The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband has a nut shape lump just under the ear and it happens every once in awhile....when he eatsThe doctor said it was a stone, but of course she is not back from pregnancy leave, until June. It is sore and only bothers him every once in awhile. It can be sore for a few days or maybe half a day. Could this be a glandular stone.?Thank you [|AI|] Hi! This is a lymph node and not a stone! Thanks for writing to us and sharing your husbands' case of sore lump under the ear with Chat Doctor! The lump sometimes disappears it means it is not a stone in salivary gland/parotid; this is definitely a lymph node getting enlarged due to some scalp/ear/nose/throat infection; and soreness indicates the severity of inflammation and the tension on skin/soft tissue! A needle biopsy is necessary, however, to see the possible reason behind it; therefore, just don't worry! Hope you got the answer; regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a mild redness on my foreskin and aching testicles. Doctors have tested for STIs and have been told Im all clear. I had unprotected sex with a female and oral sex with a male in August 2013. Both sympton have been present and constant since then. Im worried Ive caught something but its going undetected. What else could cause both symptoms? Im extremely stressed out about it and walk away from the doctors feeling ignored and humilated becuase they cant see any redness on my foreskin. Other problems I currently have is a sore back and itchy feet. Just incase they are related. [|AI|] Hi, Redness of foreskin indicates an inflammation either due to some infection (STD or non-STD) or due to some irritation to soaps or some external applications. Yeast infection is a common one to produce such inflammation, and we can confirm this with examination and simple investigations and treat with appropriate antifungal preparations. Scrotal pain may be due to Epididymitis. The cause of this also may have to be investigated with blood and urine tests. Sore back and Itchy feet seems not related to your sex relationship. Chat Doctor. Morgan
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yea. I bent my head now and my neck started hurting and i felt heavyness start in my sholder and travel down my left arm to my bysept and continue to travel into my forearm. i stayed in that possition for a second to see what else would happen then it started traveling from the back of my neck into the back of my head then i started feeling dizzy like i was gona pass out to i lifted up my head from that posission and took a breath and it started going away? and my left arm still feels a bit heavy? what do you think this is? [|AI|] Hi I am Chat Doctor. . In my opinion I think you have cervical radiating pain due to nerve compression, I suggest you do an MRI to exclude disc herniation. For now, you may use painkillers like Advil tabs when needed, hot massages with topical gels, B12 vitamin supplements, muscle relaxants will be fine for most of the cases. If pain persists I recommend you visit your physician for proper evaluation and management. Please click and consider a 5-star rating with some positive feedback if the information was helpful. Wish you good health, Any further clarifications feel free to ask.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir i am having vitiligo from last 14 years but it was very minimal....three years back i hv taken homeopathic treatment which made it bad and it increased,,,then i stopped that medication and started some other allopathic but not done seriously nd left that my patches r inc slowly now i m little bit worried this possible to get rid of it...kindly suggest [|AI|] Hi, Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease causing white patches on the skin. White patches occur due to the loss of melanin in the skin. There is no complete cure for vitiligo. Do not worry. The progression of the disease can be retarded to a certain extent by local application of immunosuppressant ointment and UV treatment. I would suggest you to continue treatment. Please consult your Dermatologist for appropriate treatment. Reduce consumption of seafood and sour food such as curd, tomato and tamarind. Always use sunscreen before stepping out. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I got hit in the head with a bottle bouncing. The bottle broke on my head and we got the bleeding stopped. Cut didnt require stitches. Its been five days and the cut is pretty much healed except scabbing but I can feel a long narrow dent on my head. Could it be the skin taking time to come out or my skull? Im concerned. I never had signs of trauma or dizziness. [|AI|] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. Yes it will take some time to heal completely. Meanwhile you should take extra care. If you or any family member observes any neurological change like loss of consciousness or memory then report immediately to hospital. Apply poly fax plus ointment over wound for rapid healing. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Got a bad case of roadrash after a mountain bike accident. Cleaned the wound out with peroxide on site of crash. When I got home, cleaned wound again with soap (twice). Covered wound with Johnson and Johnson (Compeed) adhesive pads, the kind used to treat burns and blisters. There is a lot of redish almost clear discharge coming from under the bandages. I dont believe the wound is infected because I cleaned it out really well. Is this discharge normal? My theory is that it is my bodys way of trying to make a scab but it cant because I am keeping the wound covered. [|AI|] Thanks to ChatDoctorI can understand your concern whenever injury to any part of body, body mechanism will try to get heal themselves here you did good thing of cleaned wound immediately with antiseptic solution, so contamination with bacteria is very, very minimal clear discharge from wound is wooing from the swollen tissue at injury .it is normal process of mechanism, so don't worry, you have done good job, but I would like to have antibiotic like definite 200 mg and anti-inflammatory like cello plus to prevent complications for 3 days don't worry continue Chat Doctor. Ok
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Last week I had sex with my boyfriend and the condom broke so I took plan b within the 72 hours of having sex. Its been about 5-6 days now and I have felt any symptoms whatsoever. However, earlier today I started feeling urges to use the bathroom excessively when my body didnt really have urine to release. Then after a couple of times I noticed that instead of urine it was blood every time I used the bathroom. Could this be an effect of using Plan B? or could this be a UTI? [|AI|] Hello misunderstand your concerned emergency contraceptive pill cause bleeding. It is due to progesterone with Chat Doctor. It will occur after 5-7 days after taking ECP in most of the cases. Furthermore, it will disappear in 3-5 days. So bleeding is normal physiological phenomenon.UTI chance is less. But for can for urine test to clear your doubt. After using I pill, Period may delay by 1-2 week because of hormonal imbalance and stress. So if period will delay by 8-10 days then go for pregnancy test to exclude the pregnancy. Hope this may help you Best regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I recently had swelling in my finger and thought it was an ingrown nail. It became worse so I went to am EMO (I am not at home and have no doctor in the area) and they tried to drain it. It became worse so I went to the ER the next day (yesterday) where he told me it was herpetic whitlow and prescribed me something for it. I have taken two doses today, but am nervous about my finger. It continues to swell and is now purple. I have some slight swelling on my hand as well. [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. I think you need to see a skin specialist. These type of swelling is mostly due to following causes.1. Bacterial infection 2. Fungal infection A skin physician can examine your swelling and confirm the diagnosis. If there is bacterial infection than after Chat Doctor. If it is fungal infection than this may need treatment for longer time may be three months. If you can send me images of the finger, I can help you in diagnosis. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Well I recently have had oral surgery, my wisdom teeth were removed, and now my chest feels compressed and in pain to breath. On top of that it has been almost a week the still And they bleed still and Im pretty sure the stitches have popped...meaning theyre an open hole. [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for posting here. You did not mention if you had the surgery under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. It is not okay to have bleeding even after a week. I suggest you to see your dentist immediately. You did not mention if you are a diabetic and if you have any other general health problems. Get a blood profile done. Chest compression cannot be because of a local anesthetic affect. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had Gyno for about three years now after foolishly using a pro-hormone when I was younger, a mistake to say the least,do you know anything about the use of Turmeric root to combat the fat/tissue build up and/or any other possible remedies before surgery. Thank you [|AI|] Dear my suggestion to you is that first of change your attitude about carrying fat tissue. You should be fit in terms of BMR[basal metabolic rate], normal blood sugar and a normal blood pressure. Don't go by looks, few people have tendency to put weight and there are many reasons for same. So idea should be to treat the root cause, it can be hypothyroidism, Cushing syn Chat Doctor. Any cause has to be treated to get rid of fat and then prevention off course is better than cure, so go for lots of fruits and salad along with workout at least three times a week if not daily. Treatment with orbital has some effect as it lowers fat absorption and finally surgery should be the last resort.........TC care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Can I give Tylenol or Motrin to 2 year old after I gave her Kids cold & mucus relief homeopathic syrup (2.5 ml). She had a fever still after strep thrust diagnoses early Thursday morning ... it is Saturday night now. Has lots of congestion and runny nose. Been to ER twice [|AI|] Cellophane for choosing ChatDoctorI appreciate your concern, if this is the febrile state of child means the body temperature is more than 100 F then it is most advisable to give Acetaminophen (Tylenol) but here I would like to point out that it is better to control the temperature with cold sponging first and if it fails to work then you can try antipyretic medicine (Tylenol) second and most important is to treat the underlying cause of fever, in your case it could be just allergic condition and may not require any vigorous treatment, just take care for HY Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son, who is now 13, had the coxsackie virus when he was in the second grade. I am inquiring about the long term effects of this disease. He is active, healthy and exceeds academically. However, he often experiences stomach upset and headaches. His doctor claims he is healthy. There is little to no research on the after-effects of this virus, and I would greatly appreciate some direction. [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Coxackie virus infection is self limited. It will be cured with in a short time. Antibiotic therapy can be taken to prevent secondary infection. It will never cause any stomach upset and other things. I think other things will be having different origin. I request you to kindly get your children examination done for other causes if stomach upsets. The most common causes of the stomach upset in the child is the worm infestation. Please maintain hygiene in your living as it is also important as taking the treatment. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a small hard lump on my right jawline about the size of a pea. I had a dentist xray it and they are sending me to a oral s not black on the xrays but I am getting worried because it s getting more sore every day. Specially at night when I sleep....throbs. I am worried it s cancer [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have sore lump on jawline which could be due to blocked duct of salivary gland. It could be due to infected lymph node. Lymph nodes get infected due to bacterial or viral infection. It could be due to dental abscess. When infection or pus get accumulated at the root tip. You should maintain dental hygiene by brushing and flossing. I would suggest you to consult dentist for proper examination. Doctor may order X-ray and blood test to confirm the diagnosis. Doctor may prescribe antibiotics like amoxicillin for at least 10 days or perform minor surgery to remove salivary gland. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, Im trying to figure out if I suffered from a stroke last night, I had something like a panic attack, numbness in my left arm that made my head tilt to the left, dizziness, and feeling of hoplessness but no pain. And my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. Its been about 18 hours since it began and I still have numbness on my left side and fingers and Im feeling dizzy... [|AI|] I read your query and I understand your concern. Your symptoms could be in the setting of a stroke and I think you require medical attention. So I think you should present yourself to the emergency service in order to be evaluated for your clinical signs. Afterwards the diagnosis would need to be confirmed with imaging tests like CT or ideally MRI as well as tests to search for the possible cause and start treatment to prevent your symptoms to progress. I hope to have been of help.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband has high blood pressure and takes medication for it. Lately he has woken up in the middle of the night feeling odd and when he takes his blood pressure is up to 180/190. Should he check if he has sleep apnea and why doesnt his medication keep the hypertension low. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! You should know that sleep apnea can cause difficulty breathing during the night with blood pressure spikes. Your husbands blood pressure values are really high, and some tests need to be done to investigate for the possible underlying causes: - a chest X-ray study- a resting ECG-thyroid hormone levels for thyroid dysfunction- complete blood count for anemia-blood electrolytes for electrolyte imbalance-blood gas analysis-fasting glucose for diabetes-kidney and liver function tests. If these tests result normal, a multi latency sleep test should be done to exclude possible sleep apnea. But, if no other underlying cause is found, I would recommend discussing with your doctor on the possibility of making some changes on his blood pressure therapy (raise the doses or add a new antihypertensive Chat Doctor. Hope to have been helpful! Wishing all the best,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] MY HUSBAND HAS SORENES OFF AND ON FOR A MONTH OR TWO SORENESS TO THE TOUCH , SO HE WENT TO A cardiologist.AS IT TURNS OUT HIS HEART ISSLIGHTLY ENLARGED HEART WITH A BLOCKAGE AND A LEAKY HEART VALVE ON THE RIGHT SIDE.HOW COMMON IS THE SORENESS? . [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern and would explain that the soreness to the touch is not typical of the heart, and is usually related to a musculoskeletal pain (local inflammation). Anyway, considering the coronary artery disease, I would recommend performing a coronary Antioch scan, in order to examine the blood flow in this coronary arteries. I would like to directly review his tests for a second opinion. In the meantime, I recommend taking ibuprofen for the pain and avoiding straining physical activity. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Doctor,My name is eldhose and i am 25 years old. Presently i am in Qatar. I have severe lower back pain. after MRI my doctor told that i have a disease called spondylosis at L5 - S1. He told there is no specific treatment for this problem and I have to take pain reviler tablets when pain occurs.Actually is there any final treatment available to eliminate this disease? [|AI|] Hello Your MRI findings suggests degenerative disc disease of L/S spine. There are spondylitic changes at L5-S1 level. Degenerative changes occur due to aging and weakness in annulus fibrosis. It is important to know status of nerve roots means there is any compression on nerve roots or not, whether there is disc prolapse or not. Your findings suggest mild degenerative changes. Majority of the cases of degenerative spine disease are benefited by physiotherapy and analgesics. You should try physiotherapy first. Treatment can be planned after consultation with neurologist. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have seveir pain on thecright hand side of my abdonom i have already had my appendix out last november and i have continuedvto have pain since this operation. i am in hospital now and they are treating me for constipation. i think i have a blockage as they have given me 3 sopositarys and i havenot had much bowel movement at all, and all the movement i have had it is soft. i am fed up of it now because it is not allowing me to move my right leg with the pain of my stomach and it dosent allow me towalk easily it is very painful. i am a fit and healthey 14 year old male . mabie i shouldnt be asking for second opinion but i am in severe pain and i am fed up of them not giving me answers. i have my mom with me and she has given me permission to ask for a secon opinion [|AI|] HI Minnows ! Sometimes there are post-operative adhesion formation at the site of operation which might stick to a part of your intestine, causing it to twist and get obstructed causing pain. It might be of sub acute nature giving rise to intermittent pain, or it could be acute giving rise both to pain and acute intestinal obstruction resulting in absolute constipation and inability to pass gases as well with distension of the abdomen. I feel that in your case it could be subbed acute in nature because of the long duration of your pain since the operation more than six months before. However, there are many pathological processes which could give rise to such pain in the abdomen, which if you could not be diagnosed clinically, warrant for further investigations like plain X-ray of abdomen, ultrasound of abdomen, and a urine culture and sensitivity test to exclude various other conditions giving rise to such abdominal pain. I do not want to confuse you by giving all the details of these conditions, but you can always discuss with your treating doctor on these points. If nothing is conclusive, then a diagnostic laparoscopy may be helpful. Wishing you an early recovery. Thanks and good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello Doctor some 50 days back i was feeling Nuasia & Vomiting in the morning .. i went for a Blood test( LFT) My Bilirubin Found 2.9 where as SGPT is 30 & SGOT 26 with other parameters of Alkaline phosphates are within normal limits .. Initially i was treated with UDILIV 300 twice daily but afre 21 days , when i made repeat LFT, it fond no marginal decline Serum Bilirubin is 2.7 where as SGPT is 27 & SGOT is 24 then i change the doctor & take advice from an MD who suggested me for an whole abdomen USG which find everything is normal except marginal Hepatomegaly .. Then 2nd doctor come to an conclusion that i have fatty liver & no jaundice . He prescribed me Viboliv 500 twice daily with Sorbiline for next three months & advice me to have normal diet with less oil & Fat .. I am yet to make an LFT which i am planned to do in end of march Is my treatment in right direction pls advice [|AI|] Hello, Mild elevation in your bilirubin, first you need to know the reason, Kindly check your viral markers (Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, if they are negative then okay, if they are positive then please get treated for the same, then regarding your fatty liver, your scan does not show any fatty changes, but kindly get your sugar, thyroid n cholesterol levels checked and can be treated accordingly if they are altered, along with diet restrictions like avoiding fatty foods with exercising is the ideal thing. Consult your Gastroenterologist and get yourself completely evaluated. Hope I could help you. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a pain on my right side in my upper rib cage. It is painful to move a certain way, to sneeze, blow my nose etc. It is not painful to breathe unless I take a deep breath. I had this same pain about a year ago, I thought maybe it was a broken rib but had x-rays that were negative. What might be causing this? Thank you [|AI|] Hi, thanks for providing a brief history. If it's Not a fracture then you should try to do some breathing exercises. In fact if there is muscle weakness then the pain prolongs longer. But kindly see if breathing exercises help you. If Pain still persists after a week or so then you can surely take advice from pulmonologist and undergo a scan of your lungs and see if pathological issues are there or not.?thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was involved in a car accident, as a result my lower back area lumbar l-5 was e-ray . the findings was an equivocal L-5 s spondylolysis without spondylolisthesis. there are minimal generalized spondylosis and facet arthropathy without fractures or destructive boney lesions. I had no problems with back before the care accident. I m in pain all the time. It is very painful. question. Do you think the car accident attributed to this. I did have any pain before [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case and reports with diligence. As per your x-ray report there is severe degenerative changes in whole lumbar spine with disc space reduction. At old there can be degenerative wear of bones, muscles, ligament and facet joint arthritis, due to deficiency of calcium, vitamin D, IT supplements of these nutrients can relieve pain. Check your bone strength with DEXA SCAN and you can start medication according to level of osteoporosis, And also check your it B12 and it D3 level. I will advise you to do regular physiotherapy and exercises as my patients find much relief by these therapies. You may consult physiotherapist for guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case you need to take diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. You may need MRI spine. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not hesitate to rate this answer at end of discussion. Wishing you good health. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir!! im himalaya ,18 years old...... im suffering from nose problem this my nose septum instead of being straight is tilted to extreme... due to it i suffer huge pain in head and i always have cold......nowadays even my neck is giving me problems with a pain in lungs wen i cough out.....plz advise me a solution.... [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious disease specialist, answering your concern. Your condition in medical terminology is known as deviated nasal septum. The final cure for such a condition is surgical correction. You can do your correction by the ENT surgeon. Until you correct surgically the problem of headache and neck ache remains as such. Till you do not visit to the surgeon I advise you to take the Tab. Aceclofenac for pain tablet cetirizine for nasal discharge under your doctors' guidance. Please do maintain good hygiene in nasal cavity otherwise infection do occur in noncorrected nasal septum. I will be happy to answer your further concern you can contact me here, or you can contact me on Chat Doctor. You can hit thank you button if you are helped. Thank you, ChatDoctor
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a swollen stomach at first I thought it was trapped wind but the pain is server it is my lower abdomen it is hurting when I wee or when I need to go for a bowl movement, it feels almost like when I had my appendix out. I have had the symptoms since Friday so on to the 3rd day [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted your history of swollen abdomen, pain hurting more on when visiting bathroom for wee or passing bowel movements. I would advise you the following:Get a clinical examination done by a General Surgeon. Ultrasonography of the abdomen. Tests of blood, urine and stool so that the diagnosis is made. If the cause is surgical you need to be operated, and if no such a case, a course of an antibiotic, metronidazole and probiotics along with symptomatic treatment for pain and so will cure your problems.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I HAVE GONE THROUGH LAB TEST ,THE RESULT SERUM T.CHOLESTEROL IS 229mgs/dl AND SERUM TRIGLYCERIDES IS 304gms/dl what kind of treatment shall i follow to control the cholesterol in my body what are the steps to be followed, pl mail me sir. ThanksK.Ganeshmurthy [|AI|] Hi Mr Ganeshmurthy After going through your reports, my opinion is as follows1. Your cholesterol is borderline high, and your triglycerides are high.2. High lipids can affect the blood pressure, so needs to be controlled.3. You can discuss with your consulting doctor regarding stations and other lipid lowering agents, their dosage to control lipids.4. Exercise on a regular basis to control weight as well as to stay fit.5. Cut down on oil rich foods, junk food. Have diet rich in fibers, proteins and lots of fruits and vegetables. 6. Make necessary lifestyle modifications like avoiding stress, practicing yoga/ meditation. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have swelling from my knees down with the worst being ankle and foot. I also have pain with worsening as the day progresses. I have been diagnosed with lymphedema and have a machine to help with that but it is not helping. I have already had a stress test and it was normal. What could be the cause of this? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. There are many causes of generalized swelling, but most common of this is congestive cardiac failure in which heart is not able to pump the blood efficiently. Second is low blood protein count. Other cause such as kidney failure and thyroid function should be excluded by kidney function test and thyroid function test respectively. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir I am taking the following medicines: 1. Intalith CR450mg 2. Asenapt 5mg 3.Veniz 150mg+75mg 4.Lamictal 25mg 5.Mirtakem 7.5mg. I am having following problems: Lack of interest in pleasure activities including sex, difficulty concentrating, remembering. Pls advise. Regards Sanjeev Kumar, 36 yrs. [|AI|] Hi, The problems that you have listed can be due to depression. Although you have mentioned the list of medications you were taking, I would have preferred to know the duration as well the symptoms which made you seek treatment. Going by the medicines, you may be a case of bipolar disorder or less likely, unipolar depression. In case you are a case of bipolar disorder, I would like to get a lithium level done and then optimize your treatment accordingly. If lithium levels are adequate, I would consider increasing dose of Aborigine. In any case, considering you are having symptoms now, your medicines need a review. Consult your psychiatrist and discuss your problems at the earliest. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 56 years old lady. i have B.P, DIABETICS, ASTHMA , TYROIED,MACULAR GENERATION, KIDNEY STONE . I took sonography of my stomach . There is moderate hepatomegaly .with moderate fatty infiltration of liver . .what is the meaning. what is this disease. what medicins i should take. what precautions I should take. Please reply [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. Enlarged liver due to fatty infiltration can be caused by alcohol abuse or by obesity, diabetes and all others associated metabolic changes. So if you do not abuse an alcohol and your weight is high this is the reason of such USG result. Fatty liver can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver failure. And as fatty liver is reversible, liver cirrhosis is not. So this is the best time to make some changes. You should test your cholesterol level with LDL and HDL levels and triglycerides level. If increased, you should ask your doctor to have some statins prescribed. You should also change your diet, prevent fatty foods and sugar rich foods, increase vegetables intake. Physical activity is also advisable. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 12 month old son has these small little red bumps on his face, stomach, palms and feet. At first I thought it was because of the moisturizer I used but I stopped using it and it is getting worse. It doesnt seem to bother him but it looks horrible. What is it [|AI|] Hi... I feel by what you quote he should be having a - Hand Foot Mouth disease. This is one viral illness among all other anthems which can cause fever followed by rash over palms and soles. It is a self-limiting disorder and itching can be really worrisome. I suggest you use any over the counter antihistamine if you have one with you now. You can use HY Chat Doctor. This can even cause some peeling of skin in the next 4-6 weeks and do not worry about it. But.... Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello,I have swollen gum behind two teeth of my upper mouth it may be gum infection I had no idea so I went to GP he prescribed for Alphamox 500. Gum is like a bubble for 8 days now what to now? should I go to doctor urgently or i can go after 1 month any suggestions [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your query swollen gum behind two teeth that is appearing like a bubble seems to be due to formation of a gum abscess that can occur due to infection in the area of the gums or can also be due to traumatic injury to the gums in that area with toothbrush bristles or any hard food leading to deeper impaction of the bacteria deep into the gums causing pus formation. In case if there is any decayed tooth in the area it can also be a dental abscess. As you are taking Alpha that contains active ingredient Amoxicillin that is an antibiotic will help in reducing infection, but you need to consult a Dentist and get evaluated, and he can also do a proper evaluation and can do scaling of the gums followed by continuing antibiotics and painkillers and topical gum pain application for relief. Do antiseptic mouthwash gargles. In case of dental abscess root canal treatment of tooth followed by antibiotics and painkillers will help. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my echocardiogram showed trivial tr & trivial halter monitor showed occasional ventricular ectopic beats with 2 trigeminy runs & rare supraventricular ectopic beats with 3 supraventricular tachycardia runs, rate up to 182bpm..what does this all mean [|AI|] Hello and thank you for using Chat Doctor. I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion. I think we are talking about minimal mitral and tricuspid regurgitation. This means that these two heart valves has a minimal problem, they leak, or they turn back the blood. Normaly this should not happen but when it is a minimal regurgitation this is physiological, or it is not something to worry about. If it ks written moderate or severe regurgitation than you need to follow this problem. According to holder rhythm monitoring, it says that you have some rhythm issues. They ate not significant, but you can take medication to control them. But to prescribe the right medication, if I was the treating doctor I would like to know your age, associated disease, a full blood analyze to exclude electrolyte imbalances, anemi, your thyroid hormones because these factors are sometime responsible for this rhythm issues. After this we can decide how to treat the problem Meanwhile avoid coffee and caffeine products because they exacerbate your arrhythmia. Hope I was helpful. Best regards, Chat Doctor. .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am getting a rash that looks like little pin-pricks on my legs when they are exposed to the sun. This is now covering both of my legs from the knees down and you can see a clear line where my socks were. I get it a little on my arms and the back of my neck when I get too much sun there, but it gets really bad on my legs. What is this and what can I do to treat it? [|AI|] HAI, It seems your skin highly sensitive to sunlight, and you have to avoid exposure to sunlight as far as possible. You can wear stockings, leggings and wear gloves to protect your hands and high collared shirts to protect your neck are always better. You can also use sun screening creams with SPF more than 15 whenever you go outside or if there is a chance to exposure to sunlight. These measures will protect your skin definitely. Now you can use moderate potent steroid creams and multivitamin tablets and mild toilet soaps with moisturizers with the advice of your Dermatologist. You will be free from all your symptoms soon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] am 38 years old i had sinus problem,so i cant drink liquid item,it mean drinking only boiled i cant eat butter milk,fruits,wn i ate buttermilk or fruits immidiately headche and cougChatDoctoring.i had so much dandruff my head all hair falling,so wt can i son have esnophylia problem.he have cough.cold [|AI|] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you have symptoms of hair fall and Dan Chat Doctor. Sinus issues could be due to upper respiratory tract infection. Need not worry. I would suggest you to consult dermatologist for proper examination. Doctor may order skin patch test, blood test and physical examination and may prescribe financial at least for 3-4 months along with antifungal medications. Take Indian gooseberry powder (half spoon) with water once a day and use almond oil for hair massage. Avoid use of hard cosmetic products, gels, sprays and shampoos. Do nasal saline rinses for sinus issues and avoid intake of outside food. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have read online that h pylori is transmitted through direct contact with saliva, vomit or fecal matter. Yet nobody states whether or not it is transmitted through direct contact with urine or blood. I know its dna is in urine and blood, but am unable to determine if it is infectious through those routes? [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor The transmission of any infectious agents is also influenced by their survival in a particular medium. This means if the bacteria, e.g. H pylori, cannot survive in urine or blood then it cannot be transmitted in this way. The survival in the medium and in that aspect of the body is also important e.g. the urinary tract. H pylori is not normally transmitted via the urine or blood. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My father is 65 years old and is Diagnosed with brain shrinkage , age related atrophy changes ..Now he is unable to do his daily activities on his own, lost speech.Now taking ayurvedic medicine but nothing changes in his activities.How long does he live ? [|AI|] Hello, Unfortunately, there is no good answer to the question of his life expectancy since that is much more dependent upon his overall state of health and other comorbid conditions he may have such as hypertension, diabetes, and renal function (among others). There are no known medications or treatments on the market to reverse the consequences of dementia. My advice is that he obtain a caregiver who can help with his activities of daily living. This will help much more than medication in keeping him safe and improving his chances at a longer life in order to avoid falls and make sure he gets medications, HY Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter (she is 6)has been saying her butt hole hurts (about a month) and just recently complaining when she farts it hurts and burns. She says her tummy has been hurting. She is complaining to her teacher. Is she constipated? Should I take her to the dr? My other daughter (11 months) has been on miralax for 3 months becuase she wasn t pooping as when she did it would cause her a lot of pain. Could my oldest be experiencing the same thing? [|AI|] what you quote your kid is having a habitual constipation. I have certain questions and suggestions for you. Questions:1. Did your kid pass motion or meconium on day one of life?2. Since how long is the kid constipated?3. Does the kid have any bleeding along with hard stools?4. How much milk does the kid consume per day?5. Does the kid eat fruits and vegetables (fiber diet) appropriately? Suggestions:1. Natural methods are the best to relieve constipation.2. Constipation is a risk factor for UTI3. Maximum milk consumption per day should not exceed 300-400ml4. Minimum 3-4 cups of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day5. Toilet training - that is - sitting in Indian type of lavatory daily at the same time will help a lot. To answer the questions and guidance - You can approach me at the following link. Please find the link below - www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi . my name is ashley im from hawaii its been a while now my buttocks been painful.i went to my doctor and he told me its because of the food i eat then he gave me these medicines to take but it still not working. is their a homemade way i can get rid of it ? im tired of feeling this pain . thank you for your time [|AI|] **1. All symptoms related to buttock pain must be evaluated in terms of their intensity, duration, location, aggravating or relieving factors, and in view of the presence or absence of accompanying medical issues [herniated disc, sciatica] in order to precisely identify the cause, so in best interest you are requested to kindly consult an Orthopedic Surgeon, 2. Since the diagnosis and management of your condition will require a physical examination, scheduling an appointment is highly recommended if the pain persists.PS. 1. Take 4 tablespoon Tulsa juice 4 tablespoon ginger juice 4 tablespoon honey for 1 month2. Use of olive oil [Jain tail] for local massage.3. Make eggplant curry [Hainan key Bharat] and fry in castor oil and eat.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have seriously bad rib pain. My left rib sticks out a little more than my right ribs do, and theres this pain that hits me randomly sometimes, and when it hits i cant breathe cause it hurts. Now, right before it goes away, it feels like there is a pop and i can breathe again. Last time i went to a doctor was september of 10 and they gave me a x-ray, said they didnt see anything, and sent me home with IB was not as bad back then as it is now and before i go pay a huge doctor bill, I want to know if anyone knows what it might be. I dont want to go to the doctors and them tell me the same thing again and then pay 2 grand for nothing. Please help!! [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. Due to compression of this nerve root there is pain in your this can be related to smoking also. I will advise you to do MRI thoracic spine, HRC [CHEST] and EMG- CV [nerve conduction study]For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic medication can be started. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and inferential therapy will give quick relief. I will advise checking your it B12 and it D3 level. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 12 year old daughter has had a pain in her tailbone for about 4 months now on and off. She does karate and plays the piano but over the summer vacation has not been attending either. Sitting is becoming very uncomfortable and she gets relief when lying down. She is concerned that she will not be able to sit on the school chairs when she returns in about 3 weeks . We thought that with rest it would have subsided by now but it is still worrying that is has not gone away. I am taking her to see her doctor this week. What can we expect and do you have any advise? Also she has suffered no trauma to that area. Jane [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You are likely to be having coccyxdynia. Treatment of it is hot bath by seating in a tub of lukewarm water. Analgesic such as ibuprofen is given for pain relief. Vitamin B and C is helpful in recovery. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I have lots of small fat lumps on the front left side of jaw What now look like one big one Is there a way to remove them with out surgery As I have had one remove from my neck and it left a horrible scar . And I have been told surgery will damage the nerve in my face and I don t what to lose the feeling in my face or have a droopy lip Any ideas what to do next? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing in. According to the details you provided, its not clear cause of origin of the lumps. Direct clinical examination as well as palpation of the lesion is necessary to rule out the diagnosis and treatment plan. There are several cauterization methods which will not leave a scar while surgery has done. Please do visit an oral and maxillofacial surgeon and do the treatments based on that. Meanwhile, please do avoid intake of too much of fatty foods and oil. surgery has to be contraindicated if it will damage facial nerve. Hope this helps. TAKE CARE.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor my child is almost 4 yrs and having cold for which i gave her maxtra for 3 days without realising that i gave her an overdose of that medicine that is roughly 7 ml twice in a day. Will it have any adverse effect and what and can anything be done to reverse that. [|AI|] Thanks for asking I have gone through your query, your 4-year-old child having cold and you have given mantra 14ml per day. You are worried about side effect of this dose. There is not some much side effect of this dose in 4-year-old child. He may feel more sleepy. So not send him school and keep him at home and let him sleep if he is like to sleep. Correct dose of this Chat Doctor. 5 ml thrice a day for 4-year-old child. So nothing to worry. Hope i able to answer your query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter has seen a lung doctor for almost a year he has done many test why she is experiencing shortness of breath not only with exercise but at rest as well, she also experience a rapid heart rate, which she see s a heart doctor for that. The heart doc. put her on verapamil and flouricordisone so she can absorb sodium due to her low sodium levels. Her lung doctor does know she has inflamed airway, she was put on many different inhalers, none of them worked, the test from her broncolscopy are coming back as normal we are stuck on what to do next [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding her cardiac symptoms, they seem to be related to orthostatic intolerance. That is why her doctor has prescribed verapamil and fluorous Chat Doctor. Regarding her shortness of breath I would like to know the results of her respiratory function tests. If it is inflammation in the lungs, it may be asthma. Steroids (inhalation or tablets), coupled with beta simulators (albuterol, albuterol) inhalators may be helpful! Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI, I am 26 year old female. I got blood test around 27dec 2012 and the doctor figured out jaundice in the reports. I was in India that time. I followed a strict diet avoiding all the spicy food, butter, curd and even milk with medicines liveril fort and ubexa twice a day with plenty of rest. I am in Canada since Jan3 2013. I got another blood test around Jan 7, 2013 and the values for liver enzymes ASt and ALT , billirubin were still little more than the normal values. I feel better than before and can feel the changes. I am planning to get another blood test may be in 2 weeks. So far I havent started taking any spicy food and stick to simple rice with sugar, salad, fruits and juices. I am wandering if you can give me some suggestions on my diet now. If I can start taking milk, egg or freshly prepared indian vegetable curries? Thanks. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. You are most likely suffering form acute viral hepatitis which has span of almost 8 weeks. First 2 weeks are symptomatic and remaining 6 weeks are required for recovery. As such there is no need of any dietary restriction as liver also needs energy and by restricting diet body is deficient in basic needs and patient starts losing weight. As such there is no need of restriction of milk, egg, fresh green vegetables. Initial 2 -3 weeks, serum bilirubin and liver enzymes shows rising trend, and it starts decreasing after its peaks. Peak is different for each & every individual. You should remain in touch with your treating doctor and continue with normal diet and prescribed medicines. Take care,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hit on shin 2 weeks ago resulting in a big hard lump and bruising tonite I just noticed that my leg was swelling and pooling with blood right above where my sock is. Is this dangerous? I have it elevated with ice packs now. ANymore advice would help. [|AI|] You must show to an orthopedic doctor, the hematoma formed due to injury may have got infected with fluid or serum collection giving rise to more swelling now, may need Chat Doctor. , possibly an x-ray too for any bony lesion due to injury or infection. Sometimes breach of periosteum is there and consequent infection into bone too...if need be, a bone scan for early infection detection in bone may be needed too, or it may be just soft tissue hematoma, which can be known by check upbeat wishes
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 6 weeks pregnant. Mild intermittent asthmatic. I have a cold for a week. Had coughed up some mucus the first 5 days. Last two days the cough is unproductive and somewhat persistent. i have a 99 fever and am having to use my inhaler every 4 hours round the clock. which is uncharacteristic with a cold. [|AI|] Hello, You may be suffering from lower respiratory tract infection. You have to avoid cool Chat Doctor. Use water vapor inhalation and salt water gargling thrice a day for five days. If symptoms don't improve, it is better to consult your physician rather than prescribing medicine online. He will examine how severe it is then treated you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am having a problem which may be related to the heart (as per my home physician). The problem is that a pain is being initiated from the middle of my chest and spreading throughout the chest. During this period I am having an uneasy feeling and the pain persists for around 5-10 minutes. During the pain, consumption of water (in small quantity) relieves me for some seconds and again the pain starts. During the initiation of the pain, slight pain is observed in the hed as well as the ache The ECG reports are normal and the TMT report is negative too. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need to worry about heart diseases as your ECG and TMT (trade mill test) both are negative. Since your pain is relieved by water, possibility of acute gastritis related chest pain is more likely. So take pantoprazole tablet on empty stomach twice daily. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Lose weight if you are obese. Quit smoking and alcohol if you have these habits. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my mother was diagnosed with peritoneal cancer stage 3. The doctors never made it clear if this was mesothelioma or not. Doing research peritoneal is never listed as a cancer in itself but it is listed under mesothelioma. If her biopsy says she has peritoneal stage 3 cancer does this mean it is mesothelioma or could it be another type of peritoneal cancer? thank you [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. Peritoneal malignancies (primary) are very rare. Malignant spread in peritoneum can occur in other organ malignancies. But primary peritoneal cancer is very rare. The most common one in this is mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is the only peritoneal cancer known. It is also affecting pleura. So if your mother is also having pleural involvement than this must be mesothelioma only. Prognosis is not very good. Chemotherapy is the only treatment available. Rarely radiotherapy given.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello and thank you in advance. Woke up to a horrible itch on my arm - looked at it - it is swollen, red about three inches around, very warm to the touch, and now bumpy. Looks like a spider bite... two tiny red marks in the center. I cleaned it and sprayed bactine over area. Is there anything else I can do or be concerned about? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, It seems that you might have some poisonous insect bite giving allergic rash with severe itching. Due to bad itching nail scratches might produce some infection on the part. Go for short course of antibiotic to clear infection. Take anti-histamine like Cetirizine or Levo-cetrizine as and when required. Apply some local triple acting cream. Keep that part Chat Doctor. Ok and bye.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, my wife, 67, taking seloken 25xl and cilacar 5. Last one month, half of tablets taken from each one. Remaining time, took cilacar 5- 1/2 taken with 4 intervals based on sys pressure while reaching 160. But my doctor advice is to take medicine in the morning 1tab seloken 25xl and evening one tab cilacar 5 tab. It is all carried out in 40 days. On 3.10.14 she took half tab each seloken 25 xl and cilacar 5 in the morning. After 4hours, we noticed the BP is 202 sys, 79dia and pulse 66. My self, husband, went to Dr and informed the situation. Dr advised to take as per priscription - seloken 25 -1 tab& cilacar-5 one tab and evening one cilacar. Today, 5.10.2014, she took as per Dr s advice. intially decresed for 2hrs from 179 to137 sys, 80 to 65 dia and pulse 71 to 68. But, after that pressure increased to 190-71-77 within 1.30hrs. Immediately we went hospital.Today, OP treament is not available. Before that, to avoid any further increase, I took cilacar 5 one tab while going to hospital. After 3/4hr we measured Bp. It is 166-64-79 and further after one hour Bp is reduced to 134-60-70. she is diabetic patient more than 15yrs and 10yrs for Bp. Kindly give your good advice to relieve from this suffering. Now diabetic under control. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. High blood pressure should be treated thoroughly and should be kept under control or else will lead to complications like Dilated cardiomyopathy and ischemia to the brain. Best treatment for elevated blood pressure is through Chat Doctor. Before that adequate management and work up is needed. I advise you to have a baseline 2 dimensional echocardiography, ECG and lipid profile to assess the basic cardiac reserve of your heart. Restrict the intake of salt to less than 6g/day. Regular physical exercise in the form of brisk walk for 20 min a day for 5 days a week.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 62 year old male and as the result of many years of serving my country in the armed forces I find that I have been confronted with renal damage near the point of failure. I am new to the guidance of my Doctor I wanted to use homeopathic herbals to help address the issue.I trust many of the "old folk remedies" as I grew up in rural NC and my Mother and Father relied on many of these remedies during my many first aid needs. Should I ???? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. I don't know about homeopatChatDoctoredicine, but herbal formula I can tell you. Bhandari (usually camel eat it in fields) available in India at the shop or ayurvedic store. Take Bhandari 100 gm, boil it in 500 ml water till water become half (250 ml), now Chat Doctor. I myself have tried and treated so many cases of renal failure, you can try it. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I found a small round hard lump (half the size of a pea) to the right of my clitoris, doesnt hurt. Is this something to be concerned about I have had half my cervix removed from cancer cells and Im worried this may be something more serious then a cyst. [|AI|] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Any new growth post surgery for a malignancy should be viewed seriously unless proved otherwise. If I were your family physician, I would not hesitate to refer you to your surgeon/gynecologist for a clinical review and other related investigations for a proper diagnosis and further management. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have had a pretty bad cough and cold, possibly flu for the best part of a month now, which has pretty much resolved, but I now have a pain on the left side of my back, level with the lower part of my scapula. This is worse when I cough or breath in and seems to be going into my left arm. I dont feel as if I pulled anything whilst coughing. Any ideas what this could be? Many thanks, Wendy [|AI|] HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. Possibilities for your problem can be muscle strain from excessive coughing or irritation in lungs. Better to do a lung auscultation to rule out any problems relating to lungs. If that is clear. Then taking cough suppressants, antihistamines and local hot fomentation will be helpful to clear your problem. In case of any positive lung signs on auscultation then chest x-ray will be required. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i wasn t feeling well today. maybe i took too much spicy. i might have felt burns. i took pepto bismol. i used to have asthma, so i took my inhaler to improve breathing. i haven t used it in a while. i only took 1 puff, but then i felt worse. i feel as if closed breathing, not open enough. dry. [|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... You have history of asthma .... So this time difficult breathing could be from asthma precipitation... I would suggest you to consult pulmonologist for resp examination including auscultation also . If rhonchi heard than pulmonary function test done to assess severity and accordingly management .... If it is severe one puff might not effective, and you might need short course of steroid or nebulization with levosalbutamol and budesonide .... Avoid smoking ..... If you have problem of acidity also pantoprazole can be taken for that . Hope your concern solved.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, My mother is affected by Adeno carcinoma of endocervix stage IIB. In her CT scan Report they have given one statement "VISUALISED BONES SHOW EVIDENCE OF SEVERE DEGERATIVE CHANGES" is this state ment means the cancer affected in bones also? Dr. pls clarify my doubt Regards, Rama [|AI|] Hi, in regard to your mother, the changes in the X-rays, could be due to 2 scenarios. 1. if your mother is above 45 years (which is my guess), these changes could be due to osteoporosis related changes. 2. In case of advanced cancer, the release of cytokines by the body, as a reaction to cancer, could cause degenerative changes in the bones. The treatment in both cases - is vitamin D & calcium supplements (To strengthen the bones) and supportive medications like alien Chat Doctor. In cases where the cancer directly involves the bones (in form of metastases) there would be seen as separate lesions and not as degenerative changes. You can consult the treating oncologist, and he will do what is necessary. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am 27 year old female, married, working as a researcher in india, weighs 49kg and 157cm tall. I have all my periods regular and on time. Hairs and nails are growing fine but facing severe hair fall and hair greying intensely. Coming to my basic character, i am very reserved type of person, talks very less but talks openly and frankly to those who i do. I have very less friends but whoever i have i trust them as my shadow. eventhough everybody see me as a matured independent person, i always owe to be supported morally by someone whom i trust as my breath. detailing about my problem, i cant control my temper. one thing is i am short tempered as well as i dont know what all i speak out when i am angry. after sometime when i realise i regret and cry a lot for the situation i have created. now the problem is very worse that i got married to a very nice calm, understandable and down to earth person. our marrigae happened one year ago and i know him for past two years. he tries to support me whenever i am angry, but now he started losing expectation from me. due to the career reason eventhough we are living physically separated, we always keep in touch through phone or other media. he visits me atleast once in two months. due to anger he is afraid that how it will be when we start a life together which we planned to start by next year end. moreover i have a feeling that my in- laws are not happy with me as i am living separated from their son and i am a reserved person. this created a block for them in my brain and i just manages them and dont feel anything for them from heart. i spoke this openly to my husband and he is supporting me and consoling me. never blamed me. but problem arises when i get angry i take names of my in laws for which he will tensed and crestfallen. eventhough everytime i try to control that it goes off my tongue. moreover he always tells me that i have attitude problem and i judge others too much. now the condition is that whenever he takes the words attitude and judgement i burst out like a volcano. this creates a barrier between us now as he is afraid to share his worries regarding family issues and also he is afraid when the smile from my face will change. now i get a feel that my husband doesnt love and care me as before and started losing faith in me. i want my family back and his happiness back as before. please help me in this. please.... [|AI|] With your query, it's clearly understood that you are a straight forward person with independent character, and you want your own career that's good no problem but always remember straight tress are cut first not the bent ones. So whoever straight they always face this issue. Now coming to your family issue 1. You are living separately from your husband from the beginning of your marriage I believe so what happens here is understanding between both of you won't stand for longer though both of you feel that you know each other in very aspect. Openly in the beginning of any marriage living relation is must understand each other open heartedly2. Now coming into your in-laws anyone even you when you become in-law think in the same manner no one is exceptional for this so always try to understand them by keeping your legs in their shoes.3. Everybody talks uncontrollable when they are in anger, but it is our own consciousness we should be aware before we deliver our words.Finally, I would suggest you to be calm and think what to do to control your anger and make your husband to understand you better only this helps you. I believe this is not a serious issue to be considered since I see everything is in your hands you have already mentioned your husband is so understanding he will be ready to accept you for his lifetime if you can control your anger and words. Do meditation for mental peace and to get control over your anger which helps you better. Hope this helps you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi my husband 43yrs old diabetic has had high blood sugars this evening. Just a few minutes ago his left side went tingling including his tongue. He said this tongue has a metallic taste. I took his blood pressure and it was ok & he did take some baby aspirin. Blood sugars are coming down now and the tingling feeling is diminished to both feet and shin area. [|AI|] Hello madam, I understand your concern about your husband. A diabetic patient can have tingling sensation in his body as a result of nerve damage due to high blood sugars, but the pattern of these sensations is usually chronic, symmetrical in both feet extending up to legs(sometimes up to thighs and trunk also) and both hands extending up to forearms(sometimes arms and face also). But this is usually symmetrical and chronic. In your husbands' case it appears to be a sudden episodic, sharply demarcated to one side of the body including face and tongue(which is unusual). Being of sudden onset and restricted to one side of the body followed by recovery, these sensory symptoms mandates a neurological consultation to rule out a vascular event like a transient ischemic attack or even stroke(although, sharp demarcation of sensory abnormality including face and tongue is rare in stroke). Improved and now limited symmetrically to both feet and shin area, is something I mentioned above and well explainable with diabetes. I hope it will be of help.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 38 yrs old and had BP 150/100 the Dr. prescribed me Losacar 50 tablet along with Apezyme syrup. For few days after taking medicines I felt better. But now I am having same symptoms again, like headache, blur vision, fatigue ect. What should I do please advice. [|AI|] You must check up your blood pressure regularly. There are 2 possibilities1. Either your blood pressure is Chat Doctor. In this case you may have to stop Oscar and consult your doctor for reassessment.2.your blood pressure level has not yet met target of BP less than 140/90. In this case you may have to increase dose of Oscar. So my suggestion is to monitor your BP and then take appropriate best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good morning doctor, I want to talk about my mother.she had done esophectomy before 1year n 7 months. Now she is suffering from left lower abdominal pain and when she take some food then she feel uneasy n congested and one more thing is reflux upwords when she get up in morning after 3 hours cold ( pus) like secretion upwords but doctor said its ingested food . We have done every test but everything is normal . But what is cause for pain plz tell me- [|AI|] The esophagectomy might have been done for some malignant condition of esophagus, and some by-pass or end-to-end anastomosis might have been done, whichyou have not mentioned. The surgical procedure may be associated with post-surical complication of GER which should be treated. The lower abdominal pain may be due to some secondaries in the GIT, may be lower GIT in this case, which should be evaluated by SURGICAL GASTROENTEROLOGIST.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] what can 1 do for panic attacks? if having them and how uid the three way cheep to stop then ? what can you do for panic attacks in whats the cheapest way to solve them and keep that from happening my friend is having panic attacks and dont have much money for Dr? Like maybe home remedies [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. Panic attacks can be best controlled with medicines(paroxetine) (mirtazapine) or it can be controlled with cognitive behavioral therapy. But both of them will cost you. The easier way is start some regular aerobic exercises. These will improve the exercise tolerance and also improve the panic attacks. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a small lump/ bump just above my armpit. Tz been there for years and most doctors have told me it s nothing to worry about. I just turned 29 but never had a real cancer screen. This bump is not ichy but is hard to the touch. Should I be worried? Can you advice me on what kind of a screen or test to take to make sure it s not serious? thanks, jojo [|AI|] Hi, If your Doctors have told you It's nothing to worry about then it is probably not anything serious - Could be a Lipoma or swelling containing fat cells. To be sure you can get an FNAC done. This is an investigation in which they insert a small needle into the lump and aspirate some cells out of the swelling and then examine the slide of cells under a microscope to see what it contains. You can ask your Doctor to get it done, and then you can be sure. Take care, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 47 years old man . now iam suffering from hepatnmegaly with fatty inflltration liver gread 2 . Iam using ursodeoxycholic acid, Meganeuron-OD Plus, omeprazole-ocid, zerodol CR . iam not feeling enjoy. Please suggest what needs to be done . and other things what is side effect of alcohol in this case.Ihave no money for mement plese help [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. The most common liver disorders are fatty liver which can be found in healthy people, but usually is resulting from elevated blood lipids, overweight and elevated blood sugar. If ultrasounds didn't find anything and viral markers are negative then you have no reason to be concerned. You should treat it by changing dietary and lifestyle habits. Do exercise, avoid alcohol, smoking, fats, fast food and carbonated Chat Doctor. Eat more fruit and vegetables, boiled meat and follow some of hepatoprotective diets. Findings usually improves on such measures. If not, then some medicines can be prescribed as in your case, and you should just do frequent check up. If you don't have any other symptoms then this is just slight and reversible liver damage. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] When I rotate my ankle there is slight pain. when I rub my foot I get tingling sensation in my toes. Ankle pops every now and then. It this cause of concern? I don t remember twisting my ankle in any way. This is only happening with the left foot. [|AI|] Hi... Your ankle pain and tingling sensation is due to some minor impingement of muscle and nerve around ankle....this could have happened in a previous episode of ankle twist or following an ankle injury....or walking in an uneven surface... I recommend you to kindly Do. Lot of icing in the painful area... Ankle stability exercises...and pushing a sand bag towards the other leg...pushing the sand bag towards outwards.away from your body...keeping a sand bag on your toes and lifting your toes up and down... Single leg calf raises. Standing on a single leg with eyes closed... Stretch your calf muscles. .gluteus.frequently... Wear a well cushioned for wear... Hope this is helpful for you.Revert in case you need any more clarification. .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have two dry patches on the palm of both hands and have had it for over a year now. It itches from time to time but not always. I continually keep moisterizers on it. I am a nurse and wash my hands alot but have not changed soaps or skin moiturizer since it started. I have never had any allergies to anything and am 61yo. what could it be? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, You could be having a type of eczema which is known as pompholyx where one gets multiple tiny Chat Doctor. These are usually seasonal and occurs over palm and also on soles and side of fingers. You can apply a steroidal cream like mometasone and a good moisturizing cream. However, the correct diagnosis can only be made after careful inspection of your skin of palm by skin specialist. Hope this answer will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my name I Zarina. For almost 2 weeks I have big rushes through out of my body, very itchy and same time is painfull. My lips an eyes were I felt short of breath and itchy and pain on my head area. I feel anxious and nervous, and my menstrual ends 2 days ago but today I had blood again. I feel no energy and depressed.Thanks [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. The rashes you are talking about seem to be allergic as they are itching and involving mucous membrane and almost whole of the body. You should be allergic to something. Do consult a dermatologist who would like to start you on cetirizine or Allegra to reduce your rashes. If required corticosteroids can also be considered. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been experiencing severe lower back pain. A recent MRI suggests a compression fracture in L5. Its been suggested that I may have Osteoporosis. There is no family history of this. I am 54 years old and had a hysterectomy in 2002. Ive had chronic sinus allergies and have taken Rhinocort or some form of corticosteroid for over 20 years. I started using Vivelle Dot last October. Is it possible that the bone problems I am experiencing are related to the medications Im taking? Also what are the non-surgical treatments for this back pain. Im an active person, not overweight, and have done Pilates, Yoga and massage for many years. Since my recent diagnosis, ive been encouraged to rest. Im losing my mind. Chronic pain, no sleep and no exercise!! [|AI|] Hello friend, Osteoporosis and compression fracture are common in people with poor Calcium content or It. D. Try to improve your calcium intake and expose to sun more than your usual exposures. Your backache may be associated with your psychological conflicts which remain unresolved. Your sleeplessness and the poor spirits show that. You can analyze them and share them with an expert Homeopathic physician. Homeopathy considers the mind and body as equally important both in health and in sickness. I cannot say that the Chat Doctor. Therefore, try to avoid all the chemical
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] sir i was taking medicine feliz s and collonotril from last 1.5 year but now as iknew i m pregnant istop the medicine im 3 months pregnant but the anxiety and depression repeat again. what should i do i m very much worried how i can comeup with this thing [|AI|] Hi, I read your query and can understand your concern regarding your symptoms and also regarding effects of Chat Doctor. Felix s (Escitalopram) is an anti-depressant and control (Clonazepam) is benzodiazepine. In your case, since you are having depressive and anxiety symptoms again, it will be advisable to start treatment again. Treatment can be of two types: with medications and with psychotherapeutic methods In case your symptoms are mild, option of treatment with psychotherapy like cognitive behavior therapy can be considered if there is a trained therapist in your locality. Alternatively, treatment with Escitalopram can be considered. Escitalopram is relatively safe even in pregnancy. The highest risk is usually in the 1st three months which in your case is over. Benzodiazepines should usually be avoided throughout pregnancy. So medicines can be started. You can discuss regarding this with your psychiatrist. In any case, treatment is necessary as depression during pregnancy can cause effects on the unborn baby too. Hope I was able to answer your query. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] After six months complete extractions for dentures there is a hard nodule on left upper gum that causes pain on the left side into the temple area. When I put pressure on the nodule area with my tongue the pain will subside. Had nodule removed by oral surgery and for a few days it was better, but the pain and nodule have returned. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query, as you have nodule after complete extraction it can be bony spicule present in jaw, this can be reduced by surgical procedure Alveoloplasty or that nodule can be fibrous growth in jaw treated by excision don't worry if there can be regeneration of growth it can be induced by denture may be irritation fibrous for this I will suggest you to consult dentist and go for investigations of growth if needed go for biopsy of nodule and if there is any point in denture causing pressure in jaw or ulceration in oral mucosa go for adjustment of denture as early as possible, Do warm saline rinses. Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My aunt (aged 51) has been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer in Stage 4. Doctors are advising radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy. They also doubt whether she can withstand radiation therapy since she is too weak and weighing only 35 kgs. Is there any other treatment available? How long is the life expectancy? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Cancer is a difficult condition to treat and if your aunt has stage 4 cancer then survival even with the best care can vary from 6 months to two years. It is important to know the exact area of cancer involvement. Cancer in esophagus happens due to the growth extending in to the lumen and then proliferating to cause obstruction to ingested foods. Surgery cannot be done at this stage and therefore radiation therapy has been recommended by her doctors. To increase passage of flow through the cancer area, you can discuss with your doctors if she can be given monitored doses of radiation followed by inserting a metallic stent to cause improvement in swallowing. Radiation is best and chemotherapy may be even more difficult for her in this case. Please do not worry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my girlfriend and i was fooling around and we were without cloths and my penis touched her vagina and i think there was some semen on it and 2 days after that she menstruated... which was a day or so late but it was a normal menses according to her and it has ended after 4 days and she feels back aches... what r the chances she is pregnant? pls answer asap i m worries... [|AI|] Firstly, chance of becoming pregnant on 2nd or 3rd day of the menses is very, very remote, for practical purpose nil, however you cannot guarantee anything 100%. Regarding pronominal fluid and ejaculation at the external vaginal opening, one has to be careful. From your question, it is clearly evident that there was semen on the vaginal opening suggesting that there was not only ejaculation fluid but also ejaculation. The first part of the ejaculation comes out with a great force. Even when the ejaculation takes place within the vagina, some sperms are known to enter the uterus. So even if you see some semen on the vaginal opening, there is a strong possibility that some part of ejaculate has entered the vagina, which is sufficient for pregnancy. Remember, there are millions of sperms in one ejaculate and to impregnate, only one is sufficient to fertilize the women egg. Furthermore, even pronominal ejaculation also is known to contain few sperms which are known to cause pregnancy. The backache she is getting is probably due to the stress and may be the rigorous activity if at all she had during love making. Pregnancy does not give low backache. I repeat, the chances of becoming pregnant are very very very remote on 2nd or 3rd day of menstruation. The egg is released 14 days before the next expected menses and the life of the sperm is not more than 3 days.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My stomached is having very bad sharp pains my lower stomached to middle and after 8 hours of this my body from legs up to head had a very uncomfortable tingle very hard tingle like I m numb an same for my teeth they tingled as we ll my whole body got hot espically at ears and my stomache felt a little better then after 20 seconds idly did the same but I was cold this time and as I speak it ducking hurts I have no appetite and when I eat it hurts rather than crackers I went to restroom but didn t help I don t need to move for it to hurt either I feel strange and I m asking bout this because of the tingle it scared menu felt like I was goon to die [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query.First, I would like to reassure you that you need to worry, and you would not die! We need to exclude any stomach related issues such as gastritis or acidity. This can be confirmed by doing an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. We also need to exclude any gall balder or kidney stones, for that, ultrasound scan of abdomen would be useful. You should consult a gastroenterologist for opinion. You would improve with treatment. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For the past two weeks I have felt queasy, tired, and run a low fever (99.9). I also have discomfort in my left lower abdomen which my doctor thought was due to a twisted pelvis. He is an internist/osteopath so he adjusted it a week ago. I had a CBC run and all was good. I have an insect bite under my breast but did not think to tell him about it. Could it be related? [|AI|] I don't think your symptoms are necessarily because of insect bite. Low grade fever with malaise can occur in any infection - bacterial or viral in origin. Depending upon the geography of your area, further investigations for malaria, dengue, typhoid, influenza etc. may be required. Undiagnosed fever for more than 2 weeks is not a good sign. A mere CBC will not be helpful. Depending upon your ESR and CRP levels, your treating physician should be planning further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 2.11yrs and she is suffering from fever from last couple of months. Earlier fever use to come once a month, than it changed to week and now the fever only goes till the medicine is effective i.e after ever 4 hrs the fever is coming. Her blood test report: Hemoglobin:- 10.2 against 11.5 - 15.0 PCV:- 30 against 34 - 45 RCB:- 3.4 against 3.8 - 5.0 Total WBC count:- 12,800 against 4000 - 11000 Neutrophils:- 86% against 40 - 70 Lymphocytes:- 10% against 20 - 40 CRP:- 12 against Less than 6mg/dl Need help to cure my daughter [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Looks like a viral illness. I will explain to you how a viral illness behaves. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, i had fever and body pain which initially resulted into typhoid. Later, the doctor @ my hometown says i am having TB,after checking my chest xray and ecg tests. I wanna know if i have active tb or latent tb. I also used to have terrible vibrations in head while coughing. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor .... I really appreciate your knowledge regarding types of TB infection... TB infection can be active or latent... The latent infection means person having immunity and immune response against tb bacilli... Without clinical manifestation... But latent infection can be converted into active infection esp. If HIV, less immunity, transplantation like condition if present... For its diagnosis skin tuberculin test and interferon gamma release assay test can be done. For latent infection reduce Chat Doctor. . Take care Advise : Consult pulmonologist for examination and discuss all these issue
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a question that I have not research on. When a person has low iron in their body, can it cause a siezure? Knowing that, Im a person who has epilepsy, and have recently went through hemmoroids and had a outpatient surgery for. Which, afterwards, I still going through blood in my bowels, ( with the bleeding still in my stool ) Am I loosing iron? Can it cause siezures? [|AI|] The only vitamin deficiency currently known to be directly offensive to epileptics and can cause seizures is Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Otherwise, no other nutritional supplement or vitamin has that effect directly on the brain. Having said that the indirect effects of iron deficiency of anemia resulting in lower Oxygen carrying ability of red corpuscles can have deleterious effects on the brain which over time theoretically could cause deterioration of brain tissue which in turn could make it more likely for seizures to occur, but this would have to be a very long process before such events would begin to happen. Please rate this answer with STARS if you found it useful to what you were looking for.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] What explains dull pain on my left side, I have had a colonoscopy all is well, have had MRI of left and center abdomen they see nothing. No bowel changes, I have had polio as a child and my left side is my stronger side so I tend to favor that side since my right side is my weaker side. But it bothers me that I have this dull pain that can sometimes be intense. My Doctors don t know what the problem is and I find my self thinking about a cancer that they will find to late. I have been bothered by this for a year now all tests come out normal, what else can I do. Could it be muscular but it does not feel like a muscle ache. I m at my wits end. [|AI|] Hello, thanks for using Chat Doctor. There is a vast number of causes of left abdominal pain. A negative colonoscopy and MRI is comforting as they exclude anatomical pathologies including cancer which is your worry. Cancer is associated with altered general condition, progressive weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, sometimes low grade fevers; in the case of gut cancer, bloody stools, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain etc. The causes of such pain on the left side of the abdomen include diverticulitis, irritable bowel syn Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 38/f sufering frm CKD since 7yrs,initialy diagnosed chr pylonephritis. BP-124-84,previously Creat. was stable on 2.5-3 but sudden raised creat.-6,urea-80,Na-136,K-4.6,Ca-9.3,S.Phos-4.8 but no Nausea,Anorexia, but there r mild Swelling on foots &Hands & bellow theEyes.patient feels well.plz adv treatment. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor. Based upon your reports and general condition please have Av fistula done and keep it for future use she may require hemodialysis in future so rather going for central line it's better to have AVF done beforehand but till then you have symptomatic treatment with lasix, calcium, folic acid and erythropoietin injection of hemoglobin is high. Thanks Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 27 year old male. Weigh 224, have been losing weight through diet and exercise. According to my blood tests I have elevated AST(49) and elevateed ALT (96). I drink very rarely (less than once a month), and all tests indicate I have not been exposed to Hep A, B, or C. What other conditions could be causing this? [|AI|] Hello and thank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have read your reports and I understand your concerns. Normal range for AST is 10 to 40 units and for the ALT is 7 to 56 units. In most cases, liver enzyme levels are only mildly and temporarily elevated and most of the time don't signal a chronic, serious liver problem. Your AST/ALT are slightly higher than normal range. In these numbers no reason to be worried much. Here are some reasons why you might have AST/ALT in those numbers:-use of pain medications, particularly acetaminophen (Tylenol)-Certain prescription medications, used to control cholesterol-Stress-Obesity-steatosis or steatohepatitisIf I was your doctor, I would tell you to not worry right now. You need to do again the blood tests after 1 month probably and try not to take any alcohol, or painkillers. An ultrasound of your abdomen, would help to check if your have a fat liver, or stones in your gallbladder and the elevated enzymes would correlate with these conditions too. Observation with lifestyle modification may be undertaken for up to six months. If your enzymes remain elevated or worsen you need to check up again with a gastroenterologist for farther evaluation. If you have any other question, feel free to ask me. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I hurt myself playing ball hockey where i felt alot of pain between my thighs and along my pelvic area. I pushed it a bit but quit playing for awhile after the pain became really severe i could barely walk or sleep after i played but over usually a weeks time the pain would recede. I have seen a doctor a few times. At 1st i was given anti inflammatory pills then a cream then i had an xray that showed nothing. Im about to start a new hockey season but i feel really apprehensive because while i dont feel pain there normally when i cough or certain movements i feel pain like if i move suddenly or if im pushing weight with my legs i feel a sharp twinge but its gone right away. I dont wanna go back to the doctor but i dont want to go thru all that again. Any advice would be greatly appreciated thankyou [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor, Short answer. Your pain is due to injury in the muscles with or without hematoma Detailed answer .when a hockey or an object is hit in the muscles it will cause an injury to the muscles. So I advise you to take a good rest for 2 weeks If you have a normal reapply ice indirectly. By covering with a towel. Take NSAIDs for your pain. Hot wax bath helps there is no external wound apply elastic crêpe bandage in the whole of your thigh. The bandage must not be very must allow the blood to pass through. Review after a week. To your doctor. Hope this explains. With regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 5 weeks and 1 day out from partial hip replacement, wound/incision on side of thigh isnt healing, oozing yellow pus. now doctor is cutting off all antibiotics to see if they can finally get a positive bacteria sample (previous two cleanouts / tests showed no infections. what to do? othro wants to wait 10-14 days and go back in again. is this superficial or deep tissue infection? allergic reaction to partial hip replacement hardware, slow healing due to compromised immune system? she also has feltys syndrome. [|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. After a partial hip replacement, the discharge like you are having can be due to an active bacterial infection in the area or a reactive fluid from the joint due to inflammation. You need to get the fluid cultured for proper diagnosis. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is presently eight years old and she was under foracort 100 inhalation since her fourth year. Presently, for the past six months, she is administered Budesonide (Budecort) 200 twice daily to control the wheezing . What are all the likely impact of these medicines on her general health and growth because of the continuous inhalation for the past 4-5 years. When these medication can be stopped. [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor. Steroid medications given by inhalers are usually safe, as there are less systemic side effects (side effects on other body systems). Both Forecourt and Decor are steroid medications. I would like to know:How has her control of Asthma/wheezing episodes? Has she been admitted in hospital? Is she getting any other asthma medications along with steroid inhalers? It is also important to continue monitoring her growth - weight and height whilst she is receiving steroids. Has there been any change in her growth profile over past 4-5 years? Steroids given in higher dosage or pretty long period of time (as in your case) can have impact. However, it is important to weigh the balance of these side effects vs controlling her asthmaInhaler medications can be stopped gradually provided her symptoms are well-controlled and regularly followed-up. I hope I've been able to answer your queries. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im 46+ years old (Height -175 cm, Weight -80 kgs) with sound health. I get good sleep at night and do regular exercise. My blood pressure remians 125/85 normally and I went through a through cardiovascular pathological checkup (including TMT & ECG) recently and the results were normal.Recently Ive noticed that my blood pressure remains 130/ 95 immediately after waking up in the morning (I checked it for the last seven cosecutive days), and it gets normalised as the day progresses. Plesae advice. [|AI|] Hereafter reading the medical details provided by you, I would like to tell you that your blood pressure is within normal limits. The normal recommended range of blood pressure for adults is up to 140/90 MMH. Your diastolic is just slightly raised, but that could again be due apparatus mechanical error or can also be examiner dependent variation. So just maintain healthy lifestyle habits, and you will be all fine. Just relax. I wish you good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Recent blood tests done on me - CBC w/Differential/Platelet - show my red blood cell count is 5.35. Hemoglobin is 16.1. Hematrocrit is 48.3. I take B-12 injections ev. other week because my entire ilium was removed and 1/2 colon due to Crohn s Disease in remission since 1979. Reason was that I needed iron injected since I could not absorb it. Have been taking these injections since 1985 with no problems. These CBC numbers have been heightened a little since that time anyway & my GE doc said it is to be expected. Now my new, younger GP says he s concerned about the numbers because it may show I need oxygen through supplemental therapy. I presently have Idiopathic Interstitial Pulmonary Disease, DX in 2012. My GP wants the CBC redrawn now. He thinks the numbers are too high. I don t. I also was DX with Peripheral Neuropathy in 2003 - I take Lyrica for that. Your thoughts for the doctor s concern? [|AI|] Hi, The fact remains that you are taking an injection of iron and vitamin B12. These are the 2 main components that are needed for blood formation. So, personally, I think your older GP is correct. However, to be fair, loss of oxygen intake capacity due to lung disease also causes the hemoglobin to rise. Peripheral neuropathy does not play a role in it. The ideal way I would suggest is to test iron and vitamin B 12 levels. If these levels are high then the injection of iron and vitamin B 12 can be stopped. Monitor hemoglobin monthly thereafter. If it remains high then the lungs are the trigger. Else the injection may have been the cause. This is, of course, assuming you have no acute problem needing urgent treatment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Okay, so I m 18, 5 6 and 262 pounds, although I don t look that much. Anyways recently I ve been having random muscle twitches in my right calf and left leg hurts only when I m laying on my side and my other leg is lying on it. It s not sore when I walk or lay on my back or stomach. Any help? [|AI|] Hello, Your symptoms could be related to a pinched muscle or a metabolic disorder. For this reason, I would recommend consulting with your attending physician and performing some tests:- vitamin D and vitamin B12 plasma levels-Blood electrolytes- Complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation. Nerve conduction studies would help examine your nerves. You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I started chilling and running fever Monday night. If I take tylenol I can cut the fever but have had to take it ever four hours. I also have an ice pick type headache on my right side. I took an UTI home test it tested positive for Leukocytes and negative for Nitrite. I have in the past had UTIs. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Your UTI home kit is indicative severe urinary tract infection which could be the reason of your fever with chills and headache. Also, you need to be detailed medical history and thoroughly clinical examination by a urologist to get ruled out any other kidney pathology. You should also undergo complete hologram, urinalysis and ultrasound PUB. You might require antibiotics (quinolones specially levofloxacin in high dose or amoxicillin with clavulanic acid) to combat urinary infection completely with other symptomatic treatment like analgesics, anti-inflammatory and antacids with urinary alkalizer like liquid catwalk. So, You can consult physician or urologist for further advice.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have just tested SGPT and SGOT and reading comes to 158 and 87 respectively. I had viral fever for last 10 days and was taking paracetamol - dialy dose of 2 tablets for last 6 days. fever is normal now. Further I had quite anumber of antiobiodics for dentel infection 2 months back. I took antibiodics for more than 10 days - average 3 tablets a day as suggested by doc. I do not drink now. I used to have 60 ml of alchohol daily (started in 2013 only )or sometimes one can of beer. Is that the reason? [|AI|] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your doctor I completely understand your health concerns.... Are you having jaundice? Any history of fever? Based upon the history I don't think the medicines which you have used have caused it. In my opinion it is most probably due to the ingestion of alcohol intake. You should get your gamma GT levels done and meet should also get your ultrasound done to look for the texture of liver, is it fatty or not? Hope your query is adequately answered Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 533yo female with numbness and tingling in ring, 4th and 5th digits on left side. pain down back of upper arm. also pain under armpit and in chest and back area just above my breast. getting no relief from NSAID s been going on for 4 weeks now. can get any relief other than lying down, Sitting is the worst,,do I have a pinched nerve? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion it is neuritic pain only. But as a rule, any left sided chest pain must be rule out for cardiac cause. So get done ECG and 2D Echo to rule out cardiac cause. If both are normal than no need to worry much. It is mostly neuritic pain. This can be due to 1. Nerve entrapment2. Vitamin B 12 deficiencies. So get done B 12 level. If lower than start supplements. Also follow these steps. 1. Avoid heavy weight lifting and strenuous exercise. 2. Avoid bad postures in sleep. 3. Take good painkiller and muscle relaxant. 4. Apply warm water pad on affected site.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My tongue suddenly swelled and woke me during the night. Benadryl eased the swelling but I developed a thick white coating on the whole tongue. This all happened yesterday. Today my tongue started peeling and is now bright pink and I cant really taste anything. [|AI|] Hello, Your symptoms are clearly indicative of oral yeast Infection or oral thrush. Thick white coating is due to thrush. Bright pink appearance is due to inflammation of tongue with damage and inflammation of tongue papillae that is causing loss of taste. You should consult an oral physician and get evaluated. For now, you can start gargling with Statin mouthwash that is an antifungal mouthwash and along with it suck Clotrimazole lozenges and take plenty of probiotics like yogurt and garlic. Chat Doctor. If the Infection does not clear, the physician can advise you oral antifungal medication like Fluconazole, Itraconazole, etc. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, about a month ago I observed some very small white grains (like needle heads) just at the edge of my penis glans under the prepuce. They are just a few in number and present like a semi ring. Sometimes these grains become a little itchy as if some needles are being pushed there. Also, the smega deposited underside the glans has increased in quantity and is very foul smelling. Earlier it used to be almost negligible and without any foul smell. None of these was present before a month. Can you please help me out. [|AI|] Hi, It seems that this is due to collection of smegmas on glans. Due to non cleaning of glans there is deposition of Sega giving rise to thick collection and foul odor. Remove collection of smegmas by averting fore skin of glance gently and clean glans penis. If there is soreness on the part, apply antibiotic cream. Make a habit of cleaning glans by averting fore skin daily while taking shower. Ok and take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son has had a really high fever of 103,4 for over 2 days. Today i took him to the er. They said it was a uti and that his white cell blood count was low. I also just found out that crones diease runs in my husbands family. Could this low white cell count mean my son has this diease?? he is only 5 months old. [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Bacterial infections like urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause low white blood cell count. Appropriate treatment of UTI is required with appropriate antibiotics. The white blood cell count will improve once the infection clears.Crohn's disease is not known to affect the white blood cell counts directly so this is not a symptom of Crohn's disease. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my name is Chris, i have been unwell now for a few months. i have lost 30 kilos in 12 months. i ahve been to the doctor, i have had elevated HB, elevated LFT s, and now apparently a concern for a LDH, the gp tells me he needs to see me urgently, what does this mean? i am unable to see him for 2 weeks as he is very busy, should i be concerned [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for posting your query. You must consult with your treating doctor on urgent basis as you have history of severe weight loss, deranged liver function test with elevated hemoglobin. Although you have not mentioned your symptoms, yet there appears to be possibility of polycythemia Vera or immunocompromised states. You should go for complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, anti-HIV, reticulocyte count, peripheral blood film examination. Any delay may cause progression of disease with difficult to treat. Take care, get well soon,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi im sam, currently 16 years old i ve been masturbating since I was 12 or 14 and I ve noticed whenever I sit too long and stand up i lose my vision and everything turns into black for 3 sec then i also notice I lost my concentration at school and memory loss a lot i recently had a lower back pain but now its cured can you tell me what to do ? like what to eat or do I will highly appreciate your anwser [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You had been indulged in masturbation since 4 years and now facing problems related to general health.First there is myth in a mind of common man that excessive masturbation is the reason of all problems But I would like to state that it has been discussed in scientific forums all over the world and proved scientifically that masturbation does not have any negative effect on any organ or system in the body. All the problems that you are facing now are mind related and due to anxiety. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and improve your general health .1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. Chat Doctor. .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] One side of my face feels heavy.I was having very bad headaches in my right temple. Eye irritation and pressure behind my right eye. The area around my eye and also my cheek was inflamed. I went to an allergy specialist. She gave me enough prednisone and antibiotics for a sinus infection even though she didnt see one but she gave me it just in case if the infection spread up behind my eye. The medication only lasted a week. After the medication the pressure was gone and my eye felt better. But my cheek felt and still feels heavier than it did before. When I get acne on that side of my face it is very sensitive and swollen. Is this all just inflammation or what? Id like to mention that my right tonsil is swollen too.What could this be and what doctor should I go to? [|AI|] Hi, Your headache is a tension type of headache, and it is not migraine at all for what you have taken treatment and get relieved. Now, acne is an inflammatory lesion with blackheads or comedones mostly limited to face. The skin becomes warm, sore to touch, slightly shiny and heavy feeling at the site any inflammation. You are also having swollen tonsils might be infective or non-infective. You will require antibiotics (quinolones or accolades group preferred) both oral and topical forms with anti-inflammatory and analgesics. You must consult your dermatologist for further advise getting rid of acne. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] dear doctor i am really upset .my brother aged 23 is a mental patient and is undergoing treatment for 6 long years without any improvement.....instead his condition is getting worst.he was otherwise a normal person but wrong treatment has made him worst so much so that he is suffering a lot now....earlier he only got depressed but now he hurts him,throws tantrums,once he even bite my mom when he got angry...he is not eating anything and is hurting himself....he has even got a tendency to commit suicide ....we went to Ranchi and Vellore but they said that he is not a mental patient but a patient of severe depression .....please help! [|AI|] Hi Basmati, From the symptoms you have given, it appears that he may have something called as "Personality disorder" in addition to his mood/depression problems. This kind of problem needs long term treatment and family members will be an important part of this treatment. SIMIANS in Bangalore, Institute of Psychiatry Ranchi, CMC Nellore.....are few names that jump to my mind which can handle this kind of problem effectively. As I said this will need lot of assessment and therapy is long. Please ask for a "Personality disorder specialist" to assess him. In regard to admission, it will be only needed when the risk to himself or others is very immediate or very great otherwise, we always like to manage this kind of problems in their own surroundings. Management will include medication but psychological/talking therapies play the biggest part and most lasting effects. Bottom line, please get someone more experienced in personality disorders to assess him. Good Luck to both of you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, my treatment of TB is going on from 9 months BUT doctors are unable to tell that TB is in which part. So please tell me. my reports are: x-ray : clear mantoux: positive (34*28 mm with 10 TU in 48 hrs) E.L.I.S.A. - IgM: 1.51 ESR 9 months before: 60 present ESR : 90 Symptoms i feel : joints pain, emptiness of head, less vitamin D 23 [|AI|] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor, thank you for your query. These findings can't reveal in what part TB is, and you need to do some more detailed imaging tests such as MRI or pet ct to verify tuberculosis source. These blood results indicate inflammation due to tb. Your symptoms are sign of systemic infection, and you should continue with therapy but do those tests I've recommended verifying how extended tb is at this point. Wish you good health. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr I dont know if you can help. This morning after cleaning my teeth, I notice it looks blue across just below and upper my lips of mouth not in a straight line . This was not their before. All I had was just soreness even some foods apples, hot drinks and toothpaste using realyl burn and hurts. [|AI|] HelloThanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query as you have soreness in your lip this soreness can be due to allergy to any antiseptic solutions if used in cleaning of teeth, or it can be due to thermal burn, or lichen plans, Chat Doctor. In meantime do warm saline gargle two - three times a day, you can apply ointment like McCoppin or mugel of sore lip and consult oral surgeon for examination of lip. Hope this will help you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Helllo my qustion regards my boyfriend. about 5 years ago he fell on an exhaust pipe and got engine oil in his wond. the doctors got rid of most of the oil but not all of and i was wondering if the oil is still in his system? i ask this because sometime his heart rate can slow right down and i worry about it [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that it is a very long time since that episodes. So, there is nothing to be afraid about the engine oil, as his symptoms are not related to this episode. Is he active? People who make a lot of physical activity, usually achieve lower heart rate, compared to the others. But, if he has shortness of breath, or fainting like episodes, I would recommend performing a cardiac ultrasound and an ambulatory 24-48 hours ECG monitoring to exclude possible cardiac arrhythmia. Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi.i am suffering from the pain in leg after a fracture in the 5th metatarsal region.had a mri last day that shows 1.Edema of soft tissues surrounding base of 1st metatarsal is seen. 2. Edema is also seen involving medial talar tome. 3. Slight edema is seen involving anterior part of cuboid and lateral cuneiform bones.findings may suggest possibility of complex regional pain syndrome(type-1). 4.Bones appear bright on T1 and T2WIs suggestive of ostopenia. The doctor has prescribed for hot water fermentation and voveran tablets as an anti inflammatory medicine but i have a reaction with diclofenac composition.So can i take signoflam tablets for the same as i am taking it for the past 3 days and for how long i can take it to reduce edema. [|AI|] Hi, Causes of your difficulties may be neuropathy or ischemic issues. Neuropathic are seen in diabetics or injury of spine nerves. If this is not your case then these symptoms are indicating circulatory problems in legs which are common in this age and there may be present atherosclerosis that obstructs blood vessels and causes pain and blisters to form. You should do Doppler ultrasound of the leg or CT angiography to rule out such obstructive changes, and then it can be treated properly by medications or by surgical and radiological procedures. Also, you should have Aspirin and have elastic stockings applied, and should avoid cold environment and long walks. In most cases, it can be managed with medications, but sometimes surgery may be required in severe cases. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. Rammstein, General Surgeon
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi- Thank you for taking my question. I had an endoscopy 3/09 due to a constant tight feeling in my upper middle abdomen. (Still there to this day). When I woke up from the endoscopy they had me do a barium swallow. As I came out of the anesthesia I realized I had severe pain in my esophagus. It was painful to even swallow water. It lasted about 10 days. But at the same time I realized that if I move my chest muscles, I feel great pressure in my chest (still to this day). And slowly it became too painful to talk. I have a voice, but the vibration of it hurts something in what feels like my esophagus. It becomes very sore. (also bumps in the road etc any vibration hurts. Question 1) could that endoscopy injury with the barium poured over it be causing these problems? 2) If so, what is going on? Scar tissue? Barium irritation/inflammation? 3) How to remedy? Thank you so much for your time. Im in constant pain and I cant use my voice. Kari [|AI|] H. Thanks for your queries and an elucidated history answer your queries:1. Yes it is possible that the endoscopy injury added on with barium study can cause such a problem / pain as you explained .2. To know what exactly is going on you need to undergo another endoscopy and probably a CT scan of the chest. 3. Remedy: for the remedy to be correct, we need the correct diagnosis as to what is the exact problems, for this you need to undergo another endoscopy. *There may probably an injury at the cricophrynx and larynx, hence you have the pain, and can not talk, you have vibrations too. CT scan of the neck is also necessary with that of the Chest. * Till then take PPI, Antacid gels 3 hourly, Risperidone, soft bland diet and continue whatever your Doctor must have advised you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I have every now and then but recently more than usual little bumps on my thighs and hips, like small pinhead bumps that make my skin feel rough, its making me feel very self concious and i would like some help as to get rid of them, i would like to avoid laser treatment. [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Welcome with your query to Chat Doctor. Studied your query in full depth of its details. Reviewed it in context of your health concerns. Based On the facts, You mostly seem to suffer from-Multiple Viral Warts on thighs and hips-which are caused by HPV Papilloma Virus. Treatment-By TCA-Trichloracetic acid locally/or By Anti-Wart Cream on OTC medicines in pharma shops. Imiquimod cream / Aureomycin injections in the warts would resolve this issue.Thus, your lump seem to be related and connected to the Viral Warts causing Papilloma warts. Other causes need to be ruled out by second opinion from Dermatologist. Hope This reply would help you to plan further treatment soon with your treating doctors. Best of Luck and early recovery. Welcome any further query in this regard, which would be replied in next session. Good Day!! Chat Doctor. N. Senior Surgical Specialist. S. Genl-CVTS
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a history of reacting to antibiotic by developing a strong reaction of allergy to yeast and fungus. Normally Drs in the past prescribe for me Mycostatin and that works succesfully. Unfortunally last time I forgot to mention this to the Dr. at the emergency outfit that I went so I have develop a rash so bad , and is extending tgrough my body. I have talk and consult several DRs who don t believe me, they give me steroids(they don t work) also vicoden and tramadol they don t worlk . I don t take opiates since I m allergic to them. Can you help me?. All I need is a prescription for Mycostatin. I do not have diabetis, renal or liver problems or high blood pressure, I m very healthy . Can you give me a prescription for mycostatin or the name of a Dr who will listenj tol me Thanks. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. It is not clear whether you are allergic to antibiotic or that you have a yeast infection. Doctors will prescribe antifungal medication if they suspect any kind of fungal infection. You have to trust your treating doctor here. If you have developed an allergy to some antibiotic, then you have to take anti-allergic medication rather than antifungal medication. Please follow your doctors orders and do not try any self-medication. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a very swollen cheek along the jaw. I visited the dentist on Tuesday morning and was told I have an abscessed tooth where the infection has gone into the cheek. I have been on the prescribed medication since Tuesday lunchtime and today the swelling is far more prominent and I am having difficulty opening my mouth. [|AI|] Hello, Your infection is not under control and symptoms are increasing. Call your dentist to report that your condition has not improved and is worse. Your dentist will need to increase the dosage or change your antibiotic. Make sure you are following directions on taking all medication. I usually recommend Amoxicillin 500 mg or 875 mg depending on how often you take the antibiotic. Your dentist will recommend the next step for treatment of the abscess. You may need other oral conditions evaluated as well. Take anti-inflammatory medications in addition to the antibiotic. Tylenol and Motrin are effective choices. The choice of the antihistamine Ben Chat Doctor. Keep well HY