you are one in a million that is really sweet
can i give this to jim who's jim
no one he must be someone
maybe he's even someone special sarah
is jim your special someone max no
jim is just a friend he's not my boyfriend
we are trying to choose a valentine's day card for sarah's friend
let me help you okay but
be nice i'm always nice
this one is cute let's be friends to the end
that is cute what does it say on the inside
i love you sounds good
what no
i don't love jim i like jim he's my friend
let's keep looking is he your sweetheart this card says
hello sweetheart max
i found one it has a sweet message
what does it say does it say i have a crush on you
no it says
thank you for being my friend that's all that's all
that's not very romantic i know i like it
it's perfect and i can write my own special message
your friend sarah
okay i'm done
good jim will appreciate your card read it to us
no it's personal
but i'm your brother and you're a good brother thanks
i care about you sarah i want you to know that thank you max you're sweet
i know so
will you read the card now max
you make me smile that's better than making you cry
i might cry you two are so sweet to each other
let me give you a hug uh thanks
max you can give someone a hug too
who your special
someone what are you talking about i don't have a special someone
well you do have a crush on a girl
she always gets the cheese omelette let's not talk about that it's personal
simon betty you are two of my favorite people
hugh you say that to everyone
but you are how are you hugh i'm super thank you
how about you i'm doing well thanks
great i have something perfect for you
phew you say that all the time what are you selling today
i'm selling this i love it
what do you think it's
a heart it's a heart with
arms it's a heart
hug heart hug it's perfect for valentine's day
how many do you want sorry hugh
i don't want any what
what about you simon you must want one for renee
i'm sorry hugh it's not the perfect gift for her come
on you two let me give you a hug
no no that's okay
maybe max wants one yes
max likes heart hugs you're right
goodbye this is delicious
macaroni and cheese is one of my favorite dishes
i know i'm glad because it's easy to make
i can't believe you cooked this dinner and max even let you use his kitchen
well he knows we celebrated our first valentine's day here
the diner is a special place for us oh simon i fall in love with you more
every day that's what marriage is about i agree
do you remember our first valentine's day together of course
do you remember the poem i wrote you you wrote me a poem
you don't remember i'm just kidding of course i remember
we were here at the diner and you read the poem on the stage
i was nervous and cute i'll never forget that night
is that max in a bunny costume yes this picture was taken a year ago
max and i went to the sweet home orphanage on easter
that's great it was fun
we celebrated easter with the children we gave them easter baskets filled with
candies and cookies they love them it's wonderful that you're going again
this year yes i'm excited i'm writing letters to
the children i hope they'll be encouraged
you're tired yeah
max and i stayed up late decorating eggs for the easter egg hunt
go to bed early tonight i will
what are you and simon doing for easter we're going to the easter service at
church and then joining the town's activities
fun but be careful during the easter egg
hunt max and i were so tired last night that
we forgot to boil some of the eggs oh no
max simon told me about your idea i love it
so you guys will go sure we can go on sunday when the diner is closed great
let's leave at 8 o'clock that's early
yes i like to get an early start when i go
to the city okay do you want to take two cars or one
let's take one car parking in the city is expensive
okay we can take our car
we'll pick you up at your place at eight o'clock great hey
do you guys like indian food i don't know is it good
it's delicious do you want to try it i know a great restaurant in the city i
can make reservations for us okay that sounds great
i'm really looking forward to this weekend me too
betty is sorting mail at the post office she sees an envelope with her name on it
she opens it it's a birthday card
when she opens the cart she hears music betty closes the card
betty opens the card again the music starts again