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Universal Derivations version of CatVar, the Categorial Variation Database (https://clipdemos.umiacs.umd.edu/catvar/ and https://github.com/nizarhabash1/catvar).


CatVar is an automaticallyconstructed word-formation database of English derivationally related nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. Word-formation families were based on the morphological segmentation obtained from several morphological segmenters and the English part of CELEX. Some relations were also included from ADJADV (NomBank).

CatVar has been harmonized automatically using Machine Learning method.


We wish to thank all the developers and annotators of CatVar, including Nizar Habash and Bonnie Dorr.


As a citation for the resource in articles, please use this:

  • Habash, Nizar and Dorr, Bonnie. A Categorial Variation Database for English. In Proceedings of the North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'03), Edmonton, Canada, 2003, pp. 17--23.
    address     = {Edmonton, Canada},
    author      = {Nizar Habash and Bonnie Dorr},
    booktitle   = {{Proceedings of the North American Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL'03)}},
    pages       = {17--23},
    title       = {{A Categorial Variation Database for English}},
    year        = {2003}


The resource is licensed under the Open Software License version 1.1 (OSL-1.1). License text is available in the file LICENSE.txt.

=== Machine-readable metadata =================================================
Resource: CatVar
Language: English
Authors: Habash, Nizar; Dorr, Bonnie
License: OSL-1.1
Contact: https://clipdemos.umiacs.umd.edu/catvar/
=== Machine-readable metadata =================================================
Harmonized resource: CatVar
Harmonized version: 2.1
Data source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nizarhabash1/catvar/master/catvar21.signed
Data available since: UDer v1.0
Harmonization: automatic
Common features: Morphological categories
JSON features: was_in_family_with; other_parents
Lemmas: 82675
Relations: 24628
Families: 58047
Singletons: 46140
Avarage tree size: 1.4
Avarage tree depth: 0.3
Avarage tree out-degree: 0.3
Maximum tree size: 18
Maximum tree depth: 6
Maximum tree out-degree: 11
Part-of-speech: ADJ, 24.4; ADV, 4.6; NOUN, 60.0; VERB, 11.1
Derivational relations: 24628
Conversion relations: 0
Compounding relations: 0
Variant relations: 0