan piece including a King but only if the Spartan has only one king in play. A pawn, upon reaching its 8th rank, may promote to any Persian piece apart from the King. <b>Capturing en passant</b> There is no capturing en passant in Spartan Chess. <b>Castling</b> Spartan Kings may not castle. Persian Kings may castle as normal.
(game "Spartan Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" P1 (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop Forward (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FL FR}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Hoplite" P2 (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop (directions {FL FR}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step (directions {FL FR}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "General" P2 (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Warlord" P2 (or (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Lieutenant" P2 (or {(move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Hop Diagonal (to if:(or (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Step (directions {W E}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))})) (piece "Captain" P2 (or (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Hop Orthogonal (to if:(or (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step Adjacent (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" P1 (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" P1 (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" P1 (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Hoplite2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Lieutenant2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Warlord2" {"G8"}) (place "General2" {"B8"}) (place "King2" {"C8" "F8"} state:0) (place "Captain2" {"D8" "E8"})}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (= (mover) (id P1)) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (if (= 1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2 component:"King"))) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"King" "Captain" "General" "Warlord" "Lieutenant"}) Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Captain" "General" "Warlord" "Lieutenant"}) Mover))) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:4) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:4) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:0) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from 0) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from 4) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from 0) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:7) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from 7) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from 4) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from 7) W (between (exact 2) if:True))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"King") if:(is Threatened at:(site))))))) (end {(if (and (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Next component:"King") if:(is Threatened at:(site))) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Next component:"King") if:(is Threatened at:(site)))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description <b>The Pieces</b> - <i>White</i> (the Persians) has orthodox chess pieces in standard spaces: 2 Rooks (A1, H1); 2 Knights (B1, G1); 2 Bishops (C1, F1); 1 Queen (D1); 1 King (E1); 8 Pawns (A2-H2). - <i>Black</i> (the Spartans) has: 2 Lieutenants (A8, H8); 1 General (B8); 1 Warlord (G8); 2 Kings (C8, F8); 2 Captains (D8, E8); 8 Hoplites (A7-H7). <b>The Moves</b> - <i>Pawns</i> can move (but not capture) one space forward. On their first move they can move two spaces forward. They capture one space diagonally forward. There is no en passant rule. - <i>Rooks</i> can move and capture any number of spaces orthogonally. - <i>Bishops</i> can move and capture any number of spaces diagonally. - <i>Knights</i> can move one space orthogonally with one space forward diagonally leaping over intervening pieces and capturing what they land on. - The <i>Queen</i> can move and capture any number of spaces orthogonally or diagonally. - <i>Kings</i> can move and capture one space orthogonally or diagonally. - <i>Lieutenants</i> (shown as crosses) can move and capture diagonally upto two spaces, jumping over any piece if necessary. They can also move (but not capture) one space sideways. - The <i>General</i> (shown as an upside-down rook) can move and capture any number of spaces orthogonally or one space diagonally. - The <i>Warlord</i> (shown as an upside-down bishop) can move and capture any number of spaces diagonally or like a knight. - <i>Captains</i> (shown as squares) can move and capture upto spaces orthogonally and may jump if necessary. - <i>Hoplites</i> (shown as an upside-down pawns) can move (but not capture) one space diagonally forward. On their first move they can move two spaces diagonally forward, jumping if necessary. They capture one space forward. <b>Winning</b> The Spartan and Persian have different victory conditions. <i>Spartan Victory</i>: The Spartan wins when the Persian King is checkmated as in orthodox chess. <i>Persians Victory</i>: The Persian wins once one of the Spartan Kings is captured and the remaining Spartan King is checkmated or when both Spartan Kings are placed under simultaneous attack (duple-check) and neither King can be removed from attack on the next move (Duple-Check and Mate). <b>First Move</b> The Persians, being the aggressors historically and White, always move first. <b>Check Immunity</b> When the Spartan has two Kings in play a Spartan King is immune from check. Thus, the Spartan may move a King onto an enemy attacked square, leave a King under attack or move a piece that would expose a King to attack. <b>Duple-Check & Mate</b> If both Spartan Kings are placed under simultaneous attack this is a form of check called duple-check. It is illegal for the Spartan to make a move that will place both of his Kings underattack. With both Kings under attack, the Spartan loses if on his move he is unable to remove at least one King from attack. In such case the game ends in checkmate. <b>Promotion</b> A hoplite, upon reaching its 8th rank, may promote to any Spartan piece including a King but only if the Spartan has only one king in play. A pawn, upon reaching its 8th rank, may promote to any Persian piece apart from the King. <b>Capturing en passant</b> There is no capturing en passant in Spartan Chess. <b>Castling</b> Spartan Kings may not castle. Persian Kings may castle as normal. ###Ludii (game "Spartan Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" P1 (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop Forward (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FL FR}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Hoplite" P2 (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop (directions {FL FR}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Step (directions {FL FR}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "General" P2 (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Warlord" P2 (or (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Lieutenant" P2 (or {(move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Hop Diagonal (to if:(or (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Step (directions {W E}) (to if:(is Empty (to))))})) (piece "Captain" P2 (or (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (move Hop Orthogonal (to if:(or (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step Adjacent (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" P1 (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" P1 (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" P1 (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Hoplite2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Lieutenant2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Warlord2" {"G8"}) (place "General2" {"B8"}) (place "King2" {"C8" "F8"} state:0) (place "Captain2" {"D8" "E8"})}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (= (mover) (id P1)) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (if (= 1 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:P2 component:"King"))) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"King" "Captain" "General" "Warlord" "Lieutenant"}) Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Captain" "General" "Warlord" "Lieutenant"}) Mover))) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:4) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:4) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:0) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from 0) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from 4) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from 0) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:7) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from 7) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from 4) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from 7) W (between (exact 2) if:True))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"King") if:(is Threatened at:(site))))))) (end {(if (and (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Next component:"King") if:(is Threatened at:(site))) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Next component:"King") if:(is Threatened at:(site)))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
Starchess is played on a star-shaped hexagonal board that can be thought of as a hexagon-shaped board with each side having length 6, but with four spaces removed from each corner. The board has 37 spaces. Starchess starts off with the non-Pawn pieces being placed behind the Pawns. This happens one piece at a time, in alternating turns, until all non-Pawn pieces have been placed. Then the 'movement phase' of the game begins as usual. Piece Movement: * Knights move as in Glinsky Chess. - They move two spaces in any adjacent direction, then one space in another direction. * Kings can move one space in any of those same six adjacent directions. There is no castling. * Queens can slide in any of the six adjacent directions from their current space---North, South, or 60 degrees off either of those. * Rooks can slide forward or backward only in their given column. * Bishops can slide in only four of the adjacent directions: they cannot slide North or South. * Pawns can advance one space forward without capturing. A Pawn on a Pawn start space can advance two spaces forward, even if it has previously moved (by capturing) to a different Pawn start space than it started the game on. Pawns capture by moving to one of the two adjacent spaces 60 degrees left or right of forward. On reaching the farthest rank in any of the innermost five columns, Pawns are promoted to a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight, as the player chooses. The game ends on a checkmate or stalemate. Some terminology: a Pawn off to the side, in one of the two spaces at the extremes of the middle row is called a 'mummy', while a Pawn in one of the spaces adjacent to that is called a 'dead Pawn'. Mummies and dead Pawns cannot be promoted until they return to one of the innermost five columns.
(game "Starchess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (hex Star 2))) (piece "King" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide (directions {N S}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide (directions {WNW ENE WSW ESE}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop Forward (between if:(is In (between) (sites Empty))) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Empty))) (then (and (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward)) (set Var (last To)))))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {WNW ENE}) (directions {WSW ESE})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {WNW ENE}) (directions {WSW ESE})) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "PromotionZone")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (hand Each size:5) (regions "Home" P1 (sites {"A3" "B3" "C3" "C2" "C1"})) (regions "Home" P2 (sites {"G9" "G8" "G7" "H7" "I7"})) (regions "PromotionZone" P1 (sites P2 "Home")) (regions "PromotionZone" P2 (sites P1 "Home")) (regions "Region-Dark" (sites Phase 1)) (regions "Region-Light" (sites Phase 2)) (regions "Region-Medium" (sites Phase 0))}) (rules (start {(place "King" "Hand" count:1) (place "Queen" "Hand" count:1) (place "Rook" "Hand" count:1) (place "Bishop" "Hand" count:1) (place "Knight" "Hand" count:1) (place "Pawn1" {"B4" "C4" "D4" "D3" "D2"}) (place "Pawn2" {"F8" "F7" "F6" "G6" "H6"})}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Home") (sites Empty))))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Rook" "Bishop" "Knight"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))}))}))
###Description Starchess is played on a star-shaped hexagonal board that can be thought of as a hexagon-shaped board with each side having length 6, but with four spaces removed from each corner. The board has 37 spaces. Starchess starts off with the non-Pawn pieces being placed behind the Pawns. This happens one piece at a time, in alternating turns, until all non-Pawn pieces have been placed. Then the 'movement phase' of the game begins as usual. Piece Movement: * Knights move as in Glinsky Chess. - They move two spaces in any adjacent direction, then one space in another direction. * Kings can move one space in any of those same six adjacent directions. There is no castling. * Queens can slide in any of the six adjacent directions from their current space---North, South, or 60 degrees off either of those. * Rooks can slide forward or backward only in their given column. * Bishops can slide in only four of the adjacent directions: they cannot slide North or South. * Pawns can advance one space forward without capturing. A Pawn on a Pawn start space can advance two spaces forward, even if it has previously moved (by capturing) to a different Pawn start space than it started the game on. Pawns capture by moving to one of the two adjacent spaces 60 degrees left or right of forward. On reaching the farthest rank in any of the innermost five columns, Pawns are promoted to a Queen, Rook, Bishop, or Knight, as the player chooses. The game ends on a checkmate or stalemate. Some terminology: a Pawn off to the side, in one of the two spaces at the extremes of the middle row is called a 'mummy', while a Pawn in one of the spaces adjacent to that is called a 'dead Pawn'. Mummies and dead Pawns cannot be promoted until they return to one of the innermost five columns. ###Ludii (game "Starchess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (hex Star 2))) (piece "King" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide (directions {N S}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide (directions {WNW ENE WSW ESE}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop Forward (between if:(is In (between) (sites Empty))) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Empty))) (then (and (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward)) (set Var (last To)))))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {WNW ENE}) (directions {WSW ESE})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {WNW ENE}) (directions {WSW ESE})) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "PromotionZone")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (hand Each size:5) (regions "Home" P1 (sites {"A3" "B3" "C3" "C2" "C1"})) (regions "Home" P2 (sites {"G9" "G8" "G7" "H7" "I7"})) (regions "PromotionZone" P1 (sites P2 "Home")) (regions "PromotionZone" P2 (sites P1 "Home")) (regions "Region-Dark" (sites Phase 1)) (regions "Region-Light" (sites Phase 2)) (regions "Region-Medium" (sites Phase 0))}) (rules (start {(place "King" "Hand" count:1) (place "Queen" "Hand" count:1) (place "Rook" "Hand" count:1) (place "Bishop" "Hand" count:1) (place "Knight" "Hand" count:1) (place "Pawn1" {"B4" "C4" "D4" "D3" "D2"}) (place "Pawn2" {"F8" "F7" "F6" "G6" "H6"})}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Home") (sites Empty))))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Rook" "Bishop" "Knight"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))}))}))
The standard conventions of chess apply, including normal castling and en passant. Pawns promote on the 9th ranks and may promote to missile. The missile moves and captures as a chess king: one step in any direction. It may be captured like any other piece. Missile launches A player can launch a missile at any time to any board square, occupied or not. The launched missile "destroys" (eliminates from play) all pieces (except kings, which are immune) of either colour on the target square, as well as on all immediately surrounding squares. The missile itself is also destroyed in the launch. Launching a missile constitutes a turn. There are two prerequisites for launching a missile: - A non-pawn piece must have been captured at some point prior in the game. - The missile cannot be under attack by an enemy piece at time of launch.
(game "Stratomic" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 10)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to)))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(ahead (last To) Backward)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "NuclearBomb" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "F2") (pair 2 "E9")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A2") (pair 2 "J9")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "J2") (pair 2 "A9")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Row 8)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Row 1))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 2)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 7)) (place "NuclearBomb1" (sites {"A2" "J2"})) (place "Rook1" {"B2" "I2"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"C2" "H2"}) (place "Bishop1" {"D2" "G2"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"E2") (place "King1" coord:"F2" state:1) (place "NuclearBomb2" (sites {"A9" "J9"})) (place "Rook2" {"B9" "I9"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"C9" "H9"}) (place "Bishop2" {"D9" "G9"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"F9") (place "King2" coord:"E9" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook" "NuclearBomb"}) Mover) (do (or (if (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"NuclearBomb") if:(not (is Threatened (id "NuclearBomb" Mover) at:(from) (forEach Piece)))) (to (sites Board)) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) includeSelf:True) (if (and {(is Occupied (site)) (!= (what at:(site)) (id "King" P1)) (!= (what at:(site)) (id "King" P2))}) (remove (site)))) (remove (last From)))))) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))))))))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))))))) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 99)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description The standard conventions of chess apply, including normal castling and en passant. Pawns promote on the 9th ranks and may promote to missile. The missile moves and captures as a chess king: one step in any direction. It may be captured like any other piece. Missile launches A player can launch a missile at any time to any board square, occupied or not. The launched missile "destroys" (eliminates from play) all pieces (except kings, which are immune) of either colour on the target square, as well as on all immediately surrounding squares. The missile itself is also destroyed in the launch. Launching a missile constitutes a turn. There are two prerequisites for launching a missile: - A non-pawn piece must have been captured at some point prior in the game. - The missile cannot be under attack by an enemy piece at time of launch. ###Ludii (game "Stratomic" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 10)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to)))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(ahead (last To) Backward)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "NuclearBomb" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1)) (!= (id "Pawn" Next) (what at:(to)))) (set Var "NonPawnPieceCapture" 1)) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "F2") (pair 2 "E9")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A2") (pair 2 "J9")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "J2") (pair 2 "A9")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Row 8)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Row 1))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 2)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 7)) (place "NuclearBomb1" (sites {"A2" "J2"})) (place "Rook1" {"B2" "I2"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"C2" "H2"}) (place "Bishop1" {"D2" "G2"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"E2") (place "King1" coord:"F2" state:1) (place "NuclearBomb2" (sites {"A9" "J9"})) (place "Rook2" {"B9" "I9"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"C9" "H9"}) (place "Bishop2" {"D9" "G9"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"F9") (place "King2" coord:"E9" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook" "NuclearBomb"}) Mover) (do (or (if (= (var "NonPawnPieceCapture") 1) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"NuclearBomb") if:(not (is Threatened (id "NuclearBomb" Mover) at:(from) (forEach Piece)))) (to (sites Board)) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Around (last To) includeSelf:True) (if (and {(is Occupied (site)) (!= (what at:(site)) (id "King" P1)) (!= (what at:(site)) (id "King" P2))}) (remove (site)))) (remove (last From)))))) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))))))))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))))))) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to) (forEach Piece))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 99)) (result Mover Draw))})))
1) When castling king moves 3 squares towards either rook. 2) Both bishops of each player cannot run along squares of a same color. One of them must change in such a manner that it transits through squares of the other color. Being in its original square without having been moved before, it will take an orthogonal step towards any of the 3 surrounding squares that are of the other color, provided that these are empty. This special move is called conversion and it must be done as an ordinary move during the game.
(game "Symmetric Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 8 9)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (or {(move Slide (from if:(!= (state at:(from)) 2)) Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"Bishop") (set State at:(site) 2)) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (!= (state at:(from)) 0)) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"Bishop") (set State at:(site) 0))))})) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "I1") (pair 2 "I8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "I1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "G1"} state:1) (place "Queen1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "I8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "G8"} state:1) (place "Queen2" {"D8" "F8"}) (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 99)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description 1) When castling king moves 3 squares towards either rook. 2) Both bishops of each player cannot run along squares of a same color. One of them must change in such a manner that it transits through squares of the other color. Being in its original square without having been moved before, it will take an orthogonal step towards any of the 3 surrounding squares that are of the other color, provided that these are empty. This special move is called conversion and it must be done as an ordinary move during the game. ###Ludii (game "Symmetric Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 8 9)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (or {(move Slide (from if:(!= (state at:(from)) 2)) Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"Bishop") (set State at:(site) 2)) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (!= (state at:(from)) 0)) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover component:"Bishop") (set State at:(site) 0))))})) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "I1") (pair 2 "I8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "I1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "G1"} state:1) (place "Queen1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "I8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "G8"} state:1) (place "Queen2" {"D8" "F8"}) (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0))) (then (slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True) (to if:True (apply (set State at:(from) 0)))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 99)) (result Mover Draw))})))
Ultimate Chess is a variant of Chess played on a 9x9 Sudoku checkerboard as shown, with same rules as Chess except: - Pawns can move 2 or 3 steps forward in their first move. The pawn can be captured by En Passant if they do a such move. - Kings can make a large casting in either side. - The next player must move from the sub-grid corresponding to the cell just moved to (if they have a legal move from there).
(game "Ultimate Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (forEach Value min:2 max:3 (move Slide Forward (between (exact (value)) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To)))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Pending))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E9")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A9")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "I1") (pair 2 "I9")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 7)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "I1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Queen1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A9" "I9"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B9" "H9"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C9" "G9"}) (place "Queen2" {"D9" "F9"}) (place "King2" coord:"E9" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (priority {(if (!= 0 (count Moves)) (do (or {(forEach Piece "Queen" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (forEach Piece "Knight" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (forEach Piece "Bishop" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (forEach Piece "King" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (forEach Piece "Rook" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (forEach Piece "Pawn" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (forEach Value min:2 max:3 (move Slide Forward (between (exact (value)) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To)))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Pending))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter)))))) (if (and (= (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 0) (= (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 1)) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:True)))))))))}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece))))) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:True))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))}))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description Ultimate Chess is a variant of Chess played on a 9x9 Sudoku checkerboard as shown, with same rules as Chess except: - Pawns can move 2 or 3 steps forward in their first move. The pawn can be captured by En Passant if they do a such move. - Kings can make a large casting in either side. - The next player must move from the sub-grid corresponding to the cell just moved to (if they have a legal move from there). ###Ludii (game "Ultimate Chess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (forEach Value min:2 max:3 (move Slide Forward (between (exact (value)) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To)))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Pending))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E9")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A9")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "I1") (pair 2 "I9")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 7)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "I1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Queen1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A9" "I9"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B9" "H9"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C9" "G9"}) (place "Queen2" {"D9" "F9"}) (place "King2" coord:"E9" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (priority {(if (!= 0 (count Moves)) (do (or {(forEach Piece "Queen" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (forEach Piece "Knight" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))))) (forEach Piece "Bishop" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (forEach Piece "King" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (forEach Piece "Rook" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (forEach Piece "Pawn" (if (and {(<= (column of:(from)) (+ (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (column of:(from)) (* (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 3)) (<= (row of:(from)) (+ (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3) 2)) (>= (row of:(from)) (* (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 3))}) (or {(if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (forEach Value min:2 max:3 (move Slide Forward (between (exact (value)) if:(is Empty (between)) (apply (set Pending (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Var (last To)))))) (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is In (to) (sites Pending))) (then (remove (var))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter)))))) (if (and (= (% (row of:(last To)) 3) 0) (= (% (column of:(last To)) 3) 1)) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:True)))))))))}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) (forEach Piece))))) (do (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(and (is Empty (to)) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 3) if:True))))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))}))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
Same as standard Chess except: 1. The board is initially empty and each player has the normal complement of 16 pieces in reserve. 2. During a turn, a player must do one of three things: --- place a piece from in hand on an empty square on the board --- move a previously placed piece to an empty square --- move a previously placed piece onto a square occupied by an opposing piece, capturing it. 3. Pawns may be entered on the first, second, third or fourth rows only. 4. No en-passant, castling, or initial double-step pawn moves. 5. A player's King must be placed before being allowed to make any capturing moves. A piece that controls the square that the enemy King occupies does not check it until the friendly King is entered onto the board. That is called 'quasi-check'. A player is under no compulsion to move out of quasi-check, and may even move into quasi-check. A player may legally move into quasi-check. Original
(game "Unachess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (regions "PawnPlacementRows" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:3)) (regions "PawnPlacementRows" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:3)) (hand Each size:6)}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (handSite P1 0) count:8) (place "Pawn2" (handSite P2 0) count:8) (place "Rook1" (handSite P1 1) count:2 state:1) (place "Knight1" (handSite P1 2) count:2) (place "Bishop1" (handSite P1 3) count:2) (place "Queen1" (handSite P1 4)) (place "King1" (handSite P1 5) state:1) (place "Rook2" (handSite P2 1) count:2 state:1) (place "Knight2" (handSite P2 2) count:2) (place "Bishop2" (handSite P2 3) count:2) (place "Queen2" (handSite P2 4)) (place "King2" (handSite P2 5) state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or {(do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"King" "Queen" "Rook" "Bishop" "Knight"})) (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:True) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Pawn")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover "PawnPlacementRows")))) ifAfterwards:True) (forEach Piece)}) ifAfterwards:(or (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (no Pieces Next "King" in:(sites Board)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 99)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description Same as standard Chess except: 1. The board is initially empty and each player has the normal complement of 16 pieces in reserve. 2. During a turn, a player must do one of three things: --- place a piece from in hand on an empty square on the board --- move a previously placed piece to an empty square --- move a previously placed piece onto a square occupied by an opposing piece, capturing it. 3. Pawns may be entered on the first, second, third or fourth rows only. 4. No en-passant, castling, or initial double-step pawn moves. 5. A player's King must be placed before being allowed to make any capturing moves. A piece that controls the square that the enemy King occupies does not check it until the friendly King is entered onto the board. That is called 'quasi-check'. A player is under no compulsion to move out of quasi-check, and may even move into quasi-check. A player may legally move into quasi-check. Original ###Ludii (game "Unachess" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Counter)))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to) (then (set Counter))))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (regions "PawnPlacementRows" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:3)) (regions "PawnPlacementRows" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:3)) (hand Each size:6)}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (handSite P1 0) count:8) (place "Pawn2" (handSite P2 0) count:8) (place "Rook1" (handSite P1 1) count:2 state:1) (place "Knight1" (handSite P1 2) count:2) (place "Bishop1" (handSite P1 3) count:2) (place "Queen1" (handSite P1 4)) (place "King1" (handSite P1 5) state:1) (place "Rook2" (handSite P2 1) count:2 state:1) (place "Knight2" (handSite P2 2) count:2) (place "Bishop2" (handSite P2 3) count:2) (place "Queen2" (handSite P2 4)) (place "King2" (handSite P2 5) state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (or {(do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"King" "Queen" "Rook" "Bishop" "Knight"})) (to (sites Empty))) ifAfterwards:True) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Pawn")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover "PawnPlacementRows")))) ifAfterwards:True) (forEach Piece)}) ifAfterwards:(or (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))) (no Pieces Next "King" in:(sites Board)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 99)) (result Mover Draw))})))
Viking Chess is played on a board with 12 files and 7 ranks. The pieces are set up with both sides starting on the same side of board. Both sides' Pawns move in the same direction, and all Pawns promote normally upon reaching the (same) 7th rank. There is no Pawn double-move or en passant capture. There is no castling.
(game "Viking Chess" (players {(player N) (player N)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 7 12)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"B2" "B3" "C3" "D3" "E3" "E2" "F2" "F1"}) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "A2"}) (place "Knight1" {"C2" "D2"}) (place "Bishop1" {"B1" "E1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"C1") (place "Pawn2" {"G1" "G2" "H2" "H3" "I3" "J3" "K3" "K2"}) (place "Rook2" {"L1" "L2"}) (place "Knight2" {"J2" "I2"}) (place "Bishop2" {"K1" "H1"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"I1") (place "King2" coord:"J1")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description Viking Chess is played on a board with 12 files and 7 ranks. The pieces are set up with both sides starting on the same side of board. Both sides' Pawns move in the same direction, and all Pawns promote normally upon reaching the (same) 7th rank. There is no Pawn double-move or en passant capture. There is no castling. ###Ludii (game "Viking Chess" (players {(player N) (player N)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 7 12)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"B2" "B3" "C3" "D3" "E3" "E2" "F2" "F1"}) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "A2"}) (place "Knight1" {"C2" "D2"}) (place "Bishop1" {"B1" "E1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"C1") (place "Pawn2" {"G1" "G2" "H2" "H3" "I3" "J3" "K3" "K2"}) (place "Rook2" {"L1" "L2"}) (place "Knight2" {"J2" "I2"}) (place "Bishop2" {"K1" "H1"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"I1") (place "King2" coord:"J1")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "King" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Mover) (= (counter) 100)) (result Mover Draw))})))
Wellisch Chess is played on a hexagonal board with each side having length 6 and each space oriented vertically. The board has 91 spaces. The board spaces are traditionally coloured red, yellow, and either gray or black. Capture and Pawn Promotion: * When pieces other than Kings and Pawns are captured, they are set aside for later Pawn promotion. When a Pawn reaches the side of the board opposite its starting side, it is eligible for promotion. * When a Pawn is eligible for promotion, and there are pieces of that colour available from previous capture, then the Pawn is promoted to one of the captured pieces, as the player chooses. * If there are no pieces of the given colour when a Pawn reaches the far side, then the Pawn remains where it is (unless captured) until a piece of the given colour is captured. Then, on the player's next turn, the Pawn is promoted. Piece Movement: * Rooks move as in Glinski Chess. - They slide in any of the 6 adjacent direction. * There are no Bishops in Wellisch Chess. * Kings can move one space in any of the six adjacent directions from their current space---West, East, or 60 degrees off either of those. They castle by swapping locations with one of the Rooks belonging to the same player. Castling can only take place when neither the King nor the Rook being moved have moved before. * Knights move one space 'diagonally' (i.e., along an edge, to any of the six nearest spaces of the same colour). Note that a Knight always moves to a space of the same colour as the space it moved from. * Queens can make any move that would be available to a Rook or a Knight on the current space. * Pawns can advance with or without capturing by moving one space forward to an adjacent space slightly left or right of forward. Pawns can never advance more than one space. There is no en passant capture. As mentioned above, Pawns can be promoted upon reaching the side of the board farthest from their starting side, but can only be promoted to a piece (Queen, Rook, or Knight) of the same colour that has already been captured. If a Pawn reaches the farthest side without any captured pieces available, then it remains in that position until a piece becomes available for its delayed promotion, on the player's next turn. (Note: Currently, on a turn where the delayed promotion takes place, the possible post-promotion movement of the Pawn is displayed before the promotion visually takes place.) The game ends when a King is captured, or there is a stalemate due to turns elapsed without a capture or Pawn move. * When the game ends in checkmate, the checkmating player wins, the checkmated player loses, and the remaining player draws. * When the game ends in stalemate, all players draw. (Note: A player not being able to escape check passes the current move, This does not result in a stalemate.) Variations: In Wellisch's version of the game, the first player to capture another's King takes possession of the other player's pieces. (The Pawns keep their direction of movement.) In another variant, some people play with a rule that if Player 1's move exposes a threat by Player 2 against Player 3's King, then Player 2 may not capture Player 3's King until Player 3 has had a chance to move.
(game "Wellisch Chess" (players {(player N) (player ESE) (player WSW)}) (equipment {(board (hex 6)) (piece "King" Each (or {(move Step Orthogonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter)))))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or {(if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookRight" Mover)))) (move Swap Pieces 3 4 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (is Mover P2) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookRight" Mover)))) (move Swap Pieces 61 51 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookRight" Mover)))) (move Swap Pieces 77 84 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and {(= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" Mover))) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "Queen" Mover))) (is In (mapEntry "Queen" Mover) (sites Empty))}) (move Swap Pieces 3 1 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (is Mover P2) (if (and {(= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" Mover))) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "Queen" Mover))) (is In (mapEntry "Queen" Mover) (sites Empty))}) (move Swap Pieces 61 78 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and {(= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" Mover))) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "Queen" Mover))) (is In (mapEntry "Queen" Mover) (sites Empty))}) (move Swap Pieces 77 60 (then (set State at:(last To) 0))))))}))})) (piece "Queen" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter)))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter))))))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter)))))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (if (is Mover P2) (directions {E SSE}) (directions {SSW W}))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (if (is Mover P2) (directions {E SSE}) (directions {SSW W}))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to)))))))))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "PromotionZone")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "D1") (pair 2 "C8") (pair 3 "K9")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "B1") (pair 2 "E10") (pair 3 "K7")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "B7") (pair 3 "K10")}) (map "Queen" {(pair 1 2) (pair 2 70) (pair 3 69)}) (hand Each size:3) (map "HandIndex" {(pair 4 0) (pair 7 1) (pair 10 2) (pair 5 0) (pair 8 1) (pair 11 2) (pair 6 0) (pair 9 1) (pair 12 2)}) (regions "PromotionZone" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "PromotionZone" P2 (sites {"K6" "J5" "I4" "H3" "G2" "F1"})) (regions "PromotionZone" P3 (sites {"A1" "A2" "A3" "A4" "A5" "A6"})) (regions "Region-Grey" (sites Phase 1)) (regions "Region-Red" (sites Phase 2)) (regions "Region-Yellow" (sites Phase 0))}) (rules (start {(place "King1" coord:"D1" state:1) (place "Queen1" coord:"C1") (place "Rook1" {"B1" "E1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"A1" "D2" "F1"}) (place "King3" coord:"K9" state:1) (place "Queen3" coord:"K8") (place "Rook3" {"K10" "K7"} state:1) (place "Knight3" {"K11" "J8" "K6"}) (place "King2" coord:"C8" state:1) (place "Queen2" coord:"D9") (place "Rook2" {"B7" "E10"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"A6" "D8" "F11"}) (place "Pawn1" {"A2" "B2" "C2" "D3" "E3" "E2" "F2" "G2"}) (place "Pawn3" {"J11" "J10" "J9" "I8" "I7" "J7" "J6" "J5"}) (place "Pawn2" {"A5" "B6" "C7" "D7" "E8" "E9" "F10" "G11"})}) phases:{(phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (not (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Queen" "Rook" "Knight"})) (to (last To)))) (do (if (> (count in:(sites Hand Mover)) 0) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Queen" "Rook" "Knight"})) (to (sites Mover "PromotionZone") if:(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Mover))))) next:(do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))))) (end {(if (is Triggered "CapturedEnemyKing" P1) (result P1 Win)) (if (is Triggered "CapturedEnemyKing" P2) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "CapturedEnemyKing" P3) (result P3 Win)) (if (= (where "King" P1) -1) (result P1 Loss)) (if (= (where "King" P2) -1) (result P2 Loss)) (if (= (where "King" P3) -1) (result P3 Loss)) (if (= (counter) 100) (result Mover Draw))}))}))
###Description Wellisch Chess is played on a hexagonal board with each side having length 6 and each space oriented vertically. The board has 91 spaces. The board spaces are traditionally coloured red, yellow, and either gray or black. Capture and Pawn Promotion: * When pieces other than Kings and Pawns are captured, they are set aside for later Pawn promotion. When a Pawn reaches the side of the board opposite its starting side, it is eligible for promotion. * When a Pawn is eligible for promotion, and there are pieces of that colour available from previous capture, then the Pawn is promoted to one of the captured pieces, as the player chooses. * If there are no pieces of the given colour when a Pawn reaches the far side, then the Pawn remains where it is (unless captured) until a piece of the given colour is captured. Then, on the player's next turn, the Pawn is promoted. Piece Movement: * Rooks move as in Glinski Chess. - They slide in any of the 6 adjacent direction. * There are no Bishops in Wellisch Chess. * Kings can move one space in any of the six adjacent directions from their current space---West, East, or 60 degrees off either of those. They castle by swapping locations with one of the Rooks belonging to the same player. Castling can only take place when neither the King nor the Rook being moved have moved before. * Knights move one space 'diagonally' (i.e., along an edge, to any of the six nearest spaces of the same colour). Note that a Knight always moves to a space of the same colour as the space it moved from. * Queens can make any move that would be available to a Rook or a Knight on the current space. * Pawns can advance with or without capturing by moving one space forward to an adjacent space slightly left or right of forward. Pawns can never advance more than one space. There is no en passant capture. As mentioned above, Pawns can be promoted upon reaching the side of the board farthest from their starting side, but can only be promoted to a piece (Queen, Rook, or Knight) of the same colour that has already been captured. If a Pawn reaches the farthest side without any captured pieces available, then it remains in that position until a piece becomes available for its delayed promotion, on the player's next turn. (Note: Currently, on a turn where the delayed promotion takes place, the possible post-promotion movement of the Pawn is displayed before the promotion visually takes place.) The game ends when a King is captured, or there is a stalemate due to turns elapsed without a capture or Pawn move. * When the game ends in checkmate, the checkmating player wins, the checkmated player loses, and the remaining player draws. * When the game ends in stalemate, all players draw. (Note: A player not being able to escape check passes the current move, This does not result in a stalemate.) Variations: In Wellisch's version of the game, the first player to capture another's King takes possession of the other player's pieces. (The Pawns keep their direction of movement.) In another variant, some people play with a rule that if Player 1's move exposes a threat by Player 2 against Player 3's King, then Player 2 may not capture Player 3's King until Player 3 has had a chance to move. ###Ludii (game "Wellisch Chess" (players {(player N) (player ESE) (player WSW)}) (equipment {(board (hex 6)) (piece "King" Each (or {(move Step Orthogonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter)))))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover)))}) (or {(if (is Mover P1) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookRight" Mover)))) (move Swap Pieces 3 4 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (is Mover P2) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookRight" Mover)))) (move Swap Pieces 61 51 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookRight" Mover)))) (move Swap Pieces 77 84 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (if (is Mover P1) (if (and {(= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" Mover))) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "Queen" Mover))) (is In (mapEntry "Queen" Mover) (sites Empty))}) (move Swap Pieces 3 1 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (is Mover P2) (if (and {(= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" Mover))) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "Queen" Mover))) (is In (mapEntry "Queen" Mover) (sites Empty))}) (move Swap Pieces 61 78 (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) (if (and {(= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" Mover))) (not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover) at:(mapEntry "Queen" Mover))) (is In (mapEntry "Queen" Mover) (sites Empty))}) (move Swap Pieces 77 60 (then (set State at:(last To) 0))))))}))})) (piece "Queen" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter)))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter))))))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter))))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(or (is In (to) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to))))) (then (set Counter)))))))))) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (if (is Mover P2) (directions {E SSE}) (directions {SSW W}))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (if (is Mover P1) (directions {NNW NNE}) (if (is Mover P2) (directions {E SSE}) (directions {SSW W}))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" P3))}) (remove (to)) (if (or {(= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P1)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P2)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "King" P3))}) (and (trigger "CapturedEnemyKing" Mover) (remove (to))) (move (from (to)) (to (handSite (who at:(to)) (mapEntry "HandIndex" (what at:(to)))))))))))} (then (and (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "PromotionZone")) (moveAgain)) (set Counter))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "D1") (pair 2 "C8") (pair 3 "K9")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "B1") (pair 2 "E10") (pair 3 "K7")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "B7") (pair 3 "K10")}) (map "Queen" {(pair 1 2) (pair 2 70) (pair 3 69)}) (hand Each size:3) (map "HandIndex" {(pair 4 0) (pair 7 1) (pair 10 2) (pair 5 0) (pair 8 1) (pair 11 2) (pair 6 0) (pair 9 1) (pair 12 2)}) (regions "PromotionZone" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "PromotionZone" P2 (sites {"K6" "J5" "I4" "H3" "G2" "F1"})) (regions "PromotionZone" P3 (sites {"A1" "A2" "A3" "A4" "A5" "A6"})) (regions "Region-Grey" (sites Phase 1)) (regions "Region-Red" (sites Phase 2)) (regions "Region-Yellow" (sites Phase 0))}) (rules (start {(place "King1" coord:"D1" state:1) (place "Queen1" coord:"C1") (place "Rook1" {"B1" "E1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"A1" "D2" "F1"}) (place "King3" coord:"K9" state:1) (place "Queen3" coord:"K8") (place "Rook3" {"K10" "K7"} state:1) (place "Knight3" {"K11" "J8" "K6"}) (place "King2" coord:"C8" state:1) (place "Queen2" coord:"D9") (place "Rook2" {"B7" "E10"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"A6" "D8" "F11"}) (place "Pawn1" {"A2" "B2" "C2" "D3" "E3" "E2" "F2" "G2"}) (place "Pawn3" {"J11" "J10" "J9" "I8" "I7" "J7" "J6" "J5"}) (place "Pawn2" {"A5" "B6" "C7" "D7" "E8" "E9" "F10" "G11"})}) phases:{(phase "Movement" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (if (not (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site))))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Queen" "Rook" "Knight"})) (to (last To)))) (do (if (> (count in:(sites Hand Mover)) 0) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Queen" "Rook" "Knight"})) (to (sites Mover "PromotionZone") if:(= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Mover))))) next:(do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King" Mover))))))) (end {(if (is Triggered "CapturedEnemyKing" P1) (result P1 Win)) (if (is Triggered "CapturedEnemyKing" P2) (result P2 Win)) (if (is Triggered "CapturedEnemyKing" P3) (result P3 Win)) (if (= (where "King" P1) -1) (result P1 Loss)) (if (= (where "King" P2) -1) (result P2 Loss)) (if (= (where "King" P3) -1) (result P3 Loss)) (if (= (counter) 100) (result Mover Draw))}))}))
8x8. Each player begins with a complement of pieces, each with their own powers of movement as follows: King (x1): may move one space in any direction; Queen (x1): moves one space diagonally, may leap two spaces diagonally on its first move over any intervening pieces; Bishop (x2): moves diagonally two spaces, jumping over any intervening pieces; Knight (x2): moves orthogonally one space and then diagonally another space, jumping over any intervening pieces; Rook (x2): moves orthogonally any distance; Pawns (x8): move forward one space or diagonally forward one space to capture. Only the Rooks' and Queens' pawns may move forward two spaces for their first move. When a Pawn reaches the row on the opposite side of the board from which it began, it must move two spaces backward to the sixth row, then to the fourth, and then to the second, and then is promoted to Queen. It cannot jump over any pieces or taken a piece during these moves. A Pawn is immune from capture on the eight rank, but not on the others while making these promotion moves. Each player must move the Rooks' Pawns and Queens' Pawn in this way, as well as the jump of the Queen, in their first four moves. There is no castling. A piece is captured when an opponent's piece moves onto its space. The King is in check when it can be taken on the opponent's next turn; it must not remain in check at the end of the player's turn. When the king cannot move out of check, it is checkmated and the opponent wins.
(game "Welschschach" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "King_noCross" (move Step (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Bishop_noCross" (move Hop Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Rook" (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Pawn" (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (or (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (set State at:(last To) 1)))) (move Slide Backward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Start (piece (what at:(last To))))) (promote (last To) (piece "Queen") Mover)))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"}) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop_noCross1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King_noCross1" coord:"E1") (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop_noCross2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"E8") (place "King_noCross2" coord:"D8")}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (or {(forEach Piece "Queen" (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop Diagonal (between (exact 1) if:True) (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) Mover) (forEach Piece "Pawn" (if (is In (from) (intersection (sites {"A2" "D2" "H2" "A7" "H7" "E7"}) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from)))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) Mover)})) (nextPhase (= 8 (count Moves)) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King_noCross" Mover))))))} (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King_noCross" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King_noCross" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description 8x8. Each player begins with a complement of pieces, each with their own powers of movement as follows: King (x1): may move one space in any direction; Queen (x1): moves one space diagonally, may leap two spaces diagonally on its first move over any intervening pieces; Bishop (x2): moves diagonally two spaces, jumping over any intervening pieces; Knight (x2): moves orthogonally one space and then diagonally another space, jumping over any intervening pieces; Rook (x2): moves orthogonally any distance; Pawns (x8): move forward one space or diagonally forward one space to capture. Only the Rooks' and Queens' pawns may move forward two spaces for their first move. When a Pawn reaches the row on the opposite side of the board from which it began, it must move two spaces backward to the sixth row, then to the fourth, and then to the second, and then is promoted to Queen. It cannot jump over any pieces or taken a piece during these moves. A Pawn is immune from capture on the eight rank, but not on the others while making these promotion moves. Each player must move the Rooks' Pawns and Queens' Pawn in this way, as well as the jump of the Queen, in their first four moves. There is no castling. A piece is captured when an opponent's piece moves onto its space. The King is in check when it can be taken on the opponent's next turn; it must not remain in check at the end of the player's turn. When the king cannot move out of check, it is checkmated and the opponent wins. ###Ludii (game "Welschschach" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "King_noCross" (move Step (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Bishop_noCross" (move Hop Diagonal (between if:True) (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Knight" (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Rook" (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Pawn" (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (or (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (set State at:(last To) 1)))) (move Slide Backward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Start (piece (what at:(last To))))) (promote (last To) (piece "Queen") Mover)))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"}) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop_noCross1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King_noCross1" coord:"E1") (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"}) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop_noCross2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"E8") (place "King_noCross2" coord:"D8")}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (or {(forEach Piece "Queen" (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Hop Diagonal (between (exact 1) if:True) (to if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Promotion"))) True (!= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Next)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) Mover) (forEach Piece "Pawn" (if (is In (from) (intersection (sites {"A2" "D2" "H2" "A7" "H7" "E7"}) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from)))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) Mover)})) (nextPhase (= 8 (count Moves)) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King_noCross" Mover))))))} (end (if (and (is Threatened (id "King_noCross" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "King_noCross" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)))))
The rules are the same of Mini Shogi except the value of the die rolled at each turn is the index of the column of a piece must go. When you have pieces on your hand, you can drop a piece you like on the column with the index equal to the value of the die. If there are no legal moves with the value of the die, or if the value of the die is equal to 6, you can move any piece according to the rules of Mini Shogi.
(game "Dice Shogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Osho" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward BL BR FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Hisha" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kakugyo" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Tokin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Narigin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Ryuo" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (piece "Ryuma" Each (or (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (handSite P1 3)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (handSite P2 4)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (handSite P1 4)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (handSite P1 3))}) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1))}) (map "Promoted" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Narigin" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Narigin" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Ryuo" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Ryuo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ryuma" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ryuma" P2))}) (hand Each size:5) (dice num:1)}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"A1") (place "Kinsho1" coord:"B1") (place "Ginsho1" coord:"C1") (place "Kakugyo1" coord:"D1") (place "Hisha1" coord:"E1") (place "Fuhyo1" coord:"A2") (place "Osho2" coord:"E5") (place "Kinsho2" coord:"D5") (place "Ginsho2" coord:"C5") (place "Kakugyo2" coord:"B5") (place "Hisha2" coord:"A5") (place "Fuhyo2" coord:"E4")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))) (move Pass)) (do (roll) next:(do (if (!= 6 (count Pips)) (or {(if (can Move (do (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)) ifAfterwards:(and (not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover) (forEach Piece Next))) (= (+ 1 (column of:(last To))) (count Pips))))) (do (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)) ifAfterwards:(= (+ 1 (column of:(last To))) (count Pips))) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)))}) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover) (forEach Piece Next))))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece))) (not (can Move (do (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Next "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover) (forEach Piece Next))))}) (forEach Piece Next)) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description The rules are the same of Mini Shogi except the value of the die rolled at each turn is the index of the column of a piece must go. When you have pieces on your hand, you can drop a piece you like on the column with the index equal to the value of the die. If there are no legal moves with the value of the die, or if the value of the die is equal to 6, you can move any piece according to the rules of Mini Shogi. ###Ludii (game "Dice Shogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Osho" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward BL BR FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Hisha" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kakugyo" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Tokin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Narigin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Ryuo" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (piece "Ryuma" Each (or (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (handSite P1 3)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (handSite P2 4)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (handSite P1 4)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (handSite P1 3))}) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1))}) (map "Promoted" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Narigin" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Narigin" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Ryuo" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Ryuo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ryuma" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ryuma" P2))}) (hand Each size:5) (dice num:1)}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"A1") (place "Kinsho1" coord:"B1") (place "Ginsho1" coord:"C1") (place "Kakugyo1" coord:"D1") (place "Hisha1" coord:"E1") (place "Fuhyo1" coord:"A2") (place "Osho2" coord:"E5") (place "Kinsho2" coord:"D5") (place "Ginsho2" coord:"C5") (place "Kakugyo2" coord:"B5") (place "Hisha2" coord:"A5") (place "Fuhyo2" coord:"E4")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))) (move Pass)) (do (roll) next:(do (if (!= 6 (count Pips)) (or {(if (can Move (do (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)) ifAfterwards:(and (not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover) (forEach Piece Next))) (= (+ 1 (column of:(last To))) (count Pips))))) (do (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)) ifAfterwards:(= (+ 1 (column of:(last To))) (count Pips))) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)))}) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover) (forEach Piece Next))))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece))) (not (can Move (do (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Next "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover) (forEach Piece Next))))}) (forEach Piece Next)) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (or (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next) (forEach Piece Mover))))}) (forEach Piece)))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
Play begins with the pieces arranged in the last row of squares on opposite sides of the board. Pieces move as rooks in Chess. An opponent's piece is captured by surrounding it on two opposite sides by a player's piece. Play continues until all but one player's pieces are captured.
(game "Hasami Shogi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Fuhyo" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (then (or (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (is In (between) (sites Corners)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (piece "Tokin" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (then (or (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (is In (between) (sites Corners)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Fuhyo1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Tokin2" (sites Top))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (= (count Pieces Next) 1) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Play begins with the pieces arranged in the last row of squares on opposite sides of the board. Pieces move as rooks in Chess. An opponent's piece is captured by surrounding it on two opposite sides by a player's piece. Play continues until all but one player's pieces are captured. ###Ludii (game "Hasami Shogi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Fuhyo" P1 (move Slide Orthogonal (then (or (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (is In (between) (sites Corners)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))))))) (piece "Tokin" P2 (move Slide Orthogonal (then (or (custodial (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between (max 1) if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to))))) (surround (from (last To)) Orthogonal (between if:(and (is In (between) (sites Corners)) (is Enemy (who at:(between)))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Friend (who at:(to)))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Fuhyo1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Tokin2" (sites Top))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (= (count Pieces Next) 1) (result Mover Win)))))
Two players play on a board ruled into a grid of 5 ranks (rows) by 5 files (columns). Each player has a set of 5 wedge-shaped pieces, of slightly different sizes. From largest to smallest (most to least powerful) they are: 1 king, 1 gold general, 1 silver general, 1 tokin, 1 pawn. There is no promotion zone in Kyoto shogi. Every time a piece makes a move it alternately promotes and reverts to its unpromoted state. Promotion is effected by turning the piece over after it moves, revealing the name of its promoted rank; demotion is effected by turning the piece back. The promotion rules and values are reminiscent of microshogi and entirely different from standard shogi: A king cannot promote. A tokin promotes to a lance and vice versa. A silver general promotes to a bishop and vice versa. A gold general promotes to a knight and vice versa. A pawn promotes to a rook and vice versa. A piece is allowed to move, capture or be dropped in a manner that will prevent it from moving on a subsequent turn, which is illegal in standard shogi. For example, a rook can move onto the farthest rank, becoming a pawn and unable to move further. Such pieces may be captured as any other. A captured piece may be dropped with either side facing up. There are no restrictions on where pieces can be dropped, other than that the square must be empty. So unlike in regular Shogi, pieces can be dropped in places where they can never move again, pawns can be dropped in files that already contain a pawn, and checkmate can be delivered through a pawn drop. The conditions to win are the same of the conditions of Shogi by checkmating the King.
(game "Kyoto Shogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Osho" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward BL BR FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Hisha" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Kakugyo" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Keima" Each (forEach Direction Forward (to if:True (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL}) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Kyosha" Each (move Slide Forward (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Tokin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (handSite P1 3)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Keima" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Keima" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P2) (handSite P1 3))}) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Keima" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Keima" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P1) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P2) (id "Tokin" P1))}) (map "Promoted" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Keima" P1) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Keima" P2) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P1) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P2) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Keima" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Keima" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Kyosha" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Kyosha" P2))}) (hand Each size:4)}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"C1") (place "Tokin1" coord:"A1") (place "Ginsho1" coord:"B1") (place "Kinsho1" coord:"D1") (place "Fuhyo1" coord:"E1") (place "Osho2" coord:"C5") (place "Tokin2" coord:"E5") (place "Ginsho2" coord:"D5") (place "Kinsho2" coord:"B5") (place "Fuhyo2" coord:"A5")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {(mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))) (what at:(last To))})) (do (or (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand")) (to (sites Empty)) (then (moveAgain))) (forEach Piece)) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand")) (to (sites Empty)) (then (moveAgain))) (forEach Piece Next)) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Two players play on a board ruled into a grid of 5 ranks (rows) by 5 files (columns). Each player has a set of 5 wedge-shaped pieces, of slightly different sizes. From largest to smallest (most to least powerful) they are: 1 king, 1 gold general, 1 silver general, 1 tokin, 1 pawn. There is no promotion zone in Kyoto shogi. Every time a piece makes a move it alternately promotes and reverts to its unpromoted state. Promotion is effected by turning the piece over after it moves, revealing the name of its promoted rank; demotion is effected by turning the piece back. The promotion rules and values are reminiscent of microshogi and entirely different from standard shogi: A king cannot promote. A tokin promotes to a lance and vice versa. A silver general promotes to a bishop and vice versa. A gold general promotes to a knight and vice versa. A pawn promotes to a rook and vice versa. A piece is allowed to move, capture or be dropped in a manner that will prevent it from moving on a subsequent turn, which is illegal in standard shogi. For example, a rook can move onto the farthest rank, becoming a pawn and unable to move further. Such pieces may be captured as any other. A captured piece may be dropped with either side facing up. There are no restrictions on where pieces can be dropped, other than that the square must be empty. So unlike in regular Shogi, pieces can be dropped in places where they can never move again, pawns can be dropped in files that already contain a pawn, and checkmate can be delivered through a pawn drop. The conditions to win are the same of the conditions of Shogi by checkmating the King. ###Ludii (game "Kyoto Shogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Osho" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward BL BR FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Hisha" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Kakugyo" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Keima" Each (forEach Direction Forward (to if:True (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL}) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Kyosha" Each (move Slide Forward (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (piece "Tokin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To)))))))) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (handSite P1 3)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Keima" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Keima" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P2) (handSite P1 3))}) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Keima" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Keima" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P1) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P2) (id "Tokin" P1))}) (map "Promoted" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Keima" P1) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Keima" P2) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P1) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Kyosha" P2) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Keima" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Keima" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Kyosha" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Kyosha" P2))}) (hand Each size:4)}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"C1") (place "Tokin1" coord:"A1") (place "Ginsho1" coord:"B1") (place "Kinsho1" coord:"D1") (place "Fuhyo1" coord:"E1") (place "Osho2" coord:"C5") (place "Tokin2" coord:"E5") (place "Ginsho2" coord:"D5") (place "Kinsho2" coord:"B5") (place "Fuhyo2" coord:"A5")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {(mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))) (what at:(last To))})) (do (or (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand")) (to (sites Empty)) (then (moveAgain))) (forEach Piece)) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand")) (to (sites Empty)) (then (moveAgain))) (forEach Piece Next)) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
The rules are identical to those of standard Shogi, except that it is played with a reduced number of pieces on a 5x5 board, and each player's promotion zone consists only of the rank furthest from the player.
(game "Minishogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Osho" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward BL BR FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Hisha" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kakugyo" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Tokin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Narigin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Ryuo" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (piece "Ryuma" Each (or (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (handSite P1 3)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (handSite P2 4)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (handSite P1 4)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (handSite P1 3))}) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1))}) (map "Promoted" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Narigin" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Narigin" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Ryuo" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Ryuo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ryuma" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ryuma" P2))}) (hand Each size:5)}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"A1") (place "Kinsho1" coord:"B1") (place "Ginsho1" coord:"C1") (place "Kakugyo1" coord:"D1") (place "Hisha1" coord:"E1") (place "Fuhyo1" coord:"A2") (place "Osho2" coord:"E5") (place "Kinsho2" coord:"D5") (place "Ginsho2" coord:"C5") (place "Kakugyo2" coord:"B5") (place "Hisha2" coord:"A5") (place "Fuhyo2" coord:"E4")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))) (move Pass)) (do (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")) if:(= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo")) (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo") (sites Column (column of:(to)))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Next "Promotion")) if:(= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo")) (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo") (sites Column (column of:(to)))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))) (forEach Piece Next)}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next))))))))) (forEach Piece)}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Next "Promotion")) if:(= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo")) (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo") (sites Column (column of:(to)))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))) (forEach Piece Next)}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description The rules are identical to those of standard Shogi, except that it is played with a reduced number of pieces on a 5x5 board, and each player's promotion zone consists only of the rank furthest from the player. ###Ludii (game "Minishogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 5)) (piece "Osho" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward BL BR FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Hisha" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kakugyo" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))) (then (if (or (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (is In (last From) (sites Mover "Promotion"))) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Tokin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Narigin" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Ryuo" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (piece "Ryuma" Each (or (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom)) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (handSite P1 3)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (handSite P2 4)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (handSite P1 4)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (handSite P2 3)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (handSite P1 3))}) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P1) (id "Kinsho" P2)) (pair (id "Kinsho" P2) (id "Kinsho" P1)) (pair (id "Tokin" P1) (id "Fuhyo" P2)) (pair (id "Tokin" P2) (id "Fuhyo" P1)) (pair (id "Narigin" P1) (id "Ginsho" P2)) (pair (id "Narigin" P2) (id "Ginsho" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P1) (id "Hisha" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuo" P2) (id "Hisha" P1)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P1) (id "Kakugyo" P2)) (pair (id "Ryuma" P2) (id "Kakugyo" P1))}) (map "Promoted" {(pair (id "Fuhyo" P1) (id "Tokin" P1)) (pair (id "Fuhyo" P2) (id "Tokin" P2)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P1) (id "Narigin" P1)) (pair (id "Ginsho" P2) (id "Narigin" P2)) (pair (id "Hisha" P1) (id "Ryuo" P1)) (pair (id "Hisha" P2) (id "Ryuo" P2)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P1) (id "Ryuma" P1)) (pair (id "Kakugyo" P2) (id "Ryuma" P2))}) (hand Each size:5)}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"A1") (place "Kinsho1" coord:"B1") (place "Ginsho1" coord:"C1") (place "Kakugyo1" coord:"D1") (place "Hisha1" coord:"E1") (place "Fuhyo1" coord:"A2") (place "Osho2" coord:"E5") (place "Kinsho2" coord:"D5") (place "Ginsho2" coord:"C5") (place "Kakugyo2" coord:"B5") (place "Hisha2" coord:"A5") (place "Fuhyo2" coord:"E4")}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Promote (last To) (piece (mapEntry "Promoted" (what at:(last To))))) (move Pass)) (do (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Promotion")) if:(= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo")) (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo") (sites Column (column of:(to)))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Next "Promotion")) if:(= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo")) (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo") (sites Column (column of:(to)))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))) (forEach Piece Next)}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next))))))))) (forEach Piece)}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or {(move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Kakugyo" "Ginsho" "Hisha" "Kinsho"})) (to (sites Empty))) (do (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Fuhyo")) (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Next "Promotion")) if:(= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo")) (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Board" component:"Fuhyo") (sites Column (column of:(to)))))))) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Mover)))) (forEach Piece Next)}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Osho" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
9x9 board. Played with the full complement of Shogi pieces, placed in the first and second rows. All pieces move only one space orthogonally forward or laterally. Pieces capture by hopping over an opponent's piece. The player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Tobi Shogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Osho" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Keima" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Kyosha" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"E1") (place "Kinsho1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Ginsho1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Keima1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Kyosha1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Fuhyo1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Osho2" coord:"E9") (place "Kinsho2" {"D9" "F9"}) (place "Ginsho2" {"C9" "G9"}) (place "Keima2" {"B9" "H9"}) (place "Kyosha2" {"A9" "I9"}) (place "Fuhyo2" (sites Row 7))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 9x9 board. Played with the full complement of Shogi pieces, placed in the first and second rows. All pieces move only one space orthogonally forward or laterally. Pieces capture by hopping over an opponent's piece. The player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Tobi Shogi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 9)) (piece "Osho" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Kinsho" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Ginsho" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Keima" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Kyosha" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))))) (piece "Fuhyo" Each (or (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Osho1" coord:"E1") (place "Kinsho1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Ginsho1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Keima1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Kyosha1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Fuhyo1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Osho2" coord:"E9") (place "Kinsho2" {"D9" "F9"}) (place "Ginsho2" {"C9" "G9"}) (place "Keima2" {"B9" "H9"}) (place "Kyosha2" {"A9" "I9"}) (place "Fuhyo2" (sites Row 7))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
The board has nine vertical lines and ten horizontal rows, and the pieces are placed on the intersections of these lines. Centreed along the back lines of each side is a three by three square with diagonals known as the palace. Pieces have special movement values: Janggun (general): May move one spot along the lines within the palace but cannot leave it. Sa (guards): Same movement as the Janggun. Ma (horses): Move one spot forward orthogonally and then one forward diagonally. Sang (elephants): Move one spot orthogonally forward then two spots diagonally forward. A Ma and Sang can be switched in the initial setup. Cha (chariots): Move like a rook in Chess, but also diagonally within the palace. Po (cannons): Jump over exactly one piece, over any distance horizontally or vertically, but cannot jump over or capture another cannon. Byeong/Jol (soldiers): Move and capture one point forward or sideways. Play continues until Woetong (checkmate) of the Janggun.
(game "Janggi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Han" P1 (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "PalaceOrtho")) Orthogonal All) (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Cho" P2 (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "PalaceOrtho")) Orthogonal All) (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Sa" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "PalaceOrtho")) Orthogonal All) (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Sang" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Cha" Each (or {(move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (is In (from) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace"))) (move Slide Diagonal (between (max 2) if:(and (is Empty (between)) (is In (between) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace"))))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))))})) (piece "Po" Each (or {(move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(and {(not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P1))) (not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P2))) (is Occupied (between))})) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Po" Next))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (remove (to))))) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(and {(not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P1))) (not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P2))) (is Occupied (between))})) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (if (is In (from) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace"))) (move Hop Diagonal (between if:(and {(not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P1))) (not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P2))) (is Occupied (between))})) (to if:(and (and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Po" Next))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (is In (to) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace")))) (apply (remove (to))))))})) (piece "Byeong" P1 N (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Jol" P2 S (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceOrthoP1" P1 {4 12 14 22}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "PalaceOrthoP2" P2 {67 75 77 85})}) (rules (start {(place "Han1" coord:"E2") (place "Sa1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Sang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ma1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Cha1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Po1" {"B3" "H3"}) (place "Byeong1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Cho2" coord:"E9") (place "Sa2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Sang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Cha2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Po2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Jol2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (if (is Mover P2) (id "Cho2") (id "Han1")))) (then (if (if (= (column of:(where "Han" P1)) (column of:(where "Cho" P2))) (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Han" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Cho" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0) False) (if (!= (var) 1) (set Var 1) (set Var 0)) (set Var 0))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (if (is Next P2) (id "Cho2") (id "Han1"))) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (if (is Next P2) (id "Cho2") (id "Han1")))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (if (= (column of:(where "Han" P1)) (column of:(where "Cho" P2))) (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Han" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Cho" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0) False) (= (var) 0)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description The board has nine vertical lines and ten horizontal rows, and the pieces are placed on the intersections of these lines. Centreed along the back lines of each side is a three by three square with diagonals known as the palace. Pieces have special movement values: Janggun (general): May move one spot along the lines within the palace but cannot leave it. Sa (guards): Same movement as the Janggun. Ma (horses): Move one spot forward orthogonally and then one forward diagonally. Sang (elephants): Move one spot orthogonally forward then two spots diagonally forward. A Ma and Sang can be switched in the initial setup. Cha (chariots): Move like a rook in Chess, but also diagonally within the palace. Po (cannons): Jump over exactly one piece, over any distance horizontally or vertically, but cannot jump over or capture another cannon. Byeong/Jol (soldiers): Move and capture one point forward or sideways. Play continues until Woetong (checkmate) of the Janggun. ###Ludii (game "Janggi" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Han" P1 (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "PalaceOrtho")) Orthogonal All) (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Cho" P2 (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "PalaceOrtho")) Orthogonal All) (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Sa" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "PalaceOrtho")) Orthogonal All) (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Sang" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Cha" Each (or {(move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (is In (from) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace"))) (move Slide Diagonal (between (max 2) if:(and (is Empty (between)) (is In (between) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace"))))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))))})) (piece "Po" Each (or {(move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(and {(not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P1))) (not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P2))) (is Occupied (between))})) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Po" Next))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (remove (to))))) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(and {(not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P1))) (not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P2))) (is Occupied (between))})) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (if (is In (from) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace"))) (move Hop Diagonal (between if:(and {(not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P1))) (not (= (what at:(between)) (id "Po" P2))) (is Occupied (between))})) (to if:(and (and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Po" Next))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (is In (to) (union (sites P1 "Palace") (sites P2 "Palace")))) (apply (remove (to))))))})) (piece "Byeong" P1 N (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Jol" P2 S (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceOrthoP1" P1 {4 12 14 22}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "PalaceOrthoP2" P2 {67 75 77 85})}) (rules (start {(place "Han1" coord:"E2") (place "Sa1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Sang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ma1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Cha1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Po1" {"B3" "H3"}) (place "Byeong1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Cho2" coord:"E9") (place "Sa2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Sang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Cha2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Po2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Jol2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (if (is Mover P2) (id "Cho2") (id "Han1")))) (then (if (if (= (column of:(where "Han" P1)) (column of:(where "Cho" P2))) (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Han" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Cho" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0) False) (if (!= (var) 1) (set Var 1) (set Var 0)) (set Var 0))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (if (is Next P2) (id "Cho2") (id "Han1"))) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (if (is Next P2) (id "Cho2") (id "Han1")))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (and (if (= (column of:(where "Han" P1)) (column of:(where "Cho" P2))) (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Han" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Cho" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0) False) (= (var) 0)) (result Mover Draw))})))
The rules are the same as for Xiangqi, except instead of moving a piece, a player's turn may be taken by replacing a captured piece on the board on any empty space. This piece is controlled by the player who replaced it. Captured Shi can only be placed on positions where they could normally reach. Captured Xiang can only be placed on the controlling players side of the river.
(game "Loop Xiangqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to))))))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward})) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to))))))))) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to))))))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:4)) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:4)) (map "where" {(pair 2 90) (pair 1 96) (pair 4 91) (pair 3 97) (pair 6 92) (pair 5 98) (pair 8 93) (pair 7 99) (pair 10 94) (pair 9 100) (pair 12 95) (pair 11 101)}) (map "captured" {(pair 1 2) (pair 2 1) (pair 3 4) (pair 4 3) (pair 5 6) (pair 6 5) (pair 7 8) (pair 8 7) (pair 9 10) (pair 10 9) (pair 11 12) (pair 12 11)}) (regions "PalaceShiP1" P1 {3 5 13 21 23}) (regions "PalaceShiP2" P2 {66 68 76 84 86}) (hand Each size:6)}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"E1") (place "Shi1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ma1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B3" "H3"}) (place "Zu1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"E10") (place "Shi2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Ju2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Pao2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Zu2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (or {(forEach Piece) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Ma" "Ju" "Pao" "Zu"})) (to (sites Empty))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Shi")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover "PalaceShi")))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Xiang")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Home"))))}) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or {(forEach Piece Next) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Ma" "Ju" "Pao" "Zu"})) (to (sites Empty))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Shi")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "PalaceShi")))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Xiang")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home"))))}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description The rules are the same as for Xiangqi, except instead of moving a piece, a player's turn may be taken by replacing a captured piece on the board on any empty space. This piece is controlled by the player who replaced it. Captured Shi can only be placed on positions where they could normally reach. Captured Xiang can only be placed on the controlling players side of the river. ###Ludii (game "Loop Xiangqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to))))))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to)))))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward})) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to))))))))) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (add (piece (mapEntry "captured" (what at:(to)))) (to Cell (mapEntry "where" (what at:(to))))))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:4)) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:4)) (map "where" {(pair 2 90) (pair 1 96) (pair 4 91) (pair 3 97) (pair 6 92) (pair 5 98) (pair 8 93) (pair 7 99) (pair 10 94) (pair 9 100) (pair 12 95) (pair 11 101)}) (map "captured" {(pair 1 2) (pair 2 1) (pair 3 4) (pair 4 3) (pair 5 6) (pair 6 5) (pair 7 8) (pair 8 7) (pair 9 10) (pair 10 9) (pair 11 12) (pair 12 11)}) (regions "PalaceShiP1" P1 {3 5 13 21 23}) (regions "PalaceShiP2" P2 {66 68 76 84 86}) (hand Each size:6)}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"E1") (place "Shi1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ma1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B3" "H3"}) (place "Zu1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"E10") (place "Shi2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Ju2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Pao2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Zu2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (or {(forEach Piece) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Ma" "Ju" "Pao" "Zu"})) (to (sites Empty))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Shi")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover "PalaceShi")))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" component:"Xiang")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Mover "Home"))))}) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (or {(forEach Piece Next) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" components:{"Ma" "Ju" "Pao" "Zu"})) (to (sites Empty))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Shi")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "PalaceShi")))) (move (from (sites Occupied by:Next container:"Hand" component:"Xiang")) (to (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home"))))}) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
Manzhouqi is played on a Xiangqi board. The black player's pieces are set up as in Xiangqi, but the white player has the following pieces: Five soldiers: Move one space forward orthogonally. Two courtiers: Move one space diagonally and cannot leave the palace. One general: Moves on space orthogonally and cannot leave the palace. Two elephants: Move two spaces diagonally and cannot cross the river. One chariot: can move any distance orthogonally, taking either by jumping or by landing on the same space, and can also move like a knight in chess. The player that checkmates the other player's general wins.
(game "Manzhouqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (if (is Mover P2) (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or {(move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))) (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))}))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward})) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:4)) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:4))}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"E1") (place "Shi1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ju1" coord:"A1") (place "Zu1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"E10") (place "Shi2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Ju2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Pao2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Zu2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Manzhouqi is played on a Xiangqi board. The black player's pieces are set up as in Xiangqi, but the white player has the following pieces: Five soldiers: Move one space forward orthogonally. Two courtiers: Move one space diagonally and cannot leave the palace. One general: Moves on space orthogonally and cannot leave the palace. Two elephants: Move two spaces diagonally and cannot cross the river. One chariot: can move any distance orthogonally, taking either by jumping or by landing on the same space, and can also move like a knight in chess. The player that checkmates the other player's general wins. ###Ludii (game "Manzhouqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (if (is Mover P2) (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or {(move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))) (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))}))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward})) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:4)) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:4))}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"E1") (place "Shi1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ju1" coord:"A1") (place "Zu1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"E10") (place "Shi2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Ju2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Pao2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Zu2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
The rules for pieces are the same as regular Xiangqi, except pawns start with the ability to move sideways.
(game "MiniXiangqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 7 7) use:Vertex) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {30 31 32 37 38 39 44 45 46})}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"D1") (place "Ma1" {"C1" "E1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A1" "G1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B1" "F1"}) (place "Zu1" {"A2" "C2" "D2" "E2" "G2"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"D7") (place "Ma2" {"C7" "E7"}) (place "Ju2" {"A7" "G7"}) (place "Pao2" {"B7" "F7"}) (place "Zu2" {"A6" "C6" "D6" "E6" "G6"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description The rules for pieces are the same as regular Xiangqi, except pawns start with the ability to move sideways. ###Ludii (game "MiniXiangqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 7 7) use:Vertex) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {30 31 32 37 38 39 44 45 46})}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"D1") (place "Ma1" {"C1" "E1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A1" "G1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B1" "F1"}) (place "Zu1" {"A2" "C2" "D2" "E2" "G2"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"D7") (place "Ma2" {"C7" "E7"}) (place "Ju2" {"A7" "G7"}) (place "Pao2" {"B7" "F7"}) (place "Zu2" {"A6" "C6" "D6" "E6" "G6"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
All rules are the same as regular Xiangqi.
(game "Xiang Hex" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (renumber Cell (rotate 90 (remove (hex Rectangle 9 11) cells:{0 1 11 21 63 74 85 84 94 93 83 73 31 20 9 10})))) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (union (directions {Forward FL FR}) (directions {W E}))) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {0 1 2 4 7 8 12}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 70 71 74 76 77 78}) (regions "Home" P1 (forEach (sites Board) if:(< (site) 37))) (regions "Home" P2 (forEach (sites Board) if:(> (site) 41)))}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"A1") (place "Shi1" {"A2" "B1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"A3" "C1"}) (place "Ma1" {"A4" "D1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A5" "E1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B5" "E2"}) (place "Zu1" {"B6" "C5" "D4" "E3" "F2"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"K11") (place "Shi2" {"J11" "K10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"I11" "K9"}) (place "Ma2" {"H11" "K8"}) (place "Ju2" {"G11" "K7"}) (place "Pao2" {"G10" "J7"}) (place "Zu2" {"F10" "G9" "H8" "I7" "J6"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description All rules are the same as regular Xiangqi. ###Ludii (game "Xiang Hex" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (renumber Cell (rotate 90 (remove (hex Rectangle 9 11) cells:{0 1 11 21 63 74 85 84 94 93 83 73 31 20 9 10})))) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (union (directions {Forward FL FR}) (directions {W E}))) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {0 1 2 4 7 8 12}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 70 71 74 76 77 78}) (regions "Home" P1 (forEach (sites Board) if:(< (site) 37))) (regions "Home" P2 (forEach (sites Board) if:(> (site) 41)))}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"A1") (place "Shi1" {"A2" "B1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"A3" "C1"}) (place "Ma1" {"A4" "D1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A5" "E1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B5" "E2"}) (place "Zu1" {"B6" "C5" "D4" "E3" "F2"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"K11") (place "Shi2" {"J11" "K10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"I11" "K9"}) (place "Ma2" {"H11" "K8"}) (place "Ju2" {"G11" "K7"}) (place "Pao2" {"G10" "J7"}) (place "Zu2" {"F10" "G9" "H8" "I7" "J6"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
Played on a board with 9x10 intersecting lines. Pieces are placed on the intersections of the lines. Centered on opposite sides of the boards are two areas, known as the gong ("castle"). Bisecting the board is a blank space known as the he ("river"). Pieces are double-sided, with different colors and names of the pieces indicating to which player they belong. Jiang("general")/shuai("marshal")(1): may move one space orthogonally and cannot leave the gong except when opposite the opponent's jiang/shuai, in which case the piece can capture the opponent's jiang/shuai. Shi("guard")(2): moves one space diagonally and cannot leave the gong. Xiang("elephant")/xiang("minister")(2): move two places diagonally and cannot cross the river. Ma("horse")(2): move orthogonally one and then diagonally one space. Can be blocked by a piece next to it orthogonally. Ju("chariot"(2): moves any number of spaces orthogonally. Pao("catapult")/pao("cannon") (2): can move orthogonally any number of spaces, captures by jumping one piece (of either player). Zu("private"/zu("soldier")(5): can move one space forward. Once they cross the river, can also move one space horizontally. The goal is to checkmate the opponent's jiang/shuai.
(game "Xiangqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward})) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:4)) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:4))}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"E1") (place "Shi1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ma1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B3" "H3"}) (place "Zu1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"E10") (place "Shi2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Ju2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Pao2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Zu2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Played on a board with 9x10 intersecting lines. Pieces are placed on the intersections of the lines. Centered on opposite sides of the boards are two areas, known as the gong ("castle"). Bisecting the board is a blank space known as the he ("river"). Pieces are double-sided, with different colors and names of the pieces indicating to which player they belong. Jiang("general")/shuai("marshal")(1): may move one space orthogonally and cannot leave the gong except when opposite the opponent's jiang/shuai, in which case the piece can capture the opponent's jiang/shuai. Shi("guard")(2): moves one space diagonally and cannot leave the gong. Xiang("elephant")/xiang("minister")(2): move two places diagonally and cannot cross the river. Ma("horse")(2): move orthogonally one and then diagonally one space. Can be blocked by a piece next to it orthogonally. Ju("chariot"(2): moves any number of spaces orthogonally. Pao("catapult")/pao("cannon") (2): can move orthogonally any number of spaces, captures by jumping one piece (of either player). Zu("private"/zu("soldier")(5): can move one space forward. Once they cross the river, can also move one space horizontally. The goal is to checkmate the opponent's jiang/shuai. ###Ludii (game "Xiangqi" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Jiang" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Shi" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(and (is In (to) (sites Mover "Palace")) (not (is Friend (who at:(to))))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Xiang" Each (move Slide Diagonal (between (exact 2) if:(and {(is In (between) (sites Mover "Home")) (is Empty (between))})) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Ma" Each (forEach Direction Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply (forEach Direction (from (to)) (directions {FR FL} of:All) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (move (from) (to (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))) (piece "Ju" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Pao" Each (or (move Slide Orthogonal) (move Hop Orthogonal (between before:(count Rows) after:(count Rows) if:(is Occupied (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Zu" Each (move Step (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) Forward (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward})) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (regions "PalaceP1" P1 {3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23}) (regions "PalaceP2" P2 {66 67 68 75 76 77 84 85 86}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:4)) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:4))}) (rules (start {(place "Jiang1" coord:"E1") (place "Shi1" {"D1" "F1"}) (place "Xiang1" {"C1" "G1"}) (place "Ma1" {"B1" "H1"}) (place "Ju1" {"A1" "I1"}) (place "Pao1" {"B3" "H3"}) (place "Zu1" {"A4" "C4" "E4" "G4" "I4"}) (place "Jiang2" coord:"E10") (place "Shi2" {"D10" "F10"}) (place "Xiang2" {"C10" "G10"}) (place "Ma2" {"B10" "H10"}) (place "Ju2" {"A10" "I10"}) (place "Pao2" {"B8" "H8"}) (place "Zu2" {"A7" "C7" "E7" "G7" "I7"})}) (play (do (forEach Piece) ifAfterwards:(and (if (= (column of:(where "Jiang" P1)) (column of:(where "Jiang" P2))) (not (= (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Direction from:(where "Jiang" P1) N stop:(= (to) (where "Jiang" P2))) if:(is Occupied (site)))) 0)) True) (not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Mover)))))) (end {(if (and (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next)) (not (can Move (do (forEach Piece Next) ifAfterwards:(not (is Threatened (id "Jiang" Next))))))) (result Mover Win)) (if (no Moves Next) (result Mover Win))})))
Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. A circle is drawn in the central space; this is the "fire." Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. Any piece or stack landing exactly on the fire is removed from the game. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. The captures piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack now moves toward the capturing player's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them back to their home are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players.
(game "A K'aak'il" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack1" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P2 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack3" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P4 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (and (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain)) (forEach Site (sites Centre) (if (is Occupied (site)) (forEach Level (site) FromTop (remove (site) level:(level))))))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. A circle is drawn in the central space; this is the "fire." Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. Any piece or stack landing exactly on the fire is removed from the game. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. The captures piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack now moves toward the capturing player's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them back to their home are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players. ###Ludii (game "A K'aak'il" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack1" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P2 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack3" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P4 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (and (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain)) (forEach Site (sites Centre) (if (is Occupied (site)) (forEach Level (site) FromTop (remove (site) level:(level))))))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
Played on a standard Backgammon board. Six pieces per player. Pieces begin the game, one on each point on the left half of the player's side of the board. Pieces move in an anti-clockwise direction for both players. Two six-sided dice are rolled. When a 6 is rolled, the player moves two pieces six places. If this is on the player's first turn it must be the two pieces furthest to the left. If a 1 is rolled, the player moves one piece one spot. If doubles are rolled, the player moves twice the normal roll, and plays again. When one player is reduced to a single piece, it moves only to a consecutive corner space with the roll of each 1, or two corner spaces with the roll of each 6, doubling still applies. The first player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Ad elta stelpur" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 2 13) {(track "NormalTrack" {0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 25 24 23 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 13} loop:True) (track "CornerTrack" {0 5 7 12 25 20 18 13} loop:True)} use:Vertex) (regions "LeftMost" P1 {0 1}) (regions "LeftMost" P2 {24 25}) (dice num:2) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" {0 1 2 3 4 5}) (place "Disc2" {20 21 22 23 24 25})}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll) (if (and (not (is Pending)) (not (or (is AnyDie 6) (is AnyDie 1)))) (roll))) next:(if (is Pending) (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(value Pending)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (>= (count Turns) 2) True (if (and (or (= 6 (value Pending)) (= 12 (value Pending))) (!= 0 (count in:(sites Mover)))) (is In (from) (sites Mover)) True))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Mover)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "CornerTrack" steps:(if (= (value Pending) 12) 4 (if (= (value Pending) 6) 2 (value Pending)))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (forEach Die if:(or (= 6 (pips)) (= 1 (pips))) (if (= 1 (pips)) (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (all DiceEqual) 2 1)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (>= (count Turns) 2) True (if (and (or (= 6 (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1)) (= 12 (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1))) (!= 0 (count in:(sites Mover)))) (is In (from) (sites Mover)) True))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Mover)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "CornerTrack" steps:(if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1) 12) 4 (if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1) 6) 2 (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1)))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (>= (count Turns) 2) True (if (and (or (= 6 (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)) (= 12 (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6))) (!= 0 (count in:(sites Mover)))) (is In (from) (sites Mover)) True))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Mover)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "CornerTrack" steps:(if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6) 12) 4 (if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6) 6) 2 (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (then (and (set Pending (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)) (moveAgain)))))) (then (if (or (or (is AnyDie 6) (is AnyDie 1)) (all DiceEqual)) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Played on a standard Backgammon board. Six pieces per player. Pieces begin the game, one on each point on the left half of the player's side of the board. Pieces move in an anti-clockwise direction for both players. Two six-sided dice are rolled. When a 6 is rolled, the player moves two pieces six places. If this is on the player's first turn it must be the two pieces furthest to the left. If a 1 is rolled, the player moves one piece one spot. If doubles are rolled, the player moves twice the normal roll, and plays again. When one player is reduced to a single piece, it moves only to a consecutive corner space with the roll of each 1, or two corner spaces with the roll of each 6, doubling still applies. The first player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Ad elta stelpur" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 2 13) {(track "NormalTrack" {0 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 25 24 23 22 21 20 18 17 16 15 14 13} loop:True) (track "CornerTrack" {0 5 7 12 25 20 18 13} loop:True)} use:Vertex) (regions "LeftMost" P1 {0 1}) (regions "LeftMost" P2 {24 25}) (dice num:2) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" {0 1 2 3 4 5}) (place "Disc2" {20 21 22 23 24 25})}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll) (if (and (not (is Pending)) (not (or (is AnyDie 6) (is AnyDie 1)))) (roll))) next:(if (is Pending) (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(value Pending)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (>= (count Turns) 2) True (if (and (or (= 6 (value Pending)) (= 12 (value Pending))) (!= 0 (count in:(sites Mover)))) (is In (from) (sites Mover)) True))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Mover)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "CornerTrack" steps:(if (= (value Pending) 12) 4 (if (= (value Pending) 6) 2 (value Pending)))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (forEach Die if:(or (= 6 (pips)) (= 1 (pips))) (if (= 1 (pips)) (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (all DiceEqual) 2 1)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (>= (count Turns) 2) True (if (and (or (= 6 (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1)) (= 12 (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1))) (!= 0 (count in:(sites Mover)))) (is In (from) (sites Mover)) True))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Mover)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "CornerTrack" steps:(if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1) 12) 4 (if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1) 6) 2 (if (all DiceEqual) 2 1)))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (>= (count Turns) 2) True (if (and (or (= 6 (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)) (= 12 (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6))) (!= 0 (count in:(sites Mover)))) (is In (from) (sites Mover)) True))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (if (= 1 (count Pieces Mover)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "CornerTrack" steps:(if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6) 12) 4 (if (= (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6) 6) 2 (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (then (and (set Pending (if (all DiceEqual) 12 6)) (moveAgain)))))) (then (if (or (or (is AnyDie 6) (is AnyDie 1)) (all DiceEqual)) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
7x7 board. 21 pieces per player, which begin in the three rows closest to each player. The central row of the board remains empty. Players alternate turns moving one of their pieces forward, diagonally, or horizontally on the board. When a player's piece is next to an opponent's piece with an empty space immediately on the opposite side of it, the player's piece may hop over the opponent's piece to capture it. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Addi Kul" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (or (move Step (directions {Rightward Leftward Forwards}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2)) (place "Marker2" (expand (sites Top) steps:2))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 7x7 board. 21 pieces per player, which begin in the three rows closest to each player. The central row of the board remains empty. Players alternate turns moving one of their pieces forward, diagonally, or horizontally on the board. When a player's piece is next to an opponent's piece with an empty space immediately on the opposite side of it, the player's piece may hop over the opponent's piece to capture it. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Addi Kul" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Marker" Each (or (move Step (directions {Rightward Leftward Forwards}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Hop (between if:(is Enemy (who at:(between))) (apply (remove (between)))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2)) (place "Marker2" (expand (sites Top) steps:2))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, exiting at the opposing team's home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the opposing team's home field, the piece may be re-entered on that player's team's own home field. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. The captured piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack continues toward the opposing team's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the opposing team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the their opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them off the board are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players.
(game "Aj Sakakil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, exiting at the opposing team's home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the opposing team's home field, the piece may be re-entered on that player's team's own home field. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. The captured piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack continues toward the opposing team's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the opposing team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the their opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them off the board are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players. ###Ludii (game "Aj Sakakil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. The captures piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack now moves toward the capturing player's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them back to their home are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players.
(game "Aj Sayil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack1" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P2 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack3" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P4 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. The captures piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack now moves toward the capturing player's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them back to their home are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players. ###Ludii (game "Aj Sayil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack1" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P2 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack3" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P4 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. Pieces are allowed to move forward or backward if the move captures a piece. The captures piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack now moves toward the capturing player's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them back to their home are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players.
(game "Aj Sina'anil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack1" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P2 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack3" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P4 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (or (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))) (if (and (is In (from) (sites Board)) (!= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1)) (if (is In (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured. Pieces are allowed to move forward or backward if the move captures a piece. The captures piece is placed on top of the piece that captured it, and the stack now moves toward the capturing player's home space. If the player successfully carries the captured piece to the team's home space, the piece is permanently captured and removed from play. If the opposing side lands on the same space as the stack, they are stacked with the opponent's piece, and the opponent begins carrying the stack to the opposing team's side. Any pieces captured belonging to the team which brings them back to their home are returned to their players. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players. ###Ludii (game "Aj Sina'anil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack1" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P2 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack3" {18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P4 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (or (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))) (if (and (is In (from) (sites Board)) (!= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1)) (if (is In (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) -1) (do (forget Value "Throws" (value)) next:(move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))})))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(value)) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured and immediately leaved the board with the capture. Neither piece is reentered. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players.
(game "Aj T'iwil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (and (forEach Level (to) FromTop (if (is Enemy (who at:(to) level:(level))) (remove (to) level:(level)))) (forget Value "Throws" (value))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description Six or more players, even number of players, played on two teams. The board consists of twenty kernels of corn, spaced evenly in a line. If there are ten to fourteen players, the board is expanded to 25 kernels. If there are more than sixteen players, it is expanded to 30. Sticks are used to play, (five per player), and are played in the spaces between corn kernels. Dice are also corn kernels, with one side marked with a black dot. Four dice are used, the value of a move determined by the number of black dots that land face up. Each player has two throws on their turn, and moves after the second throw. The throws both must be used, and can be used in any order. Each team's home is the side of the board to their left. Each team moves toward the opposite end of the track, and then back to home. All of the players on one team play in succession, and then the players on the other team play next. Players enter the men on their throws and move along the track. Each player may have only one piece on the board at a time. When a player reaches the team's home field, the piece may be re-entered. Reaching the home field does not require an exact throw, and if one throw brings a player home, they may use the second throw to enter it again. If a piece lands on that of an opponent, it is captured and immediately leaved the board with the capture. Neither piece is reentered. Pieces belonging to the same team may occupy the same space with no consequence for the game. When one team has no more counters left to enter, the winner is the team that captured most of the opposing team's pieces. The game has 6 players. ###Ludii (game "Aj T'iwil" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 20) {(track "Track1" {19 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" {20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {21 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18} P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" {22 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "Track6" {24 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (piece "Stick" Each (forEach Value (values Remembered "Throws") (if (= (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (handSite Mover) (apply (forget Value "Throws" (value))))) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(if (is In (from) (sites Hand Mover)) (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) True)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(value)) (apply (and (forEach Level (to) FromTop (if (is Enemy (who at:(to) level:(level))) (remove (to) level:(level)))) (forget Value "Throws" (value))))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P2 P3}) (set Team 2 {P4 P5 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) phases:{(phase "ThrowPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass (then (if (not (no Pieces Mover)) (and {(if (!= 0 (count Pips)) (do (remember Value "Throws" (count Pips)) ifAfterwards:(can Move (or (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (forEach Piece))))) (moveAgain) (if (is Prev Mover) (set Pending))})))))) (nextPhase (is Pending) "MovePhase")) (phase "MovePhase" (play (or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece container:(mover)) (then (if (< 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Throws"))) "ThrowPhase"))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
MOVE - A stone can move up to N spaces in any combination of directions (it may even move over intervening stones), where N varies depending on the number of stones he has remaining: - Six pieces: one space per turn - Five pieces: two spaces per turn - Four pieces: three spaces per turn - Three pieces: four spaces per turn - Two pieces: five spaces per turn - One piece: six spaces per turn. CAPTURE - A stone captures an opposing piece by moving onto it. If a stone makes a capture before it has used all of the spaces available to it that move, it may continue to make additional captures until it has moved its limit. GOAL - Wins the player who captures all of his opponent's stones, or, if he reduces his opponent to a single stone without losing any of his own.
(game "Annuvin" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (hex 4))) (piece "Ball" Each (move Slide (between (max (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(between))))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Value Next (+ (value Player Next) 1))))))) (then (if (<= (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To))) 0) (set Value Mover (- 7 (count Pieces Mover))) (and (set Value Mover (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To)))) (moveAgain)))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (difference (union {(sites Side NW) (sites Side NE) (expand (sites Side N))}) (union (sites Left) (sites Right)))) (place "Ball2" (difference (union {(sites Side SW) (sites Side SE) (expand (sites Side S))}) (union (sites Left) (sites Right))))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Slide (from (last To)) (between (max (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(between))))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Value Next (+ (value Player Next) 1))))))) (then (if (<= (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To))) 0) (set Value Mover (- 7 (count Pieces Mover))) (and (set Value Mover (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To)))) (moveAgain))))) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (or (and (= 1 (count Pieces Next)) (= 6 (count Pieces Mover))) (no Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description MOVE - A stone can move up to N spaces in any combination of directions (it may even move over intervening stones), where N varies depending on the number of stones he has remaining: - Six pieces: one space per turn - Five pieces: two spaces per turn - Four pieces: three spaces per turn - Three pieces: four spaces per turn - Two pieces: five spaces per turn - One piece: six spaces per turn. CAPTURE - A stone captures an opposing piece by moving onto it. If a stone makes a capture before it has used all of the spaces available to it that move, it may continue to make additional captures until it has moved its limit. GOAL - Wins the player who captures all of his opponent's stones, or, if he reduces his opponent to a single stone without losing any of his own. ###Ludii (game "Annuvin" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rotate 30 (hex 4))) (piece "Ball" Each (move Slide (between (max (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(between))))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Value Next (+ (value Player Next) 1))))))) (then (if (<= (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To))) 0) (set Value Mover (- 7 (count Pieces Mover))) (and (set Value Mover (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To)))) (moveAgain)))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (difference (union {(sites Side NW) (sites Side NE) (expand (sites Side N))}) (union (sites Left) (sites Right)))) (place "Ball2" (difference (union {(sites Side SW) (sites Side SE) (expand (sites Side S))}) (union (sites Left) (sites Right))))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Slide (from (last To)) (between (max (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(between))))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (set Value Next (+ (value Player Next) 1))))))) (then (if (<= (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To))) 0) (set Value Mover (- 7 (count Pieces Mover))) (and (set Value Mover (- (if (= -1 (value Player Mover)) 1 (value Player Mover)) (count Steps (last From) (last To)))) (moveAgain))))) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (or (and (= 1 (count Pieces Next)) (= 6 (count Pieces Mover))) (no Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)))))
4x13, 19, 21, or 29 board. The number of pieces per player equals the number of spaces in a row, which begin the game arrayed in the outer rows of the board. Four sticks, each with a white side and a yellow side. Throws equal the number of white sides which fall up; when only yellow sides are up the throw equals 6. A throw of 1, 4, or 6 grants another throw to the player. Players perform all of their throws first, and then move pieces according to the values of the throws without subdividing the value of a single throw. Players cannot move their pieces until the throw a 1. Pieces cannot move past one another in the home row. Each piece in the home row must individually be unlocked with a throw of 1 before it can move. In the central rows, when two of a player's pieces land on the same spot, they become a king and can be moved as one piece. There is no limit to the number of pieces in the king. They may be uncoupled with a throw of 1, or another throw which removes that number of pieces from the king. When a player's piece lands in a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. Play progresses from left to right in the player's home row, and then from right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and then right to left in the opponent's row. When a piece enters the opponent's row, it cannot move if there are other pieces which can be moved. The player to capture the most of the opponent's pieces wins. The board has 13 columns.
(game "At-Tab wa-d-Dukk" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 13) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "51,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (piece "Marker" Each (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (not (is In (from) (sites Next))) (and (is In (from) (sites Next)) (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Next))) 0))) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (or (if (= (+ (mapEntry (count Pips)) 1) (count at:(from))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1))))) count:(mapEntry (count Pips)))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1))))) count:(count at:(from)))) (if (and (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (sites "CentralRows")) (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))))) (then (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (regions "AnotherThrow" (sites {1 4 6})) (regions "CentralRows" (union (sites Row 1) (sites Row 2))) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Marker2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (can Move (forEach Piece)) (forEach Piece (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites "AnotherThrow")) (moveAgain)))) (move Pass (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites "AnotherThrow")) (moveAgain))))))) (end (if (or (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites P2))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites P1))) 0)) (no Pieces Mover)) (byScore)))))
###Description 4x13, 19, 21, or 29 board. The number of pieces per player equals the number of spaces in a row, which begin the game arrayed in the outer rows of the board. Four sticks, each with a white side and a yellow side. Throws equal the number of white sides which fall up; when only yellow sides are up the throw equals 6. A throw of 1, 4, or 6 grants another throw to the player. Players perform all of their throws first, and then move pieces according to the values of the throws without subdividing the value of a single throw. Players cannot move their pieces until the throw a 1. Pieces cannot move past one another in the home row. Each piece in the home row must individually be unlocked with a throw of 1 before it can move. In the central rows, when two of a player's pieces land on the same spot, they become a king and can be moved as one piece. There is no limit to the number of pieces in the king. They may be uncoupled with a throw of 1, or another throw which removes that number of pieces from the king. When a player's piece lands in a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. Play progresses from left to right in the player's home row, and then from right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and then right to left in the opponent's row. When a piece enters the opponent's row, it cannot move if there are other pieces which can be moved. The player to capture the most of the opponent's pieces wins. The board has 13 columns. ###Ludii (game "At-Tab wa-d-Dukk" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 13) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "51,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (piece "Marker" Each (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (not (is In (from) (sites Next))) (and (is In (from) (sites Next)) (= (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Next))) 0))) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (or (if (= (+ (mapEntry (count Pips)) 1) (count at:(from))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1))))) count:(mapEntry (count Pips)))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1))))) count:(count at:(from)))) (if (and (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (sites "CentralRows")) (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))))) (then (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (regions "AnotherThrow" (sites {1 4 6})) (regions "CentralRows" (union (sites Row 1) (sites Row 2))) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Marker2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (can Move (forEach Piece)) (forEach Piece (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites "AnotherThrow")) (moveAgain)))) (move Pass (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites "AnotherThrow")) (moveAgain))))))) (end (if (or (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites P2))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites P1))) 0)) (no Pieces Mover)) (byScore)))))
5x12 board, played on the intersections of lines. Twelve pieces per player, arranged along the side of twelve closest to the player. Pieces move along a boustrophedon track, one player starting from left to right in their starting row and the other from right to left in their starting row. Moves are determined by the throw of six cowries: one mouth up = 1, two mouth up = 2, three mouths up = 3, four mouths up = 4, five mouths up = 1 (0 and 6 mouths up are not specified, but are between 10 and 20 and the move can be split to make captures). A player must roll 1 or (0 or 6) to begin. When a piece moves to a spot occupied by an opponent's piece, it is captured. The goal of the game is to reduce the other player to one or two pieces. 0 or 6 mouths correspond to 10.
(game "Awangdu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 12) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "59,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,S1,W" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (piece "Disc" Each (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (var)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (var))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (map {(pair 0 10) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 1) (pair 6 10)})}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Disc2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (or (= (value Player Mover) 1) (is In (count Pips) (sites {0 1 5 6}))) (do (set Var (count Pips)) next:(forEach Piece (then (if (not (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (set Value Mover 1)))))))) (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 5x12 board, played on the intersections of lines. Twelve pieces per player, arranged along the side of twelve closest to the player. Pieces move along a boustrophedon track, one player starting from left to right in their starting row and the other from right to left in their starting row. Moves are determined by the throw of six cowries: one mouth up = 1, two mouth up = 2, three mouths up = 3, four mouths up = 4, five mouths up = 1 (0 and 6 mouths up are not specified, but are between 10 and 20 and the move can be split to make captures). A player must roll 1 or (0 or 6) to begin. When a piece moves to a spot occupied by an opponent's piece, it is captured. The goal of the game is to reduce the other player to one or two pieces. 0 or 6 mouths correspond to 10. ###Ludii (game "Awangdu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 12) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "59,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,S1,W" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (piece "Disc" Each (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (var)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (var))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (map {(pair 0 10) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 1) (pair 6 10)})}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Disc2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (or (= (value Player Mover) 1) (is In (count Pips) (sites {0 1 5 6}))) (do (set Var (count Pips)) next:(forEach Piece (then (if (not (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (set Value Mover 1)))))))) (end (if (<= (count Pieces Next) 2) (result Next Loss)))))
The first player (Grey) has their home area on the left; the second player (Black) on the right. In the initial setup phase players move their pieces from their hand to their home area. By default the pieces will be placed vertically. Press 'r' whilst moving it, to place one horizontally. Finally the players take turns to guess spaces in their opponent's home area. These are revealed to be either water or a ship according to the following code: <b>C</b>arrier - 5 spaces; <b>B</b>attleship - 4 spaces; <b>D</b>estroyer - 3 spaces; <b>S</b>ubmarine - 3 spaces; <b>P</b>atrol Boat - 2 spaces.
(game "Battleships" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 20)) (piece "Carrier" Each) (tile "CarrierTemplate" Each {{F F F F} {L F F F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Carrier" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "Battleship" Each) (tile "BattleshipTemplate" Each {{F F F} {L F F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Battleship" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "Destroyer" Each) (tile "DestroyerTemplate" Each {{F F} {L F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Destroyer" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "Submarine" Each) (tile "SubmarineTemplate" Each {{F F} {L F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Submarine" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "PatrolBoat" Each) (tile "PatrolBoatTemplate" Each {{F} {L F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "PatrolBoat" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (regions "Defence" P1 (expand (sites Left) steps:9)) (regions "Defence" P2 (expand (sites Right) steps:9)) (hand Each size:5)}) (rules (start {(set Hidden (sites P1 "Defence") to:P2) (set Hidden (sites P2 "Defence") to:P1) (set Hidden (sites Hand P1) to:P2) (set Hidden (sites Hand P2) to:P1) (place "CarrierTemplate1" (handSite P1 0)) (place "CarrierTemplate2" (handSite P2 0)) (place "BattleshipTemplate1" (handSite P1 1)) (place "BattleshipTemplate2" (handSite P2 1)) (place "DestroyerTemplate1" (handSite P1 2)) (place "DestroyerTemplate2" (handSite P2 2)) (place "SubmarineTemplate1" (handSite P1 3)) (place "SubmarineTemplate2" (handSite P2 3)) (place "PatrolBoatTemplate1" (handSite P1 4)) (place "PatrolBoatTemplate2" (handSite P2 4))}) phases:{(phase "Setup" (play (forEach Piece container:(mover))) (nextPhase (>= (count Turns) 10) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (move Select (from (intersection (sites Next "Defence") (sites Hidden to:Mover))) (then (set State at:(last From) 1 (then (set Hidden at:(last From) False to:Mover (then (if (and (>= (count Turns) 10) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Hidden to:Mover) (sites Occupied by:Next))))) (set Var (id Mover) (then (forEach Site (sites Board) (set Hidden at:(site) False to:Next)))))))))))))} (end {(if (= (id P1) (var)) (result P1 Win)) (if (= (id P2) (var)) (result P2 Win))})))
###Description The first player (Grey) has their home area on the left; the second player (Black) on the right. In the initial setup phase players move their pieces from their hand to their home area. By default the pieces will be placed vertically. Press 'r' whilst moving it, to place one horizontally. Finally the players take turns to guess spaces in their opponent's home area. These are revealed to be either water or a ship according to the following code: <b>C</b>arrier - 5 spaces; <b>B</b>attleship - 4 spaces; <b>D</b>estroyer - 3 spaces; <b>S</b>ubmarine - 3 spaces; <b>P</b>atrol Boat - 2 spaces. ###Ludii (game "Battleships" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 20)) (piece "Carrier" Each) (tile "CarrierTemplate" Each {{F F F F} {L F F F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Carrier" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "Battleship" Each) (tile "BattleshipTemplate" Each {{F F F} {L F F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Battleship" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "Destroyer" Each) (tile "DestroyerTemplate" Each {{F F} {L F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Destroyer" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "Submarine" Each) (tile "SubmarineTemplate" Each {{F F} {L F F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "Submarine" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (piece "PatrolBoat" Each) (tile "PatrolBoatTemplate" Each {{F} {L F}} (move (from if:(is In (from) (sites Hand Mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Defence") (sites Empty))) (then (do (forEach Site (sites LargePiece at:(last To)) (remember Value (site)) (then (remove (last To)))) next:(do (forEach Value (values Remembered) (add (piece (id "PatrolBoat" Mover)) (to (value)) (then (set State at:(last To) 0)))) next:(forget Value All)))))) (regions "Defence" P1 (expand (sites Left) steps:9)) (regions "Defence" P2 (expand (sites Right) steps:9)) (hand Each size:5)}) (rules (start {(set Hidden (sites P1 "Defence") to:P2) (set Hidden (sites P2 "Defence") to:P1) (set Hidden (sites Hand P1) to:P2) (set Hidden (sites Hand P2) to:P1) (place "CarrierTemplate1" (handSite P1 0)) (place "CarrierTemplate2" (handSite P2 0)) (place "BattleshipTemplate1" (handSite P1 1)) (place "BattleshipTemplate2" (handSite P2 1)) (place "DestroyerTemplate1" (handSite P1 2)) (place "DestroyerTemplate2" (handSite P2 2)) (place "SubmarineTemplate1" (handSite P1 3)) (place "SubmarineTemplate2" (handSite P2 3)) (place "PatrolBoatTemplate1" (handSite P1 4)) (place "PatrolBoatTemplate2" (handSite P2 4))}) phases:{(phase "Setup" (play (forEach Piece container:(mover))) (nextPhase (>= (count Turns) 10) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (move Select (from (intersection (sites Next "Defence") (sites Hidden to:Mover))) (then (set State at:(last From) 1 (then (set Hidden at:(last From) False to:Mover (then (if (and (>= (count Turns) 10) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Hidden to:Mover) (sites Occupied by:Next))))) (set Var (id Mover) (then (forEach Site (sites Board) (set Hidden at:(site) False to:Next)))))))))))))} (end {(if (= (id P1) (var)) (result P1 Win)) (if (= (id P2) (var)) (result P2 Win))})))
3x8 board. Eight pieces per player, which start in the spaces of the outer rows of the board. Four cowrie shells used as dice, the number of mouths face up being the value of the throw. A throw of 1 grants the player another throw. A player must throw 1 for the first move of each of their pieces. Players may only play with one piece out of the home row at a time and cannot move the next of their pieces until the piece being played has been captured. Throws of 1 must be used to move a piece in the home row, if possible. Pieces move from left to right in the player's home row, then from right to left in the central row, left to right in the opponent's home row, and right to left in the central row. When a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Bheri Bakhri" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 8) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "23,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E" loop:True P2)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" Each (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (count Pips)))}) (if (and (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(count Pips))))) (if (not (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home"))) True (if (is In (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (sites Mover "Home")) True (= (count Pieces Mover in:(difference (sites Board) (sites Mover "Home"))) 0)))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (count Pips))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (= 1 (count Pips)) (priority {(forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (count Pips))) (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home"))}) (if (and (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(count Pips))))) (if (not (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home"))) True (if (is In (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (sites Mover "Home")) True (= (count Pieces Mover in:(difference (sites Board) (sites Mover "Home"))) 0)))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (count Pips))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))) (forEach Piece)}) (forEach Piece)) (then (if (= 1 (count Pips)) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 3x8 board. Eight pieces per player, which start in the spaces of the outer rows of the board. Four cowrie shells used as dice, the number of mouths face up being the value of the throw. A throw of 1 grants the player another throw. A player must throw 1 for the first move of each of their pieces. Players may only play with one piece out of the home row at a time and cannot move the next of their pieces until the piece being played has been captured. Throws of 1 must be used to move a piece in the home row, if possible. Pieces move from left to right in the player's home row, then from right to left in the central row, left to right in the opponent's home row, and right to left in the central row. When a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Bheri Bakhri" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 8) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "23,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E" loop:True P2)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" Each (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (count Pips)))}) (if (and (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(count Pips))))) (if (not (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home"))) True (if (is In (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (sites Mover "Home")) True (= (count Pieces Mover in:(difference (sites Board) (sites Mover "Home"))) 0)))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (count Pips))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (= 1 (count Pips)) (priority {(forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (count Pips))) (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home"))}) (if (and (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(count Pips))))) (if (not (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home"))) True (if (is In (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (sites Mover "Home")) True (= (count Pieces Mover in:(difference (sites Board) (sites Mover "Home"))) 0)))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (count Pips))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))) (forEach Piece)}) (forEach Piece)) (then (if (= 1 (count Pips)) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Fifteen corn kernels are placed in a line; the playing spaces are the empty spaces between the kernels. Four corn kernels used as dice, marked on one side. The value of a throw is equal to the number of marked sides that land up, except when no marked sides are up, when the value is 5. Any number of players, who play on two teams, each starting from one side of the board. Five pieces per player. Players take turns moving pieces according to the throws of the corn, with two throws per turn. When a player reaches the opposite end of the board, they move to the start and continue moving in the same direction. If a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the player then moves in the reverse direction, carrying the opponent's piece with it in an attempt to move past the starting point and off the board. When the player moves past the starting point and then moves off the board, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who made the capture enters their piece again on their next turn. However, if the opponent lands on a piece carrying one of their pieces away, they then start carrying both of those pieces back to their starting point, freeing the captured piece and capturing the other player's piece. Players belonging to the same team may land on the same spot, but both are taken back to start if the opponent lands on them. Players cannot enter more than one of their pieces on the board at one time. The first team to capture all of the opposing team's pieces wins. The game has 6 players.
(game "Boolik" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 15) {(track "Track1" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P2) (track "CaptureTrack1" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} loop:True P3) (track "Track4" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P4) (track "CaptureTrack3" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} loop:True P5) (track "Track6" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P6) (track "CaptureTrack5" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (piece "Stick" Each (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (!= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0)))))) (move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))}))))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 5) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (map "Entry" {(pair 1 0) (pair 2 13) (pair 3 0) (pair 4 13) (pair 5 0) (pair 6 13) (pair 7 0) (pair 8 13) (pair 9 0) (pair 10 13) (pair 11 0) (pair 12 13) (pair 13 0) (pair 14 13) (pair 15 0) (pair 16 13)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P3 P5}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or {(if (and (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) (is Occupied (handSite Mover))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (trackSite Move from:(mapEntry "Entry" (mover)) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))))) (forEach Piece)}) (then (if (and (not (no Pieces Mover)) (not (is Prev Mover))) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description Fifteen corn kernels are placed in a line; the playing spaces are the empty spaces between the kernels. Four corn kernels used as dice, marked on one side. The value of a throw is equal to the number of marked sides that land up, except when no marked sides are up, when the value is 5. Any number of players, who play on two teams, each starting from one side of the board. Five pieces per player. Players take turns moving pieces according to the throws of the corn, with two throws per turn. When a player reaches the opposite end of the board, they move to the start and continue moving in the same direction. If a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the player then moves in the reverse direction, carrying the opponent's piece with it in an attempt to move past the starting point and off the board. When the player moves past the starting point and then moves off the board, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who made the capture enters their piece again on their next turn. However, if the opponent lands on a piece carrying one of their pieces away, they then start carrying both of those pieces back to their starting point, freeing the captured piece and capturing the other player's piece. Players belonging to the same team may land on the same spot, but both are taken back to start if the opponent lands on them. Players cannot enter more than one of their pieces on the board at one time. The first team to capture all of the opposing team's pieces wins. The game has 6 players. ###Ludii (game "Boolik" (players 6) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 15) {(track "Track1" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P2) (track "CaptureTrack1" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} loop:True P3) (track "Track4" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P4) (track "CaptureTrack3" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P3 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack4" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} P4 directed:True) (track "Track5" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} loop:True P5) (track "Track6" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P6) (track "CaptureTrack5" {13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P5 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack6" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13} P6 directed:True)} use:Edge) (piece "Stick" Each (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (!= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0)))))) (move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Stick" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))}))))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 5) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (map "Entry" {(pair 1 0) (pair 2 13) (pair 3 0) (pair 4 13) (pair 5 0) (pair 6 13) (pair 7 0) (pair 8 13) (pair 9 0) (pair 10 13) (pair 11 0) (pair 12 13) (pair 13 0) (pair 14 13) (pair 15 0) (pair 16 13)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P3 P5}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4 P6}) (place Stack "Stick1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Stick2" (handSite P2) count:5) (place Stack "Stick3" (handSite P3) count:5) (place Stack "Stick4" (handSite P4) count:5) (place Stack "Stick5" (handSite P5) count:5) (place Stack "Stick6" (handSite P6) count:5)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or {(if (and (< (count Pieces Mover in:(sites Board)) 1) (is Occupied (handSite Mover))) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (trackSite Move from:(mapEntry "Entry" (mover)) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))))) (forEach Piece)}) (then (if (and (not (no Pieces Mover)) (not (is Prev Mover))) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
Four squares, arranged in a cross shape. The game is played along the lines. Four pieces per player, which begin on the corners of a square, opposite the square where the opponent's pieces are arranged. Players alternate turns moving their pieces. Pieces move three spaces along the lines on the board, capturing any piece on the third. The first two spaces in the move must be empty. Pieces may change direction in a turn, as long as the lines are followed and there is no backtracking. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Boxijn Barildaan" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(shift 1 0 (rectangle 4 2)) (shift 0 1 (rectangle 2 4))}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(and (= 0 (state at:(to))) (if (< (count MovesThisTurn) 2) (is Empty (to)) (is In (to) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Empty))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Board) if:(= 1 (state at:(site)))))) (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (= 1 (state at:(site))) (set State at:(site) 0))) (and (set State at:(last From) 1) (moveAgain))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand (sites Bottom))) (place "Marker2" (expand (sites Top)))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Step (from (last To)) (to if:(and (= 0 (state at:(to))) (if (< (count MovesThisTurn) 2) (is Empty (to)) (is In (to) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Empty))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Board) if:(= 1 (state at:(site)))))) (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (= 1 (state at:(site))) (set State at:(site) 0))) (and (set State at:(last From) 1) (moveAgain))))) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Four squares, arranged in a cross shape. The game is played along the lines. Four pieces per player, which begin on the corners of a square, opposite the square where the opponent's pieces are arranged. Players alternate turns moving their pieces. Pieces move three spaces along the lines on the board, capturing any piece on the third. The first two spaces in the move must be empty. Pieces may change direction in a turn, as long as the lines are followed and there is no backtracking. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Boxijn Barildaan" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(shift 1 0 (rectangle 4 2)) (shift 0 1 (rectangle 2 4))}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(and (= 0 (state at:(to))) (if (< (count MovesThisTurn) 2) (is Empty (to)) (is In (to) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Empty))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Board) if:(= 1 (state at:(site)))))) (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (= 1 (state at:(site))) (set State at:(site) 0))) (and (set State at:(last From) 1) (moveAgain))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand (sites Bottom))) (place "Marker2" (expand (sites Top)))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Step (from (last To)) (to if:(and (= 0 (state at:(to))) (if (< (count MovesThisTurn) 2) (is Empty (to)) (is In (to) (union (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Empty))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= 2 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Board) if:(= 1 (state at:(site)))))) (forEach Site (sites Board) (if (= 1 (state at:(site))) (set State at:(site) 0))) (and (set State at:(last From) 1) (moveAgain))))) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Six or more players (even number), played on two teams. The games Aj Sayil, Aj T'iwil, Aj Sina'anil, Aj Sakakil, and A K'aak'il are played in succession. The game has 6 players.
(match "Bul" (players 6) (games {(subgame "Aj Sayil" next:1) (subgame "Aj T'iwil" next:2) (subgame "Aj Sina'anil" next:3) (subgame "Aj Sakakil" next:4) (subgame "A K'aak'il")}) (end {(if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (> (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P1 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (> (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P2 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (> (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P3 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (< (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P4 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (< (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P5 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (< (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P6 Win))}))
###Description Six or more players (even number), played on two teams. The games Aj Sayil, Aj T'iwil, Aj Sina'anil, Aj Sakakil, and A K'aak'il are played in succession. The game has 6 players. ###Ludii (match "Bul" (players 6) (games {(subgame "Aj Sayil" next:1) (subgame "Aj T'iwil" next:2) (subgame "Aj Sina'anil" next:3) (subgame "Aj Sakakil" next:4) (subgame "A K'aak'il")}) (end {(if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (> (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P1 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (> (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P2 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (> (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P3 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (< (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P4 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (< (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P5 Win)) (if (and (>= (count Trials) 5) (< (matchScore P1) (matchScore P4))) (result P6 Win))}))
8x8 board. Four players. Two dice. Four pawns, one ship, one horse, one elephant, and one king per player. The king moves one square in any direction. Pawns move one square forward, and capture one square forward diagonally. Horses move three squares diagonally. Ships move two squares diagonally. The Elephant moves any number of squares orthogonally. Moves are determined by dice roll: 5= pawn or king, 4= elephant, 3= horse, 2= ship. Captures are made by moving onto the space occupied by an opponent's piece. If a ship moves into a space to make a 2x2 square with only ships, it captures the other three ships. Pawns may promote but only to the other piece that begins in that rank or file, including a king, and that piece must have already been captured. Points are awarded based on captures: pawns=1, ships=2, horses=3, elephants=4, kings=5. If a player captures their opponents' three kings while theirs remains, they receive 54 points. The player who accumulates the most points wins. The rules are describing with the Wikipedia ruleset.
(game "Chaturaji" (players {(player N) (player W) (player S) (player E)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (dice d:4 from:2 num:1) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (and (moveAgain) (set Pending)))))) (piece "Boat" Each (move Hop Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (piece "Elephant" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (piece "King_noCross" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Left)) (regions "Promotion" P3 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Promotion" P4 (sites Right))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"A2" "B2" "C2" "D2"} value:1) (place "Pawn2" {"G1" "G2" "G3" "G4"} value:1) (place "Pawn3" {"H7" "G7" "E7" "F7"} value:1) (place "Pawn4" {"B5" "B6" "B7" "B8"} value:1) (place "Boat1" coord:"A1" value:2) (place "Boat2" coord:"H1" value:2) (place "Boat3" coord:"H8" value:2) (place "Boat4" coord:"A8" value:2) (place "Knight1" coord:"B1" value:3) (place "Knight2" coord:"H2" value:3) (place "Knight3" coord:"G8" value:3) (place "Knight4" coord:"A7" value:3) (place "Elephant1" coord:"C1" value:4) (place "Elephant2" coord:"H3" value:4) (place "Elephant3" coord:"F8" value:4) (place "Elephant4" coord:"A6" value:4) (place "King_noCross1" coord:"D1" value:5) (place "King_noCross2" coord:"H4" value:5) (place "King_noCross3" coord:"E8" value:5) (place "King_noCross4" coord:"A5" value:5)}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(if (and (is Prev Mover) (is Pending)) (or {(if (= (where "Boat" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "Boat") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 2)))) (if (= (where "Knight" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "Knight") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 3)))) (if (= (where "Elephant" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "Elephant") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 4)))) (if (= (where "King_noCross" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "King_noCross") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 5))))}) (forEach Die (if (= (pips) 5) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (pips) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (pips) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (pips) 2) (forEach Piece "Boat")))))) (then (if (can Move (forEach Die (if (= (pips) 5) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (pips) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (pips) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (pips) 2) (forEach Piece "Boat"))))))) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (= (count Pieces Mover) (- (count Pieces All) 1)) (byScore)))))
###Description 8x8 board. Four players. Two dice. Four pawns, one ship, one horse, one elephant, and one king per player. The king moves one square in any direction. Pawns move one square forward, and capture one square forward diagonally. Horses move three squares diagonally. Ships move two squares diagonally. The Elephant moves any number of squares orthogonally. Moves are determined by dice roll: 5= pawn or king, 4= elephant, 3= horse, 2= ship. Captures are made by moving onto the space occupied by an opponent's piece. If a ship moves into a space to make a 2x2 square with only ships, it captures the other three ships. Pawns may promote but only to the other piece that begins in that rank or file, including a king, and that piece must have already been captured. Points are awarded based on captures: pawns=1, ships=2, horses=3, elephants=4, kings=5. If a player captures their opponents' three kings while theirs remains, they receive 54 points. The player who accumulates the most points wins. The rules are describing with the Wikipedia ruleset. ###Ludii (game "Chaturaji" (players {(player N) (player W) (player S) (player E)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (dice d:4 from:2 num:1) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (and (moveAgain) (set Pending)))))) (piece "Boat" Each (move Hop Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (piece "Elephant" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (piece "King_noCross" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Left)) (regions "Promotion" P3 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Promotion" P4 (sites Right))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"A2" "B2" "C2" "D2"} value:1) (place "Pawn2" {"G1" "G2" "G3" "G4"} value:1) (place "Pawn3" {"H7" "G7" "E7" "F7"} value:1) (place "Pawn4" {"B5" "B6" "B7" "B8"} value:1) (place "Boat1" coord:"A1" value:2) (place "Boat2" coord:"H1" value:2) (place "Boat3" coord:"H8" value:2) (place "Boat4" coord:"A8" value:2) (place "Knight1" coord:"B1" value:3) (place "Knight2" coord:"H2" value:3) (place "Knight3" coord:"G8" value:3) (place "Knight4" coord:"A7" value:3) (place "Elephant1" coord:"C1" value:4) (place "Elephant2" coord:"H3" value:4) (place "Elephant3" coord:"F8" value:4) (place "Elephant4" coord:"A6" value:4) (place "King_noCross1" coord:"D1" value:5) (place "King_noCross2" coord:"H4" value:5) (place "King_noCross3" coord:"E8" value:5) (place "King_noCross4" coord:"A5" value:5)}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(if (and (is Prev Mover) (is Pending)) (or {(if (= (where "Boat" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "Boat") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 2)))) (if (= (where "Knight" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "Knight") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 3)))) (if (= (where "Elephant" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "Elephant") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 4)))) (if (= (where "King_noCross" Mover) -1) (move Promote (last To) (piece "King_noCross") Mover (then (set Value at:(last To) 5))))}) (forEach Die (if (= (pips) 5) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (pips) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (pips) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (pips) 2) (forEach Piece "Boat")))))) (then (if (can Move (forEach Die (if (= (pips) 5) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (pips) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (pips) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (pips) 2) (forEach Piece "Boat"))))))) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (= (count Pieces Mover) (- (count Pieces All) 1)) (byScore)))))
Each stone must move to any adjacent(orthogonal or diagonal) cell, which is occupied by an enemy stone. This stone is captured by replacement. After that, all adjacent enemy stones (orthogonal or diagonal) are converted to friendly ones. There are fewer and fewer stones on the board as the game proceeds, which is a major difference with Othello and Ataxx. The player which has more stones, after there is no valid move left, wins the game.
(game "Crusade" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Each (move Step (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (forEach Site (sites Around (last To)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(site))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Mover)) (to (site)))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (sites Phase 1)) (place "Ball2" (sites Phase 0))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
###Description Each stone must move to any adjacent(orthogonal or diagonal) cell, which is occupied by an enemy stone. This stone is captured by replacement. After that, all adjacent enemy stones (orthogonal or diagonal) are converted to friendly ones. There are fewer and fewer stones on the board as the game proceeds, which is a major difference with Othello and Ataxx. The player which has more stones, after there is no valid move left, wins the game. ###Ludii (game "Crusade" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Each (move Step (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (forEach Site (sites Around (last To)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(site))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Mover)) (to (site)))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (sites Phase 1)) (place "Ball2" (sites Phase 0))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
Three-row board, outer rows with sixteen holes and the central with seventeen. Sixteen pieces per player, which start the board in each of the holes in the outer row belonging to a player. Two four-sided dice, marked 2-4 and "A" for 1. The throw of double 1s gives the player an extra throw. Players move their pieces according to the throws of the dice, moving one piece the value of one of the dice and another the value of the other die, or one piece the value of both dice. A piece cannot be moved until it is "activated" with a throw of 1. When a piece is activated, it is rotated 90 degrees and moved one space. One player moves from left to right in their row into the central row, moving right to left down it and when reaching the end of the central row, proceed into the opponent's row, and move from left to right in it, returning to the central row upon reaching the end. The opponent follows the same track, except moving from right to left in their row. Opponent's pieces are taken when a player's piece lands in the same spot as the opponent's piece. When in the opponent's row, the player my captured as many pieces of the opponent as hypothetically allowed by the dice. Players may not move one of their pieces past one of their other pieces. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Daldos" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(rectangle 1 16) (shift -1 1 (rectangle 1 17)) (shift 0 2 (rectangle 1 16))}) {(track "Track1" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16} loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:4 num:2) (piece "Minus" P1 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track1" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (piece "Minus" P2 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track2" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Minus1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Minus2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die replayDouble:(and (= (face 36) 1) (= (face 37) 1)) (forEach Piece (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (if (can Move (forEach Die (forEach Piece))) (moveAgain)))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three-row board, outer rows with sixteen holes and the central with seventeen. Sixteen pieces per player, which start the board in each of the holes in the outer row belonging to a player. Two four-sided dice, marked 2-4 and "A" for 1. The throw of double 1s gives the player an extra throw. Players move their pieces according to the throws of the dice, moving one piece the value of one of the dice and another the value of the other die, or one piece the value of both dice. A piece cannot be moved until it is "activated" with a throw of 1. When a piece is activated, it is rotated 90 degrees and moved one space. One player moves from left to right in their row into the central row, moving right to left down it and when reaching the end of the central row, proceed into the opponent's row, and move from left to right in it, returning to the central row upon reaching the end. The opponent follows the same track, except moving from right to left in their row. Opponent's pieces are taken when a player's piece lands in the same spot as the opponent's piece. When in the opponent's row, the player my captured as many pieces of the opponent as hypothetically allowed by the dice. Players may not move one of their pieces past one of their other pieces. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Daldos" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(rectangle 1 16) (shift -1 1 (rectangle 1 17)) (shift 0 2 (rectangle 1 16))}) {(track "Track1" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16} loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:4 num:2) (piece "Minus" P1 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track1" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (piece "Minus" P2 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track2" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Minus1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Minus2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die replayDouble:(and (= (face 36) 1) (= (face 37) 1)) (forEach Piece (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (if (can Move (forEach Die (forEach Piece))) (moveAgain)))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
3x12 board, with the outer rows of holes slightly curved to form the appearance of an arc. Twelve pieces per player, which start on the board in each of the holes in the outer row belonging to a player. Two four-sided dice, marked 2-4 and "X" for 1. The throw of double 1s gives the player an extra throw. Players move their pieces according to the throws of the dice, moving one piece the value of one of the dice and another the value of the other die, or one piece the value of both dice. A piece cannot be moved until it is "activated" with a throw of 1. When a piece is activated, it is rotated 90 degrees and moved one space. One player moves from left to right in their row into the central row, moving right to left down it and when reaching the end of the central row, proceed into the opponent's row, and move from left to right in it, returning to the central row upon reaching the end. The opponent follows the same track, except moving from right to left in their row. Opponent's pieces are taken when a player's piece lands in the same spot as the opponent's piece. When in the opponent's row, the player may capture as many pieces of the opponent as hypothetically allowed by the dice. Players may not move one of their pieces past one of their other pieces. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Daldosa" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (merge {(rectangle 1 8) (shift -4 1.5 (rectangle 1 12)) (shift 0 3 (rectangle 1 8))}) vertices:{{-1 0.1} {-2 0.3} {-2.9 0.5} {-3.6 0.8} {-1 2.9} {-2 2.7} {-2.9 2.5} {-3.6 2.2}}) {(track "Track1" {31 30 29 28 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 35 34 33 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {35 34 33 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 31 30 29 28 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8} loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:4 num:2) (piece "Minus" P1 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track1" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (piece "Minus" P2 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track2" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Minus1" (sites {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 29 30 31})) (place "Minus2" (sites {20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 32 33 34 35}))}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die replayDouble:(and (= (face 36) 1) (= (face 37) 1)) (forEach Piece (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (if (can Move (forEach Die (forEach Piece))) (moveAgain)))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 3x12 board, with the outer rows of holes slightly curved to form the appearance of an arc. Twelve pieces per player, which start on the board in each of the holes in the outer row belonging to a player. Two four-sided dice, marked 2-4 and "X" for 1. The throw of double 1s gives the player an extra throw. Players move their pieces according to the throws of the dice, moving one piece the value of one of the dice and another the value of the other die, or one piece the value of both dice. A piece cannot be moved until it is "activated" with a throw of 1. When a piece is activated, it is rotated 90 degrees and moved one space. One player moves from left to right in their row into the central row, moving right to left down it and when reaching the end of the central row, proceed into the opponent's row, and move from left to right in it, returning to the central row upon reaching the end. The opponent follows the same track, except moving from right to left in their row. Opponent's pieces are taken when a player's piece lands in the same spot as the opponent's piece. When in the opponent's row, the player may capture as many pieces of the opponent as hypothetically allowed by the dice. Players may not move one of their pieces past one of their other pieces. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Daldosa" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (merge {(rectangle 1 8) (shift -4 1.5 (rectangle 1 12)) (shift 0 3 (rectangle 1 8))}) vertices:{{-1 0.1} {-2 0.3} {-2.9 0.5} {-3.6 0.8} {-1 2.9} {-2 2.7} {-2.9 2.5} {-3.6 2.2}}) {(track "Track1" {31 30 29 28 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 35 34 33 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {35 34 33 32 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 31 30 29 28 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8} loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:4 num:2) (piece "Minus" P1 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track1" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (piece "Minus" P2 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 1) (and (= (state at:(from)) 0) (= 1 (pips)))) (move Slide "Track2" (between (exact (pips)) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Minus1" (sites {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 28 29 30 31})) (place "Minus2" (sites {20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 32 33 34 35}))}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die replayDouble:(and (= (face 36) 1) (= (face 37) 1)) (forEach Piece (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (if (can Move (forEach Die (forEach Piece))) (moveAgain)))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Board of intersecting lines: four horizontal and up to 100 vertical. Twenty is typical. Played on two teams with even-numbered players. One piece per vertical line, lined up on the outer rows. Four sticks, white on one side and black on the other, used as dice. The value of the throw is the number of white sides that land face up, when only black are face up, the value is 6. Each player must progress through the following three stages of throws to begin playing. In the first stage, they throw four sticks. A throw of 2 or 3 ends the turn, a throw of 4 or 6 gives another throw. A throw of 1 allows the player to progress to the next stage and to add 1 to their score. In the second stage, the player throws three sticks. If the player throws two or three black, they add 1 to their score and keep throwing, three white up allows the player to add 4 to their score and keep playing; one black face up allows the player to pass to the third stage. In the third stage, the player throws two sticks. If two black are thrown, all of the previously tabulated score is lost, the turn ends and the player must start again from the first stage in their next turn. If the player throws two white, the player scores 4 and reverts back to the second phase. When the player scores one white and one black, the player enters the game and plays the pieces according to their accumulated score. Each piece must be unlocked with a throw of 1 before being moved normally. From this point, players throw all four sticks. Throws of 2 or 3 end the turn, players continue to throw until they receive one of these values. Each throw must be assigned to move a piece and a single throw cannot be subdivided, though separate throws can be assigned to different pieces. Players may choose not to play a throw if they wish. Throws of 1 must be used to unlock a piece if there are any which are locked. Pieces move from left to right in their home row, right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, right to left in their opponent's home row, returning to the third row and progressing from left to right, then to the second row progressing from right to left, and then back into the home row, proceeding from left to right, and so in a loop. Pieces may not pass the pieces of the opposing team. When a piece lands on the same space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. The team that captures all the pieces of the opposing team wins. The board has 20 columns.
(game "Deleb" (players 4) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,S1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,N1,W,N1,E" loop:True P2) (track "Track3" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,S1,E,S1,W" loop:True P3) (track "Track4" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,N1,W,N1,E" loop:True P3)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" P1 (move (from (from) if:(or (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1)))))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (piece "Marker" P2 (move (from (from) if:(or (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1)))))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)})}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4}) (place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) phases:{(phase "StageOne" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (or (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 6) (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 4)) (moveAgain) (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 1) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 1) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 1) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 1))))))))) (nextPhase Mover (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) "StageTwo")) (phase "StageTwo" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (or (= 0 (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82))) (= 1 (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82)))) (and (moveAgain) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 1) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 1) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 1) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 1))))) (if (= 3 (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82))) (and (moveAgain) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 4) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 4) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 4) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 4)))))))))) (nextPhase Mover (= (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82)) 2) "StageThree")) (phase "StageThree" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (= 0 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" All) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" All) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" All) (forget Value "ScoreP4" All)))) (if (= 1 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) (moveAgain) (and (moveAgain) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 4) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 4) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 4) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 4)))))))))) {(nextPhase Mover (= 0 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) "StageOne") (nextPhase Mover (= 2 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) "StageTwo") (nextPhase Mover (= 1 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) "PlayingScore")}) (phase "PlayingScore" (play (if (can Move (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P1) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P2))) (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P1) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P2)) (move Pass (then (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" All) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" All) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" All) (forget Value "ScoreP4" All)))))) (then (if (!= 0 (size Array (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 0 (size Array (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (roll) next:(or (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Piece P1) (forEach Piece P2)) (move Pass)) (then (if (and (!= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (!= 3 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (moveAgain))))))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description Board of intersecting lines: four horizontal and up to 100 vertical. Twenty is typical. Played on two teams with even-numbered players. One piece per vertical line, lined up on the outer rows. Four sticks, white on one side and black on the other, used as dice. The value of the throw is the number of white sides that land face up, when only black are face up, the value is 6. Each player must progress through the following three stages of throws to begin playing. In the first stage, they throw four sticks. A throw of 2 or 3 ends the turn, a throw of 4 or 6 gives another throw. A throw of 1 allows the player to progress to the next stage and to add 1 to their score. In the second stage, the player throws three sticks. If the player throws two or three black, they add 1 to their score and keep throwing, three white up allows the player to add 4 to their score and keep playing; one black face up allows the player to pass to the third stage. In the third stage, the player throws two sticks. If two black are thrown, all of the previously tabulated score is lost, the turn ends and the player must start again from the first stage in their next turn. If the player throws two white, the player scores 4 and reverts back to the second phase. When the player scores one white and one black, the player enters the game and plays the pieces according to their accumulated score. Each piece must be unlocked with a throw of 1 before being moved normally. From this point, players throw all four sticks. Throws of 2 or 3 end the turn, players continue to throw until they receive one of these values. Each throw must be assigned to move a piece and a single throw cannot be subdivided, though separate throws can be assigned to different pieces. Players may choose not to play a throw if they wish. Throws of 1 must be used to unlock a piece if there are any which are locked. Pieces move from left to right in their home row, right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, right to left in their opponent's home row, returning to the third row and progressing from left to right, then to the second row progressing from right to left, and then back into the home row, proceeding from left to right, and so in a loop. Pieces may not pass the pieces of the opposing team. When a piece lands on the same space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. The team that captures all the pieces of the opposing team wins. The board has 20 columns. ###Ludii (game "Deleb" (players 4) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,S1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,N1,W,N1,E" loop:True P2) (track "Track3" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,S1,E,S1,W" loop:True P3) (track "Track4" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,N1,W,N1,E" loop:True P3)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" P1 (move (from (from) if:(or (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1)))))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (piece "Marker" P2 (move (from (from) if:(or (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1)))))))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)})}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4}) (place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) phases:{(phase "StageOne" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (or (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 6) (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 4)) (moveAgain) (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 1) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 1) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 1) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 1))))))))) (nextPhase Mover (= (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1) "StageTwo")) (phase "StageTwo" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (or (= 0 (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82))) (= 1 (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82)))) (and (moveAgain) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 1) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 1) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 1) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 1))))) (if (= 3 (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82))) (and (moveAgain) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 4) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 4) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 4) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 4)))))))))) (nextPhase Mover (= (+ (+ (face 80) (face 81)) (face 82)) 2) "StageThree")) (phase "StageThree" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (= 0 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" All) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" All) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" All) (forget Value "ScoreP4" All)))) (if (= 1 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) (moveAgain) (and (moveAgain) (if (is Mover P1) (remember Value "ScoreP1" 4) (if (is Mover P2) (remember Value "ScoreP2" 4) (if (is Mover P3) (remember Value "ScoreP3" 4) (remember Value "ScoreP4" 4)))))))))) {(nextPhase Mover (= 0 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) "StageOne") (nextPhase Mover (= 2 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) "StageTwo") (nextPhase Mover (= 1 (+ (face 80) (face 81))) "PlayingScore")}) (phase "PlayingScore" (play (if (can Move (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P1) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P2))) (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P1) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))) (move (from (from) if:(or (= (value) 1) (= 1 (state at:(from))))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(and (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (or (= 1 (value)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Track Mover from:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(- (value) 1)))))))) (apply (and (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" (value)) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" (value)) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" (value)) (forget Value "ScoreP4" (value))))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (= 1 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) P2)) (move Pass (then (if (is Mover P1) (forget Value "ScoreP1" All) (if (is Mover P2) (forget Value "ScoreP2" All) (if (is Mover P3) (forget Value "ScoreP3" All) (forget Value "ScoreP4" All)))))) (then (if (!= 0 (size Array (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase Mover (= 0 (size Array (if (is Mover P1) (values Remembered "ScoreP1") (if (is Mover P2) (values Remembered "ScoreP2") (if (is Mover P3) (values Remembered "ScoreP3") (values Remembered "ScoreP4")))))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (roll) next:(or (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Piece P1) (forEach Piece P2)) (move Pass)) (then (if (and (!= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (!= 3 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (moveAgain))))))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
MOVE - On each turn, a player may do one of the following actions: - Drop a friendly stone at an empty cell, which is in a diagonal line of sight with another friendly stone, i.e., both stones must be separated by a diagonal line of empty cells. - Transform an enemy stone, at a diagonal line of sight of a friendly stone, into a wall (which is a neutral stone). GOAL - When there are no valid moves, wins the player with more friendly stones.
(game "Diagonals (2002)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 10) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each) (piece "Ball" Neutral)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (intersection (expand (sites Bottom)) (sites Right))) (place "Ball2" (intersection (expand (sites Top)) (sites Left)))}) (play (or (move Add (to (intersection (sites Direction from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) Diagonal stop:(is Occupied (to))) (sites Empty)))) (move Select (from (forEach (sites Occupied by:Next) if:(!= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites LineOfSight at:(site) Diagonal) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))))) (then (and (remove (last To)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Neutral)) (to (last To)))))))) (end (if (and (no Moves P1) (no Moves P2)) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
###Description MOVE - On each turn, a player may do one of the following actions: - Drop a friendly stone at an empty cell, which is in a diagonal line of sight with another friendly stone, i.e., both stones must be separated by a diagonal line of empty cells. - Transform an enemy stone, at a diagonal line of sight of a friendly stone, into a wall (which is a neutral stone). GOAL - When there are no valid moves, wins the player with more friendly stones. ###Ludii (game "Diagonals (2002)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 10) use:Vertex) (piece "Ball" Each) (piece "Ball" Neutral)}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (intersection (expand (sites Bottom)) (sites Right))) (place "Ball2" (intersection (expand (sites Top)) (sites Left)))}) (play (or (move Add (to (intersection (sites Direction from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) Diagonal stop:(is Occupied (to))) (sites Empty)))) (move Select (from (forEach (sites Occupied by:Next) if:(!= 0 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites LineOfSight at:(site) Diagonal) (sites Occupied by:Mover)))))) (then (and (remove (last To)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Neutral)) (to (last To)))))))) (end (if (and (no Moves P1) (no Moves P2)) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
7x7 board, with diagonals in the square formed by the central 3x3 lines. 24 pieces per player. Black plays first. Players alternate turns placing a piece on one of the empty spots on the board. The first stone must be placed in the central spot. They attempt to orthogonally surround an empty point with four of their pieces, making a square. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns removing one of their opponent's pieces from the board. They then move one of their pieces along the lines of the board to the place left vacant by the piece they removed. When a player makes a new square, they may remove another of the opponent's pieces from the board. Pieces that are in a square around an empty point may not be captured, and captures are not made in the placement phase. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Fang" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (square 7) edges:{{16 24} {24 32} {30 24} {24 18}}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (> (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Around (last To)) if:(if (is Empty (site)) (or (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (site) E)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) N))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) S))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) W))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) E)))}) (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) NE) (ahead (site) SE) (ahead (site) SW) (ahead (site) NW)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SW))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NW)))}))))) 0) (and (set Value Mover (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Around (last To)) if:(if (is Empty (site)) (or (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (site) E)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) N))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) S))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) W))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) E)))}) (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) NE) (ahead (site) SE) (ahead (site) SW) (ahead (site) NW)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SW))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NW)))})))))) (moveAgain)))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:24)) phases:{(phase "FirstPlacement" P1 (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Centre)))) (nextPhase "Placement")) (phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Next) (then (if (> (value Player Mover) 1) (and (moveAgain) (set Value Mover (- (value Player Mover) 1))) (set Value Mover 0)))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 7x7 board, with diagonals in the square formed by the central 3x3 lines. 24 pieces per player. Black plays first. Players alternate turns placing a piece on one of the empty spots on the board. The first stone must be placed in the central spot. They attempt to orthogonally surround an empty point with four of their pieces, making a square. When all of the pieces are placed, players alternate turns removing one of their opponent's pieces from the board. They then move one of their pieces along the lines of the board to the place left vacant by the piece they removed. When a player makes a new square, they may remove another of the opponent's pieces from the board. Pieces that are in a square around an empty point may not be captured, and captures are not made in the placement phase. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Fang" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (square 7) edges:{{16 24} {24 32} {30 24} {24 18}}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (> (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Around (last To)) if:(if (is Empty (site)) (or (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (site) E)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) N))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) S))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) W))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) E)))}) (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) NE) (ahead (site) SE) (ahead (site) SW) (ahead (site) NW)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SW))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NW)))}))))) 0) (and (set Value Mover (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Around (last To)) if:(if (is Empty (site)) (or (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) N) (ahead (site) S) (ahead (site) W) (ahead (site) E)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) N))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) S))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) W))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) E)))}) (and {(is In (last To) (sites {(ahead (site) NE) (ahead (site) SE) (ahead (site) SW) (ahead (site) NW)})) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SE))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) SW))) (is Mover (who at:(ahead (site) NW)))})))))) (moveAgain)))))) (hand Each)}) (rules (start (place "Marker" "Hand" count:24)) phases:{(phase "FirstPlacement" P1 (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Centre)))) (nextPhase "Placement")) (phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Next) (then (if (> (value Player Mover) 1) (and (moveAgain) (set Value Mover (- (value Player Mover) 1))) (set Value Mover 0)))) (forEach Piece))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
TURN - On each turn, each player slides (orthogonally or diagonally) a stone until it hits another stone or a wall. If it stops because of a stone, the moving stone and all adjacent stones (of either color) are removed. GOAL - The player with no stones onboard loses. The game is a draw if (i) the board becomes empty, or (ii) each player has just one stone, or (iii) the moving player has no valid moves.
(game "Fission" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Each (move (from (from)) (to (sites LineOfSight Farthest at:(from)) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (from))))) (then (if (!= (ahead (last To) (directions Cell from:(last From) to:(last To))) (last To)) (remove (sites Around (last To) includeSelf:True))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (intersection (sites Phase 1) (expand (sites Centre) steps:2 Orthogonal))) (place "Ball2" (intersection (sites Phase 0) (expand (sites Centre) steps:2 Orthogonal)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (and (not (no Pieces Mover)) (no Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Next) (and (= 1 (count Pieces P1)) (= 1 (count Pieces P2)))) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description TURN - On each turn, each player slides (orthogonally or diagonally) a stone until it hits another stone or a wall. If it stops because of a stone, the moving stone and all adjacent stones (of either color) are removed. GOAL - The player with no stones onboard loses. The game is a draw if (i) the board becomes empty, or (ii) each player has just one stone, or (iii) the moving player has no valid moves. ###Ludii (game "Fission" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Each (move (from (from)) (to (sites LineOfSight Farthest at:(from)) if:(not (is In (to) (sites Around (from))))) (then (if (!= (ahead (last To) (directions Cell from:(last From) to:(last To))) (last To)) (remove (sites Around (last To) includeSelf:True))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (intersection (sites Phase 1) (expand (sites Centre) steps:2 Orthogonal))) (place "Ball2" (intersection (sites Phase 0) (expand (sites Centre) steps:2 Orthogonal)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (and (not (no Pieces Mover)) (no Pieces Next)) (result Mover Win)) (if (or (no Moves Next) (and (= 1 (count Pieces P1)) (= 1 (count Pieces P2)))) (result Mover Draw))})))
Four players. Played with two six-sided dice. A throw of 5 is counted as 1, a throw of 6 is counted as 4.Throws move the pieces as follows: 1: Pawn or King, which move the same as in Shatranj; 2: Rook, which jumps to the second diagonal space; 3: Horse, which moves orthogonally one space and then diagonally another space, jumping over any intervening pieces; 4: Elephant, which moves orthogonally any distance. Kings may be captured. Pieces are assigned values, which award the players stakes at the end of the game: King=5, Elephant=4, Horse=3, Rook=2, Pawn=1. If a player captures all of the other Kings and is still in possession of their own King, the score awarded is 54. The player with the most points wins.
(game "Four-Player Chaturanga (al-Biruni)" (players {(player N) (player W) (player S) (player E)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (dice d:6 from:1 num:2) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))}))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Hop Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (piece "Elephant" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (piece "King_noCross" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 1) (pair 6 4)})}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"A2" "B2" "C2" "D2"} value:1) (place "Pawn2" {"G1" "G2" "G3" "G4"} value:1) (place "Pawn3" {"H7" "G7" "E7" "F7"} value:1) (place "Pawn4" {"B5" "B6" "B7" "B8"} value:1) (place "Rook1" coord:"A1" value:2) (place "Rook2" coord:"H1" value:2) (place "Rook3" coord:"H8" value:2) (place "Rook4" coord:"A8" value:2) (place "Knight1" coord:"B1" value:3) (place "Knight2" coord:"H2" value:3) (place "Knight3" coord:"G8" value:3) (place "Knight4" coord:"A7" value:3) (place "Elephant1" coord:"C1" value:4) (place "Elephant2" coord:"H3" value:4) (place "Elephant3" coord:"F8" value:4) (place "Elephant4" coord:"A6" value:4) (place "King_noCross1" coord:"D1" value:5) (place "King_noCross2" coord:"H4" value:5) (place "King_noCross3" coord:"E8" value:5) (place "King_noCross4" coord:"A5" value:5)}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 1) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 2) (forEach Piece "Rook")))))) (then (if (can Move (forEach Die (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 1) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 2) (forEach Piece "Rook"))))))) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (= (count Pieces Mover) (- (count Pieces All) 2)) (byScore)))))
###Description Four players. Played with two six-sided dice. A throw of 5 is counted as 1, a throw of 6 is counted as 4.Throws move the pieces as follows: 1: Pawn or King, which move the same as in Shatranj; 2: Rook, which jumps to the second diagonal space; 3: Horse, which moves orthogonally one space and then diagonally another space, jumping over any intervening pieces; 4: Elephant, which moves orthogonally any distance. Kings may be captured. Pieces are assigned values, which award the players stakes at the end of the game: King=5, Elephant=4, Horse=3, Rook=2, Pawn=1. If a player captures all of the other Kings and is still in possession of their own King, the score awarded is 54. The player with the most points wins. ###Ludii (game "Four-Player Chaturanga (al-Biruni)" (players {(player N) (player W) (player S) (player E)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (dice d:6 from:1 num:2) (piece "Pawn" Each (or (move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))}))))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Hop Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (piece "Elephant" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (piece "King_noCross" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and {(if (is In (to) (sites {(where "King" P1) (where "King" P2) (where "King" P3) (where "King" P4)})) (set Value Mover (+ (value Player Mover) 1))) (if (and (!= -1 (where "King" Mover)) (= (value Player Mover) 1)) (addScore Mover 54)) (addScore Mover (value Piece at:(to))) (remove (to))})))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 1) (pair 6 4)})}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" {"A2" "B2" "C2" "D2"} value:1) (place "Pawn2" {"G1" "G2" "G3" "G4"} value:1) (place "Pawn3" {"H7" "G7" "E7" "F7"} value:1) (place "Pawn4" {"B5" "B6" "B7" "B8"} value:1) (place "Rook1" coord:"A1" value:2) (place "Rook2" coord:"H1" value:2) (place "Rook3" coord:"H8" value:2) (place "Rook4" coord:"A8" value:2) (place "Knight1" coord:"B1" value:3) (place "Knight2" coord:"H2" value:3) (place "Knight3" coord:"G8" value:3) (place "Knight4" coord:"A7" value:3) (place "Elephant1" coord:"C1" value:4) (place "Elephant2" coord:"H3" value:4) (place "Elephant3" coord:"F8" value:4) (place "Elephant4" coord:"A6" value:4) (place "King_noCross1" coord:"D1" value:5) (place "King_noCross2" coord:"H4" value:5) (place "King_noCross3" coord:"E8" value:5) (place "King_noCross4" coord:"A5" value:5)}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 1) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 2) (forEach Piece "Rook")))))) (then (if (can Move (forEach Die (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 1) (or (forEach Piece "Pawn") (forEach Piece "King_noCross")) (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 4) (forEach Piece "Elephant") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 3) (forEach Piece "Knight") (if (= (mapEntry "Throw" (pips)) 2) (forEach Piece "Rook"))))))) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (= (count Pieces Mover) (- (count Pieces All) 2)) (byScore)))))
There are three red ships and three black ships. The remainder of the cells contain white icebergs. The two players, Red and Black, take turns moving one of their own ships, one move per turn, starting with Red. Players are not allowed to pass. MOVES: You must move one of your ships to an adjacent cell which doesn't contain another ship. By moving to a cell containing an iceberg, you capture the iceberg, and your score increases by 1. MOVE DIRECTION: You must select one of your ships to move, and move it closer to its closest iceberg. Distance is measured by the number of cells between ship and iceberg along the shortest path of cells that connects them, going around other ships. If the ship you've chosen to move has icebergs adjacent to it, you must capture one of them. OBJECT OF THE GAME: The goal is to capture the majority of the icebergs. On the default size 5 board, there are 55 icebergs starting out. If you capture 28 of them, you win. A size 5 board is currently selected
(game "Icebreaker" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 5)) (piece "Disc" Each (move Step (to if:(and (or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))) (= 1 (- (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (from) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Neutral) (sites Distance (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) from:(from) (exact (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (from) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))))) (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (to) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Neutral) (sites Distance (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) from:(from) (exact (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (from) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (remove (to)) (addScore Mover 1))))))) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc0" (difference (sites Board) (sites Corners))) (place "Disc1" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) NNW)) (place "Disc1" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) E)) (place "Disc1" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) SSW)) (place "Disc2" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) NNE)) (place "Disc2" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) W)) (place "Disc2" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) SSE))}) (play (forEach Piece Mover)) (end (if (or (< (/ (- (count Sites in:(sites Board)) 6) 2) (score P1)) (< (/ (- (count Sites in:(sites Board)) 6) 2) (score P2))) (byScore)))))
###Description There are three red ships and three black ships. The remainder of the cells contain white icebergs. The two players, Red and Black, take turns moving one of their own ships, one move per turn, starting with Red. Players are not allowed to pass. MOVES: You must move one of your ships to an adjacent cell which doesn't contain another ship. By moving to a cell containing an iceberg, you capture the iceberg, and your score increases by 1. MOVE DIRECTION: You must select one of your ships to move, and move it closer to its closest iceberg. Distance is measured by the number of cells between ship and iceberg along the shortest path of cells that connects them, going around other ships. If the ship you've chosen to move has icebergs adjacent to it, you must capture one of them. OBJECT OF THE GAME: The goal is to capture the majority of the icebergs. On the default size 5 board, there are 55 icebergs starting out. If you capture 28 of them, you win. A size 5 board is currently selected ###Ludii (game "Icebreaker" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 5)) (piece "Disc" Each (move Step (to if:(and (or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))) (= 1 (- (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (from) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Neutral) (sites Distance (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) from:(from) (exact (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (from) (sites Occupied by:Neutral)))))) (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (to) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Neutral) (sites Distance (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) from:(from) (exact (count Steps (step (to if:(or (= (id Neutral) (who at:(to))) (is Empty (to))))) (from) (sites Occupied by:Neutral))))))))) (apply (if (is Occupied (to)) (and (remove (to)) (addScore Mover 1))))))) (piece "Disc" Neutral)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc0" (difference (sites Board) (sites Corners))) (place "Disc1" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) NNW)) (place "Disc1" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) E)) (place "Disc1" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) SSW)) (place "Disc2" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) NNE)) (place "Disc2" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) W)) (place "Disc2" (sites Around (centrePoint) distance:(- 5 1) SSE))}) (play (forEach Piece Mover)) (end (if (or (< (/ (- (count Sites in:(sites Board)) 6) 2) (score P1)) (< (/ (- (count Sites in:(sites Board)) 6) 2) (score P2))) (byScore)))))
4x12 board. Twelve pieces per player, which begin one in each space in the row closest to the player. Six stick dice, green on one side and white on the other. The value of the throws equals the number of green faces, with the following exceptions: four green faces up allows a piece to be moved for the first time and a move of 1, plus another throw is granted; six white faces = 4 plus another throw; six green = 6 plus another throw; five white faces = move 5 plus another throw. Pieces move from right to left in the player's home row, then into the second row, moving left to right, then into the third row moving right to left, and then into the opponent's home row moving left to right, then back into the third row moving right to left, to the second row moving left to right, and then back into the player's home row moving right to left. If a player's piece lands on a space occupied by one of the opponent's pieces, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Issiren" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 12) {(track "Track1" "11,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W,S1,E" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "36,E,S1,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E,N1,W" loop:True P2)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from (from) if:(if (= (state at:(from)) 0) True (= (mapEntry (count Pips)) 1))) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= 1 (state at:(last To))) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (map {(pair 0 4) (pair 1 5) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 1) (pair 5 5) (pair 6 6)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Marker2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece) (then (if (and (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites {1 4 6 5})) (!= 5 (count Pips))) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 4x12 board. Twelve pieces per player, which begin one in each space in the row closest to the player. Six stick dice, green on one side and white on the other. The value of the throws equals the number of green faces, with the following exceptions: four green faces up allows a piece to be moved for the first time and a move of 1, plus another throw is granted; six white faces = 4 plus another throw; six green = 6 plus another throw; five white faces = move 5 plus another throw. Pieces move from right to left in the player's home row, then into the second row, moving left to right, then into the third row moving right to left, and then into the opponent's home row moving left to right, then back into the third row moving right to left, to the second row moving left to right, and then back into the player's home row moving right to left. If a player's piece lands on a space occupied by one of the opponent's pieces, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Issiren" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 12) {(track "Track1" "11,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W,S1,E" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "36,E,S1,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E,N1,W" loop:True P2)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from (from) if:(if (= (state at:(from)) 0) True (= (mapEntry (count Pips)) 1))) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= 1 (state at:(last To))) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (map {(pair 0 4) (pair 1 5) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 1) (pair 5 5) (pair 6 6)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Marker2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece) (then (if (and (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites {1 4 6 5})) (!= 5 (count Pips))) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Played on a board similar to Surakarta, but smaller. Players begin with four pieces, arranged in the square of spaces in their bottom right corner. Players take turns moving a piece to one adjacent spot. To capture an opponent's piece, you must move along the curved loops. The spot at the immediate end of the loop must be empty, but the piece may continue as far as the player wishes, including moving along successive loops, or until they make a capture or are stopped by their own piece. The pieces are placed in the corners.
(game "Ja-Jeon-Geo-Gonu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4) {(track "Track1" {14 14 11 10 9 8 8 13 9 5 1 1 4 5 6 7 7 2 6 10} loop:True directed:True) (track "Track2" {11 11 14 10 6 2 2 7 6 5 4 4 1 5 9 13 13 8 9 10} loop:True directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each (or {(move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide "AllTracks" (between if:(or (= (between) (from)) (is Empty (between)))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:False (remove (to)))))}))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" {"A3" "B3" "A4" "B4"}) (place "Disc2" {"C1" "D1" "C2" "D2"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Played on a board similar to Surakarta, but smaller. Players begin with four pieces, arranged in the square of spaces in their bottom right corner. Players take turns moving a piece to one adjacent spot. To capture an opponent's piece, you must move along the curved loops. The spot at the immediate end of the loop must be empty, but the piece may continue as far as the player wishes, including moving along successive loops, or until they make a capture or are stopped by their own piece. The pieces are placed in the corners. ###Ludii (game "Ja-Jeon-Geo-Gonu" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 4) {(track "Track1" {14 14 11 10 9 8 8 13 9 5 1 1 4 5 6 7 7 2 6 10} loop:True directed:True) (track "Track2" {11 11 14 10 6 2 2 7 6 5 4 4 1 5 9 13 13 8 9 10} loop:True directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each (or {(move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide "AllTracks" (between if:(or (= (between) (from)) (is Empty (between)))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:False (remove (to)))))}))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" {"A3" "B3" "A4" "B4"}) (place "Disc2" {"C1" "D1" "C2" "D2"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
4x22 board. 22 pieces per player, four kings and eighteen regular pieces. Kings have no difference in movement or power than regular pieces. Moves are determined by four two-sided sticks, black on one side and white on the other. The moves are determined by the number of white sides that land face up: 1= a move of 1. A throw of 1 is known as "tab." 2= a move of 2, 3=2, 4=6, 0=4. Throws of 1, 4, and 6 grant the player an additional throw. To begin, a player must roll tab to move their first piece, and every tab after that must be used to move a piece which has not moved yet. Pieces move from left to right in the home row, then circulate in a clockwise direction in the central two rows. Multiple pieces cannot occupy the same space. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, that piece is captured. The player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Kioz" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 22) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W," P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "87,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "MiddleTrack" "44,E,S1,W" loop:True)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" Each) (piece "King" Each) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 4) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 2) (pair 4 6)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Left) steps:17))) (place "King1" (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Right) steps:3))) (place "Marker2" (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Right) steps:17))) (place "King2" (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Left) steps:3)))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (priority {(forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (not (!= 0 (state at:(from))))}) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))) (forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))))}) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))}) (forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))))}) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))) (then (if (is In (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) (sites {1 4 6})) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 4x22 board. 22 pieces per player, four kings and eighteen regular pieces. Kings have no difference in movement or power than regular pieces. Moves are determined by four two-sided sticks, black on one side and white on the other. The moves are determined by the number of white sides that land face up: 1= a move of 1. A throw of 1 is known as "tab." 2= a move of 2, 3=2, 4=6, 0=4. Throws of 1, 4, and 6 grant the player an additional throw. To begin, a player must roll tab to move their first piece, and every tab after that must be used to move a piece which has not moved yet. Pieces move from left to right in the home row, then circulate in a clockwise direction in the central two rows. Multiple pieces cannot occupy the same space. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, that piece is captured. The player to capture all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Kioz" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 22) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W," P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "87,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "MiddleTrack" "44,E,S1,W" loop:True)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" Each) (piece "King" Each) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 4) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 2) (pair 4 6)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Left) steps:17))) (place "King1" (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Right) steps:3))) (place "Marker2" (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Right) steps:17))) (place "King2" (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Left) steps:3)))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (priority {(forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (not (!= 0 (state at:(from))))}) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))) (forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))))}) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))}) (forEach Piece (if (and {(if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))))}) (if (is In (from) (sites Mover "Home")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))) (then (if (is In (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) (sites {1 4 6})) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Rectangular board, divided into three sections lengthwise. Ten lines divide the outer two sections widthwide. Twelve pieces per player, which begin on the outer intersections closest to the player. Four stick dice, with front and back sides distinguished one from the other. Throws are as follows: Four backs up = kiust. Three backs up = 6; two backs up = 3; one back up = 2; four fronts up = four throws of 6. A throw of kiust is required to enter the opponent's inner row. The pieces of the left hand player move from left to right and then right to left in the next row, then left to right in the following row, then proceeding to circulate in the central two rows in a clockwise direction. The right hand player's pieces move from right to left in their home row, then left to right in the next row, then right to left in the third row, circulating in an anti-clockwise direction. Pieces landing on an opponent's piece with a throw of 2 in the central rows capture the opponent's piece. A player may only pass an opponent's piece without capture with a throw of 3. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Kiust Oyun" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(scale 2 1 (rectangle 12 2)) (shift 2 0 (scale 4 1 (rectangle 12 2))) (shift 6 0 (scale 2 1 (rectangle 12 2)))}) {(track "Track1" "22,S,E1,N,E1,S" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "47,S,W1,N,W1,S" P2 directed:True) (track "LoopTrack1" "1,N,E1,S" loop:True P1) (track "LoopTrack2" "24,N,W1,S" loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" Each (if (is In (from) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Left) (sites Right)))) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "LoopTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and {(if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Empty (to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (= 1 (var "Kiust")) True) (if (or (and (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (= 3 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) True (all Sites (sites Track from:(trackSite Move from:(from) "LoopTrack" steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) "LoopTrack" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(site))))))}) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and {(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Left) (sites Right)))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Empty (to))) (is Empty (to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (= 1 (var "Kiust")) True) (if (or (and (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (= 3 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) True (all Sites (sites Track from:(trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(site))))))}) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (and (if (= (count Pips) 4) (and (if (!= 1 (value Player Mover)) (moveAgain)) (if (<= (value Player Mover) 0) (set Value Mover 3) (set Value Mover (- (value Player Mover) 1))))) (set Var "Kiust" 0))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 0) (pair 3 6) (pair 2 3) (pair 1 2) (pair 4 6)}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Left))) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Right)))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Left)) (place "Marker2" (sites Right))}) (play (do (if (or (= (var "Kiust") 1) (not (is Prev Mover))) (roll)) next:(if (= 0 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (move Pass (then (and (moveAgain) (set Var "Kiust" 1)))) (forEach Piece)))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Rectangular board, divided into three sections lengthwise. Ten lines divide the outer two sections widthwide. Twelve pieces per player, which begin on the outer intersections closest to the player. Four stick dice, with front and back sides distinguished one from the other. Throws are as follows: Four backs up = kiust. Three backs up = 6; two backs up = 3; one back up = 2; four fronts up = four throws of 6. A throw of kiust is required to enter the opponent's inner row. The pieces of the left hand player move from left to right and then right to left in the next row, then left to right in the following row, then proceeding to circulate in the central two rows in a clockwise direction. The right hand player's pieces move from right to left in their home row, then left to right in the next row, then right to left in the third row, circulating in an anti-clockwise direction. Pieces landing on an opponent's piece with a throw of 2 in the central rows capture the opponent's piece. A player may only pass an opponent's piece without capture with a throw of 3. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Kiust Oyun" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(scale 2 1 (rectangle 12 2)) (shift 2 0 (scale 4 1 (rectangle 12 2))) (shift 6 0 (scale 2 1 (rectangle 12 2)))}) {(track "Track1" "22,S,E1,N,E1,S" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "47,S,W1,N,W1,S" P2 directed:True) (track "LoopTrack1" "1,N,E1,S" loop:True P1) (track "LoopTrack2" "24,N,W1,S" loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (piece "Marker" Each (if (is In (from) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Left) (sites Right)))) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "LoopTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and {(if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Empty (to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (= 1 (var "Kiust")) True) (if (or (and (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (= 3 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) True (all Sites (sites Track from:(trackSite Move from:(from) "LoopTrack" steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) "LoopTrack" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(site))))))}) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) if:(and {(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Left) (sites Right)))) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Empty (to))) (is Empty (to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (= 1 (var "Kiust")) True) (if (or (and (= 2 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (= 3 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) True (all Sites (sites Track from:(trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:1) to:(trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(site))))))}) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (and (if (= (count Pips) 4) (and (if (!= 1 (value Player Mover)) (moveAgain)) (if (<= (value Player Mover) 0) (set Value Mover 3) (set Value Mover (- (value Player Mover) 1))))) (set Var "Kiust" 0))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 0) (pair 3 6) (pair 2 3) (pair 1 2) (pair 4 6)}) (regions "Home" P1 (expand (sites Left))) (regions "Home" P2 (expand (sites Right)))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Left)) (place "Marker2" (sites Right))}) (play (do (if (or (= (var "Kiust") 1) (not (is Prev Mover))) (roll)) next:(if (= 0 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (move Pass (then (and (moveAgain) (set Var "Kiust" 1)))) (forEach Piece)))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
The main track of the board is a row of eleven squares, with both end squares and the central square marked with an X. On the left side, a row of four squares runs under and adjacent to the first four squares of the central row. Perpendicular to the left end square of the central row, there is a square and then three triangles. On the opposite end, below and perpendicular to the right end of the central track is a row of four squares, curving slightly to the right. Above the end square of the central row, a triangular space, adjacent to an oval divided into three. Two teams with two players on each team. Players each start from a different point: one from the right square in the bottom left row, one from one of the triangle spaces on the left, one from the end of the curving track on the right, and the other from one of the spaces in the oval. Three pieces per player. Five sticks, with a flat side and a curved sides, used as dice. The value of a throw is equal to the number of flat sides that land face up; five curved sides up = 5. Players move their pieces from their entry points onto the central track of the board and progressing to the opposite end of the board from where they started. Pieces must move backward when they reach the end of the central track. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is taken. A piece resting on a space marked with an X is safe from capture. The team to successfully capture all of their opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Los Palos" (players 4) (equipment {(board (merge {(shift 11.3 -3.7 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {1.3 -1} {2 0} {1.1 0.6}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 10.4 -2.4 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.9 -1.3} {2 -0.7} {1 0.4}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 10.1 -1.1 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.3 -1.3} {1.3 -0.9} {1 0.2}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 10 0 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.1 -1.1} {1.1 -0.9} {1 0}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 11 1.87 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.5 0.5} {0 1}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 10 1.87 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {-0.5 0.5} {0 1}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 10 1.87 (square 1)) (shift 10 1 (tri 1)) (shift 1 2 (graph vertices:{{1 0} {-0.5 0.87} {0 0}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 0 2 (graph vertices:{{-1 0} {0.5 0.87} {0 0}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 0 2 (tri 1)) (shift 0 1 (square 1)) (rectangle 1 11) (shift 0 -1 (rectangle 1 4))}) {(track "Track1" "20,W,N1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "11,12,S2,E" P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" "6,E1,9,S1,W" P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" "0,1,2,3,4,W" P4 directed:True) (track "TrackRight" "14,E,W" directed:True) (track "TrackLeft" "4,W,E" directed:True)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:5) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from (from)) (to (if (= (state at:(from)) 0) (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 1) (trackSite Move "TrackLeft" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackRight" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))))) if:(or (and (not (is In (to) (sites "SafeSites"))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (and (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (is In (last To) (sites "CentralTrack"))) (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P2)) (set State at:(last To) 2) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 5) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 5)}) (map "EntryPoint" {(pair 1 20) (pair 2 11) (pair 3 6) (pair 4 0)}) (regions "SafeSites" (sites {4 14 23})) (regions "CentralTrack" (sites {4 5 14 15 19 21 22 23 24 25 26}))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P1) count:3) (place "Marker2" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P2) count:3) (place "Marker3" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P3) count:3) (place "Marker4" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P4) count:3) (set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4})}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece))) (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description The main track of the board is a row of eleven squares, with both end squares and the central square marked with an X. On the left side, a row of four squares runs under and adjacent to the first four squares of the central row. Perpendicular to the left end square of the central row, there is a square and then three triangles. On the opposite end, below and perpendicular to the right end of the central track is a row of four squares, curving slightly to the right. Above the end square of the central row, a triangular space, adjacent to an oval divided into three. Two teams with two players on each team. Players each start from a different point: one from the right square in the bottom left row, one from one of the triangle spaces on the left, one from the end of the curving track on the right, and the other from one of the spaces in the oval. Three pieces per player. Five sticks, with a flat side and a curved sides, used as dice. The value of a throw is equal to the number of flat sides that land face up; five curved sides up = 5. Players move their pieces from their entry points onto the central track of the board and progressing to the opposite end of the board from where they started. Pieces must move backward when they reach the end of the central track. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is taken. A piece resting on a space marked with an X is safe from capture. The team to successfully capture all of their opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Los Palos" (players 4) (equipment {(board (merge {(shift 11.3 -3.7 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {1.3 -1} {2 0} {1.1 0.6}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 10.4 -2.4 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.9 -1.3} {2 -0.7} {1 0.4}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 10.1 -1.1 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.3 -1.3} {1.3 -0.9} {1 0.2}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 10 0 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.1 -1.1} {1.1 -0.9} {1 0}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 3} {3 0}})) (shift 11 1.87 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {0.5 0.5} {0 1}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 10 1.87 (graph vertices:{{0 0} {-0.5 0.5} {0 1}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 10 1.87 (square 1)) (shift 10 1 (tri 1)) (shift 1 2 (graph vertices:{{1 0} {-0.5 0.87} {0 0}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 0 2 (graph vertices:{{-1 0} {0.5 0.87} {0 0}} edges:{{0 1} {1 2} {2 0}})) (shift 0 2 (tri 1)) (shift 0 1 (square 1)) (rectangle 1 11) (shift 0 -1 (rectangle 1 4))}) {(track "Track1" "20,W,N1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "11,12,S2,E" P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" "6,E1,9,S1,W" P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" "0,1,2,3,4,W" P4 directed:True) (track "TrackRight" "14,E,W" directed:True) (track "TrackLeft" "4,W,E" directed:True)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:5) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from (from)) (to (if (= (state at:(from)) 0) (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 1) (trackSite Move "TrackLeft" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackRight" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))))) if:(or (and (not (is In (to) (sites "SafeSites"))) (is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (and (= (state at:(last To)) 0) (is In (last To) (sites "CentralTrack"))) (if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P2)) (set State at:(last To) 2) (set State at:(last To) 1)))))) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 5) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 5)}) (map "EntryPoint" {(pair 1 20) (pair 2 11) (pair 3 6) (pair 4 0)}) (regions "SafeSites" (sites {4 14 23})) (regions "CentralTrack" (sites {4 5 14 15 19 21 22 23 24 25 26}))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P1) count:3) (place "Marker2" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P2) count:3) (place "Marker3" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P3) count:3) (place "Marker4" (mapEntry "EntryPoint" P4) count:3) (set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4})}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece))) (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
21 holes, arranged in an arc, the central hole larger than the others. Ten pieces per player, each player's pieces beginning on one side of the board, one in each hole. Four beans used as dice, with a black side and a white side. The throws are as follows: Four white sides up = 4; four black sides up = 3; two white/two black up = 2; three white or three black = player loses their turn. Players continue to throw until they lose their turn. If a piece lands in the central hole, and it cannot move from it on its next opportunity, it is removed from the game. Pieces moving into the opponent's side of the board capture any of the opponent's pieces which occupy a space on which they land. When a piece reaches the end of the track, they proceed back in the other direction. The player who captures all ten of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Mapuche Game" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (concentric {26}) vertices:{0 1 2 3 4}) {(track "TrackCW1" {0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1} P1 directed:True) (track "TrackCCW1" {1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0} P1 directed:True) (track "TrackCW2" {0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1} P2 directed:True) (track "TrackCCW2" {1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0} P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (regions "AllSitesExceptTop" (difference (sites Board) 20)) (piece "Marker" Each (if (!= (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))) -1) (if (or (is In (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))))))) (move (from) (to (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map "ThrowDiceValue" {(pair 0 4) (pair 1 0) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 0) (pair 4 3)}) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites {0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18})) (place "Marker2" (sites {1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19}) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (can Move (if (!= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 0) (forEach Piece))) (forEach Piece (then (if (!= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 0) (moveAgain)))) (move Pass (then (if (!= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 0) (moveAgain))))) (then (and (if (and (is Occupied 20) (!= 20 (last To))) (remove 20)) (if (= (last To) (if (= 0 (state at:(last To))) (trackSite EndSite Mover "TrackCW") (trackSite EndSite Mover "TrackCCW"))) (if (= 0 (state at:(last To))) (set State at:(last To) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))))) (end {(if (no Pieces P1) (result P1 Loss)) (if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss))})))
###Description 21 holes, arranged in an arc, the central hole larger than the others. Ten pieces per player, each player's pieces beginning on one side of the board, one in each hole. Four beans used as dice, with a black side and a white side. The throws are as follows: Four white sides up = 4; four black sides up = 3; two white/two black up = 2; three white or three black = player loses their turn. Players continue to throw until they lose their turn. If a piece lands in the central hole, and it cannot move from it on its next opportunity, it is removed from the game. Pieces moving into the opponent's side of the board capture any of the opponent's pieces which occupy a space on which they land. When a piece reaches the end of the track, they proceed back in the other direction. The player who captures all ten of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Mapuche Game" (players 2) (equipment {(board (remove (concentric {26}) vertices:{0 1 2 3 4}) {(track "TrackCW1" {0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1} P1 directed:True) (track "TrackCCW1" {1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0} P1 directed:True) (track "TrackCW2" {0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1} P2 directed:True) (track "TrackCCW2" {1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0} P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (regions "AllSitesExceptTop" (difference (sites Board) 20)) (piece "Marker" Each (if (!= (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))) -1) (if (or (is In (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))))))) (move (from) (to (if (= 0 (state at:(from))) (trackSite Move "TrackCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (trackSite Move "TrackCCW" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map "ThrowDiceValue" {(pair 0 4) (pair 1 0) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 0) (pair 4 3)}) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites {0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18})) (place "Marker2" (sites {1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19}) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (can Move (if (!= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 0) (forEach Piece))) (forEach Piece (then (if (!= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 0) (moveAgain)))) (move Pass (then (if (!= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 0) (moveAgain))))) (then (and (if (and (is Occupied 20) (!= 20 (last To))) (remove 20)) (if (= (last To) (if (= 0 (state at:(last To))) (trackSite EndSite Mover "TrackCW") (trackSite EndSite Mover "TrackCCW"))) (if (= 0 (state at:(last To))) (set State at:(last To) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))))) (end {(if (no Pieces P1) (result P1 Loss)) (if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss))})))
6 spherical pieces and 6 lion or lioness pieces per player. Up to six players. Four throwing sticks as dice. Players enter their spherical pieces on the board with a throw of one. They then race to the center of the spiral. The central space must be reached with an exact throw. To leave the central space, the player must throw two ones. The player then races in the opposite direction to leave the board. When a piece leaves the board, that player introduces a lion piece, that player being the only one to introduce lion pieces. The player introduces more lions with each piece this player moves off the board. The lion races to the central spot, doubling the number of the throws. The lion attempts to capture the other player's pieces by landing on them. The rules are describing with the Kendall ruleset.
(game "Mehen" (players 2) (equipment {(board (spiral turns:5 sites:88) {(track "NormalTrack" {87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -2} directed:True) (track "OppositeTrack" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 -2} directed:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each size:2) (piece "Disc" Each (if (and (= (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) -2) (is Empty 0)) (move Select (from) (then (and (remove (last To)) (add (piece (id "Marker" Mover)) (to 0))))) (if (!= (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(count Pips)) -1) (if (is In (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(count Pips)) (sites Empty)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(count Pips)))))))) (piece "Marker" Each (if (= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)) -2) (move Select (from) (then (and (remove (last To)) (add (piece (id "Lion" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover 1)))))) (if (!= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)) -1) (if (is In (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)) (sites Empty)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)))))))) (piece "Lion" Each (or (if (and (!= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -1) (!= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -2)) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2)))))) (if (and (!= (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -1) (!= (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -2)) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (handSite P1) count:6) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2) count:6)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or {(if (and {(= (count Pips) 1) (is Empty 87) (is Occupied (handSite Mover))}) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to 87))) (if (and {(= (count Pips) 1) (not (is Friend (who at:87))) (is Occupied (handSite Mover 1))}) (move (from (handSite Mover 1)) (to 87))) (forEach Piece)}))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 6 spherical pieces and 6 lion or lioness pieces per player. Up to six players. Four throwing sticks as dice. Players enter their spherical pieces on the board with a throw of one. They then race to the center of the spiral. The central space must be reached with an exact throw. To leave the central space, the player must throw two ones. The player then races in the opposite direction to leave the board. When a piece leaves the board, that player introduces a lion piece, that player being the only one to introduce lion pieces. The player introduces more lions with each piece this player moves off the board. The lion races to the central spot, doubling the number of the throws. The lion attempts to capture the other player's pieces by landing on them. The rules are describing with the Kendall ruleset. ###Ludii (game "Mehen" (players 2) (equipment {(board (spiral turns:5 sites:88) {(track "NormalTrack" {87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 -2} directed:True) (track "OppositeTrack" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 -2} directed:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each size:2) (piece "Disc" Each (if (and (= (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) -2) (is Empty 0)) (move Select (from) (then (and (remove (last To)) (add (piece (id "Marker" Mover)) (to 0))))) (if (!= (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(count Pips)) -1) (if (is In (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(count Pips)) (sites Empty)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(count Pips)))))))) (piece "Marker" Each (if (= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)) -2) (move Select (from) (then (and (remove (last To)) (add (piece (id "Lion" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover 1)))))) (if (!= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)) -1) (if (is In (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)) (sites Empty)) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(count Pips)))))))) (piece "Lion" Each (or (if (and (!= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -1) (!= (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -2)) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "OppositeTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2)))))) (if (and (!= (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -1) (!= (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(* (count Pips) 2)) -2)) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "NormalTrack" steps:(mul (count Pips) 2))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (handSite P1) count:6) (place "Disc2" (handSite P2) count:6)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or {(if (and {(= (count Pips) 1) (is Empty 87) (is Occupied (handSite Mover))}) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to 87))) (if (and {(= (count Pips) 1) (not (is Friend (who at:87))) (is Occupied (handSite Mover 1))}) (move (from (handSite Mover 1)) (to 87))) (forEach Piece)}))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Oust is a game for two players, played on a hexagonally patterned board which is initially empty. The two players, Black and White, take turns placing stones of their color onto unoccupied cells on the board. A group is a set of interconnected, like-colored stones. A group can be a singleton, a single stone which is not connected to any other stones of its color. A group includes all the stones of its own color connected to it. There are two types of moves - non-capturing placements and capturing placements. Non-capturing placements either forms no connections (adjacencies) with any stones, or forms one or more connections with only enemy stones. A non-capturing placement does not form any connection with stones of its own color. Making a non-capturing placement concludes your turn. When you place a stone which forms one or more connections with your own groups, you will create a new, larger group of your own stones. You can only make such a placement if said new group will have one or more connections with enemy groups upon its creation and if all said enemy groups are smaller than said new group. Upon making such a placement, all said enemy groups are removed from the board. After capturing one or more enemy groups and while it is still your turn, you must continue to add stones until you make a non-capturing placement, at which time your turn is concluded. If you have a placement available on your turn you must make one. If you don't have any placements available, you must pass your turn. There will always be a placement available for at least one player. You win by making a placement which captures all of the enemy stones on the board. The game is played on a size 7 board
(game "Oust" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 7)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (play (or (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (to) Own))))) (do (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (to) Own))))) ifAfterwards:(and (all Sites (sites Around (sites Group at:(last To)) Enemy) if:(> (size Group at:(last To)) (size Group at:(site)))) (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (sites Group at:(last To)) Enemy)))) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Around (sites Group at:(last To)) Enemy) (remove (sites Group at:(site)))) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (and (< 2 (count Moves)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Enemy)))) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Oust is a game for two players, played on a hexagonally patterned board which is initially empty. The two players, Black and White, take turns placing stones of their color onto unoccupied cells on the board. A group is a set of interconnected, like-colored stones. A group can be a singleton, a single stone which is not connected to any other stones of its color. A group includes all the stones of its own color connected to it. There are two types of moves - non-capturing placements and capturing placements. Non-capturing placements either forms no connections (adjacencies) with any stones, or forms one or more connections with only enemy stones. A non-capturing placement does not form any connection with stones of its own color. Making a non-capturing placement concludes your turn. When you place a stone which forms one or more connections with your own groups, you will create a new, larger group of your own stones. You can only make such a placement if said new group will have one or more connections with enemy groups upon its creation and if all said enemy groups are smaller than said new group. Upon making such a placement, all said enemy groups are removed from the board. After capturing one or more enemy groups and while it is still your turn, you must continue to add stones until you make a non-capturing placement, at which time your turn is concluded. If you have a placement available on your turn you must make one. If you don't have any placements available, you must pass your turn. There will always be a placement available for at least one player. You win by making a placement which captures all of the enemy stones on the board. The game is played on a size 7 board ###Ludii (game "Oust" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hex 7)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (play (or (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (to) Own))))) (do (move Add (to (sites Empty) if:(< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (to) Own))))) ifAfterwards:(and (all Sites (sites Around (sites Group at:(last To)) Enemy) if:(> (size Group at:(last To)) (size Group at:(site)))) (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (sites Group at:(last To)) Enemy)))) (then (and (forEach Site (sites Around (sites Group at:(last To)) Enemy) (remove (sites Group at:(site)))) (moveAgain)))))) (end (if (and (< 2 (count Moves)) (= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Enemy)))) (result Mover Win)))))
Ten corn kernels are placed in a line; the spaces between the kernels are the playing spaces. Four kernels of corn are used as dice, blackened on one side. The throws are as follows: Two of the same side up = 2, three of the same side up = 3; four black sides up = 4; four unblackened sides up = 5. Five pieces per player. Players take turns moving pieces according to the throws of the corn, with two throws per turn. When a player reaches the opposite end of the board, they move to the start and continue moving in the same direction. If a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the player then moves in the reverse direction, carrying the opponent's piece with it in an attempt to move past the starting points and off the board. Upon moving off the board, the opponent's piece is captured. The player then enters their piece again on their next turn. However, if the opponent lands on a piece carrying one of their pieces away, they then start carrying both of those pieces back to their starting point, freeing the captured piece and capturing the other player's piece. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Puluc" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 10) {(track "Track1" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P2) (track "CaptureTrack1" {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} P2 directed:True)} use:Edge) (piece "Marker" Each (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (!= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0)))))) (move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Marker" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))}))))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 5) (pair 1 3) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (map "Entry" {(pair 1 0) (pair 2 8)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Marker1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Marker2" (handSite P2) count:5)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or {(if (is Occupied (handSite Mover)) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (trackSite Move from:(mapEntry "Entry" (mover)) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))))) (forEach Piece)}) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (end {(if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss)) (if (no Pieces P1) (result P1 Loss))})))
###Description Ten corn kernels are placed in a line; the spaces between the kernels are the playing spaces. Four kernels of corn are used as dice, blackened on one side. The throws are as follows: Two of the same side up = 2, three of the same side up = 3; four black sides up = 4; four unblackened sides up = 5. Five pieces per player. Players take turns moving pieces according to the throws of the corn, with two throws per turn. When a player reaches the opposite end of the board, they move to the start and continue moving in the same direction. If a piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the player then moves in the reverse direction, carrying the opponent's piece with it in an attempt to move past the starting points and off the board. Upon moving off the board, the opponent's piece is captured. The player then enters their piece again on their next turn. However, if the opponent lands on a piece carrying one of their pieces away, they then start carrying both of those pieces back to their starting point, freeing the captured piece and capturing the other player's piece. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Puluc" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 1 10) {(track "Track1" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} loop:True P1) (track "Track2" {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} loop:True P2) (track "CaptureTrack1" {8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0} P1 directed:True) (track "CaptureTrack2" {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} P2 directed:True)} use:Edge) (piece "Marker" Each (or (if (= 0 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Occupied by:Enemy top:False)) (forEach Level (last To) FromTop (and (if (is Enemy (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 2)) (if (is Friend (who at:(last To) level:(level))) (set State at:(last To) level:(level) 1)))))))) (if (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (if (!= (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) -1) (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "CaptureTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (then (and (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (fromTo (from (last From) level:(level)) (to (last To))))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0)))))) (move Remove (from) level:(level) (then (and {(forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (is Friend (who at:(last From) level:(level))) (set State at:(last From) level:(level) 0))) (forEach Level (last From) FromTop (if (= 2 (state at:(last From) level:(level))) (remove (last From) level:(level)))) (add (piece (id "Marker" Mover)) (to (handSite Mover)))}))))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board Vertex)) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 5) (pair 1 3) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (map "Entry" {(pair 1 0) (pair 2 8)}) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (hand Each)}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Marker1" (handSite P1) count:5) (place Stack "Marker2" (handSite P2) count:5)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or {(if (is Occupied (handSite Mover)) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (trackSite Move from:(mapEntry "Entry" (mover)) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)) 1))))) (forEach Piece)}) (then (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (moveAgain))))) (end {(if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss)) (if (no Pieces P1) (result P1 Loss))})))
MOVES - A move consists of either: - A growth, i.e., a drop of a stone on an empty adjacent (orthogonal or diagonal) to friendly cell; - An orthogonal or diagonal slide of a stone already on board (like a chess Queen) to an empty cell; - A drop of a stone on any empty cell. - Any opponent adjacent stones to the new piece (either through growth or slide) are flipped to the moving player's colour. Notice that the third option (simple drop) do not flip the colour of adjacent stones. GOAL - Wins the player with most stones when the board is filled.
(game "Quad Wrangle" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Each (move Slide (then (forEach Site (sites Around (last To)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(site))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Mover)) (to (site)))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (difference (union (sites Top) (sites Right)) (union {(sites Left) (sites Bottom) (intersection (sites Top) (sites Right))}))) (place "Ball2" (difference (union (sites Bottom) (sites Left)) (union {(sites Right) (sites Top) (intersection (sites Bottom) (sites Left))})))}) (play (or {(move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Empty)) (then (forEach Site (sites Around (last To)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(site))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Mover)) (to (site)))))))) (forEach Piece) (move Add (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Empty))))})) (end (if (is Full) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
###Description MOVES - A move consists of either: - A growth, i.e., a drop of a stone on an empty adjacent (orthogonal or diagonal) to friendly cell; - An orthogonal or diagonal slide of a stone already on board (like a chess Queen) to an empty cell; - A drop of a stone on any empty cell. - Any opponent adjacent stones to the new piece (either through growth or slide) are flipped to the moving player's colour. Notice that the third option (simple drop) do not flip the colour of adjacent stones. GOAL - Wins the player with most stones when the board is filled. ###Ludii (game "Quad Wrangle" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Ball" Each (move Slide (then (forEach Site (sites Around (last To)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(site))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Mover)) (to (site)))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Ball1" (difference (union (sites Top) (sites Right)) (union {(sites Left) (sites Bottom) (intersection (sites Top) (sites Right))}))) (place "Ball2" (difference (union (sites Bottom) (sites Left)) (union {(sites Right) (sites Top) (intersection (sites Bottom) (sites Left))})))}) (play (or {(move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Empty)) (then (forEach Site (sites Around (last To)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(site))) (and (remove (site)) (add (piece (id "Ball" Mover)) (to (site)))))))) (forEach Piece) (move Add (to (difference (sites Empty) (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Empty))))})) (end (if (is Full) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
Play starts with black. On his turn a player may either drop a stone of his color or remove a dead enemy group. Players may only legally drop stones adjacent to at least one of their stones already on the board. For boards sized 11x11 and smaller a group is considered dead if any stone within it meets the following criteria. a)The stone has no empty points orthogonally adjacent b)The stone has at least one enemy stone adjacent For boards larger than 11x11 only the first criterion applies when determining if a group is dead. You may never remove your own dead groups. If a player has no legal move on his turn he must pass. Passing is otherwise not permitted. The player to remove all opposing groups from the board wins. A size 13 board is currently selected
(game "Rampart" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 13) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (forEach (sites Phase 0) if:(and {(is Even (row of:(site))) (!= 0 (% (site) 4)) (= 0 (% (row of:(site)) 4))}))) (place "Disc2" (forEach (sites Phase 0) if:(and {(is Even (row of:(site))) (!= 0 (% (site) 4)) (= 2 (% (row of:(site)) 4))})))}) (play (or (move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Empty Orthogonal))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Enemy) if:(not (all Sites (sites Group at:(from)) if:(not (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal))) (if (>= 11 13) (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Own Orthogonal))) True)))))) (then (forEach Site (sites Group at:(last From) Orthogonal) (remove (site))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Play starts with black. On his turn a player may either drop a stone of his color or remove a dead enemy group. Players may only legally drop stones adjacent to at least one of their stones already on the board. For boards sized 11x11 and smaller a group is considered dead if any stone within it meets the following criteria. a)The stone has no empty points orthogonally adjacent b)The stone has at least one enemy stone adjacent For boards larger than 11x11 only the first criterion applies when determining if a group is dead. You may never remove your own dead groups. If a player has no legal move on his turn he must pass. Passing is otherwise not permitted. The player to remove all opposing groups from the board wins. A size 13 board is currently selected ###Ludii (game "Rampart" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 13) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (forEach (sites Phase 0) if:(and {(is Even (row of:(site))) (!= 0 (% (site) 4)) (= 0 (% (row of:(site)) 4))}))) (place "Disc2" (forEach (sites Phase 0) if:(and {(is Even (row of:(site))) (!= 0 (% (site) 4)) (= 2 (% (row of:(site)) 4))})))}) (play (or (move Add (to (sites Around (sites Occupied by:Mover) Empty Orthogonal))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Enemy) if:(not (all Sites (sites Group at:(from)) if:(not (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Empty Orthogonal))) (if (>= 11 13) (< 0 (count Sites in:(sites Around (site) Own Orthogonal))) True)))))) (then (forEach Site (sites Group at:(last From) Orthogonal) (remove (site))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
3x15 board, with the central spot marked. Fifteen pieces per player, arranged along the outer two rows of the board. Another piece, the Gonagas ("king"), begins on the central marked square. Three four-sided dice, marked: X (=sáhkku; counts as 1), 2, 3, and blank, =0. To move, a player must throw three sáhkku with the three dice; they are given three throws to do so and may set aside any dice on which they throw sáhkku. Doing so activates a piece, which may then move according to the throws of the dice. The three throws of sáhkku may be used to activate up to three pieces, and use the remainder to move as normal. Dice throws can be used individually for different pieces, or all be used for one piece, but the values of single dice cannot be subdivided. Pieces move along the track, from left to right in their home row, right to left down the central row, left to right in the opponent's home row, right to left down the central row, and then back to the player's home row. When a piece lands on a spot occupied by the opponent's piece(s) which has been activated, the opponent's piece(s) are captured. The first player to reach the spot with the Gonagas controls it. The Gonagas may move orthogonally in any direction according to the throws of the dice. It cannot change direction while moving the value of one of the dice. If the opponent lands on the space with the Gonagas, the opponent then controls the Gonagas. Capturing all of the opponent's pieces is a win.
(game "Sahkku" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 15) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "44,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E" loop:True P2)}) (dice d:4 from:0 num:3) (piece "Marker" Each (forEach Die if:(!= (pips) 0) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(or (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (= 1 (pips)))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(pips)) if:(or {(= (id "Gonagas" Shared) (what at:(to))) (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))}) (apply (and {(if (not (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level)))) (set State at:(from) level:(level) 1)) (forget Value "Pips" (pips)) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Gonagas" Shared)) (set State at:(to) (mover)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))}))) (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (moveAgain)))))) (piece "Gonagas" Shared (forEach Die if:(!= (pips) 0) (move Slide (from (from) level:(level) if:(= (state at:(from) level:(level)) (mover))) Orthogonal (between (exact (pips)) if:True) (to (apply if:(or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))))) (then (and (forEach Level (last To) (if (!= (topLevel at:(last To)) (level)) (remove (last To) level:(level)))) (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (moveAgain)))))))}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place Stack "Marker2" (sites Top)) (place Stack "Gonagas" (centrePoint))}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (do (and (roll) (if (and (!= 0 (value Player Mover)) (= 0 (count MovesThisTurn))) (set Value Mover 0))) next:(move Pass (then (and (if (is AnyDie 1) (set Value Mover (+ (if (and (= 1 (face 45)) (all DiceEqual)) 3 (if (or {(and {(not (= 1 (face 45))) (= 1 (face 46)) (= 1 (face 47))}) (and {(= 1 (face 45)) (not (= 1 (face 46))) (= 1 (face 47))}) (and {(= 1 (face 45)) (= 1 (face 46)) (not (= 1 (face 47)))})}) 2 (if (or {(and {(not (= 1 (face 45))) (not (= 1 (face 46))) (= 1 (face 47))}) (and {(= 1 (face 45)) (not (= 1 (face 46))) (not (= 1 (face 47)))}) (and {(not (= 1 (face 45))) (= 1 (face 46)) (not (= 1 (face 47)))})}) 1 0))) (value Player Mover)))) (forEach Die (if (!= 0 (pips)) (remember Value "Pips" (pips))))))) (then (if (or (<= 3 (value Player Mover)) (!= 2 (count MovesThisTurn))) (moveAgain) (and (forget Value "Pips" All) (set Value Mover 0)))))) (nextPhase Mover (<= 3 (value Player Mover)) "PlayingPips")) (phase "PlayingPips" (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(or (forEach Piece (forEach Value (values Remembered "Pips") (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(or (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (= 1 (value)))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(or {(= (id "Gonagas" Shared) (what at:(to))) (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))}) (apply (and {(if (not (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level)))) (set State at:(from) level:(level) 1)) (forget Value "Pips" (value)) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Gonagas" Shared)) (set State at:(to) (mover)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))}))) (then (if (!= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Pips"))) (moveAgain)))))) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (values Remembered "Pips") (move Slide (from (from) level:(level) if:(= (state at:(from) level:(level)) (mover))) Orthogonal (between (exact (value)) if:True) (to (apply if:(or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))))) (then (and {(forEach Level (last To) (if (!= (topLevel at:(last To)) (level)) (remove (last To) level:(level)))) (forget Value "Pips" (count Steps (last From) (last To))) (if (!= 1 (size Array (values Remembered "Pips"))) (moveAgain))})))) Shared)))) (nextPhase Mover (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Pips"))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece Shared)))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 3x15 board, with the central spot marked. Fifteen pieces per player, arranged along the outer two rows of the board. Another piece, the Gonagas ("king"), begins on the central marked square. Three four-sided dice, marked: X (=sáhkku; counts as 1), 2, 3, and blank, =0. To move, a player must throw three sáhkku with the three dice; they are given three throws to do so and may set aside any dice on which they throw sáhkku. Doing so activates a piece, which may then move according to the throws of the dice. The three throws of sáhkku may be used to activate up to three pieces, and use the remainder to move as normal. Dice throws can be used individually for different pieces, or all be used for one piece, but the values of single dice cannot be subdivided. Pieces move along the track, from left to right in their home row, right to left down the central row, left to right in the opponent's home row, right to left down the central row, and then back to the player's home row. When a piece lands on a spot occupied by the opponent's piece(s) which has been activated, the opponent's piece(s) are captured. The first player to reach the spot with the Gonagas controls it. The Gonagas may move orthogonally in any direction according to the throws of the dice. It cannot change direction while moving the value of one of the dice. If the opponent lands on the space with the Gonagas, the opponent then controls the Gonagas. Capturing all of the opponent's pieces is a win. ###Ludii (game "Sahkku" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 15) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "44,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E" loop:True P2)}) (dice d:4 from:0 num:3) (piece "Marker" Each (forEach Die if:(!= (pips) 0) (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(or (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (= 1 (pips)))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(pips)) if:(or {(= (id "Gonagas" Shared) (what at:(to))) (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))}) (apply (and {(if (not (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level)))) (set State at:(from) level:(level) 1)) (forget Value "Pips" (pips)) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Gonagas" Shared)) (set State at:(to) (mover)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))}))) (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (moveAgain)))))) (piece "Gonagas" Shared (forEach Die if:(!= (pips) 0) (move Slide (from (from) level:(level) if:(= (state at:(from) level:(level)) (mover))) Orthogonal (between (exact (pips)) if:True) (to (apply if:(or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))))) (then (and (forEach Level (last To) (if (!= (topLevel at:(last To)) (level)) (remove (last To) level:(level)))) (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (moveAgain)))))))}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place Stack "Marker2" (sites Top)) (place Stack "Gonagas" (centrePoint))}) phases:{(phase "Opening" (play (do (and (roll) (if (and (!= 0 (value Player Mover)) (= 0 (count MovesThisTurn))) (set Value Mover 0))) next:(move Pass (then (and (if (is AnyDie 1) (set Value Mover (+ (if (and (= 1 (face 45)) (all DiceEqual)) 3 (if (or {(and {(not (= 1 (face 45))) (= 1 (face 46)) (= 1 (face 47))}) (and {(= 1 (face 45)) (not (= 1 (face 46))) (= 1 (face 47))}) (and {(= 1 (face 45)) (= 1 (face 46)) (not (= 1 (face 47)))})}) 2 (if (or {(and {(not (= 1 (face 45))) (not (= 1 (face 46))) (= 1 (face 47))}) (and {(= 1 (face 45)) (not (= 1 (face 46))) (not (= 1 (face 47)))}) (and {(not (= 1 (face 45))) (= 1 (face 46)) (not (= 1 (face 47)))})}) 1 0))) (value Player Mover)))) (forEach Die (if (!= 0 (pips)) (remember Value "Pips" (pips))))))) (then (if (or (<= 3 (value Player Mover)) (!= 2 (count MovesThisTurn))) (moveAgain) (and (forget Value "Pips" All) (set Value Mover 0)))))) (nextPhase Mover (<= 3 (value Player Mover)) "PlayingPips")) (phase "PlayingPips" (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(or (forEach Piece (forEach Value (values Remembered "Pips") (move (from (from) level:(level) if:(or (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level))) (= 1 (value)))) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) steps:(value)) if:(or {(= (id "Gonagas" Shared) (what at:(to))) (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))}) (apply (and {(if (not (= 1 (state at:(from) level:(level)))) (set State at:(from) level:(level) 1)) (forget Value "Pips" (value)) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Gonagas" Shared)) (set State at:(to) (mover)) (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))}))) (then (if (!= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Pips"))) (moveAgain)))))) (forEach Piece (forEach Value (values Remembered "Pips") (move Slide (from (from) level:(level) if:(= (state at:(from) level:(level)) (mover))) Orthogonal (between (exact (value)) if:True) (to (apply if:(or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= 1 (state at:(to) level:(topLevel at:(to)))))))) (then (and {(forEach Level (last To) (if (!= (topLevel at:(last To)) (level)) (remove (last To) level:(level)))) (forget Value "Pips" (count Steps (last From) (last To))) (if (!= 1 (size Array (values Remembered "Pips"))) (moveAgain))})))) Shared)))) (nextPhase Mover (= 0 (size Array (values Remembered "Pips"))) "Playing")) (phase "Playing" (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(or (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece Shared)))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
3x6 board. Six pieces per player, which begin one in each space in the row closest to the player. Six sticks, used as dice. One side is polished, and the other is rough. The value of a throw is equal to the number of polished sides which land face up. A throw of sig (five polished or five rough sides up) must be made to move a piece that has not yet been moved; a throw of sig moves it 1 and grants the player another throw. If six polished sides up are thrown, the player gets another throw. If this throw is a sig, the player's throw = 7 and the player may either free the first piece and move it seven spaces or free all six pieces, moving them each one, and moving the first piece the remaining one space. Also, if the player throws six rough sides on their first turn, they get three extra throws. If any of these three throws is a sig, the value of the throw = 13, and the player may free the first piece and move it thirteen spaces, or free all of the player's pieces, moving them each one space, and then moving the first piece the remainder of the spaces. Pieces move from left to right in the player's home row, right to left in the central row, left to right in the opponent's home row, right to left in the central row, and then left to right in the player's home row. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Sig (El Oued Capture)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 6) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "17,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E" P2 directed:True)}) (piece "Marker" Each) (hand Each) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (map "ExtraThrow" {(pair 0 3) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 0) (pair 3 0) (pair 4 0) (pair 5 1) (pair 6 1)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(priority (forEach Piece (move (from (from) if:(and (not (= (state at:(from)) 1)) (or (or (= 1 (count Pips)) (= 5 (count Pips))) (= 1 (var "SpecialSig"))))) (to (trackSite Move steps:1) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 1) (if (= 1 (var "SpecialSig")) (and {(moveAgain) (set Var (+ (var) 1))})))))) (forEach Piece (move (from (from) if:(= (state at:(from)) 1)) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (= 1 (var "SpecialSig")) (+ 1 (count Pips)) (count Pips))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (then (if (!= 0 (mapEntry "ExtraThrow" (count Pips))) (and (if (= 3 (mapEntry "ExtraThrow" (count Pips))) (if (<= (var) 0) (set Var 2))) (if (!= (mover) (prev)) (and (moveAgain) (if (!= 1 (count Pips)) (set Var "SpecialSig" 1))))) (if (> (var) 0) (and {(set Var (- (var) 1)) (moveAgain)}) (set Var "SpecialSig" 0)))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 3x6 board. Six pieces per player, which begin one in each space in the row closest to the player. Six sticks, used as dice. One side is polished, and the other is rough. The value of a throw is equal to the number of polished sides which land face up. A throw of sig (five polished or five rough sides up) must be made to move a piece that has not yet been moved; a throw of sig moves it 1 and grants the player another throw. If six polished sides up are thrown, the player gets another throw. If this throw is a sig, the player's throw = 7 and the player may either free the first piece and move it seven spaces or free all six pieces, moving them each one, and moving the first piece the remaining one space. Also, if the player throws six rough sides on their first turn, they get three extra throws. If any of these three throws is a sig, the value of the throw = 13, and the player may free the first piece and move it thirteen spaces, or free all of the player's pieces, moving them each one space, and then moving the first piece the remainder of the spaces. Pieces move from left to right in the player's home row, right to left in the central row, left to right in the opponent's home row, right to left in the central row, and then left to right in the player's home row. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of their opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Sig (El Oued Capture)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 3 6) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "17,W,S1,E,S1,W,N1,E" P2 directed:True)}) (piece "Marker" Each) (hand Each) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (map "ExtraThrow" {(pair 0 3) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 0) (pair 3 0) (pair 4 0) (pair 5 1) (pair 6 1)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Marker2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(priority (forEach Piece (move (from (from) if:(and (not (= (state at:(from)) 1)) (or (or (= 1 (count Pips)) (= 5 (count Pips))) (= 1 (var "SpecialSig"))))) (to (trackSite Move steps:1) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 1) (if (= 1 (var "SpecialSig")) (and {(moveAgain) (set Var (+ (var) 1))})))))) (forEach Piece (move (from (from) if:(= (state at:(from)) 1)) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (= 1 (var "SpecialSig")) (+ 1 (count Pips)) (count Pips))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))) (then (if (!= 0 (mapEntry "ExtraThrow" (count Pips))) (and (if (= 3 (mapEntry "ExtraThrow" (count Pips))) (if (<= (var) 0) (set Var 2))) (if (!= (mover) (prev)) (and (moveAgain) (if (!= 1 (count Pips)) (set Var "SpecialSig" 1))))) (if (> (var) 0) (and {(set Var (- (var) 1)) (moveAgain)}) (set Var "SpecialSig" 0)))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
The board consists of four rows of any number of holes. Two to twelve players, who play on two equal teams. The number of pieces per team is equal to the number of holes in one row. One team plays as pieces of camel dung, the other as sticks. The pieces begin, one in each hole, in the outer rows of the board. Eight sticks, used as dice, with a marked side and a blank side. The values of the throws are equal to the number of marked sides which land face up. A throw of 4 grants the player another throw. Pieces can only be moved for the first time with a throw of 1 or 8. One piece may move one space on a throw of 1, or eight pieces may each move one space on a throw of 8. Once a piece has made its initial move, it may move according to the throws of the sticks. The bottom team's pieces move from right to left in the home row, left to right in the next row, right to left in the third row, and then into the opponent's home row. The top team moves left to right (from their perspective) in their home row, right to left in the next row, left to right in the next row, and into the bottom player's home row. When a team's piece lands on a space in the central two rows occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. Pieces cannot be captured in the home rows. When a piece moves into the opponent's home row, they move back into the central two rows, moving in the opposite direction as before. After moving into the home row a piece can no longer be captured, even when it is in the central two rows. Play continues until both team's pieces have moved out of their home row and can no longer be captured. Players then alternate turns throwing the sticks, removing one of the opponent's pieces every time a 4 is thrown. A team wins when only their pieces are left on the board. The game involves 4 players. Each row has 20 Holes.
(game "Sig (Mauritania)" (players 4) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "19,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "LoopTrack1" "40,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "LoopTrack2" "20,E,N1,W" loop:True P2) (track "GoBackTrack1" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "GoBackTrack2" "19,W,N1,E,N1,W" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:8) (piece "Marker" P1 (if (< (state at:(from)) 2) (or (if (<= (var) 0) (move (from (from) if:(if (< 0 (state at:(from))) True (is In (count Pips) (sites {1 8})))) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (or (= (count Pips) 8) (> (var) 0)) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:1) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (and (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1)) (if (> (var) 0) (and (if (> (var) 1) (moveAgain)) (set Var (- (var) 1))) (and (set Var (- (count Pips) 1)) (moveAgain))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (if (is In (mover) (players Team1)) (sites Top) (sites Bottom))) (set State at:(last To) 2)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 2) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "GoBackTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (set State at:(last To) 3)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 3) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "LoopTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))) (piece "Stick" P2 (if (< (state at:(from)) 2) (or (if (<= (var) 0) (move (from (from) if:(if (< 0 (state at:(from))) True (is In (count Pips) (sites {1 8})))) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (or (= (count Pips) 8) (> (var) 0)) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:1) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (and (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1)) (if (> (var) 0) (and (if (> (var) 1) (moveAgain)) (set Var (- (var) 1))) (and (set Var (- (count Pips) 1)) (moveAgain))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (if (is In (mover) (players Team1)) (sites Top) (sites Bottom))) (set State at:(last To) 2)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 2) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "GoBackTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (set State at:(last To) 3)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 3) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "LoopTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Stick2" (sites Top)) (set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4})}) phases:{(phase "MovingPhase" (play (do (if (<= (var) 0) (roll)) next:(if (is In (mover) (players Team1)) (forEach Piece P1) (forEach Piece P2)) (then (if (= (count Pips) 4) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:All) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Occupied by:All) if:(< (state at:(site)) 2))))) "RemovingPhase")) (phase "RemovingPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(if (= (count Pips) 4) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy))))))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
###Description The board consists of four rows of any number of holes. Two to twelve players, who play on two equal teams. The number of pieces per team is equal to the number of holes in one row. One team plays as pieces of camel dung, the other as sticks. The pieces begin, one in each hole, in the outer rows of the board. Eight sticks, used as dice, with a marked side and a blank side. The values of the throws are equal to the number of marked sides which land face up. A throw of 4 grants the player another throw. Pieces can only be moved for the first time with a throw of 1 or 8. One piece may move one space on a throw of 1, or eight pieces may each move one space on a throw of 8. Once a piece has made its initial move, it may move according to the throws of the sticks. The bottom team's pieces move from right to left in the home row, left to right in the next row, right to left in the third row, and then into the opponent's home row. The top team moves left to right (from their perspective) in their home row, right to left in the next row, left to right in the next row, and into the bottom player's home row. When a team's piece lands on a space in the central two rows occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. Pieces cannot be captured in the home rows. When a piece moves into the opponent's home row, they move back into the central two rows, moving in the opposite direction as before. After moving into the home row a piece can no longer be captured, even when it is in the central two rows. Play continues until both team's pieces have moved out of their home row and can no longer be captured. Players then alternate turns throwing the sticks, removing one of the opponent's pieces every time a 4 is thrown. A team wins when only their pieces are left on the board. The game involves 4 players. Each row has 20 Holes. ###Ludii (game "Sig (Mauritania)" (players 4) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "19,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "LoopTrack1" "40,E,S1,W" loop:True P1) (track "LoopTrack2" "20,E,N1,W" loop:True P2) (track "GoBackTrack1" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "GoBackTrack2" "19,W,N1,E,N1,W" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:8) (piece "Marker" P1 (if (< (state at:(from)) 2) (or (if (<= (var) 0) (move (from (from) if:(if (< 0 (state at:(from))) True (is In (count Pips) (sites {1 8})))) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (or (= (count Pips) 8) (> (var) 0)) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:1) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (and (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1)) (if (> (var) 0) (and (if (> (var) 1) (moveAgain)) (set Var (- (var) 1))) (and (set Var (- (count Pips) 1)) (moveAgain))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (if (is In (mover) (players Team1)) (sites Top) (sites Bottom))) (set State at:(last To) 2)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 2) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "GoBackTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (set State at:(last To) 3)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 3) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "LoopTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))))) (piece "Stick" P2 (if (< (state at:(from)) 2) (or (if (<= (var) 0) (move (from (from) if:(if (< 0 (state at:(from))) True (is In (count Pips) (sites {1 8})))) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))) (if (or (= (count Pips) 8) (> (var) 0)) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "Track" steps:1) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (or (is Empty (to)) (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (< (state at:(to)) 2))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (and (if (not (< 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1)) (if (> (var) 0) (and (if (> (var) 1) (moveAgain)) (set Var (- (var) 1))) (and (set Var (- (count Pips) 1)) (moveAgain))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (if (is In (mover) (players Team1)) (sites Top) (sites Bottom))) (set State at:(last To) 2)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 2) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "GoBackTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (set State at:(last To) 3)))) (if (= (state at:(from)) 3) (move (from (from)) (to (trackSite Move "LoopTrack" steps:(count Pips)) if:(if (is In (to) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))) (not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (is Empty (to))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Stick2" (sites Top)) (set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4})}) phases:{(phase "MovingPhase" (play (do (if (<= (var) 0) (roll)) next:(if (is In (mover) (players Team1)) (forEach Piece P1) (forEach Piece P2)) (then (if (= (count Pips) 4) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:All) (difference (sites Board) (union (sites Top) (sites Bottom)))))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Occupied by:All) if:(< (state at:(site)) 2))))) "RemovingPhase")) (phase "RemovingPhase" (play (do (roll) next:(if (= (count Pips) 4) (move Remove (sites Occupied by:Enemy))))))} (end (if (no Pieces Enemy) (result TeamMover Win)))))
Four rows of holes, of any number. Each player has as many pieces as are in one row. The pieces start in the outer row of the board for each player. Six sticks used as dice, with a green side and a white side. The throws are as follows: one white up = 0; two white up = 2; three white up = 1; four white up = 4; five white up = 0; zero white or six white up = 6. Each piece's first move must be with a throw of 1 or 6. This first throw moves the piece one space only. Play moves from left to right in the player's home row, from right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and right to left in the opponent's home row. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. Each row has 20 holes.
(game "Sig (Mzab)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (or (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) (= 6 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (map {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 0) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 1) (pair 4 1) (pair 5 0) (pair 6 6)}) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Stick2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece))) (end {(if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites P2))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites P1))) 0)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description Four rows of holes, of any number. Each player has as many pieces as are in one row. The pieces start in the outer row of the board for each player. Six sticks used as dice, with a green side and a white side. The throws are as follows: one white up = 0; two white up = 2; three white up = 1; four white up = 4; five white up = 0; zero white or six white up = 6. Each piece's first move must be with a throw of 1 or 6. This first throw moves the piece one space only. Play moves from left to right in the player's home row, from right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and right to left in the opponent's home row. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. Each row has 20 holes. ###Ludii (game "Sig (Mzab)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (or (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) (= 6 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(if (= (state at:(from)) 1) 1 (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (map {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 0) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 1) (pair 4 1) (pair 5 0) (pair 6 6)}) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Stick2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece))) (end {(if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites P2))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites P1))) 0)) (result Mover Draw))})))
Three rows of holes, arranged vertically, the outer two have twelve holes and the central one has thirteen. Twelve pieces per player, which begin in the outer rows. Four sticks, black on one side and white on the other, the number of white faces up is the value of the throw; all black faces up = 6. A player must throw a 1 (sig) to unlock a piece, which moves from the top hole in the player's row to the top hole of the central row. When a piece reaches the thirteenth space in the central row, they must throw a sig to enter the opponent's home row, at the bottom hole in that row, and proceed up that row to the top and then back into the central row. When entering the opponent's row, the opponent's piece in their bottom hole is sent to the next available hole in their row. In the central row, when a piece lands on a hole with an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is sent back to start in their home row. A player landing on a hole occupied by an opponent in the home row captures the opponent's piece. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. The game is played with 4 dice.
(game "Sig (Tidikelt)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(rectangle 12 3) (shift 1 -1 (rectangle 13 1))}) {(track "HomeTrack1" "0,N,E1,S" P1 directed:True) (track "HomeTrack2" "2,N,W1,S" P2 directed:True) (track "EnemyTrack1" "2,N,W1,S" P1 directed:True) (track "EnemyTrack2" "0,N,E1,S" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (map "FirstEnemySite" {(pair P1 2) (pair P2 0)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Left)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Right))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Left)) (place "Stick2" (sites Right))}) (play (do (roll) next:(or (if (and (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (= (mover) (who at:36))) (move (from 36) (to (mapEntry "FirstEnemySite" (mover)) if:(not (is Friend (mapEntry "FirstEnemySite" (mover)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))) -1) (remove (to)) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home"))))))))))) (forEach Piece (or (if (is In (from) (sites Track Mover "HomeTrack")) (if (if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "HomeTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "HomeTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (remove (to)) (if (= (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))) -1) (remove (to)) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))))))))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))) (if (is In (from) (sites Track Mover "EnemyTrack")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "EnemyTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "EnemyTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (remove (to)) (if (= (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))) -1) (remove (to)) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))))))))))))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Three rows of holes, arranged vertically, the outer two have twelve holes and the central one has thirteen. Twelve pieces per player, which begin in the outer rows. Four sticks, black on one side and white on the other, the number of white faces up is the value of the throw; all black faces up = 6. A player must throw a 1 (sig) to unlock a piece, which moves from the top hole in the player's row to the top hole of the central row. When a piece reaches the thirteenth space in the central row, they must throw a sig to enter the opponent's home row, at the bottom hole in that row, and proceed up that row to the top and then back into the central row. When entering the opponent's row, the opponent's piece in their bottom hole is sent to the next available hole in their row. In the central row, when a piece lands on a hole with an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is sent back to start in their home row. A player landing on a hole occupied by an opponent in the home row captures the opponent's piece. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. The game is played with 4 dice. ###Ludii (game "Sig (Tidikelt)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (merge {(rectangle 12 3) (shift 1 -1 (rectangle 13 1))}) {(track "HomeTrack1" "0,N,E1,S" P1 directed:True) (track "HomeTrack2" "2,N,W1,S" P2 directed:True) (track "EnemyTrack1" "2,N,W1,S" P1 directed:True) (track "EnemyTrack2" "0,N,E1,S" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (map "FirstEnemySite" {(pair P1 2) (pair P2 0)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Left)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Right))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Left)) (place "Stick2" (sites Right))}) (play (do (roll) next:(or (if (and (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (= (mover) (who at:36))) (move (from 36) (to (mapEntry "FirstEnemySite" (mover)) if:(not (is Friend (mapEntry "FirstEnemySite" (mover)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))) -1) (remove (to)) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home"))))))))))) (forEach Piece (or (if (is In (from) (sites Track Mover "HomeTrack")) (if (if (!= 0 (state at:(from))) True (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "HomeTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "HomeTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (remove (to)) (if (= (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))) -1) (remove (to)) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))))))))) (then (if (and (not (!= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (= 1 (mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))) (if (is In (from) (sites Track Mover "EnemyTrack")) (if (not (is Friend (who at:(trackSite Move "EnemyTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move "EnemyTrack" steps:(mapEntry "Throw" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (is In (to) (sites Next "Home")) (remove (to)) (if (= (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))) -1) (remove (to)) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (min (array (intersection (sites Empty) (sites Next "Home")))))))))))))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
4x13 board. Thirteen pieces per player, arranged on the outer rows of the board. Played with six sticks which function as dice. Pieces move according to the throws of the dice. Play progresses from left to right in the player's home row, and then from right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and then right to left in the opponent's row. A throw of 1 is required for each piece to being moving it. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by a piece belonging to the opponent, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Sig (Tozeur)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 13) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "51,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= (count Pips) 1) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(count Pips))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Stick2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece))) (end {(if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites P2))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites P1))) 0)) (result Mover Draw))})))
###Description 4x13 board. Thirteen pieces per player, arranged on the outer rows of the board. Played with six sticks which function as dice. Pieces move according to the throws of the dice. Play progresses from left to right in the player's home row, and then from right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and then right to left in the opponent's row. A throw of 1 is required for each piece to being moving it. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by a piece belonging to the opponent, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Sig (Tozeur)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 13) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "51,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= (count Pips) 1) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(count Pips))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(count Pips)) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (regions P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Stick2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Piece))) (end {(if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)) (if (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites P2))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites P1))) 0)) (result Mover Draw))})))
4x20-25 board. Player on two teams of two players. Each team has a number of pieces which are equal to the number of holes in one of the rows. Pieces baring in the outer rows of the board. Eight sticks used as dice, painted red on one side. The throws are as follows: All sides of one color = 8; seven of one color = 1; six of one color = 6; five of one color = 5; four of one color= 4. Throws of 4 and 1 allow the player another throw. Pieces are moved after the throws are made. Each throw must be used to move a piece; the value of a throw cannot be subdivided between pieces. Pieces move from left to right in the team's home row, the right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and then right to left in the opposing team's home row. Pieces may not move past other pieces belonging to the team, but may move past the opponent's pieces. Then a piece lands in a spot occupied by a piece belonging to the opposing team, the opposing team's piece is captured. Once a player places their pieces in the opponent's home row, they cannot be taken. The team continue until all of the pieces are in the opponents' home rows, and the team with the most remaining pieces wins. Each row has 20 holes.
(game "Sig (Western Sahara)" (players 4) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P4 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:8) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 8) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 6) (pair 3 5) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 5) (pair 6 6) (pair 7 1) (pair 8 8)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top)) (regions "Home" P3 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P4 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4}) (place "Stick1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Stick2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Team1) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) if:(and (or (is Empty (to)) (and (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Home"))) (is Enemy (who at:(to))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Team1) (sites Track Mover "Track" from:(from) to:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Team2) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) if:(and (or (is Empty (to)) (and (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Home"))) (is Enemy (who at:(to))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Team2) (sites Track Mover "Track" from:(from) to:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites {1 4})) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Team1) (sites P2 "Home")))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Team2) (sites P1 "Home"))))) {(if (= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team1)) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team2))) (result Mover Draw)) (if (< (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team1)) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team2))) (result Team2 Win)) (if (> (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team1)) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team2))) (result Team1 Win))}))))
###Description 4x20-25 board. Player on two teams of two players. Each team has a number of pieces which are equal to the number of holes in one of the rows. Pieces baring in the outer rows of the board. Eight sticks used as dice, painted red on one side. The throws are as follows: All sides of one color = 8; seven of one color = 1; six of one color = 6; five of one color = 5; four of one color= 4. Throws of 4 and 1 allow the player another throw. Pieces are moved after the throws are made. Each throw must be used to move a piece; the value of a throw cannot be subdivided between pieces. Pieces move from left to right in the team's home row, the right to left in the second row, left to right in the third row, and then right to left in the opposing team's home row. Pieces may not move past other pieces belonging to the team, but may move past the opponent's pieces. Then a piece lands in a spot occupied by a piece belonging to the opposing team, the opposing team's piece is captured. Once a player places their pieces in the opponent's home row, they cannot be taken. The team continue until all of the pieces are in the opponents' home rows, and the team with the most remaining pieces wins. Each row has 20 holes. ###Ludii (game "Sig (Western Sahara)" (players 4) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 20) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "Track3" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P3 directed:True) (track "Track4" "79,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P4 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:8) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 8) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 6) (pair 3 5) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 5) (pair 6 6) (pair 7 1) (pair 8 8)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top)) (regions "Home" P3 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P4 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(set Team 1 {P1 P3}) (set Team 2 {P2 P4}) (place "Stick1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Stick2" (sites Top))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (or (is Mover P1) (is Mover P3)) (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Team1) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) if:(and (or (is Empty (to)) (and (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Home"))) (is Enemy (who at:(to))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Team1) (sites Track Mover "Track" from:(from) to:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Team2) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) if:(and (or (is Empty (to)) (and (not (is In (to) (sites Next "Home"))) (is Enemy (who at:(to))))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Occupied by:Team2) (sites Track Mover "Track" from:(from) to:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites {1 4})) (moveAgain))))) (end (if (and (= 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Team1) (sites P2 "Home")))) (= 0 (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:Team2) (sites P1 "Home"))))) {(if (= (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team1)) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team2))) (result Mover Draw)) (if (< (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team1)) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team2))) (result Team2 Win)) (if (> (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team1)) (count Sites in:(sites Occupied by:Team2))) (result Team1 Win))}))))
4 or 6x10 board. Six pieces per player, with one piece placed on each of the three spaces on either end of the long row closest to the player. Three casting sticks, each with a round and a flat side, are used as dice. The throws are as follows: One flat side up = 1; two flat sides up = 2; three flat sides up = 4, zero flat sides up = 6. A player must throw a 1 to move each piece for the first time. Players move according to the throws, except on throws of 1, which are tabulated for use later. Players continue to throw until they throw 2. Pieces move along a boustrophedon path, beginning from left to right in the row closest to them. Pieces are captured when an player's piece lands on a spot occupied by an opponent's piece. Players may used tabulated throws to supplement a throw in order to make a capture. The player who captured the most pieces wins. 6 rows.
(game "Sijat El Taba" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 6 10) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "59,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)}) (piece "Marker" Each (if (= (state at:(from)) 1) (or (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1)))))))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(+ (value Player Mover) (mapEntry (count Pips)))) -1) (if (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(+ (value Player Mover) (mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(+ (value Player Mover) (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1))))) (then (set Value Mover 0)))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:3) (map {(pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 4) (pair 0 6)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (union (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Left) steps:2)) (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Right) steps:2)))) (place "Marker2" (union (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Left) steps:2)) (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Right) steps:2))))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (= (mapEntry (count Pips)) 1) (or (move Pass (then (and (if (> (value Player Mover) 0) (set Value Mover (+ 1 (value Player Mover))) (set Value Mover 1)) (moveAgain)))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(= (state at:(from)) 0)) (then (and (set State at:(last From) 1) (moveAgain))))) (if (= (mapEntry (count Pips)) 2) (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece (then (moveAgain))))))) (end (if (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Top))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites Bottom))) 0)) (byScore)))))
###Description 4 or 6x10 board. Six pieces per player, with one piece placed on each of the three spaces on either end of the long row closest to the player. Three casting sticks, each with a round and a flat side, are used as dice. The throws are as follows: One flat side up = 1; two flat sides up = 2; three flat sides up = 4, zero flat sides up = 6. A player must throw a 1 to move each piece for the first time. Players move according to the throws, except on throws of 1, which are tabulated for use later. Players continue to throw until they throw 2. Pieces move along a boustrophedon path, beginning from left to right in the row closest to them. Pieces are captured when an player's piece lands on a spot occupied by an opponent's piece. Players may used tabulated throws to supplement a throw in order to make a capture. The player who captured the most pieces wins. 6 rows. ###Ludii (game "Sijat El Taba" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 6 10) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W,N1,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "Track2" "59,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E,S1,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True)}) (piece "Marker" Each (if (= (state at:(from)) 1) (or (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1)))))))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(+ (value Player Mover) (mapEntry (count Pips)))) -1) (if (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(+ (value Player Mover) (mapEntry (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(+ (value Player Mover) (mapEntry (count Pips)))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) (then (addScore Mover 1))))) (then (set Value Mover 0)))))))) (dice d:2 from:0 num:3) (map {(pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 4) (pair 0 6)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (union (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Left) steps:2)) (intersection (sites Bottom) (expand (sites Right) steps:2)))) (place "Marker2" (union (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Left) steps:2)) (intersection (sites Top) (expand (sites Right) steps:2))))}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (= (mapEntry (count Pips)) 1) (or (move Pass (then (and (if (> (value Player Mover) 0) (set Value Mover (+ 1 (value Player Mover))) (set Value Mover 1)) (moveAgain)))) (move Select (from (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(= (state at:(from)) 0)) (then (and (set State at:(last From) 1) (moveAgain))))) (if (= (mapEntry (count Pips)) 2) (forEach Piece) (forEach Piece (then (moveAgain))))))) (end (if (and (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P1) (sites Top))) 0) (= (count Sites in:(difference (sites Occupied by:P2) (sites Bottom))) 0)) (byScore)))))
4x12 board. Twelve pieces per player, one playing as sticks and the other as stones. Pieces begin on the board, one each in every space of the outer rows. Six sticks, with one black side and one white side, used as dice. Players choose who will play as black and who will play as white, and the throws are as follows: six black or white up = 6, five black or white up (called sir)= 5 plus another throw; four black or white up = 0, three black and three white up = 3. A player must throw sir in their colour to unlock a piece before moving it. Pieces move from left to right in their home row, right to left in the next row, left to right in the row following that, and then return to the second row. When a player's piece lands on a spot occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Siryu (War)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 12) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,23,E,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "47,W,S1,E,S1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24" loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" P1 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= (count Pips) (mapEntry "Sir" (mover))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (piece "Marker" P2 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= (count Pips) (mapEntry "Sir" (mover))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (map "ThrowDiceValue" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 5) (pair 2 0) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 0) (pair 5 5) (pair 6 6)}) (map "Sir" {(pair 1 1) (pair 2 5)})}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Marker2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (can Move (forEach Piece)) (forEach Piece (then (if (= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 5) (moveAgain)))) (move Pass (then (if (= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 5) (moveAgain))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 4x12 board. Twelve pieces per player, one playing as sticks and the other as stones. Pieces begin on the board, one each in every space of the outer rows. Six sticks, with one black side and one white side, used as dice. Players choose who will play as black and who will play as white, and the throws are as follows: six black or white up = 6, five black or white up (called sir)= 5 plus another throw; four black or white up = 0, three black and three white up = 3. A player must throw sir in their colour to unlock a piece before moving it. Pieces move from left to right in their home row, right to left in the next row, left to right in the row following that, and then return to the second row. When a player's piece lands on a spot occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Siryu (War)" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 12) {(track "Track1" "0,E,N1,W,N1,E,23,E,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23,W,N1,E,23" loop:True P1) (track "Track2" "47,W,S1,E,S1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24,E,N1,W,24" loop:True P2)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" P1 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= (count Pips) (mapEntry "Sir" (mover))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (piece "Marker" P2 (if (or (= (state at:(from)) 0) (and (= (count Pips) (mapEntry "Sir" (mover))) (= (state at:(from)) 1))) (if (!= (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) -1) (if (or (is In (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (sites Empty)) (is Enemy (who at:(trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)))))) (move (from) (to (trackSite Move steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0)))))) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:6) (map "ThrowDiceValue" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 5) (pair 2 0) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 0) (pair 5 5) (pair 6 6)}) (map "Sir" {(pair 1 1) (pair 2 5)})}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom) state:1) (place "Marker2" (sites Top) state:1)}) (play (do (roll) next:(if (can Move (forEach Piece)) (forEach Piece (then (if (= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 5) (moveAgain)))) (move Pass (then (if (= (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 5) (moveAgain))))))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
The rules are the same as in Chess, without checkmate. The game is won either after 100 turns or when one player can no longer move, by the player with the most pieces.
(game "Skirmish (GDL)" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1)}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True))))))))))) (end (if (or (no Moves Next) (= (count Moves) 100)) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
###Description The rules are the same as in Chess, without checkmate. The game is won either after 100 turns or when one player can no longer move, by the player with the most pieces. ###Ludii (game "Skirmish (GDL)" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step Forward (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (or (if (is In (from) (sites Start (piece (what at:(from))))) (move Slide Forward (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (set Pending (ahead (last To) Backward))))) (move Step (directions {FR FL}) (to if:(and (is Pending) (= (to) (value Pending)))) (then (remove (ahead (last To) Backward)))))} (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "Promotion")) (moveAgain))))) (piece "Rook" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "King" Each (move Step (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))) (then (if (= (state at:(last To)) 1) (set State at:(last To) 0))))) (piece "Bishop" Each (move Slide Diagonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (piece "Knight" Each (move Leap {{F F R F} {F F L F}} (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to))))))) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))))) (map "King" {(pair 1 "E1") (pair 2 "E8")}) (map "RookLeft" {(pair 1 "A1") (pair 2 "A8")}) (map "RookRight" {(pair 1 "H1") (pair 2 "H8")}) (regions "Promotion" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "Promotion" P2 (sites Bottom))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" (sites Row 1)) (place "Pawn2" (sites Row 6)) (place "Rook1" {"A1" "H1"} state:1) (place "Knight1" {"B1" "G1"}) (place "Bishop1" {"C1" "F1"}) (place "Queen1" coord:"D1") (place "King1" coord:"E1" state:1) (place "Rook2" {"A8" "H8"} state:1) (place "Knight2" {"B8" "G8"}) (place "Bishop2" {"C8" "F8"}) (place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "King2" coord:"E8" state:1)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Promote (last To) (piece {"Queen" "Knight" "Bishop" "Rook"}) Mover) (or (forEach Piece) (if (and {(= (what at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) (id "King" Mover)) (= (state at:(mapEntry "King" (mover))) 1)}) (or (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookLeft" (mover))) E (between (exact 3) if:True)))))) (if (and (= (state at:(mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) 1) (can Move (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to)))))) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "King" (mover))) E (between (exact 2) if:(is Empty (to))) (then (and (set State at:(last To) 0) (move Slide (from (mapEntry "RookRight" (mover))) W (between (exact 2) if:True))))))))))) (end (if (or (no Moves Next) (= (count Moves) 100)) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})))))
Played on a 6x6 board with corner loops. Each player has 12 pieces. Play is made on the intersections of the lines. pieces are captured by moving via the outer loops and occupying a space held by another player. The goal is to capture all of the opponent's pieces. If no further captures are possible, the player with the most remaining pieces wins. The pieces can step to an empty site. The pieces can slide to capture. The mover win if the next player does not have any piece. The game is played on the Awithlaknan Mosona board.
(game "Surakarta" (players 2) (equipment {(surakartaBoard (square 6)) (piece "Marker" Each (or {(move Step All (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide "AllTracks" (between if:(or (= (between) (from)) (is Empty (between)))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:False (remove (to)))) (then (set Counter)))}))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand (sites Bottom))) (place "Marker2" (expand (sites Top)))}) (play (if (is Proposed "End") (or (move Vote "End") (move Vote "No" (then (set Counter)))) (or (if (>= (counter) 101) (move Propose "End" (then (vote "End")))) (forEach Piece)))) (end {(if (is Decided "End") (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})) (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss))})))
###Description Played on a 6x6 board with corner loops. Each player has 12 pieces. Play is made on the intersections of the lines. pieces are captured by moving via the outer loops and occupying a space held by another player. The goal is to capture all of the opponent's pieces. If no further captures are possible, the player with the most remaining pieces wins. The pieces can step to an empty site. The pieces can slide to capture. The mover win if the next player does not have any piece. The game is played on the Awithlaknan Mosona board. ###Ludii (game "Surakarta" (players 2) (equipment {(surakartaBoard (square 6)) (piece "Marker" Each (or {(move Step All (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Slide "AllTracks" (between if:(or (= (between) (from)) (is Empty (between)))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:False (remove (to)))) (then (set Counter)))}))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand (sites Bottom))) (place "Marker2" (expand (sites Top)))}) (play (if (is Proposed "End") (or (move Vote "End") (move Vote "No" (then (set Counter)))) (or (if (>= (counter) 101) (move Propose "End" (then (vote "End")))) (forEach Piece)))) (end {(if (is Decided "End") (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))})) (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss))})))
By far the easiest of the variants so far, Sweep Burrow's template is simply the two orthogonal directions involved in making the initial capture. The only further convention here is that if the capture was made with just movement in one direction, you cannot employ a second direction. The player may not end his turn until the capturing piece have no further captures available.
(game "Sweep Burrow" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Disc" Each (if (= 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) (or {(move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) N stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 1))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) E stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 2))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) S stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 3))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) W stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 4))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) if:(and (> (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (> (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 5))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) if:(and (< (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (> (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 6))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) if:(and (> (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (< (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 7))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) if:(and (< (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (< (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 8)))}) (if (= 1 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) N stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 2 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) E stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 3 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) S stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 4 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) W stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 5 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 6 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 7 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) (apply (remove (to)))))))))))) (then (if (< 0 (count Sites in:(if (= 1 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) N stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 2 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) E stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 3 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) S stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 4 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) W stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 5 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (if (= 6 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (if (= 7 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) W)))))))))))) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (forEach (sites Board) if:(or (and (is Even (row of:(site))) (> 2 (% (site) 4))) (and (is Odd (row of:(site))) (< 1 (% (site) 4)))))) (place "Disc2" (forEach (sites Board) if:(or (and (is Odd (row of:(site))) (> 2 (% (site) 4))) (and (is Even (row of:(site))) (< 1 (% (site) 4))))))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description By far the easiest of the variants so far, Sweep Burrow's template is simply the two orthogonal directions involved in making the initial capture. The only further convention here is that if the capture was made with just movement in one direction, you cannot employ a second direction. The player may not end his turn until the capturing piece have no further captures available. ###Ludii (game "Sweep Burrow" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Disc" Each (if (= 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) (or {(move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) N stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 1))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) E stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 2))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) S stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 3))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) W stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 4))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) if:(and (> (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (> (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 5))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) if:(and (< (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (> (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 6))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) if:(and (> (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (< (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 7))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) if:(and (< (row of:(to)) (row of:(from))) (< (column of:(to)) (column of:(from)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (set Var 8)))}) (if (= 1 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) N stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 2 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) E stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 3 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) S stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 4 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (sites Direction from:(from) W stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True) if:(= (next) (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 5 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 6 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (= 7 (var)) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from if:(= (* (from) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)) (* (last To) (if (< 0 (count MovesThisTurn)) 1 0)))) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(from)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(from) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) (apply (remove (to)))))))))))) (then (if (< 0 (count Sites in:(if (= 1 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) N stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 2 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) E stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 3 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) S stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 4 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (sites Direction from:(last To) W stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) (if (= 5 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (if (= 6 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S E}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) E))) (if (= 7 (var)) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) N) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {N W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) W))) (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy) (union (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) S) (expand (union (sites {(last To)}) (sites Distance (step (directions {S W}) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) from:(last To) (range 1 Infinity))) W)))))))))))) (moveAgain)))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (forEach (sites Board) if:(or (and (is Even (row of:(site))) (> 2 (% (site) 4))) (and (is Odd (row of:(site))) (< 1 (% (site) 4)))))) (place "Disc2" (forEach (sites Board) if:(or (and (is Odd (row of:(site))) (> 2 (% (site) 4))) (and (is Even (row of:(site))) (< 1 (% (site) 4))))))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
4x7-15 (odd number only) board. One piece in each hole in the outer row. Four palm branches used as dice, with one side white and the other side yellow. The throws are equal to the number of white sides that fall up; when only yellow sides are up, the score is 6. When a player throws 1, 4, or 6, the player throws again. Players take turns throwing, until one throws 1, and that player begins to play. Each player moves in a boustrophedon path, from left to right in the row closest to them, right to left in the second row, and left to right in the third row. From there, the player may move again into the second row and continue as before, or move into the fourth row, proceeding from right to left, as long as at least one of the opponent's pieces remains there. The piece may enter the third row again upon reaching the end of the fourth row, but only when the player has either no pieces in their first row, or one group of pieces in the same spot (see below). When a piece has moved out of the fourth row, it may not enter it again during the game. When a player's piece lands in the same spot as another piece belonging to the player, the pieces may move as one piece. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's, piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. Each row has 7 holes.
(game "Tab" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 7) {(track "HomeTrack1" "0,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "HomeTrack2" "27,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "MiddleTrack" "13,W,N1,E" loop:True) (track "EnemyTrack1" "14,E,N1,W,S1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "EnemyTrack2" "13,W,S1,E,N1,W" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Stick2" (sites Top))}) phases:{(phase "InitGame" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover) (or {(if (is In (site) (sites Track Mover "HomeTrack")) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) "HomeTrack" steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(count at:(to))))) count:(count at:(site)))) (if (is In (site) (sites Track Mover "MiddleTrack")) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(count at:(to))))) count:(count at:(site)))) (if (is In (site) (sites Track Mover "EnemyTrack")) (if (if (is In (site) (sites Next "Home")) True (and (!= 0 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Next "Home"))) (= 0 (state at:(site))))) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) "EnemyTrack" steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(count at:(to))))) count:(count at:(site)) (then (if (and (is In (last To) (sites Next "Home")) (= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))})) (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites {1 4 6})) (moveAgain))))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description 4x7-15 (odd number only) board. One piece in each hole in the outer row. Four palm branches used as dice, with one side white and the other side yellow. The throws are equal to the number of white sides that fall up; when only yellow sides are up, the score is 6. When a player throws 1, 4, or 6, the player throws again. Players take turns throwing, until one throws 1, and that player begins to play. Each player moves in a boustrophedon path, from left to right in the row closest to them, right to left in the second row, and left to right in the third row. From there, the player may move again into the second row and continue as before, or move into the fourth row, proceeding from right to left, as long as at least one of the opponent's pieces remains there. The piece may enter the third row again upon reaching the end of the fourth row, but only when the player has either no pieces in their first row, or one group of pieces in the same spot (see below). When a piece has moved out of the fourth row, it may not enter it again during the game. When a player's piece lands in the same spot as another piece belonging to the player, the pieces may move as one piece. When a player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's, piece, the opponent's piece is captured. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. Each row has 7 holes. ###Ludii (game "Tab" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 7) {(track "HomeTrack1" "0,E,N1,W" P1 directed:True) (track "HomeTrack2" "27,W,S1,E" P2 directed:True) (track "MiddleTrack" "13,W,N1,E" loop:True) (track "EnemyTrack1" "14,E,N1,W,S1,E" P1 directed:True) (track "EnemyTrack2" "13,W,S1,E,N1,W" P2 directed:True)} use:Vertex) (piece "Stick" Each) (regions "AllSites" (sites Board)) (dice d:2 from:0 num:4) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 6) (pair 1 1) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4)}) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Stick1" (sites Bottom)) (place "Stick2" (sites Top))}) phases:{(phase "InitGame" (play (do (roll) next:(move Pass) (then (if (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) (moveAgain))))) (nextPhase (= 1 (mapEntry (count Pips))) "Play")) (phase "Play" (play (do (roll) next:(forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover) (or {(if (is In (site) (sites Track Mover "HomeTrack")) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) "HomeTrack" steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(count at:(to))))) count:(count at:(site)))) (if (is In (site) (sites Track Mover "MiddleTrack")) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) "MiddleTrack" steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(count at:(to))))) count:(count at:(site)))) (if (is In (site) (sites Track Mover "EnemyTrack")) (if (if (is In (site) (sites Next "Home")) True (and (!= 0 (count Pieces Next in:(sites Next "Home"))) (= 0 (state at:(site))))) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) "EnemyTrack" steps:(mapEntry (count Pips))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(count at:(to))))) count:(count at:(site)) (then (if (and (is In (last To) (sites Next "Home")) (= 0 (state at:(last To)))) (set State at:(last To) 1))))))})) (then (if (is In (mapEntry (count Pips)) (sites {1 4 6})) (moveAgain))))))} (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Seven players. Heptagonal board, with seven semi-circular socket as spaces on each side. Seven pieces per player, which begin on the leftmost spot on their side. Players are as follows: Saturn = black; Jupiter = green; Mars = red; the sun = yellow; Venus = purple; Mercury = multi-colored; the moon is white. Pieces move in an anti-clockwise direction around the board. Three seven-sided die. Players move according to the number on each die by moving one piece the value on one die then another piece the value on the other die, or by moving one piece the value of one die and then the value of the other. When a piece lands on a space with a single piece belonging to an opponent, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. Play continues until one player remains, who becomes the winner.
(game "Tablas Astronomias" (players 7) (equipment {(board (concentric {49}) {(track "Track" {48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47} loop:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:7 num:3) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Disc1" 14 count:7) (place Stack "Disc2" 0 count:7) (place Stack "Disc3" 13 count:7) (place Stack "Disc4" 27 count:7) (place Stack "Disc5" 41 count:7) (place Stack "Disc6" 42 count:7) (place Stack "Disc7" 28 count:7)}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die if:(!= (pips) 0) (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) steps:(pips)) if:(or (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= (topLevel at:(to)) 0)) (not (is Enemy (who at:(to))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (moveAgain)))))) (end (forEach NonMover if:(no Pieces Player) (result Player Loss)))))
###Description Seven players. Heptagonal board, with seven semi-circular socket as spaces on each side. Seven pieces per player, which begin on the leftmost spot on their side. Players are as follows: Saturn = black; Jupiter = green; Mars = red; the sun = yellow; Venus = purple; Mercury = multi-colored; the moon is white. Pieces move in an anti-clockwise direction around the board. Three seven-sided die. Players move according to the number on each die by moving one piece the value on one die then another piece the value on the other die, or by moving one piece the value of one die and then the value of the other. When a piece lands on a space with a single piece belonging to an opponent, the opponent's piece is removed from the board. Play continues until one player remains, who becomes the winner. ###Ludii (game "Tablas Astronomias" (players 7) (equipment {(board (concentric {49}) {(track "Track" {48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47} loop:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:7 num:3) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Disc1" 14 count:7) (place Stack "Disc2" 0 count:7) (place Stack "Disc3" 13 count:7) (place Stack "Disc4" 27 count:7) (place Stack "Disc5" 41 count:7) (place Stack "Disc6" 42 count:7) (place Stack "Disc7" 28 count:7)}) (play (do (if (not (is Prev Mover)) (roll)) next:(forEach Die if:(!= (pips) 0) (forEach Site (sites Occupied by:Mover) (move (from (site)) (to (trackSite Move from:(site) steps:(pips)) if:(or (and (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (= (topLevel at:(to)) 0)) (not (is Enemy (who at:(to))))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))) (then (if (not (all DiceUsed)) (moveAgain)))))) (end (forEach NonMover if:(no Pieces Player) (result Player Loss)))))
Each player controls a tank with three health and an initial shooting range of two spaces. Each player gains one action point at the start of their turn. Players may use an action point during their turn to perform one of four actions: - Move their tank to an adjacent space. - Shoot at another tank within shooting range, deducting one point of health. - Trade with another tank within shooting range, increasing the owning players action points by one. - Increase the shooting range of their tank by one space. Players can pass to conserve action points between turns. A player loses if their tank reaches zero health. 2 players. The game is played on a 5x10 board.
(game "Tank Tactics" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 10)) (hand Each) (piece "Tank" Each (or {(move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain))))) (move Select (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") (sites Distance from:(from) (range 1 (state at:(from)))))) (then (and (if (= (value Piece at:(last To)) 1) (remove (last To)) (set Value at:(last To) (- (value Piece at:(last To)) 1))) (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain)))))) (move Select (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") (sites Distance from:(from) (range 1 (state at:(from)))))) (then (and (addScore (player (who at:(last To))) 1) (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain)))))) (move Select (from) (to) (then (and (if (< (state at:(last To)) 100) (set State at:(last To) (+ 1 (state at:(last To))))) (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain))))))}) maxState:100)}) (rules (meta (passEnd NoEnd)) (start {(set Score Each 1) (place "Tank1" (handSite P1) state:2 value:3) (place "Tank2" (handSite P2) state:2 value:3)}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (or (forEach Piece) (move Pass (then (addScore Mover 1))))))} (end (forEach NonMover if:(no Pieces Player) (result Player Loss)))))
###Description Each player controls a tank with three health and an initial shooting range of two spaces. Each player gains one action point at the start of their turn. Players may use an action point during their turn to perform one of four actions: - Move their tank to an adjacent space. - Shoot at another tank within shooting range, deducting one point of health. - Trade with another tank within shooting range, increasing the owning players action points by one. - Increase the shooting range of their tank by one space. Players can pass to conserve action points between turns. A player loses if their tank reaches zero health. 2 players. The game is played on a 5x10 board. ###Ludii (game "Tank Tactics" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 5 10)) (hand Each) (piece "Tank" Each (or {(move Step (to if:(is Empty (to))) (then (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain))))) (move Select (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") (sites Distance from:(from) (range 1 (state at:(from)))))) (then (and (if (= (value Piece at:(last To)) 1) (remove (last To)) (set Value at:(last To) (- (value Piece at:(last To)) 1))) (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain)))))) (move Select (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Enemy container:"Board") (sites Distance from:(from) (range 1 (state at:(from)))))) (then (and (addScore (player (who at:(last To))) 1) (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain)))))) (move Select (from) (to) (then (and (if (< (state at:(last To)) 100) (set State at:(last To) (+ 1 (state at:(last To))))) (if (> (score Mover) 1) (and (addScore Mover -1) (moveAgain))))))}) maxState:100)}) (rules (meta (passEnd NoEnd)) (start {(set Score Each 1) (place "Tank1" (handSite P1) state:2 value:3) (place "Tank2" (handSite P2) state:2 value:3)}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (sites Empty)))) (nextPhase Mover (all Sites (sites Hand Mover) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (or (forEach Piece) (move Pass (then (addScore Mover 1))))))} (end (forEach NonMover if:(no Pieces Player) (result Player Loss)))))
Two concentric circles, with two perpendicular diameters intersecting both circles, and four other lines, positioned diagonally, connecting the circumferences of the two circles. Six pieces per player. which begin on opposite sides of the circle from the other player, three on each circle. Players alternate turns moving their pieces. Pieces move three spaces along the lines on the board, regardless of whether they are occupied, capturing any piece on the third. Pieces may change direction in a turn, as long as the lines are followed and there is no backtracking. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins.
(game "Toono" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (concentric {1 0 8 8}) edges:{{0 2} {0 4} {0 6} {0 8}}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from) (to (sites Distance from:(from) (exact 3)) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (difference (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2) (expand (sites Top) steps:2))) (place "Marker2" (difference (expand (sites Top) steps:2) (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Two concentric circles, with two perpendicular diameters intersecting both circles, and four other lines, positioned diagonally, connecting the circumferences of the two circles. Six pieces per player. which begin on opposite sides of the circle from the other player, three on each circle. Players alternate turns moving their pieces. Pieces move three spaces along the lines on the board, regardless of whether they are occupied, capturing any piece on the third. Pieces may change direction in a turn, as long as the lines are followed and there is no backtracking. The player who captures all of the opponent's pieces wins. ###Ludii (game "Toono" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (concentric {1 0 8 8}) edges:{{0 2} {0 4} {0 6} {0 8}}) use:Vertex) (piece "Marker" Each (move (from) (to (sites Distance from:(from) (exact 3)) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to)))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (difference (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2) (expand (sites Top) steps:2))) (place "Marker2" (difference (expand (sites Top) steps:2) (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
Each turn the current player must move, capture and drop. The current player must move one of their pieces in a straight line in any of the six hexagonal directions to land on a vacant foreign cell; any intervening cells must also be empty. The opponent who owns the landing cell becomes the candidate and the other opponent becomes the bunny. All opponents' pieces immediately adjacent to the landing cell are captured and removed from the board. The current player must make the move that captures the most pieces each turn, but may choose amongst equals. This is called the max capture rule. The moving player must then drop a bunny piece on any empty cell, unless a player has just been eliminated. The candidate becomes the next player to move. Goal: Play stops the moment any player is eliminated. The game is won by the player with the most pieces left, else is a tie between the two remaining players if they are both left with the same number of pieces.
(game "Triad" (players 3) (equipment {(board (hex 5)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(!= (mover) (mapEntry "PlayerPhase" (phase of:(to)))))) (then (and {(forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (if (is Enemy (what at:(site))) (remove (site)))) (set Var (mapEntry "PlayerPhase" (phase of:(last To)))) (moveAgain)})))) (map "PlayerPhase" {(pair 1 1) (pair 0 2) (pair 2 3)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand origin:(coord "A5") steps:2)) (place "Marker2" (expand origin:(coord "I9") steps:2)) (place "Marker3" (expand origin:(coord "E1") steps:2))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Add (piece (if (= (mover) 1) (if (= (var) 2) 3 2) (if (= (mover) 2) (if (= (var) 1) 3 1) (if (= (var) 1) 2 1)))) (to (sites Empty)) (then (set NextPlayer (player (var))))) (max Captures (forEach Piece)))) (end (if (or {(no Pieces P1) (no Pieces P2) (no Pieces P3)}) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2)) (score P3 (count Pieces P3))})))))
###Description Each turn the current player must move, capture and drop. The current player must move one of their pieces in a straight line in any of the six hexagonal directions to land on a vacant foreign cell; any intervening cells must also be empty. The opponent who owns the landing cell becomes the candidate and the other opponent becomes the bunny. All opponents' pieces immediately adjacent to the landing cell are captured and removed from the board. The current player must make the move that captures the most pieces each turn, but may choose amongst equals. This is called the max capture rule. The moving player must then drop a bunny piece on any empty cell, unless a player has just been eliminated. The candidate becomes the next player to move. Goal: Play stops the moment any player is eliminated. The game is won by the player with the most pieces left, else is a tie between the two remaining players if they are both left with the same number of pieces. ###Ludii (game "Triad" (players 3) (equipment {(board (hex 5)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Slide Orthogonal (to (apply if:(!= (mover) (mapEntry "PlayerPhase" (phase of:(to)))))) (then (and {(forEach Site (sites Around (last To) Orthogonal) (if (is Enemy (what at:(site))) (remove (site)))) (set Var (mapEntry "PlayerPhase" (phase of:(last To)))) (moveAgain)})))) (map "PlayerPhase" {(pair 1 1) (pair 0 2) (pair 2 3)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (expand origin:(coord "A5") steps:2)) (place "Marker2" (expand origin:(coord "I9") steps:2)) (place "Marker3" (expand origin:(coord "E1") steps:2))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move Add (piece (if (= (mover) 1) (if (= (var) 2) 3 2) (if (= (mover) 2) (if (= (var) 1) 3 1) (if (= (var) 1) 2 1)))) (to (sites Empty)) (then (set NextPlayer (player (var))))) (max Captures (forEach Piece)))) (end (if (or {(no Pieces P1) (no Pieces P2) (no Pieces P3)}) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2)) (score P3 (count Pieces P3))})))))
Players take turns moving a piece of their colour as follows: 1. A piece on a vertex can move either: 1a. To an adjacent empty vertex. The edge it travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed). 1b. To an empty cell that vertex is part of. 2. A piece on an edge can move either: 2a. To a connected empty edge. The vertex it travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed). 2b. To an empty cell that edge is part of. 3. A piece in a cell can move either: 3a. To a neighbouring empty cell which may be connected by an edge or a vertex. The connecting edge or vertex that the piece travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed). 3b. To step over one of its empty edges into an adjacent cell containing an enemy piece (which is captured), then step out over a different empty edge to another empty cell. 3c. To an empty vertex or edge belonging to that cell. Aim: A player wins if their opponent is reduced to a single piece. An empty edge has no piece on its midpoint. An empty cell has no piece on its centroid. Three Player Version: In the three player version, any player reduced to a single piece is removed from the game (along with their piece). Last remaining player wins. The game is played with 2 players.
(game "Triple Tangle" (players 2) (equipment {(board (tiling T3464 1) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites {4 5 0 1})) (place "Disc1" Cell 1) (place "Disc1" Edge (sites {0 3 4 9})) (place "Disc2" (sites {16 17 12 13})) (place "Disc2" Cell 11) (place "Disc2" Edge (sites {25 29 26 20}))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move (from Cell (last To)) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Cell at:(from))) if:(and (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection {(sites Empty Edge) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(from)) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(to))}))) (!= (last From) (to))))) (or {(forEach Piece on:Vertex (or (move Step (from Vertex) (to if:(is Empty Vertex (to))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Edge of:Vertex at:(last From)) (sites Incident Edge of:Vertex at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Edge at:(site))) (remove Edge (site)))))) (move (from Vertex) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(from))))))) (forEach Piece on:Edge (or (move Step (from Edge) (to if:(is Empty Edge (to))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Edge at:(last From)) (sites Incident Vertex of:Edge at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Vertex at:(site))) (remove Vertex (site)))))) (move (from Edge) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Edge at:(from))))))) (forEach Piece on:Cell (or {(move (from Cell) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Cell at:(from)))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(last From)) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Edge at:(site))) (remove Edge (site)))))) (move (from Cell) (to Cell (sites Incident Cell of:Cell at:(from)) if:(and (is Enemy (who Cell at:(to))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection {(sites Empty Edge) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(from)) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(to))})))) (apply (remove Cell (to)))) (then (moveAgain))) (move (from Cell) (to Cell (forEach (sites Empty Cell) if:(= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(from)) (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site))))))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(last From)) (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Vertex at:(site))) (remove Vertex (site)))))) (move (from Cell) (to Edge (intersection (sites Empty Edge) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(from))))) (move (from Cell) (to Vertex (intersection (sites Empty Vertex) (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(from)))))}))}))) (end (if (>= 1 (+ {(count Pieces Vertex Next) (count Pieces Edge Next) (count Pieces Cell Next)})) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description Players take turns moving a piece of their colour as follows: 1. A piece on a vertex can move either: 1a. To an adjacent empty vertex. The edge it travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed). 1b. To an empty cell that vertex is part of. 2. A piece on an edge can move either: 2a. To a connected empty edge. The vertex it travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed). 2b. To an empty cell that edge is part of. 3. A piece in a cell can move either: 3a. To a neighbouring empty cell which may be connected by an edge or a vertex. The connecting edge or vertex that the piece travels over may be empty or occupied (if occupied by an enemy piece, that piece is captured and removed). 3b. To step over one of its empty edges into an adjacent cell containing an enemy piece (which is captured), then step out over a different empty edge to another empty cell. 3c. To an empty vertex or edge belonging to that cell. Aim: A player wins if their opponent is reduced to a single piece. An empty edge has no piece on its midpoint. An empty cell has no piece on its centroid. Three Player Version: In the three player version, any player reduced to a single piece is removed from the game (along with their piece). Last remaining player wins. The game is played with 2 players. ###Ludii (game "Triple Tangle" (players 2) (equipment {(board (tiling T3464 1) use:Vertex) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites {4 5 0 1})) (place "Disc1" Cell 1) (place "Disc1" Edge (sites {0 3 4 9})) (place "Disc2" (sites {16 17 12 13})) (place "Disc2" Cell 11) (place "Disc2" Edge (sites {25 29 26 20}))}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (move (from Cell (last To)) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Cell at:(from))) if:(and (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection {(sites Empty Edge) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(from)) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(to))}))) (!= (last From) (to))))) (or {(forEach Piece on:Vertex (or (move Step (from Vertex) (to if:(is Empty Vertex (to))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Edge of:Vertex at:(last From)) (sites Incident Edge of:Vertex at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Edge at:(site))) (remove Edge (site)))))) (move (from Vertex) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Vertex at:(from))))))) (forEach Piece on:Edge (or (move Step (from Edge) (to if:(is Empty Edge (to))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Edge at:(last From)) (sites Incident Vertex of:Edge at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Vertex at:(site))) (remove Vertex (site)))))) (move (from Edge) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Edge at:(from))))))) (forEach Piece on:Cell (or {(move (from Cell) (to Cell (intersection (sites Empty Cell) (sites Incident Cell of:Cell at:(from)))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(last From)) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Edge at:(site))) (remove Edge (site)))))) (move (from Cell) (to Cell (sites Incident Cell of:Cell at:(from)) if:(and (is Enemy (who Cell at:(to))) (= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection {(sites Empty Edge) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(from)) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(to))})))) (apply (remove Cell (to)))) (then (moveAgain))) (move (from Cell) (to Cell (forEach (sites Empty Cell) if:(= 1 (count Sites in:(intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(from)) (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(site))))))) (then (forEach Site (intersection (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(last From)) (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(last To))) (if (is Enemy (who Vertex at:(site))) (remove Vertex (site)))))) (move (from Cell) (to Edge (intersection (sites Empty Edge) (sites Incident Edge of:Cell at:(from))))) (move (from Cell) (to Vertex (intersection (sites Empty Vertex) (sites Incident Vertex of:Cell at:(from)))))}))}))) (end (if (>= 1 (+ {(count Pieces Vertex Next) (count Pieces Edge Next) (count Pieces Cell Next)})) (result Mover Win)))))
Played on a Chaupar board. Two players. Four pieces per player. Seven cowries, used as dice. The throws are as follows: one face up = 10; two faces up = 2; three faces up = 3; four faces up = 4; five faces up = 25; six faces up = 36; seven faces up = 14; all faces down = 7. Players start from opposite ends of the board. In this game, the divisions of the arms of the board are ignored; each arm is considered one space, and the spaces between the arms are also considered a space, making eight total spaces. Players sit opposite each other, and the point in front of them is the starting point for that player. Play proceeds in an anti-clockwise direction. When one player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. A player wins by capturing all of the opponent's pieces. 6 faces up = 36.
(game "Udat Pagada" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (add (hole (merge (shift 0 8 (rectangle 4 20)) (shift 8 0 (rectangle 20 4))) (poly {{8 8} {8 11} {11 11} {11 8}})) cells:{{8 28 48 68 69 70 71 51 31 11 10 9}}) vertices:{{9.5 4} {15 4} {15 9.5} {15 15} {9.5 15} {4 15} {4 9.5} {4 4}}) {(track "Track" {144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151} loop:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:7) (piece "Pawn" Each (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) FromTop (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (hand Each) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 7) (pair 1 10) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 25) (pair 6 36) (pair 7 14)}) (map "Entry" {(pair P1 144) (pair P2 148)})}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Pawn1" (handSite P1) count:4) (place Stack "Pawn2" (handSite P2) count:4)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or (if (is Occupied (handSite Mover)) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (trackSite Move from:(mapEntry "Entry" Mover) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 1)) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) FromTop (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (forEach Piece)))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description Played on a Chaupar board. Two players. Four pieces per player. Seven cowries, used as dice. The throws are as follows: one face up = 10; two faces up = 2; three faces up = 3; four faces up = 4; five faces up = 25; six faces up = 36; seven faces up = 14; all faces down = 7. Players start from opposite ends of the board. In this game, the divisions of the arms of the board are ignored; each arm is considered one space, and the spaces between the arms are also considered a space, making eight total spaces. Players sit opposite each other, and the point in front of them is the starting point for that player. Play proceeds in an anti-clockwise direction. When one player's piece lands on a space occupied by an opponent's piece, the opponent's piece is captured. A player wins by capturing all of the opponent's pieces. 6 faces up = 36. ###Ludii (game "Udat Pagada" (players 2) (equipment {(board (add (add (hole (merge (shift 0 8 (rectangle 4 20)) (shift 8 0 (rectangle 20 4))) (poly {{8 8} {8 11} {11 11} {11 8}})) cells:{{8 28 48 68 69 70 71 51 31 11 10 9}}) vertices:{{9.5 4} {15 4} {15 9.5} {15 15} {9.5 15} {4 15} {4 9.5} {4 4}}) {(track "Track" {144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151} loop:True)} use:Vertex) (dice d:2 from:0 num:7) (piece "Pawn" Each (move (from (from) level:(level)) (to (trackSite Move from:(from) "Track" steps:(mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) FromTop (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (hand Each) (map "Throw" {(pair 0 7) (pair 1 10) (pair 2 2) (pair 3 3) (pair 4 4) (pair 5 25) (pair 6 36) (pair 7 14)}) (map "Entry" {(pair P1 144) (pair P2 148)})}) (rules (start {(place Stack "Pawn1" (handSite P1) count:4) (place Stack "Pawn2" (handSite P2) count:4)}) (play (do (roll) next:(or (if (is Occupied (handSite Mover)) (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (trackSite Move from:(mapEntry "Entry" Mover) "Track" steps:(- (mapEntry "ThrowDiceValue" (count Pips)) 1)) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (forEach Level (to) FromTop (remove (to) level:(level)))))))) (forEach Piece)))) (end (if (no Pieces Next) (result Next Loss)))))
On your turn you have to options: • Noncapturing move: Step kingwise away from the center of the line you are stepping along. • Capturing move: Capture queenwise any enemy not farther away from the center of the line you are moving along. Only if you have no moves may you pass. The game is over when only one player has pieces left. That player is the winner. A 6x6 board is currently selected
(game "Zola" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 6)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites Phase 0)) (place "Disc2" (sites Phase 1))}) (play (forEach Piece (or {(move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {N S}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) S))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) S))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {NE SW}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SW))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SW))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {E W}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) W))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) W))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {SE NW}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NW))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NW))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (from) (to if:(and {(is Empty (to)) (or {(and (or (= (from) (+ (to) 6)) (= (from) (- (to) 6))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) S))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) S))))) (and (or (= (from) (+ (to) 1)) (= (from) (- (to) 1))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) W))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) W))))) (and (or (= (from) (+ (to) (+ 6 1))) (= (from) (- (to) (+ 6 1)))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SW)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NE))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SW)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NE))))) (and (or (= (from) (+ (to) (- 6 1))) (= (from) (- (to) (- 6 1)))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NW))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NW)))))})})))}))) (end (if (or (no Pieces P1) (no Pieces P2)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description On your turn you have to options: • Noncapturing move: Step kingwise away from the center of the line you are stepping along. • Capturing move: Capture queenwise any enemy not farther away from the center of the line you are moving along. Only if you have no moves may you pass. The game is over when only one player has pieces left. That player is the winner. A 6x6 board is currently selected ###Ludii (game "Zola" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 6)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites Phase 0)) (place "Disc2" (sites Phase 1))}) (play (forEach Piece (or {(move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {N S}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) S))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) S))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {NE SW}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SW))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SW))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {E W}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) W))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) W))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move (from) (to (intersection (sites Occupied by:Next) (sites Direction from:(from) (directions {SE NW}) stop:(is Occupied (to)) stopIncluded:True)) if:(not (> (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NW))) (min (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NW))))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Step (from) (to if:(and {(is Empty (to)) (or {(and (or (= (from) (+ (to) 6)) (= (from) (- (to) 6))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) S))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) N)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) S))))) (and (or (= (from) (+ (to) 1)) (= (from) (- (to) 1))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) W))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) E)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) W))))) (and (or (= (from) (+ (to) (+ 6 1))) (= (from) (- (to) (+ 6 1)))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SW)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NE))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SW)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NE))))) (and (or (= (from) (+ (to) (- 6 1))) (= (from) (- (to) (- 6 1)))) (< (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(from) NW))) (max (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) SE)) (count Sites in:(sites Direction from:(to) NW)))))})})))}))) (end (if (or (no Pieces P1) (no Pieces P2)) (result Mover Win)))))
The objective of Cannon is to capture or shoot the opponent's Town. The player also wins the game if his opponent doesn't have legal moves. Players move alternately. On their first turns both players put a special piece called "Town" anywhere on the rows closest to them excluding corners. Once placed, Towns don't move during the entire game. A soldier may move one step forward or diagonally forward to an adjacent empty point. A soldier may capture an enemy piece (a soldier or the Town) standing on an adjacent point by moving one step sideways, forward or diagonally forward. A soldier can retreat two points backwards or diagonally backwards if it is adjacent to an enemy soldier and if the target and intermediate spots are empty. Cannon is a (orthogonal or diagonal) line of 3 adjacent friendly soldiers. A cannon may slide along its line in either direction if the target spot is empty. A cannon may make a capture without sliding, i.e. to "shoot" an enemy piece (either a soldier or the Town) standing on the same line as the shooting cannon if there is one or two empty points between the cannon's front soldier and the enemy piece.
(game "Cannon" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 10) use:Vertex) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step (directions Forwards of:All) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {Forwards Rightward Leftward} of:All) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (not (all Sites (sites Around (from) All) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(site)))))) (move Hop (directions Backwards of:All) (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Hop All (between (exact 2) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Pawn" Mover))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (forEach Direction All (if (and {(and (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Mover)) (= (what at:(ahead (from) steps:2 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))) (id "Pawn" Mover))) (is Empty (ahead (from) steps:3 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to))))}) (if (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (from) steps:4 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to))))) (move Remove (ahead (from) steps:4 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))) (if (and (is Empty (ahead (from) steps:4 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))) (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (from) steps:5 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))))) (move Remove (ahead (from) steps:5 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to))))))))})) (piece "Town" Each) (hand Each) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Town" "Hand") (place "Pawn1" (forEach (difference (expand (sites Row 2)) (sites Right)) if:(is Even (column of:(site))))) (place "Pawn2" (forEach (difference (expand (sites Row 7)) (sites Left)) if:(is Odd (column of:(site)))))}) phases:{(phase "Placing" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (difference (sites Mover "Home") (sites Corners))))) (nextPhase Mover "Moving")) (phase "Moving" (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (or (= (where "Town" Next) -1) (no Moves Next)) (result Mover Win))))}))
###Description The objective of Cannon is to capture or shoot the opponent's Town. The player also wins the game if his opponent doesn't have legal moves. Players move alternately. On their first turns both players put a special piece called "Town" anywhere on the rows closest to them excluding corners. Once placed, Towns don't move during the entire game. A soldier may move one step forward or diagonally forward to an adjacent empty point. A soldier may capture an enemy piece (a soldier or the Town) standing on an adjacent point by moving one step sideways, forward or diagonally forward. A soldier can retreat two points backwards or diagonally backwards if it is adjacent to an enemy soldier and if the target and intermediate spots are empty. Cannon is a (orthogonal or diagonal) line of 3 adjacent friendly soldiers. A cannon may slide along its line in either direction if the target spot is empty. A cannon may make a capture without sliding, i.e. to "shoot" an enemy piece (either a soldier or the Town) standing on the same line as the shooting cannon if there is one or two empty points between the cannon's front soldier and the enemy piece. ###Ludii (game "Cannon" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 10) use:Vertex) (piece "Pawn" Each (or {(move Step (directions Forwards of:All) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (move Step (directions {Forwards Rightward Leftward} of:All) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (if (not (all Sites (sites Around (from) All) if:(not (is Enemy (who at:(site)))))) (move Hop (directions Backwards of:All) (between if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Empty (to))))) (move Hop All (between (exact 2) if:(= (what at:(between)) (id "Pawn" Mover))) (to if:(is Empty (to)))) (forEach Direction All (if (and {(and (= (what at:(to)) (id "Pawn" Mover)) (= (what at:(ahead (from) steps:2 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))) (id "Pawn" Mover))) (is Empty (ahead (from) steps:3 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to))))}) (if (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (from) steps:4 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to))))) (move Remove (ahead (from) steps:4 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))) (if (and (is Empty (ahead (from) steps:4 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))) (is Enemy (who at:(ahead (from) steps:5 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to)))))) (move Remove (ahead (from) steps:5 (directions Vertex from:(from) to:(to))))))))})) (piece "Town" Each) (hand Each) (regions "Home" P1 (sites Bottom)) (regions "Home" P2 (sites Top))}) (rules (start {(place "Town" "Hand") (place "Pawn1" (forEach (difference (expand (sites Row 2)) (sites Right)) if:(is Even (column of:(site))))) (place "Pawn2" (forEach (difference (expand (sites Row 7)) (sites Left)) if:(is Odd (column of:(site)))))}) phases:{(phase "Placing" (play (move (from (handSite Mover)) (to (difference (sites Mover "Home") (sites Corners))))) (nextPhase Mover "Moving")) (phase "Moving" (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (or (= (where "Town" Next) -1) (no Moves Next)) (result Mover Win))))}))
The goal is to capture the black queen with the white pieces.
(game "Capture the Queen" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "Queen1" {"B1" "C1" "E1" "F1"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss)) (if (= (count Moves) 100) (result P2 Win))})))
###Description The goal is to capture the black queen with the white pieces. ###Ludii (game "Capture the Queen" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Queen" Each (move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Queen2" coord:"D8") (place "Queen1" {"B1" "C1" "E1" "F1"})}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end {(if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss)) (if (= (count Moves) 100) (result P2 Win))})))
GOAL Get your king into the enemy home square, or kill the enemy king. MOVES Players make one move per turn, starting with Red. There are three possible types of moves, explained below. Players will always have a move available, and must make one. Passing is not allowed. NON-CAPTURING MOVES Kings and courtesans can move to an adjacent, unoccupied square in any of the three forward directions. CAPTURING MOVES Kings and courtesans can move to an adjacent, enemy occupied square in any of eight directions, capturing the enemy king or courtesan by replacement. EXCHANGE MOVE You can transfer the top checker of your king onto an adjacent, friendly courtesan in any of the three forward directions, thus exchanging king and courtesan. In the Ludii implementation, the king is controlled like this: To make an exchange move you must drag or click the top piece. To make a step/capture move, you must drag or click the bottom piece. A size 6 board is currently selected
(game "King And Courtesan" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rotate 45 (square 6))) (piece "Disc" Each (or {(move Step Forwards (to if:(is Empty (to))) stack:True) (move Step (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (and (if (= 2 (size Stack at:(to))) (set Var "NextLoss" 1)) (remove (to) count:(size Stack at:(to)))))) stack:True) (move Step (from if:(= 2 (size Stack at:(from)))) Forwards (to if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))))}))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (expand (sites Bottom) steps:(- 6 2) Orthogonal)) (place "Disc2" (expand (sites Top) steps:(- 6 2) Orthogonal)) (place Stack "Disc1" (sites Bottom)) (place Stack "Disc2" (sites Top))}) (play (forEach Piece top:True)) (end {(if (= 1 (var "NextLoss")) (result Next Loss)) (if (or (and (= (id P1) (who at:(- (* 6 6) 1))) (= 2 (size Stack at:(- (* 6 6) 1)))) (and (= (id P2) (who at:0)) (= 2 (size Stack at:0)))) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description GOAL Get your king into the enemy home square, or kill the enemy king. MOVES Players make one move per turn, starting with Red. There are three possible types of moves, explained below. Players will always have a move available, and must make one. Passing is not allowed. NON-CAPTURING MOVES Kings and courtesans can move to an adjacent, unoccupied square in any of the three forward directions. CAPTURING MOVES Kings and courtesans can move to an adjacent, enemy occupied square in any of eight directions, capturing the enemy king or courtesan by replacement. EXCHANGE MOVE You can transfer the top checker of your king onto an adjacent, friendly courtesan in any of the three forward directions, thus exchanging king and courtesan. In the Ludii implementation, the king is controlled like this: To make an exchange move you must drag or click the top piece. To make a step/capture move, you must drag or click the bottom piece. A size 6 board is currently selected ###Ludii (game "King And Courtesan" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rotate 45 (square 6))) (piece "Disc" Each (or {(move Step Forwards (to if:(is Empty (to))) stack:True) (move Step (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (and (if (= 2 (size Stack at:(to))) (set Var "NextLoss" 1)) (remove (to) count:(size Stack at:(to)))))) stack:True) (move Step (from if:(= 2 (size Stack at:(from)))) Forwards (to if:(is Mover (who at:(to)))))}))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (expand (sites Bottom) steps:(- 6 2) Orthogonal)) (place "Disc2" (expand (sites Top) steps:(- 6 2) Orthogonal)) (place Stack "Disc1" (sites Bottom)) (place Stack "Disc2" (sites Top))}) (play (forEach Piece top:True)) (end {(if (= 1 (var "NextLoss")) (result Next Loss)) (if (or (and (= (id P1) (who at:(- (* 6 6) 1))) (= 2 (size Stack at:(- (* 6 6) 1)))) (and (= (id P2) (who at:0)) (= 2 (size Stack at:0)))) (result Mover Win))})))
Played on a board of 10x10 squares. The board has three 2x2 zones which cannot be entered, represented as water on the battlefield. each player controls 36 pieces which have individual army ranks. The goal is to capture the opponent's flag. Pieces can move only one space orthogonally. the Scout piece can move any number of spaces orthogonally. Pieces may attempt to capture an opposing piece; when doing so the ranks are revealed and the lower ranking piece is captured; if they are of equal rank they are both removed. There are bomb pieces which cannot move. Bombs eliminate other pieces attacking it and can only be removed by a miner. The spy can only attack the Marshall or the Flag. The scouts can not take each other, and winning is only possible in capturing the opponent flag
(game "L'attaque" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hole (hole (hole (rectangle 10 9) (poly {{2 4} {2 6} {3 6} {3 4}})) (poly {{4 4} {4 6} {5 6} {5 4}})) (poly {{6 4} {6 6} {7 6} {7 4}}))) (hand Each size:12) (piece "Marshal" Each) (piece "General" Each) (piece "Colonel" Each) (piece "Major" Each) (piece "Captain" Each) (piece "Lieutenant" Each) (piece "Sergeant" Each) (piece "Miner" Each) (piece "Scout" Each) (piece "Spy" Each) (piece "Flag" Each) (piece "Bomb" Each) (regions "HomeP1" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:3)) (regions "HomeP2" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:3)) (map {(pair 1 84) (pair 2 96) (pair 3 85) (pair 4 97) (pair 5 86) (pair 6 98) (pair 7 87) (pair 8 99) (pair 9 88) (pair 10 100) (pair 11 89) (pair 12 101) (pair 13 90) (pair 14 102) (pair 15 91) (pair 16 103) (pair 17 92) (pair 18 104) (pair 19 93) (pair 20 105) (pair 21 94) (pair 22 106) (pair 23 95) (pair 24 107)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marshal1" 84 value:10) (place "General1" 85 value:9) (place "Colonel1" 86 count:2 value:8) (place "Major1" 87 count:2 value:7) (place "Captain1" 88 count:4 value:6) (place "Lieutenant1" 89 count:4 value:5) (place "Sergeant1" 90 count:4 value:4) (place "Miner1" 91 count:4 value:3) (place "Scout1" 92 count:8 value:2) (place "Spy1" 93 value:1) (place "Flag1" 94) (place "Bomb1" 95 count:4) (set Hidden (sites Hand P1) to:P2) (place "Marshal2" 96 value:10) (place "General2" 97 value:9) (place "Colonel2" 98 count:2 value:8) (place "Major2" 99 count:2 value:7) (place "Captain2" 100 count:4 value:6) (place "Lieutenant2" 101 count:4 value:5) (place "Sergeant2" 102 count:4 value:4) (place "Miner2" 103 count:4 value:3) (place "Scout2" 104 count:8 value:2) (place "Spy2" 105 value:1) (place "Flag2" 106) (place "Bomb2" 107 count:4) (set Hidden (sites Hand P2) to:P1)}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Home") (sites Empty))) (then (if (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (and {(set Hidden (sites P2 "Home") False to:P1) (set Hidden (sites P1 "Home") False to:P2) (set Hidden What (sites P2 "Home") to:P1) (set Hidden What (sites P1 "Home") to:P2) (set Hidden Value (sites P2 "Home") to:P1) (set Hidden Value (sites P1 "Home") to:P2)}))))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (or (forEach Piece {"Marshal" "General" "Colonel" "Major" "Captain" "Lieutenant" "Sergeant" "Miner" "Spy"} (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Bomb" Next))) (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Flag" Next)))) (if (= (value Piece at:(to)) (value Piece at:(from))) (and {(fromTo (from) (to (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2)}) (if (< (value Piece at:(to)) (value Piece at:(from))) (and {(fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (fromTo (from) (to)) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(to) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(to) False to:Next)}) (if (< (value Piece at:(from)) (value Piece at:(to))) (if (and (= (what at:(from)) (id "Spy" Mover)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Marshal" Next))) (and {(fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (fromTo (from) (to)) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(from) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(from) False to:Next)}) (and {(fromTo (from) (to (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(to) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(to) False to:Mover)}))))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Bomb" Next)) (if (= (what at:(from)) (id "Miner" Mover)) (and {(fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (fromTo (from) (to)) (set Hidden What at:(from) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(from) False to:Next)}) (and {(fromTo (from) (to (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(to) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(to) False to:Mover)})) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Flag" Next)) (and (trigger "FlagCaptured" (next)) (remove (to)))))) (note player:Mover "attacks" to:Next))))))) (forEach Piece "Scout" (or (move Select (from) (to (sites LineOfSight Empty at:(from) Orthogonal)) (then (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To))))) (move Select (from) (to (sites LineOfSight Piece at:(from) Orthogonal) if:(is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (then (and (if (and (not (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Bomb" Next))) (not (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Flag" Next)))) (if (= (value Piece at:(last To)) (value Piece at:(last From))) (and {(set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden What at:(last From) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(last From) False to:Next)}) (if (< (value Piece at:(last To)) (value Piece at:(last From))) (and {(fromTo (from (last To)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(last To))))) (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Next)}) (and {(fromTo (from (last From)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(last From))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Mover)}))) (if (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Bomb" Next)) (and {(fromTo (from (last From)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(last From))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Mover)}) (and {(trigger "FlagCaptured" (next)) (remove (last To)) (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To)))}))) (note player:Mover "attacks" to:Next)))))))) (end (if (is Triggered "FlagCaptured" (next)) (result Mover Win))))}))
###Description Played on a board of 10x10 squares. The board has three 2x2 zones which cannot be entered, represented as water on the battlefield. each player controls 36 pieces which have individual army ranks. The goal is to capture the opponent's flag. Pieces can move only one space orthogonally. the Scout piece can move any number of spaces orthogonally. Pieces may attempt to capture an opposing piece; when doing so the ranks are revealed and the lower ranking piece is captured; if they are of equal rank they are both removed. There are bomb pieces which cannot move. Bombs eliminate other pieces attacking it and can only be removed by a miner. The spy can only attack the Marshall or the Flag. The scouts can not take each other, and winning is only possible in capturing the opponent flag ###Ludii (game "L'attaque" (players 2) (equipment {(board (hole (hole (hole (rectangle 10 9) (poly {{2 4} {2 6} {3 6} {3 4}})) (poly {{4 4} {4 6} {5 6} {5 4}})) (poly {{6 4} {6 6} {7 6} {7 4}}))) (hand Each size:12) (piece "Marshal" Each) (piece "General" Each) (piece "Colonel" Each) (piece "Major" Each) (piece "Captain" Each) (piece "Lieutenant" Each) (piece "Sergeant" Each) (piece "Miner" Each) (piece "Scout" Each) (piece "Spy" Each) (piece "Flag" Each) (piece "Bomb" Each) (regions "HomeP1" P1 (expand (sites Bottom) steps:3)) (regions "HomeP2" P2 (expand (sites Top) steps:3)) (map {(pair 1 84) (pair 2 96) (pair 3 85) (pair 4 97) (pair 5 86) (pair 6 98) (pair 7 87) (pair 8 99) (pair 9 88) (pair 10 100) (pair 11 89) (pair 12 101) (pair 13 90) (pair 14 102) (pair 15 91) (pair 16 103) (pair 17 92) (pair 18 104) (pair 19 93) (pair 20 105) (pair 21 94) (pair 22 106) (pair 23 95) (pair 24 107)})}) (rules (start {(place "Marshal1" 84 value:10) (place "General1" 85 value:9) (place "Colonel1" 86 count:2 value:8) (place "Major1" 87 count:2 value:7) (place "Captain1" 88 count:4 value:6) (place "Lieutenant1" 89 count:4 value:5) (place "Sergeant1" 90 count:4 value:4) (place "Miner1" 91 count:4 value:3) (place "Scout1" 92 count:8 value:2) (place "Spy1" 93 value:1) (place "Flag1" 94) (place "Bomb1" 95 count:4) (set Hidden (sites Hand P1) to:P2) (place "Marshal2" 96 value:10) (place "General2" 97 value:9) (place "Colonel2" 98 count:2 value:8) (place "Major2" 99 count:2 value:7) (place "Captain2" 100 count:4 value:6) (place "Lieutenant2" 101 count:4 value:5) (place "Sergeant2" 102 count:4 value:4) (place "Miner2" 103 count:4 value:3) (place "Scout2" 104 count:8 value:2) (place "Spy2" 105 value:1) (place "Flag2" 106) (place "Bomb2" 107 count:4) (set Hidden (sites Hand P2) to:P1)}) phases:{(phase "Placement" (play (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:(mover))) (to (intersection (sites Mover "Home") (sites Empty))) (then (if (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) (and {(set Hidden (sites P2 "Home") False to:P1) (set Hidden (sites P1 "Home") False to:P2) (set Hidden What (sites P2 "Home") to:P1) (set Hidden What (sites P1 "Home") to:P2) (set Hidden Value (sites P2 "Home") to:P1) (set Hidden Value (sites P1 "Home") to:P2)}))))) (nextPhase (all Sites (sites Hand P2) if:(= 0 (count Cell at:(site)))) "Movement")) (phase "Movement" (play (or (forEach Piece {"Marshal" "General" "Colonel" "Major" "Captain" "Lieutenant" "Sergeant" "Miner" "Spy"} (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (and (if (and (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Bomb" Next))) (not (= (what at:(to)) (id "Flag" Next)))) (if (= (value Piece at:(to)) (value Piece at:(from))) (and {(fromTo (from) (to (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2)}) (if (< (value Piece at:(to)) (value Piece at:(from))) (and {(fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (fromTo (from) (to)) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(to) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(to) False to:Next)}) (if (< (value Piece at:(from)) (value Piece at:(to))) (if (and (= (what at:(from)) (id "Spy" Mover)) (= (what at:(to)) (id "Marshal" Next))) (and {(fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (fromTo (from) (to)) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(from) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(from) False to:Next)}) (and {(fromTo (from) (to (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(to) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(to) False to:Mover)}))))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Bomb" Next)) (if (= (what at:(from)) (id "Miner" Mover)) (and {(fromTo (from (to)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(to))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(to))) False to:P2) (fromTo (from) (to)) (set Hidden What at:(from) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(from) False to:Next)}) (and {(fromTo (from) (to (mapEntry (what at:(from))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(to) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(from))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(to) False to:Mover)})) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Flag" Next)) (and (trigger "FlagCaptured" (next)) (remove (to)))))) (note player:Mover "attacks" to:Next))))))) (forEach Piece "Scout" (or (move Select (from) (to (sites LineOfSight Empty at:(from) Orthogonal)) (then (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To))))) (move Select (from) (to (sites LineOfSight Piece at:(from) Orthogonal) if:(is Enemy (who at:(to)))) (then (and (if (and (not (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Bomb" Next))) (not (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Flag" Next)))) (if (= (value Piece at:(last To)) (value Piece at:(last From))) (and {(set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden What at:(last From) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(last From) False to:Next)}) (if (< (value Piece at:(last To)) (value Piece at:(last From))) (and {(fromTo (from (last To)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(last To))))) (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Next) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last To))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Next)}) (and {(fromTo (from (last From)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(last From))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Mover)}))) (if (= (what at:(last To)) (id "Bomb" Next)) (and {(fromTo (from (last From)) (to (mapEntry (what at:(last From))))) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden What at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden What at:(last To) False to:Mover) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P1) (set Hidden Value at:(mapEntry (what at:(last From))) False to:P2) (set Hidden Value at:(last To) False to:Mover)}) (and {(trigger "FlagCaptured" (next)) (remove (last To)) (fromTo (from (last From)) (to (last To)))}))) (note player:Mover "attacks" to:Next)))))))) (end (if (is Triggered "FlagCaptured" (next)) (result Mover Win))))}))
Each player starts the game with four pieces: - a Lion (king) in the center of the home row - a Giraffe (rook) to the right of the king - an Elephant (bishop) to the left of the king - a Chick (pawn) in front of the king Each piece moves as in standard shogi, but is limited to moving one square per turn. If the Chick advances to reach the final rank, it promotes to a Hen, which can move one square any way except diagonally backwards (like the gold general in shogi). As in shogi, if a Hen is captured, it may only be dropped back into play as a Chick. However, standard restrictions on where one may drop a Chick, such as not being allowed to give immediate checkmate, have two Chicks on a file, or drop the Chick on the final rank, do not apply. A chick dropped on the final rank, however, does not promote (and may make no further moves until it is recaptured). If the players play the same position three turns in a row, the game is a draw.
(game "Let's Catch the Lion" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 3)) (tile "Giraffe" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (tile "Elephant" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (tile "Chick" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "LastRank")) (move Promote (last To) (piece (id "Chicken" Mover))))))) (tile "Chicken" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (tile "Lion" Each (move Step Adjacent (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Giraffe" P1) (id "Giraffe" P2)) (pair (id "Giraffe" P2) (id "Giraffe" P1)) (pair (id "Elephant" P1) (id "Elephant" P2)) (pair (id "Elephant" P2) (id "Elephant" P1)) (pair (id "Chick" P1) (id "Chick" P2)) (pair (id "Chick" P2) (id "Chick" P1)) (pair (id "Chicken" P1) (id "Chick" P2)) (pair (id "Chicken" P2) (id "Chick" P1))}) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Giraffe" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Giraffe" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Elephant" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Elephant" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Chick" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Chick" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Chicken" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Chicken" P2) (handSite P1 2))}) (regions "LastRank" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "LastRank" P2 (sites Bottom)) (hand Each size:3)}) (rules (start {(place "Giraffe1" coord:"C1") (place "Giraffe2" coord:"A4") (place "Chick1" coord:"B2") (place "Chick2" coord:"B3") (place "Lion1" coord:"B1") (place "Lion2" coord:"B4") (place "Elephant1" coord:"A1") (place "Elephant2" coord:"C4")}) (play (or (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Giraffe" "Chick" "Elephant"})) (to (sites Empty))) (forEach Piece))) (end {(if (is Cycle) (result Mover Draw)) (if (or (= (where "Lion" Next) -1) (is In (where "Lion" Mover) (sites Mover "LastRank"))) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Each player starts the game with four pieces: - a Lion (king) in the center of the home row - a Giraffe (rook) to the right of the king - an Elephant (bishop) to the left of the king - a Chick (pawn) in front of the king Each piece moves as in standard shogi, but is limited to moving one square per turn. If the Chick advances to reach the final rank, it promotes to a Hen, which can move one square any way except diagonally backwards (like the gold general in shogi). As in shogi, if a Hen is captured, it may only be dropped back into play as a Chick. However, standard restrictions on where one may drop a Chick, such as not being allowed to give immediate checkmate, have two Chicks on a file, or drop the Chick on the final rank, do not apply. A chick dropped on the final rank, however, does not promote (and may make no further moves until it is recaptured). If the players play the same position three turns in a row, the game is a draw. ###Ludii (game "Let's Catch the Lion" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (rectangle 4 3)) (tile "Giraffe" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (tile "Elephant" Each (move Step Diagonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (tile "Chick" Each (move Step Forward (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))) (then (if (is In (last To) (sites Mover "LastRank")) (move Promote (last To) (piece (id "Chicken" Mover))))))) (tile "Chicken" Each (move Step (directions {Forward Backward Rightward Leftward FL FR}) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (tile "Lion" Each (move Step Adjacent (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (if (is Enemy (who at:(to))) (if (= (what at:(to)) (id "Lion" Next)) (remove (to)) (add (piece (mapEntry "Captured" (what at:(to)))) (to (mapEntry "Where" (what at:(to))))))))))) (map "Captured" {(pair (id "Giraffe" P1) (id "Giraffe" P2)) (pair (id "Giraffe" P2) (id "Giraffe" P1)) (pair (id "Elephant" P1) (id "Elephant" P2)) (pair (id "Elephant" P2) (id "Elephant" P1)) (pair (id "Chick" P1) (id "Chick" P2)) (pair (id "Chick" P2) (id "Chick" P1)) (pair (id "Chicken" P1) (id "Chick" P2)) (pair (id "Chicken" P2) (id "Chick" P1))}) (map "Where" {(pair (id "Giraffe" P1) (handSite P2)) (pair (id "Giraffe" P2) (handSite P1)) (pair (id "Elephant" P1) (handSite P2 1)) (pair (id "Elephant" P2) (handSite P1 1)) (pair (id "Chick" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Chick" P2) (handSite P1 2)) (pair (id "Chicken" P1) (handSite P2 2)) (pair (id "Chicken" P2) (handSite P1 2))}) (regions "LastRank" P1 (sites Top)) (regions "LastRank" P2 (sites Bottom)) (hand Each size:3)}) (rules (start {(place "Giraffe1" coord:"C1") (place "Giraffe2" coord:"A4") (place "Chick1" coord:"B2") (place "Chick2" coord:"B3") (place "Lion1" coord:"B1") (place "Lion2" coord:"B4") (place "Elephant1" coord:"A1") (place "Elephant2" coord:"C4")}) (play (or (move (from (sites Occupied by:Mover container:"Hand" components:{"Giraffe" "Chick" "Elephant"})) (to (sites Empty))) (forEach Piece))) (end {(if (is Cycle) (result Mover Draw)) (if (or (= (where "Lion" Next) -1) (is In (where "Lion" Mover) (sites Mover "LastRank"))) (result Mover Win))})))
Each turn you must move one of your stacks, in a straight line orthogonally or diagonally, a distance exactly equal to the size of that stack. If it lands on an empty space, the stack grows by 1. If it lands on an enemy, the enemy is removed and your stack shrinks down to size 1. It is not legal to land on a friendly stack. Jumping over stacks is allowed. Stacks may also jump off the board, removing themselves from the game. Passing is not allowed. Definitions for crown and king: In this implementation, the king-stack will have a red stroke color. This red ring is the crown. Which stack has the crown is determined like this: After your move, if there is, among your stacks, a unique stack of the biggest size, the crown will be on that stack. There is no other way the crown can change heads. The piece with a crown on it is the king. Goal: If the enemy king is removed from the game, you win. Note: In this implementation, jumping off the board is only possible if the stack can reach exactly 1 row or column beyond the perimeter. But it seems to always be the case that it is possible to jump off the board when a stack is big enough. Please let Michael know if you encounter a scenario where a piece is stuck. This should not be allowed according to the rules of the game.
(game "Lielow" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 10)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (difference (difference (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2) (expand (sites Bottom) steps:1)) (sites Outer))) (place "Disc2" (difference (difference (expand (sites Top) steps:2) (expand (sites Top) steps:1)) (sites Outer)))}) (play (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (sites Around (from) Empty distance:(size Stack at:(from))) (apply (if (and {(= 1 (state at:(from))) (is In (to) (sites Outer))}) (set Var "MoverHasLost" 1)))) count:(size Stack at:(from)) stack:True (then (add (to (last To) level:0) stack:True))) (move (from) (to (sites Around (from) Enemy distance:(size Stack at:(from))) (apply (and {(if (= 1 (state at:(to))) (set Var "MoverHasWon" 1)) (set Var (state at:(from))) (remove (to) count:(size Stack at:(to)))}))) count:(size Stack at:(from)) stack:True (then (if (< 1 (size Stack at:(last To))) (and (remove (last To) count:(- (size Stack at:(last To)) 1)) (set State at:(last To) (var))))))) Mover top:True (then (do (remove (sites Outer) count:(size Stack at:(last To))) next:(if (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(= (size Stack at:(site)) (max (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:0 (size Stack at:(from)))))))) (forEach Piece (if (= (size Stack at:(from)) (max (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:0 (size Stack at:(from))))) (set State at:(from) 1) (set State at:(from) 0)) Mover top:True)))))) (end {(if (= 1 (var "MoverHasLost")) (result Mover Loss)) (if (= 1 (var "MoverHasWon")) (result Mover Win))})))
###Description Each turn you must move one of your stacks, in a straight line orthogonally or diagonally, a distance exactly equal to the size of that stack. If it lands on an empty space, the stack grows by 1. If it lands on an enemy, the enemy is removed and your stack shrinks down to size 1. It is not legal to land on a friendly stack. Jumping over stacks is allowed. Stacks may also jump off the board, removing themselves from the game. Passing is not allowed. Definitions for crown and king: In this implementation, the king-stack will have a red stroke color. This red ring is the crown. Which stack has the crown is determined like this: After your move, if there is, among your stacks, a unique stack of the biggest size, the crown will be on that stack. There is no other way the crown can change heads. The piece with a crown on it is the king. Goal: If the enemy king is removed from the game, you win. Note: In this implementation, jumping off the board is only possible if the stack can reach exactly 1 row or column beyond the perimeter. But it seems to always be the case that it is possible to jump off the board when a stack is big enough. Please let Michael know if you encounter a scenario where a piece is stuck. This should not be allowed according to the rules of the game. ###Ludii (game "Lielow" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 10)) (piece "Disc" Each)}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (difference (difference (expand (sites Bottom) steps:2) (expand (sites Bottom) steps:1)) (sites Outer))) (place "Disc2" (difference (difference (expand (sites Top) steps:2) (expand (sites Top) steps:1)) (sites Outer)))}) (play (forEach Piece (or (move (from) (to (sites Around (from) Empty distance:(size Stack at:(from))) (apply (if (and {(= 1 (state at:(from))) (is In (to) (sites Outer))}) (set Var "MoverHasLost" 1)))) count:(size Stack at:(from)) stack:True (then (add (to (last To) level:0) stack:True))) (move (from) (to (sites Around (from) Enemy distance:(size Stack at:(from))) (apply (and {(if (= 1 (state at:(to))) (set Var "MoverHasWon" 1)) (set Var (state at:(from))) (remove (to) count:(size Stack at:(to)))}))) count:(size Stack at:(from)) stack:True (then (if (< 1 (size Stack at:(last To))) (and (remove (last To) count:(- (size Stack at:(last To)) 1)) (set State at:(last To) (var))))))) Mover top:True (then (do (remove (sites Outer) count:(size Stack at:(last To))) next:(if (= 1 (count Sites in:(forEach (sites Occupied by:Mover) if:(= (size Stack at:(site)) (max (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:0 (size Stack at:(from)))))))) (forEach Piece (if (= (size Stack at:(from)) (max (results from:(sites Occupied by:Mover) to:0 (size Stack at:(from))))) (set State at:(from) 1) (set State at:(from) 0)) Mover top:True)))))) (end {(if (= 1 (var "MoverHasLost")) (result Mover Loss)) (if (= 1 (var "MoverHasWon")) (result Mover Win))})))
The two players take turns moving stacks of their own color (including singletons - stacks of height one), one stack per turn. Players will always have a move available and must make one. OBJECT OF THE GAME: Kill the enemy queen, or deprive your opponent of moves. The pie rule is used in Monkey Queen. Each player will always have exactly one queen monkey on the board which is a stack of two or more checkers all of the player's own color. Additionally, each player may have one or more baby monkeys on the board which are singletons of his own color. CAPTURING QUEEN MOVES - A monkey queen captures exactly like a Chess queen. Slide the entire stack in any direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) along a straight sequence of unoccupied squares terminated by an enemy occupied square, and capture the enemy queen or baby by replacement. NOTE: A queen may not give birth to its own baby and kill an enemy baby in the same move. NOTE: A queen of height two may not make a non-capturing move. NON-CAPTURING QUEEN MOVES - When not capturing, a queen moves any distance in any one direction, exactly like a Chess queen, except it leaves its bottom checker behind on the originating square, reducing the stack height by one. The queen monkey has thus given birth to a baby monkey. CAPTURING BABY MOVES - A monkey baby, like a monkey queen, captures exactly like a Chess queen. Slide the baby (singleton) in any direction along a straight sequence of unoccupied squares terminated by an enemy occupied square, and capture the enemy queen or baby by replacement. NON-CAPTURING BABY MOVES - When not capturing, a baby must move toward the enemy queen in the following sense: The straight line distance between your baby and the enemy queen must be shortened by your move. NOTE: There's no requirement to make a kill in Monkey Queen.
(game "Monkey Queen" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 12)) (piece "Marker" (or {(move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(size Stack at:(to))))) stack:True (then (if (< 1 (size Stack at:(last To))) (set Value Mover (last To))))) (if (< 2 (size Stack at:(from))) (move Slide stack:True (then (and (fromTo (from (last To) level:0) (to (last From))) (set Value Mover (last To)))))) (if (= 1 (size Stack at:(from))) (move Slide (between if:(and (< (count Steps (to) (value Player Next)) (count Steps (from) (value Player Next))) (is Empty (between))))))}))}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start {(place Stack "Marker1" 6 count:20) (place Stack "Marker2" 137 count:20)}) (play (forEach Piece top:True)) (end (if (or (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Next) if:(= 1 (size Stack at:(site)))) (no Moves Next)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description The two players take turns moving stacks of their own color (including singletons - stacks of height one), one stack per turn. Players will always have a move available and must make one. OBJECT OF THE GAME: Kill the enemy queen, or deprive your opponent of moves. The pie rule is used in Monkey Queen. Each player will always have exactly one queen monkey on the board which is a stack of two or more checkers all of the player's own color. Additionally, each player may have one or more baby monkeys on the board which are singletons of his own color. CAPTURING QUEEN MOVES - A monkey queen captures exactly like a Chess queen. Slide the entire stack in any direction (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) along a straight sequence of unoccupied squares terminated by an enemy occupied square, and capture the enemy queen or baby by replacement. NOTE: A queen may not give birth to its own baby and kill an enemy baby in the same move. NOTE: A queen of height two may not make a non-capturing move. NON-CAPTURING QUEEN MOVES - When not capturing, a queen moves any distance in any one direction, exactly like a Chess queen, except it leaves its bottom checker behind on the originating square, reducing the stack height by one. The queen monkey has thus given birth to a baby monkey. CAPTURING BABY MOVES - A monkey baby, like a monkey queen, captures exactly like a Chess queen. Slide the baby (singleton) in any direction along a straight sequence of unoccupied squares terminated by an enemy occupied square, and capture the enemy queen or baby by replacement. NON-CAPTURING BABY MOVES - When not capturing, a baby must move toward the enemy queen in the following sense: The straight line distance between your baby and the enemy queen must be shortened by your move. NOTE: There's no requirement to make a kill in Monkey Queen. ###Ludii (game "Monkey Queen" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 12)) (piece "Marker" (or {(move Slide (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (remove (to) count:(size Stack at:(to))))) stack:True (then (if (< 1 (size Stack at:(last To))) (set Value Mover (last To))))) (if (< 2 (size Stack at:(from))) (move Slide stack:True (then (and (fromTo (from (last To) level:0) (to (last From))) (set Value Mover (last To)))))) (if (= 1 (size Stack at:(from))) (move Slide (between if:(and (< (count Steps (to) (value Player Next)) (count Steps (from) (value Player Next))) (is Empty (between))))))}))}) (rules (meta (swap)) (start {(place Stack "Marker1" 6 count:20) (place Stack "Marker2" 137 count:20)}) (play (forEach Piece top:True)) (end (if (or (all Sites (sites Occupied by:Next) if:(= 1 (size Stack at:(site)))) (no Moves Next)) (result Mover Win)))))
The goal is to capture the enemy Commander, or reduce the opponent army to a single Commander. Each piece has an indicator which determines at which directions the piece can move. This can be altered by rotating the piece 45 degrees= to the left or right. Rotating the piece costs a move. Each player has 3 Shields, 5 Probes, 6 Lances, and one Commander. The Shield moves one step and has only one movement freedom at any time. The Probe slides two steps and has two freedoms. The Lance slides three steps and has three freedoms. The Commander has four, but can only move one step. A player must either make a direction move or a motion move. The three Shields are the only pieces that can perform a direction move immediately after a motion move. Capture occurs by displacement. The two players version of Ploy.
(game "Ploy" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Commander" Each (or (move Step (directions {FR FL BL BR} of:All) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "Shield" Each (or (move Step (directions Forward of:All) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (moveAgain))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "LanceW" Each (or (move Slide (directions Forwards of:All) (between (max 3)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "LanceY" Each (or (move Slide (directions {FR FL Backward} of:All) (between (max 3)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "LanceT" Each (or (move Slide (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward} of:All) (between (max 3)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "ProbeI" Each (or (move Slide (directions {Forward Backward} of:All) (between (max 2)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "ProbeMinV" Each (or (move Slide (directions {Forward FR} of:All) (between (max 2)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "ProbeBigV" Each (or (move Slide (directions {FR FL} of:All) (between (max 2)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation)))}) (rules (start {(place "Commander1" coord:"E1" rotation:0) (place "Shield1" {"D3" "E3" "F3"} rotation:0) (place "ProbeI1" coord:"E2" rotation:0) (place "ProbeBigV1" {"D2" "F2"} rotation:0) (place "ProbeMinV1" coord:"C2" rotation:0) (place "ProbeMinV1" coord:"G2" rotation:7) (place "LanceW1" {"D1" "F1"} rotation:0) (place "LanceY1" {"C1" "G1"} rotation:0) (place "LanceT1" {"B1" "H1"} rotation:0) (place "Commander2" coord:"E9" rotation:4) (place "Shield2" {"D7" "E7" "F7"} rotation:4) (place "ProbeI2" coord:"E8" rotation:4) (place "ProbeBigV2" {"D8" "F8"} rotation:4) (place "ProbeMinV2" coord:"C8" rotation:3) (place "ProbeMinV2" coord:"G8" rotation:4) (place "LanceW2" {"D9" "F9"} rotation:4) (place "LanceY2" {"C9" "G9"} rotation:4) (place "LanceT2" {"B9" "H9"} rotation:4)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Set Rotation (to (last To))) (move Pass)) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (or (= (where "Commander" Next) -1) (= (count Pieces Next) 1)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description The goal is to capture the enemy Commander, or reduce the opponent army to a single Commander. Each piece has an indicator which determines at which directions the piece can move. This can be altered by rotating the piece 45 degrees= to the left or right. Rotating the piece costs a move. Each player has 3 Shields, 5 Probes, 6 Lances, and one Commander. The Shield moves one step and has only one movement freedom at any time. The Probe slides two steps and has two freedoms. The Lance slides three steps and has three freedoms. The Commander has four, but can only move one step. A player must either make a direction move or a motion move. The three Shields are the only pieces that can perform a direction move immediately after a motion move. Capture occurs by displacement. The two players version of Ploy. ###Ludii (game "Ploy" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 9) use:Vertex) (piece "Commander" Each (or (move Step (directions {FR FL BL BR} of:All) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "Shield" Each (or (move Step (directions Forward of:All) (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (remove (to)))) (then (moveAgain))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "LanceW" Each (or (move Slide (directions Forwards of:All) (between (max 3)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "LanceY" Each (or (move Slide (directions {FR FL Backward} of:All) (between (max 3)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "LanceT" Each (or (move Slide (directions {Forward Rightward Leftward} of:All) (between (max 3)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "ProbeI" Each (or (move Slide (directions {Forward Backward} of:All) (between (max 2)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "ProbeMinV" Each (or (move Slide (directions {Forward FR} of:All) (between (max 2)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation))) (piece "ProbeBigV" Each (or (move Slide (directions {FR FL} of:All) (between (max 2)) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))) (move Set Rotation)))}) (rules (start {(place "Commander1" coord:"E1" rotation:0) (place "Shield1" {"D3" "E3" "F3"} rotation:0) (place "ProbeI1" coord:"E2" rotation:0) (place "ProbeBigV1" {"D2" "F2"} rotation:0) (place "ProbeMinV1" coord:"C2" rotation:0) (place "ProbeMinV1" coord:"G2" rotation:7) (place "LanceW1" {"D1" "F1"} rotation:0) (place "LanceY1" {"C1" "G1"} rotation:0) (place "LanceT1" {"B1" "H1"} rotation:0) (place "Commander2" coord:"E9" rotation:4) (place "Shield2" {"D7" "E7" "F7"} rotation:4) (place "ProbeI2" coord:"E8" rotation:4) (place "ProbeBigV2" {"D8" "F8"} rotation:4) (place "ProbeMinV2" coord:"C8" rotation:3) (place "ProbeMinV2" coord:"G8" rotation:4) (place "LanceW2" {"D9" "F9"} rotation:4) (place "LanceY2" {"C9" "G9"} rotation:4) (place "LanceT2" {"B9" "H9"} rotation:4)}) (play (if (is Prev Mover) (or (move Set Rotation (to (last To))) (move Pass)) (forEach Piece))) (end (if (or (= (where "Commander" Next) -1) (= (count Pieces Next) 1)) (result Mover Win)))))
<a href="" target="_blank" class="style1" style="color: #0000EE" />BGG rules</a> 1976 version
(game "Shogun" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites To (if (= 1 (value Piece at:(from))) (step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))))) (forEach Site (sites To (slide (from) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(is Empty (to)))))) (slide (from (site)) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to)))))))) (sites Distance Orthogonal from:(from) (exact (value Piece at:(from))))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (set Value at:(from) (value Random (range 1 4))))))) (piece "King" Each (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites To (if (= 1 (value Piece at:(from))) (step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))))) (forEach Site (sites To (slide (from) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(is Empty (to)))))) (slide (from (site)) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to)))))))) (sites Distance Orthogonal from:(from) (exact (value Piece at:(from))))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (set Value at:(from) (value Random (range 1 2)))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" coord:"A1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"B1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"C1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"D1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"F1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"G1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"H1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "King1" coord:"E1" value:(value Random (range 1 2))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"A8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"B8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"C8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"E8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"F8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"G8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"H8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "King2" coord:"D8" value:(value Random (range 1 2)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (or (no Pieces Next "King") (<= (count Pieces Next) 2)) (result Mover Win)))))
###Description <a href="" target="_blank" class="style1" style="color: #0000EE" />BGG rules</a> 1976 version ###Ludii (game "Shogun" (players {(player N) (player S)}) (equipment {(board (square 8)) (piece "Pawn" Each (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites To (if (= 1 (value Piece at:(from))) (step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))))) (forEach Site (sites To (slide (from) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(is Empty (to)))))) (slide (from (site)) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to)))))))) (sites Distance Orthogonal from:(from) (exact (value Piece at:(from))))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (set Value at:(from) (value Random (range 1 4))))))) (piece "King" Each (move (from (from)) (to (intersection (sites To (if (= 1 (value Piece at:(from))) (step Orthogonal (to if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))))) (forEach Site (sites To (slide (from) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply if:(is Empty (to)))))) (slide (from (site)) Orthogonal (between (range 1 3) if:(is Empty (between))) (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to)))))))) (sites Distance Orthogonal from:(from) (exact (value Piece at:(from))))) if:(not (is Friend (who at:(to)))) (apply (set Value at:(from) (value Random (range 1 2)))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Pawn1" coord:"A1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"B1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"C1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"D1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"F1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"G1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn1" coord:"H1" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "King1" coord:"E1" value:(value Random (range 1 2))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"A8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"B8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"C8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"E8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"F8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"G8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "Pawn2" coord:"H8" value:(value Random (range 1 4))) (place "King2" coord:"D8" value:(value Random (range 1 2)))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (or (no Pieces Next "King") (<= (count Pieces Next) 2)) (result Mover Win)))))
To start the game, each of the squares on the checkerboard is occupied by a stone. White stones are placed on the white squares and black stones on the black squares. To move, the player must pick up one of his or her own stones and 'clobber' an opponent's stone on an adjacent square, either horizontally or vertically. Once the opponent's stone is clobbered, it must then be removed from the board and replaced by the stone that was moved. The player who, on their turn, is unable to move, loses the game. The board has 10 rows. The board has 10 columns. Pieces must step onto an enemy piece.
(game "Clobber" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 10)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Phase 1)) (place "Marker2" (sites Phase 0))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Next Loss)))))
###Description To start the game, each of the squares on the checkerboard is occupied by a stone. White stones are placed on the white squares and black stones on the black squares. To move, the player must pick up one of his or her own stones and 'clobber' an opponent's stone on an adjacent square, either horizontally or vertically. Once the opponent's stone is clobbered, it must then be removed from the board and replaced by the stone that was moved. The player who, on their turn, is unable to move, loses the game. The board has 10 rows. The board has 10 columns. Pieces must step onto an enemy piece. ###Ludii (game "Clobber" (players 2) (equipment {(board (rectangle 10 10)) (piece "Marker" Each (move Step Orthogonal (to if:(is Enemy (who at:(to))) (apply (remove (to))))))}) (rules (start {(place "Marker1" (sites Phase 1)) (place "Marker2" (sites Phase 0))}) (play (forEach Piece)) (end (if (no Moves Next) (result Next Loss)))))
One player has red pegs, the other player blue pegs. The player who can get all his color pegs pressed down first wins the game. Each player can press his opponent's color pegs. At any time during the game, if it becomes impossible to press a peg next to the last one pressed the game finishes. The player with the most of his own color pegs pressed down is the winner.
(game "Press Ups" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral) (regions P1 (difference (union (sites Bottom) (sites Top)) (union (sites Right) (sites Left)))) (regions P2 (difference (union (sites Right) (sites Left)) (union (sites Bottom) (sites Top))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites P1)) (place "Disc2" (sites P2)) (place "Disc0" (difference (sites Board) (union (sites P1) (sites P2))))}) phases:{(phase "Init" (play (move Select (from (difference (sites Board) (union (sites P1) (sites P2)))) (then (remove (last To))))) (nextPhase "Remove")) (phase "Remove" (play (move Select (from (sites Around (last To)) if:(is Occupied (from))) (then (remove (last To))))))} (end {(if (no Pieces P1) (result P1 Loss)) (if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss)) (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))}))})))
###Description One player has red pegs, the other player blue pegs. The player who can get all his color pegs pressed down first wins the game. Each player can press his opponent's color pegs. At any time during the game, if it becomes impossible to press a peg next to the last one pressed the game finishes. The player with the most of his own color pegs pressed down is the winner. ###Ludii (game "Press Ups" (players 2) (equipment {(board (square 7)) (piece "Disc" Each) (piece "Disc" Neutral) (regions P1 (difference (union (sites Bottom) (sites Top)) (union (sites Right) (sites Left)))) (regions P2 (difference (union (sites Right) (sites Left)) (union (sites Bottom) (sites Top))))}) (rules (start {(place "Disc1" (sites P1)) (place "Disc2" (sites P2)) (place "Disc0" (difference (sites Board) (union (sites P1) (sites P2))))}) phases:{(phase "Init" (play (move Select (from (difference (sites Board) (union (sites P1) (sites P2)))) (then (remove (last To))))) (nextPhase "Remove")) (phase "Remove" (play (move Select (from (sites Around (last To)) if:(is Occupied (from))) (then (remove (last To))))))} (end {(if (no Pieces P1) (result P1 Loss)) (if (no Pieces P2) (result P2 Loss)) (if (no Moves Next) (byScore {(score P1 (count Pieces P1)) (score P2 (count Pieces P2))}))})))