premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane. hypothesis: A person is training his horse for a competition.
neutral: the person is not necessarily training his horse.
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane. hypothesis: A person is at a diner, ordering an omelette.
contradiction: One cannot be on a jumping horse cannot be a diner ordering food.
premise: A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane. hypothesis: A person is outdoors, on a horse.
entailment: a broken down airplane is outdoors.
premise: Children smiling and waving at camera. hypothesis: They are smiling at their parents.
neutral: Just because they are smiling and waving at a camera does not imply their parents or anyone is anyone behind it.
premise: Children smiling and waving at camera. hypothesis: There are children present.
entailment: The children must be present to see them smiling and waving.
premise: Children smiling and waving at camera. hypothesis: The kids are frowning.
contradiction: One cannot be smiling and frowning at the same time.
premise: A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge. hypothesis: The boy skates down the sidewalk.
contradiction: One cannot be in the middle of a bridge if they are on the sidewalk.
premise: A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge. hypothesis: The boy does a skateboarding trick.
entailment: jumping on skateboard is the same as doing trick on skateboard.
premise: A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge. hypothesis: The boy is wearing safety equipment.
neutral: Just because the boy is jumping on a skateboard does not imply he is wearing safety equipment.
premise: An older man sits with his orange juice at a small table in a coffee shop while employees in bright colored shirts smile in the background. hypothesis: An older man drinks his juice as he waits for his daughter to get off work.
neutral: it is not necessarily true the man drinks his juice.
premise: An older man sits with his orange juice at a small table in a coffee shop while employees in bright colored shirts smile in the background. hypothesis: A boy flips a burger.
contradiction: A boy is not considered an older man.
premise: An older man sits with his orange juice at a small table in a coffee shop while employees in bright colored shirts smile in the background. hypothesis: An elderly man sits in a small shop.
neutral: The coffee shop was never described as small.
premise: Two blond women are hugging one another. hypothesis: Some women are hugging on vacation.
neutral: Hugging does not imply being vacation.
premise: Two blond women are hugging one another. hypothesis: The women are sleeping.
contradiction: The women cannot be hugging while they are sleeping.
premise: Two blond women are hugging one another. hypothesis: There are women showing affection.
entailment: Hugging one another is the same as showing affection.
premise: A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice. hypothesis: The people are eating omelettes.
neutral: We only know that someone is drinking orange juice, we do not know that they are eating omelettes.
premise: A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice. hypothesis: The people are sitting at desks in school.
contradiction: People cannot be at a restaurant and in school at the same time.
premise: A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice. hypothesis: The diners are at a restaurant.
entailment: A few pepople in a restaurant setting is similar to saying diners in a restaurant.
premise: An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant. hypothesis: A man is drinking juice.
entailment: orange juice is a juice.
premise: An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant. hypothesis: Two women are at a restaurant drinking wine.
contradiction: One older man cannot be described as two women. Orange juice cannot be wine.
premise: An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant. hypothesis: A man in a restaurant is waiting for his meal to arrive.
neutral: the man is not necessarily waiting.
premise: A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain. hypothesis: A blond man getting a drink of water from a fountain in the park.
neutral: the man is not necessarily in the park.
premise: A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain. hypothesis: A blond man wearing a brown shirt is reading a book on a bench in the park.
contradiction: One cannot drink out of a water fountain while reading a book on a bench.
premise: A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain. hypothesis: A blond man drinking water from a fountain.
entailment: fountain is in public so public water fountain is the same as public water fountain.
premise: Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye. hypothesis: The friends scowl at each other over a full dinner table.
contradiction: sentence 1 just had lunch hugging and saying goodbyes, in sentence 2 the meal the diners are scowling at each other over a full dinner table.
premise: Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye. hypothesis: There are two woman in this picture.
entailment: The two woman in this picture is snashot of their activities while having lunch and saying goodbye.
premise: Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye. hypothesis: The friends have just met for the first time in 20 years, and have had a great time catching up.
neutral: Two women are not assumed to be friends. Having lunch does not imply that they met for the first time in 20 years and had a great time catching up.
premise: Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug. hypothesis: The two sisters saw each other across the crowded diner and shared a hug, both clutching their doggie bags.
neutral: Just because two women are hugging does not mean they are sisters or they are in a crowded diner.
premise: Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug. hypothesis: Two groups of rival gang members flipped each other off.
contradiction: Two women cannot also be two groups.
premise: Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug. hypothesis: Two women hug each other.
entailment: Although at first this may seem impossible to do without a mess, the two women could hug by holding their carryout in one hand and hugging, mess-free.
premise: A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game. hypothesis: A team is trying to score the games winning out.
neutral: The runner sliding into a base was not described as the games winning play.
premise: A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game. hypothesis: A team is trying to tag a runner out.
entailment: When a runner catch a runner the runner will tag the other runner show therefore catch and tag mean the same thing.
premise: A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game. hypothesis: A team is playing baseball on Saturn.
contradiction: A little league team would not be on Saturn.
premise: The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties. hypothesis: A school hosts a basketball game.
contradiction: Basketball is american culture.
premise: The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties. hypothesis: A high school is hosting an event.
neutral: The school was never described as a high school.
premise: The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties. hypothesis: A school is hosting an event.
entailment: An event is a special occasion so all event is a special event.
premise: High fashion ladies wait outside a tram beside a crowd of people in the city. hypothesis: The women do not care what clothes they wear.
contradiction: High fashion ladies do care about what they wear, always making sure their clothes are up to date.
premise: High fashion ladies wait outside a tram beside a crowd of people in the city. hypothesis: Women are waiting by a tram.
entailment: ladies means women.
premise: High fashion ladies wait outside a tram beside a crowd of people in the city. hypothesis: The women enjoy having a good fashion sense.
neutral: The women are never described as enjoying having a good fashion sense.
premise: A man, woman, and child enjoying themselves on a beach. hypothesis: A child with mom and dad, on summer vacation at the beach.
neutral: A man and a woman with a child are not necessarily its mom and dad. A man, woman, and child at a beach are not necessarily on summer vacation.
premise: A man, woman, and child enjoying themselves on a beach. hypothesis: A family of three is at the beach.
entailment: man, woman and child are three people who are related so they are family of three.
premise: A man, woman, and child enjoying themselves on a beach. hypothesis: A family of three is at the mall shopping.
contradiction: You can only be at one place, either the beach or the mall. You cant be at both places at the same time.
premise: People waiting to get on a train or just getting off. hypothesis: The people waiting on the train are sitting.
neutral: People waiting on a train are not necessarily sitting.
premise: People waiting to get on a train or just getting off. hypothesis: There are people just getting on a train.
entailment: get on a train and just getting on train is the same action.
premise: People waiting to get on a train or just getting off. hypothesis: There are people waiting on a train.
entailment: waiting to get on a train or just getting off is a rephrase of waiting on a train.
premise: A couple playing with a little boy on the beach. hypothesis: A couple are playing with a young child outside.
entailment: little boy is a young child.
premise: A couple playing with a little boy on the beach. hypothesis: A couple are playing frisbee with a young child at the beach.
neutral: Frisbee is not the only method of playing.
premise: A couple playing with a little boy on the beach. hypothesis: A couple watch a little girl play by herself on the beach.
contradiction: The little boy cannot be a little girl.
premise: A couple play in the tide with their young son. hypothesis: The family is sitting down for dinner.
contradiction: The family cannot simultaneously be playing in the tide and sitting down to dinner.
premise: A couple play in the tide with their young son. hypothesis: The family is outside.
entailment: They are outside because the are in the tide.
premise: A couple play in the tide with their young son. hypothesis: The family is on vacation.
neutral: We have no idea if they are on vacation or just a weekend.
premise: A man and a woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. hypothesis: The people are standing still on the curb.
contradiction: One cannot cross the street and be standing still on the curb simultaneously.
premise: A man and a woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. hypothesis: Near a couple of restaurants, two people walk across the street.
entailment: man and woman are people.
premise: A man and a woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. hypothesis: The couple are walking across the street together.
neutral: A man and a woman crossing a street are not necessarily a couple.
premise: A woman in a green jacket and hood over her head looking towards a valley. hypothesis: The woman is nake.
contradiction: One cannot wear a green jacket and be naked simultaneously.
premise: A woman in a green jacket and hood over her head looking towards a valley. hypothesis: The woman is cold.
neutral: Just because a woman is wearing a jacket with a hood does not mean she is cold.
premise: A woman in a green jacket and hood over her head looking towards a valley. hypothesis: The woman is wearing green.
entailment: green jacket implies the woman is wearing green.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: The man with the sign is caucasian.
neutral: Not all men are Caucasian.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: They are protesting outside the capital.
contradiction: One cannot be walking by a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro and protesting outside the capital simultaneously.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: A woman in white.
entailment: Woman in white in foreground implies that woman is in white.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: A man is advertising for a restaurant.
entailment: walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro implies that man is advertising for a restaurant.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: The woman is wearing black.
contradiction: The woman is in either white or black.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: A man and a woman walk down a crowded city street.
neutral: A woman and a man with a sign can be walking anywhere, not just on a crowded city street.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: The woman is wearing white.
entailment: woman in white implies that she is wearing white.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: They are working for John's Pizza.
neutral: The woman does not have the sign, so they are not necessarily both working for John's Pizza.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: Olympic swimming.
contradiction: One cannot be walking and Olympic swimming at the same time.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: A man and a soman are eating together at John's Pizza and Gyro.
contradiction: One cannot be walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background and eating together at the same time.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: They are walking with a sign.
entailment: walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro means that they are walking with a sign.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: The woman is waiting for a friend.
neutral: Not all women are waiting for a friend.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: The man is sitting down while he has a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in his arms.
contradiction: One cannot be walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background and sitting down with a sign in his arms.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: The woman and man are outdoors.
entailment: walking with a sign means they are outdoors.
premise: Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. hypothesis: A woman ordering pizza.
neutral: A woman is not necessarily ordering pizza if she is walking in front of a man with a sign for a pizza store.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: The people are related.
neutral: The fact that the female and male are leaving an eatery does not mean that they are related. Related implies a familial relationship.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two adults run across the street to get away from a red shirted person chasing them.
contradiction: One can either be walking across the street or running across the street.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: The adults are both male and female.
entailment: one female and one male implies that they are both male and female.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two people walk home after a tasty steak dinner.
neutral: The individuals walking away from the restaurant had no particular destination. Now it is clear that they are going home. The restaurant could have been any type of food. It was not clear what time of day the meal took place but dinner implies evening.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two adults swimming in water.
contradiction: One cannot be walking across a street and swimming in water.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two adults walk across a street.
entailment: The adults walking across the street did, in fact, walk across the street.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two people ride bicycles into a tunnel.
contradiction: There can be two people or three people.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two people walk away from a restaurant across a street.
entailment: The eatery the people are walking away from is also a restaurant.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two adults walking across a road near the convicted prisoner dressed in red.
neutral: No details were known about the red shirted person in the foreground. Now it is known they are a convicted prisoner.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two friends cross a street.
neutral: The man and woman could have been strangers instead of friends.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Some people board a train.
contradiction: Eatery is a completely different activity than boarding a train.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two adults walk across the street.
entailment: Walking across the street is the same to walk across the street.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two adults walking across a road.
entailment: A street and a road are the same thing.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: There are no women in the picture.
contradiction: There can be one women or no women.
premise: Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. hypothesis: Two adults walk across the street to get away from a red shirted person who is chasing them.
neutral: The two adults could have been crossing the street for any number of reasons instead of trying to get away from something. The fact that the red shirted person is blurry in the foreground does not imply that he knows the man and woman let alone that he is chasing them.
premise: A woman wearing all white and eating, walks next to a man holding a briefcase. hypothesis: A married couple is sleeping.
contradiction: There can be married couple or woman.
premise: A woman wearing all white and eating, walks next to a man holding a briefcase. hypothesis: A female is next to a man.
entailment: A woman is another word for a female.
premise: A woman wearing all white and eating, walks next to a man holding a briefcase. hypothesis: A married couple is walking next to each other.
neutral: A woman and man walking next to each other do not need to be related but now it is known that they are a married couple.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: Nobody has food.
contradiction: 'Nobody has food' is wrong because the woman has a banana.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: A woman eats a banana and walks across a street, and there is a man trailing behind her.
entailment: The same woman crossing the street with the banana is being followed by the man trailing behind her.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: The woman and man are playing baseball together.
contradiction: One cannot play baseball and eat banana together.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: two coworkers cross pathes on a street.
neutral: It cannot be inferred that the woman and man are coworkers.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: A woman eats ice cream walking down the sidewalk, and there is another woman in front of her with a purse.
contradiction: women can eat ice cream or banana.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: The mans briefcase is for work.
neutral: A briefcase could have many uses but this briefcase is specifically for work.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: A person eating.
entailment: A woman is a person.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: A person that is hungry.
neutral: Eating does not imply that the woman is hungry.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: An actress and her favorite assistant talk a walk in the city.
neutral: The people's profession and relationship is not implied simply because they are walking together. It is now known that the woman is an actress and the man following her is her favorite assistant.
premise: A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. hypothesis: a woman eating a banana crosses a street.
entailment: Walking across the street is the same as saying someone crosses a street. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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