6 values
1 class
// <include> is used with an in built android layout id
private void resolveIncludes(String resRoot, HashMap<Integer, String> nameMap, HashMap<Integer, AndroidView> viewMap, boolean isSys) { HashMap<String, AndroidView> name2View = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : nameMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getValue(); AndroidView view = viewMap.get(entry.getKey()); name2View.put(name, view); } // boolean isSys = (viewMap == sysId2View); LinkedList<AndroidView> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.addAll(viewMap.values()); while (!work.isEmpty()) { AndroidView view = work.remove(); for (int i = 0; i < view.getNumberOfChildren(); i++) { IAndroidView child = view.getChildInternal(i); if (child instanceof AndroidView) { work.add((AndroidView) child); continue; } IncludeAndroidView iav = (IncludeAndroidView) child; String layoutId = iav.layoutId; AndroidView tgt = name2View.get(layoutId); if (tgt != null) { tgt = (AndroidView) tgt.deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else if (getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys) != null) { // not exist, let's get it on-demand String file = getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys); tgt = new AndroidView(); tgt.setParent(view, i); tgt.setOrigin(file); readLayout(file, tgt, isSys); int newId = nonRId--; viewMap.put(newId, tgt); nameMap.put(newId, layoutId); } else if (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").containsKey(layoutId) && sysId2View.containsKey (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId) )) { // <include> is used with an in built android layout id tgt = (AndroidView) sysId2View.get(sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId)).deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Unknown layout " + layoutId + " included by " + view.getOrigin()); continue; } Integer includeeId = iav.includeeId; if (includeeId != null) { tgt.setId(includeeId.intValue()); } work.add(tgt); } } }
(sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId) )) { // <include> is used with an in built android layout id tgt = (AndroidView) sysId2View.get(sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId)).deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i);
tgt = new AndroidView(); tgt.setParent(view, i); tgt.setOrigin(file); readLayout(file, tgt, isSys); int newId = nonRId--; viewMap.put(newId, tgt); nameMap.put(newId, layoutId); } else if (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").containsKey(layoutId) && sysId2View.containsKey (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId) )) { // <include> is used with an in built android layout id tgt = (AndroidView) sysId2View.get(sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId)).deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Unknown layout " + layoutId + " included by " + view.getOrigin()); continue; } Integer includeeId = iav.includeeId; if (includeeId != null) { tgt.setId(includeeId.intValue());
} IncludeAndroidView iav = (IncludeAndroidView) child; String layoutId = iav.layoutId; AndroidView tgt = name2View.get(layoutId); if (tgt != null) { tgt = (AndroidView) tgt.deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else if (getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys) != null) { // not exist, let's get it on-demand String file = getLayoutFilePath(resRoot, layoutId, isSys); tgt = new AndroidView(); tgt.setParent(view, i); tgt.setOrigin(file); readLayout(file, tgt, isSys); int newId = nonRId--; viewMap.put(newId, tgt); nameMap.put(newId, layoutId); } else if (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").containsKey(layoutId) && sysId2View.containsKey (sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId) )) { // <include> is used with an in built android layout id tgt = (AndroidView) sysId2View.get(sysRGeneralIdMap.get("layout").get(layoutId)).deepCopy(); tgt.setParent(view, i); } else { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Unknown layout " + layoutId + " included by " + view.getOrigin()); continue; } Integer includeeId = iav.includeeId; if (includeeId != null) { tgt.setId(includeeId.intValue()); } work.add(tgt); } } }
// In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet.
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
} Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return;
Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file);
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null;
// Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR);
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
+ node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1;
while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } }
// Retrieve view type
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
} } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) {
"unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem";
int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text)
// view without class attribute. // It does happen.
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue;
} else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); }
String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint");
// FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation".
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; }
} // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); }
Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent();
//Retrieve callback (android:onClick)
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) {
if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints");
if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view);
// Retrieve text (android:text)
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support
guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) {
// Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) {
// hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint)
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
// Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints");
if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) {
if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) {
//, text, hint, guiName);
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
} view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on
} if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName());
// possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
} if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; }, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName());
} } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file);
// view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId);
private void readLayout(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement(); // In older versions, Preference could be put in layout folder and we do // not support Prefernce yet. if (rootElement.getTagName().equals("PreferenceScreen")) { return; } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> work = Lists.newLinkedList(); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(rootElement, root)); while (!work.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> p = work.removeFirst(); Node node = p.getO1(); AndroidView view = p.getO2(); view.setOrigin(file); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); if (attrMap == null) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), file + "!!!" + node.getClass() + "!!!" + node.toString() + "!!!" + node.getTextContent()); } // Retrieve view id (android:id) //Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItem(ID_ATTR); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); if (lookupNameInGeneralMap("id", guiId, isSys) == null) { extraId2ViewMap.put(guiIdObj, view); } } } // Retrieve view type String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if ("view".equals(guiName)) { // view without class attribute. // It does happen. if (attrMap.getNamedItem("class") == null) continue; guiName = attrMap.getNamedItem("class").getTextContent(); } else if (guiName.equals("MenuItemView")) { // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation". guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } //Retrieve callback (android:onClick) String callback = readAndroidCallback(attrMap, "onClick"); if (callback != null) { view.setInlineClickHandler(callback); } // Retrieve text (android:text) String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "text"); // hailong: add hint support // Retrieve hint (android:hint) String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; if(attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu") != null){ String menuName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:menu").getTextContent(); if (menuName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(menuName, isSys); Integer menuId = pair.getO2(); if (menuId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_MENU, String.valueOf(menuId)); menuId2View.put(menuId, view); } } if (attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout") != null) { String headerName = attrMap.getNamedItem("app:headerLayout").getTextContent(); if (headerName != null) { Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(headerName, isSys); Integer headerId = pair.getO2(); if (headerId != null) { view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.APP_HEADER_LAYOUT, String.valueOf(headerId)); menuHeaderId2View.put(headerId, view); } } } } if ("fragment".equals(guiName)) { Node fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("android:name"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { String fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); if (fragmentClass.isEmpty()) { fragmentNodeAttr = attrMap.getNamedItem("class"); if (fragmentNodeAttr != null) { fragmentClass = fragmentNodeAttr.getTextContent(); } } view.addAttr(AndroidView.Type.ANDROID_NAME, fragmentClass); } } String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } if (nodeName.equals("requestFocus")) { continue; } if (!newNode.hasAttributes() && !"TableRow".equals(nodeName) && !"View".equals(nodeName)) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "no attribute node " + newNode.getNodeName()); continue; } if (newNode.getNodeName().equals("include")) { attrMap = newNode.getAttributes(); if (attrMap.getNamedItem("layout") == null) { Logger.warn("XML", "layout not exist in include"); for (int j = 0; j < attrMap.getLength(); j++) { Logger.trace("XML", attrMap.item(j).getNodeName()); } Logger.trace("XML", "filename" + file); continue; } String layoutTxt = attrMap.getNamedItem("layout").getTextContent(); String layoutId = null; if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.startsWith("@android:layout/")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@android:layout/".length()); } else if (layoutTxt.matches("@\\*android:layout\\/(\\w)+")) { layoutId = layoutTxt.substring("@*android:layout/".length()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("[WARNING] Unhandled layout id " + layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
} } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view);
if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
+ layoutTxt + "," + file); } Integer includeeId = null; id = null; idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> pair = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = pair.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = pair.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } } else { includeeId = guiIdObj; } } // view.saveInclude(layoutId, includeeId); IncludeAndroidView iav = new IncludeAndroidView(layoutId, includeeId); iav.setParent(view); } else { AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); newView.setParent(view); work.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } } }
/** * 处理 监控文件夹 的事件. */
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
// could expand more processes here
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
public void dealWithEvent(WatchEvent<?> event) { // could expand more processes here"{}:\t {} event.", event.context(), event.kind()); }
// negative value to indicate it is a unique id but
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
+ file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys);
String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else {
root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
// we don't know its value
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
} guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) {
Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue();
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) {
// if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // }
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
// we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue();
Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem";
Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } }
// FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation"
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
} } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) {
// sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName();
if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file);
// TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group>
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
} } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup";
if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title");
guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);
//throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName);
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
} else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) {
} } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints;
} else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i);
// hailong: add hint support
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
} String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints");
Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName);
String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system
//, text, hint, guiName);
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on
guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) {
// possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
} if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; }, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) {
// hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } }
// FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
} AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes");
String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value);
String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
// continue;
private void readMenu(String file, AndroidView root, boolean isSys) { Document doc; try { DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); doc = dBuilder.parse(file); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } LinkedList<Pair<Node, AndroidView>> worklist = Lists.newLinkedList(); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(doc.getDocumentElement(), root)); root = null; while (!worklist.isEmpty()) { Pair<Node, AndroidView> pair = worklist.remove(); Node node = pair.getO1(); AndroidView view = pair.getO2(); NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes(); Node idNode = attrMap.getNamedItemNS(ANDROID_NS, "id"); int guiId = -1; String id = null; if (idNode != null) { String txt = idNode.getTextContent(); Pair<String, Integer> p = parseAndroidId(txt, isSys); id = p.getO1(); Integer guiIdObj = p.getO2(); if (guiIdObj == null) { if (!isSys) { Logger.warn(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "unresolved android:id " + id + " in " + file); } guiId = nonRId--; // negative value to indicate it is a unique id but // we don't know its value feedIdIntoGeneralMap("id", id, guiId, isSys); // if (isSys) { // sysRIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invSysRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } else { // rIdMap.put(id, guiId); // invRIdMap.put(guiId, id); // } } else { guiId = guiIdObj.intValue(); } } // FIXME(tony): this is an "approximation" String guiName = node.getNodeName(); if (guiName.equals("menu")) { guiName = "android.view.Menu"; } else if (guiName.equals("item")) { guiName = "android.view.MenuItem"; NodeList childNodes = node.getChildNodes(); if(childNodes!=null) { for (int i = 0; i < childNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = childNodes.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if("menu".equals(nodeName)) { guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } } } } else if (guiName.equals("group")) { // TODO(tony): we might want to create a special fake class to // represent menu groups. But for now, let's simply pretend it's // a ViewGroup. Also, print a warning when we do see <group> Logger.trace(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "[TODO] <group> used in " + file); guiName = "android.view.ViewGroup"; } else { Logger.trace("XML", "Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); //throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled menu tag " + guiName); } if (debug) { Logger.verb(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), guiName + " (" + guiId + ", " + id + ")"); } String text = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "title"); // hailong: add hint support String hint = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "hint"); String autofillHints = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "autofillHints"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String tooltip = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "tooltipText"); String contentDescription = readAndroidTextOrTitle(attrMap, "contentDescription"); if (hint != null && autofillHints != null) hint += PropertyManager.SEPARATOR + autofillHints; else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes();
} if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view);
else if (autofillHints != null) hint = autofillHints; String images = readAndroidImageResource(attrMap);, text, hint, tooltip, contentDescription, images, guiName); //, text, hint, guiName); NodeList children = node.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) { Node newNode = children.item(i); String nodeName = newNode.getNodeName(); if ("#comment".equals(nodeName)) { continue; } if ("#text".equals(nodeName)) { // possible for XML files created on a different operating system // than the one our analysis is run on continue; } AndroidView newView = new AndroidView(); // FIXME: we assume that every node has attributes, may be wrong if (!newNode.hasAttributes()) { Logger.verb("WARNING", "xml node " + newNode + " has no attributes"); // continue; } else { NamedNodeMap attrs = newNode.getAttributes(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrs.getLength(); idx += 1) { Node attr = attrs.item(idx); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); newView.addAttr(name, value); } } newView.setParent(view); worklist.add(new Pair<Node, AndroidView>(newNode, newView)); } } }
/** * Convert a color name to a color value. * @param colorName a string repr of the color. * @return the color value. * @todo refactor to use an EnumeratedAttribute (maybe?) */
public static Color getColorByName(String colorName) { switch (colorName.toLowerCase()) { case COLOR_BLUE: return; case COLOR_CYAN: return Color.cyan; case COLOR_DARKGRAY: case COLOR_DARKGREY: return Color.darkGray; case COLOR_GRAY: case COLOR_GREY: return Color.gray; case COLOR_LIGHTGRAY: case COLOR_LIGHTGREY: return Color.lightGray; case COLOR_GREEN: return; case COLOR_MAGENTA: return Color.magenta; case COLOR_ORANGE: return; case COLOR_PINK: return; case COLOR_RED: return; case COLOR_WHITE: return Color.white; case COLOR_YELLOW: return Color.yellow; case COLOR_BLACK: default: return; } }
public static Color getColorByName(String colorName) { switch (colorName.toLowerCase()) { case COLOR_BLUE: return; case COLOR_CYAN: return Color.cyan; case COLOR_DARKGRAY: case COLOR_DARKGREY: return Color.darkGray; case COLOR_GRAY: case COLOR_GREY: return Color.gray; case COLOR_LIGHTGRAY: case COLOR_LIGHTGREY: return Color.lightGray; case COLOR_GREEN: return; case COLOR_MAGENTA: return Color.magenta; case COLOR_ORANGE: return; case COLOR_PINK: return; case COLOR_RED: return; case COLOR_WHITE: return Color.white; case COLOR_YELLOW: return Color.yellow; case COLOR_BLACK: default: return; } }
public static Color getColorByName(String colorName) { switch (colorName.toLowerCase()) { case COLOR_BLUE: return; case COLOR_CYAN: return Color.cyan; case COLOR_DARKGRAY: case COLOR_DARKGREY: return Color.darkGray; case COLOR_GRAY: case COLOR_GREY: return Color.gray; case COLOR_LIGHTGRAY: case COLOR_LIGHTGREY: return Color.lightGray; case COLOR_GREEN: return; case COLOR_MAGENTA: return Color.magenta; case COLOR_ORANGE: return; case COLOR_PINK: return; case COLOR_RED: return; case COLOR_WHITE: return Color.white; case COLOR_YELLOW: return Color.yellow; case COLOR_BLACK: default: return; } }
public static Color getColorByName(String colorName) { switch (colorName.toLowerCase()) { case COLOR_BLUE: return; case COLOR_CYAN: return Color.cyan; case COLOR_DARKGRAY: case COLOR_DARKGREY: return Color.darkGray; case COLOR_GRAY: case COLOR_GREY: return Color.gray; case COLOR_LIGHTGRAY: case COLOR_LIGHTGREY: return Color.lightGray; case COLOR_GREEN: return; case COLOR_MAGENTA: return Color.magenta; case COLOR_ORANGE: return; case COLOR_PINK: return; case COLOR_RED: return; case COLOR_WHITE: return Color.white; case COLOR_YELLOW: return Color.yellow; case COLOR_BLACK: default: return; } }
/** */
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
//TODO add a view holder
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(;
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource);
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { mView = convertView; if (mView == null) { LayoutInflater viewInflator; viewInflator = LayoutInflater.from(mContext); mView = viewInflator.inflate(R.layout.adapter_category_tile, null); } //TODO add a view holder mCaptionTextView = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; mCategoryImageView = (ImageView) mView.findViewById(; mCategorySum = (TextView) mView.findViewById(; if(mCategoryList.get(position) != null) { String valueStr = Utils.sumAsCurrency(mCategoryList.get(position).mSecondField); int resIndex = mCategoryList.get(position).mFirstField; int resource = Images.getImageByPosition(resIndex, Images.getUnsorted()); mCaptionTextView.setText(Images.getCaptionByImage(resource, Images.getSorted())); mCategoryImageView.setImageResource(resource); mCategorySum.setText(valueStr); } return mView; }
/** * Creates a new connection and a new session to activeMQ */
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
//TODO: handle topics, not just queues
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer();
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
public void bootstrapMessagingSystem(){ try{ messagingSystem = new MessagingSystem(ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_URI, ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_PORT); messagingSystem.createConnection(); messagingSystem.createSession(); //TODO: handle topics, not just queues messagingSystem.createDestination(ACTIVEMQ_DESTINATION_NAME); messagingSystem.createProducer(); System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system done."); messagingSystem.validateConnection(); } catch (JMSException e){ System.out.println("SolrToActiveMQComponent: Bootstrapping messaging system failed.\n" + e); messagingSystem.invalidateConnection(); } }
/** * Rollup the parameters of the given source parameter group. * * @param sourceParamGroup the parameter group to be rolled up * @param targetParamGroup the group that will receive the rolled up content * @param referenceHandler the rollup reference handler instance * @param cloner used for cloning model element as required */
private void rollupParameters(TLParamGroup sourceParamGroup, TLParamGroup targetParamGroup, RollupReferenceHandler referenceHandler, ModelElementCloner cloner) { for (TLParameter sourceParam : sourceParamGroup.getParameters()) { TLMemberField<?> sourceFieldRef = sourceParam.getFieldRef(); if (sourceFieldRef != null) { TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam ); } if (targetParam.getDocumentation() == null) { targetParam.setDocumentation( cloner.clone( sourceParam.getDocumentation() ) ); } } } }
private void rollupParameters(TLParamGroup sourceParamGroup, TLParamGroup targetParamGroup, RollupReferenceHandler referenceHandler, ModelElementCloner cloner) { for (TLParameter sourceParam : sourceParamGroup.getParameters()) { TLMemberField<?> sourceFieldRef = sourceParam.getFieldRef(); if (sourceFieldRef != null) { TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam ); } if (targetParam.getDocumentation() == null) { targetParam.setDocumentation( cloner.clone( sourceParam.getDocumentation() ) ); } } } }
private void rollupParameters(TLParamGroup sourceParamGroup, TLParamGroup targetParamGroup, RollupReferenceHandler referenceHandler, ModelElementCloner cloner) { for (TLParameter sourceParam : sourceParamGroup.getParameters()) { TLMemberField<?> sourceFieldRef = sourceParam.getFieldRef(); if (sourceFieldRef != null) { TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam ); } if (targetParam.getDocumentation() == null) { targetParam.setDocumentation( cloner.clone( sourceParam.getDocumentation() ) ); } } } }
private void rollupParameters(TLParamGroup sourceParamGroup, TLParamGroup targetParamGroup, RollupReferenceHandler referenceHandler, ModelElementCloner cloner) { for (TLParameter sourceParam : sourceParamGroup.getParameters()) { TLMemberField<?> sourceFieldRef = sourceParam.getFieldRef(); if (sourceFieldRef != null) { TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam ); } if (targetParam.getDocumentation() == null) { targetParam.setDocumentation( cloner.clone( sourceParam.getDocumentation() ) ); } } } }
// TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null
private void rollupParameters(TLParamGroup sourceParamGroup, TLParamGroup targetParamGroup, RollupReferenceHandler referenceHandler, ModelElementCloner cloner) { for (TLParameter sourceParam : sourceParamGroup.getParameters()) { TLMemberField<?> sourceFieldRef = sourceParam.getFieldRef(); if (sourceFieldRef != null) { TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam ); } if (targetParam.getDocumentation() == null) { targetParam.setDocumentation( cloner.clone( sourceParam.getDocumentation() ) ); } } } }
TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam );
private void rollupParameters(TLParamGroup sourceParamGroup, TLParamGroup targetParamGroup, RollupReferenceHandler referenceHandler, ModelElementCloner cloner) { for (TLParameter sourceParam : sourceParamGroup.getParameters()) { TLMemberField<?> sourceFieldRef = sourceParam.getFieldRef(); if (sourceFieldRef != null) { TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam ); } if (targetParam.getDocumentation() == null) { targetParam.setDocumentation( cloner.clone( sourceParam.getDocumentation() ) ); } } } }
private void rollupParameters(TLParamGroup sourceParamGroup, TLParamGroup targetParamGroup, RollupReferenceHandler referenceHandler, ModelElementCloner cloner) { for (TLParameter sourceParam : sourceParamGroup.getParameters()) { TLMemberField<?> sourceFieldRef = sourceParam.getFieldRef(); if (sourceFieldRef != null) { TLParameter targetParam = targetParamGroup.getParameter( sourceFieldRef.getName() ); if (targetParam == null) { targetParam = cloner.clone( sourceParam ); // TODO: After cloning, targetParam.fieldRef is null targetParamGroup.addParameter( targetParam ); referenceHandler.captureRollupReferences( targetParam ); } if (targetParam.getDocumentation() == null) { targetParam.setDocumentation( cloner.clone( sourceParam.getDocumentation() ) ); } } } }
// Find proper device and raise event.
@Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CoapMessage msg) { try { // Find proper device and raise event. Device targetDevice =; if (targetDevice == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException( "Unable to find device"); } if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { onRequestReceived(targetDevice, (CoapRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof CoapResponse) { // TODO: Re-architecturing required IRequestChannel reqChannel = ((CoapDevice) targetDevice) .getRequestChannel(); CoapClient coapClient = (CoapClient) reqChannel; coapClient.onResponseReceived(msg); } } catch (ServerException e) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, e.getErrorResponse())); Log.f(, e); } catch (ClientException e) { Log.f(, e); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.f(, t); if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, ResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } } }
CoapMessage msg) { try { // Find proper device and raise event. Device targetDevice =; if (targetDevice == null) {
@Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CoapMessage msg) { try { // Find proper device and raise event. Device targetDevice =; if (targetDevice == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException( "Unable to find device"); } if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { onRequestReceived(targetDevice, (CoapRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof CoapResponse) { // TODO: Re-architecturing required IRequestChannel reqChannel = ((CoapDevice) targetDevice)
@Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CoapMessage msg) { try { // Find proper device and raise event. Device targetDevice =; if (targetDevice == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException( "Unable to find device"); } if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { onRequestReceived(targetDevice, (CoapRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof CoapResponse) { // TODO: Re-architecturing required IRequestChannel reqChannel = ((CoapDevice) targetDevice) .getRequestChannel(); CoapClient coapClient = (CoapClient) reqChannel; coapClient.onResponseReceived(msg); } } catch (ServerException e) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, e.getErrorResponse())); Log.f(, e); } catch (ClientException e) { Log.f(, e);
// TODO: Re-architecturing required
@Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CoapMessage msg) { try { // Find proper device and raise event. Device targetDevice =; if (targetDevice == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException( "Unable to find device"); } if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { onRequestReceived(targetDevice, (CoapRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof CoapResponse) { // TODO: Re-architecturing required IRequestChannel reqChannel = ((CoapDevice) targetDevice) .getRequestChannel(); CoapClient coapClient = (CoapClient) reqChannel; coapClient.onResponseReceived(msg); } } catch (ServerException e) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, e.getErrorResponse())); Log.f(, e); } catch (ClientException e) { Log.f(, e); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.f(, t); if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, ResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } } }
onRequestReceived(targetDevice, (CoapRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof CoapResponse) { // TODO: Re-architecturing required IRequestChannel reqChannel = ((CoapDevice) targetDevice) .getRequestChannel();
try { // Find proper device and raise event. Device targetDevice =; if (targetDevice == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException( "Unable to find device"); } if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { onRequestReceived(targetDevice, (CoapRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof CoapResponse) { // TODO: Re-architecturing required IRequestChannel reqChannel = ((CoapDevice) targetDevice) .getRequestChannel(); CoapClient coapClient = (CoapClient) reqChannel; coapClient.onResponseReceived(msg); } } catch (ServerException e) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, e.getErrorResponse())); Log.f(, e); } catch (ClientException e) {
@Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, CoapMessage msg) { try { // Find proper device and raise event. Device targetDevice =; if (targetDevice == null) { throw new InternalServerErrorException( "Unable to find device"); } if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { onRequestReceived(targetDevice, (CoapRequest) msg); } else if (msg instanceof CoapResponse) { // TODO: Re-architecturing required IRequestChannel reqChannel = ((CoapDevice) targetDevice) .getRequestChannel(); CoapClient coapClient = (CoapClient) reqChannel; coapClient.onResponseReceived(msg); } } catch (ServerException e) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, e.getErrorResponse())); Log.f(, e); } catch (ClientException e) { Log.f(, e); } catch (Throwable t) { Log.f(, t); if (msg instanceof CoapRequest) { ctx.writeAndFlush(MessageBuilder.createResponse(msg, ResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)); } } }
/** * Returns a {@link List} of additional {@link TestConfiguration} instances that should be run * along with the default {@code TestConfiguration} instances. * * <p>This typically includes a configuration to test Google Play Services (if available) and * any other device specific configurations. */
private static List<TestConfiguration> getAdditionalConfigurations(Activity activity) { List<TestConfiguration> additionalConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); if (Constants.USE_GMS_CONFIGURATION) { additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
private static List<TestConfiguration> getAdditionalConfigurations(Activity activity) { List<TestConfiguration> additionalConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); if (Constants.USE_GMS_CONFIGURATION) { additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
private static List<TestConfiguration> getAdditionalConfigurations(Activity activity) { List<TestConfiguration> additionalConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); if (Constants.USE_GMS_CONFIGURATION) { additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
private static List<TestConfiguration> getAdditionalConfigurations(Activity activity) { List<TestConfiguration> additionalConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); if (Constants.USE_GMS_CONFIGURATION) { additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
// TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here.
private static List<TestConfiguration> getAdditionalConfigurations(Activity activity) { List<TestConfiguration> additionalConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); if (Constants.USE_GMS_CONFIGURATION) { additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
private static List<TestConfiguration> getAdditionalConfigurations(Activity activity) { List<TestConfiguration> additionalConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); if (Constants.USE_GMS_CONFIGURATION) { additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
private static List<TestConfiguration> getAdditionalConfigurations(Activity activity) { List<TestConfiguration> additionalConfigurations = new ArrayList<>(); if (Constants.USE_GMS_CONFIGURATION) { additionalConfigurations.add(new GmsPermissionConfiguration(activity)); } // TODO: Any custom configurations that are intended to be run as part of this test should // be added here. return additionalConfigurations; }
// the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck.
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot);
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true;
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit")
// Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
} if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !(
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.")
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
// allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
|| name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still?
name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
// run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github)
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
|| name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? );
|| CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
// ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still?
public boolean shouldAcquire(String name) { // the org.robolectric.res package lives in the base classloader, but not its tests; yuck. int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String pkgName = name.substring(0, lastDot == -1 ? 0 : lastDot); if (pkgName.equals("org.robolectric.res")) { return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
|| name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
|| name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
return name.contains("Test"); } if (name.matches("com\\.android\\.internal\\.R(\\$.*)?")) return true; // Android SDK code almost universally refers to, except // when refering to android.R.stylable, as in HorizontalScrollView. arghgh. // See if (name.equals("android.R$styleable")) return true; return !( name.matches(".*\\.R(|\\$[a-z]+)$") || CLASSES_TO_ALWAYS_DELEGATE.contains(name) || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.") || name.startsWith("sun.") || name.startsWith("com.sun.") || name.startsWith("org.w3c.") || name.startsWith("org.xml.") || name.startsWith("org.junit") || name.startsWith("org.hamcrest") || name.startsWith("org.specs2") // allows for android projects with mixed scala\java tests to be || name.startsWith("scala.") // run with Maven Surefire (see the RoboSpecs project on github) || name.startsWith("org.sqlite.") // ugh, we're barfing while loading org.sqlite now for some reason?!? todo: still? ); }
/** * Called when loading successfully finishes. */
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
// when there are no application form items
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px");
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting"));
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form
// FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified.
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting"));
applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft);
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
// when there are no application form items
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px");
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting"));
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form
// create application form
public void onFinished(JavaScriptObject jso) { applFormItems.clear(); applFormItems.addAll(JsonUtils.<ApplicationFormItemWithPrefilledValue>jsoAsList(jso)); applFormGenerators.clear(); if (applFormItems == null || applFormItems.isEmpty()) { // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); }
Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
// when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.noFormDefined()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else if (PerunEntity.VIRTUAL_ORGANIZATION.equals(entity) && "EXTENSION".equalsIgnoreCase(type) && Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { // FIXME - this is probably not good, since it prevents vo extension when targetexisting is specified. if (Location.getParameter("targetexisting") != null) { Location.replace(Location.getParameter("targetexisting")); } // when there are no application form items FlexTable ft = new FlexTable(); ft.setSize("100%", "300px"); ft.setHTML(0, 0, new Image(LargeIcons.INSTANCE.errorIcon()) + ApplicationMessages.INSTANCE.alreadyVoMember()); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setHorizontalAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); ft.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); contents.setWidget(ft); } else { // create application form prepareApplicationForm(); } session.getUiElements().setLogText("Loading " + type + " application form items in selected VO finished:" + applFormItems.size()); events.onFinished(jso); loaderImage.loadingFinished(); }
// This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list. // It returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order.
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
// TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
// replace this statement with your own return
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
public LNode reverseListRec(LNode head) { // TODO: implement this method /*This method takes a reference to the head of a linked list and returns the reference to the head of the linked list in the reversed order. */ if(head == null) { return head; } if(head.getLink() == null) { return head; } head.getLink().setLink(head); head.setLink(null); return reverseListRec(head); // replace this statement with your own return }
/** * Method to drive the robot using joystick info. * * @param xSpeed Speed of the robot in the x direction (forward). * @param ySpeed Speed of the robot in the y direction (sideways). * @param rot Angular rate of the robot. * @param fieldRelative Whether the provided x and y speeds are relative to the * field. */
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
// ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) {
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
// sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
} SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative);
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
// command each swerve module
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
// sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]);
// ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
// report our commands to the dashboard
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed);
} else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
@SuppressWarnings("ParameterName") public void drive(double xSpeed, double ySpeed, double rot, boolean fieldRelative) { // ask the kinematics to determine our swerve command ChassisSpeeds speeds; if (fieldRelative == true) { speeds = ChassisSpeeds.fromFieldRelativeSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot, getHeading()); } else { speeds = new ChassisSpeeds(xSpeed, ySpeed, rot); } SwerveModuleState[] swerveModuleStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(speeds); // sometime the Kinematics spits out too fast of speeds, so this will fix this SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(swerveModuleStates, kMaxSpeed); // command each swerve module for (int i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) { modules[i].setDesiredState(swerveModuleStates[i]); } // report our commands to the dashboard SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/xSpeed", xSpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/ySpeed", ySpeed); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SwerveDrive/rot", rot); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("SwerveDrive/fieldRelative", fieldRelative); }
/** * Test of getVotesForInstance method, of class FeS2. */
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
// classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001);
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0));
public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
// TODO - add fuller set
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
@Test public void testGetVotesForInstance() { System.out.println("getVotesForInstance"); FeS2 classifier = new FeS2(); Instance x = trainingSet.instance(0); classifier.subspaceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); classifier.distanceStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(2); classifier.initialClusterWeightOption.setValue(0.1); classifier.learningRateAlphaOption.setValue(0.95); classifier.minimumClusterSizeOption.setValue(3); classifier.outlierDefinitionStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(0); // classifier.pruneThresholdOption.setValue(0.00001); classifier.updateStrategyOption.setChosenIndex(1); classifier.trainOnInstance(trainingSet.instance(0)); double[] result = classifier.getVotesForInstance(x); int h = (int) result[weka.core.Utils.maxIndex(result)]; int y = 1; assertEquals(y,h); // TODO - add fuller set }
/** * Score a frame with the given model. */
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
// have to compute
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio();
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(),
// TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else {
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc,
// for regression this computes the MSE
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null;
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null);
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store
// hr = new HitRatio();
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr);
// have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(),
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); }
// Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(),
HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else {
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
// Put the metrics into the KV store
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else {
true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray);
ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
// it's already cached in the DKV
protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model) { water.ModelMetrics metrics = water.ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(score_model, frame); if (null == metrics) { // have to compute water.util.Log.debug("Cache miss: computing ModelMetrics. . ."); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); Frame predictions = score_model.score(frame, true); // TODO: for now we're always calling adapt inside score long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); ConfusionMatrix cm = new ConfusionMatrix(); // for regression this computes the MSE AUC auc = null; HitRatio hr = null; if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); }
metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
if (score_model.isClassifier()) { auc = new AUC(); // hr = new HitRatio(); score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, auc, hr); } else { score_model.calcError(frame, frame.vec(score_model.responseName()), predictions, predictions, "Prediction error:", true, 20, cm, null, null); } // Now call AUC and ConfusionMatrix and maybe HitRatio metrics = new water.ModelMetrics(score_model.getUniqueId(), score_model.getModelCategory(), frame.getUniqueId(), after - before, after, auc, cm); // Put the metrics into the KV store metrics.putInDKV(); } else { // it's already cached in the DKV water.util.Log.debug("using ModelMetrics from the cache. . ."); } JsonObject metricsJson = metrics.toJSON(); JsonArray metricsArray = new JsonArray(); metricsArray.add(metricsJson); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); result.add("metrics", metricsArray); return Response.done(result); }
// TODO: naive linear search of the token map
public Range<Token> getRange(ByteBuffer key) { // TODO: naive linear search of the token map Token<?> t = partitioner.getToken(key); for (Range<Token> range : rangeMap.keySet()) if (range.contains(t)) return range; throw new RuntimeException("Invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangeMap); }
public Range<Token> getRange(ByteBuffer key) { // TODO: naive linear search of the token map Token<?> t = partitioner.getToken(key); for (Range<Token> range : rangeMap.keySet())
public Range<Token> getRange(ByteBuffer key) { // TODO: naive linear search of the token map Token<?> t = partitioner.getToken(key); for (Range<Token> range : rangeMap.keySet()) if (range.contains(t)) return range; throw new RuntimeException("Invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangeMap); }
public Range<Token> getRange(ByteBuffer key) { // TODO: naive linear search of the token map Token<?> t = partitioner.getToken(key); for (Range<Token> range : rangeMap.keySet()) if (range.contains(t)) return range; throw new RuntimeException("Invalid token information returned by describe_ring: " + rangeMap); }
// todo: write your code here
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
// values is a reference to the hsvValues array.
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues;
left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE);
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /**
// bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false;
front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE);
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/
/** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate();
left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78);
// values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450);
// The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78);
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */
front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450);
String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update();
/** Wait for the game to begin */
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
//tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update();
tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150);
left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since
// getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made.
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) {
haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel());
/** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); }
// step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info.
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) {
telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop());
haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode
//telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), "");
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000);
if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB();
List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
// go somewhere based on mode
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
} } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA();
recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) {
// step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
// not sure what to do here
@Override public void runOpMode() { telemetry.addData("Status", "Initialized"); telemetry.update(); left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("left_mtr"); right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("right_mtr"); front_left_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_left_mtr"); front_right_mtr = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("front_right_mtr"); Shooter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Shooter"); Conveyor = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("Conveyor"); clow_moter = hardwareMap.dcMotor.get("clow moter"); Claw = hardwareMap.servo.get("Claw"); touchfront = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touchfront"); touch2 = hardwareMap.touchSensor.get("touch2"); // values is a reference to the hsvValues array. float[] hsvValues = new float[3]; final float values[] = hsvValues; // bPrevState and bCurrState keep track of the previous and current state of the button boolean bPrevState = false; boolean bCurrState = false; String mode=""; Claw.setPosition(0); right_mtr.setDirection(DcMotorSimple.Direction.REVERSE); right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_right_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); front_left_mtr.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); clow_moter.setZeroPowerBehavior(DcMotor.ZeroPowerBehavior.BRAKE); right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_right_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); front_left_mtr.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_WITHOUT_ENCODER); initVuforia(); initTfod(); /** * Activate TensorFlow Object Detection before we wait for the start command. * Do it here so that the Camera Stream window will have the TensorFlow annotations visible. **/ if (tfod != null) { tfod.activate(); // The TensorFlow software will scale the input images from the camera to a lower resolution. // This can result in lower detection accuracy at longer distances (> 55cm or 22"). // If your target is at distance greater than 50 cm (20") you can adjust the magnification value // to artificially zoom in to the center of image. For best results, the "aspectRatio" argument // should be set to the value of the images used to create the TensorFlow Object Detection model // (typically 1.78 or 16/9). // Uncomment the following line if you want to adjust the magnification and/or the aspect ratio of the input images. //tfod.setZoom(2.5, 1.78); } /** Wait for the game to begin */ telemetry.addData(">", "Press Play to start op mode"); telemetry.update(); waitForStart(); if (opModeIsActive()) { halt(); sleep(1000); turnRight(0.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(.5); haltSequence(150); turnLeft(.5); haltSequence(450); goForward(0.4); sleep(450); halt(); sleep(1000); telemetry.addData("Status", "Started"); telemetry.update(); if (tfod != null) { // getUpdatedRecognitions() will return null if no new information is available since // the last time that call was made. List<Recognition> updatedRecognitions = tfod.getUpdatedRecognitions(); if (updatedRecognitions != null) { telemetry.addData("# Object Detected", updatedRecognitions.size()); if (updatedRecognitions.size() == 0) { mode = "A"; } // step through the list of recognitions and display boundary info. int i = 0; for (Recognition recognition : updatedRecognitions) { telemetry.addData(String.format("label (%d)", i), recognition.getLabel()); if (recognition.getLabel() =="Quad"){ mode = "C"; } else { mode = "B"; } telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) {
} } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
} telemetry.addData(String.format(" left,top (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getLeft(), recognition.getTop()); telemetry.addData(String.format(" right,bottom (%d)", i), "%.03f , %.03f", recognition.getRight(), recognition.getBottom()); } //telemetry.addData(String.format("Mode (%s)", mode), ""); telemetry.update(); sleep(2000); } } } // go somewhere based on mode if (mode == "A") { doModeA(); } else if (mode == "B") { doModeB(); } else if (mode == "C") { doModeC(); } else { // not sure what to do here } if (tfod != null) { tfod.shutdown(); } }
// TODO: optimize
public void writeBytes(int stream, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { // TODO: optimize final int end = offset + len; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) writeByte(stream, b[i]); }
public void writeBytes(int stream, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { // TODO: optimize final int end = offset + len; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++)
public void writeBytes(int stream, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { // TODO: optimize final int end = offset + len; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) writeByte(stream, b[i]); }
public void writeBytes(int stream, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { // TODO: optimize final int end = offset + len; for(int i=offset;i<end;i++) writeByte(stream, b[i]); }
// TODO: add exception handling (at least some logger)
private void populateSignatureNames() { if (acroForm == null) { return; } List<Object[]> sorter = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, PdfFormField> entry : acroForm.getFormFields().entrySet()) { PdfFormField field = entry.getValue(); PdfDictionary merged = field.getPdfObject(); if (!PdfName.Sig.equals(merged.get(PdfName.FT))) continue; PdfDictionary v = merged.getAsDictionary(PdfName.V); if (v == null) continue; PdfString contents = v.getAsString(PdfName.Contents); if (contents == null) { continue; } else { contents.markAsUnencryptedObject(); } PdfArray ro = v.getAsArray(PdfName.ByteRange); if (ro == null) continue; int rangeSize = ro.size(); if (rangeSize < 2) continue; int length = ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 1).intValue() + ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 2).intValue(); sorter.add(new Object[]{entry.getKey(), new int[]{length, 0}}); } Collections.sort(sorter, new SorterComparator()); if (sorter.size() > 0) { try { if (((int[]) sorter.get(sorter.size() - 1)[1])[0] == document.getReader().getFileLength()) totalRevisions = sorter.size(); else totalRevisions = sorter.size() + 1; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: add exception handling (at least some logger) } for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) { Object[] objs = sorter.get(k); String name = (String) objs[0]; int[] p = (int[]) objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; sigNames.put(name, p); orderedSignatureNames.add(name); } } }
totalRevisions = sorter.size() + 1; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: add exception handling (at least some logger) } for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) {
sorter.add(new Object[]{entry.getKey(), new int[]{length, 0}}); } Collections.sort(sorter, new SorterComparator()); if (sorter.size() > 0) { try { if (((int[]) sorter.get(sorter.size() - 1)[1])[0] == document.getReader().getFileLength()) totalRevisions = sorter.size(); else totalRevisions = sorter.size() + 1; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: add exception handling (at least some logger) } for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) { Object[] objs = sorter.get(k); String name = (String) objs[0]; int[] p = (int[]) objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; sigNames.put(name, p); orderedSignatureNames.add(name); } }
} else { contents.markAsUnencryptedObject(); } PdfArray ro = v.getAsArray(PdfName.ByteRange); if (ro == null) continue; int rangeSize = ro.size(); if (rangeSize < 2) continue; int length = ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 1).intValue() + ro.getAsNumber(rangeSize - 2).intValue(); sorter.add(new Object[]{entry.getKey(), new int[]{length, 0}}); } Collections.sort(sorter, new SorterComparator()); if (sorter.size() > 0) { try { if (((int[]) sorter.get(sorter.size() - 1)[1])[0] == document.getReader().getFileLength()) totalRevisions = sorter.size(); else totalRevisions = sorter.size() + 1; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: add exception handling (at least some logger) } for (int k = 0; k < sorter.size(); ++k) { Object[] objs = sorter.get(k); String name = (String) objs[0]; int[] p = (int[]) objs[1]; p[1] = k + 1; sigNames.put(name, p); orderedSignatureNames.add(name); } } }
/** * TODO: option - create via IDEA or via In latter case no need in Project parameter. * Creates directory inside a write action and returns the resulting reference to it. * If the directory already exists, does nothing. * @param parent Parent directory. * @param name Name of the directory. * @return reference to the created or already existing directory. */
public static VirtualFile createDir(Project project, final VirtualFile parent, final String name) { final Ref<VirtualFile> result = new Ref<VirtualFile>(); new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project) { @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { try { VirtualFile dir = parent.findChild(name); if (dir == null) { dir = parent.createChildDirectory(this, name); } result.set(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }.execute(); return result.get(); }
public static VirtualFile createDir(Project project, final VirtualFile parent, final String name) { final Ref<VirtualFile> result = new Ref<VirtualFile>(); new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project) { @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { try { VirtualFile dir = parent.findChild(name); if (dir == null) { dir = parent.createChildDirectory(this, name); } result.set(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }.execute(); return result.get(); }
public static VirtualFile createDir(Project project, final VirtualFile parent, final String name) { final Ref<VirtualFile> result = new Ref<VirtualFile>(); new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project) { @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { try { VirtualFile dir = parent.findChild(name); if (dir == null) { dir = parent.createChildDirectory(this, name); } result.set(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }.execute(); return result.get(); }
public static VirtualFile createDir(Project project, final VirtualFile parent, final String name) { final Ref<VirtualFile> result = new Ref<VirtualFile>(); new WriteCommandAction.Simple(project) { @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { try { VirtualFile dir = parent.findChild(name); if (dir == null) { dir = parent.createChildDirectory(this, name); } result.set(dir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }.execute(); return result.get(); }
// Ignored. TODO: Do I have to handle this?
@CEntryPoint(name = "execute") public static int execute(IsolateThread thread, int statement) { try { boolean hasResult = statements.get(statement).execute(); if (hasResult) { throw new SQLException("unexpected results on statement execute"); } return statements.get(statement).getUpdateCount(); } catch (Throwable e) { setError(e); return -1; } finally { try { statements.get(statement).close(); } catch(Throwable t) { // Ignored. TODO: Do I have to handle this? } } }
statements.get(statement).close(); } catch(Throwable t) { // Ignored. TODO: Do I have to handle this? } }
throw new SQLException("unexpected results on statement execute"); } return statements.get(statement).getUpdateCount(); } catch (Throwable e) { setError(e); return -1; } finally { try { statements.get(statement).close(); } catch(Throwable t) { // Ignored. TODO: Do I have to handle this? } } }
@CEntryPoint(name = "execute") public static int execute(IsolateThread thread, int statement) { try { boolean hasResult = statements.get(statement).execute(); if (hasResult) { throw new SQLException("unexpected results on statement execute"); } return statements.get(statement).getUpdateCount(); } catch (Throwable e) { setError(e); return -1; } finally { try { statements.get(statement).close(); } catch(Throwable t) { // Ignored. TODO: Do I have to handle this? } } }
/** * Adds correction terms of the following form for variables v. * * <ul> * <li> If primed context has no v, conjoins v_1 = v_max (v doesn't change in this block) * <li> If primed context has index i &lt; max, conjoins v_i = v_max * <li> If unprimed context has has index i &gt; 1, conjoins v_1 = v_i * </ul> * * Adds formulas for program counter before and after block transition. * * @return A path formula with the above mentioned adjustments to the block transition formula. * The ssa map contains the indices for all primed variables including those not in the * original block formula and the pc. The pointer target set is the same as before. */
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
// Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context),
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm =
BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) {
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm);
// Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1).
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) {
SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName,
Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA));
// Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max)
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm =
pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } }
BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA),
// Add program counter
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
} } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation());
if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA));
makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
// TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct?
private PathFormula withCorrectionTermsAndPC( Block pBlock, FormulaManagerView pFmgr, BooleanFormulaManagerView pBfmgr, BitvectorFormulaManagerView pBvfmgr, PathFormulaManager pPfmgr, CFA pCFA) { BooleanFormula extendedBlockFormula = pBlock.getFormula(); PathFormula unprimedBlockContext = pBlock.getUnprimedContext(); PathFormula primedBlockContext = pBlock.getPrimedContext(); SSAMap unprimedSSAMap = unprimedBlockContext.getSsa(); SSAMap primedSSAMap = primedBlockContext.getSsa(); for (String varName : programVariableNames) { // Add general correction v_1 = v_max if v is not in block formula (= not in primed context), if (!primedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName)) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.unprimedContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, this.primedContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } else { // Add low correction v_1 = v_? if unprimed context for v has higher index (? > 1). if (unprimedSSAMap.containsVariable(varName) && unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) > STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA), makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, unprimedBlockContext, varName, unprimedSSAMap.getIndex(varName))); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } // Add high correction v_? = v_max if primed context for v has lower index (? < max) if (primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName) < highestSSA) { BooleanFormula correctionterm = pBvfmgr.equal( makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula(
BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
makeVar( pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, primedSSAMap.getIndex(varName)), makeVar(pPfmgr, pFmgr, primedBlockContext, varName, highestSSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(extendedBlockFormula, correctionterm); } } } // Add program counter int predID = getID(pBlock.getPredecessorLocation()); int succID = getID(pBlock.getSuccessorLocation()); BooleanFormula pcBefore = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(predID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(STANDARD_UNPRIMED_SSA)); BooleanFormula pcAfter = pFmgr.instantiate( makeProgramcounterFormula(succID, pBvfmgr, pCFA), SSAMap.emptySSAMap().withDefault(PC_PRIMED_SSA)); extendedBlockFormula = pBfmgr.and(pcBefore, extendedBlockFormula, pcAfter); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // TODO: seems buggy because it implicitly combines extendedBlockFormula and // primedContext.getSsa() with PointerTargetSet of primedBlockContext, is this correct? PathFormula pathFormula = pPfmgr.makeNewPathFormula( primedBlockContext.updateFormula(extendedBlockFormula), this.primedContext.getSsa()); return pathFormula; }
/** * Copy the keys and values from the source to this object. This will * not copy the default values. This is meant to be used by going from * a higher precedence object to a lower precedence object, so that if a * key already exists, this method will not reset it. * * @param opsrc non-null reference to an OutputProperties. */
public void copyFrom(OutputProperties opsrc) throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
public void copyFrom(OutputProperties opsrc) throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
public void copyFrom(OutputProperties opsrc) throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
public void copyFrom(OutputProperties opsrc) throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
// Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc);
public void copyFrom(OutputProperties opsrc) throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
public void copyFrom(OutputProperties opsrc) throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
public void copyFrom(OutputProperties opsrc) throws TransformerException { // Bugzilla 6157: recover from xsl:output statements // checkDuplicates(opsrc); copyFrom(opsrc.getProperties()); }
/** *** Sets the report header group at the specified column **/
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
/* no report header groups? */
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null;
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
/* search for column */
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex();
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
// TODO: optimize
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */
/* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
/* not found */
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
// TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
public ReportHeaderGroup getReportHeaderGroup(int col) { /* no report header groups? */ if (ListTools.isEmpty(this.rptHdrGrps)) { return null; } /* search for column */ for (ReportHeaderGroup rhg : this.rptHdrGrps) { int C = rhg.getColIndex(); if (col == C) { return rhg; } // TODO: optimize } /* not found */ return null; }
// get remote repositories
private void buildDependencyTree( Queue<DependencyNode> nodeQueue, boolean full, boolean online, Session session, Map<String, Profile> profiles, PomFileLoader loader, Log log ) { int neededLevels = full ? -1 : 1; while( !nodeQueue.isEmpty() ) { DependencyNode node = nodeQueue.poll(); if( neededLevels >= 0 && node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) continue; node.collectDependencyManagement( profiles, session.projects(), log ); Map<DependencyKey, RawDependency> localDependencies = getHierarchicalDependencies( session, node.getProject(), null, online, profiles, log ); if( localDependencies == null ) continue; for( Entry<DependencyKey, RawDependency> e : localDependencies.entrySet() ) { DependencyKey dependencyKey = e.getKey(); RawDependency dependency = e.getValue(); if( dependency.isOptional() && !node.isRoot() ) continue; GroupArtifact ga = new GroupArtifact( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId() ); if( isGroupArtifactExcluded( node, ga ) ) continue; DependencyNode existingNode = node.searchNodeForGroupArtifact( ga ); if( existingNode != null ) { if( existingNode.getLevel() <= node.getLevel() + 1 ) continue; else existingNode.removeFromParent(); } final Optional<VersionScope> optionalVs = getVersionScopeFromDependencyManagement( node, dependencyKey, dependency ); final VersionScope vs; if(optionalVs.isPresent() ) { vs = optionalVs.get(); } else { vs = dependency.getVs(); if( node.isRoot() ) { if(vs.getScope() == null) { vs.setScope( Scope.COMPILE ); } } else { Scope scope = Scope.getScopeTransformation( node.getVs().getScope(), dependency.getVs().getScope() ); if(scope == null ) continue; vs.setScope( scope ); } } Scope scope = vs.getScope(); assert scope != null; assert vs.getVersion() != null : "null version of dependency " + dependencyKey + " -> " + dependency + " (for project " + project + ")"; if( scope == Scope.IMPORT || scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // get remote repositories List<Repository> additionalRepos = getProjectRepositories( session, node.getProject(), log ); Gav dependencyGav = new Gav( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId(), vs.getVersion() ); Project childProject = null; if( neededLevels < 0 || node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) { childProject = session.projects().forGav( dependencyGav ); if( childProject == null ) { File pomFile = loader.loadPomFileForGav( dependencyGav, additionalRepos, log ); if( pomFile == null ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } PomAnalysis analysis = new PomAnalysis( session, loader, null, false, log ); analysis.addFile( pomFile ); Set<Project> loadedProjects = analysis.loadProjects(); if( loadedProjects.size() != 1 ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } childProject = loadedProjects.iterator().next(); analysis.completeLoadedProjects(); analysis.addCompletedProjectsToSession(); Set<Project> addedToGraph = analysis.addCompletedProjectsToGraph(); if( !addedToGraph.contains( childProject ) ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
if( scope == Scope.IMPORT || scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // get remote repositories List<Repository> additionalRepos = getProjectRepositories( session, node.getProject(), log ); Gav dependencyGav = new Gav( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId(), vs.getVersion() );
if(scope == null ) continue; vs.setScope( scope ); } } Scope scope = vs.getScope(); assert scope != null; assert vs.getVersion() != null : "null version of dependency " + dependencyKey + " -> " + dependency + " (for project " + project + ")"; if( scope == Scope.IMPORT || scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // get remote repositories List<Repository> additionalRepos = getProjectRepositories( session, node.getProject(), log ); Gav dependencyGav = new Gav( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId(), vs.getVersion() ); Project childProject = null; if( neededLevels < 0 || node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) { childProject = session.projects().forGav( dependencyGav ); if( childProject == null ) { File pomFile = loader.loadPomFileForGav( dependencyGav, additionalRepos, log ); if( pomFile == null )
vs = dependency.getVs(); if( node.isRoot() ) { if(vs.getScope() == null) { vs.setScope( Scope.COMPILE ); } } else { Scope scope = Scope.getScopeTransformation( node.getVs().getScope(), dependency.getVs().getScope() ); if(scope == null ) continue; vs.setScope( scope ); } } Scope scope = vs.getScope(); assert scope != null; assert vs.getVersion() != null : "null version of dependency " + dependencyKey + " -> " + dependency + " (for project " + project + ")"; if( scope == Scope.IMPORT || scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // get remote repositories List<Repository> additionalRepos = getProjectRepositories( session, node.getProject(), log ); Gav dependencyGav = new Gav( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId(), vs.getVersion() ); Project childProject = null; if( neededLevels < 0 || node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) { childProject = session.projects().forGav( dependencyGav ); if( childProject == null ) { File pomFile = loader.loadPomFileForGav( dependencyGav, additionalRepos, log ); if( pomFile == null ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } PomAnalysis analysis = new PomAnalysis( session, loader, null, false, log ); analysis.addFile( pomFile ); Set<Project> loadedProjects = analysis.loadProjects(); if( loadedProjects.size() != 1 ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) );
// TODO : use specified repositories if needed !
private void buildDependencyTree( Queue<DependencyNode> nodeQueue, boolean full, boolean online, Session session, Map<String, Profile> profiles, PomFileLoader loader, Log log ) { int neededLevels = full ? -1 : 1; while( !nodeQueue.isEmpty() ) { DependencyNode node = nodeQueue.poll(); if( neededLevels >= 0 && node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) continue; node.collectDependencyManagement( profiles, session.projects(), log ); Map<DependencyKey, RawDependency> localDependencies = getHierarchicalDependencies( session, node.getProject(), null, online, profiles, log ); if( localDependencies == null ) continue; for( Entry<DependencyKey, RawDependency> e : localDependencies.entrySet() ) { DependencyKey dependencyKey = e.getKey(); RawDependency dependency = e.getValue(); if( dependency.isOptional() && !node.isRoot() ) continue; GroupArtifact ga = new GroupArtifact( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId() ); if( isGroupArtifactExcluded( node, ga ) ) continue; DependencyNode existingNode = node.searchNodeForGroupArtifact( ga ); if( existingNode != null ) { if( existingNode.getLevel() <= node.getLevel() + 1 ) continue; else existingNode.removeFromParent(); } final Optional<VersionScope> optionalVs = getVersionScopeFromDependencyManagement( node, dependencyKey, dependency ); final VersionScope vs; if(optionalVs.isPresent() ) { vs = optionalVs.get(); } else { vs = dependency.getVs(); if( node.isRoot() ) { if(vs.getScope() == null) { vs.setScope( Scope.COMPILE ); } } else { Scope scope = Scope.getScopeTransformation( node.getVs().getScope(), dependency.getVs().getScope() ); if(scope == null ) continue; vs.setScope( scope ); } } Scope scope = vs.getScope(); assert scope != null; assert vs.getVersion() != null : "null version of dependency " + dependencyKey + " -> " + dependency + " (for project " + project + ")"; if( scope == Scope.IMPORT || scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // get remote repositories List<Repository> additionalRepos = getProjectRepositories( session, node.getProject(), log ); Gav dependencyGav = new Gav( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId(), vs.getVersion() ); Project childProject = null; if( neededLevels < 0 || node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) { childProject = session.projects().forGav( dependencyGav ); if( childProject == null ) { File pomFile = loader.loadPomFileForGav( dependencyGav, additionalRepos, log ); if( pomFile == null ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } PomAnalysis analysis = new PomAnalysis( session, loader, null, false, log ); analysis.addFile( pomFile ); Set<Project> loadedProjects = analysis.loadProjects(); if( loadedProjects.size() != 1 ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } childProject = loadedProjects.iterator().next(); analysis.completeLoadedProjects(); analysis.addCompletedProjectsToSession(); Set<Project> addedToGraph = analysis.addCompletedProjectsToGraph(); if( !addedToGraph.contains( childProject ) ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue;
analysis.addCompletedProjectsToSession(); Set<Project> addedToGraph = analysis.addCompletedProjectsToGraph(); if( !addedToGraph.contains( childProject ) ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() );
PomAnalysis analysis = new PomAnalysis( session, loader, null, false, log ); analysis.addFile( pomFile ); Set<Project> loadedProjects = analysis.loadProjects(); if( loadedProjects.size() != 1 ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } childProject = loadedProjects.iterator().next(); analysis.completeLoadedProjects(); analysis.addCompletedProjectsToSession(); Set<Project> addedToGraph = analysis.addCompletedProjectsToGraph(); if( !addedToGraph.contains( childProject ) ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
//FIXME is always false
private void buildDependencyTree( Queue<DependencyNode> nodeQueue, boolean full, boolean online, Session session, Map<String, Profile> profiles, PomFileLoader loader, Log log ) { int neededLevels = full ? -1 : 1; while( !nodeQueue.isEmpty() ) { DependencyNode node = nodeQueue.poll(); if( neededLevels >= 0 && node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) continue; node.collectDependencyManagement( profiles, session.projects(), log ); Map<DependencyKey, RawDependency> localDependencies = getHierarchicalDependencies( session, node.getProject(), null, online, profiles, log ); if( localDependencies == null ) continue; for( Entry<DependencyKey, RawDependency> e : localDependencies.entrySet() ) { DependencyKey dependencyKey = e.getKey(); RawDependency dependency = e.getValue(); if( dependency.isOptional() && !node.isRoot() ) continue; GroupArtifact ga = new GroupArtifact( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId() ); if( isGroupArtifactExcluded( node, ga ) ) continue; DependencyNode existingNode = node.searchNodeForGroupArtifact( ga ); if( existingNode != null ) { if( existingNode.getLevel() <= node.getLevel() + 1 ) continue; else existingNode.removeFromParent(); } final Optional<VersionScope> optionalVs = getVersionScopeFromDependencyManagement( node, dependencyKey, dependency ); final VersionScope vs; if(optionalVs.isPresent() ) { vs = optionalVs.get(); } else { vs = dependency.getVs(); if( node.isRoot() ) { if(vs.getScope() == null) { vs.setScope( Scope.COMPILE ); } } else { Scope scope = Scope.getScopeTransformation( node.getVs().getScope(), dependency.getVs().getScope() ); if(scope == null ) continue; vs.setScope( scope ); } } Scope scope = vs.getScope(); assert scope != null; assert vs.getVersion() != null : "null version of dependency " + dependencyKey + " -> " + dependency + " (for project " + project + ")"; if( scope == Scope.IMPORT || scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // get remote repositories List<Repository> additionalRepos = getProjectRepositories( session, node.getProject(), log ); Gav dependencyGav = new Gav( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId(), vs.getVersion() ); Project childProject = null; if( neededLevels < 0 || node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) { childProject = session.projects().forGav( dependencyGav ); if( childProject == null ) { File pomFile = loader.loadPomFileForGav( dependencyGav, additionalRepos, log ); if( pomFile == null ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } PomAnalysis analysis = new PomAnalysis( session, loader, null, false, log ); analysis.addFile( pomFile ); Set<Project> loadedProjects = analysis.loadProjects(); if( loadedProjects.size() != 1 ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } childProject = loadedProjects.iterator().next(); analysis.completeLoadedProjects(); analysis.addCompletedProjectsToSession(); Set<Project> addedToGraph = analysis.addCompletedProjectsToGraph(); if( !addedToGraph.contains( childProject ) ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue;
log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
Set<Project> addedToGraph = analysis.addCompletedProjectsToGraph(); if( !addedToGraph.contains( childProject ) ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
// TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) )
private void buildDependencyTree( Queue<DependencyNode> nodeQueue, boolean full, boolean online, Session session, Map<String, Profile> profiles, PomFileLoader loader, Log log ) { int neededLevels = full ? -1 : 1; while( !nodeQueue.isEmpty() ) { DependencyNode node = nodeQueue.poll(); if( neededLevels >= 0 && node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) continue; node.collectDependencyManagement( profiles, session.projects(), log ); Map<DependencyKey, RawDependency> localDependencies = getHierarchicalDependencies( session, node.getProject(), null, online, profiles, log ); if( localDependencies == null ) continue; for( Entry<DependencyKey, RawDependency> e : localDependencies.entrySet() ) { DependencyKey dependencyKey = e.getKey(); RawDependency dependency = e.getValue(); if( dependency.isOptional() && !node.isRoot() ) continue; GroupArtifact ga = new GroupArtifact( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId() ); if( isGroupArtifactExcluded( node, ga ) ) continue; DependencyNode existingNode = node.searchNodeForGroupArtifact( ga ); if( existingNode != null ) { if( existingNode.getLevel() <= node.getLevel() + 1 ) continue; else existingNode.removeFromParent(); } final Optional<VersionScope> optionalVs = getVersionScopeFromDependencyManagement( node, dependencyKey, dependency ); final VersionScope vs; if(optionalVs.isPresent() ) { vs = optionalVs.get(); } else { vs = dependency.getVs(); if( node.isRoot() ) { if(vs.getScope() == null) { vs.setScope( Scope.COMPILE ); } } else { Scope scope = Scope.getScopeTransformation( node.getVs().getScope(), dependency.getVs().getScope() ); if(scope == null ) continue; vs.setScope( scope ); } } Scope scope = vs.getScope(); assert scope != null; assert vs.getVersion() != null : "null version of dependency " + dependencyKey + " -> " + dependency + " (for project " + project + ")"; if( scope == Scope.IMPORT || scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // get remote repositories List<Repository> additionalRepos = getProjectRepositories( session, node.getProject(), log ); Gav dependencyGav = new Gav( dependencyKey.getGroupId(), dependencyKey.getArtifactId(), vs.getVersion() ); Project childProject = null; if( neededLevels < 0 || node.getLevel() >= neededLevels ) { childProject = session.projects().forGav( dependencyGav ); if( childProject == null ) { File pomFile = loader.loadPomFileForGav( dependencyGav, additionalRepos, log ); if( pomFile == null ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } PomAnalysis analysis = new PomAnalysis( session, loader, null, false, log ); analysis.addFile( pomFile ); Set<Project> loadedProjects = analysis.loadProjects(); if( loadedProjects.size() != 1 ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } childProject = loadedProjects.iterator().next(); analysis.completeLoadedProjects(); analysis.addCompletedProjectsToSession(); Set<Project> addedToGraph = analysis.addCompletedProjectsToGraph(); if( !addedToGraph.contains( childProject ) ) { log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); }
} DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
log.html( Tools.errorMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() ) ); continue; } } if( childProject == null ) { // TODO : use specified repositories if needed ! log.html( Tools.warningMessage( "cannot fetch project " + dependencyGav + " referenced in " + node.getProject() + (dependency.isOptional() ? " (this is an optional dependency)" : "") ) ); continue; } } DependencyNode child = new DependencyNode( childProject, dependencyKey, vs ); child.addExclusions( dependency.getExclusions() ); node.addChild( child ); DependencyManagement dm = node.getLocalManagement( dependencyKey ); if( dm != null ) child.addExclusions( dm.getExclusions() ); //FIXME is always false if( scope == Scope.SYSTEM ) continue; // TODO it seems to me that transitive dependency policy only // applies to jar artifacts, is that true ?? // if( "jar".equals( dependencyKey.getType() ) ) nodeQueue.add( child ); } } }
//TODO: this may take foreever. fix
private int generateNewTicketNumber() { //TODO: this may take foreever. fix int generated =; while(purchased.containsKey(generated)){ generated =; } return generated; }
private int generateNewTicketNumber() { //TODO: this may take foreever. fix int generated =; while(purchased.containsKey(generated)){
private int generateNewTicketNumber() { //TODO: this may take foreever. fix int generated =; while(purchased.containsKey(generated)){ generated =; } return generated; }
private int generateNewTicketNumber() { //TODO: this may take foreever. fix int generated =; while(purchased.containsKey(generated)){ generated =; } return generated; }
/** * Place the cell within the grid layout at the specified row and column. * * @param parent - the cell's parent * @param row - the row that the cell will be set at * @param col - the column that the cell will be set at */
public void setParentAtRowAndColumn(GridLayout parent, int row, int col) { // prepare the layout parameters for the EditText // TODO: Consider caching the layout params and only changing the spec row and spec column LayoutParams layoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; layoutParams.height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; // set the row and column in the correct location of the Sudoku Board layoutParams.rowSpec = GridLayout.spec(row); layoutParams.columnSpec = GridLayout.spec(col); // set the layout params and add the EditText to the GridLayout parent _text.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); parent.addView(_text); }
public void setParentAtRowAndColumn(GridLayout parent, int row, int col) { // prepare the layout parameters for the EditText // TODO: Consider caching the layout params and only changing the spec row and spec column LayoutParams layoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; layoutParams.height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; // set the row and column in the correct location of the Sudoku Board layoutParams.rowSpec = GridLayout.spec(row); layoutParams.columnSpec = GridLayout.spec(col); // set the layout params and add the EditText to the GridLayout parent _text.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); parent.addView(_text); }
public void setParentAtRowAndColumn(GridLayout parent, int row, int col) { // prepare the layout parameters for the EditText // TODO: Consider caching the layout params and only changing the spec row and spec column LayoutParams layoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; layoutParams.height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; // set the row and column in the correct location of the Sudoku Board layoutParams.rowSpec = GridLayout.spec(row); layoutParams.columnSpec = GridLayout.spec(col); // set the layout params and add the EditText to the GridLayout parent _text.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); parent.addView(_text); }
public void setParentAtRowAndColumn(GridLayout parent, int row, int col) { // prepare the layout parameters for the EditText // TODO: Consider caching the layout params and only changing the spec row and spec column LayoutParams layoutParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; layoutParams.height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; // set the row and column in the correct location of the Sudoku Board layoutParams.rowSpec = GridLayout.spec(row); layoutParams.columnSpec = GridLayout.spec(col); // set the layout params and add the EditText to the GridLayout parent _text.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); parent.addView(_text); }