betty betty
betty where are you
i'm right here dear betty guess what
you are getting a dog huh no
you're getting married what no
okay i can't guess
look at this wow
it's a check for 100 it's my prize from a writing contest
you are a winner that's great news thanks betty
what can i do with the money i know i know
you can give it to me you are funny
but i don't think so
maybe you can buy stock i don't know anything about the stock
market oh dear i don't either
i know i can put the money in a bank account
you can put it in my bank account betty
i can save the money in my account i know i'm just kidding
hey i have an idea
let's go to the diner i can buy you lunch
okay goodbye come back soon
we're closed finally
are you glad i really am
oh is this your wallet
no did a customer forget it
i don't know maybe there is a lot of money inside
maybe the owner's name is inside oh right
is there id or a credit card yes it says
maxwell maxwell
only mom calls me maxwell hey that's my wallet i found it
can i borrow your credit card you can't use my credit card it has my signature
on it max
you have four credit cards in your wallet do you use them all yes why
are you in debt max is in debt no i'm not i'm careful
when i charge things maybe i can get a credit card
um a debit card is a better choice for you
why is a debit card better than a credit card using a debit card is like using
cash yes the money comes from your bank
account right away that way you don't spend more money than you have
oh so i won't go into debt that's right
and you don't pay interest wow
you're helping me manage my money thanks you're still young
this is a great time to learn how to manage your money
i agree the earlier you start the better max
who is the little girl in this picture that's sarah
really that's so sweet i keep all my treasures in my wallet my money my
credit cards and my little sister ah
renee is in the diner with simon's brother rich
he has come from the big city to visit his little brother
simon comes in to pick up renee after work
he is surprised to see rich there rich gives simon a big hug
rich has a card and gifts for him you're
giving me more gifts to help me plan my finances
thank you rich you're welcome
one day you will be rich like me
i don't want to be rich so
what is this card it's a cash card
they are popular in the city people say they are the new debit cards
how do you use it you scan the card when you pay for
something then the money is taken from the card
how much money is on this card i put five 500 on this card for you that's
very generous rich
this card is useless in small town we don't have any cash card machines
use it when you visit me in the big city rich
you boys must be hungry let me get you some chocolate cake
you have a great life yes i do
she's better than all the money in the world
oh yeah
good morning max how are you i'm great
you're happy this morning you're right i'm very happy this morning
why i love spring
flowers are beautiful the birds are singing
but max spring isn't here yet i know but the weather is getting warmer
no more winter hey
let's not work today get simon and sarah
we can have a picnic that's a fun idea but we can't close a
diner today what about our customers they can join us at the park
no max we're spring cleaning today too remember
oh yeah
hey we're closing early this saturday let's
have a picnic then great idea the weather is still a little cold for a
picnic but we can still have fun yes i can cook
and clean let's not clean at our picnic no let's clean now
okay i can clean the kitchen
thanks hey
look at our daily special what is it
spring rolls hey max do you have any special plans
for sunday not really
i'll probably just relax sunday is my day off you know i know but
sunday is also easter this sunday is easter
oh no don't you like easter
oh it's a great holiday i just remembered something
i'm cooking the easter breakfast at church
you're cooking on your day off i'm sorry max
i'm not if max is cooking then breakfast will be
great i'm looking forward to it already
i'm looking forward to small towns easter activities in the afternoon
the parade the easter egg hunt the easter egg hunt oh no what's wrong i am
supposed to boil 200 eggs and sarah is supposed to help decorate
them so
she doesn't know yet this card says
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