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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. description": "" christendom still automatical"", "c. datemodified": ""2011-12-07t21:14:15.897000+02:"", "d. title": ""chapirevula combined speaking "", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""paralympic alpine skiing is an"", "2. caption": ""alan skeels-piggins from great"", "3. equipment": ""skis, sit-skis or mono-skis, p""}, "2. primarytopic": {"1. name": ""lucas lima"", "2. nickname": ""leo do norte"", "3. rdf schema label": ""sport club do recife"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""the sport club do recife (know""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. tag": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-01-26t03:24:25.935000+02:"", "2. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. shorttitle": "" they ethos substantial certai"", "5. description": "" that elaborate individual sys""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-04-06t05:20:06.183000+03:"", "c. title": ""city of new orleans dogma serv"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-03-10t21:34:15.548000+02:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""arroyo de la luz is a municipa"", "2. name": ""arroyo de la luz, spain"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-6.56667 39.4833)""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 2008 spanish grand prix (f"", "2. country": ""spain"", "3. rdf schema label": ""2008 spanish grand prix""}}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-06-14t23:21:12.981000+03:"", "2. description": "" cut realm paid settings phras"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-11-30t06:08:24.563000+02:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. shorttitle": "" professional transfers when i""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-12-31t12:46:41.852000+02:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-06-11t19:41:20.528000+03:"", "d. title1": ""omatically million land purpos"", "e. title0": ""monaco accept time analyze a p""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. primaryformat": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primaryformat": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. mentions": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-07t01:23:15.151000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. title": ""richard harrington eligible gi"", "5. description": "" country attendance attendance""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""oin is a romanian traditional "", "b. caption": ""oin pitch animationno,11""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. audience": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-09-26t18:38:48.429000+03:"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-09-26t15:55:27.147000+03:"", "c. title": ""david simpson pretty basis usi"", "d. shorttitle": "" carried worst sport against i"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. name": ""hartmann schedel"", "2. deathdate": ""1514-11-28"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. givenname": ""hartmann"", "4. surname": ""schedel"", "5. birthdate": ""1440-02-13"^^<http://www.w3.or""}}, "entity2": {"a. primaryformat": null, "b. tag": null, "c. category": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. title": ""chloe smith global reinforced "", "3. description": "" users notion compete incur we"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-04-04t08:55:21.918000+03:"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-10-07t21:37:25.726000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 2008 bahrain grand prix (f"", "2. country": ""bahrain"", "3. rdf schema label": ""2008 bahrain grand prix""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""rawtenstall is a town at the c"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-2.291 53.699)"", "3. name": ""rawtenstall""}, "b. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""paralympic alpine skiing is an"", "2. caption": ""alan skeels-piggins from great"", "3. equipment": ""skis, sit-skis or mono-skis, p""}, "c. primarycontentof": {"1. title": ""richard shepherd viewers rival"", "2. description": "" substantial appear wrestling "", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-07-24t06:04:40.757000+03:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-07-23t00:06:02.820000+03:""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-06-22t00:45:48.340000+03:"", "2. description": "" personally venue enactments m"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. title": ""chandalar mining district atte""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-04-18t04:38:15.878000+03:"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-07-19t10:30:01.469000+03:"", "c. description": "" sporting supported audiences "", "d. shorttitle": ""begin mechanically 700 histori"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""gold mining in alaska, a state"", "2. name": ""aniak mining district"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-148.5 67.6667)""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. name": ""thirlmere"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-3.06667 54.5333)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""thirlmere is a reservoir in th""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "2. shorttitle": "" come bargaining bidding websi"", "3. description": "" already side sport pages reco"", "4. title": "" 700 majority practical adopti"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-02-22t08:25:07.252000+02:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1962-02-07"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. surname": ""brooks"", "3. description": ""musician"", "4. givenname": ""garth"", "5. name": ""garth brooks""}}, "entity2": {"a. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""stock car racing is a form of "", "2. caption": ""sprint cup series drivers race""}, "b. primarycontentof": {"1. shorttitle": "" individual began cookies incu"", "2. title": ""doncaster rovers settings cont"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-07-14t12:26:12.033000+03:"", "5. datemodified": ""2012-05-10t21:01:38.996000+03:""}, "c. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1949 brdc international trophy"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the first brdc international t"", "3. country": ""uk""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema label": ""indian vice presidential elect"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""an election in order to select"", "3. country": ""india""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""slovakia transfers settings of"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-03-27t08:52:01.951000+03:"", "e. description": "" majority final around wrestli""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. subject": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. mentions": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" we flash least fact apartheid"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-07-24t23:48:11.707000+03:"", "3. title": ""milo malivojevi ambition popul"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-11-19t05:31:21.903000+02:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""2005 italian grand prix"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2005 italian grand prix wa"", "3. country": ""italy""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 5th silver city trophy was"", "2. country": ""uk"", "3. rdf schema label": ""1960 silver city trophy""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" unfair millions if sent other"", "2. title": ""usa 23 eg give at modern alone"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-01-15t04:44:54.087000+02:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-03-06t13:36:31.075000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t22:00:16.951000+02:"", "b. shorttitle": "" in site's 2007 700 line consc"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" can whenever experience tensi"", "e. title": ""denis macshane bargaining alon""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""nogometni klub maribor (englis"", "2. manager": ""darko milani"", "3. nickname": ""vijolice"", "4. rdf schema label": ""nk maribor"", "5. name": ""ale majer""}}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. tag": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": "" best rule been considered pla"", "2. description": "" responsible main another affo"", "3. shorttitle": "" outlet identify supported sec"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-02-06t13:22:10.547000+02:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" unfair negatively fact from a"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-09-19t21:08:23.498000+03:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-09-06t20:47:15.063000+03:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. nickname": ""el equipo millonario"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""club sport emelec is an ecuado"", "3. rdf schema label": ""club sport emelec""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""youmacon"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""50x40pxthis article includes a"", "3. country": ""united states""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""general elections were held in"", "2. rdf schema label": ""swedish general election, 1985"", "3. country": ""sweden""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. shorttitle": ""becoming popularfirstsame our "", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-07-25t03:49:14.576000+03:"", "e. datemodified": ""2012-04-06t05:44:24.254000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. subject": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. audience": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" while custom often time occas"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-05-26t08:13:42.215000+03:"", "4. shorttitle": "" pieces adaptability customer "", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. shorttitle": "" with with are union practiced"", "c. description": "" server court did protocol bee"", "d. title": "" equal give enactments interne"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(44.2 15.2667)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""balsanah is a village in west-"", "3. name": ""balsanah""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2014 united states senate "", "3. country": ""wyoming""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-06-20t23:42:19.287000+03:"", "3. title": ""burma originally during paid a"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-11-26t15:13:34.274000+02:"", "5. shorttitle": "" whenever attracted tensions a""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. shorttitle": ""becoming popularfirstsame our "", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-07-25t03:49:14.576000+03:"", "e. datemodified": ""2012-04-06t05:44:24.254000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""eubulides""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. audience": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-01-24t10:43:45.173000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. shorttitle": "" within union outlet elections"", "4. title": "" took very rugby rights referr"", "5. description": "" the hundreds commerce logged ""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""rawtenstall is a town at the c"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-2.291 53.699)"", "3. name": ""rawtenstall""}, "b. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""paralympic alpine skiing is an"", "2. caption": ""alan skeels-piggins from great"", "3. equipment": ""skis, sit-skis or mono-skis, p""}, "c. primarycontentof": {"1. title": ""richard shepherd viewers rival"", "2. description": "" substantial appear wrestling "", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-07-24t06:04:40.757000+03:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-07-23t00:06:02.820000+03:""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-02-26t02:12:38.581000+02:"", "2. title": ""ahmad shah durrani towards con"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t13:14:11.293000+02:"", "5. description": "" audiences some within provide""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. shorttitle": "" higher automatically personal"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t13:14:11.293000+02:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. description": "" audiences some within provide""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. thumbnail": null}, "entity2": {"a. category": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-10-26t14:44:44.650000+03:"", "3. title": ""arthur miller politics transfe"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. shorttitle": "" inform policy that purely gat""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-10-26t14:44:44.650000+03:"", "c. title": ""arthur miller politics transfe"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. shorttitle": "" inform policy that purely gat""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""arthur miller"", "2. deathdate": ""2005-02-10"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. surname": ""miller"", "4. birthdate": ""1915-10-17"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. description": ""american playwright and essayi""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. primarycontentof": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-09-15t00:14:17.744000+03:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. description": "" for prolonged main only admin"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-11-24t19:01:05.708000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": null, "2. primarytopic": null, "3. webdocumenttype": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t11:32:05.243000+03:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-03-05t09:36:13.040000+02:"", "e. description": "" cookies created grounds indiv""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""new orleans mayoral election, "", "2. country": ""usa"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the new orleans mayoral electi""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-10-14t14:24:47.187000+03:"", "2. description": "" politics grounds need occasio"", "3. shorttitle": "" audiences 12th adaptability a"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datemodified": ""2012-08-16t09:09:34.120000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""parliamentary elections were h"", "b. country": ""hungary"", "c. rdf schema label": ""hungarian parliamentary electi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. deathdate": ""0899-10-26"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. name": ""alfred the great"", "3. description": ""king of wessex""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. subject": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-04-14t18:59:56.010000+03:"", "3. title": ""gerald kaufman normally ever b"", "4. description": "" pay show broadcasters purpose"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-05-14t05:11:38.134000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema label": ""nd mura 05"", "b. nickname": ""rno-beli"", "c. manager": ""ante imunda"", "d. rdf schema comment": ""nogometno drutvo mura 05, comm"", "e. name": ""tomi ipo""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""fred reed"", "2. givenname": ""fred"", "3. surname": ""reed"", "4. description": ""columnist for the washington t""}}, "entity2": {"a. website": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-07-28t04:36:30.623000+03:"", "d. title": ""jplge?aavictoria power their r"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-10-11t04:33:02.319000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. description": ""first margrave of brandenburg "", "2. deathplace": """", "3. deathdate": ""1170-11-18"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. name": ""albert the bear""}, "2. producttype": {"1. caption": ""hurling being played in philad"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""hurling is an outdoor team gam"", "3. equipment": ""substitutes are permitted""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""finnish presidential election,"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""presidential elections were he"", "3. country": ""finland""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""kazakhstan patterns members 19"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-10-30t03:24:31.764000+02:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" lower and logged supported we""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""kazakhstan patterns members 19"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-10-30t03:24:31.764000+02:"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "e. shorttitle": "" lower and logged supported we""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. tag": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. title": ""viktor imeek equality and fina"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-06-05t21:37:13.525000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" users users particularly on c""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. title": ""viktor imeek equality and fina"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-06-05t21:37:13.525000+03:"", "e. shorttitle": "" users users particularly on c""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarycontentof": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. about": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" always web-surfing rights dat"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-08-16t21:24:37.510000+03:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-11-12t20:53:01.536000+02:"", "5. description": "" came address cricket record-k""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" always web-surfing rights dat"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-08-16t21:24:37.510000+03:"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-11-12t20:53:01.536000+02:"", "e. description": "" came address cricket record-k""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. about": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-03-09t07:11:05.594000+02:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-06-14t14:41:46.551000+03:"", "3. shorttitle": "" celibacy we relate end relate"", "4. title": ""yardley gobion help these comp"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-10-26t11:38:48.066000+03:"", "b. shorttitle0": "" so levels tables rules may al"", "c. shorttitle1": "" mediums equality speaking bid"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. datemodified": ""2012-02-03t05:30:57.172000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. thumbnail": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. creator": null, "c. mentions": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-11-01t16:57:18.109000+02:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. title": ""windwehe analyze like national"", "4. shorttitle": "" professional fixtures confron"", "5. description": "" are interesting granting crea""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. mentions": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. country": ""california"", "2. rdf schema label": ""united states house of represe"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the united states house of rep""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-07-07t07:33:20.355000+03:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. datemodified": ""2012-01-24t20:42:41.718000+02:"", "4. description": "" craftsmen see orders majority"", "5. title": ""constantius ii government cent""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-12-03t00:39:50.570000+02:"", "b. title": ""gr e e ce ho l di n g c o l"", "c. description": ""? siate's eellec6tkorate brut "", "d. shorttitle": "" automatically also democratic"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states house of represe"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""elections to the house of repr""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. name": ""alan garner"", "2. surname": ""garner"", "3. birthdate": ""1934-10-17"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. givenname": ""alan""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""nevadpnciarry d ne uerdio ae p"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-03-25t18:51:52.047000+02:"", "d. description": "" same comple t e c el i ba cy"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. country": ""moldova"", "2. rdf schema label": ""moldovan presidential election"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""an indirect presidential elect""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. name": ""henry delamater house"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-73.9136 41.9284)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the henry delamater house is a""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-03-13t05:57:32.149000+02:"", "b. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "c. description": "" affords personalizersonalizer"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-01-10t12:12:03.715000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1908 american grand prize"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1908 american grand prize ""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. title": ""monaco adopted installed neces"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-04-20t00:57:50.224000+03:"", "5. description": "" a and/or all central well add""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" since atvin2jhuxyxz23xtzu7lmt"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-06-20t13:35:43.376000+03:"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-01-10t21:49:15.667000+02:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""basque country"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""elections for the basque parli"", "3. rdf schema label": ""basque parliamentary election,""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. name": ""the city of cotati"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-122.742 38.3278)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""cotati is an incorporated city"", "4. country": "" h ttp : //db ped ia. org/ re ""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" by service countries already "", "2. datemodified": ""2011-12-13t04:12:38.813000+02:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-08-04t18:37:15.440000+03:"", "4. title": ""appelle make best boxing relat"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" commerce person power competi"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-03-16t08:23:01.790000+02:"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-11-19t09:11:08.826000+02:"", "e. title": ""justine greening africa accept""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1950 italian grand prix"", "2. country": ""italy"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1950 italian grand prix wa""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. tag": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-11-17t20:19:06.076000+02:"", "2. title": ""khalid mahmood little very pro"", "3. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-10-10t04:09:55.770000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" millions method competitive w""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""cypriot presidential election,"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""presidential elections were he"", "3. country": ""cyprus""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-05-21t19:00:51.909000+03:"", "3. description": "" among apartheid institutions "", "4. datemodified": ""2011-08-19t01:21:18.212000+03:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" need as audience audiences so"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-09-30t12:58:44.913000+03:"", "c. title": ""pennsylvania ever official oth"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-07-09t20:28:39.215000+03:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""philosopher"", "2. name": ""francesco algarotti"", "3. deathdate": ""1764-05-03"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. birthdate": ""1712-12-11"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. givenname": ""francesco""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. about": null, "c. audience": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" entrance personal amounts fir"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-03-10t21:34:15.548000+02:"", "4. description": "" tables king amounts considere"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-04-06t05:20:06.183000+03:"", "c. title": ""city of new orleans dogma serv"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-03-10t21:34:15.548000+02:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 2008 spanish grand prix (f"", "2. country": ""spain"", "3. rdf schema label": ""2008 spanish grand prix""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 2008 spanish grand prix (f"", "2. country": ""spain"", "3. rdf schema label": ""2008 spanish grand prix""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" server court did protocol bee"", "3. shorttitle": "" with with are union practiced"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-07-04t02:03:27.370000+03:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2014 united states senate "", "3. country": ""wyoming""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. title": ""albertus magnus party towards "", "4. datecreated": ""2011-07-14t09:52:47.492000+03:"", "5. description": "" through pay-per-view came sav""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-11-11t08:00:41.966000+02:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-11-21t22:30:54.679000+02:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. title": ""weldak to1wln5shipm ?in3dviqve"", "e. shorttitle": "" has f ol lowin g c up the""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the county of hoya was a state"", "2. name": ""hoya""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. audience": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" territorial development one-f"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-09-08t21:39:39.376000+03:"", "5. title": ""andrew percy type pretension p""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-09-06t08:41:38.303000+03:"", "b. description0": "" site's adoption final facts b"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t12:38:11.303000+02:"", "e. description1": "" about olympics competed alrea""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""maine"", "2. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 united states senate ""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. mentions": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" linked peasants secular site "", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-07-03t10:55:09.276000+03:"", "4. shorttitle": "" compete necessarily each afte"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" compete necessarily each afte"", "b. title": ""christian goldbach competition"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. description": "" linked peasants secular site ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""state route 23 (abbreviated sr"", "2. name": ""union avenue, walnut grove roa""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""state route 23 (abbreviated sr"", "2. name": ""union avenue, walnut grove roa""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""kazakhstan patterns members 19"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-10-30t03:24:31.764000+02:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" lower and logged supported we""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-09-05t21:06:04.544000+03:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-06-04t07:14:46.230000+03:"", "3. title": "" apartheid it members lead ama"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. givenname": ""alessandro"", "b. name": ""alessandro algardi"", "c. deathdate": ""1654-06-10"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "d. description": ""sculptor"", "e. surname": ""algardi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""english comedian"", "2. name": ""john cleese"", "3. givenname": ""john"", "4. birthdate": ""1939-10-27"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. surname": ""cleese""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. birthplace": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. shorttitle": "" demolition land around granti"", "3. title": ""david willetts common candidat"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-03-05t09:36:13.040000+02:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t11:32:05.243000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-06-16t09:01:34.298000+03:"", "c. description": "" payment contribution took ter"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. shorttitle": "" log at both domestic contribu""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""new orleans mayoral election, "", "2. country": ""usa"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the new orleans mayoral electi""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema label": ""bucheon fc 1995"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""bucheon fc 1995 is a south kor"", "3. manager": ""gwak kyung-keun"", "4. nickname": ""reds""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-01-24t10:43:45.173000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. shorttitle": "" within union outlet elections"", "4. title": "" took very rugby rights referr"", "5. description": "" the hundreds commerce logged ""}, "entity2": {"a. description1": "" we ever granting originate am"", "b. title1": ""n assertion integrity ambition"", "c. title2": ""show came refusing is already."", "d. title0": ""naomi long church representati"", "e. shorttitle": "" browser delete came provider ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. country": ""united states"", "2. rdf schema label": ""confusion (convention)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""confusion is an annual science""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. nickname": "", fc"", "2. rdf schema label": ""1. fc kln"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""1. fc kln is a german associat""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-05-12t14:57:55.612000+03:"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. shorttitle": "" educated help is commerce 13t"", "e. title": ""donald campbell own show kinds""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. manager": null, "3. website": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 1992 united states preside"", "2. country": ""nevada"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states presidential ele""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-10-15t09:15:24.786000+03:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datemodified": ""2012-03-22t05:49:12.413000+02:"", "4. description": "" 15th participants development"", "5. title": ""france cup click union craftsm""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-07-24t23:48:11.707000+03:"", "b. title": ""milo malivojevi ambition popul"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-11-19t05:31:21.903000+02:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. nickname": ""al-mared al-akhdar"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""al-wehdat sc (or spelled al-wa"", "3. rdf schema label": ""al-wehdat sc""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema label": ""2005 italian grand prix"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2005 italian grand prix wa"", "3. country": ""italy""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" christendom feel majority ear"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-11-07t10:34:36.041000+02:"", "3. shorttitle": "" started a beginning display d"", "4. title": ""eric cheney analyze log like w"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. description": "" ho b by ba s ic cric k e t "", "c. datecreated": ""2011-02-09t18:20:10.461000+02:"", "d. title": ""uamadwgargrave of bra!tbmegt?d"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": null, "2. category": null, "3. primarycontentof": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. givenname": ""craig"", "2. surname": ""venter"", "3. birthdate": ""1946-10-14"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. name": ""craig venter"", "5. description": ""american biologist""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-63.8333 -21.5833)"", "2. name": ""tarija department"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""tarija is a department in boli""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" hundreds often interesting ma"", "b. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-06-20t14:26:45.743000+03:"", "d. title": ""great britain individual's lif"", "e. datemodified": ""2012-03-29t22:44:32.209000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. country": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. about": null, "c. audience": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-11-01t07:58:36.747000+02:"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. description": "" so government nobles avqe39ya"", "d. shorttitle": "" competitions institution whic"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. disambiguationhint": ""ernest miller hemingway althou"", "2. shortlabel": ""ernest miller hemingway sprang"", "3. facebook": ""ernest miller hemingway can au"", "4. prefferedlabel": ""ernest miller hemingway took t"", "5. slug": ""ernest miller hemingway beginn""}}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. category": null, "c. about": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. name": ""mount seymour provincial park"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-122.935 49.385)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""mount seymour provincial park ""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-01-14t15:32:38.864000+02:"", "c. shorttitle": "" cut may pressure flash those "", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. title": ""seco river (argentina) preclud""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. tag": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""mike wood towards out amounts "", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. description": "" eligible referring attracts e"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" than competed three most high""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-04-03t10:50:50.818000+03:"", "b. title": "" without you all custom last p"", "c. shorttitle": "" begins sums such demographic "", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-06-11t05:32:51.474000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""parliamentary elections were h"", "2. country": ""hungary"", "3. rdf schema label": ""hungarian parliamentary electi""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. about": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""stock car racing is a form of "", "2. caption": ""sprint cup series drivers race""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" come bargaining bidding websi"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-02-04t22:08:00.364000+02:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. title": "" 700 majority practical adopti"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-02-22t08:25:07.252000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1962-02-07"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. surname": ""brooks"", "3. description": ""musician"", "4. givenname": ""garth"", "5. name": ""garth brooks""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" tables come or commentators a"", "b. title": ""martenshoek practical pages th"", "c. description": "" leading web name information "", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""tartu jk welco elekter"", "2. manager": ""mikk valtna"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""jalgpalliklubi welco elekter i"", "4. nickname": ""vangid"", "5. name": ""martin karindi""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. tag": null, "c. category": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" primitive preclude main to pu"", "3. shorttitle": "" unfair end tensions athletes "", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. title": ""tom harris because complete li""}, "entity2": {"a. name": ""shoal lake"", "b. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-95 49.55)"", "c. rdf schema comment": ""shoal lake is a lake in extrem"", "d. country": ""httrpn:1/7/sdebrpediao.5oargt/""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. about": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-11-24t16:30:02.237000+02:"", "2. title": ""nick brown one and/or audience"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-05-17t10:58:00.332000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" name clergy eligible already ""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-08-10t15:19:49.229000+03:"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-12-30t10:20:31.913000+02:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. title": ""khalid mahmood well rival worl""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1991 dfb-supercup"", "2. country": ""germany"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1991 dfb-supercup was the ""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. about": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-02-17t14:26:33.857000+02:"", "2. description": "" states however however have u"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-05-19t21:01:19.596000+03:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""field lacrosse, sometimes refe"", "b. equipment": ""lacrosse stick, helmet, should"", "c. caption": ""a lacrosse player advancing, p""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(1.55361 51.6439)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the london array is an offshor"", "3. name": ""london array offshore wind far""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. title": "" sake broadcasters state still"", "3. description": "" hobby pay-per-view impact rec"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-04-11t06:27:27.847000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-100.286 50.5819)"", "2. name": ""riding mountain house"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""riding mountain house was a hu""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united nations security counci"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2007 united nations securi"", "3. country": ""united nations""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-10t21:49:15.667000+02:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. shorttitle": "" been achievement speaking spe"", "4. title": ""farley wood came another serve"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-06-20t13:35:43.376000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""the city of cotati"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-122.742 38.3278)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""cotati is an incorporated city""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. title": ""richard harrington eligible gi"", "3. description": "" country attendance attendance"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-01-07t01:23:15.151000+02:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-01-09t13:09:41.387000+02:"", "c. datemodified": ""2011-04-25t09:41:15.169000+03:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. title": ""charles farrar browne pretensi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. mentions": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. title": ""hugh bayley accept pages 13th "", "4. shorttitle": "" reporting modern attracted mo"", "5. description": "" service hobby side around act""}, "entity2": {"a. caption": ""a game of in monte hermoso, a"", "b. olympic": ""no,4"", "c. rdf schema comment": ""pato, also called juego del pa""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primaryformat": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. equipment": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" electorate wrestling main ref"", "3. shorttitle": "" view adoption people parliame"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-02-14t03:39:48.023000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" negatively taxation national "", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-11-04t18:50:22.482000+02:"", "d. description": "" centuries provide governments"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. category": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. mentions": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. caption": ""a paintball player taking part"", "2. equipment": ""paintball mask, paintball mark"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""paintball is a sport in which ""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-10-13t01:47:03.651000+03:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-05-07t13:09:25.683000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. givenname": ""johannes"", "2. deathdate": ""1566-09-22"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. name": ""johannes agricola"", "4. surname": ""agricola"", "5. birthdate": ""1494-04-20"^^<http://www.w3.or""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 1 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""berlin carry ioc celibacy repr"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-12-16t05:06:58+02:00"^^<h"", "4. shorttitle": "" progress dogma show boxing so"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-02-28t18:12:18.482000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-02-28t18:12:18.482000+02:"", "c. datemodified": ""2011-12-16t05:06:58+02:00"^^<h"", "d. shorttitle": ""build up dogma show box some c"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. category": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""sheffield wednesday assertion "", "2. description": "" eventual however popular comp"", "3. shorttitle": "" type server provides viewing "", "4. datemodified": ""2011-05-17t20:02:10.008000+03:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-01-07t14:12:18.746000+02:"", "b. title": ""constans wrestling whole guara"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" development pay-per-view prot"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1984 canadian grand prix"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 1984 canadian grand prix w"", "3. country": ""canada""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""heusiepen is a river of north "", "2. name": ""heusiepen""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" territorial development one-f"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-09-08t21:39:39.376000+03:"", "5. title": ""andrew percy type pretension p""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" viewers representative permit"", "b. title": ""ian liddell-grainger like iden"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" participants finally secular "", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""maine"", "2. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 united states senate ""}}, "entity2": {"a. mentions": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. about": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" war administration teams alth"", "2. description": "" bidding same seen activity th"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-10-20t09:01:29.796000+03:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. caption": ""."", "b. rdf schema comment": ""sport diving is an underwater ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""katzenbach (werre) is a river "", "2. name": ""katzenbach (werre)""}}, "entity2": {"a. equipment": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" audience computer are browsin"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. description": "" demolition these reason cup b"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-11-20t14:37:34.160000+02:"", "5. datemodified": ""2012-05-21t01:47:23.367000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. description": ""petition favor calculator borr"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-05-13t20:17:18.354000+03:"", "c. shorttitle": ""p e9nid?s praessure hce6lpm co"", "d. title": ""kalifa traor,"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. deathdate": ""2011-05-05"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. surname": ""laurents"", "3. birthdate": ""1918-07-14"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. description": ""playwright, theatre director, "", "5. name": ""arthur laurents""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 1928 united states senate "", "2. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "3. country": ""pennsylvania""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-10t21:49:15.667000+02:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. shorttitle": "" been achievement speaking spe"", "4. title": ""farley wood came another serve"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-06-20t13:35:43.376000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""the city of cotati"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-122.742 38.3278)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""cotati is an incorporated city""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""baltimore comic-con"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the baltimore comic-con is a c""}, "b. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""dancesport denotes competitive"", "2. caption": ""an amateur dancesport competit""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-05-16t23:55:05.259000+03:"", "2. title": ""frank field site's lies inform"", "3. shorttitle": "" rapid teams laws rights all r"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-04-12t21:47:12.765000+03:"", "5. description": "" countries a cookie practiced ""}, "entity2": {"a. description": ""american filmmaker"", "b. birthdate": ""1944-05-14"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "c. surname": ""lucas"", "d. name": ""george lucas"", "e. givenname": ""george""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""french physicist and mathemati"", "2. deathdate": ""1836-06-10"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. surname": ""ampere"", "4. givenname": ""andre-marie"", "5. name": ""andre-marie ampere""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. birthplace": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-05-21t19:00:51.909000+03:"", "3. description": "" among apartheid institutions "", "4. datemodified": ""2011-08-19t01:21:18.212000+03:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""philosopher"", "2. name": ""francesco algarotti"", "3. deathdate": ""1764-05-03"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. birthdate": ""1712-12-11"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. givenname": ""francesco""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states house of represe"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 united states house o"", "3. country": ""delaware""}, "b. producttype": {"1. caption": ""engraving from charles cottons"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""cue sports (sometimes written ""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-07-24t06:04:40.757000+03:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. description": "" substantial appear wrestling "", "5. datecreated": ""2011-07-23t00:06:02.820000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. shortlabel": ""amber rudd originate same part"", "b. primarytopicof": ""amber rudd website allowing we"", "c. disambiguationhint": ""amber rudd broadcasters progre"", "d. prefferedlabel": ""amber rudd times without union"", "e. slug": ""amber rudd you are money athle""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""rawtenstall"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""rawtenstall is a town at the c"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-2.291 53.699)""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" function cases pretension com"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-11-25t13:39:15.052000+02:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. title": "" days diagnose it fixtures tea""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-10-12t13:06:31.440000+03:"", "b. description": "" another policy over engine id"", "c. shorttitle": "" entrance represented country "", "d. title": ""john randall competition prese"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. mentions": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. givenname": ""alessandro"", "2. name": ""alessandro algardi"", "3. deathdate": ""1654-06-10"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. description": ""sculptor"", "5. surname": ""algardi""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-09-22t11:17:21.798000+03:"", "b. shorttitle": "" known sprang doelatent decide"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-11-21t13:34:09.765000+02:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": null, "2. producttype": null, "3. webdocumenttype": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1950 italian grand prix"", "2. country": ""italy"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1950 italian grand prix wa""}}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" site's adoption final facts b"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-09-06t08:41:38.303000+03:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. title": ""rosie cooper or collect kinds ""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" uncommon celibacy browser lit"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. shorttitle": "" diagnose peasants faster riva"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-02-12t20:54:21.958000+02:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-07-15t16:37:09.804000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primaryformat": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. audience": null, "c. tag": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-04-01t08:51:54.603000+03:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. title": ""nick raynsford primary out spe"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-11-15t16:06:46.110000+02:"", "5. description": "" by meant side grounds page re""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "b. country": ""delaware"", "c. rdf schema comment": ""the united states senate elect""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. audience": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. subject": null}}"} |
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" around first come give ticket"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. title": ""syria than rules principle ano"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-09-20t15:14:10.467000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. country": ""pennsylvania"", "b. rdf schema label": ""pennsylvania gubernatorial ele"", "c. rdf schema comment": ""the pennsylvania gubernatorial""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""hong kong"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 1998 hong kong legislative"", "3. rdf schema label": ""hong kong legislative election""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. subject": null}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. description1": "" we ever granting originate am"", "b. title1": ""n assertion integrity ambition"", "c. title2": ""show came refusing is already."", "d. title0": ""naomi long church representati"", "e. shorttitle": "" browser delete came provider ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""underwater rugby (uwr) is an u"", "2. caption": ""underwater rugby match in norw""}, "2. primarytopic": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(152.444 -32.0847)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""failford is a locality in the "", "3. name": ""gloucester""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. country": ""united states"", "2. rdf schema label": ""confusion (convention)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""confusion is an annual science""}}}"} |
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values. | 0 | {"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""united kingdom also existence "", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. shorttitle": "" concerned levels christendom "", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-06-22t13:14:21.947000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. country": ""hong kong"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""the 1998 hong kong legislative"", "c. rdf schema label": ""hong kong legislative election""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(20.4167 50.3333)"", "2. name": ""skalbmierz"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""skalbmierz is a town in south ""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. subject": null}}"} |
Subsets and Splits