Quantum fluctuations of the angular momentum and energy of the ground state
[ "Quasiclassical solution of the three-dimensional Schredinger's equation is givenThe existence of nonzero minimal angular momentum M_0 = \\hbar /2 is shown, which corresponds to the quantum fluctuations of the angular momentum and contributes to the energy of the ground state" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Impossibility of deleting an unknown quantum state
[ "A photon in an arbitrary polarization state cannot be cloned perfectlyBut suppose that at our disposal we have several copies of an unknown photonIs it possible to delete the information content of one or more of these photons by a physical process? Specifically, if two photons are in the same initial polarization state is there a mechanism that produces one photon in the same initial state and the other in some standard polarization state", "If this can be done, then one would create a standard blank state onto which one could copy an unknown state approximately, by deterministic cloning or exactly, by probabilistic cloningThis might be useful in quantum computation, where one could store some new information in an already computed state by deleting the old information", "Here we show that the linearity of quantum theory does not allow us to delete a copy of an arbitrary quantum state perfectlyThough in a classical computer information can be deleted against a copy, the same task cannot be accomplished with quantum information" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
The Schr\"odinger system H=-{1/2}e^{\Upsilon(t-t_o)}\partial_{xx} +\lfrac{1}{2}\omega^2e^{-\Upsilon(t-t_o)}x^2
[ "In this paper, we attack the specific time-dependent Hamiltonian problem H=-{1/2}e^{\\Upsilon(t-t_o)}\\partial_{xx} +\\lfrac{1}{2}\\omega^2e^{-\\Upsilon(t-t_o)}x^2This corresponds to a time-dependent mass (TM) Schr\\\"odinger equation", "We give the specific transformations to i) the more general quadratic (TQ) Schr\\\"odinger equation and to ii) a different time-dependent oscillator (TO) equationFor each Schr\\\"odinger system, we give the Lie algebra of space-time symmetries, the number states, the coherent states, the squeezed-states and the time-dependent <x>, <p>, (\\Delta x)^2, (\\Delta p)^2, and uncertainty product" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
The Schr\"odinger system H=-{1/2} (t_o/t)^a \partial_{xx} + (1/2) \omega^2 (t/t_o)^b x^2
[ "We attack the specific time-dependent Hamiltonian problem H=-{1/2} (t_o/t)^a \\partial_{xx} + (1/2) \\omega^2 (t/t_o)^b x^2This corresponds to a time-dependent mass (TM) Schr\\\"odinger equationWe give the specific transformations to a different time-dependent quadratic Schr\\\"odinger equations (TQ) and to a different time-dependent oscillator (TO) equation", "For each Schr\\\"odinger system, we give the Lie algebra of space-time symmetries, the number states, the squeezed-state <x> and <p> (with their classical motion), (\\Delta x)^2, (\\Delta p)^2, and the uncertainty product" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
The Van der Waals interaction of the hydrogen molecule - an exact local energy density functional
[ "We verify that the van der Waals interaction and hence all dispersion interactions for the hydrogen molecule given by: W\"= -{A/R^6}-{B/R^8}-{C/R^10}-, in which R is the internuclear separation, are exactly soluble", "The constants A=64990267, B=1243990835and C=11352140398(in Hartree units) first obtained approximately by Pauling and Beach (PB) [1] using a linear variational method, can be shown to be obtainable to any desired accuracy via our exact solution", "In addition we shall show that a local energy density functional can be obtained, whose variational solution rederives the exact solution for this problemThis demonstrates explicitly that a static local density functional theory exists for this system", "We conclude with remarks about generalising the method to other hydrogenic systems and also to helium" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.str-el", "physics.atm-clus", "physics.chem-ph" ]
Nonuniqueness of Canonical Ensemble Theory arising from Microcanonical Basis
[ "Given physical systems, counting rule for their statistical mechanical descriptions need not be unique, in generalIt is shown that this nonuniqueness leads to the existence of various canonical ensemble theories which equally arise from the definite microcanonical basis", "Thus, the Gibbs theorem for canonical ensemble theory is not universal, and the maximum entropy principle is to be appropriately modefied for each physical context" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.stat-mech" ]
Dynamics of Complex Quantum Systems: Dissipation and Kinetic Equations
[ "We present a microscopic approach to quantum dissipation and sketch the derivation of the kinetic equation describing the evolution of a simple quantum system in interaction with a complex quantum system", "A typical quantum complex system is modeled by means of parametric banded random matrices coupled to the subsystem of interestWe do not assume the weak coupling limit and allow for an independent dynamics of the ``reservoir''", "We discuss the reasons for having a new theoretical approach and the new elements introduced by usThe present approach incorporates known limits and previous results, but at the same time includes new cases, previously never derived on a microscopic level", "We briefly discuss the kinetic equation and its solution for a particle in the absence of an external field" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.stat-mech", "nucl-th" ]
A model independent approach to non dissipative decoherence
[ "We consider the case when decoherence is due to the fluctuations of some classical variable or parameter of a system and not to its entanglement with the environmentUnder few and quite general assumptions, we derive a model-independent formalism for this non-dissipative decoherence, and we apply it to explain the decoherence observed in some recent experiments in cavity QED and on trapped ions" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Coins, Dice and Children: Probability and Quantum Statistics
[ "We discuss counterintuitive aspects of probabilities for systems of identical particles obeying quantum statisticsQuantum coins and children (two level systems) and quantum dice (many level systems) are used as examples", "It is emphasized that, even in the absence of interactions, (anti)symmetrizations of multi-particle wavefunctions destroy statistical independences and often lead to dramatic departures from our intuitive expectations" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.stat-mech", "hep-ph", "nucl-th", "physics.ed-ph" ]
A Fundamental Limit of Measurement Imposed by the Elementary Interactions
[ "Quantum information theory is closely related to quantum measurement theory because one must perform measurement to obtain information on a quantum systemAmong many possible limits of quantum measurement, the simplest ones were derived directly from the uncertainty principles", "However, such simple limits are not the only limitsI here suggest a new limit which comes from the forms and the strengths of the elementary interactionsNamely, there are only four types of elementary interactions in nature; their forms are determined by the gauge invariance (and symmetry breaking), and their coupling constants (in the low-energy regime) have definite values", "I point out that this leads to a new fundamental limit of quantum measurementsFurthermore, this fundamental limit imposes the fundamental limits of getting information on, preparing, and controlling quantum systems" ]
[ "quant-ph", "chao-dyn", "cond-mat.stat-mech", "nlin.CD" ]
Improving Detectors Using Entangling Quantum Copiers
[ "We present a detection scheme which using imperfect detectors, and imperfect quantum copying machines (which entangle the copies), allows one to extract more information from an incoming signal, than with the imperfect detectors alone" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum nondemolition measurements of a particle in an inhomogeneous gravitational field
[ "In this work we obtain a family of quantum nondemolition variables for the case of a particle moving in an inhomogeneous gravitational fieldAfterwards, we calculate the corresponding propagator, and deduce the probabilitites associated with the possible measurements outputs", "The comparison, with the case in which the position is being monitored, will allow us to find the differences with respect to the case of a quantum demolition measuring process" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc" ]
Comment on the "Maxwell Equations as the One-Photon Quantum Equation" by A. Gersten [Found. Phys. Lett. 12, pp. 291-298 (1999)]
[ "We show that the Gersten derivation of Maxwell equations can be generalizedIt actually leads to additional solutions of `S=1 equations'They follow directly from previous considerations by Majorana, Oppenheimer, Weinberg and Ogievetskii and Polubarinov", "Therefore, {\\it generalized} Maxwell equations should be used as a guideline for proper interpretations of quantum theories" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Temperature Variation of Ultra Slow Light in a Cold Gas
[ "A model is developed to explain the temperature dependence of the group velocity as observed in the experiments of Hau et al (Nature {\\bf397}, 594 (1999))The group velocity is quite sensitive to the change in the spatial density", "The inhomogeneity in the density and its temperature dependence are primarily responsible for the observed behavior" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
How Events Come Into Being: EEQT, Particle Tracks, Quantum Chaos, and Tunneling Time
[ "In sections 1 and 2 we review Event Enhanced Quantum Theory (EEQT)In section 3 we discuss applications of EEQT to tunneling time, and compare its quantitative predictions with other approaches, in particular with B\\\"uttiker-Larmor and Bohm trajectory approach", "In section 4 we discuss quantum chaos and quantum fractals resulting from simultaneous continuous monitoring of several non-commuting observablesIn particular we show self-similar, non-linear, iterated function system-type, patterns arising from quantum jumps and from the associated Markov operator", "Concluding remarks pointing to possible future development of EEQT are given in section 5" ]
[ "quant-ph", "chao-dyn", "nlin.CD" ]
Ladder operator formalisms and generally deformed oscillator algebraic structures of quantum states in Fock space
[ "We show that various kinds of one-photon quantum states studied in the field of quantum optics admit ladder operator formalisms and have the generally deformed oscillator algebraic structureThe two-photon case is also considered", "We obtain the ladder operator formalisms of two general states defined in the even/odd Fock spaceThe two-photon states may also have a generally deformed oscillator algebraic structureSome interesting examples of one-photon and two-photon quantum states are given" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Shape invariant potentials with PT symmetry
[ "Suitable complexification of the well known solvable oscillators in one dimension is shown to give the four exactly solvable models which combine the shape- and PT-invarianceIn version v2 the result is extended of the s-wave shape-invariant forces" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
A Schmidt number for density matrices
[ "We introduce the notion of a Schmidt number of a bipartite density matrix, characterizing the minimum Schmidt rank of the pure states that are needed to construct the density matrixWe prove that Schmidt number is nonincreasing under local quantum operations and classical communication", "We show that $k$-positive maps witness Schmidt number, in the same way that positive maps witness entanglementWe show that the family of states which is made from mixing the completely mixed state and a maximally entangled state have increasing Schmidt number depending on the amount of maximally entangled state that is mixed in", "We show that Schmidt number {\\it does not necessarily increase} when taking tensor copies of a density matrix $\\rho$; we give an example of a density matrix for which the Schmidt numbers of $\\rho$ and $\\rho \\otimes \\rho$ are both 2" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Variational analysis for a generalized spiked harmonic oscillator
[ "A variational analysis is presented for the generalized spiked harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian operator H, where H = -(d/dx)^2 + Bx^2+ A/x^2 + lambda/x^alpha, and alpha and lambda are real positive parameters", "The formalism makes use of a basis provided by exact solutions of Schroedinger's equation for the Gol'dman and Krivchenkov Hamiltonian (alpha = 2), and the corresponding matrix elements that were previously found", "For all the discrete eigenvalues the method provides bounds which improve as the dimension of the basis set is increasedExtension to the N-dimensional case in arbitrary angular-momentum subspaces is also presented", "By minimizing over the free parameter A, we are able to reduce substantially the number of basis functions needed for a given accuracy" ]
[ "quant-ph", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
Classical Capacity of A Quantum Multiple Access Channel
[ "We consider the transmission of classical information over a quantum channel by two sendersThe channel capacity region is shown to be a convex hull bound by the Von Neumann entropy and the conditional Von Neumann entropy", "We discuss some possible applications of our resultWe also show that our scheme allows a reasonable distribution of channel capacity over two senders" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Born-Oppenheimer Approximation near Level Crossing
[ "We consider the Born-Oppenheimer problem near conical intersection in two dimensionsFor energies close to the crossing energy we describe the wave function near an isotropic crossing and show that it is related to generalized hypergeometric functions 0F3", "This function is to a conical intersection what the Airy function is to a classical turning pointAs an application we calculate the anomalous Zeeman shift of vibrational levels near a crossing" ]
[ "quant-ph", "math-ph", "math.MP", "physics.chem-ph" ]
Quantum entanglement and information processing via excitons in optically-driven quantum dots
[ "We show how optically-driven coupled quantum dots can be used to prepare maximally entangled Bell and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger statesManipulation of the strength and duration of the selective light-pulses needed for producing these highly entangled states provides us with crucial elements for the processing of solid-state based quantum information", "Theoretical predictions suggest that several hundred single quantum bit rotations and Controlled-Not gates could be performed before decoherence of the excitonic states takes place" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.mes-hall" ]
Comment on `Counterfactual entanglement and non-local correlations in separable states'
[ "The arguments of Cohen [PhysRevA {\\bf 60}, 80 (1999)] against the `ignorance interpretation' of mixed states are questionedThe physical arguments are shown to be inconsistent and the supporting example illustrates the opposite of the original statement", "The operational difference between two possible definitions of mixed states is exposed and the inadequacy of one of them is stressed" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Driving Atoms Into Decoherence-Free States
[ "We describe the decoherence-free subspace of N atoms in a cavity, in which decoherence due to the leakage of photons through the cavity mirrors is suppressedWe show how the states of the subspace can be entangled with the help of weak laser pulses, using the high decay rate of the cavity field and strong coupling between the atoms and the resonator mode", "The atoms remain decoherence-free with a probability which can, in principle, be arbitrarily close to unity" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Logic with a Single Trapped Electron
[ "We propose the use of a trapped electron to implement quantum logic operationsThe fundamental controlled-NOT gate is shown to be feasibleThe two quantum bits are stored in the internal and external (motional) degrees of freedom" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Separability in 2xN composite quantum systems
[ "We analyze the separability properties of density operators supported on $\\C^2\\otimes \\C^N$ whose partial transposes are positive operatorsWe show that if the rank of $\\rho$ equals N then it is separable, and that bound entangled states have rank larger than N", "We also give a separability criterion for a generic density operator such that the sum of its rank and the one of its partial transpose does not exceed 3NIf it exceeds this number we show that one can subtract product vectors until decreasing it to 3N, while keeping the positivity of $\\rho$ and its partial transpose", "This automatically gives us a sufficient criterion for separability for general density operatorsWe also prove that all density operators that remain invariant after partial transposition with respect to the first system are separable" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Entanglement purification of Gaussian continuous variable quantum states
[ "We describe an entanglement purification protocol to generate maximally entangled states with high efficiencies from two-mode squeezed states or from mixed Gaussian continuous entangled statesThe protocol relies on a local quantum non-demolition measurement of the total excitation number of several continuous variable entangled pairs", "We propose an optical scheme to do this kind of measurement using cavity enhanced cross--Kerr interactions" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
An obstruction based approach to the Kochen-Specker theorem
[ "In [1] it was shown that the Kochen Specker theorem can be written in terms of the non-existence of global elements of a certain varying set over the partially ordered set of boolean subalgebras of projection operators on some Hilbert space", "In this paper, we show how obstructions to the construction of such global elements arise, and how this provides a new way of looking at proofs of the theorem" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Strong coupling theory for driven tunneling and vibrational relaxation
[ "We investigate on a unified basis tunneling and vibrational relaxation in driven dissipative multistable systems described by their N lowest lying unperturbed levelsBy use of the discrete variable representation we derive a set of coupled non-Markovian master equations", "We present analytical treatments that describe the dynamics in the regime of strong system-bath couplingOur findings are corroborated by ``ab-initio'' real-time path integral calculations" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Effect of Aharonov-Bohm Phase on Spin Tunneling
[ "The role of Aharonov-Bohm effect in quantum tunneling is examined when a potential is defined on the $S^1$ and has $N$-fold symmetryWe show that the low-lying energy levels split from the $N$-fold degenerate ground state oscillate as a function of the Aharonov-Bohm phase, from which general degeneracy conditions depending on the magnetic flux is obtained", "We apply these results to the spin tunneling in a spin system with $N$-fold rotational symmetry around a hard axis" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat", "hep-th" ]
PT-symetrically regularized Eckart,Poeschl-Teller and Hulthen potentials
[ "Version 1: The well known Eckart's singular s-wave potential is PT-symmetrically regularized and continued to the whole real lineThe new model remains exactly solvable and its bound states remain proportional to Jacobi polynomials", "Its real and discrete spectrum exhibits several unusual featuresVersion 2: Parity times time-reversal symmetry of complex Hamiltonians with real spectra is usually interpreted as a weaker mathematical substitute for Hermiticity", "Perhaps an equally important role is played by the related strengthened analyticity assumptionsIn a constructive illustration we complexify a few potentials solvable only in s-waveThen we continue their domain from semi-axis to the whole axis and get the new exactly solvable models", "Their energies come out real as expectedThe new one-dimensional spectra themselves differ quite significantly from their s-wave predecessors" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Comment on the Adiabatic Condition
[ "The experimental observation of effects due to Berry's phase in quantum systems is certainly one of the most impressive demonstrations of the correctness of the superposition principle in quantum mechanics", "Since Berry's original paper in 1984, the spin 1/2 coupled with rotating external magnetic field has been one of the most studied models where those phases appearWe also consider a special case of this soluble model", "A detailed analysis of the coupled differential equations and comparison with exact results teach us why the usual procedure (of neglecting nondiagonal terms) is mathematically sound" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Functional inversion for potentials in quantum mechanics
[ "Let E = F(v) be the ground-state eigenvalue of the Schroedinger Hamiltonian H = -Delta + vf(x), where the potential shape f(x) is symmetric and monotone increasing for x > 0, and the coupling parameter v is positive", "If the 'kinetic potential' bar{f}(s) associated with f(x) is defined by the transformation: bar{f}(s) = F'(v), s = F(v)-vF'(v),then f can be reconstructed from F by the sequence: f^{[n+1]} = bar{f} o bar{f}^{[n]^{-1}} o f^{[n]}", "Convergence is proved for special classes of potential shape; for other test cases it is demonstrated numericallyThe seed potential shape f^{[0]} need not be 'close' to the limit f" ]
[ "quant-ph", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
A Remark on the Optimal Cloning of An N-Level Quantum System
[ "We study quantum cloning machines (QCM) that act on an unknown N-level quantum state and make M copiesWe give a formula for the maximum of the fidelity of cloning and exhibit the unitary transformations that realize this optimal fidelity", "We also extend the results to treat the case of M copies from $N^\\prime$ ($M>N^\\prime$) identical N-level quantum systems" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat", "hep-th" ]
Local/Non-Local Complementarity in Topological Effects
[ "In certain topological effects the accumulation of a quantum phase shift is accompanied by a local observable effectWe show that such effects manifest a complementarity between non-local and local attributes of the topology, which is reminiscent but yet different from the usual wave-particle complementarity", "This complementarity is not a consequence of non-commutativity, rather it is due to the non-canonical nature of the observablesWe suggest that a local/non-local complementarity is a general feature of topological effects that are ``dual'' to the AB effect" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Wave packet scattering from an attractive well
[ "Wave packet scattering off an attractive well is investigated in two spatial dimensions numericallyThe results confirm what was found previously for the one dimensional caseThe wave scattered at large angles is a polychotomous (multiple peak) coherent train", "Large angle scattering is extremely important for low impinging velocities and at all impact parametersThe effect disappears for packets more extended than the wellExperiments to detect the polychotomous behavior are suggested" ]
[ "quant-ph", "nucl-th" ]
Quantum non-demolition (QND) modulation of quantum interference
[ "We propose an experiment where quantum interference between two different paths is modulated by means of a QND measurement on one or both the arm of the interferometerThe QND measurement is achieved in a Kerr cell", "We illustrate a scheme for the realisation of this experiment and some further developments" ]
[ "quant-ph", "physics.optics" ]
Quantum Particle-Trajectories and Geometric Phase
[ "\"Particle\"-trajectories are defined as integrable $dx_\\mu dp^\\mu = 0$ paths in projective spaceQuantum states evolving on such trajectories, open or closed, do not delocalise in $(x, p)$ projection, the phase associated with the trajectories being related to the geometric (Berry) phase and the Classical Mechanics action", "High Energy Physics properties of states evolving on \"particle\"-trajectories are discussed" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Multiqubit Spin
[ "It is proposed that the state space of a quantum object with a complicated discrete spectrum can be used as a basis for multiqubit recording and processing of information in a quantum computerAs an example, nuclear spin 3/2 is considered", "The possibilities of writing and reading two quantum bits of information, preparation of the initial state, implementation of the \"rotation\" and \"controlled negation\" operations, which are sufficient for constructing any algorithms, are demonstrated" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Symplectic Cuts and Projection Quantization
[ "The recently proposed projection quantization, which is a method to quantize particular subspaces of systems with known quantum theory, is shown to yield a genuine quantization in several casesThis may be inferred from exact results established within symplectic cutting" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc", "hep-th", "math.SG" ]
Continuous Spectra of Generalized Kronig-Penney Model
[ "The standard Kronig-Penney model with periodic $\\delta$ potentials is extended to the cases with generalized contact interactionsThe eigen equation which determines the dispersion relation for one-dimensional periodic array of the generalized contact interactions is deduced with the transfer matrix formalism", "Numerical results are presented which reveal unexpected band spectra with broader band gap in higher energy region for generic model with generalized contact interaction" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat" ]
Monte Carlo Hamiltonian from Stochastic Basis
[ "In order to extend the recently proposed Monte Carlo Hamiltonian to many-body systems, we suggest to concept of a stochastic basisWe apply it to the chain of $N_s=9$ coupled anharmonic oscillatorsWe compute the spectrum of excited states in a finite energy window and thermodynamical observables free energy, average energy, entropy and specific heat in a finite temperature window", "Comparing the results of the Monte Carlo Hamiltonian with standard Lagrangian lattice calculations, we find good agreementHowever, the Monte Carlo Hamiltonian results show less fluctuations under variation of temperature" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-lat" ]
Quantum Interferometric Optical Lithography: Exploiting Entanglement to Beat The Diffraction Limit
[ "Classical, interferometric, optical lithography is diffraction limited to writing features of a size lambda/2 or greater, where lambda is the optical wavelengthUsing nonclassical photon number states, entangled N at a time, we show that it is possible to write features of minimum size lambda/(2N) in an N-photon absorbing substrate", "This result surpasses the usual classical diffraction limit by a factor of NSince the number of features that can be etched on a two-dimensional surface scales inversely as the square of the feature size, this allows one to write a factor of N^2 more elements on a semiconductor chip", "A factor of N = 2 can be achieved easily with entangled photon pairs generated from optical parametric downconversionIt is shown how to write arbitrary 2D patterns by using this method" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum properties of classical Fisher information
[ "The Fisher information of a quantum observable is shown to be proportional to both (i) the difference of a quantum and a classical variance, thus providing a measure of nonclassicality; and (ii) the rate of entropy increase under Gaussian diffusion, thus providing a measure of robustness", "The joint nonclassicality of position and momentum observables is shown to be complementary to their joint robustness in an exact sense" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Reparametrization Invariance of Perturbatively Defined Path Integrals. II. Integrating Products of Distributions
[ "We show how to perform integrals over products of distributions in coordinate space such as to reproduce the results of momentum space Feynman integrals in dimensional regularizationThis ensures the invariance of path integrals under coordinate transformations", "The integrals are uniquely defined by expressing the propagators in 1- epsilon dimensions in terms of modified Bessel functions" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th" ]
Subdynamics as a mechanism for objective description
[ "The relationship between microsystems and macrosystems is considered in the context of quantum field formulation of statistical mechanics: it is argued that problems on foundations of quantum mechanics can be solved relying on this relationship", "This discussion requires some improvement of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that is briefly presented" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Two-photon Franson-type experiments and local realism
[ "The two-photon interferometric experiment proposed by Franson [PhysRevLett62, 2205 (1989)] is often treated as a \"Bell test of local realism\"However, it has been suggested that this is incorrect due to the 50% postselection performed even in the ideal gedanken version of the experiment", "Here we present a simple local hidden variable model of the experiment that successfully explains the results obtained in usual realizations of the experiment, even with perfect detectorsFurthermore, we also show that there is no such model if the switching of the local phase settings is done at a rate determined by the internal geometry of the interferometers" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
About the Notion of Truth in the Decoherent Histories Approach: a reply to Griffiths
[ "Griffiths claims that the ``single family rule'', a basic postulate of the decoherent histories approach, rules out our requirement that any decoherent history has a unique truth value, independently from the decoherent family to which it may belong", "Here we analyze the reasons which make our requirement indispensable and we discuss the consequences of rejecting it" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Comparison of two models for bridge-assisted charge transfer
[ "Based on the reduced density matrix method, we compare two different approaches to calculate the dynamics of the electron transfer in systems with donor, bridge, and acceptorIn the first approach a vibrational substructure is taken into account for each electronic state and the corresponding states are displaced along a common reaction coordinate", "In the second approach it is assumed that vibrational relaxation is much faster than the electron transfer and therefore the states are modeled by electronic levels onlyIn both approaches the system is coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators but the way of relaxation is quite different", "The theory is applied to the electron transfer in ${\\rm H_2P}-{\\rm ZnP}-{\\rm Q}$ with free-base porphyrin (${\\rm H_2P}$) being the donor, zinc porphyrin (${\\rm ZnP}$) being the bridge and quinone (${\\rm Q}$) the acceptor", "The parameters are chosen as similar as possible for both approaches and the quality of the agreement is discussed" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quasiclassical Analysis of the Three-dimensional Shredinger's Equation and its Solution
[ "The three-dimensional Schredinger's equation is analyzed with the help of the correspondence principle between classical and quantum-mechanical quantitiesSeparation is performed after reduction of the original equation to the form of the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation", "Each one-dimensional equation obtained after separation is solved by the conventional WKB methodQuasiclassical solution of the angular equation results in the integral of motion $\\vec M^2=(l+\\frac 12)^2\\hbar^2$ and the existence of nontrivial solution for the angular quantum number $l=0$", "Generalization of the WKB method for multi-turning-point problems is givenExact eigenvalues for solvable and some \"insoluble\" spherically symmetric potentials are obtainedQuasiclassical eigenfunctions are written in terms of elementary functions in the form of a standing wave" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Half Quantization
[ "A general dynamical system composed by two coupled sectors is consideredThe initial time configuration of one of these sectors is described by a set of classical data while the other is described by standard quantum data", "These dynamical systems will be named half quantumThe aim of this paper is to derive the dynamical evolution of a general half quantum system from its full quantum formulationThe standard approach would be to use quantum mechanics to make predictions for the time evolution of the half quantum initial data", "The main problem is how can quantum mechanics be applied to a dynamical system whose initial time configuration is not described by a set of fully quantum dataA solution to this problem is presented and used, as a guideline to obtain a general formulation of coupled classical-quantum dynamics", "Finally, a quantization prescription mapping a given classical theory to the correspondent half quantum one is presented" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Nonclassical correlations of photon number and field components in the vacuum state
[ "It is shown that the quantum jumps in the photon number n from zero to one or more photons induced by backaction evasion quantum nondemolition measurements of a quadrature component x of the vacuum light field state are strongly correlated with the quadrature component measurement results", "This correlation corresponds to the operator expectation value <xnx> which is equal to one fourth for the vacuum even though the photon number eigenvalue is zeroQuantum nondemolition measurements of a quadrature component can thus provide experimental evidence of the nonclassical operator ordering dependence of the correlations between photon number and field components in the vacuum state" ]
[ "quant-ph", "physics.optics" ]
Levinson theorem for Dirac particles in one dimension
[ "The scattering of Dirac particles by symmetric potentials in one dimension is studiedA Levinson theorem is establishedBy this theorem, the number of bound states with even (odd) parity, $n_+$ ($n_-$), is related to the phase shifts $\\eta_+(\\pm E_k)$ [$\\eta_-(\\pm E_k)$] of scattering states with the same parity at zero momentum as follows: $$\\eta_\\pm(\\mu)+\\eta_\\pm(-\\mu)\\pm{\\pi\\over 2}[\\sin^2\\eta_\\pm(\\mu) -\\sin^2\\eta_\\pm(-\\mu)]=n_\\pm\\pi", "$$ The theorem is verified by several simple examples" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Catalysis of entanglement manipulation for mixed states
[ "We consider entanglement-assisted remote quantum state manipulation of bi-partite mixed statesSeveral aspects are addressed: we present a class of mixed states of rank two that can be transformed into another class of mixed states under entanglement-assisted local operations with classical communication, but for which such a transformation is impossible without assistance", "Furthermore, we demonstrate enhancement of the efficiency of purification protocols with the help of entanglement-assisted operationsFinally, transformations from one mixed state to mixed target states which are sufficiently close to the source state are contrasted to similar transformations in the pure-state case" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum Teleportation with Entangled States given by Beam Splittings
[ "Quantum teleportation is rigorously discussed with coherent entang led states given by beam splittingsThe mathematical scheme of beam splitti ng has been used to study quantum communication and quantum stochastic", "We d iscuss the teleportation process by means of coherent states in this scheme for the following two cases: (1) Delete the vacuum part from coherent states, whose compensation provides us a perfect teleportation from Alice to Bob", "(2) Use fully realistic (physical) coherent states, which give s a non-perfect teleportation but shows that it is exact when the average en ergy (density) of the coherent vectors goes to infinity" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Comment on "Demonstration of the Casimir Force in the 0.6 to 6 micrometer Range"
[ "We comment on a recently published measurement of the Casimir force for distances in the 06 to 6 micrometer range between two Au surfaces (PhysRevLett78, 5(1997)) and the net discrepancy reported for the comparison with theoretical predictions (Phys", "RevLett81, 5475 (1998))" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Separability of entangled q-bit pairs
[ "The state of an entangled q-bit pair is specified by 15 numerical parameters that are naturally regarded as the components of two 3-vectors and a $3\\times3$-dyadicThere are easy-to-use criteria to check whether a given pair of 3-vectors plus a dyadic specify a 2-q-bit state; and if they do, whether the state is entangled; and if it is, whether it is a separable state", "Some progress has been made in the search for analytical expressions for the degree of separabilityWe report, in particular, the answer in the case of vanishing 3-vectors" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Nonlinear Matter Wave Dynamics with a Chaotic Potential
[ "We consider the case of a cubic nonlinear Schr\\\"{o}dinger equation with an additional chaotic potential, in the sense that such a potential produces chaotic dynamics in classical mechanicsWe derive and describe an appropriate semiclassical limit to such a nonlinear Schr\\\"{o}dinger equation, using a semiclassical interpretation of the Wigner function, and relate this to the hydrodynamic limit of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation used in the context of Bose-Einstein condensation", "We investigate a specific example of a Gross-Pitaevskii equation with such a chaotic potential: the one-dimensional delta-kicked harmonic oscillator, and its semiclassical limitWe explore the feasibility of experimental realization of such a system in a Bose-Einstein condensate experiment, giving a concrete proposal of how to implement such a configuration, and considering the problem of condensate depletion" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat" ]
Optical Holonomic Quantum Computer
[ "In this paper the idea of holonomic quantum computation is realized within quantum opticsIn a non-linear Kerr medium the degenerate states of laser beams are interpreted as qubitsDisplacing devices, squeezing devices and interferometers provide the classical control parameter space where the adiabatic loops are performed", "This results into logical gates acting on the states of the combined degenerate subspaces of the lasers, producing any one qubit rotations and interactions between any two qubitsIssues such as universality, complexity and scalability are addressed and several steps are taken towards the physical implementation of this model" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th", "physics.optics" ]
Coherent states for a particle on a sphere
[ "The coherent states for a particle on a sphere are introducedThese states are labelled by points of the classical phase space, that is the position on the sphere and the angular momentum of a particleAs with the coherent states for a particle on a circle discussed in Kowalski K {\\em et al} 1996 {\\em J", "PhysA} {\\bf 29} 4149, we deal with a deformation of the classical phase space related with quantum fluctuationsThe expectation values of the position and the angular momentum in the coherent states are regarded as the best possible approximation of the classical phase space", "The correctness of the introduced coherent states is illustrated by an example of the rotator" ]
[ "quant-ph", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
Bose Condensates with 1/r Interatomic Attraction: Electromagnetically Induced ``Gravity''
[ "We show that particular configurations of intense off-resonant laser beams can give rise to an attractive 1/r interatomic potential between atoms located well within the laser wavelengthSuch a ``gravitational-like'' interaction is shown to give stable Bose condensates that are self-bound (without an additional trap) with unique scaling properties and measurably distinct signatures" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat" ]
Observation of radiation pressure exerted by evanescent waves
[ "We report a direct observation of radiation pressure, exerted on cold rubidium atoms while bouncing on an evanescent-wave atom mirrorWe analyze the radiation pressure by imaging the motion of the atoms after the bounce", "The number of absorbed photons is measured for laser detunings ranging from {190 MHz} to {14 GHz} and for angles from {09 mrad} to {24 mrad} above the critical angle of total internal reflectionDepending on these settings, we find velocity changes parallel with the mirror surface, ranging from 1 to {18 cm/s}", "This corresponds to 2 to 31 photon recoils per atomThese results are independent of the evanescent-wave optical power" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Stationary quantum source coding
[ "In this paper the quantum source coding theorem is obtained for a completely ergodic sourceThis results extends Shannon's classical theorem as well as Schumacher's quantum noiseless coding theorem for memoryless sources", "The control of the memory effects requires earlier results of Hiai and Petz on high probability subspaces" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Entangled state quantum cryptography: Eavesdropping on the Ekert protocol
[ "Using polarization-entangled photons from spontaneous parametric downconversion, we have implemented Ekert's quantum cryptography protocolThe near-perfect correlations of the photons allow the sharing of a secret key between two parties", "The presence of an eavesdropper is continually checked by measuring Bell's inequalitiesWe investigated several possible eavesdropper strategies, including pseudo-quantum non-demolition measurementsIn all cases, the eavesdropper's presence was readily apparent", "We discuss a procedure to increase her detectability" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Atom Chips
[ "Atoms can be trapped and guided using nano-fabricated wires on surfaces, achieving the scales required by quantum information proposalsThese Atom Chips form the basis for robust and widespread applications of cold atoms ranging from atom optics to fundamental questions in mesoscopic physics, and possibly quantum information systems" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Quantum feedback control and classical control theory
[ "We introduce and discuss the problem of quantum feedback control in the context of established formulations of classical control theory, examining conceptual analogies and essential differencesWe describe the application of state-observer based control laws, familiar in classical control theory, to quantum systems and apply our methods to the particular case of switching the state of a particle in a double-well potential" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Time of arrival through interacting environments: Tunneling processes
[ "We discuss the propagation of wave packets through interacting environmentsSuch environments generally modify the dispersion relation or shape of the wave functionTo study such effects in detail, we define the distribution function P_{X}(T), which describes the arrival time T of a packet at a detector located at point X", "We calculate P_{X}(T) for wave packets traveling through a tunneling barrier and find that our results actually explain recent experimentsWe compare our results with Nelson's stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics and resolve a paradox previously apparent in Nelson's viewpoint about the tunneling time" ]
[ "quant-ph", "gr-qc" ]
Experiments on Sonoluminescence: Possible Nuclear and QED Aspects and Optical Applications
[ "Experiments aimed at testing some hypothesis about the nature of Single Bubble Sonoluminescence are discussedA possibility to search for micro-traces of thermonuclear neutrons is analyzed, with the aid of original low-background neutron counter operating under conditions of the deep shielding from Cosmic and other sources of background", "Besides, some signatures of QED-contribution to the light emission in SBSL are under the consideration, as well as new approaches to probe a temperature inside the bubbleAn applied-physics portion of the program is presented also, in which an attention is being paid to single- and a few-pulse light sources on the basis of SBSL" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Thermostatistics of q-deformed boson gas
[ "We show that a natural realization of the thermostatistics of q-bosons can be built on the formalism of q-calculus and that the entire structure of thermodynamics is preserved if we use an appropriate Jackson derivative in place of the ordinary thermodynamics derivative", "This framework allows us to obtain a generalized q-boson entropy which depends on the q-basic numberWe study the ideal q-boson gas in the thermodynamic limit which is shown to exhibit Bose-Einstein condensation with higher critical temperature and discontinuous specific heat" ]
[ "quant-ph", "cond-mat.stat-mech", "nucl-th" ]
Coherent information analysis of quantum channels in simple quantum systems
[ "The coherent information concept is used to analyze a variety of simple quantum systemsCoherent information was calculated for the information decay in a two-level atom in the presence of an external resonant field, for the information exchange between two coupled two-level atoms, and for the information transfer from a two-level atom to another atom and to a photon field", "The coherent information is shown to be equal to zero for all full-measurement procedures, but it completely retains its original value for quantum duplicationTransmission of information from one open subsystem to another one in the entire closed system is analyzed to learn quantum information about the forbidden atomic transition via a dipole active transition of the same atom", "It is argued that coherent information can be used effectively to quantify the information channels in physical systems where quantum coherence plays an important role" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
"Partial" Fidelities
[ "For pairs, omega, rho, of density operators on a finite dimensional Hilbert space of dimension d I call k-fidelity the d - k smallest eigenvalues of | omega^1/2 rho^1/2 |k-fidelities are jointly concave in omega, rho", "This follows by representing them as infima over linear functionsFor k = 0 known properties of fidelity and transition probability are reproducedPartial fidelities characterize equivalence classes which are partially ordered in a natural way" ]
[ "quant-ph", "math-ph", "math.MP" ]
Complete Separability and Fourier representations of n-qubit states
[ "Necessary conditions for separability are most easily expressed in the computational basis, while sufficient conditions are most conveniently expressed in the spin basisWe use the Hadamard matrix to define the relationship between these two bases and to emphasize its interpretation as a Fourier transform", "We then prove a general sufficient condition for complete separability in terms of the spin coefficients and give necessary and sufficient conditions for the complete separability of a class of generalized Werner densities", "As a further application of the theory, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for full separability for a particular set of $n$-qubit states whose densities all satisfy the Peres condition" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Multilevel Quantum Particle as a Few Virtual Qubits Materialization
[ "A conception of virtual quantum information bit - virtual qubit - is introducedIt is shown by means of virtual qubit representation that four states of a single quantum particle is enough for implementation of full set of the gates, which is necessary for creation an arbitrary algorithm for a quantum computer", "The physical nature and mutual disposition of four working states is of no significance, if there are suitable selection rules for the particle interaction with the external electromagnetic field pulses" ]
[ "quant-ph" ]
Deformations of Calogero-Moser Systems
[ "Recent results are surveyed pertaining to the complete integrability of some novel n-particle models in dimension oneThese models generalize the Calogero-Moser systems related to classical root systems", "Quantization leads to difference operators instead of differential operators" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Non-integrability of the mixmaster universe
[ "We comment on an analysis by Contopoulos et alwhich demonstrates that the governing six-dimensional Einstein equations for the mixmaster space-time metric pass the ARS or reduced Painlev\\'{e} testWe note that this is the case irrespective of the value, $I$, of the generating Hamiltonian which is a constant of motion", "For $I < 0$ we find numerous closed orbits with two unstable eigenvalues strongly indicating that there cannot exist two additional first integrals apart from the Hamiltonian and thus that the system, at least for this case, is very likely not integrable", "In addition, we present numerical evidence that the average Lyapunov exponent nevertheless vanishesThe model is thus a very interesting example of a Hamiltonian dynamical system, which is likely non-integrable yet passes the reduced Painlev\\'{e} test" ]
[ "solv-int", "chao-dyn", "gr-qc", "nlin.CD", "nlin.SI" ]
Integrable dynamics of a discrete curve and the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy
[ "We show that the following elementary geometric properties of the motion of a discrete (iepiecewise linear) curve select the integrable dynamics of the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy of evolution equations: i) the set of points describing the discrete curve lie on the sphere S^3, ii) the distance between any two subsequant points does not vary in time, iii) the dynamics does not depend explicitly on the radius of the sphere", "These results generalize to a discrete context our previous work on continuous curves" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI" ]
Period preserving nonisospectral flows and the moduli space of periodic solutions of soliton equations
[ "Flows on the moduli space of the algebraic Riemann surfaces, preserving the periods of the corresponding solutions of the soliton equations are studiedWe show that these flows are gradient with respect to some indefinite symmetric flat metric arising in the Hamiltonian theory of the Whitham equations", "The functions generating these flows are conserved quantities for all the equations simultaneouslyWe show that for 1+1 systems these flows can be imbedded in a larger system of ordinary nonlinear differential equations with a rational right-hand side", "Finally these flows are used to give a complete description of the moduli space of algebraic Riemann surfaces corresponding to periodic solutions of the nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Bilinearization of a Generalized Derivative Nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation
[ "A generalized derivative nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation, \\ii q_t + q_{xx} + 2\\ii \\gamma |q|^2 q_x + 2\\ii (\\gamma-1)q^2 q^*_x + (\\gamma-1)(\\gamma-2)|q|^4 q = 0 , is studied by means of Hirota's bilinear formalism", "Soliton solutions are constructed as quotients of Wronski-type determinantsA relationship between the bilinear structure and gauge transformation is also discussed" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI" ]
Integrable nonlinear field equations and loop algebra structures
[ "We apply the (direct and inverse) prolongation method to a couple of nonlinear Schr{\\\"o}dinger equationsThese are taken as a laboratory field model for analyzing the existence of a connection between the integrability property and loop algebras", "Exploiting a realization of the Kac-Moody type of the incomplete prolongation algebra associated with the system under consideration, we develop a procedure with allows us to generate a new class of integrable nonlinear field equations containing the original ones as a special case" ]
[ "solv-int", "cond-mat", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Geometric phase effects for wavepacket revivals
[ "The study of wavepacket revivals is extended to the case of Hamiltonians which are made time-dependent through the adiabatic cycling of some parametersIt is shown that the quantal geometric phase (Berry's phase) causes the revived packet to be displaced along the classical trajectory, by an amount equal to the classical geometric phase (Hannay's angle), in one degree of freedom", "A physical example illustrating this effect in three degrees of freedom is mentioned" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI", "quant-ph" ]
The Hamiltonian structure of the dispersionless Toda hierarchy
[ "The Hamiltonian structure of the two-dimensional dispersionless Toda hierarchy is studied, this being a particular example of a system of hydrodynamic typeThe polynomial conservation laws for the system turn out, after a change of variable, to be associated with the axially symmetric solutions of the 3-dimensional Laplace equation and this enables a generating function for the Hamiltonian densities to be derived in closed form" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI" ]
Separation of Variables. New Trends.
[ "The review is based on the author's papers since 1985 in which a new approach to the separation of variables (\\SoV) has being developedIt is argued that \\SoV, understood generally enough, could be the most universal tool to solve integrable models of the classical and quantum mechanics", "It is shown that the standard construction of the action-angle variables from the poles of the Baker-Akhiezer function can be interpreted as a variant of \\SoV, and moreover, for many particular models it has a direct quantum counterpart", "The list of the models discussed includes XXX and XYZ magnets, Gaudin model, Nonlinear Schr\\\"odinger equation, $SL(3)$-invariant magnetic chainNew results for the 3-particle quantum Calogero-Moser system are reported" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI" ]
[ "We propose a new massive integrable model in quantum field theoryThis model is obtained as a perturbed model of the minimal conformal field theories on the hyper-elliptic surfaces by a particular relavant operator $V_{(1,1)}^{(t)}$", "The non-local conserved charges of the model and their $q$-deformed algebra are also constructed explicitly" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Holomorphic Curves and Toda Systems
[ "Geometry of holomorphic curves from point of view of open Toda systems is discussedParametrization of curves related this way to non-exceptional simple Lie algebras is givenThis gives rise to explicit formulas for minimal surfaces in real, complex and quaternionic projective spaces or complex quadrics", "The paper generalizes the well known connection between minimal surfaces in $\\EE^{3}$, their Weierstrass representation in terms of holomorphic functions and the general solution to the Liouville equation" ]
[ "solv-int", "alg-geom", "dg-ga", "math.AG", "math.DG", "nlin.SI" ]
Fredholm determinants and the mKdV/sinh-Gordon hierarchies
[ "For a particular class of integral operators $K$ we show that the quantity \\[\\ph:=\\log \\det (I+K)-\\log \\det (I-K)\\] satisfies both the integrated mKdV hierarchy and the sinh-Gordon hierarchyThis proves a conjecture of Zamolodchikov" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP", "nlin.SI" ]
Hidden symmetry of the quantum Calogero-Moser system
[ "Hidden symmetry of the quantum Calogero-Moser system with the inverse-square potential is explicitly demonstrated in algebraic senseWe find the underlying algebra explaining the super-integrability phenomenon for this system", "Applications to related multi-variable Bessel functions are also discussed" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "math.QA", "nlin.SI", "q-alg" ]
Proofs of Two Conjectures Related to the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
[ "We prove that the solution to a pair of nonlinear integral equations arising in the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz can be expressed in terms of the resolvent kernel of the linear integral operator with kernel exp(-u(theta)-u(theta'))/cosh[(1/2)(theta-theta')]" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP", "nlin.SI" ]
On Orthogonal and Symplectic Matrix Ensembles
[ "The focus of this paper is on the probability, $E_\\beta(0;J)$, that a set $J$ consisting of a finite union of intervals contains no eigenvalues for the finite $N$ Gaussian Orthogonal ($\\beta=1$) and Gaussian Symplectic ($\\beta=4$) Ensembles and their respective scaling limits both in the bulk and at the edge of the spectrum", "We show how these probabilities can be expressed in terms of quantities arising in the corresponding unitary ($\\beta=2$) ensemblesOur most explicit new results concern the distribution of the largest eigenvalue in each of these ensembles", "In the edge scaling limit we show that these largest eigenvalue distributions are given in terms of a particular Painlev\\'e II function" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "math-ph", "math.MP", "nlin.SI" ]
On Integrable Doebner-Goldin Equations
[ "We suggest a method for integrating sub-families of a family of nonlinear {\\sc Schr\\\"odinger} equations proposed by {\\sc H-D~Doebner} and {\\sc GA~Goldin} in the 1+1 dimensional case which have exceptional {\\sc Lie} symmetries", "Since the method of integration involves non-local transformations of dependent and independent variables, general solutions obtained include implicitly determined functionsBy properly specifying one of the arbitrary functions contained in these solutions, we obtain broad classes of explicit square integrable solutions", "The physical significance and some analytical properties of the solutions obtained are briefly discussed" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI", "quant-ph" ]
A discrete time relativistic Toda lattice
[ "Four integrable symplectic maps approximating two Hamiltonian flows from the relativistic Toda hierarchy are introducedThey are demostrated to belong to the same hierarchy and to examplify the general scheme for symplectic maps on groups equiped with quadratic Poisson brackets", "The initial value problem for the difference equations is solved in terms of a factorization problem in a groupInterpolating Hamiltonian flows are found for all the maps" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI" ]
Constructive building of the Lax pair in the non-linear sigma model
[ "A derivation of the Lax pair for the (1+1)-dimensional non-linear sigma-model is describedIts main benefit is to have a clearer physical origin and to allow the study of a generalization to higher dimensions" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Algebra of Non-Local Charges in Supersymmetric Non-Linear Sigma Models
[ "We propose a graphic method to derive the classical algebra (Dirac brackets) of non-local conserved charges in the two dimensional supersymmetric non-linear $O(N)$ sigma modelAs in the purely bosonic theory we find a cubic Yangian algebra", "We also consider the extension of graphic methods to other integrable theories" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Properties of equations of the continuous Toda type
[ "We study a modified version of an equation of the continuous Toda type in 1+1 dimensionsThis equation contains a friction-like term which can be switched off by annihilating a free parameter $\\ep$We apply the prolongation method, the symmetry and the approximate symmetry approach", "This strategy allows us to get insight into both the equations for $\\ep =0$ and $\\ep \\ne 0$, whose properties arising in the above frameworks are mutually comparedFor $\\ep =0$, the related prolongation equations are solved by means of certain series expansions which lead to an infinite- dimensional Lie algebra", "Furthermore, using a realization of the Lie algebra of the Euclidean group $E_{2}$, a connection is shown between the continuous Toda equation and a linear wave equation which resembles a special case of a three-dimensional wave equation that occurs in a generalized Gibbons-Hawking ansatz \\cite{lebrun}", "Nontrivial solutions to the wave equation expressed in terms of Bessel functions are determinedFor $\\ep\\,\\ne\\,0,$ we obtain a finite-dimensional Lie algebra with four elementsA matrix representation of this algebra yields solutions of the modified continuous Toda equation associated with a reduced form of a perturbative Liouville equation", "This result coincides with that achieved in the context of the approximate symmetry approachExample of exact solutions are also providedIn particular, the inverse of the exponential-integral function turns out to be defined by the reduced differential equation coming from a linear combination of the time and space translations", "Finally, a Lie algebra characterizing the approximate symmetries is discussed" ]
[ "solv-int", "gr-qc", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
A discrete time peakons lattice
[ "A discretization of the peakons lattice is introduced, belonging to the same hierarchy as the continuous--time systemThe construction examplifies the general scheme for integrable discretization of systems on Lie algebras with $r$--matrix Poisson brackets", "An initial value problem for the difference equations is solved in terms of a factorization problem in a groupInterpolating Hamiltonian flow is foundA variational (Lagrangian) formulation is also given" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI" ]
Integrable Models of the CFT on Hyper-Elliptic Surfaces
[ "In this letter, we continue the work we started at a previous paper and we propose new series of integrable models in quantum field theoryThese models are obtained as perturbed models of the minimal conformal field theories on the hyper-elliptic surfaces by particular relevant operators of the untwisted sector", "The quantum group symmetry of the models is also discussed" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Discrete time Bogoyavlensky lattices
[ "Discretizations of the Bogoyavlensky lattices are introduced, belonging to the same hierarchies as the continuous--time systemsThe construction exemplifies the general scheme for integrable discretization of systems on Lie algebras with $r$--matrix Poisson brackets", "An initial value problem for the difference equations is solved in terms of a factorization problem in a groupInterpolating Hamiltonian flow is found" ]
[ "solv-int", "nlin.SI" ]
Hamiltonian Structures for the Generalized Dispersionless KdV Hierarchy
[ "We study from a Hamiltonian point of view the generalized dispersionless KdV hierarchy of equationsFrom the so called dispersionless Lax representation of these equations we obtain three compatible Hamiltonian structures", "The second and third Hamiltonian structures are calculated directly from the r-matrix approachSince the third structure is not related recursively with the first two ones the generalized dispersionless KdV hierarchy can be characterized as a truly tri-Hamiltonian system" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Some Classes of Solutions to the Toda Lattice Hierarchy
[ "We apply an analogue of the Zakharov-Shabat dressing method to obtain infinite matrix solutions to the Toda lattice hierarchyUsing an operator transformation we convert some of these into solutions in terms of integral operators and Fredholm determinants", "Others are converted into a class of operator solutions to the $l$-periodic Toda hierarchy" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "math.FA", "nlin.SI" ]
Exact Solution of an Octagonal Random Tiling Model
[ "We consider the two-dimensional random tiling model introduced by Cockayne, iethe ensemble of all possible coverings of the plane without gaps or overlaps with squares and various hexagonsAt the appropriate relative densities the correlations have eight-fold rotational symmetry", "We reformulate the model in terms of a random tiling ensemble with identical rectangles and isosceles trianglesThe partition function of this model can be calculated by diagonalizing a transfer matrix using the Bethe Ansatz (BA)", "The BA equations can be solved providing {\\em exact} values of the entropy and elastic constants" ]
[ "solv-int", "cond-mat", "hep-th", "nlin.SI" ]
Dynamical r-matrix for the elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider system
[ "The classical r-matrix structure for the generic elliptic Ruijsenaars-Schneider model is presentedIt makes the integrability of this model as well as of its discrete-time version that was constructed in a recent paper manifest" ]
[ "solv-int", "hep-th", "math.QA", "nlin.SI", "q-alg" ]