Quantum Probability from Decision Theory?
[ "In a recent paper (quant-ph/9906015), Deutsch claims to derive the \"probabilistic predictions of quantum theory\" from the \"non-probabilistic axioms of quantum theory\" and the \"non-probabilistic part of classical decision theory", "\" We show that his derivation fails because it includes hidden probabilistic assumptions" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Coordinate Transformations
[ "Resorting to a Gedankenexperiment which is very similar to the famous Aharonov-Bohm proposal it will be shown that, in the case of a Minkowskian spacetime, we may use a nonrelativistic quantum particle and a noninertial coordinate system and obtain geometric information of regions that are, to this particle, forbidden", "This shows that the outcome of a nonrelativistic quantum process is determined not only by the features of geometry at those points at which the process takes place, but also by geometric parameters of regions in which the quantum system can not enter", "From this fact we could claim that geometry at the quantum level plays a non-local roleIndeed, the measurement outputs of some nonrelativistic quantum experiments are determined not only by the geometry of the region in which the experiment takes place, but also by the geometric properties of spacetime volumes which are, in some way, forbidden in the experiment" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc" ]
Testing the symmetrization postulate of quantum mechanics and the spin-statistics connection
[ "Recent experimental tests of the symmetrization postulate of quantum mechanics are discussedIt is shown that in a strict sense these experiments cannot test the validity of the symmetrization postulate, but in most cases do test the spin-statistics connection", "An experiment is proposed that would allow to search for possible violations of the symmetrization postulate" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Bell's inequality for a single spin 1/2 particle and quantum contextuality
[ "We argue that for a \\emph{single particle} Bell's inequality is a consequence of noncontextuality and is \\emph{incompatible} with statistical predictions of quantum mechanicsThus noncontextual models can be empirically falsified, \\emph{independent} of locality condition", "For this an appropriate entanglement between \\emph{disjoint} Hilbert spaces pertaining to translational and spin degrees of freedom of a single spin-1/2 particle is invoked" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Thermal noise of a plano-convex mirror
[ "We study theoretically the internal thermal noise of a mirror coated on a plano-convex substrateThe comparison with a cylindrical mirror of the same mass shows that the effect on a light beam can be reduced by a factor 10, improving the sensitivity of high-precision optical experiments such as gravitational-wave interferometers" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Sufficient conditions for a disentanglement
[ "We consider a disentanglement process in which local properties of an entangled state are preserved, while the entanglement between the subsystems is erasedSufficient conditions for a perfect disentanglement (into product states and into separable states) are derived, and connections to the conditions for perfect cloning and for perfect broadcasting are observed" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Superintegrability on the two dimensional hyperboloid II
[ "This work is devoted to the investigation of the quantum mechanical systems on the two dimensional hyperboloid which admit separation of variables in at least two coordinate systemsHere we consider two potentials introduced in a paper of C", "PBoyer, EGKalnins and PWinternitz, which haven't yet been studiedWe give an example of an interbasis expansion and work out the structure of the quadratic algebra generated by the integrals of motion" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
A method for reaching detection efficiencies necessary for optical loophole-free Bell experiments
[ "A method for preparing a loophole-free four-photon Bell experiments which requires a detection efficiency of 67% is proposedIt enables realistic detection efficiencies of 75% at a visibility of 85%Two type-II crystals each down convert one correlated photon pair and we entangle one photon from one pair with one photon from the other pair on a highly transparent beam splitter", "The entanglement selects two other conjugate photons into a Bell stateWide solid angles for the conjugate photons then enable us to collect close to 100% of themThe cases when both photon pairs come from only one of the two crystals are successfully taken into account", "Hardy's equalities are discussed" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Resonance energy-exchange-free detection and "welcher Weg" experiment
[ "It is shown that a monolithic total-internal-reflection resonator can be used for energy-exchange-free detections of objects without recoilsRelated energy-exchange-free detection of \"welcher Weg\" is discussed and an experiment with an atom interferometer is proposed", "The obtained results are in agreement with quantum theory" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Entanglement Teleportation via Werner States
[ "Transfer of entanglement and information is studied for quantum teleportation of an unknown entangled state through noisy quantum channelsWe find that the quantum entanglement of the unknown state can be lost during the teleportation even when the channel is quantum correlated", "We introduce a fundamental parameter of correlation information which dissipates linearly during the teleportation through the noisy channelAnalyzing the transfer of correlation information, we show that the purity of the initial state is important in determining the entanglement of the replica state" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Fragility of a class of highly entangled states of many quantum-bits
[ "We consider a Quantum Computer with n quantum-bits (`qubits'), where each qubit is coupled independently to an environment affecting the state in a dephasing or depolarizing wayFor mixed states we suggest a quantification for the property of showing {\\it quantum} uncertainty on the macroscopic level", "We illustrate in which sense a large parameter can be seen as an indicator for large entanglement and give hypersurfaces enclosing the set of separable statesUsing methods of the classical theory of maximum likelihood estimation we prove that this parameter is decreasing with 1/\\sqrt{n} for all those states which have been exposed to the environment", "Furthermore we consider a Quantum Computer with perfect 1-qubit gates and 2-qubit gates with depolarizing error and show that any state which can be obtained from a separable initial state lies inbetween a family of pairs of certain hypersurfaces parallel to those enclosing the separable ones" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum state reconstruction in the presence of dissipation
[ "We propose a realistic scheme to determine the quantum state of a single mode cavity field even after it has started to decay due to the coupling with an environmentAlthough dissipation destroys quantum coherences, we show that at zero temperature enough information about the initial state remains, in an observable quantity, to allow the reconstruction of its Wigner function" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Distributed Entanglement
[ "Consider three qubits A, B, and C which may be entangled with each otherWe show that there is a trade-off between A's entanglement with B and its entanglement with CThis relation is expressed in terms of a measure of entanglement called the \"tangle,\" which is related to the entanglement of formation", "Specifically, we show that the tangle between A and B, plus the tangle between A and C, cannot be greater than the tangle between A and the pair BCThis inequality is as strong as it could be, in the sense that for any values of the tangles satisfying the corresponding equality, one can find a quantum state consistent with those values", "Further exploration of this result leads to a definition of the \"three-way tangle\" of the system, which is invariant under permutations of the qubits" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Continuous-variable teleportation improvement by photon subtraction via conditional measurement
[ "We show that the recently proposed scheme of teleportation of continuous variables [SLBraunstein and HJKimble, PhysRevLett80, 869 (1998)] can be improved by a conditional measurement in the preparation of the entangled state shared by the sender and the recipient", "The conditional measurement subtracts photons from the original entangled two-mode squeezed vacuum, by transmitting each mode through a low-reflectivity beam splitter and performing a joint photon-number measurement on the reflected beams", "In this way the degree of entanglement of the shared state is increased and so is the fidelity of the teleported state" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Determination of Atom-Surface van der Waals Potentials from Transmission-Grating Diffraction Intensities
[ "Molecular beams of rare gas atoms and D_2 have been diffracted from 100 nm period SiN_x transmission gratingsThe relative intensities of the diffraction peaks out to the 8th order depend on the diffracting particle and are interpreted in terms of effective slit widths", "These differences have been analyzed by a new theory which accounts for the long-range van der Waals -C_3/l^3 interaction of the particles with the walls of the grating barsThe values of the C_3 constant for two different gratings are in good agreement and the results exhibit the expected linear dependence on the dipole polarizability" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
On the correspondence between classical and quantum measurements on a bosonic field
[ "We study the correspondence between classical and quantum measurements on a harmonic oscillator that describes a one-mode bosonic fieldWe connect the quantum measurement of an observable of the field with the possibility of amplifying the observable ideally through a quantum amplifier", "The ``classical'' measurement corresponds to the joint measurement of the position $q$ and momentum $p$ of the harmonic oscillator, with following evaluation of a function $f$ of the outcome $\\alpha=q+ip$", "For the electromagnetic field the joint measurement is achieved by a heterodyne detectorThe quantum measurement of an observable $\\hat O$ is obtained by preamplifying the heterodyne detector through an ideal amplifier of $\\hat O$, and rescaling the outcome by the gain $g$", "We give a general criterion which states when this preamplified heterodyne detection scheme approaches the ideal quantum measurement of $\\hat O$ in the limit of infinite gainWe show that this criterion is satisfied and the ideal measurement is achieved for the case of the photon number operator and for the quadrature", "For both operators the method is robust to nonunit quantum efficiency of the heterodyne detectorOn the other hand, we show that the preamplified heterodyne detection scheme does not work for arbitrary observable of the field", "As a counterexample, we prove that the simple quadratic function of the field $\\hat K=i(a^{\\dag 2}-a^2)/2$ has no corresponding polynomial function $f(\\alpha,\\bar \\alpha)$---including the obvious choice $f=\\hbox{Im}(\\alpha^2)$---that allows the measurement of $\\hat K$ through the preamplified heterodyne measurement scheme" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Von Neumann equations with time-dependent Hamiltonians and supersymmetric quantum mechanics
[ "Starting with a time-independent Hamiltonian $h$ and an appropriately chosen solution of the von Neumann equation $i\\dot\\rho(t)=[ h,\\rho(t)]$ we construct its binary-Darboux partner $h_1(t)$ and an exact scattering solution of $i\\dot\\rho_1(t)=[h_1(t),\\rho_1(t)]$ where $h_1(t)$ is time-dependent and not isospectral to $h$", "The method is analogous to supersymmetric quantum mechanics but is based on a different version of a Darboux transformationWe illustrate the technique by the example where $h$ corresponds to a 1-D harmonic oscillator", "The resulting $h_1(t)$ represents a scattering of a soliton-like pulse on a three-level system" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Periodic Hamiltonian and Berry's phase in harmonic oscillators
[ "For a time-dependent $\\tau$-periodic harmonic oscillator of two linearly independent homogeneous solutions of classical equation of motion which are bounded all over the time (stable), it is shown, there is a representation of states cyclic up to multiplicative constants under $\\tau$-evolution or $2\\tau$-evolution depending on the model", "The set of the wave functions is completeBerry's phase which could depend on the choice of representation can be defined under the $\\tau$- or $2\\tau$-evolution in this representationIf a homogeneous solution diverges as the time goes to infinity, it is shown that, Berry's phase can not be defined in any representation considered", "Berry's phase for the driven harmonic oscillator is also consideredFor the cases where Berry's phase can be defined, the phase is given in terms of solutions of the classical equation of motion" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Interaction of Radiation and a Relativistic Electron in Motion in a Constant Magnetic Field
[ "The work examines the effect of multiple photon emission on the quantum mechanical state of an electron emitting synchrotron radiation and on the intensity of that radiationCalculations are done with the variant of perturbation theory based on the use of extended coherent states", "A general formula is derived for the number of emitted photons, which allows for taking into account their mutual interactionA model problem is used to demonstrate the absence of the infrared catastrophe in the modified perturbation theory", "Finally, the electron density matrix is calculated, and the analysis of this matrix makes it possible to conclude that the degree of the elecron's spatial localization increases with the passage of time if the electron is being accelerated" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
How much information can be obtained by a quantum measurement?
[ "How much information about an unknown quantum state can be obtained by a measurement? We propose a model independent answer: the information obtained is equal to the minimum entropy of the outputs of the measurement, where the minimum is taken over all measurements which measure the same ``property'' of the state", "This minimization is necessary because the measurement outcomes can be redundant, and this redundancy must be eliminatedWe show that this minimum entropy is less or equal than the von Neumann entropy of the unknown states", "That is a measurement can extract at most one meaningful bit from every qubit carried by the unknown states" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Mathematical surprises and Dirac's formalism in quantum mechanics
[ "By a series of simple examples, we illustrate how the lack of mathematical concern can readily lead to surprising mathematical contradictions in wave mechanicsThe basic mathematical notions allowing for a precise formulation of the theory are then summarized and it is shown how they lead to an elucidation and deeper understanding of the aforementioned problems", "After stressing the equivalence between wave mechanics and the other formulations of quantum mechanics, iematrix mechanics and Dirac's abstract Hilbert space formulation, we devote the second part of our paper to the latter approach: we discuss the problems and shortcomings of this formalism as well as those of the bra and ket notation introduced by Dirac in this context", "In conclusion, we indicate how all of these problems can be solved or at least avoided" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP", "nucl-th", "physics.ed-ph" ]
Spin correlated interferometry for polarized and unpolarized photons on a beam splitter
[ "Spin interferometry of the 4th order for independent polarized as well as unpolarized photons arriving simultaneously at a beam splitter and exhibiting spin correlation while leaving it, is formulated and discussed in the quantum approach", "Beam splitter is recognized as a source of genuine singlet photon statesAlso, typical nonclassical beating between photons taking part in the interference of the 4th order is given a polarization dependent explanation" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Continuous variable quantum cryptography
[ "We propose a quantum cryptographic scheme in which small phase and amplitude modulations of CW light beams carry the key informationThe presence of EPR type correlations provides the quantum protection" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Bargmann Invariants and Geometric Phases - a Generalised Connection
[ "We develop the widest possible generalisation of the well-known connection between quantum mechanical Bargmann invariants and geometric phasesThe key notion is that of null phase curves in quantum mechanical ray and Hilbert spaces", "Examples of such curves are developedOur generalisation is shown to be essential to properly understand geometric phase results in the cases of coherent states and of Gaussian statesDifferential geometric aspects of null phase curves are also briefly explored" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Parametric image amplification in optical cavities
[ "We show the possibility of noiseless amplification of an optical image in cavities containing a parametric oscillatorWe consider a confocal ring cavity with plane mirrors and compare with the case of planar cavity", "In the latter case the system operates with severe spatial limitations, while in the confocal case, there is the possibility of preserving the signal-to-noise ratio while amplifying uniformely the entire image" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Spectrum of light scattered from a deformed Bose-Einstein condensate
[ "The spectrum of light scattered from a Bose-Einstein condensate is studied in the limit of particle-number conservationTo this end, a description in terms of deformed bosons is invoked and this leads to a deviation from the usual predict spectrum's shape as soon as the number of particles decreases" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
On Bures fidelity of displaced squeezed thermal states
[ "Fidelity plays a key role in quantum information and communication theoryFidelity can be interpreted as the probability that a decoded message possesses the same information content as the message prior to coding and transmission", "In this paper, we give a formula of Bures fidelity for displaced squeezed thermal states directly by the displacement and squeezing parameters and birefly discuss how the results can apply to quantum information theory" ]
[ "quant-ph", "astro-ph" ]
Tomographic test of Bell's inequality
[ "We present a homodyne detection scheme to verify Bell's inequality on correlated optical beams at the output of a nondegenerate parametric amplifierOur approach is based on tomographic measurement of the joint detection probabilities, which allows high quantum efficiency at detectors", "A self-homodyne scheme is suggested to simplify the experimental set-up" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Classical Limit of the Trajectory Representation of Quantum Mechanics, Loss of Information and Residual Indeterminacy
[ "The trajectory representation in the classical limit (\\hbar \\to 0) manifests a residual indeterminacyWe show that the trajectory representation in the classical limit goes to neither classical mechanics (Planck's correspondence principle) nor statistical mechanics", "This residual indeterminacy is contrasted to Heisenberg uncertaintyWe discuss the relationship between indeterminacy and 't Hooft's information loss and equivalence classes" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
Quantum fluctuations for drag free geodesic motion
[ "The drag free technique is used to force a proof mass to follow a geodesic motionThe mass is protected from perturbations by a cage, and the motion of the latter is actively controlled to follow the motion of the proof mass", "We present a theoretical analysis of the effects of quantum fluctuations for this techniqueWe show that a perfect drag free operation is in principle possible at the quantum level, in spite of the back action exerted on the mass by the position sensor" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Protecting Quantum Information Encoded in Decoherence Free States Against Exchange Errors
[ "The exchange interaction between identical qubits in a quantum information processor gives rise to unitary two-qubit errorsIt is shown here that decoherence free subspaces (DFSs) for collective decoherence undergo Pauli errors under exchange, which however do not take the decoherence free states outside of the DFS", "In order to protect DFSs against these errors it is sufficient to employ a recently proposed concatenated DFS-quantum error correcting code scheme [DALidar, DBacon and KBWhaley, PhysRevLett{\\bf 82}, 4556 (1999)]" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat" ]
Realizing probabilistic identification and cloning of quantum states via universal quantum logic gates
[ "Probabilistic quantum cloning and identifying machines can be constructed via unitary-reduction processes [Duan and Guo, PhysRevLett80, 4999 (1998)]Given the cloning (identifying) probabilities, we derive an explicit representation of the unitary evolution and corresponding Hamiltonian to realize probabilistic cloning (identification)", "The logic networks are obtained by decomposing the unitary representation into universal quantum logic operationsThe robustness of the networks is also discussedOur method is suitable for a $k$-partite system, such as quantum computer, and may be generalized to general state-dependent cloning and identification" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Universality of optimal measurements
[ "We present optimal and minimal measurements on identical copies of an unknown state of a qubit when the quality of measuring strategies is quantified with the gain of information (Kullback of probability distributions)", "We also show that the maximal gain of information occurs, among isotropic priors, when the state is known to be pureUniversality of optimal measurements follows from our results: using the fidelity or the gain of information, two different figures of merits, leads to exactly the same conclusions", "We finally investigate the optimal capacity of $N$ copies of an unknown state as a quantum channel of information" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum trajectories for Brownian motion
[ "We present the stochastic Schroedinger equation for the dynamics of a quantum particle coupled to a high temperature environment and apply it the dynamics of a driven, damped, nonlinear quantum oscillator", "Apart from an initial slip on the environmental memory time scale, in the mean, our result recovers the solution of the known non-Lindblad quantum Brownian motion master equationA remarkable feature of our approach is its localization property: individual quantum trajectories remain localized wave packets for all times, even for the classically chaotic system considered here, the localization being stronger the smaller $\\hbar$" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Expanding Hermitean Operators in a Basis of Projectors on Coherent Spin States
[ "The expectation values of a hermitean operator A in (2s+1)(2s+1) specific coherent states of a spin are known to determine the operator unambiguouslyAs shown here, (almost) any other (2s+1)(2s+1) coherent states also provide a basis for self-adjoint operators", "This is proven by considering the determinant of the Gram matrix associated with the coherent state projectors as a Hamiltonian of a fictitious classical spin system" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Non-Abelian Berry connections for quantum computation
[ "In the holonomic approach to quantum computation information is encoded in a degenerate eigenspace of a parametric family of Hamiltonians and manipulated by the associated holonomic gatesThese are realized in terms of the non-abelian Berry connection and are obtained by driving the control parameters along adiabatic loops", "We show how it is possible, for a specific model, to explicitly determine the loops generating any desired logical gate, thus producing a universal set of unitary transformationsIn a multi-partite system unitary transformations can be implemented efficiently by sequences of local holonomic gates", "Moreover a conceptual scheme for obtaining the required Hamiltonian family, based on frequently repeated pulses, is discussed, together with a possible process whereby the initial state can be prepared and the final one can be measured" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th" ]
Casimir force between metallic mirrors
[ "We study the influence of finite conductivity of metals on the Casimir effectWe put the emphasis on explicit theoretical evaluations which can help comparing experimental results with theoryThe reduction of the Casimir force is evaluated for plane metallic plates", "The reduction of the Casimir energy in the same configuration is also calculatedIt can be used to infer the reduction of the force in the plane-sphere geometry through the `proximity theorem'Frequency dependent dielectric response functions of the metals are represented either by the simple plasma model or, more accurately, by using the optical data known for the metals used in recent experiments, that is Al, Au and Cu", "In the two latter cases, the results obtained here differ significantly from those published recently" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Semiclassical interferences and catastrophes in the ionization of Rydberg atoms by half-cycle pulses
[ "A multi-dimensional semiclassical description of excitation of a Rydberg electron by half-cycle pulses is developed and applied to the study of energy- and angle-resolved ionization spectraCharacteristic novel phenomena observable in these spectra such as interference oscillations and semiclassical glory and rainbow scattering are discussed and related to the underlying classical dynamics of the Rydberg electron", "Modifications to the predictions of the impulse approximation are examined that arise due to finite pulse durations" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Counterfactual entanglement and nonlocal correlations in separable states
[ "It is shown that the outcomes of measurements on systems in separable mixed states can be partitioned, via subsequent measurements on a disentangled extraneous system, into subensembles that display the statistics of entangled states", "This motivates the introduction of the concept of \"counterfactual\" entanglement, which can be associated with all separable mixed states including those that are factorableThis type of entanglement gives rise to a new kind of postselection-induced Bell inequality violation", "The significance of counterfactual entanglement, and its physical implications, are assessed" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
General Strategies for Discrimination of Quantum States
[ "We derive general discrimination of quantum states chosen from a certain set, given initial $M$ copies of each state, and obtain the matrix inequality, which describe the bound between the maximum probability of correctly determining and that of error", "The former works are special cases of our results" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Clone and States Estimation for n-state System
[ "We derive a lower bound for the optimal fidelity for deterministic cloning a set of n pure statesIn connection with states estimation, we obtain a lower bound about average maximum correct states estimation probability" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Communication Protocol Employing Weak Measurements
[ "We propose a communication protocol exploiting correlations between two events with a definite time-ordering: a) the outcome of a {\\em weak measurement} on a spin, and b) the outcome of a subsequent ordinary measurement on the spin", "In our protocol, Alice, first generates a \"code\" by performing weak measurements on a sample of N spinsThe sample is sent to Bob, who later performs a post-selection by measuring the spin along either of two certain directions", "The results of the post-selection define the \"key', which he then broadcasts publiclyUsing both her previously generated code and this key, Alice is able to infer the {\\em direction} chosen by Bob in the post-selection", "Alternatively, if Alice broadcasts publicly her code, Bob is able to infer from the code and the key the direction chosen by Alice for her weak measurementTwo possible experimental realizations of the protocols are briefly mentioned" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Teleportation is a Universal Computational Primitive
[ "We present a method to create a variety of interesting gates by teleporting quantum bits through special entangled statesThis allows, for instance, the construction of a quantum computer based on just single qubit operations, Bell measurements, and GHZ states", "We also present straightforward constructions of a wide variety of fault-tolerant quantum gates" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Measurement-induced interference in an inhomogeneous gravitational field
[ "A very interesting quantum mechanical effect is the emergence of gravity-induced interference, which has already been detectedThis effect also shows us that gravity is at the quantum level not a purely geometric effect, the mass of the employed particles appears explicitly in the interference expression", "In this work we will generalize some previous resultsIt will be shown that the introduction of a second order approximation in the propagator of a particle, immersed in the Earth's gravitational field, and whose coordinates are being continuously monitored, allows us to include, in the corresponding complex oscillator, a frequency which now depends on the geometry of the source of the gravitational field, a fact that is absent in the case of a homogeneous field", "Using this propagator we will analyze the interference pattern of two particle beams whose coordinates are being continuously monitoredWe will compare our results againt the case of a homogeneous field, and also against the measurement ouputs of the Colella, Overhauser, and Werner experiment, and find that the difference in the dependence upon the geometry of the source of the gravitational field could render detectable differences in their respective measurement outputs" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc" ]
Topology Classes of Flat U(1) Bundles and Diffeomorphic Covariant Representations of the Heisenberg Algebra
[ "The general construction of self-adjoint configuration space representations of the Heisenberg algebra over an arbitrary manifold is consideredAll such inequivalent representations are parametrised in terms of the topology classes of flat U(1) bundles over the configuration space manifold", "In the case of Riemannian manifolds, these representations are also manifestly diffeomorphic covariantThe general discussion, illustrated by some simple examples in non relativistic quantum mechanics, is of particular relevance to systems whose configuration space is parametrised by curvilinear coordinates or is not simply connected, which thus include for instance the modular spaces of theories of non abelian gauge fields and gravity" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
Quantum Parabolic Sombrero
[ "We have discussed the energy levels and probability distribution density for a quantum particle placed in the two-dimensional sombrero-shaped potential $V(\\rho,\\rho_0)=\\mu\\omega^2|\\rho^2-\\rho_0^2|/2$" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
Laser Field Induced Birefringence and Enhancement of Magneto-optical Rotation
[ "An initially isotropic medium, when subjected to either a magnetic field or a coherent field, can induce anisotropy in the medium and can cause the polarization of a probe field to rotateTherefore the rotation of probe polarization, due to magnetic field alone, can be controlled efficiently with the use of a coherent control field", "We demonstrate this enhancement of the magneto-optical rotation (MOR) of a linearly polarized light, by doing detailed calculations on a system with relevant transitions $j=0\\leftrightarrow j=1\\leftrightarrow j=0$" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum gates by coupled quantum dots and measurement procedure in Si MOSFET
[ "We investigated the quantum gates of coupled quantum dots, theoretically, when charging effects can be observedWe have shown that the charged states in the qubits can be observed by the channel current of the MOSFET structure" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Nonclassical interaction-free detection of objects in a monolithic total-internal-reflection resonator
[ "We show that with an efficiency exceeding 99% one can use a monolithic total-internal-reflection resonator in order to ascertain the presence of an object without transferring a quantum of energy to it", "We also propose an experiment on the probabilistic meaning of the electric field that contains only a very few photons" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Spin-correlated interferometry with beam splitters: preselection of spin-correlated photons
[ "A nonclassical feature of the fourth-order interference at a beam splitter, that genuine photon spin singlets are emitted in predetermined directions even when incident photons are unpolarized, has been used in a proposal for an experiment that imposes quantum spin correlation on truly independent photons", "In the experiment, two photons from two such singlets interfere at a beam splitter, and as a result the other two photons - which nowhere interacted and whose paths nowhere crossed - exhibit a 100% correlation in polarization, even when no polarization has been measured in the first two photons", "The propsed experiment permits closure of the remaining loopholes in the Bell theorem proof and reveals the quantum nonlocality as a property of selection, and pioneers an experimental procedure for exact preparation of unequal superposition" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Transparency Near a Photonic Band Edge
[ "We study the absorption and dispersion properties of a ${\\bf \\Lambda}$-type atom which decays spontaneously near the edge of a photonic band gap (PBG)Using an isotropic PBG model, we show that the atom can become transparent to a probe laser field, even when other dissipative channels are present", "This transparency originates from the square root singularity of the density of modes of the PBG material at threshold" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Bipartite Mixed States of Infinite-Dimensional Systems are Generically Nonseparable
[ "Given a bipartite quantum system represented by a tensor product of two Hilbert spaces, we give an elementary argument showing that if either component space is infinite-dimensional, then the set of nonseparable density operators is trace-norm dense in the set of all density operators (and the separable density operators nowhere dense)", "This result complements recent detailed investigations of separability, which show that when both component Hilbert spaces are finite-dimensional, there is a separable neighborhood (perhaps very small for large dimensions) of the maximally mixed state" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Simulating Quantum Mechanics by Non-Contextual Hidden Variables
[ "No physical measurement can be performed with infinite precisionThis leaves a loophole in the standard no-go arguments against non-contextual hidden variablesAll such arguments rely on choosing special sets of quantum-mechanical observables with measurement outcomes that cannot be simulated non-contextually", "As a consequence, these arguments do not exclude the hypothesis that the class of physical measurements in fact corresponds to a dense subset of all theoretically possible measurements with outcomes and quantum probabilities that \\emph{can} be recovered from a non-contextual hidden variable model", "We show here by explicit construction that there are indeed such non-contextual hidden variable models, both for projection valued and positive operator valued measurements" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Pauli's Theorem and Quantum Canonical Pairs: The Consistency Of a Bounded, Self-Adjoint Time Operator Canonically Conjugate to a Hamiltonian with Non-empty Point Spectrum
[ "In single Hilbert space, Pauli's well-known theorem implies that the existence of a self-adjoint time operator canonically conjugate to a given Hamiltonian signifies that the time operator and the Hamiltonian possess completely continuous spectra spanning the entire real line", "Thus the conclusion that there exists no self-adjoint time operator conjugate to a semibounded or discrete Hamiltonian despite some well-known illustrative counterexamplesIn this paper we evaluate Pauli's theorem against the single Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics, and consequently show the consistency of assuming a bounded, self-adjoint time operator canonically conjugate to a Hamiltonian with an unbounded, or semibounded, or finite point spectrum", "We point out Pauli's implicit assumptions and show that they are not consistent in a single Hilbert spaceWe demonstrate our analysis by giving two explicit examplesMoreover, we clarify issues sorrounding the different solutions to the canonical commutation relations, and, consequently, expand the class of acceptable canonical pairs beyond the solutions required by Pauli's theorem" ]
[ "quant-ph", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
Recovering coherence from decoherence: a method of quantum state reconstruction
[ "We present a feasible scheme for reconstructing the quantum state of a field prepared inside a lossy cavityQuantum coherences are normally destroyed by dissipation, but we show that at zero temperature we are able to retrieve enough information about the initial state, making possible to recover its Wigner function as well as other quasiprobabilities", "We provide a numerical simulation of a Schroedinger cat state reconstruction" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Universal teleportation with a twist
[ "We give a transfer theorem for teleportation based on twisting the entanglement measurementThis allows one to say what local unitary operation must be performed to complete the teleportation in any situation, generalizing the scheme to include overcomplete measurements, non-abelian groups of local unitary operations (e", "g, angular momentum teleportation), and the effect of non-maximally entangled resources" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Squeezing and photon distribution in a vibrating cavity
[ "We obtain explicit analytical expressions for the quadrature variances and the photon distribution functions of the electromagnetic field modes excited from vacuum or thermal states due to the non-stationary Casimir effect in an ideal one-dimensional Fabry--Perot cavity with vibrating walls, provided the frequency of vibrations is close to a multiple frequency of the fundamental unperturbed electromagnetic mode" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Classical limit in terms of symbolic dynamics for the quantum baker's map
[ "We derive a simple closed form for the matrix elements of the quantum baker's map that shows that the map is an approximate shift in a symbolic representation based on discrete phase spaceWe use this result to give a formal proof that the quantum baker's map approaches a classical Bernoulli shift in the limit of a small effective Plank's constant" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Reversible quantum teleportation in an optical lattice
[ "We propose a protocol, based on entanglement procedures recently suggested by [DJaksch et al, PhysRevLett82, 1975 (1999)], which allows the teleportation of an unknown state of a neutral atom in an optical lattice to another atom in another site of the lattice, without any irreversible detection" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
On the Relation Between Quantum Mechanical and Classical Parallel Transport
[ "We explain how the kind of ``parallel transport'' of a wavefunction used in discussing the Berry or Geometrical phase induces the conventional parallel transport of certain real vectorsThese real vectors are associated with operators whose commutators yield diagonal operators; or in Lie algebras those operators whose commutators are in the (diagonal) Cartan subalgebra" ]
[ "quant-ph", "math-ph", "math.DG", "math.MP" ]
On bound entanglement assisted distillation
[ "We investigate asymptotic distillation of entanglement in the presence of an unlimited amount of bound entanglement for bi-partite systemsWe show that the distillability is still bounded by the relative entropy of entanglement", "This offers a strong support to the fact that bound entanglement does not improve distillation of entanglement" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Higher-Power Coherent and Squeezed States
[ "A closed form expression for the higher-power coherent states (eigenstates of $a^{j}$) is givenThe cases j=3,4 are discussed in detail, including the time-evolution of the probability densitiesThese are compared to the case j=2, the even- and odd-coherent states", "We give the extensions to the \"effective\" displacement-operator, higher-power squeezed states and to the ladder-operator/minimum-uncertainty, higher-power squeezed statesThe properties of all these states are discussed" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Teleportation Using Quantum Non-Demolition Technique
[ "We propose a new scheme and protocol for quantum teleportation of a single-mode field state, based on entanglement produced by quantum non-demolition interactionWe show that the recently attained results in QND technique allow to perform the teleportation in quantum regime", "We also show that applying QND coupling to squeezed fields will significantly improve the quality of teleportation for a given degree of squeezing" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Implementing unitary operators in quantum computation
[ "We present a general method which expresses a unitary operator by the product of operators allowed by the Hamiltonian of spin-1/2 systemsIn this method, the generator of an operator is found first, and then the generator is expanded by the base operators of the product operator formalism", "Finally, the base operators disallowed by the Hamiltonian, including more than two-body interaction operators, are replaced by allowed ones by the axes transformation and coupling order reduction technique", "This method directly provides pulse sequences for the nuclear magnetic resonance quantum computer, and can be generally applied to other systems" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Effect of the measurement on the decay rate of a quantum system
[ "We investigated the electron tunneling out of a quantum dot in the presence of a continuous monitoring by a detectorIt is shown that the Schr\\\"odinger equation for the whole system can be reduced to new Bloch-type rate equations describing the time-development of the detector and the measured system at once", "Using these equations we find that the continuous measurement of the unstable system does not affect its exponential decay, $\\exp (-\\Gamma t)$, contrary to expectations based on the Quantum Zeno effect", "However, the width of the energy distribution of the tunneling electron is no more $\\Gamma$, but increases due to the decoherence, generated by the detector" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat", "hep-ph", "nucl-th" ]
Inseparability criterion for continuous variable systems
[ "An inseparability criterion based on the total variance of a pair of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen type operators is proposed for continuous variable systemsThe criterion provides a sufficient condition for entanglement of any two-party continuous variable states", "Furthermore, for all the Gaussian states, this criterion turns out to be a necessary and sufficient condition for inseparability" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
The Schwarz-Hora effect: present-day situation
[ "The electron-diffraction pattern at a nonfluorescent target was observed by Schwarz under attempts to modulate an electron beam by laser lightThe pattern was of the same color as the laser lightThe analysis of the literature shows there are the unresolved up to now significant contradictions between the theory and the Schwarz experiments", "To resolve these contradictions, the interpretation of the Schwarz-Hora effect is considered, which is a development of the idea formulated by Schwarz and HoraIt is supposed that the interaction of electrons with the laser field inside a thin dielectric film is accompanied not only by the processes of absorption and stimulated emission of photons but also by formation of some metastable electron states in which the captured photons can be transferred with a following emission at the target" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Casimir Effect on a Finite Lattice
[ "This article presents a Hamiltonian lattice formulation of static Casimir systems at a level of generality appropriate for an introductory investigationBackground structure - represented by a lattice potential V(x) - is introduced along one spatial direction with translation invariance in all other spatial directions", "Following some general analysis two specific finite one dimensional lattice QFT systems are analyzed in detail" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Electrons above a Helium Surface and the One-Dimensional Rydberg Atom
[ "Isolated electrons resting above a helium surface are predicted to have a bound spectrum corresponding to a one-dimensional hydrogen atomBut in fact, the observed spectrum is closer to that of a quantum-defect atom", "Such a model is discussed and solved in analytic closed form" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat" ]
Transition probabilities between quasifree states
[ "We obtain a general formula for the transition probabilities between any state of the algebra of the canonical commutation relations (CCR-algebra) and a squeezed quasifree stateApplications of this formula are made for the case of multimode thermal squeezed states of quantum optics using a general canonical decomposition of the correlation matrix valid for any quasifree state", "In the particular case of a one mode CCR-algebra we show that the transition probability between two quasifree squeezed states is a decreasing function of the geodesic distance between the points of the upper half plane representing these states", "In the special case of the purification map it is shown that the transition probability between the state of the enlarged system and the product state of real and fictitious subsystems can be a measure for the entanglement" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Contextual Deterministic Quantum Mechanics
[ "We present a simple proof of quantum contextuality for a spinless particle with a one dimensional configuration spaceWe then discuss how the maximally realistic deterministic quantum mechanics recently constructed by this author and V", "Singh can be applied to different contexts" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc", "hep-th" ]
Quantum Zeno effect in the decay onto an unstable level
[ "Under certain assumptions it is shown that the decay of level 2 of a three-level system onto level 1 is slowed down because of the further decay of level 1 onto level 0It is argued that this phenomenon may be interpreted as a consequence of the quantum Zeno effect", "The reason why this may be possible is that the second decay (or accompanying photon radiation) may be considered as a sign of the transition 2 -> 1 so that during the first transition the system is under continuous observation" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Decoherence-Free Subspaces for Multiple-Qubit Errors: (I) Characterization
[ "Coherence in an open quantum system is degraded through its interaction with a bathThis decoherence can be avoided by restricting the dynamics of the system to special decoherence-free subspacesThese subspaces are usually constructed under the assumption of spatially symmetric system-bath coupling", "Here we show that decoherence-free subspaces may appear without spatial symmetryInstead, we consider a model of system-bath interactions in which to first order only multiple-qubit coupling to the bath is present, with single-qubit system-bath coupling absent", "We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the appearance of decoherence-free states in this model, and give a number of examplesIn a sequel paper we show how to perform universal and fault tolerant quantum computation on the decoherence-free subspaces considered in this paper" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Limits for entanglement measures
[ "We show that {\\it any} entanglement measure $E$ suitable for the regime of high number of entangled pairs satisfies $E_D\\leq E\\leq E_F$ where $E_D$ and $E_F$ are entanglement of distillation and formation respectively", "We also exhibit a general theorem on bounds for distillable entanglementThe results are obtained by use of a very transparent reasoning based on the fundamental principle of entanglement theory saying that entanglement cannot increase under local operations and classical communication" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Relativistic quantum mechanics of a Dirac oscillator
[ "The Dirac oscillator is an exactly soluble model recently introduced in the context of many particle models in relativistic quantum mechanicsThe model has been also considered as an interaction term for modelling quark confinement in quantum chromodynamics", "These considerations should be enough for demonstrating that the Dirac oscillator can be an excellent example in relativistic quantum mechanicsIn this paper we offer a solution to the problem and discuss some of its properties", "We also discuss a physical picture for the Dirac oscillator's non-standard interaction, showing how it arises on describing the behaviour of a neutral particle carrying an anomalous magnetic moment and moving inside an uniformly charged sphere" ]
[ "quant-ph", "math-ph", "math.MP", "physics.ed-ph" ]
Unextendible Product Bases, Uncompletable Product Bases and Bound Entanglement
[ "We report new results and generalizations of our work on unextendible product bases (UPB), uncompletable product bases and bound entanglementWe present a new construction for bound entangled states based on product bases which are only completable in a locally extended Hilbert space", "We introduce a very useful representation of a product basis, an orthogonality graphUsing this representation we give a complete characterization of unextendible product bases for two qutritsWe present several generalizations of UPBs to arbitrary high dimensions and multipartite systems", "We present a sufficient condition for sets of orthogonal product states to be distinguishable by separable superoperatorsWe prove that bound entangled states cannot help increase the distillable entanglement of a state beyond its regularized entanglement of formation assisted by bound entanglement" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Remarks on Universal Quantum Computer
[ "According to Deutsch, a universal quantum Turing machine (UQTM) is able to perform, in repeating a fixed unitary transformation on the total system, an arbitrary unitary transformation on an arbitrary data state, by including a program as another part of the input state", "We note that if such a UQTM really exists, with the program state dependent on the data state, and if the prescribed halting scheme is indeed valid, then there would be no entanglement between the halt qubit and other qubits, as pointed out by Myers", "If, however, the program is required to be independent of the data, the concerned entanglement appears, and is problematic no matter whether the halt qubit is monitored or notWe also note that for a deterministic programmable quantum gate array, as discussed by Nielson and Chuang, if the program is allowed to depend on the data state, then its existence has not been ruled out", "On the other hand, if UQTM exists, it can be simulated by repeating the operation of a fixed gate arrayHowever, more importantly, we observe that it is actually still open whether Deutsch's UQTM exists and whether a crucial concatenation scheme, of which the halting scheme is a special case, is valid" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Group Theoretical Quantization and the Example of a Phase Space S^1 x R^+
[ "The group theoretical quantization scheme is reconsidered by means of elementary systemsAlready the quantization of a particle on a circle shows that the standard procedure has to be supplemented by an additional condition on the admissibility of group actions", "A systematic strategy for finding admissible group actions for particular subbundles of cotangent spaces is developed, two-dimensional prototypes of which are T^*R^+ and S^1 x R^+ (interpreted as restrictions of T^*R and T^*S^1 to positive coordinate and momentum, respectively)", "In this framework (and under an additional, natural condition) an SO_+(1,2)-action on S^1 x R^+ results as the unique admissible group actionFor symplectic manifolds which are (specific) parts of phase spaces with known quantum theory a simple projection method of quantization is formulated", "For T^*R^+ and S^1 x R^+ equivalent results to those of more established (but more involved) quantization schemes are obtainedThe approach may be of interest, eg, in attempts to quantize gravity theories where demanding nondegenerate metrics of a fixed signature imposes similar constraints" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc", "hep-th" ]
Non-maximally entangled states: production, characterization and utilization
[ "Using a spontaneous-downconversion photon source, we produce true non-maximally entangled states, ie, without the need for post-selectionThe degree and phase of entanglement are readily tunable, and are characterized both by a standard analysis using coincidence minima, and by quantum state tomography of the two-photon state", "Using the latter, we experimentally reconstruct the reduced density matrix for the polarizationFinally, we use these states to measure the Hardy fraction, obtaining a result that is $122 \\sigma$ from any local-realistic result" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Continuity bounds for entanglement
[ "This note quantifies the continuity properties of entanglement: how much does entanglement vary if we change the entangled quantum state just a little? This question is studied for the pure state entanglement of a bipartite system and for the entanglement of formation of a bipartite system in a mixed state" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Comment on ``Validity of Feynman's prescription of disregarding the Pauli principle in intermediate states''
[ "In a recent paper Coutinho, Nogami and Tomio [PhysRevA 59, 2624 (1999); quant-ph/9812073] presented an example in which, they claim, Feynman's prescription of disregarding the Pauli principle in intermediate states of perturbation theory fails", "We show that, contrary to their claim, Feynman's prescription is consistent with the exact solution of their example" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
The 3-Dimensional q-Deformed Harmonic Oscillator and Magic Numbers of Alkali Metal Clusters
[ "Magic numbers predicted by a 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator with Uq(3) > SOq(3) symmetry are compared to experimental data for alkali metal clusters, as well as to theoretical predictions of jellium models, Woods--Saxon and wine bottle potentials, and to the classification scheme using the 3n+l pseudo quantum number", "The 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator correctly predicts all experimentally observed magic numbers up to 1500 (which is the expected limit of validity for theories based on the filling of electronic shells), thus indicating that Uq(3), which is a nonlinear extension of the U(3) symmetry of the spherical (3-dimensional isotropic) harmonic oscillator, is a good candidate for being the symmetry of systems of alkali metal clusters" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Exact solution for Morse oscillator in PT-symmetric quantum mechanics
[ "The recently proposed PT-symmetric quantum mechanics works with complex potentials which possess, roughly speaking, a symmetric real part and an anti-symmetric imaginary partWe propose and describe a new exactly solvable model of this type", "It is defined as a specific analytic continuation of the shape-invariant potential of MorseIn contrast to the latter well-known example, all the new spectrum proves real, discrete and bounded belowAll its three separate subsequences are quadratic in n" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Back-Reaction of Clocks and Limitations on Observability in Closed Systems
[ "Measurements are ordinarily described with respect to absolute \"Newtonian\" timeIn reality however, the switching-on of the measuring device at the instance of the measurement requires a timing deviceHence the classical time $t$ must be replaced by a suitable quantum time variable $\\tau$ of a physical clock", "The main issue raised in this article is that while doing so, we can no longer neglect the {\\em back-reaction} due to the measurement on the clockThis back-reaction yields a bound on the accuracy of the measurement", "When this bound is violated the result of a measurement is generally not an eigenvalue of the observable, and furthermore, the state of the system after the measurement is generally not a pure stateWe argue that as a consequence, a sub-class of observables in a closed system cannot be realized by a measurement" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc" ]
Information, Relative Entropy of Entanglement and Irreversibility
[ "Previously proposed measures of entanglement, such as entanglement of formation and assistance, are shown to be special cases of the relative entropy of entanglementThe difference between these measures for an ensemble of mixed states is shown to depend on the availability of classical information about particular members of the ensemble", "Based on this, relations between relative entropy of entanglement and mutual information are derived" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Nonclassical correlations of phase noise and photon number in quantum nondemolition measurements
[ "The continuous transition from a low resolution quantum nondemolition measurement of light field intensity to a precise measurement of photon number is described using a generalized measurement postulate", "In the intermediate regime, quantization appears as a weak modulation of measurement probabilityIn this regime, the measurement result is strongly correlated with the amount of phase decoherence introduced by the measurement interaction", "In particular, the accidental observation of half integer photon numbers preserves phase coherence in the light field, while the accidental observation of quantized values increases decoherenceThe quantum mechanical nature of this correlation is discussed and the implications for the general interpretation of quantization are considered" ]
[ "quant-ph", "physics.optics" ]
Non-local Correlations are Generic in Infinite-Dimensional Bipartite Systems
[ "It was recently shown that the nonseparable density operators for a bipartite system are trace norm dense if either factor space has infinite dimensionWe show here that non-local states -- ie, states whose correlations cannot be reproduced by any local hidden variable model -- are also dense", "Our constructions distinguish between the cases where both factor spaces are infinite-dimensional, where we show that states violating the CHSH inequality are dense, and the case where only one factor space is infinite-dimensional, where we identify open neighborhoods of nonseparable states that do not violate the CHSH inequality but show that states with a subtler form of non-locality (often called \"hidden\" non-locality) remain dense" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Transient properties of modified reservoir-induced transparency
[ "We investigate the transient response of a $\\Lambda$-type system with one transition decaying to a modified radiation reservoir with an inverse square-root singular density of modes at threshold, under conditions of transparency", "We calculate the time evolution of the linear susceptibility for the probe laser field and show that, depending on the strength of the coupling to the modified vacuum and the background decay, the probe transmission can exhibit behaviour ranging from underdamped to overdamped oscillations", "Transient gain without population inversion is also possible depending on the system's parameters" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Probability distributions consistent with a mixed state
[ "A density matrix $\\rho$ may be represented in many different ways as a mixture of pure states, $\\rho = \\sum_i p_i |\\psi_i\\ra \\la \\psi_i|$This paper characterizes the class of probability distributions $(p_i)$ that may appear in such a decomposition, for a fixed density matrix $\\rho$", "Several illustrative applications of this result to quantum mechanics and quantum information theory are given" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Propagation of local decohering action in distributed quantum systems
[ "We study propagation of the decohering influence caused by a local measurement performed on a distributed quantum systemAs an example, the gas of bosons forming a Bose-Einstein condensate is considered", "We demonstrate that the local decohering perturbation exerted on the measured region propagates over the system in the form of a decoherence wave, whose dynamics is governed by elementary excitations of the system", "We argue that the post-measurement evolution of the system (determined by elementary excitations) is of importance for transfer of decoherence, while the initial collapse of the wave function has negligible impact on the regions which are not directly affected by the measurement" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum cryptography with a predetermined key, using continuous variable Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations
[ "Correlations of the type discussed by EPR in their original 1935 paradox for continuous variables exist for the quadrature phase amplitudes of two spatially separated fieldsThese correlations were experimentally reported in 1992", "We propose to use such EPR beams in quantum cryptography, to transmit with high efficiency messages in such a way that the receiver and sender may later determine whether eavesdropping has occurredThe merit of the new proposal is in the possibility of transmitting a reasonably secure yet predetermined key", "This would allow relay of a cryptographic key over long distances in the presence of lossy channels" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum information distribution via entanglement
[ "We present a generalization of quantum teleportation that distributes quantum information from a sender's $d$-level particle to $N_o$ particles held by remote receivers via an initially shared multiparticle entangled state", "This entangled state functions as a multiparty quantum information distribution channel between the sender and the receiversThe structure of the distribution channel determines how quantum information is processed", "Our generalized teleportation scheme allows multiple receivers at arbitrary locations, and can be used for applications such as optimal quantum information broadcasting, asymmetric telecloning, and quantum error correction" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Universal cloning of continuous quantum variables
[ "The cloning of quantum variables with continuous spectra is analyzedA universal - or Gaussian - quantum cloning machine is exhibited that copies equally well the states of two conjugate variables such as position and momentum", "It also duplicates all coherent states with a fidelity of 2/3More generally, the copies are shown to obey a no-cloning Heisenberg-like uncertainty relation" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Spontaneous emission and lifetime modification caused by an intense electromagnetic field
[ "We study the temporal evolution of a three-level system (such as an atom or a molecule), initially prepared in an excited state, bathed in a laser field tuned at the transition frequency of the other level", "The features of the spontaneous emission are investigated and the lifetime of the initial state is evaluated: a Fermi \"golden rule\" still applies, but the on-shell matrix elements depend on the intensity of the laser field", "In general, the lifetime is a decreasing function of the laser intensityThe phenomenon we discuss can be viewed as an \"inverse\" quantum Zeno effect and can be analyzed in terms of dressed states" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Information Transfer in the Course of a Quantum Interaction
[ "We discuss the problem of the information transfer (exchange of states configuration) between two interacting quantum systems along their evolution in timeWe consider the specific case of two modes of the electromagnetic field with rotating wave coupling interaction (up-conversion in a nonlinear crystal)", "We verify that for certain initial states of the fields the swapping of state configuration occurs with conservation of the mean energy of each mode (without energy transfer), characterising thus pure information flow" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Phase covariant quantum cloning
[ "We consider an N -> M quantum cloning transformation acting on pure two-level states lying on the equator of the Bloch sphereAn upper bound for its fidelity is presented, by establishing a connection between optimal phase covariant cloning and phase estimation", "We give the explicit form of a cloning transformation that achieves the bound for the case N=1, M=2, and find a link between this case and optimal eavesdropping in the quantum cryptographic scheme BB84" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Consistent histories, quantum truth functionals, and hidden variables
[ "A central principle of consistent histories quantum theory, the requirement that quantum descriptions be based upon a single framework (or family), is employed to show that there is no conflict between consistent histories and a no-hidden-variables theorem of Bell, and Kochen and Specker, contrary to a recent claim by Bassi and Ghirardi", "The argument makes use of ``truth functionals'' defined on a Boolean algebra of classical or quantum properties" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
The Markov approximation revisited: Inconsistency of the standard quantum Brownian motion model
[ "We revisit the Markov approximation necessary to derive ordinary Brownian motion from a model widely adopted in literature for this specific purposeWe show that this leads to internal inconsistencies, thereby implying that further search for a more satisfactory model is required" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat" ]
Maximum-likelihood estimation of the density matrix
[ "We present a universal technique for quantum state estimation based on the maximum-likelihood methodThis approach provides a positive definite estimate for the density matrix from a sequence of measurements performed on identically prepared copies of the system", "The method is versatile and can be applied to multimode radiation fields as well as to spin systemsThe incorporation of physical constraints, which is natural in the maximum-likelihood strategy, leads to a substantial reduction of statistical errors", "Numerical implementation of the method is based on a particular form of the Gauss decomposition for positive definite Hermitian matrices" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
A Quantum Anti-Zeno Paradox
[ "We establish an exact differential equation for the operator describing time-dependent measurements continuous in time and obtain a series solutionSuppose the projection operator $E(t) = U(t) E U^\\dagger(t)$ is measured continuously from t = 0 to T, where E is a projector leaving the initial state unchanged and U(t) a unitary operator obeying U(0) = 1 and some smoothness conditions in t", "We prove that the probability of always finding E(t) = 1 from t = 0 to T is unityIf $U(t) \\neq 1$, the watched kettle is sure to `boil'" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc", "hep-th" ]