The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello my husband had been having this burning sensation and white patches on tongue..doc thought candida gave meds for it helped some but same time ive been making him gargle with lemon juice....has helped a bit but now doc thinks its not candida....i also make him scrape it off after he swishes....doc also said doesnt look like cancer at all pharm. said same thing he said looks like dry mouth.....he also does smoke [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The burning sensation along with the white patches occurs in candida infection and erosive lichen plans. Or it can be two separate lesions like leukoplakia(white patch since you are giving history of smoking) and erythematous candidiasis(redness and burning sensation).consult a good oral physician to rule out these two conditions. If it is candidiasis then you have to take topical antifungal like candid mouth paint. If it is leukoplakia, you have to stop the habit of smoking and take antioxidants like capsule lycopene. If it is lichen plans then you have to take topical steroids like triamcinolone acetone (0.1%) 4-5times daily for 1 week. You can also take topical anesthetic and analgesics like Anabel gel for the pain. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I ve had chronic bacterial prostatitis for 5 years. I ve taken levaquin, ciprofloaxin, flagyl, and doxycycline. It helped but once the meds were done symptoms came back. I ve been dealing with this for way to long and I m young. My doctor only prescribes me antibiotics 2 weeks at a time and I know they have to be taken for at least 4 weeks. Is the fact that I only take them for 2 weeks the problem? [|AI|] Hello there, Thanks for your question. I see from your quarry you suffer from chronic prostatitis. It is a condition which requires four to six weeks of appropriate antibiotics. It is also recommended you partner s also put on treatment alongside you too for better else you will reinfect yourself once you are treated. Practice protected sex with your partner(s) all through the course of your treatment. Good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a normal blood pressure of 120/80, and I have been under a lot of stress last two months-marriage, and went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure is 126/63 and BP is 64. Is this ok? I also lost 15 pounds and am now 105 pounds. Oh, and Im 50yrs. old. [|AI|] Hello, Few strategies to reduce the stress and I hope once you follow these things you will ace to overcome stress1. Diet: Ensure intake of an adequate quantity of fiber. 2. Servings of vegetable salad and two servings of fruits (One preferable citrus fruit). A proper diet does miracles and rejuvenates. Orange is a good source of anti-oxidants. Avoid junk food and fast food especially pizza, burgers and excessive sweets.2. Ensure adequate water intake: Follow the rule of one which I usually advise. One glass of water one hour before and one glass of water one hour after every meal will ensure adequate consumption of water. The recommended intake of water is two to three-liter in a day.3. Early morning Exercise: Brisk walking for 30 minutes at a stretch preferably in the garden will be very helpful. Walking is the best exercise, it also promotes the release of endorphins (naturally occurring painkillers released in the brain) which causes mood elevation and a generalized feeling of well-being.4. Avoid tea or coffee or nicotine and alcoholic beverages5. Start your day with a glass of lemon water with two spoons of honey added.6. Don't take work so seriously: We all have the feeling to excel in our respective fields and don't spend adequate time with our self trying to understand our own needs. Spend time with your family and friends.7. While working takes frequent regular breaks: Taking regular breaks will not waste the time, but it will increase productivity, concentration, and reasoning.8. Avoid late-night socialization9. Avoid starring for a longer time at the computer screen or TV for a longer time10. Steam inhalation before going to sleep will be very refreshing.11. Multivitamin and calcium supplement. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Sir, I am 35 yrs old and from last 15 days suffering from sneezing and blockage of nostrils. In a normal, one is open and other is block and it changes. but some time both is closed. I have started to take Celen (Vit. C) from today. I am allergic from dust. Sneezing is started when I get up after sleeping most of the time. Please tell me the medicine and other precaution for cure it. [|AI|] Dear friend, You symptoms seem to be developing after allergy. Early morning sneezing is also a sign of chronic allergy and some simple things to do over a few weeks would help you. Avoid dust exposure as much is possible, cover nostrils & mouth when be in a dusty situation. Try covering you head during night and identify whether morning sneezing also happens because of temperature variation during night (sleeping directly opposite a fan, extra cool or warm room etc.). If so avoid this. For blacked nose take steam two-three times daily. Start breathing exercises.deep breath.hold.and release slowly. Many times daily. When severe symptoms are there, use over the counter anti-allergic medicines with decongestants. You can continue with It C. persistent blocking may lead to a sinus infection so consult a Physician or ENT person if things don't get better. Do well. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 9 year old daughter is complaining of chest pains. She says that it feels like something is stuck in her chest. She is pretty healthy although I just took her to the doctor because in the last year there has been rapid weight gain. She is 95 lbs whereas a year ago she was 68 lbs. As of yesterday she is 55 inches tall. [|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... Here your child complaining chest pain... As no specific symptoms like cough, fever etc. present chest x-ray done for investigation .... As she is a small child there might be foreign body ingestion that can lead symptoms .... Auscultation also done . According to cause treatment done ... If foreign body there removed through bronchoscopy if needed ... If no cause identifiable then chance of pain by muscular strain ... As your child gaining weight rapidly investigate for hypothyroidism .... Consult pediatrician for this. . Take care ....
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Morning im 53yr old male ive just got over a chest infection and now my hips and legs are aching uncomfortablely where I cant relax I dont no what too do, ive drunk plenty of water thinking it was dehydration . Can you please give me an idea of what maybe going on ? [|AI|] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. This pain likely is not related to the chest infection. All you need is to stay calm and use painkillers. Meet your attending physician for proper assessment Meanwhile stay calm and use acetaminophen to relieve pain Get well soon Hope your query is adequately ad Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,I had D&C on 29th July, 2010 due to some issues, Now I want to get pregnant again and I had last period on 7th September, 2010 after D&C. My age is 25. Is safe it to get pragnent now or should I wait for few months more. Kindly advice.Thank You [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for your query. Three to six months is the usual wait time advised after a miscarriage/D&C, to try for the next pregnancy. Your body needs time to recover from the recent loss and your hemoglobin levels need to be normal for you to have a healthy pregnancy. You uterus and hormone levels should normalize as well. Emotionally, you need to me to heal from the loss as well. If you are ready to stray trying again, please talk to you ORGAN to give you a quick exam and a blood test to check for normal hemoglobin & iron levels before conceiving. This is important as normal values are required to have a normal pregnancy. Take an iron supplement and folic acid supplement everyday till you conceive. Iron for a minimum of 3 months (or as advised by your doctor). Hope Ive helped. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. Wish you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had an ekg done and the reading was: QRS (T) contour abnormality consistent with anteroseptal infarct? My blood pressure was 120/80. I have never had high cholesterol. I have never smoke or drank but I am about 100 pounds overweight-no other symptons other than a stressful job. [|AI|] Hello, Mrs showing after septal infarct means that you had a silent heart attack in the past, I say silent as you haven't mentioned any chest pain history or treatment in the past. However, I would like you to understand that what you have mentioned is an automated machine interpretation which is a wrong many a time and should be viewed in a clinical context, so I would request that you show the ECG to a cardiologist, or you may upload on our forum, so we can interpret it for you. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I m 8 weeks pregnant and have been constipated for a while now. It was so bad that I decided to use a Biscolax Suppository and it did help. but now I m worried that it might effect my baby. I only used it once...Is it possible to effect my unborn baby?? Please help!!! [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion usage of Nicolas suppository once might not cause any problem. Suppositary has local effect and absorption into blood is less. You need not worry. The fetus is safe. And constipation is routinely seen in pregnancy. It needs to be counteracted by taking high fiber diet, adequate fluids up to 3 liters per day and if needed laxatives. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have very high levels of SGOT, SGPT,and BILIRUBIN. My SGOT levels are at 202 as opposed to 38, my SGPT is at 218 as opposed to 31, and 2.8 as opposed to 1.5 for BILIRUBIN. I got my blood tests done but my doctor said they would need to conduct more tests to see what the problem actually is. Can you please give some general things or diseases it might be? or ways I can decrease my high levels? [|AI|] Thanks for posting your question on Chat Doctor! Incomplete data like age, gender, what symptoms do you have and the duration of those symptoms if any... The result of liver function tests shown above is highly suggestive of inflammation of liver (hepatitis). Hepatitis is caused by viral infections like Hepatitis A, B, C, etc. which needs to be confirmed by suitable serological test. Other conditions where these abnormal tests are observed include cirrhosis of liver, obstructive jaundice, etc. So, additional tests that may be required are Alkaline phosphatase, Gamma Gautama transpeptidase, abdominal ultrasound, etc. So, as per the advice of your doctor get the additional lab tests to come to a conclusion.Meanwhile, avoid taking alcohol, Chat Doctor. Wishing you a speedy recovery from the present illness. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my husband is 28 years old, 5 10, 190lbs. Went to emergency room with chest pain and numbness in his left arm. Blood work indicated Troponin I levels at panic level and he was admitted. The ekg was normal, echo cardiogram was normal, heart CT was normal. They released him from the hospital and said the blood work must be wrong. I assume all five blood tests were wrong (unbelievable). His blood pressure has been high for over one year (minimum level of 130/80 pulse 80) and typically rises at night when at rest. His vision has deteriorated to the point that he cannot wear contacts and according to the eye doctor, is at risk of losing his sight. In addition, his triglycerides are 507 mg/dL. We eat a heart healthy diet - no red meat, no fried foods, limit sugar and salt. His kidney function is fine and he is not diabetic. He has experienced EXTREME stress at work recently which I believe contributed to the chest pain; however, if it is not his heart or kidneys, what else can cause the elevated troponin I ?? [|AI|] Hi Thereafter going through the details provided by you, I understand your concern for your husbands' health. The scenario of having a positive TOP I along with the symptoms like chest pain and left arm numbness clearly points towards the clinical diagnosis of a heart attack especially when the patient also have increased TRIGLYCERIDE levels. But then a normal EKG, ECHO, and a CT is quite unusual, making the TOP I report questionable. Keeping all the conditions in mind I would like to suggest going for a CONVENTIONAL CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY for your husband to be 100% sure that he does not have any amount of blockage in the heart vessels. Rest continues healthy lifestyle habits. I wish him good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had to get a full physical this week for work. The doctor had me remove all clothes because he said he had to check my prostate and penis. When he got to the penis exam he spent a lot of time rubbing and feeling the shaft and immediately got an erection which was me embarrassing. He then explain what he was looking for and took another 5mins rubbing up and down and I ejaculated. Is this normal? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. In young males, normal time for ejaculation can be 5 to 10 minutes. If you are in your 20s or 30s then this is perfectly normal. There are 4 stages of penis responses in male sexual behavior.1. Stage One: Excitement2. Stage Two: Plateau3. Orgasm & Ejaculation4. Stage Four: Resolutions you were already excited and had reached a plateau phase, on rubbing for 5 minutes it led to orgasm and ejaculation. This interval of 5 minutes between plateau phase and orgasm is normal in young men. Some men have a hypersensitive penis skin, and you might be one among them. This is not abnormal. Also, at times ejaculation gets out of control due to rubbing and this is what happened to you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son is 3yrs old and had to have some blood work done for a viral infection in his mouth and his Dr. just told me that he has thalassemia, he did not say the level and that I shoul just make an appoiment for next week, but should I have my other children check too? [|AI|] Hello, there are more than one sort of thalassemia. Since your boys got 3 years old before anybody noticed, he most likely has minor thalassemia which is usually a pretty mild condition that only means a somewhat lower hematocrit than normal. If this is the case with him then this means that one of the parents (or both) is carrying a defective gene. Thalassemia major causes characteristic appearance changes that should get noticed by doctors. Patients with Thalassemia major require transfusions every so often. Let me describe to you how these genes get from the parents to their kids. Each parent has two genes. Each kid inherits two genes, one from each parent. This means that two people with thalassemia minor (one defective gene each) may have a severely sick child with 2 defective genes (thalassemia major). If the kid has one defective gene then this is thalassemia minor. This procedure is a rather simple one, although it may sound confusing at first. So the answer is that your other kids may have the defective gene as well, and they should be tested. I hope I've been clear enough. If you need further clarifications, please ask and I'll be glad to help. Kind Regards!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have taken a medicine for delaying my periods and then have unprotected sex. After that I have taken unwanted-72 within 3 hours. But still I didnt get my periods , today is sixth days after taking unwanted. Is there is posiblity of getting pregnant [|AI|] Hi, Emergency contraception creates so much disturbance in the hormonal milieu of the body that the period usually gets delayed and a with Chat Doctor. Intake of the pill within the stipulated time interval is enough protection to prevent any failure. Moreover, if you have had the intercourse during the safe period, you would be naturally protected. Please wait for your next natural period and if you do not see a period even after 10 days after you are due, see a specialist for further evaluation. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son is 1 month old, he do motion everytime i feed him, either breast feed or formula milk.its very smelly n he get hungry again after stool passing.dr gave him lactose free formula n enterogermina, bt there is no from Pakistan, plz help me out. [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. What your kid is having is not a diarrhea and is only a gastronomic reflux. It is quite common for babies of this age group t pass small amount of diarrhea or loose stools soon after feeds. This need not be treated as diarrhea and especially antibiotics are not indicated. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Feeling tured all the time. Feel like I have brain fig. Been forgetting everything from pumping my gas,leaving what i paid for at the store,firgetting to turn oven on for food....also burning my supper because I leftt it on.I have head pain allover and my haws hurt. I am a 41few year old female. [|AI|] Hello, Well, definitely your mind is on other things but when was the last time you checked with your doctor for a physical checkup and perhaps a little blood work. Someone your age being that forgetful should have the following blood work done, THYROID PROFILE, CBC w/differential, liver and kidney function tests/enzymes, inflammatory markers such as ESR and CRP, It. B12, vitamin D, & your electrolytes, as well as a URINALYSIS. Have you been started on any medications over the past week or 2 for depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc. because those Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello! i am 31, 5 2 , 65 kg and has pcos ... i really want to get pregnant after 8 years of marriage. i ve taken fertyl 50 mg but my follicles grew only for 8mm . my doctor increased the dose to 100 mg but my follicles only grew 10mm. now, he increased my dose into 150 mg. what might be the effect of fertyl 150 mg on me? is it safe? [|AI|] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor PCs is multifactorial disorder which leads to an ovulation and infertility. Try to lose weight by diet control and exercise. Get your blood sugar levels done apart from other hormonal investigations. Camphene (Ferry) is the Chat Doctor. It is usually started with 50 mg and dose is gradually increased till 150 mg if there is no response. It is safe for ovulation induction and rarely patient may experience few side effects. If even after dose of 150 mg you don't ovulate then you may need ovulation induction using gonadotropin injection or laparoscopic ovarian
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had my wisdom teeth extracted with IV sedation and just recently after found out I was pregnant. I ve had irregular periods my whole life so I didn t know but I am about 13-14 weeks pregnant. Very scared my baby is hurt and since it s Friday my doctor isn t in her office. Please help [|AI|] First, congratulations! Second of all, don't worry. By 13 to 14 weeks, the large majority of the organs have formed. The best time to have surgery (like wisdom teeth or appendix or gallbladder) is the second semester, which you are officially in now. At this point, sedation does not pose a large risk to the baby. Potential hazards that could harm your baby more than sedation for wisdom teeth extraction include alcohol, tobacco or Chat Doctor. I wouldn't worry about a bit of sedation. Now, It's going to be important to establish prenatal care and stay healthy for the rest of your pregnancy. Again, congratulations!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is nine and she has a bad case if what was thought to be ecezma in her hair, it bleeds and swells up really bad, there are small knots present in her head in each side by her ear. Knots come and go in the lower head/neck. She complains of burning its very painful. The doctor prescribed her griseofulvinmicr 500tab san. What I need to do its really bad [|AI|] Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor. Probably your daughter is suffering from a condition called Tina wapitis. It is a fungal infection of the scalp. The skin of her scalp has excess oily secretions which get infected by the fungi. As the secretions get crusted and Chat Doctor. Treatment will consist of two parts. Ketoconazole shampoo available in brands like Neural, is to be applied over the scalp thrice a week. You may also use some emollients/moisturizers over the area, and it will prevent the crusting and bleeding. The other part is systemic antifungal therapy with the tablet she is being given. Hope that helps. Feel free to revert in case of further queries if any.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 6 month old. we found some rashes on him and doctor said it is Infantile eczema or atopic dermatitis. Is it curable? he suggested to apply cetaphil lotion after bath and tedy bar soap to bath. what are the foods that mother should not eat beca feeding for him? [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern and looking to the history given here I could say that if this is eczema then this could be cured with the right treatment the least concern what is age of patient but chances of eczema in this age group is very unlikely and this need to be confirmed, mother need not take any care in her diet as long as the skin lesion is concern, have a nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] yes,,,,my stomach is very swelled up, and has been for several years so I didnt notice putting on more inches the past few months until my grandaughter mentioned it ,,and now I am feeling movement in my stomach, I am 53 and was still having monthlys however for about 6 months I did not and assumed I was goin thru menopause and then I started back in Dec. but havent since then. I was only intimate once in the month of April........I did 2 test and they come back neg.I was thinking I might have a tumor but now with the movement I just dont know [|AI|] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would go for a serum Chat Doctor and an ultrasound of abdomen to arrive at some conclusion on your condition. So I would urge you to visit your family physician to start with and get yourself assessed. It might not be possible for us to opine further on this over the net without a clinical assessment and related investigations. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello my daughter is 3 and this morning she started scratching the lower outer portion of her palms, their red and itchy but there is no blistering, cracking or peeling, I just looked at her hands again and now the fingertips are red an itchy only on one hand though. What could be causing this? [|AI|] Hi... I feel by what you quote he should be having a - Hand Foot Mouth disease. This is one viral illness among all other anthems which can cause fever followed by rash over palms and soles. It is a self-limiting disorder and itching can be really worrisome. I suggest you use any over the counter antihistamine if you have one with you now. You can use HY Chat Doctor. This can even cause some peeling of skin in the next 4-6 weeks and do not worry about it. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, this is Basith, I had a query in regard to the common cold n flu more particularly is winter season. I allways had a problem with runnig nose n cold due to which I even suffer with a high or mild temp.plz do advise me of one of the best medicine available in the market for the problem. I also wanted to know, is this are the symptoms of cold allergy and if yes what is the best medicines suggested to be taken in advance before the attack. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor, This is a viral infection caused by various virus, like Rhinovirus,Coronavirus, Adeno virus and Influenza. See recovery takes place in 3 to 7 days, treatment is symptomatic like warm saline gargle, nasal decongestant and antimissile for cough. Personal hygiene and repeated handwashing is the best preventive measure. Although a INTERFERON NASAL SPRAY for prophylaxis for Rhinovirus infection. Even addition of high dose of vitamin C is claimed to reduce duration of illness. In adults with good immunity these episodes are much less in numbers /year. Common cold and flu should not be confused with allergic Rhinitis which is due to pollen and dust. Take care Good Luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] A month or two ago I fell playing basketball and it made a popping noise almost like it came out of place. my leg was weak feeling and I put ice on right away I could walk and everything okay still just week feeling. the next day my knee was twice the size of what it normally is. The swelling immediately went down the next few day but now everytime I bend to a certain point it like catches on something and lately it s been hurting doing simply things like getting up or walking down stairs and I ve also started running which might be part of it. I was looking at the runners knee and another diagnosis but I m still not positive but I want to know soon so I can get it healed as soon as I can! [|AI|] His a precaution you must stop all activity of knee like walking, stairs,gaming-take complete rest, wear a knee brace and take anti-inflammatory and analgesics tablets. Consult an orthopedic surgeon and have a knee MRI done.-Meniscal tear and cruciate ligaments tear is a common injury and need specific treatment after diagnosis-sometimes surgeons prefer to do surgical intervention to correct they neglect ow may be harmful to knee
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] question concerning my mother, who has CHF, her most recent Echo (may) showed her EF was down to 37%. Her Dr switched her beta blocker... to see if that might help. Since that time, she has had pretty low BP s and extreme dizzy spells. I m sure the dizzy spells are caused by her low BP but what is causing the low BP. She s on atacand for hypertension...but it would be dangerous for her to come off that, correct? I guess my question is... Isn t hypertension as dangerous for someone w/ CHF as low BP ? Thanks [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern and would recommend to gradually reduce Atacama dose in order to help improve her blood pressure values. Another possible option would be to reduce the dose of beta blocker. It is true that low blood pressure can lead to increased risk of falling and thus exacerbate her situation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Iam suffering with extreme stress from past 4 yrs. There is a swelling at the Left Thigh(upper),and also at the Right hand joint,and also at the left leg calf. I have trouble breathing.Most of the time Iam unable to breath properly.I feel tired always and now from past 2 weeks my knee bones are paining ,I can t walk properly and when I sit down or climb the stairs I feel Pain at the Knee bone.Suffering with severe headache ,lot of Hairloss ,back pain.From Past 1 yr Iam experiencing visionary problems ,I can see some red Spots in both the eyes. There is also a swelling at the Upper Right Part of the abdomen. Mainly these days Iam feeling very tired,No Energy feel like sleeping all the time. [|AI|] Hello, It looks from your details that you are suffering from generalized symptoms due to stress. You should follow to have relief in this:-Start doing yoga and meditation. You may join an expert nearby your location for this.- Take a multivitamin supplement to increase your general well-being.- Take a good sleep, at least for 6-8 hours.- In case you are feeling trouble with sleep then you may consult to your doctor, he may assist you with some sedatives. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently had sex with new partner condom popped. I went to std clinic immediately and they said it was normal but this isn t new for me. I had a red rash for about a wk or two. Now it s ashy underneath my penis where the rash is and I have a pimple in my pubic hairs [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have infection of the glans penis (Atlantis)due to unprotected sex and boil over pubic region. You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Čeferin along with anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Along with topical antibiotic ointment like Newsprint twice daily. Ensure to wash your genitals with warm water twice dailyEnsure to avoid sexual encounters till it heals up completely.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have bad cough for about 2months now . About 4 weeks ago my doctor gave me whooping cough shot and medicine , but my cough has still not gone away and i am throwing up with cough more frequently. I cannt eat solid food because i throw up after i eat. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, in your case, possibility of lung Infection or bronchitis is more. You are having chronic cough (cough since 2 months and not improving with standard medicines), and in both these conditions it is seen. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. Chest x-ray 3. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection. PFT is needed to rule out bronchitis. You may need antibiotics, antihistamines inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid. Don't worry, you will be alright. But first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have severe back neck pain, have had five spinal surguries on lower back. I have severe headaches and feel like i was hit in the face with a baseball bat. sinuses are clear. have a pea sized ball in upper eye, started very small and is getting bigger. It is not attached to the eyeball or eyelid. when i touch it it goes up into or under bone structure.I am scared and feel like my dr, isnt listening to me. Ive been telling him about this for two years [|AI|] HI, dear,thanks for the query you had for 2 yrs. I am there to help to remove your scare. In my opinion it is -magician cyst. If its worrying you, it could be removed by operation. Plz seek surgeons opinion and get it removed from him. Hope you got the cause for the lump on the upper eyelid. For the back and head aches, I would advise you to consult the doctor who operated it, as this may be serious complaint and needs urgent care from the operating surgeon. Thnks Welcome again to Chat Doctor for any help. Hope you got the answer for the queries you had. Take care ugly for the headache.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Severe twitching and pain at the back of the wrist. This has been going on for more than a year. I have a operation on my elbow 3weeks ago for numbness in the last 2 fingers. The last finger is still numb and the upper arm 2 inches at the back of the elbow is still painful for more than 2 years. Please do whatever you can. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi there. It appears your radial nerve may be compressed or getting irritated in the region of your elbow surgery. You can apply hot water bottle to the painful area around the elbow. Take painkiller and muscle relaxant like Diclofenac with Thiocolchicoside for relief from pain and muscle spasm. Consult your Doctor, and he may advise you some arm exercises and other modes of treatment if you do not find relief in this.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently had a liver transplant (7 weeks ago); my blood work looks good and I am now somewhat active. A month ago I developed tinglingpins and needles in the top of my feet and ankles. Soon after I developed what looks like freckles on the same areas. Today they have spread up my legs and onto my chest. They are very small but many. I am also developing larger, darker ones, scattered about. The tingling in the feet and ankles remain but not as painful. What is going on? Are these indeed freckles or are they something else ie a rash, broken vessels...? [|AI|] Hi there, The most common cause of the feeling of pins and needles after liver transplant is neuropathy, which can be secondary to your transplant medications. I'm not sure what is causing your freckles. Usually, immunosuppressive medications for your transplant can cause you to be more at risk for skin cancers, but 7 weeks out is a little soon. This sounds more like a rash, and I'd try some Ben Chat Doctor. I'd makes sure that you follow up with your transplant surgeon as soon as you can, and let him know about this. In general, transplant patients should also see a dermatologist regularly, as they are at very high risk for skin cancers, and should have all their regular cancer screening when scheduled. Your transplant surgeon should be very invested in your success here, so I'm sure he or she will be happy to help you. I hope this answers your question. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] When I woke up Saturday morning and got a glass of water I got a sudden sharp pain in my mid chest after swallowing the water. Now anytime I drink anything I get this pain. I felt absolutely fine when I went to bed Friday night and was having no problems. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion we should get done ECG first to rule out cardiac cause. If this is normal than it must be related to HERD. HERD is Castro Esophageal Reflux Disease. It is due to laxity of the sphincter. So in this acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms. So try to follow these.1. Avoid hot and spicy food.2. Avoid large meals, instead take small meals.3. Avoid stress and anxiety. 4. Take proton pump inhibitors. 5. Go for walk after meals.6. Keep 2-3 pillows under head in bed.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am looking for a Dr. in SIerra Vista, AZ that will accept a patient that has several medical problems and has had several surgeries. I just came here a year ago from the east. I am on Pain Medications for Migraines and Back & Neck fusions. I have diabetic neuropathy also. Thanks very much [|AI|] Hi and thank you so much for this query. I am so sorry to hear about this several medical conditions you have and all the inconveniences this has caused you. The best way to get the doctors you need is through your primary health care physician. He constantly evaluates you and make the decision on what your various health needs are and which of the physicians can help you most. This is more important when you need several specialists to attain to you and the need someone to coordinate and integrate all of this care for you. You would most likely need the services of a planetologist, neurosurgeon, neurologist, etc. and there is no single physician who specializes in all this. Talk to your primary care physician to get this sorted out. I hope this helps. I wish you well, and thanks for using our services.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was looking for an emergency contraceptive , and was advised by my doctor to take 2 tablets of nordette every 6 hours, and abstain from sexual contact until I have my menstruation , after I finished one pack of nordette, the birth control method my husband and I used failed, it has been 12 hours since then, could I take nordette again in stronger doses?like 4 tablets every 12 hours?thanks [|AI|] Hello Jonathan you for getting in touch with us. As I see, you had been advised to take Corvette as an emergency contraceptive. We would like you to know that if you would be better if you take these medicines after consulting a Doctor. Stronger doses are contraindicated without consulting a Doctor and you should not go for it at any cost. In the future, you can go for other methods of birth control like regular contraceptive pills, condoms, diaphragms etc. Although the efficacy of emergency contraceptive pills is quite high, it can fail in few cases. Hope this helpsRegards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a bike accident around one year ago. I flew over the handle bars and landed on my upper right side (scrapped elbow and bruised shoulder). At the time I thought I may have also fractured or bruised ribs. Now I am experience sensitivity in the chest area [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you should not worry much about it, as it is due to pleural thickening only. You had blunt chest trauma 1 year ago and had fractured or injured ribs. This might be giving pleural reaction at that time. So with time, healing occur in ribs as well as pleura. And healing in pleura occur as thickening and fibrosis. So the smoothness and friction free movements of pleura, at the site of injury is lost. So you can have feeling of pain or friction in the injury area. Sometimes it can also give hypersensitivity in it. So get done ultrasound examination of local chest area, if pleural thickening is there then no need to worry much.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am having right side belly pain it has been hurting for almost a week now and is getting wose. It has been waking me up in the middle of the night. I experienced a stomach ache after smooking hookah and shortly after bubbling and sharp pains in the right side ofmy stomach. What do you think I have? I am worried it is an apendicidous but I have not thrown up and I dont have a fever [|AI|] Hi ! Did you some food from outside along with smoking hookah ? The chronic pain could be due to some kind of colitis. Other possibility is a silent urinary tract infection. Go for a urine and stool test. Also go for routine blood tests like he, DC, TLC, ESR. Go for an ultrasound if your family doctor advises for it. Appendicitis is a clinical diagnosis on examining the patient on the spot, and so can not be judged now even though it could be a possibility (recurrent appendicitis). I would suggest you to report to your doctor for a clinical examination if it continues. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my partner has a skin rash. Hes had a blotch of what looked like dry skin on his left hand for about 2 months. He now has a red blotchy dry looking rash on the inside of hid thighs and the inside of his elbows for about 2 weeks. His right elbow has now broken out and is weeping and raw looking and painfulll. At first we thought it might have been a reaction to the brand of washing powder, but it has been changed since (before the sore appeared) and the rash persists. We have tried rolling a glass over the rash and it dissapears, we cant see any marks where a mite might have gone under the skin. To be honest it looks like hives but its the wound that has broken out on his right elbow that is causing us the most consern. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query, He might have developed a contact dermatitis. It is an allergic condition. This might have got infected leading to the present condition. Treatment can be with oral anti histamines and topical steroid creams. An antibiotic cover will also be required. Please meet a dermatologist for exact diagnosis. Let me know if you have any other doubt. You can ask a direct question to me on this forum, following the below link. .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi, doctor said egg ruptured on 14th day by doing follicular study this time you may have chances of getting pregnency, on 16th day i got vagine infection, i used CANDID CL (inserting vagine) on 17th day, is it safe of using this, by using this tablet dont i loose the chance of getting pregnency. Please help me in this, i am getting tention that i unnecessary used candid Cl [|AI|] Hello, History noted. The vaginal preparation you have used is the one which is prescribed for the candida infection in pregnancy. Hence, nothing to worry regarding miscarriage because of this medication. Next time if you happened to use the same medication, use applicator which is safer than using hand. The medicine is safe in pregnancy, so don't get tensed. Decrease your tension and stay cool. All the best. Good day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am having semi solid latrine from last six month?On july by sonography i got to know that my liver is mildy enlarge after 2 months i had blood test and the sgpt and sgot test was normal again doctor advice for colons copy it was also clear please tell me whats the matter [|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor . Stool is always semisolid.... Which other complaint you have?? Blood in stool ?? Abdominal pain ?? Your colonoscopy normal so mostly no organic cause present.... Moving on toward your liver enzymes then let me know you temporary some infection can lead elevated liver enzymes.... Ex .mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus infection or Epstein Barr virus like infection. Fatty liver also can lead elevation of it.... Hepatitis viral also lead elevated enzymes and its resolution lead normal level.... Maintain healthy and balanced diet... If any unusual clinical feature then further investigation done.... After month repeat LFT . Take care. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! While my husband was urinating this morning he sneezed really hard. He immediately felt pain inside his penis and then had a decent amount of blood dripping from it. Each time he s urinated since it has been painful and has had a small amount of blood. Is this something to be concerned about or will it heal on its own? I have him drinking a lot of water to dilute his urine. [|AI|] HelloThanks for your query, based on the facts that you have posted it appears that your husband had bout of Hematuria. You have not mentioned age of your husband in your query. The common causes of hematuria in men are 1) Infection 9UTI) 2) Enlarged prostate in old age 3) Cancer of the kidney or bladder tumor. Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical evaluation and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis,1) Ultrasound scanning of abdomen 2) C. T scan of Kidney ureter and bladder.3) Endoscopic examination of bladder (Cystoscopy). Further treatment will depend upon the findings of these tests and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my husband was born with undecended testicles , had surgery when he was a child to fix that problem, he is now 37, we ve been trying to have kids, the doctor doesnt know what s wrong. We live in South America so I dont know what or where to start? [|AI|] Hi, thanks for query. Normally when the testis are put back in scrotum at an early age this function is preserved, and they are capable of producing sperm. Still to confirm this please ask him to get his semen examined after 3 days of abstinence. For you, please visit a gynecologist and get your ovulation study done, along with this get your thyroid level checked. If all these are normal there is no need to worry. Wishing you good health and all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im coughing rapdily after a breathing treatment because I was coughing before, im having thick saliva and coughing stuff up. I was not weezing just took a breathing treatment because i was coughing. Im aslo sneezing alot and stuffy nose. Chest feels like stuffs in there [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Breathing exercises during infection in the chest will lead to cough and sneezing. While doing the breathing exercise you will do continuous respiratory movements, which will irritates the mucosa of the respiratory tract and this will lead to the symptoms. Stuffy nose also suggest that your Upper respiratory tract is not clear. I would suggest you to do these exercises once your symptoms and infection comes down. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have been having this weird pain in my chest , In my heart area and it hurts to touch my breast bone. I sometimes get it really bad for an instant but then it goes away and i forget about it, But lately i have had it constantly for the past 5 days, it hasn t gone away .It hurts when i drink hot beverages and sometimes when I eat . but there is a smaller pain constantly. It gets a second of relief if I burp but then it comes right back . Its sharp and really painful. I m a 19 year old female and I rarely drink, and I am a non smoker.could this be from stress or anxiety ? [|AI|] Dear Concerned., Thanks for writing to us. As per the available info, it seems to be Acid Peptic Disorder or simple Hyperacidity due to irregular/non-timely food habits. In addition, in all probability you could also be suffering from a benign /harmless condition called Costco Chat Doctor. Sometimes without Physical examination it is difficult to pinpoint the diagnosis. It could also be due to Fibromyalgia. The above three pointers to Differential Diagnosis. Kindly try over the counter anti inflammatory and antacids. If the condition does not subside get a check-up done by a physician. In all probability please be reassured that you have no heart ailment even though the location of pain is to the left side of your chest. Best regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son just had his wisdom teeth removed at 11am today. He has taken 1 hydrocodone-isprofen 7.5-200 tablet at 3:40 this afternoon it is now 8 hours later He also took 1 tablet of pencillin at 7pm. I noticed his lower lip is slightly swollen. His upper lip is normal and he has not other symptoms. Should I be worried about an allergic reaction? [|AI|] through your query...I must say that its normal and that nothing to be worried in this.lower lip must be swollen because of two reasons1)he might have bite his lip without knowing when it is numb(every1 feels to bite)2)during extraction sometimes the forceps might have slightly caught the lip BCO it numb v cant feel pain at that time but later when numbness is gone it might go for nothing to be worried in this.tell him to continue the medicines this swelling will be fine in due course...hope you're benefitted something from this reply.have a healthy day!!!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. I hv been suffering with sinustis. I did sinus surgery in 2008. I was feeling good untill early 2012 but nowadays again i m suffering with sinus infection. I come accross with sinus 77 tablet. I tried it and it did wonder. I could feel relief in just 20 mins. I just wanted to know tht is this tablet fine to use? Is there any side effects of it? [|AI|] Hi, I can understand your concern about the safety of sinus-77. The sinus-77 tablet contains an antihistamine (chlorpheniramine male ate) anti-fever/analgesic (paracetamol) and a nasal decongestant (phenylephrine) and commonly used for the symptomatic relief of the common cold symptoms such as headache, sore throat, runny nose, muscular pain, and fever. Its common side effects include dizziness, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my niece is having a CAT scan right now due to a lump under her ear. It has grown since she went to the dr. on Mon. Went back to dr. this am because it hurt bad. He sent her to ent and ent sent her for cat scan. The ent told her not to eat or drink anything in case they have to do something tonite. Any ideas? She is ten [|AI|] Hello, Treatment of infra-auricular lump below the ear-The painful lump below ear could be -Parotitis-as its very painful and is present lately. Your ENT-doctor may be planning incision and Chat Doctor. I would advise you to consult emergency room ENT-surgeon and excise it completely under antibiotic cover. So keep cool and consult your emergency room ENT-surgeon, if need be, who would treat it accordingly. So don't build up wrong concepts and create more psychic complications in you which would increase risks and costs to you. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 44 year old female who has had lower left abdominal pain all summer, increases as be nds over, feels sometimes like a sharp rock, problems with last stool almost passed out while going to bathroom still feel faint but better, energy level has been low lately...back pain constant on opposite side of body [|AI|] Hi! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would refer you to your gynecologist to rule out chances of a PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease). Apart from this, I would also advise you to go for a routine stool test to rule out any intestinal infection. Till that you could go for some anti-spasmodic along with a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. Further management would depend on the reports of investigation and clinical examination. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] MY FATHER has a stone of 1.8mm in right kidney, since last few days he is suffering from trenenduos pain,may be bcoz of stone but stone is extremely small.x ray report was normal....which diagnostic test should he opt for confirmation of the cause of pain? [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I can understand your anxiety. Your father should undergo an plain CT scandium, or a ACTIVE. A 1.8 mm stone is a too tiny, to cause severe pain, as you describe. A ACTIVE is the best single test. It will also show, if the kidney is affected. According to the reports, treatment can be advised. Tell him to Chat Doctor. He may take analgesic, for pain. If you've any doubts, send the reports to me, as a direct question.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am age 93 and I have shrunk to about 5 feet 8 inches and 160 pounds. I do not smoke or do I drink alcohol. I do have a bad back because I hurt my back about 15 or 20 years ago lifting something that I should not have done. (I am hard headed or at least that is what my wife tells me). At one time I was about 5 feet 11 inches and weighed about 190 punds. I still work as a sales rep (for myself). my address is YYYY@YYYY . thanks, biged [|AI|] Dear patient At your age osteoporosis is very common. Vertebral compression fractures are common finding on spine X-ray. You might have got your vertebra fractured few years ago. Loss in height is explained by multiple vertebra compression fracture due to osteoporosis that leads to reduction in vertebral height and kyphosis. This leads to loss of overall height. You might be walking with curved and stiff back. This leads to imbalance and there are increased stress on your back and back pain. So this is related to your age and nothing more can be done. Start calcium supplements like tablet shell ct twice a day for long time. Take tab diclofenac 50 mg twice a day SOS for pain relief. ALL THE Best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a mild stroke last November with no real obvious side effects. I was taking atorvastatin 10mg daily but my Dr took me off 2 months ago because I was having cramps in my feed and hands. I am still having cramps but also in my calves now. I am having pressure in my head and for a couple of days now I am having what feels like vibrations in my left chest on and off. No pain with it though and no shortness of breath. I don t know if some of this is due to anxiety but I never have a day when I feel good. I have had my heart checked and blood work and have an appt for bloodwork on Monday. My Dr doesn t seem to have any real idea of what may be going on. I have an appt with a neurologist in a couple of weeks but I am really worried about what all is going on. I am a 62 year old female, I do not smoke, I weigh about 167 and exercise regularly [|AI|] I read your question carefully, and I understand your concern. The symptoms you relate though don't seem to be related to the stroke it is more probable they are due to anxiety. It is good you have done blood work for some other potential causes, I hope thyroid function was included as a common cause of anxiety. As for stroke treatment it consists in identifying the cause and ad Chat Doctor. Most common causes are heart arrhythmias, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol. I suppose you have been evaluated for those. Also, you should take a blood thinner. I hope to have been of help.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I dont think I never had an orgasm but yet Ive been pregnant and miscarried before a 3 month time period. Being said we have been trying to conceive and its not happening. We tried checking basal temp, using the strips to check when im ovulating and nothing has happen. Also Ive went to a fertility clinic. One doctor said that I have a polyp and check to see if tubes were open and everything. which that is fine, so I went to a second doctor after my gyno refered me for another ultra sound for a second opinion and nothing was there. im worried and im having heavy bleeding after the miscarriage. it feels as my monthly cycle is a miscarried all over again. cloting and pain. what should I do. it even feels different [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for the query. Female orgasm is not necessary to become pregnant. Small polyps can be seen due to endometrial changes. Usually these will come out during menstrual flow. Persisting large polyps need to be removed. As you are having heavy flow, once consult gynecologist and take tablets to reduce the bleeding. Then with her advice you can go for tablets to induce ovulation. Then go for follicular study to track the ovulation. Plan intercourse around the period of ovulation. This will increase the possibility of pregnancy. Start taking folic acid supplementation from downwards. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a stapectomy 10 days ago. I am an immune compromised patient. Yesterday a painful boil came up on the back of my neck. I am not running a fever. It is not worse or better today..... very painful though. I have put hot compresses on it and it helps the pain temporarily. Do I need to go to my Infectious Disease doctor tomorrow, or give it a few days? [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some abscess formation. You should not wait. Furthermore, you should consult infectious diseases specialist and take a course of antibiotics. Furthermore, you should go for culture and sensitivity testing of pus. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] few clacific shadow seen in right apex sir i was infected in TB few years ago dr had been to take medicine for 9 months but i had taken only for one month and than left in current two months i have fever on and off mostly in evening so give me suggestion i am very anxious about my health [|AI|] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. For how long you're suffering from it? Any other associated problem? Like diabetes or hypertension? Any history of TB in past or exposure to TB? Are u having fever? Any other lymph node swelling in your body? Is swelling on both sides of neck or not? All u need is to start the treatment, I strongly urge you that you should initiate the treatment so that TB get heal with minimum scarring. The shadows which you're talking about is due to active TB. A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE. Meet your doctor and initiate the treatment as soon a possible.Meanwhile, stay calm and use acetaminophen to relieve painted well soon Hope your query is adequately ad Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Trying to figure out if my 18 year old daughter has an underlying health issue. She has been spiking fevers and has been sick 4 times in the last 5 months. Twice in the month of February. As recent as last week after taking a swimming test to be a lifeguard (which she passed). So we ve noticed that it may be after exertion. At first we thought maybe because she was at college, exposed to a lot of bugs, but has happened now since she s been home too. Symptoms: fever, body aches, general sinus stuff, cough. [|AI|] Hi, Without an exam, I can only give general information, but It's pretty good in this case. Fever implies inflammation. This can be from a generalized condition like an autoimmune response or an infection which is generally pretty localized to one area and has symptoms that focus On That Area such as cough and sinus stuff. Chronic sinus/lung/ or infection anywhere along the respiratory pathway can give fever and might need just antibiotics or with chronic conditions often/usually has something bent out of shape like an abscess or stopped up sinus that needs (usually really minor) surgical correction. Looking for something bent out of shape, looking for a collection of pus would be the firs step and then antibiotics if small and surgery then antibiotics if big. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Dr. Ive had this leftsided horrible pain that is not getting better. My orthopod gave me an injection laswt week and he either didnt hit the right spot or itisn tmuscular.It s theflankareaaandsameside that I have a chronic (supposed) Bursititisin my leftshoulder that has been injected numerous times to knowavail.My shoulderis leftside of my lower flank area horrific and I have a MRI being set up for the shoulder first. HELP..I definetly am sedentary dueto cancer in 04 Thyroid...a fall that effected my head....very overweight since the thyroid removal and generally not well. When I have significant ppain, being a nurse I ususallycancall it andknow but I m stumpedwith this left sided pain....HELP!!!!! It literally is a detererent in my lifestle and I can t habdle this pain any longer. I never have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!! cindy choder [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. From the description it appears that you are over weight, and have thyroid cancer, had head injury, now you have left sided pain, and shoulder pain. As you had thyroid cancer, there might be metastasis of the cancer cells to any part of the body like shoulder, backbone etc. The opacity also may be one of the causes of sedentary life. I advise you to follow some nonmedical procedures for the relief, like yoga, meditation, reading books, hearing music, etc. for diversion from the agony. Wishing for a quick and continued recovery, and thanks for choosing Chat Doctor. F. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i just made my blood analysis and noticed that the TGO (AST) TGP (ALT) gama glutamil transpeptidasa and f. alcalina total are considerably high what does this mean?? i also have low iron and hi cloro [|AI|] Hi, thanks for query.First this could be simply because of consumption of alcohol before the test. Apart from this any form of viral infection, damage to the liver due to any cause can also lead to this. Please talk to your physician and get more investigations done like ultrasound for liver, blood sugar, blood counts and other liver function tests and others as per the need. Avoid high fat diet and alcohol. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a woman who recently turned 60 years old. I fell on ice several years ago going into work and hurt my right shoulder. It occasionally will ache however last night it has started a chronic pain. Raising the arm seems to help and I am taking Advil for the pain. Can you advise me what other options I can use to alleviate the pain? [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough musculoskeletal assessment is advised. As you have turned 60, there will be an aging factor to increase the pain as muscles become weak due to degenerative changes happening. Also in my clinical practice many patients come up for similar issues with past history of injury and chronic pain. Physical therapy is recommended and by strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle the mobility is regained. Also, for pain management, therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy is used which performs well. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my daughter is 3 and a half...has had pneumonia twice and is currently being treated with seretide inhaler, ventoline exohaler, brozedex and ebastel. Her chest infection though isnt clearing and her appetitie is low. She complains of chest pains. What is the best way to get her treated and cured? She has used seretide for over 4 months now and it has a steroide and that may have side effects, but the doctor says she must have it to stop the infection, but that isnt working either. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, you should consult pediatric pulmonologist and get done bronchoscopy and BAD (bronchoalveolar lavage) analysis. BAL culture and sensitivity report will isolate the causative organism and guide about effective antibiotic treatment. So we can achieve faster recovery from this. Don't worry, with effective antibiotic treatment, she will be alright with 2 - 3 weeks treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your daughter. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] when typing at my desk I felt a warm feeling on my left wrist and when I looked down a lump was forming. A few minutes later a lump formed (smaller) on my right wrist in the exact same spot. The lump is located right pass my wrist bone on my thumb side. The lumps has gone down but my arms and hands are soar. [|AI|] Hi! Thanks for your health queries. After going through your description, I could get that these are actually kind of degenerative or chronic inflammatory pathology related to excessive minor works / loads! And as per our clinical experience the possibilities are as follows:1. A ganglion cyst 40 % cases2. A bursa 40 % cases3. Arthritis 15 % cases4. Chronic inflammatory or allergic pathology 5% cases. Only x-ray and a needle biopsy is all that are required for a confirmation.Therefore, don't worry but see a surgeon for an examination and open discussion. Regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son was killed in the line of duty in 2004. (police officer) At that time I went on Ambien in order to sleep. As time went on, mainly in the last two years I was taking one at night, one during an early nap in the afternoon and sometimes more than that. My family bugged me to get off so in July I told myself I could get off. I am was having alot of pain in my legs if I sat in a car or straight chair. Anyways my doctor recommended I take seroquel to help me get off Ambien. It seemed to help me get sleepy but lately has not helped me sleep for 6-7 hours. I teacher 2nd grade so have to be ready for combat duty (ha) I talked to my doctor yesterday and said I wanted to go back to Ambien but she said she would rather I did not and thought it would be better if I try something else. She prescribed trazodone 50 mg and I can take two a night. I took two and it made me sleepy but that was and hour and a half ago and I am wide awake. I am 62 and with working full tiime and teaching two nights on top of that, I need my sleep. That s all I want to do is sleep. Please let me know what you would suggest. I noticed I already had a bottle of trazodone in the cabinet so it probably did not help me sleep before. It was dated about 2 years ago. Help if you can. F Sawyers [|AI|] Hi, In my opinion, you should combine non-pharmacological methods of improving sleep with your medicines (either Seroquel or trazodone) to get the best possible results without needing to overdose. Try simple techniques of improving sleep hygiene like avoiding naps in daytime, avoiding coffee or stimulants from evening onwards, eating your last meal at least two hours before bedtime, cutting down on alcohol etc. Also practice relaxation exercises like yoga or progressive muscular relaxation exercises to help your body relax and get good sleep. Taking only medicines will not solve your problem. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] well sometimes ill be sitting, standing or walking and out of nowwhere it feels like my heart juss suddenly hesistates to it will hesistate then beat what could this be? [|AI|] Hello, Your symptoms could be related to anxiety. Nevertheless, I would recommend performing some tests in order to exclude any possible cardiac arrhythmia or metabolic disorders: - a resting ECG and cardiac ultrasound-thyroid hormone levels for thyroid gland dysfunction- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance-complete blood count for anemia. A 24-48 ECG Holder monitoring would help exclude possible cardiac arrhythmia. If these tests result normal, you should consider anxiety as the main cause of your complaints. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] How does the bodys defences respond to the symptoms of measles.Im not worried about my health or anything im just curious to know because ive tried to find information about it for my science assignment but cant find anything which could be of good use.Samuel AlbertAge: 15Haemophiliac If this could get answered as soon as possible it would help me so much thanks [|AI|] Thanks for posting you query to Chat Doctor. Virus enters through respiratory tract, reaches blood and spread to RE system of body which is mainly responsible for production of cells of immune system of body.hence this virus caused depression of immunity. During measles attack bodies immune response goes down . In such condition chances of secondary bacterial infection are increases because of week immunity .hope you are satisfied with my answer. Feel free to communicate if any query.regards, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my lower back hurts pretty badly if i incline slightly forward or back since earlier today. i put no strain on my back other than pick up a box but ive done so many times before. Sharp pain occurs instantly if i incline too quick and I dont know what might be wrong since i havent done anything straining to my back [|AI|] Cellophane You for contacting Chat Doctor. In most of the cases such pain is due to muscular spasm. I would suggest you following things:> Take rest for 2-3 days.> Avoid lifting heavy weight> Take naproxen twice a day for 3 days> Take mustard oil and ask some family member to massage your back with it.> Take hot water in a rubber bottle and put it on your back. It will give soothing effect. Report to hospital if:> Condition remain same after 2-3 days> Any unusual symptom appears> Condition deteriorates. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been trying to conceive for last 4yrs. I successfully conceived in december after taking siphene 100mg but misscarried in january. Now its been 3 month that we are trying. I am taking siphene again ffrom my 3rd day. So, is it possible that i can get pregnant? what are the possibilities of a positive outcome? All my & my husband s tests are normal. [|AI|] The chances of your conceiving are good with sphere(camphene). The problem lies in your miscarriage. The first time that you miscarried was after one month of pregnancy. If you are a POD patient, or otherwise you have to take an ultrasound on the 5th-6th week to see whether corpus luteum has formed. An absence of the corpus luteum leads to miscarriage in the 6th to 7th week of pregnancy. You might have to take Injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin weekly from the 7th to the 12th week of pregnancy to avoid miscarriage. All this has to be done in consultation with your gynecologist
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I got a bite plate and braces.about two Months ago my gum has been swollen for a week nd i feel my mouth irritaed from the bite plate i went to the sink to spit nd all that came out was blood, Is that bad? Should i go to my dentist or what do yuh recommend [|AI|] through your query.accordingly I feel that there is nothing much to be worried in this.swelling in the gum (gingivitis)is common during brace treatment. Bleeding from gums due to gingivitis is common.nothing to be worried just be careful with your oral hygiene that's it.but do see that whether there is any laceration or abrasions of gum or cheek due to braces which can also cause bleeding usually... In my opinion there is nothing to be worried(I am not seeing the clinical condition) but if u want u can go to a dentist get scaling done...and besides that follow good oral hygiene practices like brushing (u get orthodontic brushes) do mouth washing(Listerine is good for gum problems).do salt water gargling also twice daily(removes any infection if present)above all be happy and cool...happy and cool mind is a great medicine for all diseases...hope your benefitted something from this reply...have a healthy day!!!!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello my wife is 6 weeks pregnant. her ChatDoctor level was a bit low. but everything was fine. suddenly around 3 days ago spotting appeared .. but we took it lightly and she was on a complete bed rest. today we had an intercourse. but very gently. and suddenly sort of a bleeding started.. light pinkish.. but was fluidy not viscous. please recommend something [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the cause of spotting in pregnancy can be due to hormonal abnormalities like thyroid, progesterone insufficiency, bleeding from cervix, any abnormal pregnancy etc. Usually intercourse is avoided in first 3 months of pregnancy to prevent bleeding from cervix as the cervix is soft and highly vascular. I suggest you to get in ultrasound done to know the pregnancy status and get hormonal evaluation done. Avoid physical strain and intercourse. Take rest.Don't worry it will subside. Best regards...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 1.5 years old, he often sufferes symptoms of allergy & asthema. His doctor recommend myteka for 2 months. 1) I want to ask is it right to myteka for so long period? 2) Can we give childern any medicine for quick relief of alery like I take Xyzal if it gets severe? [|AI|] Meters (montelukast) is a good medicine and widely tolerated without complications. It is a mast cell stabilizer and prevent the allergy and asthma from developing. It can be taken safely for 2 months or beyond. If the child remains fine, you can stop it and reinitiate it later if the symptoms return. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the symptoms. Quick relief with Rizal (levocetirizine), an antihistamine, can be given without any worries.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was diagnosed with diabetes 3 years ago. Since getting my meds right (Metformin 450 mg x 2 day) my levels have been fine. This past weekend it jumped to 259 Sat and 265 Sun. This morning it was 277 and this afternoon when I got home from work it was 297. I have an apt with my Dr on the 29th, is it safe to wait that long? and what could be causing this sudden spike? [|AI|] Hello, You have uncontrolled Diabetes. In addition to Metformin, you may need another anti-diabetic Chat Doctor. Go for HbA1c Test to know past three-month average blood sugar control. Have a good diet control and exercise (aerobic 150 minutes in a week). If you do not have Etruria (urine ketosis test positive), you can wait for the appointment. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 16 years old and I had protected sex, however I am not on birth control. I wanted to take the extra precaution and my boyfriend who is of age bought me the Next Choice pill. I am concerned about the side effects and long term problems. There are two pills, and I am not sure if I should take one or both or neither. [|AI|] Hi, You can use both if you are concerned about unprotected sex as otherwise if unwanted pregnancy can have more implications than the pill. This much dose doesn't cause any long term side effects if not used log term or repeatedly. it's better to use protection than to worry about side effects in the future. Also, helpful in hygiene aspects and STD protection. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello sir, i am 26 year old..i am having Dark circle around my eye...i became noticable from last 3-4 years...i have used all cosmetics available in market but no improvement...i took medical advice where i was told to have periorbital melanosis and i was adviced to use Depiwhite but again there is no improvement...plz advice me ...thanx [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Periorbital Melanesia can be due to anemia, stress, a lot of computer/laptop usage. Effective oral and topical medications are now available for Hyperpigmentation around eye. My advice to you would be to use topical Guyana cream with good moisturizer. Take vitamin C tablets daily. Few treatments like microdermabrasion and chemical peel can help to treat periorbital Melanesia effectively. Discuss these options with your dermatologist. Hope this helps. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Respected Doctor, My ECG result showed P 47 degree, Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block QRS (T) Contour abnormality consistent with Inferior infarct Probably Old, dated 23-02-2013. I am Suffering From Transverse myelitis since1989 with sensory loss, low back pain , weakness left lower limb etc. In 2010, again diagnosed as old case of transverse myelitis / now with sequel. I was treated with dose of Methylprednisolone(Iv) and later orally for 20 days.(40mg,20 mg.10mg & 5mg, reducing ). 21-11-2010. MRI Multiplanner T1W,T2W,STIR Sequences done. Scan done on 1.5 T scanner. 13-11-10 report suggests:- Compression myelopathy( Extramedullary at D10 level. Degenerative changes:- Mild spondylosis appreciated in form of anterior and posterior osteophytes at multiple levels in dorsal spine. Fatty haemangioma at D12 level. Disk osteophyte complex indents the anteriorepidural fat at D2-D3level also. D8-D9 Dick level: Diffuse disk bulge with left sided posterior para central disk protrusion is appreciated with mass effect on the left sided exiting nerve roots at this level. central canal space per se is maintained. D10-D11: Diffuse disk bulge with focal central posterior broad based disk protrusion with associated stretch of the PLL is appreciated at this disk level. There is indentation of the anterior epidural fat with central canal space being reduced to anteroposterior of 10mm in the sagittal scan at this level. No cord edema/ malacia appreciated in scanned cord the dorsal spine. Besides the mentioned findings the following areas were also examined and found to be normal elsewhere-----. dorsal spine curvature maintained, interverteberal disk space maintained,vertebral bodies and posterior elements are normal, cord is with normal MR signal morpholgy, preverteberal,paraspine tissues normal, anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments are normal, facet jointsare normal, epidural/ thecal/ formalin spaces are maintained in all dorsal vertebral levels, the AP sagittal diameters of the canal space at disk levels are within normal limits. L2-3 andL3-4 discs show mild bilateral posterolateral disc protrusion indenting the thecal sac and mild compromising both the lateral recesses Pain killers avoiding, only during acute pain,using muscles relaxant ointments massage, one multivitamins pill a day.(BECASULES / REVITAL capsules, On 05-03-2013:- CBC Investigations in normal range. urine R/E, C/S :- physical / Chemical,Microscopic examinations as all with in normal range. Latest report of Ultra sound for whole abdomen:- normal. On 05-03-2013:- MAg 160/100, Treatment- DEPIN / PROLOMET AM 50. Now mAg varies from 85 -95 / 130 - 150. shoots during reacting to others. My height is 173cms & gained weight after the treatment,resulting 95 kg. Presently Feeling acute back pain,Neuropathic Pain & symptoms related to T.M, specially in the morning, Hypersensitive,Spasticity,Depression,Fatigue,Problem after climbing stair cases, pain increases in lower back & results in sweating & mild deep breathing for few minutes then feel better,other than 24x7x365 pain in back, traveling in right leg,numbness,tickling,burning sensation etc. At present no odd feeling in chest, no heavy breathing or shoulder pain,other than pricking sensation feeling in center of left palm during Hypertension , due to uncontrollable situation created by others at work or family. I may be over reacting, though I try to avoid confrontations but some times it becomes intolerable. After relaxation or taking B.P Pill it vanishes. Positive Points:- Walking without support, on average office work sitting:- 6-7 Hrs a day , Driving,Traveling, but can t exert much or exercise as T.M aggravates, no satisfactory sexual relationship because of erectile dysfunction. Previously Sildenafil Citrate was effective to some extent, now even 100mg not helping. Food :- 95% Vegetarian intake,Low fat, green vegetables,fruits,wheat, rice,cereals,olive oil,milk,curd,nuts,juices, avoiding junk & oily food. Non Veg. only eggs & poultry, Red meat hardly twice a year, lots of water / liquids, Low sugar. Drinks:- Average;- Maximum 2-3 bottles of 650 ml whiskey in a month, with absent days in between.(Drink soothes acute pain & mood swings better at that hour). Cigarettes:- Average 4-5 a day. Age factor is also effecting my life, will power & grace of God, I have come out from total paraplegic condition in 1989. I feel better, but not normal any time in the past 24 years,please help. What does this means and what are the possible treatments. What do I need to do to improve quality of life. Thanks R.Kakkar [|AI|] Thanks for the details. Since you have many issues (old and newer ones) there should be proper monitoring under experts. I would suggest you make a diary and note your symptoms for spine and related disease in separate chronological order and group your other cardiac or related events in a separate sequence and make a third group of additional symptoms in chronological order. Likewise, treatment taken in past and present symptoms' treatment separately. This will give a clearer view of what needs priority attention and supportive treatment for acute and chronic problems. A check-up with spine specialist to sort your disc related problem, if your physical conditions allow objectively, then some surgical treatment for spine may be indicated.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my husband had a bad fall yesterday in the bathroom he hit d floor with his lower back in a sitting like position and a bit supine like position. he went to look for a doctor and had an xray. he had a history of slip disc. he was complaining yesterday bout his lower back aching. i want to ask, is it possible that xrays could not detect slip disc and fracture of d bones when indeed he had a bad fall? pls reply. thank you very much. [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. After going through your query I think your husband is suffering from muscular pain due to injury. Treatment of it is rest and analgesics (diclofenac three times a day after meals). It may take a week time to relief. It is possible that x-rays could not detect slip disc and minor fracture of the bones.Indeed, slip disc is not seen in x-rays. However, you can get his MRI done to detect these. I think your query answered. Welcome to any follow-up query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I got my tooth removed on Saturday and my blood clot where I got my tooth removed turn white,grey and alittle brown after two days after I got my tooth removed . Is it bad that it is white and grey and brown ? And how does the whole healing process work this is my first time getting my tooth removed? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The healing process following extraction starts from the time soon after extraction. Following extraction, the blood will get clot in the socket, then it becomes hard to form a callus in weeks, later it calcifies to become a soft bone. This is how the socket heals. It takes around 15 days for the socket to close completely. The gray and brown color of the clot formed at the site of extraction is normal. Nothing to be panic. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband had a quadruple bypass 5 months ago and has done well. However over the last month he seems to have problems with his stomach and feels likes his chest caves in . Especially when walking. What is cause. He has been to the hospital and stress tests and the results and ECC are ok. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion he is having HERD (Castro Esophageal Reflux Disease). It is due to laxity of gastroesophageal sphincter. Because of this the acid of the stomach tends to come up in the esophagus and cause the symptoms. Any thoracic surgery can damage the sphincter and makes it more lax. So better to follow this treatment for better symptomatic control in HERD.1. Avoid hot and spicy food. 2. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. 3. Avoid stress and anxiety. 4. Start proton pump inhibitor. 5. Keep 2 - 3 pillows under head in the bed. 6. Go for walk after meals.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My heart rate keeps racing. It comes on all off a sudden and it about 148bpm and my normal resting heart rate is 70 after this happens my head starts to ache and with the help off a blue inhalor which isnt mine i can bring the heart rate down. Am i in danger? [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would recommend you to perform a cardiac check-up to rule out any structural or rhythm disorders. A resting ECG, cardiac ultrasound and an ambulatory ECG monitoring are helpful to that issue. It seems to be just stress, that produces those symptoms and your heart racing, nevertheless we have to be cautious. I would not encourage you to continue using that blue inhaler, but to try to ad Chat Doctor. Some blood tests would be necessary to exclude some systemic disorders (anemia, thyroid dysfunction, renal disorders, etc.). Hope to have been helpful to you. Greetings!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctor,I had protected casual sex with a lady about 4 weeks ago. I went to the bathroom, took off the condom And washed my penis right after. After about 3 hours, i started having serious itching on my penis and scrotum all Over. I week later a spot was itchy again which turned to a collection of small blisters at the base of my penis that turned to a sore and took about a week to heal. Then right after that, another on the bottom of the penis close to the scrotum, then another close to the head and currently a fourth one at the base close to the location of the first one.please what could this be. I experienced this for the first time about 2 years ago after having sex with a girl friend then unprotected. It was only one sore then. I went to the hospital, I did a blood test and a swab of the sore but it was already healing with almost no oozing. The swab tested positive for staphylococcus aureus which I was given antibiotics for. Over the last 2 years, it has reoccurred maybe about 4 time but never have i experiences this small blisters that turn into sores back to back like this.Please what could this be. Thanks. [|AI|] Hello, Can I come to know whether these blisters are painful or painless? If these blisters are oozing, then I will advise doing culture sensitivity test of that discharge. If they are painful, then you can take tablet Ciprofloxacin, tablet Diclofenac, tablet Sanitizing, and Newsprint H powder locally after consultation. Along with that keep private parts clean and keep yourself well HY Chat Doctor. I will suggest you to review here with detailed history or consult with the dermatologist with reports and do regular follow up. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] yes doctorim 31 male 5.7 height & 79 kg weight recently when i gone for a medical checkup they told i have high blood pressure but last year i was 65kg without any issue - so i really wondered about this change - can u please help me out to bring my BP normal naturally? [|AI|] Hi I have gone through your query. I am unable to find the description about your BP count and since when you are having it ? What are the symptoms you are facing ? Anyway, before going to get any remedy, you should find out the cause of trouble. In Ayurveda , the 3 factors dominate our metabolism of Vat, Pitta , Kafka imbalance among these 3, cause different health problems. BP is normally outcome of disorder equilibrium of Vāyu , due to psychic and physical factors like mental strain, worry, anxiety, lack of exercise, excessive intake of salts and fats, indiscriminate use of alcohol are few to count, persistent constipation IF you try to keep control on them, half of the battle is won. Correction of your lifestyle is the biggest Home remedies, regularity in taking meals, walk exercise and rest should be maintained.PANAMA / DEEP BREATHING , ANGLO -FILM, BRAVERY SHAV-AASSAN VERY HELPFUL TO BRING DOWN BP Our two Nostril have different role to play. The right one is Surya Nazi --for controlling heat of body, and left is Chan Chat Doctor. In case of HBP generally, right nostril becomes active. In daytime our left nostril should work and at night, right nostril functions, If you are having HBP always check your nostril, if it is right nostril , close this with you thumb and start the left one. Lie down straight, calmly .keep your mind calm and quite, without any mention, Within 10 minutes BP will calm months an instant remedy.supplement are to be used --Garlic 5-6 cloves cut into pieces , gulp with glass of water in the morning. Take lemon in water twice before meals, Take buttermilk with simple meals containing low fat, fiber, veges fruit vitamins, minerals, coconut water, garlic, ginger in every meal oranges guava apples are good. Avoid fried, fast foods' tea, coffee, alcohol, mental strain. Almond oil 1 spoon in cup of hot milk at bedtime, help relaxing nerves of brain If you hold magnet south pole in your right hand sitting on a wog gen stool feet also on wooden plank , will bring down your BP within 10 -15 minutes hope this will help to solve your query Take care All the behave any doubt mail at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi,Last year i find out that I have a high prolactin level from my blood work which is 35. So I have MRI done and they find 2mm cyst on pituitary gland. they suggested i see neurology for follow up. The reason why im worry is because , my breast hurts so bad every month but my period have been very regular for the pass 8 months. So now should i worry about it and see neurology?will this cause infertility since we are just starting trying to conceive. [|AI|] Dear Madam, Hi & Welcome. Based on the history and the lab tests done you seem to be suffering from hyperprolactinemia (increased prolactin level in the blood) due to small tumor (fibroadenoma) in the anterior pituitary gland. Hyperprolactinemia can cause infertility due to amenorrhea or irregular menses, breast engorgement and galactorrhea (increased milk secretion). You need to consult a gynecologist who is specialized in fertility treatment. You may be given treatment in the form of dopamine agonists like Bromocriptine or Caroline which are effective in decreasing the prolactin levels, and they may also shrink the tumor. Cabergoline is usually preferred over since it is more effective and causes fewer adverse effects than Bromocriptine. The response to therapy should be monitored by checking fasting serum Prolactin levels and checking tumor size with MRI. Most women (approximately 90%) regain cyclic menstruation and achieve resolution of galactorrhea. Therapy should be continued for approximately 12-24 months (depending on the degree of symptoms or tumor size) and then with Chat Doctor. If
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] dear doctor i m 42 year old woman ,i have a habit of squeezing and peeling the pimples and black heads i m so addicted to this habit from my adulthood so from the age of 14-42 i still have marks and pimples on my face i have never seen a clear face of mine after age as i m getting older i want to see a clear face at least once in my life.can i use melaglow gel? (abbot).i m very fair also. [|AI|] Hi, To treat your skin concerns a Glycolic acid or salicylic acid face wash (seismic or Delaware)Get your blackheads removed regularly not squeeze or pick your lesions as it can lead to scarring and pigmentation bothApply clindamycin gel and retina a cream over pimplesApply comic acid cream(Comic) over pigmentation marks. Apart from these an appointment with your dermatologist is required for below-mentioned treatment options acne is too severe taking a course of oral antibiotics and isotretinoin might helps you still having acne in your 40s, hormonal pills might be required totaling sessions of chemical peels would help not only in scarring, pigmentation but also in treating active acne lesions. Hope that answers your query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hii i m 20 Years old female.. m suffering from iron deficiency anemia . My Hb count is 6.5. i consulted 3 doctors.. all recommended me different iron supplements like dexorange capsules, victofol, and Globac capsules. right now m taking dexorange capsules twice a day in morning and at night after meal. and also m taking mebex which doc recommendad me twice a day for 3 days. will this work?? are der any side-effects of this [|AI|] Hi. Iron deficiency anemia is a very common problem in young females throughout India, and is usually due to menstrual loss and poor iron content in food. So do not worry. Make sure that your cycles are not too prolonged and that you do not pass excessive clots. Mebendazole (WebEx) has been given to take care of any parasite/ worm infection in your intestine. For iron deficiency, derange is not a very good option because the amount of iron available for absorption in this preparation is very less. Please take Desolate 200 mg thrice daily, together with Folic acid 5 mg once daily (and add Methycobolamine 1500ug once daily if you are a vegetarian). This combination should supply the necessary iron, folic acid and It. B12 which are all important in red blood cell production. Take this for a minimum of 3 months and recheck your He at the end of every month, to check the response. Chat Doctor. You may get black tarry stools for which you need not worry. Hope I answered your query. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hai doctor. I have cough and cold problem of 2 year .. 3 or 4 times I took blood test ,xray, Result comes as eosonophilia doctor prescribed hetrozen tablet and cough syrup... But not reduced.. Daily morning after wake up time I have this cough and cold problem.. After that it not comes... Why it not curing ... What I have to do.. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. Eosinophilic indicates possible allergy. The levels should be more than 10% on DLC2. Identification of allergen is important. You need to change your surroundings to identify the cause and avoid it. 3. You can take antihistamines, if it is severe. Symptoms appear to be allergic. If not sure, take an allergen test or an antibody title for confirmation. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i am 15 years old female and recently ive been losing my at various places . at some part i am virtually bold, ive also been feeling dizzy and weak + been coughing blood however i havent seen my doctor.....i am very worried that i might have cancer... could you please help me! [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Coughing out blood, weakness etc. can be seen in lung cancer. But at your age possibility of lung Infection is more than lung cancer. So better to get done chest x-ray. Chest x-ray will tell you about lung cancer and infection both. About baldness and loosing hair, hyperthyroidism can be the cause at your age. So get done thyroid function test to rule out this. So no need to worry much for cancer, but you need above-mentioned investigations for the treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son is 10 and he has viral infection and is coughing a lot. Well he ate a lot of ice cream yesterday and now he woke up coughing and vomiting. He is continuing to vomit and then he his nose started to bleed and he started coughing and vomiting up blood each time and this has went on for 20 min. He is not coughing as much and stopped vomiting. Is it a good idea to give him water now or is there something that he can take? [|AI|] HIT hanks for posting your query to Chat Doctor. You can start with warm water and if he is taking it you can give him hot soup. But he needs to be seen by a doctor as he seems to be having Infection of throat. This added with bleeding from nose is not a good sign and definitely requires a doctors intervention and most likely an antibiotic course. Also make him do salt water gargling 3 -4 times a day. Avoid Non veg and oily food. Avoid Citrus Fruits. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my husband has stage IV colon cancer and has been through surgery, chemo, radiation and for the past few months on maintenance. His count dropped until about 4-5 months ago when it started creeping up slowly. He has had a CT scan and nothing showed and the oncologist tells him it is stable and nothing new yet the numbers continue to climb. Any suggestions on where to go from here? Thank you [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Stage IV colon cancer includes metastasis spread to organs like liver and lungs and this occurs in half patients with colon cancer. Treatment of stage IV colon cancer includes the following methods1. Surgery.2. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy.3. Local ablation (e.g. radiofrequency ablation).4. Adjuvant chemotherapy.5. Intra-arterial chemotherapy. Treatment for metastasis is often guided due to criteria evolved to administer various treatment methods. Survival in this situation depends on his general condition. He should be provided with adequate nutrition and good food.However, the final outcome of the situation in colon cancer stage IV might not always be completely curable; however we must fight the battle with cancer till the end. Survival in metastasis might be from 6 months to over 2 years if the disease remains stable when given chemotherapy. Please do not worry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my 4 month old kid (male) has been diagnosed with UTI infection. The culture indicates for E- coli. My doctor has recommended for Taxim-o twice daily. But culture shows the component of Taxim-o resistant to E-coli. What shall I do, shall we continue with the same medicine or change? [|AI|] Hi, The antibiotic being given to your baby for his UTI needs to be changed as soon as possible! Continuing to take the medication that the E. coli is resistant to will not sterilize his urine to cure his UTI. And the longer he has the infection, the greater the chance of complications developing. Also, a young infant needs to have his urinary tract studied for any abnormalities when he gets a UTI(for example, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder, and urethra). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear doctor sir,My son having 13 years getting persistent dry cough having more than 10 months, there is no particuar time for that day full, his bolld AFC test done 980 is the count can you suggest any natural or harmless medicine for complete cure thanksthomasmy mail id YYYY@YYYY Cell 0000 [|AI|] Hi dear I read your problem of your sons persistent Chat Doctor. U also told that there is no particular time for that day or full coughingFirst of all u must go for investigation -GBP(GENERAL BLOOD PICTURE)CONTOUR TEST CXR PA VIE WCT SCAN CHESTPCRADA(ADENOSINE DEAMINATE)THESE INVENTIONS R NECESSARY SO MUST DO IT.TREATMENT-1- U CAN GIVE ONE TEASPOON TALISAADDI PURANA WITH GHEE.2- U GIVE 40 ML SHIRISADDI QUOTH TWO TIMES IN DAY BEFORE MEAL.3-GIVE LAX MI VILLAS 200MG TWICE A DAY.4- USE BOIL WATER IN UR Lifestyle.5-TAKE RICH PROTEIN DIET.THANKS FOR QUERY
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Im 18 year old male and within the past 4-5 days I have been experiencing a sharp pain in my right nipple. Its almost feels pulsing and only lasts about 2-3 minutes and happens about 5 times a day. It feels more sensitive and tender than my left. [|AI|] Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Here nipple and breast physical examination needs to be done as per history along with palpation... There might be mastitis like breast inflammation or infection or superficial bacterial skin infection... If no specific cause found than it could be muscular pain For inflammation relief ibuprofen might prescribe for five days If during examination any mass palpable than FNAC like investigation done for that... Take care Consult physician for examination
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, Im 16 and I was curious about how to tell the difference between a spermatocele & a Testicular Cancerous tumor. I was attending Health Class at my school the other day and we learned about self examination of the body etc., So when I got home I performed a self-examination of my testicular area and found a (slightly loose and/or barely connected lump to my right testicle.) I was scared & did some research on it and learned that it MIGHT just be a spermatocele. But im still not quite sure. [|AI|] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor Thanks for your queryRegarding spermatocyte, it is an abnormal cyst that develops in the epididymis. It contains clear fluid and may contain sperms. It is painless, and non-cancerous. It doesn't cause any harm to you. But when it grows larger and pain then you need to undergo a small surgery called spermatocelectomy under local anesthesia... Regarding testicular cancer at this age is unlikely. It will grow and invades adjacent structures. Consult general surgeon for further suggestions
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello my daughter tried pulling out her tooth but then realized that her roots were all out but her gums are stuck into the middle of her tooth. She only feels a little pain when she tries to pull it. I am worried that she will rip her gums and do damage. What do I do?? [|AI|] Hithank you for consulting ChatDoctorPulling of teeth with all roots out and sticking into the middle of her tooth should be considered seriously. Firstly you should stop her doing this activity and identify the cause why she is doing. Is it because of unwanted habit, anxiety, stress etc. ?visit your dentist get OPG X-ray done to reveal the status of tooth and periodontics both which will reveal the current status of teeth. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] For about two weeks, my mother has been experiencing back pain in her right middle back as well as pain in her side/front under her rib cage. She has been to the doctor a few times and all of the tests have come back clean. The pain was a little better for about a week, but tonight she started complaining about it again. The same symptoms, only this time I noticed that her right middle back was a little swollen. Any ideas on what s going on? [|AI|] Hello!!! Thanks for posting your query with us. I wish you had described the tests a bit more clearly. I'm guessing the doctor did an X-ray plus some blood tests and all came clean. The pain in the middle back - Is it right under the shoulder bone (wing like scapula bone) at the back?? If yes then the pain could be due to an alteration of the scapula bone. This happens because of weakness in the scapula thoracic muscles. You can probably go to a physical therapist and get a few sessions of ultrasonic therapy and icing to take care of the swelling. Also, how old is she?? Does she have any chest infection as then she needs a physician right away? You can help her strengthen the scapulothoracic muscles by finding the following exercises online.1. Scapular Retraction2. Shoulder Bracing3. Shoulder push-ups standing (push on wall)4. Shoulder External Rotation (actively) As far as the rib cage is concerned if there is nothing wrong with the blood tests and x-rays then make her do some breathing exercises and stretching for the pectoral (chest) muscles. Also make her inflate a balloon 5-10 times a day to strengthen her chest and breathing muscles. Hope this helps her. Give my best wishes!!!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my father has undergone CABG last week. He is now under CAPD for last 1 month. After the surgery there is lot of swelling in legs and hands. The swelling in the hands has come down after the CAPD but the legs are still showing the swelling and from yesterday we are observing some red patches in his toe and foot. Please tell me the cause of it. [|AI|] Swelling is because of kidney dysfunction. Kidney is not able to excrete water so need to consume fewer fluids. As it is resolving with card, it will resolve within some time. If not consult your nephrologist to increase dose if Chat Doctor. Red patches may be because he must be taking blood thinners together with kidney dysfunction lead to excessive blood thinning lead to red patches. Still you need to show those patches to your doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, Sir, i am Rakesh from jamnagar,Gujarat.Since from last two year I am taking CLONOTRIL 1 MG for my chest pain and balancing problem.But my problem yet not solved,now iam totally dependent on this medicine.When i left this medicine i start feeling balancing problem and acute chest pain also pain an teasing on all over the body.Some 7 year earlier i was detected with VITAMIN B12 deficiency ,but now it is normal.My balancing problem started some 6 years back,it increase with the time passes,Chest problem started 1.5 years back.Along with these I also face teasing and burning sensation all over the body.For this chest pain i have been to doctors many times,they take ECG and it all comes right.But still i feel acute chest pain along with little dizziness and light headed. When i take clonotril 1 mg i feel little relax but not completely fit . I have done brain MRI also sonography for any kind of stomach trouble but all in vein.Dr. Darshan Bhatt from Rajkot told me that you have a vertigo problem thats why you are feeling balancing problem ,but there is no way to proof it .Kindly suggest me upto what time i have to take this CLONOTRIL 1 MG tablet.Also please suggest me how to get rid of this chest pain and light headiness(Balancing problem).Sir, I already checked my BP,its normal.I am taking clonotril 1 mg right now on daily basis(ONE TIME AT NIGHT),when i have to reduce it.Earlier also I have a problem of Vitamin B12,i have not checked it in recent times,can i have to go with multivitamin with excess B12 like NEUROMET.SIR IS THERE ANY SIDE EFFECTS OF VERTIN 8 MG.Sir I do have gas problem from few days,Is it possible to take Vertin in gas problem.Is it also good for chest pain.Please Help me. [|AI|] Respected user, hi I evaluated your query thoroughly.* There is gross discrepancy between your problem & treatment.* Control is not meant for chest pain & balancing problem at all.* You are consuming the molecule since years which is of no value in it.* By this time your body has been addictive of Control & now you require dead diction treatment with an expert Psychiatric doctor.* Vermin can be taken with gas problem also vermin has no role for chest pain. Hope this clears your doubts. Thanks for using Chat Doctor & giving me an opportunity to assist you. Welcome for any further queries. Wishing you a healthy life ahead. Regards dear take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 52 year old female am 5 ft. tall, and weight 120 lbs. I am pretty active...but for the last year I seem to not be able to get a deep enought breath of air. No matter how hard I try I cant get my lungs to expand. I have woke up a time or to on my back gasping for air so I no longer sleep on my back. I took maloxicam as needed but have discontinued it. I have never smoked and thought I was in good health. Please advise. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Difficulty in breathing can be due to bronchitis. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. PUT (pulmonary function test). PFT is must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. IIT will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilator and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). If PFT is normal then no need to worry about bronchitis. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I had a foot of my colon removed 5 years ago and in the last two days I have had pain in the lower left abdominal , hard to pass gas , dont want to eat, stools are loose and today green. Now I did take a Senokat and a muscle relaxant to sleep through the pain. I also had a low grade fever last night at work. 37.8 . Could this mean a return of diverticular disease, ( that is why I had a partial removal of my colon)..?? [|AI|] Hi ! Yes, it could be a recurrence of possibly previously existing diverticular disease of the remaining part of colon. It could also be just a food poisoning, if you are not careful on your diet. With the known past history of diverticular disease, I would suggest you not to neglect, and show yourself to your treating doctor/surgeon at the earliest possible if the symptoms persist or increase. Wishing you an early recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there i am a 30 year old male, i see my GP once a year and he sends me for regular blood and urine work. Lately i have been having a dull pain in my upper left abdomen. It comes and goes. I dont have yellow skin or eyes, nor have i lost weight or lost my appetite. I get nausea once in a while.With all the talk about pancreatic cancer in the news, i am worried. Should i be? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. There is nothing to be not concerned about. This is a good practice to have a regular check up. The pain in the upper left abdomen can be due to :Colitis as the commonest cause and a proper course of medicines should get you alright. Left kidney infection, stone or swelling;Yes, cancer of the pancreas as you suspect. Splenic problematic ulcer and cancer. I would suggest you the following:First get an ultrasonography and colonoscopy done after an appropriate course of an antibiotic and metronidazole. If suspected then only you can go for a CT scan of the abdomen for detailed diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer is a very rare tumor to occur and is always painless to start with, but the auspiciousness alone can have early detection and proper treatment.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi my doctor has just perscribed gabepentin for my MS nerve and back pain he also started me on targin tablets I have stopped the targin tablets as I was feeling VERY unwell on them .I am going to start all over again just taking Gabepentin 300 mg 3 times A day and see how I feel .dO YOU THINK THAT IS A GOOD IDEA AND WILL THE GABEPENTIN TABLETS HELP WITH MY BACK PAIN. mANY THANKS FOR READING MY LETTER I DO FEEL MY BACK PAIN IS NOT HELPING MY LEGS AT ALL . [|AI|] Hello. If your back pain is by irritation of a nerve (neuropathic pain), Gabapentin is effective, but usually is necessary to associate another painkiller Chat Doctor. Even with higher doses of gabapentin is difficult to improve pain taking only gabapentin. In my opinion Tramadol 50 mg(usually better tolerated than oxycodone) thrice a day, can be combined with Gabapentin for treating your back pain. Please consult your local doctor for a prescription. I wish you good health.(In case the answer would have been useful please indicate this)
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 3 year old child has told me the roof of her mouth is very sore and she has had a high temp. Also has loss of appetite but that may be due to her not wanting to eat due to the soreness. I have had a look in her mouth and can see no obvious signs of redness or ulcers or any kind of soreness. This came on quite suddenly yesterday. What could this be? [|AI|] Hi! Soreness in the roof of mouth (palatal region) or ulcers can be due to multiple reasons, the most prominent being an upset stomach or a previous course of certain antibiotics. The child may also feel soreness due to intake of hot or spicy food. The best thing would be to get it clinical assessed by a dentist nearby. Also, it is possible that the child is unable to localize the soreness which may be towards the throat or tonsil region as the rise in temperature could be due to some throat infection as well which might be posing difficulty for the kid to eat. I hope this information would be of some use to you. Warm regards!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...sir, my 14 months daughter is not eating properly bcoz of some inconvinience in stomach. can u suggest some home remedy... last 2 days diet for her is pupkin, black beans, whole milk, lentils [|AI|] What kind of discomfort is she having? Is she having colicky pain, cramps or bloating sensation. Does she have normal bowel movements? Sometimes child Chat Doctor. This can also be a possible cause for discomfort. Make sure not to give beans, onions, or any gas forming food. If she has pain in stomach soon after ingesting food, then it could be due to gas. You can give gripe water to the child to relieve discomfort and rub a small amount of asafoetida (hing in Hindi) after roasting it on gas flame. Cool down to a suitable temperature and rub it around the navel. You can dissolve asafoetida in mustard oil and rub it around the navel to relieve gas and strengthen babies abdominal muscles too. You can also give buttermilk with added carom seeds powder (again in Hindi) and black salt to relieve stomach discomfort. Hope this will be helpful in solving your problem.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My dog bit my 12 years old son. He had his 0 and 3 days shots he just need to come back for the seventh day does he needs to finish all his shots? And my dog doesnt have a rabis shot yet on he day he bit my son because his only 2 months and 3 weeks but a week later we let him have his rabis shot what are the signs I need to look for my dog and how long do I need to observe the dog [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor Forum. I have gone through your Query & I really appreciate your concern about the problem you are facing. As a physician I would like to tell you that you need to observe your dog till15-20 days. Also, your son needs to take 3rd shot, i.e., of 7th day. Also, you did the right thing by vaccinating our dog. So you need not worry about anything. Thanks for Trusting & Posting your Query on this forum. Hope this will help you. Feel free to ask any further question. Have a nice Day. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell the end of Jan. Since then I have dizziness, buzzing in my head, loss of balance and a slight headache. When i fell I was unconscious for 15 25 mins. Very confused when I came around. All these dx I m experiencing but a result of that. I was taken to hosp. Cat scan down which was normal...but I had to fight for release [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! Your symptoms are quite common after a head concussion. You should know that this clinical situation can last up to some months, and it will gradually improve. If your situation does not improve or even worsens, I would recommend performing a new brain CT scan to check for possible delayed intracranial bleeding. Physical activity can help improve your situation. I would just recommend avoiding a possible repeated brain trauma. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,