1 value
2 values
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""michigan achieve adopted gover"", "2. shorttitle": "" hundreds cookie complete they"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-08-05t11:59:22.130000+03:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. description": "" pretty through clergy object ""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the benin empire (1440u03b2u201c1897) "", "2. name": ""benin empire""}, "b. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""bowls (also lawn bowls, varian"", "2. caption": ""lawn bowler tim mason,""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" server court did protocol bee"", "3. shorttitle": "" with with are union practiced"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-07-04t02:03:27.370000+03:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle1": ""le internal plead adopted adop"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-03-21t14:46:05.024000+02:"", "c. shorttitle0": "" confrontation millions accept"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-03-14t00:36:43.357000+02:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2014 united states senate "", "3. country": ""wyoming""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the portal of the folded wings"", "2. name": ""portal of the folded wings shr""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. shorttitle": "" attracted site's came charge "", "3. description": "" need as audience audiences so"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datemodified": ""2012-07-09t20:28:39.215000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" need as audience audiences so"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-09-30t12:58:44.913000+03:"", "c. title": ""pennsylvania ever official oth"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-07-09t20:28:39.215000+03:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. about": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. about": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shortlabel": ""lilian greenwood using web-sur"", "2. disambiguationhint": ""lilian greenwood assembly atte"", "3. facebook": ""lilian greenwood among certain"", "4. slug": ""lilian greenwood of end see us"", "5. prefferedlabel": ""lilian greenwood this like can""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": ""les."", "b. title": ""consciencepoint national wildl"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-10-23t23:59:08.734000+03:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-05-07t17:21:30.317000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. surname": ""hollerith"", "2. name": ""herman hollerith"", "3. description": ""statistician, inventor, busine"", "4. deathdate": ""1929-11-17"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. birthdate": ""1860-02-29"^^<http://www.w3.or""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. title": ""susan elan jones main crown pe"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. description": "" begins platform olympics disp"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-05-15t22:08:13.969000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1995 australian grand prix"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 1995 australian grand prix"", "3. country": ""australia""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-07-12t15:24:24.345000+03:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. description": "" easier rules party can mediev"", "4. shorttitle": "" elaborate educated achieve co"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-10-26t11:02:56.004000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-12-14t01:51:22.810000+02:"", "b. description": "" games seat sent pits country "", "c. datecreated": ""2011-06-01t18:13:41.424000+03:"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""continental army general"", "2. birthdate": ""1737-03-23"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. givenname": ""arthur"", "4. name": ""arthur st. clair"", "5. surname": ""st. clair""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1571-09-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. deathdate": ""1610-07-18"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. description": ""painting"", "4. name": ""caravaggio""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""delaware maintained confrontat"", "2. shorttitle": "" referral and/or search tensio"", "3. description": "" who origin contribute politic"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-12-05t23:57:03.961000+02:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-11-16t06:17:21.308000+02:"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. description": "" players easier partisan clerg"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. title": ""hywel francis help took electi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. category": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. tag": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" who assertion government pope"", "2. shorttitle": "" while venue people assertion "", "3. datecreated": ""2011-05-14t00:15:16.084000+03:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-06-03t16:11:27.105000+03:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. category": null}, "entity2": {"a. producttype": {"1. caption": ""larry fitzgerald catches a pas"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""american football, known in th"", "3. equipment": ""pads"", "4. olympic": ""no; demonstrated at the 1932 s"", "5. team": ""both teams can substitute play""}, "b. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 1992 united states preside"", "2. country": ""south dakota"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states presidential ele""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-12-26t19:53:26.009000+02:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-10-10t16:28:31.774000+03:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. shorttitle": "" us out an 1988 permitted indi"", "5. title": ""bedford township, ohio often o""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-12-26t19:53:26.009000+02:"", "b. shorttitle": "" us out an 1988 permitted indi"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-10-10t16:28:31.774000+03:"", "d. description": ""!vo!brxwxs bntrarceire7ext coc"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1550-04-12"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. deathdate": ""1604-06-24"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. name": ""oxford, edward de vere, 17th e""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1550-04-12"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. deathdate": ""1604-06-24"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. name": ""oxford, edward de vere, 17th e""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-03-09t07:11:05.594000+02:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-06-14t14:41:46.551000+03:"", "3. shorttitle": "" celibacy we relate end relate"", "4. title": ""yardley gobion help these comp"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. thumbnail": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. name": ""anakkayam"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""anakkayam is a village and pan"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(76 11.0839)""}, "b. producttype": {"1. caption": ""keirin in colwood, british col"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""is a form of motor-paced cycle""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" also only impact achieve cons"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-12-22t01:34:46.525000+02:"", "5. title": ""henry w. coe state park time i""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" also only impact achieve cons"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-12-22t01:34:46.525000+02:"", "e. title": ""henry w. coe state park time i""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. category": null}, "entity2": {"a. category": null, "b. tag": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-08-13t09:15:54.709000+03:"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-12-08t00:04:15.893000+02:"", "4. title": ""wyoming following usage had we"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. caption": ""diving tower at the 2008 euros"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""diving is the sport of jumping""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. primaryformat": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-03-08t19:12:21.310000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. description": "" usage other representative fa"", "4. title": ""david rice atchison rights two"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-05-06t09:59:59.252000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. audience": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""umayartuvarankulam is a small "", "2. name": ""umayartuvarankulam"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(80.3833 8.88333)""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" through broadcasters its line"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-07-13t06:23:29.093000+03:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-02-25t02:55:16.361000+02:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. title": ""dwight schultz main each even ""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" request granting until transf"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. description": "" through broadcasters its line"", "d. title": ""dwight schultz main each even "", "e. datemodified": ""2011-07-13t06:23:29.093000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. category": null, "c. tag": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-05-16t20:23:36.872000+03:"", "c. datemodified": ""2011-12-05t23:57:03.961000+02:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. description": "" who origin contribute politic""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primaryformat": null, "b. audience": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" medieval candidates sports so"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t08:32:38.145000+03:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-04-14t16:05:42.034000+03:"", "5. description": "" privilege asked negatively li""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-04-14t16:05:42.034000+03:"", "b. title": ""rffi plafagis sh do aiasesie."", "c. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t08:32:38.145000+03:"", "d. description": "" privige7r asked ifkaf5vh?a li"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. audience": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" uncommon celibacy browser lit"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. shorttitle": "" diagnose peasants faster riva"", "5. datemodified": ""2012-02-12t20:54:21.958000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-02-25t09:15:22.546000+02:"", "c. description": "" t ha t f i n all y e ng in e "", "d. datecreated": ""2011-01-23t08:36:28.356000+02:"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""american musician"", "2. givenname": ""courtney"", "3. name": ""courtney love"", "4. surname": ""love""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. about": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. manager": ""badou zaki"", "2. rdf schema label": ""wydad casablanca"", "3. nickname": ""wac"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""wydad athletic club (wac) is a""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. description": "" ho b by ba s ic cric k e t "", "c. datecreated": ""2011-02-09t18:20:10.461000+02:"", "d. title": ""uamadwgargrave of bra!tbmegt?d"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. website": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. givenname": ""craig"", "2. surname": ""venter"", "3. birthdate": ""1946-10-14"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. name": ""craig venter"", "5. description": ""american biologist""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. caption": ""larry fitzgerald catches a pas"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""american football, known in th"", "3. equipment": ""pads"", "4. olympic": ""no; demonstrated at the 1932 s"", "5. team": ""both teams can substitute play""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-02-01t00:55:00.268000+02:"", "c. description": ""wteoedainakdce sl sltysoetd dl"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. shorttitle": "" raise radio known first candi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. equipment": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1856-07-26"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. surname": ""shaw"", "3. name": ""george bernard shaw"", "4. givenname": ""george bernard"", "5. deathdate": ""1950-11-02"^^<http://www.w3.or""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-10-11t04:33:02.319000+03:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-07-28t04:36:30.623000+03:"", "3. description": "" were practiced whole spectato"", "4. shorttitle": "" assigned remotely line after "", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(152.444 -32.0847)"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""failford is a locality in the "", "c. name": ""gloucester""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""finnish presidential election,"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""presidential elections were he"", "3. country": ""finland""}}, "entity2": {"a. country": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-01-14t15:32:38.864000+02:"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-02-01t22:03:09.641000+02:"", "3. shorttitle": "" cut may pressure flash those "", "4. title": ""seco river (argentina) preclud"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primaryformat": null, "2. category": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. disambiguationhint": ""andrew george responsible like"", "2. shortlabel": ""los angeles machinery towards "", "3. slug": ""viktor imeek participants driv"", "4. facebook": ""afonso 06 of portugal refusing"", "5. prefferedlabel": ""macau practiced adaptability r""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-06-02t00:58:43.297000+03:"", "3. title": ""macau days members being until"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-10-01t03:17:04.741000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. country": ""los angeles"", "2. rdf schema label": ""los angeles mayoral election, "", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1929 election for mayor of""}, "b. producttype": {"1. caption": ""a game of pelote as played in "", "2. rdf schema comment": ""basque pelota (pilota or eusko"", "3. equipment": ""single or doubles""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-11-02t20:32:41.673000+02:"", "2. title": "" side following majority cooki"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-07-11t13:54:39.243000+03:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. shorttitle": "" so help over dogma amateur gi""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. surname": ""scarlatti"", "2. givenname": ""alessandro"", "3. description": ""italian composer"", "4. birthdate": ""1660-05-02"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. name": ""alessandro scarlatti""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-12-31t12:46:41.852000+02:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. shorttitle": "" analyze our same movement pro"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-06-11t19:41:20.528000+03:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. audience": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""parliamentary elections were h"", "2. country": ""hungary"", "3. rdf schema label": ""hungarian parliamentary electi""}, "b. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""motorcycle speedway, usually r"", "2. caption": ""a speedway rider on the track,""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-07-07t07:33:20.355000+03:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. datemodified": ""2012-01-24t20:42:41.718000+02:"", "4. description": "" craftsmen see orders majority"", "5. title": ""constantius ii government cent""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""the sport club do recife (know"", "b. rdf schema label": ""sport club do recife"", "c. name": ""lucas lima"", "d. nickname": ""leo do norte""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states house of represe"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""elections to the house of repr""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. website": null, "c. manager": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-09-22t03:23:17.520000+03:"", "2. title": ""penny mordaunt after ends inst"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. description": "" record need radio public stro"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""rlov rus thacari emseoer ot fe"", "b. description": ""ntal individual encenceak coun"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-01-25t00:51:56.154000+02:"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-10-31t05:15:44.232000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. category": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. nickname": ""azulones , el geta"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""getafe club de ftbol, or simpl"", "3. rdf schema label": ""getafe cf""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-02-20t14:48:33.267000+02:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. description": "" enforced final orders sport t"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-09-17t03:28:21.514000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" petitions majority person pro""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. title": ""gerald kaufman normally ever b"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-05-14t05:11:38.134000+03:"", "d. shorttitle": "" record-keeping venue but norm"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. audience": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. tag": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" they other achievement basis "", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-07-20t11:37:41.198000+03:"", "4. title": ""czech republic power origin co"", "5. datemodified": ""2012-01-18t22:03:46.529000+02:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""baltimore comic-con"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the baltimore comic-con is a c""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-08-23t19:12:48.834000+03:"", "2. shorttitle": "" higher did isolation type pow"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-06-26t14:00:13.094000+03:"", "5. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""persia"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the afsharids were members of ""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" flash primitive head many rec"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-03-02t19:29:19.820000+02:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-08-16t15:21:58.129000+03:"", "5. title": ""chris grayling they the respon""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""chris grayling they the respon"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. description": "" flash primitive head many rec"", "d. shorttitle": "" sessions reject because origi"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-03-02t19:29:19.820000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. caption": ""departing german luger at the "", "2. olympic": ""part of winter olympic program"", "3. team": ""teams of 1 or 2"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""a luge is a small one- or two-"", "5. equipment": ""sled, helmet, suit, visor, glo""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t22:00:16.951000+02:"", "b. shorttitle": "" in site's 2007 700 line consc"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" can whenever experience tensi"", "e. title": ""denis macshane bargaining alon""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. tag": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" entrance personal amounts fir"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-03-10t21:34:15.548000+02:"", "4. description": "" tables king amounts considere"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. caption": ""a ball-up in a game between a"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""australian rules football, off""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 2008 spanish grand prix (f"", "2. country": ""spain"", "3. rdf schema label": ""2008 spanish grand prix""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-29t23:00:47.818000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. description": "" payment such rules side colle"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" in speaking personalize somet""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" war administration teams alth"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-10-20t09:01:29.796000+03:"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. datemodified": ""2012-09-05t23:06:57.314000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""katzenbach (werre) is a river "", "2. name": ""katzenbach (werre)""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" politics grounds need occasio"", "b. shorttitle": "" au d i e nces 12t h a dapt"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. title": ""alexei petrovich of russia end""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""finnish presidential election,"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""presidential elections were he"", "3. country": ""finland""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. deathdate": ""0899-10-26"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. name": ""alfred the great"", "3. description": ""king of wessex""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. title": ""mhe drrla pfesland rpreenaionp"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-10-25t03:30:07.377000+03:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-07-03t06:14:01.241000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. nickname": ""lusma, soustara, m'samia"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""union sportive mdina d'alger, "", "3. rdf schema label": ""usm alger""}, "2. producttype": {"1. equipment": ""inline hockey skates5"", "2. caption": ""a collegiate inline hockey pla"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""inline hockey, also known as r""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(5.94611 36.4089)"", "2. country": ""t//pei/rrce/algr"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""tassadane haddada is a town an"", "4. name": ""tassadane haddada""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-08-07t21:05:05.205000+03:"", "b. title": ""japan substantial asked only e"", "c. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-01-07t16:57:48.662000+02:"", "e. shorttitle": "" participants pieces orders in""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. description": ""first margrave of brandenburg "", "2. deathplace": """", "3. deathdate": ""1170-11-18"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. name": ""albert the bear""}, "2. producttype": {"1. caption": ""hurling being played in philad"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""hurling is an outdoor team gam"", "3. equipment": ""substitutes are permitted""}}, "entity2": {"a. creator": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" early elaborate originate occ"", "3. title": ""jonathan edwards ends logged t"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-08-15t21:47:06.489000+03:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. disambiguationhint0": ""khalid mahmood only becoming l"", "2. disambiguationhint1": ""rogress bidding following part""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" enjoyment crown global functi"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-03-15t16:29:46.049000+02:"", "3. title": ""tim farron celibacy developmen"", "4. shorttitle": "" does result begins ever an he"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-10-22t08:44:09.184000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema label": ""f.c. porto"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""futebol clube do porto, common"", "c. nickname": ""drages""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. thumbnail": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. website": null, "c. manager": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" than rights some competitive "", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. title": "" pay-per-view audiences assign"", "4. shorttitle": "" allowing set record-keeping e"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-11-19t06:37:31.659000+02:"", "b. description": "" compete usage court an exist "", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. shorttitle": "" territorial only lies around "", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""united kingdom also existence "", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. shorttitle": "" concerned levels christendom "", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-06-22t13:14:21.947000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-12-14t01:51:22.810000+02:"", "b. description": "" games seat sent pits country "", "c. datecreated": ""2011-06-01t18:13:41.424000+03:"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(20.4167 50.3333)"", "2. name": ""skalbmierz"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""skalbmierz is a town in south ""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1571-09-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. deathdate": ""1610-07-18"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. description": ""painting"", "4. name": ""caravaggio""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-09-17t11:43:58.599000+03:"", "2. description": "" so government nobles address "", "3. shorttitle": "" competitions institution whic"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" left refusing attendance pope"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. title": ""brian binley however spectator"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-08-29t08:20:02.100000+03:"", "e. shorttitle": "" secular often refuse your pop""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. about": null, "c. primaryformat": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""trail orienteering (trail-o, a"", "2. caption": ""trail orienteering logono"", "3. equipment": ""individual""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. description": "" early elaborate originate occ"", "c. title": ""jonathan edwards ends logged t"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-08-15t21:47:06.489000+03:"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. about": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. disambiguationhint": ""guatemala retain nobles impact"", "2. prefferedlabel": ""guatemala usage necessarily ex"", "3. slug": ""guatemala assembly well nation"", "4. facebook": ""guatemala reject these royal a"", "5. shortlabel": ""guatemala service provider you""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-01-14t22:19:53.056000+02:"", "c. description": "" accept they ends identifiable"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-05-22t12:51:15.135000+03:"", "e. shorttitle": "" provide mainly football own p""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": "" worst 2006 there taxes pursui"", "2. description": "" confrontation ambition allowi"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-07-02t20:29:12.713000+03:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-11-27t03:23:03.578000+02:"", "5. shorttitle": "" spectators until improve or l""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 1978 south african grand p"", "2. rdf schema label": ""1978 south african grand prix"", "3. country": ""south africa""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. birthdate": ""1951-06-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. name": ""don rosa"", "3. givenname": ""don"", "4. surname": ""rosa"", "5. description": ""writer""}, "b. producttype": {"1. equipment": ""inline hockey skates5"", "2. caption": ""a collegiate inline hockey pla"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""inline hockey, also known as r""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-10-15t10:37:24.292000+03:"", "2. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-10-17t15:55:11.110000+03:"", "4. description": "" town policy after consistent "", "5. title": ""florida being substantial nobl""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" athletes cherished compete re"", "b. title": ""florida being substantial nobl"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-10-17t15:55:11.110000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""tiapoum"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-3.01667 5.13333)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""tiapoum is a town and commune ""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. name": ""tiapoum"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-3.01667 5.13333)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""tiapoum is a town and commune ""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" final local adopted both may "", "3. title": ""prince eugene of savoy finally"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-09-17t20:43:56.020000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" at line cricket institution a""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-06-27t10:30:28.019000+03:"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-07-03t00:19:36.026000+03:"", "c. description": "" payment vote phrase progress "", "d. title": ""tom clarke retain function lik"", "e. shorttitle": "" centuries facts raise games n""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. givenname": ""anatoly"", "2. name": ""anatoly karpov"", "3. surname": ""karpov"", "4. birthdate": ""1951-05-23"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. description": ""chess player""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. audience": null, "c. category": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. title": ""gerald kaufman normally ever b"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-05-14t05:11:38.134000+03:"", "d. shorttitle": "" record-keeping venue but norm"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""snowboarding is a winter sport"", "2. caption": ""a snowboarder making a turn in""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. tag": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. manager": ""john fowler"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""croydon football club is an en"", "3. name": ""mason cornish"", "4. rdf schema label": ""croydon f.c."", "5. nickname": ""the trams""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-11-15t16:06:46.110000+02:"", "b. title": ""ic rd pmutpekig lyers es mtgse"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-04-01t08:51:54.603000+03:"", "d. description": "" by meant side grounds page el"", "e. shorttitle": "" ba i dotppa grani orlwiepicd ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. website": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. mentions": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""darts is a form of throwing ga"", "2. caption": ""darts in a dartboardnot ever r"", "3. equipment": ""team events exist, see world c""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. title": ""william hague customer realm u"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-05-15t08:02:24.111000+03:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-07-19t22:48:34.740000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. about": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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