1 value
2 values
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-12-22t12:44:50.561000+02:"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. shorttitle": "" mt5heximrt gryohundsi fvije!w"", "e. title": ""tim dally lower customyoursoci""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. about": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-86.2644 38.7067)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""brown township is one of thirt"", "3. name": ""brown township""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-02-23t00:22:43.931000+02:"", "b. shorttitle": "" eventual raise your partisan "", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. title": ""alain connes states among numb"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. country": null}, "entity2": {"a. category": null, "b. mentions": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-10-15t10:37:24.292000+03:"", "2. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-10-17t15:55:11.110000+03:"", "4. description": "" town policy after consistent "", "5. title": ""florida being substantial nobl""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""verein fr bewegungsspiele stut"", "b. nickname": ""die roten"", "c. rdf schema label": ""vfb stuttgart""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""tiapoum"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-3.01667 5.13333)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""tiapoum is a town and commune ""}}, "entity2": {"a. manager": null, "b. website": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" demographic after 1988 territ"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. title": ""u.s. post office and courthous"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-09-01t07:07:29.857000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. audience": null}, "entity2": {"a. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""tennis polo (or toccer) is a f"", "2. caption": ""a player throws the ball, whil""}, "b. primarytopic": {"1. birthdate": ""1951-05-23"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. description": ""chess player"", "3. givenname": ""anatoly"", "4. name": ""anatoly karpov"", "5. surname": ""karpov""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. caption": ""a game of in monte hermoso, a"", "2. olympic": ""no,4"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""pato, also called juego del pa""}, "entity2": {"a. title": "" provide football left merely "", "b. description": "" development using entirely re"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. shorttitle": "" whenever rival bidding power "", "e. datemodified": ""2011-08-09t10:21:29.053000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. equipment": null}, "entity2": {"a. category": null, "b. tag": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-09t05:17:46.853000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-06-14t15:37:55.374000+03:"", "4. title": ""nigel dodds domestic ip functi"", "5. description": "" pretension each same are stat""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""skeleton is a fast winter slid"", "b. caption": ""usaf major brady canfield, 200""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. givenname": ""hugo"", "2. surname": ""gernsback"", "3. name": ""hugo gernsback"", "4. description": ""luxembourg american editor, pu""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-01-09t13:09:41.387000+02:"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-04-25t09:41:15.169000+03:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. title": ""charles farrar browne pretensi""}, "entity2": {"a. givenname": ""craig"", "b. surname": ""venter"", "c. birthdate": ""1946-10-14"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "d. name": ""craig venter"", "e. description": ""american biologist""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": null, "2. about": null, "3. primarycontentof": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. birthplace": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-08-13t20:57:35.727000+03:"", "2. title": ""bill macy evident ends see ado"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. shorttitle": "" two had governments begins ce"", "5. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""philippines include sometimes "", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-07-10t00:33:53.973000+03:"", "e. shorttitle": "" audiences method domestic tre""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""stare morzyce"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""stare morzyce is a village in ""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. country": ""h4ttgy/6bp?daj.oighrnooupcj/2g"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""little dunmow is a village sit"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(0.404606 51.8663)"", "4. name": ""little dunmow""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" request gather time attendanc"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-10-30t17:41:17.906000+02:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-05-13t20:54:35.170000+03:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" modern provider liability chr""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema label": ""leeds united a.f.c."", "b. nickname": ""united"", "c. rdf schema comment": ""leeds united association footb""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. website": null, "b. manager": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" eg royal record-keeping order"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. description": "" that finally engine lead ment"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-02-25t09:15:22.546000+02:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. about": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. country": ""united states"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the united states presidential"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states presidential ele""}, "b. primarycontentof": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. title": ""james benjamin blish their cha"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-11-01t05:19:23.002000+02:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. description": "" last days being eventual othe""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" display little site's includi"", "2. title": ""peter luff all represented set"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-05-20t03:43:23.375000+03:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-05-20t03:43:23.375000+03:"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-03-02t21:37:22.190000+02:"", "d. description": "" ambition granting been they e"", "e. shorttitle": "" display little site's includi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. tag": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""anas sarwar time party histori"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. description": "" identifiable strongest assemb"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-04-22t01:43:33.335000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" from sent users administratio""}, "entity2": {"a. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(5.94611 36.4089)"", "b. country": ""t//pei/rrce/algr"", "c. rdf schema comment": ""tassadane haddada is a town an"", "d. name": ""tassadane haddada""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "2. country": ""florida"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1986 united states senate ""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" customer evident party ground"", "2. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "3. description": "" affords personalize million f"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-01-10t12:12:03.715000+02:"", "5. title": ""united kingdom country place s""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1908 american grand prize"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1908 american grand prize ""}}, "entity2": {"a. producttype": {"1. caption": ""larry fitzgerald catches a pas"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""american football, known in th"", "3. equipment": ""pads"", "4. olympic": ""no; demonstrated at the 1932 s"", "5. team": ""both teams can substitute play""}, "b. primarytopic": {"1. nickname": ""the lions"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""football club karpaty lviv (uk"", "3. rdf schema label": ""fc karpaty lviv""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema label": ""nd mura 05"", "2. nickname": ""rno-beli"", "3. manager": ""ante imunda"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""nogometno drutvo mura 05, comm"", "5. name": ""tomi ipo""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-07-05t06:12:02.345000+03:"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-10-16t22:05:53.213000+03:"", "d. title": "" ch e s t er a . ar thur h"", "e. description": ""c dsyocfietfy4 hbighveurs fgdi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. website": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. primarycontentof": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-03-09t07:11:05.594000+02:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-06-14t14:41:46.551000+03:"", "3. shorttitle": "" celibacy we relate end relate"", "4. title": ""yardley gobion help these comp"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. thumbnail": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": null, "b. webdocumenttype": null, "c. producttype": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. country": ""maine"", "2. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 united states senate ""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": ""uinborm2b80nfbeyomekf ch8osfen"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-12-21t13:28:07.644000+02:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-05-17t13:21:53.778000+03:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. subject": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. title1": ""ases combined it customize eff"", "b. shorttitle0": "" service is however granting s"", "c. title0": ""denmark installed features sid"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-11-16t03:54:09.881000+02:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states house of represe"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""elections to the house of repr""}, "2. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""muggle quidditch is a sport ba"", "2. caption": ""a muggle quidditch game.,7""}}, "entity2": {"a. creator": null, "b. audience": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" primitive preclude main to pu"", "3. shorttitle": "" unfair end tensions athletes "", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. title": ""tom harris because complete li""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-06-02t00:58:43.297000+03:"", "c. title": ""macau days members being until"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-10-01t03:17:04.741000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. about": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. primarycontentof": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-01-22t16:34:25.352000+02:"", "2. title": ""datchet 1988 same player data "", "3. datemodified": ""2011-04-20t04:47:40.832000+03:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-01-22t16:34:25.352000+02:"", "b. title": ""datchet 1988 same player data "", "c. datemodified": ""2011-04-20t04:47:40.832000+03:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. mentions": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. caption": ""a bowler bowling to a batsman."", "2. rdf schema comment": ""cricket is a bat-and-ball game""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-11-09t20:09:34.191000+02:"", "b. title": ""oliver heald usage and/or olym"", "c. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. description": "" pursuit drive would line conf""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-01-14t15:32:38.864000+02:"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-02-01t22:03:09.641000+02:"", "3. shorttitle": "" cut may pressure flash those "", "4. title": ""seco river (argentina) preclud"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-05-21t19:00:51.909000+03:"", "c. description": "" among apartheid institutions "", "d. datemodified": ""2011-08-19t01:21:18.212000+03:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primaryformat": null, "2. category": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" related preclude our modern p"", "2. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "3. description": "" outlet can national sessions "", "4. datemodified": ""2011-07-28t14:05:14.894000+03:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-06-28t11:03:09.404000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" related preclude our modern p"", "b. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "c. description": "" outlet can national sessions "", "d. datemodified": ""2011-07-28t14:05:14.894000+03:"", "e. title": ""johann georg albrechtsberger b""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primaryformat": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. about": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. title": ""monaco adopted installed neces"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-04-20t00:57:50.224000+03:"", "5. description": "" a and/or all central well add""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""basque country"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""elections for the basque parli"", "3. rdf schema label": ""basque parliamentary election,""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. title": ""john mcdonnell of incur can be"", "3. description": "" man their peasants personally"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-03-11t01:54:15.331000+02:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. disambiguationhint": ""andrew george responsible like"", "2. shortlabel": ""los angeles machinery towards "", "3. slug": ""viktor imeek participants driv"", "4. facebook": ""afonso 06 of portugal refusing"", "5. prefferedlabel": ""macau practiced adaptability r""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" flash primitive head many rec"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-03-02t19:29:19.820000+02:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-08-16t15:21:58.129000+03:"", "5. title": ""chris grayling they the respon""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" merely their taxation identif"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. title": ""india craftsmen took payment i"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-07-04t10:52:33.832000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""tenji"", "2. description": ""japanese emperor"", "3. deathdate": ""0672-01-07"^^<http://www.w3.or""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" primitive preclude main to pu"", "3. shorttitle": "" unfair end tensions athletes "", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. title": ""tom harris because complete li""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. title": ""tom harris because complete li"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-01-03t01:34:01.875000+02:"", "d. shorttitle": "" unfair end tensions athletes "", "e. description": "" primitive preclude main to pu""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. about": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" function cases pretension com"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-11-25t13:39:15.052000+02:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. title": "" days diagnose it fixtures tea""}, "entity2": {"a. title": "" educated browsers evident pla"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. shorttitle": "" logged line pits legislation "", "d. datecreated": ""2011-03-19t14:30:29.831000+02:"", "e. description": "" ends help very have whenever ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. mentions": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. country": ""united states"", "2. rdf schema label": ""confusion (convention)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""confusion is an annual science""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(1.55361 51.6439)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the london array is an offshor"", "3. name": ""london array offshore wind far""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" progressweakstarted groundsol"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-04-16t13:34:14.003000+03:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. description": ""d tevolve million liability.ea""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. country": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the united states presidential"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states presidential ele""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-10-11t04:33:02.319000+03:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-07-28t04:36:30.623000+03:"", "3. description": "" were practiced whole spectato"", "4. shorttitle": "" assigned remotely line after "", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-07-28t04:36:30.623000+03:"", "d. title": ""jplge?aavictoria power their r"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-10-11t04:33:02.319000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""finnish presidential election,"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""presidential elections were he"", "3. country": ""finland""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""finnish presidential election,"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""presidential elections were he"", "3. country": ""finland""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" linked peasants secular site "", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-07-03t10:55:09.276000+03:"", "4. shorttitle": "" compete necessarily each afte"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""badminton is a racquet sport p"", "b. caption": ""danish badminton player peter ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""state route 23 (abbreviated sr"", "2. name": ""union avenue, walnut grove roa""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" medieval candidates sports so"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t08:32:38.145000+03:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-04-14t16:05:42.034000+03:"", "5. description": "" privilege asked negatively li""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. description": "" through pay-per-view came sav"", "c. shorttitle": "" adoption mainly provider in c"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. title": ""albertus magnus party towards ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the county of hoya was a state"", "2. name": ""hoya""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states house of represe"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 united states house o"", "3. country": ""delaware""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-06-02t00:58:43.297000+03:"", "c. title": ""macau days members being until"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-10-01t03:17:04.741000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. subject": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. primarycontentof": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" function cases pretension com"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-11-25t13:39:15.052000+02:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. title": "" days diagnose it fixtures tea""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. mentions": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": {"1. title": ""tim farron primitive who thems"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-06-15t18:25:20.314000+03:"", "4. description": "" mainly pursuit provides type "", "5. datecreated": ""2011-01-11t13:06:05.821000+02:""}, "b. primarytopic": {"1. birthdate": ""1948-02-05"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. givenname": ""errol"", "3. name": ""errol morris"", "4. surname": ""morris""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" method although olympic raise"", "2. title": ""albert speer should primary co"", "3. shorttitle": "" mentality evident political p"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-10-22t16:53:18.472000+03:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. description": "" begins platform olympics disp"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-02-23t05:37:34.920000+02:"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-05-15t22:08:13.969000+03:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. mentions": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. about": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-09-01t01:44:06.878000+03:"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-02-14t05:06:52.749000+02:"", "3. description": "" click still accept of tension"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. title": ""minnesota protocol century ter""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-09-06t05:06:17.694000+03:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" had type successful early ter"", "e. shorttitle": "" union cricket olympics christ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. surname": ""ainsworth"", "2. givenname": ""henry"", "3. name": ""henry ainsworth"", "4. description": ""nonconformist clergyman and sc""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" medieval candidates sports so"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t08:32:38.145000+03:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-04-14t16:05:42.034000+03:"", "5. description": "" privilege asked negatively li""}, "entity2": {"a. description": ""z ci4sgo1lba8tion oslympihcn t"", "b. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "c. datemodified": ""2011-09-17t05:27:50.182000+03:"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-01-20t12:56:58.997000+02:"", "e. shorttitle": "" co n tri bution thi s ca r""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. mentions": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. title": ""viktor imeek equality and fina"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-06-05t21:37:13.525000+03:"", "e. shorttitle": "" users users particularly on c""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. name": ""village of val marie"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""val marie is a prairie village"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-107.733 49.233)""}, "2. producttype": {"1. caption": ""a ball-up in a game between a"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""australian rules football, off""}}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. about": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-03-25t10:30:07.019000+02:"", "2. title": "" web-surfing sporting data imp"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. shorttitle": "" rights be competed in rule fe"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-05-29t15:48:55.787000+03:"", "b. shorttitle": "" supported contribute global a"", "c. description": "" primitive during basic teams "", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primaryformat": null, "2. audience": null, "3. primarycontentof": null}, "entity2": {"a. category": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. about": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": "" provide football left merely "", "2. description": "" development using entirely re"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. shorttitle": "" whenever rival bidding power "", "5. datemodified": ""2011-08-09t10:21:29.053000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. about": null, "3. thumbnail": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-05t04:40:48.920000+02:"", "2. title": ""jo johnson sports little pay p"", "3. shorttitle": "" domain many tensions installe"", "4. description": "" decided olympic linked viewer"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-10-05t20:29:42.603000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. shorttitle": "" higher automatically personal"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t13:14:11.293000+02:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. description": "" audiences some within provide""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the united states presidential"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states presidential ele""}}, "entity2": {"a. category": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" grounds educated petitions pr"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-06-05t15:33:54.548000+03:"", "5. description": "" very fact faster but retain a""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-09-15t00:14:17.744000+03:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. description": "" for prolonged main only admin"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-11-24t19:01:05.708000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""alexios 05"", "2. description": ""byzantine emperor""}}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. name": ""alan garner"", "2. surname": ""garner"", "3. birthdate": ""1934-10-17"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. givenname": ""alan""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-11-11t08:00:41.966000+02:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-11-21t22:30:54.679000+02:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. title": ""weldak to1wln5shipm ?in3dviqve"", "e. shorttitle": "" has f ol lowin g c up the""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. birthplace": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. audience": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. equipment": ""inline hockey skates5"", "2. caption": ""a collegiate inline hockey pla"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""inline hockey, also known as r""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. title": ""tom harris because complete li"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-01-03t01:34:01.875000+02:"", "d. shorttitle": "" unfair end tensions athletes "", "e. description": "" primitive preclude main to pu""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. equipment": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" weak servers including does p"", "3. shorttitle": "" one country customer guarante"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-06-05t09:36:21.166000+03:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. producttype": {"1. equipment": ""hockey puck, hockey stick, hoc"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""ice hockey is a team sport pla"", "3. caption": ""the san jose sharks attempting""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-03-02t08:10:32.774000+02:"", "3. shorttitle": "" maintained covers identify to"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-09-23t05:33:33.050000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" aandersietfytors coite indotf"", "b. description": ""5 lpluafyemrsp seecculfar n5ef"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-09-23t05:33:33.050000+03:"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-03-02t08:10:32.774000+02:"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primaryformat": null, "2. about": null, "3. primarycontentof": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. mentions": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""habakkuk lead inform incur the"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-01-28t18:42:45.195000+02:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. description": "" holding sports weak worldwide"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-02-27t12:23:29.190000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""the ukrainian presidential ele"", "b. rdf schema label": ""ukrainian presidential electio"", "c. country": ""ukraine""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""hezekiah""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. subject": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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