Ad tertium pro parte sua nescit salvis praedepositis saveinge that hee
this respondente signed to twoe bills of ladeinge but both of them
of one tennore for the foresaid 15 tonnes of wynes
Ad quartum pro parte sua nescit respondere/
Ad quintum et sextum pro parte sua respondet negative et aliter nescit /
Ad septium respondet That there were bills of ladeinges made and signed for one
hundred and thirtye tonnes of wyne and prunes videlicet for
20 peeces of prunes and the reste for the wynes and there were
twelve tonnes of wyne aboard the said shippe for which there was
noe bill of ladeinge and likewise the foresaid barrell or drye Caske
and some other small trffles the particulers or quantityes hee
remembreth not Ac aliter pro parte sua nescit /
Ad octavum respondet That the Viceadmiralls deputye at ffallmouth had
all the bills of ladeinge and other letters that were aboard the said
shippe as hee conceiveth when shee came in theither which as hee
alsoe conceiveth hee sent uppon to London to the Viceadmirall here
called Sir Nicholas Slanninge, Ac aliter pro parte sua negative et nescit /
Ad nonum respondet That hee this respondente did see when the foresaid
Trante at Burdeaux aforesaid deliver did deliver unto one
Daniel an Irishman a passinger in the said shippe the Lydia
certaine gold rings but the number of them hee knoweth not to bee
delivered to some at Corcke but to whome there hee knoweth not
which gold rings the Viceadmiralls deputye seized on
and keepeth ut credit, Ac aliter pro parte sua negative et nescit/
Ad decimum refert se ad praedeposita et aliter pro parte sua nescit saveinge hee
saieth the foresaid Daniel to whome the said Trant delivered the foresaid
gold rings to bee againe delivered at Corcke was alsoe a Papiste
or Roman Catholique
die praedicta
testis productus
Quoad Gedeonis Beaupney per)
duodecim tennellis vivae gallicae)
signo in margine designato)
in nave the Lydia (cuius Petrus)
Neffeild est magister) onerat)
Ad primum secundum et reliquos praedictos articulos ex parte Beaupney
in hac parte datos et admissos That at Burdeaux
in ffrannce in Januarye laste paste there was
laden aboard said shippe called the Lydia of which this
examinate then was and still is master by the articulate Companye
tonnes of ffrench wynes to bee carried in the said shippe
to Corcke articulate or to any other place where the said shippe
in her passage thetherwards should arrive at to bee solde or disposed of at the will
and pleasure and for the use and accounte of him the said
Boupneye whoe went alonge alsoe in the said shippe with
the said wynes and to whome the same as this examinate
conceiveth for the reasons aforesaid and for that the said Boupney
desired noe noate or bill of ladeinge from him this examinate for
the same those twelve tonnes of ffrench wyne did belonge
and whoe is a Protestant resident for the moste parte
at Burdeaux in ffrannce and a subiecte to the ffrench King
and the said wynes were marcked with the foresaid marcke or one
very like the same to this examinats nowe beste remembrance
which wynes were amongste other goodes in the said shippe
in her course from Burdeaux towards Corcke aforesaid
(beinge by contrarye wyndes put into ffallmouth) there seized on
and are yet detained And this hee affirmeth uppon his oath
to bee true Ac aliter pro parte sua nescit /
Peter Nesfield [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
14o Aprilis 1642
Pro magister Wilbrone)
et socijs quoad navem)
the Christopher)
Rs. E. B.
Balthazer Rowlands of Copenhaven within the
Kingdome of Denmarcke merchante aged aboute 30 yeares
sworne before the worshipfull Willmj Sames Doctor of Lawes
and Surrogate to the righte worshipfull Richard Zouch alsoe Doctor
of Lawes and Judge of his Majesties highe Courte of the Admiraltye
beinge examined saieth and deposeth
That uppon the
fowerth daye in this instante moneth of Aprill 1642 hee this by a bill of sale