The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 11 year old daughter and I have been fighting a stomach bug since last week. Mine took about 5-6 days to completely go away. She is on day 4 and last night about an hour and a half after she went to bed she woke up shaking/shivering. She got up and put flannel PJs on and went back to bed but started sweating and still shaking. She came and woke me up and told me what was going on. I asked if she had any cramps and she said yes and that she felt a little neauseated but could not throw up or use the bathroom. I told her that sometimes my stomach would cramp and the pain would be so bad that I would shake/shiver even though I was not cold. Does this sound like a typical stimach bug or should i get her to the doctor for a check up? [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor. Forum. Your 11 years daughter and your self got stomach bug, since 1 weak. You are all right now, your daughter still having nausea, cramps. Your daughter is sick and suffering, and small to bear the pains. So I advise you to consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Give her like food like bread, soups, milk, coconut water etc. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have several freckled colored spots on my body. They started on my chest, then disappeared and moved to my neck. After those disappeared they moved to the top of my thigh and they just keep disappearing and moving. They itch like crazy. My whole body has been itching like crazy. I don t know what it is and its been here for like a month now. [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I would like to know more details about you like - a. how long they last? b. do they respond to medications? c. do you have any allergies? d. do you have any other medical conditions? e. do you take any medicines on regular/frequent basis? f. do you have any digestive complaints? etc. above information would help me to know your complaints better and therefore to make suggestions for you more specifically.2. At present, from your provided history, I would suggest you antihistamine like cetirizine or levocetirizine or HY Chat Doctor. 3. I would also suggest you to apply moisturizing lotion or cream over itchy areas as well as
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor, I am 35 years female, got a wisdom tooth extraction done, was constipated for two days then took senna-col laxative. Passed black stool. now the stool color is dark green for the past 6 days. I am taking clindamycin, diclofenac sodium and codeine phosphate for wisdom tooth. Pls help [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. Combine 1 teaspoon of sea salt with 8 ounces of warm water. Take the liquid into your mouth, let it soak for a moment then let Chat Doctor. Do not spit. The salt water will promote healing and decrease irritation. Whether you're sleeping on your couch or on your bed, place 2 or more pillows beneath your head to elevate your mouth. Elevation will decrease swelling. The vacuum created within your mouth can dislodge your clots and slow down the healing process. You can take prescribed painkillers, or you can take over-the-counter ibuprofen to prevent pain, inflammation and swelling. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 7 months old and we have traveled from US to India. She had an upset stomach a week back for which her Ped prescribed her Septran and Bacigyl. Now she is suffering from a runny nose, sore throat and had 99 fever one night. I gave her tylenol for that night (0.8 ml). She is being given Phexin (125mg: 3 times a day) and Phenergan syrup (4 times a day). I was wondering if this is the right course of medication as I read pretty nasty stuff about Phenergan online. [|AI|] Hi... Phenergan is Promethazine is not indicated or licensed in this age group. S 95% of the times cough and cold are viral they do not require antibiotics as such. For nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am 51 years old. I have had hep c since I ws 16 due to blood transfusion. I felt very lightheaded at work and almost passed out. My blood pressure wawsa very high and i have not had high blood pressure before. I also had tingling in my fingers. I am now feeling lightheaded but not like I will pass out. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! I understand your concern and would explain that your symptoms are related to high blood pressure. I would recommend you to closely monitor your blood pressure frequently during the day for a prolonged time up to 7 days and refer those values to your attending physician. In case your blood pressure values are above 135/85 mmHg most of the time, this would indicate arterial hypertension. Further tests are needed to exclude other secondary causes of high blood pressure: - a chest X-ray study- a resting ECG-some blood lab tests (complete blood count, fasting glucose, blood lipid profile, kidney and liver function tests, blood electrolytes, PCR, sedimentation rate, thyroid hormone levels). You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. In case of uncontrolled high blood pressure you may need to start antihypertensive therapy. Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I woke up with a fever yesterday and also felt a canker sore like feeling at the back of my jaw, between my upper and lower teeth. Its now gotten bigger, size of a big pea and it can move. Does not look like a canker sore, which I am prone too. Any ideas? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query, the ulcer could be an authors ulcer or herpetic ulcer (since you are giving history of fever) or traumatic ulcer. Consult your oral physician to rule out these things and if I am your treating doctor I would have advised you to take topical anesthetic, analgesic and topical steroids (triamcinolone acetone 0.1%). If the ulcer doesn't heal in two weeks then it can be biopsied. I hope my answer will help you. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 68 yr old, f, has hives and other rashes mainly on legs and arms, but now spreading to torso. Told by allergy specialist no food allergies. Told by dermatologist had a fungus. Bloodwork shows mildly elevated liver enzymes. Sonogram indicated no liver problems, but small stones in gallbladder(no apparent problems with that). Negative results on biopsy for celiac disease. Any suggestions? [|AI|] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you are suffering from hives with rashes on the legs and arms which seems to be mainly due to systemic causes. It is very important to find out what exactly causing hives or what factor is responsible for their occurrence, because treatment depends upon the causative factor. As such hives are harmless but when they start interfering in vital activities of life then become a kind of medical emergency. Apply ice packs to body for itchiness and redness. The only treatment for hives is steroid therapy. So I would suggest you to consult dermatologist again and start treatment accordingly. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My platelets have been going from 112 to 64 back to 96 then down again to 54 then up again to 86 etc..ct on spleen..ok..platelets not bruising..monthly blood work being done.. No definite diagnosis..any help appreciated..I don t know what to watch for or how to handle the unknown..I am 78 yrs old.. [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have fluctuating platelet count. But no any definite diagnosis. Please tell me your symptoms. Because fluctuating platelet count is not the disease or cause of worry unless you have any symptoms. You can go for bone marrow examination in undiagnosed thrombocytopenia. Consult your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have been having some weird symptoms in the past few months. The right side of my forehead started going numb every once in awhile. It s been happening a lot more often and now is numb almost 24/7. I also noticed that I started having really annoying eye twitches. This happens on my right side also. Another weird symptom is I keep smelling a really odd smell throughout the day. At first, I thought it was just a classroom I was sitting in, but now I m noticing it in random places throughout the day. Could these symptoms be related? What could be going on and are these symptoms normal? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query, I understand your problem I have noted your complaints. I feel that a possibility of epilepsy-complex partial seizure need exclusion in your case. This can be done by two tests 1. MRI scan of the brain 2. EEG test- a test which will tell us if you have seizures. These two tests will clarify the situation. Hope this clarifies Best wishes Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor .com/doctors/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband had prostate surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago. He is a very healthy man of 79 yrs of age. It started out not being able to urinate. Had to have a catheter put in, and then sent to an urologist. Off and on had to have a cath. put in. H e was very distraught! Finally had to have the prostate reamed out. The urologist said he had a very lg. prostate. After surgery , he kept a cath. in for a week then it was taken out. He was ordered catheters so that if he couldn t urinate, he could cath. himself so that his bladder could get used to opening and closing. He had to cath. himself a few times and he was absolutely devastated. then he started urinating on his own. Did find for 2 1/2 weeks, then began to pass lg. clots. Hurried back to the urologist and he said he forgot to tell us that was normal that his prostate was letting loose some clots. And true it did stop and he can urinate on his own but often and he worries about it constantly. Now he is loosing his appetite and is belching constantly. Big belches even when he doesn t eat. Also at night, Do you think he has anxiety. He does have excessive thinking about his problem. I am an R,N. and I don t think it s a heart problem as he is seen by a cardiologist regularly just because his fmly. dr. orders it ....I don t think it is his colon because he was perfectly healthy before his prostate problems started. He has had a biopsy on his prostate about 3 yrs. before this and it was fine! [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. Your husband has undergone surgery of endoscopic resection of prostate(TURN) for enlarged prostate and has belching and loss of appetite.TURN is a major surgery at the age of 79 years and takes long time for complete recovery. All the problem that he has faced post surgery are known complications of TURN. Do not worry all his rest of the problems will get resolved over a period of time. What he needs is assurance to built up his confidence, Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Right at the end of my two middle teethe are swollen, at the top.This had been thee for quite some time now but Im not sure how far this infection has spread. It once had a yellow pimple above the left tooth but thats gone. The right side alone swells sometimes. Somehow I feel that this affects my nerve system. When I touch that area, u get a slight pain running straight to my scull. Could this also be leading to hair thinning? I thought it was natural losing hair but its quite fast now and not only from the head. What should I tell the doc before I go for a check up. How bad can a dead tooth/ root canal be than? I also experience some joints problem sometimes which takes a massive time to recover. The swelling just never stops. I tried some antibiotics and omegas but no avail. [|AI|] Hello, Swelling in between two upper teeth can be due to-periodontal infection resulting in bone loss or due to deep dental caries involving pulp tissue. I would suggest you to get a thorough clinical as well as x-ray evaluation done. Tooth has to be either extracted or root canal treated depending on the condition of underlying tootChatDoctorplete course of metronidazole as well as analgesics has to be administered. Maintain oral hygiene well. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have had 1MTP, 2 missed abortion in 7th week, 1 pregnancy reached 12th week and had to be aborted due to NTD, 2 spontaneous abortion after that. No specific reason observed so far. I have noticed low uterine lining in the scans before the last two pregnancies and strongly think that can be the reason. Lynoral doesn t help me, can you suggest how to improve uterine lining? [|AI|] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor . If have you got all the causes of your mishaps evaluated all you must do is just relax and plan for your next pregnancy, and you will need some kind of progestational support. Have got all the immunological factors ruled out? Have patience and keep the faith. There are many women who have similar kind of recurrent mishaps with no cause identifiable, but they do conceive spontaneously and have a pregnancy right up to full 9 months. So go to your gynecologist and plan for your next pregnancy.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI, for approximately 5 days I have noticed a pain on my right side. It is weird, as it goes from about middle of the inside of my naval to the right in an almost straight line. The entire line (about 3 inches long +) does not ache but rather is a sharp grab when I move in a certain way, laugh hard, etc. Also, the pain is more of a hot burn and a sharp grab,,,,, to the point I would say oh, crap, it stops as soon as I am still. I have no fever, no lack of appetite. I am 57 years old and in good health. High cholesterol and high blood pressure. Thanks for suggestions. [|AI|] The fact that you have no fever, lack of appetite and are in good health suggests that there is no possibility of any abdominal internal organ ailment. The fact that the discomfort on the right mid abdominal wall occurs when you move in a certain way, laugh suggests that you have due to some reason strained your abdominal wall muscles on the right side. It could have happened while lifting something heavy, or even while just stretching your body. With rest and not straining your abdominal wall muscles, like doing any exercise, lifting something heavy, laughing hard, and the such, the muscles will get rest and in a week to ten days or so you should be relieved of this pain. Even if it takes longer, please give rest to the muscles till complete healing of the muscles to prevent recurrence. It would be good if you could get an abdominal ultrasound examination to rule out any internal organ problem and also diagnose the muscle injury.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my son is 4 year old,he has been suffering from eczema (atopic dermititus).his skin becomes red ,rogh &scaly.he feels itchy ness.dr suggested banocide 1p 50 mg.half tb in morning & night for ten days .then after 3monts same course repeeted and this treat ment will continue for one year.plz tell me is this tablet safe for my son and what are its side effects? [|AI|] Hi, In my view the cause of raised eosinophils needs to be treated first. Allergies of different origin, worm infestations, skin edematous lesions. Allergy screening test or stool examination can help. Treatment of cause for sufficient days, courses of specific medication for eosinophilic and slow tapering down of steroids would be helpful. Improvement of bone health can be done with good nutrition (proteins, vitamins and minerals containing) with specific medication prescribed by orthopedic doctor. Regular physical work-outs and exercises stimulate bone health. Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son holland is 5 years old. He has been sick for past 3 months. Keep taking him to doctors for antibiotics an the antibiotics are only doing so much.Last time he has 2 antibiotics an he got so bad w the antibiotics we had to give him a 3rd antibiotic. Now this past weekend he had a temp of 103. Hes never getten better always worse or same. Ill send him to school when he is feeling ok, but within those 3 hours of being at school he gets worse. Does this have ne thing to do w his WBC? [|AI|] However for past 3 months need detailed evaluation and investigation. What are associated problems along with fever like headache, vomiting, irritability, vision problem, any ear discharge, pain during passing urine, blood in stool, any cough or difficulty in breathing, any history of heart disease, animal contact, joint pain, any swelling, etc. anything can be related to fever. Not only WBC other relevant investigations based on detailed history will be needed. You keep a written temperature record of few days to know the pattern and meet pediatrician.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have URQ abdominal discomfort. Preliminary results of Abdominal U/S are negative for stones. I have Hashimotos Hypothyroidism.......previously (4 years) ago via Endoscopy diagnosed with Gastritis and Acid Reflux. Do not take scripted meds for this as I have not been able to tolerate. Could it be my gallbladder, perhaps inflammed ?!?! [|AI|] Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am a Gastroenterologist.RUN pain can be due to Inflamed GB, Gastritis, Colonic disease, from liver. With the information available I will suggest you to avoid tea, coffee, oily and spicy food. Also avoid citrus fruits. Among medications take a proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole and a prokinetic agent like risperidone. I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. Wish you a good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my two year old daughter is coming down from a bad cold and just recently she started complaining about her mouth hurting so i looked and saw some white bumps on the inside of her lip and her gums look red and swolen. could this just be a side affect from the cold or somthing more serious? thank you. [|AI|] Hi... Welcome to Chat Doctor ... I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint you daughter seems to be suffering from Viral Infection causing the above described symptoms and the condition is known as HEPATIC GINGIVOSTOMATITIS in which there can be symptoms of cold and blisters in mouth and gums with swollen gums and there can also be fever. You should consult a physician and get him evaluated. In case if the Viral Infection is diagnosed you should give him Tylenol or Motrin for pain relief. Do cool compresses over gums for relief from Inflammation and reduction in swelling. In case of pain in the sores on tongue a numbing gel like Ora gel can be applied. In severe cases antiviral Oral and topical Medication like Acyclovir therapy is given to the patient to reduce the duration of illness... Give him cool and bland diet. Give him sufficient rest. Maintain a good Oral hygiene and brush his teeth twice a day using an ultra soft toothbrush. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I am a 48 yr old woman with a lot of back problems to begin with. But about 2 weeks ago I started getting this severe pain in my back ribcage. I only happens at night. I wake up with agonizing pain that if I turn, breathe deep, or anything. I went to the Dr, and he took X-rays of my back, (which is not where the pain is coming from) and they came back ok. I am getting worse every morning and hope you have any ideas. Oh, no urinary or bowel problems, just the pain. Thank you for anything you can come up with. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. After going through your query I came to know that you are suffering from chronic backache. It may be due to vitamin and trace element deficiencies specially vitamin D and vitamin B 12. You need to do MRI to rule out other causes. Back exercises, neurotrophic such as mecobalamine and analgesics such as diclofenac give relief. Serum vitamin D test is advised if it is lower than vitamin D supplementation will be required. Avoid long continuous standing. You can discuss with your treating Doctor about it. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my 4 year old has a stomach virus, she began with fever on Friday and started throwing up that night and complaint of stomach ache, I called her doctor and she said that it was a stomach virus. She vomited Saturday at 2 am and vomited some bold, the doc said she must have ruptured a capillary, she continues with fever and stomach pain, now she complains of bilateral knee pain, today is Monday and she still has fever 102.4F, she is no longer vomiting though. Could this be appendicitis? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. It appears to be the viral diarrhea, super infected with the bacteria. When ever there is continuous vomiting they there will be vomiting of blood, due to the rupture of the capillaries in the stomach. I advise you to consult a pediatrician for diagnosis and treatment. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms ofloxacin, dicyclomine HY Chat Doctor. Furthermore, I advise you to give him semisolid, or liquid diet. O.R.S, and coconut water is a preferred supplement. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My doctor switched me directly from the pill to the depo provera. I never got off of the pill; I took it the morning I got the shot. I was wondering, how long will it take for me to be protected from pregnancy? Am I already covered because I switched straight to another birth control? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for sharing your health concern with us. Depo-Provera starts working within 24 hours if taken during the first five days of the menstrual cycle. As you were regular with the oral contraceptive pill, protection should be complete. If you switched over without attaining a period, you could experience some breakthrough as the body adjusts to the altered hormone milieu. The content of the pill also influences the change over. Anyway, you need not worry about failure as protection is sustained. You are well covered. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Sir, I have facial problem. It is diagnosed as hemifacial spasm . Is t paralysis? Your treatment with medicine or massage therapy? Pls reply to follow. Varadharajan R, madurai. [|AI|] Hello Varadharajan, Bifacial Spasm involves involuntary contractions of muscles of one side of face. It usually begins around the eyes and can later involve other muscles supplied by the facial nerve. It's usually seen on one side only, although it can occur on both sides of face. These movements cannot be voluntarily suppressed like in a condition called Tics and can continue even in sleep. It is thought to be due to blood vessel pressing on the facial nerve, although it can be due to other causes also. It is not paralysis like you fear. Effective treatment is taking Botulinum toxin injections or doing microvascular decompression surgery if there is pressure on the facial nerve as earlier mentioned. It is possible to maintain reasonable control over the movements with treatment. Hope this helps!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My Ct scan showed that I have some component of fatty infiltration of the liver. Mild hepatomegaly. My liver measures 22 cm. No space-occupying mass in the liver or the spleen. No abnormality in the pancreatic bed. The gallbladder appears normal. Adrenal glands appear normal. There is no renal mass. No hydronephrosis of the kidneys. There is no aneurysm of the abdoninal aorta. No enlarged adenopathy. No free fluid within the abdomen. There is no indujration in the nesentery. Mild Hepatomegaly. Dinfiltration of the liver. Otherwise, negative comuterized tomography of the abdomen. I used to drink whiskey when I got upset or depressed about something, but quit just recently, and I dont want to drink any kind of alcohol ever again. What does this medical report that is written about my Ct scan mean? Also my blood work came back that I have good liver function, kidneys, and etc. Does this mean I have some kind of liver damage in areas of my liver? Since I dont drink anymore will my liver get better? What can I do or take to help my liver and entire body get back in shape and back to being healthier again? Thank-you for your medical advise, please write me back soon. YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] Hi, many thanks for the query! Well, your report is not that bad to be worried so much, but the decision not to Chat Doctor. You should start some medicines for reducing fatty infiltration of your Liver with your doctors' opinion. Rest all findings in your report are normal, also it's good that your Liver function tests are normal. Do regular exercise, also yoga & meditation if possible. Wish you a good health. Take care. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my entire life i have been coping in fetal positions since i was 5 or so. i am now 19 and steal dealing with this, i know my life is hard, i just recently figured out i was being pointed at for things that werent my fault as in lost jobs, lost friends, having non myself, and boyfriend has put up with this cause the blame and my situation doesnt allow my life to cheer up any better then it has. hes a nice person but he cant tell how i feel unless i verbally tell him, due to that he cant understand. is their anything i can do to have a better relationship [|AI|] Yes, there is, dear friend. First, you have to begin counselling with the school psychologist. There is no alternative to this. At the same time, you might want to start your life anew with the discarding of your old baggage. There is no point in claiming to be a victim of circumstances, or cry about your past. Your past is just that: it is your past. Nothing more, nothing less. You must start looking for the solution to the future ... you have a kind and understanding boyfriend, but if you won't start on the right path now, the relationship is doomed. You got to get a hold of yourself. Start by listing on a paper all the good things' life has given you. Perhaps you can begin with this beautiful life itself. Then, may be your parents have been loving. Your sits? Your best friends with whom you can still share secrets? Once you make a list of the good things that have happened to you, the bad things will recede. Perhaps forever. The counselling must continue for as long as needed, till you are out of the woods. The counselor may suggest a visit to the psychiatrist, and if so, please go through with it, and if medications are given, please take them. Hope you find your right path with a mix of positive thinking, shedding of the past baggage, good counselling and a belief in yourself.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My daughter is 2 Yr 3 Mths old she is suffering from Cough. Doctor advised her to take 2.5 Ml of SOVENTUS 3 times a day and 2.5 of Moxclave BD 2 times a day. I gave her these medicins for 8 days. she has recovered a lot but still the is not 100% cured. Please advice should i continue with these medicins? [|AI|] Welcome to the ChatDoctorI have gone through your question and understand your concerns. But don't worry. Most of the coughs without fever and breathing problems are viral in origin and improve gradually over a period of time. In early infancy there is no need to continue treatment with antibiotics and antihistamine for these symptoms. As such, I would recommend you to just give her comfort care which includes:1. Keep her well HY Chat Doctor. 2. Use normal saline nasal
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] when i scratch my skin a rash appears that is really itchy. Mostly on my upper back, lower neck and upper chest. it is in these areas that it feels like a sunburn but it is not sunburn. It seems that scratching or touching skin irritates it and rash appears. [|AI|] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I would like to know some details about you like - What is your age? Do you have sweat a lot? Does rash worsen in sunlight? Etc.2. From your given history, I would suggest you to take a multivitamin especially containing vitamin B complex (including Niacin) for 2-3 months.3. I would suggest you to apply a moisturizer/lotion like calamine over the itchy area regularly and take an antihistamine like cetirizine or levocetirizine for symptoms. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doctors. please help me im desperate for medical attention for my beloved sisterher symptoms includes:-CONTINUOUS pain in the region of diaphragm (according to local diagnosis, its muscular narrowing and its untreatable) also, the pain increases significantly when she breathes or try to swallow some food... her breath is very shallowher personal medical historyshe suffered emotional stress, then peptic ulcer (in stomach) then it hurt her esophagus. that the doctor put staples in her esophagus, the thing is, she was barely breathing at that time and when she went to other doctor, he removed 1 of them so she can breath better, but the pain is still there.. [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query for your sister. She has continuous pain in the region of diaphragm, which increases if she tries to breathe or tries to swallow some food. There is also history of emotional stress, peptic ulcer, stapler in esophagus which had to be removed to improve the breathing, and it did. But the pan remained. This looks to be due to hiatus hernia with associated symptoms. I would advise you to undergo an upper GI Endoscopy to confirm the diagnosis, take a few months course and if this does not help, get ready for surgery as a permanent cure. Continue PPI or Sanitizing, antacid get, small frequent meals, soft bland diet, no anxiety or stress at all as it increases all the problems.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, My father is suffering with Lumbar spondylitis. He became shorter than usual height. He buttocks became less flesh. He is unable to walk and also affected with Osteoporosis. He is feeling heavy pain 24 hours continuously. Could you please advice him for pain relief and recovery. [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your query. The general recommendations for Lumbar spine issues are as follows -- Usually 1-2 days of bed rest will calm severe back pain. Do not stay off feet for longer-Take rest breaks throughout the day, but avoid sitting for long periods of time.- Avoid lifting heavy weights as it imparts more strain on back-Change daily activities so that avoid movements that can cause further pain, especially bending forward and lifting as it will worsen back pain-Use a lumbosacral back support to stabilize & strengthen the back musculature- Use analgesics like Advil or alive and muscle relaxants to relieve pain and muscle spasm, as needed. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello iam martin and iam worried for the last month on my right male breats on the right side of my nipple i got a lump wicChatDoctores and goes and it itches also the skin peels of and wen my nipple gos hard because of coldness the lump comes out to wot is it and wot should i do ? [|AI|] HI, Dear,Thanks for the query regarding your daughter. I studied your query and understood your health concerns. Remedy-You seem to have acne/pimple of the Montgomery glands on right nipple. Treatment would be antibiotics / anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. This would reduce completely with this treatment. Else show it to Surgeon who would treat it accordingly. So Don't worry and act fast as suggested. Welcome for any query to Chat Doctor and me in this regard. Have a Good Day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I read in magazine that the best way to keep the mouth clean by regular brushing 2 times a day and also to do flossing 2 times a day. what is this flossing, how to do it? [|AI|] Hello there, Thanks for writing your query, Flossing of the teeth is a procedure of removing plaque or particles stuck in the teeth. It is done by a dental floss, which are available commercially in various forms .it is available in the form of thread like structure and small brushes. Flossing is done in inaccessible areas where tooth brush cannot reach such as interdental areas. Proper flossing helps in maintaining good oral hygiene by restoring good gum health. Approach a dentist and learn about the proper flossing methods, I hope this helps, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i aged 64 yra ; 5.5 cms ;87 k.g and under went byepass heart surgery ,replacement of mitral valve cms with tissue valve in 2007.-- l a -- edd-5.4cms ;esd-3.7cms ;ef-58% ;pw-3cms;edv-ml;esv-ml;ef% doppler --mild tr-jetvel-3.2m/sec ;mild ar ;pr ppg-34mm,g ;ppg-41mm;rvsp-mmgh ;mvg ppg-14mm;;mpg-4mm.g;pbf-1.3,/sec ;avg ppg 57mm/g mpg-37mm.g;vii-102 cms. other findings are hypokenesiaof interor wall. pl cna you go through the above and inform my heart position and medicines. [|AI|] Hi There After going through the details provided it seems like you have undergone CABG with MVR probably you had an inferior wall MI with MV pathology severe enough to be considered for replacement at the time of CABG. Luckily your ejection fraction (EF) is still good (58%) which means that your heart is pumping adequately, rest it seems u have a moderate PAH as your RVSP is 44mmhg which means your right heart valve which is tricks pis valve is leaking to a certain extent which can be taken care my medicines like diuretics. Your EDD which means end diastolic dimension and ESD both are within normal limits meaning your Left a ventricle is not dilated and is in good condition. Overall it's good. Rest regarding your medicine query I personally want you to take them as advised by your cardiologist. Wish You Good Luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi doc, I ve had an asd repair about 4 months ago I m 22 years old and weigh 160 lbs , but I m getting frequent chest pains and they become stronger as time goes on. My cardiologist says it probably inflammation but I doubt that as the pain I feel is the same pain I used to have before I knew I had an asd. What do u figure can be the problem? I also have constant dizziness and arm pain. [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that it is important performing a comprehensive differential diagnosis between a cardiac chest pain and local musculoskeletal inflammation (including Costco Chat Doctor. For this reason, I would recommend first performing a cardiac ultrasound, a resting ECG and cardiac enzyme levels. Other tests to consider would be a chest X-ray study, complete blood count, PCR, ESR for inflammation. You should discuss with your doctor on the above tests. In the meantime, I recommend trying acetaminophen for the pain, coupled with a PPI (Omeprazole, Pantoprazole) for possible acid reflux. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently had a surgery to repair a hernia. A little under a year ago. And recently I got sick I assume it was the flu, My body ached from head to toe. But I could really feel the most discomfort in my calves, right bicep and in my groin. All other symptoms have subsided for the most part but I still feel discomfort in my groin. And now I feel the groin pain in my testicles as well. Is this normal? What might this be? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Noted the history of pain in the groin, biceps and calf after flu. Also noted history of Hernia surgery. After infection with flu, which is a viral infection, it and the inflammation thereupon affects the old injured area, scars and so on, hence you have got the pain in particular areas only. The pain in the testicle must be a referred one, or a neurological. I would advise you the following:-Bed rest strictly.-Oral anti-inflammatory medicines like Ibuprofen. Hot fomentation. Oral steroids if required.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had blood drawn almost 2 wks ago. At the same time I had just stop taking amox-clav 875mg for what I thought was a yeast infection. Because I was experiencing a little burning and discharge. In the past week I have had what seems likes cramps and pain throughout my body. especially in hands, legs and feet, back pain, & waking up at several nights sweating. Now I am cold with tingling in my toes and fingers like frost bite. What could be the problem and should I be concerned? [|AI|] Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Co amoxiclav is antibiotics, and it is used for the bacterial infections and not for the fungal infections. Your symptoms are not related to the infections. It sounds like it has some peripheral vascular disease. Peripheral vascular disease can cause bluing, feeling of cold and pain. This is the same symptoms as you have described. So in my advice you should examine your self for the PVD with your nearby doctors. Vasodilator Chat Doctor. You should also take that, this will help the control of the symptoms. Avoid cold exposure to the limb. This can cause pain in the limb. Warmth feeling of the limb can immediately revert the symptoms to the normal. I will be happy to answer your further concern on
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] ecg report vent rate63 bpmPR interval 152 msQRS duration 148 msQT/QTC454/464 msP-R-T axes 26/26/244RR/PP956/PP interval 956/950 msSystem Evaluationnormal sinus rhythm left bundle blockHDL Colestral 35swear pain during fast walking & Eye sight intruption/looses for fifteen mts once [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Your ECG (electron cardio gram) is suggestive of left bundle branch block. There are two conduction systems in heart by which pulse is generated and heart beats. One is right bundle branch and other is left bundle branch. Left one supplies left side of heart which is main part of heart which supplies blood to whole body. So any conduction defect in this part will cause reduced blood supply to body organs like brain, eyes, lungs, liver, kidneys etc. So your symptom of sight intuition is due to reduced blood supply to eyes. So you should immediately consult cardiologist and start treatment. You may need pacemaker insertion. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 30 years old young boy was found affected with HEPATITIS B virous , as per Pathological test he has been found HBV+ POSITIVESGPT 53.0, he needs immediate treatment , is it LIVER SIRROCYS.PLS COMMENTS how TO PROCEED FOR GET PROPER TREATMENT .. MY EMAIL < YYYY@YYYY >, cell phonre : 880-0000, bangladesh. [|AI|] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor.... First don't be panic ..... Here your son having Bag positive and liver enzymes are elevated slightly .... Here your regular follow up us necessary ... Usually our immunity clears the infection with the time ... But if Bag positive after six months than you are in carrier state which remain lifelong ... If you converted into carrier than HBV DNA and Bag tested to look for if in active stage ...for which antiviral medication needed ...Meanwhile, take more fruits and green leafy vegetables more ... Advise : consult gastroenterologist....
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I m a relatively healthy 46 yr old woman and I ve had pressure in my rectum the last few days. At first I thought my tailbone was sore maybe from running and training for an upcoming road race. My bowel movements have only changed the last week in that my stools are bigger and longer and I m not experiencing any other digestive symptoms. I honestly feel pressure in the rectum that is constant and it s a very strange unfamiliar feeling. I ve had a pain in my upper hamstring (believed to be caused by running). It was high up where your thigh meets your buttocks, so at first I was wondering if there was some connection between this which preceded the feeling of pressure in my rectum. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. A thorough musculoskeletal assessment is advised. As mentioned, that you were practicing for the run and feels like the digestive systems has some issue due to hamstring pull than there is much less possibility for this. Also, for run you need to balance your diet intake and your run output as well. Due to excessive loss of water during the run practice in the form of sweat and other metabolism there may be a chance for the hard stools. For this I will advise to eat the fruits more to balance the fluid intake and output. Now coming to your hamstring, if I have got a pull or a tear we need an assessment of the muscle to be performed. Also, initially you have to stop training first as it will aggregate the muscle fibers to not heal, and later it may trouble more. Besides, undergoing proper physical therapy before training is advised to get the maximum output from the muscle. I deal with sports cases regularly and prevention is better than cure for the longer runs. With physical therapy they respond well and perform better in a later stage of sports. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 4 year old son s motion from yesterday is watery and gets a feeling to pass out motion every 1 hr, but the stool is coming out.Either a small quantity is discharged or nothing is coming out.He is not active as he used to be.What is the remedy? He also bits his teeth while sleeping. [|AI|] Hi, It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting. You need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yes - I am 49 years old, weigh 130 pounds I am a runner and a fitness instructor. I recently took on a full time job where I sit at a desk. I still teach and run 8 hours a week. Recently I am experiencing swelling of the lower legs - knee to ankle and bloating of the abdomen. After I remove my work shoes, I have indentations where the straps have been. My lower legs feel tight like sunburn without the burn. My abdomen and waist is enlarged. I haven t had a period in 6 months. What is going on?? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You should investigate yourself for cardiac status. It can be due to congestive cardiac failure. Second cause can be due to fluid retention after menopause. You are advised to visit a physician. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am currently having an IC flair up (which I have not had in a long time and it had been controlled with diet); I am also experiencing upper respiratory allergy symptoms (sinus drip, sore throat, coughing). I do have an appointment with my family dr. this after noon. What kind of treatments should I expect? Do you have any suggestions. [|AI|] Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor ... Noted you have flu like symptoms... Sore throat, cold etc... It may be viral or allergic infection.... Symptomatic management done... For cold decongestant taken like oxymetazoline.... If it seems pure allergic and if you feel by doctor he might prescribe you Palestine antihistamines nasal spray .... Cetrizine also useful.... I would like to suggest you to do your CBC. If lymphocytes viral and if eosinophilic allergic could because.... Chat Doctor. ... Steam inhalation useful.... Avoid excess spicy food... You will recover within few days.... If still not improving then according to your physical examination further work up will decide.... Take care...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I ve been sick for weeks. It started with a bad sor throat and cold in my chest. I m 74 yrs old and work three days as a nurse in a residential care facilty..Everyone there has had pneumonia, brochitis or some lung problem..We have arouind 40 residents with one nurse and one cna in the evening..I m small - I weigh around 90# but, I m small boned and 5 1 ..I ve worked hard all my life but as I get older its harder to recover from illnesses..I had back surgery in 2009..(I fell on the ice) and kept working as I didn t think it was as bad as it turned out to be. The back surgery helped but, I still have to have epidurals abouit every three months to keep me going..I m on Avelox 400mg qd..And I m on predisone 40mg x2 wks then 10mg x2 wks. I have this week to go..I ve had a Ct scan of my head..(OK) I had fluid around my heart which I know isn t good..I had rheumatic fever yrs ago and I have a small murmur and a prolasp mitrial valve which was doing really good until I got sick this year. I talked to my Dr re: another Epidural and he was telling me about a lot of patients coming in with what they thought was back pain and it turned out to be Meningitis..Of couse now I m wodering if this is why I have been so sick and what should I do????? [|AI|] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query in details .* Ave lox containing moxifloxacin can be used for treating sore throat and cold that could lead to bronchitis ; under medical supervision.* Issue of meningitis has to be evaluated in details with clinical parameters and results of spinal tap fluid. Wishing you fine recovery. Feel free to ask any further doubts. Regards .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, Im 22 years of age. I have had no children. I have a marina coil fitted. I had a period last week which was very light but lasted for over 2 weeks. I have been feeling tired, withdrawn and tetchy. My legs have been a bit jumpy and i have had slight pain in one of my calves. I am now experiencing itermittent pain within my lower abdomen, mainlly on my left quadrant but also effecting the right side. At times the pain is enough to force me to hunch to be able to walk.. Thanks for your time. Its much appreciated. [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Read the history and understood the problems. Female 22 with Medina Coil fitted has pain in both sides of the abdomen, pain in one of the calf, feeling tired, with Chat Doctor. The probable reasons can be :Colitis - causes pain in both sides of abdomen, causes electrolyte imbalance and other symptoms you have. PID-Pelvic Inflammatory diseaseMerina Cold can assist in causing PID and pains in abdomen. I would advise you the following:-Ultrasonography of the abdomen to see for the proper position of the intrauterine coil, PID, colitis and appendicitis. -Tests of blood, urine, stool -Colonoscopy and CT scan of the abdomen only if required. -Get a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole and symptomatic and supportive medicines in consultation with a Gynecologist and an Examination by a General Surgeon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I recently had pain in my front in between my rib cage when I would sit up and also lower.. It would hurt when I cough or laugh that lasted a week it s been two weeks and I ve notice my left rib cage is like half a inch higher than my right ,, it doesn t hurt really anymore it seems the pain is in my back now,, what could this mean? And should I go see someone ? [|AI|] Hi and thanks for your query, Its actually an issue of concern. Cough a rib cage pain usually indicates an issue with the thoracic cavity. This could be an infection of a deformation. However, it's not certain whether your measurements were accurate or not. It is imperative for you to a chest X-rays, and get your lungs and sputum checked. This could be a lung infection or a pleural effusion most of the time. I suggest you take an appointment with a pulmonologist for a proper evaluation. Thanks and best regards, Luchuo, MD.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was detected with pus cells 20-25 in Urine and was given antibiotic course for 7 days. After completing the medications I did a test again to see that the number of pus cells have not been specified and is now Plenty with some epithelial cells. I am pregnant. Please advise what this means [|AI|] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the pus cells of more than 5 in urine suggests urinary tract infection (UTI). Plenty of epithelial cells is not significant. If at all there are persistent of pus cells I suggest you to get urine culture and sensitivity test done to know the accurate diagnosis and treatment of UTI. Nothing to worry.UTI is routinely seen in pregnancy due to alteration of hormones. Take adequate fluids up to 3 liters per day, cranberry juice to prevent UTI. With adequate treatment it will subside. Hope this helps. Best regards....
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was out walking my dog yesterday in a field and got bitten it was first very itchy then started to swell up i took ibrofuen and piriton and it did go down but today it is quite swollen and where iv worn my work boots all day its made the swelling move up [|AI|] Hi You seem to have developed cellulitis (infection of the soft tissue of the leg) following dog bite. Assuming that your dog is not vaccinated against rabies, you need to take a single tetanus shot and 5 doses of anti rabies vaccine on the days 0,3,7,14 and 28 following dog bite. If your dog remains healthy and does not show any abnormal behavior for 10 days post bite, you can discontinue the anti rabies vaccine doses on day 14 and 28.Besides, you need to take a course of appropriate antibiotic (like Oxacillin) and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Do not forget to vaccinate your dog every year and always keep the vaccinated certificate valid. Hope this answers your query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I m 42 weigh about 9 stone . There is a history of bowel cancer in the family and I had a small polyp removed 5 yrs ago. I ve been noticing for ages now that my stools have a very distinct old musky smell and I m a bit concerned what it could be. I have been checked for coeliac as my sister has it and I m clear. I have a pain sometimes on my right side near my appendix not very often but when it comes its severe enough for me to curl up and not move for ages. Please advise [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. The symptoms you have mentioned does not sound like a cancer. Bad smelly stools can be caused by pancreas disease, IBS or diet. Right lower abdominal pain if is severe can be caused by ovarian cyst or urinary tract inflammation. I suggest you to have some tests: abdominal ultrasound, urinalysis, full blood work with liver and pancreas tests, stool tests and transvaginal ultrasound. And you definitely should have colonoscopy repeated (it is advisable to have colonoscopy repeated after 5 years of small polyp removal). If all tests will be negative, you may suffer from IBS. Therefore, Rifaximine 400 mg 3x1 during 7 days and Mebeverine 200 mg once a day can be helpful (should be prescribed by your doctor). Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello my 6yr old daughter is running a fever 101 degrees, I have given her tylenol and this usually takes it away for awhile, then it comes back. She is also complaining of headache and dizziness. Should I take her to emergency or just watch her closely? [|AI|] Hello, Headache, dizziness with fever in a child warrants detailed clinical evaluation by a pediatrician. Causes of sucChatDoctorplaints are commonly upper respiratory infections, but may be seen in certain other conditions such as migraine, hypertension, anxiety, CNS infection, etc. You should consult pediatrician and get detailed clinical evaluation done. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello my 9mth old daughter has had diarhea for the past 5 days a new tootChatDoctore out last wk and we attributed it to that but now im gettig worried as she had abt 10stools yetsrrday. All very small and some solid and some watery. She is eating and drinking and playing as normal but now she has diaper rash and is in alot of discomfort. Im giving paedialyte and one vial of enterogeina but no relief yet. She eats solids, has formula and breastfeeds at nights when i get home. Please advise. [|AI|] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns It looks that your baby is suffering from viral diarrhea which usually takes 5-7 days to resolve, in some case it may be prolonged due delayed recovery or post diarrheal intolerance. You can add zinc apart from ORS and enterogemina. In Diet, you can add curd, chichi, mashed banana, or banana with curd. For diver rash you can use cream like nappy rash cream B-4 nappy cream. If baby is well, active, accepting feeds adequately, no large watery stools, no high fever, there is no blood in stool, passing urine every 3-4 hourly, there is no need to worry. Otherwise or if diarrhea persists more than two more days you need to consult your doctor. Take care, regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been on Anacand for 2 1/2 years. I have gained weight, have back pain, bloating, dizziness, mild sore throat, shortness of breath, stuffy nose, sneezing, head feels heavy, extreme anxiety, muscle pain in right arm and both legs. I do have a pacemaker and wanted to go off Anacand and my doctor wont listen to me. What do I do? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. Atacama (anaconda) is candesartan , side effects are dizziness, nausea, sore throat, stuffy nose, upper respiratory infection. As you stated that you are already on pacemaker so in my opinion consult one more cardiologist and get his opinion as physical as well ECHO E K G report is very important in this case. Weight gain is dangerous, so consultation is important. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i have been having a lot of abdominal pain and throwing up, i went to the emergency room 3 times and they did not find anything I went back to the emergency room last night and they admitted me in the hospital. I had to drink some stuff to do a test and now they say that I have a spot on my pancreas. I am a 38 year old female please tell me how likely that is to be cancerous. [|AI|] Hello, thank you for writing in to Chat Doctor.You're most likely to be suffering from acute pancreatitis/ peptic disorder/peptic ulcer. However, for us to come to any conclusion we need to know whether you're having any symptoms of jaundice? Also, you have not given details of your prescription. I'd suggest you to get admitted in the hospital to be monitored closely for further symptoms, as well as so that you're given IV fluids. In case of pancreatic cancer, the gall bladder gets swollen resulting in bile pigments in urine. So you can get your urine and stool test to check for presence of bile pigments in them, although they're not confirmations for cancer, they just give a guideline. Also get a CT for abdomen. If it is simply pancreatitis, you can be cured by managing conservatively and with the help of antibiotics. If not, then you might have to go for surgery. Meanwhile, you can take pent parole and risperidone tablets along with broad spectrum anti bionics. Follow a bland diet.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have recently starting having chest burp/gurgling noises when I breath in deep and my chest feels more constricted than normal. I was on penicillin recently for a bad cough and sinus. Never had this sensation before and starting to worry me. What can I do? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Penicillin is an antibiotic. This can cause gastritis and gastritis in turn causes all your symptoms. So better to take pantoprazole and levosulperide combination on empty stomach twice daily. Avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Go for walking after meals.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Im having some serious dental problems and havent seen a dentist in seven years. I have no dental insurance Im on disability and the dental help I need they wont supply. Because of this dental problem Im having, I find myself in a situation where I cant chew food without being in serious pain. I have lost so much weight because my body isnt getting the nourishment it needs. In the last year so many of my teeth have broken off and left the rest of the tooth up in the gum. I need help desperately. l [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have toothache, don't worry you should consult dentist and get Investigations and go for Oral prophylaxis, as you have decayed tooth go for Extraction of those tooth, For home remedy you are asking Only you can do is Do warm Salt water Gargle 4-5 times a day For toothache you can take Analgesic, One Tablet Paracetamol twice daily for pain, Visit dentist as early as possible, Hope this will help you. Wishing you good healthRegards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello doctor. I just had my left upper and lower wisdom teeth today. The stitching was not done properly, the flesh from the top wound was sewn to the lower cheek. Now the flesh has gotten loose and fallen off. The problem is, I have had flesh stick to the gauze i was told to bite on, which was then removed along with the gauze. I also have had persistent bleeding. In short, I have regular portions of flesh dislodging from the upper wound, with persistent bleeding from both upper and lower, more so from the upper wound. Any advice? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have bleeding from extraction socket don't worry it is due to dislodgement of Blood clot from socket. You can apply cotton dipped in cold water on socket and compress it. Consult dentist again and go for Medicated pack of Zinc oxide eugenol as early as possible. Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Pls have bin feeling this down abdormal pain some times by the left or right side, and I do have vaginal discharge,some times d smell is offensive,for a long time now, I ran scan last year march the result said I have candida albican a yeast infection, I took some pills that was been prescibe 2me, buh still yet I still feel same way! Please what do u advise I do? Or what medication would u suggest 4 me? [|AI|] For such cases of vaginal discharge with smell and given that allopatry medicine has not given you many results, I would recommend to my own patients that they should, hesitantly, get Ayurveda treatment for vaginal discharge. Safe and economic Ayurveda medicine for leucorrhoea and other vaginal discharges including infections, have wonderful cure and also help to relieve anemia and low back pain that may have been associated. Ashokarishta, Pradarantak NASA/ Laugh, Pushing herbal powder are classical medicines of choice while Lukoil, Ashoka dev syrup etc. are Patent excellent medicines for such conditions. Pure, non-synthetic, Ayurveda vaginal wash are made of any Chat Doctor. There are multiple choices, but selection depends on various conditions of patient at given time and medical history. Your Ayurveda doctor is qualified to decide it. No path is bad but suitability and response is important to decide switching from one system to another. Even Ayurveda doesn't counteract with your other medicines if given at proper intervals. Hope it guides you well to switch to other options open to you safely in you own interest.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hey i am 33 year old female for about 6 months i have had right shoulder blade pain stiffness, and over the last month it has become worse when moving the arm or holding it straight out the pain has since moved down as well to elbow making it hard to open and close my fingers [|AI|] Hi, A lot of causes for shoulder stiffness and pain like the bones, ligaments and tendons that make up your shoulder joint are encased in a capsule of connective tissue. Pain attacks or stiffness occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder joint, restricting its movement. Doctors aren't sure why this happens to some people, although its more likely to occur in people who have diabetes or those who recently had to immobilize their shoulder for a long period, such as after surgery or an arm fracture. In my opinion physiotherapy, yoga, hot commendations with topical gels is helpful, Advil, acetaminophen, muscle relaxants, rest is recommended it may take sometime. In some cases if persists you may ask your physician for imaging and physical examination for the best evaluation for proper x-rays, MRI, other investigations like RBS, urinalysis, SUA, RH factor, and ASCOT title. I think this is only muscle sprain and will go away soon. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I masturbate almost everyday. I have a varicocele and I feel like masturbation has a big role in why I have a varicocele. I have read things saying it has no affect, but then I read things saying the opposite. So I masturbation the reason I have a varicocele? [|AI|] Good Day, and thank you for being with Chat Doctor ! No having varicocele is not due to your masturbation. It is due to inherent abnormal valves in the veins in the spermatic cord. Straining may aggravate the varicocele but would not cause it. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Best wishes
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Im kinda confused if im pregnant or not. I had a great time with my fiancee from May17-29th coz we are trying to conceived a baby On June 3rd I got my period 4 days early than my schedule but its weird coz heavy period lasted for 1 day then 3 days light. I still feel symptoms of pregnancy. I took a HPT 2 days ago but its neg. Is there a chance that I can be pregnant? [|AI|] Hallow Dear, The very fact you had menses after the sexual relations indicates that you are mostly not pregnant. Moreover, you urine pregnancy tests performed twice are also negative. So it is unlikely that you are pregnant. First day of the menses were heavy, hence the remaining days were with light bleeding. Nothing to worry about it. Please forget about pregnancy due to this sexual relation and try again a fresh for pregnancy. Wish you the best of luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi i am 31 yr old male , i was diagnosed with Miliary TB some time back and i am under medication. my last X ray did not show signs of the disease, but wanted to ask if still TB can spread if i have sexual intercourse with my spouse as i plan to start a family. [|AI|] Hi & Welcome. I can understand your concern regarding the mode of transmission of TB infection. Tuberculosis DOES NOT spread through sexual intercourse. Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria that spread through the air Chat Doctor. Although tuberculosis is contagious, it generally takes a few weeks of treatment with TB medications before you're not contagious anymore. Following preventive measures are recommended to prevent the spread of infection to household contacts (family members):1. Ventilate the room. Tuberculosis germs spread more easily in small closed spaces where air doesn't move. If It's not too cold outdoors, open the windows and use a fan to blow indoor air outside.2. Cover your mouth. Use a tissue to cover your mouth anytime you laugh, sneeze or cough. Put the dirty tissue in a bag, seal it and throw it away.3. Wear a mask. Wearing a surgical mask when you're around other people during the first 3 weeks of treatment may help lessen the risk of transmission.4. And all the family members should be given the medication Isoniazid (INH) daily for 3 months if the Manitou test shows POSITIVE reaction. Hope the suggestions given above could be useful.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Dr.Grief I had a large meningioma located in the left frontotemporal area of my brain 11/2010. I suffer from daily nausea, vomiting, have severe h/a s that will incapacitate me for several days. I also have trouble with my short-term memory, focusing, and when I try to communicate my thoughts, the best way I can describe them is is like coming out backwards . I have tremors in my rt hand and some difficulty with balance (recent). I feel depressed and almost apathetic. My question is can I recover from this and who is the correct medical professional to see me so that I can be evaluated for disability? I can t keep a job - I m an RN with 18 + yrs experience. Since my surgery was done, I ve lost my job, and have been discharged from 2 others due to performance issues which really distresses me as I was a really great nurse with way above the average performance reviews before . Thanks for your thoughts. [|AI|] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. Left hemisphere of brain is the important part of brain, as it controls memory and language functions. In addition, the motor and sensory functions on the right half of body are also controlled by the left side of brain. It is possible that the left hemisphere of brain has suffered some damage due to the tumor and the surgery. This can be confirmed by seeing the post-operative MRI scan. I would request you to upload the MRI report. The symptoms you have now would partly improve with medications and physiotherapy, however, the recovery may not be complete. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a 17 year old teen daughterShe was born with dark brown hairShe decided to dye it bleach blondeIn fact she dyed it weekly just so the roots would not even show a shade of brownShe went to high end salons who had me sign waiversThen after about a year of this process she was given an accidental short haircutShe opted then for hair extensions - dyed them blonde to match her blonde hairFinally her own real hair started breaking apartShe has now cut her real hair into a pixie and it will not grow backShe has been on Loestrin Fe Birth Control for over two yearsLots of blogs talk about how this medication causes Hair Thinning and Hair LossCan it also be contributing to her Real Hair Not Growing BackShe has really thick hair - just really short - nowAny thoughts, please - we are desperate for advice [|AI|] There is no need to worry. It is so common for some people after dying-becoz it may cause some effect on hair follicles. First avoid any type of dyes for hair for a year-To regain your thickness and quality of hair. Then use vitae capsules oral and mixed with coconut hair oil (its must) in order to regain your old hair as it rejuvenates your hair follicles. Birth control pills don't have such huge hairless, so don't panic in that aspect. Avoid hair sprays, Chat Doctor. Definitely your daughter will be having normal hair as before.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI, I am in serious need of a dentist. I have no insurance, I have 18 teeth that are broken, cracked, u name it. They all are going to come out and replaced with dentures. I could make payments, if they were not just unreal expensive. Please help if you can, Im in severe pain and eating is a terrible ordeal. [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor. I read your query. You did not mention your age. By broken teeth do you mean cavity or fracture? I suggest you to visit a dentist and get your teeth checked. After x-ray and examination only, the treatment can be planned. There may be few teeth which can be saved by RCT and crown. Get extraction of required teeth. Then depending upon remaining teeth you can go for removable or fixed denture. Nicely made and maintained dentures works really well. Hope the answer helps you. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am of age 38 and my wife age is 36. We are married since 2003. We still dont have any child. My medical tests are found OK, and my wifes medical test has also been found OK except cyst was found. This test is done in June 2009. Please suggest the way forward for treatment. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for writing. I am Chat Doctor. I have read you question completely, I understand your concern and will try to help you in the best way possible. If your tests were done before and every thing was ok than it must be god will, but there is always a silver lining to every cloud and medical science is advance NW sting which was NT possible in 2009 is possible NW so i will advise you to take all the tests again and find out what's the cause and treat the cause and you will have child
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I rolled my left foot playing basketball I jumped and landed on someones foot and rolled mine its been a couple of days the swelling has gone down alot but I still can t bend it the way I filled it I can walk on it but I can t make any cuts or moves on the foot there is a spot on the left foot that is buldging out it was bruised at first [|AI|] Hello, As you have a foot injury and now difficulty in making any kind of normal movements like - plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, version and inversion I would advise you to take up an x-ray first or an MRI. MRI is far better than x-ray to rule out any ligament injury. Usually, ankle ligament injuries are common in sports and get unnoticed at times which may, later on, shows its reaction. Take up and MRI and following the ankle rehabilitation program - like balance board training should correct the muscle imbalance and improve the overall functions of the ankle joint. Balance board training have an effective outcome score for most sports injury of the ankle. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been getting very snap pain in my knee and also feeling like its going to pop out of its unstable, I also feel like there is a air bubble in my knee that just won t pop. What do you think is wrong? I have torn my meniscus in this knee once already [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query and welcome to Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. You have mentioned meniscal injury in your knee. Meniscus is like a shock absorber in the knee and helps in even distribution of the weight. Any injury to this anatomical structure is bound to produce an Instability in your knee and recurrent s/s of knee effusion and difficulty in waling, locking etc. Normally we advise our patients for intensive knee exercises and other conservative management protocol in case of small tears but if the meniscal tear is a large one, then Arthroscopic Meniscal balancing procedure as advised to avoid these issues and later degenerative changes developing in the joint. I would be able to answer you in a better manner if I have your clinical details, duration of your symptoms and relevant investigations like MRI scan etc. Do not hesitate to get back to me should you need any further information/Thanks & Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I ve had a sore throat the past two days. My head hurts and i have mild body chills. I went a week without taking allergy medicine, but im back on it. I was in the shower and started hacking up mucus. Just when i thought i was done, I softly coughed and a massive something popped out out. It looks like a fatty piece of raw meat, and has the same consistency. When i pull on it, it doesnt rip. Half an inch long. [|AI|] Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor The discharge seen on coughing would be mucus that was present in the respiratory system as a result of your infection. Because it is mucoid, it would not rip or tear, just as your described. Fever does not usually occur in allergies, so the presence of fever indicates that you have an infection. Likely an upper respiratory tract viral infection. Since the cough is productive, in addition to your normally cough and cold meds, you may also want to use a bucolic. This is a medication to help break up mucus so that it can be expelled easier. They would be available over the counter. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My wife is 21 years old. I had my first sex with her about one week ago. It was 9th day from the period. We had a unprotected sex. So she took a Unwanted 72( emergency contraceptive pill) tablet after 46 hours. Now she feel some pain at lower abdomen for more than 8 hours. What is the cause for the pain? Is there any chance of pregnancy? We dont want any child. Please answer me as soon as possible. I am very worried. Thank you. [|AI|] Hello welcome to Chat Doctor forum, There are so many causes of pain in lower abdomen. Rupture of Graffias follicle can cause pain in the mid-cycle. But in your case you must rule out some sort of infection, which is quite common known as Honey moon infection. As she has taken emergency contraceptive pills with in the 46 hours of unprotected sex. So chances of pregnancy are very remote & it is too early to say she is pregnant. There is no test which can detect pregnancy at such an early phase. Disclaimer
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have been a vegetarian for over 25 years, and have previous blood tests have indicated that my B12 was a bit low, but within the normal range. However, i recently had a test that showed my B12 as over 1000. I dont supplement this (except for a multi vitamin). Also, my white blood cell count was a bit low, and urea was low. Can you please tell me the possible causes?Regards!Leah [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Vegetarians are prone to have vitamin B 12 deficiencies. Vitamin B 12 supplements can be taken regularly. It will keep the B12 levels within normal range. A fall in white blood cell is most commonly caused by infections. A differentiation leukocyte count (DLC) will determine the component which is low. Further management will depend on the result of the investigations. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was having a root canal and during the procedure my dentist had to stop to give me another shot of novicaine. My tooth was thobbing and my head was aching, in addidtion to my ear. After the shot took effect, I could not feel any more pain.A couple of hours after being home my ear really started to ache. I rubbed it and there was blood coming from the inside. There was not a lot, but my ear still aches, even after taking ibuprofen and a vicidin.Should I be worried?Katrina [|AI|] Hello Katrina, The pain is due to the infected vital pulp remaining within the canals. Usually during root canal procedures, such difficulties are common. The ear pain has stopped for a while due to the action of analgesic you had taken in. Once the action of medicine has completed, the pain reappears. Please do visit your dentist and get the entire pulp removed. Take complete course of antibiotics too. Maintain oral hygiene well. Use soft interdental toothbrush to clean your teeth. Use chlorhexidine mouth rinse to gargle. Avoid stressful jobs. Take complete rest. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi! i just had my apico xray for second diagnostic for my right upper lung fibrosis result..and it was still the same findings...but the remarks shows that i onbly have minimal fibrotic infiltrates..i just want to know if i still need to undergo the 6months prophylaxis treatment? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No need to worry about this fibrotic lesions. And no treatment required for this. You are having fibrotic lesions. These lesions are suggestive of old, healed, inactive scar tissue. They are not active infectious lesions. And hence no treatment is required. But if you have cough, fever, weight loss etc. than consult pulmonologist and get done sputum examination for AFB (acid fast bacilli-bacteria causing tuberculosis) to rule out active tuberculosis. If you are asymptomatic than no treatment is required at present. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I have been having a dull pain in my lower right abdominal, four inches away from my hipbone pointing to the left side. So, diagonal from my bellybutton to right hip bone. I have had many pulled muscles, but none that have lasted 2 days. Any thoughts? It could also be likely to have an Ovarian Cyst? I would describe my pain as moderate/dull/aching/pain. Thank you. [|AI|] Hi ! Good morning. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Yes - ovarian cyst if you have a history of one might be the cause. However, before diagnosing it with certainty, if I were your doctor, I would go for a physical examination of your abdomen, followed by some routine examination like a complete blood count, a urine routine and microscopic test, a vaginal swab for culture and sensitivity test, and an ultrasound abdomen which would help in pointing towards the most probable diagnosis. Further management would depend on the results of clinical examination and investigation reports. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Doctor. I have seen very good answers that you have given to other parents/guardians with regard to edenoids. My son is 3 yrs and 4 months and for the last about 3 months, we have been in and out of hospital because of multiple problems; colds, flu, cough, tonsilitis, pharyngitis and fever. I decided to consult an ENT specialist who requested for a PNS x-ray. The X-ray has shown adenoid hypertropy and the ENT specialist has recommended for the removal of the adenoids. Of course I m jittery about this especially when I think of General anethesia. Do you think the surgery is important? Thank you. Esther from Tulaga, Kenya [|AI|] Hi. Sorry to hear about the problems of little kid. As far as your question is concerned, if the diagnosis of adenoids has been confirmed by an ENT doctor and surgical removal has been advised by a specialist then it's better to go with that. In the other scenario, the kid may have these problems repeatedly. Secondly you have concerns about general anesthesia in a kid. Let me tell you that nowadays due to advancement in medical sciences, general anesthesia in kids is a common practice and routinely given by qualified anesthetists. So I would suggest you to stay assured and go for the surgical option. It would be better for the health of kid. Wishing you and your family the best of health. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I got home from a vacation yesterday and found about 50 raised red bumps on my sidesaddle back. Noticed today I have a few more on my torso, and upper thigh. They are slightly itchy, but more just sensitive. Is there a way to tell if it is bed bug bites (stayed in 3 hotels), a rash from a hot tub, or something else? Had sore axillary unilateral lymph nodes yesterday too. Thinking its not bed bugs because my husband slept in the same bed, my daughter in the bed next to us and not a single bite. No fever ... [|AI|] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor Froufrou your clinical picture, it looks like you are having scabies. Scabies is a mite infestation presenting with itching popular lesions all over the body, mainly over abdomen, finger webspaces, thigh and genitalia. It usually causes more itching at night. It is a contagious condition, so proper treatment of the patient and the contacts has to be done need to apply 5 percent permethrin cream all over your body. Single application of this cream all over the body below the neck is to be done. Apply it at night, leave it overnight, take bath the next morning. Use rotation cream from the next day twice a day over the affected areas. Take antihistamines for itching. You have to take care also to disinfect all your clothes and weddings by washing them in warm water and Chat Doctor. And also find out, if anybody else from your family has similar lesions or itching, then they should also be treated. Wishing you speedy recovery
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had my teeth removed now i want to fill it because when the food gets in the space i feel uncomfortable.How do i go about it?Again,i have 3 teeth which are hurting and i do want to lose them.What am i supposed to do?And again what you recommend me to do is it safe now that am 23weeks pregnant? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have undergone extraction, now you have space between tooth don't worry After Pregnancy as you said you are 23 weeks pregnant After Delivery consult Dentist and go for Replacement of tooth by Fixed partial denture or by Removable partial denture depending on Oral examination, As you have mentioned that you have mobility in some teeth then for that you should go for scaling or Splinting of teeth, Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health, Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] doctor i am experiencing uneasy feeling on the left chest always. recently i had a checkups regarding this. including threadmill stress test also. that time according to the result my BP response was normal. but still i am getting pressurised occationally [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. First no need to worry about heart diseases as your treadmill test is normal. Left sided constant chest pressure is also seen with stress and anxiety. So better to consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My alkaline phosphate level is 208. I ve had a liver biopsy.nothing showed up besides minimal liver damage. My levels are continuing to doctor says we ll monitor your levels recheck in 3 question is should I be concerned about something? Do I need a second opinion? [|AI|] Hi. The normal range of ALP goes till 150 so until now I don't see a significant rising. The second thing I'd like to mention is that ALP only (without other functional liver tests like: transaminase ALT and AST, GGT) is not such a faithful liver test, because it can be increased in other system diseases like bones i.e. So after three months (I totally agree with my colleague for the next time examination) you should perform a broader biochemical examination for your liver.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am khan from ubu dhabi.sir i am very depress because of my sex broblem.sir a hvave erectile edyfunction and prematurte ejeculation.sir please advcice me some madicine for this.i treated from some non qualified hakeems my problem now much bigger.sir please help me my age is 29y now i want go to pakistan i am marriege sir please help me [|AI|] HelloThanks for query. You have problem of erectile dysfunction and early ejaculation. In absence of any major health issue cause of Ed is mind related and due to performance anxiety. Following measure will help you to boost up your confidence and getting good erection. And delay ejaculation.1) Practice regular exercise for 45 minutes followed by meditation for 1/2 an hour in the morning.2) Take high protein diet rich in vegetables and fruits and vitamin A, C,D, E.and Zinc3)Take anti oxidants like Almonds 5-6 every day.4) Avoid alcohol and smoking. Taking Sildenafil (Viagra)as on demand will help to get good hard sustainable erection and to have enjoyable sex. Chat Doctor. .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, I am a 32-year-old female who is 5 ft 10 inches. I have a history of Chlamydia, small fibroid, bulky retroverted uterus and an enlarged ovary. I have also had an induced abortion and a spontaneous abortion both just at about 2 months to 3 months after conception.Over the last year I have been trying to conceive without any success. My OB/GYN basically told me I have nothing to worry about , God decides when the time is right and that I have too much time on my hand. Could you give me some advice on ways to improve my chances of conceiving?Also I developed a yeast infection after being treated with antibiotics for a dental problem. I went to my OB/GYN last Saturday and was sent to do a repeat chlamydia test and a urine analysis - see suspects UTI. I am waiting for my results. She prescribed Gynotran Vaginal cream and dicoflenac tabs to help with the pain. Last night (day 5) I had sex after applying the treatment which I know I should not have been having sex until after the seven days. I would like to know what happens now, what should I expect and should I restart the treatment? My husband woke up this morning with his penis shaft burning. Thanks in advance. [|AI|] When were these abortions? How long ago? Why did u induce it? If u had conceived already then everything-the tubes, the ovaries and the uterus are all working. So I think most probably the previous abortions were sporadic. You could test for anti phospholipid antibodies and do basic screening of your sugars to rule out diabetes as you complain of repeated infections and abortions. Hope it helped. Waiting to hear. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I got hit fairly hard in my chest where my heart is. I couldnt breathe when it happened. Its been a week now and the pain im my chest has increased severely. It hurts to breathe, lift things, turn my steering wheel. Then i attempted to run on the treadmill today like i normally do, it hadnt even been a minute and i couldnt breathe and the pain made me so sick i threw up. What did I do? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more likely because your pain is associated with movements and lifting things. But better to rule out heart diseases first because your pain is on left sided of chest. So get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Avoid movements causing pain. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. Avoid sudden jerky movements of chest. Take simple painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Apply warm water pad on affected areas of chest. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my five year old son complains of his penis being itchy. Only the tip itches. No sign of rash or redness and no pain. He is circumcised. He has been to the pediatricians office but after seeing no signs of irritation; she advised us to come back in a few weeks if it hasnt gone away. Any ideas? Thanks [|AI|] DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. If your pediatrician could not find any problem about this, I too suggest you not to worry. Itching sensation could be an obsession. I suggest you to help him wash the inner parts of the penis with warm water and keep the area Chat Doctor. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, A few years ago i began getting these episodes of being very short of breath where i just couldnt get a deep breath. Ever since they started i have not been the same. Its not athsma. And lately i have been having these weird heart flutters and last for only a second but when it happens i get a quick tunnel vision and feel very odd for a sec or 2. It is very hard for me to do anything physical cause i get out of breath and my heart starts to beat hard. what could this be? [|AI|] Hello, It is in relation to the psychosomatic manifestation of underlying stress or anxiety disorder. Recommendations for better recovery-Deep breathing exercises, meditations, and YOGA are the cornerstone of management.- Avoid stress, anxiety.- No smoking, alcohol, abuse substances.- Proper rest hours mandatory sleep of sound pattern eight hours daily.- Keep ambulatory with walking in the fresh air.- Engage more in likelihood activities.- Once get basic workup of laboratory, x-ray, EKG with your doctor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had dry painful nose. I constantly have to blow my nose. Frequent nose bleeds is this serious [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor Frequently Chat Doctor. You could be having allergy as a possible co-existing condition. You can do steam inhalation. Avoid blowing your nose hard or inserting anything inside the nose. Get your blood pressure checked. Get a thorough checkup by your ENT Doctor and get required treatment. Avoid exposure to smoke, dust, pollution, use handkerchief if unavoidable. Eat healthy.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, i ve been ttc for exactly one year now. Last month i started taking pregnacare conception . i m wondering if i can also take evening primrose oil together with pregnacare. if yes, is there a particular time in my cycle to take epo? Please advice. [|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. You can take evening primrose oil supplements with pregnancies. But since you have been trying to conceive for last one year, it is best to consult an infertility specialist for proper guidance and investigations. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had mastectomy done in May 2010 for a stage 1 invasive carcinoma. I did not have any chemo done except for tamoxiphen now I was told it returned in the same site of mastectomy sitting on the chest wall muscle grade III was are my options for treatment chemotherapy or radiation [|AI|] Mastectomy scar recurrences involving underlying muscle are difficult to treat. You need to have complete staging workup to be sure there is no evidence of metastasis elsewhere in the body, and it is a localized disease. For a localized disease I would suggest neoadjuvant chemotherapy to shrink (downsize) the tumor followed by surgical resection and radiation therapy. Have the estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and Her2 new receptor status checked on the biopsy sample. It will help in guiding further treatment. I hope it helps. Please discuss it with your treating oncologist.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello, im 36yrs old, white female, ive been havin severe lower back pain, in the last 2mths it has gottin to the point were I can barely walj a blk. without my back lockin up with extreme pain, even standin to long also, now my feet have been swelling up like 3x their size, but ive noticed that from my calves all the down to the arches in my feet stay swollen and have began to hard, please help me, im scared. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. I would come up with these possibilities for this severe pain in the back from last 2 months, This includes.1 Lumbar-sacrum degenerative disease (L S spine disease) . Diagnosis can be confirmed by M R I and X-ray L S region. 2 Pelvic inflammatory disease, diagnosis can be confirmed by physical as well clinical examination. As sometimes this produces excruciating pain.3 Osteoporosis may be the nest reason. Diagnosis can be confirmed by estimation of calcium level in blood. In my opinion consult an orthopedic surgeon and get his opinion. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...yes just wanted to know i have a 3 year old daughter, she hit her head today in day care and has a lump on her head and then a little bit later she was throwing up, would u think i should take her to the hospital. [|AI|] Hello, If she vomits more than one time, then yes you ought to have her evaluated by a physician. However, if she seems to be acting normally-no abnormal eye movements, stands without falling over, walks and runs without tilting to the side and complains of no pain(other than where she hit her head), and not sleepy, it will be safe for you to observe her at home. Throwing up after head injury is probably due to the temporary movement of the vomiting center in the brain. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Good day! Im only 13 years old. last week I felt like vomiting, and I felt weak and had difficulty breathing. When I vomited, thats the only time when I felt good. I went to the doctor and told me that I might have acidity. So she gave me antacids, to be taken 4 times a day, before meals.The problem is, Im not really sure if the antacids work, and if my case is acidity, but sometimes I think like its acid reflux. Sometimes I also felt panic attacks. Sometimes I have difficulty breathing and nausea. and it all happens at NIGHT. please help me! Im worried about my health. Thank you soooo much! [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Acidity, acid reflux, indigestion, breathing difficulty, vomiting and nausea, panic, all these are related and these symptoms come when you have acidity problems at the extreme. You have nothing to worry and trust your doctor and do not worry about your health. Your doctor is qualified and he/she knows what she/he deals with. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am seventeen year old i jus had appendix operation in april and since then i have been having problem with my stomach. since three to four days i have sever gas and i burb alot along with that i feel dizzy and have weekness after taking food. [|AI|] Hello, After some operation it requires some time to normalize your peristalsis - digestion. From your complaint scenario looks like this. Don't worry have regular food timings with regular intake of food which are easy to digest like Moog deal chichi. Applying coconut oil on abdomen once a day may get some help. If symptom remains still 4-5 day get help from your specialist. We hope to get well soon, good day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have serious perodontal disease and receding gums and pockets, I have recent started having very bad breath and my body odour is always bad. Also get a lot of infections downstairs. Im brushing and flossing regulary but still smoking due to the stress. I cant afford the gum grafting..whats the best way to go about fixing myself? [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, Read your query, as you have bad breath and periodontal problem first I will suggest you to don't take stress, and quit your habit of smoking which will help you more in recovering of periodontal problem. I will suggest you to consult Periodontist and go for oral examination and treatment. In meantime, I will suggest you to maintain proper oral hygiene, Do mouthwash chlorhexidine regularly, Do warm saline rinses, consult dentist and go for oral prophylaxis in 6 months. Hope this will help nourishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I believe I have acid reflux which is affecting my gums and teeth. I am scheduled to have eight teeth and toris removed this wednesday. Do you see a problem having the oral surgery done? [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. In acid reflux the teeth will get damaged secondary to the acid attack on the teeth resulting in erosion of the teeth. If sufficient tooth structure is there, then we can save the teeth by doing RCT. If the tooth structure is not there then it has to be removed. The teeth can be removed and Tori can also be removed but the antibiotics and analgesics should be of lower dose since this will cause gastric irritation and may cause vomiting and heart burn or gastric pain. Even the painkillers prescribed after the surgical procedure can worsen the acid reflux. So be careful and take precautions like antacids at regular intervals before the medications prescribed after surgery. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i have a question i have a 4 month old and breastfeeding and i had a pep test done and he asked me if i was pregnant cause the lining of my uterus was blue and i did a pee test and it was nagetive but i having been feeling really off latley could the pregnancy test at the doctors be wrong [|AI|] Hallow Dear, If the urine pregnancy test is showing both the lines blue, you are pregnant. If you do not want this pregnancy because your child is very young, you may go for termination of pregnancy by Tab. Mifepristone and Tab. Bisoprolol. These medicines are not over the counter medicines. They should be taken by an Obstetricians prescription and advice only. They are very safe and effective medicines to terminate the pregnancy up to 9 weeks of gestation. These medicines are known cause developmental abnormalities in the baby. Hence, once these medicines are taken, you should not change the decision to continue the pregnancy. In the future, to avoid such situations, please practice reliable birth control method like birth control pills, condom or intrauterine contraceptive device. Hope this helps you,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I had a bad pain in my left hand, a couple days later I noticed a tender lump on my middle finger in between the knuckle and middle joint. I also have bad bouts of pain in my back, tennis elbow, and have had tendonitis in my shoulder and other elbow. Is this all related? [|AI|] Hi. I would like to clarify that these injuries what you have like back...shoulder elbow and hand may not be related directly to each other while they might cause due to overuse and get compensation, leading to injuries if one joint is not working as or its range and capacity.... I suggest you to kindly get it treated at the earliest to avoid any long term complications. As we need to ascertain these issues are mechanical problems or due to some hormonal or abnormal metabolism... I suggest you to kindly ice up your joints frequently.Don't strain your joints too much. Support your back to maintain posture... Kindly fix up your appointments with an orthopedic doctor for a check-up. Hope this is helpful for you... Kindly revert in case you need any further clarification...
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Spermogram: 48h of restVolume 4.5mlCount: 60million/mlPH: 8Morphology: normal 40%Motility: active 60%Viable after 3h: active (40%); sluggish (5%); nonmotile (55%)Semen still unliquified after 180 minutes70% head; 20%neck, 10% tailIm 30 years old with varicocele on my left testicle should i do the surgery?Regards [|AI|] HIT hank for asking to Chat Doctor I really appreciate your concern if you have a varicocele and your does not have marked abnormality then you can think about the surgery later than seen in your case, here your case can be considered subfertility category, non-surgical method are also available and for that you need to discuss with the neurosurgeon, hope this information helps you, have a nice day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son was diagnosed with ASD when he was 2 years old (4 years ago). We recently have started the discussion of a ADHD diagnosis as well, with meds used to treat (they want to use vyvanse.) What are the general thoughts on a multiple diagnosis like this? [|AI|] Welcome to the ChatDoctorI understand your concerns. Child Chat Doctor. Periodic developmental surveillance, screening, evaluation, and reevaluation throughout childhood may enhance identification of significant deficits, allowing for appropriate therapies and education to enhance later academic, behavioral, psychosocial, and adaptive functioning. As such, the prognosis of atrial septal defect is excellent. Hopefully this will help you. I would be happy to help you in any further questions. Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] The veins under both sides of my tongue have dark purple dots, about 30 or so on each side, eminating from the larger veins. I noticed it today when I was holding a mirror in a dentists office while he was working on a crown 9he was checking the color). I m not sure how long they ve been there, but when I asked the dentist, he said check with your doctor , which made me concerned because if it were not an indication of a serious condition, I would have expected him to say no problem, etc. Thanks! [|AI|] Hello, Does it appear to be related to trauma or an allergic type of irritation? Think of any new products or changes in food made recently. Monitor the area for additional changes now that you have noticed this condition. If there seems to be small hematomas or blood filled areas, your doctor may suggest basic blood tests. This will check function of blood cells and clotting ability. I suggest scheduling a routine physical exam based on your dentists' recommendation. Without more clinical information, I can't provide many suggestions. I hope this gives you some guidance. Thank you for your inquiry.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have several Mosquitos bites with this I have been experiencing, swelling of my left ankle and blistering of the bites there. Blistering and pus coming out of many of my bites all over my body. Tightness and tenderness in my skin, been nauseous and also have pins and needles in my left arm. What could this be? [|AI|] Thanks for contacting ChatDoctorYou are concerned about getting an infection in the area of prior mosquito bites. This is actually a common occurrence. When the mosquito bites, and you start scratching the area you cause small cuts to occur on the skin and that introduces bacteria into the wound. This progresses to infection and small abscess. I recommend that you seek medical attention where they can give you oral antibiotics. I also recommend1. Elevating the leg2. Using warm compresses3. Tylenol for that pain and burning Hope I answered your medical question. Please contact us again with your medical questions and concerns
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I stood up heard pulse, or swishing sound in my right ear. Headache in back of right side and down the base of my head and neck. I am a healthy 31 year old female. Is there a possibility that this is something serious? I am a nurse and maybe I just know too much scary stuff but not enough to really know. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms could be related to an inner ear disorder. Low blood pressure could also mimic this clinical situation. For this reason, I would first recommend you to closely monitor your blood pressure values. If your blood pressure values are within the normal ranges, I would recommend consulting with an ENT specialist for a careful physical exam. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder for last 6months. I am overweight and started exercising since 6months and lost 20 kgs in 6months.i am experiencing rib popping and discomfort in the left side of my chest for last 5 months.i have done my tests related to heart and all seems normal.apart from rib popping/snapping I get left side chest pains and occasionally jaw pain.i have irritation on my right shoulder blade which burns on touching and gives sharp pains at times which last for a minute .i have food in small quantities and eat on time specially at night.i even take antacid tablets at times after meals fearing of acid life is not the same I have done CBT sessions as well but that didnt help me much except the breathing exercises which i still do.i am fed up of this. The mentioned pains occur when there is no anxiety at all its when I am doing normal things and suddenly it hits. Now i constantly fear of having a heart attack anytime.Dr please help me to get back the real me.i request you to keep this confidential and not make my query public.thanks. [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You cannot say that you do not have anxiety symptoms because "constant fear of having a heart attack anytime" is an anxiety symptom. From simple anxiety disorder, I think you had developed somatoform disorder. You can get back to normal life if you do not ignore the advices given by your psychiatrist and CBT therapist. CBT is well known as a cure for every anxiety disorder. Take it as a challenge and do not tire. All the pains you are mentioning are related to somatoform disorder. I think you also have eating disorder. Get yourself tested by a clinical psychologist. OR Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am experiencing minor discomfort under my left breast, almost like heartburn but different. It comes and goes, often worse in the evening after I have eaten. We have GERD history in our family as well as high blood pressure, though I am only 31 and dont think I would be affected by that yet? Also over the past 2-3 years, my abdomen has grown so much. Regardless how much or little I eat, I cannot lose weight. I look almost 7 months pregnant!! I get abdominal pain quite regulary and lately can barely eat much at all, never hungry. Also there is an inconsistency with my bowel movements. What can you recommend? [|AI|] Hi thanks for using Chat Doctor. Your history suggests gastric acidity problem. Recommend? Proper timings of food, avoid spicy food, avoid heavy meals, walk for some time after food, plenty of water, Consult dietician for proper diet, weight reduction, regular exercises and Tab H₂ blocker or proton pump inhibitor like pantoprazole with risperidone every evening one. Hope I answered your query. Wish you good health. Take care. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi there,I have had many test for arrhythmia including a 7 day ECG but so far nothing has been found. Should I keep pushing my doctor for more tests as i still get the arrhythmia, but only every now and then, i can go weeks without having one. Many thanks [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that sometimes it is difficult to catch a cardiac arrhythmia on a Holder monitoring. Another option would be the implantation of a loop monitoring, which can be held for a longer time, and you can switch it on, when you feel the palpitations. Other tests to consider in order to investigate for the possible underlying causes would be: - complete blood count for anemia-thyroid hormone levels for thyroid dysfunction- blood electrolytes for possible imbalance. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Wishing good health,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My body is itching very much ,it stops itching when i use "LEVOCETRIWAL" but after 3 days it starts itching again. It gets red when i itch, but after sometime it gets fine. the itching place gets pimples in it.I have got acne problem inmy face as well as in my body. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for your query. It needs to be evaluated as to why you develop these symptoms. It can occur with some clothing you use or with some variety of foods or dust. You need to also say If any of your family members have similar symptoms, In that case It could be genetic. So kindly consult a dermatologist. Hope I have answered your query I will be available for your follow-up queries If any. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I started Chateal (birth control) roughly 3 months ago. Last month I had a period lasting about 2 days which is abnormal. But about a week ago I had unprotected sex and started spotting the day after, I continued to spot for a few days and started my period. But I m only on the first week of this months pills, making my period 3 weeks early. Could I be pregnant? Should I be worried? [|AI|] Hi Hope this message finds u in good health. I have gone through your msg and understand your may be due to some sort of hormonal imbalances or variations in the body, though there may be other reasons as reclothing to worry about, You should eventually get back to normal. Take multi vitamin and calcium supplements Do consult a gynecologist if symptoms worsened back to me for any FOLLOW-UP QUERIES anytime. Chat Doctor. .(MBBS, MS,MCH)