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HCA 13/58 f.3v Annotate |
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Adm ad Interrogatoria [CENTRE HEADING] |
Ad primum secundum tertium et quartum articulos respondet quod refert se ad praedeposita. |
per eum ortave ponem allegaconis ex parte Yeo in hac causa dat et |
admisss quod creddit esse vera aliter nescit respondere |
Ad quintum respondet et Credit That the Master and merchants aforesaid |
gave no consent for their warneng before the Governoure of Saint Malloes; |
And that this Respondent beleiveth the that the Master of the Unitye aforesaid |
Could not have gone away with his shippe without this deponent and his |
Associats consent because he had the Comannde layde uppon him for theire |
transportacon at suche tyme as the winde served him to be gone |
and ffor that this deponent and Associats had an [?dye] uppon him that the |
should not goe aliter aliter nescit respondere./ |
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Eadem die. [CENTRE HEADING] |
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Rs E: B: |
Johannes Dalie de Kinsale in Regno Hibernia nauta etat 45 annorum |
aut eo circiter testis in hac [?XXXX] productus iuratas et examinatus dicit et deponit |
pvt sequitur videlicet:/ |
Ad primum et secundum ponem allegaconis ex parte Yeo in hac nego et ad charta partam in eodem examinat dat et admiss et [?XXX] |
dicit et deponit: That ffor the space of aboute tenn monthes last past |
he this deponent hath beene and at this present is Master of the articulate |
shippe or barck called the Unitye as (whereof one John Preston of |
Weymouth and one Thomas Morgan are reputed owners And he |
further sayeth That within the tyme aforesaid (the articulate Barck the |
Unitye being in the Ryver of Corck in Ireland the said Adam [?Goulo] |
and Thomas Lavallyn, did there hyer and take to freight of him this |
deponent the aforesaid barck for a voyage to be made with her from |
Blackrock in the said Ryver of Corck unto the articulate Island of |
Jersey and from thence back againe to Corck As by the |
Charter partie in this cause exhibited and shewed unto this deponent |
at this his examinacon doth appeare which said Charter partie this deponent |
sayeth is signed and sealed with the proper hand and seale of him this examinate |
in the presence of the wittinesses ther under written, And that he sayeth at |
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by vertue of his oath that all and singular the contents therof |
are true and reall nescit deponere/ |
Ad tertium ponem dca allegaconis dicit et deponit That within the |
tyme predeposed of and after the premisses the articulate barcke |
the unitye did sett sayle and depart from Black rock in the |
River of Corck and proceded on her voyage and arrived at Saint |
Malloes in ffrance aliter as is articulate aliter nescit deponere./ |
Ad quartum et quintum dca allegacons deponit et ad billam [?XXXXXX] |
vel schedulam in eadem menconate dicit et deponit, That within the |
tyme articulate the articulate barck the Unitie being at Saint Malloes |
in ffrance aforesaid: the aforesaid Gonlo and Lavallyn did |
by themselves and servants lade and cause to be laden and putt on |
board the aforesaid barck the Unitie all and singular the goods wares |
and merchandizes specified and mentioned in the schedule or |
bill of ladeing articulate marcked with the severall marcks in the |
margent thereof to be from thence transported to the port of |
Corck and there to be delivered unto the articulate Gonlo and Lavallyn or |
their Assignes for their owne accompts or adventure (as |
by the said schedule or bill of ladeing shewed to him this |
deponent, at the tyme of the examinacon more at large appeareth |
which said schedule is subscribed with the proper hand marck |
or signe of him this deponent, And he sayeth that all and |
singular the Contents thereof are true aliter nescit deponere |
Ad sextum dicit et deponit, That after the premisses to the next |
precedent article deposed of the articulate Barck did depart and |
sett sayle from Saint Malloes towards Corck and in her Course |
thitherwards was by contrarie windes driven and inforced into |
Salcombe in the County of Devon and were and are there stayed and |
seized And that he this deponent and six mariners and the |
articulate Gonlo and Lavallyn were and are imprisioned All |
which he sayeth by vertue of his oath is most true aliter |
nescit deponere |
Ad septium dicit et deponit, That also this deponent ffor his owne |
part |
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part is a Loyall true and faithfull Subiect (as likewise hee |
veriely beleiveth the articulate Goulo Lavallyn and and his sixe |
mariners are) to our Soveraigne Lord King Charles |
and no Rebell nor have any hande in the rebellion articulate |
aliter nescit deponere. |
Ad octavum dicit et deponit: That he this deponent being on board his barck |