Wolverine was playing around with the German uniform, running his hand against the fabric and making sure that he looked presentable and most importantly -- authentic. There was no point in dressing up as the enemy and infiltrating the town, if he didn't look like the rest of the officers. They'd spot him a mile away and open fire. Now, for Lucky Jim Howlett, that wasn't a problem. Sure, it'd hurt like hell. But he'd be fine. Marla, on the other hand, would be up shit creek. She was a human (as far as he was aware) and it wouldn't take many bullets to bring her down. "I don't know if these guys have any women's uniforms, so if you can't find any then either find some normal civilian stuff or hopefully you'll be able to pass yourself off as a young, male soldier." He knocked the side of his head, indicating that the size of it would probably hide the fact she was a woman if it came to it. On the subject of not finding the package, he shrugged the thought off. "If we can't find it, we can't find it. If it was so damn important to them, they'd have sent a battalion over to get it, wouldn't they?" He asked, knowing that the last thing the Americans and British wanted was another war. Doing it this way would be much quieter, although it wasn't guaranteed. Unless they found this German officer, then they had no chance of finding it and returning it to North America. While she looked for clothes, Wolverine stepped towards the window and poked his head through a gap in the curtains. Outside, night time was approaching. The patrols were dying down, though the military presence in the town was still massive. It was a tempting thought to return home and tell them that they couldn't find the package, but that was merely for Marla's safety. Wolverine still had plenty of energy left, and his bones were still a little dry. Not enough blood. "What's the guy's name? The Officer you're talkin' about."
As he spoke of her finding a uniform, she got started looking, listening to what he said and sighing softly. He was right. If they couldn't find it, that was, well, it , and what could they do about that. Unless they found the German Officer and he told them where the package was, they had no hope of ever finding it. It could be hidden anywhere in Europe by now, so unless he knew where it was or someone who did, they were royally fucked. She started going through desk drawers and closets, finally coming across a man's uniform that looked small enough to fit her relatively well. However, the dirt and blood covering her didn't really match. She found a glass of water, and with the old coat that she had been wearing, she wiped off and washed away most of the caked on dirt and blood that was covering her normally pale skin. After several moments of getting herself cleaned off a bit, she pulled the pants on, keeping her bare back to him as she found some medical supplies in a drawer. She rooted through it until she found gauze, and without a word, started binding her chest so that she wouldn't be as noticeable as a woman. After her chest was just about flat, she put the rest of the uniform on, keeping her hair pulled up and under the helmet. As long as she kept her head down, and didn't show much of her face, it was a good possibility that no one would notice. At least, not at first glance. "Uh.... shit.... Oh! Stanger. Lieutenant Something Stanger. He's in his mid twenties, and he's been the one guarding me since I was captured." She said softly, adjusting the helmet carefully before putting on two pairs of socks so that the bigger combat boots would fit her. She felt awkward in the mens uniform, not to mention that her chest was being pressed down flat in a most uncomfortable manner. Very slowly, she walked over to him, looking up at him for a moment before slipping her gun into the holster on the uniform. "Where's your weapon?"
Logan attempted to get some kind of scent, but there was too much blood and death in the air. The stench of the rotting corpses down below, soon beginning to freeze solid with rigor mortis. When he turned around, he was taken aback by her resemblance right down to the flat chest she was forcing herself through. As it approached darkness, he hoped that no one would pay much attention to them. It was either that, or hiding her away in some cupboard -- but he felt she was much more safer with him. At least he'd know when she was in trouble. The Canadian's revolver had been abandoned along with the rest of his Canadian gear. "My weapons are right here." He brought his hands up, fingers balled in to fists, but other than that it just appeared as if he were going to beat them all up if it came to it. No. He had a surprise for everyone, and right now -- that everyone included Marla. "Just stick close to me. We're gonna find thisLieutenant Stangerand ask him a couple of questions." If he couldn't find him here, Logan would hunt all over Europe for him. Outside, there was calm and near-silence. The occasional chatter of German from afar. So far, the few soldiers that watched them come from the building only paid the slightest bit of attention towards them before returning to their previous engagement. The Canadian lead her to the Officer's Barracks, where he figured Lieutenant Stanger might be at this time of night. "Stand out here." He nodded just next to the door. "I'll be back out in a minute." Logan whispered, preparing to rip the place apart -- including German soldiers -- to find out the location of either Stanger or the package. "Anddon'tcome in."
Finally, Marla understood why he was the one who had come to rescue her. He was bat shit insane! His fists? What, was he a middle school boy fighting over a comic book on the playground? No, they were in the middle of Germany, after a huge war, with armed men everywhere. You weren't just going to beat them all up. But she had to give him credit. He had come this far and wasn't dead yet, so maybe he did know what he was doing. Or maybe it was just luck. Incredibly, dumb luck. As they walked from the building, she made sure to take longer steps, keeping up with the Corporal easily enough to make it seem like she knew where she was going. However, if it wasn't for him, she probably would have been seen immediately as an intruder. As they came upon another building, she turned to him, looking up into his eyes with a hint of fear in her eyes as he told her to wait. "No... no no no. You can't leave me out here alone." SHe whispered nervously, reaching out and grabbing onto his uniform weakly and desperately. However, in order to not make a scene, she discretely moved her hand back down by her side, the girl standing up straight like a soldier as she took a deep breath. "If you aren't back in twenty minutes, I'm coming in." She said sternly, keeping her back against the building as she tried to keep herself calm. It was no wonder Marla was so nervous, with the conditions she had been kept in for the last few months. And now, the one man who had saved her and gotten her out of where she was, wanted to leave her in the middle of a highly busy military base. But there was nothing she could do except try and keep the act going long enough for him to do what he needed to do.
Logan looked at her before he opened the door, a rare -- albeit small -- smirk was sketched on his lips. "I'm not gonna need twenty minutes." Was all he muttered before he left her alone in the enemy fortress. As long as she stood there, not bringing any attention to herself, and her posture was right for a German soldier, then there was no reason why anyone would start to talk to her, or even look. The Officer's Barracks remained silent for the duration of Logan's investigation. With the door closed, Marla could not hear the whispering, grunting and slicing of human meat as he went through each Officer to find out where Stanger was. His hands were becoming bloody, his patience was becoming strained. The Officer wasn't here, it was becoming alarming clear as more and more Germans were murdered in their beds. They didn't know where he was, they just shook their heads in terror as he finished the job. Eight. Ten. Twelve bodies. One more to go... Corporal Howlett returned outside after six minutes of silenced violence. He'd wiped off the red from his knuckles, and he made sure that Marla couldn't look inside before the door shut. "I know where he is. Got the info we needed in the end." It was the final German that spilled the beans. Stanger had left town, traveling west in a truck. He'd left before Logan had even set off the sticks of dynamite down in the basement. "The package ain't here. It's not been here for weeks. Your Lieutenant took it to a castle a few miles west of here. Come on. We're heading back out the way I came in." Her saviour said, leading the young -- and probably exhausted -- girl to get some rest away from the soldiers.
Seconds felt like hours as she waited, not being able to hear anything going on inside. To be honest, it worried her that he thought his fists were weapons. After all, every soldier in there had a gun on them or right by their bedside; What made him think he could go in there and not get hurt. She stood at attention, trying to lengthen her body out and mimicking what she had seen guards do the few times she was able to look out the window of her cell. Finally, when he did emerge, it was all she could do to keep from jumping into his arms and begging him to just take her home. But when he said that they'd head out the way he came in, she nodded and walked next to him, just like a good soldier would have. But that didn't mean that she was at all calm. Once they were far enough away from other soldiers, she spoke softly, glancing up at him every now and then as she tried to figure things out. "I need to wash off, so a river or something would be great." She continued to mutter to herself for several moments, the girl so confused at the recent liberation of herself. Yeah, she had only been captive for a little less than a year, so it wasn't like she didn't know how to act. But all these new levels of fear had been put into her. What if they got caught? What if they tortured her again? What if she never got home? She was a wreck. But only inwardly, outwardly, although she may have seemed a bit eccentric, she seemed calm and ready for whatever was going to take place for the next few days. As they made it away from the camp, the girl took the helmet off, letting her hair back down as she ran a hand through it slowly. She didn't understand how the German officers wore these things. How any soldier did, really. She was a pilot, so although she wore one, it wasn't capable of withstanding shrapnel being flung at it at high velocities. After several more minutes of walking, she turned and looked up at him, looking over his features carefully before laughing slightly. "You aren't the typical soldier, are you?"
"What you mean?" He asked, frowning a little at her question regarding his appearance -- or maybe his methods. Having scouted the surrounding area thoroughly before actually infiltrating the town, Logan lead her to the nearby water, a rather narrow stream which wasn't exactly deep either. The Canadian sat on the banking, nesting his rear in the thick grass and removing his helmet, dropping it beside him on the green ground. So far, he knew that when she asked her question, it wasn't because of his strange abilities. Because she didn't know what he was capable of yet. All she knew, was he had butchered a bunch of Germans, rescued her, and helped her escape from town. It was nice to get a bit of relaxation, although Wolverine was always on his toes. He could always smell if trouble was afar, so made sure that he was always ready to defend himself it if was required. For now, though, he watched Marla. He figured that she was going to need to wash, and it was just unfortunate for her that if she wanted to clean the more private areas -- there was no place to hide away to do it. "I'm just like any other soldier in the Army." He lied, knowing that she'd pounce on that lie the instant he said it. It was clear he wasn't. The way he looked, the way he talked, the way he walked. He didn't march with a straight back -- almost the opposite. Almost hunched over like some kind of beast. "As soon as you're done there, we can't stick around. I got a contact I'm supposed to meet."
"Yeah, and I'm a real boy." Marla said with a slight laugh, unbuttoning the uniform jacket and slowly slipping it off. The bandage was still on, and the throbbing pain that accompanied it was now down to a dull numbness that was making her more crazy then the pain had been. She turned her back to him, slowly unwrapping it and letting out a soft sigh of relief as she glanced over her shoulder at him. "Don't look, okay?" She said softly, keeping her backside to him as she slipped her boots and socks off, followed by her pants. Once again, she was bare in front of this man, and this time, she wasn't even covering herself. She knew that, well, in all probability, he'd look but she had to do what she had to do. She had spent the last few months in a sewer, for fuck's sake. Slowly, the girl carefully walked to the stream and knelt down in the water, washing the remainder of dirt and blood off her body. It immediately made her feel better, and after washing her hair off, she got out of the water and walked over to her clothing, making sure to cover herself as best she could. She pulled her pants on first, then the jacket, and as she was buttoning it up, she sat down next to him and her hands through her now curling hair as she looked over at him. "And look at you. What else could I mean? Your hair isn't cut, you're alone, you have no gun, you don't walk or talk like a soldier. You just aren't what I'm used to. I mean, shit, even before being stuck it that hellhole, every soldier I've ever met has been... well, a little bit more clean cut than you." The dark haired beauty laughed softly, looking down at the ground and touching it gently. It was nice to be outside, and right now, everything sort of looked like it had before the war. They were in the woods, the sun was out, the trees were gorgeous. It was just... incredible for her. After taking several deep breaths of the clean, fresh air, she got her boots back on and got up slowly before putting the helmet back on. "Come on, lets meet that contact of yours so we can get my package back."
Of course Jim looked. He couldn't stop himself, and although he didn't see much (except for a bare ass, and the occasional side-angle) it was left to his imagination at what decorated her on her front side. All the while, he was regaining lost energy, as if he were soaking up the sun's rays and refilling his reserves. "Clean cut, huh? Maybe since you've been in that little prison dungeon of yours, the Armies of this world decided to change their rules and regulations a little. Long hair, scruffy sideburns? Looks a little more intimidating to the enemy, don't you think? Hell -- back in the old days, some armies used to run around naked in the snow to show how fearless they were." That was a long time ago, back in the centuries of spears and shields. Sometimes, Wolverine thought that he had been born in the wrong decade. He should have been there, in Roman times, fighting the hordes and roaming the continent in an unknown world. Finally, he got to his feet and stretched a little. His helmet remained on the ground, he had no intention of putting it back on. From now on, he was going to be a little less discreet about the way he did things. The helmet was only for close-encounters, when he was surrounded by the enemy. Now, there was nothing to hide. He was doing things his way. Wolverine couldn't help but smirk at the fact she wondered why he had no gun and was working by himself. The Canadian had carried a revolver prior to changing in to the German uniform, but saw no need for it. It was too loud, too slow. Six shots then he had to reload. He had no patience for that -- with his claws, there was no such thing as running out of ammunition. "My contact's waiting in a house a few miles from here, so I hope you're alright in walking in those boots 'cause they're gonna be killin' your feet pretty soon." Wolverine walked with her down a country road, the landscape ahead of them seeming to be nothing but an endless repeating panorama of hills and hedges. No sign of a house or civilization. "When I saya few... I maybe mean ten."
"You make it sound like I've been locked away for fifty years. And I never said it was a bad thing. I think it's kind of neat." She said with a small laugh, smiling at him for a moment as he got to his feet. He was right, though. It was more intimidating. He looked more animalistic. More savage. Like he could kill anyone with no remorse. But, she didn't really believe that. Sure, maybe he could do the task he was assigned, but without remorse? She couldn't see that in anybody, and especially not in the man that saved her from living the rest of her life in that cell. As he spoke of how far he was talking about walking, she nodded, pushing the helmet back slightly so she could see before looking around at the scenery. "Yeah, worst comes to worst, I'll go barefoot. If I can live through a plane crash, I can deal with a little bit of pain for awhile." As they walked, he'd notice that she was studying him more than she had been before, especially his hands. She was curious about how he had gotten the information without gunfire going off, and before now, she had to pretend that she was a soldier so no one would look over at them and become suspicious. But it was clear she was certainly intrigued by the man. The thing about Marla though, was that she didn't know there were people like him. Sure, she had heard of them, but from what she heard, they tried to stay hidden for fear of being discriminated against. She certainly hadn't ever met anyone who was a mutant, let alone knew anyone who had. About five miles in, the girl's feet felt like they were on fire, and the helmet had fallen down in front of her eyes a thousand times it felt like. So without a word to him, she stopped and made everything that was bothering her go away. She tossed the helmet into the brush, followed by the boots and socks she had been wearing. Finally, she started up again, the girl about two inches shorter now than she had been a few moments ago. But you had to give her credit. She was in a good amount of pain right now, but she didn't slow down, didn't complain about it at all. Sure, she looked exhausted, but she wasn't going to say a word about it. She had practically begged to be put into the war, and she wasn't going to whine when it got difficult like it was now. "How long have you been in the military?"
Julianas blood felt red hot as she ran up the stairs, feeling the same way that her brother had not but three years ago. The pain of that day still felt fresh. Joe had told her of his plans. She had met the famous Doctor Light. She had given him safe haven without care for her own safety. She had loved her brother more than words could describe. When the good doctor showed at her door, tears in his eyes, she knew what had happened. Her brother had died doing what he thought was best for the city. Thomas tried warning her a week ago not to do this. Its not safe! Your brother wouldnt want you to throw your life away just to get revenge. Thomas eyes were nearly glowing with fury and concern. He didnt want another child to die on his account. He remembered that night well. Holding this girl, who felt as though she was going to shatter from the sobs racking her small frame. Her eyes shone now with the same determination that her brothers had, he knew there was nothing he could say to stop her. Im not doing this for Joe. Im doing this for the city. Cant you see? This is what it has come to. Wily must die or the city will continue to wallow in this darkness forever. I am going to do whats right, what needs to be done. The thing you and my brother didnt have the heart to do. Her eyes flashed, realizing what she had said. Thomas turned away from her, his own eyes welling up with tears. Her words hurt but he knew she was right. Juliana shoved past one of the poor unsuspecting workers in the building, her steps now more than sure as she approached the office of Albert Wily. Her blood ran cold suddenly, her steps slowing to a near stop as she began to think about what she was heading to do. She had never wanted something like this. She had wanted her brothers plan to work, she had wanted to see Doctor Light smile, she had wanted her brother to settle down and have kids, so at least one of them could have the thing they wanted, deserved even. Growing up, she said the same phrase every time their lord and master had done a public speech. Big brother, when I grow up, can I marry the doctor? He always looks so sad. I wanna make him happy. Now, the same man she was worshiped and adored as a child was going to die by her hands. All because of the things he had done to the city. When Thomas had told her the things that Wily had done, at first, she hadnt wanted to believe him. Not Wily. Not her dear, sweet Albert Wily. He was a god, put on a pedestal by her and her father, the mechanical genius that had gotten her father out of the mines. How could he have done those horrid things? It wasnt possible. She had heard of the trial. The State VS Thomas Light. The charges had been brought against him by Albert. He was sure that Light had killed Emily Stanton, Lights own girlfriend. Oh how the mighty have fallen Juliana thought bitterly to herself. To have the man she has nearly obsessed over for the last fifteen years was now about to fall from that pretty pedestal. Death to the King and all that came with him.
Wily watched the large screen on his office wall in silent contemplation as his eyes followed the form of the girl he had been watching for the last three years coming towards his office and himself. His eyes gleamed slightly in anticipation and -- what could only be called -- apprehension as he waited for her uncontested entrance into his safe haven. He knew the reason why she was coming to him. She had every intention of being the harbinger of his death. Sadly, Albert had no intention of dying anytime soon and what he intended was something that could never be contested. And, if it was contested, he never lost. He had already proven that once before. Against the very brother of the one that would soon intrude upon his sanctuary. The very thought of what Joe had attempted caused anger to build up within him and he couldnt help but dig his finger nails deep within the leather of his chair. His face contorted into a look of rage as he allowed his anger to flow for only a moment before he forced it back down. He had successfully ended the problem, but the remembrance of that day only brought him anger. Alberts eyes flashed to a dark corner where one of his most trusted robots waited in hiding for his signal. Whether that signal would be to kill or capture would be up to the on slot of trouble heading his way. However, he had every hope that Gutsman would not be needed. Gutsman was just a precaution that he found necessary for his on mental security. Joe had gotten to close to his goal and Wily had no intention to have another close call like that again. Some would call this paranoia, but he only saw it as sensible. Especially sense he knew Julianas goal was to take his life. He just hoped that his plan would change her mind. He had been considering all of the options he had and he was personally favoring the act of trickery over any other idea he had came across. Calling for his blood or not, he couldnt help but see the usefulness she may have if she were only converted to his side. She was full of passion and passion was something that could be useful. He just had to twist her point of views towards his cause and he had every intention to play on her sympathies in hopes that she might join him. A little smirk crossed his lips as he tapped his fingers on the arms of his chair and took in a deep breath. He let out the breath slowly as he leaned forward, clicked a button on his desk, and watched as the screen changed to the front of his office right outside his door. It was when she reached that point that he would start his act. Until then, he pulled out the only remaining picture he had of him, Thomas, and Emily together. He looked at the image with a look of disgust on his face for only a moment remembering the moment. He had thought he had been happy then, but he now knew that Light had just been holding him back. Now he stood at the top of the world and Thomas was nothing more then a irritation that he would soon rid himself of forever. Something that he hoped Juliana would assist him in doing if his ploy worked on her. Turning his mind back to the then and their, Albert reached out and pushed another button that was on his desk. The sounds of the door to his office unlocking could clearly be heard as he schooled his expression into a look of sorrowful guilt and he placed the picture within a cupboard near at hand. Then he turned his chair so that the back of his chair face the door, then he turned his eyes back to the screen and he continued his silent wait. He knew that it wouldnt be long before his door opened and his target would enter. For better or for worse, there was no going back now and he couldnt help but feel confident that he would win. After all, as mentioned before, Albert Wily never lost anything he wanted to win.
A loud bang could be heard three doors away from Wilys office as Juliana shot a nearby Robot. The damned machine had scared the hell out of her. She had never intended to shoot it, but she also hadnt expected the humanoid machine to jump out of nowhere. She cursed, she only had four bullets. They seemed to be rather had to come by at the moment, since Wily was currently worried about backlash from the people. He seemed jumpy to people, paranoid even. What was worse was the number of posters he had put up all over town, asking for Thomas head. It was almost as bad as the old stories of John the Baptist. Juliana just wanted the pain and suffering of the City to end. She was sure that they had never intended to be taken over by a madman, nor had they intended for him to be a madman. The way her father used to talk about him, he always sounded mild-mannered, kind and even possibly loving. He looked at the robots as his children and he had cared enough about the people of the city to give his children to them. Albert Wily had saved the people of the city from themselves, from the mines. Men actually got to see their wives and their children because of the technological advances he and his partner had found. She scoffed at the memory. This man was not kind, he was not mild-mannered, but most of all, he was not loving. He was a vicious, brutal and unforgiving lord of the City and its people. She was sure that this paranoid shell of a man was no longer human by this point. He had his robots kill those who spoke ill against him, she was sure there were cameras and microphones in every room of every house. He watched everyone, waiting for more people to rise against him like her brother had. As far as she knew, Joe was the last person to try it. His death scared the people of the city further into submission. Juliana turned her eyes to the door that lie not but twenty feet in front of her. The monsters lair. So she was to be the knight that slay the dragon and set the city free. She only hoped that her nerve lasted long enough for her to pull the trigger after she stand face to face with him. She slid the gun back into her coat and took a deep breath before bolting for the door. She hadnt been fast enough to grab the door handle before she collided hard into the door. Well, at least he knew someone was there. He no doubt had called in robotic reinforcements when he heard the gun shot. Her hand slid fast to the handle, ripping the door open quickly. She slid into the room, closed the door quickly and quietly. She took a deep breath, stilling her nerves and calming her rapid beating heart. Her brain failed to formulate a proper sentence for a good minute and a half before she finally managed to choke out a few words. Doctor Albert Wily, I know you know who I am and I know you know why I am here. But I want you to understand. This is not for my brother. You have been holding the city at ransom and that is not fair to the people. We never did anything wrong to you so why? Why would you enslave all of us here, children growing in fear of your robots rather than being thankful. Men refusing to speak of the things they have witnessed. Women locking their doors at night, praying that the doors are strong enough to hold your monsters at bay, lest they somehow manage to anger their overlord. Why would you do this? Is it all because of Thomas? It that what this is all about? A grudge match with the man who was once your best friend. Who loved you like a brother and cared enough to work with you on vital function of your work? What caused you to fall so fast? My father nearly worshiped you! You were my god when I was young! All I wanted- Juliana stopped herself. She had to wait to hear his reasons. Remember. This isnt about you Julie. This is about the City.
Albert heard the loud bang of gunfire, but he had no intention to do anything about it. He saw Gutsman move in the corner of his peripherals, but he lifted his hand in a silent command for the robot to remain where he was. There was no doubt in his mind that the cause for the sound was Juliana and he was more then pleased to hear that she was not far away. Though that was more then true, he couldnt help but have a couple moments of doubt. He had not expected her to come to him empty handed. In fact, he had watched her choose her weapon of choice. But hearing that gun fire so close to him made him a little uneasy. Not that it made any difference. It was already to late to turn back and he really didnt want too. He would wait and see how things would play out. If things didnt turn out the way he wanted them to, he had his most trusted robot on standby to take the girl out. And with that thought came a security that could never come from the protection of a human. Humans could be manipulated and their ideals could be changed. But his robots were loyal to him and him alone. They followed his every command without question and they would never turn their backs on him. A respect that he never got from any human. Not even his old supposed best friend, Thomas Light. His trust in humanity was dwindling to non-existence by the day and he wasnt sure if that was such a bad thing. After all, humanity had done very little for him and none of it had been good in his way of thinking. He had done his best to help the people of the city even if it was to get his revenge. He had made it so that the men didnt have to suffer the mines and he had even attempted to protect the people. But just like Thomas, they had turned their backs on him. It seemed like no matter how hard he tried, nothing ever seemed to go his way. Yes, his methods could be considered a little on the rough side. But he had given exactly what the people wanted. He had given them security. He had given them the chance at a better life. It was not his fault that they didnt see it the same way as him and it wasnt his fault that his robots were being forced to kill them. It was all the people of this cities fault. It was their fault that they couldnt willingly accept the gift that had been given them and conceded to his wishes for Thomas capture. It was all their fault. But it was especially Thomas fault. Though this was all true, Albert had hopes that maybe their was still one person in this city that could understand him and his reasonings. That maybe he could persuade just one of them into thinking that what he was doing was for the better meant for everyone and just in its own sense. If he could do it to one, he was certain that he would be able to make everyone understand. He knew what they all thought about him and it was mostly right. He did have a grudge against Light and he would do anything to get the justification that he longed for. But they also failed to realize that, after the grudge was settled, that things might change. But he had no intention of changing them until he finally had Light in his hands. They blamed all of their issues on him, but the real reason why they suffered was themselves and the man that seemed to evade him around every corner. It was as he thought about this, that his prey ran into the visual of his camera --literally-- and did a head first dash into his office door. Albert couldnt help the smile of amusement that came to his face and he had to fight back a fit of laughter that threatened to come with it. He couldnt help it. It wasnt every day that got to watched your would be assassin run face first into a unlocked door. He was sure that anyone else in his situation would have been done the same. But he quickly changed his expression back to its usual cool and sober look as she corrected herself and walked through the door. As he expected, Juliana began to speak instantly and he listened to her words in silence. She didnt say anything he hadnt been expecting. It was always the same. Though he was a little surprised that she was not here on behalf of her troublesome older brother. Sister like brother he guessed as he turned his chair to met her eyes with his own. He allowed his eyes to soften sadly and he allowed his face to take on a slight grimace as he said, Yes, I know why you come here Juliana Stanton. I have been watching you for a long time. Wondering when you would come and call for my life and I have no intention of fighting you if you find justification in doing so after we have spoken. All that I ask is that you listen to what I have to say before you do so. Pausing for a moment he lifted a hand and indicated the chair closest to her as he said, Please, sit down and I will tell you everything you wish to know. I just want you to know that it was never my intention for things to turn out this way before anything else is said. Then he waited to see how she would react to his words and his request.
Juliana was taken aback for a moment, this wasnt the man she had come to kill. She looked Wily over for a short moment before taking a seat in the chair he motioned to. What had happened to the man that had killed her brother, the one who took the city hostage. The man that Thomas had said would be waiting there for her. She wasnt sure what was going on but she would hear him out. Reaching into her coat, she removed the gun, popping the clip out, stuffing it back into her pocket and laying the gun on his desk, just within arms reach. Her eyes darted around the room. Where were the mountains of Reploids that Light had sworn would be awaiting her? There had been nothing as she had headed up the tower and now none here. There was only the one she had seen in the hallway and that was nothing but a house keeper. Maybe she had made a mistake. Maybe he wasnt the man she had been made to believe he was. Maybe he still was her god? Just maybe. As she looked up at him, she couldnt help but feel pity for a short moment. He looked sad. She wasnt sure what it was about but maybe she could get to the bottom of this misunderstanding between him and Light. Perhaps, even make them friends again. Juliana shook her head, now was no time for those kind of thoughts. Not till she was sure that it wasnt a ploy. She took a deep breath before deciding to speak. Alright. Ill listen. But the first time you say something that doesnt sound quite right, I will have no issue revoking my kindness. Just please. Smile at the very least, youre making me depressed. And dont call me Juliana. Just Julie works. Its what Joe used to call me. Well before Her voice trailed off in a distracted manner.
Wily watched as Juliana took her seat. His face remained solemn as she did so. But what he was actually feeling was quite the opposite. His ploy had just begun and it was already starting to work. She had obviously been surprised by what she had found when she finally got a good look around his office and at the man she had come to kill. Surprised enough to let down her guard before the very man that had killed her brother and accept his invitation of a peaceful discussion. Even though he was very pleased that she had accepted his invitation, he couldnt help but be surprised when she removed the gun from her person, took out the clip, and placed the gun on his desk within his very reach. This time he allowed some of his surprise to show clearly on his face. He looked at the gun that was supposedly meant to be the end of him for only a moment, before he returned his gaze back to her. He allowed appreciation for the gesture to show on his face. However, he didnt drop the expression that he had mastered and that had captured her trust. That is, before she started to speak and he allowed the expression of sadness to lighten just enough to allow her a little more comfort. He didnt smile exactly, but he allowed his lips to curve ever so slightly in a attempt at a smile. You have shown me a kindness by removing your weapon, Julie. I know many in your position would not be willing to do the same after the rumors that have been going around about me. Please allow me to show you the same respect you have shown me, Albert said before he turned his head to Gutsmans location and continued to speak. You are relieved of your duties, Gutsman. Me and Miss. Stanton are not to be disturbed for any reason. Instantly, the robot came to life and pushed the panel that had been hiding his large frame aside. The robot made its exit from the office as swiftly as it could without a question and the door closed with a slight thud behind him. Wily watched Gutsman leave the room in silence for only a moment before he turned back to Julie with a apologetic smile on his face. Please forgive me his presence, Julie. I assure you he would have done you no harm. His commands were simply to protect and capture. It wouldnt have been very sensible to simply wait here with no protection at all when I knew you were coming for my life. Then he allowed his eyes to fill with a anguished pained sorrow as his mind turned back to where her words had dropped off. Guilt was the only thing that remained on his face as he hung his head in shame. I am so sorry about what happened to your brother, Juliana. He said in a voice that he hoped sound like someone who had long suffered from a nightmarish memory. No matter what has been told to you, that truly was a accident that I can never repent for and I dont expect any sympathy from you nor do I expect you to forgive me Joes death. It was something completely unexpected and truly regrettable. I had never intended his death. Even though I am certain that he held hopeful intentions of mine as you did when you walked into this room. You may not believe this, but I did not rig any explosives to kill your brother. He had simply chosen the wrong time to take his climb up this tower. I would have stopped him if I could. But he wouldnt have listened to me even if I had tried. If he only knew about the Albert fall silent as if he could say any more. Then he rested a elbow on his arm rest and lifted his hand to rest his forehead upon it. Then he cover his eyes from view as if he was to grief stricken by the boys misfortune and unable to look her in the eyes. In truth, he was hiding the slight break in the expression of his eyes. Though his face was still set in grief, his eyes had chanced to something akin to disgust. He hated the feeling of being weak. Even if it was to win someone over. It made him feel pathetic and less of a man then he knew himself to be. Worse of all, this act made him think of Light. In fact, he was currently taking all of the things he hated about his old friend and creating a new personality for himself. He was no longer Albert Wily, the strong and confident man who had no qualms against hurting others to get what he wanted. He was now Albert Wily, the tortured martyr that had been accused of unjust crimes and made to look the tyrant when his only wish was to help the city. The change in roles almost made him want to be sick. Then his mind started to drift to different thoughts. Why did he, Dr. Albert Wily, have to put on a act for this girl? She was no threat to him. Especially know that she had willingly placed her weapon upon his desk. All he needed to do was reach out and take the weapon. Then she would be defenseless and he would be free to make her his. He didnt need to torture himself like this just to win her over. He had other ways to manipulate peoples minds and they had a tendency to be more effective then any talk that he could have with her. He knew that this faade wouldnt work forever anyways. It probably wouldnt have lasted past a week. It had been a interesting thought to see if he could make someone trust him like this. But he knew that brain washing her was the only way he could ever keep her. It was time for this game to end and a new one to begin. With this thought, a slight smile crept across his lips as he pushed himself forward and his hand shot across the desk, taking the girls gun into his own hands. A dark chuckle came from his lips as he lifted his eyes to look at the girl again as he pulled the gun to himself and out of her reach. There was no sign of the mournful man that he had been playing and in its place sat the over confident madman that held the whole city in his hands. Wily examined the weapon he had captured for only a moment and noticed a bullet that still remained within the barrel. He had known not to trust the girls sign of peace. Yes, she had taken out the clip of the gun. But one well placed bullet was all that was needed to bring a man down. This just proved that humanity really couldnt be trusted. Closing the gun, he pointed it at the girls head. He had no intention to actually fire it, but he hoped that fear would hold her in her place until he could get Gutsman back in to capture her. He pushed another button on his desk and it made a slight buzzing sound as he leaned toward a speaker on his desk and said, Gutsman, return to your station in my office and seize Juliana Stanton. Then he released the button and he smiled with dark amusement as Gutsman barreled into the room and grabbed for Juliana to capture her. This game was over. Now it was time for the real fun to begin. You are a fool just like your brother, Juliana Stanton, Wily said flatly before he continued, He thought that he could take me out and save the city as you do now. But you have both failed to understand one crucial thing. I am this city!
Julianas breath caught in her throat as she realized her mistake. Well, there went the only sure fire way of getting out of the tower. She looked up at the man in front of her, her eyes darting from the gun to his face. In that moment she noticed his mistake. She had the clip in her pocket. He had no ammo. Her brain acted quickly, she jumped from her chair, her left hand grabbing him at the wrist and her right swinging in a low arch, snapping his arm at the elbow. As her left hand dropped his, it swung at his face in a quickly balled fist, colliding with his left cheek. With the same speed, she bolted for the door not but four seconds after the large reploid walked through. She looked the bot up and down, trying to figure out how to get past the goliath of a machine. Not stopping her run, she dropped to her left hip, sliding between the bots dangerously large legs. She skidded to a stop at the door, looking back long enough to look at Wily where he stood at his desk before running out the door toward the stairs. Light had been right. He was nothing but a monster. How stupid of a little girl was she, to believe that a monster like him could ever be brought back to the light? She let out a loud sigh as she reached the door to the stairs. She could hear him yell something to the robot, causing her to fling the door open violently. She forced her already throbbing legs to continue running as she reached the first flight of stairs. She could hear the bots down below her. She poked her head over the railing to look down, seeing a group of five on the stairs just below her. She waited a few moments before coming to a decision. She hoisted herself over the rail, dropping down behind the bots on the level below. She felt something in her right knee pop and she realized what happened. She couldnt run with a dislocated knee. She wasnt going anywhere now.
For once in his life, Wily found himself completely off guard as one minute his prisoner was sitting under his control and the next she was upon him. His eyes enlarged a little as she grabbed his arm and pain shoot through every muscle in the limb. The gun fell to the ground and a loud bang irrupted from the object as the bullet in the barrel was released leaving a hole in his desk. He couldnt help the cry of pain that exploded from him with the breaking of his arm. His cry was cut short though as he was released and a fist met his face. Then she was no longer there but on her feet running for the door. Then pain was replaced with amused anger as the door opened and Gutsman stood before her. He hadnt expected her to slide underneath the robot and instantly irritation filled his whole being. What are you doing just standing around?! Capture her! Wily yelled at the behemoth of a reploid as he grabbed his own broken arm and yanked it straight with a loud snap setting it back into place. Expecting the pain this time he bite his lip to hold back the scream of pain as the bones in his arm moved back into their proper position. His arm throbbed from the pain as his teeth sank into his own lip until it bleed. Then he felt the nanobots with in him begin to repair both bone and muscle. He didnt wait for them to complete their job though. He quickly leaned forward and pushed the com, link for the whole tower. Seize Juliana Stanton alive at all costs! She is not to leave this building Wily yelled hearing his own voice echoing through the doorway. Then he leapt to his feet and ignored the pain in his appendage as he ran for the still open door. Gutsman was no longer there and he was pleased. He quickly looked over the railing down the spiraling stair case to see how far she had gotten and his eyes lit up with delighted amusement when he found her upon the ground already surrounded by his creations. A smug look came to his face when his eyes landed on her. He watched as Gutsman took the last step on the level she was on, walked over, and picked her up by her arms. Lifting her clean of the ground. Then the robot turned to his watching master. Waiting for further commands from him. A sick joy came over Wily when he saw this and he started to walk down the stairs towards them slowly. He couldnt stop himself as a chuckle started to leave his throat. Then he opened his mouth and the laughter of a madman left it. Even though he had been enraged by the girls vandalizing of his body. He, Albert Wily had still ended up the victor in the end as it always should be. He felt the pain in his arm completely deplete as his laughter did. Then he took the last step onto the floor where his helpless prey now waited for him and he smiled a smile that would make babies cry and women scream in fear at the sight of it. Now that wasnt very nice, Juliana. But I guess I can play by your rules if thats how you want it to be. Put her down, Gutsman. Wily said as he approached them and instantly the robot followed his masters command letting her fall from his hands and on to the ground. A reploid stepped to the side so Wily could enter the protective circle that had surrounded the large reploid and the girl. Then he walked over to the fallen girl, grabbed her hair, and forced her to look him in the eyes and said, You have made a mistake thinking that you could harm me and escape from my tower. Now youll pay for it. With that, Wily kept a grip on her hair and started to drag her back towards the stairs by it. Turning to Gutsman he said, If she tries to escape again, kill her. I can always find a new test subject that can be just as useful as she. I don't have the time to waste on disorderly subjects...
Fresh air. Yes...that was what she needed. Plus about a gallon of water if she didn't want a hang over. What had been in those shots again? wonder she felt tipsy. She'd never been clumsy when she was drunk before, but now she knew better. Taking a few deep breaths the curvy blonde looked around her. The costume party was in full swing in the house behind her, lights pouring out every window--some with dance/party lights, others with the lights of lamps, and shadows of people doing some naughty things. Damn, now she was horny too. Add to the fact that she loved to play dress up and she was just begging for something to happen. Her hair was done in golden ringlets tonight to give her a little more of an innocent look that was totally offset by her naughty Alice in Wonderland costume--figuring why not dress up like her namesake? The tiny Blue dress showed off more than it covered, really. It was backless to just above her ass, so a conventional bra was out of the question, but she'd managed to work with the built in bra of the costume. Her breasts were on display with very nice cleavage. Her abs were covered, but the light blue fabric of the dress was skintight. The skirt of the dress resembled that of a French maid's costume, only a little less puffy. Rather than tights, she wore white stockings that traveled up her long, toned legs and ended at her upper thighs. On her feet were Mary Janes, if they were made with extra high spike heels. And she had a tiny apron to complete the ensemble. Her make up was light--just enough to make her skin look flawless. She was gorgeous and more than one person had hit on her since she came to the party that night--hence the drinking. But there was plenty other tail to chase--literally, given a lot of the girls were dressed up with animal ears and the like. Alice was on the back porch, just getting her bearings back, though she was still quite tipsy. The night was beautiful though, and she looked up at the sky to admire it. It was almost a shame that she was going to go back into the party after a few moments.
The Tall Man took a sip of his drink, some fruity concoction some girl had given him before a guy had dragged her off to the dance floor.Not bad really, Not bad at all. He finished the drink and tossed the plastic cup aside. This party seemed to be winding down into the make out mode these parties where known for.Not that he really cared. He himself was having a grand time in this little quaint party. It was not as large as the ones he was used to at home, but alas. What could one do. He thou wasn't dancing. More just leaning and chatting up anyone who seemed to come close enough to be Interesting. He shook his head and then moved towards the door. This party was getting just a little to loud for his taste's and their current idea's of music was not something he was to fond of. Stepping out of the House to get fresh air himself. He was enjoying this party but just needed a break from inside.A few of those silly people were smoking all sorts of things that he did not bother to have around him.The Slender man looked around as he dipped down so his hat would Not hit the door. He appeared to have come dressed up as the hatter on this costume party.a Perfect costume almost one would say. Dressed almost as a Dapper gentleman of the day. At least if your day was a little in the past and crazy all at Once. He wore a lovely Violet long tailed overcoat which seemed to have seen better days, made of some soft and fancy materiel but not that it seemed dingy from use. It looked rather well looked after and cared for. His Pants were simple and black. The shirt under the coat seemed ruffled and had all sort's colors splashed all over it. He stretched out and cracked his back rather audible as he then relaxed and rocked on his feet. His bright green eyes looked down at his shoes. Old style shoes compared to most these kinds. the wing tips were shiny and looked almost brand new. thou most would not realize they actually were in style when he got them. Taking off the Hat, his unruly black hair would fall loose and all around his head. He combed the long hair back and then flipped the hat back on. The hat, being the most important part of being the made hater. Was black with a red band, two playing cards in it. thou Most these silly people would not even get why this was so important or even funny all at the same time. Turning he began to walk past the girl and didn't even notice her at first. Just walking to stop a few feet before her. A silver pocket watch flipped out of his pocket and he checked the time." Oh. It's late." He said with a smile and clasped it closed hard then turned and looked at her.." What do we have here.. Is this.. a Alice?" He said as he turned to look at her and grinned as he saw her costume. The Man was handsome in his own way.. the little insane twinkle in his eye.
Alice had just been debating about whether or not she should leave the party. After all, she was sure she wouldn't be missed from an event like this. Horny as she was, she wasn't sure she wanted to spend time with any of the costumed men inside the house behind her, though there were a few cute ones. It seemed to be winding down, though, and it was probably a good idea to just go home. She'd have to walk though, and in these shoes it wasn't the best of ideas. Someone else had meandered out onto the deck. Or perhaps they'd come with a purpose. She was just about to wonder if it was possible to meander with a purpose when she heard a man's voice. It had sort of a silky tone--something that caught her attention. But there was something different in general about the sound. Not particularly pleasing or off-putting, but different. She turned to him, facing him more fully now. He was a striking individual--his eyes especially unique. It took her a few moments to place what he was, exactly, since she'd been so transfixed by his face. The costume was impressive--the Mad Hatter. What a coincidence that they would run into each other. "Well, well. Fancy meeting another person from my fairy tale here," she said, thankful that her speech wasn't slurred yet. Note to self: next time bring a flask. Just as she was thinking this she smiled back at the man. He was handsome in a strange sort of way. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something about him seemed special, if not just his taste in costumes. "I am, in fact, Alice. Well, that's my name anyway. And who are you, Hatter?" she asked.
The Hatter took his time looking her over approvingly yet still subtle about it but easy see it did happen.. Green eyes sliding over her form in a rather slow pace, enjoying how she filled out what little of the costume there actually was. He tilted his head as he looked at her and his eye's slide over her face. Eye's ended locked with her own eye's." So. You really are Alice?" he said with a wide green. The mans hand dipped up and grabbed his hat sweeping it in a long arc as he took a full bow at the waist. Black wild hair flying and the tips of it almost touching the ground, yet did not. He looked up from the bow and just smiled crookedly at her. " I am. The Hatter. that's is what you may call me Alice.and i prefer think we share that fairytale don't you?" he said with a wide grin as he moved to straighten himself up. Hat spun and then laid down over his head in a rather fancy yet pointless show of skill with putting on ones own hat. He seemed to keep his eyes on her Own." And How is the lovely Alice this evening mmm? Not enjoying the party anymore?" He said as he moved a step or two closer. He would smell like spring and spice all rolled into one. and he would offer her a elbow." Let the Mad hatter at least escort you for a walk threw this lovely estate." He said in a teasing tone, waving his arm that's not offered to her out as if they were at some grandiose place, and not some mans back yard.
She felt a little uneasy with him looking her over, but then, she was returning the favor, after all. So she stopped feeling weird eventually. His gaze did linger a little, but she was all right with that, actually. Still a little horny and very buzzed, the girl was torn between holding the banister on the porch and going with the handsome stranger. Something told her she probably should have stayed put anyway, but a little walk would be just fine. His crooked smile was charming, along with his attempt to stay in character and his hat tricks. At the very least, he was interesting. "I'm a little drunk, to be honest," she said with a laugh. "And it was getting to be a little much. It's almost over anyway," she said with a dismissive shrug. He had offered his arm, and she found herself taking it, all the while wondering why she was being so honest with him. Damn liquor. "But a walk would be okay," she said, a bit more graceful than she thought she would be. "So, why did you choose the Hatter character?" she asked, curiously. "I mean, I'm Alice because it's my name and I thought it would be fun. What about you?" she asked. Alice smelled like vanilla and raspberries--and a few liquors added to the bunch. She was, however, sobering up just a little in the fresh air.
He grinned softly at her as she seemed indecisive for the moment. Watching her trying to decide if she should take the arm or not, He would then smile as she did so. His hand slide to wrap on top her hand on his arm and stroked over her finger's just barely as he smiled." It's ok. I am a little more then a little drunk." He Said with a wide grin back to her in the twisted ways of a hatter. He would turn to look around as if picking out a place for them to walk around this back yard. Seeming to choose a spot, he lead her towards a very odd looking old tree. The tree seemed to have not been there before? or maybe she just did not notice it. Either way they were strolling towards it now at a slow pace. His head tilted as he looked over at her on his arm." I did not choose to be the hatter, being the hatter is who or what you are dear Alice. Did you choose to be Alice?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. the man smirking at her in a teasing way as he then lifted his hand to Poke her nose with it. Head tilted, he blinked and leaned his head down into the crook her neck and took a smell. the Mans breath on her neck, the nose almost touching it as he drew in the deep whiff." Why my dear Alice. You smell Delightful.!" He exclaimed and leaned back as they walked. His hand which had poked her nose thou dropped down and just stroked over her hair and collarbone's as they walked. She may notice now, he wore fingerless gloves to fit the char even. The gloves seemed made some kind of purple silk. with little burn marks all over them. Honestly they matched the long tailed coat perfectly and seemed to feel soft when they brushed over his skin from his teasing strokes.
Alice decided to go along with this little in-character game. After all, she was something of an actress. Besides, it was just a little flirting. And if he was more drunk than she was, he seemed harmless. And anyway, she was still horny, so why not see where it all went? She smiled as he stroked her fingers and held her arm. She hadn't seen the tree there before, but she dismissed it with some sort of drunk logic like, "It must have been the angle." In any case it was a very pretty tree, and she wanted to get a closer look. The slow pace they took was very fortunate. In her heels on grass and her coordination being what it was, she doubted she could have gone much faster without falling or tripping and probably taking Hatter with her. She caught his grin as he explained how he simply was the person he was dressed as. Another actor? Or maybe it was all the liquor. If all the shots were like the ones she'd had, it was understandable. She wasn't sure how he'd gotten to the point of curiosity he was at when he sniffed her neck, causing shivers to run down her spine. Not that she really minded, but it didn't do much to solve her problem. She smiled at his compliment. "Thanks. You smell pretty good too," she said, pausing as he stroked her hair and let his fingers wander to her collar bone. This was beyond an innocent drunk's gestures. It seemed he wanted more. The fingerless gloves he wore made her smile. She had a thing for this kind of clothing, and he knew how to use it to his advantage. "All right, Hatter. Tell me a little about yourself, won't you? I'll be sure to return the favor."
He grinned as he lead her towards the tree still in the same slow rested pace.His hand dropped from her collar bone, fingers did not seem to want to leave her flesh. He did it thou, but not without dragging a knuckle down her cleavage. Then slowly scrapping the same knuclke over her stomach before dropping short of anything else she may want the lithe man to touch. He smiled at her as his head tilted to the side his hat shifting on his head from the tilt."I am the hatter, i like tea, and am a very beautiful singer. Thou why don't you let me ask you a simple question Alice?" He said with a wide grin that showed off his perfect straight teeth, thou they were barely stained from all the tea he has had to drink over the years. " How. is a Raven Like a writing desk?" He asked as he shot his green eyes up to her blue one's again as he spun to face her and stepped backwards, now leading her towards the tree this way. He reached out trying to grab both her hands. and Lead her back this way.Hands would squeeze her own as his thumbs rubbed over her knuckles as he smiled." do you know the answer my dear Alice?" He asked with a light playful grin as moved towards what might be the start of a very long and fun adventure. The Tree which had seemed to appear out of no where had a odd shaped hole in front of it. It was a good circle, perfect and clean as if the earth itself had just vanished. and the hole itself seemed without a end as if soon you fall, you would seem to fall forever down the hole.. or at least a very long time. And would be lead down and into the world where the fairy tale was real.
Alice blushed a little as his finger slid down from her collarbone and touched far more than she would have thought he'd have the courage to touch. Still, it was enough to build up more lust for him. Whoever he was, he knew how to touch her in all the right ways. Her eyes stayed glued to his handsome face, those green eyes bewitching her as he pulled her toward the tree. She didn't look down or notice the hole as he led her ever closer. "Hm? Oh, that riddle? Ummmm, I don't know. Is it because both ravens and desks can hold information?" she asked, feeling rather strange for trying to answer such a question. Then again, she was drunk, so if it didn't make sense, it didn't really have to. She blonde took both hands offered to her and smiled as his thumbs brushed over her knuckles. She thought about what she knew about him. He was very in character, he was handsome, he was also a bit drunk, and he liked the way she smelled. Plus, he had a way of touching her that just felt right. From what he told her, he liked tea, and he had a nice singing voice. She wondered if he might be convinced to sing a song for her.
The Hatter knew exactly where he was leading them,and he could not be happier that he was doing it.After all,he was convinced this was the Alice.The land of wonderland needed her again so desperately and she would do well down there helping him fix all the issues that had happened since she had visited years ago.The man had come here in hope of just finding himself a rather good time,and here he was finding himself the Alice.What a wonderful thing that was happening to him today! he was almost bouncing from joy. He could actually dance!. Not that he had actually danced in awhile, but this was a occasion that almost called for it. "I Honestly don't know the answer myself dear Alice" He said with a wide grin as he looked directly into her own eyes. He would then leaned closer to her, his hands wrapping tighter in her own hands." Why alice, i think your.. turning a lovely shade of red" He said with a wider curving of the lips. His head tilted as he leaned to kiss her nose. He would then push her arms out wide from her as he pulled her close the same time. The way he pushed her arms out their chest's would meet unless she stopped him and then he would force her arms behind her back as he grinned slightly." Thou i would say that is as good as any answer i could come up with myself." He was strong, and limber. The man stronger then his lithe frame looked like it should be. And his mouth dived down and placed a very demanding kiss on the woman's lips unless she found way to avoid it. Tasting of oak, and smoke. of the very spice of life and vanilla himself.
She was aware that he was happy to be with her, but Alice couldn't quite figure out why. It seemed a bit bigger than her costume, but then again, who was she to judge? She was enjoying his strange company for the time being, so why question it? The gorgeous blonde laughed as he told her he didn't know the answer and noticed her blushing. It only made her blush more. Her heart rate sped up a bit as he kissed her nose. She was caught totally off guard as he pulled her close by spreading her arms. She gasped and kept her blush as he pressed against her. When he moved her arms behind her back, it didn't hurt, but she certainly couldn't move, and she was getting a little concerned with the way things were going. And then he went on about the riddle, holding her there in place with a strength she hadn't realized he possessed. Alice was rather surprised as his lips found hers in a rather demanding kiss. She couldn't help but return it, wanting a bit more. The smokey taste was a little surprise, but spicy vanilla...there was an interesting combination. She kissed him back, tasting almost exactly the way she smelled.
He was lost in the taste of her Mouth. So enraptured by the lovely taste,he seemed to stop his plan of dragging her towards the hole.This was exactly how she smelled.This was how he had hoped she would taste, this was but perfection.His tongue would deepen the kiss going out his own mouth to go towards her own and tease against her own. His head would tilt so the kiss could continue as long as he liked, He would take this deep kiss as long as she let him, or till his breath ran out which ever came first. Nimble hands would drop her own hands and reach down and wrap around her rear threw the barely there skirt and squeeze yanking her close as he could so that her chest was squashed to his own. Thou like all good things, this kiss would have came to a end, so soon she or he ended it. He would pull back panting some flushed with pleasure from the kiss. His pale skin was a tinge red as her own. " Hello Alice, and lets get, this adventure on the road."He would then spin yanking her with him and falling directly into the hole.. which would put them into a free fall. The man growled and went back in for another of those demanding kisses as he held her close and they fell if she didn't fight to much.She was like his own personal drug, tasting of the ambrosia all mortals are denied.
Alice kissed him back, relieved when he let her arms go. her hands immediately found purchase on his chest and shoulders, her body leaning into him a bit more as his hands came down to her ass. He yanked her closer and squished them both together even more. As strange as it was, she was quite enjoying herself and the way he tasted as he held her like that. She let the kiss drag on until it seemed she was running out of air. She broke the kiss slowly, panting softly. He said something strange and she squealed as he spun them, yanking him down with her through a hole. She screamed, though her mouth was soon covered with his again. She decided to focus on the kiss, considering it was probably one of the last things she'd ever do. She pulled him closer and kissed him deeply, her tongue clashing with his, tasting him, feeling him. She was going to make this count, damn it.
The Man's hands sliding down her legs guiding them around his hips some while they fell down the hole. He himself knew that he would have awhile to enjoy the act they were engaged in. Hands moving to stroke against the top of her thighs. Rubbing the flesh between any panties she may have on and the top of her thigh highs with slow smoothing stroke's.Hands strolling up and down from that area to her rear and back down slowly as they fell down the long open wide hole.His hips would be also pressed into her own, thou not moving yet just actually enjoying the pressure of her against him even threw their clothes. His head tilted into the kiss as she kissed him back as deeply as he was kissing her, enjoying the flavor that she offered his demanding tongue and lips. She tasted almost to good to be true and he would not give up this taste for the whole world right now as he was caught so deep in the act. the man broke the kiss and groaned with need as he took a deep breath, before he would move to nip at her chin before licking over her soft lips.."My Lady, you taste to divine to be anything but fiction." He said in between chaste kisses before demanding another deep one.
She was crazy. He'd just pulled her into a bottomless pit with him. Why was she kissing him? HE was crazy. He'd just made them fall into a bottomless pit! Why the hell was she doing this?! Because it distracted her from panicking and screaming uselessly. Because she knew that if she only had a little time left, she wanted to feel damn good before they reached the bottom and she died from impact. So without any physical hesitation, her body responded to his every touch. His hands guided her legs to wrap around him, so she held him there like that, her tiny skirt not really doing it's job at this point, her white hipsters on display. She kissed him with equal passion as his hands stroked her thighs, a soft moan escaping her lips as they fell toward their doom. He was incredibly calm for a dead man. Then again, what did he have to lose? She pressed against him as well, not letting him go as they fell. If they survived, she'd deal with whatever happened then. For now, she let other thoughts take a back seat as Hatter pulled away from her and told her she was too good to be true...So why did he do this? She shivered as his lips found her chin, his tongue sweeping across her lips. Her eyes met his as he delivered little kisses between his speech and then kissed her deeply again. She kissed him back, her arms pulling his neck closer.
He was calm as any man would be with the current circumstance's thrust upon him that would break or make a man.Of course he was crazy,he was The Hatter.He knew they would have a few more minute's of falling so he was not worried about adjusting what he was doing,this was to demanding of his attention for him to truly worry about when and how they would land when they hit the bottom, but he was sure it be fun either way. His left hand slide over her leg, stroking over that lovely leg with his nails as he would murr in delight.Finger's taking turns sliding over the leg and thigh high. enjoying it all at once.His other hand stayed plastered to her rear,enjoying how it felt in his hand to much let it go easily. A growl and he would slide his hand under any underwear she might have on and then grab it. He would rip it off and out the way not caring how it might sting her from the brutal but passionate act. His hips began to stir, she was just to exotic and erotic for him not to get even a little more aroused from the act of her around and against him. Breaking the kiss he leaned his head down and nipped at her neck very roughly, before he began suck the flesh there enjoying how tasted even on her skin. He took a deep breath enjoying the scent even as he enjoys the flavor of her skin." Alice.. my god your.. sensual and making me as randy as a chershire cat."
Alice was keenly aware of the placement of his hands as she fell with him. She shivered as one enjoyed her stocking and her leg all at once, the other on her ass. The sounds he was making were purely carnal, and she wished she could say the same about the way her heart was beating. She gasped as his hand ripped off her panties, letting them go, her hips and inner thighs a bit sore from the act. She supposed if they were going to die, why not? It didn't stop her from blushing furiously, nor did it stop her from being more turned on. He growled and she shivered, his hips grinding against her. She moaned softly and did the same as he broke their kiss again. She gasped and moaned as he nipped at her, sucking and tasting her as they continued their descent. His statement got her though. Randy? Cheshire cat? Was he serious? She looked into his eyes as he finished speaking and moaned softly as his lips continued. She wanted to say something to question this lunacy, but his body kept distracting her. The blonde held onto him closely, not daring to let go of him.
He sucked more at the neck, enough that by the time they did lands she would have a deep black mark against her otherwise perfectly unmarred neck. His tongue tracing up and over her pulse line to nip at the bottom of her ear." Mmm you smell so good? i think i can smell how wet you are" He said with a swipe of his tongue over her ear and a chuckle before he pulled back. He looked down and into her eyes. His green one's burned with a lust and a need for the blond who's form he was pressed against so intimately. His teeth nipped down at her chin " you want me little Alice?" He would ask in a teasing tone as the mans hips began grind between her curled legs, teasing the curvy blond with the fact of how aroused she had him and how worked up he was. He barely felt contained in his pants. He was sure he rip out them from how aroused this little strumpet had him this second, grinding it against her soft inner thigh in the slow grinds. His one hand slide up along her side and to knead her breasts as his mouth went back to taking turns between soft kiss and nips. The Other hand still stroked over her ass ever so softly. If she was paying attention she notice that they were slowing down in their rate of descent, but not stopping more as if they were falling in reverse now almost.If such a thing was possible.!
She moaned softly and shivered as he suckled her neck, almost certain there would be a hickey there when they found her corpse. That morbid thought was pushed aside as he swept his tongue over her pulse, nipping at her earlobe. Her pale skin had taken on a little bit more of a rosy complexion and she only got rosier as he whispered into her ear. She looked into those crazy green eyes of his as he asked her if she wanted him, the lust practically lighting her on fire. She shivered as he nipped at her chin. They were closely twined together as it was, her legs around his waist, her chest pressed firmly against his. "Yes," she moaned, without really thinking. May as well die without lust on her mind. The blonde moaned softly as he ground against her, one of his hands coming up to play with her breasts. Soft sounds of pleasure escaped her throat as his hands did as they liked, his lips kissing and nipping at her. She kissed him back when she could, wondering how this was going to work. It almost seemed like they were slowing down--but that was probably just her hysterical, slightly drunk brain, tricking her into thinking that she still had time. She doubted that was true.
The shock to poor Alice may be when her backside finally landed on the ground with a soft thud. Not enough to even hurt her or bruise her flesh.It was as if she been dropped only a inch or two into the bed of soft wet moss on the ground of the cave. The soft moss was getting the back of her body now dirty as well as wet from the dew which existed in the Hole. His weight settled on her proving a reality to the fact they were now settled on cool mossy earth and not mid flight. He seemed thou not notice the wet or chill, or the dirtiness as he enjoyed her. The Hatter did not even stop to take notice that that had stopped falling down it seems, his hand sought to grab the front of her dress and yanked it down roughly exposing one of the young girl's curvy breasts now to his seeking hand. He wanted to knead the breast, feel it pillow between his fingers. He moaned at how good she felt against him even as his thumb would grind against the nipple of the exposed breast. His hips never stopping their sensual grinds. Now the earth trapping her against the thighs. His Lips dove down and pressed to her own with a deeper growl. the man lost in the very way she felt and tasted to him. his other hand slide up over her to rip the other breast out so now both were bared for the mans enjoyment. Head dove down and he nipped the newly exposed flesh roughly before nibbling to wrap lips around the nipple he now exposed. Nursing the thigh as his hand drove down back to that perfect backside of this innocently dressed girl.
Alice had no idea how it had happened, but somehow she'd been saved. She hadn't been sure right away if the mossy ground she felt below her was real, but when she felt the Hatter's weight press down on her, she was sure. But how? Hadn't they been falling? Her brain simply couldn't deal with the reality it was being forced to accept, so the logical part of herself shut down while the more carnal side was given free-reign to compensate. After all, he was real, and so was the way he was touching her, the way he so clearly wanted her. Gasping, at his non-stop attitude, Alice returned his affection for her. She shivered as his hands freed her breasts, moaning as he played with each one. It was hard to believe that a stranger like him could be so into her that he hardly noticed his surroundings. It seemed unreal, but who was she to question it? She kissed him when she could, her hands tugging at the jacket he wore, carefully removing his hat. His lips and hands were a force of nature as they attacked her with aggression she wouldn't have imagined possible from the man at the party. The growl, though, was what sent her over the edge. The animal need for her released...Her legs tightened around him, her body tightening with want and need as he stirred her up. "Fuck me," she moaned.
The Hatter did not even break the kiss as he slide his arms up and out the jacket. Letting the coat fall off exposing his soft as she seemed to tug it off of him.The mans hands sliding then both to her lovely bosom. His need to test their weight and feel how they felt caused him to groan with lust even as his head dipped down and began take turns sliding his tongue from one nipple to the next. Hands taking turns squeezing each of the lovely breasts almost roughly between his long nimble fingers,thumbs grinding the nipple his tongue did not tease at the time.His hands were forcing her chest up and together so the distance between the nipples was so short the trip between nipple to nipple to tease was barely a long flick of his tongue over the skin of her creamy orbs. The hatter's hat rolled off and down sitting straight up as if he had placed it there carefully, not seeming worried about the hat now as he was into her with a need that was as primal as he own. He slide up and onto his knees above her. The mans body arched down over her in a careful arc so that she could follow his next command easily." Release me and guide me home." He said with a growl of need back to her as she moaned so sweetly for him. The very sound of it seemed to make him pulse harder in his pants, the mans did not seem even notice the weight her legs hanging off him caused. His belt would come undone easy, as would not his pants if she did what asked, his body as toned down there as she felt his upper form to be. The hatter was thick and long, endowed in a way no mortal man could or should truly be outside the fantasy of a fairy tale or some woman's trashy romance novel..He would pulse hotly in her cool hand if she touched him, hotter still considering how cool the cave was his skin would almost seem feverish.
Alice managed to help get him out of that jacket with little trouble. The next thing she took was his shirt. At least she started to. His need to grope and suckle her breasts put a stop to her efforts momentarily. It was so intense and it felt so good as he played with her body. He was like an animal--wild and without restraint. She moaned as he teased her tits, offering them up to him as she arched her back to be closer. It was clear that he wanted to be inside her as quickly as possible. His next growl was a command that told her so. Her legs let go of him and spread a bit, her knees still bent as she reached down between them and undid his belt, tugging it out like a magician gets rid of a pesky table cloth. She tossed it aside and undid his pants, careful to let him free without hurting him. Her hand stroked him a few times getting a feel for the size of him. Alice was shocked at his size and gasped a bit as she guided him down to her entrance, blushing as his tip pressed against her. The blonde looked up into his eyes and then her free hand worked to free him of that damn shirt of his. She wanted more of him, since so far he'd been tasting and exploring her, and she was left to do nothing but react.
Hatter would growl with need as he felt her trying to strip him with her hasty actions. Eyes still locked on her own with the lust they now both shared, Leaning back from her his hands would leave her flesh as he looked down at her threw his unruly black hair. Those eyes that burned into her own, had a deep need,a need for her and all she offered. Feeling her trying to work him free of the shirt thou, he sat back fully on his heels and pushed it and the vest fully off his slender yet chiseled form. Form displayed to her own gaze as he dropped his eyes from her own for first time since sitting back, perfection as her own was displayed for her eyes." Pardon me,"He said softly. The hatter was slender and in shape like few men were,form carved of marble it seemed,flesh as pale as he was and firm as it. His skin undamaged and taunt over muscles. His cock on display for her hungry eyes, veins on the thick pulsing with need for the little blond under him.Hands slide down and wrapped at her exposed thighs as he dipped down for the moment, Head diving down to taste her exposed altar. He could not resist a soft lick up her thigh. She looked so good and tasted like ambrosia above, so below she must taste even better he assumed."As much as i want, No need to be inside of you.. I want this as much" Agile tongue would dive straight to her sacred sex, wanting, no needing to taste the woman's divine essence. He was soon licking along the crease as he growled with the need. Hands sliding over her inner thighs down to her flesh. One splayed on her belly to stroke it, thumb teasing against her clit. the other sliding under him to wrap back around her large and curvy rear, enjoying the weight in his hand as he began to lick in slow and smooth licks in a soft yet ever changing pace." ambrosia of the gods" he moaned out between the deft changing licks.
SONIC WAVE x x x x PART.OO1 | ACT ( .O1 ) |:| Welcome to the Paradise Egg Resort Making a Splash ! ! x x x x Brilliantly shining down across the small land mass, the Sun's bright rays reflected off of sea surrounding the beach resort and its many attractions. It was a superb and ideal location, what with the tropical backdrop on one side and catering to other tastes such as a hotsprings area lined with small hotels and other more calmer routes and parks. The attractions themselves ranged from simple to elaborate, much of it bright and offering a great deal of appeal to many different aesthetic tastes. The off part? Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik had been the creator of this wonderful resort. Admission and transportation to the isolated but now increasingly populated and popular resort was cheap - what with a few rings being all there was necessary to get in. But the lodging, food, attractions and other thrills and enjoyment could range anywhere from cheapest of cheap to some of the greatest expenses ever. But people bustled and busied themselves in the resort, finding any number of things to do and enjoy. For one Rouge and Risa, the resort was looking like quite the paradise. But it was plain business for them. Well, that's what they were telling each other. But Risa, although only recently partnered with Rouge, came to know her well and understood already that the bat had other things in mind. Rouge saw through Risa well too and knew the girl was eyeing the resort with wide, bright and excited eyes. Simply put, the mutual idea between them was that one couldn't really understand the setting and situation without... Experiencing it first. So naturally, that meant they had to have a blast! Ahem, and investigate. "Okay, meet me back at the hotel at six sharp, got it?" "Mm! Just don't get stuck watching some jewels and end up late." Strolling away and waving her hand low and casually, Risa headed in the opposite direction of Rouge, a playful smirk on her lips. "Cute. Just make sure you stay out of trouble young lady." "Yes, ma'am." Rouge gave the girl a lingering smile before flying off, obviously prepared and eager to scout out the place, but mostly for the sake of valuables. Both had 'official id's for the resort, but they were obviously fake and supplied to them by GUN. They hadn't actually paid admission or entered the legal way, but they couldn't if they were going to remain under Eggman's radar. Rouge flew about for some time, eyeing the crowds and the establishments along one side of the main hotel - in all its decadence - and the beach and harbor. She landed along a relatively busy street, smiling at the museums and jewelry stores that lined the street. Valuable and lovely, priceless jewels? Say hello to mama. As she headed off to the other side of the resort, Risa roamed the area, leaning and ducking in toward street vendors as she headed toward an extravagant, multi-storied shopping centre and all around entertainment district. "Wow, Robotnik really went all out." As she mentioned in, she scratched her cheek with a lop-sided, small smile. Well, maybe she could do a little work now. Ducking into an alley, she looked around before turning her back to the opening and lifted her wrist, tapping a smaller button on her watch - cleverly fashionable to throw off others - as a small, screen popped up. Somewhat transparent and a soft, aquatic blue, it had many numbers, text and images. No doubt all parts of information concering the resort. "Hmm, Robotnik must handle most of the operations from some point. But where...?" Tapping a few different parts of the screen, she shifted through different maps and pieces of information before her smile widened and her brows rose. "Ah, perfect. This might help. Ohh, and it's by the theme park!" She clapped her hands together, quite giddy before she looked around quickly and smiled as she calmed down. "Right, well then, computer, analyze this area. Alarm set when complete." "Affirmative, Risa." The feminine voice responded to her before the screen closed and she dusted herself and headed back onto the populated sidewalk. "Yosh, theme park, here I come!" She set off to the park, eager to enjoy the aquarium, games and more.
Arriving at the resort an hour before Risa and Rouge had even arrived, Sonic walked around the extravagant resort...but he made sure to stay away from the beachside area and any pools. He never did like water. He tended to stray away from it. Anyway, Sonic was there because he supposedly got an invitation from someone he knew...but the whole hour he was there, he had yet to see anyone he knew personally, aside from a few bypassers who knew him. Eventually walking out into the town, he passed by an alley and sighed. Seeing as how there wasn't anyone there who could even remotely be someone he knew, he decided to take a little nap where bypassers couldn't bother him. Hiding in the shadows of one of the dumpsters in the alley, Sonic closed his eyes to take a quick nap...which was soon interrupted by the sound of someone speaking. Looking over, he saw a woman speaking into her watch. Hearing the watch talk back to her, he smiled and was a bit curious...especially since she said the name Robotnik. "Hey hey...thats a fancy watch you got there." He said as he began to approach her. Meanwhile... Walking down the busy street, Nathan Stone (avatar) was busy eying women as they passed by. "Daaamn...the women here are fine. And we're right next to the beach so they're practically naked aside from the tops and bottoms." He said sneering as he continued to walk. He was sidetracked as he walked down the cement walkway that was his sidewalk. While eying other women who seemed to be heading back to the resort, as they were dripping wet, he accidentally bumped into Rouge. Despite the fact that he was taller than Rouge, he still fell over with a thud on the ground. Groaning, he looked to see it was some weird bat creature. "The hell...?" It took him a minute to figure out this might have been one of those creatures that supposedly had been doing good for the city alongside a blue hedgehog named Sonic. "Oh I'm so sorry...My apologies little..." He got a little sidetracked...staring at the creatures cleavage. "Uh..."
Yelping as she jumped and whipped around, Risa stared wide eyed at the voice of the one approaching her and hurried back into the alley. "Ahh! You saw? Uhh, just pretend it didn't, uh, speak back-!" As she gestured wildly and panicked, she calmed down and straightened up as she stared at the hedgehog before her curiously. "Do I know you...?" Blinking at him, realization slowly dawned on her face. "Ah! You're Sonic the Hedgehog, aren't you!? A-are you also here to stop Eggman then?" Taking a step closer to him, she clasped her hands together hopefully and raised them, pressing them against her chest. Having the world's hero around would definitely make a big difference. If things got out of hand, they could count on him to take care of any of the larger threats that Robotnik might try to throw at them! Besides, Sonic was always looking for an adventure. And from what she heard, he was the one who continuously held steadfast to his belief that Eggman hadn't changed when he made that theme park in space - a belief that proved true. Funny how people forgot things though. Barely a year ago, people were excited over a theme park that ended up showing Robotnik's true colors once more. And now here they are, more people running about this place and shelling out their rings and cash devotedly. At least GUN had wisened up and sent our Rouge. Well, and Risa herself of course. "I'm Risa, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I made this watch myself. I made it a while back for general purposes, but I had to change some settings to help with this mission." Dropping one hand against her side, she kept the other raised and smiled at her wrist and the watch. "Wait... Where did you come from just now? What were you doing in an alley?" Shaking her head slowly with a sweet but amused smile, she tilted her head, her eyes curious. Bountiless amounts of beautiful jewels were lying in wait to be snatched up by her. And since they were of Eggman's properly, it's not like Rouge was worried about being labelled an actual thief about anyone and any consequences. Well, she was never worried about being labelled a thief - but who would care if she stole from Eggman, right? Then again, she was a pro. And that meant no one would find out it was her anyway. Rouge smiled at the many jewels that smiled and glittered back at her from windows as she walked by, making note of what she wanted and how she'd get them. Strolling past the stores, not paying attention to anything but the jewels finally caught up with her. She cried out as she fell over after bumping into someone. Slowly rising to her feet, she dusted at herself idly before lenaing over them, hands resting against her knees. "Mmm, my apologies. I should have been paying attention. You alright?" She smiled at him and then noticed how distracted he had become and looked down before giving him a smirk, squeezing her arms against her breasts, pushing them out. "Like what you see?" Winking at him, she gave him a coy smile and straightened up to her full height. "Maybe if you're a good boy, you'll get to do more than stare sometime." Teasing him gently, Rouge chuckled silently under her breath.
Sonic cocked his head and rubbed the back of his head as he heard about Robotnik once more. Letting her finish, he had a multitude of questions he wanted to ask her. "Wait...Eggman's here? In this resort?" He pulled out the sheet of paper that was his invitation and frowned. "So he must have been the one who had sent me this invitation....Well he didn't lie, I'll say that." He said mentioning to the fact it was someone he knew personally. Looking back to Risa, he watched her and stepped back a bit when she asked if he was Sonic the Hedgehog. "Calm down...Yes, thats my name but how do you know Robotnik is here? Did he send you one of these phony invites as well?" Upon hearing her next question, he seemed to be in thought. "Well...I was out looking for the person who sent me this invitation. I figured it was Tails, Knuckles, or Max but...I didn't see any of them anywhere. I got tired of people walking by and calling my name. Fans always trying to rush to me...I ran and hid in the alley only a few moments before you showed up and began to talk into that wrist watch of yours. So you made that huh...? Interesting gadget you got there." He said smiling to her as he looked at in on her wrist. "If Eggman is here, I want in on your search...but first off, how DO you know Eggman is here?" Looking up when she stood up straight, Nathan's jaw dropped as he saw the bat creature begin to press her arms into her breasts to push them out. He could swear that so much heat went into his head that some blood trickled down his nose as he watched on. And then immediately after hearing her mention that he might even get to do something far better than just stare at the two orbs on the creature, he got on all fours and began to bow and beg. "Oh please miss bat creature! I'll do anything you want!" He said before finally realizing what he just did. Standing up, he dusted himself off as he cleared his throat, blushing. "Excuse me...I'm not normally like that...I've been surrounded by women in tops and bottoms all day so I've gotten a bit...crazy. Who are you?"
Nodding her head, Risa pursed her lips together, looking determined. However, when he pulled out the invitation, her jaw-dropped, taking forward quickly and staring down at it with wide-eyes. She slowly closed her mouth once more before blinking at him in a luzzled manner and shook her hands and head. "Oh, no. I'm here on a mission for GUN. My partner and I are checking out the resort to look into what he has planned now." It was always hard to say with Eggman. Even if one knew he was up to no good, you could never tell what hand he would play. "Well, it's not just that he's here, but he built the place. He's using it as a base. Our intel proves that much. But finding him and what he has planned is the hard part." Crossing her arms under her bosom, she raised one hand with her elbow propped on the other hand and tapped her chin. "I was going to have some fun at first, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to at least find an area of suspicion that might direct us to him. It's why I was talking to my watch." She looked at it once more before dropping her hands to her sides. "It would be great to have your help on this, Mr Sonic. I'm looking forward to working with you. I'll do anything I can to help you!" Giving him a wide smile and playfully saluting, she giggled and relaxed her frame once more. She was so excited about working with Sonic, she hadn't even thought of how Rouge might react to this. On the otherhand, Rouge was having quite a time herself. She wasn't sure who she had bumped into, but he proved to be quite amusing and quite charming. A real cute kid. She raised her hand, hovering over her mouth as she laughed. "How sweet of you to offer. I suppose I'll have to reward you very well, for whatever I have you do." Nonetheless, he recovered well and composed himself, though she was still very amused. "I'm Rouge the Bat. What's your name, cutey?" She rested a hand on her hip and shifted her weight to one side, pressing the other hand to her chest as an indication of introducing herself before letting the hand drop to her side. She thought for a second before tapping her chin and giving him a sweet grin. "You know, I let my companion run off on her own and now I'm alone. But having company would be good for my adventures. If you agree to spend some time with me, I'm sure I can make it up to you." She dropped her voice as she walked to his side and leaned against him, gently grasping his arm as she wrapped her hands around it. "Of course, that's only if you're willing and have the time."
"A GUN Agent are you...?" Sonic said as he listened to her story. "Well sure. I'm happy to help out if it means stopping Eggman...though..." He turned and began to look around. "Your partner? Who could that be? But whatever...I'm sure I'll meet him soon enough. We need to find this 'area of suspicion' soon so we can take down Eggman fast." He said smiling confidently to her. "Does your little watch doohickey have a trace on where we should go, or should we go ahead and do what you wanted to do first? You said something about having fun at first. Anyplace you want to spend some time before that watch thing detects this 'area of suspicion'? No sense just waiting around while we wait for it to tell us. Heck...we might even find some clues of our own while we're here. Should we probably hit the shops or look around the resort?" He said smiling to her. "Its up to you miss GUN Agent. You're the one who is able to find Eggman faster than I can with that watch." Nathan watched her as she seemed to be amused by what had just went on. When she asked for his name, he blushed for a bit as he looked down, not seeing her as she came over and wrapped her hands around his arm. Looking down to her, she was only about a few inches shorter than him...probably because of her other-wordly build. "Well then...I don't mind giving you some company madam Rouge." He said smiling to her, though his face was still red. "The name's Nathan Stone...pleasure to meet you. I'll follow wherever you want to take me...whereveryou want to take me...say like the resort...or a resort room...or a resort bed...maybe even a hotel bed...maybe the alley..." He said with closed eyes as he spoke innocently, but after he finished he opened one eye and curiously looked to see what she would say.
Quickly becoming ecstatic, Risa nearly pumped her first in the air before she tilted her head questioningly, a puzzled frown on her lips. She started to answer him about her partner before nodding in agreement, excited that they would indeed work together to take down Eggman. "Well, I programmed it to analyze a particular area, and when it's done, it should go off like an alarm setting on a normal watch. But I'm not sure how long it'll take. Of course, the longer it takes, the more suspcious I am of that area." It would only be logical that taking longer than normal to break down an area meant that there was more to it than met the eye and than should have been. Perking up, she nodded her head perkily with a vibrant smile. "I was going to the aquarium to look around and check out the resort more." She turned slightly to face the sidewalk, giving the streets and crowds an eager smile. "If you don't mind, Mr. Hedgehog, I think we would get plenty of work done while we explore. Not just for the sake of fun, of course." Chuckling softly, crossed her arms behind her back, implying that their running about having fun would be in the name of accomplishing the mission. Of course, he had a point and their wandering around could give them more clues. But she was prepared to have fun with or without finding anything else out in doing so. Looking pleased with his response, Rouge nodded her head, batting her lashes at him. "Perfect. What a gentleman you are. I'm sure we'll have a very good time together." That blush of his only made him all the more cute and amusing. She was sure she would have a lot of fun with him. And maybe she would show him a good time some place more private as well. Since he was so obliging of her, after all. "A pleasure to meet you, Nathan." Giggling coyly at him, she gave him a seductive smile and pressed her breasts against his arm. "We'll see about that." She winked at him before her turning her attention back to the surroundings. Pulling away the slightest bit, she hummed under her breath before pointing at an area in the distance. "We'll head that way first. I believe I saw some good stores there. And maybe I can get a cute bathing suit for you to admire me in. Who knows, I might even get a little wet." She was sure the double entedre was not lost on him. "Maybe I'll even find some nice, naughty lingerie. But we won't know until we see, right?" Shrugging a shoulder as she looked back up to him, she gave him a smirk and started off towards the stores.
Sonic smiled and crossed his arms as he followed her toward the aquarium. "Yeah. Search around the aquarium and have fun while we do it right? Thats what you should do." He said smiling to her. "So...Rouge is your partner then?" He said, remembering that she explained her partner to him. "You'd best watch your partner when Eggman is involved...he has ways of convincing anybody to turn to join him...And he won't stop no matter what, even if it means the deaths of people...Tails had it the hardest." He said as they approached the aquarium. He was looking around at all the fish and other aquatic mammals and seemed to be a bit annoyed of being in here. "Lets...try and not do something that'll annoy the animals...they might just attack us through the glass and cause all of that water come out." He seemed to shudder and seem uneasy as they walked through the aquarium. "You can swim right...? I can't..." Hearing her, Nathan smiled and seemed to become aroused at the thoughts of Rouge being in bathing suits, getting wet in them down there because he was watching her. He seemed to become aroused as he was already erecting down below. The thought of her being in naughty lingerie really set him off. His imagination ran wild as he erected full down below, it clearly obvious in the loose swimming trunks he wore. Looking down, he blushed madly as he sat cross legged on the ground and crossed his arms over his legs to hide his erection ."S-S-Sorry about that Rouge..." He said as he looked up to her, only partially being able to see her face past her breasts but her lower region was practically in his face as he looked up to her.
Nodding her head, Risa gave him a confident smile, having the utmost faith in her partner. "I do believe Eggman is capable of throwing in just the right stakes to convince almost anyone to join him. But I have an ace if it comes to that." Smirking slyly, she too had a plan that acted on her partner's weakness should Eggman get clever and decide to use it as well. Since she was Rouge's partner, she reviewed the file over her well and got as much story as she could on previous missions and such. It was amusing to imagine Rouge working with Eggman, but she could only imagine his reaction to finding out that she was a secret agent - though she doubted that he had even trusted her entirely way back at that time. Honestly, Risa even doubted that Eggman would want to try and convince Rouge to work with him this time, considering how untrusthworthy she could be, but that just made Risa more comfortable. Glacing at Sonic, she looked curious before giggling and hiding a smile behind her hand. "That's a funny thing to say. You're afraid of the water, aren't you? I'm sorry..." She dropped her hand and clasped them between her back, giving him a sheepish, apologetic smile. "How about we go some place else. Maybe grab a bite or play some games?" More than anything, she wanted to make sure he was comfortable - and to cater to him. He was Sonic the Hedgehog after all. It was taking much of her will not to gush at him. Catching his growing arousal, Rouge chuckled heartily, tilting her head back and clutching her stomach. "How cute. Well, don't worry. It doesn't bother me any. But I suppose you need a second to recover before we can continue. If you like, I can give you away to help get rid of that." She winked down at him, putting her hand on her hips and tilting them to the side. "It's a really good, quick method." Her tone was playful and considerate as she nodded her head. "All you have to do is imagine Eggman in a speedo." Chuckling, she turned and shrugged, amused by how terrible that thought was. "And if that doesn't help, just imagine yourself having to put suntan lotion on him." She giggled and shook her head, turning back to him and offering her a hand. "Here, if we get to one of the stores, maybe you can hide out in a changing room while I try on some stuff if you're still hot and bothered."
Sonic smiled and chuckled a bit nervously. "Sorry about that. Just...never really liked water. Can't swim in it and I've got a bad history when it comes to water that I can't stand in high enough to breathe. That...and it seriously slows down my speed." He smiled as he looked around. "The games...? I'd actually prefer to eat something before we go play some games....if thats alright with you Risa." He smiled to her and chuckled. "Though don't go falling in love with me. This may feel like a date but it isn't." He said with a coy smile to show he was just teasing her. Turning, he began to walk around in search of a small refreshment stand that sold either food or drinks. Nathan immediately stood up and seemed to be back to normal. "Never...NEVER...tell me this again." He said frowning. "I don't know who this 'Eggman' is, as I've just arrived in town last week, but its still a guy I'm guessing. Please don't do that again Rouge..." He murmured as he took her hand and winked to her. "Well then madam Rouge, shall we be on the move then?" He smiled and began to lead her around and after a while they found the swimming supply store. Walking her in, he brought her to the women's suit section and waited for her to choose something...each dress he saw only made him imagine Rouge in it in a different pose...though he knew better than to erect.
Shaking her head with a warm smile, Risa seemed to understand him completely. "It's okay, besides, we all have our fears." It was actually a relief knowing that there was something that scared Sonic. But she wouldn't subject him to having to endure being around the water any longer if he didn't have to be. "Sure! I wouldn't mind eating first." She could do for some food. She hadn't eaten for a while... And in her excitement, she had completely forgotten about it. Pausing after she started after him, she blushed as her eyes widened and her lips parted slightly. "O-oh, well I'll try not to." She giggled and clasped her cheeks shyly. She hadn't even realized how similar it was to a date. Although she wouldn't go and get in trouble by falling in love him - well, she hoped not. But she was enjoying hanging out with him. For some time, she had admired him as a great hero, but now that she was getting to know him, she found him very pleasant and fun. No wonder he was such a great hero. He was brave and charming. He blush slowly faded, though she gave him an endeared smile before turning her head and perking up. "Oh, look! A hot dog stand. A soda and chilidog would be nice about now." She gently pressed her hands to her stomach, looking at the stand with an eager smile. Giggling at his reaction, Rouge had to turn away slightly and cover her mouth behind her hand. "Oh? You don't know Eggman? That's amazing. He's a world threat. But I suppose it's good if you don't have to know his name." Rouge wondered how many others out there didn't know of him. He had made a point of causing trouble across the globe in one particular adventure. She'd heard of all kind of madness that followed that one, but she'd been doing work for GUN and wasn't able to offer any assistance - not that Sonic had needed it, apparently. "Yes, lets." Letting him guide her to a store catering to all one would need to hit a trip to the resort and main hotel's beach, she glanced around and gave many of the items a smirk. Once he led them to the womens' swimsuits, she took her time to glance through them, pushing hangers aside and putting other swimsuits to one side. "Hmm, this is cute too." "Oh, but this just wouldn't do." Taking her time to sort though them a bit longer, she picked up four she put aside and rested her hand against her shoulder. "I'm going to go try them on now. Tell me which you like the most when I come out." Winking at him, she headed to the dressing rooms to change, putting each swimsuit in a different spot to look them over better and decide which she wanted to try on first. She'd definitely save the sexiest for last.
Hearing her, Sonic became ecstatic as he brought her over to the hot dog stand. "Uh...I don't think they'll accept the fact I'm a hero to give me free food..." He said as he looked around before seeing the robot at the counter hand them both a soda and a chili dog. "Uh...thats a bit awkward...don't you think Risa?" He said as he took the chili dogs and looked at them before looking at the had disappeared. "Where'd it go? chili dogs..." He said smiling before holding on out to her, biting the other one. He seemed to really enjoy chili dogs, the reason unknown...but he just loved them so much. Before long he finished the delicious treat and began to drink some of the soda that the robot had given him for free. " you liking the 'resort' so far?? I mean since you got here." Nathan smiled and nodded as he walked over to the dressing rooms and sat on a bench right in front of the dressing room. He waited anxiously...just imagining Rouge in the variety of clothing that she had picked out...Each image far better than the rest...He was so excited and lustful at the same time as he waited for the sexy creature to leave the room to show him what she looked like in the small clothing she picked out. "Oh come on Rouge..." He murmured. "I want to see you baby..."
Smiling down at him, Risa shook her head. "On the contrary, you've gotten lots of attention so far. I'm sure free anything should be expected." But it never hurt to be cautious. Risa was more interested in the fact that it was a robot that served them rather than a human, considering most of the business was human run. She accepted one of the chili dogs and took a generous bite, moaning happily. It was great to finally eat, but especially something good. Looking down at Sonic, she glanced around and nodded once. "It is nice. He outdid himself. But that's just all the more reason to be suspicious." Finishing her chili dog, she drank her soda and wiped a corner of her mouth, even if it was essentially food-free. "That'll be his undoing this time." Humming as she changed, Rouge posed and checked herself in the mirror before opening the dressing room and stepping into the doorway, leaning over in a provocative pose. "Well~? How's this one?" The bright but cool colors highlighted her white fur, the straps encouraging her cleaage and the transparent, silky wrap around her waist emphasizing her hips. She chuckled quietly in a sultry manner before heading back into the dressing room. "Of course, that's just the beginning." As she slipped back into the room, she began shedding the swimswuit, hanging it up and putting on the next. "You ready, tiger?" She opened the door slowly and stepped into the doorway once more, leaning against it with a seductive pose, hands behind her back and bosom pushed out. The swimsuit certainy allowed that, what with being thinly strapped and tied in the back. The bottom half generously covered her, but only served to bring more attention to her figure.
Sonic smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I guess. Free anything is to be expected." He said chuckling as he looked to her. "True that Eggman has outdone himself this time for a simple getaway resort...Why would he bring so much attention to himself like this when in the past, he's failed to show people that he truly has changed. I just don't get it...but we can't trust anything the Eggman tells us. Remember that Risa." He said smiling to her before looking around. "So then....I guess you're having fun? I haven't heard your watch thing beep or go off like an alarm or anything. Is it working or is it just really slow?" He said as he looked to the device on her wrist. "Anyway, if we've got more time...where do you want to go next then Risa?" Watching as Rouge came out with the first showing of the bathing suit, his eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he watched how seductive she looked. "D-Damn!" He called out to her as he saw her. He was already turned on...lust driven now as he continued to watch her slide back into the dressing room to put on the next pair. When she came out again, he couldn't take it anymore...he had to have her...Walking into the dressing room with her, he closed the door behind her as he pulled her onto his lap as he sat down on a bench in there. "Rouge...I can't take it anymore...I've got to have may be a creature unlike anything I've seen before...but you're too sexy...I have to have you...Or I'll go crazy...!"
"Well, you have to remember. Even the theme park brought a ton of attention to him. But he probably didn't count on you doubting him and figuring him out. And it was a great theme park, secret plans aside. He always get close enough to fooling everyone. It's just that you always manage to save the day when comes out with what he's planning." Giggling softly, Risa gave him a warm smile, clearly impressed and humored by the track record between Sonic and Eggman. Looking at her watch, she smiled before dropping her wrist back to her side. "I gave it quite an area to analyze, and I made it so it carefully examines a lot of the land and sky above sea level, but also a great deal of the area below sea level. You can never be too sure. I'm sure we'll get something soon, however. If even a rock is seemingly off or suspicious, we'll know." She nodded her head to emphasis her point before tapping her chin and looking around. "Hmm. Good question. Well, since I picked the aquarium, why don't you pick something this time Sonic?" Turning slightly, Rouge looked quite and reasonably surprised to see Nathan follow her in and even pull her into his lap. She quietly chuckled at him, looking amused. "How cute of you. I like that eagerness. But you have to restrain yourself." Pulling away slowly, she stood up and picked up one of the other swimming suit. "Besides, I didn't try on my other bathing suits. Or pick one yet." Winking at him, she nudged him out of the dressing room and returned to changing once she was alone once more. "You can't go getting a free show before the real thing. Besides, don't you want to see me all dripping wet at the beach before you get your special reward?"
Sonic smiled and seemed to be in thought as he wondered on where to go next. The resort was a large place and there were plenty of places to go that seemed interesting. " about the unisex spa?" He said smiling before looking to her. "If thats okay with you I mean. You may be...shy to bathe in front of a regular person right? But...I'm not a person haha. I'm a hedgehog, its just like bathing while an animal is around the water with you." He said rubbing his head, laughing a bit nervously as that was the only place he could think of. The water wasn't exactly that deep at a spa. He could easily stand in most of it. Nathan groaned a bit as he seemed to stand halfway in the dressing room and halfway out into the walkway. "J-Just hurry...I can't hold it in any longer...I'm gonna pitch a tent and I can't exactly just walk around with one in my pants can I?" He said before sitting on the chair outside once more, only in a way that hid the erection in his pants as he waited for Rouge to come out in the next suit. "Oh man oh man...She's such a tease...!"
Surprised by his suggestion, Risa perked up, bending slightly at the hip with a wide smile. "Really? Well sure!" Of course, it probably wasn't the response he was expecting, clearly. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not too shy about that type of stuff. Besides, it's just the spa." Whether it was the spa, hotsprings or where else, public or no, she was never unable to do it. She had sme modesty in regards to the matter of course, but she was comfortable enough with others to do it. "Lets go." Smiling vibrantly, she started towards the spa, eager to enjoy it. Perfect idea of relaxation after a small meal. Chuckling at him, Rouge waved it off and then called over the door. "You could always use my idea again." She suggested it cheekily, obviously teasing him. It was because Nathan was so humorous and charming that she was glad to have him as company and able to tease him so. She would certainly and eagerly be sure to actually reward him properly. Generally, those would be empty words and promises, but considering he was a good guy, she was quite willing. She slipped on the next swimsuit and stepped out. The first strapless, bikini top, it wrapped around itself and had a wrap tied at the side of her hip over the bottom. "So? How about this? Oh, and we only have. One. More." Winking seductively at him, she retreated back into the fittim room.
Seeing her reaction, Sonic was a bit surprised that she wasn't as surprised as he thought she would be. Standing up, he chuckled as he followed after her as they left the aquarium and headed toward the Spa area of the resort so that they could bathe together in the hot waters. Eventually coming to it, Sonic told her that he would go ahead to the spa, since he didn't wear any clothes but shoes. Taking them off, he stepped into the waters and relaxed a bit as he waited for Risa to come back. Nathan's jaw dropped even more as he saw the bikini top she was wearing. He was so eager to see Rouge in the last bathing suit she had chosen. Oh how he waited for her...Wanting her so badly and the beach would only prove to be more of a cock tease with her wet body in her bathing suit to make her look just so much more sexy. 'I guess public sex at the beach behind some rocks is too much to ask for haha...' He thought in his head.
Since they separated for him to go on ahead, Risa went to go get a towel to cover herself and to change and put her clothes away. Locking them in one of the lockers, she wrapped the towel snug around her frame before leaving the area and heading to the spa. She entered quietly, and only when she took her first steps into the water did she at all make her presence known, sighing softly as she stepped further in and finally sat down. "It feels great. What a fantastic idea, Sonic." Resisting another smile and teasing comment, Rouge simply smirked as she changed into the last swimsuit. After this one, she'd have to make a decision of course. They were all quite however, but that only made her decision easier. She'd go with whichever one was most comfortable. Getting into the last one, she adjusted it over her before slowly leaving the dressing room. "See? Worth the wait, wasn't it?" Another bikini top, but this time simply with a clasp in the middle securing it. The bottom had the same golden clasp on each hip, glistening against her white fur. "Well then, I suppose I'll get changed so we can make our purchase and go. I wouldn't want you to wait any longer for our fun at the beach."
Sonic smiled and nodded. "Glad you enjoyed this idea I had." He said as he laid back against the wall as he sat beside her, body against body as he seemed to fall asleep, but he was just relaxing to a point he was limp with a smile on his face. His head held itself against her shoulder a bit as he sat back and just enjoyed the water as it soothed his legs. It was great for him to finally get some relaxation...even if it was from one of Eggman's schemes. "Mmm...I'm glad I chose this spa idea now Risa. The water's doing wonders for me." Nathan shook his head 'no' rapidly to her mention of keeping him waiting from their fun at the beach. Getting up, he walked with her to the front desk...seriously excited to have some fun with the sexy beast next to him. After she chose which of the bathing suits she wanted, he paid for them and carried them for her as they went out the door. " the beach now or to the resort room to change? I've already got my swimming trunks I'm fine either way."
With the closeness and warmth of their bodies, Risa felt herself becoming incredibly relaxed as well. It was perfect to sit back and relax this. It had even managed to clear her head. It would certainly help to sit back now if they were going to be in search of Eggman later though. She sighed contentedly when he laid his head against her shoulder, feeling at peace. "Same here. It's too bad we have to take Eggman down. Maybe we can somehow leave the resort up though?" She giggled and stared out across the spa. It was too bad. But she couldn't let Eggman get away with his scheme, even if people were enjoying part of it. After paying for the swimsuits, she arched a brow at him and took one. "Just a second." Walking back to the changing room, she slipped into the swimsuit and returned to put her folded clothes in the bag. "Now we can go straight to the beach for some fun." Winking at him, she left the store and waited for him to get to her side, slipping an arm around his. "After we have some fun at the beach, maybe we can head back to the resort's main hotel for more fun. Maybe~." She gave him another wink, playful and seductive.
Sonic nodded and chuckled as he heard her. "Yeah...hopefully we can keep the resort spa up...This is so relaxing..." Sonic could feel his energy being drained...feeling fatigue from the hot water, as he himself was not used to any sort of water for this long...longer than ten seconds anyway. He began to slink lower, feeling his body go numb and his voice become a murmur as he was now like a ragdoll, but still laid against her even more now...which wasn't exactly too much of a bad thing. He liked to hang out with Risa...though he hoped Amy wouldn't show up and get the wrong idea...That girl's temper was enough for him already. Nathan seemed to melt as he felt her wrap her arm around him as she wore her sexy swimsuit. "Oh man...How did I snag you..." He said with a murmur as he walked her out and to the beach...somewhere where they were there alone was almost impossible to find a completely empty spot on the beach, but he just managed to find a spot with two or three other families that wouldn't pay them any mind as most of them were tanning, others far out in the ocean around some boats and such. "Well then...shall we go in?" He said as he took his shirt off to reveal his slender body. It wasn't muscular, but he looked good without a shirt on with just swim trunks on.
Between the silence and calm of the area, Risa was easily slipping into a more relaxed and restful mood. Even Sonic seemed quite content and at peace - which she was quite glad for. Even the world's hero needed a moment where he could stop and catch a break, even if he did seem to love being in perpetual motion. Not that she blamed him. Her lashes fluttered slowly before she focused her gaze on the wall across them and sighed contentedly. This had worked out way better than the aquarium. Maybe the spa would simply be her go to place in the resort. Chuckling softly, Rouge spoke without batting an eye. "You didn't, silly. I snagged you." When they finally reached the beach, she smiled at him and nodded. "Of course. Lets go get wet and have some fun." It had been a little while since she'd been to the beach anywhere. Between her two jobs and filling out her collection of lovely, precious jewels, she'd had quite a bit to do and not enough time to extend to everywhere and every little thing. But it was nice to be at a resort and have the chance to have some fun - even if she was technically at work.
Sonic smiled weakly through his numbness as he laid there with Risa. Eventually his numb body slumped down a bit and he used whatever energy he could to push himself up...but doing so caused him to fall over slightly, his cheek landing against her breast and his face seemed to flush as he did so. "C-Can't move..." He murmured to her as he tried to move, but it only made it seem like he was snuggling more into her breast. "H-Help please?? I am numb..." He said as his head fell further down so it was now in her lap, facing upward toward her breasts in the towel and part of her face. Nathan nodded and walked her out into the water of the beach. It was cold...but relaxing...and if Rouge was like any other woman, the cold water would make her nipples perk up through her clothing so he could see them...Just thinking about it seriously turned him on but he knew the best things in life were there for waiting. "Are you alright Rouge? Feeling a bit tingly in the water?" He said before deviously splashing some water to cover all of her body. He began to laugh to himself as he watched her.
Gasping in surprise as Sonic fell over, Risa looked shocked before giggling at him with his face on her breast. She never expected to see the world's hero in such a funny position. More importantly, he seemed to be blushing - and not just because of the spa. She wanted to help him, but she could only blush and bite her lip with a smile, unable to raise her arms as it felt like he snuggled further into her breast. Somehow it was so warm and comforting - like when someone gave you a massage. Holding back a giggle as his head fell into her lap, she covered her mouth with her hand, lips pressed together firmly. "Are you alright Sonic? To be honest, I feel that even if I try to move you, you'll still be numb and it'd be pointless." Resting a hand on his shoulder, she gave him a bemused smile. "Rather yet, if you're comfortable, why don't you just rest there for a moment? Unless you are uncomfortable...?" Flinching away, she raised her hands and closed an eye as she turned away partially. "Hey! You're going to make my suit all wet! I was going to revel in being sexy longer while dry." She moaned out her words poutily, bending over slightly and resting her hands on her knees, breasts hanging as she squeezed them together with her arms. She gave him a wink and a coy smile. Slowly, she reached her hands to the water and splashed it up, hitting her breasts and slowly dripping off her hardening nipples. "Mmm. The water feels so good."
Sonic smiled and shook his head weakly. "I'm alright...Its actually quite comfortable down here in your lap." He said smiling to her as he felt embarrassed. He was sure his cheeks were blushing madly because of how much they burned...of course the fact the spa was hot didn't really occur to him...But he was really blushing hard as he looked to her. Her face was covered by her breasts mostly and all he could see were her eyes up. "You don't have to laugh at me like that...haha...I'm not used to the water...and heated water isn't exactly a good mixture to that weakness." He smiled as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. " so relaxed right now...Move me only if you want me to move. I don't mind...Risa." He said before opening one eye to look at her with his cocky smile on his face. Nathan's eyes would have popped out if they could when he saw the sight before him. He stared in awe at her...Her breasts were so wet and her nipples were hardening from the cold water. Getting down on his knees so his cock was in the water, hiding his erection, he blushed madly at her. "D-Damn Rouge..." He said as he resisted reaching up and pulling one of her breasts' nipples. "You tease me so much...yet I don't even know a way I could ever make a comeback at that." He said chuckling as he looked at his erect cock through the water. "You're know that you sexy little bat?"
Nodding her head with a smile, she was glad to hear that he was comfortable. It wasn't too surprising, since resting in people's lap generally was comfortable, but she was glad it wasn't awkward or anything for him. It was quite comfortable for her as well. What was relatively surprising still was his blush, she giggled softly at him, finding it cute still. "I'm sorry Sonic, you're right." She nodded her head matter-of-factly, but turned away for another small giggle. "We'll only move once we've got our fill of relaxation." Leaning back to laugh loudly, Rouge would have fell over after getting cramps and holding her stomach with laughter, entertained and amused by Nathan. "I guess I got you there." She paused from her laughter only to tease him with the comment, but couldn't resist laughing more. "That's okay, it's my job." Winking at him, she smiled coyly before swimming a ways away, enjoying the water. "Of course I do. After all, it's like second nature for me." She smoothly swam back and forth on her back and stomach, getting a feel for the water. She picked out the perfect bathing suit to enjoy it in too. "Maybe after this we can go somewhere to sit down, talk, eat and then enjoy ourselves better. Hmmm?" Not pausing for a second, her smirk quirked further, a short, small chuckle under her breath emphasizing it.
Sonic smiled to her and nodded weakly. "Of course...we'll just sit back and relax and until we're finished...We could probably just talk or try and play some water games." He said before lifting his arm to splash her a bit. "You know...Its awfully steamy in here. Don't you think?" He said chuckling as he seemed to nuzzle the back of his head into her lap some more and somewhat into her stomach. The towel covering her served to be a nice pillow as well. "Tell me...Why did you join GUN? If you want to tell me I mean. I'm not one to pry into others' lives." Nathan looked at her with an annoyed blush on his face. "Hey...its not that funny. You're sexy and female. I'm a studly guy. I can get a boner thats easily seen, you show off your breasts all the time. It really isn't fair you know." He said a bit before listening to her talk about what they could do later. Seeing the smirk on her face, he wondered if she meant something more than what she said. Either way...He was actually having fun with this creature. Getting into the deep water where he could stand in water up to his chest, he smiled to her. "You aren't short enough to come out here are you?" He teased.
Nodding her head, she idly listened as she relaxed. She figured they wouldn't need to lounge about the waters too much longer though. Even though her computer was doing plenty of the work for them, it didn't hurt for them to scout around either. But they could kick back a little longer, she supposed. She giggled at him mentioning the steaminess as he nuzzled further into her lap. Looking down at him, she leaned back and let her hands support her, arms stretched out behind her. "Well, it was just a good option. I was actually recruited though." Leaning forward just slightly, she brought a hand forward to rest it on her lap, though it brushed him and she pulled back quickly, nearly forgetting he was there. Chuckling, she let her hand rest behind her once more. "If I can help with Eggman, then it's worth it. As much as I respect his genius, I can't watch him do as a pleases. Not as a fellow scientist and inventor, anyway." "Hmph, studly he says. So cute. And I don't show them that much. It's just that you look all the time." She giggled mischieviously and waved a hand at him nonchalantly. She watched him go deeper into the water and let out a confident 'hah', clearly amused by his statement. "You're so silly. I suppose you forgot who came further in first?" Gesturing as though she were flipping her hair, she easily swam over to him and in circles around him before swimming just a foot away. Sighing contentedly, she went underwater for a second, diving a little ways before coming back up. "Beaches are great. Eggman really did his homework with this one. Speaking of which, I should take care of a little reconaissance soon." Tapping her chin with a little smirk, she pondered how she would cover the area around her. After all, a girl had to find a way to perfectly balance her work and play. It couldn't just be fun and games all day.
Sonic listened to her and nodded. "It must be hard for you. Having been recruited to take down a madman with just you and your partner." He said smiling at her. "You're know that?" He said chuckling as he closed his eyes. "He may be a genius, but he's also an idiot...Don't fall for anything he says...He's backstabbed me and my friends a good couple of times that I learned this the hard way." He managed to sit up, his body leaning against her gently as they continued to rest. "This is nice." "Ah cmon you're still thinking about Eggman?" He said as he splashed her. "You're all work and no play. Where's the relaxation in your life baby?" Nathan said chuckling to her as he swam over to her, right behind her as he held her shoulders gently. "Forget about Eggman....this isn't the only time you'll have to search for him. Come nad relax with me, please?"
Catalyst, as he liked to call himself, was a mutant. You knew the story, kid turns 13, hits puberty, and through a genetic fluke, a misplaced chromosome, or his parents living too close to radiation or something, that kid gets super powers. At first he fears them, is afraid of what's happening, but then the X-Men come to your doorstep and tell you that they can help you, teach you to use your powers and control them to help people or even just live a normal life. Millions of mutants in the world though... they couldn't get them all, right? Some would have had to slip through the cracks. Well, Catalyst was one of those kids. High school had been hell. Mutant bigotry ran amok among teachers and students and nothing could be done about it because no one even tried. Catalyst was never helped, he had to learn to fight for himself quickly and that wasn't easy. At first, Catalyst's power sucked. He produced oils from his hands. That was it. If you needed to trip someone with an oil patch, Catalyst was the guy for you! It was so lame and so... stupid. He was picked on for being a mutant, but his mutation didn't give him any power or fame... it just made a mess. Until one day he evolved. Catalyst had gotten into a community college where an incredible attractive Social Science teacher berated and humiliated him. Maybe it was the anger, or the stress, or who knows what, but something changed in him and Catalyst shot something new, something that he had never tried before, straight into the teacher's mouth. It had been a mistake, really but... the results were undeniable. The teacher died, right there. The seemingly harmless oil... could be altered. They weren't just grease or lubricant oils that he produced... they were chemicals. Chemicals that could do things, things that no scientist could ever come up with, and Catalyst could control them and their effects. He had a superpower. He had tried the super-hero thing for a while, but it blowed and didn't get him any recognition, power or sex. Catalyst wandered for a while, trying to figure out what he could do with this power, when it hit him while watching the news about the X-Men fighting a mutant gorilla or something: revenge. The X-Men had never helped him and his life became hell, they owed him. Nothing serious, he didn't want to destroy them or anything, he wasn'tevil...he just wanted his just desserts. And that dessert would be Emma Frost. Knocking the X-Mansion's defense systems with a chemical that acted like an EMP in liquid form, Catalyst covered himself in a goo that blocked psi-emissions (he had never tried it before on a real telepath) and injected her with a chemical he created that knocked a person out and blocked their powers. Some girl he didn't know saw him and he hit her with a liquid that electrified upon air contact and knocked her out too. Taking, the now two, prisoners into an RV he had hidden away a few miles off the grounds, Catalyst drove away with his new prizes. Bringing them to a building that he had bought from a former psychiatrist, who had used the place as a mental facility, Catalyst injected the two women with more power blocking solution before chaining their ankles to a wall. He then injected them with a solution to wake them up, while their powers were still blocked. Now, he and the X-Men would be even.
Emma was the first to awaken from the unpleasant (and unscheduled) nap that had been forced upon her. Her senses took a few seconds to come back to her, but by that time she had already realised that something was horribly wrong. This wasn't the X-Mansion. This was somewhere else... somewhere she didn't want to be. She looked up towards the strange man, and frowned. But she began to frown at something else as well. Her telepathy... she couldn't... it was blocked! Emma couldn't dig in to the man's mind, nor manipulate him at all. She was trapped to her own faults, like an ordinary human. The former White Queen attempted to stand, but the short chain clasped around her ankle prevented it. "Who are you?" She asked, straightening her back and attempting to remain in at least some kind of dignified pose even whilst in this bit of bondage. "Another little kid who doesn't realise how big a mistake he's made by trying to kidnap an X-Woman? My friends will be here very soon, you know." Or so she thought, anyway. Emma never liked to be in a position like this, she didn't like these kind of games. If Emma wasn't in control, then it made her feel uncomfortable. To her left, Kitty was beginning to wake up. The younger girl wore the standard blue-and-gold X-Men attire, while Emma had dressed herself in a smart skirt-suit, white as usual. Shadowcat's gloves rubbed at her eyes, quickly noticing the ankle bondage. However, her mutant powers didn't work! She couldn't pull her leg through the metal! "Huh... what's going on?" She asked drunkenly, obviously still feeling the effects of the substance that knocked them out.
Catalyst smiled as Emma Frost started to awaken, all haughty and regal like all the stuck up bitches in high school. She was just like a petulant teenage girl, but with a better vocabulary and big fake tits. They needed power, to feel like they were better than everyone else, because if they weren't then that meant they were shit. He was going to knock Emma Frost down a few pegs and show her the grimy little slut-cow she could really be. "You're right, I am some stupid kid. Only 19 years old, my family never loved me, blah, blah, blah... you want me to tell you who you are? Normally, with your powers, you're a superhero, an X-Man, a defender of mutant rights and kind," Catalyst explained in a sardonic and demeaning tone before he slowly walked up to Emma and grabbed her by the throat and started mauling her breast with his other hand. "Without your powers, you're a stuck up whore in a slutty outfit who needs to have her mouth full of cock and her ass fucked by a pipe. But we'll save that for later. So tell me... who's the real pathetic one in this room?" Throwing her against the wall with a little shove, Catalyst made sure his covered Emma's neck with a light sheen of aphrodisiac goop that would soak into her skin and make her feel just a little hotter, just a little more turned on, though nothing too drastic. Yet. Walking over to the other X-Man, who he thought he might have recognized from another team or something, Catalyst leaned down and took advantage of her slightly drunken state to coo and calm her down before shoving his tongue in her mouth with a sloppy kiss. His saliva was acting as a drug now that would have similar effects to ecstacy but with less hallucinogens and more lack of inhibition. "Hey gorgeous, why don't you tell me your name?" he asked in a much softer and loving tone than the one he had given Emma, even comfortingly rubbing her shoulders and whispering in her ear.
The White Queen began to choke as he grabbed her throat, suddenly feeling a little too defenceless for her own liking. She sniggered when he started to play the tough boy act, saying that she needed her mouth to be full of cock. Oh please, did he really think that was going to happen? She hadn't realised what he had done, and when he turned his attention on to Kitty, she yelped a little as she was thrown against the wall. Emma gave a half-hearted attempt at breaking open the ankle-chain, but it was no use. She didn't even have super-strength when shedidhave her powers. Kitty looked towards her captor, and with the combination of the new toxic substance swimming away inside of her, she was already putting up much less resistance than her blonde-haired companion. "K-Kitty..." She whispered back to him, "Kitty P-Pryde..." The young girl pulled back away from him, but her movements were slow, and her eyes looked as if they were having trouble focusing on anything. She shifted along the ground until her back hit the wall, and she couldn't move any further. One eye looked over to Emma, who's breathing had changed a little because of the 'goop' that had been rubbed in to her neck. "Why... why are we here? What are you going to do with us?" She asked, clearly not listening to the man's rant at Emma a few seconds before.
The effect of the drug was hitting Kitty Pryde pretty hard, but clearly she had some training fighting against these things because she hadn't become a drooling mess yet, she was just a little off. These X-Men were tough nuts, and Catalyst wouldn't have it any other way. He placed his hand on Kitty's shoulder with some oils that would cause her body temperature to rise and turned to look at Emma while he held his hand there, waiting for it to sink in. She was breathing hard and pulling against her chains feebly. He didn't need to be a telepath to see past the tough-as-nails look on her face and know that she was afraid. Without her powers, she was just a haughty woman in stripper-wear. "Don't worry Kitty Pryde, I'm here to make you feel much, much better," Catalyst explained softly before he placed a kiss on her forehead, his saliva being more of that ecstasy-like chemical. "Now, just sit back, relax, and wait while I tend to Miss Frost for a moment, alright?" Leaving Kitty alone now, Catalyst walked over to Emma and immediately shot out a barrage of liquid from his hand that covered her and soaked her in a matter of seconds. The liquid served to shrink her clothing and make her already revealing outfit all the more tight and uncomfortable. Oh, and it had just a touch more of that aphrodisiac substance too, just for good measure. "Would you like to place a little wager Miss Frost? Prove your captor how wrong he is about you?" he asked in a leading tone.
"Mmm-hmm..." Moaned Kitty, who had closed her eyes by this point and was enjoying the sensation she was currently feeling. What ever it was, she didn't seem to question that she was starting to relax and no longer was she afraid of this strange man or the surroundings they found themselves in. Her hands didn't tug at the chain, and she didn't even seem to attempt to use her powers again. The young mutant just smiled, and did as she was told. Emma was mentally fighting the effects of the substance that had infiltrated her system. She knew that she wasn't a slut, that she wasn't going to lay down and accept what he was doing. But at the same time, her body was giving in, betraying her to this... young man. When the liquid came at her, she closed her eyes and turned her head to the side, groaning as her clothes began to shrink. People would have whispered under their breath that it was probably impossible for Emma to wear tighter and more revealing clothes, but here she was.. chained up and getting closer to becoming naked. "You... are wrong." She said, having a much harder time concentrating as she became more and more turned on. This was him, he was making her feel this way, she couldn't let him win. "I bet you... haven't even... slept with a woman before... is this the only way... you can do it?" She tried to smile, but her lips wouldn't budge except for her words. Her hand suddenly descended to between her legs.
It had been approximately two-and-half years since the young blond had set foot upon his home of Konohagakure. Two years since his best friend's betrayal, since he left to become stronger, and since he had a chance to see the people that mattered most to him in this time. A lot of things had changed with him including his maturity, intelligence, strength, and ingenuity, but one thing that changed for the better...or the worst depending on who you asked during his time with Ero-Sennin and that was his healthy appreciation for the opposite sex. During their travels he was forced to read the smut of a book his sensei wrote, but he found the details kind of least until he was given a real world demonstration in a red light district as "training." It was this newfound interest that brought Naruto Uzumaki to the situation at hand. After taking a small walk through the village he had come across Shikamaru and his friend Gaara's sister, Temari...and he couldn't keep those eyes from wandering over her delicate frame. The sun-nin was beautiful, sexy, and had a rough, demanding nature about her that naturally pulled at the male...and before he realized it he was watching her go about her daily duties as ambassador between the Leaf and Suna. This particular day he happened to catch her on her lunch break, and decided to make his presence known, jumping down from the building his was at....unable to hide his particular interest in his eyes. "Ohayo, Temari-chan!"
For some reason Temari couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. For a few days now she just had a feeling someone was watching her, following her, but whenever she had checked she had found absolutely nothing. At first she thought it was just her imagination, but the nagging feeling had just kept on knawing at her and wouldn't go away no matter what she did. The only time it ever seemed to go away was when she returned to her hotel and ensured that the windows were closed up. Well, if someone was stalking her at least they weren't bad enough to be climbing to her window and looking in at her it seemed. "Hm?" A few days after the feeling started however, she heard a voice from infront of her, blinking as she looked up to see a blonde boy dropping down infront of her. "Hm? Who're Uzumaki-san aren't you?" She hadn't recognised him at first. The last time she had seen the boy was years ago, he had been so much smaller then, though no less loud. As she observed him however, she saw a strange look in his eyes....could he have been the one following her...? Nah. A loudmouth like this wouldn't be able to keep quiet enough to stalk someone for several days. "So....can I help you or anything...?" The girl raised an eyebrow, taking a bite of her lunch as she continued watching him. She had to admit, the boy had filled out somewhat over the years....certainly not too harsh on the eyes.
If only Temari understood just how much of a master of the element of surprise and stealth the younger blond was; however, being underestimated was always a point in his favor in all sitatuations. Trying to lure the beautiful woman toward his desires would definitely fall into one of many times people would say, 'never underestimate Konoha's number one most unpredictable shinobi.' He knew she was currently enjoying her lunch break, and a small, barely noticable flush burned against his skin before flashing her a rather fox-faced grin. "The one and only Uzumaki Naruto!" Upon realizing he wasn't going to be receiving a rather warm reception, seeing as she almost didn't catch who he was, saddened pout fell on his face. Whether it was feigned or true was something that would be undiscernable. "Ano, I was just wondering if I could join you for lunch...catch up on some things going on in Suna and the village, orrr you know...hang out or something." Thinking quickly he hopped down infront of her and smiled, those eyes seemingly flickering between innocent and daring. "Unless you're afraid of my awesomeness, Temari-chan?"
Temari watched Naruto with what could only be described as a bemused expression. What was he talking about? "Who actually introduces themself as 'the one and only'....?" Temari raised an eyebrow, casually taking another bite from her lunch as she continued to watch him, noticing just how much he seemed to be watching her aswell, a little more than she was completely comfortable with really, but hey, she was good looking and she knew it, she guessed there was no harm in letting him look for the time being. "Join me for lunch? You? Join me? I hardly even know you..." Temari blinked, then took another bite. "....Hang out? Why? Hang out and do what?" Temari wasn't exactly familiar with the concept of just 'hanging out'. Back home she was always working, and even when visiting the Leaf Village she was always working due to her job as ambassador, she had never had the time or the friends to simply 'hang out' as it were. "...Afraid of your awesomeness? Are you actually serious....? Oh come on, what the hell are you anyway?" She rolled her eyes and looked back to her lunch. She might not have said yes, but she hadn't exactly said no either....not directly anyway.
Lily sat in the library. Her books spread out everywhere. It was definitely too late for students to be out of their beds, but she couldn't sleep and homework seemed like her best option. No one ever seemed to catch the young Gryffindor when she left her room at night. Probably because of her prefect status and her reputation of being a goody good. She sighed softly and ran a hand through her long, red hair. Why was sleep evading her? Had she offended it? It was a silly thought, but then again it was a thought that a girl had at two o clock in the morning when she couldn't sleep. Leaning back in her chair she turned attention outside. It seemed pretty calm and serene. The moon seemed to be smiling at her. She bit her lower lip and looked back over her work. She was quite proud of this essay. One of her best in a long time. She dipped her quill in the bottle of black ink and continued in her curly script hoping to finish up and then head to bed.
James told the Fat Lady the password and she looked around in the empty corridor with a tired and cranky look on her face before the portrait hole swung open and allowed him entry into the Gryffindor common room. Tonight had been one of Moony's "bad nights" and the Marauders had gone out with him to help ease his troubles as per usual, but James left early because he had Quidditch practice in the early morning the next day. It was hard to pull away from the fun though, Wormtail had been really twitchy that day, so he was only getting in now at 2. About to rip the Invisibility Cloak off, James saw that the fireplace was lit and a young lady was busy writing. "Evans?" James quietly whispered to himself, the excitement at seeing her, her hair pleasantly and comfortably uncombed and in her jumper, seeping out without Sirius's overbearing presence. Deciding he could use a bit more fun before bed, James quietly walked up behind Evans and lowered his head right next to her ear before harshly blowing on her earlobe to startle her, holding back his chuckles so as to not reveal himself.
Lily didn't hear the portrait swing open or close. She was too immersed in her essay. 'So in conclusion, the mandrake root is not only a useful herb to keep in your garden for medicinal purposes, but in the event of an-' The young Gryffindor jumped making her leave a long line at the end of her n. She grabbed her wand and turned facing her assailant. "Potter." She muttered only slightly annoyed. "You could have given me a bloody heart attack, or worse! I could have hexed you out your pants off!" She said rubbing her temples. It was too late to be up anyways. A thought occurred to her. "Wait a second. What were you doing out of the tower after hours?" This could be considered the pot calling the kettle black but she left it. Her green eyes looked the other Gryffindor over. He looked tired. More so than normal. She wondered what he could have possibly been out doing. Lily crossed her legs and leaned forward. This boy had been her enemy for years it seemed. The first moment she had seen him after they had arrived at Hogwarts he was tormenting her best friend Severus Snape. She tried to keep him from her mind as much as possible since the 'incident.' No matter how much it hurt her, she couldn't trust him to stay away from the damned dark arts. It hurt her to just think about what could end up happening to him. But he had chosen his way as she had hers. "So, aside from giving beautiful Gryffindors heart attacks, what are you doing up?" She asked again. She accented the word beautiful so he knew she was only being facetious. She wasn't actually one of those girls who went around fussing over being beautiful, or exceptionally stylish. Lily Evans had her own sense of style and that suited her just fine. She watched him expectantly. She was actually curious. Now she couldn't be sure if it was the sleep deprivation or if she was actually curious. But nevertheless at the moment she wanted to know.
Evans reacted rather entertainingly to James's little prank, but he was disappointed when she recovered so quickly. He had been kind of hoping she would jump more and fall or something, causing a ruckus for James to make fun of, but instead she bounced back like she always did, with grace and style and with every hair in place like she had just had her hair washed. Picking up some of her papers and looking through her essay, James admired once more how small and tight her writing looked without being girly like some other people James knew (Moony). "Me? Just taking a walk around the grounds, surveying the place for any sneaky Death Eaters or other such evils, as any brave Gryffindor should do," James said with a big toothy grin, slapping the papers down in a disheveled manner, slicking his hair back again while he went to the fireplace and incited the flames to kick up with a flick of his wand, hopefully impressing Evans with his silent spell-casting. "You know, for a 'beautiful Gryffindor,' you're rather drab Evans. Studying late into the night? Boring," James teased, sitting in a soft chair across the room, his leg swung over one of the arms.
Room number 2... Little Miss Batgirl, thought Pamela, opening the door to the small padded room where the new celebrity patient was being kept. At least that was what Doctor Joker called them anyway. The most famous (female) faces of Gotham City, (in)voluntarily checking in to his clinic to becured. Cured of what? Joker didnt ever say. Pamela Isley - known as Poison Ivy outside of her civilian life was one of his first patients, and because of that had been lucky enough to be promoted tonursea few weeks ago. She got to check up on the patients and help during their surgeries. Unfortunately, after having been on the operation table one too many times of her own, her mind wasnt as sharp as it used to be, and had taken the red-haired woman about three or four attempts to line the key up with the hole of room number 2s door correctly. Inside, the captive had been kept in total blackness since admission. The naked light bulb above swung gently yet never sprung to life, while she was restrained in the corner by an old Arkham straitjacket, a discoloured shade of white with some dried red stains. Her costume remained in-tact except for the cape and mask, both of which had been cut off to reveal her pretty face. Wedged between her teeth was a red rubber ball, secured in place by numerous straps which went over, under and behind her head. The inevitable drooling was already happening, and Pamela couldnt quite be a little turned on at the sight of how helpless Batgirl actually was. Batgirls source of light came from the narrow hallway outside her padded cell, showing the woman in the doorways attire. A pair of high heels, tights, elbow-length gloves and a leotard all decorated in various shades of green... there was no question who it was. On top of all of that: an unbuttoned nurses uniform. Something which Pamela never wore. The direction of light disguised her face in shadow for now. The Doctor would like to see you now... She sung, taking small steps towards Batgirl; the heels sinking in to the softness of the cushioned floor. Hes going to make you better... By now, Ivy was crouching down in front of the young fellow red-head, her face now in view. And there was something horribly wrong with it. Her beautiful face ruined and disfigured... her mouth muscles pulled, stretched and shaped uncomfortably... Ivy was smiling. But it wasnt a natural smile... it was permanent. It looked almost like... the Joker. Just like he did with me.
She had sat in darkness for some time now, and ironically she still couldn't see a thing due to the complete lack of light. Unable to move her arms as they were wrapped around her and unable to screen as something kept her mouth full she had no choice but to grope around the room as best she could and all that she felt was cushioning. How she got here she couldn't remember, but at least now she knew it was some sort of padded room based on what she could feel. Then without warning light rushed in and her eyes burned before she could close them to shut out the terrible whiteness. After a moment she could finally bear to open here eyes enough to make out the female figure in front of her, and as the image swam in her vision colours slowly returned to a somewhat normal state. Though she could hardly make out the person just in front of her she knew who it was the second she spoke and she tried to say something but all that came out was a muffle mutter. Not only that but by comparison to her somewhat well dressed captor she was a complete mess, hair frazzled from when she tried to feel around the room, costume torn in various places, and the front of her now visible straight jacket covered in drool. In her head she planned to break free, regardless of how tired she felt from being restrained so for a period of time or how much her jaw hurt from being forced open, and even her blurred vision wasn't much of a concern. She could see it now, as soon as Ivy got close enough she could spring up and bring her down with a quick kick or two and then make a run for it. She was ready and waiting, but her plan never came to fruition for the second Ivy came close enough her eyes widened and her lips began to shake, never before had she seen such a frightening image... Never could she imagine Ivy looking like that and to her own surprise she let out a scream into her gag, a scream that was stifled by the words that filled her ears shortly after Ivy's face filled her view, and for the first time she felt an uncommon feeling of shock and disgust mixed with horror. Worse her body wouldn't respond, her mind yelled at her to escape but that shock only compounded the weakened and sore state she was in, forcing her to neglect the horrible creature in front of her and attempt to simply push past her and run. So with weary legs she bolted up and ran at Ivy, trying to knock her over in the process by shear momentum.
Ivy frowned when the young Batgirl screamed at her, and the former villainess knew that she was screaming at her face, and the way that Joker had changed it from a pretty face in to a uncomfortable grin. Sure, it had taken a long time to get used to it, and it scarred her lower half in a way that she could always feel it, and was a constant reminder of what he had done to her. But Joker hadmethods, and he had convinced her that what he had did was good for her. And crazily enough: he had broken her so much that she was starting tobelieve it. Batgirl's sudden charge knocked Ivy off-guard, especially considering that the soft ground below wasn't stable enough to walk on with high heels. Ivy knew that the new prisoner wouldn't get very far, as she had made sure to keep the corridor door locked so it was impossible to get through it. Slowly getting herself to her feet, Ivy scrambled to the padded cell door and watched the woman's pathetic attempts at trying to run away. "You think you can open those doors wearing that jacket, Batgirl? Why don't you come back and sit on your wheelchair... the Doctor's going to be very upset if you don't turn up for surgery." She spoke, gripping the handles of the chair and taking one step back: pushing the wheelchair after Batgirl in order to knock her off her feet.
Ivy's words had only provoked her into a wild flurry as she battered the door trying to open it with her arms which couldn't move and even her mouth which was equally useless due to the gag. She tried to ram it with her side but her legs almost buckled under her when she hit and the door hardly even shivered. She turned around looking at Ivy, her eyes a mix of hate and fear, the wheel chair stood between them and the door kept her trapped, the hallway being too narrow to get around the once beautiful woman. She didn't care, she put her back to the door not willing to give up, not willing to find out what Ivy meant by "surgery". She would not allow herself to be turned into a creature like Ivy and with feet planted firmly on the ground she mumbled through her gag as best she could that she wouldn't allow herself to be taken. Even as disheveled and pathetic as she looked now she still had a the fighting spirit in her.
Ivy stopped when there was very little room left between them. The feet of the chair was mere inches away from Batgirl, who was causing Ivy a bit of a headache. "Why do you have to fight? Don't you know he's going to help you?" She asked, one of her gloved hands absently going up to feel a part of her smile. "He does a wonderful job." It would become clear to the crime-fighter that not only was her face scarred, and no longer normal-looking, but her mental health had severely deteriorated. Brainwashing, caused by some unknown method. Ivy would never have spoke like this when she was back in her natural habitat: surrounded by her loving plants and flowers. Here, she was lucky to have a single plant in her room at night. It was all that Joker let her have. She... hated him for that? She didn't know... The nurse giggled - because of her face being in a permanent smile, the only way of knowing she was actually laughing was from the sound - at Batgirl's attempts to speak to her through the ball gag. It only caused more saliva to slip down her chin, adding to her humiliation. Squeezing past the wheeled-chair, Ivy lunged for the Batgirl, determined not to give up until she was sitting in the chair and strapped in.
Listening to Ivy her shoulders slouched a little, those words were terrible to hear for the young hero. Despite being a crime fighter she had always had a strange respect for the female criminals like Ivy. Of course she didn't respect her lifestyle choices and would have much rather had Ivy being a productive member of society instead of being locked away, but Ivy was still a strong female and to see her like this was heart breaking. How could Ivy be broken like this, she was so strong, and her ideals so set, but now Ivy didn't even seem herself and that laugh sent a cold shiver down her back. She wanted to say something, to talk Ivy out of all of this and hope that she remembered who she was before all of this happened to her but the gag prevented all of that, all that came out was "Ifva remfer ho ue aw" and a large glob of drool that ran down her chin and onto her chest to join the damp spot there. Before she could make another attempt to reason with the other woman Ivy was upon her and she was busy trying to avoid the chair. The straight jacket made it impossible for her to put up a real struggle as it threw her off balance each time she instinctively tried to use her arms to defend herself and the strap between the legs made any drastic motion with her legs very bothersome as the strap would dig into to her body. One thing was clear in all of the squabbling, she was losing the fight.
On an afternoon in the past, an old Poison Ivy and Batgirl would have fought in different circumstances, with the outcome probably different. Batgirl, without her restraints, was an acrobatic fighter who could have ran circles around Ivy. But in this scenario, things were going against young Batgirl. While she still put up a fight - much to Ivy's annoyance - the inevitable happened. The prisoner was thrown in to the chair, and the leather straps were tightened around the various parts of her body. The ankles. The stomach. There was no more escaping, no more fighting. The Nurse stood in front of Batgirl, this time without fear of an attack. "You need to get better... Iwantyou to get better, Batgirl. I hate seeing you like this..." Soon, she was being pushed through the remains of the old Arkham Asylum towards the operation rooms. It was a shame to see the once-proud landmark of Gotham City reduced to a state of decay, with glass smashed and wallpaper peeling from the walls, many of the staircases had been destroyed (with several floors even being inaccessible). "It's nice to be home, isn't it?" Ivy asked - she had spent considerable time here on several sentences - as they wheeled in to the operating room. And standing there, amongst what could only be described as torture devices, was the craziest man that had ever walked the streets of Gotham. The Joker.
Fighting against the straps as best she could Batgirl didn't have much time to enjoy the scenery, she was far too busy trying to break the leather bonds that held her in place. What was Ivy talking about, how could she possibly think this was better, even broken she couldn't imagine Ivy being so docile to the fate that had befallen her. Panting behind the gag she felt helpless in both the straight jacket and the wheelchair, almost like she really needed to be wheeled around being unable to move on her own free will anymore, outside of spasm and jerks that were absorbed by the straps and gags. All she could do was hope that Ivy would somehow snap out of it all, for she had become exhausted fighting the straps that held her in place. Yet her exhaustion quickly faded and her struggles resumed as soon as they entered the operating room and she saw who stood there. His face was the only thing worse than Ivy's disfigured visage and his reputation was even worse. She glared at him with hate and struggled against the chair furiously, with a constant mutter of incomprehensible language coming from behind her gag. She hated him, and being before him so helpless flared her heart into a frenzy. She wanted to kill him for what he was trying to do to her and for what he had done to Ivy, so much so that her utterances managed to even sound like "I'll kill you!" being shouted through a wall of rubber in heated exasperation.
The Joker approached Batgirl and bowed his face inches away from her reach. "Oh... now that's not very nice, is it? Did you not check your calender? You're supposed to call me if you're going to miss your doctor's appointment!" This man was unpredictable, a sense of humour that no one but himself found funny, a smile which gave no indication about what he was thinking right now. He could be your best friend one minute and shoot you the next. His white doctor's coat displayed the nameDr. Jokeras his identification, while various tools poked out of his pockets. "Not to worry. You're here now. Let's get you on the bed so we can get started with your check-up. Miss Ivy, would you please help me lift her up?" His assistant nodded, and the pair of them worked together to transfer her from the wheelchair to the bed, where she was once again strapped down and unable to move. For the first time as well, the Joker removed the ball gag from her head, unbuckling the straps and tossing it to one side. It finally gave her the chance to speak without having her words lost in gag translation, although a strap across her forehead meant she was unable to lift her head up.
She felt violated laying there immobile before a psychopath and his latest victim, and now she had the looming threat of being his next victim. "I'll kill when I get free!" She shouted out one last time as the gag came out, her jaw stiff from being forced open so long that it was still hard to talk. "What did you do to Ivy you monster!? You'll pay for it!" Were here next words, as she knew she couldn't allow him to see her fear now for it would only provoke him further and there was no pleading for mercy with this monster. All she could hope for now was that either someone would save her or that this first torture session would be light enough for her to manage her own escape later, but now she had to be strong or risk a terrible fate. "Batman will find me! My dad will come for me!" She screamed out as if it was supposed to mean something. The truth was that nobody would be looking for her, not for a stretch of time as she was scheduled to leave by plane shortly before she was captured and only went on one last patrol before her departure due to a crime happening not to far away and knowing that Bruce would be too far away at a gala to stop it in time. Still she had to be convincing, she had to play the part that there were people who thought she was missing and not just off on charity work in some remote parts of the world. "You can't get away with this, they won't rest until they find me and this is the first place they'll look for a rat like you! Back in his hole!"
"Oh, now what will Batman think when you break his golden rule?" Joker spoke in a patronising voice, referring to the Dark Knight's insistence of not killing anybody. Where was the fun in that? Surely he must have been sick and tired of continually chasing after people like him and Ivy, instead of just pushing them from a tall building and letting them fall? "Ivy? Oh, Ivy loves it... don't you?" He stroked the woman's chin, although she suddenly flinched at his touch. For a split second, Batgirl may have seen a flicker in her eye that indicated she wasn't really happy with what he had done to her. But what ever he had drugged or brainwashed her with, it once more took hold. "Poor Ivy... when I stepped all over her plants, she got upset. I had to make her smile again..." The thin trail of water dripped from the corners of her eyes at the mention of her plants. Joker had completely destroyed her home, burning everything with a flamethrower. It was the reason why she broke so easily, as if everything in the world that meant something had been taken away. Like a mother watching her children die. "They won't find you, sweetie. Don't worry. You're safe here. Ivy, could you please pass me over my tools?" There was no answer from the plant lady, who seemed to be in a daze. The Joker frowned, and snapped his fingers repeatedly in front of her face. "Ivy! Hello!" Finally, it seemed to work. "I said 'tools'. Not 'drool'. You're starting to dribble a bit, my dear." He passed her a cloth to wipe herself up, while huffing that he had to go and get the box himself. "Now. Let's make you a little more relaxed, shall we?" He asked, undoing the strap between her legs and slowly pulling apart the spandex of her crotch.
Not giving into his taunts she stayed quiet knowing that arguing with the Joker would only make things worse. She saw the expression on Ivy's face and knew there was hope, maybe she could bring Ivy back and the two of them could escape this hell. It wouldn't have been wise to try to appeal to Ivy now, not with him right there to stop her but as soon as his hands reached between her legs and she felt the costume give way she couldn't hold back. "Ivy! Help me! Stop him! Remember who you were! Remember your plants! Don't let him do this to me, don't let him do this!" She screamed in panic as the spandex finally gave way to show her panties to the two people hovering above her. She could hardly see Ivy from the corner of her eyes but still tried to make eye contact, ignoring the deformities she wanted to let Ivy see the expression of need in her eyes and face, maybe even help the other redhead realise that she needed her now like her plants needed her in the past. "Ivy, don't let him defile me like he did your plants!" She finally managed to choke out, a desperate gamble when all else seemed to have failed her.
Joker rolled his eyes at her desperate attempts to rally Ivy in to her cause, as if shouting was going to snap his beautiful assistant out of her brainwashing and get her back to normal. "Okay, okay! So I may have trampled over a couple of plants. It was only in self defence!" In his toolbox was a pair of scissors, which he used to cut away her underwear and expose her private area to both himself and Ivy. "Nurse, could you please shut Miss Batgirl back up? When I can't concentrate, I start making mistakes. And you certainly don't want me making any when I've got nasty tools in my hand..." Ivy nodded, seemingly ignoring her cries. However, there was a definite sign of fighting behind those eyes of hers. "I... Joker said I've been... spending too much time with my plants. Maybe he's... right?" She choked it out, stuttering her words as if they were being spoken by someone else. She obeyed with his order, and a piece of duct tape was placed over her lips to keep them sealed. "Now!" Joker laughed, picking up a rather sexually-shaped object from the box. There was no question about what it was: a sex toy whose purpose was to go in one place. Slapping on a pair of yellow rubber gloves, Joker dipped a pair of fingers in to a white tub and lubed the long shaft of the object. Dangling from the end, appeared to be some kind of pump which was designed to inflate this object. "Open up!" He smiled, sliding the large length inside of her sex, filling every inch of her interior.
With her final screams being cut off by Ivy she could only lay there looking at the woman who loomed above her and hope that something had gotten through to her. She couldn't see her own womanhood behind the straightjacket and straps that held her in place but now she wished that she hadn't shaved it clean as was trendy at the time. Still she gazed at Ivy with begging eyes and whimpers that were actually muffled words. The muffled whimpers turned into a long scream followed by gasping as the foreign object slid into her body, even with the lube it was a burden for her to take in and almost caused her to orgasm from the pressure. She couldn't close her legs, not with the straps holding them in place and her eyes rolled back, unable to look at Ivy any longer. It was a strange feeling, never before did she feel so full and it made her feel as if her legs were spreading on their own trying to push the object out, yet it was already partially stuck inside her due to the massive size. Behind the duct tape she panted trying to take in air through her nose, the whole process leaving her winded and light headed. The event put her into a daze and she felt herself swing from side to side, no she wasn't swinging, her vision was simply swimming again as a tear escaped her eye. She no longer wanted to see Ivy or the beast, she just wished it would end soon and for the fullness to leave her, that fullness that made her feel bloated uneasy.
Unfortunately for Barbara, if she thought that the object had filled her up; she was in for a nasty surprise. Well, with the Joker there was always surprises. And not good ones, either. With the medical dildo (what ever made it 'medical', only Joker knew) pushed in as far as the young woman's interior would let it, he picked up another one from the box and once again stroked it's length and coated it with the same lubricant as the previous object. There was no prizes for guessing where this one was going to go. Access to her rear was limited because of the way she was lying, but that didn't stop Joker from fiddling around under there. Soon, he was pushing the object in to her second hole - with a little more difficulty. "Does that feel nice, Batgirl? You're making Ivy jealous!" The pushing was finally over, and the crotch strap of the straitjacket was re-fastened back to it's original place, now with two new objects underneath it. Picking up the two dangling pumps, the Doctor licked his lips and pressed once. Then twice. Three. Four. And inside of her, the dildos were expanding to a near-torturing discomfort. When ever Batgirl moved, or even twitched an inch, she would feel them. Her innocence being ripped away just as easily as the spandex had been.
If the first dildo sent her into a daze the second one woke her up and rather quickly. She couldn't move, not with the first one in but somehow she tried to fight against the second one that soon made her scream with wide eyes as the pain in her rear was unimaginable. She found anything to do with anal to be abhorrent and now she was being ripped in half from behind by an object that felt like a burning knife being forced into her. Her face turned red and tears streamed down her face, for a minute everything went white even. After he had forced it all the way in she was screaming, phantom pains running across her body and a bit of blood dripping from her now filled rear. At first she felt nothing the pain was too much for her to notice the strap being fastened around her crotch or the first pump but the third pump caught her attention and by the fifth she couldn't feel her legs, only the throbbing pain in between of her legs and the heavy feeling around her midsection remained. She had orgasmed twice now and her body writhed in a mix of agony on pleasure on the table. She looked like a broken doll in a puddle of her own sweat, tears, and droll.
Joker seemed to be pretty pleased with himself, and when he looked at Ivy he smiled in reply to her own grin. "I'm glad you're enjoying this Ivy... I bet you're glad it's happening to someone else now, aren't you?" She nodded slightly, and that was the end of her reply. Batgirl's pathetic screams and cries for her to remember who she was were beginning to take it's toll, and Joker was well aware of that. Maybe he'd have to give her another treatment session very soon to stop her from thinking like the old Poison Ivy. Disappearing out of their viewpoint, Joker began rummaging around in the corner of the room for something, tossing things over his shoulder as he continued towards the bottom. Poison Ivy looked down at Barbara, stroking a gloved hand over the silver tape which silenced the poor girl. "You'll get used to it." She whispered, holding one of Batgirl's hands tightly as her other one stroked the crotch to indicate that she wasstillcurrently undergoing a similar (albeit unnecessary) treatment at the hands of the Joker. However, she had adapted to walking - and even jogging - with a dildo inside of her.
All she could do was look up at Ivy and let out a croak of exhausted torment. She felt like she was about to split in half and seeing the slight bulge around Ivy's stomach only made her fear how she looked with the inflated objects inside of her. The only comfort she could take in all of it was that Ivy was coming too and maybe later she could have some hope of escaping with her aid. That is if her legs worked again by then or she could get the objects out of her body, but without the pumps attached it was unlikely she could deflate them enough to pull them out. The rummaging made her nervous and she couldn't restrain her emotions, not as long as the throbbing in between her legs assaulted her front and back. She whimpered stress fully as the sounds stopped, fearing what madness the Joker had prepared for her after the last assault left her so crippled on a mental and physical level. The violation hadn't even sunk in fully and already she wanted to vomit from what had happened to her, the constant press inside of her openings not helping matters.
"Alright Ivy, leave her alone. Go and see how Selina is doing." Joker said, pestering her away and pointing towards the door. Ivy returned to her state of enslavement, and nodded, leaving the room so that it was just the clown and the bat that were left. "Well now it's just the two of us, maybe we can have some fun? How about some music?" He reached over and pressed the switch on the radio, and almost instantly the sound of background jazz began to play. "Yes... that's better. Now let's see... we'll get rid of this tape." The Joker flicked the corner of the silver tape, peeling it back slightly before pinching it with the tips of two fingers. Then, with a quick flick, he pulled it off her lips, making it as painful as possible. "We don't need that anymore." It was rolled up in to a small ball, and punted towards the bin. "Now we're going to do a little work to that face of yours. Make you as gorgeous as our dear Poison Ivy." The grin didn't happen after just one trip, it would happen over time, putting the poor girl through hours of painful surgery in order to keep her face in a permanent state ofhappiness. What he would be using was reminiscent of the old-fashioned braces that some unlucky kids used to have to wear. Rather than a wire that just went over the teeth, these things would come out of their mouth, and strap around their head like some kind of medieval torture device. And that's what Batgirl would be wearing. He held it up in front of her, and dangled it above her eyes. There were a number of hooks, which were designed to pull back the corners of her mouth, while another one would pull her nostrils upwards to give her apig-like snout, to further add to the humiliation. All of this was connected by a series of metal wires that went around the head, and attached to a metal headband that would run around her forehead. "Now... you're going to have to promise not to eat candy while you're wearing this!"
The pain of the tape being pulled away hardly registered on her, she felt too nauseated from the previous tortures and all that came out was a weary moan of pain. She was sad to see Ivy leave, as the other woman had managed to sooth her at least a little but now she was alone and the Jazz music made her dizzy, adding to the impression of being anesthetized after the heavy stress her body endure moments prior. Her heart sank when she saw what he held above hear head and all she could do was whimper "Please... no... please... ". She tried to hide her emotions earlier but now she was too exhausted from it all and could only beg him not to do it. The device was terrible and she could only imagine how he would secure it to her as it didn't seem like it could stay on fully without penetrating her skin in any way. "Please..." She called out one more time her body wriggling around, unable to even put out a decent spasm in such a weak state, but even this movement sent a cramp through her body as a result of the dildos and forced her to tears. She couldn't handle it anymore, he was about to mutilate her and every move she made cause her terrible pain, all she could do was cry in front of him, cry like a little girl and the humiliation of it all was soul crushing but at least she felt like she was using her face one last time before the thing would be attached to it.
As usual, regardless of the situation, Joker was grinning back down at her. So much for her putting on the tough girl routine earlier. Threatening to kill him, and all that nonsense. In the end, she had been reduced to being a little girl, crying and begging him to not do it. "I'm sorry Bats, but it's got to be done. Do you really think I'm getting any pleasure out of it?" He asked, placing a hand on his chest and closing his eyes. "Breaks my heart having to do it." A teasing lie, obviously. Joker had never given her any reason why she was actually here, that she had did anything to deserve this. She had only been doing Gotham good, and now one of it's famed caped-crusaders was about to be no more. The head-harness was secured around her head in a number of steps. The first step involved fastening the metal band around her forehead, screwing it together at the back. It pinched, but was barely noticeable. Secondly, one end of the nose-hook was attached to the metal forehead band. It slipped in to her nostrils, and the Joker tightened it up until it was yanking back her nostrils. Thirdly, the two hooks began pulling her mouth in to a smile, and as they tightened, they kept pulling further and further up until Barbara displayed a smile similar to Ivy, yet no where near as prominent. "See? Painless." He grinned. It wasn't. "Now... I think that's us done for today. Do you want to go and meet your roommates?"
She cried and pleaded through the whole thinking offering him anything to stop and let her go. In the end it didn't matter and her face was locked into a smile as the hooks dug into both her nose and mouth the sensation was agonizing and once her face was locked in it tried to settle normally but was painfully kept in that terrible smile by all of the hooks and straps. They didn't allow her to close her mouth normally so now drool would leak from the side constantly and she'd have to breath through her nose in a strange gasping manner. The one thing that she managed to notice in the discomfort was that Ivy's nose wasn't altered much if at all but her nose was forced up into a sort of snout. "With are you doing thisss to me'th" She said as her sobbing slowed which revealed the forced lisp the headgear caused, and thus adding to the little girl demeanour she was forced to show. It was the least of her worries, her body felt broken between from front to rear opening, her tummy was turning over on itself, and her face in burning pain as the hooks restrained it from getting into a normal shape. A strange slurping sound left her as she attempted to suck in the drool that was about to escape, or maybe it was a strange sob, the two were hard to tell apart to an outside observer with the headgear causing her to sound so foolish. Who else could he have here was her first thought when she heard that there were "roommates". Did he mean Ivy? No, wait, he said Salena early, no, it couldn't be... It just couldn't. "Roomthates?" She asked nervously with another sob and whimper.
Joker couldn't stop laughing when she was trying to speak with the metal brace keeping her mouth open, and once more she was drooling uncontrollably. Just as well she still had control of her bladder, because cleaning up saliva was one thing but cleaning up other things? He shuddered at the thought. He passed off her questions with a grin, and began clearing up the mess he had made, as well as wiping away some of the drool with a towel. The clown never bothered to tell her who her room-mates would be, although she'd find out soon. Joker was going to wheel her in to the "TV room", where they'd all sit and watch each other drooling over themselves. Strapped in to wheelchairs, not being able to move or talk in coherent sentences - what fun they'd have! With perfect timing, Pamela returned from her rounds and kept her eyes on the state of Batgirl's face. It was a similar process to what Ivy had to go through, although eventually there was no need for the brace and head-piece. Joker's gas did all the work to keep it in place. "Selina's in the TV room, Joker." "Excellent. Could you unstrap our patient for me and put her back in the wheelchair?" Ivy nodded, and began unfastening the belts that held her in place. With the last strap loosened, Ivy turned her back to prepare the wheelchair, leaving Batgirl unrestrained and unsupervised for a second.
She could only lay there and focus on breathing as Ivy returned and unstrapped her. However, as soon as both the Joker and Ivy turned their backs to her she was ready to try anything for a chance of escaping that hellhole before anything more could be done to her. She moved slowly at first, making as little sound as possible, all of which could be hidden by the sound of her rather loud breathing that resulted from the wicked braces. As she neared the edge of the bed she was sprung into action, or what she thought was her springing into action, because as soon as her feet hit the floor she felt a shock of pain spread from her rear and go up her back, another similar shock ran from her womanhood and up her front. Before she knew what happened to her she felt her legs give out and she collapsed on the floor before curling up into a ball and sobbing. In her distracted state she hadn't realized how much the inflated dildos spread her body apart and when she tried to stand normally only seconds ago they showed her that she wouldn't be able to stand normally as long as they were inside of her. It felt as though someone had punched her in both her butt and stomach at once, and now both openings throbbed painfully as she tried to keep her legs spread enough for the dildos to have room. Worse was coming as Ivy put her into the chair the anal dildo was forced deeper into her and she let out a scream and orgasming almost instantly. No matter how she sat in the chair the object in her rear jabbed into her and any bump would send her over the edge into an orgasm followed by a terrible stinging pain.
Simon had been called to a council meeting. It seemed there was some big to do about a young woman who had broken one of the laws though no one would say which... that was kind of par for the course though. He was not on the high council or anything like that but his Grandfather had been once upon a time and so as the "heir apparent" of the dearly departed old codger he was often expected to at least make an appearance when things got dramatic for one reason or another. So he was walking down the halls clad in a formal robe as was customary for this sort of thing, his was midnight blue with silver trim... the real kind made from woven silver threads not that cheap tacky stuff. In his hand was a staff of solid ebony covered in hand carved runes with soft gray leather wrapped around the center to act as a proper grip. He did not enter quietly though, no this sort of thing never sat well with him so he was intent on making one hell of a scene. The doors flew open when struck with some unseen force as he stormed in with quite the miffed look on his face. As soon as he entered all eyes were on him but before anyone could address him he shot an eye to the gray cloaked wardens holding a young woman with a black hood over her head and spoke with an obvious heat to his voice, "I see nothing has changed in recent years, still more prone to accusations and condemnations that ever bothering to do anything like ask questions." The guards glared and the room was suddenly filled with arguments in Latin. Simon never broke his stride as he made his way down towards those surrounding the young woman... the wardens though barred his path as a voice rang out from the dais at the center of the room. "Wizard Drake, we all know how you feel about this sort of thing... but she broke the laws of magic... you know what that means." Simon shot a hard look at the man who addressed him. He was The Merlin, head of the senior council and generally the man believed to be the single most powerful wizard currently alive. Part of why he held the position named after the man who founded the council. Simon took a deep breath before he answered, "I know the laws, but I also know there are times where young people do not know what else to do... she had no formal training prior other than what her family gave her, and from what little i have heard... odds are they did not exactly teach her how to fend off her would be attackers." Simon now prepared for a good old fashioned filibuster and so turned to look at all the wizards speaking as he walked around the dais, "In fact from what I have heard her attackers... so called protectors no less... even went so far as to squash any cries she made to this council. So how can any of us in good conscience condemn her because we were played for fools? They acted as scoundrels and abused the letter of the law knowing that she could not present her fears on the spirit of that law alone. Is it not our duty to enforce both the letter and the spirit? Is it not our responsibility to protect young wizards and see that they are properly schooled?" The Merlin smirked and raised a hand as if asking Simon to pause for a moment and then he spoke, "So you think someone should be charged to watch her? Perhaps she should be apprenticed as you were? Let a wizard of more experience watch her and judge if it was the action of a desperate young woman and if so guide her properly?" Simon simply nodded, this had been the gamble he planned... The Merlin thought him a rogue and a loose cannon after all and this was a chance to tie him down a bit and make sure he was not so free to meddle in council affairs. So the Merlin was actually smiling as he spoke next, "Well we can not spare any of our senior wizards for such a task I fear, not with the war against the vampires in full swing as it is... else we might consider such a course." Simon nodded, the Merlin wanted him to volunteer so that if anything went wrong it was on his head and no one else. Well that was fine by Simon and so he flashed a cocky grin and answered, "Well I suppose She could work at my littleantique and book store to earn some spending cash... and there is a small apartment I never use... and I guess I could tear myself away from my random odd jobs to work in a more formal capacity... so I will do it." That is what the old wizard had been hoping for so he nodded and let Simon push past the Gray Wardens to yank that black hood off the young woman's head and help her to her feet... however the powerful wizard did add one last deceleration as that was happening, "But know this Wizard Drake... she is your responsibility and so if she does stray, if she breaks the laws... if she becomes a warlock... you will have to answer for it once we deal with her."
Teyha wasn't sure how it came to this. She stood before the council of elders once again, clad in old black robes, a black hood her head. Next to the ornate robes and garb the elders wore, she looked small and raggedy, hardly worth noticing, much less defending. 'One spell.' She thought frantically. 'I didn't think it would cause all this!' She couldn't even see the aggressors as they surrounded her, speaking to themselves softly about her fate. She had been in the room nearly twenty minutes already, but she wasn't allowed to say a word in her defense, the guards next to her effectively silencing any attempts she made at speech. Without warning, their was a crash, and the muttering voices silenced. Teyha had no idea what made the sound, and held her breath, waiting anxiously for the male voice to fill her ears. He sounded annoyed.... More than annoyed, actually. His voice grew stronger, and she could only assume he was walking towards her, but more importantly... He was speaking for her! For a moment Teyha thought her heart would burst from her chest, a sudden lump in her throat when a kindling of hope ignited in her. Someone was on her side, even simply one council member, it was so very much more than she had before. The guards tightened their grip on her as the man continued, speaking passionately about law and justice, his voice echoing in Teyha's ears. 'Have I finally gone mad?' She questioned herself as he spoke, his words too good to be true. The next few moments passed as if a glorious dream following a grim nightmare. The councilman who was pushing hardest for her disposal was now speaking with the faceless man who pushed for her freedom. They passed a few brief words before Teyha's fate was decided, and she wanted to cry in joy. The hood was yanked away, the light assaulting Teyha's eyes, and forcing her to blink a few tomes before she was able to see the face of the man who rescued her. He helped her slowly to her feet, and she quivered slightly, eyes wide and still full of fear as the head wizard issued his warning. 'But that isn't fair to him!' She thought about protesting, before her wiser mind cut the words short, knowing better than to object now. She had no intention of delving into darker magic and becoming a warlock... Her hand was forced in one desperate, and stupid move. All this that followed... It was simply ridiculous. So she kept silent, her eyes slightly downcast. One thing was certain, she didn't look like a warlock. Her fingers pulled idly on her robes, twisting the cloth around her fingers while she shifted from one foot to the other uncomfortably. She was short, perhaps five foot five, with a narrow form that hinted that she had not yet reached full maturity. Slowly, she raised her eyes to meet those of her rescuer, wanting to see if there was an edge of fear on his face at this last condition. In truth, she was a sight. Her normally messy black hair had been further disturbed by the hood, wisps of the dark curls falling to obstruct her red-rimmed grey. It was obvious she had been crying at one point, and her face was slightly reddened, a dampness in her cheeks. More disturbing, there were obvious bruises along her jawline and neck, four deep purple marks on one side, and a larger splotch on the other. Courtesy of her assaults. "Thank you." She mouthed, not daring speak in the room full of elders.
Simon Merlin Roger Drake, his grandfather had a thing for grandiose names, was no stranger to this sort of trial. He had worn that black hood once himself and he was not going to let a travesty happen if he could help it. He had strong and noble features with short dark hair and what appeared to be five o'clock shadow. He was tall and might have been called lanky by some though the truth was he was actually rather toned and fit beneath those robes in no small part due to his habits of running and swordplay. He stood there unfazed by the Merlin's veiled threats... after all it was no secret that there was no love lost between him and the current Merlin. He had pull with some of the council because of who his grandfather had been before he passed. That is how he had managed this little coup de grace in the end and he knew it. He took the young woman's hand gently in his own and observing formal rights of courtesy he bowed his head politely to the council before he spoke once more, "Then I shall take my apprentice and return to my little shop to get her settled in." He did not wait for an answer but instead gently led her out of the council chamber and down through the halls of carved stone. He was not found of visiting this place when he had a choice in the matter but this was to similar to what had happened to him for him to sit idly by. He led her out past the check points and then raised his staff and muttered an arcane phrase softly before tracing his staff to the side and caused the air itself to shimmer and open a doorway to the never never before them. "quickest way back to the states is a short sting in the never never Miss, hope that does not bother you to much... I just do not feel like a week long boat trip to get back from the emerald isle if you get my drift." He kept her close at his side in case she had not traveled through these routs before and led her through that portal and out into the realm of fairy. He stuck to the known paths and trails through the woods not risking further danger by venturing off the established paths. The while council had a treaty with some of the fairy court and so at least he knew these would be save trails to follow. It was not that long of a walk till he used the same subtle utterance and motion of his staff as if pulling a curtain aside the air once more shimmered and he lead the young woman through. They were now standing in a small alleyway in a foggy overcast city. Simon actually smiled though and then walked over to a satchel he had hidden their with a subtle magic veiling so no one else would find it. He called softly over his shoulder, "I have some second hand stuff from a thrift store here in case they did not let you grab something to wear when they snatched you up... they are not all that considerate as I recall."
Teyha mimicked the older wizards actions, bowing slightly to the frowning man before she let herself be pulled away. She hurried behind her wizard savior, trying to keep up with his quick pace as they moved through the halls. He seemed eager to leave, and Teyha had no plans to slow him down. She matched his pace, moving past the checkpoints until the odd man stopped in place. She watched him curiously as he raised his staff, and motioned, casting a spell she could not recognise. "Never never?" Teyha asked, her eyes widening when he announced where they were going. She had never been to never never before, but he pulled her along as if it were the most natural thing to do. The little wizard couldn't help but to look around herself in awe as they moved through the forest, her eyes searching for fairies. Once or twice she was tempted to move from the path to inspect one oddity or another, but better sense kept her on the trail. They walked for a short while before he raised his staff once more, and recited the same spell, the air shimmering slightly as he opened the way to their world. He led her through, and Teyha stood nervously, switching her weight from one foot to the other when the dark haired man smiled at her. She returned it timidly, but couldn't hide the puzzled look on her face. He moved away from her for a moment, and pulled a bag he had hidden from view, before calling to her over his shoulder. "It's fine." She responded evenly. "I didn't have much to take with me." She told him, and shifted again, before hesitantly moving forward, canting her head slightly to the side as she examined him. "Thank you." She said after a moment. "And... I... I'm sorry. The wizard there... He seemed to bully you into taking me on. But I do promise you, I'm not a warlock! I honestly had no choice, I didn't think it would end up like this."
Simon gave her a warm smile and waved his hand rather dismissively then handed her the satchel full of clothes as he slipped off his formal robes and folded them up before donning a duster length black trench coat. He actually laughed a bit as he answered her, "Nah old Arthur dislikes me because my grandfather had the position before him, and I do not exactly behave myself... and no one forced you on me, I went there and did what I meant to... as for what you did, I believe you and lets just say i have been there so I understand." He placed a hand gently on her shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze as he stood up, for the first time she could clearly see that he was not simply tall but fairly well built. He gave her a warm and reassuring smile. She seemed so worried and frightened and he could understand that given what she had just been through. But at the same time he wanted her to know that it was going to be ok. He walked to the front of the alley and then created a veil so he could not see her and no one could see behind him in case she needed to change clothes, "ok should be safe if you need to change clothes or anything now... no one including me can see you for the time being. I have a small apartment connected to my place by the way... it is not much but you are welcome to it so that you have a safe place to stay and you can work in my little shop when we are not working on your training."
Teyha wasn't exactly sure how to respond to the man, even as he described the prior bad blood between him and the elder councilman. No doubt there was a lot more to the feud than she knew, but she wouldn't push the man. If he wanted to explain, it would be on his terms. She turned her back to him when he began to shed his robe, giving him a private moment to change before he got her attention, and handed the bag to her. He moved to the front of the alley, and called over his shoulder at her. She rummaged through his pack for a moment, looking for something she'd prefer to wear besides the black robe she was sentenced in. After a few moments searching she pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans and pulse shirt, as well as a nice jacket. Satisfied, she turned around so her back was facing her new mentor. Even though he had assured her that no one could see her, she still hunched over, and slithered into the pants without removing the black garb. The shirt was more difficult, and she growled under her breath as she tugged it on, somehow managing to get decent before she shed the robe, folding it sloppily before pushing it into the bag. The clothes she chose were built for someone a good bit larger than her, so as an afterthought, she pulled out a belt, and cinched it tight enough to keep her clothing from falling down. Last she pulled on the jacket, buttoning it to her neck before she picked up the bag, and jammed her hands into the deep pockets. Unlike with her mentor, her new outfit didn't help reveal anything about her figure. If anything, now she looked more like a child playing in her mothers clothing, the clothing almost comically baggy around her tiny form... But she had ignored the smaller garbs, opting for the excessive modesty.
Simon waited till he was sure she had made herself presentable and then turned and let the veil dissolve. He then walked over and offered treated her to another warm smile, "I am Simon, and I promise I will do whatever I can to help... not just as a mentor but in general." He was trying to help her feel more comfortable as he knew how jarring this could all be. He still remembered what happened to him and how rough the transition had been for him. He took her hand gently in his and gave it a squeeze before he spoke once more, "Once you settle in we can hit up a store or something so you can get things more to your liking... grandad left me enough to get by so it is no trouble and you did say you did not have much when the Wardens showed up." He did not press the young woman though and instead he lead her out of the alley and over to an old army jeep. Wizards and hi-tech never really got along and so he counted himself lucky to have such a durable and simple mode of transport, it was not his only vehicle mind you but it was the one he used most often in his work... durability and function were at times a great concern when things got rather unpleasant due to the nature of his side business. He helped her into the old army jeep and then drove to an old brick and mortar style shop. The sign over the door read "Drake's Books and Antiques". It had a very classic feel to it and the light glinted off the second story windows above the store. He unlocked the door and ushered her inside to reveal a shop filled with a mix of heavily laden bookshelves and cases with odd nick knacks as well as a wide selection of antiques. He motioned around the shop, it had a high vaulted ceiling and so part of the floor was actually a raised level giving the illusion of a second story or balcony inside the shop, "well here it is, my little corner of the economic market... you can work here when we are not doing things joe average would freak about and I will even pay you for your work so you can have some pocket money" Simon walked over and closed the door behind them locking it and then brushing his hand down along the door frame where arcane carvings flared with golden light for a brief instant, protective wards to keep the shop safe when he was not leaving it open to the public were now active... you could never be to careful after all. He turned and smiled once more, "I have a decent sized flat upstairs, keep a lab down in the basement for the wizarding stuff... there is a smaller apartment that was built when the last owner closed off part of the upstairs so he could rent it out, nothing fancy just a bedroom and living room with a small kitchen and bathroom but it is yours for as long as you are my apprentice."
A few long moments passed after Teyha finished dressing before the man turned, and the shimmering effect of the shield dissolved into nothing. She took a half step back, her eyes falling to her feet as he approached, smiling at her for a few moments before he took her hand lightly in his. He squeezed it lightly, and eased her out of the alley to an old jeep, commenting on shopping for clothes better suited to her taste. "I like these." She told him as she slid into the seat, offering a half smile. "They're comfortable, loose. It's how I usually dress, honestly." She told him with a shrug as they stared off, watching the traffic zip by absently as they drove to the store. It wasn't until they were pulling up that she realized he gave her his name, but she forgot to give him hers. "I'm Teyha Lockra." She told him as they went inside. "I like it better than my family name anyway. Is there any way I could be called that?" She asked him softly, smiling pleasantly as she folded her arms over her chest. That done, she looked around the shop, closely examining each item for a moment. She didn't touch them, afraid that it might seem rude, and straightened, watching Simon once more as he sealed the door with an ancient spell. "Free board, wizarding lessons, and pay?" She asked, a note of scepticism in her voice. "I can't see how you benefit at all from this."
Simon smiled and chuckled a bit as he took off his heavy leather trench coat and walked over to hang it behind the counter before answering her, "Well you work for the pay of course and technically I suppose the room and board could be part of that... but the simple truth is I have been where you are and not all the options out there are half as pleasant. The guy who took me in when my grandfather died was not well to do or anything but he was a good man... I had a single room with a bed, a dresser and a desk... and shared the bath with everyone else in the house. But I was grateful that he offered what he had and did what he could to help me. So I want to do what I can to help you" He shrugged a bit at that point, he really did have the sort of rugged good looks that seemed just slightly out of place in a store like this where one would expect to find some sort of geek or old codger. He motioned for her to follow him and led her back into the halls at the back of the store, there was one stairwell that led down into the floor but the door was a heavy metal security door and was securely locked, a second similar door is what he was opening now and it led up a set of sturdy stairs towards what had to be the loft he spoke of. When they reached the top of the stairs she was treated to the view of a lavish living room with blush sofas and a hardwood floor covered with thick fur rugs. There were beautiful bay windows that looked out over the park across the way, though anyone with a lick of magic talent could tell there were spells woven into those walls and windows that made them even more durable than the steel door they had passed through. He led her over to a wooden door not far from the stairs and opened it to reveal a small living room. He smiled and motioned her inside. It to was furnished though a bit more modestly with a small love seat across from a fireplace, there was an open kitchen off to one side and a set of doors in the opposite corner leading to a bathroom and a small bedroom complete with simple lamps and a full bed. Simon nodded a bit, "this is all you then Teyha, I will try to give you whatever privacy you need... the large room outside is my sitting room, my bedroom bath and such are all through the oak doors on the other side of it... you are also welcome to enjoy the sitting room if you do not feel like holding up in here." Simon walked over and then took a seat on the large plush leather sofa in the sitting room. He leaned back and closed his eyes, "I will not pry into what happened just to let you know, but if you ever want to talk about it... like I said I have been there. I am sure it was not the same thing exactly but it ended up with me in the same place. So is there anything else I can track down to help you settle in Teyha?" As he waited for her answer his mind drifted back, back to a time before things got rocky for him. She looked so much like Tera had back then, even the worry in her eyes. But that had all been before that fateful night... that dark and stormy night. He had to remind himself that Teyha was her own person and not Tera, that he was here to protect and guide her not fulfill some yearning for lost love from a happier time for himself. Of course thinking of what had almost happened to Teyha and what had happened to Simon himself also reminded him of Tera's sad fate... it was the one reason he did not exactly regret what he had done that night.
Teyha didn't say anything in response to his answer, but it did make sense to her. She followed behind him closely as he led her through the store, looking over his shoulder so she could catch the a view of his face. He was handsome, Teyha supposed. Rugged looking, a rough beard where he didn't shave this morning, slightly disheveled hair. No doubt a man used to attention from women, Teyha thought to herself with a sigh. 'Acknowledging his attractiveness, and being attracted to him are two different things though.' She reminded herself, her eyes dropping to the floor. 'Unfortunately for the man, Teyha was not a girl prone to romantic thoughts, and almost as soon as it passed through her head, it was gone again. He led her up a stairway, and she gripped the railing on both sides, going up one step at a time. Her eyes watched her feet, with the unfortunate effect of also seeing how far off the ground she was with each step. 'I hate stairs.' She thought as she made it up, feeling foolish for all the dramatics. Especially since she was a wizard, and the man before her was also, fully trained. 'Phobias don't make sense.' She thought with a sigh, but was grateful to be off the stairs all the same. She followed him into his flat, taking a careful look at everything there. He had spells woven into the walls and windows, fortifying it until it was more powerful than the steel door below. She ran her fingers over it, sensing the buzz of magic. 'He's powerful.' She thought to herself. 'He'll get frustrated with me as his student.' She sighed again, and ran her finger through her hair, before plopping down on the couch across from Simon, her back perfectly straight, and hands folded in her lap. "I'm alright." She responded. "I really don't need anything.... But thank you."
Simon could hear the tension in her tone, he was not sure why it was there but he tried to understand just the same. He opened those crystal blue eyes of his, a gift from his father so to speak as was his strong jawline, and let his gaze settle on Teyha. He was tempted to look into her eyes but he knew that if his gaze lingered there they would experience something only wizards could trigger... a soul gaze. It was not something easily described to people who had not experienced it and the best he could do was say that it was exactly what it was called. During that moment in which a wizard met and held your gaze they could see into the very essence of who you are and at the same time you were given the same view into the wizard. It was nothing so extravagant as mind reading or so simple as a picture though... it was a glimpse into the landscape of who a person really was and even wizards could not always tell exactly what the meaning was of things they saw in that moment. He tilted his head a bit to the side rather intrigued by the sweet shy woman and how soft spoken she was. He remembered the days when he was so worried that people would grow tired of dealing with him and let the wardens come to take him instead. It had never happened though as Injun Joe seemed to have some vested interest in him that Simon still did not understand. He in the end had decided that certain old wizards were not prone to let on to why they were interested in troublesome young wizards... he heard that old Ebeneezer had taken on a ward like him that was causing plenty of trouble in Chicago as well. But that was another story all together he imagined. "Well Teyha you can call me Simon... I am not a big fan of all those formalities and stuffy titles like 'Wizard Drake' it all seems kinda pretentious to me honestly. This is your home now and I want you to feel at ease here... the shop was my fathers before he met my mother so it is safe from most of those creepy sort." It was a simple truth, this building had been his fathers home and later on his mothers as well. Places like that developed their own energy and it made the threshold that much more powerful. Teyha would have the full measure of her magic because Simon had invited her, but any one trying to force their way in would leave most of their power outside. He gave the young woman a warm smile, "Do you need to rest or would you rather we open shop... or get to some kind of random lesson?"
When the other wizard met Teyha's eyes, however brief the contact was, Teyha looked away swiftly her eyes landing on the floor. She fidgeted more, her fingers tangling in the fabric of her shirt. She had the less than pleasant experience of being caught up in a soul gaze once, and was not eager to repeat it. There was no way to explain what she saw in that moment, except she felt weak before a darker power, crushed beneath the soul of someone who valued image more than reality. A twisted soul that hid behind mask after mask, and when they fell away, the reality was far less pretty than what they led others to believe. It was something Teyha had known for years, but to see it so thoroughly spelled out was disturbing, and sent a chill running up her back. The fact that the woman Teyha had seen into was her own mother... It made her all the less eager to repeat the experience. Her eyes studied the ground instead, until she grew slightly more relaxed. 'This is my home now, I suppose.' She reminded herself gently. 'Being tense all the time is bad for my health, might as well loosen up quick.' She stood quickly, and adjusted her shirt so it didn't bunch around her hips. Once done she brushed her hands together and looked away, her eyes dropping to the ground once more, though she smiled slightly. "I might as well earn my keep." She said softly, her eyes flicking up to just below his for a brief moment before she pulled them down again. ""I can't promise I'll be a good worker, especially here." She said quickly. "I'm lazy. I like to sleep in, and get cranky otherwise. I'm clumsy, and get frustrated when a break things..." She told him, shuffling from one foot to the other nervously. Not good traits for working in an antique shop, she knew. "I'll do my best though."
Simon noticed the way she shied away from his gaze. It was not fear from him that he picked up though but rather a general fear of that gaze. He tried to reason why such a reaction would be present in such a young woman and the only answer he could come to is she had done it before and saw something that traumatized her. After all what a wizard saw in a soul gaze stuck with them... you could never forget what you saw even if you wanted to. He had such a gaze once or twice but he did not speak of it. The first time had been just before the events that left him under the 'Doom of Damocles' and a few times since then when he was dealing with particularly unpleasant characters. So on some level, assuming he was right, he understood why she would shy away from his gaze. He noticed her shuffling around and realized she was trying to adjust to her knew surroundings. He had never thought that might be a problem since this place had been his fathers and so he had spent time here as a child before he was sent to live with his grandfather. He listened to her answer and explanation and then he gave her a rather dashing smile and chuckled a bit before he spoke softly, "Sounds like I should let you stick to the books and the register then. Don't want you getting frustrated after all. Don't worry to much about the hours Teyha... fact of the matter is I have been known to sleep late on occasion myself. Upside to owning the building is I don't pay anyone rent and my grandfather left me enough to get by on as I said." He pushed himself up from the couch and then walked over and placed a hand gently on her shoulder in what he hoped was a reasuring geasture. He lead her back downstairs deciding not to press matters. She would need time to adjust and settle in after all and that is why he had let her decide how to start. He lead her over to the register and then chuckled as he eyed the old fashioned thing. Wizards did not get along with hi-tech and so he had to track down a lot of old fashioned gadgets and appliances. He once heard it theorized that it was because wizards had some sort of magnetic field or something to that affect. Either way it meant that a great deal of his actual business was done in custom orders by other wizards looking for things like old refrigerators or stoves that they would not have to worry about freaking out around them. He reached under the counter and pulled out a few mail order clothing catalogs that he had not tossed out yet. He smirked at the thought that his junk-mail would actually prove useful for a change and handed them to Teyha, "Here you can find some clothes you like and we can put in a rush order over the phone for you. Business is usually slow for the most part anyway and I think the books are still organized from last week. I will go open up though." With that he walked over and lowered the powerful protective wards on the front doors and then flipped the sign over to say open as he unlocked the double doors and opened them to let in the warm spring air.
Teyha canted her head to the side to stare at the man before her, watching his every move carefully. For the most part she stayed quiet, her hands folded neatly before her while the older wizard led her through the shop. 'He obviously isn't concerned about making money', she thought with an upward quirk of her lips. The erratic business hours alone would turn away many potential customers. Still, she couldn't help but to smile slightly at his kindness, loosening slightly to his charming grin. She did shift slightly when he placed a light hand on her shoulder, and she shrunk quickly away. "I'm sorry." She murmured when he moved on, his hand leaving her body. "I'm not very fond of being touched, if you don't mind that Mr. Simon." She moved with him behind the counter, and looked over the ancient typewriter. 'Of course it wouldn't be modern.' She reminded herself, 'Wizards can never get technology to work quite right. Besides that, it fits with the theme of the store, customers might think it is quaint.' Her fingers ran over the keys, tracing the lines for a few moments before a magazine was placed before her, and she looked up in surprise. "Oh.... Of course." She murmured, and pulled up a stool, sitting quietly down to look through the magazine. She found a pen on the drawer and carefully marked what she liked, circling mostly tee shirts with odd patterns or sarcastic saying, as well as several jeans to match. She sat back and smiled to herself while Simon opened, actually enjoying the calm moment, especially when she thought about how terrifying her morning had been.
He nodded a bit noticing the way she tensed when he tried to comfort her but did not make an issue of it. Instead he flashed her another of those dashing smiles and spoke quite pleasantly, "No worries Teyha, I will try to be less.... physical. Just an old habit for me so I don't give it much thought." He was tempted to ask her about the random thoughts he was having upstairs but was not sure if he should press matters. He walked over to inspect the cases as he gave it some thought and she began to peruse the catalogs and mark various items. She looked so much like Tera though there were obvious differences. That chain of thought of course sent his thoughts back to that fateful night and all the unpleasantness that happened there. It had been a night when he saw with his 'sight', that gift or curse of wizards that showed the world as it truly was, what his uncle really was and had ended up on the council's shit list because of it. He still had not been able to protect her though not for lack of effort. That monster had used her to fuel his little attempt and though it failed she was not there to see it. He did not realize it but he tensed a bit as he thought of those things and remembered all that had happened that night and in the nights that followed. He had been in his late teens and was forced into the darkest part of this mystical world without any sort of safety net... in hindsight he was lucky he was still alive all things considered. He decided he should be honest with her as it was likely the first step in them trusting one another. So he turned to face Teyha and asked her in a rather soft voice, "I do not suppose you had a sister or something named Tera a good while back... maybe 10 years give or take? You look a lot like someone I knew... hell almost exactly like her in fact."
"Thank you, I really do appreciate it." Teyha responded and smiled gratefully back, his grin helping to relax her some. He really was charming, she decided, with a bright smile that would make any heart throb and beg to see more... Even her own raced slightly, and she had to raise the magazine again, casually looking through for more clothes she would feel comfortable wearing. She crossed one leg tightly over the other and leaned back, the tip of the pen tapping lightly against the desk absently. She glanced up then, and noticed the man was moving almost awkwardly, as if preoccupied by another thought. Idly she wondered if that was how she looked when lost in one fantasy or another, and made it point to remind herself to only let her mind wander in private. He tensed and moved almost automatically, looking as though he were remembering something unpleasant. The young wizard canted her head to the side, and raised a brow to stare curiously at the man. Finally, he turned, his eyes locking onto hers as he quietly revealed the source of his distress. "No..." Teyha murmured back, setting the magazine back on the table. She fiddled with the pen for a few moments, twirling it lightly between her fingers while the man watched her. "I only have two bothers, no sisters.... Thank goodness." She whispered the last words, barely audible before she stood, and moved back to the stairs. "I think I need to lay down." She told him as she left. "I'm sorry I can't be of any more help."
Simon cringed a bit realizing he had apparently made things worse rather than better with his question. He could tell from the way her mood suddenly shifted that something was bothering her. He reached out to try and stop her but then remembered she did not like to be touched and stopped short of actually touching her... then slowly pulled his hand back. He gave her a worried look then decided he needed to put his foot down at least a little bit else they would be dancing back and forth like this for ages. He spoke softly, "Hang on a moment Teyha... we need to talk." He walked over and bolted the door again though did not bother with the wards this time as he was sure he could manage on the slim chance that anything came busting down the door and trying to push through the mystical threshold. He moved a little closer to Teyha and pulled up a stool to sit on as he sighed a bit and then looked to the young woman, "I should be honest with you about why I asked... My grandfather was to say the least a pretty well known wizard and had amassed a small fortune. I was his favorite and apparently he redrafted his will because of it... my uncle was not to happy about that. Well I was out with Tera, she looked a lot like you and worked for my Grandfather, When I got the news my uncle was deathly ill... and before I could get to see him. Well someone had summoned a demon and sicked it on me." He sighed a bit and closed his eyes before he finished up, "I managed to drop the demon with a bit of luck... hell I was just a teenager odds are I should have been the one to end up dead... but the spell I used tore through the demon and hit the wizard pulling the strings from behind a veil of invisibility... seems he had been hoping to kill me, twist Tera's mind so she would swear I summoned the demon... and swoop in as the hero. My uncle let his death curse out blindly though and it hit Tera... she died, he died, the demon melted away... and the council threw a hood over my head and dragged me off just like they did to you. I broke the first law of magic... I killed with magic... they ruled it self defense because Injun Joe stood up for me. He and grandpa were old friends I found out later." He looked at Teyha but avoided meeting her eyes directly since she seemed hesitant to chance a soul gaze. He wanted her to know she could trust him even if she would not open up right away. Plus in some ways it felt good to be able to get that off his chest knowing she would not judge him for the mistakes of his youth. He suddenly sounded far older than he looked as he spoke, "So please Teyha... if you need to talk... talk to me.. I want to help but to do that I need to know what is bothering you."
All Teyha wanted to do was retreat to the room that Simon had pointed out as hers, and bury herself under the mass of pillows and blankets on the bed. Sleep would come quickly, and with it the release from any memory that she hated to keep, but kept rising to the surface again. Morbidly she laughed at herself, and how pitiful she must look right now. She froze when Simon reached out for her, his hand halting before it made contact with her. He fled from her, and locked the door again, trapping her with him. There was no running from him, she knew. He took a stool and moved close to her, staring up at her. She simply leaned against the wall, her arms folding before her chest. He spoke first, a tumble of words explaining why he had taken her in. Her brows raised briefly at the revelation, before she looked away. "I don't know a Tera." She told him, shifting her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. "I'm sorry if I remind you of her, but I've never had a sister, and my cousins are all younger than me." She told him softly, and slowly slid down the wall. She crouched until she was eye level with him, but still deliberately avoided his gaze. "I entered two peoples minds." She said after a moment. "I read about the spell somewhere... And panicked. In my terror I blended and erased their memories until they barely knew who they were... And I left a command behind, 'Do not harm others' bound with a spell. Breaking it would cause severe pain. I passed out after it was cast.... And the next thing I know I'm roused in that chamber, a hood over my head, with wizards accusing me of being a warlock."
Simon nodded a bit, he had heard something happened involving her family and noticed that they had not been present at the so called Trial. He listened to her story and knew that she honestly had to have been terrified and was just trying to protect herself. He was surprised when she slid down to look at him as it was far from what he was used to... most did not want to look at him when they found out what he had done and why he had been watched for so long. He was careful to avoid gazing into Teyha's eyes as he looked to her face and managed to force a weak smile for her. He was not afraid of what he might see as he was sure she was a good person who had just fallen on some shitty lucky much as he had. But her hesitance earlier was something he was going to respect. "So you had to protect yourself Teyha, I can understand that. You don't have to apologize though babe, after all they do say that everyone out there has a double." His smile faltered as he figured he should share exactly what he did so she understood a bit better since she was being so honest with him, "I think the reason Injun Joe spoke up for me was how I stopped the demon and killed my uncle. I hurled a lightning bolt and apparently that is not exactly common... Joe kept calling me 'Sky Caller' while I was there with him on the reservation as an apprentice. Close as I can figure it calling lightning out of thin air is a rare talent or something and a big deal among the Native Americans so he had an interest and thought I was worth giving a chance." He reached out and offered Teyha his hand as he stood, hoping that just maybe he could help her get over her issues with closeness through trust and sharing but he would not force it if she did not take his hand. He did give her another smile though as he spoke and somehow it manage to be one of those charming smiles from before that could make a young woman's hearts race, "You have a heck of a talent yourself if you could work a spell ward while doing mentalism though... and it is no wonder you passed out, that must have taken a hell of a lot out of you. How about I help you upstairs and try to throw together something to eat. A day off work won't kill either of us."
Teyha sniffled slightly, and her lip quivered from a sudden strain to hold back any emotion. 'Damnit Teyha, don't cry now!' She ordered herself, but it was a lost cause already. The kinder he was to her, the more her defenses faltered. Her shoulders trembled briefly, and she had to clamp her teeth down on her thumb sharply, hoping the pain would jar her away from any thought of self-pity. But it was just that morning that a fight had broken out in her home so terrible she reached for that power to defend herself, and as strong as she tried to appear... Teyha was too emotionally frail to hold it back for long. Simon reached out to her, and she crumbled completely. in a heartbeat she was at him, her face buried in his stomach. Her shoulders shook, and her fingers tangled in his robes, tightening until her hands trembled from the strain. "I didn't mean to!" She managed to sob, a muffled and barely audible sound. "I tried... I tried everything else... I told my mom, I told the council, I told anyone who would listen to me!" Just as suddenly as she had lunged into him, she pulled back again, pressing her back to the wall as she looked up at him with wild, fear filled eyes. "I didn't do anything special, I panicked!" She tried to explain, her voice pitching higher with each word, strained with emotion. "I grabbed hold of it, and I cast... As hard as I could... I just... I just couldn't take it anymore. And now..." She broke off, her voice slightly choked, "My mother and my brother are like aliens to me. They don't know who I am.... And I don't care! I don't want them to know me. I want to forget about them! Why do they get to live guilt free and happy, and I'm weighed down with the memories? I did nothing wrong, why am I the only one punished?" She asked, searching his face for some hint of an answer before she drew her legs up, and rested her forehead on her knees, her shoulders shaking terribly in the aftermath of the explosive confession.
Simon let her press herself to him and sob and then simply listened to her confession about everything that happened. HE then waled over to the stairs and sat behind and did something he was not sure of she would like or not but it was all he could thing to do. He hugged Teyha gently. He just held her and softly stroked her hair for a moment before he spoke, "It is OK Teyha let it out. I know what I went through is not the same thing but I think I understand... trust me you do have a gift though. Sometimes we do not know what we can do until we dig down deep. I wish you found out a better way though. It is not your fault they were like that though and you did try everything else." HE gazed at Teyha making sure that he did not stair to long into her eyes, he would let her decide if she was ready for that soul gaze at a time of her choosing or not at all. He still hugged her gently hoping to comfort her as he spoke softly to her, "It is completely normal not to want them to remember and in the end our memories good and bad are what make us who we are babe. You protected yourself and in the process anyone else they might have hurt down the road... how you did it may not have been the best but I will help you find better ways." He reached up to gently wipe away her tears and give her a warm and caring smile that few ever were fortunate enough to see from him. He honestly wanted to help Teyha because she reminded him so much of himself and though her talent lay in subtler things than combat spells her situation was one he understood all to well. Still giving her that warm smile he spoke softly again, "I can tell you that it hurts less with time, but the memories don't go away... it is as close to a wizard's second sight as you can get without using the real deal I am afraid so it kinda sticks with you. But no one is going to punish you here Teyha and I will do everything I can to help... you can always come to me no matter what."
Teyha let herself be pulled close to Simon, still trembling violently from head to toe. He stroked her lightly, his arms wrapping around her lithe form to draw her in for a hug. She didn't even care at this point, scrubbing her eyes with the back of her hand while she listened to Simon speak softly to her. It was soothing, his soft and kind voice, the way he stroked her hair. Slowly she stopped sniffling, and her sobs died down. 'It could have been worst, I could have hiccuped.' She considered after a moment, wiping away the last of her tears without pulling away from the man. She looked up at him in time to see his dashing smile, that perfect grin. She gave him a shaky smile in return, and rested her head against his chest once more. It wasnt deliberate. She repeated a slight edge in her voice at his soft criticism. I just reacted. I couldnt. I couldnt let them hurt me again." She shoulders slumped for a moment and she sniffled again, trying her hardest not to cry. Damnit, she's cried enough already! After all, wasn't this the best option, she reminded herself sharply. Away from that bitch of a mother, and safe from the psycho spawn she called a son? Even her punishment was not terrible. Simon seemed kind, intelligent... She could try to exist her, happy... But a nagging voice in her head reminded her that there was no escaping from the past, no matter how far you ran. Even once the training was complete she'd be watched carefully, flagged as a possible warlock. She rubbed her arms lightly, trying to settle the goosebumps that rose on her flesh. Slowly she pulled herself away from Simon, her jaw set and a frown on her face. Lets go upstairs. She said, her voice quiet and almost toneless. She stood, and moved to the stairs once more, her eyes cast to the ground as she moved lethargically. Ill cook, Im not bad at that. She continued as though nothing at all where wrong. What would you like to eat?
Simon was glad she was letting him help her and that was enough reason for him to smile on a day like today. He knew what it was like after all. He recalled how he had spend roughly a decade being watched before they decided he was not a threat and even now there were some among the council who did not trust him. He knew Teyha was a good person, he was not sure how he knew but he did, and he thus knew that in time she would be able to do what she wanted and go where she pleased. He would do anything he could to help her get there. For now that meant not just being a teacher but also a mentor and more importantly a friend. So he would not pry further and would be happy she trusted him enough to share. He followed her up the stairs and then plopped down on the couch with that same dashing smile of a rogue as she made her way over to his kitchen. He shrugged a bit then still smiling spoke once more, "I am not to picky so will be happy with damn near anything you whip up... especially since I generally don't stock the place with food I dislike... probably why it is mostly chicken, beef, potatoes and such around there. My grandfather used to say you can eat cheap and you can eat well and so long as you know what you are doing neither should cost a fortune... then again the old man was filthy rich too." He realized that his fondness with food likely came from his time under the care of Joseph Listens-to-Wind, or as Mr. McCoy called him 'Injun Joe', since fancy or expensive food were never really on the menu there. Simon got away with calling him Injun Joer on occasion though from what he understood most could not and either called the wise old Indian medicine man Listens-to-Wind or Joseph if they were in position to be less formal. His trip down memory lane suddenly prompted him to speak up again, "Oh by the way I know I mentioned 'Injun Joe' earlier but I would not advice calling a member of the senior council that off hand... so if we visit him or he comes to visit you should likely call him Listens-to-Wind or Joseph at the most casual. He knew my grandpa and so took me in to teach me... though he always said I sucked at medical magic." The later comment came with a chuckle from Simon who always thought it was funny that the greatest master of healing magic had been the one to mentor someone who's talent seemed to lie in ritual and combat magic.
The kitchen was tidy enough that Teyha was able to pull down the pots and pans she planned on using without having to ask for direction. She set it out, and started prepping the food to be cooked. "Chicken and potatoes it is then." She said with a shake of her head. She diced the potatoes, and washed them, throwing them in a pot with salt to boil before she cleaned the space and started on the chicken. She decided to bread it, and pan fry it in just a bit of grease. It took a few minutes for her to prepare, and she spent it in silence, listening to Simon talk, his voice somewhat distant as he lost himself in the past. "Don't worry, I'm not a very informal person Mr. Simon." She assured him with a smile. "I don't think I'd be comfortable referring to a great wizard is 'Injun Joe' either way." She pulled up a stool, and watched the food simmer, waiting for the bottom of the chicken to brown and crisp, ready for flipping. She shrugged slightly, and glanced over her shoulder. "That's a shame." She told him, "I would love to learn medical magic. I feel too guilty when I try to use aggressive magic, hesitate... I like the idea of healing a lot more. It's peaceful, useful."
Simon actually cringed a bit when she called him 'Mr. Simon' as it made him feel rather old. He shook his head a little bit and spoke a bit softly to Teyha, "Please drop the Mr for me at least Teyha, makes me feel a tad older than I like... so please just call me Simon I swear it is OK." He sat there and smelled the food she was repairing and suddenly though to himself'I think she may have understated her talent, she seems a total wiz in the kitchen'as he enjoyed the aromas filling the common area of the loft. As he smelled that simple yet delicious food being prepared his mind drifted back to his days with Joseph. Days spend working on the things he did not have a natural talent for but that the old Medicine man thought he needed to know. He also remembered getting 'Little brother' the squirrel that hung around Joseph constantly rather hooked on snickers bars. Her second question sunk in around that point. He thought on it for a moment and then remembered what he had just been dwelling on. Maybe he could help her at least a bit thanks to the old medicine man insisting he learn things outside his comfort zone and that made him smile. So it was with that charming and dashing smile in place that he spoke once more, "Well now that you mention it Joseph insisted I learn things outside my comfort zone. I spent more time on Medical magic, Veils, and Transformative magic than I care to think about. So I could at least get you into the basics if you want... and I am sure I could talk to Joseph about some books or such once we get past that."
Teyha glanced over her shoulder at Simon when he spoke, her lip twitching up at the corner. "It's not that you're old, you're thinking about it wrong." She told him calmly, and rose to check on the potatoes and flip the chicken. She smiled seeing the crispy brown exterior, and waited for the other side to match. The potatoes were soft too, the fork easily passing through them, so she lifted the pot, and brought it to the sink to drain. "It's that you're a teacher." She continued. "Mr. is a sign of respect, not necessarily of age. It acknowledges that you're wiser than I am, more experienced, capable of teaching. It also keeps the teacher-student relationship grounded firmly in place. On top of that.... You're my boss and my landlord." She bounced the potatoes in the colander and poured them into a large bowl to mash. She turned the hot water on to soak the used pans and she opened the fridge and pulled out milk and butter to add to the steaming potatoes. "But if you insist, I suppose I can drop the formality." She continued absently as she worked, mashing the potatoes with just a bit of butter and milk until they were fresh and fluffy, with salted and peppered to taste. The chicken was about done as well, and she pulled it out, setting it on a plate to cool as she stared the dishes washing. "Give the chicken a minute to cool." She told him over her shoulder. "Five actually, or the juice will run out and it'll be dry. If you want anything else I can whip it up real quick too."
Simon nodded a bit and flashed her another of those dashing smiles as he spoke in what seemed like a witty in control tone, "Then yeah drop the Mr... I will be far more comfortable with just Simon and less tension will make it far easier to help you out Teyha. Oh and for the record that food smells amazing... I think you sold yourself short on the kitchen talent." He leaned back and enjoyed the smell of the food filling the main room of the flat. He suddenly thought to himself that somewhere down the road when she was more comfortable Teyha was going to make some guy, or in this day and age maybe some girl, a very happy person. That made him smile a bit thinking that she would be able to have a happy life down the line. Simon was never sure he would ever have anything approaching a normal life given the trouble he had gotten into and the enemies he had made in the past. He had never lived a simple life now that he thought about it and was not sure he would know how to even if he had the chance. He had never known his father's family as they did not visit this little shop and his mothers family was at this point as far as he knew all deceased, and some of them had been less than sane in his opinion. He at least had a few friends and some degree of respect on the council even though some people there thought he was a loose cannon or a rebel... all in all he was fairly happy with his life though it was nothing even approaching normal.
After a few minutes of waiting Teyha filled Simon a plate of food, still steaming hot, and placed it in front of him, grabbing her own with a soft snort. "Don't be silly." She told him as she sat down, eating a bite of the mashed potatoes. "This isn't the kind of cooking that demands skill." She told him with a grin. "Patience and practice, sure. I was cooking for my family two or three times a week since I was ten or eleven, and the more my mom worked, the more I'd cook." She told him with a slight shrug, swirling the potatoes around her fork absently. "Cleaning though." She said after a few bites. "I'd sooner sell a kidney then wash dishes every night. Boring and monotonous, I put it off until I can't anymore. Same with most household chores." She laughed softly, grinning for a briefly. Her soft grey eyes twinkled briefly, "My mom said I was just incredibly lazy, but I'm just easily bored. If that makes any sense to you at all, Simon."
Simon chuckled and took the food eagerly digging in for a few moments before he answered her, "Well I never managed anything quite like this so I must really suck in the kitchen... good thing I am pretty huh?" He flashed her a smile once he had finished that last round of food. He settled in to enjoy the meal and smiled as she spoke about not wanting to have to clean up and hating to do so. He was the same way and the difference is he had hired a cleaning service just so he would not have to but they only came on request these days since they seemed frustrated that their fancy vacuums seemed to blow up when he was around. So he was smiling and laughing a bit as he answered, "Oh I am the same way... but I seem to make cleaning services nervous since if I am here when they clean... well you know fancy tech and wizards. They charged me for the last three vacuums that blew up here plus the extra time it took them to clean up after." He smirked and enjoyed the food she made and then went and got a Dr Pepper out of the old fashioned fridge smiling a bit as he enjoyed the benefit of being the guy other wizards came to for that sort of thing. He then got a second one and handed it to Teyha as he nodded to the kitchen appliances, "The secret to my comfort... Dad's old antique contacts still track down old appliances for me, wizards pay a fortune for appliances that do not blow up on them. Just to let you know you don't have to go anywhere even once you are on your feet... that little apt has been empty since i moved back into this place and you are welcome to keep it."
Despite trying to stay humble Teyha couldn't help but feel proud of her ability to impress the man before her with her skill in cooking. She smiled to herself, raising her eyes to meet Simon's. "Cooking isn't like magic." She told him lightly, "It doesn't take a particular skill, beyond the ability to taste and understand what flavors you're tasting. It's mostly practice, the instinct follows once you know what you're doing." Her smile broadened slightly, and she laughed behind her hand as he described his problem with maid services. "We'll have to get out of the house when they show up then." She told him reasonably. "I'd imagine two of us would make their jobs much more difficult." She accepted the Dr Pepper with a smile, and leaned back to enjoy the chilled drink. She took a long sip while listening to Simon describe his father's old business. In her usual fashion she had almost half the can drained when he mentioned the apartment, and the possibility of her staying in it. Involuntarily she gasped, and a gush of icy soda flowed directly into her windpipe. She set the can down hard and coughed into the back of her hand, trying to clear her throat of the burning sensation. When she finally looked up, red faced from coughing and teary eyed from the burning cola she could only think to stare. 'As if I haven't embarrassed myself enough already... Talk damnit! Talk!' She screamed at herself in her head, prompting her to blurt out the first thing that came to her mind. "I know my cooking isn't that good!" She protested.
When Simon noticed that she began to choke and cough he acted without even thinking. Before he realized it he was across the short distance and had one arm around Teyha to steady her while the other gently patted her back trying to help her clear her throat. He had practically forgotten about her concern for closeness due to his concern and then once she was once again able to speak he realized how close he was and blushed a bit. He managed another smile for her as he slowly drew away not wanting to make his young apprentice feel uncomfortable. Within the span of a few moments he was back on the couch across from her and taking a sip from his Dr Pepper. He was not sure why the the offer had shocked her so much. He honestly meant the offer as a kind gesture since he knew the room would just go unused if she left once the council determined she was safe to be on her own. He sipped his drink for a moment and then finally spoke once more, "The room would just lay empty and dusty if you left, and I could always use help with the shop... so it just made sense to offer you the room if you want to have it Teyha."
The sting of carbonated soda made Teyha clear her throat once or twice more, scooting down the couch away from Simon when he moved to offer his aid. She watched him warily, her eyes slightly narrowed on his face for a moment, as if looking for a hint of dark intention in his gaze. Try as she might she couldn't place even a trace of maliciousness in his eyes, and she dropped her own back to her empty plate. She set her can on the table, and stared blankly for a few moments, unsure what to say. "I'm sorry, Simon. I suppose you do just want to help." She said with a shrug, fiddling with her hands in her lap. Slowly she looked up again, feeling shy and unsteady once again. " Let's... Let's just see how it goes for right now. I mean, I don't want to make you feel like I'm a burden or anything, or that I'm trying to live off you! Honestly, you know next to nothing about me. You could get in a lot of trouble being so trusting with someone, aren't you worried at all?"
Simon actually chuckled a bit at her question as he finished his soda then stood up and walked over to get a second drink. He turned with a rather charming smile to face Teyha as he spoke once more, "I have seen some of the worst the vanilla and wizarding worlds have to offer. So lets just say that there is a reason those on the council do not invite me to parties and act like I am a bit of a black sheep and leave it at that for now." He cracked the second can of Dr. Pepper then took a sip before walking back over to a rather plush recliner and plopping down in it. He took another sip before he continued, "Plus you will not be a burden. As I said I can use the help in the shop both running the book and antique store or even managing orders for antique appliances that do not short out and go crazy around wizards, I have made quite the bundle with that little market among wizards. They seem to miss the modern niceties and are not worried about paying a bit for an older fridge, AC unit, Heater, or Boiler that will not short out as soon as they get stressed. Keeping track of orders, work orders, and contacting technicians or placing orders to my families fabricators for replacement parts of those antiques can end up being a lot of paper work after all."
In every way, it had been a very long and exhausting day for the young witch, who now swayed somewhat drowsily in her own chair, soda still in hand. Dealing with the council, without mention to the horror that led up to that confrontation, took a drain on the young woman's emotional state. It was no aggageration to say that the encounter could have ended far worst, with the group hardly being known for their mercy and understanding. The young woman had honest reason to fear for her life, had Simon not appeared to pull her away from the almost guaranteed fate of death that might have otherwise awaited her. Now in one day, the girl had found herself not only freed of a life she thought inescapable, but now in the care of a kind older man who seemed content with her many shortcomings. Not only content, her tired mind reminded her, but warm and accepting of it. Briefly the girl had considered he would have an alterior motive to his generosity, some darker threat that he intended for her... But try as she might to deter him from welcoming her, he seemed more than willing to compromise. Further, if there was some meaning behind it all, the girl simply could not see it. Him being a man, and her frightened and often paranoid of that half of the population, her mind immediately wanted to point to the most obvious reason for his attention... But quickly she pushed that possibility firmly out of her mind. It bordered on narcassistic to think that any man in the world, however noble, would ultimately only be out for her physical charm... And far exceeded normal paranoia. Beyond that, she reminded herself sharply, if she wanted to be brutally honest with herself, her last abuser wasn't drawn in by looks... But rather ease of access. She was simply born to the wrong family. Her mind somewhat settled, and body very well exhausted, the little witched pushed herself up to her feet. "I'm exhausted..." She whispered, but hesitated on moving to her room. Oh she knew well enough that she wouldn't be roused by a waking nightmare... But that hardly protected her from those that came in her sleep. Her near nightly attacks forced the girl into a routine of insomnia, likely what led her to such drastic action earlier that day, and whenever she did manage to call asleep, it seemed her mind was clouded by bitter thoughts and memories she never wanted to relive. For a moment she drifted, swaying as though to start moving towards her room, but never moved her feet. In the end, she could only flop back into her chair, wordlessly burrying her face in her palms.
It was a seemingly regular spring day for the students at Fujimi Academy. Classes were in session, but there always were a few transient students wandering about instead of being in their appropriate class rooms. Kira Ayame, the Captain of the school archery club, at least had a reason to be skipping class. She was posting signs in order to get a high try out for the next year's team; lots of her current members were graduating. She was in her Junior year at the school, and had been Captain of the team since her Sophomore year. She had soft lavender hair that hung in ringlets down her back, held back by a hair band, and narrow red eyes. She wore the Fujimi uniform in perfect condition; she was a bit of a perfectionist as she made sure the poster was straight. The commotion at the gate caught her attention, pushing some long bangs out of her eyes. It looked to her like a homeless person was trying to get through the gates. Her brow creased, but at least it looked like the teachers that had arrived on the scene were trying to send him on his way. At least until one of them were bit. The teacher with the wound collapsed on the ground mere moments later, twitching, as the other teacher went into hysterics. It wouldn't take long for him to fall still, Ayame's hands flying to her mouth in shock from her good vantage point. Of course, when the teacher came back to life and began to maul the sobbing teacher, she knew something was terribly wrong. She ran away, as fast as she could; she had to find someone to help in this situation!
Like normal Tenma laid on the roof of the walk way leading from the class rooms to the cafeteria. he wore a dyed look alike of the school uniform something he him self was prod of. he was the schools black sheep from teacher to student no one wanted much to do with his even though he was never that bad. Screams caught him off guard causing him to pop up looking around for the source of the cries. standing up he ran for the window that entered his second period class, running up the wall and catching the window seal. He looked in and to his horror The teacher was biting through the neck of a student. "What the Hell!" he said jumping from his perch landing on his butt he was shocked. "Tenma, Tenma! Help Me!" Yelled one of his friends running from what looked like an armada of students covered in blood. Frozen with fear he was hesitant to move "Tenma!" he friend cried, tears running down his face "I don't wanna die" His friend ran to the pillar that Tenma normally climbs to get up on the roof but terror was controlling his body cause him to be clumsy. The deranged students inches from him he looked up at Tenma with pleading eyes begging for his help. Snapping him self out of his trance Tenma ran to the pillar he was climbing reaching his hand out to help. his friend jumped with all his might grabbing Tenma's hand being pulled up onto the roof the both sat down staring at each other. "Dude What the fuck is going on Sin." "Dose it look like I know. I just been chased by fucking cannibals and your asking me what happen." Sin said to him falling back letting out welled earned breath.
It wouldn't take long for Ayame to figure out that there was no one to call on for help. She would have to depend on herself alone, what with all of the students clamoring and causing a frenzy as countless bodies were killed, and then reanimated. She headed straight for the archery club room to grab her personal bow. If nothing else, she needed to defend herself. She had no idea what was going on, but she had seen a couple of zombie movies in her time to guess as to what was happening. Half of her thought she was dreaming as she slammed the door open, revealing another girl standing there. This girl was a transfer student, and a problematic one at that. She had been kicked out of the archery club for being too brutal; she was currently a member of the kendo club. She was tall for her age, a Senior, with long blonde straight hair and cold green eyes. She was grabbing a bow and arrow, already carrying a kendo stick. She had large breasts that strained the front of her uniform, and her skirt was rolled up to be shorter. "What's going on, Hisagi-san?" Ayame demanged as the girl coldly looked to her. "Get some weapons if you want to live." Hisagi Reika tossed Ayame's personal bow and quiver of metal arrows to the girl. "I don't think many other students are we better team up. I saw some students up on the roof, they look alive enough. Not like them. There's safety in numbers, so gear up and let's save their asses." Ayame hated to team up with Reika, but it didn't look like she had any other choice. She swung her gear on, the two of them running across the school yard to get to the roof where the pair of male students were, with Them clamoring up to get their flesh. Ayame and Reika were taking down the creatures as they moved to their destination; when the bow was used, Ayame shot those in the distance so she could grab her arrows back and re use them.
Surrounded on all sides Tenma and his friend Sin had no where to run the class room was more then likely taken over by now and the cafeteria was a cesspool of those things. Tenma was the first to speak "dude what are we gonna to do? we can't live up here." he looked over the edge of the roof none of these people, could they even be called people anymore? Had the skill to climb the pillar and it was so easy to do. He thought 'If only I could make it to my locker.' His thought was soon stopped by the site of an arrow catching one of the students in the head. "Dude the Calvary just arrived." he said kicking his friend to get him up. Staring out to where the arrow came from seeing two girls rushing to their position. "Tenma we can't go out saying we were saved by girls can we?" Sin said finally seeing who was coming to rescue them. "We don't have a fucking choice now do we?" he said pointing the girls to where the lockers are "Run to the lockers! We'll meet you there!" his voice boomed through the yard the lunatic students, that's what he called the, turned their attention from the girls to the boys on the roof. "Fucking great! that just called them all over, let's move before this thing is torn down." He looked back at Sin who was shaking in fright at the thought of getting down with those things around. "Dude go with out me I'll be fine up here by my self." Sin forcing a faint smile to ease Tenma's growing rage. He was terrified and his body was showing his true colors though he tried his hardest to hide them. He was close to pissing his pants looking out at the horde the now walked their way. He looked up to see a blur of knuckles crushing his jaw bone "What the fuck man!" rolling Round on his back holding his jaw he glared at Tenma. "Good now that you got your balls back can we get going? It's bad enough dealing with these things one-on-one but if we work together we'll be good, at least I hope." he said holding out his hand to help Sin up, after helping him up he jumped down from the roof. He broke out in a full blown run when his feet touched down when he turned to look for Sin he was at his side running with him.
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up. There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held. Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe. He knew that they operated all around the world. Some in shadows and some in plain sight of others. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government. who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show everyone they they were truly in power.
Ahhh, the party scene. Always a sight for things to fly under the radar. A time for people to meet-and-greet, but never really know who they were talking to. Some people love em, some hate em. But for celebreties, it was a time to show of, for the most part. Ms. Jennifer Lopez had just arrived at the party. Her limo pulling up after a semi-long day, with Jennifer stepping out into the crowd, and being stared at by almost everyone in the large, full room. Her outfeit consisted of a simple black dress, and high heels to match. Her hair was let loose to drape over her upper body, and her eyes were shining like always. She looked around, decideding that she would make an appearence, and leave quickly, it had been a long day. She began talking and socialishing with people, for a long time. One conversation leading quickly into the next with little to no pause. The night went by fast and tiringly. Ms. Lopez decided she needed a break and walked into the bathroom, where she stood, staring in the mirror. "Damn... It's hard to keep this up..."
Drake nodded and one of the attendants quietly walked over to the bathroom and locked it from the outside. He knew that no one else was inside and thus it would be no problem to set their plans in motion. It seemed that perhaps the hand dryer wasn't working properly or was it for as it was spouting off hot air it was also releasing a odorless, tasteless gas that would soon have the beautiful woman in a daze and easily controlled. Once it was well in the bathroom the aid walked in looking at Ms Lopez. He laughed and walked over to her. "All right sweetie, lean against the wall and place your hands behind your back and make not a noise." As that was going on Drake was eyeing the crowd to find his second target of the night. He knew some more stars were in this party and he knew they all had power but there was someone who he knew would just look great on his leash, collared to him like a simple pet. He was going to teach these people who really was in charge.
As Jennifer looked in the mirror, she herd a slight click, and suddenly, the hand-dryer turned on. She looked over, expecting to see someone there, but there was noone. Odd... She also began feelig light-headed, so she walked to the door out and pulled on it. It didn't even budge. She pulled harder and harder, as she got drowsy slowly. Eventually, she just stoped and stood there, somewhat dazed, not booing what to do, when suddenly a man walkig in and told her what to do. Her mind was so blank she simply followed them, leanig aginst the wall and standing there. Another woman of equal standing was there as well, the artist Beyonc. She was there, and was pretty much the life of he party. However, she felt as though she had one too many drinks, and that she had to go to the bathroom. She made her way over, and attempted to open the door. It wouldn't budge. She looked around and saw a man, walking up to him. "Uhm, sorry to be rude, but is there another bathroom here, sir?"
The Aid walked over to Jennifer and ran his hand down her back to the edge of her dress before lifting it up and hooking his fingers to her panties and pulled them down her shapely legs before off. He then had her open her mouth and he stuffed her mouth with her panties and then pulled out some tape and gagged her then taped her hands behind her. Once he was done he was going to lead her away out a secret exit and to a waiting car where he had Ms.Lopez lay down on the back of the seat. Drake looked at Beyonc and nodded, Leading her down the hall he waited until they were out of sight of anyone before he grabbed her and placed a cloth over her mouth. quickly the drug would work against her, weakening her until she could not fight back. He then gagged her and tied her hands behind her back before leading her out to his car to see Ms.Lopez still laying there, squirming sligghtly due to the drugs affect showing many naughty bondage fantasies thta she had now playing out in her mind and soon the same would happen to Miss Beyonc Knowles.
A slight tingling ran down Jennifer's back, locating his fingers exact location, untill they roughly grabbed her panties. She pulled around a bit as this happened, but with not nearly enough power to get away. Within a few seconds, her panties were gone, leaving a bear open spot, that was slightly drafty. He suddenly clamped her mouth open, when a sudden cloth was shoved in and taped closed. She couldn't open her mouth or make a noise. She looked around, quite confused. She was suddenly pushed into the back of a car, with the door slammed shut behind her, leaving her drugged-out mind to wander. When Beyonc was lead down the hall, she smiled at the man. "Thank yo-" before her sentance could finish, she was silenced by a cloth; and quite startled. "Erm... What is this?". Slowly, though, her vision blurred and she became weak. She was frcedbly tied and gagged, and lead to a car, with one of her peers layig already on the seat, the same thing happenng, her mind wanderig due to the drug.
He enjoyed the struggle Beyonc gave before the chemical would of moved through her body. Once she was his he admired her body for abit before he tied her up and put her in the passenger seat of his car while her limo was driven off by one of his partners. Drake laughed and kept driving as he got to the large cabin and pulled up where he hid the car. He got out and looked over at Beyonc and licked his lips before calling over some help. They opened the door and pulled her out while he opened the other door and pulled Jennifer out and then l. He watched the girls as they held them and dragged them inside before tying them over to the pen and made sure they was locked it. Both Jennifer and Beyonc would of started to come around and wake up but it was a little too late for them. both were tied to the wall of the pens and kept gagged. They watched the girls as they were put into their cages and locked in and tied. The guards watched as they all woke up and moved around only to discover that they were bound and couldn't move. "well well well awake now are we?" Drake looked at Beyonce and grinned. "It won't do you any good to try and fight as there is nothing you can do about it. So now miss Knowles, You will be trained next and its best you don't try to resist otherwise you risk yourself and your friends safety because when one screws up everyone else will be punished." He walked over to her running his hand against her cheek, letting his hand trail down over her waist, feeling the hose over her legs. "you look good and know that looks often please your master so you will do your best to make sure your appearance pleases your master."
For both of the women, everything tha happened was a huge blur, aside from the things that were easily noticable. During the entire car ride, their minds were left to wander, exploring sexual things they had long forgot about. But, they finally reached their destination after seemingly hours. They were lead from a car, and brought into a large cabin-esque building. Inside of said building, they were lead into a large cage, and tied to a wall, their preexisting gaggs staying in. Slowly but surely, the two girls came to flurition and realised what was happening. Beyonc began moving and struggling furiously, panic showig in her frightened eyes. While Jennifer looked around, fear showig, but she simply stood there, afraid. A man started talking to them, more specificly to Beyonc. She didn't know what was happenig, but she couldn't talk back to his crude remarks. She could only pull away from his hand and make muffled noises, when really she wants to scream.
Within the land of Hyrule there was once a master swordsmith whose weapons each carried a legend of their own. His weapons were not only beautiful in design, but they were unbreakable and rather powerful as one of his creations were even known to slice through other weapons and shields like a hot knife through butter. However as the master swordsmith was nearing death, he wished to be buried with his creations... and when the owners of his work refused, they all ended up meeting with terrible ends. Rumors say that he made a deal of some sort and ended up making one last sword with powers that have no rival but the Master Sword itself. Grave robbers, swordsmen, and adventurers alike searched for the tomb of this sword smith. Most would spend their lives searching only to find nothing... a very select few would have lost their lives for this journey. There was only one person in the land of Hyrule who knows about the entrance of the tomb... if you can call him a person that is. It was a poe who wanders around Hyrule, the spirit of an adventurer who had found the tomb by sheer luck and ended up dying because he was unprepared for the dangers that lurked in the tomb. However it seems like he was fated to be rather unlucky as in all of his years as a poe, he didn't think that one would be courageous enough to be hunting for poes. He was struck down from behind as his poe body fell apart as all there was left was the flame of his spirit which was captured in the most humiliating way as possible. The spirit was captured and contained in a simple glass jar. "L-let me go! I will not stand to be humiliated like this!" The poe shouts out as the blue flame flickered as it moved around, trying it's best to escape it's glass prison. No matter what the poe did, the jar wouldn't so much as move despite how much he fought to escape.
Dedeeru was of the Gerudo. A proud warrior of her people and one of very few to actually venture beyond the sands of her homeland. Like all her race she had deeply tanned skin, golden eyes, and vibrant orange hair. Even though she had traveled a long way from the desert, she still wore the traditional garb of a Gerudo Warrior. A simple white silk chest band with red and blue markings covered her breasts, leaving most of her back, shoulders, and toned abdomen exposed. Very loose, flowing silk pants were held to her hips by a band of solid gold, and were tapered around her ankles by functional wrappings. She was barefoot, but had a large amount of solid gold jewelry that was common for her people, including bicep circlets, a large ruby embedded in her forehead, earrings, a golden choker from which another large ruby hung, and gilden white silk fingerless gloves. All in all she looked like a combination of royalty, and warrior. From each side hung a broad crescent shaped scimitar, and on her back hung a long spear with a wickedly curved blade. "Finally!" Dedeeru exclaimed, having finally captured a single mischievous Poe whom had eluded many other adventurers for decades. This Poe was special, as in life it had actually found the tomb she was searching for. And though he had died, the knowledge it held would be useful beyond simply the location of the dungeon. She held the bottle up, level with her eyes. It was curious...the little blue flame was not what she had expected, really the bizarre lantern holding spirit had not been what she expected either. She had never seen a Poe before, as such things had never interested her until now. And regardless of how blasphemous the majority of Hylians tended to be on all matters, there were many facets of their world she found very attractive. "Poe! Or...spirit? Do you have a name?" It had talked to her, demanding freedom. So she assumed it could understand her. "I seek knowledge spirit! A tomb bearing a mighty sword! You know of this yes?"
As she brought it to level with her face, she wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at it... but there was a feeling that it was looking right at her. Or rather it was looking up and down her body, inspecting the Gerudo. It was a sight that not all men from Hyrule were treated to since Gerudos tended to keep to themselves while not a lot of them would venture out into the world. Even after he became a poe he had never once had a good look at one. As she spoke, the poe wouldn't answer for a bit as he was taken aback at her question. "....It's Frederick." The poe told her... however the calm flame seemed to filled the bottle more at her query. "Know? KNOW?! Finding that Tomb had ate away at my youth, and yet once I've found it it stole my life!" The booming voice coming from the poe was enough to make the jar vibrate a little in her hands. "It didn't even give me the pleasure of searching that place as a poe, the tomb rejected my very existence." The flame in the bottle had calmed down as it looked very pitiful to the point it might burn out before the flame grew back to it's original size. ".... Why should I give you knowledge of the location of the very tomb that took my life? It's one thing to come to me and ask for it... but for you to strike me down and capture me in this jar? Why should I do any favors to my tormentor?"
"..Well..." Dedeeru was somewhat taken back by the emotional response from the Poe...Frederick. She did not expect a spirit to display such lively qualities about it. Sombre rhymes perhaps, morbid riddles to solve maybe, but not a vigorous rant about it's life pursuit. A part of her had even thought it would be as simple as catching it. But now she felt somewhat bad about disturbing the poor spirit. And she had never even considered just asking the thing. From what she had learned from various Hylians, Poe's were generally uncooperative, and one had to best them in order to claim whatever reward or treasure it protected. "I am sorry....Frederick. I confess my ignorance has made me seem cruel. I was not led to understand that you would offer help without being captured first..." She tried to think. It was possible that this spirit was merely tricking her, feigning such a story to play off her pity. But the flame looked so little and sad. She couldn't help but feel bad for it. "I...really need to find that cave Frederick....perhaps if I let you out you would help me?" She thought for a few more seconds, pondering. She had no idea what kind of leverage she could use against it if it were tricking her. Perhaps a trade? Though she knew not what manner of treasure a Poe would desire. "If there is something I can give you in exchange then I will do my best..." After all, lots of adventurers seemed to make a living off the treasure trade. It seemed that in Hylia there was no shortage of people with interesting things, who were only willing to give up those things in exchange for something else. It was almost as surprising as the sheer quantity of Rupee's people seemed to lose in the tall grass and leave in unattended clay jars....
While Poes were uncooperative to the point where you'd have to reduce them to just their spirit, Frederick was a bit of a different case. He was cooperative, but only because he wanted revenge against the tomb that had claimed his life. If a treasure hunter were able to steal the treasure that the sword smith took much care so that he'd be forever buried with his prized weapons, then it'd be the greatest insult to the legendary sword smith and Frederick would have the revenge that he sought. The poe was more than willing to give the location on a silver platter, but the Poe still had pride. "You're going to have to do more than let me out." The poe sassed, wanting something more than just freedom after the treatment she gave him. When the Gerudo offered to exchange something his mind didn't head towards what kind jewels or treasures she could give him. No, after being a poe for so long there were certain desires that he didn't have a lot of opportunities to fulfill... and with this Gerudo just being here it gave him a taste of a desire that he hadn't tasted since he was still alive. All he needed was his Poe Body once again. It looked around before his sight rests on the lantern that used to house his spirit as he found that the top just came out, but everything was in a repairable condition. For once he was very lucky. "If you want to apologize, take me out of this jar and put me back into my Lantern. However if you want to know where the tomb is... the only thing that you can exchange for that information would be your body." The poe told her. It was only after he said it out loud did the flame shrink a bit as he did started to worry that she might do something worse from just suggesting his offer.
"My body?" Dedeeru was taken back by the Poe's odd demand. She wasn't in fact completely sure of what his intention was. She didn't think he could possess her or anything, as she'd never heard of Poe's doing such. But she didn't know much about the wandering spirits to begin with. "...what exactly do you mean? I am skilled...and can get you things...if that is what you mean." There was always the possibility that he was thinking of much more basic things, perverted things. But he was a spirit, so that just seemed silly. "I'm not...very other areas..." She blushed just thinking about it. It wasn't like she was a virgin or anything, but if that was indeed his intent then it was still a surprising demand. "I are a spirit right? What could you want with my body?" She didn't know why but she had a very strong feeling that he was indeed thinking lecherously, and it made her uncomfortable. If it came to that, she would do it. But she wasn't sure whether or not she was prepared for it. "How about I let you out first...then we can...discuss the specifics..." She really hoped he wasn't just trying to trick her or something. Otherwise she might not ever catch him again. Reluctantly she pulled the stopper on the bottle and set it on the stump next to his lantern. Then waited, still blushing just from the idle thoughts his demand stimulated.
"Alright, but I'm not going to change my demand... and don't think about attacking me! You were able to defeat me because you got the jump on me... but I'll run away if I see you drawing a weapon." He warned her as she pulled the stopper on the bottle and as she set it next to his lantern, the spirit moved from the bottle and into the lantern as it's insides lit up once more. That was when the main body of the poe rematerialized. Rags covered his body as it acted like a hood and cloak. The only thing she could see underneath the hood besides a black shadow was a pair of yellow glowing eyes that stared at her while an arm reached out from underneath the cloak to hold the lantern. "I think it's rather straightforward with what I want..." The Poe said as it moved closer... another hand moving out from underneath it's cloak as he traced the back of his hand along her cheek. It was a strange feeling mostly because even after he removed his hand from her cheek she could still feel his touch as it was warm. "It's been a while since I've had any perverted fun... so I want to use your body to quench a thirst I've had ever since I became a Poe. If you let me use your body, I'll show you the way to the tomb. Sound fair?" The Poe asked as the hand disappeared underneath his cloak.
"I won't attack..." Dedeeru stated plainly as the Poe took it's lantern and reclaimed it's form. Now that she wasn't fighting the thing she realized that in a way it was rather cute. She couldn't really imagine it engaging in any perversion, she wasn't even sure how that would work. But when it spoke again it became clear that it's intentions were indeed perverted in nature. " you even do...that?" She would rather not, but if she had to she would. That sword was important to her, she had to have it. And her body was a small price to pay if she could find the legendary blade. Still, the idea was perplexing her, and it was possible she was just grasping for an alternative. When Frederick ran it's bony finger down her cheek she shuddered, he was actually warm. Which after thinking about it wasn't that surprising, as it turned into a flame when defeated, and it's soul was housed in a lantern. Still, that touch tingled her cheek even after it was drawn back. "I mean...I will..if that is the only way...." She frowned, thinking about it. "But you are so would you do it?" She wrung her hands nervously. If she had to do it, she'd also prefer it be pleasurable for her as well. And she couldn't see pleasurable among the descriptors in her head as she pictured the possibilities. "Will I....enjoy it?"
"I'll make sure you do... in fact maybe by the end of this you'll want to come back for more." The Poe laughed a little bit. "....But even if you don't, I would still would want you to come back with the sword in hand... That's something that I'd like to see.." Frederick smirked as he floats around her before stopping behind her. "While I haven't become a big poe yet... you'll be surprised at what my poe body can do." With that many hands reached out from underneath his cloak. A set of hands ran down from her shoulders all the down to her wrists. "Another set of hands rested on her shoulders, gently pressing into her skin and massaging her muscles, pressing deeper as he continued. His thumbs pressed lightly up against the back of her shoulders as they were soft touches at first... but slowly he'd put more pressure as he kneads her shoulders. A pair of hands were placed on her hips as they would slowly run up her sides as the poe's hands lingered underneath her breasts as the index finger pressed against the underside of her breasts before his hands slowly traced around the curves of her breasts as he gave them a soft squeeze. A pair of hands slipped down the sides of her pants as he slowly pulled them off and while hsi finger lightly trace down her spine.
"Oh!" The sudden touch of a dozen hands on her skin was electrifying. She expected to be ravished immediately, to be groped and prodded by those hands without mercy. Instead they kneaded her with surprising skill. The ones massaging her shoulders were quite welcome, as she had gathered much stress over her journey. The ones that ran up her sides caused her to shiver, she hadn't ever been touched like that before. Sex with other Gerudo's was straightforward, stress relief, usually over quickly so as not to consume too much time. And the one or two Hylian's she'd bedded turned out to be competent with sex, though not at all with foreplay. "Frederick...that feels...amazing..." She whispered through a pant as his fingers wrapped expertly traced the curves of her breasts and kneaded them without even removing the tube-top she was wearing. It was almost embarassing how quickly she was beginning to like this agreement. Perhaps it came from a lifetime of pent up sexual frustration. Regardless, there were much worse things he could have asked of her. When his hands maneuvered to slip off her thin pants, she moved her hips around to help him. But the finger down her spine caused her to arch her back and gasp. She didn't even know that she was sensitive there, but it felt really good! And now that her bare legs were basking in the open air, she felt a little embarrassed. Just on the thought of someone coming by and seeing her. Besides her silken loincloth, tube-top, and various jewelry she was completely naked, and exposed to the Poe's whims.
Ever since returning back, it hasnt been like the other years. Its been difficult and possibly worse. Everywhere they walked, one had to watch out for their back and where they went because now any teacher could harm them, simply for living. It was such a horrible thing that the Death Eaters had placed themselves into Hogwarts as teachers. It wasnt correctly done and those who were still just professors barely had much authority. How could they when they had Death Eaters waiting eagerly for any excuse to perform the Killing Curse on them? Not even the safest school ever was safe. Still though, it didnt stop those who were of the newly formed Orderformed a couple of years agofor they would meet to find ways to not be subjected to the everyday scrutiny of the new professors. They would meet to make a stand and give confidence into everyone else, including the teachers who were being forced to stay quiet. Stand up and take back what was theirs; the right to learn, the right for Muggle-borns and Half-bloods to learn what is their natural magical right. No harm. That day, after meeting in the safe haven of the Room of Requirement, recruiting others and simply staying safely in a place that the Death Eaters wouldnt have an access to, Ginny Weasley sat on a couch, simply chatting with a few of those that had remained. She was talking about Ron, Harry and Hermione, hoping for their well being and hopefully an end to this tyrannous reign of the Darkness. Among her were Neville, Seamus and a few others, simply chatting and also not wanting to leave the Room anytime soon. Still though, the time had come and they all had taken their leave but Ginny remained. The Room was designed in this comfortable lounging kind of part in the corner and then a practice field to practice defense spells against any harming persons. When it would be over, they would sit back and relax, talk, laugh, try and have a good time as well as get work done. It was their salvation of the day, at the end of every class day; a place to escape from the dreary and droning dark forces that were determined to break down the walls of the very institution that was once so safe and homey for them. With a small sigh, Ginny turned the page of the new textbook that had replaced the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. It was relatively similar but not so much defense. She read it to learn what she may need that could be used as defense; though it didnt necessarily mean it was to protect but to inflict harm. Moving a lock of her ginger red hair out of her face, she turned the page again and then looked up from her book, resting her head back against the back of the cushioned chair she was sitting in. Clad in a white buttoned blouse with her tie loosened around her neck and the black pleated skirt, she crossed a leg over the other and just closed her eyes, thinking about the trio, wishing everyday that they would come home. Wishing everyday that all that was happening, would end. She remained strong, even if everything else was crashing down. She had to remain strong. So many had to.
Things were looking up for anyone in the Slytherin house, especially those whose parents had joined the Dark Lord all those years ago and willingly answered his summons more recently. Dominic Rowle happened to fit into that category, a current Sixth year at Hogwarts who knew that this year would provide him with more then any year past had. True things had worked out well for him in the past, he was a Prefect, one of the top students in his year, and also a Chaser for his house Quidditch team, a team that had not won the championship in too long but that hardly mattered, he had a feeling that things would change this year. HE had good looks, charm, talent, and a very wealthy pure blood family that could get him just about whatever he wanted. Of course there was one thing just out of his reach, one thing that he never told anyone else in his house about because of the trouble it would cause him... Ginny Weasly, pure blood and beautiful. True her family didn't have much money but that hardly mattered him Dominic... though her family's betrayal of their pure blood was a troublesome thing. TO him it wasn't something that mattered but he was proud of his pure blood status and he knew that she would reject him should he approach her... and Dominic was not someone who took rejection very well. No when the time came he would have her all to himself, and she wouldn't have a choice in the matter. The new rules in the school hadn't really bothered him all that much, as the child of Death Eaters the new teachers were treating him quite well and he was excelling in the classes while at the same time looking closely at Ginny, waiting for her to make a mistake, waiting for a chance. Finally one had emerged, she had been sneaking off at night as had her friends and he had followed them, seeing them enter the Room of Requirement, something he had discovered his second year. He wasn't an idiot, only one reason these particular students would want to meet in private and with a smile he had taken down the names as they left, a list that would give him a great deal of power over her should he need it, a pity that he didn't carry a camera around at all times like that one kid Colin did. Smile still on his face and list of names tucked into his robes Dominic entered the room. Hello Ginerva. He greeted her, making sure his hand was on his wand incase she got violent. Taking a little bit of time to hold a study group with your friends.... I believe Headmaster Snape would need to approve it first.
As her eyes remained closed, her mind swarmed with images of the good days. The days when it did not take so much sneaking around just to have some sort of peace and happiness in these dark times. A time when simply walking the halls was safe, chatting with friends wasnt like walking around on eggshells and eating food without having to worry about it being laced with some kind of poison. It was paranoia city up in Hogwarts when it was supposed to be a safe place. Her mind was reeling with good thoughts. Such good thought that felt like it had been forever since she ever thought of them. She was in a state of mind that wouldnt be good to disrupt; one she didnt want to be disrupted. It was all good and fine until she heard a voice. A voice that just hearing him say her full and proper first name like that, gave her shivers and not the kind she liked. No one else called her Ginerva except for her own mother and quite possibly Professor McGonagall when she wasnt calling people by their last names. Shutting her book, unafraid as well, Ginny got off of the one seated cushioned chair and she held it in over her stomach, looking over him. She did not like this boy one bit and the fact he was able to get into the Room, well it worried her but she did well not to let it show. Instead, her eyes narrowed and her mouth nearly twisted like it would form to say something nasty but she remained quiet for a moment. Mulling it over, she had to be clever about this. To what are you referring to? Is it such a crime for one to wander into such a useful room and get some studying done? The Library isnt exactly full of quiet and studious capability these days. Perhaps youve noticed, yes? Her tone and attitude and way of approaching on how to talk to him felt confident and like anything he tried to throw in her direction would come across pointless and useless. Nothing would ever make her give up what they were truly doing in the Room. She'd fight for it. Happily die for it because it was right. And what was really happening these days--the mass murder and overbearing authority of the Dark Lord and hispuppets--was purely psychotic. Disgusting, really.
Dominic couldn't help but chuckle at the look on her face when she looked at him, was that a bit of anger that he was seeing, was she going to reach for her wand and try to curse him in order to protect her fellow students. That would only lead to trouble later on though, she wasn't likely to be able to kill him and he doubted she had the skill pull a charm or spell that would alter his memory and make him forget. It hardly mattered either way, he was already on guard and ready to defend himself against anything she came up with to strike him. One way or another Dominic was holding all the cards right then and there, the same cards that would get him just what he wanted from her because he doubted Ginny would let her friends get into any real trouble just to avoid him going to those in charge with his recently acquired knowledge. Really, just an innocent study group? He asked, amused at the way she was trying to argue what clearly wasn't true. In a room that is hidden from the vast majority of the school... just a study group that you and Lovegood, and Neville, and Creevy happen to have formed? He was just listing names from memory now, a way to show her what he knew. These students seem to have something in common don't they, a worship of Potter who your family happens to be very close to if I remember correctly. As he spoke he walked toward her with a grace that was reminiscent of a big cat, at that moment he was a predator moving in on what it desired. I wonder what the Carrow's would think about this meeting. He mused as he sat down across from her and kicked his feet up on the table, his wand now out and being rolled around his fingers, not yet pointing it at her but making only the most slightly veiled of threat. I mean they would probably have questions for all of you and I doubt that they are the sort that would ask these questions in a polite manner, likely it would involve some terrible curse being applied to you and those who you associate with, and then probably just a few random students because the Carrows do get bored. He knew just what they would do if they heard about this secret meeting and though he wouldn't want to see Ginny harmed in such a manner he wouldn't put up with her refusal to play nice with him. Now should I go and tell them of these meetings or are you willing to make sure that they don't know about it? He was unable to keep the excitement from his voice as he spoke, now he had her right where he wanted her... no where for her to run, nothing she could do about it.
Perhaps he was seriously underestimating her. Just because he seemed to have some verbal evidence to incriminate her with, didnt mean he had any backing evidence or physical proof to back his claims. So as far as she was concerned, she had nothing to worry about and sure she may have been worried sick deep down inside but because she was Ginny Weasley, she managed to stay calm and actually look quite confident, regardless of what he was saying. She wasnt afraid. Nothing would make her afraid. Although, what would be important was to make sure that she carefully worded what she was saying to him. He could easily choose to interpret what she would say into something else or simply find a loophole or some kind of flaw that would hint her into telling the truth, though unwillingly. He could think of it all he wanted and even if he had witnessed it, whos to say anyone, including the Carrows would believe him? So shed like to think that is. So what if they do? As far as Im concerned, youre simply naming random names, all who happen to be friends of mine. Since when did it become a crime for friends to convene in the Room of Requirement? Given the lack of privacy and new teachersbreathing down our backs about anything and everything, its not uncommon to want some privacy to simplylive. Were not doing anything wrong and whatever youre accusing them or myself of, wheres your proof? Unless youre expecting the Carrows to automatically take your side because youre actually on their side? That last sentence did come out as almost a sneer, for she hated favoritism and definitely disapproved of the Carrows supposed disciplinary tactics and unorthodox teaching methods. Fear was not a teaching tactic yet they clung onto that like idiotic siblings clinging onto a rope. Sitting back down now, she crossed a leg over the other and looked at him, pursing her lips. However, even if he didnt have proof, the possibility of getting in trouble with the Carrows was higher than they letting it go and she definitely wasnt about to get into some terrible spat over this. Besides, it wasnt just her that would get roped into this; the others would too. After all these were Death Eater who resorted to means of the Cruciatus Curse, for example, to get the truth out. Itd be easier to simply nip it in the bud then to make some huge spectacle. Besides, she was sure Harry and Ron especially wouldnt be too happy if she got herself into some big trouble and wasnt there when they got back; alive. Im listening to your proposition; that is its remotely interesting for me to bare. Two could playhisgame. Besides, he'd get his in the end.
She was trying to play the innocent card in this case, did she really think he would believe that little bit of bullshit that was pouring from her mouth. Even if the people she was speaking in the defense of weren't friends, weren't blood traitors, even if one of them wasn't a stinking half blood he knew she would be defending them no matter what danger she herself might be in at that very moment, that was just the sort of person she was, that is why she ended up in her inferior house. A pity, she would look wonderful in black and green rather then the red and gold that supporters of her house wore to their matches. In the past on the pitch she was like a goddess, fast and graceful in the air, matching him move for move even with an inferior broom stick. He could only imagine how she would move on top of him, forced to give him her full passion... was it possible that she was still a virgin, that Potter or some other race traitor hadn't gotten a hold of her? She seemed the sort who would try to wait for marriage, did she perhaps believe the boy who lived would be able to marry her rather then soon die at the hands of the Dark Lord? You think they need proof? He asked with a sneer as he raised an arm and let his sleeve fall back, revealing the recently made dark mark that rested upon his arm, still a little red at the edges. I think they will quite happily take my word especially if I tell them that I suspect you and your friends are plotting to help Potter in some way. Slowly he stood and let his sleeve fall back down into place. Creevy at least will suffer just because his father is a muggle, Lovegood because her father writes that pro Potter rag of a paper, and Longbottom... well we all know Bellatrix would probably come to do his herself just to get the whole family. No the list of names would be enough, just tell whose in charge what he had seen and they would vanish from the school... perhaps as a reward they could just give him Ginny, the thought was worth considering as a time saver. With a chuckle at the thought he moved towards her, reaching out to brush over her crossed legs with the tip of a finger, tracing up ever so lightly toward her skirt. I want you Ginny, from this moment on you can either belong to me or your friends can suffer a great deal. The leer in his voice made it clear what it was that he wanted now. What will it be Ginny, will you give yourself to me or will your friends know that it is your fault they are slowly dying in a great deal of pain?
Naturally, it would appear she was incredibly disgusted and quite possibly a little fearful of his very blunt advances but she remained nonchalant about it, not letting anything read clear on her face or through her eyes. Her eyes lingered on the freshly applied Dark Mark that now lay its fate on his arm and she it her lower lip, chewing on it out of a small nervous habit, though instantly stopping for it showed a sign of some kind of weakness and vulnerability, one she refused for him to notice or act upon. No reason to give him the slightest of satisfaction; no acknowledgement that he had reached into her and grasped at the strings necessary for the reactions he desired. Even as he droned on about her friends, what could possibly happen to them; she had to remain unaffected by it though her mind was reeling with thoughts of what to do. Then came his offer. It was almost a sickly feeling of his finger brushing over her leg, tempting its way to the hem of her skirt. She wanted nothing more than to slap his hand away but the last thing she wanted to do was show him and prove she was clearly affected by his unwelcome advances. Exactly what he must have been thinking, as for her relationship with Harry, it sickened her. Though it was no surprised given his capability and mannerism. He was just like them. No surprise there at all. Pursing her lips, her face lifted slightly and she managed with all her might to keep her confidence high and not let him see through that exterior into what was truly brewing. She clearly had no choice. This was for her friends and for the hope that one day shed see her brother again. Shed see Hermione and her family. Shed see Harry again. In these Dark times, one had to get by, even if in the most ungodly of ways; though with her dignity intact. Letting out a small huff, she simply pushed his hand away and sat up. Fine. Youll have what you want. What is it? A shag? The bragging rights to have gotten there before a certain someone? Fine. Just leave my friends alone, if you know whats good for you. Understand? Possibly stupid and incredibly ignorant to threaten a guy like him but the moment she said it, her guard was up and her hand rested on her wand which had always sat right beside her on the chair. If he tried anything, shed be ready.Stupefywas her bitch.
Though she was working hard to keep a brave face up Dominic was sure that he could see the small signs of her fear, the hints of how nervous she was. The way she had started chewing her lip only to stop herself as if she didn't want him to see. Dominic had been watching her for quite some time, the last six years as she had gone from a nervous girl to a lovely young lady and he fancied that he knew her quite well by this point. All the time he had spent watching, he knew that she would chew her lips just like that just before an important Quidditch match or before a test that made up a large amount of their grade, he didn't fail to notice her hand on his wand and knew that she was quite skilled, but she was limited in the spells that she would use while he would happily use the Cruciatus curse on her to make sure she understood who was in charge. You really don't understand do you Ginny? Dominic asked with a small laugh, making sure to file away that he would be getting there before Potter. Six years I have been watching you but you never noticed. His hand was sliding up further now, pushing up her skirt a little bit but stopping just before what would be considered indecent. This has not got a fucking thing to do with Potter, nor does it have anything to do with bragging rights... in fact I really haven't decided if I will tell anyone about this at all. He leaned in closer, bending as though about to kiss her. Nor will this be some simple shag... I see this lasting for quite some time. Right before his lips would have met hers Dominic stood up and turned away, walking across the room as though suddenly uninterested in her. From this moment on you are mine Ginny, so long as you don't fight me then your friends will remain safe. With a shrug he let his robes fall from his shoulders, standing only in a white dress shirt and dark slacks. Now come over here Ginny, come and embrace the man who now controls your fate.
Watching him now, she nearly flinched when she felt his hand moved up even higher, nearly tempting underneath the cloth of her skirt. Wrong day to ever wear a skirt. Why would she notice though? She never had an inkling of interest towards him. Its always been someone else, ever since she was young. To be with him though, a guy of his stature and capability, itd be the worst thing she ever could do, but for now she could easily let him think what he wanted; let him think he was acquiring what he had wanted for the six years, as he said. She sat back into the chair even more now, especially when he got uncomfortably close to her, her face tilted slightly to the side, in her attempt to make sure he would not touch her lips. If anything, while he seemed attracted, she was in the most, repulsed. He would never. As he stood and moved, she followed his movements and stood up slowly, as if about t acquiesce to his requestthough more like demandbut instead, she held her wand in her hands now. Shed have to be incredibly daft and stupid to even try and strike him. It was not her intention but her wand was her defense and given her guard was up now more than ever, she felt only the slightest of safety by having it in her hands. Lets have you understand one thing, Dominic. You have no right to suddenly call any type of ownership over me. I am not and never will be yours. Consider this solely business. Think what you want, but you will never have me. Curse me all you want, but I will never give it to you. This is merely business and to satisfy whatever goes through your deranged mind. So get it through that head of yours, I am not and never will be, yours. Walking over to him, standing before him now, only the slightest bit of fear resonating through her though she fought to keep it hidden, she tilted her head a little bit and took his hand slowly. Only once you realize that you dont own me, will I embrace you. Shed play his game, for however long it took, however long it was needed. He spoke of no true feeling. If he was truly into her, he wouldnt approach it by these means. You knowif you used any other method rather resorting to blackmail, I may have said yes. Did you think about that before feeling youneededto blackmail? Am I sounworthy that you thought that would only work? Leaning into him now in a teasing way, a small smirk came over her face. You insult me. She whispered, looking up into his eyes.
He watched her carefully as she approached him, a thousand conflicting things running through his mind right away. She was beautiful, gorgeous, perfect, so graceful and delicate that he was almost afraid that he might break her when he touched her, his own wonderful porcelain doll who now existed just for his pleasure. Right now she might hate him, be disgusted with the thoughts but before long he knew she would be enjoying herself even if it were against her will. Dominic had plenty of experience with young ladies, the most attractive students of Slytherin were often passed around the male members of the house, a tradition where they were practically expected to pleasure any man of the house who approached them and knowing that he wanted Ginny to enjoy herself when the time eventually came he had gotten plenty of practice any way he could. Embarrassing as it was to admit it even to himself Dominic felt his heart beat faster when her hand touched his, like a school boy with a crush. Once he had been the student who had watched her from afar, wondering how to best approach her and tell her what he thought about her. Of course there was a much more mature feeling accompanying the simple attraction, arousal was also joined with the innocent infatuation that caused his heart to beat wildly. Already the bulge of his cock was becoming visible through his slacks, long, thick, and in need of attention as soon as possible. As she looked up at him so defiantly he reached up with a smirk, lightly brushing finger tips up over her jaw and across a stray lock of hair which he pushed back from her eyes. Oh you will be mine willingly Ginny. He teased her with a small chuckle as he bent toward her, not breaking eye contact for a moment. True right now you resent me, and I have no doubt you will continue to do so for some time... but eventually you will come to enjoy what I can make you feel. Moving a little closer he let his lips brush over hers, a chaste kiss totally at odds with the burning desire he felt, a need to devour her, to make her scream his name. IF I had approached you I know how it would have gone sweet Ginny, even if you had been flattered and said yes your brothers no doubt would have felt a need to protect you from me, dragging me away into some dark corner of the castle and beating me senseless... and I know you wouldn't have wanted that to happen. Though he was speaking the truth about what would have likely happened he was also mocking her a little bit, teasing her on her good nature so at odds with his own self serving needs. With the hand that held hers he slowly reached for the bulge in his own pants, forcing the back of her hand to brush against his evident arousal. This can go one way or the other Ginny... this can be an experience of great pleasure for you or it can be a great deal of pain... and I really wouldn't enjoy causing you pain sweet Ginny.
Her eyes remained on his face, not once looking down at the evident arousal so steamingly protruding from his trousers, for that was not the time. And even if it was, it would not be consciously done but simply subconsciously and before shed realize it, she may have just given into a slight pleasure of dominance he may feel of her simply noticing. Not even in the slightest would she give him that kind of satisfaction. As far as she was concerned, this was simply a game; a game she was determined to win, to put off any sexual encounter he so longingly seemed to desire for as long as she could. If she knew anything, it was that as a female, she had a power over a man such as him who seemed to have been quite smitten with her and in such cases like this, Ginny planned to use that to her very advantage for as long as it worked and allowed her. Though much to her dismay and lack of admittance, the gentle feeling of his fingertips brushing over her jaw did send shivers up her spine, for the very touch and feel itself was so kind, it may have been enough to make her swoon. Still, she refused to give in. Before she could retort to his confidence-lined statement, she felt his lips so lightly on hers; an innocent kiss that could not anger even the most repulsed woman so against men. Biting her lower lip, though immediately stopping to prevent any sight of vulnerability, nervousness or dare it even be, desire, she looked away from him just a touch, her face having barely moved but her eyes were no longer looking so fiercely into his, deep into his dark soul. Beat you senselessly? I highly doubt theyd lay a hand on you for its simply not in their nature. You forget, were Weasleys and any chance to prolong the need for violence is a certain must. Even if you were trying your luck at their one and only baby sister. By saying that, a grin came to her face, causing her to look at him once again now. He was correct though about the fact that had he approached her in a way with less brute force, she probably would have said yes in a heartbeat and definitely felt pain or discomfort from the mere sight of him in any trouble. Clearly though, this was not the case for the situation was far from being in that way. However, with his more blunt of physical being, feeling him the way he had forced her to, she swallowed hard, trying to stay en-route about refusing submission to him, though finding it difficult. It was no lie that she was indeed attracted to him because aside from his apparent and perhaps repulsive nature and personality, he was a definite handsome guy; first attraction, like first impression was physical attraction, if not anything more. Not in a demeaning way to her femininity but in simple human nature. You should count yourself lucky by any means that I am even this close to you. If, as you say, you are in fact so attracted to me and have wanted something like this to happen, would you honestly try to ruin it with force? I should consider myself saddened by such a fact because you and I both know that perhaps not right away, but in some time, I would give into you so fully and willingly. Wouldnt that be worth waiting for rather than coercing me with force and blackmail? Leaning up into him, her hand now removing from his and on its own groping his bulge, her lips were only a couple of inches from his, almost so temptingly ready to make contact, though refraining for that teasing fact.
She might not think that her brothers would lay a hand on him but Dominic had heard about the time that her brother had tried to curse Draco merely for insulting the Mudblood Granger. True he figured there might be a bit more behind it, Malfoy was well known for stretching the truth a bit but he did believe that Ron Weasly would attempt to curse someone over something so small as a foul word being thrown at his friend, what would he do if he had learned that a Slytherin was lusting after his sister, or the two twins... how long would it have been before they had done something to him, something that was mischievous and others found funny but had humiliated him in front of the entire school. Maybe it would have been worth it, for a moment he had to wonder how his life might have been different if he had approached her in a more traditional manner a few years ago, would her blood traitor ways have rubbed off on him, would he have snuck here tonight with her friends in an attempt to help them plot whatever they were up to? Maybe things would have changed but he didn't allow those thoughts to linger, instead pushing them aside to enjoy the moment, the kiss and then the following sensation of her grasping the bulge in his pants. You will give into me willingly Ginny... I really would hate to cause you any pain. He whispered with a small sneer though in the back of his mind he knew that he would enjoy doing some things to her, putting small metal clips on her nipples and clit with a chain between them, bending her over his lap and spanking her... but this pain was very different from what he could cause her, very different from holding her down and forcing his cock up into her dry slit. One way or another he would have her but he wanted her willingly, even if it had to start through blackmail he expected she would soon give in to the pleasures he could offer her. True she might despise him but he knew that he could win out in the end over her, he had read of a theory that muggles had called Stockholm Syndrome, if you force someone into a situation long enough they will learn to accept it, even identify with the person who is oppressing them. Now that she had let go of his hand he reached out to run a hand out the outside of her leg, massaging the thigh with his fingers as his hand moved upward. Meanwhile his other hand reached up from the side of her face to the back of her head, lightly wrapping in her hair and giving it a little tug, not enough to truly hurt her but instead wanting to get her attention and hold her in place as his lips brushed over hers again, a kiss that started out just as chaste as the first but soon grew in passion and intensity as though trying to mark his claim over her with nothing but his lips and tongue. As the kiss continued to grow deeper his hand on her leg moved up even further, under her skirt and cupping her ass to pull her against his crotch so she could feel him more properly, his tongue brushing over her lips for a moment before just plunging into her mouth. In that instant he was in heaven, his every contact with her felt like electricity jumping across his skin, a kiss was already more then he could possibly have dreamed of. For a single drawn out moment his tongue explored her mouth, running over every surface he could find before he broke the kiss, breathing heavily and lust darkening his eyes. If you like though Ginny you can just imagine that I had asked you out normally, just block out the fact that you don't have a choice... I do intend to treat you well after all.
Although, as much as the little things he was saying and the minor things he was doing, his actions definitely spoke louder than words and while she was a little drawn to him, she resisted enough to maintain her guard and her wall and to push her teasing to the point of him going crazy. She demanded respect and until that happened, shed make sure he went nowhere far in gaining what he so badly desired. Two could play this game and the way she felt and looked at it, Ginny was playing well and keeping him well at bay. If what you say is true and you truly would hate to cause me pain, then I suppose I could swoon, but thatd be giving way to quickly into you and wheres the fun in that? The fact he made it so boldly clear that he had been practically yearning for her for years gave her the leverage she needed to play with these emotions and feelings and also hold back from anything she may or could regret. As much as she wished Harry was here, she was after allin a technical sensehuman and she did feel an attraction towards him. The attraction alone may only be physical, but it was enough for her to act upon it, though not entirely at this moment. She was not the kind of girl to give it away in a heartbeat. Besides, this game was fun and definitely took her mind off of everything else that was going on. Shivers spread through her body and the actual emotion resonated on her face, much to her dismay. It was difficult not to give in, for her body was taking over rather than her actual mind. The little touch of his fingers, the forceful yet not overbearing action of him wanting her attention and the chaste little kiss that soon turned into something more; her body leaned slightly into his, as if ready to bend down and give into his every whim and desire. Her mind kicked in and while she did enjoy the kiss, returning it with a deeply profound passion, she refused to let it go any farther than that. For if he truly thought that she was the kind of girl to give in so quickly, then itd be the most terrible insult a guy could ever impose onto a girl. Still though, as her hand moved over his shoulder, her eyes slowly shutting and the burning desire fueling into her being, she kissed him back, welcoming his tongue and letting it collide with her own in a most synched dance of tongues. A roaring passion. A fueling fire. It was definitely an ignited feeling to behold and one she was finding more and more difficult to pass up. Once their lips parted, her eyes remained closed still, mulling over the entire thing, her body still leaned into his and her breathing quickened. Her hand on his shoulder rested firmly there, Ginny soaking it all in but as she managed to calm herself, those beautiful eyes of hers opened slowly and looked up into his own. Her body relaxed and positioned itself not so close to his own anymore, her hand retracting from his shoulder. Taking a fateful step back, her hands clasped behind her back and a most confident grin appeared on her face, her chin tilting only a little. How about I make you a proposition? After she said it, she took another step back, towards the cushioned chair she had once been sitting in. If you keep this little meet-greet a secret, then I am yours and oh so willingly. But, do not think that I am your play thing to do as you please. I am not that kind of girl. Another step she took back. I believe you wouldnt want to hurt me. I believe you wouldnt want to force yourself upon me and given my actions, it is clear that it could never be forced. If you can promise me that, then I will bid you a good day and return to my dorm, in the longing hope to see you again, tomorrow. Having stepped back towards the cushioned chair altogether, she slowly turned and grabbed her bag and book. Looking over her shoulder at him, she gave him a gentle smile and nodded. Until tomorrow Dominic. For who knows what could happen. Until then, it shall remain a mystery. With that said, she turned and walked passed him, slowing her movements when her shoulder touched his, giving him one final teasing look before continuing on. The iron wrought intricate door appeared and upon opening it, she walked through, not looking back as it shut behind her, she continuing on towards the Gryffindor house to settle down for the night. An interesting day it was, indeed but for only more to occur in the days to come.
There was no way she hadn't enjoyed that kiss, Dominic had felt her body respond to him even if she wouldn't like to acknowledge it, the way that she pressed against him, the movement of her hand, even her eyes when the kiss had ended all spoke to him quite powerfully. A smirk creased his lips as he watched her back away from him, listening to every single word she said with a great deal of enjoyment. She was trying to push back against his control though but she wasn't going to fight being his for the time being, that he could work with, a struggle for control would be quite enjoyable for him, he would in the end break her and make her properly belong to him but until then he would let her struggle, let her think that she really had some sort of freedom anymore, allow her to enjoy the illusion for a little while longer. Tomorrow, meet me at the prefects bathroom at ten o'clock and not a minute later, password is Evergreen! He called to her retreating form as she went to leave the room. True the prefects bathroom was something that was considered a public place but like a certain Slytherin a year ahead of him he had a few followers who could likely keep people who would know the password away from the room for a while, besides it was technically after curfew so they shouldn't be out anyway. Dominic would be able to avoid any patrols of course with a simple invisibility charm and he had no doubt Ginny would be able to do the same. As she left he didn't take his eyes off her for a single instant and continued to wait in the room for a few minutes after she left before he also slipped out, the door vanishing behind him as he made his way back to the Slytherin dorms, knowing that he would have a great day ahead of him the next day. That next day went by slowly though, of course it did because every class dragged on, at each meal he could see Ginny, making sure that from where he sat he was able too keep half an eye on here without being blatant about it, drawing attention from others wouldn't do at all. In his mind the end of the day, ten o'clock couldn't come nearly soon enough for him. After years he would finally be having what he wanted, he would be able to finally claim her as his, something Potter hadn't pulled off. No matter how things ended she would be his first and nothing could change that ever. At nine thirty, as ten approached Dominic carefully made his way into the Prefect's bathroom, careful to not be seen and using an invisibility charm to make sure that no one noticed him out after curfew. True he was well ahead of the time he had told her to arrive but he wanted to get things right ahead of time. First turning on the water in the massive tub and letting it fill with clear water and then covering the warm water with a thin layer of dense white foam, the foam gave off a pleasant smell of lavender and jasmine while at the same time keeping anything beneath the water from sight, he was enjoying drawing things out and he was going to offer her a chance to protect her modesty. Then with just mere minutes to go he stripped out of his clothing, laying it aside and slipping beneath the water and relaxing as the heat helped to soothe his tired body as he waited for her to arrive, hoping he wouldn't need to go looking for her.
And so, the last ringing words she heard was his proposition to meet the next day at ten sharp. She would be there, though perhaps just a minute late to leave him lingering, to leave a teasing sensation of keeping him waiting for a minute longer. It brought her pleasure to be able to conceive such a thought, even if it be minute. It was enough and it was the perfect way to end what had suddenly become a very interesting and productive day. After arriving to the Gryffindor house and back into her dorm, she found her bed and changed into her night clothes before slipping under the covers and falling into a lovely deep slumber; for once no horrid nightmare plagued her sleeping mind. Instead, she slept a dreamless and peaceful sleep, once she desired for quite some time now. She never would have thought that it could have been because of Dominic and even in her state of slumber, she refused to ever believe that it was because of him. For that, shed happily remain in denial over. The next day, after awaking and dressing to begin her day, it started off with a hush-hush of breakfast, she and mostly everyone else at least in Gryffindor feeling slightly skittish during breakfast. Not even meals were remotely comfortable what with the lurking about of Death Eaters as professors. Theyd find anything to pick on the students about, to tease them and taunt them in a way that could reduce them to tears. It didnt even stop at breakfast for it even continued in the classes that the Carrows taught. Muggle studies seemed to turn into a class where Alecto Carrow, the professor for it, could ridicule and tarnish the name of Muggles and Muggle-borns. Later in her Defense Against the Dark Arts class which was simply dubbed now as Dark Arts, Professor Amycus Carrow taught with such a cruelty. There was no learning how to defend against the Dark Arts but to simply the learn the Dark Arts itself, something Ginny and many others who opposed it could not condone. But to speak out would be a far harsher punishment than the punishment itself and it was an uncomfortable sit-through for the remaining time. Thankfully though, classes soon came to an end and soon as the dinner feast came to its send, Ginny checked her time finding she had at least an hour at most before she would go to the Prefects bathroom to meet Dominic. As the time came nearer and it soon was ten and right on the mark, Ginny was nearing the bathroom, having successfully snuck out and remained undetected, without even the slightest use of an invisibility charm. She was a Weasley after all and simplyWeasled her way to her set destination. After reciting the password quietly and to no alarm, she walked in and proceeded onwards until she saw Dominic in a bath he seemingly drew. The soft smell of many beautiful aromas filled her nose and she let out a content sigh as she drew closer. Shedding her cloak and placing her wand over it, she realized it was a minute after ten and that was precisely when she arrived. A grin came over her face as she began to unbutton her blouse, quickly shedding it and unzipping her skirt to slip out of. With no hesitance, she pulled her bra and panties off as well of course removing her shoes and socks. It was then she emerged into the beautiful scented bath but remained on opposite ends, allowing her body chest down be submerged under the warm water. Exactly what are you expecting and hoping for? Sure she had willingly walked herself into the bath but it was her determination to remain as far from as she could and to thwart off any of his incoming advances that he may throw to her. While it most probably would be willing, Ginny wanted to keep him at bay and remain uninterested even if it was so incredibly obvious that she was in fact interested.
The water was incredibly relaxing for Dominic, it was hard not to enjoy it when every faucet was charmed so that the water that came out of it always remained the same temperature that it had been the moment it began to fill the tub. For a few moments it was tempting to just close his eyes and drift off into a rather blissful little nap, if not for the lovely guest who would soon arrive he no doubt would have done just that. The bathroom had been designed so that those who had greater responsibilities, Prefects, Head students, even Quidditch Captains would have a place to come and relax in between classes so that the weight of their responsibilities did not become so great as to overwhelm them. Dominic had been coming here since the year before, always enjoying the visit as it left him feeling refreshed. He was however broken from his reminiscence by the opening of the portrait, signaling the arrival of Ginny. He had no doubt that she needed this break very much, the new class set up no doubt quite stressful for her and those who believed in equality for the lesser wizards that had been at the school. That was of course why he had chosen to invite her here, a neutral place, a relaxing place that was designed to help lower her guard. Though he had her essentially at his mercy he had decided not to just use the power he could wield to get her, no it was opening the door but he would seduce her with his own innate skill to make it all the more enjoyable for him. And the pleasure she would bring him, oh he thought of it all the more the moment he saw her begin to undress, no hesitation... oh she was beautiful and she knew just how to push his buttons. He focused intently on her, trying to commit every single inch of her flesh, every freckle and curve to memory before she slipped into the water, staying in an end deep enough to obscure that which he wanted to see. The bubbles however had been put there for just that purpose, to protect her modesty should she choose to do so and had she asked he would have even been a gentleman and turned before she stripped so she could do so without being seen. At her question he gave her his best charming smile, the smile that hard charmed the panties off plenty of lovely young ladies in the past as he moved through the water toward her. Well Ginny I simply thought that you might enjoy a chance to relax a little bit with some pleasant company... was I somehow wrong in that thought?
As she allowed herself to be well acquainted in the warm water, her body relaxed back against the marble ledge, though her eyes did not deter from him one bit. It was like he needed to be watched so severely like a hawk because right now, she was in the moment of relaxing and washing a long day off of her shoulders and to fend him off right in that instant was not exactly what she desired. It sounded cocky that he would even try anything, almost like she was expecting it and she mentally reprimanded herself for it. Perhaps a part of her wanted him to do something but the other major part of her didnt want it, or at least thats what she was telling herself. It had to be willing and she was not going to be his little broken down rag doll that had no life or emotion in her; she would not be a corpse and she definitely would not be another girl for him to add on his list. This was a most amusing game and she did intent to see it out to its fullest potential. Besides, there was that same lingering pleasure and amusement of fending him off as long as she truly could, before she herself wanted to give in, before she herself wanted him. Not at all. Still though, given yesterdays incredibly fast-paced occurrences, I cant help but wonder the true intentions behind a de-stressing bath invite. Can you blame me? Your reputation does in fact precede you. I mean, exactly how many girls panties were you able to get into with such a Ginny paused for a moment, to actually take in that rather charming smile of his, so incredibly close to falling prey to it but resisted it as much as she could. charming smile like that? For the extra moment, her mind mulled over that smile, that incredibly handsome, charming yet cocky though brilliant smile that only made him far more gorgeous. It was like a sin for her to think of him like that, to actually find a fancy in him when he probably projected the utmost disgust a person could attain in their personality, yet she was finding herself not swooning but incredibly interested. Perhaps what happened in The Room of Requirement the night before was more than her playing along with his little game. For right now, while she sat in the bath and watched him come closer, she was beginning to think that a part of her was truly showing signs of wanting him and no longer trying to hide it. She knew already that she wanted to give him her body and see where this could go for the time being, but to actually show that and let him see that Watching him, she sat back once again, sinking a little lower into the water, letting the water come around her neck, washing over her back. That feeling of water newly touching dry skin consumed her and it felt so good. It truly felt like the events that transpired that day were being melted or washed away into the water and forever leaving her or for at least the duration of this bath. The scent was incredibly mind boggling and the anticipation of what could possibly happen was perhaps eating at her.
She had come, she had stripped down before him without a moments hesitation, he had seen her completely unclothed but she was already on the defensive again. Getting her to open up wasn't going to be a simple thing especially since he knew about his reputation, since she appeared to know that he used his charms, particularly that cocky smile to charm more then a few ladies out of their knickers. When she asked how many there had been he silently reminded himself that it had been thirteen last year alone but not foolish enough to say that to her, knowing that it would convince her that she was just another conquest rather then his desire to make her the very last conquest. Can you blame me for wanting to see you undressed? Dominic asked with a chuckle and a wink to let her know that he wasn't all that serious. However if you had asked I would have turned around to protect your modesty though I will admit that I would have done so with a great deal of remorse. That was honesty of course, had she asked him to turn his back so she could strip down and slip into the water beneath the foam then he would have done so and resisted the intense urge to turn around and peek. Thank Merlin she hadn't put him in the position where he needed to do that. The bubbles were even put here so that you wouldn't see anything or be seen... my intentions might not be pure but they are hardly what you are making them out to be. He was closer to her now, reaching out to brush his hands along her neck and down, brushing them against the water but moving no further down her body, at least not just yet. But I am about to let you in on a little secret Ginny, something that I have never once mentioned to anyone else. Leaning in closer he brushed his lips against her ears as he whispered to her. Everything you heard about me is true, the many conquests, the countless young women who have been satisfied by me and come back to me practically begging for more. Now his teeth lightly caught her earlobe, teasing her before carrying on. All of it was just for you, I knew that one way or another I would have you for myself and when that time came I wanted to make sure that you were left satisfied in a way you have never heard of. All of it was true and after his confession he let his hand that had been running over her neck dip down the water, just for a moment teasing between the lovely globes of her flesh before withdrawing. And I do want you Ginny... our current situation has given my a chance to have you but I will still be doing this properly... force will not be used and when you give yourself to me it will be with a smile, because you will want me.
"Huh? This is...the address, but..." Naruto blinked. He scratched at his head, trying to recall what had been written on the slip of paper. In true Uzumaki Naruto fashion, Tsunade had handed it to him this morning, instructing him to arrive this afternoon, and in that short span of time he'd managed to lose it. Well, maybe notlose itlose it, as he knew where it was. "Aah! Stupid Akamaru," Naruto exclaimed, bringing the hand down from his yellow spikes and balling it into a fist. Complete with a stomp, he recalled how he'd been arguing with Kiba, stupid Kiba was winning, Akamaru barked a response, and when Naruto bunched up the paper he'd been holding and threw it at the dog's nose, Akamaru ate it! "Stupid Akamaru," he repeated, grumbling the words now with narrowed eyes. But, just as the emotion had come it was then gone, and Naruto found himself staring past the front double gates of a brand new, enclosed complex. "Eh, this's gotta be it... But, wow! Granny Tsunade's been busy!" As he pushed open the large door and stepped through his eyes darted from one thing to the next. There was a large mansion-like complex straight forward, but before that a gorgeous pond! To the left were a line of houses. To the right were a line of houses. And it looked like the place reached back a bit beyond the center area too? ...This was just as big as the Hyuuga family's area of Konoha, or the Uchiha's! The blonde barely remembered to close the door behind him before darting excitedly over to the first of the houses to the left. Popping his head in, "Woo! Hellooo~?" Naruto grinned. He poked his head into a few rooms quickly, all of them finished though unfurnished. "WOW," he said, grinning more now at the echo, "this sure beats my apartment! Is this one...?" Stopping, thinking, for as long as Naruto ever stopped and thought, two seconds later he was running right back out of the house, leaping off the single step from the front and darting left, poking his head through the front door of the next one. "Or isthisone mine? Hheeellloooooo~?" The Hokage had been vague. Following the end of all the fighting recently, and the alliance between the various ninja villages, Tsunade had announced two things: first, that all offensive missions would be ceased until further notice, with a focus on Konohagakure's defense, rebuilding, growth, strength, and most importantly, its peace, and second, after that announcement almost a week ago to all of the village she had pulled Naruto aside just this morning for something private. She'd mentioned she was going to make a follow-up announcement tomorrow, but for today she wanted to inform him of it first. All she'd spill ahead of time was the address she'd written on the slip of paper, that he was expected there this afternoon, and that he was going to be given 'comfortable living arrangements.' And how! Grinning, Naruto stopped and knelt by the pond to watch a frog. This place sure was somethin'. Was Tsunade really giving him one of these? Everyone in Konoha had been wondering for awhile now what she was having this all built for. He surmised that the big place in the center was for her, and the rest...people she liked? Maybe for some of the higher-ups in the village? Naruto shrugged; so long as he got one, he didn't mind about the rest! "Maybe she's not all that bad," he said to the frog, holding his hand out, fingers crooked. "If she's really gonna give me a place likethisto stay, IguessI can put up with living so close to her, heheh..." But he still had to find her. Where was she, anyway? Naruto could feel several sources of chakra in the building up ahead, all of them familiar. "She's not alone?" His head tilted some, but he paid this little mind. Standing, scooping the frog up with him, Naruto walked up to the large center building and ascended the short staircase. A moment later he was inside its doors, frog in hand, walking down a corridor. When he entered the main room he found it to be just as large as you'd expect for a building of this size, and very open, with only a few columns on either side for support. The long, open mat of the floor was perfect for everything from taijutsu sparring to holding meetings. But, what he saw had the teenager stop completely in his tracks, surprise and confusion painting his face. The place had been decorated with colorful, sheer silk scarves, stretched out all over the floor, hanging from the columns, the ceiling, forming a small, sheer 'room' with several people inside. There were small, flickering candles everywhere, and interesting scents of incense burning all around. Naruto took a few steps over so he could see inside this sheer tent, standing at its entrance now, dumbfounded, just looking to the people inside. Sakura-chan, Ino, Hinata, and...Temari, were all sitting on pillows? And there was Tsunade in the center, sitting on a bed of about a dozen or so of those same, decorative pillows. "...Uh...Granny Tsunade?..."
Peace had finally returned not only the Leaf Village, but also to the rest of the world. The wars and battles that had plagued the region in recent years were finally over and people could sleep easily. Unfortunately that peace had come at a terrible price. Every Ninja Village in the region had been severely depopulated. The non-ninja inhabitants had either been killed or fled in fear, whilst the ninja population had been reduced by the constant fighting to a mere fraction of its former glory. Even now that the Leaf Village had been completely rebuilt bigger and better than every before, it was practically a ghost town. Non-ninja wouldn't return out of fear that the lack of ninja would lead to them being an easy target for any passing raiders. It was due to this sad state of affairs that Tsunade had come up with her plan. It was certainly radical, and almost certain to prove unpopular with some, but in the end it was the only way and her ninja would follow their orders, after all, this was to be an official mission. In order to rebuild the strength of the Leaf Village, Tsunade was suspending all missions taking place more than just a few miles from the edge of the village, and female Kunoichi were not to leave the village at all. From now on, every ninja in the village would have but one primary mission, to breed. By making the remaining strong ninja have as many babies as possible as quickly as possible, Tsunade had estimated that the Leaf Village could be back to full ninja strength in as little as 15 years, when the first 2 or 3 generations were old enough to have been trained and graduate as genin. The plan hadn't been announced yet, that was to come tomorrow. Right now Tsunade had to put the first part of the plan into action. Whilst for most in the village she would choose the one on one pairings, trying to ensure the strongest possible offspring, there was going to be one exception to this. Naruto. There was no doubt that Naruto was the strongest ninja in the village, and as such it was absolutely vital that he have many many children, building a strong Uzumaki clan that would become the guardians of the Leaf Village. For this reason, Tsunde was going to give Naruto special treatment. Rather than simply receiving one woman, Naruto would be allowed to take and marry several, being the only one in the village to be allowed multiple wives. The first was to be Sakura, Naruto's long time crush. It seemed only right that they be together. Besides, Sakura obviously had feelings for the boy herself, so she wasn't going to be against the idea. The second was to be Hinata. The poor girl was head over heels for Naruto and so she would be certain to be all in favour of this plan. Besides that though, it would be advantageous for the new Uzumaki clan to also have the Byakugan at its disposal. Not to mention Hinata was by far the curviest girl in the village. She may have taken great lengths to hide her assets, but the truth was that Hinata's chest comfortably exceeded even Tsunade's own. The third girl was to be Ino. Whilst not a particularly exceptional ninja, Ino was very popular and there was certain to be....'competition' for her. By giving her to Naruto the potential fights over her would be avoided. Sure, Ino was likely to be against the idea but she would come around eventually. The fourth girl was somewhat unusual...Temari of the Sand Village. Tsunade had shared her plan with Gaara a few days ago and he had been in agreement it was the best thing to do. He liked it so much he was going to institute a similar program in his own village. As thanks, he had 'given' Temari to the Leaf Village, though it had officially been a 'permanent reassignment' to show the commitment that the villages had to each other. Temari was an exceptional ninja, so she would be certain to produce very strong children with Naruto. Of course none of the girls had any idea about any of this, they would find out at the same time as Naruto, before the rest of the village. And then of course...there was Tsunade herself. She could never ask the ninja of her village to do something she was unwilling to do herself. So, to show she was serious she would be the first to take part, the first to allow herself to be impregnated with Naruto's child. Of course she didn't intend to marry Naruto like the other girls would, she would bear his first child and then return to focusing on ruling over the village, helping to rebuild as they began to undergo a population boom. "Ahhh....there you are Naruto..." Tsunade smirked as the boy finally arrived, moving aside the silken curtains that were strewn about the main room of the mansion. The boy was completely clueless, thinking he was here just to receive a large estate. He had no idea it was also to be his job to fill it up with new ninja. Upstairs there was one master bedroom with a bed large enough for Naruto and his four wives, whilst the rest of the estate would be for his many many children. "Come Naruto....join me over here..." Tsunade patted the spot beside her, then beckoned for Naruto to come towards her. She was wearing her regular clothing, though it was a little more open than usual, showing off even more of her cleavage than before. Once Naruto was beside her, Tsunade smirked and licked her lips softly. Although this was all for the good of the village, she had to admit she was excited too. It had been so long since she'd had the touch of a man...far too long. "'re here today to take part in a very special mission that is vital to the survival of the Hidden Leaf village. Participation in this mission is not voluntary, and refusal will result in permanent imprisonment..." She leaned a little closer to Naruto, her chest starting to press against his arm. "We must rebuild our village....our population....and so that is why..." She slowly moved a hand to Naruto's thigh, beginning to stroke up towards his crotch. "...The four of you are to become Naruto's will bear him many children....for the next 20 or 30 years, all of you will be in a virtual permanent state of pregnancy with Naruto's child. And just to prove I'm serious..." Her hand suddenly gripped Naruto's crotch "....I will be the first to bear Naruto's baby....I will take his virginity infront of you all to show you how it's done, then he will take all of you in whichever order he chooses. You girls will satisfy Naruto's every sexual urge, his every desire. From this moment on, as Hokage, I officially declare you all to be the wives of Naruto Uzumaki..." Tsunade glanced around at the girls, all of them in shock. The newly titled Sakura Uzumaki, Hinata Uzumaki, Ino Uzumaki and Temari Uzumaki just staring in disbelief, whilst Tsunade continued to stroke Naruto through his pants. "Mmmm....I'm sure the nine tailed fox has given you quite the impressive package hasn't it Naruto....? Yes....I think you'll far exceed the average down here...."
What?... Wait. Wait...what?! Naruto came over to Tsunade's side when she beckoned him do so, yeah, and he unceremoniously plopped his butt down on one of the elegant looking pillows. The blonde indeed noticed the Hokage's ridiculously ample cleavage, and trying to be coy about it, though in true Naruto fashion his 'glance' was more of an awkward stare for a few solid seconds before looking to her face, he did indeed 'sneak a peek.' At Tsunade's words of a mission Naruto's face dropped the slight smile he'd acquired from looking at her boobs, becoming something a bit more serious. At her mention of how grave of a mission this was to be for Konoha, his brows knit together, ready to undertake it before he even knew what it was. ...And, when she told him, told them all what it was, Naruto just... "WHAT?!" Dream sequence! Sonofabitch! Was this entire thing... Why couldn't Old Lady Tsunade have been giving him a nice new house for real?! And here she was,anotherdream where she was rubbing his thigh...then it moved to his crotch, gripping firmly, as her breasts pressed against his side, wrapping around and practically swallowing up his right arm. Naruto let out a long, low groan from the depth of his throat as he felt Tsunade's hand on his crotch. Her palm was pressed to his sac, her slender fingers wrapped entirely around both balls, cupping them, while her wrist rubbed against his dick through the material of his pants, quickly urging it to life. He blushed at it, but he didn't feel the least bit shy in arching his head slightly and letting out that pleasured groan, lilting his eyes and smiling some from the touch. Tsunade would probably be quicker tokickhim there if he knew he was dreaming about her like this! hehehe. And Sakura-chan...sometimes Naruto wondered if Sakura-chan became a medic-nin just so she could fix whatever on him she decided to break! Naruto grinned. It was part lusty, part just glazed over. As Tsunade firmly fondled his crotch he just sat there like that for a minute or so, enjoying the sensation, quickly growing to a full length against the underside of her hand. "Mmmm," he sighed, eyes finally fluttering back open. He looked to the four girls sitting in a line, each on their own pillow, like a thing to be presented to him. "Sakura-chan..." Yeah, she would toootally kick his ass if she knew he was objectifying her in dreamland like this! But, so long as it's all just a dream, he might as well take advantage, right? "Uzumaki Sakura," he grinned even further, teasing, "I want you take off Ino's pants, and kiss her butt!" Ohmygod, that was even WORSE than thinking about her sexually!
Tsunade gasped as Naruto's cock grew inside of his pants, unable to help licking her lips when it finally seemed to stop, straining against the fabric so much that she thought he might rip his way out of his clothes. "My my Naruto...." Her hand slowly began to stroke up the covered shaft, making its way to the tip and giving it a gentle squeeze. "What have you been hiding from the village all this time....?" She chuckled, then watched as he reacted with pleasing groans and moans, he was certainly getting into this rather more easily than she had imagined. She thought he might have had questions or freaked out, but he just seemed to accept it. He hadn't known what was coming had he? there was no way he could know. She hadn't told anybody about this plan except Gaara, and he would never have revealed it, he had sworn he wouldn't. Ahh...that was it...that look on his face...Naruto thought this was all just some kind of dream. Tsunade had to admit it could be fun to mess with the boy before revealing that this was indeed reality....but she needed him to accept this as soon as possible. She'd just have to ensure he knew this really was real. Before she could do so however, there was something of an interruption to her train of thought, Naruto's mouth causing trouble as it usually did. "Wh-Wh-what?!?! N-no way!" Sakura finally got the composure to speak after Naruto had made his demand of her, jumping up from her pillow and getting onto her feet. "No way in hell am I doing that Naruto!" Sakura glared at Naruto with a look that could kill, Ino soon joining her. "Yeah! Just who do you think you are?! And Hokage-sama! How can you ask us to do this?! There's no way! I'd rather quit being a ninja than do this!" "Me too!!" Sakura immediately voiced her agreement, though that was when Tsunade shot them both a glare that more than trumped their own. "As I said..." Tsunade's tone had suddenly become very serious "....this mission is not will do this, all of you will go through with all of this, or you will be imprisoned until the day you die. There is no 'quitting' being a ninja. The four of you will be Naruto's sex and breeding toys from this day forward....understand?" Her stare was more than enough to satisfy any objections the four girls might have had, Sakura and Ino timidly sitting down with soft whimpers. " as your new husband says...Uzumaki Sakura and Uzumaki Ino..." With only slight hesitation this time, Sakura and Ino began to shift, Sakura reaching for Ino's shorts and slowly pulling them down and out of the way, revealing Ino's bandaged up mid-section beneath in place of underwear. The blonde Ino slowly turned around, before Sakura stared for a moment, then leaned down to give Ino's kiss a quick peck through the bandages. "Th-there! Happy?!" Tsunade chuckled slightly, then suddenly gave the tip of Naruto's cock a rather harsh squeeze, enough to cause him a little bit of pain, and enough to demonstrate that this was no dream....this was completely real. "Now then Naruto....why don't you take off those pants and show these girls what they're going to have inside of them for the rest of their lives?"
Naruto grinned. And he giggled some, watching Sakura have to kiss Ino's butt! The whole 'imprisnment' thing Tsunade was saying would have bothered him any other time, but here the Hokage was firmly massaging his cock and his sac, which encouraged his mind to be in a very different state. The thought of having the five of them here 'eager' to please his every whim...Naruto didn't have the willpower to do anything but embrace it. Four young, firm, beautiful kunoichi, and Tsunade's ridiculously curvy body, with her enormous, milky breasts...mmmm... "No!" Naruto's grin grew a tad more wicked. He paused to groan pleasurably from Tsunade's palm firmly rubbing at the head of his shaft through his pants, but soon continued, "Nnngghhuhh...mmmnn...S-Sakura-chan, n-not good...not good enough... mmh... Take off the bandages...and, and kiss it for real...hhnnn..." His hips started rocking in tune with Tsunade's rubbing. Naruto's head even lulled to a side, laying against Tsunade's shoulder while he enjoyed her attentive petting. "Lots of kisses! ...Good ones! Mmn. And Ino, stick your butt out for her! Enjoy it! And," with his head laying there his eyes moved to the other two girls. "Hinata...I want you to start touching yourself." He would never say these things to them in real life, but here, in his dream, Naruto was wholly empowered. Grinning, giggling, he looked from one girl to the next as he just relaxed, giving in to the fun of the moment. "Mmm...Temari can just watch for now," he commented, moaning again immediately after, and right beside Tsunade's ear. It was hard to pay even that much attention to his four new wives with how Tsunade was touching him - and that was a crazy thought in itself. There were four beautiful, fit teenage girls in front of him, two busty, one half-naked, and Naruto couldn't pull his attention from Granny Hokage for more than the briefest of moments as she firmly petted his crotch. The way she pressed herself to his one arm, too, practically swallowing it within her heaving bosom... Naruto's body shivered with delight when his free hand dared to delve into the top of the older blonde's gray top. He didn't pull it off her shoulder, but fully groped her unrestrained left breast within the cloth as he brought his hand down, brushing that loose cloth of her top over her tit, until it was tucked under, the left side of her chest now exposed, hanging free. Though, it didn't hang free for long, that same hand cupping it eagerly, her hardened nipple like a warm dagger in his palm, and her warm, supple breast spilling out all around his fingers as they did their best to encompass the daunting mound. Shuddering from the continuous touch of her hand, Naruto's breaths came quiet and steady, warmly dancing against the skin of her neck.'Now then Naruto...why don't you take off those pants and show these girls what they're going to have inside of them for the rest of their lives?'Finally he answered her, "Why don't you?..." Generous indeed, he was a full seven inches straining against the fabric of his pants, aching already for a release. "Mm...mmm...G-Granny...I want you to stroke it...hhn...I want you to suck long now...wanted to cum inside you, s-so long..."
Tsunade groaned softly as Naruto's hands began to wander, slipping inside of her robes and grasping at one of her large, heavy breasts, her hard nipple sticking out into his palm, every touch sending shivers through Tsunade's body. A side effect of the technique she had used to make them so big had also radically increased their sensitivity. " my really are bold aren't you..." Tsunade's hand was slowly moving to unzip Naruto's pants, gently tugging them down a little, along with his boxers, to allow his cock to spring free. " big and hard Naruto...." Tsunade nibbled on Naruto's ear softly, then suddenly gave his cock a painful squeeze, it was time to make him realise this was reality and not a dream. "Now're not sitting here being so bold just because this is a dream are you....? You have to know by now....this is completely real...." Tsunade used her free hand to tilt Naruto's head up to look into her eyes, giving him a glare that seemed to confim what she was saying. Ino and Sakura fidgeted and looked at each other, being hesitant at first, but then seemed to remember the Hokage's potential wrath from earlier. They really did have no choice. Slowly, Ino began to remove the bandages around her waist, loosening them enough at the top that they simply fell away after a few moments, revealing Ino's lower body. Her ass was tight and smooth, absolutely perfect, whilst her pussy was completely hairless. After a little more fidgeting, Ino got back onto all fours, then stuck out her but, whilst Sakura leaned in to start kissing Ino's ass cheeks. Hinata meanwhile was whimpering softly from the command she had been given. She wanted to please Naruto but....something like that? It was so embarassing. Still, she didn't have much choice. One of Hinata's hands went up slowly to her chest, then grasped at one of her breasts through her thick jacket, causing her to gasp sharply. She had only ever touched herself once before out of curiosity, and that had been back when she was 14, years ago. Her other hand slowly slid down between her legs, gently starting to rub at her pussy through her pants, another sharp gasp escaping her lips as she began to rub herself through her clothing.
Naruto giggled, and then he grinned. The nibble on his ear felt as silly to him as it strangely felt good. He liked it, he thought, shivering a bit with delight. Just as soon as it came though, she was squeezing down a bit too hard on the head of his cock. He winced a little, but didn't push her away. "E-easy there, Granny..." When she turned his face to hers and insisted this wasn't a dream, he just smirked. Lovably dense as ever, he grinned, grabbing Tsunade's exposed nipple and giving it a tweak to get back at her! He giggled again, then looked her in the eyes, still grinning, "Uh-huh, whatever you gotta listen to me now, right? Old Lady Tsunade~," he mused. "So start sucking!" Grabbing her by one of her blonde tails, Naruto pushed from the back of her head, urging her face down to his crotch. "And make it good!" Ofcoursethis was a dream! There's nowaysomething like this would happen any way else! And, since it was a dream, that meant he could get away with things like telling Tsunade to hush up and suck his balls! And the stuff he was telling the other girls to do! His 'wives'! He watched Hinata starting to touch herself through her clothes, timidly but obediently. He'd always wondered about her, how she could be so busty, so curvy, and yet so shy...not that Naruto minded, but he sometimes had to wonder if she ever did anything sexual with herself, like everyone else. With the way she was touching herself now, it seemed she had an idea of what to do. And, grinning to her as he watched her play with her tit and rub her crotch, it was somehow hotter that she was doing it through her clothes. ...Though, of course he looked forward to seeing her bare-ass naked in due time! That thought was one of the numerous reasons he was stiff as a board right now for the Hokage to enjoy! And then there was Ino and Sakura. Naruto wasn't...he wasn't really surewhyhe was embarrassing his Sakura-chan so. If Tsunade wasn't here in this fantasy then it would probably be his pink-haired crush he would imagine getting a blow from. But for some reason she was sitting over there with her part-friend, part-rival, and while he knew he'd never get away with anything of the sort for real, ever ever ever, there was something vengefully amusing about embarrassing her now in dreamland. He watched the blonde rid herself of her bandages, and Naruto felt a whole new level of shiver course through him when he caught a glimpse of Ino's hairless vagina. ...That was his now, huh? ...mmmm... He watched as the girl dropped to her hands and knees and stuck her butt backward, presenting it to the other kunoichi, and he watched as Sakura again reluctantly placed a kiss on that firm, flawless derriere. "N-now Sakura-chan," Naruto stumbled slightly, his face a serious blush, from this, from Tsunade, from the whole damn thing. This was bold, even for him, but he was so aroused, so in the mood that he couldn't be bothered to care. "Ask Ino if you can eat her...hhn...mmn...a-ask her nicely..." He bit his lip a little, grinning, excited. "Then, Ino, y-you answer~"
So....Naruto didn't believe her? Well....he'd believe this was real soon enough. Maybe she should just let him believe this was a dream for might help him to enjoy things a little more in the beginning. When he suddenly ordered her to start sucking though, she was caught a little by surprise, even more so when he grabbed her head and pushed her down towards his cock. Well, just this once she would indulge him....but the second he fucked her and got her pregnant that was it, she was going to be removing herself from this new little family of Naruto's....unlike the other four girls she wasn't married to him now. Oh poor Naruto....still oblivious to the fact he really did have four wives now.... Parting her lips slowly, Tsunade took the head of Naruto's cock into her mouth first, teasing at the tip with her tongue before closing her lips around it, beginning to suck on it gently. It had been a while since she'd done this, but her natural talent for it soon kicked in, her lips ever so slowly beginning to slide a little further down the shaft of Naruto's throbbing hard erection. "Ah!" Hinata squeaked when she pinched at one of her nipples through the thick layers of clothing she was wearing. Even through all that her hard nipples were poking through, just like the rest of her breasts they were rather larger than normal. Still, nobody knew just quite the extent of Hinata's 'gifts'....both Naruto and Tsunade were sure to be surprised when the former Hyuuga did finally remove that coat....but that wasn't something she was going to do until Naruto ordered her to.... "Wh-what?!" Sakura and Ino both looked up at Naruto for a moment when he made his next request, a look of refusal crossing their faces for the briefest of moments, but then they were reminded of Tsunade's could they not be with her sucking on Naruto's cock like a pro right infront of them? The two girls looked at each other for a moment, almost as if communicating through looks alone, before finally the two seemed to accept that this was their fate now. Not only were they Naruto's wives they were his sexual playthings for pretty much the rest of their lives, destined to be little more than breeding machines. "I-Ino....can I....can I..." Sakura's face was as pink as her hair as she attempted to get the words out....god this was would be embarassing enough if the two of them were alone, but with all these others around too? "Can out....?" Ino seemed almost surprised that Sakura had managed to get the words out, then suddenly found herself in difficulty to form a response. After a few moments hesitation however, she managed a slight nod, and barely managed to mumble out the word "Yes" before looking away, slowly sitting down on her backside and spreading her legs, Sakura beginning to slowly advance. Just off from the group, Temari was still sat with a look of shock on her face, staring at the sight before her. The Hokage was sucking cock, two girls were about to start eating each other out infront of everyone and another girl was sat rubbing herself through her clothing. Just what the hell had she been drawn into here?!
"Uhhnngh...nnngghhnn..." Naruto groaned openly, low, long and guttural. He didn't try holding it back in the least. Why should he? She's just begun, but already Tsunade was giving him the most fantastic head. His fingers dipped into the back of her hair, entwining themselves with her blonde strands, wordlessly urging her down more. Not that she needed it. And he was hesitant to remove her from her own pace, because already, even already it just flt so goddamn amazing... "Mmmhhnnn," he gasped out in an exhale. Still, there was the urge in the back of his head to grab her by the hair and forcibly justfuckthe Hokage in the mouth. ...Would that be disrespectful, considering her station? It's not like she wasn't already sucking him off, though. Naruto grinned at the thought. Maybe later. For now, it just felt too good. Too good. "Mmmhhmmnn..." Every exhale was a heavy, heated breath, followed by a sharp intake that saw a rise in the young ninja's chest. He could feel her palm enclose around the base of his shaft, slender fingers squeezing firm, and it caused him to throb, pulsating within her grasp. He could feel her head bobbing up and down, her tongue swirling around the head, her lips wetting his length, abandoning it to the cold only to soon envelop it with her warmth again... God, it was just all so amazing... "Ngh," Naruto gasped. Part of him had to wonder if another minute or two of this would send him over the edge, blowing hard into his Hokage's mouth. ...Was that against the rules? He didn't say anything yet though. Of all the things Naruto was, sexually experienced wasn't one of them. Paired with a buxom blonde expert like this, the boy didn't know what else to do than grip his fingers into her hair with one hand, gripping the pillow he sat on with the other, to breathe, and to let his Hokage do her thing. He leaned back some, leaning on that free hand as he looked to each of the other girls. It was hard to watch anything but the bobbing blonde head in his lap, watching it move up and down at an already steady pace as he felt the coolness of the air as she abandoned his dick with every rise, and the envelopment of her mouth's warmth every time she dipped back down. But he had to look away else he'd blow way too quick; not like any of the other sights before him were much better, though. First, naturally, he looked to Ino and to Sakua, the blonde sitting bottomless on her pillow and leaning back on her hands, legs spread apart for her pink-haired friend and rival. And then there was Sakura-chan down on all fours, having just received permission from her best friend to eat her smooth, bald cunt... Naruto shivered. "Tongue her deep," he breathed. His own loins twitched; Naruto barely resisted from bucking upward into Tsunade's mouth. He just held to her hair, gently massaging into the strands as he watched the two off to the side. "G-get her off, Sakura-chan," he stammered. Then, to the blonde, "Don't...don't be shy. Push her face in. Tell her what to do. Mmn... Make a mess, all over her..." God, Sakura-chan would KILL him if she knew he was fantasizing about crap like this! ...Ino would probably tease her friend incessantly, Naruto thought with a brief smirk. That look was short lived. Next his blue-hued gaze traveled to his next wife, to Hinata. God, her crotch looked so damp...and her nipples were straining against the material of her top... As much as Naruto wanted to see her body, as much as he wanted to see all of the girls here naked, he was so overwhelmed with what was going on already. And there was just something hot about her touching herself with her clothes on. "H-Hinata," he stammered nervously. She was beautiful, and he liked her, and with her bust and her hips she was obviously a hottie, but at the same time Hinata was always so timid that Naruto had to sometimes wonder if he might break her in half if he ever shouted too loudly or something. "Um...H-Hinata, I want you to c-cum...just like that...just...with your clothes on, and stuff... Can you do that for me?" There was another, still. He had one woman blowing him, two girls lezzing out, a fourth masturbating right in the middle of it all, and still there was another! Naruto looked to his new wife, to Uzumaki Temari, and as he blushed, and as he breathed, as he tried to concentrate on something, on anything that didn't involve filling his hottie Hokage's mouth with a load of jizz, he thought on what he could give this yetanotherbuxom blonde to do. "T-Temari," he breathed, "I want want you to come take off Tsunade's clothes...a-and mine, too..."
Tsunade couldn't help but smirk slightly around Naruto's cock, letting herself drool all over it, slurping up every last drop of pre-cum she could suck from the boy whilst her tongue expertly worked the shaft. But everytime she felt him getting close, everytime Naruto was about to approach the point of no return, she slowed or stopped, constantly bringing the young ninja to the cusp of orgasm then practically tearing it away from him so he would practically be starting all over again. Oh it had been a long time since Tsunade had done this, but she most certainly still knew how....if needed she could keep up like this for hours without ever letting the man cum....but there wasn't time for that. Whilst she was certainly taking pleasure in this, she wasn't here for pleasure, she was here today for more practical reasons. "Mmmmm...." With a humming moan around Naruto's cock, Tsunade began to pick up the pace, her head bobbing up and down quickly, her tongue practically wrapping around the shaft whilst her hands began to play more roughly with his balls, seemingly thinking she had teased the boy enough and now wanting to taste his first dose of cum. Sakura growled inwardly as Naruto 'ordered' her to tongue Ino deep....oh how she wanted to just punch him...but the Hokage would stop her....hell...even when the Hokage left...if Sakura did attack Naruto it would mean imprisonment for the rest of her life. And besides....Sakura knew all too well the dire situation of the village....the Hokage was right....they needed new ninja, they needed strong ninja....and this was the fastest, if not also most perverted, way to do that. Before she could consider it much more though, Ino's hands were on Sakura's head, obeying Naruto's command. She gave Sakura's head a tug, then slowly pulled it in towards her exposed crotch. Both girls were clearly nervous, and yet....they were also....curious. With a nervous twitch, Sakura slowly leaned forward, extending her tongue outwards slowly, then making contact with Ino's skin, the blond girl gasping loudly, almost jumping on the spot as Sakura went to work on her pussy, slowly and curiously lapping at the flesh. Hinata whimpered in pleasure, just nodding in response to Naruto's command. She was somewhat relieved that she wasn't going to have to become naked...not yet anyway at least. "Ahhh...." Hinata started to rub herself a little harder, her fingers pressing against her crotch through her clothing a little harder, the wet patch beginning to grow and become more visible. "Ooooh...." Hinata wasn't really making much effort to suppress her moans of pleasure, whilst her fingers squeezed at her large breasts a little more, pinching at her hardened nipples. Temari was almost beginning to hope Naruto had simply forgotten about such luck. Her first instinct was to tell him to fuck off, that she, a princess, would not be treated this way. Unfortunately she had seen the Hokage's earlier threats....and knew she was more than capable of carrying them out. With a growl of frustration she stood up, starting to walk over and reaching out slowly, beginning to tug unceremoniously at Naruto and Tsunade's clothing. It seemed that the sand princess was going to be the hardest girl to tame....but then again perhaps that meant she'd be the most fun too....
The blonde's teeth had to clench down around his lower lip, which half stuck out of his mouth, bearing a slight quiver to it, one you'd have to look to really be able to see, as well as an even slighter whimper, one you'd have to listen to really hear. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to tell Tsunade to stop. He wanted to tell her to go faster. Each time she slowed down considerably he felt his shaft linger for about a minute, welling up with a longing that could be considered somewhere between pleasure and pain at his denial. Yet each time she sped back up, his fingers still laced throughout her long blonde strands, he was hesitant to urge her on any more than she was already doing, for fear of getting off too soon. The ninja whimpered from the feel of her hot mouth. He groaned and raised his hips off the pillow, giving a very slight buck whenever her fingers squeezed around his hairy ballsac. He listened to the sound of her slurping, rhythmic and melodic. He could feel her drool dripping all the way down, plentifully covering the base of his shaft, dripping over his balls, down the inside of his left thigh, and he could even feel the excess starting to dampen the pillow where he sat. She really,reallyknew how to give head. "T-Tsunade...I..." He whimpered. He breathed. With another feel of her slender, feminine fingers gripping the entirety of his firm, heavy sac, Naruto gave another slight buck into her palm, blushing profusely. "T-teach them...please...teach them all, like this...t-to do this...nnnghhu~" His fingers were digging hard into her hair, as they were digging hard into the pillow, but he made no effort to alter things in any way. He was just sitting there, experiencing her. Experiencing a blowjob from his Kage. Goddamn. Whenever Naruto's gaze could afford to focus on anything, he sought out the other girls in the room. Hinata was blushing just as bad as he was but she was obediently rubbing her crotch and rubbing her chest. Part of him, inwardly, had to giggle way back in his mind as he thought of how much she would blush when she was sitting there afterward in panties filled with her cum... As it was Naruto locked eyes with the once-Hyuuga, gazing into hers for a few, unspoken seconds while she shamelessly masturbated right in front of him. Then there were the two sitting left of that, the bottomless Ino getting her twat licked by her still-clothed best friend. Naruto had to bite down hard on his lip when he watched this, watching the pony-tailed blonde shove that head of pink hair aggressively into her crotch. ...God. His angle wasn't the best to really see, but it was still so, so fucking hot. "Ino...I-I...ah...ha..." Naruto managed to grin. His eyes fell shut. "Tell it you want more? U-zu-ma-ki Ino..." He blushed. "Tell her...tell her everything you want her to do..." But he could only spare the pair so much attention. Naruto felt another grip of Tsunade's palm and another self-impalement of her throat upon his throbbing, thick, meaty cock. He bucked up into her mouth, groaning gutturally from the very depth of his chest. Somewhere along the line he felt Temari come over and start tugging at his clothes, first removing his pants the rest of the way, then undoing and removing his shirt. The blonde ninja made no effort to hinder this, much as he didn't make it much easier in how he sat and writhed. In short time he was sitting there completely naked, tanned skin covered in a layer of lean, strong muscle seemingly over every inch. Even his forehead protector had fallen to the wayside. Shortly after the last bit of clothing left his body Naruto literally fell onto his back, body arching, chest and ribs raising up as both hands now embedded themselves in his Hokage's thick head of long hair. He groaned. He bucked up into her mouth. Unable to hold back even just a little bit more, Naruto held her throat so down on his fucking dick there was no way she could avoid just gagging on it at this point. He held her there, feeling her firm massage to his sac as the musky semen she'd gathered within started to shoot in hard, hot, pearly white streams, filling her hot hole with his sperm. He laid there throughout his orgasmic throes, body shuddering, eyes clenched shut, his voice just the weakest, mewling little whimper...surrounded by his friends, by his new his his five personal fuckdolls, each of their vaginas his for the taking...
Hmph....Tsunade knew he was close and knew he'd want this all the time....but no....she was going to let the girls learn to do this for themselves. Once she got a baby in her she was out of here to leave Naruto to his new wives, and to realise this was reality and not a dream. Still, she'd need to get the edge off the boys lust if she was going to get a half-decent fuck out of him. Her sucking intensified on his cock, slurping hungrily with an aching desire to get the boys hot cum out of him. "Mmmmm...." She slurped hungrily, bobbing her head up and down Naruto's hot, hard shaft as her tongue wrapped around it, expert hands squeezing at his balls. Then finally....finally she was rewarded. She tasted the first spurt of Naruto's cum, swallowing it eagerly, along with every other drop he pumped out, making sure it all went down her throat, swallowing like a pro. Sakura was now licking Ino's pussy a little more eagerly, the pink haired girl finding herself rather....enjoying the taste, as odd as it sounded. Still, she wasn't going to say that, not to Ino and most certainly not to Naruto! Ino couldn't quite suppress her groan of pleasure, though she quickly bit her lip to cut it off, her body shivering as her friend and rival licked at her hairless pussy. "Nnn...." She panted as the wetness between her legs increased, her juices beginning to glisten in the light. She had heard Naruto's command but....well....she was so busy suppressing her moans of pleasure she couldn't tell Sakura anything. Even if she stopped suppressing her moaning, she wouldn't be able to speak, not with such pleasure running through her body. It seemed Sakura had a natural talent with her tongue....on a womans body at least. Hinata had been watching Naruto when he came, gasping as she watched his hips thrust, watching Tsunade swallowing....oh god. Hinata felt her own arousal growing, beginning to pant and groan heavily as she felt her own orgasm beginning to approach as she rubbed herself through her clothes. "Nnngh....ahh..." Her whimpers of pleasure were so cute. Her grasp on her breasts through her clothing was getting a little more rough, her rubbing through her pants getting harder and faster, her eyes closing as she began to approach the point of no return, almost ready to cum at Naruto's command.
Naruto's whimpers were soft, weak and pathetic, and he wasn't the least bit abashed over them; his hips bucked several times into Tsunade's mouth without even meaning to, simple as a natural reaction of his nerves as she summoned forth and swallowed a mouthful of sperm down into her belly. He could feel her cheeks hollowing around him. He could feel her blonde hairs straying and tickling at his skin. He could feel the way her hand cupped and massaged his balls throughout the entire orgasm, and after it, when his body set back upon the pillow and his mewling voice started to subside, Naruto cupped his palm over top his Hokage's, hoping she would keep hers there to help coax the next load forth. His chest rose and fell. His lips panted. How much had Temari taken note of? How much had Hinata? Did Ino even get to see? He hoped each of the girls had been taking notes during that, his mind, hell, his entire body not only in love with the relaxation he'd just been given, but eagerly hoping to get sucked like that again. "Mmmmm...mmm..." The ninja grinned as surely as he breathed, stroking his other hand through Tsunade's hair. She'd probably take to her back soon, he thought. Or did she want to ride him? Or fuck on all fours like an animal? Whatever happened next, Naruto just grinned, knowing he was seconds away from being in his Hokage's pussy while her fingers massaged his hairy blonde sac toward a second erection. Casually he glanced over to the two girls dyking out, realizing then that he'd actuallyforgotall about them for a moment in his bliss! ...Mmm, Tsunade wasgood.With his grin fading to a warm, relaxed smile, Naruto eyed up Ino's bare lower half, only really able to see the outside of her left leg and the part of left side of her buns from this angle, but that was enough. He could see the pink tuft buried between her legs, moving about little bits at a time, and he could see every tiny shift in Ino's face. "Make her cum, Sakura-chan," he spoke huskily, still holding Tsunade's slender fingers wrapped around his sac. "Mm...Ino...don't be shy... Shove her face aggressive!" Naruto actually even giggled. To him they were just requests, but to the girls, hopefully considering Tsunade's heavy hand, there would be no difference between a request and a command when it came to their new husband - the man whom would be fathering their new clan, whom they should all be deeply honored to be a part of. Maybe later they'd come to realize that though, with time. Heck, Naruto didn't even realize it yet. This was all some amazing fantasy to him, one that just kept going on and on. And on. He had more beautiful kunoichi in front of him than he knew what to do with! "Hinata," his eyes moving to her next. "You''re getting pretty close, huh?" His face softened, and his smile was indeed warm and friendly, though that didn't deter rom any of the extreme perversion of the moment. "Can you get off, Hinata? ...Uzumaki Hinata? Just like I did?" Then, suddenly grinning very, very wickedly, "Can you make a big, slutty mess?" But he wasn't done, not even then. Temari, of the Sand... There were so many pussies before him, so many many asses, so many many curves that Naruto had beaten off to for years, that someone as voluptuous and simply gorgeous as her seemed to be getting lost in the mix. "Take your top off," he said suddenly. Lustily. Huskily. Staring into her dark green eyes, "I wanna see your tits...UzumakiTemari." Licking his lips, grinning, growing more and more in love with his newfound power, Naruto kept the gaze locked, "Presentthem to me."
Ino wanted to pretend she hadn't heard Naruto's command...but she had and she figured Tsunade probably knew she had....which meant she had little choice really but to obey and satisfy Naruto's desires. God she couldn't believe she was doing this....let alone that somehow she was even enjoying it. Hearing Naruto giggle like that....god what she wouldn't give to just punch that face and storm out of here...unfortunately she was well aware that if she so much as tried she would be stopped by Tsunade, then either imprisoned or simply restrained to be used as Naruto's fuck toy and breeder. Well....might aswell try to make the most of a bad situation right? With a silent sigh, Ino slowly reached up one hand, placing it gently on the back of Sakura's head, before suddenly pulling her in harder, letting out a sharp gasp of pleasure as she did so. Sakura was caught off guard, not expecting Ino to be quite so following of Naruto's order, now getting a face full of Ino's pussy, her tongue being shoved a little deeper into her friend and rival for a few moments before she was able to adjust. Her first instinct was to pull away, but Ino was holding the pink haired Kunoichi's head firmly in place. A moment later Sakura realised that was probably for the best....if she tried to pull away then Tsunade would likely not be happy.... Hinata really couldn't take anymore of this. Hearing Naruto speaking to her like that, in ways he only ever had in her absolute wildest dreams, it was just too much for the shy girl. Her hips started to buck against her hand, panting as she squeezed one of her breasts, then squealed in delight as she fell backover onto the floor, her waist lifting up. With a cry of pleasure she began to cum, the patch of wetness between her legs growing rapidly as juices poured out of her, absolutely soaking her pants as she continued to rub at herself, twitching with pleasure on the floor from the most powerful orgasm of her life to date, and that had simply been from touching herself infront of Naruto.... Temari twiched as she was told to remove her top, then when he called her Uzumaki....she couldn't help clenching a fist for a moment, until she spotted Tsunade again, the fist quickly relaxing once more, though not before Naruto would have been able to see it. "....Fine" She practically hissed the word at him, before starting to unceremoniously remove her top, doing her best to make it as un-sexy as possible. Tsunade licked her lips as she swallowed the last of Naruto's cum, just chuckling slightly before pushing him into a laying position on the bed. " then....I think it's time you became a real man Naruto and knocked up your first woman..." She smirked as she moved to straddle him, trapping Naruto's cock beneath her, the shaft rubbing up against her pussy lips. "Mmmm....before this day is done, you'll have pumped a big, hot load into every woman here, understand?"
Ah, triplets. God's gift to men with large... wallets. So what? Not like it would bruise his ego any. And there was quite the ego there, of course, but Tony had known from the moment he met the trio of Swedish bikini models from the day before that there wasn't an ounce of intelligence in them. Perhaps combined, if only for the sake of motor skills. Ah, blondes. Blondes blondes blondes. If only their names had rhymed it would have been perfect. Thankfully they were the type that knew and respected his last name, and respected even more the many zeroes associated with it - their names didn't rhyme, no, but last night in bed they did. He could have called them anything and they'd have been the same buxom piles of giggles. Oh, to have that sort of fun on a daily basis... Thankfully, he did. And thankfully he had an excellent personal assistant who was always on top of 'addressing any and all undesireable issues' before he awoke mid-day, which always included waking and escorting out his lady friends from the night before. It was these thoughts that swam around in Tony Stark's mind as he lay in bed still, king size and with sheets of orange silk. He was still in that hazy state between asleep and awake, when you were thinking, when you were aware that you were thinking, but the desire to join the world wasn't quite yet there. He smiled. Almost yawned, but Tony caught himself. That would end up waking him up more than he wanted, and right now was that warm, basking glow time. Triplets. Triplets that all gave good head, especially that one sister who went down on him in the limo back to his estate. Triplets with ice cream dripping down their rather generously sized breasts, which, of course he had to lick up for the sake of not creating a bigger mess than there already was. Triplets who had seemed as happy to explore each other as the night went on, and as the drinks went on, as they were to explore him. Thank God he was Tony Stark. And thank God he had such reliable help, he thought with a smirk, eyes still closed. Pepper had been great last night. Sure she made her usual sighs and eye rolls during the hummer in the limo, or at least Tony assumed, as that was her usual. He'd been busy with two other sisters to entertain, they not leaving him much opportunity to utter anything more toward his assistant than a drink request. And she'd played bartender the rest of the night too, even when the girls were giggling naked on his bed, showing Doctor Tony on the dolly where each wanted to be touched. And the ice cream. She'd been a doll heading out at three in the morning to buy rocky rhode ice cream for their fun. He'd have to give her a raise or something. Something nice. Maybe a cruise? He'd probably go with her, of course. She'd be bored without someone to tend to, naturally. Or too worried to enjoy herself. Tony finally stretched with a tired smile, reaching to his ey-... hm? His hands had stopped moving. Peculiar. Tony stretched his back and opened his eyes on their own, a bit crusty as their corners were. He yawned but that felt weird as well. First thing first. The playboy cast a glance to his left wrist, trying to pull again. Stuck. Stuck because... becaaauussee... He blinked a few more times. Stuck because it was tied to the bedpost, a white silk rope held taut between the dark mahogany wood and his wrist. Kinky. Shifting as he lay on his back, Tony looked to his other hand and tugged on that as well, to quite a similar result. Well, that only made sense. It'd have been silly if only one was tied. Inconvenient. Looks like he and the girls had a bit more fun last night than he could initially recall. "Phffhr," he spoke out, immediately blinking a few more times when the name of his assistant left his mouth. When the name of his assistant left his mouth, that is, only to be muffled quite considerably by a ball gag held firmly between his teeth. Oh boy. Inconvenient, indeed. She'd be along soon enough though. And thankfully, were there a silver lining to his current predicament, she'd caught him doing much worse things than this.
Pepper Potts fancied herself a patient woman. She had to be, to survive daily interactions with a billionaire man-child who had a knack for buying expensive things and then accidentally blowing them up. He wasn't a bad boss. Pepper understood that there were thousands, even millions, of others willing and ready to take her place. She supposed she should just suck it up and do her job, playing the nanny, assistant, nurse, and PR all at once to one Tony Stark. Even though it wasn't alwayspleasant, she had grown to care for Tony during their time together, and he could be somewhat endearing. In a rude, sarcastic, let's-push-Pepper's-buttons-for-fun kind of way. But everyone, even Pepper Potts, has their breaking point. Really, the night had been no different than most other nights. Accompanying Tony to an event, watching him ogle and flirt at a trio of buxom blondes, silently withstanding their shenanigans in the limo she was forced to share. If she took deep breaths, she was fine. This was typical Tony behavior. Once she had gotten back to the Stark mansion, she'd been personal bartender for as long as she could stand it, before she muttered that she was tired and slipped off, probably without Tony even noticing. It felt good to settle on her bed with her laptop (she could never go to sleep without doing at least a bit of work), she could finally forget about what Tony was up to on the other side of the house, and focus on other things... Until he had asked her to be a doll and go get some ice cream at three in the morning. And you know what? Pepper had done it, simply because it was easier than saying no. Tony hadn't even thanked her -- as if the favors she paid him were just part of what she did and not deserving of recognition. Pepper supposed that she was a bit to blame, herself. Too long had she indulged Tony's every whim, never saying no, always biting her tongue and smiling calmly at his ridiculous antics. As she saw the triplets to their awaiting car the following morning (her swift disposal of his one-night-stands was another thing Tony perpetually took for granted), Pepper felt disgusted with herself. Why was she supporting and playing part in Tony's misogyny? Was she really so self-loathing? She had poured herself a cup of coffee, and made a decision. She would teach Tony a lesson -- but there was only one way to get through to Tony Stark. It was risky, but Pepper knew that sheneeded to do it... and it would require some preparation... She re-scheduled his meeting. She stowed a discreet black box under his bed, and then tied him to the posts, confident that he was. She admired her handiwork for a few minutes and then she went back to her room. From the fresh laundry she had plucked one of Tony's business shirts; she pulled it on, along with a pair of black lacy panties, which were barely covered with the hem of the crisp light blue shirt. Wearing it slightly unbuttoned, revealing a teasing glimpse of cleavage, Pepper looked at herself in her mirror. Her red hair was down, softly curled on her shoulders. She held a glass of expensive scotch on her hand and a fat Cuban cigar between her teeth -- she had to stop herself from laughing out loud. As ludicrous as she thought she looked, Pepper knew her plan would work. Over-dramatic Tony would respond to something this theatrical. Just for the hell of it, Pepper spent some time around the house like that. Lounging on the leather sofa, enjoying her drink, she played a caricature of her boss, affecting her best impersonation as she made sexist comments under a guise of light-hearted sarcasm to a Pepper who wasn't really there. It was all very bizarre -- she was talking to herself -- but, she had to felt rather good. She didn't go back to Tony's room until about half past two. Pepper opened the door, and saw him laying there, bound, awake, and briefly wondered how long he'd been up; she immediately reminded herself thatshe did not care.For this to work she would have to suppress her intrinsic concerns for Tony's well-being, at least for now. "Good morning. Or, should I say, afternoon," Pepper's voice was low and quiet. She closed the door behind her and locked it with a soft click. "You must be so exhausted, after the night you had..." She smiled as she approached the bed. She was still holding the tumbler of alcohol, and she drained the glass before tossing it on rug. "Let me tell you about my night. I had to babysit an immature jackass all night and then pour drinks for him while he took part in an orgy and then I had to go to the store to buy him ice cream so he could lick it off some big fake tits. At three in the morning. I'm a little tired too,Mr. Stark." Pepper moved onto the bed, straddled his thighs loosely, looking down at Tony with disgust. "Tired of your shit. All you do is take, take, take... You think you can treat women, including me, like objects, that you can play with a few times and get rid of when you're bored... Well, for once in your life, your actions are going to have consequences, Tony." She removed the gag from his mouth and tossed it aside. Almost tenderly, she cupped his cheek -- then she slapped him, hard. "I'm -- I'm going to show you what it's like to be fucked and used and then thrown out with the trash." Pepper had to fight to keep her voice steady, because, fuck, she was getting turned on. Once, twice, she rocked her hips against him, rubbing herself slowly against his hip. "...Will you be a good slut and obey?" Just saying the words caused her to blush, just slightly, and she felt another twist of arousal deep within her body -- not only that, but a touch of worrying fear, too...this could go horribly wrong, and she could be fired at any moment for sexual harassment. Pepper waited on pins and needles for him to speak.