the Unitye in the port of Saint Malloes) and ready to sett sayle and
Come away, from thence (having then a good winde) was) sent for by
twoe serieants or officers to come unto the Governoure and that
beinge come before him: the Govenour tolde him this deponent, That
the precontests Captaine Danel Riyan Captaine John Ryan
and Associats (then being present) had a passe under the ffrenche
Kinges hand for their transportacon into their native Countrye and
that he was comannded and had authoritie therby to impresst any
shippe in the said harbour to transport them and asked him this
deponent if he would carry them whoe replyed no he could not for
that he had but a smalle vessell and it was full fraighted with
merchants goods whereuppon the said Governour replyed that if he
would not Carry them he would imprison him this deponent and halle
his vessell on shoare and sayed there shee should lye: And compelled
this deponent to enter in to bonde of 30li to tranport the aforesaid
passengers without which inforcement and Compulsion this deponent nor mariners
would have under taken the said transportacon neither did the said [GXXXX] or
Layallyn did consent thereunto ut dicit./
All which he sayeth by vertue of his oath is most true
aliter nescit deponere, saveing that notwithstanding this deponent had
entred into 300li bonde as aforesaid. yet the Governour would not
trust him but sent an officer to looke that he should not runne
away and leave the said passengers behinde.
Ad ultimum dicit praedeposita per eum esse vera.
Signum Johus 'D D' Dalie [MARKE, RH SIDE]
Idem ad Interrogatoria: [CENTRE HEADING]
Ad primum et secundum et tertium respondet quod refert se ad praedeposita per eum allegacon
ex parte Yeo in hac causa dicit et admissa (qua credit esse vera) aliter nescit
Ad quarta nescit respondere aliter qua supra.
Ad quinta nescit respondere aliter qua supra
Signum Johus 'D D' Dalie [MARKE, RH SIDE]
14 Aprilis 1642
Quoad Dennis et Reynards pro bonis suis in nave)
the Lydia (cuius Petrus)
Neffeilde est magister) seiziunt)
Yeo Budd)
Petrus Neffeild de Wappinge in Comitatu
Middlesex nauta etatis 36 annorum aut eo circiter
testis in hac parte productus, iuratus, et examinatus
deponit et dicit prout sequitur videlicet
Ad primum, secundum, et reliquas praedictas allegationes ex parte ex parte Dennis et
Reynard in hac causa datas et admittendas, deponit et dicit That in
Januarye laste paste at Burdeaux ffrannce within the tyme articulate and whileste this examinate
was there, there was laden aboard this examinats shippe called the
Lydia by the articulate Stephen Dennis amongste other goodes
fifteene tonnes of ffrench wynes to bee transported from thence
to Corcke in Ireland and there to bee delivered
to one David Miller and there was alsoe amongste other
goodes laden aboard the said shippe by one Trant as hee
remembreth for which hee signed noe bill of ladeinge one barrell
or drye Caske but what was in the same hee knoweth not which
was alsoe to bee delivered at Corcke aforesaid but to whome there
hee remembreth not, and the 15 tonnes of wynes hee saieth were marcked
as in the margente but to whome either they or the foresaid barrell
or drye Caske did belonge and appertaine for his parte
hee knoweth not but saieth the said shippe with the said goodes
in her was by contrarye wynds in her course from Burdeaux
aforesaid driven and enforced into ffallmouth in Cornewall
where both shippe and goodes were seized uppon
and are yet detained, and the said Dennis hee saieth is to
his this examinats knowledge a Protestante residente at Burdeaux and
a subiecte to the ffrench Kinge, and the foresaid Trant as a
Papist or Roman Catholique and an Irishe man borne
and was then resident at Burdeaux when the foresaid goodes were
laden aboard this examinats shippe but as for the moste parte as hee
conceiveth residente at Rochell in ffrannce and there was and
still is ut credit peace and amytye betweene the Kinge of
England and the ffrench Kinge and soe hath bine for these
manye yeares laste paste and this hee affirmeth uppon
his oath to bee true Ac aliter pro parte sua nescit /
Ad Interrogatoria./ [CENTRE HEADING]
Ad primum respondet That the laste Porte at which the interrogate
shippe was before shee came laste to and from Burdeaux
was Rochell, and shee broughte noe goodes at all in her from
Rochell to Burdeaux that voyage but came theither
in her ballaste onelye. Ac aliter nescit /
Ad secundum nescit /