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quant-ph/9905033 | Minimal Length Uncertainty Relation and Hydrogen Atom | [
"We propose a new approach to calculate perturbatively the effects of a particular deformed Heisenberg algebra on energy spectrumWe use this method to calculate the harmonic oscillator spectrum and find that corrections are in agreement with a previous calculation",
"Then, we apply this approach to obtain the hydrogen atom spectrum and we find that splittings of degenerate energy levels appearComparison with experimental data yields an interesting upper bound for the deformation parameter of the Heisenberg algebra"
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quant-ph/9905034 | Sonoluminescence as a QED vacuum effect. II: Finite Volume Effects | [
"In a companion paper [quant-ph/9904013] we have investigated several variations of Schwinger's proposed mechanism for sonoluminescenceWe demonstrated that any realistic version of Schwinger's mechanism must depend on extremely rapid (femtosecond) changes in refractive index, and discussed ways in which this might be physically plausible",
"To keep that discussion tractable, the technical computations in that paper were limited to the case of a homogeneous dielectric mediumIn this paper we investigate the additional complications introduced by finite-volume effects",
"The basic physical scenario remains the same, but we now deal with finite spherical bubbles, and so must decompose the electromagnetic field into Spherical Harmonics and Bessel functionsWe demonstrate how to set up the formalism for calculating Bogolubov coefficients in the sudden approximation, and show that we qualitatively retain the results previously obtained using the homogeneous-dielectric (infinite volume) approximation"
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quant-ph/9905036 | Optimal Universal Disentangling Machine for Two Qubit Quantum States | [
"We derive the optimal curve satisfied by the reduction factors, in the case of universal disentangling machine which uses only local operationsImpossibility of constructing a better disentangling machine, by using non-local operations, is discussed"
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quant-ph/9905038 | Gravity-Induced Interference and Continuous Quantum Measurements | [
"Gravity-induced quantum interference is a remarkable effect that has already been confirmed experimentally, and it is a phenomenon in which quantum mechanics and gravity play simultaneously an important role",
"Additionally, a generalized version of this interference experiment could offer the possibility to confront against measurement outputs one of the formalisms that claim to give an explanation to the so called quantum measurement problem, namely the restricted path integral formalism",
"In this work we will analyze a possible extension of Colella, Overhauser, and Werner experiment and find that in the context of the restricted path integral formalism we obtain new interference terms that could be measured in an extended version of this experimental construction",
"These new terms not only show, as in the first experiment, that at the quantum level gravity is not a purely geometric effect, it still depends on mass, but also show that interference does depend on some parameters that appear in the restricted path integral formalism, thus offering the possibility to have a testing framework for its theoretical predictions"
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quant-ph/9905040 | Quantum statistical properties of the radiation field in a cavity with a movable mirror | [
"A quantum system composed of a cavity radiation field interacting with a movable mirror is considered and quantum statistical properties of the field are studiedSuch a system can serve in principle as an idealized meter for detection of a weak classical force coupled to the mirror which is modelled by a quantum harmonic oscillator",
"It is shown that the standard quantum limit on the measurement of the mirror position arises naturally from the properties of the system during its dynamical evolutionHowever, the force detection sensitivity of the system falls short of the corresponding standard quantum limit",
"We also study the effect of the nonlinear interaction between the moving mirror and the radiation pressure on the quadrature fluctuations of the initially coherent cavity field"
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quant-ph/9905041 | Realization of logically labeled effective pure states for bulk quantum computation | [
"We report the first use of \"logical labeling\" to perform a quantum computation with a room-temperature bulk systemThis method entails the selection of a subsystem which behaves as if it were at zero temperature - except for a decrease in signal strength - conditioned upon the state of the remaining system",
"No averaging over differently prepared molecules is requiredIn order to test this concept, we execute a quantum search algorithm in a subspace of two nuclear spins, labeled by a third spin, using solution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and employing a novel choice of reference frame to uncouple nuclei"
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quant-ph/9905045 | Quantum Simulations on a Quantum Computer | [
"We present a general scheme for performing a simulation of the dynamics of one quantum system using anotherThis scheme is used to experimentally simulate the dynamics of truncated quantum harmonic and anharmonic oscillators using nuclear magnetic resonance",
"We believe this to be the first explicit physical realization of such a simulation"
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quant-ph/9905047 | Transmission time of wave packets through tunneling barriers | [
"The transmission of wave packets through tunneling barriers is studied in detail by the method of quantum molecular dynamicsThe distribution function of the times describing the arrival of a tunneling packet in front of and behind a barrier and the momentum distribution function of the packet are calculated",
"The behavior of the average coordinate of a packet, the average momentum, and their variances is investigatedIt is found that under the barrier a part of the packet is reflected and a Gaussian barrier increases the average momentum of the transmitted packet and its variance in momentum space"
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quant-ph/9905051 | A Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Classical Phase Space Structure on a Quantum System | [
"We present a detailed numerical study of a chaotic classical system and its quantum counterpartThe system is a special case of a kicked rotor and for certain parameter values possesses cantori dividing chaotic regions of the classical phase space",
"We investigate the diffusion of particles through a cantorus; classical diffusion is observed but quantum diffusion is only significant when the classical phase space area escaping through the cantorus per kicking period greatly exceeds Planck's constant",
"A quantum analysis confirms that the cantori act as barriersWe numerically estimate the classical phase space flux through the cantorus per kick and relate this quantity to the behaviour of the quantum system",
"We introduce decoherence via environmental interactions with the quantum system and observe the subsequent increase in the transport of quantum particles through the boundary"
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quant-ph/9905058 | Optimal compression for mixed signal states | [
"We consider the problem of the optimal compression rate in the case of the source producing mixed signal states within the {\\it visible} scheme (where Alice, who is to compress the signal, can know the identities of the produced states)",
"We show that a simple strategy based on replacing the signal states with their {\\it extensions} gives {\\it optimal} compressionAs a result we obtain a considerable simplification of the formula for optimal compression rate within visible scheme"
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quant-ph/9905059 | Monte Carlo Hamiltonian | [
"We construct an effective Hamiltonian via Monte Carlo from a given actionThis Hamiltonian describes physics in the low energy regimeWe test it by computing spectrum, wave functions and thermodynamical observables (average energy and specific heat) for the free system and the harmonic oscillator",
"The method is shown to work also for other local potentials"
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quant-ph/9905060 | Quantum correlations are not contained in the initial state | [
"Two proofs are presented which show that quantum mechanics is incompatible with the following assumption: all possible correlations between subsystems of an individual isolated composite quantum system are contained in the initial quantum state of the whole system, although just a subset of them is revealed by the actual experiment"
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quant-ph/9905062 | Bell inequality for arbitrary many settings of the analyzers | [
"A generalization of the CHSH-Bell inequality to arbitrary many settings is presentedThe singlet state of two spin $\\half$ violates this inequality for all numbers of settingIn the limit of arbitrarily large number of settings, the violation tends to the finite ratio $4/\\pi \\approx 1",
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quant-ph/9905069 | Spontaneous emission between an unusual pair of plates | [
"We compute the modification in the spontaneous emission rate for a two-level atom when it is located between two parallel plates of different nature: a perfectly conducting plate $(\\epsilon\\to \\infty)$ and an infinitely permeable one $(\\mu\\to \\infty)$",
"We also discuss the case of two infinitely permeable platesWe compare our results with those found in the literature for the case of two perfectly conducting plates"
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quant-ph/9905070 | Perturbative study of multiphoton processes in the tunneling regime | [
"A perturbative study of the Schr\\\"{o}dinger equation in a strong electromagnetic field with dipole approximation is accomplished in the Kramers-Henneberger frameA prove that just odd harmonics appear in the spectrum for a linear polarized laser field is given, assuming that the atomic radius is much lesser than the free-electron quiver motion amplitude",
"Within this approximation a perturbation series is obtained in the Keldysh parameter giving a description of multiphoton processes in the tunneling regimeThe theory is applied to the case of hydrogen-like atoms: The spectrum of higher order harmonics and the above-threshold ionization rate are derived",
"The ionization rate computed in this way determines the amplitudes of the harmonicsThe wave function of the atom proves to be rigid with respect to the perturbation so that the effect of the laser field on the Coulomb potential in the computation of the probability amplitudes can be neglected as a first approximation: This approximation improves as the ratio between the amplitude of the quiver motion of the electron and the atom radius becomes larger",
"The semiclassical description currently adopted for harmonic generation is so rederived by solving perturbatively the Schr\\\"{o}dinger equation"
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quant-ph/9905071 | Entanglement-assisted local manipulation of pure quantum states | [
"We demonstrate that local transformations on a composite quantum system can be enhanced in the presence of certain entangled statesThese extra states act much like catalysts in a chemical reaction: they allow otherwise impossible local transformations to be realised, without being consumed in any way",
"In particular, we show that this effect can considerably improve the efficiency of entanglement concentration procedures for finite states"
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quant-ph/9905073 | Thermalized Displaced Squeezed Thermal States | [
"In the coordinate representation of thermofield dynamics, we investigate the thermalized displaced squeezed thermal state which involves two temperatures successivelyWe give the wavefunction and the matrix element of the density operator at any time, and accordingly calculate some quantities related to the position, momentum and particle number operator, special cases of which are consistent with the results in the literature",
"The two temperatures have diffenent correlations with the squeeze and coherence componentsMoreover, different from the properties of the position and momentum, the average value and variance of the particle number operator as well as the second-order correlation function are time-independent"
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quant-ph/9905075 | The ground state of a spin-1/2 neutral particle with anomalous magnetic moment in a Aharonov-Casher configuration | [
"We determine the (bound) ground state of a spin 1/2 chargless particle with anomalous magnetic moment in certain Aharonov-Casher configurationsWe recast the description of the system in a supersymmetric form",
"Then the basic physical requirements for unbroken supersymmetry are establishedWe comment on the possibility of neutron trapping in these systems"
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quant-ph/9905076 | History and Physics of the Klein Paradox | [
"The early papers by Klein, Sauter and Hund which investigate scattering off a high step potential in the context of the Dirac equation are discussed to derive the 'paradox' first obtained by KleinThe explanation of this effect in terms of electron-positron production is reassessed",
"It is shown that a potential well or barrier in the Dirac equation can become supercritical and emit positrons or electrons spontaneously if the potential is strong enoughIf the well or barrier is wide enough, a seemingly constant current is emitted",
"This phenomenon is transient whereas the tunnelling first calculated by Klein is time-independentIt is shown that tunnelling without exponential suppression occurs when an electron is incident on a high barrier, even when the barrier is not high enough to radiate",
"Klein tunnelling is therefore a property of relativistic wave equations and is not necessarily connected to particle emissionThe Coulomb potential is investigated and it is shown that a heavy nucleus of sufficiently large $Z$ will bind positrons",
"Correspondingly, as $Z$ increases the Coulomb barrier should become increasingly transparent to positronsThis is an example of Klein tunnellingPhenomena akin to supercritical positron emission may be studied experimentally in superfluid $^3$He"
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quant-ph/9905079 | Classical Dynamics of the Quantum Harmonic Chain | [
"The origin of classical predictability is investigated for the one dimensional harmonic chain considered as a closed quantum mechanical systemBy comparing the properties of a family of coarse-grained descriptions of the chain, we conclude that local coarse-grainings in this family are more useful for prediction than nonlocal ones",
"A quantum mechanical system exhibits classical behavior when the probability is high for histories having the correlations in time implied by classical deterministic lawsBut approximate classical determinism holds only for certain coarse-grainings and then only if the initial state of the system is suitably restricted",
"Coarse-grainings by the values of the hydrodynamic variables (integrals over suitable volumes of densities of approximately conserved quantities) define the histories usually used in classical physicsBut what distinguishes this coarse-graining from others? This paper approaches this question by analyzing a family of coarse-grainings for the linear harmonic chain",
"At one extreme in the family the chain is divided into local groups of $N$ atomsAt the other extreme the $N$ atoms are distributed nonlocally over the whole chainEach coarse-graining follows the average (center of mass) positions of the groups and ignores the ``internal'' coordinates within each group, these constituting a different environment for each coarse-graining",
"We conclude that noise, decoherence, and computational complexity favor locality over nonlocality for deterministic predictability"
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quant-ph/9905080 | Finite precision measurement nullifies the Kochen-Specker theorem | [
"Only finite precision measurements are experimentally reasonable, and they cannot distinguish a dense subset from its closureWe show that the rational vectors, which are dense in S^2, can be colored so that the contradiction with hidden variable theories provided by Kochen-Specker constructions does not obtain",
"Thus, in contrast to violation of the Bell inequalities, no quantum-over-classical advantage for information processing can be derived from the Kochen-Specker theorem alone"
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quant-ph/9905081 | Discrete formulation of teleportation of continuous variables | [
"Teleportation of continuous variables can be described in two different ways, one in terms of Wigner functions, the other in terms of discrete basis statesThe latter formulation provides the connection between the theory of teleportation of continuous degrees of freedom of a light field and the standard description of teleportation of discrete variables"
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quant-ph/9905082 | Exactly solvable path integral for open cavities in terms of quasinormal modes | [
"We evaluate the finite-temperature Euclidean phase-space path integral for the generating functional of a scalar field inside a leaky cavityProvided the source is confined to the cavity, one can first of all integrate out the fields on the outside to obtain an effective action for the cavity alone",
"Subsequently, one uses an expansion of the cavity field in terms of its quasinormal modes (QNMs)-the exact, exponentially damped eigenstates of the classical evolution operator, which previously have been shown to be complete for a large class of models",
"Dissipation causes the effective cavity action to be nondiagonal in the QNM basisThe inversion of this action matrix inherent in the Gaussian path integral to obtain the generating functional is therefore nontrivial, but can be accomplished by invoking a novel QNM sum rule",
"The results are consistent with those obtained previously using canonical quantization"
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quant-ph/9905084 | Bayesian analysis of Bell inequalities | [
"Statistical tests are needed to determine experimentally whether a hypothetical theory based on local realism can be an acceptable alternative to quantum mechanicsIt is impossible to rule out local realism by a single test, as often claimed erroneously",
"The ``strength'' of a particular Bell inequality is measured by the number of trials that are needed to invalidate local realism at a given confidence levelVarious versions of Bell's inequality are compared from this point of view",
"It is shown that Mermin's inequality for Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states requires fewer tests than the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality or than its chained variants applied to a singlet state, and also than Hardy's proof of nonlocality"
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quant-ph/9905086 | Grover's search algorithm: An optical approach | [
"The essential operations of a quantum computer can be accomplished using solely optical elements, with different polarization or spatial modes representing the individual qubitsWe present a simple all-optical implementation of Grover's algorithm for efficient searching, in which a database of four elements is searched with a single query",
"By `compiling' the actual setup, we have reduced the required number of optical elements from 24 to only 12We discuss the extension to larger databases, and the limitations of these techniques"
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quant-ph/9905093 | Quantum Hexaspherical Observables for Electrons | [
"A new quantum algebraic description of relativistic electrons, built on a conformal dynamical symmetry (SO(4,2)), has recently been proposed to treat localization in space-timeIt is shown here that localization of an electron may be represented by components of a SO(4,2) vector which are quantum generalizations of the hexaspherical coordinates of classical projective geometry",
"The shift of this vector under transformations to uniformly accelerated frames is described by SO(4,2) rotationsHexaspherical observables also allow one to represent the quantum law of free fall under a form explicitly compatible with the same dynamical symmetry"
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quant-ph/9905094 | Decoherent Histories and the Emergent Classicality of Local Densities | [
"In the context of the decoherent histories approach to quantum theory, it is shown that a class of macroscopic configurations consisting of histories of local densities (number, momentum, energy) exhibit negligible interference",
"This follows from the close connection of the local densities with the corresponding exactly conserved (and so exactly decoherent) quantities, and also from the observation that the eigenstates of local densities (averaged over a sufficiently large volume) remain approximate eigenstates under time evolution",
"The result is relevant to the derivation of hydrodynamic equations using the decoherent histories approach"
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quant-ph/9905095 | Two-particle entanglement as a property of three-particle entangled states | [
"In a recent article [PhysRevA 54, 1793 (1996)] Krenn and Zeilinger investigated the conditional two-particle correlations for the subensemble of data obtained by selecting the results of the spin measurements by two observers 1 and 2 with respect to the result found in the corresponding measurement by a third observer",
"In this paper we write out explicitly the condition required in order for the selected results of observers 1 and 2 to violate Bell's inequality for general measurement directionsIt is shown that there are infinitely many sets of directions giving the maximum level of violation",
"Further, we extend the analysis by the authors to the class of triorthogonal states |Psi> = c_1 |z_1>|z_2>|z_3> + c_2 |-z_1>|-z_2>|-z_3>It is found that a maximal violation of Bell's inequality occurs provided the corresponding three-particle state yields a direct (\"all or nothing\") nonlocality contradiction"
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quant-ph/9905100 | Ladder operators for isospectral oscillators | [
"We present, for the isospectral family of oscillator Hamiltonians, a systematic procedure for constructing raising and lowering operators satisfying any prescribed `distorted' Heisenberg algebra (including the $q$-generalization)",
"This is done by means of an operator transformation implemented by a shift operatorThe latter is obtained by solving an appropriate partial isometry condition in the Hilbert spaceFormal representations of the non-local operators concerned are given in terms of pseudo-differential operators",
"Using the new annihilation operators, new classes of coherent states are constructed for isospectral oscillator HamiltoniansThe corresponding Fock-Bargmann representations are also considered, with specific reference to the order of the entire function family in each case"
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quant-ph/9905101 | Geometric phases for generalized squeezed coherent states | [
"A simple technique is used to obtain a general formula for the Berry phase (and the corresponding Hannay angle) for an arbitrary Hamiltonian with an equally-spaced spectrum and appropriate ladder operators connecting the eigenstates",
"The formalism is first applied to a general deformation of the oscillator involving both squeezing and displacementEarlier results are shown to emerge as special casesThe analysis is then extended to multiphoton squeezed coherent states and the corresponding anholonomies deduced"
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quant-ph/9905102 | Supersymmetry of a spin 1/2 particle on the real line | [
"We study one dimensional supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics of a spin 1/2 particle moving in a rotating magnetic field and scalar potentialWe also discuss SUSY breaking and it is shown that SUSY breaking essentially depends on the strength and period of the magnetic field",
"For a purely rotating magnetic field the eigenvalue problem is solved exactly and two band energy spectrum is found"
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quant-ph/9906006 | Non-Contextual Hidden Variables and Physical Measurements | [
"For a hidden variable theory to be indistinguishable from quantum theory for finite precision measurements, it is enough that its predictions agree for some measurement within the range of precisionMeyer has recently pointed out that the Kochen-Specker theorem, which demonstrates the impossibility of a deterministic hidden variable description of ideal spin measurements on a spin 1 particle, can thus be effectively nullified if only finite precision measurements are considered",
"We generalise this result: it is possible to ascribe consistent outcomes to a dense subset of the set of projection valued measurements, or to a dense subset of the set of positive operator valued measurements, on any finite dimensional system",
"Hence no Kochen-Specker like contradiction can rule out hidden variable theories indistinguishable from quantum theory by finite precision measurements in either class"
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quant-ph/9906007 | Information Flow in Entangled Quantum Systems | [
"All information in quantum systems is, notwithstanding Bell's theorem, localisedMeasuring or otherwise interacting with a quantum system S has no effect on distant systems from which S is dynamically isolated, even if they are entangled with S",
"Using the Heisenberg picture to analyse quantum information processing makes this locality explicit, and reveals that under some circumstances (in particular, in Einstein-Podolski-Rosen experiments and in quantum teleportation) quantum information is transmitted through 'classical' (i",
"edecoherent) information channels"
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quant-ph/9906008 | Good dynamics versus bad kinematics. Is entanglement needed for quantum computation? | [
"We consider quantum computing with pseudo-pure statesThis framework arises in certain implementations of quantum computing using NMRWe analyze quantum computational protocols which aim to solve exponential classical problems with polynomial resources and ask whether or not entanglement of the pseudo-pure states is needed to achieve this aim",
"We show that for a large class of such protocols, including Shor's factorization, entanglement is necessaryWe also show that achieving entanglement is not sufficient: if the noise in the state is sufficiently large, exponential resources are needed even if entanglement is present"
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quant-ph/9906016 | Maxwell Duality, Lorentz Invariance, and Topological Phase | [
"We discuss the Maxwell electromagnetic duality relations between the Aharonov-Bohm, Aharonov-Casher, and He-McKellar-Wilkens topological phases, which allows a unified description of all three phenomena",
"We also elucidate Lorentz transformations that allow these effects to be understood in an intuitive fashion in the rest frame of the moving quantum particleFinally, we propose two experimental schemes for measuring the He-McKellar-Wilkens phase"
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quant-ph/9906018 | On the Teleportation of Continuous Variable | [
"The measurement procedures used in quantum teleportation are analyzed from the viewpoint of the general theory of quantum-mechanical measurementsIt is shown that to find the teleported state one should only know the identity resolution (positive operator-valued measure) generated by the corresponding instrument (quantum operation describing the system state change caused by the measurement) rather than the instrument itself",
"A quantum teleportation protocol based on a measurement associated with a non-orthogonal identity resolution is proposed for a system with non-degenerate continuous spectrum"
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quant-ph/9906019 | Steep anomalous dispersion in coherently prepared Rb vapor | [
"Steep dispersion of opposite signs in driven degenerate two-level atomic transitions have been predicted and observed on the D2 line of 87Rb in an optically thin vapor cellThe intensity dependence of the anomalous dispersion has been studied",
"The maximum observed value of anomalous dispersion [dn/dnu ~= -6x10^{-11}Hz^{-1}] corresponds to anegative group velocity V_g ~= -c/23000"
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quant-ph/9906020 | Phase matching in quantum searching | [
"Each iteration in Grover's original quantum search algorithm contains 4 steps: two Hadamard-Walsh transformations and two amplitudes inversionsWhen the inversion of the marked state is replaced by arbitrary phase rotation \\theta and the inversion for the prepared state |\\gamma> is replaced by rotation through \\phi, we found that these phase rotations must satisfy a matching condition \\theta=\\phi",
"Approximate formula for the amplitude of the marked state after an arbitrary number of iterations are also derivedWe give also a simple explanation of the phase matching requirement"
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quant-ph/9906021 | Multipartite entanglement for continuous variables: A quantum teleportation network | [
"We show that {\\it one} single-mode squeezed state distributed among $N$ parties using linear optics suffices to produce a truly $N$-partite entangled state for any nonzero squeezing and arbitrarily many parties",
"From this $N$-partite entangled state, via quadrature measurements of $N-2$ modes, bipartite entanglement between any two of the $N$ parties can be `distilled', which enables quantum teleportation with an experimentally determinable fidelity better than could be achieved in any classical scheme"
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quant-ph/9906023 | Classical interventions in quantum systems. I. The measuring process | [
"The measuring process is an external intervention in the dynamics of a quantum systemIt involves a unitary interaction of that system with a measuring apparatus, a further interaction of both with an unknown environment causing decoherence, and then the deletion of a subsystem",
"This description of the measuring process is a substantial generalization of current models in quantum measurement theoryIn particular, no ancilla is neededThe final result is represented by a completely positive map of the quantum state $\\rho$ (possibly with a change of the dimensions of $\\rho$)",
"A continuous limit of the above process leads to Lindblad's equation for the quantum dynamical semigroup"
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quant-ph/9906024 | Stochastic wave function method for non-Markovian quantum master equations | [
"A generalization of the stochastic wave function method to quantum master equations which are not in Lindblad form is developedThe proposed stochastic unravelling is based on a description of the reduced system in a doubled Hilbert space and it is shown, that this method is capable of simulating quantum master equations with negative transition rates",
"Non-Markovian effects in the reduced systems dynamics can be treated within this approach by employing the time-convolutionless projection operator techniqueThis ansatz yields a systematic perturbative expansion of the reduced systems dynamics in the coupling strength",
"Several examples such as the damped Jaynes Cummings model and the spontaneous decay of a two-level system into a photonic band gap are discussedThe power as well as the limitations of the method are demonstrated"
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quant-ph/9906025 | Coupling nanocrystals to a high-$Q$ silica microsphere: entanglement in quantum dots via photon exchange | [
"Coupling nanocrystals (quantum dots) to a high-$Q$ whispering gallery mode (WGM) of a silica microsphere, can produce a strong coherent interaction between the WGM and the electronic states of the dots",
"Shifting the resonance frequencies of the dots, for instance by placing the entire system in an electric potential, then allows this interaction to be controlled, permitting entangling interactions between different dots",
"Thus, this system could potentially be used to implement a quantum computer"
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quant-ph/9906026 | Nonperiodic Orbit Sums in Weyl's Expansion for Billiards | [
"Weyl's expansion for the asymptotic mode density of billiards consists of the area, length, curvature and corner termsThe area term has been associated with the so-called zero-length orbitsHere closed nonperiodic paths corresponding to the length and corner terms are constructed"
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quant-ph/9906027 | Implementing quantum logic operations, pseudo-pure states and the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm using non-commuting selective pulses in NMR | [
"We demonstrate experimentally the usefulness of selective pulses in NMR to perform quantum computationThree different techniques based on selective pulse excitations have been proposed to prepare a spin system in a pseudo-pure state",
"We describe the design of novel ``portmanteau'' gates using the selective manipulation of level populationsA selective pulse implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm for a two-qubit and a three-qubit quantum computer is demonstrated"
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quant-ph/9906029 | Non-Hermitian matrix description of the PT symmetric anharmonic oscillators | [
"Schroedinger equation H \\psi=E \\psi with PT - symmetric differential operator H=H(x) = p^2 + a x^4 + i \\beta x^3 +c x^2+i \\delta x = H^*(-x) on L_2(-\\infty,\\infty) is re-arranged as a linear algebraic diagonalization at a>0",
"The proof of this non-variational construction is givenOur Taylor series form of \\psi complements and completes the recent terminating solutions as obtained for certain couplings \\delta at the less common negative a"
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quant-ph/9906030 | ``Weighing'' a closed system and the time-energy uncertainty principle | [
"A gedanken-experiment is proposed for `weighing'' the total mass of a closed system from within the systemWe prove that for an internal observer the time $\\tau$, required to measure the total energy with accuracy $\\Delta E$, is bounded according to $\\tau \\Delta E >\\hbar $",
"This time-energy uncertainty principle for a closed system follows from the measurement back-reaction on the systemWe generally examine what other conserved observables are in principle measurable within a closed system and what are the corresponding uncertainty relations"
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quant-ph/9906033 | Complete roughness and conductivity corrections for the recent Casimir force measurement | [
"We consider detailed roughness and conductivity corrections to the Casimir force in the recent Casimir force measurement employing an Atomic Force MicroscopeThe roughness of the test bodies-a metal plate and a sphere- was investigated with the Atomic Force Microscope and the Scanning Electron Microscope respectively",
"It consists of separate crystals of different heights and a stochastic backgroundThe amplitude of roughness relative to the zero roughness level was determined and the corrections to the Casimir force were calculated up to the fourth order in a small parameter (which is this amplitude divided by the distance between the two test bodies)",
"Also the corrections due to finite conductivity were found up to the fourth order in relative penetration depth of electromagnetic zero point oscillations into the metalThe theoretical result for the configuration of a sphere above a plate taking into account both corrections is in excellent agreement with the measured Casimir force"
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quant-ph/9906034 | Classical interventions in quantum systems. II. Relativistic invariance | [
"If several interventions performed on a quantum system are localized in mutually space-like regions, they will be recorded as a sequence of ``quantum jumps'' in one Lorentz frame, and as a different sequence of jumps in another Lorentz frame",
"Conditions are specified that must be obeyed by the various operators involved in the calculations so that these two different sequences lead to the same observable resultsThese conditions are similar to the equal-time commutation relations in quantum field theory",
"They are sufficient to prevent superluminal signaling(The derivation of these results does not require most of the contents of the preceding articleWhat is needed is briefly summarized here, so that the present article is essentially self-contained",
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quant-ph/9906042 | Spectral Comparison Theorem for the Dirac Equation | [
"We consider a single particle which is bound by a central potential and obeys the Dirac equationWe compare two cases in which the masses are the same but Va < Vb, where V is the time-component of a vector potential",
"We prove generally that for each discrete eigenvalue E whose corresponding (large and small) radial wave functions have no nodes, it necessarily follows that Ea < EbAs an illustration, this general relativistic comparison theorem is applied to approximate the Dirac spectrum generated by a screened-Coulomb potential"
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quant-ph/9906044 | New Solvable and Quasi Exactly Solvable Periodic Potentials | [
"Using the formalism of supersymmetric quantum mechanics, we obtain a large number of new analytically solvable one-dimensional periodic potentials and study their propertiesMore specifically, the supersymmetric partners of the Lame potentials ma(a+1)sn^2(x,m) are computed for integer values a=1,2,3,",
"For all cases (except a=1), we show that the partner potential is distinctly different from the original Lame potential, even though they both have the same energy band structureWe also derive and discuss the energy band edges of the associated Lame potentials pm sn^2(x,m)+qm cn^2(x,m)/ dn^2(x,m), which constitute a much richer class of periodic problems",
"Computation of their supersymmetric partners yields many additional new solvable and quasi exactly solvable periodic potentials"
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quant-ph/9906045 | The Influence of Superpositional Wave Function Oscillations on Shor's Quantum Algorithm | [
"We investigate the influence of superpositional wave function oscillations on the performance of Shor's quantum algorithm for factorization of integersIt is shown that the wave function oscillations can destroy the required quantum interference",
"This undesirable effect can be routinely eliminated using a resonant pulse implementation of quantum computation, but requires special analysis for non-resonant implementations"
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quant-ph/9906049 | Bell inequality and the locality loophole: Active versus passive switches | [
"All experimental tests of the violation of Bell's inequality suffer from some loopholesWe show that the locality loophole is not independent of the detection loophole: in experiments using low efficient detectors, the locality loophole can be closed equivalently using active or passive switches"
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quant-ph/9906052 | Properties of pulsed entangled two-photon fields | [
"The dependence of one- and two-photon characteristics of pulsed entangled two-photon fields generated in spontaneous parametric down-conversion on the pump-pulse properties (shape of the pump-pulse spectrum and its internal structure) is examined",
"It is shown that entangled two-photon fields with defined properties can be generatedA general relation between the spectra of the down-converted fields is establishedAs a special case interference of two partially overlapping pulsed two-photon fields is studied",
"Fourth-order interference pattern of entangled two-photon fields is investigated in the polarization analog of the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer"
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quant-ph/9906055 | Coulomb-oscillator duality in spaces of constant curvature | [
"In this paper we construct generalizations to spheres of the well known Levi-Civita, Kustaanheimo-Steifel and Hurwitz regularizing transformations in Euclidean spaces of dimensions 2, 3 and 5The corresponding classical and quantum mechanical analogues of the Kepler-Coulomb problem on these spheres are discussed"
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quant-ph/9906057 | Complex Square Well --- A New Exactly Solvable Quantum Mechanical Model | [
"Recently, a class of PT-invariant quantum mechanical models described by the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian $H=p^2+x^2(ix)^\\epsilon$ was studiedIt was found that the energy levels for this theory are real for all $\\epsilon\\geq0$",
"Here, the limit as $\\epsilon\\to\\infty$ is examinedIt is shown that in this limit, the theory becomes exactly solvableA generalization of this Hamiltonian, $H=p^2+x^{2M}(ix)^\\epsilon$ (M=1,2,3,) is also studied, and this PT-symmetric Hamiltonian becomes exactly solvable in the large-\\epsilon limit as well",
"In effect, what is obtained in each case is a complex analog of the Hamiltonian for the square well potentialExpansions about the large-\\epsilon limit are obtained"
] | [
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quant-ph/9906058 | The Role of Inert Objects in Quantum Mechanical Phase | [
"Quantum mechanical foundations of the polarized neutron phase shift experiment are discussedThe fact that the neutron retains its ground state throughout the experiment is shown to be crucial for the phase shift obtained"
] | [
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quant-ph/9906059 | Implementation of the Quantum Fourier Transform | [
"The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) has been implemented on a three bit nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computer, providing a first step towards the realization of Shor's factoring and other quantum algorithms",
"Implementation of the QFT is presented with fidelity measures, and state tomographyExperimentally realizing the QFT is a clear demonstration of NMR's ability to control quantum systems"
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quant-ph/9906061 | Causation & Physics | [
"Philosophical analyses of causation take many forms but one major difficulty they all aim to address is that of the spatio-temporal continuity between causes and their effectsBertrand Russell in 1913 brought the problem to its most transparent form and made it a case against the notion of causation in physics",
"In this essay, I focus on this subject of causal continuity and its related issues in classical and quantum physics"
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quant-ph/9906062 | Improved Precision Measurement of the Casimir Force | [
"We report an improved precision measurement of the Casimir forceThe force is measured between a large Al coated sphere and flat plate using an Atomic Force MicroscopeThe primary experimental improvements include the use of smoother metal coatings, reduced noise, lower systematic errors and independent measurement of surface separations",
"Also the complete dielectric spectrum of the metal is used in the theoryThe average statistical precision remains at the same 1% of the forces measured at the closest separation"
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quant-ph/9906065 | Quantization Ambiguity, Ergodicity, and Semiclassics | [
"A simple argument shows that eigenstates of a classically ergodic system are individually ergodic on coarse-grained scalesThis has implications for the quantization ambiguity in ergodic systems: the difference between alternative quantizations is suppressed compared with the $O(\\hbar^2)$ ambiguity in the integrable case",
"For two-dimensional ergodic systems in the high-energy regime, individual eigenstates are independent of the choice of quantization procedure, in contrast with the regular case, where even the ordering of eigenlevels is ambiguous",
"Surprisingly, semiclassical methods are shown to be much more precise for chaotic than for integrable systems"
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quant-ph/9906066 | Entanglement swapping using continuous variables | [
"We investigate the efficacy with which entanglement can be teleported using a continuous measurement schemeWe show that by using the correct gain for the classical channel the degree of violation of locality that can be demonstrated (using a CH type inequality) is {\\it not} a function of the level of entanglement squeezing used in the teleportation",
"This is possible because a gain condition can always be choosen such that passage through the teleporter is equivalent to pure attenuation of the input field"
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quant-ph/9906067 | Quantum tomography of the GHZ state | [
"We present a method of generation of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state involving type II and type I parametric downconversion, and triggering photodetectorsThe state generated by the proposed experimental set-up can be reconstructed through multi-mode quantum homodyne tomography",
"The feasibility of the measurement is studied on the basis of Monte-Carlo simulations"
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quant-ph/9906068 | Zeno effect preventing Rabi transitions onto an unstable energy level | [
"We consider a driven 2-level system with one level showing spontaneous decay to an otherwise uncoupled third levelRabi transitions to the unstable level are strongly dampedThis simple configuration can be used to demonstrate and to explore the quantum Zeno effect leading to a freezing of the system to the initial level",
"A comparison with repeated projection measurements is givenA treatment within a phenomenological theory of continuous measurements is sketchedThe system visualizes the important role of null measurements (negative result measurements) and may serve as a good example for a truly continuous measurement"
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quant-ph/9906071 | On Multistep Bose-Einstein Condensation in Anisotropic Traps | [
"Multistep Bose-Einstein condensation of an ideal Bose gas in anisotropic harmonic atom traps is studiedIn the presence of strong anisotropy realized by the different trap frequency in each direction, finite size effect dictates a series of dimensional crossovers into lower-dimensional excitations",
"Two-step condensation and the dynamical reduction of the effective dimension can appear in three separate stepsWhen the multistep behavior occurs, the occupation number of atoms excited in each dimension is shown to behave similarly as a function of the temperature"
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quant-ph/9906072 | The Mach-Zehnder and the Teleporter | [
"We suggest a self-testing teleportation configuration for photon q-bits based on a Mach-Zehnder interferometerThat is, Bob can tell how well the input state has been teleported without knowing what that input state was",
"One could imagine building a \"locked\" teleporter based on this configurationThe analysis is performed for continuous variable teleportation but the arrangement could equally be applied to discrete manipulations"
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quant-ph/9906075 | Unconditional teleportation of continuous-variable entanglement | [
"We give a protocol and criteria for demonstrating unconditional teleportation of continuous-variable entanglement (ie, entanglement swapping)The initial entangled states are produced with squeezed light and linear optics",
"We show that any nonzero entanglement (any nonzero squeezing) in both of two entanglement sources is sufficient for entanglement swapping to occurIn fact, realization of continuous-variable entanglement swapping is possible using only {\\it two} single-mode squeezed states"
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quant-ph/9906076 | Several remarks on ``Comments'' by A. Moroz | [
"We make a couple of remarks on ``Comments'' due to AMoroz which were addressed to our recent letter \"Differential cross section for Aharonov-Bohm effect with non standard boundary conditions\", Europhys",
"Lett44 (1998) 403"
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quant-ph/9906077 | State preparation by photon filtering | [
"We propose a setup capable of generating Fock states of a single mode radiation fieldThe scheme is based on coupling the signal field to a ring cavity through cross-Kerr phase modulation, and on conditional ON-OFF photodetection at the output cavity mode",
"The same setup allows to prepare selected superpositions of Fock states and entangled two-mode statesRemarkably, the detector's quantum efficiency does not affect the reliability of the state synthesis"
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quant-ph/9906078 | Measurement as Absorption of Feynman Trajectories: Collapse of the Wave Function Can be Avoided | [
"We define a measuring device (detector) of the coordinate of quantum particle as an absorbing wall that cuts off the particle's wave functionThe wave function in the presence of such detector vanishes on the detector",
"The trace the absorbed particles leave on the detector is identifies as the absorption current density on the detectorThis density is calculated from the solution of Schr\\\"odinger's equation with a reflecting boundary at the detector",
"This current density is not the usual Schr\\\"odinger current densityWe define the probability distribution of the time of arrival to a detector in terms of the absorption current densityWe define coordinate measurement by an absorbing wall in terms of 4 postulates",
"We postulate, among others, that a quantum particle has a trajectoryIn the resulting theory the quantum mechanical collapse of the wave function is replaced with the usual collapse of the probability distribution after observation",
"Two examples are presented, that of the slit experiment and the slit experiment with absorbing boundaries to measure time of arrivalA calculation is given of the two dimensional probability density function of a free particle from the measurement of the absorption current on two planes"
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quant-ph/9906080 | Building multiparticle states with teleportation | [
"We describe a protocol which can be used to generate any N-partite pure quantum state using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairsThis protocol employs only local operations and classical communication between the N parties (N-LOCC)",
"In particular, we rely on quantum data compression and teleportation to create the desired stateThis protocol can be used to obtain upper bounds for the bipartite entanglement of formation of an arbitrary N-partite pure state, in the asymptotic limit of many copies",
"We apply it to a few multipartite states of interest, showing that in some cases it is not optimalGeneralizations of the protocol are developed which are optimal for some of the examples we consider, but which may still be inefficient for arbitrary states"
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quant-ph/9906081 | Improved Dirac quantization of a free particle | [
"In the framework of Dirac quantization with second class constraints, a free particle moving on the surface of a $(d-1)-$dimensional sphere has an ambiguity in the energy spectrum due to the arbitrary shift of canonical momenta",
"We explicitly show that this spectrum obtained by the Dirac method can be consistent with the result of the Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin formalism, which is an improved Dirac method, at the level of the first-class constraint by fixing the ambiguity, and discuss its physical consequences"
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quant-ph/9906083 | Linear canonical transformations and quantum phase:a unified canonical and algebraic approach | [
"The algebra of generalized linear quantum canonical transformations is examined in the prespective of Schwinger's unitary-canonical basisFormulation of the quantum phase problem within the theory of quantum canonical transformations and in particular with the generalized quantum action-angle phase space formalism is established and it is shown that the conceptual foundation of the quantum phase problem lies within the algebraic properties of the quantum canonical transformations in the quantum phase space",
"The representations of the Wigner function in the generalized action-angle unitary operator pair for certain Hamiltonian systems with the dynamical symmetry are examinedThis generalized canonical formalism is applied to the quantum harmonic oscillator to examine the properties of the unitary quantum phase operator as well as the action-angle Wigner function"
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quant-ph/9906085 | Information Content for Quantum States | [
"A method of representing probabilistic aspects of quantum systems is introduced by means of a density function on the space of pure quantum statesIn particular, a maximum entropy argument allows us to obtain a natural density function that only reflects the information provided by the density matrix",
"This result is applied to derive the Shannon entropy of a quantum stateThe information theoretic quantum entropy thereby obtained is shown to have the desired concavity property, and to differ from the the conventional von Neumann entropy",
"This is illustrated explicitly for a two-state system"
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quant-ph/9906086 | Geometric Quantum Mechanics | [
"The manifold of pure quantum states is a complex projective space endowed with the unitary-invariant geometry of Fubini and StudyAccording to the principles of geometric quantum mechanics, the detailed physical characteristics of a given quantum system can be represented by specific geometrical features that are selected and preferentially identified in this complex manifold",
"Here we construct a number of examples of such geometrical features as they arise in the state spaces for spin-1/2, spin-1, and spin-3/2 systems, and for pairs of spin-1/2 systemsA study is undertaken on the geometry of entangled states, and a natural measure is assigned to the degree of entanglement of a given state for a general multi-particle system",
"The properties of this measure are analysed for the entangled states of a pair of spin-1/2 particlesWith the specification of a quantum Hamiltonian, the resulting Schrodinger trajectory induces a Killing field, which is quasiergodic on a toroidal subspace of the energy surface",
"When the dynamical trajectory is lifted orthogonally to Hilbert space, it induces a geometric phase shift on the wave functionThe uncertainty of an observable in a given state is the length of the gradient vector of the level surface of the expectation of the observable in that state, a fact that allows us to calculate higher order corrections to the Heisenberg relations",
"A general mixed state is determined by a probability density function on the state space, for which the associated first moment is the density matrixThe advantage of a general state is in its applicability in various attempts to go beyond the standard quantum theory"
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quant-ph/9906087 | Diffractive orbits in an open microwave billiard | [
"We demonstrate the existence and significance of diffractive orbits in an open microwave billiard, both experimentally and theoreticallyOrbits that diffract off of a sharp edge strongly influence the conduction spectrum of this resonator, especially in the regime where there are no stable classical orbits",
"On resonance, the wavefunctions are influenced by both classical and diffractive orbitsOff resonance, the wavefunctions are determined by the constructive interference of multiple transient, nonperiodic orbits",
"Experimental, numerical, and semiclassical results are presented"
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quant-ph/9906089 | Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Control of Mixed-State Quantum Systems | [
"In [1] Zhu and Rabitz presented a rapidly convergent iterative algorithm for optimal control of the expectation value of a positive definite observable in a pure-state quantum systemIn this paper we generalize this algorithm to a quantum statistical mechanics setting and show that it is both efficient in the mixed-state case and effective in achieving the control objective of maximizing the ensemble average of arbitrary observables in the cases studied"
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quant-ph/9906092 | Continuous Quantum Measurement and the Emergence of Classical Chaos | [
"We formulate the conditions under which the dynamics of a continuously measured quantum system becomes indistinguishable from that of the corresponding classical systemIn particular, we demonstrate that even in a classically chaotic system the quantum state vector conditioned by the measurement remains localized and, under these conditions, follows a trajectory characterized by the classical Lyapunov exponent"
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quant-ph/9906093 | The influence of density of modes on dark lines in spontaneous emission | [
"We study two distinct multi-level atomic models in which one transition is coupled to a Markovian reservoir, while another linked transition is coupled to a non-Markovian reservoirWe show that by choosing appropriately the density of modes of the non-Markovian reservoir the spontaneous emission to the Markovian reservoir is greatly altered",
"The existence of `dark lines' in the spontaneous emission spectrum in the Markovian reservoir due to the coupling to specific density of modes of the non-Markovian reservoir is also predicted"
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quant-ph/9906094 | Universal Control of Decoupled Quantum Systems | [
"It is shown that if one can perform a restricted set of fast manipulations on a quantum system, one can implement a large class of dynamical evolutions by effectively removing or introducing selected Hamiltonians",
"The procedure can be used to achieve universal noise-tolerant control based on purely unitary open-loop transformations of the dynamicsAs a result, it is in principle possible to perform noise-protected universal quantum computation using no extra space resources"
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quant-ph/9906097 | Quantum state diffusion, measurement and second quantization | [
"Realistic dynamical theories of measurement based on the diffusion of quantum states are nonunitary, whereas quantum field theory and its generalizations are unitaryThis problem in the quantum field theory of quantum state diffusion (QSD) appears already in the Lagrangian formulation of QSD as a classical equation of motion, where Liouville's theorem does not apply to the usual field theory formulation",
"This problem is resolved here by doubling the number of freedoms used to represent a quantum fieldThe space of quantum fields is then a classical configuration space, for which volume need not be conserved, instead of the usual phase space, to which Liouville's theorem applies",
"The creation operator for the quantized field satisfies the QSD equations, but the annihilation operator does not satisfy the conjugate eqationIt appears only in a formal role"
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quant-ph/9906098 | Entanglement quantification and purification in continuous variable systems | [
"We develop theoretical and numerical tools for the quantification of entanglement in systems with continuous degrees of freedomContinuous variable entanglement swapping is introduced and based on this idea we develop methods of entanglement purification for continuous variable systems",
"The success of these entanglement purification methods is then assessed using these tools"
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quant-ph/9906099 | Discrete Q- and P-symbols for spin s | [
"Non-orthogonal bases of projectors on coherent states are introduced to expand hermitean operators acting on the Hilbert space of a spin sIt is shown that the expectation values of a hermitean operator A in a family of (2s+1)(2s+1) spin-coherent states determine the operator unambiguously",
"In other words, knowing the Q-symbol of A at (2s+1)(2s+1) points on the unit sphere is already sufficient in order to recover the operatorThis provides a straightforward method to reconstruct the mixed state of a spin since its density matrix is explicitly parametrized in terms of expectation values",
"Furthermore, a discrete P-symbol emerges naturally which is related to a basis dual to the original one"
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quant-ph/9906105 | Classical Teleportation of a Quantum Bit | [
"Classical teleportation is defined as a scenario where the sender is given the classical description of an arbitrary quantum state while the receiver simulates any measurement on itThis scenario is shown to be achievable by transmitting only a few classical bits if the sender and receiver initially share local hidden variables",
"Specifically, a communication of 219 bits is sufficient on average for the classical teleportation of a qubit, when restricted to von Neumann measurementsThe generalization to positive-operator-valued measurements is also discussed"
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quant-ph/9906107 | Unravelling quantum carpets: a travelling wave approach | [
"Quantum carpets are generic spacetime patterns formed in the probability distributions P(x,t) of one-dimensional quantum particles, first discovered in 1995For the case of an infinite square well potential, these patterns are shown to have a detailed quantitative explanation in terms of a travelling-wave decomposition of P(x,t)",
"Each wave directly yields the time-averaged structure of P(x,t) along the (quantised)spacetime direction in which the wave propagatesThe decomposition leads to new predictions of locations, widths depths and shapes of carpet structures, and results are also applicable to light diffracted by a periodic grating and to the quantum rotator",
"A simple connection between the waves and the Wigner function of the initial state of the particle is demonstrated, and some results for more general potentials are given"
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quant-ph/9906110 | Quantum teleportation of EPR pair by three-particle entanglement | [
"Teleportation of an EPR pair using triplet in state of the Horne-Greenberger-Zeilinger form to two receivers is consideredIt needs a three-particle basis for joint measurementBy contrast the one qubit teleportation the required basis is not maximally entangled",
"It consists of the states corresponding to the maximally entanglement of two particles onlyUsing outcomes of measurement both receivers can recover an unknown EPR state however one of them can not do it separately",
"Teleportation of the N-particle entanglement is discussed"
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quant-ph/9906114 | Pauli Exchange Errors in Quantum Computation | [
"In many physically realistic models of quantum computation, Pauli exchange interactions cause a subset of two-qubit errors to occur as a first order effect of couplings within the computer, even in the absence of interactions with the computer's environment",
"We give an explicit 9-qubit code that corrects both Pauli exchange errors and all one-qubit errors"
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quant-ph/9906118 | Decoherence vs entropy in neutron interferometry | [
"We analyze the coherence properties of polarized neutrons, after they have interacted with a magnetic field or a phase shifter undergoing different kinds of statistical fluctuationsWe endeavor to probe the degree of disorder of the distribution of the phase shifts by means of the loss of quantum mechanical coherence of the neutron",
"We find that the notion of entropy of the shifts and that of decoherence of the neutron do not necessarily agreeIn some cases the neutron wave function is more coherent, even though it has interacted with a more disordered medium"
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quant-ph/9906120 | Noise effects on One-Pauli Channels | [
"The possibility of stochastic resonance of a quantum channel and hence the noise enhanced quantum channel capacity is explored by considering one-Pauli channels which are more classical likeThe fidelity of the channel is also considered"
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quant-ph/9906121 | The hyperfine structure of highly charged $^{238}_{92}$U ions with rotationally excited nuclei | [
"The hyperfine structure (hfs) of electron levels of $^{238}_{92}$U ions with the nucleus excited in the low-lying rotational $2^+$ state with an energy $E_{2^+} = 4491$ keV is investigatedIn hydrogenlike uranium, the hfs splitting for the $1s_{1/2}$-ground state of the electron constitutes 1",
"8 eVThe hyperfine-quenched (hfq) lifetime of the $1s2p ^3P_0$ state has been calculated for heliumlike $^{238}_{92}$U and was found to be two orders of magnitude smaller than for the ion with the nucleus in the ground state",
"The possibility of a precise determination of the nuclear $g_r$ factor for the rotational $2^+$ state by measurements of the hfq lifetime is discussed"
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quant-ph/9906122 | Dynamical Casimir effect at finite temperature | [
"Thermal effects on the creation of particles under the influence of time-dependent boundary conditions are investigatedThe dominant temperature correction to the energy radiated by a moving mirror is derived by means of response theory",
"For a resonantly vibrating cavity the thermal effect on the number of created photons is obtained non-perturbativelyFinite temperatures can enhance the pure vacuum effect by several orders of magnitude",
"The relevance of finite temperature effects for the experimental verification of the dynamical Casimir effect is addressed"
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quant-ph/9906128 | Loss and heating of particles in small and noisy traps | [
"We derive the life time and loss rate for a trapped particle that is coupled to fluctuating fields in the vicinity of a room-temperature metallic and/or dielectric surfaceOur results indicate a clear predominance of near field effects over ordinary blackbody radiation",
"We develop a theoretical framework for both charged and neutral particles with and without spinLoss processes that are due to a transition to an untrapped internal state are included"
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quant-ph/9907006 | Optical Quantum Random Number Generator | [
"A physical random number generator based on the intrinsic randomness of quantum mechanics is describedThe random events are realized by the choice of single photons between the two outputs of a beamsplitter",
"We present a simple device, which minimizes the impact of the photon counters' noise, dead-time and after pulses"
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quant-ph/9907007 | Counterfactual Computation | [
"Suppose that we are given a quantum computer programmed ready to perform a computation if it is switched onCounterfactual computation is a process by which the result of the computation may be learnt without actually running the computer",
"Such processes are possible within quantum physics and to achieve this effect, a computer embodying the possibility of running the computation must be available, even though the computation is, in fact, not run",
"We study the possibilities and limitations of general protocols for the counterfactual computation of decision problems (where the result r is either 0 or 1)If p(r) denotes the probability of learning the result r ``for free'' in a protocol then one might hope to design a protocol which simultaneously has large p(0) and p(1)",
"However we prove that p(0)+p(1) never exceeds 1 in any protocol and we derive further constraints on p(0) and p(1) in terms of N, the number of times that the computer is not runIn particular we show that any protocol with p(0)+p(1)=1-epsilon must have N tending to infinity as epsilon tends to 0",
"These general results are illustrated with some explicit protocols for counterfactual computationWe show that \"interaction-free\" measurements can be regarded as counterfactual computations, and our results then imply that N must be large if the probability of interaction is to be close to zero",
"Finally, we consider some ways in which our formulation of counterfactual computation can be generalised"
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quant-ph/9907008 | Variational Ansatz for PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics | [
"A variational calculation of the energy levels of a class of PT-invariant quantum mechanical models described by the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian H= p^2 - (ix)^N with N positive and x complex is presented",
"Excellent agreement is obtained for the ground state and low lying excited state energy levels and wave functionsWe use an energy functional with a three parameter class of PT-symmetric trial wave functions in obtaining our results"
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quant-ph/9907009 | The importance of quantum decoherence in brain processes | [
"Based on a calculation of neural decoherence rates, we argue that that the degrees of freedom of the human brain that relate to cognitive processes should be thought of as a classical rather than quantum system, i",
"e, that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the current classical approach to neural network simulationsWe find that the decoherence timescales ~10^{-13}-10^{-20} seconds are typically much shorter than the relevant dynamical timescales (~0",
"001-01 seconds), both for regular neuron firing and for kink-like polarization excitations in microtubulesThis conclusion disagrees with suggestions by Penrose and others that the brain acts as a quantum computer, and that quantum coherence is related to consciousness in a fundamental way"
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quant-ph/9907014 | q-Symmetries in DNLS-AL chains and exact solutions of quantum dimers | [
"Dynamical symmetries of Hamiltonians quantized models of discrete non-linear Schroedinger chain (DNLS) and of Ablowitz-Ladik chain (AL) are studiedIt is shown that for $n$-sites the dynamical algebra of DNLS Hamilton operator is given by the $su(n)$ algebra, while the respective symmetry for the AL case is the quantum algebra su_q(n)",
"The q-deformation of the dynamical symmetry in the AL model is due to the non-canonical oscillator-like structure of the raising and lowering operators at each siteInvariants of motions are found in terms of Casimir central elements of su(n) and su_q(n) algebra generators, for the DNLS and QAL cases respectively",
"Utilizing the representation theory of the symmetry algebras we specialize to the $n=2$ quantum dimer case and formulate the eigenvalue problem of each dimer as a non-linear (q)-spin modelAnalytic investigations of the ensuing three-term non-linear recurrence relations are carried out and the respective orthonormal and complete eigenvector bases are determined",
"The quantum manifestation of the classical self-trapping in the QDNLS-dimer and its absence in the QAL-dimer, is analysed by studying the asymptotic attraction and repulsion respectively, of the energy levels versus the strength of non-linearity",
"Our treatment predicts for the QDNLS-dimer, a phase-transition like behaviour in the rate of change of the logarithm of eigenenergy differences, for values of the non-linearity parameter near the classical bifurcation point"
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quant-ph/9907018 | Information and noise in quantum measurement | [
"Even though measurement results obtained in the real world are generally both noisy and continuous, quantum measurement theory tends to emphasize the ideal limit of perfect precision and quantized measurement results",
"In this article, a more general concept of noisy measurements is applied to investigate the role of quantum noise in the measurement processIn particular, it is shown that the effects of quantum noise can be separated from the effects of information obtained in the measurement",
"However, quantum noise is required to ``cover up'' negative probabilities arising as the quantum limit is approachedThese negative probabilities represent fundamental quantum mechanical correlations between the measured variable and the variables affected by quantum noise"
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quant-ph/9907021 | Classical information and distillable entanglement | [
"We establish a quantitative connection between the amount of lost classical information about a quantum state and the concomitant loss of entanglementUsing methods that have been developed for the optimal purification of mixed states we find a class of mixed states with known distillable entanglement",
"These results can be used to determine the quantum capacity of a quantum channel which randomizes the order of transmitted signals"
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quant-ph/9907022 | Minimum cbits for remote preperation and measurement of a qubit | [
"We show that a qubit chosen from equatorial or polar great circles on a Bloch spehere can be remotely prepared with one cbit from Alice to Bob if they share one ebit of entanglementAlso we show that any single particle measurement on an arbitrary qubit can be remotely simulated with one ebit of shared entanglement and communication of one cbit"
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quant-ph/9907023 | Exact solutions of n-level systems and gauge theories | [
"We find a relationship between unitary transformations of the dynamics of quantum systems with time-dependent Hamiltonians and gauge theoriesIn particular, we show that the nonrelativistic dynamics of spin-$\\frac12$ particles in a magnetic field $B^i (t)$ can be formulated in a natural way as an SU(2) gauge theory, with the magnetic field $B^i(t)$ playing the role of the gauge potential A^i",
"The present approach can also be applied to systems of n levels with time-dependent potentials, U(n) being the gauge groupThis geometric interpretation provides a powerful method to find exact solutions of the Schr\\\"odinger equation",
"The root of the present approach rests in the Hermiticity property of the Hamiltonian operators involvedIn addition, the relationship with true gauge symmetries of n-level quantum systems is discussed"
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