As Shino was close enough to almost touch the girl she had felt the pull bringing them together. 'Could this be... My Ashikabi?' She wondered as she looked deeply into the girls eyes. She had been told about what was to be expected when she found her Ashikabi, but she never knew it would be like this. "I.. I believe you might be my Ashikabi..." She said shyly. "I know this is sudden but I need to know..." 'Damnit this girl didn't even look fit to be my Ashikabi but what choice do I have? Sooner or later there would come another Sekirei that will be much stronger than I and that would be because I cannot even tap into my full powers yet..' She thought as she continued to stare at the girl. What the hell, she had no other choice. "We must kiss if we are to be bound. I am a Sekirei and you I believe are my Ashikabi. We will discuss matters later... But first we must be bound." She said as she was now facing the girl upclose.
sarah's eyes shuttered as she heard the strange girls rant. it seemed so strange. what was she saying to her? sarah had no idea what an akshibi even was. she couldn't figure it out, that said, she did have a strange urging in the pit of her stomach. it told her to reach out and kiss the strange girl in front of her. sarah had never been a lesbian. she never even kissed a girl before. when a guy had asked she had actually punched his lights out. but right now the urge to just reach out and make out with this strange girl was overwhelming. " an ashikabi?' she asked more in a breath then anything else. her mind was telling her no, but her body was saying yes. she just wanted to take this girl and make her hers. she couldn't tell where this desire came from either. it freaked her out. then after a few more seconds she couldn't stand this magnet attraction between the two. she roughly grabbed the girls arms and leaned in and gave her a strong kiss. her tongue plunging deep into the other girls mouth.
As he examined himself in the mirror of the platform 9 platform Draco couldn't help but smile, everything was going just how he had hoped it would. After his success in arranging the invasion of Hogwarts at the end of last year his family had been elevated back to their former status, undoing the damage that his father's failure to bring the Dark Lord a certain prophecy had done. More then that though, more then just the Malfoy name had risen in status, now Draco was a rising star among the Death Eaters and as the youngest Death Eater he had a particularly important title, he was the Dark Lords faithful servant, his eyes and ears among the students at Hogwarts. True Snape was now Headmaster, and other Death Eaters held teaching positions at the school, but Draco would be a law unto himself, able to do whatever it was that he might like. Whatever he wanted was his to reach out and take, one thing in particular of course. Leaving the restroom Draco moved through the masses, people getting out of his way quite quickly. He was on the hunt now, there was one thing that he had always wanted but been unable to take because of circumstances in the past, she would have rejected him but now she would have no choice, like it or not she would belong to him. Ginny Weasly, beautiful blood traitor would be his, the excuse would of course be that he was only doing it to make Potter and his friends suffer. It didn't take long though to see the flash of red that gave her away, the grace, the delicate beauty... she was going to be his. Pushing his way toward her he was soon not far behind, pressing his wand against her back and his mouth beside her ear. Weasly. He whispered to her. I suggest you go into the train compartment on your right... and if you attempt to draw your want I will of course make you regret it.
It was difficult, bidding goodbye to her mother and father on the edge of the platform. Mollys eyes hadnt been dry since her second-youngest childs departure, and it was only Ginnys well established sense of dignity that kept her own eyes dry. Tears seemed to be contagious around the Burrow. After hearing that Ron was leaving with Harry and Hermione, she had been tempted to simply refuse to return to Hogwarts but that would be stupid of her, considering all of the trouble that it would cause for her parents and siblings. As much as she loathed the idea, the most reasonable thing to do at this point was lie low and try not to stir up too much trouble. The would see how long that could last. It would be a minor comfort to return to the school and see the classmates she had been worried for over the summer though Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, and various others. She had only just boarded the train and escaped the view of her parents, resolving to go look for her friends in one of the compartments, whenever she felt the harsh prick of a wand pressing into her back through the thin material of her tee shirt and hot breath at her ear, sending an involuntary shudder of outrage down her spine as she realized whose mercy she was subject to. She wanted little more than to close her fingers around her wand or give her elbow a good jab into his stomach so that she could run, but neither choice was a real option unless she wanted herself hexed into next Tuesday. She would have to wait for her opportunity. Grudgingly, she obeyed the command and turned directly into the right hand compartment, waiting until she heard the glass slide shut behind their bodies to reach into her pocket and slip her wand out and turn to face him, putting a couple of feet of distance between them in the process. The farther away from Draco Malfoy she could get, the better. She hadnt the faintest idea what he could want that called for such seclusion, but had immediately decided it couldnt be anythinggood.Ditching out of her sixth year to go with Harry, Ron and Hermione was beginning to look better and better, to hell with her bloody safety. What is it, Malfoy? Havent you got somewhere else to be?
She wasn't trying to fight him or yell for her friends, that was a very good idea considering he already had the drop on her and had learned a nasty spell or two from the older and much more experienced Death Eaters. Not that he wanted to her her, Merlin no, he wanted to keep her all to himself and hurting her would only throw his plans off quite a bit. He wanted her to grow to be his willingly, to bow at his feet and serve him faithfully. As she drew her wand on him he only smiled a little bit at her, she wasn't going to be able to hurt him. I don't really have somewhere else to be Weasly and neither do you... now I suggest you put up your wand. He said, a tone of mockery in his voice as he slid his wand away into a pocket of his suit jacket. Crabbe and Goyle are expecting me in about an hour, completely unharmed and if you have cast even the most harmless spell on me then then Mr. Longbottom and Ms. Lovegood will be suffering a great deal at their hands. Not entirely a bluff but not something that he had planned out ahead of time, however to anger him would lead to problems for them. Now sit down and relax. His face was crossed by a small sneer as he saw that as he took a seat himself, crossing one leg over the other. He was trying to put her at ease, no reason they couldn't be polite about this. I am about to make you a very nice offer and once again accepting it is the only way to keep your friends from experiencing a great deal of pain. Now the sneer was more evident then ever before, Draco in true form with someone at his mercy, someone who would not dare oppose him. From this point on you belong to me, you will serve me however I like and if you fail to do so... well I don't think I need to threaten your friends again.
He suggested that she put up her wand. She almost snorted at the comment, but her lips turned down in a slight frown whenever he obliged first by sliding his wand into his pocket. How could he be so confident that she wasnt going to put him in a world of pain at that very moment? Cocky death eating prick. She let her wand drop halfway to her side, but didnt put it away. She didnt like being cornered, even if he didnt have his wand at his disposal. Crabbe and Goyle? It was impossible to keep the amused skepticism from her voice. Im pretty sure Neville and Luna would hold up. It was true that her friends were far more advanced magic users than either of Dracos cronies, but she knew that she was lying. Just like she couldnt hex Malfoy into an inside out slug, Luna and Neville couldnt raise their wands to defend themselves. It was the higher power they were messing with at this point, and to put it gently, they were sincerely fucked. As if she could relax. Ginny pressed back against the window, leaning against the glass rather than sitting down on the bench. How long would it be before Neville or Luna got concerned and came looking for her? Before Malfoys hour was up? As she listened to him his proposition her wand arm fell to rest at her side, and she stared at him for a long moment. And then she laughed. It bubbled up in her throat and escaped her lips before she could think of it. She wouldservehim? And he thought that his idle threats to Luna and Neville would convince her of that? She didnt like the idea of being punished for hexing him or his lackeys, but if he was really gettingthissmug with his position, then he had another thing coming. Didnt he? Her laugh faded as she took in his expression. He was quite serious hell, he might even expect her to be pleased with his offer. She cocked her head, studying him for a moment before she straightened and shoved her wand back in her pocket. She was leaving. Go fuck yourself, Malfoy.
Her lack of concern for her friends was a little bit amusing, did she think that his friends wouldn't have learned a trick or two after the whole DA thing that Potter had put together. While Potter had taught his friends defense against the Dark Arts the Slytherin students had learned how far behind they were in experience and knowledge, without telling anyone they had banded together and shared what they had learned from their families... what had come from this was a great deal of shared knowledge and experience in some rather nasty curses and hexes... Crazy girl and Longbottom would have a nasty surprise in store should they run into Crabbe and Goyle now, especially since Slytherins now outnumbered any of the other houses, Mudbloods having fled the school and since Slyherin lacked any at all they now had quite a numerical advantage. SO much power, and as Head Boy Malfoy would be the one in charge of the Slytherins and the students who were smart enough to see the shift and align themselves with the proper power. It seemed however that Ginny wasn't smart enough to see what was coming, laughing at him and then trying to walk away without his permission. Such profane language to the man who she would soon acknowledge as her master. Standing quickly he moved forward, pressing against her while his hand kept her from drawing her wand. His body was pressed fully against hers, even though the clothing he could feel her softness against his own firm form. You don't seem to get it do you? He asked, his voice a low growl against her ear. The Order lost... The Dark Lord is now in charge and that means that blood traitors like your family are in a very delicate position while my own family now has even more power. If you won't submit to me then I can take you by force and no one will do anything to stop me.
She shouldnt have been stupid enough to stow her wand away, but it was too late to think about that now. Ginny stiffened as Draco moved fluidly to his feet, cutting off her path to the compartment door with the barrier of his solid frame pressing so closely against her own, the long fingers of his pale hand closing around her arm to make sure she couldnt whip her wand out on him. This distance was disconcerting not because shed never been so close to a boy, but because shehadand she had never planned on being so close to Malfoy. She didnt want to feel the warmth of his body pressing against hers, or feel the contrast of his firm muscles against her soft curves. She tilted her head away slightly when his hot breath touched her ear, a mildly annoyed attempt at tugging away. She couldnt comprehend anything he was saying mostly because she didnt want to. The way she saw it, things may be utterly dismal, but as long as Harry was alive there was still a sliver of hope. The muggleborns had fled, but she didnt blame them what choice did they have? They had more freedom than she did at the moment, even if they were on the run. But being in a delicate position was not going to stop Ginny Weasley from being anything less than the typical spitfire shed forced everyone to know her as. And Dracos new stature wasnt going to earn him anything unless he had a damn good way of forcing her into it. She could ignore his threats in their close proximity, and the mild flutter of her pulse an effect of adrenaline brought on by anger is what she dismissed it as. What she couldnt ignore was his snide barb in regard to her family. But if he was going to be so calm, then she wasnt going to act out like some snot-nosed brat. He wanted to play his game, then he could bloody well play it. Id rather be a blood traitor, she returned sweetly, than suffer from inbredity. Isthatwhats wrong with your logic, Malfoy? Your dear old dads banging his sister? Certainly explains the resemblance, doesnt it? She shifted against him, making to sidle around his body even as she snatched her arm from his grasp and yanked her wand from where shed stowed it in her pocket. At the same time she closed her fingers around the handle of the compartments door to yank it open and move out into the cart where someone would at least see her. She wasnt sure if Draco was willing to cause a scene or not or if he would even need to. He may have locked the door, or snatched her back before she could make it past the compartments threshold.
Pushing him off was one thing, trying to ignore reality was another thing but it was something that he could ignore, later on he could teach her the error of her ways. Right now her problem was that she had dared to comment on his family, to make accusations of inbreeding. It wasn't even the commentary on his parents, it was the commentary on pure bloods that she was making, had she forgotten that her own family was pure blooded, that they had been a respectable family once. How dare she besmirch the honor of pure bloods everywhere. She would need to be taught a lesson in how to be proud of her heritage. Anger trusting his featured Draco grabbed her by the back of her shirt and pulled her against him, despite his anger his arousal was pressed solidly against his back, so rare was it that any young lady offered him any sort of challenge to him. You will learn better then to speak to me like that. He whispered as a hand curled up around her neck, squeezing lightly while the other hand began to tease up underneath her shirt, he didn't have the patience to wait any longer for his prize, he wanted her right then and there. I am a Death Eater, I am in charge right now... you can either serve me or your friends will suffer. Every student in the school who wants an in with the new powers will be looking to kiss my ass and I will have them punish your friends every time you deny me what I want. He didn't really want to hurt her, it would accomplish nothing in the end but by threatening her friends he would be able to get what he wanted from her. Submit to me Ginerva or else you will all suffer at the hands of myself and my friends.
Who the bloodyhelldid he think he was, yanking her around? Ginny only just managed to refrain from letting a shout of surprise escape her lips whenever he grabbed her once again, pulling her back from the compartment door. She tensed at the feel of him stiffening against her and closed her eyes for the briefest moment. The feel of a hardened male pressing against her wasnt new, but she hadnt imagined she would ever have Malfoy at her back. His arousal, paired with his mouth at her ear and his fingers curling around her throat brought her breath up short. And as his fingers brushed beneath the hem of her shirt, dancing across the soft, sensitive skin that was so seldom exposed, she found herself writhing, jerking back toward him in an attempt to escape his touch. In this position, it was far easier to grasp how right he was about her situation. It would take only a flick of his wrist or a nod of his head to have a hoard of his cronies on top of Neville or Luna or any of her other friends and though they were damn good wizards and witches, all hell-bent on eradicating the student Death Eater posse, there werent enough of them to take on the Dark Lords new recruits. Draco especially had risen to sit on his throne, and could indeed do anything he wanted. Any way he wanted. And who would he have to answer to? Her. Because she had too much pride and self respect to bow down to him the way he so obviously wanted. Ill speak to you however I like, she hissed, squeezing her brown eyes shut. Would Neville or Luna blame her? Probably not but she couldnt bring herself to put either of them in unnecessary danger. She didnt want them punished, not on her account over Malfoys sick idea of a good game. Just because the spoiled pureblood monster wanted to have his way. Keep your goons away from them. This would be much easier if she could look at herself as noble for submitting to him, letting him have his way for the sake of her friends. But she couldnt. What would they say? What would her brothers say? Or Harry? She shoved those thoughts away, only noticing now that her hands were free both of them digging trimmed nails into the wrist of the intimidating hand at her neck. What do you want? Her voice was a whisper as if she was afraid of being over heard. Or maybe it was the fact that she felt like she couldnt breathe. Whether that was an effect of the pressure on her neck or the pounding of her pulse and shortness of breath, she wasnt sure, but she wished it was less noticeable. She scraped her nails over his arm, dragging up the tailored sleeve of his suit in an all too obvious attempt to draw blood from his alabaster skin and lifted her lashes to glare forward at the door. Her only way out, and he was holding her just in front of it. She didnt know if she wanted anyone to interrupt them now not in this state. The embarrassment would be too much to handle if she was going to be subject to that sort of torment, she would rather let Malfoy do as he pleased in private than have anyone know hed had her in the first place. Which brought a whole new flood of panic who was he going to gloat to? How much of a laughingstock was she going to be when he got done with her? She didnt want that she couldnt have it.
Talia was glad to finally be off that damned plane and in her hotel room that she had gotten under the name Natalya Borovsky. She lay down on the king size bed that dominated the large room. She decided she would unpack her things later, after a quick nap. She planned to go out tonight and see if she might be able to catch a glimpse of the Batman. She wondered exactly how much trouble she would need to cause to bait him to come after her. She didn't want to seem too much of a threat though. She didn't actually need him chasing her down; she just wanted to see him. This was the man whom her father had trained. He had also been trained by some of the same masters who had trained her, but she felt that she clearly had the advantage. Talia had been trained to be an assassin since she was a child. Unlike Batman, she was not afraid to kill. In fact it was the whole reason why she was here. She had heard that during his training, the man who was now Batman had refused to kill a thief. He clearly had not been the homicidal type, but why was her father dead now? What had happened here a few months ago that led to her fathers death? She could reach no other conclusion that Batman had had a hand in it. Tahlia swore she would find out what had happened, and she would make him pay. She knew who Batman really was: the billionaire playboy of Gotham City, Bruce Wayne. She remembered seeing him, watching him during his training. Her father had warned her to stay away from him, so she had been careful to never be seen. She wanted to get to know both Batman and Bruce Wayne, but the playboy would have to wait. Tonight her toy of choice was Batman. Her thoughts were rudely interrupted by the phone ringing on the nightstand by the bed, barely a foot away from her head: A short, blaring sound, unlike any ring she had ever heard. It made her jump and took all of her control to not throw the damn thing across the room. She was hesitant, completely aware that no one knew she was here, but answered it anyway, switching immediately to her alias for her trip, a Russian heiress, her accent obvious but she spoke perfect English. "Hallo?" She asked cheerily. "Good evening Ms. Barovsky. This is the front desk, we are just checking in to see if there is anything you need." The women on the other end asked politely. Talia had barely gotten up to her room 5 minutes ago, what the Hell could she possibly need? "No, I am fine. I actually think I am going to...." she pretended to search for the right phrase "turn in early. It has been a long day." She informed the woman. "Completely understandable, Ma'am. I'll make sure no one bothers you." "Thank you so much. I won't hesitate to call if I decide I want something, I assure you." "Wonderful, Ms. Barovsky. You have a good night." The smile was audible in her voice. "You too." With that, Talia hung up the phone, considering disconnecting it, but thought that might be too suspicious if any one at the front desk decided to check up on her again. Instead she simply turned the ring volume down. She had gotten the most expensive room in the hotel which she was slightly surprised was readily available when she had called to reserve it barely two weeks ago. She lay back on the bed allowing her thoughts to return to revenge. It didnt take long for her to fall asleep. -Several hours later- As Talia walked the streets of Gotham near her hotel a couple hours later decked out in black leather, she had a feeling it wouldn't take long until she found some one to 'play' with her. The crescent moon was high in the sky but offered very little light below, which unfortunately was needed. Some of the street lamps were flickering, some were off. It made Talia smile inwardly. It definitely wouldn't be long now. The streets were fairly quiet and orderly though there were a good amount of people walking around as well. There was a certain alley a couple blocks down that Talia noticed most people were going out of their way to avoid. As she neared, she could hear the commotion going on inside. She stopped to watch. There were at least 10 men huddled around....something in the very back of the alley. It took her a few moments to realize that they were gambling, throwing dice most likely. After about a minute or so, one of the guys finally noticed her. His eyes locked with hers, and it was obvious to Talia that he expected her to simply walk away, but when she didn't he roughly tapped the shoulder of the guy standing next to him who also looked up at Talia. Both men started to come over to her and it took barely a few seconds before every one elses attention was on Talia as well. "Are you lost little girl?" the second guy asked, his voice taunting and condescending. Talia did not back down, in fact she smirked at him. "If I was lost, I definitely wouldn't ask directions from the likes of you." she informed him, switching back to her regular, subtle Arabian accent. "So, what is it exactly that a guy like me can help you with?" He retorted as he stopped right in front of her. "I want to play." she stated firmly. Both men began howling in laughter. The first guy looked back at the other guys. "She wants to play!" He announced, and they all started laughing as well. Doubling over, falling into one another. Talia chuckled softly. Her hands had been in her pockets the whole time and she brought out her right hand which had $2,000 in 20's. She held it out to the men before her. "I want to play." She repeated. Both men stopped laughing immediately as their eyes fell on the cash. She pushed past them, cash in hand and went to silence the others with even more cash pulled from her left pocket. She had $4,000 total and threw it down before them all. "I think it's my turn." She told them, holding her hands out for the dice which were readily given over to her. It took her less than 20 minutes to get her money back and also the money of every man standing around her. She quickly counted it up in front of their stunned faces. It was barely $6,000. She rolled her eyes. "Well, thank you gentlemen for wasting my time. It almost makes this $2,000 not even worth it.... almost." She giggled as she pocketed the money and stood up making her way from the alley. 3....2....1.... "Hey, wait a minute!" Called the first guy. Talia stopped and turned. "I got another game we can play." he said as he walked up to her. Talia smiled and pretended to be excited. "Really? What is it?" He came right up to her and grabbed her upper arm roughly. "It's called 'Give us the money or we'll kill you.'" Talia suppressed all urges to laugh out loud. "Hey, I won this money fair and square; most of it is mine anyway!" She spat back at him. He responded by clumsily back handing her. With a sharp cry, Talia allowed herself to fall to the ground. She allowed the guy to drag her up by her arm and throw her up against the brick wall. She even allowed a few of the other guys to crowd around them in an attempt to block her in. She feigned heavy, nervous breathing, her hazel eyes darting around to all of the guys' faces. "She's a pretty one, Jay. Maybe we shouldn't kill her just yet." Came a voice from some one who was blocked by the guy now pinning her against the wall. She could only assume that he was Jay. "Yeah, you're right." He agreed, his eyes now filled with feral pleasure as he looked her up and down. "Let go of me!" she demanded, bucking against him in an obviously futile attempt to free herself. The men barked in laughter. Well, thats enough of that, she decided, before viciously head butting Jay. He fell to the ground. Talia refused to let the dizziness of the blow take over her as she grabbed the 2 guys standing on either side of her and brought them together. The sound of their heads colliding echoed in the alley. Three other guys looked at her wearily, but weren't about to let her get away with taking out their friends, so they all attempted to tackle her at the same time. She jumped up, grabbing onto the fire escape, and laughed as all the men ran into the brick wall. She dropped, landing hard on one of the guy's back. He groaned loudly and she stepped down onto the ground. The last four guys stalked over to her. Within 2 minutes she had all four of them disabled. One with a concussion like the others, two with broken arms and the last, sadly, was dead due to a broken neck. All 10 men now lay scattered around her. She grabbed the money from her pocket and threw the bills in the air, letting it rain down on top of them. "Your friend is dead. I hope it was worth the $4,000" she murmured, certain that at least one of the guys were awake enough to hear her, before she jumped back up onto the fire escape and climbed up onto the roof of the 10 story building to wait. She quickly reached into the back pocket of her black leather pants, and pulled out a small black mask. Even though the roof was well shadowed by the neighboring building, she placed it over her eyes. Just in case Batman found her, she didnt need him seeing her entire face. She could already hear the sirens approaching; she could only hope they were heading in her direction.
The cons of leading a double life as Batman: Chances of putting anyone that you love in jeopardy are heightened. Chances of living are always decreased whenever you go out to fight crime. While these may be true, the certain thing that annoyed Bruce at the current moment, as he felt his room door closing, was the fact that he only had around 4 hours of sleep to run himself off of. Alfred had came into the room with breakfast and as Bruce's eyes opened, annoyance was in his mood. However he distinctly remembered having a conversation with his butler about the things that he must sacrifice if he wanted to be Batman. And sleeping in was one of those sacrifices. That specific protein shake that Alfred made for him every morning was handed to him and he drank the glass clean, handing the glass back to Alfred. Alfred smiled and looked around the decorated room. "Master Wayne, are you sure that you should be sleeping in a house that is not exactly protected?" He asked, as he opened the door of the room to show the hallway. The hallway had numerous pictures that Batman had taken of the few girls that he enjoyed taking out. He was thinking of taking the pictures of those other girls down, since he had Rachel still in his mind... Bruce shook his head. The room that he was in was built securely by himself, it was warm, nice, and big enough to suit his liking. The hallway opened up to 10 other rooms, one of the rooms being a kitchen. "I've told you before, I'm sure that I am safe as I can be. After all, I'm not scared of anyone that wants to mug me." He replied, sitting up and flexing his muscles slightly, as if he was concerned if they weren't going to be there. Bruce stood up and he walked over to one side of his wall, a library of numerous books. Nearly all of the books on this cramped shelf were his, excluding a few on the bottom that were Alfred's favorite. His hands scanned along the sides of the books, smiling that gentle smile as he took a book off of the shelves and opened it to the middle page. Page 354. He pressed his thumb onto one of the lines, horizontally, and the book scanned his thumb print. Then the bookcase opened to a more eloquent elevator for his Batcave. Alfred did not seem surprised. "So quickly to venture into your cave, Master Wayne?" He asked, and Bruce laughed slightly before he walked into the elevator. Alfred followed and the two men descended into the cave. Bruce opened up a secured locker with a key that he had pulled out of the elevator console, near all of the buttons, and he gave it to Alfred to put back. He then looked at his suit. His symbol... his pride and symbol of hope for the people of Gotham... under his house. Alfred seemed slightly worried that Bruce was putting on the suit so soon. "Must you go so quickly out into the dangerous world Master Wayne?" Alfred asked. "Surely you can at least go to your company first and see if there is anything new that they can show you. Or call up a woman to have fun with." "It is not about fun, it is about fixing the problem." Bruce replied, running his hand over the suit that he has been using tirelessly the past few years. He noticed that it had some wears and tears and he glared at them, as if the tears were going to mend themselves from Bruce's stare. "You have a point Alfred, I have to talk to Lucius about fixing my armor." He replied, not looking at Alfred as he said this. He took the armor out of it's casing and he looked at all the other gadgets that he would be using on his adventure tonight, and realized that he needed a few new ones. His old gadgets were starting to wear out. Picking up a suitcase, Bruce placed the armor, and the depleting gadgets into the suitcase and then closed it, smiling. "Would you like to accompany me to the door?" He asked. Alfred smiled. "Of course Master Wayne." Bruce waited in the back seat of the car as Alfred drove him to the Wayne Enterprises building. He had his suitcase in the trunk, and pulled it out as he got out of the car. His blue eyes turned towards the building, his company. He loved it. He walked through the building, passed security, and walked straight to Lucius' room, explaining that he needed to trade in his armor for a new pair, while his old armor would be repaired or something along those lines. Lucius agreed and handed Bruce another suit, one that needed to be spray painted black first. Bruce showed Lucius the depleted gadgets and he got new ones of those as well. He smiled as he thanked the man, and then walked out of the building, satisfied. The rest of the day had been spent up, listening to financial advisers telling him how he should be spending his money. And he didn't really want to listen to any of them. He contemplated firing one of them, considering that most of his spent money was focused on weapons that no one knew about. He was driven back to his house (if it could be called that) and he descended back down into his Batcave. He spray painted his armor black, practiced martial arts on a few new testing dummies that he was given, and had gotten used to all of his new gadgets at the time. Throwing bats, slingshot hooks, and the usual gadgets, all that needed some calibrating for his missions. He was all ready as night time had risen on the city. Bruce smiled as he put on his armor, placing the mask over his face. "Have a good night Alfred." He replied in the raspy and almost unrecognizable voice that he used for his persona. He jumped into his Batmobile and then drove out of the house, turning on stealth mode as he did so. He silently drove around the city, undetectable by any radar or other cars. But when he noticed a particular amount of cop cars gathering around a certain alleyway, he had parked the Batmobile around a corner that was a few blocks away, and he began his work. He pulled his grappling hook out of his belt and shot it into the fire escape on the side of one of these buildings and with the press of a button, he had ascended upwards onto the ladder. A few staircases and he was on the rooftop. He looked at the amount of space between the buildings and he then jumped, deploying his memory foam cape and forming the shape of a bat for now, as he flew from one building to the building that was to the right of these supposed murders. A tracking and listening device that he placed on one of the cars (through a silenced gun that he used previously in his Batmobile) had explained what had happened. Apparently these men were taken down by one woman, and one of them was killed as well. That meant to him... no mercy. He saw a woman that was standing on top of a building and he quickly contemplated his way of confronting her without making any noise that would drive her away. In this darkness, he couldn't see anything, so she could have a grenade or a gun with armor piercing rounds for all he knew. But for now, he had to be careful. He disengaged his cape and landed silently on a building right behind her. Batman then felt his fists clench as he looked at this murderer... this woman that killed one of these men and beat up all the others. Whether it was accident or not, a murder was a murder. He would have to talk this woman into turning herself in, despite how much she probably wasn't going to. He engaged his cape again and jumped off his building, landing on the woman's building. "You think that you have any right... to kill?" He asked her, his raspy voice showing off part of the anger that was in it. "You don't have any right... to take the life of another." He had his hand on his belt, just in case he needed to use any of the gadgets. Sleeping powder... throwing bats... ect. "I am going to give you a chance to surrender and be tried under a jury of your peers. Or else..." His blue eyes stared at this woman, the tone of his voice and the anger in his eyes showing these true feelings. Visions of his mother and father dying in the street had played in his head as he looked at this murderer. They always played when he looked at murderers. He hated all of them...
Talia heard the sharp but soft sounds of air moving behind her, and the whipping of fabric. Her breath caught in her throat and she went perfectly still as if somehow hoping that the darkness would simply envelope her and she would become invisible, but she knew it was too late. He had already seen her. His nearly undetectable landing sent a sharp jolt through her body, and she began to breathe again. His voice sent shivers down her spine and memories of him so long ago flooded her mind. She was very well aware what he was capable of and while she wasnt afraid, she was hesitant. She wasnt exactly expecting him, at least not such an obvious confrontation with him. She had expected him to first investigate the scene, which was the only reason why she had stayed to watch. But now that he was right behind her, she didnt quite know what to do and he was too close for her to run with any hopes of getting away, but, on the other hand, maybe a chase would be fun. A smirk played on her lips but she pushed the idea out of her head. She needed to try to get him to let her walk away. The irony of his words were laughable and yet enraging all at the same time. Talia had to resist all urges to succumb to either emotion. He couldnt know why she was here yet. She needed to get under his skin first. She let out a soft sigh, and turned her head ever so slightly to acknowledge his presence, but not enough that he could see her face or the mask she wore, her hair was in the way. A light scoff escaped her before she said anything. You speak as if you saw it all happen, and as if your justice system works. Her voice was soft, low and calm. She was also trying her best to hide her accent, but speaking American wasnt exactly easy. You and I know very well, that it is nothing but a sham. You are the direct product of that. Talia flipped up the collar of her leather jacket, and stepped up onto the raised outer rim of the roof top, slipping her hands in her jacket pockets. She turned to her left, the collar of her jacket still hiding at least half of her face from view, and the mask hid the rest, as she began to walk along the edge. Her head was down, but she wasn't so much watching her step as she was simply trying to keep her face more hidden behind her popped collar. She had no problem with him seeing her face, she was expecting it eventually, but for now, she wanted to be as mysterious as possible. Besides, I have no peers. Well, none that cant be manipulated. She added with a shrug. Who do you think a jury would believe? The beautiful, seemingly innocent woman? Or some street thugs? Instigated or not, they touched me first and any one of them will tell you that, except the dead one, of course. She stopped and turned her head just barely, so that she could see him out the corner of her eye. The pictures she had acquired of him did him little justice. Granted most of them were fuzzy chance sightings, still.... After a moment's hesitation she finally turned to face him. She had to see him completely. She stood perfectly still and her voice was deadly serious. Only you would find me guilty of foul play, but your opinion is skewed and twisted. You are no better than me. She shrugged again, her body relaxing. I have no record. No previous crimes. No reason for anyone to believe that I could be capable of anything. Except murder as a means to protect myself against 10 dangerous men. I can go to the police. I can make up a tearful story why I ran, and then I would be let go. Why bother waste my time? A smirk played upon her lips. You should look me up, though. My information is on the money. I believe you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find. I know a lot about you, I suppose it is only fair. She stepped down from the ledge and eyed the fire escape behind Batman, before looking back to him. "I think the most important thing that I should tell you is that, plain and simple, your police nor your government can touch me. In the end, this will be between you and me. You can have at me now, for you are the only one I give permission to touch me, but I ask you don't use your toys. It wouldn't be very fair. Or you can let me go, and hopefully next time you can catch me in the process of doing something naughty." She began to make her way across the roof, wondering what he would do now....
Batman's eyes were showing the diligence that was within his character, as his hands remained near his utility belt in case she were to pull anything funny. His baby blue eyes were the only thing that was bringing color to this dark symbol of justice and skewed opinions of right and wrong. She was correct that he was the product of a city that had run out of hope, and managed to luckily get a symbol in time to rely on. But on the other hand, Bruce had done this for a reason. He had become Batman because he wanted to be able to bring all of that hope back, to make the city think that it had a chance for change. And change it did. The city was amazing now, boasting powerful businesses and a lesser crime rate that made Batman start to wonder if he should even be fighting. But at the same time, crime never stops. And it has only been a few years since the days of corruption had been plaguing this city like a poison. From the woman's words, she had the connections to that kind of blackmail, extortion, and blatant lies that he was trying to combat. As his fists clenched slowly out of anger, he let them relax. Just the thought of him bringing her into the jail, would make the anger go away. "I am a product of hope and justice in a city that needs it." Batman replied, in the same growling voice. "I am here to combat misfits like you. Murderers." Women always had it easier. And when it came to the legal system, it was sad that this was still true. She did have the ability to lie to these cops and get away with murder. And since Batman was unable to take a picture of this kind of crime, he had no evidence. This woman would be cleared instantly, and would be thrown back into a city that is like a playground to her. The thought of two cops taking off her handcuffs and throwing her out into the city with a pat on the head had angered him. All these emotions... boiling up inside of him. He had to control. Had to relax. "I am not better nor worse, for we are all human. But you are a murderer. Under the eyes of the law, you deserve your sentence in jail. A trial. But since you are unable to cooperate with any of those things, it looks like I am going to have to give you what you want." His hand instantly grabbed a throwing bat and threw it at the woman, attempting to have it slice some part of her body. He used that slight distraction to try and gain the upper hand on her, since he knew that this woman was dangerous. If she could kill one and take out 9 more, she had some kind of power with her. For a second, he remembered taking down several prisoners back when he was arrested, but that passed as he moved forward. He tried to take advantage of any kind of weak spot that he could find. First his forearm attempted to crash into her stomach, followed by an elbow to her face. And he would also slide his elbow to the right, attempting to cut her or her clothing with the spikes that were on the back of his elbow guards. He followed up with a headbutt, a knee to the stomach, a shoulder smash into her shoulder, and then if she was still being uncooperative, he would jump back and use his newly designed Net Gun. This gun shot a folding and collapsible net out of the chamber that fashioned around the first solid object that it hit. Sure she said not to use his toys, but they were not toys, and he was not going to play fair for a murderer. If he missed with this net gun, he would go on the defensive, since she might have a few punches or kicks of her own to display.
Things weren't exactly going according to plan for Ginny Weasley, on the Hogwarts Express on her way to her 6th year at Hogwarts, sat in a compartment completely by herself. There were less than half the students onboard that would normally be there, many too scared to dare set foot in public, let alone somewhere like Hogwarts. She wasn't scared though....although god knew she probably had more reason to be than most. Well....she used to anyway. During the summer she and Harry had finally expressed their feelings, kissed....and what did he do? Did he stay with her? Did he give up on his selfish quest for vengeance to be with her? No, he had ran away, left her behind. Hell, thanks to him her home had been burned to the ground! Well she'd taken all she could....6 years she had waited for him, 6 years she had tried to catch his attention, make him jealous and what did he do? Go off with that slut Cho, 'the bicycle of Ravenclaw'....well enough was enough, Ginny had her sights set elsewhere. She wasn't stupid, she could see the way things were going. As determined as he was, Harry was still nothing more than a child, a child without Dumbledore to guide him anymore. Well Ginny was sick of being nothing more than a cheerleader, being ridiculed as Harry Potters second or third choice. It was time for a change, it was time to embrace feelings and urges she'd been suppressing for a long time now. Ginny knew what was happening to her...she had known about the darkness in her heart ever since that incident with the diary, and until now she had simply locked it away, resisted whispered promises of power in her dreams, but it was time to stop resisting, it was time to take what should be hers. That was when she saw....when she looked up and eyed the pale skinned 7th year patrolling the train. A slight smirk crept onto the teenage girls lips as she silently stood up, moving over to the door of the carriage, waiting like an animal ready to strike. As soon as he was in position and his attention was diverted, Ginny opened the carriage door, grabbing Draco Malfoy and yanking him inside, closing the door behind her. "....So....enjoying your little patrol Draco?"
It had all gone down perfectly, Dumbledore had died and now after months of plotting the Death Eaters were now in charge of the ministry, even the minister was in there pocket and would soon be replaced by someone who didn't need to be kept under the Imperius curse in order to keep them following what the Dark Lord had in mind. Perhaps even his father would be made the new Minister Draco thought to himself with a small smirk as he made his way through the train, going through the duties he had as the schools head boy, a wonderful little bonus that came from Snape being the headmaster. It was all perfect though, who would have thought that things would progress so quickly after the death of Dumbledore, Draco had figured that it would take a few more months for things to reach the point where they had but now Potter was a fugitive and Death Eaters were pushing all the Mudbloods into hiding, all of them being hunted down and dealt with. Potter and his friends probably thought they would end up saving the day and changing things back to they way there had been but what they didn't realize was that there was no going back... things would never be the same as they once were. He had just scared a few third year students into hiding in a compartment for a few hours, this was done for no reason other then the fact that he was a little bit bored. Maybe he should make his way to the back and have Pansy get on her knees for him, at least that would help pass the time a little bit. That whore sure knew how to work a dick. However before he could actually do so he was grabbed and pulled into a compartment by... by Ginny Weasly, he had heard that her brother wouldn't be at the school. Could it be that the red head was looking for some sort of revenge. Reaching slowly for his wand he narrowed his eyes a little bit. What do you want Weasly, I have more important things to do then deal with you right now... unless you feel like sucking me off.
"As vulgar as always Draco...." Ginny frowned and shook her head at his little comment....but then again she hadn't expected much better. For all the power and status that Draco had earned, he was still the same spoiled brat at his confident....well that would make things easier so perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing. "Try to stop pissing yourself Draco...." Ginny turned her back on him, walking back over towards the window of the compartment, the words sounding rather unusual coming from her. "I'm not going to try and take revenge on you for anything, I'm not so petty....I have more important things to be concerned about" She stared out of the window, rain beginning to pound against the glass as the train continued down the tracks. "....Things are different now...the world is changing....and I don't intend to be left behind..." She frowned, clenching her fists tightly, her reflection in the window seemingly obscured by an odd darkness that seemed to eminate from nowhere. "Nor do I intend to be on the losing side....the side full of desperate idiots trying to cling to the past....I wont make the same mistakes, I wont throw my life away in a pointless struggle that will end in failure no matter how hard I fight it...."
He was watching her carefully as she spoke about how she didn't want to be on the loosing side. Something odd was going on here and Draco had no idea what it was. Perhaps she was attempting to pull some sort of trick, getting in with the Death Eaters. Could it be that little Ginny was planning some sort of assassination attempt or did she think that he would let his guard down and she would be able to take him hostage? Well whatever it was she seemed different but he wasn't just going to trust her just yet and his hand moved over the grip of his wand ever so carefully, ready to draw at a moments notice. I might be a bit vulgar Weasly but I have better things to do then hear you babble endlessly. Draco sneered, he was feeling something off and went with his default reaction to anything, distrust and curiosity in equal measure. Now I get the general idea of what you are saying but it hardly matters, if you can't show me that you mean what you are saying then I am just going to have to ignore you... or perhaps even turn you over to the head master.
Lyxanna breathed a sigh of relief as some crewmembers walked right over her. When she had made this plan she had planned for a small crew, light opposition, a standard raiding party at most. But this target had a veritable army on board his ship. Once the crew was out of sight she continued sliding through the ventilation duct beneath the floor. This was a seriously old design too, not many ships still had such antiquated systems anymore. She smiled to herself, her gain. It had made the infiltration a whole lot easier, being able to sneak through the ship without having any run ins. As much as she enjoyed fighting, she didn't want to fight so many ruthless mercs. She slid around onto her back and held up her Omni-tool, checking the schematics to make sure she was in the right place. While she waited for the uploaded specs she shifted uncomfortably, the vent was slick with some kind of lubricant, which made it easier to move, but it was starting to work into the cracks in her commando suit. And it was making certain motions....awkward at the least. "Okay....five more meters..." She deactivated the tool and flipped back over, her breasts plumped up against the duct-walls due to the constricted space. "Damn it...why couldn't I have been born a B-cup?" She whispered, mostly to keep herself company. Five meters farther she came up on a slotted vent hatch. Being very quiet she slid up to it and peered below, and seeing her target. She smiled. Perfect.
There was an intruder on board the Frigate Scorpion, Theron had been alerted about a half an hour ago when they had tripped one of the ships more subtle detection systems. Sure most of the systems on the ship looked antiquated but Theron had made sure to upgrade some of them in strategic places, let any would be assassin be put at ease by the simply evaded systems while the less obvious ones trip them up. The only problem with this strategy was that he had been unable to use cameras to get a good look at the intruder. That hardly mattered though, there was only one of them and from the sensors that were being tripped off it looked like this intruder was heading to his quarters, perhaps the intruder was an assassin sent by any number of people that Thane and his crew had pissed off. As he slowly stretched, the alert having woken him from his sleep, he considered alerting the other members of his crew and sending them on a hunt to track down the possible assassin. That however would lead to him losing the respect of the crew, if this person were coming to kill him then he would have to deal with it himself. This might seem slightly dangerous but Theron was confident in his own skills, that and the lubricant that was inside of the vents the intruder was crawling though... a passive defense designed to make it difficult for the person to move about once outside of the vents, keeping them sliding about instead of attacking him. Moving quickly he dressed, pulling on his combat armor, black plate over black mesh, it might be clich in color but it was a classic in his mind. Then his weapon was selected from his personal weapons locker, rather then selecting something like his rifle which would be used to kill the victim outright he chose a small custom made pistol, something that he had designed to use for hostage taking missions, when he and his crew were kidnapping a dignitary rather then just grabbing something of value and leaving. Then it came down to waiting, Theron turned down the lights in his quarters and sat down on the edge of his bed, soon the intruder would arrive and they would learn not to mess with this Drell Pirate.
The target, a Drell pirate captain named Theron, seemed to be getting ready for combat. She bit her lip. He would have been a much easier kill had she got there before he put his armor on. But that didn't matter. She was going to get him anyways, and now she'd just have to work for it. She was curious however, they were no where near a planet when she came on board. Perhaps they had crossed into a shipping lane....that was a plus for her since it would offer her and easier getaway. But still....what was he getting ready for? If she was discovered she would think the whole ship would be up in arms....crap she didn't have time for idle thoughts. Time for action. As soon as the lights went off she placed her hands against the grate, ready to blast it loose and attack. Once she saw him sit down on his bed she enveloped herself in a biotic field and surged it outward, bursting the bottom out of the vent. She dropped to the floor, and immediatly slipped, falling painfully on her rear. "Shit!" She cursed as she jumped to her feet, only to slide again. The lubricant from the vent was incredibly slick, and she could barely get a grip on the floor. Fuck this wasn't how it was supposed to happen! She was vulnerable, so she followed her instinct and rolled over behind the captain's desk. Fuck! FUCK! This was bad. She wasn't killing anyone covered in this crap! But she had to kill Theron before he sounded the alarm. Again, instinct took over and she did the first thing that came to her mind. She focused and generated a powerful biotic field around her body again, then rolled over to her knees, and kicked off the wall, using the field to propel her body towards the Drell. "Time to die!" She knew it sounded so cliche, but her pride was badly wounded from all the flopping around she'd done with that lubricant. She had to do something to make herself feel tougher...
The moment he saw the vent blasted open his mind went into overdrive. Like every other Drell there was Theron had an eidetic memory and while his might not be triggered by combat, rather he remembered something else in perfect detail, he still had an excellent memory on his own. It took only an instant for him to match up what he was seeing to a past target, a powerful Biotic user that had nearly turned an entire raid balls up on his own, it seemed that his would be assassin wasn't in the same class as that individual though. Her abilities was the first thing that he recognized, the second was her race. An Asari assassin and a rather beautiful one at that, even by the standards of her kind. A sneer creased his lips as she began to slip because of what he had coated the inside of the vents with, a powerful clear lubricant that would make it difficult for to stand, and it was doing his job. It took everything he had not to just laugh at her as she slid and fell on her ass. Even as she slid to behind his desk, no doubt trying to take cover and reevaluate whatever her initial plan had been. Unfortunately this gave him plenty of time to aim his stunner in her direction, it seemed that his plan to take his would be attacker alive, before he had wanted to torture them to find out who had sent them but it seemed like it would be so much more fun to keep her. An Asari consort was a status symbol and now he could have one. Really, that is the best you can do? He asked as he threw himself aside and fired off a short burst in her direction with his stunner. Really he had half expected her to launch his desk at him rather then trying to throw herself in his direction, did she perhaps have some skill at close combat that would give her an advantage or was she just that inexperienced. For a quip it is really kind of sad.
She had expected him to dodge, but she had hoped he wouldn't. At least in close combat she could use her enemy to keep upright as she locked him up with grapples. Her lithe, flexible physique would have given her the advantage, and even the lubricant would have helped her keep out of his grasp. But instead he fired off a burst from a stunner, which most of the shot dissipated once striking her biotic field. But just enough got through to paralyze her left arm. The dead weight caused her to shift and slam into his bed....hard. "Fuck!" She groaned. This was unbelievable. That she could fail this miserably was completely unacceptable. Worse was that torture, interrogation, and death had to be swiftly approaching if she couldn't pull of something miraculous. At least on the bed the lubricant didn't make her slide, the cushion allowed her to come to a knee. "FUCK YOU AND YOUR LUBRICATED VENTS!" She growled and lifted half the stuff in the room, and with one surge sent them flying at him. Her mind was clouded with rage and embarrassment, so her accuracy was poor, but she was making up with it with the sheer quantity of objects being thrown, and the force of the throws. As each object flew she picked up something else, data-discs, chairs, desk, anything she could get a grip on.
His reflexes had been as sharp as ever and his training paid off, she hadn't hit him and it looked like he had shut down her arm. A pity that it hadn't been enough to truly disable her, with her Biotic abilities she was still a threat with even one arm working. Still he had her just where he wanted her, she was already loosing her temper because of the lubricant, it would make it more difficult for her to fight him effectively. On my bed already, it seems that a good Asari knows her place. He was antagonizing her, he kept his calm when he was fighting and the focus gave him the advantage but she seemed to be at the mercy of her emotions. However it seemed that perhaps pushing her buttons to much might not have been the best idea as his entire room seemed to fling itself at him. He was rather agile and flexible, having trained his body to be in peak condition but still there was to much for him to dodge all of it, instead he just looked to where the object were at their thinnest and threw himself toward that spot, doing his best to weave his way through the mass of potentially deadly object. Several of them struck him, most striking his armor and one glancing off his head without harming him to much. As he did this the stunner was raised again, letting loose several more shots as he drew closer to her. A pity that he had no Biotic abilities of his own, perhaps given some time he would pick up a few tricks just to allow him to fight those with the abilities on an even ground, but until then he had to rely on what he already had.
Nothing was working....even as she tore the room apart he ducked and weaved her assault like childsplay. The best she could do was a few minor hits. Meanwhile another volley from his stunner slammed into her body. Now that her biotics were projected outward her barrier was at minimum strength. The last shot made it through and hit her square in the chest and she went limp on his bed. She cursed and sluggishly kicked out at nothing. Damn it! How the hell did this happen?! How could it have gone wrong to this degree? It was absurdity! It was like a poorly written build up to a bad Batarian Porno-vid! "Fuck you!" She growled, unable to control the anger that made her body taught and ready to snap....if she could move of course. Her body was numb, the shot to her chest shocked her nervous system, so she could only just barely move her core, as for her limbs they were sluggishly functional. There was no turning this around at this point. Maybe she could at least antagonize the Drell into killing her quick. "Don't even bother asking!" She remembered the word from some time she'd spent with some human history fanatics, they particularly were obsessed with this fictional setting involving a great deal of things that were completely absurd and absolutely impossible. "I'm not telling you anything so go suck a Batarian and kill me now!" She managed to struggle herself against the wall and glared at him. "Come on! Be a real man and use something besides a stunner! Finish me off before I recover and tear your spine out! COME ON!"
A small amount of blood dripped from a cut on Therons head where something with an edge had caught him, fortunately it wasn't dripping into his eyes so he just pressed a hand to the wound, trusting pressure to slow the bleeding down considerably. The last thing he needed to do was bleed out when there would soon be so much fun to be had, his own private Asari consort, maybe share with the men if they behaved himself but first and foremost she belonged to him. He didn't know what a goblin was but he had a feeling that it was something quite insulting, perhaps later on he would punish her for for that slut but right now he had more important things on his mind, a stunner might be a useful weapon in this situation but it was slightly unpredictable, one could never be sure quite how long it would last. Before she was able to get herself moving again he would need to make sure that her biotic ability hadn't rebooted. He was however lucky enough to have picked up something from Batarian slavers a few months ago that would serve him quite well in this situation and as luck would have it she had thrown that thing at him in her rage. You will end up telling me who sent you. He said with a small shrug as he bent and retrieved what he had been looking for, approaching her with it. If not now then later. Reaching out he brushed a few fingers over her face and neck before sliding the repressive collar into place, feeling it lock into place. The collar was a simple little thing, black leather with a ring in the front and a locking mechanisim in the back, but beneath the leather was advanced circuitry that was designed to repress biotic ability, allowing for easier slaving. But I have no need at all to kill you, keeping you alive will bring me so much more pleasure. His fingers traced down her face and neck, down over her body lightly, beginning to peel away her bodysuit. You made a mistake coming here to fight me... and soon you will learn that.
"Wha? NO! Back off!" Lyxanna struggled and tried to slither from his reach as his fingers brushed her skin. His touch was not what she was avoiding though, she new exactly what that collar was. Unfortunately she had no ability to resist as it snapped into place. She groaned as a draining sensation washed over her mind and body. The collar worked by basically shutting down the portion of the brain that controlled biotics. A little known side effect the device had on Asari was that the brain had to reroute non-biotic signals through different areas, most importantly the ones that handled inhibition and suggestion. Neither good things for someone about to be interrogated....accept he did not appear to care about interrogation yet... "Fuck off you bastard!" She growled as he began pulling off her bodysuit bit by bit. This wasn't happening....she wasn't prudish, in fact she was one of the Asari that gave her kind their reputation of promiscuity. But this was different, as his fingers moved over her body she squirmed. If her fate was unclear before it was crystal now, he was going to have his fun, she was going to be humiliated and violated, by who knows how many of his crew. Her pride only went so far.... "Please! Don't do this...I...I will tell you everything! Please!" She hated the sound of her voice....especially the almost indiscernible arousal caused by the damned collar....
The effects of the collar, primary and secondary were well known to him though the secondary had only been taken as a rumor at first. However in the edge of her voice he could hear something, could that be arousal combined with how she was begging him and offering to tell him anything? It seemed though that the stunner was wearing off because she was clearly able to quiver under his touch and twitch quite a bit. With a small sneer on his face he hooked his fingers into the body suit and gave a sharp tug, it held for a few moments but soon began to stretch and tear open, revealing her body to him, as perfect as all of her kind. Honestly I really don't care who sent you, I have to many people who want me dead to be bothered with that sort of information, you are a much more valuable prize then any of that. Leaning down his tongue flicked out and brushed over the side of her neck before his teeth lightly bit down on the flesh, teasing her. I do pretty good for myself, piracy is good business but it doesn't bring in the money I would need for my own Asari. Reaching down he ran his deft fingers over her womanly folds, normally he wouldn't care if his victims enjoyed it but after what he had heard about an Asari the more pleasure there was for her the more he could be feeling. Even the lubricant in the vents coating her and seeping through her body suit was making her body feel slippery... easy to play with, this was going to be a great deal of fun.
Fuck what was she doing? She grimaced as her suit was ripped open, revealing her naked skin to the reptile. Part of her sighed in relief as her heavy breasts were freed from the captivity of her....NO! She growled and squirmed. This wasn't right! She didn't want this! She wanted to kill the bastard running his hands over her...but it was useless. She couldn't fight him...and because of the damned collar her own mind was turning against her. Lyxanna squirmed under his touch as best she could, trying to maintain some semblance of resistance. "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU you BASTARD!" She screamed as his tongue snaked over her neck and his teeth raked her skin. The simple action sent shock-waves over her purple skin, making her toned abdomen quiver. She writhed as his hand slid between her legs, her voice a lingering whimper at most. "Please...." She whimpered. "...Don't...." Was all she could get out for fear of actually moaning, which would be insufferable. There was no way out. He was going to take her, do with her as he pleased and throw her to his cronies most likely....maybe...maybe she could trick him. Her mind lit up...maybe she could feign subservience and bide her time! Once the paralysis wore off she would have another chance! It would herself to this....freak...but the alternative was worse. Oh gods what was she thinking! She couldn't just give herself to this Drell! It had to be the collar but her mind was racing....sorting through pleasure and humiliation and the faintest hope of escape....
Her screaming at him was pointless, she really couldn't do anything to stop him, her motor functions temporarily shut down and with that collar around her neck she wouldn't be able to use any of her biotic abilities to stop him. His deft fingers slowly ran over her body, never ceasing their movement and teasing every inch of her exposed skin as he slowly removed the remains of what she had been wearing until her body was completely nude and exposed to him, and even as his hands worked his mouth followed, his tongue flicking out and teasing her nipples, running over her soft flesh. Then once satisfied that she was completely unclothed and perfect for him he backed away from her and began to strip himself of the armor that he had put on, making sure to lay the stunner far outside of her reach. He took his time to undress, laying the armor aside piece by piece until he stood as nude as she did, his large and ribbed cock standing out from from his body, practically leaking precum from the tip as he looked over his prize. She was probably thinking that she would be able to handle him once the paralysis wore off but she wouldn't stand a chance. You might as well keep begging me, you can't get away from what is coming though embracing it will make it so much more enjoyable for all of us. He teased as he moved back over toward her, reaching down to spread her legs wide as he took position. I expect my little whore to show me every trick she has at her disposal and if she fails to do so I will hand you over to the Vorcha on my crew and they will be much less gentle then I. Then without warning he thrust forward roughly, pushing deep inside of her with a single hard thrust, his hands on her hips pulling her onto his dick as he did so.
Lyxanna squirmed and growled as her body went to war with her mind. The Drell's touch was fire and lighting at the same time, teasing and taunting her senses with his deft fingers. And his tongue made sure her body fought all the harder, the wet muscle assaulting her sensitive breasts. She was losing it big time, it was taking every ounce of her will to suppress a moan. Just when she thought she was going to break he stopped and stepped back. Oh gods he couldn't be done....part of her was aching for him to return....the other was thankful for a reprieve. But when she opened her eyes and saw him stripping she started squirming again. "No...." She mewled. By the goddess he was hot....shit! NO! But he was! In a bar, in a shuttle, anywhere else under different circumstances she would be turned on by his lithe, hard frame....his dark green scales....and that dick! Her eyes widened, she'd never seen a Drell's phallus before so she hadn't thought about what to expect. It was thick and long, a very good size, and heavily ribbed. She couldn't take that inside and keep her cool, not in a thousand years. That sold it, her mind crashed and she knew the only choice she had was to play along, and pretend later that she didn't like it... " win...." She said panting, her will cracking with each word. "Just don't...don't give me to the vorcha....I will do anything!" And then without warning he plunged inside her, the hard ribs of his cock grinding their way through her insides and hitting her upper spot the whole way. "F...F..FU..FUUCK! A...aah! Goddess!" She screamed loudly and lewdly. It was like someone vibrated her spinal chord right up to her brain and turned the heat up in her body. She bit her lip, suppressing the urge to cry and growl at the same time, and moaned instead.
This was his own little slice of heaven, right then and there to be buried balls deep inside of an Asari except while other men often had to pay for the affections of an Asari consort Theron had this one all to himself for as long as he wanted. Of course she would also be an excellent way to boost moral of the crew, even as he slide deep inside of her and his arms wrapped down around her to pull her body against his Theron's mind was racing, plotting and thinking about how to best take advantage of this. You like this don't you whore? He asked with a sneer spread across his face, his tongue slipping out to run up over her neck, he wanted to have every one of his senses attuned to fucking her, after all he would remember all the details perfectly. TO busy playing with all the humans that infect the galaxy to play with the Drell... by the time I am done you will beg for permission to ride my cock, you will suck off my pet Varren at my command in the hopes of getting favor with me. He would break her down, an Asari might be free spirited but if he broke her and had her willingly using her talents and skills to please him then how much fun would he be having. Quickly with great dexterity Theron moved up higher on the bed with her and rolled over, so that she was now ontop and his hands were soon on her hips. Move ontop of your master. He growled, feeling a little bit lazy at that moment. Later on he could fuck her violently but she was off guard right now because of the collar and he wanted to take advantage of her as best he could until she managed to regain control of herself. Fail me and the crew will be allowed to fuck you in the ass.
"Ah. Home sweet home. So much space! So much room! And the walls aren't padded so you can bang your head off of themallday and do yourself as much damage as you like. Oh... this is the life." He was a man of theatrics, with a laugh that struck fear in to the city. He was unpredictable, dangerous, insane. For years, he had terrorised Gotham City with his murderous rampages, and that gas that he used -- the toxin with horrible side-effects. The citizens knew him as the Joker. And he missed the meetings with his old, retired foe -- Batman. Removing his trench-coat, the Joker tossed it to the side and watched as it fluttered a short distance on to the wooden floor of his hideout. "Things to do... number one. Buy a new coat-stand." His residence was situated in a long, open-spaced loft on top of an old building in Gotham's Industrial District. At the very end of the room were the large windows that looked north towards the remainder of the city -- and giving him a front-row view of watching his grand plan(s) going in to action. The long walk to the window took him about ten seconds with his slow pace, a noticeable spring in his step -- his worn white suit in need of repair. There was always time for changing outfits later. One of the long walls was decorated with hundreds of newspaper cuttings and photographs of his oldpalBatman. Years of writings and ramblings, made up stories and true life tales of how he had foiled another bad guy's scheme. Joker was in plenty of them, but Two-Face, Riddler and various other criminals all had their equal share of the limelight. What saddened him greatly were the ones that told the end of the Dark Knight's story. Pages upon pages of his retirement, and how it would effect Gotham. What would they do now their protector was gone? The articles that celebrated his resignation -- the outspoken members of the press and government -- were all crossed out by the Joker, who frowned upon their words. Where was the fun in committing crime if the big bad Batman wasn't there to spoil the day? In front of the window was what really caught his attention. First, someone had kindly left an old armchair a few yards away from the glass, facing outwards like it were a throne for a King. It was badly scratched up, and was a deep purple colour that seemed to match the Joker's usual bad comical dress sense. On the right arm was a chain, which descended towards the floor. What was attached to the chain was what he wasmoreinterested in. Slumping in the chair, the Joker yanked suddenly on the chain to wake his poor prisoner up. Some of his goons had knocked her out and brought the woman here a few days ago, dressed in her cat-outfit and shackling her to the arm-chair (which itself was bolted to the ground) with a rusty chain that fastened to a thick collar around her neck. It had been tightened just a little too much to be comfortable, and it's length prevented her from actually climbing on to the chair. Rope around her wrists also restricted her movement, while a pair of cat dishes -- one with water, the other with what appeared to be cat food (it's true identity was a mystery, but it was perfectly safe to eat) would help any hunger or thirst. Eventually Joker let the chain go, allowing her to breath once more. He leaned over, keeping his head inches away from the maximum distance she could reach with those claws of hers. "Wake up Kitty... Joker's home."
It wasnt the jerk of the chain that yanked her into full wakefulness, but the breath catching in her throat, gagging her as her eyes flew open to search for the source of the sudden obstruction to her already limited air supply. Shed drifted in and out of consciousness for days, never managing to be able to make herself uncomfortable enough to escape exhaustion. Not that she wanted to. She preferred to force herself into the sanctuary her muddled mind offered, rather than waste her time and energy squirming around her tether to take in her surroundings. There wasnt much to look at, apart from her city view and the long wall of clippings all featuring the retired Batman. Shed long since taken a gamble at where shed been dragged to. Selina Kyle was right. Or Catwoman. She was Catwoman right now, suited to attire. She blinked slowly at the Jokers face as he leaned down to her, biting back a wheeze as air rushed over her parched throat, through her eager lungs. She only vaguely remembered the incident that brought her there the flurry of movement, vibrancy of painted faces, glitter of discarded jewels and finally, the pressure to the back of her head that ended the struggle. She pulled forward against the chain toward her captor, only to find that shed jerked up to the end of her slack.Meow. She shifted, slipping back down to the foot of his chair. Maybe if she wasnt the one on the receiving end of the leash, she would be able to appreciate how witty the method of incarceration was. She glanced to the side of the old wooden floors, quirking one eyebrow so that it disappeared beneath the mask of her PVC cat suit. The cat bowl of water was all too enticing, but with her hands tied, she wouldnt be able to pick it up to get a drink. And like hell was she crouching over to lap it up. It was the same case with the food though that was more because she hadnt the faintest idea what the meal was composed of. Shed starve before she even nibbled at it. Just looking at the contents of the bowl caused the ache of hunger to fade. The water though The water made her throat burn. She shifted on the floor tucking her heeled feet under her bottom as she lifted her head to look up at her subjugator and licked her lips. The remnants of her days-old lipstick tasted oily, and only served to amplify the desiccation of her throat as her pink tongue slipped back past her teeth again. If shed been untied, the Joker would have a whole new face to sport whenever he left his hidey hole or maybe if shed been untied, she wouldnt be feeling so destructive. Straight to the point was the best path to take provided he didnt feel like playing games. But that was doubtful. Why go through the trouble of bending her into this position if he couldnt take pleasure in seeing her at his mercy?Shewould certainly take her time to enjoy her handiwork. Still, she asked, her voice dry. What do you want, Joker?
"I want your talents, Catwoman! These days, it's so hard to find someone that's good at their job. I mean there's me, of course, but I can't be in two places at once. Who's going to help commit all my crimes when I'm sitting in my chair, laughing away at Gotham going up in smoke?" The Joker asked her, his words followed by that prolonged laughter that he justlovedto do. His grin wide, yellowed teeth on full show, his pointing chin characterising an unusual demonic shape. Finally he stopped, and got back to his feet, circling around Catwoman and looking down at her bowls. Almost as if he had memorised the safe distances down to the nearest millimetre, the Joker stood at a point that put next-to-no air between her claws and his trouser leg if she attempted it. "Aww... you never touched yourJoker-branded, Extra-Meaty Kitty Food. And to think I slaved away for hours making it in the Arkham kitchen for you." He turned around, clasping his hands behind his back and putting on a saddened face. "Oh... no one ever thanks Joker." The clown then stepped towards the articles on the wall. "Not even Bats. Oh, I miss him. We had some fun times, y'know. Sent him lots of letters when he stopped coming out to play... he never wrote back." Another deep, long sigh. Then he was back to looking at Catwoman, smiling again. Oh, she was mad. He knew it, and he loved it. Chained to a throne like some pet, the collar digging in to her throat and reminding her that right now she belonged to someone. Or at least, what ever choices he gave her over the next few hours weren't going to be ones that would help her at all. Joker had the upper hand. She may be deadly and agile, but Joker had been doing this kind of stuff for years. "I need you to steal some things for me. Do you think you can do that?" Skipping around her, one hand grabbed the rope around her wrists while the other stroked her chin. "Go on. Give Joker a nice big meow to let him know you'll help him."
There was a damn good reason that the Joker was locked away in Arkham, and Bartholomew Wolper was an imbecile to believe in any kind of reformation. Catwoman cocked her head as the maniacal cackle continued, examining the point of his chin and the full mouth of yellowing teeth. Until now, shed managed to steer clear of the madmen and women about Gotham, though that was more than likely because the great majority of them were locked up tight behind charged fences or rightfully rotting in psychiatric wards. She was heavily tempted to take a good swipe at the leg of his dirty white suit pants, but thought better of it. Dont bite the hand that feeds and whatnot even if he didnt have anything worth nibbling in his palm. Forgive me for insulting your hospitality, she rolled her eyes, reclining to lay on her back. That was far more comfortable than sitting up, the pressure suddenly alleviated from her all too stressed spine, even arched as she was to keep from straining her arms. She almost sighed whenever she rested her head down against the floor as well. Kitties are finicky, Joker and if you werereallylooking for my talent, youd offer me sugar and cream. Though it was good for her he hadnt.That,she may have submitted to lapping from a food bowl and licking the rim. Selina allowed her eyes to fall shut as he spoke, listening to his rant. That was what he was up to then luring his Batty Caped Crusader out of hiding. It only made sense what was the fun in committing any crime if you knew you could get away with it? And Batman posed a formidable challenge to the sadistic clown. She sat up slowly, moving to her knees as she rested her shoulder against the arm of the chair. She didnt want to get too comfortable, that was never a good idea. But maybe if shed remained lying down, the Joker wouldnt have had the opportunity to harness her by her bindings. She bit back a hiss in favor of a purr, blinking her cerulean eyes at him for the response. Only after you tell me whats in it for me. You know, your boys lost me a big hit when they knocked me upside the head to drag me here. She was testing her luck, but she wasnt bowing just yet. Simply complying might get her out of there a bit faster, however. And that was important. Her husband would wonder where the hell she was and she didnt yet have any allies to back her on a damn good explanation. But then, that brought another question to mind one that had her heart jumping to her throat and pounding there, cutting her breath short all on its own. Bartholomew hadnt shut up about the talk show the Jokers public appearance and his victorious reformation.Thatwas how he got out. But he would have what did he do with Bartholomew? Did he kill him? She couldnt very well ask had he felt the acceleration of her pulse? No but her might have noticed the stiffening in her shoulders. Of course she could help him. She didnt see how she had much of a choice, in any case. Tell me the details so you can to let me go, funny man. Ive got my kitty to feed, Im not sure I left the window open for her.
"Oh, don't worry about your kitty. Clive is looking after her. Or is it Morris?" He looked out of the window, hand under his chin and finger on his lip. "No. I don't know a Morris, do I? Catwoman! Remind me to recruit a henchman called Morris." He remained frozen in a pondering thought for a few moments before snapping out of it and returning to discussing more serious business with Selina. Opening up his suit jacket, he pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it in front of her. This is what I want you to steal. Or get for me, rather. Its not stealing when it already belongs to you, right? On the paper, Joker had hand drawn something with what appeared to be a green crayon. A locked box, about a foot long, and roughly half the width and height. There was a handle on top, and a lock on the front. It was uniquely characterised by a small happy face on one corner. "This is my box. But I can't get it. Because it's all the way in my old hide-out at the north of the city, but Bats decided to booby trap it all those years ago when we were still pals." He lifted his feet up, one at a time. "But because of these big clown feet, I'd probably just set it off!" Another laugh. It was an abandoned warehouse, formerly used by a clothes shop before the Joker took over. Joker didn't describe what kind of booby trap had been set, or even what entrance it had been set on, although there'd be no point in asking because she wasn't going to be told. Whether that was because he didn't know, or because he just wanted to give her a nasty surprise, Selina would find out the hard way. Unless she was as good as he heard she was, then she'd have no problem with it at all. "Now Kitty's got to promise not to go for my face when I unchain her." He grinned, wagging his index finger from side to side. The chain was unhooked, and her wrists were finally free after being bound for days. However, there was no sign of the collar being removed, and during the little job she'd be stuck with the circular piece of metal digging in to her throat. He'd take it off if she proved useful. "Now. Just before you think about running off... we should set some ground rules first,Selina." He spoke, his voice deepening as he muttered her name, tone changing from the laughing clown from before. "I've got so much dirt on you I could build a tower up to the moon. Don't try anything funny, you hear? Because one of my guys is sitting waiting to tell every single person in this city about your little private life, and what you like to get up to while everyone's asleep."
It took an insurmountable amount of self restraint not to whirl and sink her teeth into his hand as she sat there, listening to him talk about Nothing. Morris. She didnt have the patience for this. She could only imagine why the Batman had held the Joker as an enemy on such a personal level. With the green crayon sketch thrust in front of her, she could only blink, because anything she said was likely to get her strangled on the end of her chain. Or worse, left there and forced to drink from the water bowl so that she didnt die of dehydration. She didnt like being sent out on a fools errand. And with the way he described the place, he could very well be setting her up for a death trap. That was, if she was stupid enough to get herself killed. She was the best at her job, so that was unlikely but shed sure like to know what was in this box that looked like little more than a toolbox or tackle kit that was so important. And what, precisely, the traps were. She wasnt, however, interested enough to knowright then.And she doubted the Joker would be sharing any more details with her if he hadnt offered then already. I dont make promises, she muttered as the chain was unlatched from the metal collar and her wrists were freed, whereby she immediately lifted her hands to yank off her gloves, examining her chafed skin with pursed lips. That was going to take a good bit of lotion to smooth over, and long sleeves to mask unless she wanted anyone to think she had spend the last several days tethered to the head of a bed or something equally gutter-minded and terrifically untrue. Now free, save for the collar, she rose swiftly to her feet not bothering to distance herself from the clown. If he meant real harm, she suspected he would have made it apparent by now. Selina folded the gloves, tucking them between her thighs as she lifted her agile fingers to fiddle with the clasp of the collar. She didnt want her claws digging into the skin of her neck, but it was no use anyhow. The circular scrap of metal was locked, and the Joker apparently didnt plan for her to be slipping out of it any time soon. Maybe it had a tracking device in it. Or it was a nice liability to make sure she returned with what he wanted. Or maybe he just thought it was funny. Had she been in possession of real cat ears, they would have been perked toward the villain as he spoke and flattened back at the sound of her name. She should have suspected he would know who she was. But that didnt change the slow, boiling anger that was erupting in her stomach to eat its way up her throat. She swallowed it. Youre the one tugging my chain, Joker, Im in the palm of your glove. If youve got cream waiting for me when I get back, maybe Ill bring you your box with a bow right now I want the specifics of the location. Im not going on a scavenger hunt. She paused, weighing the next question, unsure whether or not he would answer. Unsure of herself, too, and whether she needed the distraction of knowing. "What did you do with Bartholomew?" She wondered vaguely if he would mistake the note in her voice as concern. She was concerned all right. Concerned with what kind of alibi she was going to need if the bastard was dead. If that were indeed the case, the Joker could be making a thousand problems for her at the same time he solved one. How to handle the police, where to claim she was for the past - however long she'd been chained to his chair, how in the world she would be able to pretend to mourn him when she was positively ecstatic with the fact that she would never have to look at him again... But on the bright side, she needn't worry about the expenses of a divorce, or getting him to pick up the pen and sign the papers.
Joker watched her attempt to remove the collar from her neck, but she learned quickly that it wasn't going to come off. It didn't matter how many times she pried her fingers underneath it and pulled, or even got something sharp like a saw to cut through it, it just wasn't going to come off. The piece of metal was a part of her as long as Joker had her by the reins, and he intended to keep it there as a reminder of who she was working for. It wouldn't be easy for her to ignore it, either, on the count of it digging in to her throat and causing her breaths to sharpen quickly. He wouldn't let her know if there was some kind of tracking device inside of it -- the Joker always enjoyed the idea of leaving things up to the imagination of the mind. Kept her guessing, kept her in the dark, wondering what exactly the collar's purpose was for. If she knew that it didn't have any kind of tracking device inside of it, then she'd float about Gotham doing what ever she wanted in her own time. But if she thought that there was something hidden beneath it's metal coating that sent a signal back to the Joker, then that would keep her on her toes. "Oh I think there might be some cream in your dish when you bring me back the box. Or maybe that should be 'if'. It's beensolong since I've been near that place, I've got absolutely no idea what you should expect. Oh well, I guess that's all part of the fun, ain't it?" He asked, grinning and chuckling to himself a few times before she began talking about Bartholomew. Ah, the good Doctor. Selina's husband. They both knew that Joker was aware of their relationship, although the abusive part was something that could have been unknown to the clown. Once again, he wasn't going to let on. Keep her wondering. "The box is in a drawer. Has the number "004" on the front." What she didn't know, although would find out, was that the drawer was part of a much larger set-up, a filing cabinet with 20-odd drawers in rows four rows of six drawers. Each of them was locked -- which would be where Catwoman's lock-picking skill would come in. However, much to the Joker's delight,everyone of the boxes had the number "004" written on the front. Once more thinking about the woman's husband. He was safe, for now. No harm had came to him, except for the shock ad trauma of the whole events that had led up to the Joker's escape. That, and a few bruises. Selina Kyle would soon come face to face with him, although right now, Bartholomew was only a mere distraction to the Joker's main plan. "Bring me back my box, Kitty. And you can have all the cream you want!"
He wasnt handing out information, obviously which was more than a little perturbing. But she shouldnt have expected anything less. She was playing this game on his terms, and was at his every beck and call. Selina Kyle, however, was not one to let on when she was distressed, and Catwoman certainly wasnt either. So she rolled her blue-green eyes and smoothed a hand over her front, absently plucking her claw over the zipper of her cat suit. Selina got the feeling that shed garnered about as much as she could from the fiend, and wasnt to keen on sticking around to have small talk. The sooner she got done, the sooner she could breathe easily again. Quite literally, with the lock around her throat, constricting her airway. Without further adieu, she turned out the way the Joker had come and slipped out into the street. The ache of hunger in her stomach was nearly unbearable, but she could deal with it until shed finished what he wanted. She could not, however, ignore how thirsty she was and that was her first stop. A vending machine. She felt rather ridiculous as she pulled the water from the compartment and downed it in one long drink, but that was of little concern. She was quickly enough on her way again, to the Jokers old headquarters. Tripping the detection system was childs play - five pin tumbler system, single circuit alarm. She was inside in a matter of three minutes, detecting little more than a mutedbeepas she gained access. More than likely a warning note, perhaps even an alert to a third party system. She scanned the room for cameras, flashed her leather bull whip and snatched the only one she could find from the corner. Still, she suspected she could be under surveillance by sound or by more craftily hidden devices. As far as she knew, this could be one of the Jokers fun little tricks and he was sitting back, watching her in his new hideout. She snorted at the sight on the far wall annoyed all over again with the predicament. A large filing cabinet of some twenty-four drawers in rows and columns, and she was willing to bet that each of them had a separate lock. No time to waste anyway. She gave herself ten minutes. Eight, if she didnt want to grapple with any oncoming do-gooder, and was over to the filing cabinet, unlocking two of the drawers consecutively to yank them open and grab the boxes inside. Both featured the number 004 over the front. She unlocked another, and was greeted with the same result. She didnt have time for this shit.
Chaos. That was it was. Pure Chaos. Everyone had thought they would be safe. The kingdom and sent a full brigade of knights to defend this city. They had been told that the foe was ungodly in power, and that they should evacuate the city. They said even if the knights could keep them from taking the city, the damange from the battle could very well level the city. Many people ignored these warnings. What kind of monsters could destroy a city? Sure they had all heard the stories, how beast men from the north were ripping through the land and its people like a fish through water. But no one wanted to believe. And besides, the people of this city were stubborn things. Hard to move, much less bend. Now they were broken, just as broken as the knights that had come to defend them. The disfigured beast men were flooding the city. Fires were everywhere; the only thing louder than the screams was the sound of a magical made explosion. Chaos, was all Lin could think as she watched as monsters brought down fleeing women and children. That all this was. Lin was dressed as she always was. Tight fitting purple top, with a matching long skirt, open wide along one side, showing off her long, lovely legs, which were clad in thigh high stockings. She was a bit on the flat chested side, but well made up for that in the curve of her hips and the plumpness of her rear. Her long green hair blew in the wind. She was panting heavily. A dead monster man laying at her feet, her shoes and sword splattered with its blood. She wouldnt run. Ever part of her mind told her to run, but she wouldntcouldnt run. There more rasons to stay and fight and die than their were to run. She lifted her hand, placing it on the purple jewel around her neck. She always held it when she was nervous, and now was on of those times. She took a deep breath, returning her hand to her sword, and charged forward, engaging another one of the monsters in battle. She got lucky last time, but she was sure she had more than just luck on her side at this point. At least she hoped so.
It was sheer chaos all around the kingdoms, Rose had been trying to find out the cause of all of the humans being transformed into monstrosities. She had been wondering around, going from village to kingdom, slaughtering all that she could. There was only so much she could do by herself now, her long black hair wavered in the wind as she picked up the smell of burning buildings in the distant. Taking her rapier out she knew what that meant, another attack. She clenched the black stone and allowed her transformation to take hold now, once in her dragoon form she took to the skies and flew to the direction of the smoke. When she got there her stone was glowing brightly, like it had three hundred years ago. She saw men and women fighting the monsters off and flew in to join them. She slaughtered many of them as a girl who was struggling to fight off one of them caught her eye. She flew over to her to aid the girl, she came down hard with her rapier embedding it deep in the monsters heart. Standing up straight she looked at the girl and noticed the purple gem around her neck and realized what it was as soon as it started to glow with hers. She was in shock since she hadn't seen that gem since the last Dragon Champaign and knew now that the dragoons would be brought back together again. "You there, where did you get that gem?" She asked curtly as she stepped closer to the girl to get a better look at her. "Do you even know what this means?" She eyed the girl and brought the girl back up to her feet.
She fell from the sky so fast it was like watching black lighting strike the ground right infront of you. The wind from her impact was so great and Lin was so shocked she stumbled back and fell on her back. What on earth! She thought as she saw the raven haired woman dressed in armor like she had never seen before land and impale the beast with ease. She had seen arrows bounce off the monsters hard skin. It took a sharp sword and a strong wing to even start cutting the beasts. This woman killed the monster with such speed and grace it was almost more terrifying that the monster. She blinked in surprise as her necklace began to glow. It had always twinkled a bit when she held it in her hand, a soft glow, like a candle flickering out. But this time it was so bright, so powerful. She could almost hear it humming with power and light. She felt an odd pull inside core, like something inside her was reacting as well, trying to pull itself free from inside of her. She looked up in stunted silence as the Black armored woman spoke to her, lifting her back to her feet. She looked down at the brightly glowing gem, and then back to the woman WhatThis thing? I found it when I was a kid, it was floating down a river and I grabbed it. Why? What is this? who are you? What on earth are you wearing? She had no good answers for the womans questions, but so many questions of her own.
"I have no time to answer your questions right now. But you can hear your gem calling to you. You must release the power within now! Don't think, just do!" Rose instructed as she slayed a few more of the monsters as they tried to attack her from behind. "Now girl! We don't have much time! If you want to help me save your people then you must let the transformation take hold of you! Don't hold back! Hear the dragon's call and listen to it!" She yelled as she was now fighting the monsters off of her, cutting them in half with her rapier. It had been so long since she had fought in the last Dragon Campaign, however she wasn't rusty and she had her duties to fulfill. She had to train the new dragoons who were supposed to save the world once again. Only this time it wasn't from the Winglies, it was from the humans that had their DNA altered and changed. They were turned into monsters now and Rose had to get to the bottom of it, with or without help. She looked back at the girl and hoped she would listen to her advice and let the spirit take a hold of her.
It was a couple months after finishing her seventh year at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Luna decided to go on this little adventure or journey to uncover what the world had to offer; what the Wizarding world had to offer. She had always been a huge fan of rare magical creatures such as Testrals or Nargles, creatures that others would not know of or care for and it was her journey to uncover more. Creatures that may be very lightly profiled or non-existent to the world. On that one very day during a very strenuous venture to seek out a Crup, her foot caught onto a muddy patch and it sent her rolling backward down the small hill, back down to the party she had just climbed, causing her to land on her stomach and face down in mud. It was a gloomy and wet day and while she was so close, she was still so far away. Pulling her face out of the mud, she spat out what came into her mouth and wiped the little mud off of her face, only to notice a shiny object. Ohshiny. Perhaps? Then it flew away, revealing itself to be a particle with a water droplet. No. Standing, she dusted herself off, about to continue on her venture up to the Crup when she heard growling. That was definitely not a Crup. The whimsical little blonde, slowly turned and saw a pack of wolves; hungry wolves that saw her as this huge drumstick of meat that they could feast on. Oh no Thankfully there was a path to her right and without a second thought, Luna made a run for it. Never did she feel like she ran that fast and hard in her life but she was not about to succumb to being wolves dinner. In the view coming, she saw a large and beautiful castle. She could feel and hear the wolves coming closer and faster, their barks and howls reverberating in her ears like a harsh clap of thunder. Her heart was pounding in her chest and in her head and she was panting hard. There was a small little bridge that lead up to the pathway up to the castle but in front of that bridge was a gate. No It didnt stop her. Somehow, she was going to get to that castle and away from those wolves because her life truly depended on it. Jumping into the gate, somehow and someway she was able to climb up it and managed to climb down once she was on the other side. Stepping back, she fell back onto her bottom, watching those wolves clawing and hitting at the gate, trying to get at her to no avail. Panting and calming down, Luna stood up, a little shakily and turned to really look at the castle. It was so beautiful and had this olden day feel to it and its structure that was mighty alluring. Slowly, she walked towards it, her breathing having come back to normal by now and her pulse normal as well. Arriving to the door, she curled her hand up into a fist and she knocked gently, praying there was someone there. Looking back, she saw the wolves laying out in front of the gate, as if they were so determined to make her their dinner.
Ah, the wolves have caught something. The sky overhead was surprisingly picturesque, stained a dark orange by the light of the setting sun. The wolves seemed not to notice or care. Right as it began to seem as if there was nobody coming, as if the wolves were going to wait patiently for their meal, there was a sound at the door. The lock began to creak, then groan, as if it hadn't been used in some time. And then the door swung open. The man inside looked scarcely older than Luna, handsome though somewhat pale as if he had recently taken ill. His hair was black and hung down to his shoulders, but his most striking feature was probably his eyes: they were a shade of amber rarely seen in humans, and seemed to catch the light in such a way that it looked like they were glowing. He was dressed confusingly; a wizard would probably have answered the door in a robe, and yet he was wearing a dark suit that had been out of fashion for at least a century. He looked appropriately concerned at seeing a muddy, frightened young woman on his doorstep with wolves at the gate. "My god! What happened to you?" With a slight shake of the head he opened the door further and stepped aside, allowing Luna the opportunity to come in. "Quickly now! Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
As the door opened, Luna looked at the man and her eyes went wide. She bit her lower lip and scratched the back of her head before she managed a somewhat smile. Oh sorry. Its just not your everyday occurrence of being chased to death by wolves. She laughed slightly dryly, as she walked in slowly, almost wearily as if she was about to enter a jungle. For her, just living was like an adventure; perhaps she was like her deceased mother that way but for Luna it was exploring, rather than exploring interesting chemicals and potions. Turning, she looked at the man and rest her hands in front of her, clasped together, her pleasant look on her face never fading. Thank you so much. I hope its not an inconvenience. Hanging from her shirt were her swirly-looking glasses that if put on, with them she could see interesting things that werent and couldnt be seen with the naked eye. She had been curious about his aura to begin with the moment he opened the door and this explained it. My my She let out a soft gasp, walking to him. Such tiny little particles. I hear they are known to be kind of similar to Sprites but these are like enchanted cotton pieces. Its fascinating and youre surrounded by such dark clouds of them. May I ask why? Her high pitched soft and gentle voice was kind of an allure as she spoke. It didn't seem like someone like her would have that kind of voice but she did but it matched her whimsically persona and it was how she was. Luna was deeply fascinated by the wonders of this world and what had not yet been discovered or were low profile and he seemed like something she didn't know.
The thing that immediately stood out about the entrance hall was that it was very dark inside. All the windows were shuttered and only the bare minimum of lanterns had been lit, casting huge patches of shadow across the walls and floor that undulated slightly like living things. The ceiling was up so high that the walls simply seemed to vanish into darkness. At first he wasn't quite sure how to react to her. Somehow he got the feeling that he had gotten off-script. But one doesn't live for several hundred years without learning how to improvise, so he simply favored her with a thin, roguish smile and shrugged his shoulders. "I couldn't say," he said, voice low and even. "I've never been much for aura reading." Then he tilted forward slightly, and extended his hand to Luna. Perhaps it was the way the light reflected off his eyes, but did they just glow? There was something to his voice as well; perhaps it was the baritone, or perhaps it was the slight hint of the supernatural in it. It wasn't a very strong compulsion, but there was definitely something that seemed to draw attention to his words. "How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Gavril." After a moment's pause he continued: "Would you like for me to have a bath drawn? You seem to have had quite a day."
Alicehurried home from work, it had been a long day but she was excited to come home to her baby. After leaving wonderland she took a few years to travel and get the expansion done, but after that she was able to return home - return to Wonderland. She found the Hatter and was able to bring him back with her. Though others looked at him in a weird sense she didn't care. She loved him and knew he was the man for her, unlike Hamish, the man whom had proposed just before her second visit to Wonderland. She was almost home when she decided she'd show up in her favorite outfit, and outfit she knew he would love. She pulled into a gas station and pulled her backpack out. She headed into the bathroom and changed into her sexy blue dress and all the accessories that went with it. She smiled at the gas station attendant that started at her as she walked out. She assumed it wasn't often someone saw a twenty-four year woman in a sexy outfit like her little blue get up she had. Once back in her car she headed to her house, parking the car once there. She smiled, just thinking of how she'd flaunt herself about the house for him. Thinking of how she would tease him. She headed into the house and yelled out for her love "Hatter! I'm home baby." She knew his name was Tarrent, but loved to call him Hatter anyways. She set her keys down and closed the front door behind her, walking through the living room and into the kitchen. She sat her cute little ass on the counter top, crossing her right leg over the left as she waited for him to emerge from where ever he was hiding.
A yawn escapedHatteras he relaxed upon the window sill, book in hand as per usual. A cup of tea on a little table with milk and sugar beside it remained steaming and untouched. He always got heavily into a book when it had his attention. It was a big deal when a book captured him so thoroughly. Adjusting his jacket and hat, he flipped a page before his hearing was captured by a voice he knew so well. A smile curved his lips as he heard her footsteps echo after her words. He didn't bother to give away his position but instead put his book down and took a sip of delicious tea. Leaving the items where they were, he thought of which direction of the house he should go. She was in the kitchen, he knew, so he wanted to surprise her. Tapping a half-gloved finger against his stubble-covered chin, he thought and thought. It didn't take long before Hatter grinned and swiveled on his heel to tramp quietly down the hallway that led towards the back of the house. It wasn't a very large house, more tall than wide, and painted in varying colors that suited he and Alice quite well. A brush of fur against his leg had him reaching down to pet Malificent, their wonderful little kitten, courtesy of Cheshire. "Be a good girl and go distract Mother." Malificent gave an excited little purr and dashed off to find Alice as asked. Humming a little tune to himself, he tucked his hands into his pockets and whistled the tune he knew would ensnare his beloved. It echoed throughout the house along with the words that followed as he moved around a corner, staying out of sight and just beyond Alice's reach as she moved through the house. "Alice, oh, Alice~ Come to me and we will see, what we can do, with just us two~" He let out a small little laugh as he turned down another little hallway, nearing the kitchen but still beyond seeing Alice.
Alice sat on the counter top, listening careful for her love; knowing that he would try something. He always did, such a playful man he was. That was just one of the many things she loved about him. He was as mad as she was, if not more. As the thought crossed her mind she heard his whistling and looked up. As she looked up she saw Malificent prance into the kitchen and hop onto the counter with her. She grinned widely and scratched behind her ears, "Did Daddy send you?" she whispered in a delighted tone. The pur she received in return was enough for her. As she realized what tune he was whistling she grinned wickedly. She knew that tune all too well. She'd heard him sing it more than once and over the years it had become their song. She hopped off the counter and began searching for where the tune was coming from, whistling the harmony back at him. It was a bit difficult as the sound bounced off the walls and reverberated throughout the house; proving that he had to be moving around. She let out an excited giggle as she heard his words, back in the kitchen where she started. She knew where he was now, she knew how close he was. With a grin she casually sauntered around the corner to the hallway, stopping just before him with a grin. "Hello dear." she smiled at him as she leaned against the wall, her finger gently tracing circles over his chest. "Did I interrupt your reading dear?" she asked in a soft tone. She knew that was what he was normally doing while she was at work, reading books and drinking tea. Over the years she had learned to always keep plenty of both in the house. As she looked into his gorgeous brown eye she wondered what he was thinking, what he was feeling. What crazy idea he was coming up with now. She knew that if he was roaming the house as he did that he had something planned and something told her that she would love it.
When she came into view, he felt the blood rush from his brain and down into his nether regions. She was wearingtheoutfit. The one outfit that would drive him insane with love and lust and desire. He couldn't stop the grin the curved his lips upward- with a little edge of craziness. Feeling her finger trace against his chest through his shirt and speak so sweetly, she was in for a treat. Hatter could think of so many different and delicious ways to take off the outfit - or keep it on. What to do, what to do...Tipping his hat back to see her face before, he moved one of his hands to cup her chin gently, making her look up at him and expose more of her smooth and elegant neck. He was going to mark that neck. It was much too smooth and flawless. His other hand moved to slide up her stomach, gently between the valley of her breasts before finally moving to stroke at the soft skin of her neck. So soft, so delicate, so begging to be marked by his teeth. He could feel her pulse jump at the feel of his fingers upon her neck. They were probably a little cold. He moved forward, hoping to push her back just the slightest bit since she was already leaning against the wall. He wanted her to be a little more excited, a little more on edge. He wanted her to try to guess what exactly he had planned. His hand on her neck moved down her body in the same, slow way until his hand was touching her thigh. His thumb moved back and forth over her skin, wanting to tease and tempt his little Alice. "I was reading, my love. But I always make time for you..." That grin took on a boyish quality as he looked down at his beloved and wonderful Alice.
Sora's life had turn to normal after everything had happened, he still kept in touch with all the new friends he made, but being on the island was amazing. Kairi was there, Rikku was back to normal. Things couldn't get better. They were all growing up and growing together. Especially Sora and Rikku, though Sora doubted that his best friend saw it the same way. Since they had come back to the island, Sora had began to realize that he looked at Rikku differently - much differently. He found himself day dreaming about him and getting excited when he was close. It was all a bit confusing, he thought he wanted Kairi. In a way, he still did. But something about Rikku just got to him. Sora headed to the beach as he thought to himself. They'd just said good bye to Kairi, who was leaving for a week long vacation with her parents. It was just Sora and Riku for a whole week! It was like a dream. But he didn't know how well it would go. He knew that Rikku still wanted to drink like they did every weekend, but Sora was worried. He was very honest when drunk. Honest and horny. Normally it was pointed at Kairi, but with her not there with them there was only Rikku for him to be flirty with. But how would his best friend take that? He really didn't know and tried not to think of the possibilities as he waited for his best friend to show up with the bottles.
Riku was happy to be back to normal and being able to be with Kairi and Sora. Riku was a little upset when he found out Kairi was leaving then for a week but he quickly got over the thought when he realized it was a perfect time for him and Sora to have some guy time. He was hoping to have a good time drinking with just Sora plus he was wondering what would happen when his friend got drunk and there was no Kairi to flirt with. He always found it very entertaining to watch Sora flirting and telling everyone his emotions for Kairi. When he finally noticed the time he toss on a shirt then picked up the bag of bottles and headed to Sora so they could start drinking. He had a few new and stronger drinks to try out plus the usual drinks they always had. "Sora come get this bag." Riku called out as he was walking up to his friend with a grin a beer bottle already opened and in his free hand. He had only taken one drink out of it. "I have something new for you to try tonight its in the bag somewhere." He told Sora with a smile then sat down and took a swig of his beer.
Sora smiled when he heard his best friend call his name. He shot up quickly from his sitting position on the beach and ran up to him, taking the bag like some well trained puppy. He reached into the bag and grabbed a bottle, not bothering to look at what it was as he walked beside Riku. He took a swig of it, holding it's sweet taste in his mouth a moment before swallowing; it had to be what Riku was talking about. "Hmm, not bad." he said with a grin. Once to the beach he sat down, setting the bag between him and Riku. Normally Kairi would be sitting between them, the booze between her thighs as they all talked and watched the sun set. But not tonight. It was just him and Riku, just the guys. That thought was both kind and hurtful in Sora's head. He missed Kairi already, but he enjoyed getting alone time with Riku also. He finished off his bottle quickly, the sweet liquid going down easily, a slight tingle in his finger tips. It had to be stronger than what they normally drank. He looked up at Riku with a smile "So how was your day? Do anything exciting?" Sora so hopped that Riku had a story to tell, his day had been far too boring - sulking most of it away at the beach.
Riku smiled as he put his bottle down and stripped his shirt off showing his very nice body with his well defined 6 pack. He then went back to drinking as he got comfortable where he was sitting. He did not seem to be upset or missing Kairi but it was because he already came to terms that some guy time was just what he and Sora needed. They were always with Kairi when they hung out and having a girl always around got annoying sometimes. "So how do you like the new drink i picked up. They are a lot sweeter and i know you like your sweet drinks. Just be careful they are stronger." Riku said with a grin and looked up at the sky as he sat there relaxed with his best friend. He soon finished his beer and got out one of the new drinks with a smile as he opened it and took a long drink from it. When he heard Sora's question he smirked and said "My day was kind of cool i worked out as always and had a long sparing match with a few guys. it was really cool this one guy showed me a new move and it makes you a little faster when you attack someone's side maybe ill teach it to you if you ever get better at fighting." He teased with a grin. He loved to tease Sora about his fighting skills since he never won.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.The clock teased the petite, red head sitting in a desk farthest from the exit but with the perfect window to stare out and day dream. Bonnie McCullough felt as if she was being smothered. Her class of twenty three was full today and even with her teacher's fan blowing in her direction, it did nothing to cool her. Her curls were pulled up nearly on the crown of her her head to cool off the back of her neck. When she had gotten up that morning, it had been quite cold so she had dressed in layers. She wore a light blue tank top with a loose, long sleeved shirt that came down to her forearm with a belt at her middle to emphasis her small waist. She also wore a jean skirt with black leggings that came down to her calves but that didn't matter much because of her dark purple suede boots nearly covered the bottom of them. Over her shirt she wore a black fitted jacket to keep her warm. Up until her French class, she had been freezing and normally this class was the worst for her being cold. While she was walking down the hall to class, she stopped off in the girl's bathroom and took off her loose shirt and jacket, but left on the belt since it still looked cute with her tank top. She stuffed her shirt in her bag and carried her jacket to class. But even as she sat in class, everything just seemed to get hotter. Shifting uncomfortable, she glanced out the window. She couldn't even pretend like she was paying attention to her teacher as he spoke mainly French. She tried to focus in on anything outside of the window. Her green eyes seemed to focus in on someone on the edge of the woods. It was as if time stood still as her stomach clenched. There was a tall, lanky man on the edge of the woods. First of all, no one ever stood in the woods outside of the school and secondly, his eyes were staring directly into hers. A spasm of fear rocked through her body while her heart stopped before picking back up and racing. The tall, lanky man wore no shirt so it was easy to see how thin and pale he was. His torso, even at this distance, showed his ribs sticking out against his skin in a harsh and sickening way. He wore ripped up baggy shorts that were help up by a frayed rope. His hair was a dull brown color and the oily strains hung down into his eyes. But it wasn't his appearance that chilled her to the core. It was the look in his cold, hard eyes. His eyes held such hostility and she knew that it was directed at herself alone. Suddenly her world seemed to get hazy around the edges and her lungs seemed unable to take in or let any air out. The world around her swirled as she broke gaze with the man. No one around her seemed to ever notice her distress either. Unsteadily, she forced herself to stand and try to move down the aisle towards the door. As soon as she stood she began to stumble down the aisle, her teacher immediately started telling her to take her seat and when she didn't listen his voice became louder and more insistent."Mme McCullough, asseyez-vous a la fois!"Her deprived body seemed unable to move forward and when she opened her eyes once more she could herself face down on the ground with something wet and sticky running down her forehead. Someone moved then so she could barely make out the ceiling or the few faces hovering over her. "She's cold to the touch!" One of her class mates gasped. Matt moved over to her quickly and check to see if she was breathing. When he couldn't feel her breathe, he opened her mouth and noticed something shiny near the back of her throat. He swished his pointer finger around in her mouth and caught onto a part of a chain. Gently, he dislodged the necklace from her throat until Bonnie's gag reflex kicked in and she turned onto her side and coughed. The chain fell out with a clatter onto the floor. Bonnie gasped for air, looking around her terrified. Matt and the other people who surrounded her faces looked completely baffled by what happened. Her eyes fell to what was on the floor beside her. A gold locket laid there, oddly shining in the dull florescent lights. Knowing exactly, what must have happened, her hand scooped up the locket and she clambered up to her feet. While the other's protested, she snatched her bag and darted out of the room. By the time she reached the side walk, tears were already streaming down her cheeks. Tomorrow she would be a freak at school. No one would understand what happen. She didn't even understand what happened. One minute she was staring at this man and the next she couldn't breathe. He had to have done this to her. There was no other explanation. She continued to run down the sidewalk in the direction of her home.
Jack Chambers was average in every way. He had nothing unusual about him in physical appearance, his job, or anything else about him really. He led a normal life, working at an auto repair shop, graduating at the top of his class in mechanical engineering, among other things of the same. He could have gotten a job anywhere really, but he preferred the small town life, blissfully unaware of the shadows and other things that went bump in the night. That was about to change very soon. For now, rolling out from under a black Ford pickup truck after having completed the engine repairs, Jack yawned behind a greasy hand before standing up a moment later. Brown shoulder length hair, blue deep penetrating eyes, a good sized muscular build, and a slight tan to his otherwise rugged looking skin was apparent at first glance. Still, despite his appearance, he wasn't a dumb person by any means, having a keen intelligence behind his rugged face. Wearing blue overalls over a brown grease stained shirt, and matching brown pants with equal amount of grease on em, Jack pulled his tool belt off and tucked it away in red tool box. Sighing, something felt a little off today for some reason, having heard rumors of some guy in town that looked like he had crawled out of a sewer. A few people were freaked out by this guy, but Jack hadn't seen him. Heading home for the day, he wasn't worried as he walked home, preferring the exercise since everything was in walking distance just about anyway. He did own a car, but it rarely got any use since it was the last memento of his parents he had. A 1997 Mazda RX was a bit over the top perhaps, but considering his folks had burned in a plane crash before his graduation, it was all he really had left of them at the moment besides old pictures and stuff.
It didn't take long for Bonnie's feet to carry her home. She retrieved the key from inside the top of the lamp next to the door and unlocked it quickly before replacing it. She shut the door quickly behind her, locking it and looking around her house to make sure nothing was inside with her. She had left school three hours early so if any of her neighbors saw her they would definitely know something was up. She moved into the kitchen where the light was better and she wouldn't have to bother with turning anything on. She glanced around her, making sure there was nothing there. Even just the natural shadows in the kitchen made her skin craw. She stood by the table that was just inside of the sliding glass door. There was only one neighbor who would be able to see her there and he usual worked very late so she didn't have to worry about it. She pulled out the locket from her pocket after dropping her back on the ground. She tried using her nails to pry the stupid thing opened. It didn't work. She tried throwing it at the tile floor. Still nothing. She put it down on the table and went to go get one of the meat beaters. After a few minutes of hitting it against the metal surface, it cracked opened a little. And when it did, the atmosphere in the kitchen changed. She suddenly felt dizzy. The shadows grew darkened and moved with life. She didn't understand what was going on. She gripped the back of a chair, trying to keep herself from falling.
Jack saw someone, his next door neighbor to be precise, run into her house and quickly lock the door. He had just about been ready to slip the key into his own locked door of a small two floor home when his ears had picked up on the noise. He didn't think that was a normal thing for Bonnie, he thought her name was, to do. Sure, she was a little weird, but that wasn't a bad thing since he wasn't exactly normal himself. Besides, what was normal? Chuckling despite himself, Jack tucked his key back into his overall pocket. The fact he hadn't went into his house right then probably saved his life since something had been waiting on him to enter. Instead, Jack Chambers walked over to Bonnie's house and gently knocked on the door. "Bonnie? You ok in there? It's Jack, your next door neighbor. Aren't you supposed to be in school or something right now?" He asked, hoping she was ok as worry, genuine worry at that, filtered through his voice despite his effort to hide his true feelings on the matter. No need to freak her out more if she was already freaking out for some reason or another. Even so, Jack was a friendly guy, had no criminal record, (yet,) and had never gotten into a fight in his life. Small scuffles maybe, but no punches had ever been thrown his way. Hoping she'd at least answer him, the two red eyes that stared at him from his bedroom window disappeared, and whatever had been up there left in disappointment. It would have to hunt elsewhere.
Feeling the suns rays hitting his face as they went outside, Ezreal smiled. He was enjoying his afternoon in a quiet manner with Annie, heading down the main street in the Demacian capital. Everything was quiet around them for once, no one wanting autographs, but a few nodding in their direction and waving and pointing at them. He had grown a lot since he had begun fighting. His chest was broad now, with wide shoulders, though a thin appearance. He wore his usual loose shirt and pants, the weather being warm and no excavations in need of his assistance. He smiled for himself as he looked down at Annie, having noticed how she had grown next to him a lot over the past few years. They had developped a friendship quickly, helping each other, but also fighting when they were summoned on opposing teams. After the battles, the winner always apologised and bought the loser dinner. The thought made him smile as he noticed the shop just by a smaller sidestreet. "It's here." He told her gently, looking down as he pointed towards the matchmaking caf where they had been invited to the beta testing. They were the first with an appointment in the entire group of applicants.
Annie smiled as well as they walked through the capitol, waving at the others. It had been quite some time since she had joined the league, and hit a rather sizable growth spurt. The situation had her feeling somewhat akward, and she had a feeling her powers changing had something to do with it... She had also developed more of a bond with 'Tibbers' and had stopped carrying him around as the teddybear. She had actually offered to release him at one point, he had desired to stay by her side, and now resided in a crystal pendant. She could therefore no longer manifest him into a physical body, was now able to call upon his power passively, augmenting her other abilities. She had been looking down for awhile, toying with the pendant when Ezreal spoke, bringing her out her thoughts, and into a slew of new ones. "Ah... right." She said, looking up at the building. The explorer had been a long time freind of hers sincea year or so after joining the league, and remained so even after being forced to fight against eachother from time to time. He found him... enjoyable, and one of the few magic users in the league that didn't freak her out. Since she had 'grown up', she had recieved many advances, but turned them down. Another effect of storing tibbers, was that she seemed to grow a penis when aroused, something that only tibbers, and a single medic of the league happened to know about, although not the reason why. This did little to calm her akwardness, but Ezreal had still somehow managed to convince her to try out that crazy robot's dating service. She sighed, taking a deep breath as she nodded. "Alright... "If anyone tries to touch my ass though, their ass, and yours is getting burned." She half-joked, half-cautioned as they stepped inside. She approached the terminal, nervously looking around. Thankfully, no one else was really around as she accessed it. A few minutes later, her eyes widened. "So many damn questions." She groaned, shaking her head. She knew that he wouldn't let it go though, and proceeded to finish it. She groaned again several hours later, collapsing back into the chair. By now, other champions, and citizens had filed in, filling out an application as well. A few minutes later, several of them were called up to recieve their match. "Jeez.... fleshling E652C is soooo descriptive for my date to be. Mine is too, H8MN1." She said, shaking her head. "Doesn't seem to be very effective to me."
Ezreal stayed silent as they entered, giving her a nudge in right direction and a smile as they worked through the applications. Once processed, he found her again as he stood by her. "Yea, it's a bit weird but I guess there's nothing wrong with trying it out." He said with a shrug, watching the electronic screens displaying the matches as they were made. He didn't notice much until his number appeared flashing, he knew by having read the letter that it was because there was a special match for him. The same when he noticed Annie's number was flashing too. "Come, looks like they're done." He said, gesturing for her to come with him. They went out into the backroom of the place, being greeted by a robot presenting them individually with a board of a picture of their perfect match. Ezreal gasped as he saw who he had been matched up with, blushing madly right after as he looked up over the board of paper and picture, speechless as to what was happening. His mind had grinded down to a halt, not wanting to process the data. His heart was thumping loudly and violently in his chest, at least according to himself as he put the board down on the table by them. "You're my match." Was all he said, still looking at Annie, unaware of what this might mean. According to Blitzcrank, there was at least 85% chance of the calculations procurring a perfect match, but to think that it was his best friend who would be his match? Ezreal would remember this day, he knew it. But he was a bit scared at the same time, what if she had been given another match than him? What if the calculations had gone wrong in some way? He didn't want to lose her.
"Yeah, until they match the wrong people and they destroy a few blocks of a city." She said with a scoff as they sat down. "Like I said, if anyone tries to touch my ass..." She trailed off, shaking her head as she looked up at the monitor. She didn't even really bother looking at the picture after it finished loading, figuring she would find out soon enough. She wasn't quite expecting this though. She turned to look at him. "Oh come on, that wouldn't..." She trailed off as she finally looked at her display, only to find it was indeed Ezreal, and Rhyze... which was not going to happen. She blinked a few times, caught off gaurd from the turn of events. Certainly, he was attractive, and nice enough. But as a boyfreind? She had other freinds, sure, but none that she shared quite that same bond with, war tended to have that kind of effect. "That's uh... not quite what was expected..." She finally said, rubbing the back of her head. She noticed his blush, and that he was somewhat staring at her, causing her own face to flush as well. "Well, er..." She stammered, processing hte information, and the possibilities. "What ah... do you think about it?" She asked, placing her display board down as well.
Ezreal noticed the suprise on her face as well. It seemed just off, that he would be matched up with the only person he considered his best friend. He looked at the display again, there was no other match for him but he could see now that she had been matched up with Ryze as well. That old geezer had been watching her a lot lately so he figured it was probably because they had checked off the same stuff on the schedule. Biting his lower lip, he even heard her question as he notice she looked like she was blushing too. He had always found it cute. Making Annie blush was a bit harder than he had first expected, but by now he knew the tricks around by now. "The result is.... quite unexpected." He said with a light smile. "Though I'm not disappointed by it." He added. He had thought a bit about asking her out, but he hadn't found the courage to do it. He had always been a bit difficult when it came to feelings. Slowly standing from where they had been sitting, he held his hand down towards her. Then it happened, the pressure of the summoning trying to remove him from his current location. "It's battle time." He said with a sigh, closing his eyes as he didn't seem to register if she took his hand. He just vanished in the midst of everything a moment later, being send into the darkness just before the battle. He tried to think about what had happened at the matchmaking shop, but his mind was being overruled. He knew he was under the control of the summoner who had chosen him for the battle, but he already feared what might happen if he stood against Annie in the battle.
She huffed at his smirk, ignoring his hand and standing up on her own. She wasn't too upset about the pairing either... it was just... odd. "Look, I don't know about this, I mean, we're most likely just the first to..." She trailed off as she got another 'ding', two more matches appearing on her display. Her face flushed another shade of red, seeing Janna's, and Katarina's profiles showing up. She quickly hid it, but wasn't too suprised to find that Noxus warrior was bi-sexual. "A-anyways, for now let's..." She trailed off, also feeling the familiar tug of being summoned. "We'll talk about..." She was cut off this time, as he was summoned, followed a few seconds later by her. She was in the rift as the summoners prepared themselves, and took a moment to view her team mates. Twisted Fate, Warwick, Nunu, and... she shuddered, seeing Rhyze there as well. He seemed not to notice her too much this time, maybe he hadn't been notified yet... For a moment, everything went pitch black, something had gone wrong. It lasted for ten seconds before lifting, everything seemed normal. She hoped this battle would be a quick, decisive one, so that she could go back to relaxing... and sort out this thing with Ezreal. Soon enough, the tug grew, and they were transported to Nexus. She took a deep breath, nodding at her team mates. Suddenly, a ring appeared on her finger, and the summoner had her moving straight down the middle. "Right then... let's do this." She muttered to herself as she made it torwards the center of the battlefeild, waiting for the minions to arrive, wondering who it was she was going to face.
Amidst the entering of the summoning, Ezreal slipped his hands into his pants as he got a view of his team. It appeared he was the only one without the ability to crowd control as Sion, Veigar, Xin Zhao, and Pantheon greeted him briefly. He had fought with them all before and against them, it would be no problem beating almost any team with these guys. His mind was however still going through what had happened a bit earlier, that was until everything went black. He knew something was wrong when that happened, but he also knew it was the reaction of a summoner being interupted amidst it all. He shrugged as he entered the field, getting his usual items from the vendor before he made his way towards the center of the map. He was almost praying for it to be someone easy, like Karthus or Ashe. He wanted it to be over soon so he could get back to Annie and talk with her about what had happened. His mind was still busy with thoughts as he arrived at the tower. Leaning in against it, he looked towards the middle, preparing himself mentally for what was going to happen as he felt the link with the summoner unlocking one of his three early game abilities. It was odd in his mind, the teleport he had wasn't commonly used, but perhaps this guy knew what he was doing? Then the minions arrived, a few moments after he had been there as he waited for the ranged minions to pass him before he followed along, his gloves on and ready for the battle at hand. Though upon arriving by the middle, he saw his opponent. For a moment, his mind was in conflict, he had to fight her. Whether she was his match or not. He felt the loosening of the connection for a moment, something was wrong with his summoner. But he ignored it for now, taking the orders that swarmed into his head on where to move and when to attack the enemy minions as he played the first few minutes rather safely against Annie.
Her hands glowed with fire as the minions charged torwards the middle, already attacking as minions are just as her own met in battle. Her eyes were scanning a head, keeping a close eye on the brush as well. Her eyes widened as she saw Ezreal. Her summoner seemed to become less agressive, and a little more defensive, disentergrating with near perfect timing. Her vision sudenly whied out again, and she was let standing there, the enemy minions charging at her, one of them cutting her legs. Her body automatically responded, launching a disentergrate, followed by a stunning cone of fire as she hobbled backwards, wincing in pain. Somehow her summoner was no longer in control. Annie moved as fast as she could, barely managing to get past as her own minions covered her retreat, heading torwards the brush, it was going to be a pain to walk all the way back like this.
Ezreal felt the link smash too, the break between him and his summoner. As his first sight was seeing Annie being hurt, he felt something swell up inside him, affection for the girl. He bit any rivalry into him that might show from the battle as he ran towards her, seeing the minions hurting her. When he was within range, he did his shift ability, knocking one of the minions down before it could touch Annie. Even if it was his own side, he felt no remorse as he knocked a second one down with a quick Mystic Shot. Turning towards Annie, he didn't seem to realise that his brain was on auto mode. Taking her hand, Ezreal pulled her in close to him, counting the seconds that had passed since his shift. He knew it would be ready again soon as he held her in his arms, seeing two minion waves treating them like hostile jungle creeps and ignoring their internal feud. Gasping for a moment he looked over his shoulder, seeing the brush and getting the idea. Without asking for her permission, Ezreal shifted her with him, passing to the other side of the brush before he took her hand. "Come, something's wrong." He told her in a gentle tone.
Annie's eyes widened as she saw Ezreal rush torwards her. She froze for a second in confusion as he teleported next to one of his own minions, taking it down. She reacted without thinking as he grabbed her towards him, her hand glowing with fire again as she blasted his face. What is the meaning of this?! There ar rules to..." She was cut off as he teleported again, taking her with him into the brush. She pulled away from him, her amulet glowing brightly. "What is going on, i'm not actually forced to..." She trailed off, staring up at him. She let the spell pass, the glow fading as she watched the minions fight. "Just what the hell happened?" She asked, not sensing her allies either, she was completely cut off from the summoner, something would most likely be corrected by the council quickly. She grabbed his hand this time. "Quickly! They can't see us now." She shouted, pulling him along into the forest. She took a quick look around, pulling him in behind the Golem, it's rather large stature hiding them. She panted slightly, sitting down as she looked up at him again. She blushed slightly, seeing his blackened face. "Sorry about that... wasn't expecting this..." She murmurred.
Though she was living within the foster care system, Reina preferred to make her home in the streets. It was there that she could best serve the people of the city in a way that the corrupt officials never could. She could truly protect them. And now, in the depths of the ally she used to call home, she was about to obtain the power to make her dreams a reality. She could hear thunder crash overhead as she began drawing the last of the summoning circle in her own blood. Regretfully, it was the only way shed ever learned how to perform magic. The circle began to glow a bright red as she took a knee before it. She set the blade of her knife against the palm of her hand and drew a small amount of blood to give life to the spell. By my words, come forth and be my sword. Grant me the power to make the world a safer place.
Bella sat quietly in the shadows of her attic. She had long since completed the summoning circle and all necessary preparations. But now she contemplated in silence, her eyes locked on some point across space. She had always hoped to wait until she'd found her parents murderers and made them pay. But now time was running out and she had to act. Hesitance kept her from approaching the circle up to now....strange, it was something she'd never felt before. And it was something she needed to squash...perhaps it was simple anxiety, after all she was about to engage herself in a war in order to start an even bigger one. Of course, anxiety was normal. "Enough." She whispered, as though convincing herself before standing. She was wearing a simple outfit in all black consisting of a thigh-length pleated skirt and a long sleeved, turtle neck sweater. Black leg warmers rested atop her black school shoes. She approached the circle and held out her hands. Power began to visibly surge inside the circle as she concentrated. Violet arcs of energy arced within the circle and danced along her hands and from her irises. "By my will, come forth and be my sword. Give me the might to shake the heavens so they may know their place!"
Rising from the glowing circle was a figure clad in a bluish glow. The figure was clearly female. As the magic began to fade, her feet touched the ground. As the colored glow faded her clothing and armor had begun to form over her figure. When the magic faded entirely the woman stood in metal plate, her eyes closed as her hair fell into place. A perfect summoning. As her eyes opened she kneeled before her master. A cool breath escaping her lips. "I am the saber servant summoned to bring the grail to my master. Are you the one who summoned me?" She questioned as her piercing blue eyes rose to meet that of her new master. She could feel her power returning to her body and judging by the amount of power she had, she could tell that master before her had the mana to support her and then some to spare. She was truly fortunate to have been summoned by such a master.
As the circle reached full intensity a form rose. It was crouched, but as the energy subsided and the light faded the form solidified and a female could easily be discerned. She rose up to her feet in a large stretch, a light squeal escaping her lips. She had a light, golden scaled breastplate that contained a sizable bust. A loose, long sleeved, red silk shirt lay beneath it. And a pair of very baggy breaches made of the same material covered her legs, sealed at her ankles by silken gold wraps. Her feet were bare. "Well! It's about time! You must be my master right?" The woman draped her arms over her staff which rested on her shoulders. Significant power was coursing through her body, which gave her high hopes for this war, even though the woman she assumed to be her master seemed....ordinary. Not to mention the odd locale of her summoning....but hey, looks were deceiving. Yes. I summoned you." Her servants eyes were like icy-blue daggers. But she refused to shift under their gaze. The Saber was drastically different from herself, and somewhat imposing. A strong, tall woman, strikingly beautiful in an exotic sense. She was well schooled, and due to the blonde hair and blue eyes, and her features she imagined that she must have come from Europe, though what time and specific place remained to be seen. "My name is Bella Jaice. And I hope you are ready to shake the heavens Saber." She held out her hand politely, taken in by a mixture of attraction and her own dramatic personality. "Because I intend to rock the world before this war is done." Then she giggled darkly, realizing how silly she must have sounded. "I must apologize. This is just such a big day for me and I forgot my manners. What name do you go by?"
Reina Her eyes were wide with awe as the servant appeared before her. She swallowed back her intimidation before rising to her feet. "I am." She said with a small nod. "M-my name is Reina Chipple." She looked over her servant. She was absolutely stunning and for lack of a better word... Epic. Just as the description of the servants may have suggested. She wrapped her bleeding hand with the bandages she had brought with her. She cleared her throat before standing straight up. "I desire the grail and I have summoned you to help me to retrieve it." She said with a serious expression. Though her face was straight her eyes betrayed her hidden anxiety. She was intimidated by the immense power that this woman flaunted. Hervor/Hilde The servant looked upon her new master with a mixture of fear and concern. She seemed unstable, possibly dangerous. "That question is easily asked but difficult to answer. As it's answer depends on whose name you desire." She remained in a kneeling position, her gaze remained fixated on Bella. "At present, I am Hilde. Fallen Valkyrie of Odin." She lowered her gaze after a moment. "This body, blade, and war belong to Hervor, descendant of Arngrim and keeper of Tyrfing. She, however, is not available at this time." Hilde questioned her wisdom, providing such an unstable master with such information as to say she'd managed to summon two epic spirits in one. However, lying would lead to further complications. Bella reminded her of her host, Hervor. The thought of Hervor being teamed with such a powerful mage was a dangerous thought. Hervor was a loose cannon.
Sun Fei Ling Fei Ling's eyebrow quirked when she saw her master wrap her bloodied hand. Blood? Somehow she simply knew that it had been used in her summoning. That was dangerous ground this master tread upon, but if she could harness it to cast so powerful a spell as a summoning....she was powerful indeed. "And help you I shall...Reina." Fei Ling took a step forward and leaned in towards Reina, she took a good long whiff and sighed. "You smell of blood Reina. Blood and power." She straightened up and locked eyes with her master, then grinned widely. "Both good smells!" It was in her nature to be lighthearted, especially now to soothe her master's anxiety. Fear was an obvious smell, but this Reina kept it in check, which was more than admirable. Bella Jaice Bella held firm under her servant's gaze, which was now one of concern. Bella was quite good at reading people, and she could understand how one might be taken back by her previous statement. She was kind of in a daze of emotion when the other woman's words cut through the fog. "Tyrfing...Hervor..." Two servants? Was that even possible? Her mind reeled....this....this....was far better than she had hoped. This was unreal. She knew she was powerful. But two servants? Had that ever even happened before her? "Tyrfing...a Valkyrie." Bella regained her shaken composure. This was amazing, but it changed nothing. Her goal remained the same. She took a step forward and reached out, placing her hand against Tyrfing's cheek. "Well then I suppose I shall meet her later. Until then let me say how excited I am to have summoned you. Such power, and such beauty. That is something we both share it seems...."
Reina Reina flinched when the woman raised her voice. It wasn't like her to be so frightened, but she knew what servants were capable of, especially if fueled by her mana. At least it was apparant that this Lancer was light hearted. It would make it easier to cope with the intimidation. "Thankyou for your reassurance." She looked around, as if to be certain no other masters or servants were in the area. "May I inquire as to the identity of my new partner?" She asked. She chose the word partner rather than servant to try to maintain a friendly relationship with the powerful woman. Hervor/Hilde Hilde didn't resist her master's approach, nor the hand at her cheek. She listened to her master's words. They were quite similar to the ones spoken to her by Hervor when first they met. Her gaze fell as she exhaled quietly. "So it would seem, Master. So it would seem." Her hand instinctively wanted to reach for the hilt of Tyrfing, more for security than for assault. However, this was her new ally. Why couldn't Hervor have been the dominant persona at the time? Hervor would have loved this. It was difficult for a Valkyrie to act subservient to anyone other than Odin even more so for such a dangerous master.
"Partner? Well that is quite civil of you!" Most masters as she understood didn't come to any level of mutual respect until they had seen their Servants in action. This girl was definitely unlike most, she had the smell of one who lived a hard life, a self forged success. Though her success was rooted in a very potent, and dangerous magic. All in all it was quite intriguing. She planted her staff into the ground and jumped up, perching on the end with one foot. "My name is Sun Fei Ling. You may call me Fei...or Ling. Either works just fine." She looked down on the young lady, she was attractive, pale skin, white hair, and blood red eyes. That was a sign of just how much power she had...even if the girl didn't know it. "So tell me Reina. I'm new to this time...and I can't sense any other Servants what will be your pleasure? What do you do for fun?" Bella noticed that her servant had an air of caution up like a wall. It seemed to be directed towards her....that was understandable. She pulled away and turned around, walking to the far wall of her attic and standing in front of the window. "Tell me Hilde. What do you want from this war?" She asked coldly and directly. A feeling in her gut said that she was far from having trust with this woman she summoned. So she would play no games, no manipulation, no fancy speeches. Either her true intentions laid bare would win this Spirit over or they would drive her away....though she didn't know how that worked exactly. "I want to bring heaven down to bear the weight of it's sins. The powers that be remain above the clouds, dealing in fate and crushing lives whenever they see fit to do so. I am tired of that arrogance. Whatever right they think they have to play with the lives of humans I intend to rip from their hands and cram it down their throats!" She turned around to face Hilde. Her eyes burned with power again, violet energy dancing from her irises. "If this intention does not suit you then tell me now....for I will achieve this with....or without your help." She stepped forward several paces, closing the distance between the two of them. "But I would very much like your aid...and I fear I will not live through this without it.." With that last sentiment she let down her guard a bit, hoping Hilde would feel the sincerity of her words as well as their intensity.
Reina Reina watched with amazement as the rod penetrated the concrete. Her amazement was equal when seeing Fei balanace on the other end of the staff. Reina cleared her throat again. "Yes well... My life never gave me much room for fun." She she said honestly with a small shrug. "I spend most of my time at the arcade. It's a cheap way to entertain myself when I'm not busy." She looked down at her knife again. How many lives had she taken at this point? Five, six? Maybe more. She kept telling herself it was for the greater good. That she was weeding out the criminal element. But to the rest of this city, she was a serial killer. "What about you Fei, what did you do to entertain yourself in life?" She asked with an honest curiousity. She had never been outside the country before, much less seen or studied an older time period. Hervor/Hilde "I too have an issue to raise with the heavens." She said honestly. "Though not with the intention of it's destruction. I stand wrongly accused and desire to see justice paid. My wish of the grail is simple. I wish simply for a chance to confront my traitorous kin and redeem myself in the eyes of Odin." She lowered her gaze again, fearing her answer was not satisfactory. "With my name cleared, I will be able to rest in peace." She turned her eyes back onto her master. "We both seek entry into heaven, albeit for different reasons. Until then, I'm certain that we can work together." She gave a silent nod. "Though to be honest, Hervor is the spirit summoned. I do not expect to recieve a wish of my own for claiming the Grail. This is Hervor's war and Hervor is more likely to join you in your quest for vengeance. As she too has been stained by it's insidious touch."
"Arcade? That word didn't register any meaning for Fei so she dismissed it. She caught the brief glance her master made towards her blade. That was some serious baggage this girl was carrying, the weight on the girls conscious was almost tangible. She had always been a goodhearted person when not fighting. During battle she became something of a monster, but outside she loved meeting people and traveling with them and learning all about their lives. Helping them if she could, teaching them a lesson if they deserved it, loving them if they wanted her to, and easing their pain when it was to much. She had a feeling she would be helping this girl bear a great burden in the near future. Her thoughts were interrupted by Reina's question. "What did I do for fun?" Unfortunately she was also absent minded and was already lost in answering the question. "Well I used to travel a lot, treasure-hunting, seeking out martial challenges to test my skills, a nice jug of wine and a warm body always helped pass the nights as well." She hopped down off her staff and with a twirl it shrunk down to the size of a baton, she then stuck it through a loop in her belt and dropped her arm around Reina's shoulders. "Well then? What shall we do to pass the night?" She gave Reina a playful squeeze. She was very soft and hug-able, she would not be against sharing Reina's warmth at all, if the young woman enjoyed that sort of vice. "Adventure? Treasure hunting? Fight? Or perhaps we can find a good brothel and stir up some entertainment!" Bella stood very still for awhile after Hilde finished. She was thinking deeply. What at first seemed a blessing, now may be a serious problem. She had yet to meet Hervor, so she was not willing to make plans on a possible ally, and this Hilde was clearly an ally only most of the way. Even if she fought alongside Bella all the way to the gates of heaven it would still be for naught if she turned against her once inside. This was disconcerting, perhaps she had placed to much on the hope that her servant would share her intent. Still....she would not be swayed. Already plans were laying out in her head, backups, trump cards, failsafes all to ensure she achieved her goal, whether her enemy was another master, Hilde, or the powers that be. "Well. I suppose that is better than expected." Bella closed the distance until she was looking up at the Valkyrie. "Then we shall be allies until we reach heaven's gates. Once through I hold you to no obligation towards me, even if that means you become my enemy. Will that be satisfactory?"
Reina "Brothel?" Reina knew the word, but it wasn't one frequently used any more. "They wouldn't let me in a place like that. They cost money and I'm too young." She realized quickly that the way she worded it was that she was willing if she were able. She quickly shook her head as a blush formed on her face. "Wh-what I meant to say was that I'm not entirely sure it's appropriate." She rubbed the back of her head. "I'm sorry. That was rude. I'm..." She eventually gave up on trying to make sense of what she said and breathed out quietly. What was she being so shy about? She wasn't a virgin, and this woman came from another time. Such entertainment was normal for a warrior. She cleared her throat after a moment. "I leave our first night's activites in your hands, Fei." She gave a wave at the humble allyway. There was a couch she kept in decent repair and a couple of crates that doubled as end tables. "As a guest in my home, I am your host and shall entertain you as you see fit." Hilde/Hervor Hilde watched the woman's approach with concern. She nodded in response to her question. "I am in no position to dispute your commands. So I will do as you see fit." She said with another nod. "I will remain in your charge until we've penetrated the gates of the beyond. We will see what fate holds for us beyond that point." Their temporary alliance should work to both of their advantage. Though, Hilde could feel this woman's power and feared her becoming an enemy. She didn't bare even remotely close to the same physical power of the servant, but she was extremely powerful as a mage. She lowered her gaze from that of her master before speaking once more. "When you seek to sleep I will stand watch and make sure our enemies do not launch any form of pre-emptive strike." She straightened herself after a moment. "The saber class is fabled for having the most power for a reason. None will breach the perimeter." Her gaze returned to that of Bella. "In the mean time, what would you ask of me, My master?"
"Ooooh really?" Fei grinned widely. "You might want to get to know me before..." She slid her hand down Reina's back and gave her right ass-cheek a firm squeeze. " me such...liberties." She winked and let the girl go before heading down the alley to the couch. "I don't suppose you have any wine at all do you? Or....mead? Not sure what time we're in so I don't know what your word is for it..." She spoke as she plopped down on the couch, it was far more comfortable than it looked...she patted the seat beside her. She had a good feeling about this girl, she got all kinds of red when she talked about the brothel, which was a good sign. "Maybe getting to know my master is a better plan for now hmm? Then we can work on entertaining ourselves...." She leaned back and waited for Reina to join her, meanwhile she pondered. The young woman had the look of a hard life, and a pained soul. But there was fire in her, a strong desire to do what is right, to protect, to avenge. She was pretty good at judging people....most of the time anyway, she was sure at least one or two of those assumptions were correct. Regardless, she already liked Reina. Perhaps that stemmed from her own inability to do the right thing unless someone was pointing the way. She always respected those with so clear a sense of right, and some of her greatest friends were just such people. "So? Tell me about yourself pet. Why are you here? Where have you been? What do you like to do, to eat? Do you enjoy the company of men or women? Both? What do you intend to do?" A lot of questions, but she was dying to hear the answers, and she wanted an excuse to watch Reina's body move about.... I ask to know you Hilde. We will be quite close for some time now...and I would see our rough start be smoothed by any means I possess." Even though they had already declared the possibility of becoming enemies in the future, something about the woman before her made her feel She could very well sleep comfortably knowing she was her sentinel. Though she could imagine many other things the Valkyrie could do for her that would ease her sleep as well....all in good time. "Please....follow me and I will show you my manor." She gestured to follow and proceeded out of the attic. "My family lived here, before greed and chance saw them all dead. It has been in our bloodline for generations." She made her way downstairs, and came to her lounge. She sat gracefully down on one of her large padded chairs, then motioned for Hilde to do the same. "Anyways. I would know you. Your powers, your technique, your skill....everything you are willing to divulge I desire to learn. For the more I know about you, the more effectively I can plan our strategies and aid you in combat with my magic." She looked to her hand for a moment, understanding that after their stare down not minutes earlier, the Valkyrie may be somewhat a display of her own abilities may ease the Saber's mind. "I specialize in Transformation magic and Curse magic." With a small surge of magic her hand transformed, flattening out and extending until it looked like a flesh colored sword. "This is how I have survived until now, and because of this I can defend myself on my own....not forever, but you won't have to be in my shadow every minute of the fight. And my curses, I can hinder the enemy, debilitate them, overwhelm their senses for periods, make them feel whatever I want so long as they don't overpower my will."
Reina Reina was barely able to suppress a squeal of shock at the sudden contact, her facing glowing bright red. She cleared her throat, "There are a few beers in the crate." the first words to leave her mouth were little more than squeaks. The woman's touch had left her a little off balance. "Sorry, they're a bit warm. By law, I'm not allowed to drink yet, so I have to smuggle them, and I never get them refridgerated." Reina returned her knife to the sheath that clung to her belt. She approached the couch but didn't sit. She was nervous around so powerful a being, but it was more than that. Something inside kept her from sitting down. It wasn't fear, but something very similar. Attraction maybe? It was certainly possible. Fei did have a very exotic beauty about her. There was something more, Fei seemed to understand her, or at least was trying to. Reina listened intently to her questions. She found Fei's energy level to be refreshing compared to the loneliness of everyday life. "I live here because I have no family. I've never been anywhere else before. It all costs money, and I have none." Reina's body shifted uncomfortably as though she could feel Fei's eyes on her. "Like I said, I usually spend my free time at the arcade. It's the only thing I can afford. My other activities are... Far less discussable." She said as her hand fell to her blade for a moment. "My life hasn't left me with the opportunity for pleasurable company... So I'm afraid that I honestly can't answer that question." Her blush resurfaced momentarily before she moved on to answer her final question. "What do I intend to do? I assume you mean the grail... If we succeed, I intend to ask the grail to grant me the power to make the world a safer place... Or at least this city..." Hervor/Hilde Hilde gave a quiet nod when she was waved to follow her master from the attic. The rest of the house was far more glorious than the attic she was summoned in. She never could have imagined such a place was located beneath the room she was just in. "I'm terribly sorry for your loss. I pray that what kin of mine remain true showed them to paradise." She followed in silence as she was shown to the lounge. Hilde moved to sit in one of the chairs, surprised by the comfort she found. She watched in awe as her master's arm transformed into a blade. "I've never seen such sorcery before..." She admitted. Her curiousity was certainly peaked. What was the peak of such a power? What were the possibilities? The limits? All things considered, it seemed likely she'd discover her answers soon enough. "I'm a Valkyrie, as I had said before. However, due to the rules of the saber class, certain of my magical abilities have been limited or removed. In truth, I would probably have been of a greater benefit as a Rider or Caster class. Though, having been summoned from within Hervor, I do not have that luxury. As I said, this is her war and she only qualified for the Saber, Rider, and Berserker classes." She paused for a moment, realizing that what she said was complicated, she allowed it to sink in. "I can however speak for Hervor's blade. She patted the sword at her side. "Tyrfing was a magical sword crafted by the dwarves of nordic myth. It was claimed by the warrior Arngrim who slew it's creator. As such, the blade is cursed. It will draw blood whenever drawn from it's scabbard, and inevitably leads to the eventual destruction of it's wielder."
As Reina talked Fei snagged herself It took her a second to figure the bottle out but her strength made it easy to twist of the cap. She herself was used to warm drinks, as they didn't have this...refrigeration in her time...whatever that was. The beer was bitter, but foamy. It was new, but not bad at all. Reina seemed uncomfortable, she blushed a lot at the her more lascivious question, which made Fei smile. As for her intent, it was an inspiring one, and troubling as well. "The world...." She'd known many great warriors and lords who had similar goals, and she knew the strain of achieving it very well. "The world is a heavy burden to bear pet....even if you had my strength the weight would crush you in a moment...." The world was not a forgiving place in her time. It was brutal and it did not play to the fancies of righteous men, many dear friends died pursuing such dreams. Though everything about this girl said she would not drop her burden, even if it killed her. "I do not mean to be dark....but I have lost much to such dreams." She closed her eyes and sighed, then smiled. "Which means I can only resolve myself to not lose you." She stood up and polished off her beer, dropped it on a crate and flourished her staff before going to one knee with her fist against the hard ground. "This may be moot given the circumstances....but I am yours. I will carry your dream until not a breath is left in me or we see it through. Body and soul, should any threaten you I will see them obliterated. If you weaken, I will support you, if you falter, I will catch you. I am yours." It was a strong vow, and one she didn't take lightly. Sun Fei Ling was not one to hand away her loyalty so easily, but this girl was her master and she needed more than a servant. She needed a friend, a confidant, someone to keep her light and warm when the dark and cold grew to much to bear. Bella listened closely. She was beginning to think that this Hervor may be of more use than Hilde. She didn't like the sound of Hilde's abilities being removed and limited, it meant she couldn't know them until they surfaced. That left them both at a disadvantage. She stayed quiet until the Valkyrie was finished, absorbing the information and already formulating an analysis. The sword seemed their most potent weapon, which it sounded very potent indeed. "I am concerned Hilde. It would seem I can't do much in the way of formulating strategy until I know more about your abilities. Does Hervor know any more? I do not mean to be rude but I have survived on my ability to analyze my enemies and allies. As of right now all I really know is that you are better suited for another class, your sword is very potent indeed, and your beauty is hard to match." The compliment was unnecessary, but it was part of her nature. She wormed her way into the thoughts and minds of everyone she talked to. Hilde's reaction to her inquiry and each bit of it would tell her much about the woman beyond the icy facade.
Reina recoiled slightly at the sight of the woman taking a bowing position before her. She reached out hesitantly, resting her hand on her shoulder. "I appreciate your expression of loyalty." She said quietly. She took a knee before her as well. "But I would not force you to walk my path." She closed her eyes and sighed quietly. "I summoned a partner and a friend. Not a servant." She looked the woman over briefly before rising to her feet again. "What about you? You must have your own reasons for wanting the grail. What do you intend to do if we succeed?" She asked. She could feel that Fei's grief was real and it pained her. The world was indeed a painful place one where heroes are meant only to die for a cause which will never come to be. Herver/Hilde Hilde sighed quietly. "Forgive me. I promise you, our skill with the blade is second to none." She honestly shuddered at the thought of Hervor having been a Berserker, which was probably the most fitting of classes for the rage-fueled warrior. She thought to herself for a few moments before sighing. "I will turn control over to Hervor. It seems best that you meet her. She is the servant summoned and she is better suited to the discussion of strategies." The Valkyrie fell silent, her blue eyes falling closed as she breathed slowly. When her eyes opened once more, there was a present arrogance in them. As well as a sign of startling intelligence. She blinked a couple of times before rising to her feet and looking around the room quietly. "Where..?" The voice was certainly a different one. One harsher than the last and filled with malicious intent. She closed her eyes in thought before what had occurred dawned on her. The strange room, furniture, the orbs of light that clung to the ceiling to illuminate the room, she had been summoned for the grail war. She turned to face the woman who was seated before her. "I am the great warrior Hervor." Her gaze hardened as her hand fell to the hilt of Tyrfing. "Identify yourself or feel Tyrfing's sting!" Her eyes showed intent, which matched eerily with the self-confident smirk that was painted aross her face.
Fei raised her head to meet Reina's eyes. So young, it was clear that the hardships of her life had strengthened her greatly, but she hadn't lost enough to realize how brutal things were going to get. This war was one waged by soldiers just like her, all with causes, most justified. Many youths without parents or childhoods, many young men and women with a dream of a better world and the will to take it. The first time she was forced to strike such a soldier down, dashing their dreams and hopes that she would feel the weight of her own fate. When it happened Fei would not laugh or say "I told you so", she would be there to catch the tears and cushion the fall.... "My reasons?" Fei stood back up, thinking hard. Her expression turned hard as stone and dark as night. For several moments she pondered, searching her soul for something worth fighting for.... "No idea!" She said with a laugh while brushing her nose with her thumb. "I've never really fought for anything for myself really!" Her staff shortened to the length of a walking cane and she leaned on it. "I suppose for now your goal will do....while we fight I can try and find a better one if it exists." Bella straightened in her seat as Hilde gave control over to her human half. Surprisingly enough there was no spectacle, one moment the Valkyrie was closing her eyes, the next they were open and beheld a very different gleam. The woman stood up suddenly, it hadn't occurred to Bella that Hervor would have no recollection of her summons, however in hindsight it should have been obvious. She stayed silent as the woman, who seemed a great deal less collected and much more emotionally driven than Hilde, took in her surroundings and made the proper connections. And showed not the slightest twitch or flinch when the woman turned on her, a brutal arrogance to her words and mannerisms. The threat she made was rather empty, Bella had no doubt the woman was an exceptional swordsman and could kill without blinking, however in only a few moments she gained enough to defeat her with ease. This was a woman with justifiable arrogance and a great deal of pride. People as such were among the most easy to manipulate in the world, indeed it seemed that Hervor would make a wonderful puppet while she was in control. "Calm your rage great warrior, I did not summon the most powerful hero of old simply to lose my chance at destroying the heavens before the war even starts." Each part was carefully chosen, condescension to fuel the woman's irritation, flattery to massage her ego, then a vague hint of intention to bait her interest. "If you would offer me your time....then I believe we have a very pressing mutual interest."
Reina Reina couldn't help but smile a little at how simple her new partner's mind seemed to work. Many might view such a passive take on events to be foolish, but Reina knew better. Their was a wisdom in such thinking and she envied it. "If you've nothing better to ask of the grail... You could request a second chance for life." She wasn't going to go through the hardest battles of her life beside an ally that would only be seperated from her by war's end. "A chance to live again, and explore a new world." Her suggestion was selfish in origin. She didn't want to lose a new friend. However, in it's roots, she meant well. Being trapped on the throne of heroes until a grail war presented itself could not have been an enjoyable experience. She shook her head before walking over to get a beer for herself, popping the top and sitting down wordlessly. She was sounding more and more stupid with every word, and it seemed easiest to stop talking if their was a bottle in her mouth. She took several deep gulps from the bottle before setting it down. A gasp for air being released as she pulled the bottle away. Hervor/Hilde Hervor's hand loosened from around Tyrfing's leather bound handle. Her gaze growing softer as she heard her words. She wanted heaven's destruction? Hervor's own rage feuled quest had begun with her loved ones and fellow clansmen being claimed by fate before their time. Her hatred for the divine was excessive. "Indeed we do." She said quietly. Her hand returning to her side, she took another cautious look around before taking a seat in front of the woman. "I take it then, that you are my master?" The word master was difficult to say for the warrior, and it left an unwanted taste in her mouth. Her eyes moved over her master's form. It was positively delicious. Perhaps the war would not be as boring as she had thought. "Speak then. I would hear what you have to say." Her voice and posture remained dominant as if attempting to express without words that she was not one to take a subservient role.
"That isn't a bad idea you know....definitely something to think on...." By the immortals Reina could be so cute! Without a second of hesitation she was offering so pleasant an option....pleasant indeed. A second life was definitely an enticing thought, there was so much she missed about living, friends, fighting, drinking, and loving. After watching the girl finally take a seat and anxiously down several gulps of her beer something pinched inside Fei's body. With a flick of her hand her staff spun off and embedded into the wall of the alley. Then she gracefully slid in beside Reina on her couch. "And what do you think I could do with my new life?" She was sitting sideways so she could watch the younger woman drink, her lips trembling slightly as she gasped for air between heavy draws. Fei reached out and brushed Reina's white hair over her ear. She had never been very good at seduction, it just seemed dishonest. She preferred honesty, whatever her feelings were they would either suffice....or they would not. "You have such pretty hair should grow it longer like mine..." It had taken a bit for her body to catch up, but it had been centuries since she'd partaken in sex. And now she was sitting her with so admirable and attractive a young woman that her body was growing hot. In life she was a sexually active woman, she enjoyed having it with multiple partners, but only if they were of sound body and an admirable mind, that was her rule and it served her well. She leaned in close enough to whisper in Reina's ear, her lips only an inch away. "I would enjoy watching your grow it....if we survive this...." Bella enjoyed the way Hervor's eyes danced over her figure, she enjoyed many vices, women were one of them, and the warriors own chilling beauty was more than enough to get her excited. On top of that, the warrior had given her yet another means of manipulating her, desire. She feigned a sigh of relief and swept her hair over her shoulders before speaking. "My name is Bella Jaice, and yes I summoned you. Though I do not seek some subservient puppet to fight my battles." She closed her eyes and placed her hand on her chest. "I seek a great warrior to be my vanguard against the heavens who's arrogance has left them unchecked for far to long." She opened her eyes again and stood up, moving closer to the woman. "I desire from the grail the power to burn heaven out of the skies and free mortals from their insufferable meddling." Bella knelt down in front of the woman and gently placed her hands on her right knee. "I have already met with Hilde....she is my ally for now but she will turn on us once we reach Valhalla." She lowered her gaze, gracefully employing her more dramatic side. "Great warrior, if your skill is any match for your beauty then I will need your blade in battle....will you help me?"
Reina Reina shived slightly at the contact, her blush growing in intensity slightly. She knew the touch to be affectionate and not hostile, which is all that stopped her from drawing her knife in reflex. "I never really thought about growing my hair out..." She admitted after a moment. "It would just get in my way." She shook her head quietly. Besides, it's not as though she had the means to take proper care of it. It would get tangled and messy and then it wouldn't look very good at all. Reina took another long drink off of the beer, her eyes growing disappointed when she realized that it was nearly empty. However, having had a full bottle so quickly, and having been such a small figure, it had circulated through her system with ease and she was certainly feeling more relaxed. "You could always stay with me. Well... That is if you wanted to." She turned to face the warrior, a weak smile on her face. Hervor/Hilde Hervor's eyes watched the woman's approach with both intigue. She enjoyed the way her master moved the way she spoke. In truth any assassin could probably kill Hervor by bating her with sexual attraction. Hervor smiled after a moment. "I would happily lend my blade to your cause. We do have a common enemy." She gave a quiet nod. "Entering heaven, I'm certain as two different spirits, me and Hilde will split. When that comes I will deal with her." She wasn't sure that on even footing if she could take on a Valkyrie or not, but she was certain she was willing to die trying. Her rage was insatiable. "I would very much so like to know you better, my master. Such information could... Benefit... Our cause greatly..."
Fei giggled at Reina's shyness. Not making fun of it of course, adoring it rather. As the girl nearly finished off her beer Fei could tell it was having an effect, her body was more relaxed, her posture just slightly more loose in a way only another woman could notice. And when Reina turned to her, her lips curled into a warm smile, Fei slid her hand onto her thigh. "Trust me....I think I want to...." She whispered before leaning into Reina, connecting their lips together. Fei's body was burning up at this point, Reina had ignited an inferno inside her and it was getting loose. It took everything she had to keep from smothering the young thing, as she didn't want to pressure her new master if this wasn't indeed what she wanted. I agree..." Too easy. Hervor was a fortunate development indeed. "But what would you like to know?" She said, feigning innocence. She was sure it would play into the warrior's dominant personality. Though at some point or another she would have to break that, given the circumstances she decided to play it safe and do it slowly, bit by bit. "I can tell you my abilities....I specialize in Hex and Transformation magic." As she spoke she gave a subtle squeeze and slid her hand an inch or so up from Hervor's thigh. "I am skilled at strategy and the dissection of strengths and weaknesses..." She bit her bottom lip seductively. "I can go into further detail....unless there was something more specific you wanted to know?"
Reina The contact was alien to Reina but not unwanted. Her eyes widened immediately, though slowly her eyes slid closed as her hesitant hands fell to the warrior's sides. She adjusted herself, so that she was laying back on the arm of the couch rather than sitting straight up, her back arching slightly, forcing their torso's together. The albino's hands moved to where the buckles for the warrior's breast plate resided and began pulling at the small belts. She pulled away from the woman's lips once she felt the buckles give. "W-wow..." Her speech was shaking and accompanied by heavy breaths. "You sure know how to make a girl feel special..." Reina said with a light chuckle to disguise her own uneasiness with the situation. Hervor/Hilde Hervor grinned as she watched the woman's hand move along her thigh. The woman was absolutely bewitching. She knew she wasn't as innocent as she was pretending to be, her advances suggested as much. Though as far as she knew, it was raw physical attraction drawing the mage to her. "I think you know what I want to know..." She said as her hand moved brush the woman's cheek. She was so soft... So young... Exactly the kind of woman Hervor enjoyed. Her eyes danced over the human's form, lust was a clear and easily manipulated weakness in the warrior. She could feel her own heat rising, as her gaze narrowed in displeasure at the modest sweater worn by the younger woman. Though the expression soon vanished. She'd have time enough to see beneath it. She just had to be patient, a thing she admittedly was not good at.
Fei let out a soft moan as Reina leaned back, she adjusted herself as well so she could lean over the girl. The soft hands of her master were like electricity against her hot skin, and as they danced their way over and undid the straps of her breastplate she leaned back. It felt good to let her heavy breasts free, all that was beneath her armor was a very basic Gi-like shirt made of the same red material her pants were made of. "I've had practice..." She responded to Reina's remark, trying to offer assurance to the inexperienced woman. Though she realized that may have sounded rather off the mark. "What I mean is....I enjoy this....but know that I only do it with those I truly care for or admire...." She lowered herself down, pressing their bodies together and adoring the heat. "And right now there is no one I'd rather be with...." Her right hand slid down and back to Reina's thigh where it massaged and kneaded her supple flesh. She softly kissed Reina again on the lips, then her chin, trailing light but passionate kisses past her jaw and down her neck. She continued to do so as her hand explored her new master thoroughly, moving up her side and underneath her shirt to cup the smaller woman's breast. Well then...perhaps my bedroom would be more appropriate for the discussion?" She stood up and took the warriors hand, leading her only a few paces away to her master bedchambers. She had retained the lavish, dark style it had always been kept in. Her bed was an old fashioned Victorian with several layers of violet silk curtains. The bed itself was big enough for five people, and covered in pillows of all fashions. She was allowing herself to slip quite comfortably into this role, as she was more than eager for the satisfaction as well as the leverage she would hold. It was a win/win scenario for her. Bella closed the doors behind them. "Well now....this is a much more suitable environment for" She said as she slowly walked past the warrior to her bed, putting ample switch in her hips as she moved. "From your expression earlier I take it you don't like my sweater?" She said innocently, then grabbed the bottom of the shirt and peeled it off. The lace bustier she had been wearing beneath now seemed very revealing, but in an enjoyable way. She approached the hero. "Do you want to touch me warrior?" She said, pressing her palm against her bust. "Do you want to know me? To taste me?" She pressed herself against the woman, the metal parts of her armor were like ice against her body.
Reina Reina moved the breast plate over, resting it against the side of the couch. No sooner had she set the breastplate aside, then she felt a hand slithering beneath her shirt and finding home at one of her bare breasts. The feeling of another's flesh against so sensitive region caused a small yelp of surprise to escape her lips. "Oh my..." She panted heavily, returning her gaze to Fei's form. Her eyes immediately fell to the loose fabric of the warrior's gi. A faint blush formed on her face, both from amazement and envy. Reina's bust was particularly petite, as if to match the rest of her small frame. This woman however, was very well endowed. She was extremely hesitant. She bit her lip, as if the action one somehow give her the resolve she wanted. Her hands moved to where the gi was tied and pulled at the sash. She was eager to see the bare breasts of the uniquely beautiful woman. Hervor/Hilde Hervor watched the woman walk her eager eyes following every movement she made. It was as though she knew every way to move to attract the lustful warrior. She approached slowly, a pleased grin finding her face as her hand was moved to rest on the younger woman's bust. Her hand tightened slightly, caressing the cloth covering and exposed flesh. Her eyes fell to the woman's frame. A delighted light shining in her eyes. "You couldn't imagine just how much." She said in response to her questions. Her free hand fell to the bare skin of the woman's waist. The feeling was truly electrifying for the warrior. Perhaps it was how long she had gone without sexual interaction or how petrifyingly bewitching Bella was, or possibly both. But the fact of the matter was, Hervor's desire was building to an undeniable level.
Fei smiled warmly at Reina's cuteness, her blush was positively delicious, and intoxicating. She leaned up, allowing Reina's hand easier access to her Gi, from that position her massive hair fell all around them, fanning out and spilling over the couch. She continued to massage her master's breasts, well aware of the drastic difference in size between them. But that was in fact a greater turn on for her, she'd always been attracted to petite women. As her sash fell away her breasts fell out of her Gi, spreading the light fabric easily with their weight. And with a smile she ran her hands to Reina's shirt, pulling it up and over her head, but playfully pausing while the top half of her face was still covered. Fei leaned down, laying her bare bust against Reina's bare chest and kissing her deeply. The heat was incredible between them, and her body was aching for more. Bella bit her lip as Hervor's hands touched her breast and moved to her waist. Her own hands deftly finding every strap and buckle that held the warriors ensemble together. Being as skilled as she was it took only a few seconds before she leaned back and slid the womans breastplate from her body. She then smiled devilishly and spun Hervor around before pushing her backwards onto her bead. Before the woman even settled, Bella was on top of her, straddling her hips. She ran her hands firmly up Hervor's tunic, even through the heavy cloth she could feel the impressive physique of her servant. "I do hope you will excuse me....sometimes my own....hunger gets the better of me..." She said wickedly, her hands trailing up to contour the other womans' neck and jawline. "I am curious....what would you like me to do to you warrior? What do you desire? Know that you have all my magic at your disposal...." She said whilst biting her lip and massaging Hervor's breasts through her tunic, gripping the mounds firmly with a devious smile on her face.
Reina writhed beneath the taller woman's frame. A small moan was muffled by Fei's lips as their breasts met. The contact was electrifying. Reina gently grinded against Fei to the best of her ability. Her hands falling to woman's sides as she enjoyed the taste of her lips. Gaining a brief sense of initiative, Reina's tongue parted her own lips and sought entry into Fei's mouth. As the kiss deepened, her hands slowly moved to the sash that held the warrior's baggy pants to her body. Her desire was rising like a burning fever. She could tell that it was having a profound effect on her. She was having difficulty thinking straight and her hands were beginning to shake as she tugged at the sash. Hervor growled in disapproval as she felt her back hit the bed. She looked up seeing that the woman had already straddled her frame. The servant easily would have had the strength to resist her forcefully taking control, but her desire had blinded her to the possibility. Regardless of the irritation she allowed the young woman to do as she pleased. As Bella's servant, she didn't really have much of an option. She groaned softly under the groping hands of her master. She found herself enjoying the other girl's dominance, not that she would ever admit it. "All of your magic? Why don't you surprise me... Master..." She spoke the last word with a hesitant disdain.
"Reina." As Reina tugged at her pants Fei realized she had to tell the girl now, lest she frighten her to much. She moved her hands to slow her masters fingers. "I do have something you should know of me." She raised herself up, one knee on the couch, and her other foot on the ground. She was quite hard now, in fact if it weren't for the sarashi bindings holding her in place, it would be quite noticeable. She undid the sash and slid her pants down. Then tore away her bindings. Her cock sprung up, throbbing powerfully all the way up it's ten inches. "I do not know....if this happens in this time. And I would understand if it changed your mind...." In her time it seemed a hit or miss. Some women were frightened by the concept. Some were actually aroused by it. Some were willing to give it a chance. She was born as such, so she made the best of it. "I...would be gentle...." She said. She was quite exposed and very vulnerable posed as such. Surprise you I shall..." She crossed her hands over her chest, arcs of violet danced over her body and with a sudden pulse Hervor's armor disappeared from her body. It quickly reappeared in a pile next to the bed. Now only the tunic and pants remained, those she wanted to remove by hand. But she wasn't done. She gentle unmounted the warrior and stepped backwards. Her skirt, bustier, and leg warmers the only clothing on her body. "My most powerful practice is Transformation magic. Magic I have learned to use to deadly effect as well as intense pleasure." She held one hand over her belly, and the other over her chest. Again violet danced around her. "Phallus Erecti Dominus!" She said with a commanding tone. She gasped as her flesh molded beneath her skirt, the transformation invisible to the warrior. In seconds a sizable phallus, nearly eleven inches in length sprouted from between her thighs. Then with haste, before the warriors eyes figured out her game she again joined her on the bed, this time pulling the warriors right hand to feel what now hung between her legs. "Have you ever been with a woman who can love you like a man?" She asked with a devious grin on her face.
Money, power, and of course purity of blood. Draco Malfoy had all three of these things and that was all that really mattered in the world, especially now that Potter was dead and any real resistance to the Dark Lord had been crushed when the order of the Phoenix had tried to make a desperate last stand. It had of course failed, sure a few Death Eaters had fallen but the moment Voldemort himself had decided to become involve the entire battle had been over. A few of the younger members of the order had fled while the older members bout what time they could but in the end it was all over and even now Greyback was leading parties to hunt down those who had escaped. Last Draco had heard Granger had been captured and now belonged to Snape as his personal slave... Draco on the other hand had been waiting for something else, while humiliating the Mud blood would have been fun there was a different slave that he had wanted for himself, a pure blood race traitor whose rights had been stripped from her the moment she and her family had tried to stand against the Dark Lord, ruler of the Wizarding world in England and soon the entire world. Draco had put out the word that when Ginny Weasly was captured she was to be brought straight to his new London flat, a hefty reward put on her head... not just his fathers money but his aunt Narcissa upon the death of Potter had gifted him with a large portion of the Black Family fortune, something Potter had apparently gotten when Sirius black had died. Money, power, and pure blood, Draco had all of these things and just a few minutes before hand he had received word that Ginny Weasly had just been captured and as instructed she had been brought to his flat, bound and gagged with her wand just out of her reach to tease her. Of course he hadn't been able to run off right away like he would have liked to, he had been leading a meeting of the newer Death Eater inductees, the children of pure bloods who had just realized the best possible thing to do was to join up with the new powers that be, as the son of one of the most prominent Death Eaters it was considered Draco's duty. The moment he had been able to he had closed the meeting a little early, blowing off Pansy's suggestion that they go grab a bite to eat by claiming that he had important business back home to deal with, a half truth indeed. A few others had been blown off by Draco, covering up how eager he was before he apperated home, appearing just in front of his door. He did not enter right away though, instead using his wand he created a full length mirror to examine himself with, wanting to have his appearance just right before showing himself to his new slave. Well tailored black suit, custom made black leather shoes, hair perfectly in place, yes everything was just how he wanted it. With a smirk on his face he opened the door, his shoes clicking on the marble floors as he made his way toward the bed room where she had been left for him. Ginny Weasly, so pleasant to have you stop by. He called out without even seeing her yet, already eager to start training her and breaking her in.
It was a true devastation with Harrys death but it did not stop her from fighting for what was right, regardless of the consequences. Her family would not suffer, for she would never allow it and shed always have hope, no matter how forever dark things seemed. There would be a way to still escape all this and rise above the darkness and officially defeat the Dark Lord. Her hope and faith as well as her strength would never wane. That was the instant it all happened. That was then. Now, so much had happened, horrible things. She had been separated from her family and was in hiding and only prayed that they were alright, but nothing could be hidden from the Dark Lord or his comrades. It was only a matter of time, and with the amount of hope she had left, it wouldnt be long before she too was found and disposed of. Her hope and faith had waned so strongly in such a short time but something still pushed her along. She knew of a world where there was once such happiness and peace. Perhaps that was her determination. Ginny did not want to give up on that. That unfortunate day, she was found and taken somewhere. It dazzled her because she expected to be killed on spot. Perhaps that was not enough for someone like her. Perhaps they were planning a slow and torturous death or something worse than death like to be tortured to insanity by the Cruciatus Curse. She had no idea but it was bone-shaking, to be perfectly honest. The Dark Lord and his comrades and regime were completely unpredictable. They were sly and possibly most likely to betray one another for their own gain; a true evil. By the time she had arrived at her destination of fate, she had been bound and gagged. Her clothes were tattered and raggedy after quite a struggle and fiery red hair was messy like no other. She was not looking her best but somehow that did not impair her features. There she was now; laying on a bed, still tied up and gagged, by no means in any specific sexual position or anything like that. Just sort of laying there on her side, too exhausted to try and make an escape. Her eyes soon laid uponDraco Malfoy. She could not believe it at all but there he was. Mm She tried to talk, forcing herself to sit up to more sternly and strongly eyeing him; trying to figure out what he was going to do, what he was planning and what he was thinking. The gag had loosened just a bit from her struggling and fidgeting and she managed to let the gag fall down below her chin and rest around her neck. What am I doing here? What areyoudoing here? What is this place?
Her questions made him smirk a little bit, she had no idea what was going on. Had she not heard of what was happening to the lovely young things who had defied the wishes of the Dark Lord? It was possible that while in hiding she had not heard about what had happened to Hermione or the Patil twins. Well it had been made quite public what had happened just to discourage others from thinking in the same way, Snape was quite fond of parading Granger about in public to show everyone just how much power he had over her and Draco was thinking that he might do things in very much the same way... show the world that Potter's former girl was now his like no one else could ever hope to possess her. Moving into the room he removed his jacket and tie, loosening up his collar a little bit, taking his time as he looked over both his new pet and his room. It was quite large, in fact the entire flat was larger inside then one would think possible just by looking at the outside of the building it was located in, the beauty of magic and money being put to good use. The bedroom itself was something he was quite proud of, unlike the entry hall which had floors of black marble the bedroom had thick green carpets, the furniture carved of thick Indian Blackwoodm the massive bed in the center of it all which she was laying on was covered in the blackest of silks. That especially pleased him, they had left her dressed for him to enjoy undressing her himself. Why do you think I had you brought here for Weasly? He asked with a chuckle as he began to roll his shoulders a little bit, his body feeling tight and he wanted to be quite limber for what was to come. As he set down his jacked he carefully drew his wand from inside of it, having left his own cane in the loft rather then take it with him. You are here because you weren't smart enough to see what was coming, as a pure blood you really would have been much better off then others. With his left hand he reached out to stroke the side of her face, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and silk hair against his hand. However you tried to fight against the inevitable and now you belong to me... stripped of any and all rights so that you are property. With his wand in his right hand he slowly began to use magic to burn a strip through the clothing she was wearing, pulling it apart behind the burn now that it was weakened greatly, revealing even more of her flesh to him and exciting him even further. I hope you understand now Weasly, you are nothing more then my little whore who will only live to serve my will... of course I am quite sure that you are going to try to fight me on this but believe me I will be more then happy to teach you one hell of a lesson if you don't submit like a good girl.
As her gaze stayed stuck on him, her mind was reeling with a way to try to escape. Though as he spoke, with both his demeanor and tone, it suddenly seemed inevitable and pointless. Her eyes soon widened when he explained exactly what she was there for. No She whispered, feeling this large lump in her throat suddenly, her eyes beginning to water. This was not what her fate was supposed to be but it was becoming real and real, with every step and movement he took closer to her. Not long, he was sitting right in front of her. Her face snapped in the opposite direction of his hand on her cheek, as if trying to push it off. Do nottouch me. Through gritted teeth she spoke, blinking back as many tears as she could, forbidding them to fall. She had strength. It would not fade. Regardless of what he would do. A striking pain leaked through and she let out a small cry, only to be followed by an almost scream as he ripped through her shirt, causing her to fall back on her side. His final testament, rang through her ears like a loud gong, reverberating through her soul. This was not acceptable, this could not be happening! No! You can go to hell Malfoy. Id die before I ever gave into you. She snapped. There was so much fear coursing through her, telling her to simply give in to save herself. She had too much pride for herself and too much respect for herself to ever allow that to happen. Whatever happens, she would not break. She had to believe that and had to keep telling herself that, for her own sake and for the sake and hope that her family was still alive out there. Ginny would get through this. There was so much strength in her, but at what point would it begin to wane? To be honest she was incredibly terrified of her current situation and it was such a temptation to give into the fear but she could not allow it. Especially not for Draco Malfoy. He was scum in her eyes and she was no ones property. Stop this. Please, how could you do be doing this? Its sick. She tried to squirm herself away from him, moving further up on the bed. It was a difficult task especially since she was tied up and tightly too.
So wonderful and beautiful, honestly she had been wasted on Potter and Draco should have made this move years ago. Even at Hogwarts he could have just taken her whenever he wanted and when he was done a little bit of magic to remove any memory that she might have of the experience. Now however he would be able to use and abuse her any way that he might like without having to remove her memories. With her shirt in hand he slowly raised it to his nose and inhaled deeply, enjoying her scent as she struggled to get away from him. It was more then a little bit amusing to watch her wiggle and writhe about on the bed in only her undergarments which he would soon be removing as well. I don't know Ginny, giving into me is so much better then the alternatives, my Father is apparently in the market for a slave and Snape has your mudblood friend. He wondered what that information would do to her as he raised his want and pointed it at her with a smirk. Accio Bra. He called out with a small sneer, the summoning spell pulling her covering from her breasts, revealing the perfect flesh to him, formed beautifully with those pert little nipples sitting dead center. Unable to contain himself Draco licked his lips a little bit before removing his own shirt, revealing his well toned body earned through hard work rather then just magic like some people did. Its a rather simple choice Ginny. Using her first name to mock her as he moved around the side of the bed, drawing ever closer to her. You can belong to me willingly and enjoy everything that is about to happen to you or you can try to fight me... experience a great deal more pain and in the end the result is the exact same only much more humiliating for you. Even if she gave herself in willingly though there would be pain and humiliation, after all with Potter gone he had to punish someone for the embarrassments he had suffered in the past. Reaching out suddenly, with the swiftness of a snake he grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward him, using his want to cut through the ropes that bound her tight. Submit to me or have the Malfoy crest tattooed into your back, though I think the red and green would go wonderfully with your hair I have no doubt it would cause a great deal of pain. Reaching out he squeezed her newly revealed breast, pulling hard on the soft flesh in order to get some sort of reaction from her, to hear some kind of yelp of pain, every noise that she made only made the bulge in the front of his pants grow even harder, uncomfortably tight and they would soon need to be removed so that bulge could be dealt with. Just say that you are mine Weasly, just beg me to spare you pain and it will all work out for the best.
As she was now seated at the very top of his bed, her eyes planted on him with the utmost hate ever possessed in them. Even if she was half naked, it didnt faze her because she was not going to let him prevail. Over her dead body Suddenly, it was like all life had almost drained from her when he mentioned Hermione being a slave to Professor Snape. The look on her face was that of pure horror to hear such a tragedy about a great friend, especially one who was well connected with her brother. The very thought made her wonder what happened to her brother and if he was alright. Then her mind drifted off to her family and wondering if they were even still alive. If anyone from the Order or anyone who simply resisted the Dark Lord was still alive. Just from that comment he made, so much doubt had filled into her and she did not know what to believe or what to do. The easy choice would be to give into him but she couldnt. Not ever. Her eyes soon and slowly filled with tears to which she refused to let them fall. Everything that was thinking was contributing to her self doubt and doubt on everything. Sniffling, she swallowed the big lump in her throat, as painful as it was and regained her composure only for her bra to be taken from her in the slightest second. Looking down at herself, she tried to maybe move her arms a little bit to cover herself but to no avail. She was bound tightly and unfortunately there was no moving or covering. Because of this, she couldnt bring herself to even look at him. Honestly, she felt embarrassed to be seen like this. She was not someones slave. She was a person. This was just horrible. A loud gasp came from her as she was no in front of him, lying on her back, still bound. The way she was laying was not a wonderful sight to behold for her and she tilted her head back to avoid looking at him. He could do what he wanted. Tease her, taunt her, whatever it is he willed. Anything but actually defiling her. That was something she would not allow and the moment he cut through the ropes, her arms were free. Now, she was not a sitting duck anymore. Even as he roughly grabbed her breast while she did let out soft cries of pain, she sat up slowly and looked at him with that same hate, the same hate that had been there from the beginning of all this. The same hate that was fueling her now weakening state of mind. If she could, she just may succeed. Her hand managed to push his that was so rudely and roughly kneading her breast and she tried to make a grab for his wand, biting his wrist and using her hand to grab his wand. When she did bit his wrist, she was biting as hard as she possibly could. She did not have very sharp teeth but with the force she was using to bite, she hoping to draw blood. Maybe if she drew enough of his blood it could weaken him. Then again, how well did he truly train himself?
While Draco had hoped that Ginny would be smart enough to just submit or perhaps so clever as to try to play along it now seemed that she was going to try to fight him. The moment he saw the hatred in her eyes he knew that she wasn't just going to give in to him like anyone with a brain would. The hatred in her eyes told him that she was going to fight him like a caged animal, that she would never give into him no matter how good of an idea it was. It was because of this look in her eyes that he knew she was going to try to do something. He was ready for it, whatever she had in mind he would be prepared and he would overcome her attempts to avoid what was coming. Still to see her fight quite like that was slightly unexpected, he thought that she might throw a blow at him or try to kick him in the groin but for her to bite his want hand and try to grab it from him. This was unexpected but nothing he couldn't deal with, a growl left his throat because of the pain but that was the only sign that he gave of how much her teeth digging into his flesh hurt. Reaching out he gripped the sides of her jaw, his strong hand squeezing tightly to try to force her jaw open a little so he could get free. Then the moment he felt the pressure abate just a little bit Draco pulled his wrist free of her mouth, feeling skin being scraped away and a little bit of moisture that could only be blood oozing from the torn flesh. Before she could get her teeth into him again Dominic pushed her away and took a step back to get some distance while he examined his wrist. The bite wasn't overly deep and the bleeding wasn't terrible but it was still something that irked him greatly, how dare she do that to her new master. Oh you stupid little bitch, you will suffer for that. He warned her, a sneer still on his lips but anger flashing in his eyes, his wand now aimed right at her. This was something that he would rather not have had to do in order to teach her a lesson but since it came to this it was time to use one of the formerly forbidden spells. Crucio. Just casting the curse made his wrist feel better and he kept his wand trained on her, enjoying the pain that he was inflicting. It was hardly the first time he had ever used this curse but never before had it felt so good to use it on someone else, Draco had never realized it before but now it was quite clear to him that he was indeed a sadist. With his wand still on her he stepped closer until he was able to reach out and grab her, only then did he lower his wand and with a hand tangled in her hair he pulled her into a powerful kiss, his teeth catching her lips as the curse came to an end. You shouldn't have fought me. He whispered against her lips. Every time you try to strike me I will use that same curse on you.
Ginny breathed fast as she kept her teeth latching into his skin, determined to bite hard enough to maybe make him drop his wand or let go of it even the slightest. However, his grip on her jaw was maddening. It was worse than her biting him to be honest and she couldnt stay biting his wrist for too long. When her bite on him loosened, she let out a small groan when he managed to tear his wrist away. Panting lightly, she spat out anything that may have acquired into her mouth and she wiped it and looked at him, that same hateful glare resonating in her eyes. Looking at him, she looked as if she was about to pounce and attack him for calling her that but before she could, she was struck back and a violent electric pain coursed through her, causing her to scream out in pain. Tears came to her eyes instantly and she couldnt hold back for the pain was far too excruciating to handle. To think, Nevilles own parents allowed themselves to be cursed like this until they went mad. She couldnt bare it but she wouldnt let it diminish her or break her. No, she wasnt that weak. Disgusted and repulsed as his lips hit hers, she whimpered, hitting him shakily as the curse subsided, leaving her feeling so numb, that lingering feeling of pain still resonating through her. Panting slightly, she winced and looked at him, swallowing hard. I dont careif you kill me, but I will never submit to you. Id rather die a thousand deaths before I ever let myself be pillaged and defiled by you. She spat, literally spitting in his face afterwards.
Draco was well aware of what had happened to Longbottom's parents, of course aunt Bellatrix had been happy to tell him and had of course in fact been quite explicit on the details, how long it had taken too break the two, the state they had been left in. Draco however didn't want her so broken as to no longer have a single thought inside of her head. Breaking her would be necessary but to just use Crucio over and over again on her to punish her would only ruin her. This was quite annoying, Draco wanted to have her willing to serve him, not drooling into a bowel of mashed potatoes when he tried to present her to his fellow Death Eaters as a properly behaving young woman, a pure blood who had now seen the error of her ways and realized that she had backed the wrong god damn horse. These things had been distracting him during the kiss, something he should have just been enjoying but instead his mind had been quite preoccupied and when she spat on him he was pulled from his thoughts. It landed on the right side of his face, just below his eyes and began to slowly drip down before he wiped it away with the back of his hand. The same hand raised right away, ready to strike a blow against her before he calmed himself, instead lowering the same hand to squeeze her throat. You really are a brave one aren't you, maybe that is what Potter saw in you. That however gave him a quick idea about how to torment her, perhaps this will be a way to bring her down to a more humble sort of level. You really should behave yourself Ginny. He mocked her with a smile. If you thought that my curse was the worse I could do you are very wrong. Letting go of her with a laugh he stood and walked toward a small cabinet that he had sitting on a table next to the bed, opening it up to reveal several small vials, each of them filled with silver liquid, memories for a Pensive. You know I was there when Potter died, saw him tortured till he broke and then he was killed... I can force you to watch it over and over again if I would like to. That perhaps might get her to behave, the thought of watching the Boy Who Lived fail over and over again, a torture for her mind rather then just using a curse to inflict pain upon her body. Picking up one particular memory and from inside of the cabinet a small stone basin he moved back toward her, sitting the basin on another table beside the bed and emptying the vial into it, watching it swirl like something alive. Go on Weasly, I will make it simple for you... you can either use your hand to pleasure me or I can force you to watch Potter die again and again... and when they finally track down your brothers, or your parents I can do the very same.
Looking at him with a such a fuming desire to claw at his face and rip it apart like a crazy raged rabid animal, her eyes watched as his hand raised, as if preparing to beat her down hardas if the strike of the Cruciatus curse wasnt enough but only to grab her throat. She let out a strained breath and looked at him, trying to swallow, trying to breathe, anything to remain alive. Her eyes resonated with a look of the most torturous fear, not as badly as being inflicted with that curse but enough to show fear of dying, just like this. In her mind, it was the worst way to die because then it would be for no purpose but to simply dispose of her for being completely useless. She would not let that become her fate, no matter how difficult it was becoming to resist. Not because she actually wanted to do anything with him other than murder him with her own bare hands, but because it was becoming that much harder to keep any faith whatsoever because he truly was beating down on her. Shed hate to admit, but the abuse was already taking a toll on her. Once he finally released her, she slumped back down onto the bed, nearly crouching down, her hand pressing lightly to her throat, gasping and coughing as all the air and circulation regained through her system. Panting, she looked at him and swallowed hard, finding her heart feeling like it had just been squeezed when he mentioned Harry and his death. Moving off of the bed, she stood and she slowly walked over to the basin where he poured that memory. Something was telling her to watch it, all to just see Harry again but she remembered how he died. She couldnt bare it because just hearing about it was enough to crush her. How she had any faith or hope left was a true wonder. Looking at him, she managed to strike him in the cheek, something that may have been proven badly nostalgic when even Hermione struck him once. It wasnt much of a punch, just fist collision to his cheek but it made her feel strong. Only for a moment because she was now expecting something for the worse Perhaps stupid to even do but it was her rage that confined into one pitting outburst and the punch was a result of it. She had to. Regardless of what was to come next. Especially after this. Youre a coward. She spoke harshly, looking down on him You think that this abuse makes you anything godly or more of a superbly refined wizard? No. it just makes you pathetic and downright shameful to think you have to resort to this to get your way. I rue the day when you fall and I can watch the life drain out of you ever so slowly and painfully, just as you hoped onto others. And that day will come quick, for I promise you that and only that. She snapped. After her words were spoken and resonated in the air, she swallowed hard and stepped back from him. Perhaps it was time to stay quiet and do his bidding, but she couldnt. She respected herself too much to do that. Yet why was it that she could feel her strength and her hope waning just in a quick snap?
He had thought that the threat of showing her the death of Potter would earn some kind of better behavior from her, especially considering that he could literally drag her into the event and force her to see it all first hand. Those weren't the only memories that he had though, Snape had distributed memories of what he was doing to Granger to other Death Eaters for their enjoyment. Perhaps he could drag Ginny into the first time that Snape had raped her friend. That thought was gone from his head the moment that her first connected with his jaw, how dare she strike him, even if he wasn't her owner to have struck him was something rather foolish indeed and he would have taken a great deal of time to make her pay for it. It didn't particularly hurt unless you counted his pride, bringing back the memory of how Granger had once struck him in a similar manner, though much more harshly at the time. As she berated him and then carefully moved back away from him Draco advanced on her, drawing ever closer to her and reaching out, gripping her throat again and then his other hand grabbing her panties and pulling them down. He had wanted to play nice with her and give her a chance to submit but it seemed like that wouldn't be happening, perhaps once he fucked her she would learn her proper place, breaking her with his cock rather then with any spells or magic. Perhaps it was better this way, the old fashioned way to show her who was in charge instead of doing as Snape did and drugging his slave until she was driven wild with lust and practically begged to be fucked. Soon enough she would learn how a proper slave should behave before her Pure Blood better. You should have submitted when you had a chance. He warned her as he pushed her toward the bed, forcing her with his greater strength to bend over and put her in the perfect position for him to take advantage of. With the hand on the back of her neck he held her down while his other hand having lowered her panties went to unzip his pants and free his cock, large and hard, practically dripping precum after being erect for so long. Taking no time at all he positioned himself to enter her, slowly pushing forward and groaning as he felt his body brushing against hers, honestly he didn't care if she was dry or if she would be in a great deal of pain, he wanted to hurt her, wanted to make her suffer.
Of course Ginny knew the consequences for both striking him and berating him. Still, it hadnt stopped her from doing so but she did fear the worst. The worst was being tortured probably to insanity, the kind of insanity where shed crave for him to give it to her on a regular basis, being addicted to him. However, it seemed unlikely given his current manner. When he stripped her of her panties, she let out a small whine; trying to push him back but found it difficult to do for soon she was now bent over the bed. With the force and strength of his hand against her neck to keep her down, there wasnt much for her to do, much ability to fight back or make this an even bigger struggle than before. Knowing what was to come was like having a monster constantly creep over her, menacingly whispering what was going to happen over and over until eventually the fear consumed her and all that was left was a broken girl, submitting to anything that would then drive out the remaining emotion that was left, all until she was this completely different person with only one meaning to life; a sex slave. It seemed that that new fate was hovering over her most literally and realistically. There would be no hope. This was something shed have to accept and as much as she tried to stray from it, she found it incredibly difficult, especially with his latest advancement into her. Her hands gripped the bed sheets tightly and a small cry of pain emitted from her lips. Had the battle been won, Ginny knew that after her education, it would have been Harry and her forever; married and on to accomplish their dreams and hopes. Every ounce of that slowly diminished from her as Draco took her completely. Tears came to her eyes and as her head rested forcefully on the bed, forced to succumb to his vile treatment and plan, they finally rolled down her cheeks. The pain surrounding her just from entrance was painfully and slowly whipping her dreams and hopes away. The slave that Draco had longed for was being created and there was no change of that, no hope away from it. This was it and she was beginning to accept that. Just like that, a person could easily break, whether they were Muggle, Half-blood, or Pure-blood. For so long, her hope had lived on and only now, when she was coming to the end of the tunnel where no light awaited her, it was gone.
Draco groaned at the pleasure her body was giving him, wrapped so tight around him, squeezing him like nothing else, the only thing lacking was the wonderful moisture that would ease his passage but in time she would learn how to properly grow wet for her master if she wanted to avoid further pain. He could see the tears rolling down her cheek and that only made him push further into her faster, any resistance practically ignored as he forced his way deep inside of her, not stopping until he felt his hips rest against that pert little ass of hers. Leaning down he ran his tongue up over the trail that the tears left upon her fact to help enhance her humiliation. Were you saving yourself Weasly, hoping that Potter might be the person to take your virginity? A pity that Potter was dead, Draco would have very much enjoyed showing him the memory of this event. A curse might hurt the body but something like this would be something that couldn't be recovered from. After a bit he recovered, resting against her before he started to move quickly, not giving her any time at all to adjust or grow comfortable with him. Everything that he did was completely devoted to his own pleasure, nothing at all cared for hers, even when he used his want to add the slightest amount of lubricant to his cock it was only to let him fuck her harder and faster. You like it though don't you, you need someone strong enough to take what he wants, someone who won't put up with any attitude or rebellion from you.
As she felt him push deeper into her, a somewhat louder cry of pain escaped from her feeling him push through her hymen like it was nothing. The very pain coursed through her body in this unbearable and uncomfortable feeling, her grip on the sheets tightening as more tears cascaded down her cheeks, staining the sheets as they made contact. Sniffling, she felt his tongue touch her cheeks, as if they were laughing at her and her tears, like he found some sick pleasure in her torment and pain.Sadistic bastard, she thought. Though the moment he called her out on saving herself, she felt nothing but the shrewd and dark cloud of embarrassment swarm over her, taking part in her breaking and breaking in. It made all the more unbearable. Oh if Harry were only alive... Not even giving her a chance to grow the least accustomed to his length and girth into her, she let out loud cries of pain, whining, her teeth biting her lip so hard she could have drawn blood. Her hands gripped the sheets even harder, as if her nails could penetrate through the cloth and pierce her own hands and flesh, she trying so hard to resist and not fall prey to his influence. "Y-You're not strong!" She cried. "You're a c-coward!" Speaking the very words, there was almost no emotion or malice towards them as if there was none left in her. As if she no longer had the will to stand up to him because it became all the more difficult to resist him and simply give in, becoming what he wanted her to become. She wanted to keep trying to resist but it seemed futile. This was it. The end for who she was and the beginning of her future as his pet.
With the extra lubrication Draco found it easier to move in her then ever before and the mild discomfort that had come from her dryness was immediately gone. Now he was moving faster and fucking her harder, his body smacking against hers with every thrust as he leaned down, reaching beneath her body to maul her breasts with her hands, no longer seeing a need to hold her down by her neck when the entire weight of his body would do the job nicely. His fingers found her nipples, pinching them tightly and twisting in order to increase the pain for her, wanting to break her down as swiftly as possible. You chose this pain Weasly. He told her before biting her neck lightly, teasing her by being gentle with that rather then biting hard enough to draw blood, this one action at odds with the rest of what he did. Had you offered yourself to me I would have ensured that you enjoyed yourself. He was mocking her now, even if she had submitted there would have been a great deal of pain for her but in the end through magic or his own abilities he would have ensured a orgasm that would have left her unable to move or speak for hours to come. As it stood she didn't deserve such pleasure and perhaps in time he would reward her with it... but for now his own release was rapidly approaching. With a growl he redoubled his movements, thrusting harder and faster then ever before as his hands on her tits helped to pull her against him to help meet his movements. How would Harry feel if he knew that you might one day carry my child? He asked with a chuckle before twisting his head to capture her lips in a deep passionate kiss, his teeth catching her lips before his tongue thrust deep into her mouth. As he did this he thrust into her one last time before erupting deep inside of her, his breathing heavy and his body near exhausted after such a powerful release that filled her with an immense amount of cum. As he broke the kiss he remained inside of her for a few moments before giving her ass a quick smack as he pulled out, spilling the cum and blood of their intercourse to the floor as it leaked from her. If you wish to be spared this pain again you will not ever try to fight me. He warned her with a small sigh, sounding almost disappointed in his pet. I can use any number of potions to restore your virginity and take it from you over and over again or I can use different potions to make you enjoy every single touch that comes from me. His wand was soon retrieved from the floor where he had let it fall, a simple wave and murdered spell causing a rope to bind her wrist to the bed post, making it impossible for her to move more then a few feet from the bed and then just out of that reach his wand was set down upon his dresser. I suggest you get some sleep though. He warned as he stripped from the rest of his clothing, climbing onto the bed and making himself comfortable.
It hurt a little less with the extra lubrication he provided but nonetheless, it was like her body was being ripped apart and she wanted nothing more than for it to stop. It hurt so much and the fact he wasnt being gentle as it was her first time, only accounted more for the pain. As he thrust into her and allowed his hands to grope her everywhere, more tears came from her eyes, as well as cries of pain emitting from her lips; this was not how she wanted her virginity to be taken. She wanted to give it away, not for it to be forcefully taken. The tears that flowed down her stained cheeks were a reminder of that. She knew, she could have simply given into him and let him take her willingly. With her pride and who she was, it wouldnt have gone down that way at all and therefore, it had to be like this. There would be no orgasm for her, but through it all, her guard had broken, her resolve had weakened and her body was falling prey to his actions, finding some kind of surprising pleasure in it all. His words mocked her, taunted her, even embarrassed her. For what reason? He had made it clear that she was his now, and even her body was responding to that now, agreeing with him. Her mind would come around to it, no doubt at all. Her cries turned into minor moans, though still so loud in volume. There wasnt a pleasurable feeling behind her moans but something that was coming from her as a reaction from his rough pounding and fondling. Her eyes nearly shut so tight when his lips crushed onto hers in what was a lustful kiss, she barely kissing back. It was like she was forcing herself not to, trying to keep up with the fake guard and resolve but it was no use. She had been broken, and there was no point in denying it. For when he finally came, a loud moan came from her, and her body went like-limp on the bed, she panting incredibly hard. Ginnys body felt numb. Like she couldnt feel a thing physically or emotionally. He got what he wanted. She wanted to know what itd be like to really feel the pleasure. Her mind was so curious now that it had finally snapped out of that fake loony dream of being free and filled with hope. No, she was filled with his cum, filled with the longing and yearning for pleasure; to please him and to be pleased in return for good behavior. As it all ended, her mind played it all back, feeling like it was a nightmare. It was no such thing. It was the real deal, such a morbid life now. But perhaps one rape was all it took for her to break. To break and ready to become what he wanted; a sex slave. She had no care or desire to be anything else, to learn what he wanted her to be. He was her master and she would please him. While her wrist was tied to the bed post, she lay down on her side, not feeling an ounce of pain from any movement and looked at him, her tired and dried eyes blinking lightly. Forgive me. I promise to do better next time. Looking up at him, her head rested on the pillow, her free hand touching his hand gently before her eyes closed and the exhaustion consumed her. She was his now. Ginny was broken. What was next?
Draco hadn't expected this, the moans seemed so out of place considering the force that he had used to on her but he was hardly disappointed. There were two possibilities, she had either faked her enjoyment of the act or she was broken so easily. The first would be quite alright with him, faking it wouldn't work out for her in the end because Draco would bring the lie into reality. All though the alternate seemed just as likely, with everything that was going on in the world it was no stretch of the imagination to believe that her rape had been the final straw needed to break the camels back, with the whole world falling apart around her where else could she turn except into the embrace of the one man who might be able to protect her from danger. As he lay in bed he looked very closely at her, it was like a dream come true to have Ginny as his. Even before The Dark Lord had risen Draco had wanted to possess her, and it wasn't just because he wanted to take something from Potter, she was beautiful and pure blooded if a little bit misguided and her family lacking, more then once he had wanted to take her and show her how much better life as a Pure Blood could be if she would just embrace it. He wouldn't have called what he felt toward her love but there was no doubt that it was a deep infatuation with Weasly, a desire to possess and show her the truth and now he had that chance. I suggest you do better next time other wise you will be in a great deal of trouble. He warned as he took her hand and gently pressed his lips to her knuckles, showing her tenderness before moving closer to her, pulling her body tight against his as he rested, the feel of her flesh rather soothing against his own body. It didn't take all that long for him to fall asleep, a few minutes and he was out experiencing the most soothing and restful night of sleep in years. However all good things had to come to and end and after a restful eight hours his alarm softly chimed, waking him gently to the sight of his possibly broken slave who lay in the bed with him, close to him. It seemed as though she were still sleeping though and that just wouldn't do, a proper slave would wake up before her master and make sure that he was greeted with pleasure the moment his eyes opened. With a growl he reached out and wrapped his hands in her hair, roughly tugging her closer to him. You might thing that simply behaving yourself will be enough. He growled as her eyes began to flutter open. But this is hardly the truth... I don't know if you really broke yesterday or if it was some foolish attempt of yours to fool me but today the real work begins... today I train you to be a proper Pure Blood in public but my personal fuck toy in private... now get to work and wrap your lips around my cock.
The sweet tenderness she had expected for maybe the slight moment was more than enough. Enough to make her want to see it again and all she had to do was please him and everything would be fine. She could live this life and not fear it; learn to accept that this was her destiny. Harry wasn't coming back. No one was going to rescue her. The closest thing she had to protection was Draco and his wicked and sadistic sense of showing it. In these times, it was more than enough, especially to experience such a sweet and tender moment. That's all she needed. All she wanted and as he soon relaxed back for a full night's sleep, so did she. Her body did remain number, but it was perfect to be able to lull her to sleep, her body staying comfortably close to his, until the next morning came, with a gentle chirp of an alarm. It was honestly a far more pleasant sleep than she expected and had after a long time. Not by much but enough to make her actually sleep. While asleep, she didn't have to worry about being discovered and killed. She could actually sleep. No more waking up in the middle of the night for the fear or insecurity of someone finally finding her or getting her. It was all so beautiful and restful, a dreamless sleep--thankfully too. It was all wonderful until she felt her hair being so roughly grabbed, causing her to wake so quickly from her sleep. As her eyes fluttered open, she let out a deep exhale, mostly of tiredness and swallowed hard, nodding. "Y-Yes. Forgive me." She had no idea that she was to wake before him, that he'd required such an extraneous task of a morning blow job; none of this she knew at all and it embarrassed her; he made her feel so embarrassed that now it was like she lived to prove him wrong. Make him believe she was a rightful Pure Blood in public and his amazingly personal fuck toy in private. He'd know, and he'd learn. Moving to sit up, she let him lay back as she tried to move. Her wrist was still bound to the bed rail so she managed to alter his positioning and her sitting and moved her hand around his cock, stroking him; she was neither gentle nor rough but the perfect amount. Her mouth moved down on him, her tongue coming out to run along his length in a very smooth and sensual way, buttering them both up before she took him into her mouth completely now, her tongue rubbing along and around his underside. Her moved on him in this most comfortable pace, already going fast for him, her mouth so nice and tight around his length, all the while her hand stroked him.
No sign of aggression or resistance in her eyes when she woke up. Draco smiled to see how she immediately asked for forgiveness and then got right to work pleasing him how she was supposed to. His cock which had already been standing at half mast at the sight of her in bed with him grew hard right away as her tongue began to move over his member, taking him into her mouth. She had been a virgin before but Draco had to wonder if she had practiced this on someone else before, had Potter perhaps enjoyed the feeling of these lips around his own cock before his death or some other boy from the Gryphindor House. With a growl he took the back of her head and forced her to swallow the entire length of his cock before pulling her off of him, the thought of her sucking off Potter had really killed his sex drive. Enough for now pet, I think that it is about time that I got a little bit cleaned up. She had at least gotten the cum and other dried fluids from his cock but he knew he smelled of sex and sweat from the night before. Reaching out he took the rope that held her in place and quickly untied it, the rope responding to his touch where hers wouldn't have been able to loosen the knots at all. With her arm free Draco crawled out of bed and began to stretch a little bit as he stood naked before her. Get out of the bed and on your hands and knees, my pet hasn't earned the right to walk just yet. Right now he was going to be exceptionally cruel to her, take away what might be considered basic rights to some in order to push her, to see if she had been truly broken, Now get moving, we need to get to the bathroom so that you can clean me. Perhaps later he could have her clean him with only her tongue but now a bath would do perfectly. Without even turning to look at her he made his way from the room, grabbing his wand on the way out. The apartment always looked wonderful to him as the sun was first came through the windows, however he didn't take any time to admire the view as he crossed the hall into his bathing chamber, that room alone taking up as much space as the rest of the apartment would have it it weren't so heavily enchanted. It was mostly done in black and white marble, tiles off set in a pleasing pattern, leading to the center was a massive bathing pool, large enough to swim in dominated the room, faucets along the far side of it and a shower head above to allow for more relaxation. With the wave of his wand one of the faucets turned on and as he climbed in the pool began to fill with hot water. Hurry up. He called. You have work to do.
When suddenly she was pulled off of him, his mood seemed to have shattered and she frowned. "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry...I thought it'd be easier than I thought it'd be but I guess I need to practice." She spoke quietly, swallowing hard, ignoring the taste from his cock. She hadn't ever sucked anyone off before, not even Harry. Nothing like that at all. She simply snogged in the past. So why he seemed so angry, she didn't understand but perhaps it was something she had done. It had to be. But it's not like she would let that ruin her or stop her. Ginny had to please him, had to make him feel good, had to make sure that repeats of last night did not occur. Happily, she would be his to play with and it would always be willingly; she wanted to know how it felt to be pleased, to be rewarded for pleasing him. Looking at him, once she was free, she didn't make a run for it or his wand or anything. She did as he said and moved onto the ground, on her hands and knees, her eyes looking up at him again. As she moved, she ignored any pain that may have been in her body and forced herself to move as fast as she could. Her hair moved out of place and covered one shoulder, some locks of hair coming in her face just a little bit though not in an unsettling and unattractive way but in kind of a sexual way, all on accident. As she ventured towards where he was, Ginny took a moment to check out the place, check out her surroundings. In the daylight, the place looked so pretty and not so horrifying, compared to last night but then again, she wasn't the same person. Now, she was what he wanted and that was all that mattered. Upon hearing his voice, she moved quicker until she came to the pool that he was sitting in. "A pool?" She asked, raising a brow but seeing the structure of it and the kind of water going into it, it looked more like a bath than anything else. Biting her lower lip she sat up on her knees and looked at him. "Would you like me to get inside or stay out to wash you?" She figured that's what he meant.
It was that time again. Recruits had to be tested to see if they were worthy of joining the illustrious Blue Suns group that controlled much of the Skyllian Verge. The conscription this time had mainly humans and batarians as was usual along with a few salarians, turians, and even one krogan. Each one was dressed in uniform recruit suits that provided a better amount of armor than normal clothing but not by much. One of the humans was a dark skinned, dark haired man who stood considerably shorter than the Krogan and a few of the others. Sadly it was a symptom of his upbringing not allowing him the proper nutrition to reach his best eligible height. He didn't even look all that imposing with his shotgun on his leg and heavy pistol on his thigh. That was what helped him so often in the field. It was what would help him right now as well. A Blue Suns member was watching from above and this training area had many cameras set about. The place was over a mile long and had many obstacles to hide behind and grant tactical advantage to the recruits. A signal was given and the recruits began to run into the long training area so as to get to the best hiding spots for when the training (and culling) actually began. Given ten minutes to get into position the bell was rung and the competition begun. Jaidev was pretty lucky, all things considered. His first opponent was taken out with a shot to the head, the ammo they were given popping against the side of the man's head and splattering into a blue spot. This caused the man's weapons and armor to deactivate and showed who shot him and at what time. With his Vanguard training in full effect Jaidev didn't stay hidden long. A few bursts of his shockwave ability sent several people who were in hiding flying, allowing him to pop off a couple of shots onto them before they fell. Once he spied a group of people who had conspired to work together he placed the Carnifex Hand Cannon to his side and brought up his shotgun. A Charge into their ranks sent a few sprawling and those who were still surprised got shotgun marks in the face and chest before Jaidev used his Charge ability to gain better ground. The fighting was intense and brutal but ended with three people who were not injured at all during the fight and seven who had been injured non-life threateningly. Finally Jaidev was brought to the forefront of the recruits along with a female Turian and another male batarian. They stood in front of the seven who had been injured, which in turn were followed by the hierarchy of who had survived the longest in the training. The Blue Suns wouldn't turn down capable cannon fodder, at least. The Indian human looked grim and determined instead of arrogant or full of himself. He just hoped whoever was going to grade them was pleased with the results.
Andros, a rather high ranked commander within the Blue Suns, watched the recruits with full intent from above. The only recruits that really caught his eye were the krogan and the turians. He might've been a little more interested in any of the humans if his expectation for them was an average of being a meatshield and habing a shot no straighter than a circle. Andros peered over the balcony where he watched from above with a few other officers, all lower ranked; a batarian, two salarian engineers, and surprisingly, a human. Though all Andros really wanted to do at the moment is turn around, grab the human, and chuck him off the balcony; he kept his focus upon the recruits. Andros smirked, expecting everyone to be pretty much mowed down by the krogan during this little... audition, though the word was a little cliche for this. Andros heard the bell rang and leaned up against the railing, only him in the balcony now. The rest of the officers had just been here to make sure no one had anything to break the rules of thisaudition. Now that Andros was the only one left, he could fully focus upon the recruits. You could say the turian was absolutely stunned.A human?!Down on the mock battlefield, there was a human vanguard that was absolutely hauling ass. Of course, there was also a female turian sniping all who got close from behind her cover, and a male batarian who was using his fully automatic weapons to steal cover after cover... but his eyes were riveted upon the human. He was the smallest and scrawniest of the humans that he had expected to absolutely fail... yet there was the end, and him, the female turian. and male batarian stood un harmed. Too lazy to take stairs, Andros leaped off the balcony, his armor taking the fall damage. The shields recharged as he walked towards the recruits, no helmet on. He stopped about fifteen feet away. They had started with 100 recruits. "If you were shot within the first 60 men, leave now! You are of no use to the Blue Suns." 60 batarians, turians, and humans alll grumbled and left. That left 30 men who had been shot, 7 who had been injured but not killed (including the krogan), and the top three. "Everypme except you three, go find an officer at the door to get your bunk assignments. Congratulations, your in." There were various cheers and a roar from the 37 men who left for their bunks. ( "I am very impressed," he said. A grin spread across his face. "You three manages to come out on top. I expected that of you," he said to the turian female, shaking her hand. He moved onto the batarian. "You did stellar. I knew you could." The batarian and turian left, leaving just Andros and the Indian human. "But you? I thought you would fail miserably. Your too small, too scrawny. Yet... you kicked and hauled ass out there. You make me proud."
Jaidev didn't give any indication of taking insult from his new commander for the assumption. Most people would not look at the Indian man and assume vanguard material, which often worked in his favor. "I hope I have at least shown that I will work well in the Suns, sir. I believe my abilities will benefit whatever team I eventually get to work on." Looking at the Turian Jaidev gave a bit of a confused glance as they began to walk, "Excuse any sounding impertinence or stupidity, but I was under the impression that the Blue Suns was mainly Batarians and Humans in the leadership rank. I am surprised to see a Turian in such a high rank. Was it very tough to get to where you are, sir?" His voice sounded old in the way that spoke of seeing too much in too short a time. A kind of voice that usually only Salarians, Humans, and the occasional genius Vorcha ever showed. Asari and Krogan either were sheltered or were used to seeing things that were difficult. Jaidev would listen to whatever his superior deigned to tell him, weathering any insults or questions about his capabilities with a stoicism bordering on a mystic's level. Nothing seemed to phase him, or he had a great stone face. He began to idly replace the painted, marked ammunition that had been packed into clips for the training exercise and replacing them with actual bullets and shells to keep him prepared for any violence that might just break out on Omega. Anything could happen upon the neon-ridden hell-utopia they were all heading back to. Eventually the brown skinned human would thank his superior for whatever knowledge he was given, even if it had been riddled with racism that was very common between the species in space. "I think I need to relax after this. Once I get back to Omega I'll head to some bar or another. And let that asshole Volus know I am going to be moving out of her piss poor excuse for a hotel. I swear the rats could kill a Vorcha." With a surprising flourish, Jaidev gave a smile before getting on the ship to take the successful top recruits back to Omega, not relishing the fate of what he knew was the collection of cannon fodder troops that had been left selected. He could smell the fate on them: the pungent smell of laser burnt flesh, the dismal ozone of a biotic ravaged scene mixed with fear and shock from those who are ripped asunder by the very forces he wielded, emotions of anger, regret, repentance, hate, and release left after a particularly strong battle, and most of all the way it all blended together in some sort of synaesthetic maelstrom. He was silent on the way back, listening to the praise and rigmarole that was the bread and butter of the recruitment phase. Every mercenary group had one. Sure, it was like food: every culture had it's own way of preparing and serving them. But it all boiled down to such similar concepts. Having been a part of-or a thorn in the side of-so many in his short years gave him a good view on this. He even checked everything off as it went on: You are good, but this is just the beginning? Check. You will be pushed harder than you ever have before. Check. We are not like (insert our biggest competitor(s)) in this. Check. It was reassuring. After they got to Omega he got off the ship only to be followed by the Krogan. He got close to an exit before being turned around by the big man. Taking in the scene he looked around and saw what was going on. Machismo. There was that Turian superior and a few of the Batarian higher ups. No human higher ups, which meant he was the best looking target to get revenge on. Of course. "I don't know how you cheated, human, but I know you did. I'm nearly two hundred years old. I have forgotten more battles than you'll ever see. You should not have gotten that shot in on me." The Krogan reassured himself in front of everyone, just loud enough to draw attention. "I did not cheat, krogan. I utilized my battling skills. The fact you were sloppy enough to not notice me standing in front of you before I charged you is not my fault. Perhaps you need more training in calculating risks?" Jaidev gave a little smirk at this. The Krogan gave a roar and swung a fist at Jaidev, connecting with a crunch against his jaw. Or, at least, there was a crunch. Jaidev stood with a glowing blue field about him with the Krogan's fist at his chin. There was a small field about the fist that started closing, crushing the bones in the hand. "See? I told you." Jaidev then reeled his head back to get momentum, his head rushing forward to smash into the Krogan's. Letting the biotic field dissipate allowed the larger man to fall to the ground.
Andros waited for the human's reaction. Hearing nothing but respect, he grinned a little. Well, at least he wasn't working with a group full of disobedient little cubs that he would only be able to use at mestshield. Even then, the last batch of such 'meatshields' had fled before they could actually do any 'shielding'. "I can see that. I will make sure your abilities are used to the fullest exponention." Andros turned his head to look at the Indian, returning the confused look with a simple grin. The turian chuckled softly. "Hard to get where I am is an understatement. I've had to haul ass for years, becoming one of the greatest commanders this group has ever seen. And I'll be damned if I'm not," he said. Shrugging, "Yes, it was hard. It has taken me years of service within this group, dealing a load of Hell and receiving little to no damage to myself or the small squad I work with." The turian was not in need of a large squad. The one he commanded was mostly on stealth; though they had experts on long range and close combat. Andros was proficient in both kinds, seeing as how he needed to absolutely be a lethal force out in the battlefield to even come close to where he was. In all honesty, Andros was even a tad jealous of Jaidev. With the skills Jaidev already had, and seeing as how he was human; he was likely to climb the ranks fast. As Jaidev thanked him, Andros gave a small handshake. "Of course. I will see you soon though, don't you worry about that." One could swear that if you were paying attention, one could see a bit of a mischievous smirk upon the Turian's face as Jaidev's transport took off. Andros took a separate transport back to Omega with a few other officers, not bothering to sit. The turian was so used to space travel now that he could simply stand in nearly any situation (unless of course, the ship overturned in a gravity-implemented situation.) Andros' transport finally landed, and as he stepped off, he could see the krogan approaching Jaidev. Oh goodie. As the krogan roared and made his miniature speech, most heads were turned in the general direction; expecting quite a fight. Of course though, Jaidev did what he seemed to quite excel at: surprising everyone. Andros watched the krogan fall to the ground and gave a few small claps, walking towards Jaidev. A few joined in; mostly humans, and some parts of Andros' squad. Everyone else went back to their business. Andros looked over at a batarian officer, who got two recruits to help him with the injured and rather unconscious krogan. As one would expect a tongue-lashing from Andros, as was his record to do so frequently, he gave a bit of his own surprise to his squad ny doing quite the opposite. "Well, Jaidev. You are either the bravest recruit I have ever seen or the absolute dumbest. Let's say brave and keep your reputation going, eh?" Andros chuckled softly. "We dont have any current operations, so c'mon. Let's head down to a bar, I'll buy you a drink. Id like a word or two with you," he said. "Meet me at Afterlife in an hour." Andros was right on time; he always was. Franky though, he was five minutes early, but there was no hurt in that. He sat down at the main bar in the room, now dressed in more casual clothes; though he still had a Carnifex strapped to his leg. You could never be sure of anything on Omega. Ever.
It was a bit surprising to be asked out to a bar by a new boss. Perhaps they wouldn't truly be working together. Or maybe he had made an impression that he was trouble and a rival and he was going to try and kill him. Perhaps Jaidev was just paranoid. "Sure thing boss." Heading back to his apartments netted him a run in with a Vorcha pack that shared a room, a sad Quarian, and his blathering land lady. Not that he spoke to any of them of course, just the general bumping into them and nodding. In his room he stripped down of the under armor and his guns. Grabbing some normal off the clock wear he placed it on, adjusting his shotgun into the compact and concealable form and strapping on the normal Carnifex. An hour later he was in the bar. Music thumping and people dancing on the floor above himself. He did hope his captain had chosen down here in the quieter spots. A wave of relief went over to him before being bumped into by a Batarian. There was a little conflict but Jaidev quelled it by openly admitting that his two eyed sight couldn't match the wisdom of a four eyed being which got them to admit he was humble about his position and that they would leave a "good" human alone. Finally getting to his boss he sat down and ordered a Volus Scrambler, i.e. a water-mixed orange infused concoction of nearly pure alcohol. The thing was supposed to burn off the Volus skin if thrown on them in their native environment, but who knew for sure. "Hey boss, what is the honor of being called out here by you for?" No smile graced his face but he didn't appear angry, just calm and waiting.
Andros looked up as he saw the small quabble between Jaidev and the batarian before it was all dismissed. The turian shrugged it off as Jaidev approached and sat beside him. He grinned, a tad surprised the lad would order such strong alcohol. For a turian, that was understandable. A human? My my, this would be interesting. "Occasion? A mere chat," he said, taking a sip of his own drink. "Don't get many these days unfortunately," the turian retorted, setting down his beverage. "The reason I invite you here is quite simple. You are a human, which honestly, no offense; I think are wastes of space. But you are a human who actually manages to kick ass, unlike a majority of his race," he said with a smirk. The turian chuckled softly and finished off his own drink. "What's your secret, Jaidev? How long've you been fighting?" Andros asked, ordering another drink for himself. He looked over at the Indian. "Well?"
Ah, there it was. The racism. "To be honest I doubt you have seen all human fighters. I will admit several are not the best, and very many are bad, but for a culture that is not entirely predicated on war, we do well. Honestly we have more in common with your people and Salarians: more corrupt than full of battle prowess against others." There was a cynical smirk after he finished. When his drink arrived he took a sip, "You have to realize humans are a very egocentric race. I am sure many are like that-at first. Perhaps it is just more prevalent with us. It is a hard time when your way of life is shattered; you are no longer the most important one, your religion that has centered just on you is now meaningless if you think about it...or truer than ever and all aliens are inferior because your imaginary friend made you in his image. That equates for some of it: Humans underestimate other races. Vorcha are simple and target practice, Turians are uppity and cruel, Asari are feminazis, the list goes on and on. It's retarded, but it hurts a lot of them a lot less than thinking "maybe we're equal. Maybe I'm not so special," which is the truth. With stupidity comes mistakes. It has been years, so many years, but too many people cling to it." His drink was now half finished, "I'm talking too much, but I am just trying to explain. Humans are cruel, tortuous beings. We prey on ourselves relentlessly, or used to more before we saw other races. We are much like the Krogan in that respect, only less honorable about it. So, pretty much, many humans suck because of egos and idiocy fostered by a willful ignorance to assert fragile paradigms of identity." When asked about where he learned to fight he shrugged, "If it is okay with you I'll just keep that to myself. Let's just allow my results to speak for themselves, okay? Besides, with an attitude that I'm a waste of space I'm afraid you'll use it against me, BOSS."
The turian listened to his miniature speech with a bemused smile. Defiance. Absolutely delicious.Its like he's given this lecture a thousand times,he jested to himself in the privacy of his own mind. His smirk didn't waver even through that turians were 'Uppity and cruel' part, because honestly; he of all people could understand that. Andros shrugged. "Well, at least you actually know what you're talking about," he said with a soft chuckle. "I, for one, am honestly one rough commander when it comes to battle. So you better live up to what you've set." He smirked, downing half of his second drink with a erratic breath as he exhaled the strong, alcoholic aftertaste. "That's fine with me Jaidev. I respect that. Just no funny business when it gets down to combat, alright? I expect you to do better than you did during the recruiting," the turian said with a halfhearted shrug. "Of course, your real battle skills are yet to be seen. Honestly, I cannot wait to see how you fight in the real deal. I'm fairly eager," he said with a wholehearted grin. Twas' true, Andros was indeed very glad to have this recruit into the Blue Suns. He showed potential unlike any other he'd seen in recent times. Recruitment had been rather slow. "But back to the matter of business here," he said laxly. "So, Jaidev. What were you doing before the Blue Suns, eh?" the turian asked curiously. Andros was indeed interested in getting to know the human, as he seemed interesting enough to draw out a chat or two on occasion. Better than screwing around and patrolling about a Suns base.
"Ah, I see you are still trying to get to my past? Curious for someone who hates humans. Why such an interest in me? Afraid I'll end up taking your job or hurting you? To be honest I was an untrained biotic who was such a danger to himself and others that I was sent to Else Military Biotic Holding Ward when I was four. I didn't gain competent sentience until I was twenty, in that year I devoured all knowledge of every species histories, languages, etiquette, and culture. I then spent seven years honing my killing powers by hunting down rogue villain Rachnai." His delivery was completely deadpan, a silence held in the air to assess how Andros would take it. "I've just survived. Off the books mercenary, biotic trainer, less...favorable positions, whatever would get me money enough to scrape by. I spend my time laying low. If you stay off radars you don't get killed." If Jaidev would give emotions there would be traces of having a life way more exciting than it should have been. He wasn't an expert at Turian ages but he guessed Andros was a bit younger than him-a few years maybe-but still had that bravado, the feeling of freedom and power belonging to such a group brought. There was more, of course, if he was getting everything correct. His drink was gone with the sweet alcohol tendrils racing through his body thanks to it. Muscles relaxed visibly even with such an open racist right next to him. "How about you, boss? What have you done before you joined the Suns? You look pretty young, what are you, twenty-two, twenty-four? You must be a big badass to get where you have so quickly."
Andros smirked and shrugged. "Flattery. I'm twenty three," he said, waving it off like it was nothing. "I'm no badass, just... just have practice with this stuff. I was born into a Blue Suns family. My mom worked constantly off world and my dad was in the Blue Suns. I was born a marksman. I've been handling rifles since year six," he said, finishing his drink. The effects of the alcohol were hardly dabbing the surface of Andros, whom of which ordered another drink. "I was trained to take my father's spot when he died. I turned out even better than him from the start. Age ten and I was learning how to handle anti-matter precision rifles and the likes. Fifteen and I was almost a master of close quarters as well. Yes, I've come a long way, though I hav an advantage most don't. Being born as a Blue Sun. When it comes to rank though, my history didn't matter. Only my skill got me to where I stand today." Andros fondled the Carnifex on his leg. "So, yeah. I'm better with long range than close, though an Adrenaline Rush kicks arse when in close range... able to land multiple head-shots in seconds. It often does come in handy," Andros said.
"It wasn't entirely flattery. I'm not great with Turian, Asari, or Krogan ages. Asari because who knows, Krogans because who cares, and Turians because you bastards never. Ever. Show. It." His tone had changed inflection slightly, not with any hostility or humor, just somehow different. Perhaps this was his try at humor. If so he had a long, long way to go. "That is interesting." He began to feel jealous of Andros. Having been sold into virtual slavery by his own parents had relegated him to many years of uncommon living. True, he was as much if not more of a breathing weapon than the Turian sitting next to him but he also hadn't lived like Andros had. There hadn't been anyone beside him complimenting him on his shots or someone telling him how to best throw a punch. He had seen the same woman looking down at him each time he came back from a mission and saying just loud enough he could hear "Didn't have the decency to die." "You are really lucky, having a family like that. Many people have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to have what you have. Bartender, one chilled Sagittarius please." Jaidev exhaled as he looked at the dance floor above them. It seemed to be a great song or DJ or maybe some Face had come and it was time to be seen. "I'm sorry for getting in. I'm sure you'd much rather be charming that Turian gal that worked out so well instead of some old human guy. Anyway, is this when you pull a gun on me and decide I'm more trouble than I'm worth?"
The turian burst into general laughter. "Kill you? I'm afraid even that would be hard, even formeto kill you. No, you are every bit as worth it as the trouble packaged with you." He smirked softly. Totally switching subjects, "No, we don't show age. We're too lazy." Andros gave a grin and bottomed his... fifth drink now? He had lost count after... two, maybe? Not that it mattered; he could take alcohol like it was candy and have no problem. "Quite honestly, I don't care to go off charming girls. It's just not an idea that appeals to me," he said. "One minute, you look at a girl like she's the reward for all your efforts. Next, she dismisses everything you've done for her and leaves you in the dust, moving onto the next guy she'll disappoint." He expression faltered for a moment as he took a sip from his newest drink. One would honestly think that quite frankly, he was drunk by now. Far from it, actually "But no. I think a night out is just what I need," he said, relaxing in his chair. "Getting away from duties for a little bit." Andros shifted his gaze to the human once more. "Anything you'd like to do?"
Jaidev listened to the minute rant about women. It sounded like the typical male bravado about the 'fairer' sex that many humans had come to abandon a while back. After seeing Krogan, Asari, and Turian women kicking ass across the galaxy keeping your own women behind the lines was retarded. The misogyny bred into the culture had taken longer to go away and still held prominence in many ways of thinking. "I see. No offense, boss, but I am not sure hanging out with an openly racist Turian is the best bet for a night out on the town. I am glad you were open with that, but hostilities have a way of being raised and I'd rather live the rest of my life away from vapid hatred that boils down to insecurities." In that insult there was a small grain of a hint about Jaidev's life, if the Turian was capable enough to catch it and not get insulted. He finished off his drink before sending the tab to his credit holdings, the digital currency whittled away to pay for actual services. It seemed so arbitrary-just made up rules to keep all the children playing nice unless they decided they wanted more made up currency to lord over the other players in the game. His small introspective epiphany shattered as he deigned to go back to reality. "Thank you for the offer though, boss."
Andros managed to catch the hint without taking too large portion of the insult personally. Finishing down his seventh and final drink, he paid for his stuff and stood. "Yes, well, I'm glad you haven't bitched about me being so open," he jested, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I'll be heading off. I have some more Suns work to do. The meticulous stuff." And with that, the Turian left the bar. Wandering his way back to the base after taking a cab, he remained totally silent. It wasn't a surprise, however; he wasn't one to talk to himself. Usually. If he was arguing bitterly with himself over some failure, then yes, talking to himself became commonplace. Anywhom, after the author described this tendency, Andros had made his way to his bunk. Screwing with his omni-tool, he was filing data and such for the newer recruits. He didn't actually open any files. That was personal shit; he'd find that stuff out himself. Andros finished and laid back in his bunk, his bunkmate walking in. A batarian commander. The two were not enemies; but not friends. Just acquaintances. They would chat idly into the night.
Outside the castle walls snow was starting to fall and in the large rolling grounds around the Hogwarts castle students were enjoying the change of the season and the first snow of the year. The hallways around the place were rather quiet as were most of the room with a majority of the students having started to depart for home for the holidays and Christmas and those who were remaining making the most of the soft snow outside with many a snowball being exchanged between different groups as snowmen popped up all around the grounds. Inside the castle, Hermione Granger had been enjoying the snow for a different reason. The quiet hallways were productive for thought as she strolled through them on her way to the library, dressed in her favourite soft lavender sweater and old faded jeans which had seen a few years already. The hallways were dressed in their usual festive decorations but Hermione ignored them as she walked, her mind already in the library and the books she was headed there to find. The quiet of the day just made her favourite place in the castle more appealing and she knew that despite the slight chill in the hallway from the stone walls she would find a nice fire somewhere in the warren of books and a comfy chair in which to pursue her research. Rounding the last corner she looked forward to the warth of the fire and brushed a stray strand of her wavy hair out of her face and behind her ear absentmindedly as she focused her thought on the pathway she needed to take through the shelving units to make her way to where she wanted to go.
Elsewhere in the castle the Boy was getting ready to go out and do some studying of his own. He knew with most of the student's gone he could sneak into the Library without any distractions from the students or the teacher's really. There was a few books he had heard about in the restricted section that seemed worth reading into. Some books on his heritage and the dark arts the older slytherin needed to explore and figure out what he could do. He was already learning alot from some teachers and his family's personal library but he wanted some the more rarer books the school was known for. Smoothing back his inky black hair the boy checked himself in the mirror. One His rules was always be sharp. so he was making sure he looked like a hundred gaellon's before he even left the room. Shoes shined, check. Black jean which look brand with a Green vest that's crisp and lighter toned on back side. His white button up shirt looked crisp and was tight a little against his quidditch players Body. He was the back up seeker after all. If malfoy didn't have all the money he may been the main one. A soft growl given a little about the fact that Pounce who was everything a slytherin should not be still being seeker over him. Turning from the Mirror he slide on his leather bracelet and his Violet tinted glassed as he smiled. His bowler flipped onto his head the mans began down towards the library to get the books he needed. He would turn into the library and saw.. The golden girl all alone. He grinned alittle and moved towards her now she didn't have that Punce weasley hanging all over her trying to shove anyone who was male except harry away. He thou waited to see where she was going, curious about what she be coming study. she was One few people in school above him in grades. her and the ice queen greengrass.
Hermione made her way quickly and quietly through the shelving without any effort. She was here so often that she knew the way like the back on her hand, especially with the recent studies she'd been doing. She'd stumbled her way across a reference in an old mythology book that had intrigued her while studying for an exam the other day and had been wanting to look into it more. If anyone knew about myths being based upon truth it was her. Almost every myth had a least some truth behind it and she wanted to know a bit more about this one. Now with the holidays upon them she would finally have some time to get stuck into it without schoolwork getting in the way so much. Her black ankle boots made a slight clicking noise as she made he way across the stone floor inbetween the aisles which seemed to echo through the empty rooms. Even the teachers seemed to have made their way to other places, not that she minded. She knew perfectly well where to find what she needed without the librarian's help anyway. She paused halfway to the back of the shelving in the current aisle and glanced around for the moment. Despite the emptiness around her she couldn't help feeling like there was someone else there. She tried to shake it off. Maybe the librarian was around somewhere nearby out of sight. That was probably all it was.
Eye's watched her move threw the shelves as if she was at home. He knew the library almost as well as she did, but not this well. He smiled following her, watching her move . She really was a beautiful woman when you thought about it. Most thought she was a little off color. But he enjoyed her and always imagined she was like a librarian from lore. so prim and proper on the outside yet very naught and down to the core. He smiled as he moved towards her. The Mans shoes polished dress shoes. He tipped his hat down and walked by her without looking directly at her the first time. He stopped beside her and acted Like he didn't notice her at first. Grabbing a book down from one the top shelves. He had to stretch out to do so. The book on advance uses of runes and the history of them. She maybe being one the only other seven students in the school who would be able grasp it. or did anyway. he then rocked back off his toes and looked at her with a blink." Oh Hi"
A slight frown fell across her face at the guy walking through the library. He was familar, she was pretty sure he was in at least one of her more advance classes but she couldn't quite place him. Fact of the matter was she didn't often pay much attention to the people around her, especially in those classes but now she found herself wishing that she had, even if just so she could place a name to the face. Perhaps the holidays were already starting to effect her. She would usually remember at least that. With a slight glance at the book he was looking at she felt one of her eyebrows raise slightly in consideration of if he could actually understand what he was looking at but she quickly pushed that thought aside. She did recongnise him though so it was possible. She let a soft smile cross her lips at his greeting, no reason not to be friendly she thought as she returned the greeting. "Hello there, nice day," and with that she continued down the aisle slightly to the mythology section she'd been steadily working her way through in the past few days without much luck. Soon she would have exhausted the options here and would need to move on to the more ancient and advanced books of the restricted section. Thankfully being head girl would allow her access to those without any hassle. One of the quirks. She did wonder vaguely what the other student was researching on a day like this which most students were out in the grounds but pushed that aside as she opened a particularly heavy book to have a glance through it before deciding if it was worth further pursual.
The Man looked over at her with a smile on the corner of his lips. His head tilted as he looked at the book she was reading, trying to discern it from the distance thou he was unable to. So he then moved over and leaned over her shoulder a little..He leaned close enough she could feel the heat his body. yet not close enough be crowding her." Light reading?" He asked her almost seriously. Thou to most the book she would have would be considered crazy reading. To him he understood what she was reading better then some, after all he still had his own thick tome in his hands. He smiled at her and then looked down and over the book." Maybe i can Help you? I am after one few in top ten,, thou i am no granger.' He teased her a little. She was the best. he knew it, at least she did better then hm in some subject's. and he did better then some in most. the Man smiled as his hand seemed to on accident stroke the small her back. "i Myself am looking for few books and am about sneak back that way." He tilted his head towards the section of books she loved. The section only teacher's and few others would ever get to see. He needed it for his project and he knew she would be able go there. But of course, hed go either way. He was a Slytherin and would not be stopped by silly things such as the rules. Hand rubbed her lower back just alittle more before he literally would Walk by her. and go on the way to the section of books he just mentioned.. and without Premission!
Her eyes snapped up from the words shed just been studying as he lent in over her shoulder and she turned slightly in an automatic but needless reaction to see who it was. Silly really seeing as they appeared to be the only ones in the library at all. "didn't anyone ever tell you it was rude to look over peoples shoulders?" she asked primly before snapping the book shut. She didn't really want anyones help so she avoided the question of what she was looking up for now hoping that he would get the hint and leave her in peace. His hand accidently brushing against her back made her feel weird, a little nervous and edgy but she wrote that off as his being a slytherin combined with her current annoyance with him. So much for having the library to herself. Her eyes widened at his uncaring mention of going into the resricted section. "you do realise I'm Head Girl don't you?" she queried, one eyebrow raised before stepping forward as he began to walk away from her and towards the section and grasping his wrist to stop him. "Do you have a permission slip?"
He grinned seeing her act so shocked and casually ignore the touch.He shrugged and continued on for now as she shoved off his offer for help, the boy then grinned a little at her as he stopped as she grabbed at his wrist. His own hand looped back at her own wrist. He moved to rub his thumb against the inside of her wrist as his finger's stroked against her wrist. A deep grin as he just smiled at her. Eye's looking over the silver rims of his glasses as he winked." And why would i have one of those mis granger? and yes I often think about you being.. the Head girl." He said with a grin. The smile became so large and he winked one more time to get the playful suggestion to her with a smile." Are you going punish me? Oh?" He said with a wild smile. " Now. I was going to study some stuff that i need to.. if you don't mind.?" he said with a tilt of his head. His other hand came up and pat her cheek very softly." Your very beautiful. id love talk more. so join me in the section?... so No one gets in trouble."
Something smell odd in the Gryffindor common room. That did happen, happened with surprising frequency, since the Weasley twins took up residence in this particular house. It also didn't help that occasionally someone's homework took on a strange odor. Quite often students were told to try their potions homework somewhere else. Possibly outside. But what made this odd was that there was hardly anybody in the common room. Hermione Grangerwas in the common room, a book cradled in her hands, as usual. The girl had been taking some much needed time to study. They were between events in the Tri-Wizard cup, and things had been crazy lately, with Harry's participation and three houses hanging around. To add even more complications, there was Viktor Krumm and Ron to consider. Hermione wasn't even sure how she felt about either, and wasn't about to share her feelings with anyone. But back to the strange smell. Hermione closed her book, setting it aside as she started prowling, following her nose. She'd read the potions book cover to cover already, had even checked out a few extra books on the subject. Even with this knowledge though, she couldn't quite place the source of the potion. The bushy-haired Gryffindor student was therefore just as curious as she was off-put. Puzzles were meant to be solved, after all. Hermione had been solving them since her first year, and she didn't intend to stop now. There! Hermione stopped over a girl, who seemed to be hunched over something. Oddly enough, the girl looked to be about Hermione's age, but she couldn't quite recall her fellow student's name. that didn't stop her from tapping the other girl on a shoulder though. "Excuse me, but what potion do you have?" she asked, craning her neck to try and see, desperate to figure this puzzle out. she cast a look at the girl too, wanting to make sure that she knew that Hermione was talking to her.
Jessi Lang bent over her small caldron as she slowly stirred the potion. It had taken the girl the better part of the summer to collect the ingredients for this Desire potion. Looking over her shoulder, the thin Irish redhead looked at her hearts desire. She could remember the first year of school so well as she was placed in the same house as Hermione. It was from that point that she fell for the smartest girl in their year. Looking back to the potion, Jessi pulled out the last two ingredients that would bind Hermione to her. Breathing deeply, she dropped the Hermione and her own hairs into the potion, both disappearing quickly as the potion dissolved them. Slowly a new scent drifted from the Desire potion. Feeling her heart beat faster behind in her petite body, she could feel her nipples grow hard with her excitement as her B-cup breast raised with her breath. Keeping her hands in her lap she looked at the burned piece of parchment to check that she had made the potion correctly. She was still worried about the potion as she got to the burned part of the instruction. Unknown to her, the potion was never meant to be drunk. It worked when the person simple smelled it. Jumping as her shoulder was touched, Jessi turned around quickly, "Oh Hermione..." she said a smile spreading across her freckled face, "It's an old family potion to help with studying. My grandmother gave me the recipe over the summer... Would you like to try it? It's perfectly safe..."
Hermione had already smelled the potion, rather hard not to, with Jessi having it right there. The potion itself though, it looked completely unfamiliar, not at all like anything in the books that Hermione had poured through. It wasn't even in some of the special books that Hermione had checked out from personal libraries. Thankfully, Jessi seemed to know what she was doing, though Hermione wound up looking worried. "Are you sure you should be trying something like that here? What if you got it wrong?" Hermione looked around, wishing they had a bezore available to cram down someone's throat. Snape had told them it worked for poisons, though Hermione doubted this would actually kill anyone. she looked at it again, thinking. A potion to help with studying, given by a grandmother. "I could always use something like that,' she said, remembering the horror that had been her third year. A potion like that might have made her get through it successfully, and she wouldn't have left out any possible subjects. If she tried it now, maybe she'd be able to take some of those subjects back up again. "why don't you let me try it, and then you'll be able to see if you got it right," Hermione suggested. "I mean, I know you just offered, but it's really to test, not really to try." she reached out for a vial or class, smiling reassuringly at the redhaired witch. Jessie reminded Hermione vaguely of Ginny, though with less of a Weasley look and slightly more freckles. Still, the comparison made her seem that much more harmless, and assured Hermione that this would be a perfectly save experiment.
Still setting with her legs crossed, Jessie slid over so Hermione could look at the deep blue potion, "It's not the first time I've made potions in the common room. It's how I got such high marks in Potion class. I haven't missed up a potion since my first year..." Sighing a little when she took an interest in the potion, "We can all use something to help study. I know last year was hard for me." Jessie had been watching Hermione over the last four years so she knew how much she studied. When she found the old parchment in Knockturn Alley, she knew she had found the key to Hermione's heart. "Well... I guess you would know if something was wrong..." she said taking the glass and filling it half way, "It might be a little sweet. Some of the ingredients are sweet..." Handing the glass to her, Jessie had to remind herself to breath as she watched Hermione. Looking at her throat, she felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine. Pressing her hands into her lap, she waited until she drunk the potion. Like so many of spells in the magical this potion wouldn't work on anyone but the person that it was made for which was Hermione.
Hermione nodded, not bothering to hide how impressed she was with Jessie's skill. even she occasionally messed up a potion or two, though she knew that wasn't her strong suit. Having Snape as a teacher didn't help matters, since the peevish teacher always seemed to have it out for Hermione and her friends. "I don't need it to help; I just want to help you test it," insisted Hermione, taking the deep blue potion. "Since you're so good at potions, you can probably whip up an antidote for this, I'm betting. Not that I think you'll need one." No, what Hermione figured was that the potion wouldn't do much of anything. It would taste sweet, which it did, but it wouldn't actuallydoanything. Hermione swallowed it, then smiled at Jessie. A warmth had immediately come over the Gryffindor, and she felt herself tugging at her robes, wondering if the fire had started blazing hot or something. Or was this a side effect of the potion? Hermione looked to Jessie and opened her mouth, but found herself nearly moaning instead. "Is this, is this supposed to have any side effects?" she asked, looking at her house mate. "Because I'm, I'm feeling really hot right now. Almost feverish." And thoughts that had nothing to do with studying crossed Hermione's mind. She could feel portions of her anatomy that hadn't seen use suddenly start flaring up. Another side effect? Such a strange potion, to do something like this.
"Oh... Of course," Jessie said as she watched her, "Just to help me out." Somewhat worried that Hermione asked about an antidote, "Yeah... I can make an antidote..." she said hoping that Hermione wouldn't hear the concern in her voice. Smiling as Hermione started to drink the potion, Jessi slowly stood up, wrapping her robe around her as she did. Watching her start to pull on her robe, Jessie smiled widened, "So..." Stepping closer to her, "No... It's supposed to do this... You're not feeling a side effect... You're feeling it's effects," she said reaching out to take Hermione's hand. Pulling her toward the stairs, "Come with me. I know what you need to cool off." Pulling the girl up the stairs, Jessie walked them up three flights before stepping out on a small landing. Moving over to the only door on the floor, Jessie pushed it open showing a private bedroom. "This is my room..."
Hermione pulled even more at her robes, feeling hte heat rise. It seemed centered on three key points of her body: both nipples and her sex. The latter seemed the hottest, nearly blazing, and it seemed almost like Hermione was sweating or something. Her nipples were just two twin points, each jutting against her confining bra. Certainly the robes already felt like enough difficult, let alone the girl's underwear. Still, she followed Jessie, hoping there was a point. Up several flights of stairs, toward a landing. Hermione was hoping to find an antidote or possibly another potion. Instead she walked into a bedroom, quite confused. she turned, her face showing her puzzlement. "I don't see anything here that could fix this," she said. "This looks like your bedroom. Is there a potion stashed away somewhere, maybe? I'm, I'm getting hotter, and I fear I may have to use the toilet soon." Because a burning pressure had started at Hermione's groin, flaring up within her. It said something about the girl that she didn't even recognize sexual arousal. There was nothing in her textbooks about that, and she certainly wasn't going to read any lurid literature. So the poor girl was squirming, convinced that the pressure between her legs meant a trip to the restroom, not a trip to the bed.
Oh there's a cure here..." Jessie said softly as she moved around Hermione. Standing behind her, "You don't need to use the toilet. I did a lot of reading this summer and what you need is to have a release of a different type..." Walking over to her bed, Jessie took her robe off, dropping it on her chest at the foot of the bed. Turning back to Hermione, Jessie walked over to her. The front of Jessie's skirt stood out a little from her hips as she stood in front of her love. Moving her hands to Hermione's shoulders, "First thing we'll need to do is take your cloths off. Your going to keep getting hotter until we do. After that we can start cooling you down." Pushing Hermione's robe off of her shoulders, she hoped the girl was to far gone and wouldn't resist her. Jessie stood close to her as she moved around to stand behind her. Her excitement was growing with each passing second. With her excitement something else grew... Jessie had been assigned a private room for a special reason. And that reason was what held her skirt up. Jessie was a futanari. Most time she could control herself, but this close to the girl she had had a crush on sense the first day of school was more then she could take. Placing both hands on Hermione's shoulder, Jessie started to lightly rub them, "It'll be ok... I'm going to help you..." her voice dropped to a soft whisper, barely loud enough for Hermione to hear, "My love..."
"What-what are you talking about?" gasped Hermione. the confused girl offered no resistance as Jessie began taking off her robes. Standard school required garments fell from Hermione's lean body, baring the school girl uniform underneath. You could now easily see Hermione's legs pressed together, dancing marvelously: two stocking clad limbs that seemed almost to have been hit by a curse. "I don't think I really need my clothes removes," said Hermione, flushing. True, she was in another female's dorm, but already she'd begun to notice that Jessie acted different. Hermione found herself watching the girl quite closely, her eyes scanning every inch of the other witch's body. therefore when she saw the slight rise in Jessie's skirt, she simply thought it was a wand. That was the logical thing to do. Hands on her shoulder now, lightly rubbing. Hermione couldn't hold back the moan of delight from the touch, her head rolling back slightly, those marvelous curls sliding nearly all the way down her back. "Please help me," she insisted. Her head turned, trying to find Jessie's face. "I need you," swallow, "to help me. Please." Wait, had Jessie said my love? Hermione had thought she'd heard it, but again, that didn't make any sense. Her mind was already starting to fog anyway, the heat between her legs unbearable. The girl's hands found her way there, thinking that perhaps if she touched it, things would get better, more bearable. At this point, Hermione was willing to try anything.
Moving her head closer to Hermione's, she smiled at as she thought about kissing her. Letting her hands move down Hermione's back, Jessie stepped closer to her. "I'm going to help you..." she said softly in her ear as her hands wrapped around her. As both hands touched Hermione's stomach, Jessie pressed her body completely against her. Letting one hand slid up to Hermione's breast, her other slip lower to touch her skirt covered thigh. Jessie's heart pounded in her chest as she pressed her body to Hermione's. Feeling her erection grow to full hardness, Jessie wiggled as it pressed against her. Kissing her neck, "If you want me to help you we'll need to take our cloths off." Sliding her hands along the other witches body, Jessie gripped the hem of Hermione's sweater. "Lift your arms... It'll be so much better once we're out of these hot cloths. I'm hot too... I need you to help me too." Working the sweater up, her hands rubbed across the other girls breast as she moved the sweater higher.
Jessie stepped close, and again Hermione found herself moaning. She mumbled more pleas for help, and felt the hands moving about her body. They touched her stomach, moved to her thighs darting about her skin as though this was what Jessie had always wanted. The girl moved closer, and Hermione thought she felt a wand pushing against her skin. Hermione's eyes fluttered and she tried to seek out Jessie, to ask what the plan was. But the lusty haze prevented her from thinking of anything else. she wanted. Her sex had started to throb now, juices beginning to link into virgin panties. The unknown feelings had risen within Granger, making her quake all the more. she lifted her arms when asked, wanting the blasted sweater removed. "Why, why do we need our clothes gone?" she managed anyway. she groaned as hands brushed across her breasts. Those two aching mounds wanting nothing so much as to be touched. Since Jessie wasn't about to help, Hermione reached up, cupping one of her own. This feeling, she should know what it was. Why hadn't she read about this before, in some book somewhere? "Please, help me," she begged, turning to her red haired savior. "I need it."
Pushing her erection against Hermione brought a moan to Jessie. Staying behind Granger, Jessie kept her hands on the girls body touching her everywhere she could. 'The plan...' Jessie thought to herself, 'The plan is to fuck you my beauty...' Smiling as Hermione lifted her arms, Jessie pulled the sweater off and threw it to the side. Taking Granger's hand, Jessie pulled her over to the bed. Turning her around, Jessie's dressed stood out further as her cock flexed with her heartbeat. "Why... Because the first time I fuck you I want to enjoy all of your beautiful body," Jessie said as she watched her cup her breast. Moaning at the erotic sight, Jessie quickly ripped her shirt open. As the buttons flew around the room, Jessie braless B-cup breast came into Hermione's view. "Oh my love... I'm going to help you... I'm going to put that fire out," Jessie said as she reached out to yank Hermione's shirt open. "You are so beautiful..." she moaned as her hand reached for the other girl. Slipping one hand under Granger's skirt, her fingers started to rub her wet panties. Her other hand took Hermione's hand and guided it down to her hard cock, "This is for you... This is the only thing that can put out the fire in your wet pussy."
To fuck her? Hermione recognized the words, and they filled her with some worry and fear. She'd never even kissed a boy yet, let alone had sex with one. Her pussy was a stranger that she briefly met during bathroom breaks and showers, not something that she played with regularly. Yet Jessie was guiding the poor, quivering mess to her bed. "What?" managed Hermione, her sharp mind fighting through the haze of lust, and having quite the difficult time doing so. A shirt ripped open, and Jessie's firm little breasts sprang into view. Those two orbs, just big enough to cup in the hands and fill, with their rosy nipples. Without thinking about it, Hermione's hands went to them, her fingers closing about as she squeezed, almost as if testing them. going to help. Put the fire out. Hermione's skirt fell, revealing a pair of gray panties that likely qualified as "little girl" or "grany panties." Soft cotton with a little pink boy, definitely not the type that you expected to be seen by anyone. The wet spot showed just where Hermione's nether lips were, and it seemed to be growing with each passing moment. "I don't, I don't want," she tied. But a hand touched her panties, and the girl's protest turned into a moan. Her hand was soon wrapped around another wand, and her eyes flew open. "But, but you're a girl! is this some kind of spell or...?" Leave it to Hermione to start wondering and questioning even in the middle of mounting lust. In truth, holding that cock with one hand, while the other circled about a breast, Hermione's own lust started to build to a fever pitch. A flush added color to the girl's skin, making her look almost rosy. Sweat started to bead. And, of course, the panties grew ever wetter.
Moaning as Hermione touch her breast, Jessie knew that she had the girl's complete attention. Leaning into her hands, Jessie's moan again as the soft hands squeezed her breast, her nipples becoming as hard as diamonds with the teasing touch. Looking down at the soft cotton panties, Jessie felt a shiver run down her spine that traveled to her sexes. Touching the wet spot with her fingers, Jessie started to rub her nether lips through her panties. "So wonderful... So beautiful," she moaned as her hand moved higher on her panties. Finding the edge of the panties, Jessie's finger slipped under them and slowly started to move back to her wet lips. "But you do want to... As much as I do," Jessie said in breathy moan. Throwing her head back and moaning loudly when Hermione's finger's wrapped around her throbbing erection, the girl hard a hard time not cumming right then at her touch. Letting go of Hermione's hand, she moved back up to squeeze and tease Hermione's breast. "No spell... I was born this way..." she said as her breathing sped up. Looking at Hermione, Jessie didn't try to hold herself back anymore. Moving her hand from the other witch's breast, Jessie moves it up to the back on her neck. Holding her, she quickly leaned in to kiss the other girl. Touching Hermione's lips, Jessie moaned as her passion built in the kiss. Her mouth open a little as her tongue slipped out to touch Hermione's lips.
The feverish lust continued to eat at Hermione's mind, making her swim in a sea of lust. Another sea seemed to be developing between her lips, as more and more juices gathered, soaking the cloth. That finger drew such pleasant sensations as it ran its course over Hermione's needy body. Just feeling that slight touch against her, it made Hermione moan, shudder. Her hand clenched tightly around Jessie's member, squeezing it in an attempt to keep herself upright. Want as much as Jessie did. Somehow, Hermione suspected she wanted it more: much, much more. another moan left her lips as Jessie squeezed and played with the small mounds of Hermione's breasts. Barely a B cup, they were developing, but seemed perfect for Jessie's hands. The hands teased and pulled even as Jessie spoke of being born that way. that news alone penetrated the haze, making Hermione's eyes widen. The magical world was special indeed. Her hand jerked along the length of the member, then fled entirely as Hermione's lips were seized. the girl tried to kiss back, her passion and lack of skill making her sloppy. Hermione's lips slid and slipped, but her mouth was open and willing, her tongue attempting to rise to the occasion. And yet more liquid poured into those simple panties.
Jessie groaned as Hermione squeezed her hard erection. As her own finger's found Hermione's wet pussy, she gasped, "You're so wet..." Rubbing her lips, her finger's teased her as she collected her juices on her fingers. Wanting to taste her, Jessie started to push her wet panties down. Moaning as Hermione started to jerk on her member, Jessi pressed her body against Hermione's. Pushing Hermione back against the bed, she continued to kiss her. As inexperienced as Hermione, Jessie's tongue touching hers. Catching her tongue between her lips, Jessie sucked on it briefly. Moving her hand from the witch's panties, Jessie moved both to Hermione's hips. Pushing the girl onto the bed, Jessie pushed Hermione's panties completely off as she stepped closer. Still kissing her in a passionate, sloppy kiss, Jessie pushed her own down her legs, letting her member free. After removing her panties, Jessie's finger's returned to Hermione's wet core. Rubbing her finger's across her lips, Jessie stepped closer making her erection touch Hermione's thigh.
Fingers touched Hermione's dripping sex, making the Gryffindor gasp and tremble. A low moan left her lips as she shook, and her sex seemed more than willing to provide more juices, more signs of her mounting arousal. Prety pink lips were slid open, allowing a tongue to delve into uncharted depths. Hermione's eyelids fluttered as her head swam. So heavy, so new were the feelings. More kissing, a body pressed against hers. Just as hot, just as needy. Then Jessie drew Hermione's tongue inside, sucking along the muscle. Another moan drew out from Hermione, and her hands squeezed even more. they'd moved to hips now, gripping the flesh, fingers digging into the womanly curves. The need pulsed between Hermione's legs, making her throb. it was nearly painful, almost made Hermione cry, so intense was the sensation. Hands left her panties, and Hermione nearly whimpered. But she felt herself go back, her body touching the bed. The panties slid off, baring her tiny sex. Just a narrow slit among the pale white of her body, a thin line of delicate pink. A small tuft of light brown hair lined the top, declaring Hermione every bit a woman. That woman kissed passionately back, her lips sliding, her tongue lathering. Spit slid between them, but Hermione hardly cared at this point. Fingers touched her aching core again. Rubbed. And something hard pushed against the soft flesh of Hermione's thigh. "Oh, Merlin," gasped the witch, shuddering. "I--I--I'm not sure. It feels so big..."
Jessie gasped as Hermione squeezed her hard member harder. Breathing harder, her breasted heaved as she felt her body become hotter and more aroused. Slipping her fingers along her fellow Gryffindor's sex, Jessie could feel her own juices running down her legs as her precum dripped from her hard erection. Blushing when Hermione called her member big, "It'll fit... It has to... We're made for each other," she panted. Stepping closer to her, Jessie's hand moved from the other girl's lips as her throbbing member touched her lips. Looking down as her erection touched Hermione's lips, Jessie reached down to rub the witch's core with the head of her erection. Pushing the girl back on the bed, "Move over so I can join you..." she said not sure how much longer she could wait. "If you want me to stop... You had better tell me now..." Deep down Jessie hoped the potion would last long enough that she could snuggle with her crush after they were done. The young witch didn't realize the mistakes she made on the potion could last forever.
Made for each other? Did the girl even realize what she was saying? Yet, yet Hermione felt her body humming, aching, wanting that thing that throbbed between Jessie's legs. That huge cock, it could plunder her tiny sex, ravish her and leave her breathless. Fill that gaping void. The words rolled in Hermione's mind, and she moaned again. The moan grew even louder as the head of the cock pressed against the tiny slit. Hermione's lips seemed to part just slightly, as if moving to kiss the head that touched against them. Just a kiss of sexual fluid, just a touch of the soft petals. Only a hint of what was to come, a tease. Enough to make Hermione moan all the louder. Move over. Pushed back. Hermione didn't resist, instead laying there panting. Her legs were spread wide, knees slightly bent, sex completely exposed. It glistened in the magical lights, the tender pink moist with want. "I--I," stammered Hermione. She swallowed. Her voice had left her, throat gone dry with arousal. Instead she simply shivered, her body arching, the lust overtaking her mind and sapping her of her will. She wanted this, needed it, ached for it, and her body would have it, one way or another.
Reaching down to rub her hard erection against Hermione's wet lips, Jessie hoped she wouldn't stop her. Jessie was afraid she wouldn't be able to stop. She was to turned on now to stop... When Hermione started to speak, Jessie's fear rose up. 'Was she going to stop her?' she thought to herself. Pushing a little more against her, Jessie moaned as the head of her cock started to part her lips. Gasping, Jessie continued to push, her cock slowly parting Hermione's lips. Moaning, her fingers tightened around the base of her cock as her fear of cumming to soon raced through her head. Jessi had spent the last year masturbating and now she used that little trick to hold of until she was fully in her. Slowly sinking deeper, Jessie stopped as she felt the resistance of Hermione's virginity. Looking down at her, Jessie looked in her eyes as she waited until her need to cum pasted. She knew that her next move would take Hermione's virginity... She knew that she was ready, now she would wait until Hermione was....
What was Hermione going to say? the words were there, dangling at the edge. Stop; I don't want this. I'm in love with... someone else. But was she, was she really? This was too much, and she wanted it. Hermione knew enough to know when she was aroused, and her sex was practically dripping all over the cock that rubbed against it now. The cock parted Hermione's lips, just pushing against it. Hermione tensed, sucking in her breath. Her eyes pinched shut, her back arched, and she found herself whispering. Yet the lips parted, sucking in the flesh and surrounding it with a needy warmth, an accepting hole ready for the cock. It sunk ever deeper, stretching the tight hole. As it sank, Hermione held her breath, seizing her lips between her teeth, tensing for it. Looking in the eyes. Hermione opened her mouth, but found words failing her, instead she closed her eyes, rolled back her head. Braced. shifted. Ready. what else could she do? Her body wanted this, and it wasn't going to allow her to back out, no matter what Hermione may want in the end.
Jessie moaned as she felt the warm depths of Hermione's sex. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried not to cum just from being inside of her. Swallowing she breathed deeply as she opened her eyes. Looking at Granger, she slowly pulled back, her erection almost leaving her. Leaning down, their breast touching, Jessie kissed her neck as she slowly started to push back in. Pulling back out some she whispered in Hermione's ear, "I love you..." Thrusting in quickly her hard cock tore through Hermione's virginity as she sunk deep into her core. Panting, Jessie eyes were shut tight as she fought of the urge to cum. Even though she wanted to fill Hermione she wanted this to last as long as possible. Taking several deep breaths, Jessie waited a couple minutes before she started to pull back. Moving slowly she hoped as she started to move in and out, Jessie could feel her nipples rubbing against Hermione's. Kissing the Gryffindor's neck, tried to find a rhythm that would make bring them both pleasure. Jessie knew what it was supposed to be like their first time. Trying to bring Hermione as much pleasure as she could, Jessie let her body rub along Granger's as she moved. Hoping she could last long enough to give Hermione an orgasm, she continued to thrust into the girl slowly finding a rhythm for them.
It wasn't every day that your boyfriend came home with a moving truck and suddenly announced that you and him were now leaving the apartment that you had been living in for the past couple of months for good. However, it was nothing new for Roxas. The move was sudden, terribly sudden. Axel came home from work only a few hours ago and basically just started packing up their things. Roxas was alarmed at first, nagging the other to tell him exactly what was going on, but Axel didn't really speak much and basically just said that he was sick of the place. It wasn't unlike Axel to do this, they'd done it twice before in the past twelve months, but he promised that they'd actually stay at the last place. Obviously that was a lie. However, Roxas wasn't too incredibly upset by the move. He was a little miffed that Axel started to pack up the pillows while he was laying on them, but he got over that quickly enough. This kind of behavior was to be expected of Axel and Roxas had been more or less prepared for it. The pair had been dating for the last two years and Roxas knew more about the redhead than anyone, or at least he thought he did. He knew Axel's personality, his quirks, what he liked, what he didn't like, everything in between and he loved him for all of it. He was annoyed by the whole Axel loving to move on the spur of a moment thing, but he accepted it. He wasn't going to leave Axel just because he had a sort of drifter problem. No, he loved the male too much to do that. Besides, it brought excitement to Roxas' life. Whodidn'twant to live somewhere new every couple of months, honestly? Roxas let out a huff as he set down what was hopefully the last box into his and Axel's new bedroom just before he flopped down onto the mattress, sprawling out easily. You would think that after three moves he'd be used to lifting all of the heavy boxes, but no, he was still more or less a weakling. It was good that he left all the heavy crap for his boyfriend to carry. "We're staying this time, right? No more moving?" He called out to Axel, his eyes closing a bit as he relaxed into the mattress. Already he could feel a bit of familiarity with the place, as if it was already his home. Maybe this move wouldn't be so bad.
It had barely been three months before his reliable sources had informed him that the Organization was hot on his trails again. Now, Axel was still a member of this notorious group, but his plans differed from theirs. He was one of their "elite" members and one that the leader prized and favored, so, of course, he had been assigned the most important mission: to eliminate or recruit such gifteds like them. His target was Roxas, and whilst he had no real trouble with killing people in the past, he couldn't bring himself to kidnap, let alone murder this boy. In the end, he ended up falling for him and getting himself into one of those "relationships", and somehow, his duty had turned into some attempt to keep away from the organization. The gang had no idea that he was hiding their target, but the leader was growing antsy; thus, the manhunt had started. Axel, being the sly, devious, street-wise rat he was, successfully distracted the organization and managed to protect Roxas at the same time from other powerful groups that wanted to harness his elemental power. Roxas was still naive and so very clueless about this whole operation that Axel couldn't help but believe he was lugging around a rag doll at times, and it amused him that Roxas wouldn't complain about or question his suspicious moves, but it was all for his sake, really. Now that they were settled into their umpteenth home, the redhead let out a sigh of relief and took a few seconds to dawdle in front of their bedroom window, taking a peek through the blinds at the foreign scenery. His emerald eyes scanned the place, then, with a satisfied grunt, he drew the curtains shut and turned back to the blonde, a playful smirk masking his grim features. "Ya know how bored I get of these places, besides, this place has cheaper rent," he grinned, crawling on top of Roxas to plant a soft kiss to his lips. Sometimes, he wondered if he should tell Roxas, but his better judgment persuaded him not to. There was no need to freak his boyfriend out about how he had powers, how Axel was a pyromaniac, and that there was a bloodthirsty gang out to kill them both for these mentioned abilities. No way. He sat up and ran a hand through his fiery locks, tilting his head and smirking, "Why, you don't like moving around, babe?"
Roxas kissed his boyfriend back, soft lips pressing against the other's briefly before it was broken. Yeah, he knew how bored Axel got of these was a bit more than mildly irritating. When he first moved into Axel's place he figured they'd be there for a while or at least for however long the two continued dating. Axel had only moved there just a little bit before the two actually met and seemed to like his place, but apparently that was not the case. No, that move had been just like the one's after it, sporadic, out of the blue, and a bit worrying. Roxas always had suspicions as to why Axel had a problem with staying in one place for any extended period of time. He assumed it was some sort of problem that stemmed from his childhood; maybe he always moved then or something happened that he wasn't comfortable with sharing yet. He didn't even suspect that Axel was part of some Organization that wanted his blood. "No," Roxas answered truthfully, sitting up as well. He wasn't going to lie to Axel, moving this much kind of sucked major dick. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy the new experiences and scenery that came with each move, no, he loved that. But you could get both of those things from traveling. Nobody moved every couple of months just for those two things, no, there definitely had to be another reason. He wasn't going to push it though, it was just part of Axel. "It sucks, but I'm here, aren't I?" He smiled at the redhead, leaning towards him to kiss his lips softly again. "Besides, this place is nicer than the last and I've never been here before and I've heard nothing but good things about Twilight Town, so...I'm more okay with this move than with others." That should make Axel happy considering how unhappy Roxas was after they moved the second time and he was basically stuck indoors all day because he hated the entire neighborhood. At least he was trying this time!
"It's nice moving around once in a while. The same ol' neighborhood gets boring pretty fast, and besides, I'm not a... settle-down type of guy," Axel admitted with a fox-like smirk, running his chiseled hand down the length of Roxas' milky thigh. He also had to confess, though, that even as he may seem like a promiscuous goofball, he was actually quite the opposite. To prove it, Axel had been "dating" the blonde for a while, now, and was currently working his ass off to keep him from a bloodthirsty organization out for both their blood. If that wasn't some sort of passionate dedication, he didn't know whatwas. "You'll thank me one day," he snorted with a brief chuckle, sliding halfway on top of Roxas and supporting his weight with his sturdy forearms. With a delicate gesture not characteristic of his brutal looks, he grazed Roxas' cheek with the back of his digits as if he was some fragile petal, admiring the way the light seeping through the blinds bounced off of his mesmerizing blue eyes. To think, he pondered, 'Roxas has the whole ocean in his eyes...' He meant this in a different sense than the romantic inference, of course. He was aware of what sort of "gift" his boyfriend possessed, and as an ex-member of a power-hungry organization, his infatuation with such strength allured him and, quite frankly, tickled his curiosity. He glanced at him, then ran a hand through his own mane of fiery crimson hair, the corners of his lips tugging upwards into a mischievous smirk. "You wanna take a walk around town, or would 'christening' our new bed seem like a better idea?" he grinned, sliding his fingertips under the hem of Roxas' shirt to fondle his smooth, flawless skin.
The winding pathways through the abandoned mines were eerily empty. Through the cerulean glow of the old stones and chuckling waterways, the young songstress had managed to find her way through. She was driven on by the hope of finding Nero somewhere along the way. Despite knowing that he was capable of defending himself, she hadnt been able to sit still in the safe houses of Fortuna with the others, unable to do a single thing. She hadnt been able to believe it when she finally did come to the end of the mine to face the sprawling tropical forest on the other side. They had played there often as children, getting lost and found again, picking up and saving the most beautiful of stones. But they had never found the untamed emeralds strewn out in lush foliage created by the disturbances in the Hell Gate. Unlike the empty trek through the mountainous caverns, the sense that the forest was filled with strange and terrible devils occurred to her. Yet, it didnt stop her. It was a foolhardy venture, to be sure, but somehow she believed that she could at least outrun or evade and hide from whatever might threaten her. Credo would be furious if he caught any wind of where she had gone and why. She already felt guilty already for not staying put where he had ordered her. She hardly disobeyed him. Ever since their parents had passed away to leave them orphaned, he had taken care of her, and she respected him more than anyone. Shed apologize to him later, if and when he ever found out. The confusion and the monsters that plagued the city, the brutal death of so many people, the safety of both Nero and her brother, constantly swarmed through her mind as she pressed through giant ferns and reaching vines. The climate was growing hotter with each step, and so was the fatigue. Just as she thought that she should stop to rest, completely and utterly lost, she heard a rustling through the brush. The sharp sounds of rusty metal sliding against one another. Even in the heat, she felt a cold chill roll down her spine, and soon enough, scarecrows were following, their patchwork bodies squirming with pests as they stumbled towards her on wooden stumps of legs, slashing axes and scythe-like arms. She screamed, running, and was soon caught over a tree root throwing her to the ground to knock the wind from her lungs, left with little time to evade her pursuers.
Credo was trying to evacuate everyone out of the city when he realized the safe-house was now in the center of the attack and the edge of the city was slowly becoming a war zone as well. He had seen several devils before today but he had never seen this many on a battlefield, let alone in the city. When he raced to the safe house, he found out that a battle had broken out and had came to late. He went through what was left and found evidence of devils and men fighting, some still left on the ground breathing their last breaths, when Credo found one man who seemed to be calm and able to talk. "Soldier, wheres my sister," Credo asked as he walked over to the man. "She went that way, right before the battle here sir. We're sorry, we would have gone after her but the civilians were here and the devils were coming out of the woodwork. I'm sorry," the soldier stated. Credo normally would have sent the man back to training for this but he understood what the man was going through. His job was to protect the citizens and if his sister did run away, towards the mines, then he understood staying put and helping out in the fight in the city. "You did alright. Tell the men to rally up in the square and get the civilians out of here. I'm going after her," Credo told the soldier before he left towards the mines. Before he could get to the mines, he ran into three devils that look all misshapen and were patchwork scarecrows with blades attached to them. Credo didn't waste a second as he pulled his blade out and sent the devils to the ground without a second thought hesitation. He then got back on the trail and followed the path through the mine that was most recently disturbed by human activity. He knew Kyrie had gone this way but he also knew, coming back through would be a problem because once the demons had the city, they would spread out and at some point, take the mines as well. Within moments of following the cool dark paths, he found himself at the paradise in front of him that was warm and humid. Green as far as the eyes could see and lucky for him, Kyrie was wearing white so she stuck out like a sore thumb. But he also saw more patchwork devils chasing after her and swore at himself. He cut through the forest with his blade, his heart pounding in his chest as the adrenalin coursed through his veins. He knew that this deep in the forest was bad for a single person but of course, he wasn't just some single person. He was a Captain for Fortuna's City Guards and an angry brother protecting his sister. He heard the screams and part of him felt like time was slowing down. His blade was at the ready, four of the patchwork devils were in a line. Time seemed way to slow to Credo as he brought his blade down on the far back one first. He could see the first one drawing up the bladed limb. Credo swung the blade in a circle and sent the third one in the air, obviously going to die when it came back to earth from the impact. The first one had started back down. Credo sent the second one into the river nearby. The first one was inches away from Kyrie when Credo slashed through the devil and stuck it to the side of a tree, not dead but obviously would be soon. Credo check the area quickly before he saw Kyrie on the ground. His blade returned back to its sheaf, he dropped down to the ground and picked her up, holding her as he asked her, "are you safe? Hurt at all? Please tell me you're all right."
It wasnt until she realized that she could be dead in a matter of moments that she knew the deep and the awful truth of how foolish she had been. What a terrible way to die. The girl didnt even turn to look at the guillotines blade coming down over her head. She knew that it was in full swing. She could hear it, feel the gravity of the wicked blade curving downward against her prone form as she threw her arms over herself to cradle her head. A series of quick and lightening like sears of metal struck out, too precise and sharp to be the clumsy swinging of the devils looming over her. The fatal and inevitable blow never came, her shallow breaths returning to her as the time continued to tick on without pain or otherworldly experiences. Everything seemed to feel the same. She didn't know when she would be able to move again, or dare to peek and see what had happened. The idea that Nero had come to rescue her in the nick of time, despite his own mission to look for the devil in red who had slain Sanctus, heartened her. She was just letting her arms relax enough to slide down from her head when she was lifted to sit up in the arms of someone much more familiar. She recognized his voice before she had even opened her warm ochre eyes to see him. "Oh... Credo..." She murmured, trying back the feelings of shame and self-censure. "I'm sorry, I... I'm all right. Thank you." She threw her arms around his neck and embraced him closely, completely relieved and happy to see him. Even if he could be just as scary as the devils, at times. "I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble. I just thought... I had to make sure Nero was all right."
Credo listened to Kyrie and said, "where Nero is going, I wouldn't go to. These demons seem to be getting grouping more and more the deeper in you go. Eventually, if you did catch up to Nero, he would have to defend you and himself at the same time." Credo had let go of Kyrie and noticed the eerie calmness of the paradise. He figured those four devils weren't the first ones here and he doubted the last ones to. He was about to point out the way he had came when he realized the path seemed to change now, like it was the same path a moment ago but also a different one at the same time. He looked back over at Kyrie and said, "look, right now, yes I am a bit mad at you for leaving the safe house but it got attacked so in a way, I am also not mad at you. Now, we have to find a way out here and fast, I think the devils changed this place which gives them an edge in this place over us." Credo kept one hand on the handle of his blade and the other in Kyrie's hand to keep her next to him as he guided them through the maze of paths that belonged to the devils now.
"I know... but--" Kyrie tried to explain herself and her actions, trying to make them at least sound somewhat reasonable. Everything had seemed to make sense in her head. She supposed that the error came when she acted on her emotions instead of using her common sense. She didn't have a chance in that forest against the demons, would only be a burden to Nero, and even now, felt as though she had inconvenienced and burdened her own brother. For the time being, it seemed that he was willing to spare her the lecture and chastising that she deserved to get her back to safety. But the safe house, along with the rest of the city...He had left his entire squadron of knights with the destruction in the city just to come to retriever her personally, she realized. "What do you mean 'change'?" Kyrie inquired, a worried edge to her tone as she looked at the surroundings again. The edges and shadows that weren't immediately besides them seemed to waver and shift, or the place they walked towards seemed not to be the same place they ended up in when they reached it. It soon became apparent that the knots in the trees were distinct despite being common and similar, as if they were repeating. Kyrie never let go of his hand, trying to keep up with his long and sure strides, staying close behind as she helped to look out for anymore devils. Whether it was the heat or the humidity, the enchantment of the forest, or all of the above, it soon became apparent that they were soundly trapped within the labyrinth's spell. Time felt warped. They could have been wandering for a matter of minutes, but it felt like an hour or more. With some wry amusement, she couldn't help but to feel a bit like Hansel and Gretel trying to make their way through without a trail. "Credo... Can we stop a moment?" She asked weakly, sorry to have even suggested it. Her legs felt as though they would melt from beneath her, and the heat was beginning to make her dizzy. The long sleeved, high collared, robes of the order were hardly helping.
Credo looked back at his Kyrie and realized a bit she wasn't condition for times like now. He nodded and stopped at a building that seemed to appear. He checked it quickly to find it small and empty, as well as cool. He looked over at Kyrie and helped her into the building before he closed the door behind them. When he got her a place to rest, he started to look through the place. It seemed to be a home at one point or another, furniture laid covered in white sheets and dust seemed to settle around the place. He sighed a bit, figuring that the home was abandoned long ago and wondered if it to was part of the changes that the devils were causing. He looked over at Kyrie, noting she looked like an angel sitting there in her attire and took a place next to her. "I think the devils have corrupted the place so that where you walk to ends up being different then where you want to go." He didn't want to voice it be he wondered if Nero was trapped as well in this maze or if he was lucky to get out before now. "If anything, the devils know the place well enough. Hell, maybe they are even mobilizing and corrupted the area for them to have the shortest distance to travel and all others get the long route." Credo didn't like it much but he did have to be happy about one thing, Kyrie was safe for the time being.
The small brick cottage must have been ancient; caught up from a faraway country into the strange void of the gate to have been brought there. Regardless of its origins or past, however, she was glad for it, and the temperature inside was much improved from the heat of the high afternoon outside. She sat at the end of one of the long and covered couches, having pulled down one of the sheets from it to reveal an old peridot velvet couch with golden scrolls decorating the edges. She might have appreciated it all much more had they not been caught in their present situation. Sitting with her hands clasped over her knees, Kyrie listened quietly to Credo's briefing of the situation, nodding a bit, but not offering too much in way of replies or solutions. She was tired, hungry, and thirsty, but she didn't complain. The silence was all that attested to her upset. Credo must have suffered more on her account, and the best she could do was to follow his strong example. Eventually, when she did feel as though she were cooling down and able to breath a bit better, Kyrie wordlessly gathered up Credo's arm between both of her own and leaned in against his shoulder. Thankfully, the house that they had found some respite it didn't hold any witches in it. Resting against that certainly and closeness, Kyrie eventually dozed off into a light repose.
Credo sat there with Kyrie, not surprised by the fact she took his arm but it did seem a little odd to him that she fell asleep on his shoulder. Normally, he would have protested but he figured it was long enough time already. His mind then raced through thoughts of what was happening and found himself actually enjoying the cottage, providing a place to rest for a while. He looked over at Kyrie and looked at how beautiful she looked to him. He didn't like the fact that her and Nero were together but he wouldn't stop his sister's happiness, if that is what she wanted. Credo then found himself slowly falling asleep. Before he did fall into sleep, he kissed Kyrie on the top of her head and said a silent prayer before he dozed off. War takes a lot out of person, regardless if they were a warrior or not.
She hadn't intended to fall asleep in the first place, much less for so long. The exhaustion of the day, beginning from her much anticipated performance in the church, all the way to her near-death experiences, took a toll on a girl that was by no means a trained and seasoned warrior in any sense of the word. It was remarkable that she had even made it for as long as far as she did. By the time she began to awaken again, the sun had set in the strange forest, leaving a shaft of moonlight to filter through the old windows and across the empty cottage floors. There was nothing that startled her awake. Because of Credo's presence right beside her, she wasn't even startled to find herself there, remembering how they had come to be. Very quietly and slowly, Kyrie lifted her head and looked over towards her brother, trying not to rouse him. The stern and harsh angles of his handsome face were softened by the moonlight. And all men, whoever they were, looked as peaceful and innocent as children again when they slept soundly. She smiled in spite of herself at that note, remembering what it had been like to watch Credo when he had been but a teenager. It seemed so long ago. Looking at him now, his features lined by the beard he grew even began to remind her of their father, brief as blurry as her memories made him out to be. She leaned in to kiss his cheek, happy that she was with him. "Credo. We should go." She whispered softly, feeling much better. They'd find their way out sooner or later. It didn't matter if they were helplessly and hopelessly lost. So long as they were together.
Credo slowly woke, feeling a little stiff from staying on position for so long, when he felt a kiss to his cheek. He rubbed at it for a moment and then looked up to see Kyrie standing next to him. In the moonlight, she still looked like an angel to him. He heard her speak and got up, stretching out his back and groaning a bit. He looked around to see it was still quiet but darker now, he said, "hate to say it but it might be a good idea to move out now." Preferably, he would have liked to move out during the day but with the devils, he wasn't sure when they were the least active. He nodded his head at the door and walked over to it, opening it up and glad to see the cottage hadn't moved or the place hadn't changed. When he walked out the door, he left a mark on the frame, a line through a circle, to state to both of them that if they were separated, this place was safe. He looked around and could see the rippled edges of the changes to the paradise but he wondered how far in they would have to go before they could get out.
Even though the night was darker, making more shadows and hiding more unknowns, Kyrie felt a bit more sure of herself. A large part of that was due in part to Credo's presence and defense. The other part was because she finally felt well rested and at peace, far away from the strife and worries of the world that had been inadvertently left behind. She still felt terrible for leaving the safe house and all those people, still thought and worried about Nero. She wanted to know how everyone was doing and what was happening. But for the time being, this was all they could do. "Do you think I should learn how to use a sword?" Kyrie asked her brother, perhaps a bit out of the blue. The quiet was pressing in around her, with nothing to threaten them, and it felt safe to fill in the space with their voices for the time being. Besides, she was curious, and her suggestion seemed a valid one. Despite the fact that everyone knew she'd never hurt a fly. "Then I could defend myself. You make it look so easy..."
"It's not easy," Credo told his sister as he guided her through the forest, noting the turns and changes that happened. the most common one he could find was their position to the Hellgate seemed to change, one minute its on their left side, the next, their right, and at one time, behind them. "Besides, we only have one blade right now and what you would need to learn to fight would take longer then we have." He looked back at her and said, "if we had another blade and more time for training, then I would say yes. But now, no." He looked back in front of him and was noting how quiet the world was. No birds were chirping, no wild animals on the prowl, nothing at all. Not even the devils were on the move, maybe they had a sleep cycle as well. Credo was about to say for them to stop when he noticed a bag in front of them, and the Order's seal on it. Credo hadn't brought a bag with him and only Order members had them. He was able to figure based on its size, it was a basic pack which meant it has supplies in it, namely food and water. He went to it and opened it up but before he could realize what had happened, Kyrie was no longer with him and a rift had opened up.
Makoto nearly staggered out of the Great Hall, her stomach aching from the amount of food that she ate. She wasnt used to eating so much, her appetite was normally that of a bird. As she headed toward the Hufflepuff common room, she spotted Maxwell. Her thought from earlier rang in her head. An internal fight began, her heart telling her to wait was overshadowed by the screaming hormones throbbing inside of her. She wasn't sure which to listen to. She chose the hormones and called out to him. Hey Leo! Come here! Her grin spread wide across her face as she took off running to a nearby empty classroom, black hair whipping back over her shoulder. She dove behind the teachers desk, hiding just out of site, knowing he could smell her no matter how well she hid. She held back the giggles that threatened to escape her throat, trying to keep as quiet as she could for the time being. Gods only knew that when he found her, she wouldn't be very quiet anymore. Her mind flashed, teeth brushing against skin, deep growling rang out in her mind, moans reverberating in the hallows of her chest. She bit her lip, nearly drawing blood. Maybe she needed to think these kind of things through before she took action like that again. Her hand slid down her side to the floor, keeping herself braced incase she had to suddenly stand to attempt running. She waited to hear the obvious footsteps that would mark his angry stomping. She just hoped that Megs wouldnt wait up for him or, god forbid, follow him. Makoto had been waiting too long to get this boy alone and get under his damned clothes and down his pants. She couldnt guarantee that she would care if Megs came with him. She was tempted to slam him against a desk and show him that even small girls like her could be the kind of thing he needed to please him. Her brain started on its own again. Pushing him into a desk, getting a hold of the tab of his zipper with her teeth and slowly pulling it down She shook her head again. She needed to stay clear minded so she could act accordingly when Leo came in the door.
Maxwell had finally gotten tired of the great hall as he walked out into the large main hall with every intent to explore the enormous castle and burn off the calories he had just gained. His stomach was blissfully full, but he had cut himself off before he over ate. Maxwell was one to always watch how much he ate and also what he ate. Though he did like to eat - and a lot - he had a horrible fear of getting fat and ugly. (Not that he would actually tell anyone that) It had been a true torment to sit there looking at all that meat and not scarf it all down. Then again, it had been a torment at Salem as well. He was probably certain that the Gryffindors found it odd that he had only picked at his cherry pie, but he was not a big desert fan. Not that he didnt like sweets. He just didnt like the after effects of having to many. Stretching his arms into the air and tilting back a bit, Maxwell stretched his back to try and loosened some of the stiff muscles in his back from sitting down way to long. Lowering his arms and standing straight again, he twisted his upper body from side to side hearing a series of pops and cracks coming from his back. He let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall for a moment as he took in the comfortable feeling that those sounds had brought to him. He knew that popping his back was a bad habit, but what habit of his wasnt bad? It was as he was leaning against the wall that he heard all to irritating words coming from an all to irritating voice. His eyes shoot open when he heard the words Makoto said and they filled with anger as he watched her disappear into a classroom. He couldnt help but wonder what possessed the girl to piss him off so when she knew damned well that he preferred to be called Maxwell and not Leo. He couldnt help the growl that echoed in his throat as he took off at full speed after her with every intention of knocking some sense into her. When he got to the classroom she had escaped into, he turned the door knob and thrust it open so hard that it hit the wall with a loud crack and bounced back at him. Luckily, he was already walking into the room by this moment and he ignored it as the door made contact with his shoulder. He scanned the room with narrowed eyes as he looked for the overly sensual creature that had so pissed him off only to find she was know where in side. Sure that she had came into this room, he crouched close to the ground and sniffed the air. Having a extremely acute sense of smell, it didnt take him long to pick up Makotos sent of tea leaves and sugar. Maxwell could also smell something else. But he played it off as his imagination as he slinked towards his hidden prey. His eyes shifted from place to place in the room so as to pick up any sign of his hidden friend as he moved closer and closer to the teachers desk. It was obvious that the sent was coming from the desk, but he wanted to make her believe that he was having issues finding her. He sniffed the air again to make sure she was still in the same place and was reassured by his nose as a small smirk came to his face and his eyes targeted the desk. Makoto, come out. I know youre behind the desk and you should know no amount of hiding will work against me. Now WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CONTINOUSLY CALL ME LEO! My name if fucking Maxwell damn it and I swear by whatever god is listening at the moment. I will pound that into you if I have too Maxwell said as he straightened himself and glared in the direction of the desk that was obscuring his view of the girl. In all honesty, he would never actually raise his hand against Makoto. As irritated and angry as she made him, she was his friend and he didnt go around hurting his friends. Plus, why would he want to hurt a hot piece of ass like her? The simple fact was, he really wouldnt unless she was literally asking for it. Maxwell had to admit that he had had some interesting thoughts about Makoto ever sense she transferred to Salem years ago. Even before she had developed her smashing new look. But he had always held himself back when it came to her. Why? Because he didnt want it to become weird between the two of them. He had seen it before many times. Two friends getting caught up in the heat of passion and end up not being the same anymore. He certainly didnt want that to happen. Though she was very annoyingly seductive and goading, those where some of the things he liked about her as odd as it may seem. He didnt want to ruin it with one long and satisfying fuck. He didnt know if he could contain himself if she actually did a true attempt to get in his pants though.
Makoto slinked out from behind the desk, her eyes flashing mischievously. She had a sly grin that seemed to be nearly carved into her face with how hard it was for her to make it go away. This was the moment she had been waiting for. Part of her heart was telling her to say something. Something special. Her brain shook it off as something too dangerous. She thought back to all of the girls in the last two years that she had seen him with. She had watched what had happened when they had said it. She didnt want that. She always wondered what he saw in those girls anyways. They were bubbly and air headed. She supposed it had something to do with the fact that they would put out at the drop of a hat. That more than likely helped. Her thoughts turned back to the boy in front of her. She couldnt help but notice that there was something he wasnt telling her most of the time. She knew he was a shifter and she knew most of the things about him so what was it? Its not like he had to hide anything from her. He could trust her with anything. She walked very slowly up to Maxwell and her smile softened. She could see that he was angry, that much was clear, but at least he knew that she was just goading him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, her skirt riding a bit higher and chest pressed firmly into his. She nuzzled into his neck, eyes closing to enjoy the smell of him. He always smelled of spice and what she was sure was something like pine from running in the woods. When she pulled back, she looked him in the eye. Chocolate brown eyes meeting bright gold. She stopped breathing for a moment as she took him in. He was definitely what she called attractive. All of him screamed power and grace, his face was gentle, even when angry. She couldnt help herself. She stood on the very tips of her toes, lips lightly brushing against his, as if she was testing the waters. After all, what was the worst that could happen?
Maxwell watched as Makoto slinked out from behind the desk and wasnt surprised to see the mischievous sly look dancing in her expression. She always seemed to have that look on her face when she was taking pleasure in his anger and it didnt improve his mood at all. He had a feeling that she was planning further goading on his behalf and he intended to cut her off in whatever way necessary if she did. The anger still flashed in his golden catlike eyes as he watched her near him in that slow and steady tauntingly seductive walk that she always seemed to take on. A irritated look came to his face as she made her way towards him clearly trying to drive him crazy. He hated that walk more then he could possible say. It made his senses go wild with hunger for her sexy little body. He turned his eyes away from her to try and hide the want that started to fill them causing more irritation to course through him. For two years he had been forced to go through this. Two years without tasting her, without sensually touching her, without holding her against him as he buried himself deep within her over and over again until they both reached the edge and fell into ecstasy. He couldnt explain how much he had been longing for her. Even for just one night. It was then that he felt arms wrapping around his neck and he turned back to look at the only person who was in the room with him. Where hunger, irritation, and anger had once been in his eyes, Maxwells eyes filled with surprise as he looked back into the beautiful soft chocolate eyes of Makotos. Then she leaned in and nuzzled him and he couldnt help taken in all of her scent. She was hugging him and being this close was driving him closer to a choice that he may regret later. He couldnt help himself as his arms wrapped around her small frame. There was obviously a reason why she needed him at the moment and he wasnt about to leave her hanging when she needed comfort. Then she pushed back from him a little. Not far enough for her to stop the growing ache in his groin though. It was all to obvious that he wanted her. He just hoped she didnt find out just how much. She looked into his eyes and he looked right back into hers. He didnt hide the concern he was feeling, but he did do his best to hide the lustful feelings and wants that were slowly taking over him. Then she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Maxwells breath caught in surprise as he felt those soft lips against his. But the surprise only lasted for a moment before his restraint broke and he pulled her closer to him. His left hand instantly went to her black hair and his buried it deep with in the silky locks as he made sure her lips stayed right where they were. He returned the kiss with a passionate kiss of his own. He deepened the kiss as he slide his right hand up the soft skin of the back of her leg. He could feel that her short skirt had slide up further on its own as he slipped his hand under the irritating cloth. Maxwell continued up her thigh until he reached the restricting fabric of her underwear. He ran his long fingers along the rim of her underwear until he reached the middle of the front of the cotton bikini style under clothing. Then he grabbed the fabric and slide it down her legs. While he did this, he continued to kiss Makoto passionately. Then his tongue dashed into her mouth to taste the inside of her mouth. He tried to remain in control of himself as he did this. His desire for her was to strong after waiting so long. He didnt want to hurt her though. That was the last thing he wanted to do. Thus, he completely intended to be as gentle as he possible could. He knew that he was probably going to hell for this. But at the moment hell didnt seem like such a bad idea. Breaking the kiss, he looked into her eyes breathing heavily in husky breaths. To make sure his consciences remained clear he asked only one thing, You up for a good fuck or did I come to the wrong conclusion?
Makoto pushed away from him at his speaking. She barely contained the anger that was beginning to rise in her chest. Good Fuck? Really? Was that what he thought of her? The anger was beginning to morph into sadness. She wasnt sure which was worse. The way he spoke to her or the way he was thinking of her. She thought of him as more than just a good fuck, she thought of him in quite the different light. She nearly loved him. She stopped herself in the middle of that thought. She wasnt sure what to think of herself now. She actually admitted to herself the thing she had been considering for the last year. She finally pulled herself away from her thoughts, he was still looking at her in the most heated of ways. She pulled her right hand back and let it go, her hand colliding with his face rather firmly, tears finally coming to her eyes. How could you? I-Im not just a cheap fuck. I had hoped- She cut herself off before she could make a fool of herself. She turned on heel and began to walk away, the tears finally freeing themselves and rolling down her cheeks. She stopped halfway through the room and fell to her knees, her face buried in her hands. She could barely hold everything together. She was falling apart at the seams. She needed someone, anyone to hold her and tell her she wasnt those horrid names that the other girls had been calling her back in Salem.
Maxwell was shocked when she pushed away from him. He could still feel the warmth of her body on his skin and her scent was still flooding his nose. He wanted her so bad it hurt. But he knew something was wrong. Alarm was in his eyes as he looked at the shifting expressions on her face. Yes, there was no denying something was wrong and he new that sex should be the last thing on his mind. He forced himself to push back his hunger for her. It was right as he got in control of himself that she lifted her hand and sent it flying right at her face. He was in such a state of surprise that he didnt even try to stop the hand. Then it struck and pain shot through the whole of his check. His head whipped to the side from the impact of the smack and his eyes closed as he realized that the issue was him. He had indeed gotten the wrong conclusion. Shame was the only thing he seemed to feel as his eyes opened again and the only thing they expressed was a piteous plea for forgiveness. His need No his want had over came his sense yet again. Not that he had much of that to begin with. Her words stung as she spoke and it was only then that he realized she wasnt hurt by the way he had been so sensually attending to her. She was hurt by the way he had phrased his words. With this realization, Maxwell felt a pang of guilt stronger then he had ever felt before. He was about to reply to her, but right as he opened his mouth, she turned away from him and walked away. He started to reach out to grab her shoulder. But he stopped before his long fingers could make contact with her. Even if he did stop Makoto, he had no clue what he would say to her. He had to think. He had to find a way to tell her he had no intention to come off that way. He would never consider her a cheap fuck. She was his friend and possible his best friend next to his cousin. Then Makoto fell to her knees in tears. Instantly he sprang into action and he ran to her side. Falling to his knees next to her his arms unrelentingly pulled her to his chest and tried to comfort her. Come on, Makoto! You know Im nothing but a big dumb ass with a pretty face! I didnt mean to hurt you and in no way did I mean to request a cheap fuck! And frankly, after two year of containing myself, It would have been damned nice to finally get with you. I mean, look at you. Youre fucking hot, Makoto. I just didnt want to do something to you that you didnt want Maxwell said as he tried to comfort her. It was only after he said it that he realized that he still unintentionally sounded like a insensitive prick.
Makoto wiggled in his arms, trying to get a better look at him, she saw the regret, guilt and what appeared to be something toward alarm in his brilliant eyes. She sniffled, her tears beginning to dry as she cracked a slight smile. He really was insensitive some times, but it was one of the things she loved about him. He made her laugh with his silly misphrasings and ill timed comments. It was an endearing quality that even his cousin had trouble denying. She had quite a bit of trouble finding things in this boy that she didnt love. Using his shoulders to steady herself, she propped herself up in a better position. Her arms wrapped around him and she smile softly to herself. He was right where she had been wanting him. Holding her tightly, caring in a way most girls only dreamed of, no matter how silly his last statement was. Her voice was merely a decibel above a whisper when she spoke. You stupid ignorant boy. Im not mad at you. I love you too much to stay mad. I was just hurt. Ive been having so many problems with figuring out how to tell you. I just- Her voice cracked with the pain that was building in her chest, I just wanted to get you to a place where I knew no one would come bursting in, ranting about clan matters or things that mean nearly nothing to me when you are around. I have been in love with you for Gods, maybe from the moment you first spoke to me. I understand if you dont feel the same I just wanted to finally tell you. Ive been craving some form of contact with you, even if it was only once. I just wanted to feel the man I love. Thats not too much to ask, right? Makoto waited for him to push her away, angry or disgusted, if not both. She braced her body and her heart for the inevitable sting of rejection. She was suddenly unsure of herself. Had she sounded like a babbling idiot? Maybe he didnt feel that way and would be scared of her now. Did she just push him away by telling him the truth? Or was it like some fairytale where he would sweep her off of her feet and exclaim how happy he was that she felt the same? She knew damned well that there was no such thing as a fairytale but she held out hope for some form of good outcome none the less. She held her breath and waited for his response.
When Maxwell felt her squirming about in his arms, he winced slightly expecting to get back handed or something. He knew he deserved it. But naturally he didnt really want it. He was more then relieved when she didnt raise her hand against him and instead turned to face him. He heard her sniffles and pain shot through his heart at the sight of her tear dried face. Then she wrapped her arms around him and smiled. He knew that everything was going to be alright at that moment and he couldnt help the look of relief that came to his face. He couldnt help his heart from skipping a beat when the soft little smile came to her face. Though he knew he was forgiven just by those looks, he gave a hesitant smile for fear that a smile at this moment might infuriate her further. Then she started to speak. Maxwell couldnt help the laughter that came to his lips before it left them and it rang out throughout the whole empty classroom. He quieted down quickly however and he gave her a gentle smile. Something he had never given a woman after such a confession. The truth was, he had been laughing at the fact that she had said she loved him. But he hadnt meant it in a mean way. In fact, he couldnt help but feel relieved. Of all the people he had ever hoped would love him, Makoto had been at the top of his list. Why? It just seemed right. He loved Makoto. He wasnt quite sure just how much he loved her. But he certainly loved her more then any of those useless bitches he had bedded. In fact, he had a feeling for her that he held for no others. Not even his cousin and parents had something akin to this. It was a feeling that reached beyond that of family and friend. A feeling that he only had for her. He silently wondered if that was the feeling that a love between a man and a woman felt? To be frank, he was just to dense to make it out on his own. But love was certainly a word that he would place the feeling under. Pulling his arms in, he grabbed Makotos arms and made them release their hold around him with a gentle tug. Then he took her hands into his as he said, I may be ignorant and stupid at times. But you - my lady- are just as bad. As dense as you know me to be, did you really think that I would possible come to the conclusion that you loved me on my own? He couldnt help but laugh again at this as he shook his head and smiled wickedly. And for not being mad at me, you sure have one hell of a swing, he said as he rubbed his still red cheek. It still stung a little, but it was now less painful and more of a surprisingly pleasurable burn. He grinned at her to show that he had no hard feelings towards the contact that had been made to his face as he lifted her hands to his lips and kissed the top of each of them ones. Then he looked back up at her with a long suffering look as he said, Damn it, Makoto! You should have done this a long time ago! You could have asked me anytime to talk alone! I mean, Meagen is easy enough to ditch if its something important and this certainly is a important! It was clear that he was frustrated by the fact that it hadnt been brought up soon her as he gave a groan of irritation, fall backwards onto his back, and pulled Makoto on top of him. Then he took her chin into her hands, leaned forward a little, and kissed her lips unable to resist the want to taste her again. He only left a small peck on her lips before he realized he had forgotten to say something and he pulled away. For the first time in his life, Maxwell actually seemed a little shy before he managed to mutter out, If you havent guessed yet, I think I love you as well. You always seemed to have this irritating something else that I cant explain for the life of me. But the more it irritates me, the more I come to cling to it. I know I sound like a real freak saying that shit But if that irritating little thing that makes my heart skip beats and hurt is love, then yes. I love you, Makoto.
She wasnt sure which was worse at first, his laughing or the fact that he seemed happy that she said it. She wasnt sure what to think. Makotos head was spinning and her heart felt like it could explode. There was no way she was that dense, but she had hoped he would figure it out, even if it meant having some kind of tip off from Megs. When he mentioned the swing, she flinched. Shed slapped him with her left hand, and she was right handed. She didnt tell him that however, figuring he already knew that obvious fact. Shed only hit him at half strength and that was bad enough. She didnt like hurting people. She knew Megs was easy to ditch but that wasnt much of what she had been worried about back in Salem. It had been his fan club. More like Stalkers she thought to herself. Shed been more jealous of those girls than she really wanted to admit to him. They had been able to do things she couldnt. All she had wanted was to be the one to hold him at night and be able to wake up next to him in the morning,, assuming he didnt leave of his own accord. She squeaked loudly as he fell back, she wasnt expecting that, or to be pulled into him once again. Her mind and heart ceased all function when his lip touched hers. She prayed for him to deepen the kiss and was vaguely disappointed when he pulled back. Makoto laid her head on his chest and listened to the sound of his heart as he spoke. She felt herself relax when he said the three words she had been hoping for. She sat up, swinging one leg over the other side of him, straddling him and placing her hands on either side of his head. She grinned mischievously at him, her eyes filled with caring and a touch of something a little less appropriate. Maxwell, is there any way that we could still her voice trailed off as she thought of a better way to phrase it. She had never thought of it a making love before. That concept was still far to foreign to her. She wouldnt use that phrasing until she knew for certain he would be alright with it. She loved him and he loved her, but that didnt automatically mean he would make love to her right off the bat. That was normally something for couples who had been together for years and older couples over the age of 30. It just seemed to old to her. And very not Maxwell. She leaned down, her lips sliding against his in a rather sensual way. Pulling back ever so slightly, she nipped at his lower lip, trying to elicit a reaction out of him. Her body was beginning to heat up, the junction of her leg growing warm and wet as she thought of finally having him. She vaguely wondered what kind of a lover he was. Shed had several different types. Soft and slow, hard and fast, rough and kinky. What flavor was he? Maybe the perfect mixture of them all? He could be the good, hard fuck he always seemed to be or maybe he was a very gentle, caring lover that makes your skin glow and the trip into ecstasy slow and mind blowing. Makoto wasnt sure, but she was damned determined to find out.
Maxwell ran his right hand through her hair as he spoke to her. He felt her soft breath against the cloth of his shirt and felt every movement of her body. She sat up and he let his arm fall to his side. He felt her leg as it moved across his lower body. Then she was straddling him around his waist. It felt good to have her wrapped around him like that and he squirmed a little to make himself more comfortable underneath her weight. He lifted a brow at the mischievous look on her face and, after her words, his lips slipped into a smirk. It didnt take a genius to guess what she couldnt bring herself to ask. She wanted exactly what he wanted. He could tell from her body language and the heat between her legs. Not to mention the smell of her. Then her lips brushed against his for only a moment and he felt something akin to a electrical shock coursing through his body. A small tremor ran down his body as her teeth made contact with his lower lip and she started to nibble on it lightly. His body was already starting to react to her gentle tempting and he knew why. He had wanted her for way to long and now he had nothing holding him back. She had given off all the signs and had pretty much asked her to fuck her until she couldnt take anymore. And that was exactly what she was going to get. However, he had every intention to keep some control over his urges. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her or scare her away. With this in mind, Maxwell wrapped a strong arm around her slender small body, rolled them both so she was on her back and he was now propped on one hand and his knees between her legs. Moving his arm up her from her back, he placed it behind her neck and kissed her deeply. His lips moved against hers with a long chained hunger that begged to be all let out at once. Using the arm with the hand propping her neck as a stable hold above her as well. His other hand, roamed up her shirt until they reached Makotos soft fleshy breasts. Taking one in hand, he began to message one of the mounds on her chest with gentle knowledgeable precision. Then he parted their lips and he lowered his lips to the hollow of her soft skinned neck. First his kissed the gentle flesh, then he nibbled it softly. He enjoyed the taste of her skin and he was completely engrossed in his menstruations upon his beautiful Asian mate. Then one of his fingers brushed across the tip of her nipple and he paused to take in her reaction.
Closed1919. The war had ended less than a year ago, yet the remains still stunk across the hills of loveless Europe. Lives had been lost -- familiesdecimated, villages erased through blood and fire. Underneath, the soles of boots trampled on bone and bullets, empty shells of both ammo and man. The man that walked through it all was a Canadian soldier that had witnessed the violence first hand. The screams -- the suffering. And he'd suffered more than most men out there. Bullet after bullet, tearing through his flesh and ripping him apart. And every time -- that Canadian soldier would stand back up. It hurt, and because of his special ability he was prone to putting himself in danger more times than a normal man would. He could heal -- faster than anything. And it meant he had to go through the pain of death more than once. His name was Corporal Jim Howlett, a native of Alberta, and one-of-a-kind. They sent him on missions like this because that's what he was best at -- killing bad guys. In this case, it wasn't just murdering. There was a woman involved... a pilot. Seems like she had been shot down whilst flying back from the east and was carrying something important. His commanding officer didn't tell him what, and Jim -- or "Logan", as he was nicknamed -- didn't ask questions. She was being kept in a small village, situated in the old landscape of eastern Prussia. The Canadian didn't have a plan, except for one. Get in, grab her, and kill every German soldier that was stupid enough to pull back on the trigger. Sneaking in wearing a German uniform was out of the equation. Castle The prisoner had been kept in a cell, in one of the basements of the town. They were all inter-connected with one another, the sewer system linking each building to the next. The smell inside the cell suggested it was very close to large quantities of sewage. The cramped room gave little space to maneuver, built tall with stone and a small window in the heavy wooden door to give some source of light. The sound of German was a constant background noise to break up the rare moments of silence. The occasional laughter. Taunting. The voices of free men on the other side of the locked door.
"Bitte, lass mich gehen. Let me go... please..." A small woman called out for what probably was the fifteenth time that day, feeling weak and tired. It had been hell for the past... Oh God, how long had it been? At least six months, if not more. Marla ran a hand through her dark hair, feeling the dried blood and dirt that was matted into it. She remembered right before the crash; the plane that had come out of nowhere and taken her down without a problem. She knew the plane started to go down, but about four hundred feet from the ground, she blacked out, and couldn't remember anything until she had woken up here. The smell at first had made her sick over and over again, but after the first month passed, she didn't even notice it anymore. Her pale skin was streaked with dirt, her clothes ripped and bloodstained. She would have given anything to clean off and just go home. Why wouldn't they just let her go? She knew her commanding officer had given her a package, and she was told to bring it back to the United States. She didn't know what was in it, or why it was important, but she knew that the Germans would kill for whatever it was. And now, she was paying for it. For the first few months, she dreamed of the war ending, was vindictive and combative towards the guards, and thought that any day U.S troops would come get her out of her. But day after day, week after week, no one showed up. And now, well, she had lost all hope that anyone would come get her. The girl slowly laid down on the stained jacket she had put out to protect her from the horrifying floor of the dungeon like room. Half of her just wished one of the guards would come and put her out of her misery, and the other half of her wanted to survive until someone came. If anyone would....
Outside of her dark prison, down the corridor and to the left sat Leutnant Karlheinz Stanger, the soldier in charge of keeping her locked up. He was a youthful lieutenant at the age of 25, having achived the rank after the war. That's what some people said, anyway. Karlheinz was one of those that considered the war to still be in full swing -- and that this quiet spell was merely the break between rounds. His dark hair was hidden underneath the helmet protecting his head, even though there was no danger of bullets flying around down there. He sat back, cleaning the rifle that had barely been fired. "She's still crying out for someone to help her. How long's she been here now, huh? Couple of months? Maybe more? You'd think she'd give up by now. No one's gonna hear her but us. And we're sure as hell not going to let her go." Sitting across from the officer sat his good friend Erich Adler, a year younger and holding the rank of Feldwebel (sergeant). Up until a few seconds ago, he had been asleep -- the peacefulness of the basement failing to keep his eyes awake. "Huh? What's she saying now?" "Same old stuff." Replied his friend, who carefully placed his rifle on the table between them, pushed himself to his feet and slowly creeped towards the door. There was a few seconds of hesitation, before a couple of loud knocks hit the door hard. "Shut up in there!" Karlheinz looked down the corridor. "I swear, the next time she mutters something I'm throwing in some mustard gas." The German lieutenant returned to his seat, picking up his weapon once more and continuing from where he left off. A couple of hours later, she had been removed from her cell and taken to the interrogation room. It was the only other room that she spent her time in, the other being the cell. Leutnant Stanger was there, standing in the corner. In the middle of the room sat Marla -- she had been almost thrown in to the wooden chair. The German officer -- with his large nose, and side-parted hair now on show -- was considered a very attractive man indeed. He also was very aware of his lucky looks. "Have you ever been to Bayern, mein fraulein? It's a nice place. I'm sure you've flown over it plenty of times, have you?" Karlheinz stepped closer, grabbing her chin to force her to face him. "Looking down at it's beautiful hills? Tell me... are there beautiful hills in your home town?"
As the man slammed his hand against the door, Marla managed to suppress a scream, gripping onto her jacket tighter as a few tears fell from her eyes. She felt like a baby, but all she wanted was to go back to Chicago with her family, curl up in her bed with her dog, and never think about this war again. But the tears weren't just of sadness. Anger was seeping in again. The girl had fits of rages when she would think about the fact that her commanding officer clearly didn't care if she was dead or alive, and that no one, in all probability, was going to come for her. As she laid there, she finally managed to drift off, her dreams being the only place where she felt entirely safe. She was abruptly awoken when two of the guards opened the door, the girl sitting up immediately and being on guard. Sure, no one was going to come in to shoot her, at least not until they had the information they needed, but she didn't want to give up anything without a fight. She was grabbed by the arms, and immediately the girl started fighting, but being only around 5 foot tall, the guard easily picked her up and held her above the ground. Marla winced in pain at the way her arms were pinned, feeling like her shoulders were going to pop out of the sockets until she was violently thrown into the rickety, wooden chair that was the only thing in the large, empty room. The gorgeous girl looked up to see Stanger, instantly looking back to the floor to try and keep her anger down. She knew from experience that fighting back was not the brightest idea, but then again, thats why her commanding officer had sent on such an important mission. She was feisty, and he knew that she wouldn't spill anything but blood for the German officers. As he approached her and started to speak, she looked down at the floor, feeling her head being jerked up to look at him. She stared into his eyes, the gorgeous girl looking like she wanted to spit in his face. She would have done anything to get his gun from him and shoot him right between the eyes, but she knew that anything she did to retaliate would only be met by pain and suffering for her. "Don't touch me..." The girl jerked her head away from him, gritting her teeth slightly as she frowned before shaking her head. "I live in the city, you pig. But you aren't going to see you're beautiful little hills after I'm rescued. They'll shoot you so fast, you won't have time to even think about drawing your gun. Instead of spitting into his face like she wanted, she spat at his feet, resigning herself to the beating of a lifetime that she was certainly going to get. "You will never... ever know anything I know. Ever. So give up while you still have your life to leave with."
"You might think you're being a very brave girl... but in fact you're just being a stupid one. Don't you see, Mein Fraulein? You're not going to get rescued. Your superiors do not know where you are. The only thing they want is the package you were carrying. You are worthless to them." Karlheinz looked down at the small puddle of saliva that she had fired on the ground, stepping back a few inches to avoid it. The room was growing colder by the minute, and though only slightly noticeable with clothes on, the extent of the temperature could only really be appreciated when clothes were off. "We'll see how long you stay like this. Guards...? Remove the young woman's clothes for her." The officer spun on the spot and exited the room for a few moments as three men came in like a trio of charging bulls, grabbing and ripping, cutting away material and fabric -- leaving not a single thread of uniform on the woman's body. Breasts... vagina... backside... everything was exposed. And they held her -- the Germans gripping her arms with their strength to prevent her from lunging towards the re-entering Karlheinz and attacking him. "Very soon, you're going to feel the cold. Well... you're probably feeling it already." It was all games to him. He needed her alive, although whether or not she had the information he needed was a mystery. The package was encrypted, and although a team of expert code-breakers were trying to decipher it, they weren't having much luck. That's where Marla came in. She had accepted the package. She must have known who she gave it to her. Unfortunately for Karlheinz, she didn't. It was a top secret mission, to the extent that Marla was given no knowledge of what she was transporting, and who her contact was. He was a man with no face, a man without a name. He would never be found. "Tell me who gave you the package, and I'll let you walk out of this town right now."
"Get off me!" The girl screamed and flailed as the men grabbed her, trying desperately to get them off of her and her clothing. She didn't want to be bare in front of him, and not because she thought they'd hurt her. She knew it was a power struggle, and that they were going to try and prove how weak she was and that she'd never win this. But she wasn't going to let them win so easily. They got her stripped down, her gorgeous body on display as she crossed her legs and scowled at Karlheinz. It wasn't long before the girl started shaking, her lips going slightly blue as she tried to cross her arms to get warmer. She knew that even if she told them the truth, they wouldn't believe her. She honestly didn't know. She had been given an rendezvous point to meet up with an undercover, and when she got there, she was handed a package. She never saw his face, barely heard his voice, and it's not like they met somewhere memorable. It was a bombed out warehouse that hadn't seen civilization for years, even before the war. Marla looked up at him, smiling slightly as she stopped fighting, essentially giving in physically to them. "I wouldn't tell you if a gun was to my head. What makes you think I'd tell you now? You can kill me, or you can let me live. But either way...." She laughed softly, dirt streaked face looking up at him as she licked her lips, turning her heads towards one of the guards as she coughed onto him slightly.. "... Either way, you will never know what that package is. Ever..."
"Oh, believe me, we're going to let you live. We're going to keep you in that small cell of yours forever. We'll make sure you're fed and watered, and kept alive until the very end of your life. No one's going to come rescue you. You're a permanent prisoner of war until you give me the information that I -- or my replacement -- wants." Karlheinz clicked his fingers, and she was once again returned to her small cell. Naked, and left to freeze by her lonesome. The German peeked through the hole in the door. "You might think it is smart to play the tough card just now, but it won't be long before you start to realise how long your misery is going to be." The Officer's boots faded away down the corridor, leaving the pilot alone once more to think things through. The cell was just as cold as the interrogation room, and as the night approached it would only grow colder. Logan didn't have much time. Her scent was already tingling the hairs in his nose, telling him which direction to head. South -- no, it was more like south-west. It wasn't quite strong, as if another overbearing smell was competing with hers. The smell of sewage. It took him down to the sewers -- which for a person with a heightened smell like his -- was a horrible experience. But he continued, he had to save this girl. A lone finger traced against the stone of the sewer wall, before his feet stopped and nostrils widened. It was strong. The scent of the pilot. Here -- he could almost reach out and grab her. And it came from behind this very stone wall he stood next to. The Wolverine pressed his palms against it, his nose touching the hard, cold surface. The wall was so thin, he could hear someone moving on the other side. Down near the floor, there was a small, square-inch gap about knee height. Logan took his chances. "Hey... you."
The girl looked up at him with those gorgeous, hate filled eyes, and when he snapped his fingers, she immediately started thrashing again, trying to get them to let go of her. She didn't know what she'd do if she got them to let go of her, after all, she was naked and had no idea where she was. But she just wanted to run; to try and escape since no one was coming to get her. They tossed her back into the cell, and she rushed the door, only to hit it as it clicked locked, making it impossible to get out. Defeated yet again, the girl sighed, slowly walking over to the jacket in the middle of the floor and sitting down on it. Half of her though about wrapping it around her to try and get warm, but then again, she was not going to sit on the floor of this place. Ever. She heard him walk down the hallway until she couldn't hear him anymore, and when she was sure that no one could hear her, she did the only thing she could think of. Cry. The girl silently wept, tears cleaning off her dirt stained cheeks enough that you could see that her nose and cheeks were spotted with light freckles that made her blue grey eyes really shine. It didn't matter though. Although she'd never admit it to any of the guards, she knew that no one was going to come for her. That's why they sent her. She had no place on the battlefield, but after begging and begging to please let her serve her country, they did. And what did she get for it? Nothing. Nothing besides a huge plane wreck, a tiny, dirty cell, and the knowledge that she'd never see her family again. As she sat there and cried silently, she could have sworn she heard footsteps, but not from the corridor. From the wall behind her. She glanced backwards at it, figuring it was probably a rat or something. Just what she needed, rodents coming into her only living space through that stupid hole in the floor. Thats when she heard it. A voice. A man's voice. And he wasn't German! He was an American! She was saved! The girl forgot all about being naked and scurried over to the hole, whispering frantically as she put her hands on the wall. "Listen, you have to get me out of here. Please... I'll do anything..." She looked through the hole, trying to see who her possible savior was, but not being able to see much of anything. The thought ran through her head that maybe the German officers were trying to break her with the thought of being rescued, when in reality, she wouldn't be. But even so, she had to risk it on the chance that maybe she'd see the Chicago city skyline someday soon.
The voice. Logan didn't know what she sounded like, but the words through the wall gave all the right signs that it was the downed pilot. Not to mention that she stunk of her scent. It had to be Marla. If it wasn't, then he was about to create a whole lot of noise and commotion for nothing. Wolverine didn't reply at first, he was too busy trying to get a good idea how he was going to get through this barrier between them both. Taking a step back didn't help either, as there seemed to be no way of puncturing the wall with his bone claws. Unfortunately, he was going to have to go for a more old fashioned approach. This came in the form of the explosives he had brought with him. Apart from the service revolver, it was the only other man-made weapon on his person. The other -- his natural, deadly claws. Finally, he spoke. "Keep your head down. Things are gonna get loud." He wandered to the right a short distance, making sure that when these things went off, she wasn't going to get caught up in the blast. Then, he began to set the dynamite against the thin sewer wall, lighting the fuse and taking cover. KA-BOOM!! The destruction caused by the explosion far exceeded his expectations, bricks and stone flying through the air, fragments of wood and various objects in a flutter of chaos and commotion. From inside the cell, the young pilot would have been oblivious to what was going on outside. Shouts of German and the pattering of heavy boots, the piercing cries of pain and suffering. It lasted for the whole of a single minute then it stopped. Logan climbed over the dozen-or-so bodies -- which excluded the German officer, who had luckily vacated the prison corridor mere minutes before -- and unlocked the door to the cell of the prisoner of war.
The sudden silence made her stomach drop, her hands shaking nervously as she traced the wall gently and desperately. She didn't even know if he had a plan, or who he was, yet she seemed to think he'd be able to rescue her. For all she knew, this was his first assignment because he was expendable and if he died, well, who cares? However, when she heard his voice again, she felt her confidence in him raise slightly and nodded as if he could see her. She grabbed the jacket off the floor, picking it up and managing to strategically place it so he wouldn't be able to see anything too explicit. With that, she moved into the far corner of the room, ducking down and tucking her head down. She had no idea what was about to happen, but once she heard the explosion, she stood up and got ready for whatever was about to happen. As she stood in the cell though, she noticed one strange thing. No gunfire. Sure, there were a few shots fired, but not enough to make sense of the cries of pain. Once the noise ended, her thoughts of how strange it was disappeared, hearing a single person walking over to the door. She heard the sound of it unlocking, and the second she saw the man, and slight smile came to her face. Here she was, after months of being beaten and neglected, practically naked and covered in dirt, but alive. And she knew that she was safe. At least for now. Without a word, she rushed out of the cell, managing to keep the jacket on her small body just well enough so that she wasn't totally nude. On the back of one of the chairs was one of the German officers jackets, and she immediately grabbed it and slipped it around herself. It was long enough that it covered her about down to mid thigh, and once it was buttoned up, she turned around and looked at him again. "I would thank you, but that doesn't even nearly describe how grateful I am to you..." She said, pulling her hair back with one hand and grabbing a pen that was on the table. She twisted her hair around it and tucked it into it, managing to keep it pulled back out of her face. Marla then looked over at the mass of dead bodies, and for a minute, she thought she was going to be sick. But she got ahold of herself, walking over to the closest one and grabbing the gun off his hip. It was clear she wasn't used to relying on anyone else, and when she stood back up, she walked over to him and held out her hand to shake hid firmly. "Marla Hunt. I'm a pilot. Listen, I was carrying something really important, and we need to get it back before we leave." She said sternly, just trying to seem more tough and resilient then she really was. After all, she wasn't going to wrap her arms around him and cry like she wanted to. That wasn't even a possibility.
Marla Hunt. It was her. Not that Logan didn't know that already, even with all the dirt and the blood and various other things caked over her skin, he knew that it was her just from her scent. So that was one part of the mission over and done with, but predictably, the important part was still incomplete. Finding the package that she had been delivering. "Where'd they put it?" He asked, ignoring her stretched out hand and looking around the basement. As far as he was concerned, it was considered mission failure unless this was found. He just didn't want to tell that to Marla. Forgetting his manners, the Wolverine began to step back over the dead Germans, his feet splashing in puddles of red and lead. He rolled his sleeves back up, displaying an incredible amount of arm hair which was usually seen on wild animals. It matched the wild hair on his head -- there was no army regulation haircut for her saviour. After a brief scout through the basement, he realised it wasn't here. Logan knew that was going to be the case, but there was no harm checking. Sometimes, the bad guys got sloppy and complacent, which made his job a hell of a lot easier. This time, it wasn't. With the basement being soundproof, there were no further interruptions by any other soldiers. At least for the time being. As soon as someone went downstairs -- either to reinforce or change shifts -- the alarm would no doubt sound. And they still had a lot of rooms and buildings to look through. "I hope these guys weren't the only ones that know where it is." He growled, pulling a chair from underneath the table at the end of the corridor, sitting down to catch his breath back. Unknown to him, there was one important member of the garrison missing from this bloodbath-corpse-soup. Leutnant Karlheinz Stanger. "We got to get you some clothes as well. Can't have you runnin' around like that."
Marla looked somewhat perplexed as he ignored her and asked her where they had put it. She hadn't seen it since the crash, but she knew that it wasn't going to be here. She remembered Stanger saying that he had the package, so she figured it was hidden somewhere no one knew. No one besides Stanger would know where it was, she was sure. "... Wait...." She muttered softly, hurrying over to the mass of dead bodies and trying to get a look at their faces. If he killed Stanger, than that was it for them finding the package, but after a few moments of looking, she stood up and looked over at him. "The guy in charge isn't here. The German Officer that has been holding the fact that I'd never get out of here is gone.... He knows about the package!" The girl looked over at him, walking over slowly and hopping up onto the table before crossing her arms. The sight of this man was strange. His hair wasn't cut short like most soldiers, and he looked pretty rough around the edges. And yes, it was intriguing to her on so many levels. Marla figured that, well, while they were sitting here, she might as well try and get a name out of him. After all, they were going to be stuck together for a very long time, and they might as well know a little bit about each other. "So, do I get to call you anything? I mean, besides hey you?" She asked softly, smiling at him for a moment to try and get him to warm up to her. It seemed like he was very down to business, and she knew that it could be both a good thing, and a bad thing. If he was too down to business, he might run straight into a trap, and then where would they be? Trapped together until more help came. Her eyes glanced down his body slowly, the girl feeling sort of safe since he was rather strong looking. However, she did have a pang of self consciousness as he mentioned the lack of clothes. "They took mine an hour or so ago. Well, destroyed is a better word for what they did to them.
She was trying her best to be friendly, but Logan was the wrong person to be friendly towards. The feeling was usually not mutual, his personality was one that seemed to drive a lot of people away. He was a loose cannon, someone who's sole purpose in life right now was to do the kind of jobs that other people didn't want to do. Or was thatcouldn't do, he got them mixed up from time to time. But there was no point in being cold towards her. "The name's Corporal Jim Howlett." The soldier replied, "22nd Battalion, Canadian Army." It said a lot about the United States Army if it couldn't rely on any of it's own men to do the mission Wolverine was currently doing. On the subject of her clothes, he figured that the rags she previously called her uniform was now useless. He also figured that she wasn't likely to agree to the idea of stripping a Prussian uniform off one of the Germans, seeing as they were covered in blood and mysterious holes -- which all seemed to come in three's. Ascending the staircase slowly, Wolverine motioned for Marla to remain downstairs for now. "You stay here. I'll make sure the coast is clear." The soldier disappeared from her sight for around five minutes, returning with a different appearance. Gone was his Canadian fatigues. Instead, his body was clothed in German colours, a helmet disguising his hair. "There's no one upstairs. Let's hurry up, get you dressed and find your German officer."
"Canadian?!?" The girl's eyes widened, not sure what he was doing here after all. He certainly wasn't the American soldier she thought would come save her. Then again, maybe none of them would come and save her, so they had seek help else where. Or, there was always the possibility that no one could help her besides him, but what was the likely hood of him being some killing machine capable of keeping her safe and getting the package back? Well, whatever, it didn't matter why he was here or why he was sent, just that he was and now she had someone to help her. As he told her to stay put, she nodded, and decided to do a little snooping of her own. She walked over to the mass of bodies, looking at them in sheer horror for a few moments before finally kneeling down next to one of them. His eyes were open, and she shut them before using all her strength to roll him onto his stomach. It was only then she saw the cause of his death. Stab wounds. But not normal stab wounds. There were three puncture wounds in a row, almost like someone had stabbed him with three knives at one time. Which was strange, to say the least. However, as she heard someone start to come back down stairs, she froze on the spot, and almost screamed at the sight of what she though was a German soldier. However, upon close inspection, she realized that it was just Corporal Howlett, and sighed in relief. When he told her to hurry up so she could find something to wear, she nodded, shoving the gun she had taken into the pocket of the jacket before starting to head upstairs. Once she had reached the top of the stairs, she stopped, looking down at the approaching Corporal before biting her lip nervously. "What if we don't find the package?" She asked, clearly more worried about that than dying or being captured again. If she died, well, then there was nothing anyone could do. Same with being captured again. But not finding the package, or finding it too late.... she couldn't handle that. She couldn't handle knowing that she might have been the one who gave the German's exactly what they needed to defeat the US later on.