Clocks were not permitted in his bedroom, nor was sunlight, not unless he decided to pull open the blinds to invite it in. At night, and in general, Tony had a long set of vertically dark blinds that stretched across a grand bay window that he kept closed, not wanting the outside force to rouse him early from his sleep, or in some cases inspire a premature end to his late-night shenanigans. Clocks were discouraged for that very same reason. Anywhere else in the mansion, sure. In his bedroom, though, Tony was a man for whom the world waited - he did not get up until he was ready. It just so happened he was ready three hours ago. Ah, the crack of noon. But Pepper was late in her arrival, and considerably so. The brilliant billionaire found himself laying there in bed for the next several hours with his wrists held apart, cuffed to bedposts on either side of the headboard, and his mouth fitted with a rather uncomfortable gag. Worse than that, he still hadn't quite mastered working a remote with his feet. Tony spent a good part of those three hours twisting awkwardly while trying to retrieve the device from the nightstand beside his bed. Twenty minutes in, on his third attempt, he ended up knocking the remote to the floor, which in turn condemned him to then laying in bed for the foreseeable future, utterly bored. ...Well, there was still last night to recall and to relish, what of it he could remember at least. It'd been awhile since he'd had triplets. Good lord, did that one with the pigtails - Thing 3, he'd named her - give good head. "Ah, fher yu ah," he remarked when the bedroom door did indeed finally open. Tony smirked. Inwardly, he noted it'd been at least three months now since she'd last caught him in a predicament like t- Tony blinked. "Whh heroh," came his voice from around the gag, the device causing his jaw to positively ache in its numbness at this point. This was...different. He wasn't used to seeing his assistant in anything less than professional attire. The pantless look suited her well - maybe they could make that change officially - though he would have probably put her in something more velvety and purple. Purple would be a good color for her, Tony mused, watching her drink from the glass and discard it, ice and all, onto the carpet. A cigar too? Was that one of his Cubans? And that shirt was his, too, wasn't it? Curiosity abounds. What was that? Oh, right. She was talking. And straddling his thighs now, which, combined with the pantlessness, made for an interesting development between them. Lord, women complained. Tony was not some horrible person. They'd loved, nay reveled in joining the club that was the great Mr.Stark's list of conquests. He heard what Ms.Potts was saying, but a lot of her point was lost by the proximity of her lacy panty-covered crotch to his own, and the slight curvature that peeked out the top ofher shirt. Well, his shirt. Would she take it off if he asked for it back? Tony's mouth stretched awkwardly once the gag was removed. He closed it, opened it, closed it again, then cleared his throat and allowed some saliva to flow again before opening it a third time, likely to spurt out some clever remark - only to be slapped, turning his head with the sharp strike. He listened to her words, and how her voice was firm, yet tinged with both a terrified and brave feel to it at the same time. He felt the slow roll of her hips, feeling for the first time his lovely assistant's crotch grinding down against him. Tony's head remained to the side. He remained quiet for a few, long seconds, letting her slowly gyrate, letting her experience this surprising desire to seize control. Then, in true Tony Stark fashion, his face turned back to her with the simplest of smiles, his body shifting a bit to become comfortable beneath her, "Why, Ms.Potts...if you'd wanted araise, all you ever had to do was ask."
A raise.Typical Tony. He thought he was so funny and clever...actually, he usually was (not that she would ever admit it), but Pepper wasn't in the mood for jokes. His condescending tone flared her anger once more. She looked down at him through narrowed eyes. Her palm itched, as if craving to slap him again, but she did not. "This isn't ajoke, Tony," she said, quiet, but firm; it was obvious from the tone of her voice that that was it, there was nothing further to discuss there. "I can gag you again, you know." And truthfully, she was very tempted already to do just that. But part of her speculated that it would be more rewarding this way, being able to hear what he had to say, especially once things got going... Leisurely, she puffed the cigar, and blew the smoke right into his face, unsmiling but entertained. "These are pretty good," she said offhandedly as she placed it in the ash tray on the bedside drawer; for the briefest of moments, Pepper had considered stubbing it outon Tony, but she wasn't that sadistic...and, well, she wasn't sure exactly how much pain Tony liked to mix with his pleasure. "You deserve a taste of your own medicine, Tony..." God, this was getting dangerously close to bad porn dialogue, but then, Pepper supposed Tony's entire life was sort of like a bad porno. She decided to just go with it. "Maybe deep down, you want it." Her hand rested on his chest, just left of the glowing arc reactor. She circled her index finger around his nipple, lightly. "Actually, I think you do. So you're going to doeverything I say, do you understand?" Fuck, that was a heady thought. Tony being the one ather beck and call, for once. He would realize what it was like to be used and taken for granted, whenever Pepper wanted... For some reason, the idea of fucking him on a balcony invaded her mind; bending him over and making him hold on to the railing as she pounded into him... Pepper felt the ache between her legs begin to intensify, but did nothing about it, yet. Maybe just for dramatic effect, she picked up the cigar again, and took another puff as she regarded him coolly. "Your arms probably hurt," she said, and remembering that he'd been tied up forhours now, she did feel a little sympathy. "If I untie you, and you disobey me, I won't be afraid to tie you right back up," she said, rather snappy, like a teacher warning a rambunctious child. If that was the case, maybe a spanking was in order...Pepper's mind was running wild with so many ideas now. "Unless of course, you like being restrained." She smirked just slightly, and played with the knotted rope at his right wrist. "It wouldn't surprise me." Nothing about Tony ever did, anymore.
Tony's face grimaced mildly and turned to a side when she blew the puff of smoke unto it; lord, that was undesirable. He hadn't had much breath in him when she'd blown in, having been about to actually take one, but along with the twist of his features he forced what of an exhale he could manage through his nose, dissipating it as well as one could. "Yes, well, I would hope so. One hundred ten dollars a cigar. Several thousand dollars a box. ...Why, Pepper, dear, I hadn't pegged you as one to enjoy wrapping her lips around such things." His face remained simple, emotionless. There was nothing quite like some good wordplay. "Work, work, work. I've often wondered if you even know how to have any fun." The slender finger tracing around his nipple gave him a mild shiver, one too noticeable to be denied. Tony went with it, flashing the redhead that simple, cocky smirk that was his trademark, "But Ms.Potts, don't I always do as you say?" Well, no. He usually saw her schedules as a suggestion more than anything writ in stone, but that was beside the point. "Interviews here. Meetings there. Hm... Are you here to suggest that your boss is such a stud that not even Swedish triplets can properly drain his loins?" That smirk was still there. For Tony Stark, the confident, ego-massaging words came as naturally as air. "Does it take a freckled ginger to do it right? All in the interest of my complete and utter relaxation, of course. Who knows what sort of mischief I might get into if I'm not consistently sated. ...Well, you know, I suppose." Oh, he was aware of what she was trying to do. Shocking as this moment was, Tony was too quick-witted to dwell on it at the moment. Later, sure, this would all be something to think about. For now, she was straddling his lap in nothing above lacy panties and one of his shirts, that no doubt a Freudian show of how she wanted to be his, yet she was playing the tough girl routine. She wanted to be the next 'Stark girl,' did she? Tony regarded her with a curious smile. She was certainly pretty enough, there was no doubt there. Not as chesty as his normal fare, but her soft beauty and firm ass made up for it well. If she wasn't so damn good at her job, he likely would have chanced that employer-employee bedroom romp years ago. "They do hurt, and I'm not generally the one to be restrained," he stated simply, his voice completely nonchalant, "but the moment you untie me I'm afraid I'll have to spank you for your unprofessional behavior, Ms.Potts." Oh, he was no fool. He was well aware that shewouldn'tuntie him after hearing such a thing. She was in charge here, yeah? She was a big girl today. And this, this was a game of chess, as much as anything was when dealing with him. "Fair warning." No, he was curious to see how courageous his assistant was. He was curious to see just what she had in mind, and just how far she would go. Curiosityabound.
Pepper nearly rolled her eyes. "Tony, you just don't get it. This isn't aboutyour pleasure...but you can think whatever you want." She longed to take that box out from under the bed and strap on what was inside it; roll him onto his hands and knees and turn the cool, great Tony Stark into a cockslut. She knew, she justknew that he would sound so pretty when he begged for her dick. It made her feel a little dizzy, thinking about maybe wiping the smirk off that face for once. "As always, you underestimate me..." she said softly. The more he made a mockery of the situation, the more frustrated she became. Of course he would fancy himself still in charge. She'd have to take it to another level to show him that he really,reallywasn't. Her fingers closed around his neck, just lightly, her thumb gently stroking his pulse point, relishing in how it seemed to quicken. "I'm a little sick of being taken for granted, looked past as if I'm not really standing there. You would never know what that's like, Tony, because the universe revolves around you, doesn't it? Especially my universe." She thought about how it might feel tosqueeze, just enough to take the wind out of him after a few moments. She thought about doing it while she rode him, the gasping, breathless moan he might make when he came...indeed her mind was a strange and dangerous place right now, as if every unbidden thought she had ever oppressed about Tony was surfacing with lurid detail. She drew herself back to reality. "Tell you what...we'll start slow." Pepper smiled slightly. Slowly, she removed her hand from his throat, and pulled down her panties and set them aside. Then she moved up his body, until she had a thigh on either side of his head, willing herself not to flush from being so exposed to him. She tilted her head and carded her fingers through his hair, the pads of her fingers lightly massaging his scalp. "I trust you know what to do now?" She had no doubt that Tony knew exactly what to do, and that he'd be excellent at it (she was getting wetter just from the anticipation), but this was all part of the game. "Because if you can make me come now, I might go easier on you later." Pepper gave his hair a sharp tug, as if giving him the green light to begin. "I re-scheduled your meeting," not that she expected him to remember that he had one at all, "so I have plenty of time to do whatever I want to you."
Well, this was an interesting development. The fingers laced around his throat weren't a tight squeeze, but a choke never really needed to be. The simplest degree of pressure against that hollow cavity tended to do the job, in this case halving the amount of air that passed through it. Tony didn't struggle. He looked up at her and simply laid there and listened, digesting over her words as she stroked him with her thumb. ...Should this be exciting him? Because it was. She always had called him the most incorrigible of perverts. What was that? Oh, right. She was trying to make a point. That dominance, though, was lost when she temporarily removed herself from him to slide out of those black lacy panties. Her grip hadn't been deep enough that he needed to gasp for air, so he didn't; Tony kept his jaw firm, his body visually steady, and regained that lost breath with two or three slow, full breaths through his nose. By the way, a woman's vagina is a beautiful thing. Do they know that? He mused on this thought, shivering as he watched his assistant rid herself of her underwear, assuming she suddenly found them as unnecessary as Tony had been trying to instill in her for years. "My my," was all the dark-hued brunette added to the conversation, eyeing the small strip of fair red hair that cascaded down her lovely, bare crotch. "I guessed right." But then she was straddling his face, fingers gripping down into his hair. Employer-employee relations...employer-employee relations...oh, but now he knew her goddamnscent. Their professional-only standing was so over. He shivered again. "Mmn...mmhnn..." The soft sounds elicited from his lips as she ground her crotch down against him, Tony's chin raising up eagerly to meet her. His eyes would have naturally closed here, but he was having too much fun eyeing that landing strip, even in the poor lighting. His tongue swathed across her slit, flat and slow, lapping up her ready juices to leave that smoothly shaven snatch in a thin coating of saliva instead. So this was how she tasted? Lord, he shivered again. After a few slow, steady strokes Tony's tongue folded into itself and started working the center of her lips, going from just lapping at the surface to diving right into her pink. He seemed incredibly willing at this, incredibly willing to eat her out, as if seconds ago he hadn't been refuting her challenge for dominance; in truth, he didn't feel much the submissive simply from doing it. He would have gladly eaten her any other time if only she'd just asked. Right now, though, her take-charge attitude was indeed hot; should her grinding down on his face and her words and attitude all be making him hard as a rock? Because they were.
Well, she had been right. Hewasexcellent at this. The way he used his tongue was nothing short of exquisite, and Pepper did not try to subdue the moan that escaped her as he licked at her expertly. She rolled her hips slowly against his face, rocking down smoothly to meet the thrusts of his tongue. "Yes..." Her voice was a breathless whisper. Fuck, it felt so good. had been a while for her. It wasn't that Pepper had a shortage of suitors - no, she could think of many opportunities that she had turned down in the past few years in lieu of work. That was just it.Work. Tony Stark was her life, whether she denied it or not. Pepper did not have time for any other relationships, and one-night-stands were simply not her style. She wished she could say the same of her boss; which brings us back to the whole point of this situation... Well, one good thing about Tony's constant string of women: it kept him on form. He was nothing short of fantastic at giving head, and he seemed to enjoy it. Pepper pulled on his hair sharply and groaned. The movement of her hips stuttered slightly. The sounds he was making should not have turned her on so much, but they did, his muffled moans against her crotch only making her heart race even faster. "You like that?" she huffed, and she was slightly flushed with arousal as she looked down at him. "Bitch..." Oh, she wasn't going to last long, she knew that now. The question at hand was whether she should come now, or pull away while she was close; it would be a pleasurable sort of agony and only make her orgasm more powerful when it happened, preferably while she was fucking him... Oh well. There was plenty of time, and she couldn't stop herself from riding it out as she felt the tingle and ache of orgasm, a loud gasping moan ripping from her as she came against his mouth and tongue. In the midst, Pepper wondered why she hadn't thought of this sooner... With some difficulty, Pepper finally forced herself away from Tony, crawling off him and kneeling on the bed beside him. She was out of breath, panting. He had never looked more sexy, laying there bound with her juices on his chin, his dick clearly tenting his pants, hard just from going down on her. He was a sight. She started to speak before he could go off on some snarky comment about how good he was with his tongue, or something. "Tony..." Her voice was lighter, more teasing now. She trailed a finger down his chest, pinched his nipple. "Have you ever been fucked? I mean truly, bent-over-the-bed and letting someone have their way with you...a man or a woman... I'm not judging," she added, tracing her finger absently on the edge of the arc reactor now. It was just another part of him (which she loved, goddamn it, yes, she did love him, all of him). She knew Tonyloved women, probably more than he loved most other things, and really, the part about men was just teasing, though occasionally she did let herself wonder about her rich and sexually adventurous boss's past. Usually, in the deep of night, in her own bed... "I think that's what you need," Pepper continued. "To spread your legs like the whores you bring back here and feel it the next day every time you sit down. But of course, if you've never done it before, I'll be gentle..." She almost made a tasteless joke about popping his cherry but kept it to herself. She was classy damn it. "Don't you always talk about how open-minded you are?" Pepper's hand crept to his thigh and squeezed. "Why don't you tell me how bad you want it, and then I'll untie you."
A small port on the East coast of Valoran... Katarina clambered across barrels. Garen would not be too far behind. He had chased her all the way through the harbor of the small town, and she was running out of places to run. With all her throwing daggers spent, she had no way of thwarting him. The Noxian would have to escape. Desperately, she searched for an exit. Meanwhile, in a private tower at the Institute of War.... Morgana crept along a stairway, ensuring know one was following her. At the top of the stairs was a door. The door led to a room owned by her archenemy and sister: Kayle. The fallen angel broke the magical lock on the door and entered to find her sister, not in her usual armor, but in something far more casual, and revealing. The sisters immediately embraced each other. "Oh, Morgana, it's been too long!" cried the angel as her sister kissed her neck. "Yes, but we can't be too loud, or someone will hear!" the darker sister replied. She began to take off Kayle's top, squeezing her angelic breasts.
Garen followed her closely and luckily for him, he had brought the prince with him. There was a dog that followed Katarina's scent. Sure, Garen and Katarina had faced off in the past before, but now with Jarvan here there was no way she would be able to get away. Garen spit into the water. "I hate Noxians." He said to Jarvan who just let out a deep, bellowing laugh. Their armor clanked as they walked. Jarvan sighed. "I will check the pub, see if the locals know anything." He said as Garen let out a solemn nod. As Jarvan started to walk away, Garen saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was Katarina. The metal clanking of his armor grew louder and louder as his speed picked up. Nearing Katarina, he shouted. "FOR DEMACIA!!" He raised his sword, and chased her into an alleyway. There was no escape for her here. . . Here he was, the famed explorer back at the Institute of war. Ezreal looked at his gauntlets and let out a sigh. It had been so long since he had actually found something worth using and not just selling. That was why he was here he supposed. Shit, the Institute always had weapons and secret rooms filled with treasure and the like, why wouldn't he be able to stumble upon something. After all, he was exploring wasn't he? Just exploring in a place he probably shouldn't be. Crawling up the staircase of a certain tower, Ezreal started to hear noises coming from the tower. Perhaps he had found another type of treasure. . .
Katarina turned to see Garen. Quickly, she used her Shunpo technique to get around the other side of him. In a flash of smoke, she was behind him and running. Heading toward the docks, she spotted a ship leaving port. "Haha!" she laughed as she once again disappeared in a flash of smoke and reappeared on the ship. "You'll never catch me, Demacian!" she taunted as the ship left port and headed straight for Bilgewater. She was sure Garen wouldn't chase her that far. By this time, Morgana's skimpy top was off as well and Kayle was sucking on her delicious breasts. "Oh yes, sister. Keep going." She moaned as Kayle used her tongue to play with the fallen's sensitive nipples. Kayle stood up completely and hugged Morgana again. "Oh sister," she cried. "I need to feel you on my pussy..." she moaned. Morgana nodded and bent down in delight. She began to rub the angel's pussy through her underwear, causing Kayle to moan.
The man let out a loud groan as she got past him once again. Why could he never close the deal when trying to get that fucking Noxian. He made his way towards the pub where he figured Jarvan was and then managed to find him and grab a table. That ship was most likely heading to a port close to here, and there was not point chasing her, just to scare her off again. The man heard creaking above him. Getting up from his bed and taking a large drag from a bottle of rum, he grabbed his gun and his sword and moved towards the upper deck. Sneaking around, and pointing his gun at the intruder, he broke the silence. "Yar har har, What do we 'ave 'ere." He said with a glint in his eye and a smile on his face. It seemed the Noxian had chosen the wrong ship to stash aboard. This ship's captain was Gangplank. The explorer could barely believe his eyes, is what was happening really going on in front of him. He had done battle with both of these champions before on his explorations, though he had only gotten away with stealing something from Kayle. Now, they were at their most vulnerable and it was time for Ezreal to spring into action. Porting through the wall, energy bow ready, he pointed at the sisters with a large grin on his face.
Sunrise in Ponyville had always been rather beautiful, but today seemed different somehow. The Pegasus who cleared the clouds (Was her name Rainbow dash? Something like that) wasn't up yet so right now, the slowly rising sun was filtering through those clouds, creating different colours in the sky, reds, purples, yellows and pastel blues cast like some kind of painting rather than an actual scene. It was a fairly normal morning for Stardancer, who was currently laid down on the ground with her dark grey eyes set up at the sky. She hadn't seen a shooting star in a week now and her job was beginning to become tedious again, seeing as she had to stay up all night until dawn with no real company aside from the occasional critter that would run by in the direction of Fluttershy's house. She pulled herself up and shook off her silvery mane, heaving a sigh. Stardancer wasn't really one of the more well known ponies in the little village, seeing as nobody ever saw her. There were quite a few dark rumors about her that were completely untrue, varying from her being a relative of Nightmare Moon to her being a mad killer who should be avoided at all costs. It was annoying more than anything else to hear that you were a dark assassin when in reality, all Stardancer did was watch the skies for shooting stars and run to find the valuable little gems once they had fallen. They powered Ponyville and also proved to be expensive, enabling the mayor to keep Ponyville running. Seeing as they lived in a less-populated area than Canterlot, it was much easier to see and find the fallen stars and so they were one of the biggest Stargem traders in Equestria, which made Stardancer's job rather important, to say the least. The unicorn was fairly tall with a midnight blue coat and a silvery-coloured wavy mane, matching the silver colour of the moon on her cutie mark that was crossed with a falling star, indicating her job as well as her passion for the night sky. She looked around and sighed, her horn glowing as the blanket she'd been laid on floated into the air and folded itself, draping over her back as she started the long walk back to her spiralling house made of dark wood.
The horizon was illuminated with the deepest crimson, steadily growing lighter and larger and brighter as dawn approached. Then, all at once, the sun peeked over the distant horizon and set the landscape ablaze with light. The brilliant daylight caused the dark Everfree Forest to shimmer with a brilliant green, the apples in Sweet Apple Acres to glisten like rubies, the windows of every house in Ponyville to become rectangles of trapped light and the lake on the outskirts of town was now a large, round mirror that reflected the rising sun. The mirror's surface, however, was broken by a ripple that distorted the sun's reflection. The ripple was caused by a single boat anchored in the center of the smooth water. The boat was wide and flat, roughly shaped like a sharp oval, the railing elegantly curved from bow to stern. Nestled in the center of the boat, looking as though it had been plucked straight from the town itself, was a house. Complete with straw roof and little lawn out front. As the light hit it and climbed it's way up the walls and onto the roof, the front door banged open and a Pegasus pony stepped out onto the rocking deck with hardly a wobble. His coat was the lightest shade of green, almost white, and his long mane hung down about his head in periwinkle curtains. His tail was just as long and pooled on the ground around his back feet. He closed his bright blue eyes, threw his head back and inhaled deeply. His head rose higher and higher as he sniffed greedily, a smile slowly spreading across his face. Soon his snout was pointed skyward, but it rose higher still. His wings had began to flap happily and he rose off the deck, hovering there with his hooves tucked in close and smiling for ear to ear. He finally released his breath and touched back down on the wood. "Ah, mornings!" There was a hollow jostling of metal on wood and in seconds he had taken to the skies again, this time adorned with a curious contraption. A battered tin bucket was slung over either side of his back, and what looked like a funnel was fastened to the bottom of each. Making a wide circle around his boat house, he dipped down in a steep dive and with a small, almost comicalplunk, disappeared below the surface of the water. All was calm. A second passed. Then another. Three seconds later, the shimmering lake was shattered with a resounding splash and the pegasus broke the surface, shaking his wings free of water as his mane and tail streamed behind him. Water sloshed in the buckets at his sides, though he didn't spill a single drop. As he soared away from the lake and his home, towards the town, some droplets of water still clung to his coat; Eight blue drops on his flank, arranged in a circle to form a flower. When he was flying over the outskirts of town, he tugged a string dangling by his ear. A cork popped from the bucket on his right, and water began to stream from the funnel; Not straight down, but in a wide, spiraling arc, small droplets flying every which way. He pulled a second cork out and soon the water was falling to the ground below where it clung to the lawns, flowers, fruits and vegetables of the town far below. He hummed while he flew. He noticed a flash of blue and gray trotting along below and he swerved to take a detour around that particular patch of grass; He'd swing by and dew it later. He was just adjusting his flight path when there was a creak and snap behind him. He just saw the iron screw falling earthward before it was joined by a cascade of water. The fastening of the bucket had broken free and it's cargo had poured out. Right towards the blue and silver pony below him. His hooves jumped to his mouth before he sped downwards in pursuit of the water, a cracking voice shouting "Lookoutlookoutlookout!" To his innocent victim.
By the time Stardancer heard his voice, it was too late. She yelped as the torrent of freezing cold water washed over her and she stood there, stock still with all four hooves planted a foot apart. Her expression was almost comicla despite the anger that was flaring behind her wide eyes, her teeth gritted together with a small whimper. The morning breeze running through the village made the cold feeling even worse and she started to shiver, looking up slowly with her ears pressed back against her head. Her mane was literally dripping, as was her tail which usually stopped just above her fetlocks, but now with the curls ironed out by the water it was dragging behind her on the floor. She resembled a drowned rat - a very angry drowned rat at that. Her gaze slowly turned upwards to see the pegasus pony above her and she glared up at him, shaking herself off as best as she could. "Do you think that's funny, huh?" she called up angrily, stamping one hoof on the ground to try and make a point. Se hadn't really heard what he actually said, just a shout from above and now she was definitely pissed. "I mean, yeah, hilarious! Drench the creepy night pony and get her ill, what a bloody joke!" she had a pronounced british accent, her irrational anger strengthening it slightly. Her rational mind was telling her to calm down but her rational mind was not being listened to at all because right now, she just wanted to kick him in the face for drenching her in water for what she thought was a joke, her automatic response: Everybody is attacking me. She shook herself off again, sending more droplets spraying everywhere and her mane and tail were starting to puff up as they got dry, forming tight ringlets against her hindquarters and neck. The only good side was that it was clean water, really, but it wasn't much of a comfort to her.
Upon seeing her livid expression the male pony halted in his descent with an almost audible screech and a slosh of water, just out of range of her hooves. He was still covering his snout in horror at what he had done. A string of words wriggled free of his hooves, nothing more than "I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry" said without catching his breath. It wasn't until she had said,Creepy night ponythat he caught himself in mid sentence, his hooves falling away from his face. A look of understanding fell across his features. "Oh!" He said, pointing at her with his hoof. "Oh oh oh! I know you! You're the Midnight Manesnatcher!" He let out a peal of laughter and dropped a few inches towards her, clearly forgetting that he was supposed to be acting acting apologetic. "You're not as scary as the filly's described." In fact, she was kind of cute, even when wet. A dribble of water fell from the end of her snout and his smile faltered. "That...that was totally an accident!" He said as he waved his hoof over her soaked frame, fluttering lower still. "I've been using this-" He clanged a hoof against the contraption "-for years, and this is the first time it's been faulty. I swear!" He could sense that she was far from believing him. "Here, I'll make it fair." He rose back to his original height. Closing his eyes and mouth, he flopped over in the air before rolling back upright. The water in his remaining bucket was lifted free in a rippling blob before gravity clutched it and brought it down upon his head. For the second time that day he was soaked to the bone, both of his own accord. He spluttered and coughed as he drifted earthward, landing on the ground before her, holding a shaking hoof out towards her. "I'm *Cough* Dollop!" He said as he shook himself, though his mane and tail remained as straight and lank as though they were still wet. "Dollop Drizzle. You're local dewpony." He gave her what he hoped was a friendly smile.
She took a few more steps backwards as the water sloshed before her hooves, not really wanting to get more wet than she was. Midnight Manesnatcher? Was that REALLY what they called her? Her gaze darkened and followed him as he tipped upside own, sloshing the water on himself as a means of making amends to her or something strange like that. He was endearing in a way, but she shook the thought from her mind instantly. Just because he was the first pony to treat her as if she were somewhat normal it didn't mean she had to be his friend or anything of the sort. Hesitantly, she reached out and shook hooves with him, nodding at his name. "I've heard of you. I'm Stardancer, otherwise known as the Midnight Manesnatcher and the Moonlight Murderer." her tone was still annoyed but slightly more lighthearted now she'd seen he wasn't actually after her or a threat in any way, he was just another pony. "I don't murder anybody, I catch shooting stars." the last line was said with a slight shyness and she tapped one of her back hooves on the ground, looking away from his eyes. Sometimes she kind of just wished she had a 'normal' profession like all of the other ponies, but at the same time she really wouldn't be herself. She wasn't great at socializing and making friends, as it were, so the solitary confinements of the night actually weren't too bad for Stardancer, who unlike everybody else didn't have a fear of the dark or the monsters that lurked in it. "You didn't have to cover yourself in water." she finally looked up again, not smiling but sounding less and less angry by the minute as the fire faded.
Dollop Drizzle waved her off with a soaking wet hoof. "Of course I had to. Fair's fair." He said stubbornly. His blue eyes looked up at the sun, now clambering it's way overtop of the clouds. He had been on a very tight schedule, and now he would never be able to refill his buckets before the rest of the town had woken up. With a shrug of his shoulders the contraption hit the grass with a clang; The broken bucket snapped off completely and rolled pathetically across the grass.One morning without dew won't hurt anybody, he thought dismissively as he turned his attention back to the curious unicorn before him. "How do you catch stars, exactly?" He asked her with honest interest, fluttering around her as though looking for a large net tucked under the soaking wet blanket on her back. Of course he had heard of stargems, and he thought he had even seen one when he was just a colt; They had gone on a field trip to Canterlot and had been given a tour of some of the more prominent attraction, one of them being the Hooflocke Bank. As the guide rambled on about the history of the architecture, one of Dollop's classmates pointed out a unicorn making his way to the vault. Dollop would have missed him otherwise, as his head had been drooping, his eyes closed. The unicorn was walking slowly, carefully, and suspended above his horn in a rough sphere of crackling magic was a bright, glowing...something. The unicorn had disappeared through the heavy iron door before he could get a good look at the object, but he was sure it had been a stargem. His interest piqued as he drew closer to the unicorn. "Do you have one now? Can I see it?" Without waiting for an answer he had zipped over to her side and was poking and prodding at the blanket, looking for a lump, a glow, anything at all.
She spun around on her heels as he circled her, raising one eyebrow at him. "You really want to know? There's no net, I just chase after the star and I use my horn to carry it. Only certain unicorns can find and harness stargems though, they're really powerful. I have trouble sometimes when I get a particularly big one. Dropping it could cause an explosion if you're not careful. When they fall to the earth, they fall in a large rock that has to be broken apart by magic and the star gem has to be carefully removed from the heart." she informed him, sidestepping when he started prodding at her blanket. "You won't find anything but me under there." Stardancer had actually found her first stargem in Canterlot herself. She had been taking a walk to clear her head after a Cute-ceaera party and something streaking across the night sky brought her attention. She followed the streak down to its landing spot, using her horn to light up the glowing trail it had created right into a meadowy clearing. She'd heard of stargems before and the wealth they held and so carefully, she cracked open the glowing shell using her horn. Inside the rock was one of the most beautiful things her eyes had ever set sight on - the glow from it was bright and it resembled a roughly cut diamond with the swirls of galaxies inside it, lighting up the whole area she was in. As carefully as she could, the little filly used all of her strength and magic to hover the precious gem over her head and she started taking slow steps back towards Canterlot where she met with the local Starfall pony, who stared at her in shock for a moment before taking the Stargem off of her wordlessly and he started to lead her back to Canterlot. He took her straight to Princess Celestia and informed her of what happened. When the princess informed her that she hadn't done anything wrong and in fact had done everything perfectly RIGHT, it was probably the best moment of Stardancer's life. She felt a warmth on her flanks and her cutie mark appeared there and then, an image of her first falling star streaked across the moon, immortalized on her forever as a reminder of who she was. She was eventually assigned to Ponyville after a long time of training, where she had been for a year and a half.
Unlike the blue and silver unicorn, Dollop had lived in Ponyville all his life. He was also different from her in the sense that he had been born into his current occupation, not discovered it. He came from a long line of dew-jockeys. His father had sprinkled Ponyville daily, as had his father, and his father's father. Dollop was the first, however, to invent means of making the job easier. For the last five generations of Drizzles, their means of spreading the dew had been tedious and tiring; From midnight to dawn, the eldest child of the family would have to make trip after trip back to the lake, soaking their fur in water and sprinkling it over the town. It was hard, tedious, and tiring. Dollop wasn't one to use his brawn over his brain. It was odd that his cutie mark only appeared when he had tested his contraption out for the first time, as though the water itself had been trapped in his fur. He had been using the tool ever since. He shot a glance at the buckets, wood and rope in shambles behind him and grimaced.Looks like I'll have to do it the old fashioned way for now on, he thought before he realized that the unicorn was still making words with her mouth. He stopped trying to rifle through her blanket and flopped down on the wet grass, listening to her words hungrily. Throughout his morning routine, he had, ever so rarely, seen a streak of light arc across the sky overhead as it hurtled earthward. He had even tried pursue one early in his career, abandoning his post in search of the strange, elusive object. He had made it neck deep into the brambles of the Everfree forest when his wings got tangled and he had been forced to call for help as the sun rose overhead. He had been rescued by a strange cloaked pony, but hadn't gotten her name. He had been so eager to get back home. Speaking of home, the town was slowly churning to life a ways off behind them. There was a tinkle as the door of Sugarcube Corner was unlocked and opened whilst a rainbow pony busied herself with pummeling the clouds. Dollop stifled a yawn. "I need to head back now. It was nice talking to you!" He said as he plodded over to his crumpled waterbearer. He slung it over his back, loose bucket in mouth, and took to the skies. Not even a second had passed before he was back, and through the bucket clenched in his teeth, he said "Do you whanth tho meeth up lather thoday?" He sputtered past the tin bucket. "We could thalk more abouth you sthargemth!"
She saw him cast a grimace back at the strange contraption he'd been using and she tilted her head slightly, watching as he picked it up, started to fly off and then flew back down again to talk to her. It took her a moment to work out what he was actually trying to say. "Oh, er...well, I guess so." her ears flicked back slightly, one of her nervous habits. She wasn't really much of a socializer and she didn't have much else to say to him about stargems, not that she could THINK of anyway. One of the pieces of wood toppled from his back and she caught it with her magic before it hit the ground, floating it back up to slip into the bucket in his mouth. "Where, though...? And, um, when? I don't usually get up until about fourish..." she shuffled her hooves awkwardly, the wet blanket on her back making her shiver as Rainbow Dash bucked away the clouds, creating a slight morning breeze through Ponyville as she did. She started to walk as she hovered the wooden plank back up to him, her hooves clicking on the ground.
Dollop freed his mouth by flipping the bucket into the air and catching it on his head; It slipped down over his eyes and when he spoke, he was addressing the space to the left of her. "Maybe sometime in theeeeeegggh..." His words were cut short by a wide mouthed yawn, which he stifled before trying a second time. "Maybe sometime in the evening?" His ears perked up. "We could have dinner together! I haven't eaten in Ponyville in such a long time, and I was getting tired of seaweed anyway." He shot a resentful glance in the direction of the lake. The piece of wood in the crook of his neck and a smile on his face, the pegasus said his goodbyes to the unicorn and was soon off across the sky. On his way back to his boat house he was intercepted by a very cross looking Mayor who had snapped at his tail as he drifted past, pulling him to the ground. "Why..." She began as Dollop picked himself up from the dusty ground, "...are half the gardens and windows and rooftops dry as parchment?" She skewered him with her gaze as he recounted his story to her reluctantly. When he mentioned Stardancer's name, she scoffed at him. "Drizzle, you're not the first one to try and put blame on 'The Manesnatcher'." Ten minutes later he had landed on the ceck of his boat with a light thump, followed by a clatter of tin and wood. His ear still aching from the mayor's scolding, he took to the air overtop of the lake, not eager to collect his lunch of damp, salty seaweed.
Stardancer hummed to herself softly as she trotted back to her house, taking a detour to pick up some grass and flowers for her dinner on the way down, ignoring the stares and shocked gasps from the younger fillies (and some of the older gossip-ponies), as nervous as they made her. She caught a conversation while the shop pony was wrapping up her buys. "Isn't that..." "It is! Look at her MANE! She looks ridiculous!" the shocked voice whispered ridiculously loudly. It carried over the whole shop and Star felt her cheeks burn as she picked up the bag with her teeth. "Have you seen her cutie mark? I heard it's a bad omen! If she gets angry, Equestria will be hit by a meteorite and destroyed!" With that, Stardancer trotted out as fast as she could, shifting the blanket further back to hide her apparently apocalyptic cutie mark, feeling embarassed and scandalized as she trotted through to her house with her head down. She pretended the ponies didn't get to her, but...well, of course they did. She was practically exiled for no real reason and it frustrated her more than she cared to let on in public. When she finally reached her house she shut the door behind her with a hoof and flicked the lights on, looking around. She lived in a twisting treehouse type home and her walls were adorned with treasures and constellations in the night sky, paintings and pictures of galaxies and stars littering her walls. She started to make herself a grass and flower sandwich, using her horn to do so sleepily so she could eat then sleep.
The boat house was absent of movement, but if you looked past it to the far edge of the lake you could make out a green pegasus pony plodding from the water, something shiny clutched in his teeth. With a stumbling trudge he carried the waterlogged glass bottle to the pile of assorted objects on the sandy beach. A tattered book and a cracked lantern were among them. With a tinkle of glass the bottle joined the pile, and seconds later the pony did too. He flopped overtop of the rubbish with a long sigh like a deflating balloon. He looked like he could use a good nap, and maybe a massage, and a fresh glass of tangerine juice. His long hair had fallen into disarray, obscuring his eyes and had seemingly faded to a dull purple despite it's earlier periwinkle shine. His eyelids were heavily with sleep and a pair of dark circles had formed below each blue eye. He would have loved to sleep, but residing on the lake had it's other responsibilities. Each day was something different. Just yesterday he had needed help a number of beavers with repairing their lodge after a heavy windstorm, something Fluttershy would have normally been happy to do had she not been babysitting a trio of fillies at the time. Today he had spent hour upon hour diving and sweeping the lake for rubbish, relinquishing only a handful of effects; Littering was a rare occurring crime in Ponyville, but sometimes the ponies were a bit lax about after-party clean-ups. He was sure that the bottle had been a souvenir of the weekends beach bash, as well as the lantern. He couldn't fathom how the book could have wandered into the lake. He didn't care either. He gathered up the rubbish in a cloth bag and set off towards his house. The journey across the lake was slow going, as he found himself drooping dangerously close to the water and occasionally dropping the bag when he yawned. Bag still slung over his shoulder, he plodded across the patch of lawn and up to his door. The inside of his house was cluttered, but comfy. Organized chaos seemed appropriate. A collage shelves ran along the perimeter of the single, narrow room, and on the shelves were a curious assortment of objects, all collected from either the bottom of the lake or during his morning flights through Ponyville. There were umbrellas and balls and shiny pieces of stone. There were patched saddlebags and mirrors and rolls of twine. There was even a shoebox devoted entirely to bow ties. He pushed the lantern up beside a cracked coo coo clock and the bottle joined a crate of other bottles, standing out among it's shiny, clean counterparts. The book was laid out on a table by a window to dry. After his other discoveries were commonly sorted, he flopped down on the squashed bed and his eyes fluttered closed, sleep enveloping his exhausted mind and body. A half hour later, but to Dollop it seemed like a fraction of a second, the clock tower chimed six o'clock in the distance and he pulled himself out of bed with many a grumble. As much as he wanted to sleep, he wasn't going to pass up his new friend. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, to meet someone who was nocturnal like himself. After a feeble attempt to tidy his hair with a wing, he was out the door and on his way to Ponyville, mouth open in almost a constant yawn.
Stardancer had a few chores to attend to herself. First of all, she had to write a report on what had happened that evening seeing as documenting falling stars was important in keeping up with how much profit or loss the town was making in that area. She wasn't lucky enough to have her own Spike so she had to do it herself using her horn, pacing the room as she scribbled down some things in a neat script before she packed away the notebook and set about tidying up her house, wishing to Celestia she could sleep but it was more important for her house to at least look fairly neat. Eventually, she was finished and she collapsed into her bed, curling up under the covers with a small smile on her face. It had been...well, it hadn't been a horrible day for the first time in a long time. When she woke up at 6, she yawned and stretched out in a similar way to a dog, stretching her back and back legs in the process. Her mane was sticking up on end and she frowned at herself in the mirror, pulling a face. If she went out looking like this it wouldn't be the first time Rarity had asked her - no, FORCED her to have a makeover. Her horn glowned and a brush rose up from her beside table, tugging through her mane and tail until they were wavy and silky like before. Drizzle was the only pony who'd treated her like she was just anypony else instead of glaring at her and telling her she was evil and an omen of death. She couldn't mess up her only chance at a friend, even if he was a little on the strange side. She wasn't exactly the most normal person in the world. She trotted out of the door and pulled it shut with her horn again, suddenly wondering how on earth other ponies managed without them. She practically relied on her horn for almost everything she did ever since she could use magic, as pathetic as it was compared to what Twilight Sparkle could do. As she pondered this she headed into Ponyville, ignoring the looks and glares she got from the residents.
With a clatter of hooves on cobblestone, Dollop Drizzle touched down in the center square of Ponyville, his ruffled wings snapping to his sides. It was such a different town than what he had faced that very morning. There were no moths fluttering excitedly around the lamp posts, no crickets chirping in the gardens, no moonlight to shroud the cobbled streets in a soft glow. The sun was high in the sky, if not starting its descent, and the town was ablaze with the bustle of ponies finishing up their days. He plodded past a fruit stand selling lemons at half price, a crowd of young fillies around a dress shop window, a pair of elderly stallions engaged in a game of chess. None of them took any notice of the sleepy pony with the lank hair, save to ask their neighbor, "Who's that?" Unlike Stardancer, Dollop's nighttime wanderings made sense. A dewmaster was much more understandable than something as outlandish as a star collector. And despite his humble craft, he went most night unnoticed except for a flutter of wings overhead and a silhouette across the moon. There were some who knew him though. A orange haired mare with a carrot cutie mark asked him how his father was, though Dollop had no idea himself; His parents had retired and moved to Manehatten little over three years ago and letters were slow going without a dragon to send them. It was when he was passing the fountain that he realized something; They hadn't agreed on a place to meet and eat! He slowed to a stop and his tired brain backtracked, trying to remember. No, no word on where they were going! He lifted his droopy frame off the ground with his green wings and alighted on the edge of the fountain, looking around the crowd for a flash of silver or blue.
The only pony who smiled at Stardancer as she walked past was Twilight Sparkle, followed by a horrified gasp from Spike who jumped behind her. Stardancer lowered her head slightly and carried on walking through the crowds that seemed to part before her, heading towards the center of town as she also realised they hadn't actually decided on somewhere to eat at. There were a few places in Ponyvill, most of which Stardancer could afford so she wasn't too worried about that, she was more worried about where she'd find the dewpony. She looked around for him, wondering if he was actually going to show up or not - he'd looked awfully tired earlier, it wouldn't be a shock at all if he'd suddenly realised who he'd decided to go eat with and backed out at last minute. Hell, it wouldn't be the first or last time it had happened to her. She trotted past the fountain and then backtracked when she saw a flash of pale purple and green, looking around for the source. Finally, she found him and walked up, putting the best smile she could muster on her face. "I thought you'd forgotten or something." she said as she walked over to him, noticing how he looked even tireder than earlier. "You look like you could use some more sleep."
Dollop was in the middle of an excuse to why he was so tired when he took a step towards the unicorn and promptly tottered off the edge of the fountain, catching his limp frame with a flap of his wings. "...I guess I could use a power nap." He agreed with a sheepish grin as he tested his footing before alighting on the cobblestones before her. "I'm glad you showed up! I was convinced that we were going to miss each other." He said, ending his sentence with a wide mouthed yawn before continuing. "Either that or you were just a figment of my imagination." He tried what he hoped was a enthusiastic laugh. He plodded behind her before wrapping around and slowing, falling into step at her side; His right wing was still half unfurled, but that fell under the category of things that a half asleep brain don't really care about. But there were two things he was devoting all his attention to. One was to keep pace beside her, to keep putting one hoof in front of the other, to not fall on his snout. The other was the unicorn herself. He had been the one to invite her out today, and she didn't look like she did such a thing very often. So he was determined not to let his drowsiness spoil the date. He didn't know why he had thought that. Was this a date? He had asked a female pony to join him in town for supper, so it certainly sounded very dately. But if he hadn't known himself that he was asking her on a date, wouldn't that cancel out the act, as one side of the party wasn't aware of said date? He was lost poring over exactly what had been said between the two of them early that morning that he hardly noticed his hooves slowing to a stop. It wasn't until she had pulled a good ten or so feet ahead of him that his unfocused eyes caught her swishing tail a ways off. He half ran, half fluttered to catch up. "...Maybe we could grab a seat in here?" He asked as he tossed his curtain of periwinkle hair towards a stout, square shop adorned with wood and brass to their left. One could call it the older brother of Sugarcube Corner, an older shop with the selection of confections inclined to dark chocolates and maples and caramels. He didn't quite care where they stopped. He just wanted to give his quivering legs, and wings, a rest.
The ancient fortress of Tor'Watha had once been a mighty seat of power to the forest Trolls of the area that became known as the Eversong Wood. An ancient power welled up in ancient times before the Highborne had even come to these lands. A power long forgotten by the time Silvermoon had become more than an outpost for the displaced High Elven people. Now that energy was being tapped once more, for some unknown nefarious purpose the well had burst open to warp the nearby lands. At first, the Trolls had been curious. Sending scouting parties into the ancient fortress in search of fabled magics lost to the ages... Scouting parties that had never returned. Which in turn prompted more... Several of these later parties had returned, welcomed back by their brethren despite the changes that had happened to them while lost within the crumbling labrynthine fortress. Welcomed back until they turned on those that had awaited their return, slaughtering many with Fel glee burning in their eyes before finally being brought down. In turn, the Trolls of Eversong had moved away... pushing deeper into the forest and creating a barrier between the source of the corruption and the elves of Silvermoon, masking it for years. Misiliahad been a powerful spell caster, even at a young age. Having summoned her first servant imp long before beginning her tutelage. Through long years after, she studied with deft grace, grasping every lesson easily as breathing. It was a slow process, slow and agonizingly stifled. She felt as if they were purposefully holding her back from her potential greatness and it chaffed at her. With her Master's blood still warm on her hands, the girl had stolen several ancient and powerful tomes and fled the city. Bitter resentment had left a corrupting seed within her young breast. One that had lead her to an ancient slumbering power, once sacred to the Trolls... One that the girl had managed to twist to her own purpose, allowing mighty Fel energies to flow freely into the 'protected' lands of the High Elven people. This was her land now. The Trolls were afraid, as well they should be given what her magics had done to several of their kind. Simple experiments gone oh so horribly right. Several of those mutated Trolls still stalked the fortress grounds, witless guardians set to dissuade any would be adventurers. Fel hounds and stalkers roamed the nearby forest, keeping the other trolls warrily at bay and alerting her to the presence of potential intruders to her domain. Within the mighty labrynthine walls bloated Mana Wyrms slithered through crumbling hallways, grown much larger than the normal breed and more fierce from the Fel energies permeating the ancient fortress. As well as some creatures that had yet to be named, forsaken souls lost to the corruption of Misilia's Fel experiments. The lone Huntress her minions had spotted near the fortress was of no concern. She would either fall victim to one of countless demon spawn under the Warlock's command, or even one of the corrupt experiments. If by chance the Huntress' was mighty enough to win her way through... Well, then Misilia would have her first Blood Elf to experiment on... A thought that pleased the girl to no end.
Himekohad been wondering around aimlessly in this forest of corruption. Her petTosho, was walking closely at her side. She had been wondering for days not even able to get any sleep due to all the demons she had to face non stop. It was wearing down on her and driving her mad. She needed sleep and she had to find a place to rest soon or she'd passout walking, that is if the demons didn't get to her first. She had made a left turn and was no sooner surrounded by demons from both sides. "You just won't stop coming!" She yelled as she drew her bow and placed an arrow in it. "Tosho go!" She commanded as she shot the arrow off. Her cat lunged at the demons and started attacking them with his mistress. They had fought for hours until the demons were finally all dead. "Good boy." She called out as Tosho made his way back to her. Petting him gently on the head she looked up and noticed a cave. "Come Tosho, lets see if that cave over there will be safe enough for us to get some rest." As they made their way to the cave she stopped and looked around, clearly someone was watching her. She didn't know who but she could feel eyes on her from somewhere. She entered the cave cautiously as she had her bow drawn back, ready to fire her arrow if needed. To her surprise the cave was empty, granted there was a well with what looked like green water in it, but non the less it was empty. Sighing to herself she removed her quiver and sat it down along with her bow and sword. Patting to her side she called for Tosho to lay next to her as she slept, knowing full well her pet needed his rest as well. She yawned and slowly closed her eyes, dreaming of the days before she had been sent out here. She had been told about the forest that had once been pure was now tainted by some unknown force. Himeko was the best ranger the Blood Elves had and that is why she had been chosen for this mission. She knew there was going to be dangers, but she didn't expect this. Her dreams were wavering from those past days and slowly turning into nightmares of the present. She didn't know someone was in the cave with her while she slept, just the nightmares that surrounded her mind. She saw the well in her dreams, the one that was in the cave with her. She knew the water was bad, but she was so thirsty. She had to get just a tiny sip. The water was corrupted like everything else, it wasn't poison but she felt like she was dying. She slowly opened her eyes as she then realized it was just another nightmare. However she saw she wasn't alone... She couldn't make out the person, or creature because it was dark, but they were staring at her. Their glowing eyes taking her body into account.
Misilia felt the sharp stab of pain as each and every single one of the demonic entities that had swarmed the huntress died. Leaving the girl on the floor of her ritual chamber gasping for breath in an attempt to recover. Furious that her forces had been so decimated in one fel stroke, she had sent out her eye to survey not only the total damage this ranger had caused but to get a better look at her rather than the blury images that flashed through the disapating minds of her fallen servants. The Fel glow cast by her scrying illuminated the cave and the sleeping form of the Huntress and her companion. The rage within her subsiding, replaced with amusement. "Himeko... do you desire so truly to become the first servant of the new regieme?" The scrying orb dropped into the corrupted well, alighting the already green water with it's glow and setting it to a slow boil. Sickly green fumes rising from the water filled the cave, beginning the corruption that would come as the sleeping woman breathed in the tainted energy that would sustain her for the days to come. The warlock turned toward one of her proudest achievements of corruption, a slow smile curling her lips. "Find my sister pet... entice her, and lead her to me..." One hand reaching out to stroke the cheek of the young Draenei woman, setting the runes carved into her milky white flesh aglow with fel energies as she rushed off, eager to do her Mistress' bidding. In the cave, Isiria waited silently in the darkness, breathing in the last of the Fel fumes as they faded and flowed into the night air. Glowing green eyes watching the sleeping form of the Elven woman with her head cocked curiously to the side. The glow had faded from the runes carved into her naked flesh, masking them in the darkness. One arm remained clamped across her bare chest as the other hand rested between her thighs as she crouched in the mouth of the cave, idly toying with her aching slit. When the sleeping figure awoke, she dropped to her knees letting a faint pained moan escape from her lips. "Please help..." she whimpered. "Please make the pain stop..." By the accent of her voice it would be unmistakable to the Elven woman that her new companion was a Draenei.
Himeko heard the Draenei's pleas as she slowly got up. Her body felt weird as she got up, while Tosho was still sleeping on the floor. "H-how can I help you?" She asked as her eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness, reviling the naked form of the Draenei who was on her knees looking up at her with... Green glowing eyes? All the other Draenei she ever faced had blue eyes, but something about this one was different and not right. "Nnnn..." She moaned as she felt a sharp tingle in her groin as she continued to stare at the woman. Her body was starting to get hot as her eyes never left the Draenei for a second. Falling to her knees she began to slowly remove her armor, when every piece had been removed it was as if someone was guiding her and making her do this against her will. "What's happening to me?" Her eyes teared up as she found herself slowly making her way over to the Draenei. She had no idea she had just walked, or in this case, crawled into a trap. One that would taint and corrupt her very core. As she reached the Draenei, visions of what she should do were playing in her head, as if telling her what she needed to do to ease the urges. She pushed the woman onto her back and slowly crawled on top of her, feeling her skin as she worked her way up, making sure her naked body was touching the woman's. Their breasts touched each other as she moaned out again, needing to satisfy her needs. Himeko couldn't help herself any more at this point as one of her hands had reached down and started to slowly rub Isiria's clit. She didn't know how she knew her name, but it was there in her mind. Isiria's lips were beautiful to her, she couldn't help but lean down and kiss her, which is what really triggered the corruption she had breathed in while she had slept. The Draenei had smirked when Himeko kissed her, it was as if this was planned all along. Her mind was starting to run wild now at this point as she started to fall unconscious once again, falling limp into the Draenei's arms. Her nightmares were back once again, this time she was seeing... A fellow Blood Elf? No, this woman was as tainted as the rest of this cursed forest. But, the woman seemed pleased? But why? Why was she pleased and why was she smirking at her? She didn't know what to think or what she could do. All she knew that she could do was try and run, run away to safety. However she was so deep into the forest that she had reached the core, which is where the well was. The source of all the corruption and she too had fallen victim to it and now she didn't even know what would become of her if she stayed any longer in this place.
Isiria was more than delighted at the Elven woman's reaction to her presence. Any number of her kind would have attacked the moment they lay eyes on the Draenei. But not this one... this one was ripe for what the Mistress had in store for her. Stripping out of that nasty armor and crawling to her, the kneeling woman whimpered with every step closer. She dropped to her back, shapely thighs parting as the woman crawled on top of her, their naked bodies sliding together in the hmid air of the cave. Breasts crushed against breasts, the Draenei's back arched as she felt those fingers begin rubbing at her clit. A low moan escaping her lips as her hips thrust wontonly toward that insistent hand. Her own hands only just beginning to explore the elven woman's body as her lips were captured in a sudden kiss that caused her eyes to go wide with shock. And then it was over, leaving her completely unsatisfied with the dull ache between her thighs returning as the elven woman atop of her went limp. It wasn an occurance she'd started to grow accustomed to, every time she'd find a new lover... whenever they kissed her, they'd fall unconscious for hours. Of course, it made her current mission far easier, but that wasnt the point. Grunting a bit with the effort, Isiria rolled the elven woman off of her as she sat up. With a deft hand she quickly bound the woman's wrists behind her back with a simple leather thong taken from her own supplies. She worked quietly so as not to wake the woman's sleeping pet before hoisting the girl up onto her shoulder. Bent over as she was, it was easy for the Draenei woman to tease the elven girl's slit as she walked, every so often pausing to wipe her hand on the trunk of a tree or some low hanging leaves. The beast would come for his mistress, she knew, but this would allow her to turn him into a weapon of his own desires to be used against the ranger. It was nearly an hour of walking, avoiding patrols of demonic guards that would have delayed her from her mission. Given that every single creature they would have encountered would have taken their time with both women before letting them loose... or killing them outright. But finally they had arrived in the large ritual room where the Draenei dumped her charge unceremoniously onto an altar etched with ancient Troll runes. Isiria looked to the shadowy alcove where her Mistress was seated upon an aged stone throne, dropping to her knees as she crawled toward the woman over the rough stone floor. "May... may I have this one Mistress?" She asked quietly. Misilia smiled as she watched the corrupted young Draenei carry her sister into the room. Bound and naked, there was no fear of the girl being able to do anything. Himeko was entirely at her mercy now... a mercy that didnt exist. As evidinced by the sudden backhand she delivered to her soon to be Succubus. "My sisster, is mine pet..."
Himeko had been out cold the entire time. Not even knowing what was going on at all. It had been hours since she had passed out, her dreams filled with tainted nightmares still. She could see the woman again now. But this time it was different, the woman was still smirking at her, but it was as if her eyes were closed and she was... Chanting? But what was she chanting? She couldn't understand the language and could feel something weighing her down. She tried to yell out but found her voice was not there, she looked around frantically for an escape route, but nothing there was to be found. After then she slowly started to wake up, which in many ways she would have wished she hadn't. She tried to move her hands to wipe her eyes open when she found out that her hands wouldn't move. "Nnn... The hell?" She said as her eyes started to open and adjust to the new light. "Since when did it become morning?" She asked confused to her self as she tried to roll over and get up. She couldn't move, which is what snapped her fully away. "What the hell is going on here?!" She screamed as she tried to wiggle free. She looked over and saw the woman from her nightmares and let out a small whimper. "No... Not you... But you were just in my nightmares!" She yelled as she continued to wiggle in her bindings. She didn't know how she got here until she saw the Draenei laying there on the floor. "It was you! YOU brought me here to this! This witch!" She snarled as she tried to move her hand to point. "Let me go now this instant!" She yelled as she looked at the woman with her defiant eyes. She wasn't going to get caught off guard ever again. Looking around for her pet she noticed he wasn't there, which didn't please her one bit. "Tosho? Tosho! Where are you boy?" She called out, trying to get him to save her. When he didn't come to her calls her fears were starting to take ahold of her. She had finally managed to wiggle enough to get herself on her side and into a rolling form only to run into a wall. "Owe..." She groaned as she attempted to scoot herself away from it. She didn't know what to do or how she could escape. Himeko's armor was still back in the cave and she was feeling really stripped without it. "Just let me go now!" She demanded as she could hear footsteps starting to approach her now. As she kept protesting she could feel a slight uneasiness in her body, like she had felt before. Her body was starting to grow hot as the being got closer to her. "W-what the hell is going on here?" She whimpered as her breathing started to become very heavy.
The crew of Snake was walking through the forest, the trees all around them with some light streaming through the leaves of the trees. It was about mid afternoon and they had been walking for quite a while. Karin was not tired in the slightest not when she was around Sasuke. Just being there with him gave her energy. Though it may not have been in the form of actual chakra, it was still a kind of energy that fulfilled her. She turned and looked at him, she could see the outline of his muscles in that open shirt of his. She could see how his muscles moved as he walked and could feel the mass of chakra that was hidden in that form of his. She had seen him use that power of his on several occasions and every time she saw him in the midst of battle, she grew weak in the knees. Sasuke was so perfect, a strong man, an ambitious man, someone who could protect her from the likes of Orochimaru or the entire Hidden Leaf Ninja Army if that was what it came to, these were the thoughts that were floating through her mind. She gave him a bit of a nervous smile and turned from him. She was biting her bottom lip a bit as she thought about being his girl. It would be both an honor and privilege to carry his child inside of her. It would make her so happy, especially because he was the last of the Uchiha. So she would be the first mother to begin his clan once again. She looked back over in his direction. Her thoughts lingering on about all of the things that would end the beautiful clan with those eyes that are so intense with all of those abilities. He would need to find a woman to keep it going. And not just have one child, he was going to need to have several just to guarantee the survival of his clan. "Sasuke, have you ever thought of rebuilding your clan, like taking a woman to start it back up? I mean because should anything happen to you...then your clan would end." she said to him as she thought about all of this hoping that he would get the hint that she thinking of herself as the woman.
Sasuke stopped as Karin spoke, slowly glancing over at her with the same, cold stare as usual. At first it seemed like he was about to give her his usual response when she said more or less anything and tell her to shut up...but for some reason this time he just stared at her in silence, almost as if thinking about what she had said, which is exactly what he was doing. She was right....he was the last strong as he was, if anything did happen to him then there would be no Uchiha left to carry on the name, or to retake their former glory. If he was gone then the Uchiha would die a laughing stock and be forgotten about in just a few short years, the name nothing more than a footnote in some history book somewhere. He couldn't allow that to happen....he just couldn't. As much as Sasuke hated to admit it, even to himself, Karin was right....he needed to act now before it was too late, he needed to act now to start rebuilding his clan. But she was wrong about one thing....he couldn't simply take one woman would be too slow....and besides, he needed to bring plenty of new blood into the clan, make it stronger than ever before....and there was only one way to do that. As the plan began to form in his mind, Sasuke couldn't help but smirk slightly, waving a hand to dismiss Suigetsu and Jango off somewhere. He didn't particularly care where as long as it wasn't here, leaving him and Karin alone. "You know Karin...." The words finally broke a few minutes of uncomfortable silence " might have a point..." Slowly Sasuke began to advance on her, it would almost have been menacing if Karin were in any way unwilling. "I think...." He suddenly stretched out an arm, going past Karin's head and pressing a hand against the tree behind her. " is time I started rebuilding my clan. have some useful talents....talents that would serve a new Uchiha clan well if they were...spread. I'll make an excellent start..." Sasuke moved closer, an arm on either side of Karin's head now as he moved almost right up against her. "But you must understand....this will become your life. Your whole life will be dedicated to the clan until the day you die" He wasn't really offering her a choice, by now the plan was too solidly formed in Sasuke's head, but Karin had been useful in the past so she at least deserved some illusion of choice. "Now...." He licked his lips like a predator that had cornered its prey into an inescapable corner "....why don't we get started?"
When Sasuke dismissed Jango and Suigestu, she knew that something was up. She was not sure what but she knew it was something. She hoped that she had not angered him with her words and bit into her bottom lip out of nervousness. She saw his lips form into a smirk, so she was sure that whatever he was about to tell her was not going to be so bad. Karin moved back from him as he approached her. Her back finally being pushed into the back of a tree. Her eyes looked at him with those admiring little glances she always gave him. She hadn't noticed but her teeth were still biting into her bottom lip. His words though were making her squirm against the tree, she knew what he was implying about her talents, talents that he said needed to be spread. And so she spread her legs apart as he got ever closer to her. She could feel her desire start to build in her body. Karin knew in her heart that she wanted this, she wanted to be used by him. Both of his hands now had her trapped there with him pressing up against her like that, she nearly let out a moan without him doing anything just in anticipation of what he was going to do to her as she heard him talk about how dedicated she was going to have to be to the clan. Did he not know that she was willing to do that anyway? "I will give myself over to you until the day I die, Sasuke. I want this to be my fate." her voice spoke the words in a light voice that would tell him that she was quite aroused. She did not care that he had cornered her in such a way, she liked it that way, it showed who was in charge. And right now that was not her. It was him, the one she wanted to take her in the most carnal of ways. "Yes, sir." she said as she moved into him to press her lips against his, to feel those lips that she had wanted on hers for all this time but had never had the chance to receive. Now she was and it was glorious to feel those lips on hers as her hand drifted down to feel its way into his pants, her fingers moving inside of the fabric to find his cock waiting there inside. It was just as big as she thought it was and more so. Her fingers came around it and started to stroke it. The motion was tender and gentle as her hand ran up and down along it.
When Karin spread her legs for him almost instinctively, he couldn't help but chuckle slightly, slowly reaching up to grasp her chin. "Spreading your legs already? Are you so used to this that you just know when to spread them? Or perhaps you just know when someone is your superior..." Her little moan of anticipation caused the boy to lick his lips softly, just moving a little closer to her as she spoke again. So...she really was, more than willing...she was happy...she wanted this, this would make her would certainly make Sasuke happy aswell, though perhaps in a rather different way. She was excited...that much Sasuke could tell. Still, he certainly wasn't an expert....for all the big talk he had come out with earlier, he was still a virgin himself after all. Still, that was going to be rectified very very soon. The kiss was sudden, but most certainly not unwelcome, Sasuke almost immediately returning it, parting his lips and thrusting his tongue into her mouth, kissing her with raw lust and passion, before gasping when her delicate fingers made their way into his pants and grasped the straining erection within. Sasuke was rather proud of his size down there....and god it was harder than he could ever remember it being, so hard it was almost painful. The boy groaned into Karin's mouth as she started to stroke him, groaning as pre-cum oozed from the tip and onto her hands, whilst Sasuke's own hands went greedily to Karin's chest, roughly grasping her breasts through her clothing and squeezing them, pinching at her nipples through the fabric.
Karin let out a moan as she felt Sasuke's hands grab her breasts and then pinch at the nipples through the fabric. The action made her stop stroking him for a moment. Thought she should have expected it, she didn't. Karin felt that for a moment it was going to take Sasuke a bit to want her. In that regard she seemed to be quite wrong, he was kissing her passionately, and with lust clearly in his intentions. She was wanted, and that made her very happy, it made her even more excited as she kissed him and stroked him, before stopping both actions with a smile. Her eyes had a glint in them. "Sasuke, I can't wait to bear your children." Her tone was obviously that of arousal as her voice was just a bit higher and her words were done with a bit of breath. Her fingers gripped his dick just a bit tighter as her stroking continued. Her mouth desired to taste it in her mouth, but she knew that she was not going to want to do that so soon since she was going to need him to have a great amount of sperm to ensure that her womb was going to take it. The more he had, the more likely she was to become pregnant by him. And so she was not going to do anything that could stop that from happening.
Sasuke couldn't wait for her to bear his children either....he was looking forward to the sex sure, but he was also looking forward to a new Uchiha clan being born. Though still, just Karin wouldn't be would be too slow with just one woman. Once Karin was impregnated he would have to gather more, strong women who would enhance the strength of the clan, bring new abilities. Oh yes....the plan was already well formed in the back of Sasuke's mind. Right now however there were more important matters to deal with than simply planning. "Nnngh...." Sasuke let out a throaty groan as Karin continued to stroke at his large, rock hard cock, before Sasuke suddenly pulled her hand away. As much as he was enjoying the sensation, his virgin body was already getting close to its first orgasm. Whilst he knew he would be able to last more than just a few times, the first load was sure to be the biggest after all this time, so it was vital that it was emptied inside of Karin's body to give the greatest chance of pregnancy. "Now....Karin....take them off....your clothes....take them all of and bend over...." He wasn't wasting any time....but they could play around later, right now the most important thing was getting her pregnant. "I've got to fuck you hard and fast to get every drop deep inside of you"
Karin pulled back a bit as he had ordered her to disrobe, with her moving just a bit out of his way so that she could accomplish this task. But it was not like she was going to do it quickly, she was going to take it nice and slow so that he was going to get quite the show of her petite form. Her fingers started at the zipper that was on her top, and she slowly pulled it down, letting the top slip open to show her creamy skin underneath inch by inch. It passed by her breasts, releasing them from the hold of the fabric and making her moan just a little as the fabric passed to the side of her nipples. And then it was off, and she slipped her arms out of the top, dropping it to the ground as she stood there half naked with her average sized breasts in his full view. Her shorts came off next, her fingers hooking onto each side as she slid them down along her legs. Her body was moving from side to side slowly and sensuously wanting him to know that she knew how to use her hips. Karin smiled at him with a bright little look as she walked out of her shorts. It allowed her clean shaven pussy to be seen by the one who was going to take her consensually for once. Her back was turned to him as she bent over, pressed her hands to the tree for grip and waited for the eventual thrusting into her. And to further add to temptation she wiggled her ass just a little.
Sasuke licked his lips once again as Karin began to disrobe, slowly removing her shirt by pulling down the zipper....she was teasing him....oh he was going to make her pay for that later on.... The boy couldn't help but let out a slight groan when the girl finally removed her jacket and revealed her bra-less breasts....he always suspected the redhead didn't bother with a bra...he'd seen her nipples poking through the jacket far too often. "Nnngh...." Sasuke's hands twitched, fighting back the urge to grab her, deciding to allow her to finish disrobing instead. When Karin began to wiggle and sway her body, then begin to remove her shorts even slower than she had her shirt, Sasuke let out a low, almost animalistic growl, though it only seemed to heighten his excitement. The teasing...the thrill...the anticipation of what was to all sent shivers of excitement through Sasuke's body. Finally....finally Karin was bent over, hands up against a tree, wiggling her tight ass towards him. Sasuke licked his lips, his exposed cock twitching with excitement and dripping pre-cum all over the forest floor. This was it....finally...finally he was here, about to begin rebuilding his clan. Slowly, Sasuke approached, reaching out and taking a firm grasp of Karin's waist, slowly beginning to line up his virgin cock with her pussy. "....No more games...." With a single, rough thrust, Sasuke rammed his entire cock into Karin's pussy, the boy gasping at the new sensation, almost squealing from the pleasure, falling forward onto Karin's back. His cock was twitching and throbbing inside of her, the boy desperately trying to fight back orgasm, his body trembling against Karin's. That trembling however was what caused it, his hips gave a twitch, his cock moving ever so slightly inside of Karin's body....and it was enough to send him over the edge. With a cry of pleasure into Karin's ear, Sasuke's cock erupted, beginning to pump spurt after spurt of cum into Karin's pussy, the boy trembling and squeaking cutely into her ear as he underwent his first orgasm inside of a woman, trying to get his cum as deep as possible.
She heard his growl and whimpered in anticipation of him taking her, she was so excited about that she was literally shivering. When his hand came around her waist she let out a little breathy moan, her body was just waiting for the push of his hard cock unto her. When it finally did occur, she felt so full as she was pushed into with that hard cock. She was satisfied. His trembling alerted her to the fact that Sasuke was close to his own satisfaction while Karin had not even begun to be ready. She wanted to cry out and tell him that she had wished that she were closer when he was about to. But she had already pledged her allegiance to this and so it must be this way. She moaned for a second. Her pussy clamped down on his cock preparing to milk it. And just as soon as she did she heard the cry of pleasure, her pussy did just that, it milked every drop as it worked to try to get her pregnant with his child to form the new clan.
Sasuke's hips continued to twitch back and forth slightly, his cock pumping a plentiful supply of hot, sticky, fertile cum into the girls body, until finally the orgasm subsided, the Uchiha laying bent over onto Karin's back, panting heavily against her as he recovered from the most intense feeling of pleasure he had ever felt before in his whole life. Once he recovered, his hands slowly started to move, getting away from Karin's waist and starting to snake their way up her stomach, stroking across the skin and slowly up to the base of her chest, then suddenly grabbing onto them, giving the hanging breasts a firm and sudden squeeze, pinching at her nipples. "Nnngh...." Slowly, Sasuke started to stand upright, keeping his cock lodged firmly in her body. "Nnn...that....felt good....but we're just getting started..." Now that the edge had been taken off, Sasuke felt he would be able to let the real fun start. Yes, this was all for something much more practical....but that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun with this. With another firm squeeze of Karin's breasts, he started to pull back slowly, beginning to withdraw his cock. "Tell me Karin...tell much you want me....tell me what you're going to do for me...."
Suigetsu walked out of the trees with his sword in hand, his eyebrow raised up as he looked at the two. He wondered what they were up to. Karin felt his presence and was not ready to do what Sasuke had planned, at least not in front of their teammate which she knew was going to change into teammates in a matter of moments. This embarrassment was what stopped Karen from begging for more instead it made her try to move away from him as best as she could. With the particular position she was in, it was quite hard to do considering the way she bent in relation to the tree, but she was still trying. 'Sasuke, get off of me, please!" Karin begged as she continued to try to put her hips down so that his cock would come out of her. All of this had been quite the embarrassing experience, it had been something that she could not predict. Just as she had not predicted Suigettsu's return. But for now she was trying to break away from the man she had so willingly given herself over to. "Sasuke, you sure are quite the player, but you mind if you keep it in your pants till we get closer to the target?" Suigestu was not trying to outrank Sasuke, who he knew was the leader of the group at the moment. But he wanted Sasuke to realize that they had a mission to focus on rather than just getting it on with team members. He turned from them for the moment so that the two could get decent before he turned back around.
Sasuke growled in frustration as Suigetsu made his appearance, his cock twitching inside of Karin's body. "I thought I told you to get lost..." Sasuke snarled, not looking at Suigetsu, just staring at Karin. Damn....of all the times for him to come back...Sasuke was just starting to get the hang of this...and after the first orgasm had taken the edge of he had felt like he could go for a long that was ruined. Karin, who had been so willing only minutes before, was now begging him to get off her so she could save her dignity. The Uchiha was tempted to deny her, to tell Suigetsu to fuck off and then resume his fun....but sadly Suigetsu had a point for once....they probably should focus on the mission for now. With a growl of frustration Sasuke pulled his cock free of Karin rather suddenly, allowing a small stream of his cum to spill free from her and splash onto the ground between her legs. Still, at least he had pumped a nice sized load into her already....more than likely she was already impregnated with his child...still...when the oppertunity arose he would be doing this again whether Karin liked it or not. She had given herself up to him now and Sasuke would do as he pleased. For now though he would grant the girl her dignity.... "Fine...." The boy turned and started to tuck his erection back into his underwear, grunting in frustration at the erection like this was going to take ages to go down...sadly he didn't have much choice. "Fine....let's get going shall we? I want to get this over with"
Karin got her clothes back on as fast as she could, some would say that she put all of her clothes on so fast it was almost as if she was always wearing them but regardless of that fact she was then clothed. She looked over to Suigetsu who still had his back turned. She was blushing quite red and there was just a little cum dripping out of her, but she was sure that some of it held. However, there was this feeling that was nagging at her in that same spot where the cum was dripping from, it was like an ache that needed to be soothed. She knew what this feeling was, it was the feeling of unresolved pleasure. Her body had the need to get off, but Sasuke had not been able to do this for her, though it was not all his fault, it had still been the same story. She was left needy. Suigetsu could sense that the girl was finally dressed and then turned back around, to look at both Sasuke and the newly dressed Karin. He gave them both a little grin and then placed his sword on his shoulder and then walked so that they could head out to go chase after one of the tails. Karin did not dare look at Sasuke and just walked just ahead of Suigetsu so that she was not going to be all that motivated to look at the man who had most likely put a child inside of her. A child that she knew was going to grow into quite the ninja one day. First she had to go through the process of carrying and nurturing the child inside of her until that pinful day arose in which she gave birth to it. "Yes, let's go." she said kind of quietly, the blush and ache still persisting all across her body.
Sasuke made no attempts to hide his annoyance as the group began to walk, folding his arms and walking in silence, practically ignoring both Karin and Suigetsu. After all, Suigetsu had interrupted his fun and Karin had suddenly decided to try and reclaim her independence...well...he'd have to get rid of that. She wasn't just going to be a mother of his children...she belonged to him now....and he was going to make sure she knew about that. Still....they'd need some privacy for that....he didn't want Suigetsu and Jango watching him doing that after all. And if this had to wait a while, then so be it. "Let's go" The anger in Sasuke's voice was obvious, moving to walk ahead of the group, though as he passed Karin, whilst Suigetsu wasn't looking, he reached out and gave Karin's ass a firm grasp, squeezing it in an almost thieving manner, like it was merely his property. He didn't look at her though, simply pulled his hand away and resumed walking. The sooner they got this mission out of the way the better....he had plans after all, plans much bigger than petty revenge. Once it was ensured that Karin was pregnant he was going to head back to the leaf village....but no longer with the intention of simply destroying it....oh no....he was going to take the strongest Kunoichi and use them to form a new Uchiha clan....
She let out a little bit of a squeal as she felt him touch her ass but she did her best to be a little bit quieter so that it would not draw any attention to herself so that Suigetsu would not look over to them to see it happen. He didn't, she had stifled it well enough. Which was quite lucky because the next member of their of the squad arrived through the trees to just see Sasuke walk by her. He made it to the back of the group just as Sasuke gave the order to move with that commanding tone in which he had used to say his words. All of the rest of the squad jumped up off the ground and into the trees to jump from tree to tree to make it to their destination as fast as possible. They were looking for a tailed beast. It was their goal to drag one back to the main hideout so that it could be placed in the statue, she just hoped that her master was going to be able to make it out of this next fight without a scratch and even if he didn't then all he was going to do was to bite her to heal his wounds. They were about a day away from where they had been told where their target was, but if they moved quickly, they could cut that down to half a day. This was only going to be accomplished only if they stayed focused, which at the moment was asking a lot from Karin since her body was rather distracted from what was going on, but she was going to do her best to keep up.
Sasuke travelled in silence, clearly angry at both Suigetsu and Karin. Suigetsu for interrupting and Karin for suddenly trying to go back on offering herself to him. He owned her now...if he wanted to grab her and fuck her in the middle of a crowd then she was damn well going to let him and be happy about it. Still, he would give her time to adapt for now....after all Suigetsu did have a point that they needed to complete this mission...if they just abandoned it then there would be questions, others coming after them. On the other hand if they captured and delivered the tailed beast then Sasuke could just take Karin and leave. He would take her to an Uchiha stronghold, somewhere they wouldn't be disturbed....somewhere that they could begin to form a new Uchiha clan. Still, Karin wouldn't be enough, though he was already forming a plan to resolve that little issue. There were plenty of strong women in the Leaf village....ones with very special and particular abilities. There was the Byakugan for one after all....but before that he needed medical ensure safe and healthy delivery of the children. Yes....Sakura Haruno....that was who he would take next. She would be easy to manipulate, so blinded by childish crushes and petty loyalty that before she realised what was really happening it would already be too late. A slightly evil smirk made its way onto Sasuke's lips, before he accelerated a little. He wanted this mission over with as soon as possible. "Hurry up! I want this tailed beast captured and delivered by the end of the day!"
A few days later... The fight with the beast had been difficult but then again it was not as hard as it could have been to capture the two tail. Karin was of course on the sidelines as the rest of the team dealt thee blows to the beast until they were finally able to get it under control and take it back to base. She was already able to see the changes in Sasuke, the way he looked at her, not really seeing her as a person but as something that he owned. It was not as if she did not like being looked at this way but she was just not sure how others around them were taking the fact that she was Sasuke's property. Jango and Suigetsu were both seeming to choose to ignore this current fascination of their leader's they knew that he of course owned Karin by this point but they were not sure what else was on the agenda. However while they were just walking away from the Akatsuki headquarters with no exact mission in sight there was this feeling that something was coming and it was something that was quite powerful. The wind blew just a bit in the forest that surrounded that place. Both of them got on their guard and were ready to fight whatever was going in front of them. The wind picked up more and the trees thrashed just a bit more and then out of nowhere there was a kunai that passed right by Suigetsu's face, cutting his cheek leaving a side trail of blood going along his face. His eyes focus and he sees a woman dressed in all black, but the thing about the long flowing Yukata she was wearing was that it was completely black, there was no designs or nothing on it, it was as if it was mourning clothes. "I wish to speak to Sasuke, for I have foreseen something." Her voice would be carried by the wind, allowing them to hear that sensual soft tone of her voice that was not like something that they would expect from someone with this much power. But then they saw what made her so different, her eyes were not the color of some normal ninja, no both of her eyes were mostly red with a black marking in the center that looked like an open flower petal. She was an Uchiha. For only a Uchiha could be so powerful. And that was exactly what Karin was detecting.
Sasuke had dusted himself down casually after the battle, acting like it had been nothing to him, though he had been having a relatively tough time of it...this was a tailed beast after all. Still, they had won, they had subdued it and they were able to achieve their objective....which brought Sasuke that one step closer to his own objective....his eyes lingering on Karin as the battle was over, his gaze never truly leaving her even on the trip back to deliver the beast. This would be the last time, this would be the last time Sasuke would be doing this...he had far more important things to be concerning himself with. What came next however was a surprise, even to him. A strange woman appeared out of nowhere, even managing to cut Suigetsu, actually drawing blood from the ninja....Sasuke hadn't seen that in quite some time, normally the boy was fast enough to turn to water before he could be harmed. Whoever this was....she was good. But when he met her eyes....that was what surprised him the most....the Uchiha? But that was impossible....he was the only one left now, after he had killed Itachi there had been no more. "Suigetsu....Jango....get out of here..." He raised an arm, dismissing them, his tone clearly indicating he was not to be argued with. "I want to hear what she was to say...." Sasuke continued to stare at the woman, waiting until the other two men were gone, though he hadn't dismissed Karin, he saw no need for that. "Alright....let's hear what you have to say...."
"You are surprised, that I can tell from the look that you are giving me, but do not worry, I am not here to fight. I am here to give you a message and an ability that you will need on your quest to bring our clan back to life." She walked closer to him, looking deep into his Sharingan eyes with her own. He would be able to tell now as she walked down the path, that she had the Mangekyo just as he did. Except her pattern was a flower petal unlike his star. He would be able to see that she was wearing heeled sandals much like what Tsunade, or Karin do. But they would also be black, just like the deep black of the yukata that covered her body. Jango and Suigetsu were already gone, though it was not as though Karin noticed since her eyes were too focused on the woman's long dark straight hair, her pale skin and that body of hers that made her better than a lot of the girls around, with one of those girls being Karin. "I am called Hana, I have no need for a surname any longer after my husband died." She felt it necessary to at least give him a name and the reason behind it as she stepped just a few feet from him. She gave him this expression that looked like a small smile but it was not complete. It was like a smile that a person you are an acquaintance with would give you. "My Mangekyo allows me to see into the future, and I have seen the one of our clans and how it has a complete rebirth in this Land of Fire. There is however a list of people that threaten our up and coming clan, so I believe that it is best that you deal with them now rather than battle them later." Hana handed him a list with people's names on it: Naruto Uzumaki Shikamaru Nara Gaara of the Sand Rock Lee Kiba Neji Hyuga "These six people will be dangerous to the future of our clan if they are not dealt with in whatever means necessary, which is why I brought this, so that you can make them useful instead of making them just corpses." Hana pulled from her pocket a medium sized scroll. She handed it over to him. "This scroll contains a rather long lost medical ninjustu that I found a way to simplify down to just a seal. However to do the seal you will need to read the entire scroll. But before that, watch me as I do this with your Sharingan." Hana then moved her hand in a number of configurations focusing her chakra in her hands that would be useful in creating the seal, and then she ended it by placing her hand to the ground where writing came from where she had placed her hand. It was obviously a seal. "The seal I have shown you has the power to permanently change any male that is sealed with it into a female."
Surprised was probably an understatement. Sasuke had been convinced he was the last of the Uchiha, yet here was another one stood before him, declaring she was capable of seeing into the future. He was skeptical at first, but then she seemed to know his could that have been? He'd only thought of it less than 24 hours ago, hadn't told anyone. Either this woman was telling the truth or she could read his this point either one seemed plausable. The only thing he was certain of was that this was real, not Genjutsu. "Threaten the clan...?" Sasuke frowned, then took the list of names, looking it over. Why was he not surprised? Of course Naruto's name would be on there....the only other one that really concerned him was Gaara, but since losing his tailed beast the Kazekage wasn't as much of a threat as he once had been. Besides, Sasuke had beaten him once he could do it again. "Hm? Make them useful....?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow, taking the scroll. A medical Ninjutsu? What use would that be to him? Before he could ask he looked up, watching her movements carefully, then couldn't hide the look of surprise when she explained what the seal did. "Change any male into a....? What? Just what use is a stupid technique like that going to be" Sasuke blinked as the realisation hit him. He looked back down at the list of names, then back up at Hana, chuckling slightly at first, then bursting into laughter. "Oh this is just too much. You want me to turn these people into women and use them? Oh that's just...." wasn't a bad idea. Naruto's power in the new Uchiha clan? The potential intelligence of Shikamaru? Not to mention the vast amounts of land and wealth his family held. The power of Gaara....the Kazekage in the palm of his hands. Rock Lee....he was unworthy....perhaps Sasuke would just kill him. The abilities of the Inuzuka clan that Kiba could bring would certainly be useful. And Neji...well...he had been planning on taking Hinata for her Byakugan, so an extra Hyuuga would certainly help. "Oh yes....yes this could work out just nicely....and..." Sasuke took a step forward, suddenly grabbing Hana's wrist. "Perhaps we should bring in a little more fresh Uchiha blood too hm?" He smirked, dropping the scroll and grabbing Hana's other wrist, suddenly pulling her against him. "Oh yes...." His tongue flicked out and licked her cheek. "If you can see the future you must've already seen this coming...."
"Yet, you did not. For I am incapable. You are the only one who can lead our clan into power." Hana told him as she was licked. Her expression remained serious the entire time, she was not lying. Hana would not lie about such things for they had been the reason that she had been depressed for so long, until she saw the future that he was ushering in. That was the only thing that brought her happiness. The knowledge that after the senseless murder of her clansmen by the Leaf Village and the murder of her husband by a Rain Village ninja right before her eyes, her clan was going to live on. This potential to see happy, bouncing Uchiha children around was the only thing she felt was worth living for or she would have died long ago. She stepped back from him just a bit. Her eyes staring at him intensely, but then she turned off her Sharingan to show that she had purple eyes when they are regular. She blinked a few times as she adjusted to being in the present rather than in the future. It was a strange shift for her, but it was not all that unexpected since she knew that she needed to turn her Sharingan off to rest her eyes. Unlike most users who just go blind if they overuse their Mangekyo, she will lose sight of the present if she used it for too long with her mind stuck ever in the future unable to effect the present. So she had to watch the amount of time she used her power. "I can travel with you if you like." She pulled her hand back from him with a smile. Her eyes drifted over to the trees behind them, as if she was waiting for something for a moment, and then as if they had been summoned by her, Suigetsu and Jango reappeared. They looked at the regular Hana with a bit of question, but knowing how she had appeared they were not going to question that she was powerful.
"Oh? I see..." Sasuke released Hana's arms when she moved she was incapable of having wonder she seemed to be so enthusiastic about helping him to rebuild the clan through whatever means necessary....even though she was another Uchiha, he was still the last hope they had to survive. He could already tell she was telling him the truth....there was no need for her to lie about such a was such a could have been advantageous to have kept some more purified Uchiha blood in the line....oh well. Perhaps it was just as fitting that the clan was going to be more diverse, this was a new Uchiha clan after all, the old one was gone forever, and this just confirmed that fact. "Very can accompany us....I suppose it's only fair that you be here to see the rebirth of our clan....since you'll be having a hand in it as well..." He chuckled, then looked over as Jango and Suigetsu returned, frowning for a moment. least he hadn't been in the middle of something this time around....still....this also raised a new question....what was he going to do with those two? They could be useful in his abduction of people from the Leaf and Sand villages....but he'd have to make sure they didn't get ideas on trying to take any for least not any that Sasuke wanted anyway. "Alright....let's go. We have a new destination....we're going to the leaf village....our mission....abduction..." He smirked slightly. "Two people for now....Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki...." He couldn't help but grin slightly, they seemed the two most fitting to start with. "We're going to take them, bring them to an Uchiha stronghold....then....I'll be using them in my plans...."
Layla was one of the dranish hunter she was wear a scouts outfit that was a short par of fur shorts with a short fur tank top and she was given the mission to scout of silver moon city tracking the hordes troop movement as she did so she took meticulous notes writing down how well armed they were and when the guard patrols were coming through and shifts were changing of the guards along with when the time of when the trade caravans showed up. she had been there for a few days with out sleep she she had found a spot were she knew no guard were going to come by and layed down to get some rest that she had not had in a few days then return home to report what she had found then move onto to her next job the had thought as she slowly fell asleep with her eyes closing tell she past out .
A silent snarl, played from the nostrils of a wolf, now nearly prone, prepared to charge, in a cretain direction, played through the air, catching the attention, of a tall Blood Elf woman. She wore a tight suit, representing her Masters colours, purple and red. "What've you got, Yimirheim?" She asked, with a low voice, grasping her bow and quiver, throwing it over her shoulder. She nodded a male Orc, ressembleing a brute, and a slim male Troll, over and walked to her wolf. The wolf set off, at a fast pace. The Blood Elf sat after it, at an equally fast pace, the two companions, following as fast as they could. They quickly reached the little clearing, the Draenei had decided to rest in. The Blood Elf female, stared out from a bush, narrowing her eyes, discusted to see one of her kind, on their territory. She directed her followers, in different directions, so the Draenei would be surrounded, and then finally leaped from the bush, prepareing an arrow, on the string of her bow, pointing it at the Draenei. "Wake up, you filthy creature!" She shouted. The Orc, and the Troll, in mere seconds, stood on each side of the Draenei, giveing her no route, to attempt to escape via. Even the wolf, jumped out from the bush, but as it was about to strike the Draenei, the Blood Elf snarled at it, in her own tounge, stopping it, but not from growling, menacingly, at Layla.
She had woke up and stood up slowly thinking to her self when she saw the three of them " filthy creature! what? ow well well well you three sure don't lay out the red carpet for people do you you guys must not be guards cause they do not come thought this area I guess it is now time for me to take my leave but your not going to to let me are you ow well" she had said then threw a ice grenade in the middle of there group freezing them in place were they could not move giving her time to run as call as large white owl by whistling and it swoops over and picks her up by her shoulders and flies off with her setting her down in the cover of the forest jumping on her talbuk that was waiting her she had landed and rode off heading to alliance lands as she had shown that she was no beginner in the job getting far ahead of them when the ice finally breaks freeing them as she is now half way to the ghost lands were she might have allies waiting for her to report so they must not let her get there so they needed to stop her at all costs for the security of silver moon city and the hord but how were they going to catch such a tricky hunter as this.
The Draeneis words, where far too calm, for her not to have a backup plan, warning the Blood Elf, already by the start. As the grenade was taken out, she let go of the arrow, haveing it fly through the air, not playing around with the bow, she was pointing at the Draenei with. As the grenade had frozen them, it took mere seconds, for the talisman around the Blood Elfs neck, to flare up, releasing her from the eyes, preemtively. She stared at the others, shakeing her head, before she sat after then hunter. Her eyes followed the white Owl, as it flew off with the Draenei. She sat up pace, whistleing loudly. Mere moments later, a Hawkstrider appeared by her side. She leaped upon it, and sat after the other hunter, being far faster, then any simple Horde guard would, wearing an Insignia of the Horde. As she spotted the Draenei, still rather far ahead of her, she narrowd her eyes. She prepared an arrow on her bow, aiming high, and shooting a trap arrow, ahead of the Draenei, should she hit it, rooting either her mount, or them both, to the ground.
Being a master of survival she was not one to be easily entangled in such things as she slashed the roots cutting them down before they could entangle her with her spear then fires her rifle at her with a round the had broken up in into many fragment meant to spook the staider so she could run off slowing her down as much as she could so she could make her way to the ghost lands to be home free she had almost made it cause of a stroke of vary bad like as a flock of large crazed wild dragon hawks swarm her knocking her off her mount as they tried to protect there eggs she had cut them down one by one easily but there were is many that she could not leave so soon her mount as ran off not knowing were it went as she is suck fight to get of of the nest of the dragon hawks. As the elf made it to her she could not move cause of her leg that had been burned from the dragon hawks so she could not stand unless she she was treated she had sat there holding her legs as she watched the girl ride up " well good show looks like you win today cause of my stoke of bad luck seems like lady luck looks down on me today " she had said as she watched blood run down her scorched leg with her spear broken and her gun out of range.
The ranger sneered, as she saw her ice, being broken so easily. She sniffed a few times, realiseing where they where. She grinned, as she saw Dragon Hawks attack the Draenei, and she grunted wickedly, slowing down her pace, letting the Hawks do their work. She jumped off her Strider, and shot several arrows, after a few of the Dragon Hawks, so they fled, not foolish animals, knowing a match, and two enemies, even though one greviously wounded, where too much. The woman, slowly stepped closer to the wounded Draenei, and sneered a single time. "I should cut you down right where you sit... You'r race must be either desperate, or getting far too cocky, sending a scout to our lands.." Her voice, sent a sneer through them, makeing it clear, what she wanted the most. But she had to submit to her Masters will, and he wanted scouts, delivered to him. "On the contrary.. 'Lady Luck', is smileing upon you, since i'm not in command of the lands you trespassed, so I don't get to chose your fate." Her upperlip jumped slightly, and she turned her face away, descusted by the idea, of helping the Draenei. but she tossed a bandade, and a salve for the wounded Draenei, and put her bow, back on her back. "Then again. I dbout my Masters plans, will be much differant. He dislikes trespassers, as much as I. Patch that up. Don't want you dieing, before we pressent you." She sneered, and crossed her arms, awaiting her acomplises.
The leg was bandaged and the bleeding had been stopped but but most of the mussels burned off so she could not walk then said being a smart ass "sure I would love to go if I could walk so how am I going to get there" as her face show the clear expression of pain on her face so it had be be carried some thing that would have been easy for the orc but he was far off left in the dust were he was trap still finally breaking the ice so she was thrown onto the elf's mount and walked all the way to the to there commander then thrown in front of him wincing in pain as she looked at him and said " so your the commander I thought you would be like the orc commander i killed a fat bastard" she said as she tried to keep the presser off of her leg that was now bleeding through the bandage cause the skin had came off.
The female Blood Elf, had simply grunted irritately, at the smart comments, from the Draenei. She had harshly thrown her to her mount, and lead her to her Masters Mansion. The Master, tall, with redish skin, flareing green eyes, long red hair, and a wicked face, stared down at the Draenei, as she was thrown in front of his throne. The Blood Elf ranger, bowed deeply, and didn't turn her eyes to the Master again. "A Scout.. Master.. I bet she was going to report.." She was interupted by the Masters hissing voice. "Badly wounded? What was your orders.. Ta'iat..." He said, with a voice of discust. The Blood Elf woman whinced, stepping a little back, looking away. "Pain! Take care of Ta'iat." He said, turning his head lightly back, as a Succubus passed him, grining wickedly, with her redish eyes at the ranger. THe ranger whimpered, and took a few steps back again. "N.. No! It.. It was'nt me.. She ran into a, Nngah!" She squirmed as the Succubus' whip, swirled through the air, wipping her shirt, makeing a red mark right away, on her exposed skin, before being dragged away. The Masters attention then fell over the Draenei again, with his eyes narrowed. He snorted. "Had I been that kind of commander, my primitive scouts, would've already put you down, in a pool of your own blood.." He said, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his knees, as his green eyes, eyed Layla's body, and he tilted his head slightly. He then pointed on the floor, closer to him, just before his feet. "Come over here.." He said, with a stirn expretion. He clearly expected her to do so, on own terms. Meaning she'd have to crawl there, didn't matter to him. If she did'nt do as ordered, diciplinary actions, where in order. Even better..
To make sure she did not look weak in front of this man she had stood on her badly wounded leg and waled over to him and stand were he had told her to as she walked blood bled through the bandage then had ran down her leg dripping as she walked over then pooled at her feet then flowed to his feet dirtying his boots as she stood in front of him and said to him when she got there " OK I am her so what do you want mister glowing eyes and ow ya that message I was reporting to the outpost she be making it the right about now my owl can fly a long ways" being a smart ass and a bitch at the same time as she was showing that she was a lot smarter then she looked " Why am I her I thought the horde killed scouts pr have things changed cause I will gladly be on my way back to boodie bay back to the card game.
The Masters eyes, followed Layla closely, still with narrowed, angered eyes, by the great disapointment in his subjects. These wounds where greatly unneccesary, and ruined the scenery. To not mention the floor. His eyes traveled, to a couple of Blood Elf women, standing not far from them, and he got eye contact with one. He nodded his head towards the Draenei, and the woman approached. The Masters eyes, slowly turned back on Layla, and where narrowed. He then reached a hand for her, grabbing her shirt, should she not get away in time, and pulled it hard, to forced her down on her knees. "To you, i'm no mister, if your lucky, I won't have to be your executioner, either!" He sneered, tightening the grip, on her fur shirt. He then eyed her slightly again, his perlip shakeing in anger. "And you won't be going to Booty bay, or even playing any cards, for a long time, little pest. Keep up that tounge, and the Horde morales, just might come in play.." He tilt his head, and made a thoughtfull expretion. "The message, I care little about. The Hordes way of transporting goods, is primitive, I don't use such methodes. And the Hordes intrests, is not mine. Entirely, at least.. I would agree to one thing though... I'd love to see you'r filthy race, dead or in chains!" He sneered, pushing her back, possibly so she'd sit. The woman who approached, then walked closer to Layla, and put a hand on her most wounded leg, not being gentle at all, as light shined from her hand, slowly healing the muscle, but not giveing her, a replacement, for the blood she had lost, so she'd still be weak, from the blood loss.
Trying to stay wake she yawns from the blood loss being vary tired she says to him " so if you don't care about the horde whats the point in keeping me hear its not like I am effecting you in any way so I don't see the point of keeping me here and I am not with the alliance I just work for them cause they pay me" sighing she says " guess there not going to be any Darkmoon Special Reserve for me tonight " when she pulled out her flask seeing that it was empty then leaned against the wall and said to her self as she moaned why me then she had soon pasted out from the blood lose passing out on the floor then slept for a few hour waking up not knowing were she was on some sort of fancy bed.
The commanders green eyes, stared down the rather talkable Draenei, as his eyes slowly narrowed. She had far too big a mouth. Talked far too much. Not only talking when spoken to. She had to learn her place. Had to learn to keep hers, when not told to let it out. He watched her lean against a wall, narrowing his eyes even more, as she seemed to pass out. He rolled his eyes, as he watched the legs heal. He stood up, and waved his hand dismissively. "Bring her to my chaimber, i'll see to her later." A few hours later, she had been brought to his chaimber, and put in his bed, where she awoke. The commander stood on the other side of the room, his green eyes, the only thing visible. "You asked, why you where kept here? Why do you think, dear Draenei? Your an arch enemy of my people.. Perhaps, torture, and dismay where in order? What's to stop me, from giving you many weeksof torment, for my own pleasures sake?" He spoke silently, as he slowly left the shadows, so his red and golden robe got visible again, the flameing green eyes, fixated upon her.
The speakers were blasting. The lights were flashing. The party was on at the Oriental Clubhouse - the biggest dance club in the heart of downtown Coruscant and flourishing in business. It was the most popular among youth and young people, and was owned by the most rich and controversial man to hit the papers. His name was Dani Hofken. Not only did he own 14 different clubs, but he was also rumored to head the Rogue Mafia. They dealt a numerous amount of drugs, illegal alcoholic fluids, plasma weapons, and just about anything that you can't find at your local shop-mart. The mafia was run by a group of criminals; all of which mixing from different species and political stances. There had be sayings of Sith and even Jedi being part of the underground market. This was the rumor my mission revolved around. Finding out who is part of the Rogues, and to find out how to stop them. The problem was not only with the black market, but with the attacks and deaths that came with the risky business. There had been a line of strange deaths that seemed suspicious yet still linked somehow to the Rogue Mafia. It was a strange case for a newly Jedi Knight to receive, but the mafia had become a growing problem that needed to be stopped. And I was prepared to go to extreme cases to have that happen. The best way to get inside information... is to get inside. And that's exactly what I did. Having a rather sexist advantages as a tall, attractive Twi'Lek; getting a job as an exotic dancer was almost too easy. Who doesn't want to see a leggy green alien dance in a cage with barely any clothes? It was a big seller and brought in more money. Although I was a Twi'Lek, I wasn't the only dancer there of that species. There were two other girls. One name Rammi, and the other Jules. Jules was a human hybrid and Rammi was full, like I. But Rammi had a pale blue skin, barely noticeable against the gleaming club lights. But my skin; my dark green, stuck out like a sore thumb. As soon as I was hired, but the first night, I had a huge pile of males crowding around my cage to watch me. I couldn't say it was a boring job, but things hadn't changed over the years... it was definitely and degrading one. I was barely dressed. Carrying a black leather corset, lace underwear, and fishnet on my arms and legs. My cage was suspended near the center of the club; rimming the line between dancefloor and bar tables. This brought customers of both sides. In order to make money, I was trained to press my body up against the cage bars to encourage males to stuff money in my underwear. It was terribly disrespectful, but it's what I had to do. Until I was at my last straw. I had been dancing for a little over 6 weeks and the information I had achieved was minimal. It was another popular Saturday at Oriental. Booming with customers. There had to be at least 400 people in the club. But a group of men were drunk and reckless, and too inticed with my body than to even double think what they were about to do. They wanted me. They started to grab me, as if to try and pry me out of the bars. The situation, with much struggle, escalated to the point where I was being swung in the cage from the ceiling. From tension on the chains, they snapped, and I fell to the ground. The cage snapped open, and I was harassed from the outside in. Fighting for my body, I had knocked several man to the ground. A woman called over to be from the behind the bar and tossed me a black cylinder. I opened my hand and as soon as it touched my palm, the green lightsaber exploded from the handle. My position was hostile. My expression like that of an angered wolf as I stare at the men who had attempted to violate me. They stood back, clearly mortified of the situation. Dani had burst through the doors, having conveniently been present that night. Seeing the means of my title, his eyes were wide and he was confused. A Jedi! He called out, A liar. He growled, but soon realized the context. A spy, you are. I scary, intimidating grin came to his face. A group of armed guards came flooding for me. I was in trouble now. This had turned into a night gone wrong.
From all sides they came at her, Dani's goons and hired thugs. Slowly but surely they started to corner her as the establishment emptied in a rush. The Twi'Lek deflected some blaster bolts fired at her and dispatched a zabrak that had come too close with an vibroblade. Some of the men backed off only to close in again when Dani shouted to have at her. "Knock her out!" They could ill afford intervention from the Jedi Council. This would have to be resolved by the man running the operation for whom Dani Hofken only was a puppet off. Then a large man, clearly a hybrid, aimed his rifle at her and shot of a dart containing chemicals; the kind one finds in death sticks of which the gang sold a humongous amount of in the Coruscanti Undercity. It hit the green scandily clad Twi'Lek between the shoulderblades. After a short while her reactions slowed and the force attacks she had used lost their potency. The hybrid shot her again with a second dart. She threw her saber at him, penetrating his chest. The blade stuck out his back as he collapsed to the floor. But the damage had already been done... She sunk to her knees and let her arms drop to the floor. The drugs began having the desired effect and the other thugs slowly approached as he lost consciousness. "Dose her again! I don't want her waking up in the middle of a skylane." Dani ordered and she was given a death-stick. Her being a jedi would warrand her for an overdose. Another man collected the saber still portruding the chest of the hybrid and handed it over to Mr. Hofken. The Twi'Lek dancer/Jedi was put in a hovercar and flown over to a derelict skyscraper a few clicks out. This would be where she would be taken care off... Two men carried her off to an elevater and took her up to the renovated penthouse. Dani noticed them looking at her seductive green skin. Such a shame, he thought while they entered the penthouse. A tall man stood with his hands on his back, looking out over Coruscant's skyline. Lights illuminating the night of the city planet. He was wearing long black robes laced with red fabric. His hair was being held together and over his face ran five white tattoos, like war paint. However, he was still handsome and looked somewhat ruthless. "What is this you bring me Dani...?" His voice was raspy, but pleasant to listen to. The man turned around to look at Hofken. He had sickly yellow eyes that seemed to pulsate with a fire from within. "There's been an incident at the club, caused by this..." he gestured at the unconscious Jedi, "Twi'Lek. She's one of the Jedi." Grash, the man in black and red, nodded his head. "That is unnacceptable Dani. You screwed up." Dani Hofken's face went white and he swallowed hard. The goons were sent away. "But I won't kill you, not yet anyway. Get her in the shackles," he ordered. The restraints were of an electrical and magnetic nature and would keep the Twi'Lek's hand behind her smooth back. Grash let his eyes wander over her body while she was out. She was an exceptional attractive specimen of her kind. Shame she was one of those filthy jedi lapdogs... He pondered the issue, perhaps he could turn her, it would be a damned shame to kill her. "Get out, Dani," he said once the shackles were secure. The sith reached out with the force and eased her mind so she would slowly come to. He was curious about the following conversation and if she'd prove susceptible to the dark side.
Being a Sentinel Jedi Knight, watching the men come straight for me pulled me in two crucial directions. One; use my lightsaber to slash off their limbs and take their life. Or two; to put away the lightsaber and fend them off with just my martial arts, enough to escape without harming anyone. I wanted to free the lives of the guards the most so I went with my moral insctinct and shut off the lightsaber. When the attacked, I was there and ready to defend. Crotch-kicking, knee-cap breaking, punches, and plain old nerve-manipulation but none of that mattered, because my biggest threat was a across the room and before I realized the dart gun pointed straight for me. My lightsaber had parted from my fingers, lit, hot and ready to burn. Right through the chest; right on target, but it was too late. The trigger had been pulled and the dart flew at me at too high of speeds for me to react in time. I was struck. I immediately grasped my back, but I stood no chance against the powerful drug. I was down, and I was out. Total blackness. Having lost consciousness, it wasn't too long before I was regaining my mind. My eyes were open when I was brought into the room but my body was limp and I was silent. That's because I was tripping literally. No matter where I looked, I could see flashes of colors as if my eyes has turned into heat vision. My head was too heavy for my neck so it rolled on my shoulders as if I was dazed and confused ... which is exactly what I was. I tried to talk, but my mouth only opened and a slur of words came out. After trying a few more times; Bas...dei... I cleared my throat, trying my hardest to stay focused on one thing, which was currently a tall, blurred, colorful image or a man. Whom I presumed was Dani. But in the midst of blurring my words, I had fixed the line between colors and reality and realized that Dani was next to me, and whomever was in front of me was the leader. Dani was not the leader. Bastard! My words finally blasting from my lips. My eyes were moving less back and forth now as the image of a cloaked Sith came to my brain. I had to stare at it to properly process it. Shhh... I swallowed, Shiitt. I knew I had gotten myself in trouble. So much trouble that I was no longer sure I would be able to get out. I was not armed, I had no idea where I was, where my weapons were, or even who or what was in front of me. I knew I was drugged, and by the effects I was experiencing I had a feeling it was the Death Stick. Now, my life is shortened, but it wouldn't really matter since I would probably be dead by the end of the dead. Suddenly, the tension I had previously felt on my arms was eased and I dropped roughly to the floor. The presence of other people eased, and I had the gut feeling that we were now alone. Molesting the floor for a few moments to gain a certain stance; I felt a light sense of relaxation. A sense of euphoria that was both unexpected and unwanted. Pulling myself to my hands and knees, I looked up to the man in front of me, to you, and gazed upon the being that was head of crime in Coruscant. Wh-who are you? It was a pathetic first question, but I was so drugged and confused, I had to ask.
The green Twi'lek fell to the ground before Grash, struggling with her limbs and lekku. On all fours the green female looked up at the Sith. Yes, this was a good stance, groveling before Grash, he thought. It had amused him to see her numb and regaining a bit of functionality. The death-stick and drug dosage she had been administered would prove sufficient to weaken her bond with the force until it was just a thin thread, barely sensable by her. In case the Twi'lek would display signs of being reconnected to the force, Grash had access to several more death-sticks. He peered into her being, caressing her drugged mind to make her feel at ease and... content. She was far less powerful than he was in the force, but perhaps she was extremely skilled with a lightsaber. Grash grinned at her question. "They call me the pupeteer," he said. "But you may call me Lord Grash and perhaps in due time something else, sweet pet." Grash chuckled as he poured in a glass of corellian brandy. Inconspicuously he created a tiny force bond between the two of them so he would be alerted of her attempting to attack him. Furthermore it would provide him with certain insights of her thoughts and perhaps would enable him to pose his own will on the green Twi'Lek. Almost distracted he stroked her head, as if that would enhance the force manipulation. He walked over to a divan and graciously sat down in it. Tossing his one leg over the other he watched the alluring alien with great interest and a hint of appreciation. Appreciation of the fine built of her body and deep colour of her skin. Sith were creatures of passion, and Grash was known to be rather passionate. "And what shall I call you, Jedi?" He feigned friendliness, simply because he could afford so. The Twi'lek's shackles were undone for now, but with just a turn of a switch they could be reactivated. Grash had already made his mind up on how he would proceed: first he would extract valuable information from this Jedi spy, then he would try to persuade this delicious creature to join him in the decadence and ruthlesness that was the dark side by coercion, desire and seduction. If that method would prove... insufficient, Grash would have no choice to bring to bare his mastery of the dark side arts and torture the Twi'lek until her resistance would be broken and she'd become his personal... pet? slave?
It had been a long day and the sun just didn't seem to want to set for some odd reason. Himeko had woken up just an hour ago and could feel the heat from the sun on her door with the back of her hand. Her house was dark with only a candle to light it up. The house had to stay dark at all times of the day, for she was a vampire and the sunlight would kill her. She sighed and walked over to her desk and began writing another chapter for her book. It was all she could do until the sun went down and it was safe for her to step outside. She was a foreigner to these lands, to the village that was nearby. She lived away from the rest of the humans, they knew she was up here but never thought of her as different from them, after all they didn't even know she wasn't human like them. She moved to America about ten years ago from her old home, Japan. Oh how she missed her home, her friends, but they've all been long dead for over a hundred years now. The old life she had once lived was taken away from her ten years ago. Ten Years Ago It was cold and storming outside outside, no one would really dare go outside at this time of night. They all knew what awaited them if they dared to venture outside. Even the Shinsengumi didn't dare step out of their training halls. "What in the hell are you doing?" A boy who looked no older than 23 called out to Himeko in Japanese. "Sorry Hikaru, I couldn't help but think that there's something not quiet right here..." She replied as she caught up to her friend. He was a vampire like her, the one who originally turned her nearly a hundred and ninety years ago. Himeko was only 19 when he had turned her and she had been by his side ever since, her friends had all died from the same disease that would have taken her own life had Hikaru not saved her. She owed this man her very existence, but something was not right and she knew it. It was a sinking feeling that was in her stomach and she just couldn't shake it. They moved swiftly and quietly as they were hunting for food. They hadn't fed in a few days and they needed to feed tonight. "Wait up!" She called out as she smelt fire burning in the air. A fire? But it's raining out, so how could there be a fire? Something was really wrong now and she couldn't help but feel as if something horrible was about to happen. "Hikaru, do you smell that?" He turned to look at her when she questioned him and nodded. "I do Himeko, but how?" She looked around and saw where the smoke was coming from and a shiver ran down her spine. "I don't like this Hikaru... Please... Lets just go home and feed tomorrow night." Hikaru had walked over to her and placed his cold hand on her shoulder. "We cannot put feeding off another night and you know this! We HAVE to feed tonight. Forget the fire and lets just go." He turned his back to the fire and started making his way in the same direction they had been heading before. Himeko sighed and nodded as she turned to follow him. When they got to the house they were going to invade, they were attacked by the villagers. Hikaru had sensed them but it was too late, they had been seen and they were in trouble. "Himeko run! Get out of here and go find safety!" He yelled as a arrow pierced his chest. Hikaru had pushed her out of the way and went into his blood form. A blood form for a vampire is like going into a blind rage, tearing everything up in sight. Himeko couldn't help but cry, she had been with him her entire life and couldn't bare the thought of leaving him behind. "Hikaru I cannot leave you!" She cried out as he turned to look at her one last time. "Don't make my death be in vain god damn it! Just go and if I DO happen to live I will find you no matter where you go!" And with that he turned back to the humans to bide her time to escape. "You better make it out alive Hikaru!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face as she turned and fled leaving him behind. She had traveled from village to village, always traveling at night and keeping herself safe. It had taken her three months to reach American soil, but she finally made it. It was safe for her seeing as there hadn't been vampire reports or anything. Just the reports of werewolves, a vampires true enemy... Present Day Himeko sighed quietly to herself as she stared at her wall, remembering that night as if it all had happened yesterday. She stretched out and got up from her seat to see if the sun had gone down yet. She walked over to the door and placed the back of her hand against the door and felt it was slightly cool, which was a good thing. She slowly opened the door and no sunlight came in. Smiling happily she opened it fully and walked outside. Her friend would be visiting her soon and she was happy. She had managed to make a human friend who knew and accepted her for who and what she was. Closing the door behind her she made her way to their usual meeting spot.
Katelyn pulled open the door a bit to peek outside for what seemed like the millionth time. No, the girl was not a vampire. She was a young human girl, a pretty one for that fact. Curly sand brown locks hung over her shoulders, and golden eyes searched the world for its answers. Of course, after she'd met Himeko, she'd learned that not everything had answers. The teenage girl lived in a small village in the woods. She knew it wasn't good for her to go outside at night, but she trusted Himeko to protect her. Katelyn was perfect bait for a werewolf: pretty, young, fleshy. A werewolf could get his fill sexually or physically with such an innocent girl. But with a vampire on her side, Katelyn was pretty sure she was safe. The girl lived with her mother, older brother, Will, and her younger sister, Dana. Their father had been killed trying to hunt down one of the monsters that sometimes patrolled the forests outside the village. For that, Katelyn had taken the side of the vampires, if she had to choose a mythical creature that actually existed. A little later, Katelyn noticed that the sun had gone down. She smiled in excitement. She had to wait for sunset so she and Himeko would arrive at the same time, so they'd at least be together if a werewolf attacked. Katelyn set out, hearing the soft snores of her slumbering family. She smiled and headed our, wearing a light blue dress and a red cloak. She came to the edge of the village, out of sight of anyone, a little in the woods. She could see Himeko coming, and she smiled evenly. "Good evening, Himeko," she said once her friend came within earshot.
Seeing her friend always brought a smile to her face. "Good evening to you as well Kate." She replied as she pulled her friend into a huge warm, well as warm of a hug as she could give. "How was your day sweetie?" She asked as she sat down by their tree and patted to her side, indicating for her to sit down next to her. Her eyes shown brightly in the moonlight, they were as red as red could be but still beautiful non the less. She had been pretty when she was alive, but her beauty had only grown more after she was turned. "The air is lovely tonight, though I do smell rain in it..." She said as she started to trail off, going back to that night as she could still hear Hikaru's voice pounding into her head. Nine years ago Himeko had arrived in America a year ago and still searched for a home, somewhere she'd be safe. She hadn't fed in days and it was starting to wear down on her. Sighing heavily she made her way into a forest, it was huge and seemed like a nice place to possibly set up a home, but there was still no humans to feed off of. Human food tasted like ash in her mouth and it always made her sick. She heard a movement in the distance and her head turned to face the sound. It was a deer, and it was alone. "Looks like all I'll get to eat is you, but it's better than nothing. I'm very sorry about this..." She loved animals and didn't like the idea of having to feed off of one, but she had to survive. She had promised Hikaru she would and she was bound to her promise. Swiftly and silently she moved and attacked the deer, sinking her fangs deep into its neck. She had no idea she was being watched as she fed off the deer, but at the moment she really didn't care. She heard a cry and then dropped the deer to face the girl who cried, she was in a red cloak and was completely frightened of her. But there was something wrong, there was a foul smell in the air, a scent she had never smelled before in her life. Himeko could sense it was close by and it was after the girl. "Move!" She yelled out as she grabbed the girl and pulled her away just in time too. A huge wolf like creature was in sight now. Snapping and snarling as it's glowing yellow eyes now peered up to Himeko. "Stay back girl. I'll deal with it." Swiftly she moved in to face the creature, it lunged at her but she dodged it with ease. It was a few minutes later when she finally had it pinned down, grabbing its neck she ripped its head off its body. Himeko looked over to the girl and smiled softly. "I'm sorry to have frightened you, but I was needing to feed and well... That deer was all I could get..." She got up and made her way over to the girl. Himeko's English had improved a lot while living in America for a year, but it was still slightly broken. "My name is... Himeko, and yours?" The girl who was still scared told her her name was Katelyn. "Such a pretty name... I promise to protect you from now on Katelyn. However I have no where to stay..." Present Day Her mind had trailed off yet again, just thinking back to how they had first met. She had been very happy to have met her friend and wished they could stay friends for as long as possible. Just as she started to relax she smelled that same foul scent she had smelled that day she met Kate. Getting up quickly her eyes wandered around the forest. "Stay back Kate!" She said as she grabbed her friend and held her back protectively.
Kate leaned her head against Himeko and smiled. "It was good. How was your day?" she asked. "Still enjoying that cave?" She knew her friend didn't live in a cave, but she enjoyed teasing her about it. She idly wondered if Himeko would ever be mad at her. It didn't seem possible, since she had vowed to protect the human girl. Kate thought back to when they had first met. She had been traveling the forest, looking for something to harvest, as her father had just died. The girl had been very young then, in her preteens. She'd found some berries, and she had continued to search in hope of something, anything that she recognized from her father's lessons on survival. Kate was an animal lover, and to see anyone hurting an animal was like seeing a person choke to death. It frightened her, but she had no idea what to do. The girl she'd run into was obviously a vampire, and something glued her in place as she gave a little cry. Then, the vampire had saved her, pushing her out of the way and taking down a werewolf that had obviously been following her. And that was when Katelyn began to get attached to her friend. Kate turned her head in confusion when Himeko pulled her up and pushed her behind her protectively. The young blond scrambled back and watched as one of the wolf-like creatures emerged from the cover of the thicker trees, growling and looking straight at the girls. "H-Himeko..." she said as the wolf slowly came closer. "Himeko!" She didn't want her friend to wait. It just gave the creature more chances to attack.
Her eyes watched the beasts movements as she got into a crouching position, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She moved around slowly, making it keep its focus on her and her alone. "That's it... Focus on me and me only mutt." She taunted as she saw her chance to attack. She leaped up at it and to her surprise it had dodged her, as if it had been waiting for her to attack like that all along. Making sure to brace herself as she slid on the ground she heard Kate make a sound, which caused to beast to turn its attention to her now. "Kate no!" Himeko yelled as the werewolf leaped up in attack. Himeko being as fast as she was reached Katelyn in time, however the werewolf had sunk its fangs in deep into her arm. "Nnnngh... Damn mutt! Get the fuck off of me!" She growled as she grabbed it's fur and literally ripped it off her arm. Grabbing its head she twisted it swiftly before falling to the ground. Panting heavily she looked up at her friend and smiled softly. "Well my day had been decent until now. And you know I must enjoy my 'cave' if I wish to live." She said as she chuckled softly. The pain in her arm was immense, but she didn't want to worry her friend about it. She had heard rumors that a werewolf's bite could kill a vampire, but she had hoped they were only rumors and that she'd make it out alright. Tonight was the first night of the full moon, the moon would be up for two more nights and she still had yet to feed. Sweat had begun to pour down her brow as she tried to get up, but only to stumble over her feet. She felt dizzy and her head was starting to pound, which was something that never had happened before, not since she had been turned. 'What's going on here?' She thought as she made her way back to the tree to support her. She could tell her friends eyes were on her, but she tried her best to put on a smile for her. "I'm sure I'll be fine. Rumors are just rumors after all. Besides, I can't die, not since I'm bound to my promise to both you and Hikaru." She said softly as she leaned against the tree, supporting her own weight. It felt as is her body was becoming alive again, or at least she felt like it was. She could have sworn she felt blood starting to pump into her veins once again, her heart felt like it was beating. It was so weird to her and yet it hurt so much. It had hurt worse than being turned into a vampire. Unable to stand the pain her body went limp and she fell to the ground. 'Is this... What death should feel like?' She thought as her eyes started to close. 'Damnit! I don't want to die! I have to protect Kate! I have to live for Hikaru! I promised them both I would!' Her thoughts screamed as the last thing she saw before she passed out was Kate holding her tightly, and... Crying? Why would she cry for a monster though? After all, that was what Himeko was, just another monster. But not like those werewolves. Or at least for now.
Kate watched in terror as Himeko dove for the wolf and it quickly dodged her like it had been expecting it. Her eyes were wide, and she was frozen in spot. She put her hands to her mouth and squeaked quietly, then jumped when the wolf turned its mangy head toward her. She couldn't move. She knew she could, but her legs wouldn't respond. She felt Himeko push her aside, then heard her friend's cry as the werewolf clamped onto her. Kate wailed and ran toward her friend, watching as the dead wolf was flung aside. She looked at the bite, and she couldn't be sure in the darkness, but it almost looked like Himeko was bleeding. She waved her friend down when the vampire tried to stand. She shook her head. "Don't--you're too weak." She watched in dismay as Himeko collapsed. Kate was quickly beside her, crying and holding her close. "Don't die. Don't die," she whispered as she rocked back and forth, holding onto her friend. She couldn't bear the thought of her dying.
Himeko had been out cold for hours and her body was burning up. The pain was unbearable as she could feel something starting to stir within her. She wasn't dead, she was far from it. She had died once just to be reborn as a vampire and now she was... Alive? Yes, her heart was beating again. Blood was pumping into her veins like it had before she had been turned into a vampire. During her sleep she could hear Kate's voice, calling out to her, begging and pleading with her to not die. Her mind was wondering in many different areas. Like hopping to one place to another. Her eyes shot open fast as she screamed out in pain. Her body was hotter than it had been moments ago and it felt like she was truly dying from the pain. "Make it stop! It hurts so badly!" She screamed and thrashed her arms around as her arm had hurt worse than anything she had ever felt. The blood poured out of her arm as her body was starting to fully react to the werewolf's bite now. She was going mad from the pain and the urge to run on all fours, like... A werewolf? Clearly her wish to not die or the promise that bound her to Hikaru and Kate were stronger than the bite. However, instead of killing her it was... Turning her? She was confused and in terrible pain. The sun would be up soon and if she didn't get back home she really would die, or would she? She was lost in her mind and her thoughts were starting to become a blur as she tried to stand up, tried to run, but unable to because of the pain.
Katelyn held Himeko's burning body all night, sobbing for her not to die, not to leave her here alone. She sealed her eyes shut and let her tears fall on her friend's face. She held her close and wished, hoped, pleaded for her to wake up and be alright. Why was she so hot? She was a vampire! It shouldn't be like this. She prayed no other werewves would come and find them. It was stupid to come out on a full moon like this. Katelyn screamed when Himeko finally woke up screaming, then she hugged her writhing body close and sobbed. "I thought you were gone!" she cried. She could see the first hints of dawn. She began to lug Himeko to her feet. "We've got to get you home before the sun comes up!" She began practically dragging her in the direction of her home, crying "Sorry!" every time Himeko hit something. She knew Himeko was in pain, but she needed to be inside her home when the sun came over the horizon. Kate managed to drag her all the way there, toss her in, and light the candle. She dragged Himeko to the chair and sat her there. "Is it the bite?" She could see now that it truly was bleeding. She wrapped a rag around the wound and looked at her pained friend. "Please, Himeko, snap out of it!"
Himeko couldn't speak, just scream out in pain every now and then. When she did manage to speak she cried out, "Please, Kate! Please just kill me and end this pain!" Her body ached and burned non stop. If a human had been bitten the reaction would be different, but since she had once been dead it was completely different. This continued for hours and thankfully Kate's family knew where she was and that she was safe. Kate often spent the night over at Himeko's house so it wasn't strange that she was still here. It was almost night time already and Himeko's body finally gave out. Falling to the ground twitching, tears staining her eyes as she could feel something starting to stir within her body. The sun had slowly faded and the moon was high in the air. Himeko's eyes had shot wide open as she let out another scream of pain. "Kate you have to get out of here now!" She yelled as she could feel her body starting to shift. Oh gods it hurt more than what she had been feeling all day. "I don't think I can fight it off much longer!" Her voice becoming deeper now as she had ran to the door and flung it open, allowing the full moon to soak into her body. Her transformation was starting to take place, and her mind was starting to slip. She was starting to lose all sense of herself and what little control she had left was starting to slowly fade. Her cloths started to rip as her body started to morph and re-position itself. It was a slow and painful procedure that lasted thirty minutes. When it finally was over the pain had slowly gone away. Her now yellow eyes looked around, checking her surroundings. She hadn't noticed that she had also grown something else, something that hadn't been there before, a penis. Sniffing the air she turned and faced Kate who was shaking in fear. Something inside her told her to attack while something else told her that she needed to protect the girl. It was hard for her to decide which one to listen to seeing as her mind wasn't really where it should have been.
Kate stayed by her side all day, stroking her hair and forcing her to drink sips of water. She was worried for her friend. Was she dying? She certainly hoped not. Who would stand by her if Himeko died? When the moon rose, she jumped as Himeko fell to the ground and began to tell her to run. She knelt beside her and shook her head. "I won't run, Himeko! I can't leave you!" She watched in surprise as her friend bolted out the door. Kate approached the doorway nervously, and her eyes widened in fear as the thirty-minute long transformation began to take place. She trembled and cried the whole time, unable to run, just like when the werewolf had attacked last night. Her friend was transforming into a werewolf. It wasn't fair! Why must everything be taken from her every time? When the transformation was complete, Kate stood completely still she watched as her animalized friend turned toward her and seemed to contemplate whether or not to attack. She didn't dare move or even breathe. She was too terrified to do a thing.
Himeko was still lost in her mind, fighting the urge to attack Kate. Low growls could be heard coming from Himeko's muzzle now as she slowly inched her way towards her. Standing on her hind legs she peered down at Kate, inching closer and closer. "K-Kate...?" She said in a very gruff voice. Her body was completely covered in fur and her tail was bushier than a normal werewolf, then again she wasn't a normal werewolf. Her member was starting to throb as she looked over at Kate, and a sudden plea for help started to show on her face. Kate and her had never even dreamed of doing anything like that together, but now was different. Himeko was becoming more feral by the minute now as she let out a low growl and made her way closer towards Kate. The look in her eyes was not that of wanting to kill her, oh no, it was a urge to mate that was in her eyes now. Grabbing Kate and pulling her closer to her she gave her a small hug as she nuzzled her muzzle into her neck, taking her scent in as she let her very long tongue slide out and lick her ear. "I cannot help this... My mind is going from wanting to rape you to wanting to flee... But right now my body doesn't want to flee, it wants to mate with you..." She said softly as she felt her paws starting to make their way to the top of her shirt.
Kate slowly backed up as Himeko approached her. She wasn't sure what to do. No wy could she outrun Himeko. She'd probably get killed that way anyways. She swallowed nervously and kept watching her friend. She could see the member throbbing before her. Was that there before? She didn't think so. She hoped not. Her eyes went back up to Himeko's face. She could see the lust in her eyes, and she squeaked as she was wrapped up in a hug and held close. She felt Himeko's cold nose against her neck, and she whimpered. She looked up at her friend. "Come on, Himeko," she urged. "You have to remember." She was squeezing her so tightly she couldn't protect herself as the wolf began to work at her dress buttons. "Please, don't. Himeko, find reason!" She squirmed in fear, unable to do much else. Himeko was much stronger than Kate even before she was a vampire. Kate couldn't see a way out. She didn't dare attempt to injure Himeko, and running was stupid. She only squirmed and tried to reason with the werewolf.
Himeko tried to remember, but her animal instincts were kicking in and she couldn't control it. Her eyes glowed wildly as she tore her friends cloths off of her, the dress was laying on the ground now in shreds as Himeko forced Kate down on the ground. Letting out low growls as she continued to sniff at the girl, Kate's fear was only giving her more power over her. "Mine!" She growled as her throbbing member, fully exposed and out of its protective sheath. Rubbing her member against Kate's clit she let out a small growl of pleasure as she prepared herself to mate with her. Her mind was now completely lost to the beast within her and her friend who laid underneath her was terrified. It would take Himeko time, a long time to fully gain control over the beast. But since she hadn't slept with anyone since she had been Hikaru, it wasn't she really could help anyways. In the back of her mind, she didn't want to do this. But her bestial side was winning and she couldn't help herself. She had enough control to slowly insert her new member however, trying to not hurt Kate as much as she could. She even had enough control to avoid clawing her or biting her, well for now...
Kate could see that Himeko was trying to remember, but this beast that had emerged was winning in the mental battle. She cried out in fear as her clothes were torn away and she fell to the ground on her back with Himeko holding her down. She looked up in fear, whimpering and cringing as the werewolf sniffed her. She sealed her eyes shut, feeling her friend's member rubbing against her clit. She cried out in fear as she struggle beneath her, but the werevamp was much stronger than her. She didn't dare scream, because the village might hear her, and then either Himeko would be killed, or villagers would be killed. She couldn't stand either of those results. So she stuck to whimpering and quietly begging. "Please, Himeko, please!" She cried out in pain as her friend slowly pushed herself into Kate's tight pussy. She squirmed and whimpered as she broke through her barrier and began to move her hips back and forth. The girl whimpered in pain, not sure what else she could do. She shook her head and looked up at the girl. "Please, Himeko, I know you're somewhere in there!"
Asajj pushed, and pushed until finally she could slide out from under the cooling tower without striping down to her skin. Smoke chocked the small room as she gasped for each and every breath using her sith training to suck every ounce of oxygen form the air. Every droid either fell into the chasm of the reactor core and was sucked into oblivion or lay cut cleanly in half. Cruiser 1 1 2 are you there only static answered back grasping the small com link she let it join the droids in death. Using the force she pushed out and found none of the simple small clone minds she knew so well. She could feel it the young jedi was not dead too many times she seemed to grasp only for victory only to have it stolen away. I know you are alive you are like a ripple in my pond you cannot hide from me when you radiate youre feelings Slowly she moved blood oozed out of a small wound on one arm and leg small but enough to slow her to a walk. The place was falling apart the charges did not rend it in two as she planned. Still the base would soon be no more and her with it if she did not do something to affect her escape. come now young one if I wanted you dead then surely you would already be one with the force, would you not she laughed half bluffing half sure that even unarmed she was more than a match for one lone jedi whelp. Slowly she pushed the fingers her free hand over her head it came back slick would she simply bleed to death.
Ahsoka groaned as she pulled herself from underneath the rubble of what had, just recently, been a wall. That had been while she was covering the retreat of her master and the clones in the facility, but now the escape route was destroyed, trapping the young togrutan Jedi with Ventress. The thought of the Sith made Ahsoka bite her bottom lip in frustration, the woman seemed to be a bigger thorn in the Jedi's side that the Separatists sometimes. As the young Togrutan tried to stand she cried out softly, and looked down at her ankle, and tried to stand again, with the same resort. Sithspit! she cursed mentally. It felt like her ankle was either broken, twisted bad, or maybe just bruised bad. She hoped it was the latter of the two, those she could handle, but if it were broken? She'd be a sitting wompa rat if that were the case. Her thoughts were distracted when she heard Ventress call out to her, and she took a lightsaber, her main one, she'd lost track of the shoto in the explosion and doubted it was still intact, but she'd worry about that. "You want a medal or something for not slagging me or something?" she called back, testing her arm gingerly. There were a couple of scratches and scrapes along her body, some bled but not badly, though she did want to take care of one on her left forearm since it was bleeding more than the others, not much but still it worried her.
A medal hardly a trinket for children and old men, I simply, need you to cooperate long enough for us to both live she moved slowly almost dragging her leg now. Letting her arm hang limp she might yet fool her long enough if she needed too. It would be a cold day on tatoonie before she admitted she need help from anyone especially a bratty young jedi. The girl was close she had to be the space would not allow one to yell to far without a monstrous echo. She came to what was left of a wall she could see a small shadow no doubt the jedi was crouching or leaning against a wall. We are at war, I did what I had to for victory, but now we will both die if we do not work together It sounded like a lie, but it was as close to the truth as she had come in a long while. Now she only wished she still had her weapons and not just her force powers in case she had to fight. Come out I can hear a light saber as you see I am unarmed she drew a hand above her head then let it drop to her side. I wont ask you to disarm only to come out so that we can go home and maybe for one night forget the war she was tired, tired of dooku tired of killing clones but she would not give up as long as one jedi lived. Still she was once of the light, to die from a collapsing space station was far below even her dignity. Slowly she moved forward the jedi could easily cut her in half if she wanted to join the dark side. come out I wont harm you as you can see at the moment I am far from top form a small smile and a smaller laugh before she collapsed onto her knees not all of it was an act for the jedi, not any longer.
Chizk... I must be out of my blasted mind... Ahsoka thought before she powered down her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt and slowly came off the wall, limping slightly. What she saw surprised her greatly, Asajj was on her knees in front of her, and that only added to the shock of hearing the Sith admit that she needed her help. HER help. But then again it wasn't like Ahsoka could exactly blame her, after all unless they did something they would be slagged along with this station. "Yeah, top form you ain't." Ahsoka confirmed before looking around, keeping as much pressure off injured ankle as possible "Damn, did you leave ANYTHING in tact? I mean, I know you were aiming to blast this place to bits, but..." she said moving past Asajj to inspect the closest med bay. It was bad, but it looked like most of the equipment and supplies had survived the blast. At least that blinking Sith didn't get all of the supplies. We'll both need some. Her more than me but still... Ahsoka thought as she began searching the rubble in the room for something to stop the bleeding both of them had and a brace or something for her ankle among other things they might need. She moved quickly though, not sure when the station was going to give up and fall apart, she wanted to be out of here by then.
Ashenvale's ancient trees stood as they always had, standing silent vigil over the forest below. Their broad canopies entwined, blanketing the forest below in a state of perpetual twilight. These ancient trees have seen countless struggles, be they fought for conquest, for reclamation, for survival, for revenge, or even for more abstract reasons. And today, another struggle waged on in the twilight of ashenvale. As they always have, the trees simply watch, and remember. Five orcs, clad in wolf-fur, iron, and leather, stand in a rough pentagon, axes and swords ready and eager for blood, eyes trained on a single figure in the midst of them. A sixth figure, a huge, black-furred and black-horned tauren, shirtless but for a leather harness and iron shoulder-plates stands outside the ring, bearing a massive hammer in both hands. The head is easily as large as a human's ribcage, but the powerful arms of the tauren swing it easily. In the center of this group stands a second tauren. Huge and broad of shoulder, every inch of the seventh figure is covered in thick, overlapping plates of silver-gray material. Lines of blue glow outline each plate. The figure's features are completely hidden by a thick silver-gray mask. The only exposed portions are his long, ivory horns and his broad, steel-shod hooves, which even now twist in the soft earth, planting themselves. One three-fingered hand grips the hilt of a massive broadsword. The blade and handle together are almost as long as one of the orcs is tall. A square cross-guard is marked only by two short spike jutting toward the weapon's tip. The pommel bears a similar spike, jutting the other direction. The blade itself is incredibly thick, probably two feet across. At the very end it flares out, a crescent-shaped blade on the very tip, the points of it toward the handle, the better to chop, cleave and catch. the other three-fingered hand tightly grips the handle of a massive shield. Some six inches thick at the very center, a human could stand behind it and be completely invisible. A glowing blue orb rests in the very center, like an eye judging those before it. The black-horned tauren speaks first, breaking the tense silence of the forest."You have run far, pale-horn, but your running ends here. I will take your head to Crone Magda as my prize."He sneers. The figure in the center of the ring of orcs didn't move, but a rich, baritone voice rolled out through it's face mask."You are right on one count. There will be no more running. But it is I who will send your skull back to your crone. If the wolves haven't taken your tongue by then, you can tell her that the same fate awaits all her assassins."the black-horned one's face contorted in rage, and a deep, animal roar escaped his lips as he raised his massive hammer high. As one, the six warriors descended on the pale-horn. The palehorn raised a leg high and brought it slamming down. The earth shook with the force of his hoof's impact, arcs of electricity rolling out from the point of impact and coursing up the legs of all six. Then the same with the other. But instead of lightning, this foot brought forth sound. It was like thunder, the sound echoing through the trees. The earth heaved, waves of it rolling forward and slamming into two of the orcs and the black-horned tauren, knocking them from their feet. The massive sword came around in an arc, at chest-height. an orc was stopped in midair, axe raised overhead, as he suddenly found his legs were no longer attached. The massive weight of the blade barely noticed this bisection, and continued on to clang loudly against the shoulder-plate of a second orc, knocking his charge-off balance and sending him tumbling past. As the third closed in, the shield came up and out in a sudden jerk, that glowing blue orb crashing into her face with a sickening cracking sound. Her axes flew wild, spinning through the still mist. From behind him, now, came the three from the first strike, swords ready. The two orcs slashed in a synchronized fury, huge, heavy swords slamming into his armor, scraping over it's plates, driving him back a step. Then came the hammer. Right in the small of his back, the massive head of the hammer struck hard, ringing his breastplate like a gong and delivering it's force directly to the tauren within it. As the two sword-orcs came in for a second push, the shield came up before him, and his hoof slid to a stop in the loose earth, finding an anchor on a tree root. It was all he needed. He pushed the shield forward, driving the two orcs back. His sword came down on the nearer one at a diagonal, sliding a full foot into his chest before it stopped at his sternum, blood fountaining from the gash that spanned from shoulder to chest. The tauren ripped the blade free, as the second sword-orc cried out "BROTHER!". But he couldn't turn fast enough. The one who had fallen before rose to his feet, thrusting his blade into the tauren's ribs from below and the side. By some miracle, the biting point of the sword slid between the plates and into the tauren's back. He lurched in pain, but he could not afford to pause. He pivoted on his anchor, forcing the blade out of his body, blood now pouring down his side from the wound. It felt like it punctured a lung. As he turned he dipped his head, catching the warrior off-guard with his namesake horns. One gored into the orc's abdomen, and with a mighty hurl, the palehorn sent him airborne, ripping open his belly, his intestines already unraveling through the breach. The hammer struck again, this time down on the warrior's shoulder, nearly dislocating his sword-arm. He let out a gasp of pain, blood now leaking through his steel mask. The sword had definitely taken him in the lung. No time to think, just to fight. He had to finish this before he lost too much blood. The second swordsman came from behind, swords raised high to slam the tauren into the earth in a fury. But the tauren's sword was bigger, and it came across just above the top of the orc's head. The orc looked vaguely confused as it saw it's arms tumble past it's head, hands still clutching their weapons. It let out a panicked scream as blood fountained from it's useless stumps, showering both tauren in crimson. The hammer came down yet again, but this time the shield came up in time. It rang like a gong under the blow, and the palehorn let out another gasp as the force resonated down his arm into his wound. But he gritted his teeth against the pain and pushed up and back, knocking the hammer wide as the sword came up and around. But the blackhorn was fast, and the blade met the hammer's handle, sparks flying where they connected. The blackhorn hopped back, trying to regain his stance, but the palehorn wouldn't have it. He pressed forward, delivering another mighty stomp, once more sending the earth itself roiling up to slam into his foe and knock him off his feet. The blackhorn swore as he fell. the palehorn was not one to delay, slamming one steel-shod hoof into the blackhorn's chest, forcing the air from his chest. He swung his sword up and around, pivoting the grip, until the crescent end pressed to his throat. Then, all the palehorn had to do was lean forward and let the blade do the work. the battle won, the tauren picked up the hunter's head by one of his long, black horns, and carried it over to the only member of the hunting party still breathing, the axe-wielding orc woman. He dropped the bloodied prize unceremoniously onto her chest, her former employer staring at her with dead eyes. The palehorn simply looked at her."Go. Run to Thunder Bluff and tell Crone Magda that her second grandson is dead by my hand. Tell her that I will wipe every trace of her bloodline from Azeroth, and nothing she does will stop me."He didn't even wait for confirmation before he tromped off through the undergrowth. Breathing hurt. He'd definitely hit a lung. As soon as the tauren was out of sight of the orc, he began to cough, spitting up copious quantities of blood inside his helmet, which leaked out through the grill over his mouth. He had to get somewhere safe where he could bandage his wounds. But as the adrenaline slowly left his system, he grew weaker and weaker. His vision grew hazy, indistinct. Had to bandage himself quick. Had to stop the blood. His large hands reached for the clasp of his breastplate but even with feeling in them, the thick digits were slow and clumsy with the clasps. Now that he was starting to go numb, he could only fumble at it. As darkness closed in around the edges of his vision, he had to gasp for each breath. Had to... stop the.. bleeding... Had to... survive... But the last of his strength had left him. His armor was so heavy... He fell, first to his knees, then tumbled forward, splayed out on the path as his blood pooled beneath his massive form. And all the while, the trees watched, and stood silent.
Now come at me! Daliis shouted. Her younger sister lunged forward, spinning her lithe body into a thrusting knee strike. Daliis, or more conveniently; Dal, smacked the blow away with her palm, and twisted around her sibling. Hooking her arm around her bare waist, using both of there momentum to throw Malyz away from her. Augh! Mal grunted as she lost her balance and hit the ground. Her younger sister didnt look much like her, that was due to different fathers. But she was every bit as beautiful. Both of them only wore simple loincloths and chest wraps during their training sessions. And sweat glistened off both of their supple, violet bodies. Of course mal was a more vivid shade, closer to violet. While Dal was a deeper purple. Plus, Mal had almost aqua hair, short and layered, while Dal had dark bluish hair, tied up in a pony tail. Again! She said with a smile. Mal grinned and spun from the ground, unexpectedly sweeping her legs from under her. She fell to the ground and before she could recover, her little sister straddled her stomach. Dals heavy breasts were ballooned up against her sisters thighs, and Mal quickly leaned back, pressing the weight of her hands onto Dals thighs. Gotcha! Submit! Dal smiled. Dont get cocky sister! She arched her back, even though this hold was very good, she still had the superior body to her sibling. And she was able to lift her off the ground, and twist, forcing the younger woman to fall sideways. Then she used their combined momentum to spin around her, unfortunately Mal was quick to do the same. The result was a sweaty grappling match that lasted several minutes, as they constantly reversed each others holds. Finally after what seemed like forever Dal emerged victorious, with her sisters face firmly clamped between her thighs. From this position I can suffocate you, or snap your neck sister. Submit! After a few moments of struggling, and a lot of grunting, Mal went limp. Very good. Dal fell of of her and sat down, resting on one arm in the damp grass. Mal came up, breathing hard before looking at Dal with a grin. I almost had you several times! Dal smiled warmly and scooted over to her sister. She pulled her into a hug. True. You are getting much better. In fact Id say youre almost as good as I am now. Pretty soon we may be able to take on mother! Doubtful, before she trained Mal, their mother trained the both of them. Every day they sparred like this, and every day their mother beat them easily. Right. Were still a hundred years early for that. Mal was a little more honest about their chances. And it brought a weak laugh from Dal. Maybe. But you know She said as they separated. She reached over and gripped one of her sisters breasts, giving it a firm squeeze and lifting it slightly. During that hold earlier, with my thighs around your waist from behind? I just realized how much youve matured! I know right? Pretty soon Ill be bigger than you! She arched her back and stretched her arms backward to accentuate the size of her bust. That really wasnt true, but Dal humored her to keep her spirits up. In fact Dal was almost twice Mals size. But Mal was nicely shaped as well. Suddenly a crash echoed through the woods. The distinct sound of metal on metal. Following it were the cries and crashes of a battle. The kinds of sounds that did not come from the natural denizens of the woods. Both of them jumped up. Why all the way out here? They were a long way from Splintertree. There should be no horde presence this far out. Dal looked at Malyz with a worried expression. Mother had moved them out here to get away from the wars and politics surrounding life beyond the woods. She was if anything supposed to protect her sibling from such influences, but she also was obligated to investigate. At the very least to know what was coming. There wasnt time to escort Mal back to the home. Mal! Get your bow! Follow me and be silent! Dal took off, scooping up her spear as she ran through the forest with the grace and nimbleness of a Saytr. Mal followed behind her with equal skill. And in moments they burst into a clearing, the battle had already finished it seemed. Corpses lay all around, all of which were Horde. She heard Mal gasp, this would be the first time shed seen such a sight. But there wasnt time. She searched for tracks and found two blood trails leaving the clearing. Mal! Follow! She shouted and took off after the trails. Very quickly she spotted two figures. One laying on the ground, the other standing over him. The standing one was a female Orc, wielding a pair of axes over her head, ready to finish the one on the ground. Suddenly an arrow screamed past her shoulder and slammed into the side of the Orcs neck. Dal looked at Mal in horror. Mal! It was too late. Her sister had acted out of instinct and fear, and now this enemy was theirs as well. The Orc roared and snapped the arrow off, then turned and charged them. This was bad. The Orc was no doubt more skilled as well as much stronger then both of them. Mal fire! She shouted and charged her opponent. If she was fast enough, and her sisters arrows could put the beast off balance then she had a chance. She dropped down and slid across the slick grass between the Orcs legs. An arrow from Mal put the warrior off balance enough for Dal to come up and thrust her spear into her back. The Orc roared again and swung around, smacking Dal with the handle of her axe, and throwing her to the side. The blow nearly snapped her neck, and send her flying into a tree. .malyz She groaned. And just as she was watching the Orc rush her sister, six arrows shrieked out of the woods in rapid succession, each one driving into the back of the warriors skull. That accuracy.had to be mother. With a sigh of relief, their mother stepped into the clearing. Her long bluish white hair flowing with the breeze. Mal feinted from stress, and Dal passed out at the same time from the blow she had taken to her head. And their mother sighed deeply. She called upon her druid magicks and transformed into a Furbolg, as she would be unable to carry both of them with her normal strength. However a groan from the Tauren caught her attention. She stepped over to him, and held her claws to his throat, considering very strongly to kill him. In fact she had watched the entire ordeal, even with her daughters. She had stayed back to evaluate their abilities only. But now she found herself fascinated. She wondered what could have made his brethren attack him? Was he a deserter maybe? If so then an army was nearby. She needed to know. So unfortunately, she could not yet take his life. With a groan she hefted his large body, even for a Furbolg he was a hard lift, but she eventually got all three of her charges in hand and made her way back home. The presence of this Tauren and the warriors who had attacked him disturbed her, and kept her mind deep in thought the whole trek to her home. Her dwelling was carved carefully into a massive tree, using the arts of her ancestors so as not to kill it. It's bough spread fifty yards in each direction, creating a well shaded clearing beneath it's leaves where only thick, spongy moss grew. The moss had a bluish green color, and was enhanced by the deep emerald foliage above. The vibrant reddish-brown bark of her home finished the picturesque scene, and it calmed her every time she returned. She was forced to return to her normal form, as her Furbolg body could not fit inside. First she carried her daughters inside, then returned outside with all the necessary materials to begin healing the Tauren, after seeing to the bruise on Dal's head first. He was badly wounded, barely even alive, but he was alive enough for her to save him. Even if she may only kill him later. She was forced to strip off his armor, and lay him out on the moss. Once removed she inspected him thoroughly. He was in incredible physical condition, even for a Tauren, which was most likely the only reason he still lived. She moved her hands deftly over his body, checking his muscles and applying pressure to see where he was bleeding internally. As she reached below his waist she paused a moment before lifting the massive sleeve that hid his phallus, then without breaking her stern countenance, lifted his weighty ball-sack to check for cuts to his thighs. She had not concerned herself with men for many years, and she had no need to start now. Soon she began mending his wounds, sealing the gashes and applying a hearty combination of herbal salves, shaman magic, and medical knowledge to stabilize the powerful warrior. Cat'ya, or more commonly known as Cat, was just finishing with the large torso wound when Mal woke up and joined her. The young elf immediately froze when she stepped outside and saw the Tauren laying there naked. Her mother so calmly working on him, in such close vicinity to his...male parts. "If you have time to stare, you have time to help." Cat said plainly. She knew what was going through her daughters mind, and it wasn't going to happen. The Tauren's life...and livelihood was in her hands, and those hands were both skilled in healing....and pain. Mal silently sat beside her, trying so very hard not to stare, and failing. She didn't really know what to say, so she remained silent for the duration of the healing. Once finished Cat fetched a blanket and placed it over the Tauren. "He will be safe outside, besides, he won't fit through the door unconscious. Come on. I have some things to tell you and your sister....and I need you to listen closely..." Seven days passed, the Night Elves tending to the beast, ensuring he couldn't die before they had answers. In this time Cat did not stop them from spying on him, nor tending him even when he did not need it. They were both young, and had little experience with the outside world. She wanted them to work out that curiosity healthily, before what she might have to do when he woke up.
While at first it may have seemed that the tauren's armor made him seem much larger, once he was free of it it became clear that the vast majority of his impressive size was natural. His body was incredibly muscular, even for a tauren, and even when slack, they were hard as stone. Even totally naked, he certainly didn't look like the kind of man you would want for an enemy. Blood matted down his fur here and there, centered around the joints of his armor and the deep wound in his side. The uneven, ragged black fur concealed a dense network of scar tissue. And since magical healing closed wounds cleanly, leaving no scars except for the most deep gruesome wounds, it was clear this tauren had been without it for the majority of his career. There were sharp, clean lines, wounds from bladed weapons. Star-shaped patterns, wounds from spears. Jagged, arcing lines, wounds from blunt, rough weapons, things that tore at flesh as they glanced past. Jagged, parallel lines, wounds from a beast or monster's claws. Here and there were larger patches, scorched free of fur. Likely from some sort of magician, or a fire-breathing dragon. The tauren's hide told a tale full of pain, full of battle, full of self-reliance and perseverance. Once the danger to his life had passed, the tauren's sleep became more and more fitful as the days wore on. At first, it was just brief groans now and then, then progressed to rolling and shifting. As the end of the week approached, the bouts had progressed to weak mutterings, thrashing, kicking, and painful-sounding groans. Many times, the mighty tauren had managed to fee himself entirely from the blanket, leaving him completely exposed on the soft moss. And while at first, the healing process left him too weak to spare the blood, by the end of it, his member was 'flexing' every few hours as he slept. The meaty cock arced proudly through the cool air, like a steel shaft. It was almost the size of a night elf's arm, the flared, flattened cockhead reaching almost the underside of his broad, powerful pecs. Sometimes, it would spit grape-sized dollops of clear, sticky precum, which coated the monster, giving the smooth black flesh a glistening coat. Finally, as the afternoon of the seventh day wore on, the tauren began to stir from his long sleep in the night elf's clearing. The first thing he was truly aware of was the feeling of the soft, cool moss beneath him. It felt... nice. But before he fell back out of consciousness, he realized he felt the softness on his fur. WHERE WAS HIS ARMOR? With that his eyes snapped open, then immediately regretted it as a shaft of sunlight peeked through the boughs high above him and speared into his newly-opened eyes. The tauren cursed, loudly, quickly squeezing his eyes shut to block the pain of the sudden light. He slowly opened his eyes the second time, this time letting them adjust to the brightness. He found himself in the forest, on his back staring up at the boughs of a broad-canopied tree. He followed the branches down to find a reddish-brown tree, obviously sculpted and pruned into a night elf's home. He'd seen a few of them before, but never quite this close... He tried to rise, only to pause for a moment as pain lanced through his chest when he tried to roll forward to a sitting position. The pain reminded him. The fight! There had been a battle. Five orc hirelings and Garrosh Grimtotem. He lived through the entire fight all over again in a single instance, his arms remembering the wight of his weapon as he swung it, the pain of the orc's lucky stab, the heavy blows of Garrosh's hammer, the hot, metallic taste of blood, either his own or another's, he wasn't sure. He remembered handing Garrosh's head to the orc woman. He remembered losing blood quickly, the busted lung, the world slowly fading... then nothing. How long had be been out? Tor that matter, how was he still alive? He hadn't bandaged the wound, clearly, so he had to have been rescued by someone... He looked to the tree-house. A night elf? Healing a tauren? Unheard of. He struggled to rise to his feet, his iron-shod hooves sinking into the soft moss as they supported his bulk. He looked this way and that, his mind awhirl with questions. Where was he/ Where was his armor? His sword? If he could just get his armor and sword, he would be able to handle whatever came next. He was vulnerable like this. Unarmed. Naked. He would be easy prey for a hunter or a roving... Naked? He looked down, confirming that. Yes, he certainly was naked. Why would someone take his underclothes? He raised a huge hand, pressing it to the side of his head, one thick finger on either side of his horn. Too many questions... He stuck out his other arm, using it to catch himself as he leaned forward against the night elf's tree-house. He was getting dizzy from all the stress, combined with the massive blood loss not long ago.
Both Dal and Mal were equally fascinated with their new charge, even though their mother had explained everything to them, and they understood he was the enemy. They couldn't help but be curious. He was something they hadn't seen before, something they couldn't see without traveling hundreds of leagues through the forest and into hostile territory. But he was here, in front of them, and of very little threat in his current condition. And since they had to tend him anyways, they both thoroughly sated their interest. At one point Mal was changing the salves on his wound because he had shifted in his sleep and pulled it back open. Even though she kept moving his phallus aside, it kept growing firmer and springing back in place. She'd never seen one before, not besides on Satyrs and Furbolgs anyway. So it was unnerving. It nearly reached his chest, and the balls alone were almost as big as melons. Even though she had never seen one, the idea of one so huge on a male Night Elf was absurd. Eventually she couldn't help but touch it, just to see what it felt like. The skin was soft, slightly rough on the top, while very smooth on the underside. Veins as thick as her fingers ran it's whole length, and his strengthening heartbeat could be paced easily through them. At one point she ran her hand down it's underside, and to reward her a large globule of sticky cream spat out the end onto her other hand, which hand been leaning on his sternum. The smell was immediately noticeable, the fluid filled the air with a hearty musk like nothing she'd ever smelled. What was this? It wasn't urine...she'd have to ask Dal, she'd actually been with a man before. She ended up toying with the mess for several minutes before remembering her duties. She went to wipe some sweat from her lip, forgetting about the stuff on her hand, and smeared it across her mouth. "Oh gods...." That was....Mal quickly wiped off her hand and finished up, her face now vibrantly blushing a darker shade of purple. She didn't know if that was supposed to happen, but that flavor awoke some unfamiliar feelings in her abdomen. She ended up leaving to the nearby stream, hoping the cool water would refresh her suddenly very hot body. The next day Dal had her own experience, one she had not prepared for "You are fine Dal..." She would say to reassure herself. Unlike Mal, her interest was much more shameful. She knew a mans touch, even if it was only once. She knew the ecstasy that came with said touch, and the feeling of being filled with that mans heat. But her first had not been remotely close to this Tauren's size, and it aroused her. She couldn't help it, but every time she tended to him her eyes wandered. Not just his cock but his body too. It was a storyboard of abuse and combat, as well as being in incredible condition. His powerful chest was bigger than a ale barrel, his abs rippled with muscle and not an ounce of fat. His arms looked like they could crush her without even meaning too, and of course it always came back to his genitals. Once at night she sneaked out to sate her repressed thoughts. She knelt beside him, checking to make sure he was not awake. Once satisfied she slid down to his hips, and slid her hands over his heavy shaft. She sighed, unable to resist. He happened to be quite hard at this moment, so she lifted him up and leaned over, her nose only centimeters from his flesh. She inhaled deeply, moving over his length, absorbing his rich scent. Then she dropped him and stood quickly, embarrassed by her own actions. This was beyond shameful! Cat watched the entire time, she saw all of her daughters curiosity play out with this creature. The sight of her beloved girls experiencing such sensations stirred something long since buried in herself, but she was in control. Her body, her desires, she knew them well. Besides, the Tauren reminded her too much of another she knew long ago, someone Mal wished she could have known more than anything. She sighed, and prayed this beast would be nothing more than some rogue or criminal, and she'd be done with him soon. Fortunately the next day he awoke. "You might want to lie back down." Mal said to the Tauren as he staggered around, finally coming to lean against their home. She was sitting in a branch, only ten feet from his head. He seemed even more impressive awake, as his muscles moved in a more pronounced way, and every twitch was visible. "You are far from fully healed beast. And you are even further from safety." Before he could respond Dal entered the clearing below their homes broad canopy. "She's right Tauren. You are here only by necessity, not mercy. You will want to save your strength for our mother. She will be back soon...and has many questions for you." Dal said sternly as she carried the body of a large wild boar to the tree and dropped it on a large stump. Normally they didn't kill many woodland creatures, but this boar had grown very large and was driving away many of the natural dwellers in these parts. So it's death was to preserve the order. And it's meat would sustain them as well.
The tauren's head swam as he leaned against the tree-home, shaking his head softly. there were too many questions, and not enough answers. Suddenly, he heard a soft, melodious voice. His ears flicked upward, and he whipped his head up, his eyes falling upon the graceful figure of a night elf. He took two quick steps back, hooves sinking in the moss as he pulled his hand away from his head and brought it's brother up to meet it. Both hands balled into fists, which he raised defensively before him. Armor and weapons or not, he would not go down easily. At first, he couldn't tell what the elf girl was saying. But he quickly began to pick up familiar snippets, and piecing them together, he realized she was speaking common. While few members of the horde spent enough time among the humans to properly learn their language, the tauren had been on the run for a long time, and met a wide variety of characters. He'd picked up common while working in Booty Bay as a dock hand. Once he realized what he was listening to, recognition soon followed. But the elf's words were far from comforting. But before he could raise his voice in protest, another voice rang out behind him. He spun on his hoof, the iron shoe tearing up the moss in a circle where he pivoted. Not surprising, considering it was dealing with some 800 pounds of tauren muscle. The pivoting motion had an unintentional side-effect of making his flaccid member swing around with it's momentum, smacking against ohs thigh before settling in to swing hypnotically between muscular thighs. His fists stayed up, ready to defend against a sudden assault. He narrowed his eyes at the new elf. With his eyes now open and not hiding behind a titansteel mask, it was now noticeable that his eyes were an unusual color. Blue, to be specific, but not a human's blue. A deeper blue, with just a touch of green, the color of the sea. And now they flashed with the intensity of the maelstrom, a turbulent window beneath the calm, controlled surface he presented. His eyes darted over to the boar. he regretted that decision as well, because the boar looked quite good, and going an entire week without food, even a week asleep, had left his stomach quite empty. As soon as he though about the boar, his stomach reminded him of just how empty it was, and not too subtly. The tauren's footing faltered again, but he caught himself quickly, re-digging into the moss. He refused to leave his hooves now, not without getting some answers from his 'captors'. A moment of silence settled over the clearing, before a powerful, baritone voice rolled out of the tauren's barrel-like chest. The sound was rich and deep, and his speech was colored with an accent the girls had never heard before."Who are you?"He asked."Where am I? Why have you brought me here?"He continued, his tongue growing more confident in the disused language with each word."Where is my armor? My sword and my shield?"He pressed, glancing left and right around the clearing, before once more looking to the elven girls."Were you the ones who patched my wounds? Why did you help me? Why haven't I been bound, or killed for that matter?"He probed, his words growing louder."And by the Earth Mother, why am I naked?!"He finished strongly, nearly shouting the final question.
Both the girls noticed the rippling of his muscles as he moved, the tightness of each sinew as he prepared for combat, and the heavy swing of his phallus as he turned. But they refused to make their attention known. It was shameful, and as their mother had described, would only give their potential enemy ammunition to use against them. 'Give nothing of your mind to the enemy, and the enemy will have only their own to pit against you', were her words to be exact. Which was somewhat difficult to accomplish, but they managed. "We are Night Elves. And until I decide otherwise that is all you need to know." Cat's rich, mature voice could not match the sheer volume of the Tauren's words, but it rivaled his intensity in every aspect. She walked calmly into the clearing from the direction behind the Tauren, and neither slowed her pace nor faltered before him. She had a marvelous poise that spoke of her experience, one that was matched only by her exquisite features. "You are here because I brought you here. I did so because I need answers, answers I will draw from you either with civilized conversation or using methods even your kind would consider distasteful." She continued to close the distance until she walked right by him, passing only a foot from the massive male. As she joined Dal in preparing the boar, she continued talking, plainly laying out every answer to his questions, so there would be no misunderstandings as per his situation. "Your armor is in poor condition, but is safe. Your weapon and shield are far out of your reach until I decide whether you will need them or not." After helping Dal begin the gutting cut, she turned to face her prisoner. "We all tended your wounds, as well as dispatched the Orc who meant to finish what the rest of her kin failed to manage." She sat down, leaning on a small clear spot on the stump. "Once again, we helped you because I need answers. You have not been bound because you have nowhere to run. Even had you your armor, weapon and shield, you would not survive against the Satyrs fifty paces beyond this grove much less the countless leagues of Alliance territory that surrounds you." Her eyes moved to his genitals, then back to his face. "And you are naked because your clothing is beyond repair, as well as I find this view appealing. And you will maintain it until I grow tired of looking." Both Dal and Mal tried very hard to keep their composure. They had not expected to hear such a comment from their mother, and it was hard to digest. Of course it was false, intended entirely to keep the Tauren off balance. Many men were uncomfortable completely nude, if he was so then this course would keep him off balance. If not, then nothing was lost. 'Give your mind falsely to the enemy, and if he wields it in battle, then he wields a trapped blade.' Another of her philosophies. "Mother? Shall I start the fire?" Mal asked, dropping from the tree. "Yes dear. I'm sure our friend is hungry after his ordeal, we shall see if his mood suits being fed." With that Mal headed to the back of the tree, where a protected hollow had been formed where they could stoke up an intense fire, or even smoke meat without risking setting fire to the tree or the woods. "Dal. Hang up what we don't use tonight. We should be needing it later." "Yes mother." Dal said obediently. With that Cat turned back and moved close to the Tauren, then reached out to touch his wounds, unconcerned with his reaction. If he attacked, then she would simply rip open his chest wound again, and let him bleed this time. "Your wounds have sealed superficially, but are far from healed. You risk much just standing so tautly. I would suggest you sit at least, if your pride will allow." Again she left him, and sat against the stump once more. "Now. As for my questions. Willingly or not I will have answers. First, why are you so deep in Alliance territory? Are you part of a raiding force? Were those your comrades that tried to slay you? Are there any more?" She then narrowed her eyes and leaned forward. "If not, then why were they after you? Answer truthfully if you answer at all. If there is no fault in your actions, if you are not our enemy, if you do not represent our enemy, then you will be treated well. You will be fed. And when I am confident in your trustworthiness and capability, your belongings will be returned, and you will be allowed to leave unhindered." "However. Answer falsely, try to deceive me or my daughters, attempt to harm any of us, and you will meet pain at very skilled hands I assure you. She paused for effect, and turned her tone very dark. "If it means anything to you, I can draw screams from Succubi. It is a truly horrific sound, one you cannot erase from memory."
The tauren wavered on his feet once more. He was clearly low on blood and energy. The very act of priming his muscles for combat was enough to make him light-headed. But he was stubborn. And clearly not light headed enough that he couldn't pivot once again, his anchor hoof sinking further into the soft moss. At first, he blamed the blood loss for why he hadn't heard her coming early. But nearly the very moment he'd pivoted, he realized that wasn't so. It didn't take a master swordsman to realize that the third elf was the true danger of the three. But his trained eyes carefully regarded her movements, her stride. It was easy to tell she was well-experienced in both combat and stealth. In his current state, his pride aside, he knew that he would not be able to win against her. But him fully healed, with all his equipment? That would be a much, much closer fight... She passed him, not even and arm's length away, and for the briefest of moments, he was sorely tempted. But even his wounded pride was not quite enough of a cause to start a battle he couldn't finish on his terms. As much as he disliked it, the elven woman was the one in charge right now, and he'd have to settle into her pace. He lowered his fists, but stood tall and proud, freeing his hoof from it's divot. He listened, and watched her, his sea-green eyes carefully following her every movement. When she mentioned slaying the orcish woman, he cursed inwardly. He had hoped that her greed and fear would win out in the end. That she would simply be satisfied looting the gear and purses of the other corpses, and go off to deliver his message. Now, it was just another problem. He'd have to go back to the battlefield, track down Garrosh's skull, then head to spllintertree and send it by wyvern to Thunder Bluff. The wyvern was fast, though. He'd have much less of a head start than he'd desired originally. Perhaps if he rode straight into felwood, the fel would cover his tracks for long enough for him to set up another battlefield. As she began her speech on 'nowhere to run' he had to grin inside, though he kept his face emotionless. He was being underestimated. He could use that to his advantage. As for the Satyrs, he'd marched through a half-dozen of the demonic camps while making his way this far into Ashenvale. They were no real threat to him. Well, perhaps naked, they would be, but with his gear, they were nothing. As for the 'countless leagues' of alliance territory, he knew better. A long day's ride from even the farthest parts of ashenvale could get one to Splintertree. Perhaps two day's worth, if one took the time to give a wide berth to the alliance settlements in the way. He did show a slight frown when she said she'd discarded his clothes. Frostweave was expensive, and he'd had that shirt tailored for him. The fabric would shed blood or virtually any other sort of befoulment like a duck's back shed water. A stab-hole could be patched. By the time she commented on enjoying the view, he knew she was trying to manipulate him. But he had to admit, it was an unusual combination of fear-mongering and flattery. Perhaps that was her game. As the girls prepared the boar for the fire, he looked at it with an evident longing. His utterly empty gut decided it was time to remind him just how empty it was. He swayed softly on his hooves once again, but soon he shut the emotion away, stiffening his jaw and watching the elven woman down his snout. He said nothing about the hunger, not yet. As she strode closer to him, his eyes tracked her movements. As her hand rose to touch his wounds, he didn't even flinch. His eyes stayed on her the entire time. His muscles didn't even tense up under her fingers. He was determined to preserve the last of his pride. He would show these girls no fear. Even in the face of death, he would not retreat or hide. Even if he could not win, he had his pride, and they would never take that from him. As she began to ask her questions, he listened, carefully, his ears turned to listen to her alone. He stayed silent through all her questions, all her threats, and his face betrayed none of the line of though that ran through his mind. As much as he hated to admit it, there were really no options. She wasn't asking anything that threatened the horde, and her demands seemed reasonable, if perhaps a bit draconian. He cast a glance to either of the younger girls, before his eyes settled back onto the mother. When he finally began to speak, his voice was deep and even."I will stand, or I will fall. I will not sit, not on your orders, not while I still have my pride."He began, then raised his hand to his chest."My name is Vigoro. Not 'you'. Vigoro Palehorn, shieldmaster. Grimtotem exile."He told the mother, then lowered his hand."I am in alliance territory because I was pursued here by the tauren whose head I took. I had hoped that the presence of the alliance would be enough to scare him off the trail for the moment. I was apparently mistaken. so, no, I was not part of a raiding force, and no, those were not my comrades. As far as I am aware, there is no raiding party of that sort. I didn't see any signs of such a thing while making my way here. the tauren whose head I took is Garrosh Grimtotem. He is the grandson of Elder Crone Magda Grimtotem. The orcs were nothing more than mercenaries, lured by the purse the Crone placed on my head. There will definitely be more to take their place, especially once Magda learns her grandson is dead. With the orc woman dead, I should have a few weeks until the word gets to her, maybe a little longer, since the battle happened in alliance territory. It would have been much shorter had the orc woman passed on his head and my message as I told her to." He seemed perfectly calm as he explained this."They are after me because the Grimtotem do not forgive. Garrosh was the second of Magda's grandchildren I have killed, and one of several dozen of the other Grimtotem I have killed. I do this, because the Grimtotem are a danger to the entire horde, and the alliance too. Madga is a serpent. She sits on Elder Rise, speaking of peace in public. But she whispers words of war in the ears of the chieftains, and her clan pushes for battle. They strike at alliance settlements, and they collaborate with the forsaken rebels. the alliance does not see Grimtotems, they just see tauren. The acts of the clan are blamed on the horde as a whole. If they aren't stopped, they will bring a new war to Azeroth. But Magda's words find homes in powerful ears, and a lone exile is no match for her influence. So all I can do is kill them, and put a stop to Magda's plans wherever I can, and keep her occupied. If she spends her days screaming for revenge and planning my hunt, she does not spend that time furthering her goals."He finished. He arced an eyebrow at the night elf mother."Well? Are you satisfied?"He asked.
Cat considered Vigoro's words carefully and completely. Her pale glowing eyes never left his for the entirety of his speech, judging his every tell, every twitch, every oddly placed quirk of the lip. Tauren were harder to read than other races, due to the unfamiliar structure of their facial muscles, but with experience it became as easy as any other humanoid species. He did not even try to hide, at least from her perspective, the emotion carried behind his tale. He was very interesting, if a little predictable. His pride was expected, as was his obsession with maintaining it. Pride was a severe negative to her, a point of sensitivity easily brushed. She found what many considered a virtue to be a useless thing, that served little more than to rob otherwise good men from their families for what they foolishly considered a noble cause, and equally as important, it was abused as a shield for evil men to enact violence in the name of personal honor. Either way, she detested the notion. Unfortunately, this did not immediately paint this Vigoro in a positive light for Cat. However, as best as her skill could gauge, he had not lied. The mere fact that he was so forthcoming was in itself a tell. His pride in what many consider a crime told her that he truly believed in it's virtue. And his willingness to be painted a traitor in order to save his kind was admirable in some respects. It had been some time since her skills had been used to keep tabs on the horde, so she did not know this Magda, nor her Grimtotem clan. So her abilities were her only true gauge of his honesty. "Fine. I am satisfied." She kicked up a section of moss covering a trap-hole. It was big enough to cover a person, and a dozen of them were positioned around the clearing. Just in case she and her girls needed to hide or place traps. For now it was holding his clothes. With a yank she pulled up the wicker top to the hole, and pulled out his cleaned and stitched garments, then tossed them to him. "I lied about your clothes. In order to put you off as I questioned you. They are fine, but in need of professional mending. I have never been much of a seamstress." She turned away from him and started heading around to the back to help her girls prepare the food, then stopped, turning her head to look at Vigoro over her shoulder. "I am accepting your word Palehorn, but you are not welcome here, nor do I trust you yet. I am helping you for my own reasons, ones you have no place knowing." The more she looked at Vigoro, the more disturbing the likeness became. Even the color of his horns. She knew there was no possibility of a blood relation to her Migar Broadhand, but was like looking into the past. She shook her head lightly, realizing that she had dazed for a moment, while looking into his eyes. "You may stay, you may eat. We will continue tending to your wounds. And in case you are overestimating your chances, know that that wound not only punctured a lung, but nicked several arteries. So a child could kill you at this point merely by poking that wound too hard. Satyrs and Furbolgs will do much more than poke." Having the truth out, she wasn't sure why she was really keeping him there. Perhaps it was the resemblance, as she had no obligation to save Vigoro's life. There was little other reason, in fact it would be easier to simply turn around and rip open his wound, which was in her power. But the mere thought of hurting him caused her lips to twitch. She sighed. He had the fur, the horn color, his scars were more numerous, but still..."Damn it. Why do you all have to look so similar..." She said to try and cover for her staring. Then she walked away, speaking as she moved. "And just in case you were thinking it, your gear is not under the moss as well. So don't go tearing up my clearing trying to find them. Follow me after you get dressed, my daughters have done enough staring as it is."
He gave a small nod as she accepted his explanation. Whether or not she was willing to believe it, it was the story he was going to stick to, so it was something of a relief that she'd decided to take it, rather than dragging this out any longer than needed. His eyes darted down as she suddenly shifted her weight, kicking open the moss hatch and pulling the wicker lid away. He watched as she crouched down and scooped something out of the hole. His features brightened somewhat as she drew out his clothes, tossing them to him. He caught them in one large hand, checking them over to inspect the fresh hole the elf had sewn up. It all seemed in order. Though the stitching was certainly not professional, it seemed like it would hold for long enough for him to make it to another city and get it properly patched there. Before he could offer thanks, she turned again and spoke. He frowned, somewhat, and the frown only deepened when she elaborated on the severity of his wounds. He rolled his shoulder, feeling the wound twinge, and paused. Now that he wasn't in combat mode, his plentiful muscles demanded less blood, leaving his head clearer and significantly less... spinny. Which was what allowed him to catch her half-muttered curse. Immediately he began to wonder what she'd meant, but he quickly decided that would come later. For now, he had clothes again, and if the mother's words were any indication, he'd been stared at quite enough. He quickly began to dress. First things first, the loincloth. A t-shaped piece of fabric, he laid it out on the grass and rolled the cross-bar into a rope-like band, which he tied around his waist, the strap hanging in the back. Reaching between his thighs, one hand grabbed the cloth strip, while the other gripped his heavy balls, pulling them up, and with them, the thick, meaty shaft. With practiced precision, the swath of pale blue fabric came up in the front, engulfing the oversized package.Despite being compressed by fabric, the bulge in the front of it was still nearly the size of a watermelon. Up, through the waistband of the garment, the fabric came, then down, hanging in front of the bulge. It did little to preserve his modesty, however. Then, the frostsilk underarmor. Nerubian silk, woven into a fine cloth and dyed a pale blue, the garments were designed to be worn as a layer of added protection and comfort underneath armor. While they certainly wouldn't stop an arrow, the fabric would remain intact, and make it possible to pull the arrow from the wound without tearing out a chunk of flesh with it. It was simply functional, and as such, the clothes weren't particularly attractive to the eye. First, a pair of trousers, which clung to his thighs tightly, to reduce friction and prevent binding. Being tailored for him meant they hosted a sizable pouch which cupped his groin, providing full support, set underneath a set of laces to tighten the garment at the waist. The last thing someone in four layers of armor mid-battle needed to worry about was suddenly having his package shift around and get crushed between his thighs during a meanuver. The cloth flap of his undergarment came up over the laces, concealing them from sight. Then, the shirt. Long sleeves provided protection all up his powerful arms, but they had to be tight, to keep them from bunching up and riding up the arm, or folding, to dig into his skin. The chest was tight, as well, and the collar went up to just the base of the neck. No buttons or metal of any sort, either, the garment simply stretched to fit. The lack of metal added a layer of protection against lightning and electrical magic. The outfit also came with a hood and gloves, to protect his head and hands from the pinching and binding of mail, but Vigoro decided that would be excessive without the rest of his armor, and simply tucked the extra garments into the back of his trousers. With his genitals and most of his scars concealed, the tauren stretched his weary muscles, working the stiffness of a week asleep out of them. There were a few times when his head swam, but the moments passed quickly, and he stopped immediately whenever his wound twinged. Feeling somewhat better, the tauren began to make his way around the tree, watching where he stepped. He may have been lucky thus far, but it didn't look like the moss and wicker lids of those hidey-holes would support his weight, and he certainly didn't want to fall into one. Now with the scent of fire and food in the air, his stomach was becoming more insistent in it's demands to be fed, grumbling loudly as he rounded the side of the tree, his eyes searching for the elven trio and the food.
While Cat wore her hunting leathers, the girls wore only their casual clothes. Soft leather breaches that hugged their thighs and contoured their legs quite well down to their ankles. A slit ran from the hip all the way to the bottom of each leg, and a drawstring criss-crossed it's way down so that they could be tightened and loosened at a whim. A basic soft leather vest with no underclothes left little to the imagination, but covered what was necessary. They never had guests, so modesty wasn't one of their priorities. And since the only thing they had that covered substantial skin was their hunting leathers, they would have to make do. Dal was the first to see their guest round the tree fully clothed. Somehow, the massive pouch required to hold his genitals did absolutely nothing to stem the flow of lustful thoughts through her mind. In fact, it seemed to antagonize them, as she knew exactly what that pouch was filled with. She wasn't really sure how to act around him. Mother had allowed him to live, and stay. But there was something about the Tauren that definitely put Mother off, saddened her, and infuriated her at the same time. And as much as she knew it might not be proper in front of company, she gave her mother a firm hug from behind. With her long ear pressed against her back, she could hear the older woman's heart pounding for some unknown reason. She drew a sigh nonetheless. "Thank you dear. Now please...see to your sister before she burns herself again." Dal laughed at the dry comment. "Mother! One time!" Mal growled irritably. It eased Dal to know that Cat's humor was intact. Dal went to assist her sister at the fireplace. The meat still had some time to go, and she didn't know how the Tauren would take it. She sighed. She wished at this time that she had at least a little of Mal's innocence. "So how did your thing get so large?" Both Dal and Cat nearly choked on their own tongues as Mal directed so blunt and inappropriate a question towards Vigoro. "MAL'YZ! By the spirits!" Cat said loudly. "What?! I've been waiting this whole week to ask that! He's up and around. Least he could do is tell me..." Mal stated it with such innocent fervor, like it had been keeping her up at night and she was determined to find out one way or another. "That is not the damned point! Eyes on the fire!" Cat commanded in a tone that brooked no argument. Then she turned to Vigoro and sighed. "I...must apologize for my daughter. She is young, and neither of them have much experience in the outside world. And Mal'yz tends to be as blunt as a warhammer at times." Meanwhile, Dal was trying very hard to stifle laughter. When she finally did she managed to ask her own question. This one much less inappropriate. "How cooked to you want it? First leg is yours...seeing as you need it the most." Even as Dal talked Mal pouted. She was having the same problem Dal was, but worse in ways. It was driving her mad! He was the only man she'd ever met beyond very brief encounters with traders and merchants, all of which happened in the presence of her mother. While she didn't have a lot to go off of, he looked very nice. She really just wanted to sit down and talk with him. Ask him about his scars, about his people. Ask about his training and his homeland. She wanted to hear stories of his adventures! Since....being so big and manly of a thing, he had to have had adventures right? That was what men did after least as far as she knew. She wanted to poke him again, pet those big rippling muscles....she began to daze off thinking various things, everything from mundane to what she understood to be what men and women did together...based on descriptions from Dal.
As Vigoro rounded the tree-home's trunk cautiously, his sea-blue eyes fell on the trio of elven girls in a new way. While he had seen the girls before, he'd only registered them in terms of combat ability and threat assessment. Now knowing that they had tended to his wounds and helped him while he had been helpless, he viewed them in a softer light. This time, he saw them as any man would see a trio of beautiful girls. Granted, these small, slender females were nothing like the tauren females he'd enjoyed in his time in Mulgore. But many years among the other races had given him a chance to learn to appreciate these differences. His eyes traced the lines of each girl's figure, wandering down one side, then up the other, on each girl. Soft violet skin and short blue-green hair on one, contrasting the darker purple of the other sister and her blue ponytail. The mother too, her long, silky blue-white hair running down her back like a waterfall. Each of them had quite an attractive figure, with sizable breasts, though The elder's were far larger than the younger's. The three elven girls seemed to be enjoying themselves as he approached, first hugging, then telling jokes and laughing softly. He smiled. Perhaps he would be able to enjoy his time among these girls, after all. Initially, when he'd realized he wouldn't be able to leave for some time, he was somewhat frustrated. If his interactions with the elves thus far had been an indication of how things would go, it would have been a very long time indeed. But now, seeing the girls interacting and laughing with one another, he realized that perhaps his time in this glade wouldn't be too bad. Then the younger sister turned to him and asked, quite without any sort of embarrassment or shame, how he had gotten his 'thing' to be so big. He hesitated mid-step, and his face had an expression that vaguely looked as if he'd been clobbered in the back of he head with a quarterstaff. As the mother quickly stepped in and scolded the child, he seemed to recover quickly. It seemed she had been honest that the girls had been looking at his naked form. At first he smirked, then broke into a soft chuckle as the mother began to apologize for her daughter's query. "It's alright, I take no offense. Her curiosity is only natural. Plus, it's not every day a man hears such praise."He laughed, shaking his head and smirking softly. After a brief moment of everyone else struggling not to laugh, the elder daughter began to speak. The tauren turned to her, shaking off the last of his amusement."In honesty, I'd take it right now if it wouldn't make me sick. I'm truly starving. Better go for rare, I doubt I can wait much longer than that. How long have I been out?"He asked, one large hand going down to rub his stomach, as though that would satisfy the growling beast in his gut. It wasn't long before the boar was ready, but for a hungry tauren, the moments seemed like an eternity. He set to eating with a passion, devouring his leg of boar, as well as whatever fruit or drink the elves could provide him to soothe his heroic appetite. Even for a mighty warrior as he, a week without food was no picnic, pun not intended. But his attentions were divided between food and the curious elves. As he ate they asked questions of all sorts, and he did his best to answer them between bites of food. Telling them of his journeys, his homeland, about allies and foes of all types that he'd earned through the years. By the time the mighty tauren's stomach was satisfied, he'd eaten nearly as much as the three elves combined, though it took him no longer than the others to finish. His hunger sated, the tauren leaned back on one hand, the other rubbing his now-full stomach. As he sat, there, however, an odd look came over his face. he paused as he lifted his arm from his stomach and sniffed at his hand. He wrinkled his snout, recoiling a bit. He glanced left and right about him, peering into the nearby forest before he turned to the mother."Is there a stream somewhere? Someplace I could wash up? My fur is quite matted, and I think I may still have some blood on me."he asked.
It was strange how quickly the mood eased as the four of them ate. Dal and Mal managed to keep their questions civil at least, and thoroughly enjoyed the tales of his exploits, the strange lands he had seen, and the many people both enemies and friend that he had encountered. Dal found herself particularly wooed just by the presence of this warrior. He was so powerful and exciting, more than anything he had such an aura of confident force around him. She had only had sex once, and it was with another young Night Elf. He was a nice guy, and she didn't regret it, but it had been far from the mind-exploding experience she was hoping for. She had a feeling that such an experience could be possible with Vigoro. Though the though immediately drew a blush from her and she focused on eating her meal. Mal was just completely awestruck. Everything about Vigoro was new and amazing to her. His incredible stories, his rich voice, his burly muscles, the way his veins popped out from his skin visible even through the fur. Even the way he devoured nearly as much as all of them combined impressed her, he was such a spectacle. She was still particularly interested in his crotch...that smell...the smell that still caused something in her gut to stir. She wanted to smell it again...taste it again. Pretty soon she was just dazing off into nothing as he ate, not really focusing on anything but the images in her head. Cat listened to his stories, one ear taking in the tales, while the other searched for untruth. However the more he spoke the more he reaffirmed her suspicion that he genuinely was no enemy. Of course this did not lower her guard, but it did allow her to relax a little and enjoy her meal, as well as the silly faces her girls kept making every time Vigoro's tales reached climax or hit upon some incredible thing they'd never heard of. She had always meant to protect her daughters from the world. But it did seem as though the more she did so, the more they would long for the outside. When they finished all their stomachs were satisfied, and Vigoro asked about a place to wash. "Yes. There is a stream nearby. But as it is night, that may not be the safest idea for you. If you were set upon, we'd be hard pressed to..." "I can take him!" Mal piped up cheerily. Dal groaned in response. "Dear....don't be silly. I am not sending you to protect him while he bathes. It wouldn't even be close to appropriate." Mal waved her finger in the air in a way that caused Cat's eyebrow to twitch. That meant the girl was being devious. "Maybe so but he can't go tomorrow. Because you have to meet the trader in the morning remember? It's Dal's turn to hunt....and besides, he won't be able to wash on his own without opening the wound anyways. So one of us has to go with him regardless." Cat wasn't sure what irritated her more, that her daughter was so damned clever, or that she was right. Dal was going to need her sleep if she was hunting. One of them always had to watch the house. Cat could go without sleep just fine....but there was no way she could help him wash....the likeness was too much. As much as it pained her to admit well as the potency of Vigoro's current aroma, Mal was right. "You will be the death of me child. Fine. Show him the him ONLY where he cannot himself! Then come right back. Understand?" "Yes mother!" Mal was beaming in a fashion that was downright troubling. She was far too excited, and that worried her genuinely. But it would be indecent to force Vigoro to remain in his current state for the remainder of his healing. She sighed and prayed for the best and let them leave, while she helped Dal clean up. "Come on Viggy!" Mal said cheerfully as she motioned the Tauren to follow her out of the clearing. The stream was just a hundred paces beyond the edge.
He had to admit, it was a very nice meal. At first, he had been somewhat embarrassed by their stares and their questions, but the more he spoke, the more he opened up. It had been a long time since he'd taken on the mantle of storyteller, but he had enjoyed telling his stories to the girls. Many of them he'd never had a chance to tell before. When he was in a city, he stayed in his armor constantly, unless he was sleeping in a well-guarded inn. He suspected that his impressive size and intimidating armor simply made him too frightening to talk to. Not that he would talk much, anyways. Among the horse, he could never tell where his words would carry. Anyone could be an informant or a bounty hunter, eager to claim his head for it's reward, or report his movements to the Grimtotems. Magatha's ears were everywhere. But these girls had never heard of the Grimtotem, and wouldn't be able to talk to them, even if they had. That, coupled with their obvious interest in him combined to give Vigoro a sense of confidence. He could relax a bit here. It was... calming. He didn't have to watch over his shoulder for Grimtotem spies. But his calm swiftly turned to confusion as his simple question evolved into a debate between the mother and the youngest. Cat and Mal. He was still trying to remember their names, and the structure of the night elf's names were unusual, foreign to him. He had settled for simply trying to remember their shortened names. His head swung back and forth, his beard-braid swinging under his chin as he watched the exchange. By the time they were finished, he'd more or less figured out what was going on, and gave a small chuckle as the mother conceded defeat. When the younger gestured for him to follow her, he rose from his seat and began to follow. He too had noticed a slightly unhealthy amount of interest from the young elf, but he'd dismissed it as nothing more than that elvish energy he'd yet to grow accustomed to. As Vigoro followed her, he noted that already, much of his strenght was returning. An hour of resting as well as his now-full belly were really helping. He moved easier, though he still kept a wary eye for those bolt-holes. Once he passed the edge of the clearing, he began to walk easier. He maneuvered his bulk with impressive skill, shifting his weight from one hoof to the other as he ducked low branches, sidestepped bushes, and slid between tree trunks with a level of skill equal to that of any night elf, though his bulk certainly worked against him here. It wasn't long before they reached the stream. A small waterfall ran off an overhang some twenty feet up, carving a small pond out of the forest floor, and forming a crisp, clear stream. The river's bed was gravelly, with little mud, and the banks were narrow, quickly giving way to the moss and other plants common throughout the rest of the forest. It was at that moment that the words 'only where he can't reach' fully sank in. He gave a somewhat bashful smile to the elf girl."Well... I suppose you've already seen everything, so there's nothing to be ashamed of."He said, and reached down, gripping the lower hem of his shirt and pulling it up, once more revealing the incredible musculature of his abs, as well as the network of scars that marred them. Then the pecs emerged, broad and hard, like a black, shaggy cliff. The arms, veiny, powerful, and even more muscular than the rest of him. Then the head, the collar stretching wide to accommodate one horn at a time, before he was finally free of the garment. He tossed the shirt over the branch of a nearby bush before he started on his trousers, reveling the watermelon-bulge of his loincloth, the garment barely containing his incredible endowment. Finally, that came away too, letting the foot-long flaccid member flop free between this thighs. As he felt the elf's eyes upon it, it gave a twitch, a vague attempt to lift itself from it's hanging position. Fully naked now, he tossed the last of his clothes over the bush, and strode into the cool stream, flinching only once or twice as the dangling head of his mighty cock dipped below the surface. The tauren glanced at the elf-girl as he scooped handfuls of the cool water up onto his face and shoulders."I think I can get most of myself. I'll probably just need you to wash my back and my good arm."He said over the rushing sound of the waterfall.
"I suppose you're right." Mal said with a smile as Vigoro began to undress. She found her eyes tracing every incredible muscle on his torso as he raised his shirt. Knowing just a few of the stories behind those scars gave him an even more dangerous appeal. She knew so little about men, but she knew that this one was spectacular. His body was beyond amazing, it was godlike. And it made her knees weak just watching him strip down. She'd seen it all before, but as soon as he had dressed himself she had started missing his naked form. Mother had said it was natural for a woman to take to the sight of a man. So she didn't argue with the moisture between her thighs. As he undressed so did she, slipping down to only her own loincloth as Vigoro freed his impressive member from it's enclosure. "Be careful not to slip, that would be a serious pain with that wound..." She said as she waded out to join him." The closer she got to him, the more she realized the height difference between them. Her head only just reached his sternum, giving him nearly two whole feet over her. "...And don't worry. I'll take care of it....then I'll give you a little privacy." She walked up behind him, admiring the way his body just went from muscle to muscle. Even his ass was so taut that she felt the urge to grab it. However she resisted and started scooping water onto his back, letting it trickle down and soak his shiny fur. Gingerly she started running her fingers through the fur on his back as she poured water over it. She could feel his heartbeat like a drum against her hand, and the heat he was radiating....his whole presence was intoxicating. " Do you...have any friends?" She was trying to be subtle, which she was not good at. "Any female friends?" She said as she ran her hands down his back, around to his sides. He was so broad. "I don't like Night Elves very much do you?" God his ass was so inviting. "I have to get kinda close to reach your shoulders....I hope you don't mind?" She slid closer and reached up, using the situation as an excuse to press against him. But she didn't make it too obvious, at least by her standards. For a brief moment her abdomen pressed against his back, as well as her breasts. When she finished she moved to his side, finding the view of his abs to be quite nice from this angle. "Shall I get the arm?" She thoroughly made the best of the situation, getting a firm feel for his muscular biceps, powerful forearms, and meaty shoulders. She couldn't fathom how any woman could resist this Vigoro. He must have dozens of women lined up to claim him. The thought saddened her, and eventually she finished in somewhat less of a good mood. Eventually he would leave. And she'd never see another man of such an attractive caliber. "Well. I let you alone for awhile. I'll be just down the stream washing up if you need me..." With that she made her way downstream, putting a decent distance between them, at least until a thick set of bushes obscured her line of sight. She was aching between her legs. And wet as well, not just from the water. She was so hot that the water felt like ice. Even after submerging herself she couldn't get rid of a knot that had built up in her belly.
As he glanced back over his shoulder at her, his breath caught for a moment and the python between his thighs gave a more energetic lurch, though the motion could easily be rationalized by the current. He hadn't noticed that the elf girl- no, Mal- was stripping too. And while she'd seen him naked, he certainly hadn't seen her like this before. But as she waded into the water, naked to the waist, he found his sea-blue eyes subtly trying to take in her figure. Her long legs, her wide, sexy hips, that flat, toned stomach... and those tits! They were no match for her sister's, but they were nothing to scoff at either. they were full, but firm and perky, and he found himself wondering how they would feel. His eyes zoomed in on her nipples. Was it his imagination, or were they hard? He could probably blame that on the water, but he could see the look in her eyes as she closed in on him. As she came right up to him, he looked at her, his eyes on hers for a long moment before he realized he had to turn around. With his back to her, he could think straight again. What was he thinking? Sure, she was looking a little closely at him, but that was probably just... curiosity, right? Besides, she was too young for him. He couldn't take advantage of these elves' hospitality. Besides that, if he tried something with her, that woman, Cat, would probably just kill him on the spot. But as she began to wash his back, he couldn't help but think that her small hands were so soft on his back. It felt very nice. He found himself subconsciously tensing his muscles beneath her touch, firming them up, letting her feel the strength that they contained. His heartbeat was slow, much slower than her own, but it beat hard, his arteries pulsing notably with each beat. As she began to speak, he smirked. Subtle she was not. But he would play along with her questions."I've had a few friends. To be honest, though, they've all been tauren."He replied, his deep voice vibrating his back against her fingers. This close to him, it would almost be like the vibrations of his voice rolled through her body, stimulating her in new ways."Some from before I left Thunder Bluff, others since I began to wander. They say I'm the best friend a girl could ask for."He continued, now actively teasing her with his words."I can't say I've ever had a night elf friend before. It might be fun to make friends with a cute night elf girl..."He fell off there, because that was when she pressed herself against his back. He felt her soft skin and her even softer breasts press into the broad plane of his back as she began to wash his shoulders. The thick tube between his thighs gave another lurch at the sensation. As she worked her way down his arm, again, he found himself hardening his muscles under her fingertips as he watched her work, her eyes wandering over the rest of his body. When, eventually, she finished, he found himself wishing he could have asked her to help him wash some... other parts of his anatomy. But with a sigh, he went to work, using the arm she'd just washed to scrub the rest of his body, working the dried blood and a week of accumulated sweat and grime out of his fur. It didn't take long for him to be more or less cleaned up. But the cleaning couldn't get the images of little Mal out of his head. He glanced around momentarily, to make sure he was alone, before pulling himself from the water and stepping onto the shore. Once there, he found himself a nice spot, with a wall of bushes that would lend him a bit of privacy if Mal would return too soon. Leaning his back against a sturdy tree, he closed his eyes and reached down with both hands. One grasped his semi-flaccid member in a firm grip, while the other reached below, cupping one massive, melon-sized nut and rolling it in his palm. He slowly began to move his fist up and down the length of his thick meat as memories of some of his previous mates danced through his head. But as his massive member reached it's full hardness, the images changed. Suddenly, he was no longer imaging tauren girls, but night elves, the very girls taking care of him, in fact. A twinge of guilt arose in his mind, but was quickly drowned out beneath a new wave of erotic sensations. He could image the feel of soft, lavender skin, the tightness of their small bodies, the look of their faces, their lips stretched wide around his fat bullcock.
No matter how many times she submerged herself, the cool stream water could not cool Mal'yz down. It was like she had a fever, but rather than being tired and drained, her body ached for relief. She found herself antsy, and full of energy. Her mind kept going back to Vigoro's amazing body again and again. The feel of his flexing muscles beneath her fingers, the sight of his cock springing at her touch. She knew full well how wrong she was being. She should be wanting some strapping young, Night Elf, not a war scarred Tauren. If she was to even make an attempt, it's very likely that her mother would explode, and someone would end up dead. But she just couldn't stop. In fact the image of a young Night Elf somehow paled in comparison to the man bathing up the stream. After several agonizing minutes she decided to take another peak at Vigoro. She crept stealthily through the water until she came to the curve, then she moved up onto the shore, staying on the thick, spongy moss. She moved up to a set of thin bushes covered in purple flowers. The bushes were thin, but the night and the flowers would hide her from sight. Gingerly she found a gap in the bushes, and gasped at what she saw. She was maybe four feet from Vigoro, who was sitting against a tree, facing her. His cock was fully engorged in one hand, while his other hand massaged one of his huge testicles. Her abdomen cringed and the fire between her legs flared at the sight. His hand pumped up and down his incredible shaft, which was now as long as her arm, and as thick as her bicep the whole way up. She felt a rush of desire flood her body, like a million sparks hitting her skin. That meaty shaft was illuminated by the moonlight, so that she could see every glistening vein as he stroked it powerfully. Her own fingers moved down between her thighs. Dal had taught her how to relieve tension, an exercise to work the stress out of the body and flood the senses with pleasure. Now she felt more than ever like performing that excercise. As her eyes never left Vigoro's cock, one hand ran it's fingers between her now moist lips. Occasionally they would move to massage her clitoris, pinching and rubbing it as her heat kept growing. Her other hand moved to her bare breasts, massaging them gently at first, then growing in intensity as she got more and more into the exercise. She was throbbing inside, a dull need pounding away at her senses like a siege engine. Finally when she couldn't take it anymore she slipped a finger inside her body, and suppressed a moan as she did so. She continued like this for several minutes, slipping another finger inside after a bit. She was leaking fluids down her thighs in sheets. Her whole body was so taut and pent up that every thrust of her fingers sent a shiver up her spine. And every pump of Vigoro's hand over his cock compounded on her desire to help him.
Vigoro's huge fist pounded up and down his member's length over and over, gaining speed as it did. His arms tensed and relaxed over and over as he stroked himself into a state of bliss. His chest rose and fell rhythmically as he panted, his eyes still closed. God, but it felt good. He really must have been out for some time, because his balls churned in his grip with built-up cum. It wasn't long before the fat bullcock was spitting globs of precum, which the tauren quickly smeared over his massive shaft, coating it with the clear liquid, making it glisten in the moonlight as it throbbed in pleasure under his quickly-moving fist. The scent of his precum soon filled the area, overpowering the fragrant purple flowers with the scent of his virile seed. He began to moan softly, his deep voice rolling through the clearing as he panted and groaned with pleasure, eager for release. In his mind, the images of the tauren girls had been cast aside entirely. Now, he was ravaging the night elf girls in his mind, a new appetite awakening in him, a hunger for elven pussy. Now, he had Dal's impressive chest in his huge hands, kneading the lavender globes and burying his snout between them while he pounded into her pussy from below. Now, Cat was bent over, her hands against the tree-home while he ravaged her pussy from behind, spanking and kneading her ass. Now, Mal was on her knees before him, his shaft laying on her head and down her back while she hungrily went to work spit-polishing his massive balls. Finally, all three on their knees, his cock in the mouth of one while the other two lavished attention with their lips and tongues upon whatever shaft wasn't engulfed in hungry lips. The flared head was traded from mouth to mouth, each time the former sucker taking up the new one's duties of worshiping his cock and balls. All the while the two not stuffed with cock moaned, begged, and pleaded for him to shower them in cum. That apparently did it as suddenly his hand went into a frenzy, jacking faster and faster as his massive seed-slingers pulled up tight against his body. In a moment of lucidity, he angled his mighty cock away from himself, not wanting to get cum all over his freshly-washed fur. But unbeknownst to him, he had leveled his massive member toward Mal's hiding place. Letting out a long, loud groan of pleasure, he began to cum. His rapidly-moving hand somewhat obscured the details, but what was going on was clear. The long, thumb-thick vein that ran the length of his cock swelled lewdly as a ping-pong-ball-sized bulge rapidly made it's way up the length of the massive cock before firing like a cannon from the flared tip. A huge, thick rope of seed flew skyward. Up and up it went, slowly arcing in the cool night air. Some ten feet it climbed, before it turned in the air, arcing it's way back down toward the earth, and straight toward little Mal. It struck Mal square in the face, right on the bridge off her nose, the thick, virile seed splashing out to completely bury her features beneath a mask of white-hot bull seed. Again and again the tauren's fearsome weapon fired, blast after blast arcing towards the elf girl's hiding place. Some struck the bush above her, rolling down the leaves until it rained down in droplets on her naked back and shoulders. Others cleared the bush entirely, splashing down in the moss behind and beside her. Two slammed into the bush in front of her torso, striking leaves or branches and flowering into a shotgun spray of cum that rained over her chest and thighs, splattering her violet skin thoroughly.
Mal was kneading her breast furiously, her fingers now slick with sweat as they pinched and pulled, massaging herself with animal fervor. The fingers between her legs thrust in and out rapidly, making slick sounds as she ground against the sensitive spot on her upper walls. She was lost in the pleasure, and the image of Vigoro's cock throbbing in his hand. Her chest heaved as much as his did, though in a different way. Her whole body rolled as she pushed her hips into her fingers, undulating like a animal in heat. She bit her lips to keep from groaning out and alerting the Tauren so busy working his own piece. When thick globs of fluid began spitting from his cock she nearly feinted from the smell. It was just like before, only stronger. After lathering his meat with the fluids his actions started making sloppy noises, which only served to turn her on more. She didn't know why he suddenly picked up his pace, but it was so hot. His fist was like a blur over that shaft. Suddenly something hot and wet struck her right on the face, completely coating it. Her senses were filled with heat and the smell of Vigoro's fluids. She didn't even have to guess what it was. Through hazed eyes she could see Vigoro himself cumming, his powerful cock spurting massive ropes of fluid right over her bush, where it spattered all around her. Just watching his phallus swell with each blast, it's veins bulging out like fingers on his shaft. Another globule hit her shoulder and started oozing down her chest. Yet another struck her left breast directly, completely obscuring her violet skin with white. This continued for a minute or two, and by the time it finished semen dripped from the leaves above her, and caked the moss beneath her. She was splattered over much of her back and torso, completely bathed in the smell of his jizz. Being so covered, in the heat and the smell, it drove her wild. Her own fingers picked up their pace and she quickly lost control. It was like no other smell existed, then nothing existed as she moaned out. The knot in her belly broke free and her hips started shaking. She gripped the moss beneath her with iron fingers as she started to climax. A flood of crystal fluid seeped from inside her, draining down her thighs and into the ground. She moaned loudly as her fingers continued thrusting in and out of her body, unable to stop due to the incredible ecstasy she was feeling. It took her over a minute to stop cumming, but eventually her body settled down. However she was still shaking as she collapsed on her side, not caring if she settled in Vigoro's spunk. She also had somewhat forgotten that her climax had been rather loud.
The massive tauren panted from his place against the tree as his massive fist made a few more slow trips up and down his mighty shaft, milking the last few drops of seed from his cum-chasm, letting them run down the glistening shaft, coating it thoroughly in his spunk. But the warm, pleasurable haze of the afterglow was suddenly broken by the sound of a voice. First a muted groan, then a much louder moan. It sounded like a woman in the throes of pleasure, a sound he was quite familiar with, but it was out of place here. His ears perked up, honing in on the source of the sounds. It seemed like it was coming from the bushes... Reluctantly he pushed himself up to his hooves, his rod slack only enough to rest at a 90-degree angle to his hips. As he approached the bush, a few feet to the side from the part soaked in cum, a whirl of questions went through his mind. His height easily allowed him to peer over the tops of the hedge, and what he saw there took his breath away. A night elf girl, coated head to toe in spunk, HIS spunk, and writing in pleasure. Her fingers thrust furiously into her dripping wet pussy as she moaned and shook from the power of her orgasm. Then he realized. This was no random elf. This was Mal! He couldn't see her face for the thick mask of cum, but the hair, the violet skin, that figure, it matched up. He glanced over to the bush in front of her, and noticed a head-sized hole. Suddenly, he made the connections needed, and a smirk crossed his features. She must have come back to peek on him. she certainly seemed to be eager for an eyeful when she was helping him wash earlier. But then, she stumbled on him jerking off. She must have started fingering herself and when he came, he must have accidentally splattered her, and she started to cum. Now with his confusion gone, he could watch with great interest as she just kept cumming, shaking and writhing as she bathed in his seed. His member quickly returned to full hardness watching the sexy little elf frig herself through an earth-shattering orgasm. When she finally collapsed to her side, he grinned. This would be good. He pushed aside the bushes on either side and stepped through, his massive prick leading the way like an obscene divining rod of some sort. He turned, now standing almost completely over her, his hooves apart, letting his massive cock twitch in the air, his heavy, pendulous balls swinging slightly below the shaft."Well, well, well. What have we here?"He asked, grinning down at her cum-soaked form."Looks like a naughty little elf girl having fun all by herself. Did you like watching me jerk my big, fat cock? It certainly looks like you liked it when I came all over you."He teased verbally.
Mal raised herself up on an arm quickly as the sound of rustling bushes hit her long ears. The world froze for a second when the first thing to come into view was the massive cock of the Tauren she'd been spying on. Just beneath it swung the large balls that had just now unleashed the seed that now stained her violet skin. Just beyond it, was the smiling face of the Tauren, grinning at her deviously. She was caught, this was so bad! She couldn't even think at first, and just sat there frozen with a mixture of embarrassment, fear, and....arousal. "I...I..." She stammered as she tried to respond to his accusation. There was no way to talk out of this, she was caught sticky-handed, and in the worst scenario! Mother was going to kill her when he told what she did. But the strange thing was Vigoro's mannerisms weren't hostile. He didn't look like he was angry, quite the opposite. She didn't really know how to read a Tauren, but a smile seemed pretty universal, as well as the throbbing, rock hard phallus that twitched above her. She found herself even more aroused now, the heat of her embarrassment was slowly turning into regular heat. Maybe a part of her....wanted to get caught. Maybe that same part of her that got so turned on just by the smell of him, also wanted someone to know how much she craved it. Regardless, it was still hard just looking at him. And the more turned on she got, the more difficult facing him was. "I...I....I did..." She whispered. Barely able to get it past her lips. It felt like she got lighter, like a burden was lifted. "I...enjoyed" It was a little easier, and she was able to go farther. "I liked watching your hand move...over your cock!" She got up to her knees, which placed his dick right over her left shoulder. She was only a foot away from his body, and she looked straight up at him. "I can't help it!" She wrung her hands nervously, it kind of started just tumbling out now. "Your like nothing I've seen. The thought of men of my own kind don't even excite me now! Your muscles..." She stood up quickly, then gingerly reached out, placing her hands on his abdomen. "....even your scars...and the stories behind them." Her hands moved upwards, at this point she was nearly pressed against him, his cock pressed at an angle against her belly. She didn't care, she loved feeling his heartbeat against her skin. Her fingers ran through the fur on his massive pectorals. "I love your churns something inside of me..." Her hands went back down. "Makes me feel....right..." They traveled low, tracing the firm V shape that led between his legs. "Your voice...your eyes...and especially this..." Finally, after so much anticipation she wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft. It took both hands, but she did it. It was hot in her grip, and the throbbing was like thunder. Her own heart was racing. Her mother was going to go insane if she found out, but she couldn't stop now. She was too far. Her body wanted this too bad. She forced her gaze away from Vigoro's, unsure of how he would react. "It....would first time." She glanced nervously back to him and away again. "If you could have me...if you...find me desirable that is....I mean....being an Elf and all...."
The tauren grinned as he looked down at the cum-soaked elven girl from his stance above her. He could see the mix of emotions on her face, and he could already see the scene playing out before him. She'd get shy, deny her feelings, perhaps even try to flee. But the feelings would haunt her. Her lust, her desire. He would remind her of them whenever the other girl's backs were turned. Eventually, when the opportunity presented itself, he would make his move and she would be unable to resist his advances. He was already liking this plan. But then, she began to speak. It was his turn to be surprised. He felt his own lust surge with each word that passed her soft, full lips. As she came up to her knees, he truly felt the touch of her skin on his member for the first time. It almost made him groan, but he held it back. As her words continued to flow, he could feel himself growing harder and harder, flesh surges of blood rushing into his massive phallus. His pulse was thundering through his every vein. He could feel the warmth and softness of her stomach against his thick shaft now, and this time he did groan softly with the sensation. The flared head almost reached her throat, standing as they were. The air was electric. As her hands wandered his powerful muscles, he only grew more and more aroused. He had never been this hard before, and when her hands finally closed around the base of his shaft, he was rapidly losing his self control. He had to have her. He had totakeher. Almost trance-like, he raised one huge, rough hand to the elf-girl's cheek. It moved with incredible gentleness, slowly turning her eyes back to his. His sea-blue eyes locked onto hers, silently whispering his desires to the innocent elf. The hand slid back, around the base of her neck, cradling her skull in one massive mitt. He pulled her, gently but insistently upward and forward, their faces coming closer and closer until his lips met hers. In barely an instant,the kiss went from a tender peck to a deep, hungry tongue kiss. His tongue was thick and muscular, and it almost filled her mouth, coiling around her much smaller one. All in all the tauren's tongue was some eight inches of muscular flesh, and it tapered to a point.. He only used the front half for the moment, and fully demonstrated it's dexterity as he ravaged her virgin lips, completely dominating the young elf girl. His titanic cock throbbed against her stomach and chest, eager, demanding it's turn to claim the elven maiden. The kiss seemed to go on forever, and by the time he pulled away, they were both short of breath. Shifting his hand down to her shoulder, he looked her in the eyes."Mal'yz. I will gladly take you as my mate."He told her. There was no question there. It was simply fact. His voice once again ran down her spine, homing in on her womb. with that, the hand on her shoulder began to push down, slowly but instantly, until she was on her knees again. Once again, his mighty meat was throbbing insistently, the flared head producing globs of precum once again, the scent thick in the air. The shaft was streaked with a few stray drips of cum and thoroughly coated with glistening precum, neither fully dried from his recent climax."Show me how much you love it."He told her, his eyes still on hers. Again, his words were not questions, not requests. It was an order, an order from this horned god of lust and power.
Mal felt herself being pulled to Vigoro, and not just because he was drawing her closer. He was magnetic. Those eyes of his spoke volumes of his desire, reassuring her own. His rough fingers against her soft skin only drove her body further and further from reason, until their lips met. It was the first time she'd kissed anyone but Dal, and that had only been to satisfy her curiosity. At first it was soft, subtle, and unexpected. Then with a thunderous change his tongue invaded her mouth and she was overwhelmed. She could only fight his thick tongue with hers, a fight she gladly lost as her mouth was filled with his powerful organ. Her hands moved over his incredible body, her right hand studying herself on his muscular hips, while her left wrapped around to embrace him as best she could. His throbbing member was tightly sandwiched between them as they kissed, a constant reminder of what was waiting for her attention. "By the gods.." Was all she could say with a gasp as they finally pulled apart. She smiled lightly at his words, some part of her feeling complete with his acceptance. And then she was being pushed down until she was again face to face with his mighty phallus. She looked at it with a mix of awe and fear as he told her to prove her desires. He was so forceful, in an almost gentle way. She had no desire to defy him, or to try and be dominant. He was superior, it was only fitting that she do everything in her power to satisfy him, as he would most assuredly have no trouble pleasing her. How could such an awesome creature not? She gingerly leaned forward, running her cheek along the side of his shaft until she could kiss the flesh at the base of his shaft. With that she looked up at him, her glowing eyes casting a slight glow on his glistening flesh. With a light moan she ran her lips along his cock then stretched her lips over his flared head. It was a tight fit, but she could just barely make it happen. She sucked away any and all precum as she removed her lips and lifted his shaft up to service his monstrous sac. She kissed them over and over, sucking lightly each time. Her hands were small, but his balls dwarfed her fists, and it took a whole hand to hold each one as she massaged them with her tongue. Even as she returned to his shaft a hand remained to massage his heavy sac. The other stroked his rod firmly, using the mixture of precum and saliva as lubricant. Again she looked up to him, looking for his approval. "Do I please you?" She flicked her tongue over the head of his cock, and let her lips do the same as she talked. She'd never done this before, and she only wanted to please him. "Please you may ask anything of can I please you?" Again she took his head in her mouth, trying to take him as deep as she could, but it would take more strength than she had to force so large a thing any further....
"Come with me Raina..." "We dont have a mating mark Varyk, we could never be a family. I love you...but i want pups." "Please Raina...dont do this...i couldnt stand the thought-" "Im going to do this Varyk, I want to find my mate." In a Kattagari pack, a female can choose to call on to every viril male to try and sate her whilst she was in heat. If they could not sate her, she would throw them out and move on to the next. Raina had been his world and no matter how he sated her, the mating mark never showed. Completely bitter and unable to forgive her, Varyk went out that night and stood at the tent, disallowing anyone to enter. Fights broke out in mass proportions. After taking down quite a few of his family, he was ultimately thrown out of his pack. "I never thought you were this stupid pup..." His father said standing in front of him. Growling as the wounds on his back were vicious. His clan had no mercy on him or his heart. Even his own father had went against him. "Mark my words...when i return...her mate will DIE." With that he stood up and limped away, listening as his clan laughed and his love was taken by a lover that wasn't him. "I pray to the gods that you are never sated Raina." ~~~ New Orleans, present day Fixing his ball cap and rolling up his sleeves he entered the bar sanctuary where he sat every night to listen to the Howlers play and drink his beer untill he could believe he was drunk. Wearing a pair of worn out jeans, black and white converse, a white button up that was open in front and a black tank underneath. His jet black hair with white highlights was sleeked back into a low pony tail and a ball cap that said 'Rub me for Luck' on it. "Hey Aimee," He said as she set him down his next set of beers. "Remi in?" He asked. "No, hes gone for the night. He looked a bit green tonight so we sent him off." "ah..." He nodded as she walked away. Sometime him and Remi would sit and have a few beers but he guessed that he was alone. Sanctuary was the same as usual, musty homely feeling. And thats what kept him coming back every time.
Present Day, New Orleans Crimson Dream drew up to Sanctuary on a roar and a squeal of tires as she stopped her motorcycle in front of the club. Taking her helmet off, lush auburn curls fell down the length of her back and ended just where her pant line began, and she set the helmet on its hook. Swinging one black clad leather leg over the side, she stood up. Her pants seemed almost poured on her like a second skin and leather vest was molded over her ample breasts and down her torso. No one would ever be able to find where she kept her weapons hidden without giving her a through body search, and that wasnt ever going to happen. Walking to the door, Dev gave out a low whistle of appreciation and she smirked up at him, Eat your heart out, Bear. She kept moving forward and ignored his sexual comment as she walked into the club, her hips and ass swaying in time to the Howlers. There were a lot of looks sent her way, but she ignored them and her aura didnt give off the most friendly of vibes, so no one dared try to come up to her that didnt know her. She got to the bar and saw that there was only one open seat next to a guy with a ball cap that entertained her and another guy that just looked low. Taking the stool anyways, she rose up her arm and waved, Yo, Aimee, give me the usual! Mixed code for a drink and the information she needed. A good hunt was required tonight.
With ever breath he took, the man exhaled male dominance. His aura a deadly mixture of lust and 'fuck off', he pulled his cap down knocked back another drink. Most of the time he wouldnt have even looked at any of the women who entered this bar, but the scent of her...hit him like truck of money bound for mexico. Licking his dry lips he pulled his hat off and continued to stare down his drink as if he was fighting the urge to pounce her. "What the hell is wrong with me?...." It had been over 50 years since he had lifted his nose in a womans direction. And the fact that the woman that interested him was a dark hunter...was twice as bad. Her aura screamed 'Ill have your balls for ornaments before you see my bed'. And the last thing he needed, was to have his ass handed to him by a woman...but for this particular beauty...he just might put it on the chopping block for her. Running his hand through his hair, he pulled the hair tie out as he almost never pulled it back, he hated the way it pulled on his scalp in all the wrong ways. He'd rather let the long black hair hang and get tangled, then to have it pull on him. Gripping his empty bottle untill it almost broke he said to aimee. "Hold the human hair." That was a drink that would inebriate any human in one drink. But to were's and didnt matter. It had a burn that was so good, they had to put it on the list.
Aimee walked up with two drinks of human hair and put one first down in front of Varyk and the other in front of Crimson. "Hey Crimson, hows the big bad looking tonight?" Aimee leaned down in front of Crimson and whispered, even though she knew that some of the people around could listen in if they so choose. Mostly, she hoped that they would stick to their own business. Glad for the distraction from the man sitting next to her. When he took off his cap off, she nearly groaned from the way his long black hair fell down his back made her want to grab him and possibly fuck him like an animal. Where that came from, she didn't know, but she did know that there wereothertypes of patron in this bar that were more than human, he could very well be one of them. However, she swore a long time ago to never get involved in a relationship, but was still open for one night stands. Aimee pulled something out from her pocket and slid it over to Crimson, "here, this is from Ash. You be careful out there." Crimson took the envelope and ripped it open, after reading the contents and dropped something into her hand that she quickly hid in between her vest and her breasts. "Thanks Aimee, I'll see what I can do." Her voice had gone deep and poured out like honey, seductive and deadly. She was looking forward to the coming night. Picking up her drink, she knocked it back in one go and then slammed it down on the bar. As she turned around to walk away, she touched the guys head and rubbed, "A rub for good luck. Later." With that, she walked away and back out of Sanctuary. Stopping before Dev, she looked up him with a look and threw the keys to her motorcycle to him. "I'm on foot from here, Bear, make sure my Beauty gets home without a scratch or else I'll skin and tan your hide." At his nod of understanding, she turned left and disappeared down the street. The click of her heels fading into silence and the hunt was on. She had only gotten a few blocks from Sanctuary when she heard a low pain filled moan. Grabbing behind her back and under her hair, she drew down her two short Katana's. As she moved forward into the alleyway, she saw the group of Daimon's surrounding a threesome of women, one of whom was already on the ground dead, another who was in the arms of a Daimon, and the last who was cowering and surrounded while she was being taunted. Moving forward with swift grace, she killed the Daimon feeding on the woman and she sank to the ground. The others turned to look at her and the battle was on.
Completly dumbfounded, Varyk watched as the woman he had been purring for, walk out of sanctuary to do her partol. Varyk knew about dark hunters. He had never met their leader, but after a few run ins with Kyrian and Valerius a while back, he learned to steer clear of them. But when he touched was over for him, he had to know what she was about. Hearing her voice as she spoke to the bear at the door he wanted to howl in need for her. It took every ounce of his strength not to run after her and take her right there on the street, that and the idea of having his genitals ripped off...wasnt pleasing at all. Stealing her glass off the bar and leaving a large tip as usual, he walked toward the exit. "Dont do it man, that woman will eat you alive.." THe bear cautioned. Looking at him with a look of profound annoyance he said back. "And im pretty sure, that if she was doing it naked...we both wouldnt mind." With that Varyk followed after her. Keeping to the shadows and a long way back, Varyk easily followed her scent down to an alley. Staying at the end of the alley with his back leaned against the brick wall, he waited untill her business was done. He didnt really know what he was going to say or if he had anything to say at all... He just wanted to hear her voice again.
The woman ran when the Daimon's turned towards her, they didn't bother chasing after her as they faced Crimson. One of them laughed as he looked her over, "What's a short thing like you going to do against all of us?" The taunt made her lips pull up into a dark smile that had her own fangs showing. "Bigger isn't always better asshole, but I'm sure that you learned that while trying and failing at fucking a woman." She laughed with a wicked glee and her hands shifted with her katana's. "Or maybe its men you boys like, since I never see any woman with you." At her cutting remark, she was charged by the one who had first spoken to her and she dodged his attack by going under his arm and bringing up her back foot in a pivot that had her heel digging into his face and sending him on his back. The rest of the group charged her at once and she knew that she was at a disadvantage being six to one. She held her own fairly well, but as one attacked from the front, another attacked from the back and one of her katana's was sent spiraling out of her hand and she could feel as the bone in her forearm broke. She kept fighting, but at the feel of another Dark Hunter coming, she could feel her powers weakening.
Hearing the bones shatter in her arm, Varyk couldnt stand by anylonger. Though she would peobably be angry at him for intercepting her kill, he was going to do so anyways. A flash of light blinded those within the alley momentarily and there stood a large Lion. His mane seemed to glow with gold and light as he pounced on the daimons. His large claws shreading the clothes and skin as he pounded the daimons into dust. Stepping on her katana, he shoved it toward her as he moved to the next daimon and ripped his head off with his jaws. The mear size of him was enough to make the other daimons nearly piss his pants. Finishing off the last of the daimons to geather, he turned to look at her with big blue eyes...through the eyes of a wild lion. "I didnt mean to intrude on your fight...I just couldnt turn away." He said to her through telekenisis.
Crimson watched with a mixture of surprise and annoyance as the Lion appeared before her and began to kill the Daimon's. She didn't need help with anything, especially not from something of the male species. Leaning down, with her ass in the air, she picked up her fallen katana and hid them once again under her hair in their sheaths. When the lion finished and looked at her, she cocked an eyebrow at the intrusion of his telekinesis in her mind. "Big kitty want a cookie for intruding or would you like me to just skin you alive right here? Are you stupid or what, cat, for changing into form here where anyone could see you? The wolves are easy to hide in sight, since the human mind would think them tamed dogs or huskies. There is no way to explain a giant ass lion roaming around loose in the middle of the city." Highly agitated, she ran a hand through her hair and just looked at the lion, he was an extremely beautiful creature, she would give him that. However, she wasn't happy with his interruption of her hunt. Yes, she may have been in a bind, but she always landed on her feet in one way or another. Now she just had all of this restless energy stored up, much like she always did, now the hunt was all she lived for.
The rain fell steadily that night on Arkham Asylum. The Victorian former hospital, built of brick and steel, stood like a blight in the desolate area known as The Narrows, a slum in Gotham City. Deep inside, the troubled vagrants, volatile discontents, and devious monsters are treated, healed, and sometimes held for the benefit of society. Much to the excitements of many local psychologists, the hospital has taken on many of the later ever since the rogue vigilante, known as the Batman, began his unique style of vigilante justice upon the city. As the asylum begins to accept more and more dangerous felons, the administrations struggles to find a way to deal with the influx of unique, new patients. However, amongst the patients, one reigned supreme with the psychologists. Patient #1593156, known as the Joker, would often find himself with a line of visitors every day and one-by-one, he would see them all. Young up and coming doctors who all wanted to take a crack at the madman whos rampage nearly a year ago brought the city to its knees. One thing many of them first noticed is that he would see themwithout his makeup. The hospital staff would refuse him this, citing it as a trigger for his malcontented episodes. Truth be told, the staff citied him as the model patient, much to the chagrin of Commissioner Gordon who decreed the Jokers progress as nothing but a facade of the highest caliber. However, the doctors of Arkham discredited the policeman, their focus on their careers as Doctors who cured the Joker. As the rain poured, the Jokers cell was quiet. He sat, quiet, upon his crude mattress, looking out the window he watched as the clouds, lit up by the orange glow of the streetlights of Gotham, slowly passed over Gotham, blocking out the moonlight. Slowly he would stand up, dressed in his orange, Arkham Asylum patient outfit, and turn his focus on the door. Peering through the glass, he would smile and nod as the guards made their way up and down the hall. Hello. Charlie. He said as the young guard, Charlie Witkers, passed by. The guard turned and smiles at Patient#1593156 and retorted, Hello, sir. Glad to be out of the rain tonight? Haha. Most Indubitably, the inpatient replied as he watched the guard continued his duties, his lips resting from a smile to a more tensed grimace once the guard was no longer watching.
Alice didnt hear the sirens until she dropped the hole puncher. Not in her right mind, she confused the wails of the approaching vehicles with what she perceived as a distorted, metallic echo from her impromptu weapon hitting the floor. Once she realized what the sound was, she decided to drop to her kneesand drop she did, suddenly and without bracing herself. As she made contact with the floor, she slid a bit on something vaguely warm. Running a hand through her hair, she felt a sticky substance catch against the blonde strands. What the? Alice looked at her hand and saw that it was coated in fresh and dried Blood? Turning her attention to the floor, she realized her white knee socks were soaking up what was left of the battered man, almost unrecognizable as a human, beside her. Shaking her head, she experienced brief flashes of what shed done, but at the moment, she wasnt lucid enough to discern motivation. Alice jerked upright at the sound of fast, heavy footsteps echoing in a staircase. She whipped around to face the door just as the first officer stepped inside; he didnt have to open the door because she had kicked it in. Not quite 52 and, excepting a few flattering curves, having a lithe body type, Alice could never have done that by herself. But a hefty snack of the PCP-like compound she took before arriving at the scene had changed her. She was deceptively strong and in a drug-induced state of psychosis. When the first policeman entered the room, he stared at Alice, mouth slightly open. She was quite a sight. A mixture of her own blood and the blood of her victim decorated a good portion of her body. Dressed in her hacker clothessave for the black wig she had worn on the way in, which she had discarded before entering the officeAlices white button down and white knee socks looked particularly gruesome. She was also wearing a tie and plaid mini-skirt, her entire appearance discordant with the scene. Little lady," he began, "I need you to--" Alice grinned before, without a seconds warning, lunging at him. It would take three officers to subdue her enough to cuff her. Not surprisingly, rather than carting her over to the Gotham City Police, they carted her straight to Arkham.
"How's the kids. Little Thomas make the team?" the Joker asked, looking through the small slot on his door, watching the guard, Charlie, have his dinner as he turned on the evening news. "Yeah, he'll be their shortstop! We're all excited," Charlie began, setting down his TV dinner and turning towards the small, chest-high slot, "He's real excited, he just got into sports, but he's never done anything like little league." Meanwhile the small television on the guards desk. The news started out with another Batman citing, a grainy noise-ridden video of a man jumping between buildings 200 feet above the camera. While most of Gotham no longer denied his existence, the evening newscasters often turned into gosspis nightly. The Joker could only roll his eyes as the newscaster, a young man of around 30, continually denied the existence, calling the video just some kids doing that new "jumping craze from France...or something." "Still marvelous," Joker said under his breath as he smiled. After the death of District Attorney, Harvey Dent, the Batman has been on the run from the police. When he was hauled into Arkham by Commissioner Gordon, he was said to be in an persistent laughing fit. By that time, Harvey Dent had been found dead and the vigilante known as the Batman was responsible for multiple murders. A thin grimace lingered on Joker's face. He did not break the Bat. He broke Dent, but not in public. His devious acts as Two-Face were covered up...and despite multiple interviews, no one seemed to care that the Joker knew what really happened to ol' Dent. That story was followed up by an interview with Gordon, who defended his police department when questioned about the hunt for Batman. "We are actively searching for the Batman," Gordon began, looking off-camera during the interview, "But we have many other obligations to the city right now, we can't devote more men to go after one person when we have millions to look after in Gotham." And with that, the Commissioner moved into his squadcar and drove off. Carlie chuckled and pointed to the television with his fork, dropping some of his lasagna TV dinner onto the table. "They ain't catchin him," Carlie began, sliding more saucy noodles into his maw, "The Batman's too smart for them." "They want him here. They need him here. So long as he's here, I'll be here.." the Joker began as he lazily watched the news story about the theft at the Gotham Museum of Natural History, quickly losing interest. Though he had only been a patient here at Arkham for months, the Joker quickly felt a sense of unusual welcoming. He was quick to make friends with the vast majority of the patients, the ones who could hold a conversation, that is. When Jim Leek, a long time patient at Arkham, passed away in the night, the Joker was the one who said kind words about Leek during the Asylum's moment for Jim. Jonathan Crane, the former caretaker of Arkham and current resident, was known for his dislike of this new popular patient, however. No one had really figured out why, but the two of them would rarely be seen talking together. Some said that the "Scarecrow" was upset that his Asylum hosted an individual who was no more insane than any other man...just more motivated. Some suggested that Crane feared the Joker. He understood that a man like the Joker was always entertaining devious suggestions and inner demons and that they could be unleashed at any moment. Best not to be around when they do...
Alice still hadnt come down off the drug when they brought her in, a bloody mess in handcuffs, screaming at a volume you wouldnt think a person of her size could pull off. Her nonsensical raving was heard in more than one cell block, catching the attention of inmates and guards alike. Rather than causing a stir, it instilled an uneasy quiet in the building. Anyone who saw Alice brought in that night remembered the sight of her for weeks to come, some men even telling their wives about her over dinner when they went home for the night. Alice had struggled against the handcuffs so ferociously that she had dislocated a shoulder, and as such, her posture was a little off. This didnt stop her from fighting against the officers with as much strength as she had left in her. There was the obvious memorability of her look, a horror-movie-esque vision of gore paired with a miniskirt and knee socks. Then there was the question of her age. When the intake officer had asked her how old she was, she had given him a string of letters instead of numbers. She looked to be at least 18, but none of the doctors were certain. They decided it best to detain her for the night and try to get a sensible answer out of her in the morning. In order to reset her shoulder, Alice had to be sedated. She was put in an inmate uniform while she was under and would wake up, very uncomfortable, in the unfamiliar clothes. The next morning she would barely remember being brought into Arkham. She definitely wouldnt remember what she had told the officers or the doctors who had interviewed her when she came innot that any of it was really comprehensible. From what they had gathered, she thought she needed to stamp out someone. And it was that someone who got Alice caught. The police hadnt been alerted by any breeched alarmsAlice had disabled all the security remotely. But the sound of Alice slowly and brutally extinguishing her victim had been audible enough to disconcert some customers at the deli next door. Nmghh Alice moaned as she woke, rolling onto her side. The stiffness of the mattress was the first thing that alerted her to her new location. Opening her eyes, Alice let out a gravelly yelpher voice exhausted from its overuse as she sat up. She quickly scanned the room, blue eyes narrowed as they adjusted to the light. Where am? Alice moaned and covered her face in her hands, not needing to finish the question. She was in Arkham. Slowly, it dawned on her that what she thought had been nightmares were more than likely memories of what she had been doing less than 24 hours ago. The combination of the horror at that realization in addition to the dehydration brought on by her near overdose on medication caused her to be immediately, and violently, ill. It was the sound of her being sick that brought a guard over. Hey miss, he said, peering in at her with an apathetic glance, voice almost monotone. You alright in there? Alice didnt bother raising her head. Voice thick with misery, she said simply, No, and then was sick again. A doctor was called to check on her. By the time he arrived, Alices thinking had cleared a bit. She had to make a choice, and she had to make it quickly. It was highly unlikely that the drug she was on would show up in a blood test. Therefore, she could either admit to being sky high when she murdered that man, or she could let the doctors think she was suffering from a psychological disorder. The former would get her sent straight to prison, and in Gotham, that was, if not a death sentence, often a disfiguration sentence. By the time the door was opened to let the bespeckled, balding man in an overly starched coat into the cell, she had made her decision.
She was quite a sight, indeed. A feral beats being dragged down the halls, covered in blood and kicking and screaming. The Joker smiled to himself, watching her as the guards dragged her down the street. "Ahh....some new blood! And a fighter too! If she can formulate a sentence, unlike the rest of you mooks, then I found my new best friend," the devious one said as he closed the flap down and moved away from the door, laughing softly to himself. Many of the people here you couldn't talk to. Most were more interested in their self-obsessions...or just drooling all over themselves. But despite that, Joker knew that everyone could be a buddy...if he needed them to be. The next morning, Joker opened the flap to his slot again when he heard the new girl throwing up. Laughing to himself, he watched as guards and doctors all rushed her cell. Through their forms he could see glimpses of her, throwing up, making a huge mess in her cell. "Now she's done it," he said, throwing his arms up haphazardly, "That smell will never come out." Then, moving his lips closer to the slot, he yelled at the guards, "Get her a glass of water, sloth! Stomach acid is horrible for the teeth," he said as he smiled, his yellowing teeth glistening as he stifled a laugh.The guard marched away from her cell and, pulling out his nightstick, rapped it on the Joker door as he walked pass. "Don't tell me how to do my job, Clown. I don't tell you how to murder," the guard said as he passed the Joker's door to fetch some water. The Joker smiled as he walked back across his door, carrying a glass of water like he suggested. The Joker found himself very interested in this new patient. Usually he saw people carried in here, just comatose and dirty...she was covered in bloods and fighting. Very interesting, indeed. He watched anxiously, his cheek firmly against the door as he had one hand keeping the flap open and the other against the door to steady them. He waited for the guard to pass him again with the empty glass. "Hey, can you ask her to the prom for me?" he chuckled, mocking her schoolgirl outfit. No doubt she'd never see those again, the guards had a habit of discarding the in-patient's clothes upon arrival. This was a pet peve the Joker, as he watched the guards take his suit when he was first checked in. He remembered the guard, Victor Olet, and made sure he'd remember his face...for later.
Alice paced in her cell, not sure of what her next move should be. She had a decent background of psychology knowledge, so she had already decided on a disorder to emulate. Schizophrenia was easy, but it was such an obvious choice. Too obvious for comfort. She figured shed stick to Bipolar I Disorder with Psychotic Features. The symptoms a jury would eat upthe raving, the hallucinationswould be present, but she wouldnt have to act like a loon all the time. No, to be convincing with that disorder, all shed have to do is fly off the handle every once in a while, and then pair that by withdrawing and being unresponsive for a stretch. Damnit! Alice said, louder than she intended, hitting a hand against the wall of her cell. She couldnt believe she had gotten herself in this mess. Her specialty was cybercrime, because behind the scenes was where she thrived. Violence, on the other hand, was an anti-specialtiy. What on earth had possessed her, besides the PCP perversion, to kill someone? She shook her head. It wasnt coming to her yet, not clearly anyway. Her recollection was still frustratingly fuzzy as to why she had decided to venture outside the veil of code and silicon to actively assault someone. And with a hole puncher, she murmured, sitting back down on the bed, although it was really just a worse-for-the-wear mattress propped up by an unsteady excuse for a bedframe. Uncomfortably warm, Alice took the orange top of her prison uniform off, revealing a dark tank top underneath. For some reason they had let her keep her bra on, which made her smile even then, in a dark sort of way. Eventually theyd probably issue her some horribly unflattering, wireless monstrosity, but at the moment she was still sporting the push-up bra she had paired with her hacker uniform. That get-up was a private joke of hers. In public, Alice was shy and would never be caught in a sexualized school girl outfit. But in the privacy of her own electronic crime den, she could dress however she wanted. For a moment, her eyes brightened. At least they didnt catch me at my real she started to say quietly before putting a hand over her mouth. She was already talking to herself. Thats not good, she thought, deciding to distract herself by looking at the patients around her. Alice was a little embarrassed by her entrance and behavior in the morning, and as such had avoided drawing the attention of any of her fellow inmates by moving. Restless, Alice approached the end of her cell, trying to catch a glimpse of her peers-to-be.
"You clean up well, Alice," the Joker said, his eye looking at her through the food slot. "You'll have to excuse me, I overheard one of the doctor's shouting your name through the night. And what a night it was! You, looking like poor little Carrie, as the guards dragged you down the hall. Must say, I'm impressed, kid. And I don't impress none too easy." He licked his lips as he continued speaking. "Tell you what I'm going to do here," he began. "In a few minutes we all get to go outdoors for an hour or so, so we'll save formal introductions then. But I can tell you're going to need a friend here. You look like a deer in headlights. So unless you're one of those "comatose" broads, consider me a friend, Alice." And with that, he grinned through the slot and then let it close. That afternoon in the field, the Joker quickly approached her and extended a hand to her. He was unsure if she knew him, most didn't until they imagined white and red facepaint upon him. But she had no doubt heard of him - unless she was literally living under a rock. "Good. You made it. Wonderful," he said, licking his lips as he looked around. "Listen. This place here? It's not so bad. It has...central air, 3 meals, and more entertaining people you can count. But things are changing here. We get more and more violent offenders than pacifists. They are turning Arkham into another Blackgate, Alice. You're not safe here. I can help you out, get you things you can't normally get. Keep some of the scum here off of you....catch my drift?" His demeanor changed, his lips curving into a frown slightly. "Come now, speak up. I don't buy that story you gave the doc just now. Not one bit. I saw you when they dragged you in. That's who you are now. Not the little proper You belong here with us now, Alice." He began laughing softly, his eyes on her as he took a step back. He already took a liking to this one. Rarely did the place actually get woman, and already the Joker noticed some of the other malcontents eyeing her, noticing one small little man across the field in particular eyeing Alice intensely. They wanted her, the first non disfigured woman they had access to in months, perhaps years. She would be torn up in a place like this. Of course, she was dragged in here covered in blood, some of it had to have belonged to someone else. The Joker extended his hand to her and smiled, "You can call me Joker."
Alice eyed him carefully as he shook her hand. Being out in the open had made her much more defensive. She had put the orange shirt back on before going outside, doing her best to look as unappealing as possible. She saw the way the other inmates were looking at her. Understandably, it made her nervous. Incredibly nervous. She was surprised that she was being forced to mingle in with the general population, because while half of it appeared to be in a chemical haze of docility or inherently absent of an affect, the rest of the inmates were lively, most of them male, and many of them of an intimidating stature. The man shaking her hand was not of an intimidating stature, but the way he spoke and carried himself made him seem more untouchable than the hulking lunatics. Working as a cybercriminal had impressed one very basic tent of existence upon her again and again: nothing is for free. Indeed, she was often paid to enforce that principle. So when the man in front of her said he could help her out, it made her feel slightly uncomfortable. His standing within the asylum was already apparent. He had walked up to her without a moments pause, while the rest of the inmates who could be bothered to check out the fresh meat had congregated in clusters, inching towards her like dogs on a chain testing the limits of their restraints. When the Joker had walked over to her, they all retreated slightly, although some kept an eye on her as though they were waiting for the Joker to walk away and leave her open to attack. Alice shuddered, looking past the scarred man before her at some of the inmates. The only reason Alice was able to kill that man was because she was out of her mind on a PCP derivative that not only gave her an inhuman amount of energy but eliminated her sensation of pain. In here, she would have neither of those advantages. Its nice to meet you, Joker, she said evenly, her eyes widening once the final word left her lips. Joker?The Joker. Alice had to frown to keep the mix of awe and interest from candidly displaying itself on her face. To prevent guilt about her actions from catching up to her, Alice did her best to distance herself from knowledge of the criminal classes. But anyone who lived in Gotham, or who lived in the same state as Gotham, knew enough about the Joker to regard him as a pseudo-celebrity. Albeit a terrifying celebrity. I appreciate you taking the time to introduce yourself, she said finally, voice soft, a bit of fear making its way into her tone. Unable to help it, she once again glanced nervously at the men looking at the two of them. Perhaps it was just her feeling paranoid, but she thought they had all gotten just a little bit closer. You say you can help me out how? She looked back at him, watching his face as she asked, And at what cost?
"Look, I'm a people person. I can get you things. I can get rid of things just as easily," he paused for a second and smiled, chuckling, "It's all the same to me. You need drugs, that can be ar-ranged. You need someone killed...also ar-rangable. It's really not an offer, if you think about it. You either take my help or I throw you to the dogs and watch them tear you apart. That would be equally entertaining to me. As for what I get out of all of this...let's just say you'll work for me. I'm sure you'll have many traits we can barter over." He turned his head back to face some of the thugs behind them, taking note. "Lawrence, you take one more step and I'll make sure you daughter never gets to blow out those 16 candles on her next birthday." That's all it took for one of the thugs to suddenly lose interest in Alice for the time being and sulk back against the gate. "First of all, what's your story, Alice? Why are you here? And who's blood was on you?" he asked her. He actually had a good idea, most of the times he could get guards to spill the beans on new arrivals. But he was mostly interested in seeing what she'd say. He was curious to see what he was working with here. How could he use Alice to help further his goals here. It was then that they heard the sounds of whistles and they caught glimpses of guards pouring out into the field, ordering the patients back into their cells immediately. The place was on lockdown. "Uh oh, looks like we'll continue our delightful chat from our cells, Alice...." he said chuckling as he walked away from her, raising his arms with a wicked smile as he walked back inside. The place would be under high security for awhile now, for the guards have found a body. Victor Olet was found in the custodial closet, his face had been cut off his skull and floated in the bucket next to his body. His body was covered in lacerations and if not for the pool of blood leaking past the door and into the hallway, one of the nurses would have undoubtably just passed on by and poor Victor wouldn't be found so fresh.
When the Joker first started speaking, saying he was a people person, Alice relaxed slightly. He was acting friendly, and even though she knew she should be more on her guard, having someone be nice to her when she was feeling so scared and so vulnerable made her let down her defensive walls, just a bit. However, when he delved into the semantics of offer, she tensed, hands unconsciously clenching, a small frown appearing on her face until she noticed it and evened her expression. She should have, in all likelihood, been more concerned about the non-offer he was referencing, but the way he spoke was imbued with a casual confidence that disarmed her. He didnt seem like such a bad guy. Alice pushed the news stories she had been exposed to, the ones detailing his creative slaughters in an unflinchingly descriptive manner intended to sell more papers and retain more viewers, from her mind. This was a task she was a bit too good at, having practiced it for so long with the other criminals she had helped. When the Joker threatened one of the creeping dogs, Alices reaction was mixed: of course it disturbed her that he offhandedly threatened a fellow inmate, somehow made more disconcerting by the wit he laced the threat with, but it also made her feel secure. Provided she was amenable to sharing whatever skills it was he was interested in, he really could keep her safe. As they walked inside, several of the inmates got close enough to her for her to experience their signature offensive aspects, be it the smell of rotten breath or the stench of a uniform that had skipped a washing again. After reentering her cell, Alice sat on the mattress, waiting for the bustle of the location change to dissipate entirely. She now allowed herself an unreserved grimace. She was in trouble. This place, it could be big trouble. Biting her lip, she prepared what she was going to say to the Joker. So, my story, she peered out to his cell, checking to see if he was watching. When she was confident he was listening, she went on, Im here for killing someone. Specifically," her voice became more casual as she admitted, "for beating a man to death with a hole punch. Thats whose blood I was wearingthat son of a bitchs sludge ridden blood. Alices eyes widened at her own bitterness. Shaking her head, she went on, Thats the most of my story Im comfortable announcing through this flap. They caught me for that but, she couldnt suppress a wicked laugh, the sentence I might get for that is childs play compared to the sentence I should have. She paused a few moments, listening for any guards approaching. Im not a violent person. Thats not my forte. But I do have a skill or two that might be of particular interest to you. She shrugged, adding in a voice of mock-innocence, Its had a loyal fan base thus far.
"A hole punch?" he said, taken aback a little. "Sounds like a lot of work. And can the act, have violence in you. I can sense it. You can blame it on the drugs, but something inside of you drew you to end a man's life with a harmless office tool," he spoke very softly, grinning all the while as he whispered back to her. "And maybe he deserved it? Maybe the right thing to do was to end his life in such a mannor that it would send a message out to everyone that THIS is what happens when you try to fuck with me," his voice deeper and slower now. "So what can you offer me? And please don't say cigarettes. Everyone thinks I want cigarettes. No. It's a bad habit. And we can't let bad habits ruin this happy little place, can we?" As he spoke, he took a seat at his bed. The bed was made of hollow steel tubes. And as he waited for her response, he pulled out a blood makeshift knife he had made from one of the steel poles of his bed and screwed it back onto the bed, hiding it. In fact, had you not known of its existence, you'd never think of unscrewing the bed to look for a weapon. Truth be told, the security here at Arkham was fairly lax. Ever since Crane was caught, the Asylum's been in crisis mode, trying to cover up as much as they could from Crane's experiments. However, each patient was allowed to mingle with one another and, except for cell time, they could roam the public areas with ease. Of course, if the administration had any idea of what was happening inside Arkham now, they'd certainly begin talks of 'solitary' to begin separating out the agressive patients from the truly dangerous ones.
Alice cocked her head as he called her assertion that she wasnt violent an act.Is it? she asked herself. Shed never attacked anyone before, and she didnt enjoy her first experience with lethal violencenot planning it and not thinking about it in retrospect; she had very little memory of doing it, so she couldnt say how she felt about it at the time. She considered correcting the Joker, trying to impress upon him that she really wasnt violent, but she wondered if it was to her advantage for people to think she might turn on them and beat them to death with whatever was handy. Cigarettes? Alice laughed, genuinely amused. I dont smoke. And that is not what I would call a skill. No, she lowered her voice, I was talking about being able to do something no one else can. Alice listened carefully. She would want to hang herself if any of the guards heard what she was saying and connected it to the unsolved computer crimes from the an unidentified hacking menace. Plus, she didnt want any of them keeping a close eye on her. One upside to her appearance was the powerful advantage of underestimation. She went on, voice soft, I could disarm the security in this building without questionit would just be a matter of how long. Im quick at that type of cracking, much faster than your average techie miscreant. Im she sighed, hoping no one else was listening, a polymath of electronic mischief. Alice considered how detailed she wanted to be, unsure of whether or not hed even be interested in the specifics. Disarming security may not be a unique feat, but something youcould, she unconsciously emphasized the word could, reluctant to use the more affirmative can and lock herself into an agreement she didnt want, get from me that you cant get from other hackers is the scripts I use. I write my own programs. You cant prepare for an invasion from an entity that doesnt exist yet. I specialize in twisting security, confusing it and invading it without detection. Alice stepped back, shaking her head at herself. That was probably giving him too much information. Before she started working anonymously and selecting her own clients, shed had more than one gun pulled on her to ensure that her employer got to take full advantage of her skills. She didnt like that kind of pressure. It wasnt that she wasnt up for the challengeshe thrived on challenges, and they made her a better hacker. No, what bothered her was the coercion. Ever since she went underground, shed become especially averse to even the suggestion of coercion. Feeling too warm again, Alice took off her shirt and sat down, wondering what the Joker was thinking.
"Fascinating," he though to himself as he looked at her through the food slot. He could have a lot of fun if every cell were opened at once. There were certain inmates would could easily be relied upon to act as the Joker intended with minimal suggestion. Of course, now was not the best of times. With the building on lockdown, his "fun" was limited. But he had some ideas swirling in his head as he watched her remove her top. "I'll keep that in mind. I could have a use for that. Not now, mind you...but the skills you posses are quite valuable. I do have...something in store for this place. A celebration is approaching, if you will and you are now a part of it whether you know it or not." "Now who was the guy you broke? Ex boyfriend? Father? Oh, please tell me it was a priest!" he laughed at that before composing himself and continuing. "As I recall, you haven't done your medical examination yet. That will probably be after dinner, being that they just put you on observation for the first night and then do a full medical examination. On your way there, one of the guards will hand you a small box. Hide that box and when you are alone with the doctor, open the box near him or her....and then step away."
A priest? Alice smiled in a spite of herself. No, not a priest, she said quietly. The guy I broke Furrowing her brow, Alice wasnt sure how to answer. This time it wasnt a question of inability, as had been the case when she was trying to remember earlier that day-- she knew who the man was now. But she didn't want to give anyone, let alone the Joker, that much information about herself. The knowledge of the identity of her victim, if he could really be called such, had slowly dawned on her as the amphetamine worked its way out of her system, manifesting first as a feeling of hatred painfully edging its way into her consciousness. By the time all of the drug had been metabolized, she recalled why shed taken it in the first place. When she was a sophomore at GSU, her godfather was sent to Blackgate. And not long after being incarcerated, he was been stomped to death in his cell. Alice believed it a random act of prison violence and, while devastated, had no intention of carrying out retribution. Of course she wanted the person responsible dead, but her godfather wouldnt have wanted her to risk her freedom by going after a rabid inmate. Three days ago, however, while invading networks to find customers, she came across a bank account with a peculiar pattern of withdrawals. In retrospect, she wasnt sure what made her look into the consist payouts he thought he was hidingstupid bastard, she scoffed but it didnt take her long to connect him to the death of her godfather. That man she half smiled to herself as her mind scrambled to piece together the look of horror on his face as she had grabbed the hole punch and made it clear to him what his last minutes alive had in store had ordered a hit on everyone involved in a local operation that had been centered on, from what she could gather, something as mundane as a bank robbery. For whatever reason, he became disenchanted with the idea and had everyone involved in the planning of it offed. Although her godfather was jailed by the time the job was canceled, he was killed for his trouble. That manshe pictured him, on his knees, begging for his life until she smashed his slimy jaw apart to shut up himmay not have physically killed her godfather, but he ordered the hit. There were very few people in her life that Alice had grown to care for. Her godfather was one of them, wasthe one of them. He raised her selflessly since she was a small child and taught her a lot of what she knew that helped her make her living. Alice sat down slowly, a noticeable pause starting to form after her last words. What could she say to the Joker? That she found out who was responsible for her godfathers murder in the afternoon, and in less than 24 hours, she'd sought what she perceived to be justice? He was, ah, responsible for the death of someone I cared about. Voice slightly raised, she added, "Deeply cared about." Shivering, as if trying to shake from her body the memory of what she had done, of what had been done to her godfather, she changed the subject. The box whats in it? Alice wasnt prepared to start pissing off guards already, so she wasnt going to open something she needed to step away from without knowing what it was.
Killing to protect the ones you care about isnt immoral, its a duty to those you love, the clown said, his face stoic and his eyes looking at her, as if he were peering into her soul, When I was younger, I remember killing a man who tried to scam my mother out of some money. He made up some lovely story that she had accidentally ran over his dog and he demanded compensation. Well..I took a look under the car and didnt notice a thing. Not one speck of blood. So I went over to have a chat with the man. It was then that I saw, through his window, the dog he claimed my mother killed, he paused and smiled gleefully, as if he were about to unveil the twist in some grand mystery, Well I went inside and found the man, watching television and sitting in his underwear. The dog started barking incessantly, and no doubt was a disturbance to the neighbors. So I did the neighborly thing and stomped the small beasts head in until it would finally respect the neighborhood silence. The man was horrified. He lunged to his phone and started dialing. He got the 9 in, but I had his fingers broken before the first 1, he laughed under his breath. While he twisted and writhed upon the floor, I went into his kitchen and found a butchers knife. I went back to the man, he was in tears by now. And after kicking him on his back, I leaned over him, my feet on either side of his big, fat, stomach. And with one mighty blow, I left the knife in his chest. He was still struggling when I left. He smiled, his mouth full of dirty, yellowing teeth, his lips deformed and scarred over. It was a story he was quite fond of telling. For no other reason, it sent a message. A message that most people understood.those that were still with us, that is. Inside that box is a small gift to the doctor. He wanted something and I delivered. I cant speak directly of it. In fact, the less you know, the better. Plausible deniability and all. But needless to say its something he couldnt get outside. Its only something that could be procured inside these walls. Now be a good girl and deliver the package. The food slot closed once more. Unknowingly to Alice, the package contained the second part of a binary compound to make an effective nerve gas. Something he had worked on with Professor Crane. The Joker had never really been a fan of chemistry. He considered it unnecessary for his line of work. But when he read the stories of Dr. Cranes chemicals and their effect on people, it piqued his interest. He found it easy to kill people, hes been doing it most of his life. But perverting people, altering them, making them changethat was more to his liking. Nothing brought a smile to this mans face like watching a well-to-do deteriorate into an uncivilized beast, dropping their morals and doing whatever is necessary to survive. The land was, and will never be, for the meek so long as he roamed these lands.
The less you know, the better. That may be, she kept her tone casual, one of the most inaccurate clichs in existence. She sighed, trying to keep her voice from betraying nervousness. When is itever better not to know? Admittedly, Alice had a particularly strong opinion on that front. She made her living proving the fallibility of that mantra, and in so doing, her actions had reaffirmed to the point of certainty that ignorance, no matter how comforting, was never a good thing. Never. She was willfully ignorant of what her crimes had done to the people around her, and look where that had landed her. Perhaps not the most direct correlation I can make, she mused,but it's true. Despite opening with a defiant line, the Joker had spooked Alice. The hair on her arms stood up when he talked about breaking a finger; by the time he got to leaving the man with the knife in his chest, Alice had gone rigid with trepidation. Had the Joker not started off with the dog story, Alice might have outright refused to have anything to do with the box. As it was, he got to that part next. Good girl, she had grumbled, leaning her head against the wall for a moment before finding it uncomfortable and sitting awkwardly upright. Her mouth was turned down as she thought over his dismissal of her question. She did not want to deliver the box. She didnt want to open the box. She didnt want anything to do with it at all. Alice begrudgingly acknowledged that already this could be a defining moment in their interaction. He was giving her an outright order, with no obvious benefit to herself, to do something that was almost certainly going to get her in trouble. He was that secure in his influence over her, an influence he had cultivated in only a few hours. She shook her head. No, no, I can't deliver that stupid box. He had started the conversation with a threat, so she knew he wouldnt take a refusal lying down. But she was never a good girl in the sense that he was using. She may have been shyam still shy, she corrected herselfbut she had always been feisty. A gift to the doctor, you say? You dont even know the gender of the doctor Ill be seeing. Alice shook her head, blonde hair starting to feel heavy.When do I get to take a shower?she wondered. Biting her lip, Alice's teeth caught on a scab forming where the man, thrashing as he died, had slugged her across the mouth. When the Joker didnt respond to her, which she expected, she went on at a conversational volume, If you want to omit information from me, Ill respect that. But I havent even known you for a day and youre already lying to me? Thats not a good way to start things. Alice swallowed hard.Things? Really? she chided herself, feeling utterly powerless. She hit her head against the wall gently, the action still sharply knocking her teeth together. When she felt secure that, at least for the moment, the Joker had no intention of addressing her concerns, she became reflective. The discomfort of the wall had stopped bothering her enough that, after striking her head against it, she held the position, her neck bent at an almost uncomfortable angle. Closing her eyes, the unevenly textured wall grasping at strands of her hair as she tried to shift to a more relaxed position, she mumbled, It wasnt protection though. My godfather was dead years before I killed that man. Hearing herself say that made the hair stand up on her arms again. She had killed someone. Physically ended someones life. Gotten his blood all over her. Over something had happened years ago. Granted, what that man did set into motion the worst event she'd experienced that far in her life, but she had beaten him with the savagery as if he had killed her godfather in front of her the day before.But I'm not a violent person. I'm not, she told herself, closing her eyes harder, trying to decide what she'd do when they came to collect her for the medical examination.
Dr. Spelding made his way down the aisles of Arkham, the overhead lights flickering as he passed cell after cell. He was called in from Gotham Medical to evaluate a patient who was brought in late last night, too late to perform a medical examination. Passing checkpoint after checkpoint, Dr. Spelding paused a moment when he passed the Jokers cell. He remembered that man, the man who nearly killed him in an explosion that rocked his former hospital. The sight of him, even without his facepaint, made his skin crawl. As he checked his clipboard to make sure he had the right patient. This one, Drawls, he said, pointing at Alices door. Bill Drawls, another guard opened up the door, revaling Alice to the doctor. Smiling, Spelding extended a hand to her, helping her to her feet. Alice? My name is Doctor Alan Spelding. Im going to be executing your medical examination. Is that alright? He had no idea what kind of mental state she was in. Often he was used to having patients berate, or even accost him, during their evaluations. One time, he performed an evaluation of a man who threatened to eat his bones, another time he had a female patient sexually accost him, and then there was the Jokers examinationthat one left him oddly feeling violated and exposed. Once she was on her feet, he started to make his way to the examination room. It was then that Drawls turned to Alice. His eyes looked at her intensely, perhaps to make sure she wouldnt try to use this moment to escape. His hand ducked slowly into his pocket as he reached inside to reveal a small white jewelry box, the kind one would buy to package a ring in. Setting it on the floor in front of her, he focused on her and took a step back. Best not to keep the good doctor waiting, Drawls said, his voice timid. It was then that Drawls looked behind him at the Jokers cell. The food slot was open and the patients eyes, encircled with dark, tired skin, was watching him deliver the package. The slot slowly closed and the Joker sat up, smiling wickedly to himself, looking at his own reflection in the doors view window.
Is it alright? she asked, speaking mostly to herself, eyes narrowed. Do I have a choice? Alice mentally scolded herself for being rude to the doctor, even if he hadnt heard her. Those superficially polite faux-questions aggravated her. Still, he was taking out her frustration on Dr. Spelding, frustration he had nothing to do with cultivating, and that wasnt fair. Alice tried to even her expression, looking as neutral as she could manage. Just as she had gotten her facial muscles under her control, she saw the guard set down the tiny box. All of her silent work was undone, overcome with an abrupt frown. The Joker would know if she didnt take it, so she had to do that much at least. Touching it with a gentleness and dislike as though it were coated with broken glass, Alice carefully put it in her jumpsuit. Glaring so fiercely at the guard that he flinched, Alice left her cell and tried to decide what to do with the box. She refused to allow herself to look towards the Joker. Alice padded quietly down the hall, watching the doctor with a detached look intended to mask her apprehension. So focused on trying to determine what to do with the item the Joker had forcefully entrusted her with, Alice was unaware of the jeering of the inmates as she walked by.I have to warn him right? she asked herself. And then her gray hat hacker morality kicked in. Kicked in almost physically, manifesting as a twitch of relief skipping across her expression. Immediately the pre-remorse she had been fearing slipped off her shoulders, replaced by a calming sensation of intellectual apathy. Her godfather had indoctrinated her into the gray hat hacking way of life. Unbeknownst to herself, she quickly took that shaky base of an ethical foundation and generalized it to her everyday life. She could be a good person if it benefited her, but if it benefited her to behave otherwise, shed do that with just as much ease. Alice didnt enjoy doing the right thing or doing the wrong thing she justdid things. For fun, for moneyit didnt matter. Exhaling deeply for the first time since the Joker had closed his food flap and ended their conversation, she sighed out the last remnants of the guilt shed been harboring in anticipation of completing her assigned task. Alices dislike at being compelled to deliver whatever it was she was hiding in her jumpsuit had distracted her from the task itself. True, she didnt want to get in trouble. But she also didnt care if the doctor got hurt if that kept her from getting hurt. Her thoughts no longer clouded by the uninvited question of morality that had been lingering since her intake, Alice came up with an idea. A back up plan of sorts. Looking around for security cameras, which were obvious in their placement, she chose a spot where she would be in direct view of the feed. She immediately stopped walking, halting so suddenly that the guard bumped into her and knocked her down. Bracing herself, once on the ground, grimacing at the sensation of her bones connecting with the cold, scarred floor, Alice quickly set the box on the ground in front of her. She counted to two, holding it in plain sight, to control for any delays in the footage capture, and then put it back in her jumpsuit. Neither the doctor nor the guard noticed the boxand if someone was watching the footage in real time, they wouldnt notice it either. And that was the point. As she stood, Alice saluted the camera. If something very bad did come about from her using the boxif I choose to use it, she reminded herselfshe could say she was coerced, hoping that the elaborate bit she did there would show that she was trying to indicate that she had the item and didnt want it. Standing on her own, Alice looked up at the doctor. Maybe if he was nice, shed be swayed, but at the moment, she was more than ready to set down the item she had flashed for the camera and back against the wall, leaving him to fend for himself.
The Joker sat solemnly in his cell, staring at the textured paint upon the bricks across from him. His lips curved into a grin as he reflected. Oh, simply dont throw away such an amazing suit like that And with that, he cackled and stood up from his cell, slowly walking towards the door, peering out the food slot and seeing the guard. Hello, Charlie. Well Alice, Dr. Spelding said as he closed the door behind them, How are you feeling? I mean, aside from sores and bruises from the police last night, are you feeling ill? Unusual at all? He had her sit on the examination table across from him as he began looking over her medical records. Flipping through the pages, often looking at the same page multiple times, he sighed as he set the file down and moved over to her. Taking his stethoscope, he began listening to her heart. Soon he moved to take her blood pressure, weight, the whole deal. He wrote everything down, and when he closed the file and sat it down on the table next to her, he spoke frankly. Weve decided to keep you here at Arkham Asylum while your treatment is underway, Alice. I apologize for not getting here late last night, but there are some special rules here at Arkham. Ever since the, ahem, Crane incident, weve been reviewing all security protocols and have adopted some of Blackgate prisons procedures in dealing with the influx of violent patients weve been receiving lately. First off, you are allowed to have visitors between ten in the morning until noon. Breakfast is at eight, lunch at one, and dinner at seven. From one until six, you are allowed to be in the commons areas. That includes the mess hall, dining hall, lounge, and the field outside. You are not allowed to touch any of the guards, doctors, or administration. And lastly, we are treating very volatile people here. Interfering with their treatment will be delt with and serious ramifications will be handed down for interfering with the doctors and their work. Spelding had seen the vast majority of the recent patients here. Ever since his predecessor was found murdered in his apartment, Speldings career had skyrocketed as he published paper after paper on the many emotional facets of Arkham Asylum. He was making the rounds at the late night talk shows and he was gearing up to publish what he considered to be his legacy, The Joker and Emotional Instability, as the only doctor with exclusive permission to treat the Joker, Spelding was positioned to profit more than the hundreds who visited the clown daily. He had been seen boasting to the guards about how he was going to retire, leave Gotham, and settle on the West Coast, in a small beach bungalow. In fact, the guards were actually getting tired of hearing Speldings plans. So Alice, your vitals look good, which is a relief, Spelding began, I mean, sometimes patients have serious lacerations and bruises. That Batman packs a punch. He chuckled before finding his composure again. Well, I mean.anyways Spelding seemed to get a little nervous, looking to the door, making sure no one was watching them before he continued. I hear you have something for mea small box, yes? Give it here, his voice taking a softer yet darker tone.
Alice did her best to control her flinching as he took her vitals. She didnt like being touched. She wasnt sure when or why it had startedmaybe from her godfathers lack of physical displays of affectionbut regardless, she did not like people putting their hands on her unless they had explicit permission. And even then, the liking was relative. Shed had a few boyfriends in the past who she was more than happy to let touch her, but getting to that point took time. Something as common as shaking with someone the first time she met them made her grimace, although Alice had since gotten that overt expression in that instance under control. Her purposeful vacation from touching and being touched also made her unusually sensitive to physical contact, especially when it involved bare skin. Thankfully, the doctor was wearing gloves. True, the latex wasn't all that different from the feeling of skin when it brushed across her back as he moved the stethoscope, or when he turned her cheek so he could shine the pinpoint light into her eyes, but still... if he had tried any of those moves bare-handed, she'd probably have hopped right of the table. As he detailed the visitors policy, a sad sort of amusement swept over Alice. Visitors? There was no one who would visit her. That fact served to enhance her discomfort with being stuck in Arkham. There truly was no one out there who would know to check up on her.I need to find a way to keep that from being public knowledge, she thought to herself, looking down at her small feet swinging off the edge of the table. After all, she imagined that some of the nasties trapped in here would feel significantly reduced reservation with having a go at her if they knew there were no outsiders checking up on her. Sighing, Alice looked up from her feet and back at the doctor. It was then that he asked for the box. Alices entire demeanor changed. She displayed what she was thinking more candidly, affect changing as a feeling of disgust weaved its way through her.Corruption rampant on Day 1, she mused, narrowing her eyes at him. Its funny you should say that doc, on the heels of reviewing the strict safety protocols and such. She took the box, holding it gently in her palm. As you can see, yes I do have it." Alice looked at the box, not setting it down. I wasnt told what was in it though." Alice jumped quickly off the table. "So, she glanced at the door, walking to the opposite side of the room as the doctor, whats in it? Truth be told, Alice really did not care what was in it. But before she handed it over, she wanted to know what she was going to be trapped in the room with. A self-directed sardonic smile crossed her lips. What could it possibly contain that would be dangerous. Still, the Joker had told her to take a step back, and shed feel much better setting it in front of the puffed up hypocrite if she knew what he was expecting.
The doctor quickly snatched up the little box in his hands, holding it like a father would his son after having through hed lost his child forever. He struggled to hold back his smile, occasionally letting his teeth gleam in a grin. He finally had it, something he had wanted for the longest time. His attentions were soon back on Alice, who was now on the other side of the locked room from him. Clearing his throat, he regained his composure, smoothing out any wrinkles on his lab coat before speaking. This.this box is a gift from the Joker. It contains the remnants of Victor Zsaszs teeth he lost in a fight with the Batman. I dont know how he got them, but he did, and he told me hed give them to me, Dr. Spelding said as he sat the box down beside himnot too far from him though. Victor was once a patient here, before my time. I guess you could say hes kind of the first of his kind, a murderous killer who would cut himself with tally marks after each kill. Well, this is where the box comes in. Once Victor was out of places on his skin, he had to get creative. So, taking a small knife and some hydrochloric acid, he began to etch additional tally marks into the backs of his teeth. That way, he could savor each kill by simply running his tongue over his teeth. Spelding smiled as he sat up a little, trying to look a little more professional. Itll all be in my paper on Zsasz, which I expect to submit for peer review later this month. The Joker has really been a gift for me here, hes given me insight to so many different patients here. If he werent a murderous psychopathic clown, hed make a decent psychologist. Spelding laughed at the joke he perceived as witty. When he noticed that Alice wasnt reacting, he cleared his throat and picked up the box. Well then, lets take a look he said as he opened the box. It was then that a burst of yellow dust exploded in Speldings face, much to his chagrin. He dropped the box, which contained no teeth but a small balloon filled with yellow powder which popped upon opening. What is this!? Spelding said as he looked to Alice, his teeth clenched as as moved towards her, What did you do with the teeth!? You stupid, dumb, little bitchI can keep you locked up here for all time, you know!!! The man shouted at her. As he took another step, Spelding began to notice that he was sweating a little more than usual. Wiping his brow of the perspiration with his hand, he began to breathe deeper. Looking at his hands a moment, he soon turned his attention back to Alice. You dirty cunt. he began, edging closer, No matter, I can always just takeyourteeth and mark them up to look like his. No one will know the difference! Spelding took another step, no longer fearing any repercussions of his actions. He would have his teeth. It was at Speldings next step that the room suddenly went dark. In fact, the whole Asylum went dark. Had the examination room not been soundproofed, both Spelding and Alice would have heard everyone outside in the cells yelling and hollering.Except for patient # 1593156, his cell was dead silent. Inside the examination room, Alice could hear Spelding breathing deeper and deeper. He gasped at the air and fell silent. The room was pitch black and silent. It was only a moment though until Alice felt someone grab both of her arms by the wrists and move her from the edge of the room back into the center. She would hit the edge of the examination able, her chest on the soft cushion, bending over. Before she could move, the person was behind her, leaning over her and keeping her against the examination table. Dont move, the man said as he pressed something against her neck. It was a small scalpel, one youd expect to find in the surgery room here at Arkham, not the examination room, where sharps were not permitted. Move and youll die, he said as the edge of the blade pressed further against her neck. One of his legs kicked hers aside, forcing her so spread her legs a little. The blade firmly against her flesh, the assailants other hand began to creep down her side until it could sweep under her, caressing her between her legs through her Arkham uniform.
Alice could not easily recall a time she had been more disoriented in her life. The doctor going from a composed academic to a foul-mouthed lunatic bent on getting her teeth then the strange box expelling powder from a balloon, followed by darkness and now the scalpel and the stranger. What kind of place was this? Had the man accosting her been just a bit quicker getting her to the table, he would have gotten a one-sided earful of screaming. Lucky for him, by the time he roughly guided her over, Alice was certain the room was soundproof. Very recently certain she still had her mouth open in anticipation of crying out. After he pressed her head against the table, though, she knew that should have been the sound ofsomething, anything going on outside. But there wasnt. All she could hear was breathing, strange uneven breathing, which she couldnt quite place, in her haze of fear and confusion, as the doctors or belong to the man holding her down. Who the fuck are you? she asked, surprised at her own mouth. When she got nervous, Alice tended to curse. She wasnt proud of itin fact, if anything the profanity was amusing when spoken in her voice rather than even the slightest bit intimidatingbut its how she was. Alice, to distract her own self from what was going on, wondered how someone got in that room. It wasnt particularly large.Augh, these guards!, she thought angrily. Of coursewho else could have gotten in there? First they give her a stupid box filled with powder poison, and now one of them is in the room, teasing her legs apart while holding a knife to her throat!Might even be that jerk who brought me here in the first placeIt almost made her want to join ranks with the Joker. Alice briefly weighed the pros and cons of her three possible routes of resistance. There was the obvious, active route of fighting. The cold steel tracing a crooked line down her neck, almost making her cut herself with a shiver, was a solid voice of reason against that route. However, the other two options were passive, leaving the final call in his hands. In her limited experience with hold ups, Alice had found it was nice to know how serious a death threat was. The person threatening you with death probably wouldn't off you immediately, at least not in a situation like her present one. Indeed, a kid cornering her in an alley in The Bowery had almost started crying once she put him in a position where he either had to stab her or admit defeat.But this, she made a frightened noise of resistance as he continued to touch her,is not a kid. Taking a deep breath, Alice prepared to try the direct route. Since her assailants other hand, the one not pressing a blade into her skin, was being used to violate her, Alice had a tiny opportunity to escape, provided she could use his distraction at assaulting her to delay his other hand from slitting her throat. Blinking once, realzing she was near tears, Alice ducked her head in the opposite direction of the knife while his non-weapon hand was distracted and then swept her head down and in the other direction to get away. She didnt really think this through, of course. While the shock of her impromptu resistance did not end in her being gutted, Alice was immediately aware that she wasnt sure exactly how far from the table she had gotten, let alone how close she would be to getting out of the roomif I can even remember where the door is. Fuck, she said, and then clapped a hand over her mouth. Announcing her positionthat was a great move. Stellar work, Alice.The man who had been accosting her was completely silent. Alice took a tiny step to the right, thinking that was around where the doctors body was.Maybe I could hold him up as a shield if the guard tries to stab me. Another stepnothing. Inhaling as quietly as possible, Alice took a third small step away.
Its when Alice took that next step back that she bumped into her assailant. Standing behind her, he left her no chance of reacting to this discovery before his arm wrapped around her neck, holding her against his body. The other arm went behind her head, forcing her forehead down. This was a move meant to subdue, to deprive the victim of oxygen and move them into unconsciousness. She could flail all she liked, she could scream, but she would not break this hold. Within a few seconds, she would fall limp, unconscious in her assailants arms. It was only then that the man would let her go, letting her body fall to the floor like a ragdoll. His breathing was irregular, but not labored. Youre not going anywhere, the assailant said as he leaned down to pick up her body. When she awoke, she would find herself back on the examination table. The room was still dark, and the room was silent. If she would struggle, she would soon find herself restrained. Often the patients were unruly, so the hospital had a set of restraints attached to the bed, large leather belts that would hold a patients limbs down. And thats how Alice would find herself, tied down to the examination table, her wrists and ankles bound to the table. Her arms were over her head, her legs were spread. As soon as she moved, her assailant stood up, noticing she was awake. He moved towards her, standing at the end of the table, reaching his hand out, finding her neck, and drawing it down her body. He traced out the valley between her breasts, down her firm stomach, and finally down her torso until he was once again caressing her sex through her uniform. He reached back for her neck, caressing her, running the back of his hand against her skin. She would feel him tug on her shirt, almost lifting her body up against her restraints as he pulled up on her tanktop. However, as the scalpel met the fabric, the sound of cloth tearing filled the room, following by Alices body landing back on the table, her breasts now exposed to the cold, dark night air. Her assailant smiled to himself as he took the blunt edge of the blade and drew it over her body, pressing hard on her skin, letting her know where he would cut her if he needed to do so. He traced down her body, and let the blade trace around her breasts, flicking one of her nipples with the steel. Once the blade reached the hem of her pants though, he wasted no time in slicing those off as well, ripping the fabric when necessary and discarding the orange jumpsuit to the side as he left her in nothing but her panties, strapped to the table. He had plans for Alice
Alice whimpered softly as she tested the restraints on her arms and legs. They were solid, making uncomfortable ridges in her soft skin.This cannot be real, she thought, realizing that she must have been crying before she passed out: the space around her eyes was uncomfortably wet.Dont cry, Alice, dont cry, she urged herself, biting her lip very hard to distract herself from the emotional torment that was starting to take over her senses. Stop she cried out as he slid the back of his hand along her bare skin. Her entire body shuddered at the touch, her dread at the unfamiliarity of the sensation enhanced by the pitch black, soundless prison; Please she didnt manage to get the stop part of the plea out as he carefully drew the knife along her torso, the cold steel such a jarring sensation in the dark that she wasnt positive hehadnt cut her; Stop, please, stop she said more urgently as he traced the blade around her breast, whimpering when he pressed the steel against her nipple; Stop it! she finally shouted, the sound interrupted by a sob as he cut off the rest of her uniform. Biting her lip harder, she listened in horror at the sound of her own anguished voice as it resonated and dissipated in the otherwise silent room. She was surprised by the sound of it, an unfamiliar mix of terror andanger? Was that what it was? Or panic. Alice wasnt a tough girl, not really. She had a smart mouth, but if he pushed hard enough, shed break and behave. Does it make you feel like a man, retraining an unconscious girl so you can molest her in the dark? Alice used the word molest, spoken through gritted teeth, because she wasnt willing to even entertain the possibility of it going farther than that. True denial had lasted right up until he cut off everything but her panties. Now that he had gotten to that point, his intentions horrifyingly apparent, Alice panicked. She really didnt want to beg. She abhorred begging. It just made her feel dirty. Her only other option, as she saw it, was asking questions. They were a good distraction. Outright begging wasnt as effective at delaying an assailants action because that kind of communication could be ignored, made into a perverted soundtrack for whatever they were planning. Questions, though. Those were like skips in the musicjust jarring enough to slow things down. Although Alice had never been strapped to an exam table and had her clothes sheared from her body before, shed been in more than one situation where shed chosen questions, and she was alive to talk about it. The obvious question of What do you want? was beside the point now. The first time he forced his hands against her sex, she could have pulled it off. Maybe even if shed been coherent enough to form words before her sliced through her tank top, she could have asked him then. Leaving her naked except for her panties, though, restrained with her legs spread, made the answer to that too apparent to warrant a question.Moving on, she told herself, imagining her internal voice beginning to become unsteady with fear. Feeling hot tears leak out of the side of her eyes, Alice shut them. It didn't matter-- she couldn't see anything either way. Before he could touch her panties, she said quietly, Please dont do this. Is there anything,anything you want from me that I can give you instead of she swallowed a sob before adding weakly, this?
The man remained silent. He ignored her pleas and sobs as he continued to explore her body, fingertips rounding ever corner, descending down every valley, riding ever ridge. He licked his lips as he slid two of his fingers into his mouth, his tongue sliding over his digits as he licked and coated them with his saliva. Once removed, he was quick to move the fabric of her panties aside with one hand, and began rubbing at her sex with his wet fingers, coating her womanhood with his spit. Caressing around her pussylips, he would test the waters by sliding in a finger, just a knuckle deep, inside of her, feeling her pussy grasp at his finger. This lasted only a minute as soon he slid both digits very, very deep into Alice, forcing her to spread for him. Once his fingers were buried inside her slick sex, he turned his hand until the palm was facing upwards and, after curling his fingers slightly, began to pump his digits in and out of her, his thumb rubbing up against her clit each time he buried his index and middle finger deep inside of her. He continued this, invading her body with his fingers, violating her as she writhed helplessly in the silenced room. Though she could not see, a grin was upon her assailants lips as he felt her pussy tighten about him. She might resist, but she no doubt was being affected by being touched by a man. As he pulled his fingers from her, he could feel them soaked with her wetness, just as he desired. One arm goes to rest by her side as he leaned over the table to her. She could feel his breath on her, the hot air blown over her soft skin. Reaching for her, he smeared her own juices over her lips, coating her with her own essence as if to see Struggle all you like, your pussy doesnt lie to me, Alice. Its then Alice could hear him begin to shuffleno.he was undressing. He pulled his shirt off of his chest and tossed it to the corner and soon followed by his pants and, finally his boxers. He stepped up to her, positioning himself between her legs, inches from her dripping slit. He held his hand to his face and Alice could finally hear him as he spit on his hand, reaching down to begin stroking his hardening cock, slathering his manhood with his saliva. His free hand went to grasp at the strings of her panties as he roughly tore them from her, the fabric snapping and quickly removed, leaving her nude and vulnerable. He set the panties down on her stomach as he stepped closer. Grasping at his cock, he edged closer as Alice soon felt the bulbous head of his cock against her lips. The swollen head would rub against her lips, collecting more juices upon the tip. He was ready, but he held back, listening for her reaction to the upcoming heinous act that she was about to be subjected to.
Every time his fingers brushed against her skin, Alice felt as though mild, but unpleasant, electricity was being sent through her body. Her senses were in overdrive. She regretted having prevented people from touching her for so longperhaps it would have made this more bearable. Please please, dont she moaned as his fingertips violated every inch of her skin.Why hasnt anyone turned the lights back on?she wondered desperately. Someone had to stop him.They have to.This was her first full day heretheres no way she could get fucked against her will that soon. The first time he touched her naked sex, she cried out wordlessly, ashamed. Once he pushed a finger inside her, even just up to the knuckle, she moaned, No please... please, no. His lack of a response to all of her pleas made the attack that much more terrifying. At least if he had told her to shut up shed know he was listening to her. When he slid two fingers deep inside her she arched against him. Youre youre hurting me, she said plaintively, trying to moved out of his grasp. Of course the effort was wastedthe restraints were more than adequate. It was unbearable enough that he was forcing his fingers inside her, but as he rubbed her clit, her body rebelled. She desperately wanted him to stopwhich she said every few seconds, with varying phrases and volume. But she felt herself getting wet at his touch, even though it was painful as he forced fingers in and out of her. No longer concerned with hiding her shame, Alice began to cry openly. Her begging clearly hadnt affected him so she resorted to doing the best to stifle her sobs and try, in vain, to squirm out of his grasp. When he took his fingers out of her sex, her body already aching from being so tense, she was not prepared for him to wipe her own wetness across her lips. The loudest sob she had made thus far emanated from her lips, lips which were now sticky with her own essence.No, no she moaned softly. She had no control over how her body was reacting, but she was too ashamed to say so. It didnt matter to him. As a distraction from the horror of what was happening, Alice set her mind on trying to figure out who was doing this to her. Alice felt like she was being purposefully ignorant. It just didnt make sense that a guard would go through all the trouble to trap her in there with the lights out when he could make her go anywhere. Even the one that had given her the box Noooo!Alice thought to herself, unable to breathe for a minute. Despite the humiliation that had already arrested her senses, Alice felt fresh tears form in her eyes as she realized who it was.Stupid, stupid, stupid,she chided herself, trying to keep from crying audibly.Oh no, you never should have delivered that box! Alice moaned aloud. It was so obvious who it was.No.should she call him by name? Would that stop him? Absolutely not. In fact, it might make things worse. A new wave of fear washed over her, causing her to shiverhe might have even thought she was shuddering at his touch. He had gotten to her on Day 1 she let out an audible sob at that awareness. Alices mind was diverted to the present with a violent sense of panic as she heard him undress. Oh, god, no When she heard him spit on his hand, she repeated herself, louder and adding, Please dont.Please! Once he ripped her panties from her body, she started screaming even though she knew no one could her hear her. Maybe it would force him to keep his face away from hers. When she felt the tip of his cock press against her unwillingly wet sex, she was silent for a few seconds, gasping. Thrashing as violently as she could muster, she cried out, Please, dont do this. Ill do anything you want. She felt like a clich but her mind was so arrested by panic that she was lucky to be able to get any words out at all. P-please! Sobs had begun to wrack her body, enabling only nonsensical begging.
His veiny tool invaded her, pushing deep inside of her, taking her. He sight softly as he felt his hips meet hers, his cock fully inside of Alice, spreading her. The feeling was incredible. Each time she flailed her legs against her restraints, he felt her tightening up, squeezing his cock. He leaned over, hands on either side of her chest on the examination table, and began thrusting into her. He started slow, waiting until his cock was coated with enough of her honey and her pussy was dilated enough to take him easily. This wouldnt take long and soon, the assailant was thrashing against her, slamming his hips and forcing his dick deep inside of her with each powerful thrust. Pounding her, he was taking her violently in the dark room, thrusting into her slutty dripping cunt. He smiled to himself at her offers. What could she offer that he wasnt taking now? He felt incredibly good inside of her. She was tight, but he would jar her loose. Drops of sweat would begin forming on his forehead, one droplet rolling down his chin and landing upon her breasts. Despite her cries, her pussy told a different story. She was dripping wet and ready, and the ease by which his cock penetrated her was her true feelings. He thought she was secretly enjoying this, at least to some degree. However, her cries began to grate on him. He never let up on his tempo, his cock sliding in and out of her fully with each thrust, never skipping a beat. However as he heard her start wailing he shook his head. He reached down for two items, her torn soaked panties and some duct tape. He reached down and grasped at her neck, tightening his grip on her and depriving her of oxygen, choking her. He held his hand on her throat, holding tight to her as he rocked her body, her tits swaying with each thrust of his meat. Before she would pass out, he would abruptly release his grip on her neck. When she gasped for air, those soaked panties were shoved into her mouth. The deep sound of duct tape being unwrapped from its roll filled the room before the smelly tape was placed over the panties, effectively covering her mouth. *SMACK* He let his hand rap against her cheek once for good measure to remind her that she belonged to him now. No one could hear her, she best act like a good little whore and take what he offered her. *SMACK* He offered her other cheek the same treatment, no doubt her skin was nice and rosy now as she tasted her wetness on her panties. He continued rolling his hips, slamming into her from so many different angles like a master. His hands reached out for her nipples, taking one in each hands thumb and forefinger, pinching her tits as he rocked her. No doubt he would mix pain and pleasure and blur the lines between the two. He continued at his work.shed be sore the next day. Shed feel this for days.
The first time he entered her, Alice was shocked into silence. She gasped as his ready cock forced its way past her tight lips. As he pushed his way into her, deeper, she moaned in pain, arching herself as far away from him as she could manage. Stop! she screamedand scream she did, so forcefully that she knew her voice would be uncooperative in the morning. Alice couldnt believe how her body was betraying her like this. The sensation of his hard dick inside her was overwhelming, but she refused to allow herself to acknowledge that it felt good in any way at all. And the combination of fear, humiliation and undeniable pain at being taken against her will did effectively suppress any pleasure that might have otherwise slipped under the radar of her consciousness. In retrospect, that was a good thing. It might have been more traumatizing for her to enjoy what he was doing to her when she do desperately wanted him to stop. Once he thrust all the way in, slamming up to her hips, she started crying out in earnest: Please stop,please! Youre hurting me! Yourereally hurting me! Please! And he was causing her pain her, a lot of pain now. She wished one of her hands was free so she could reach up and touch his face she had to know if it was him, and those scars would give him away...if it was him. Please, please dont let it be him, she thought, surprising her own self as a desperate cry escaped her lips without warning. It was one of her involuntary screams that must have pushed him over the edge, because it was following one such agony-ridden sob that he wrapped his hand around her neck and squeezed. Mmngh! Alice groaned against his hold, feeling the blood rush to her face, the skin reddening as he deprived her of air, reinforcing his momentary ownership by using her as his fucktoy without even letting her breathe. She started to feel dizzy and was hopeful, fleetingly, that he would knock her out, perhaps even kill her. The latter may seem a little extreme, but at the time, she couldnt imagine anything worse happening to her than what he was doing right then, and she was willing to do anything, truly anything, to make him stop. As his hand left her throat, she gasped for air only to feel something warm and slightly moist shoved into her mouth. It took Alice a few seconds to realize what it was, and once she did, she tried her hardest to scream through the torn fabric. The stifled sound was overwhelmed by the roar of the duct tape as it was ripped from its roll, soon placed roughly over her mouth. If having her essence smeared against her lips embarrassed her, having her own panties shoved in her mouth belonged on a level of humiliation Alice had never before experienced. Now more than ever, she wanted him to choke her until she passed out, even if it meant she passed out permanently. Her darker musings were interrupted as he brought his hand against her soft cheek, jarringly grounding her in the present. Defeated, she slowly let her mind lapse into wordless misery as he continued to violate her. She could still feel the sting of his slaps as he roughly grabbed her nipples, causing new tears to slide out of her undoubtedly reddened eyes.Please, someone turn on the lights. Please make this stop, she begged silently, unsure how much more pain and humiliation she could take before it broke her
The sounds of wet flesh filled the small examination room as the assailant continued his cruel violation of Alice. Sweat was rolling down his forehead, riding along his chin and dropping upon her chest at a steady pace now. He was keeping his pace for awhile, he must have been slamming into Alice for at least ten minutes now, always sheathing his entire tool deep inside of her. Grasping at her nipples, he pulled up on her, stretching her breasts as he held onto her taut little pebbles tightly. And when they were stretched to their maximum, he would let them fall, shaking on her chest as they settled. But he was close. Her pussy was too tight, each thrust was just as pleasurable as the first and soon he felt his balls swelling. No doubt her cunt was read and swollen from such abuse, she would be sore well as the next couple of days. But where would he deposit his cum? Inside of her? Upon her? Shall he decorate her pretty little face with his spunk? Or perhaps leave her with his seed slowly oozing out from her puffy, abused, pussy? Groaning, he knew he had to make a choice and when he felt his time approaching, he knew what he wanted. Pulling himself from her, he began stroking his cock feverishly, getting read for the culmination of all this pleasure. His cock would erupt shot after shot of his cum, the warm, white, seed flying through the air and splattering all over her chest and face, decorating her. Rope after rope shot onto her, covering her hair, nose, one big coming close to her eyes, and much of it landing on the duct tape covering her lips. Her chest was coated in cum, it dribbled off her areola and ran down the edge of her red, swollen breasts. The man, as quiet as ever, just wiped the rest of the cum off his cock and reach over to her, smearing it on her stomach before he reached for his pants and began dressing himself. Once he was dressed, he took a minute to compose himself. Though Alice might have been emotionally and physically a wreck, he was also exhausted after fucking this poor little patient silly. Once he felt himself at a tolerable calm level, he stood up and made his way to the door. Opening it slowly, he stepped out, leaving the door wide open and, more importantly, leaving Alice there, covered in cum with her panties in her mouth, for all to see. Minutes passed until finally the familiar sight of a beam of light, a flashlight down the hall, invaded the previously pitch black room. This door wasnt opened before a man said as he stepped inside the place and began viewing the scene. His eyes widened as he held his mouth over his hand. JENKINS, RANDOLPH! EXAMINATION ROOM! he screamed as he hurried over to the woman. Removing his jacket, he covered her up the best he could. JENKINS! RAND-OOOOO he said as stumbled while making his way back to the door. Turning around, his eyes lit up again. There was Doctor Spelding, dead on the ground, curled up in the fetal position, white foam casually seeping from his mouth. JENKINS! RANDOLLLLPH! the guard cried again, scurrying into the corner of the room in his own fetal position, unsure of what he just stumbled upon.
Alice tried to scream against the makeshift gag, choking herself in the process. Any pleasure she may have been feeling was steadily replaced by unadulterated, degrading pain. Every time he grabbed her breasts, it hurt. She could feel her pink nipples becoming swollen, no doubt reddening as he pinched them. She would thrash, trying to break his grasp, but he ignored her, pulling them as far as he desired before letting go, her breasts quivering each time he opened his fingers. Already a tiny person, the sheer size of him was difficult for Alice to accommodateand he violated her with the full length of his shaft every time he pounded into her, mercilessly reinforcing that for as long as he wanted to, he owned her. Alices voice was raw from trying to scream through the gag, her pussy aching more with each thrust. She felt every veined inch he pounded in and out of her. To Alice, it seemed like an hour had passed before he pulled out, intending to inflict one last act of humiliation on Alice before leaving her in the darkness, naked, restrained and gagged a few feet from a dead body. Alice closed her eyes as she felt the first burst of warm seed shoot across her skin. Her body racked with sobs as he marked her with his cum. Alice flinched each time he splattered her face with his spunk, gritting her teeth as the ropes of cum landed on her face, her hair, the curves of her breasts. She whimpered and held her eyes shut as he roughly wiped the remainder of his white seed across her torso. In fact, she wouldnt open her eyes again until someone ordered her to, keeping them closed even as the screaming guard covered her with his coat, as two different guards worked quickly to free her from the table, cringing while more hands touched her nude body in the dark. Alice was rushed to a small room at the end of the hospital wing. Her posture had gone rigid, her face set, expression distant. After several minutes in the cramped room, a doctor who was clearly in higher standing with the hospital than the ones surrounding her, approached Alice. Audibly impatient, he demanded of the nearest staff member, Why did you call me here? Why havent you cleaned her up?" In a contrastingly meek voice, the doctor responded, Well, we... we think one of the inmates assaulted her. Shouldnt we collect a DNA sample before he cut her off, voice raised, Clean her up,now. He looked at Alice closely, evaluating how much of what he said was resonating with her. Satisfied she was in sufficient shock, he went on, impatience augmented, What do you think would happen to the hospital if word of this got out?Well? They were silent, averting their eyes from him, staring at the floor, the wallanywhere but him or, god forbid, at Alice. I want her spotless. The doctor closest to Alice tried to take the coat off of her. Grasping it tightly, Alice refused to loosen her hold on it. Frowning, the head doctor said sharply, Sedate her. And keep her that way. Shaking his head as he left, he added with his back turned, Don't worry about writing this up. I'll take care of the report. Once he took his leave, the remaining doctors quickly washed away the evidence. They then left to tend to other patients, replaced by a pair of the greenest workers in the ward. Alice didnt really have wounds that needed treating, so for the majority of the time she just sat idly on the bed while they decided what to do with her. They werent trained for this. When the doctors did interact with her, poking her with the odd cold implement, they avoided looking at her face. Not that Alice was trying to make eye contact with them. With the aid of the drug, Alice had retreated into herself, leaving her external processing to autopilot. At first Alice tried to keep her cognition in a state of silence, as though her brain was holding its breath. When her thinking gradually gained lucidity, Alice realized she needed to get her crying out of the way before she got to her cell. Without warning, hot tears began pushing out of the side of her eyes, trailing down her soft skin with a consistent flow. One doctor, who had accidentally brushed a hand against her face, noticed this; she said nothing. An hour later, a psychologist arrived, looking harassed and nervous. His conversation with Alice was short. After a few concise statements, she deliberately flattened her affect. Normally, he would try to make a patient more responsive. But Alice had been traumatized in the asylums care, and a record of that trauma was likely in the process of being wrapped in red tape. When the psychologist left, the taller doctor observed coldly, Well, better here than in prison. At least this place is full of shrinks. Once the sedation had worn off, or nearly warn off, a guard half-walked, half-carried Alice back to her cell. He set her down on the cot, taking the scratchy shock blanket with him. Alice rolled onto her side, the aching of her body becoming more pronounced. Sporting a new uniform, stiff and smelling of industrial detergent, Alice scooted as close to the wall as she could and stared at it until she passed out.
This is a nightmare, the warden said as he poured himself a glass of water, setting it at his desk. Around his desk was a series of directors, councilmen, and lawyers, all eager to extinguish the problem that began last night. Warden Percival tore open a small paper sleeve and let two antacid tablets fall into the water, the tablets effervescing. Three dead guards, four escaped inmates, one dead doctor.and that woman, he shook his head and drank from the glass and looked outside. The sun was rising. It could have been worse, a councilman said, looking at his colleagues before continuing, The public, in general, wasnt alerted. None of the patients are dead and the guards families will be compensated for. Yes, exactly, we blamed it on the blackout. In fact, we could spin this to get more funding. More funding would have prevented all of this! we could say, one lawyer said as he turned to the warden, smiling confidently. I dont see any other course of action the warden said, finishing his drink. The Joker sat upon the couch, idly watching the television. Visiting hours had not arrived just yet but the man was already gearing up for a rousing session where he would regale all the people with stories about how he let the Batman capture him and that he was playing the vigilante like the fool he was. He cared not if they believed him or not, but he always wanted them to know. Another man soon took a seat next to the clown, a man who was as infamous, if not more, around Arkham than the Joker. For a lunatic, you sure watch a lot of news, Doctor Crane said as he sat, looking straight ahead, not making eye contact with the Joker. The two had a tepid relationship at best, other times it was downright rocky. I did as you asked, Crane began, Five more barrels. The Joker just smirked, turning his head to face the doctor before his lips curved into a smile, his yellow teeth beaming at Crane. Had Crane been looking, he would have instantly been disgusted. In fact, virtually everything the Joker did irked Crane. The games, the unshelled look, the unpredictability...all of it was evidence for Crane to refer to the Joker as a monsterwhen he wasnt around, of course. The doctor took this as his cue and stood up, walking off and leaving the clown to his morning news. Once he was alone, the Joker stood up, his demeanor rather calm as he made his way towards the exit. The guard standing post eyed him as he walked past, heading back to his cell. As he made his way, he ran into another guard. It was Drawls, the guard from the night prior. Walk with me, the Joker said as he passed by Drawls. The two men made their way down the halls of Arkham. I trust she delivered the package to Spelding, the clown said, his hands behind his back. Yes, Drawls said as the two rounded a corner. Drawls eyes widened. He expected to see another guard at the end of the aisle and when he was nowhere to be seen, he knew he was in danger. The Joker had led him down two aisles without guards watching them. He reached for his nightstick and turned to face the clown. It was then that the Joker had slammed cold iron against Drawls, knocking him to the ground. The Joker rapped a small iron tube against his hand and grimaced at Drawls, who rolled over on his back and looked up at the clown. No, waitI can explain! Drawls began, but as he tried to begin, the Joker had brought the tube down on his forehead, silencing the guard and leaving him on the ground in a bloody pool. He tossed the pipe to the ground and continued walked towards the visiting room.
They let Alice refuse food for one day. Then a doctor came by and threatened to impale her with a feeding tube.Perhaps he didnt say impale, but Alice was feeling hostile towards the staff. She wasnt trying to be dramatic by not eating. She wasnt making a statement. Rather, her motivation was a combination of genuine lack of hunger and an aversion to moving around. Her body ached, and eating required sitting up, an action Alice was trying to avoid until particular pains subsided. Accepting a sandwich made with questionably stale bread and a gloppy layer of what tasted more like petroleum jelly than any kind of fruit product, Alice chewed quickly. Her grimace was caught by an administrator, eliciting a frown from him before he tried on a look of amicability. It didn't suit him. He walked inside her cell stiffly, his forced smile making him look rather insane himself. Among other offers, he suggested she have more guards stationed around her, "until things settle down. She replied, deadpan, A guard may be responsible for the things youre trying to sweep under the rug. She didnt do more than glance at him for the rest of the exchange, wholly uninterested in what he had to say, until he got ready to leave. Before he stepped past the bars, she added, looking at him with candid dislike, I do have one request. The strained smile widened, sweat on his nose and brow catching the artificial light. And what is that, my dear? Access to a lawyer. Before things settle down. She watched him swallow hard, frowning once more, the sweat made more reflective with the motion. Ofof course, my dear. I'll arrange that as soon as possible. Giving him a look that he would recall as distinctly intimidating for someone of her stature, she said flatly, Ill hold you to it. Truth be told, Alice had no intention of taking advantage of a lawyer. She had no intention of speaking about what happened to her ever again. But she thought it best to have the administration believe she was planning on taking action. It might stave off the wolves for a little while if the big wigs at the hospital made a point of having her watched. Alice eyed the Jokers cell nervously while she finished her sandwich, averting her gaze after a few tense seconds. Then she laid back. She was still quite sore, and doing her best to ignore where and why she was sore. Resuming her prolonged staring session at the wall, she used the pocked but white surface as a virtual blank sheet. In her mind, she was trying to visualize different codes, realizing she might need to recreate some of them manually here while her flash drives holding her homemade viruses and scripts gathered dust in her apartment.How am I going to pay rent?she wondered. Then she remembered that she had paid for a year up front and relaxed slightly, returning to the strings of 0s and 1s that she was organizing by color in her mind, synaesthesic to a degree. Although Alice was forced to eat, she was not compelled to leave her cell. And she took full advantage of that permission, leaving only to shower. Instead she used her time to work on the benefits of her visualization practice. Alice didn't intend to try to escape from Arkham, positive shed make out fine in court. But in case she needed to unlock a cell or shut down a ward, it would be best to have something prepared. Just as she fitted together the final string of numbers for a particularly malicious virus, an inmate jeered at her as he walked past. Apathetic, Alice heard a dull thud of a nightstick as it sank into a fleshier part of his body. Shut it or Ill make the next one count. The inmate hissed at the guard but didn't speak another word that Alice could hear. She assumed knowledge of what happened had spread among the inmates. That was part of her motivation for staying isolated. Safety of staying locked in her cell aside, she didnt want to have to face any of the men while she carried the kind of shame she assumed was associated with her. Closing her eyes, the throb of a headache starting to make its presence known, she thought desperately to herself,No, it cant be him. Oh, please dont let it be him. Her eyes flickered open and she glanced again at the Jokers cell before rolling onto her side and trying to sleep through the dinner hour.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. You best behave yourself right now, The Joker said as he opened his food slot and watched as the guard shoved the patient forward, Everyone should be on their best behavior right now. The Joker let out a hearty laugh as his attention turned back towards the cell across the way. His eyes widened a little bit as he saw who was back. Alice! he said, I heard what happened to you. Drawls. You see, Drawls betrayed us. I heard that the guards found the small box in the room, but no teeth. I overheard them talking about a gas. Drawls. He must have switched them, his voice darkening with each passing word, But Ive already taken care of that. No one calls an audible on my plans. No one! And with that he let the slot close. But as soon as it closed, it was soon quickly re-oppened, the Joker laughing. Youll have to excuse me, things are still a little hectic around here. But look at me.where are my manners. How are you, Alice? Is there anything I can do to help.with my kind of help, that is. Do you have any idea of who.attacked you, that night? He paused a moment and then realized something. This woman just went through a hellish night, perhaps the most hellish night of her life. You dont think it was me, do you? he sneered, somewhat insulted, Oh dear, my sweet Alice. If it were me, Id make sure you knew. He laughed and turned his head to look down the aisle. He saw his good friend, the guard Charlie, watching his show in the hallway. Charlie! he hollered. When the pudgy guard heard him, he turned his head. Yes, Joker? he replied. Where was I last night? he said, his eyes now moving back towards Alice. You were right here. I was talking to you in your cell while the other guards were running about trying to round up all the patients that were released. In fact, the Warden made sure you were watched over personally during all of this, due to yourummexcuse me, but your nature. Both you and Crane were being watched during the outage. The warden would have all of our heads if either of you escaped. Especially you. No offence, sir. The Joker laughed, his eyes never leaving Alice. No need to apologize, Charlie. See, Alice. What did I say about protection here? Were not a prison, nobut people here are still very,very dangerous. I would re-consider my proposition if I were you. We eachother.
That settles it, Alice told herself.That guard has no reason to lie. She took a deep breath, wincing as she moved to sit up.How is it even possible that I'm still sore?she wondered, almost disappointed in herself. She redirected her thoughts to the scarred man addressing her.Especially if they were keeping a special eye out on the Jokerhow could he have gotten away with it? He couldnt. She shook her head at herself as she slowly sat up. Why couldnt she banish that feeling then? She was actively telling herself that it was impossible for it to be the Joker, was actively processing the sound reasons it couldnt be and yet that awful idea had gotten its rancid claws in her mind and refused to let go. The suspicion and horrible feeling of helplessness that rode along with it refused to leave her alone.Yet. Eventually it will fade. Eventually Ill find out who really did it. Unintentionally moaning softly as she bent at the waist, Alice frowned.But you already know who did it.Alice put her hands at her sides, pushing herself up. Why was she being so stubborn? Once she was completely upright, Alice ran a hand slowly through her hair. The guard hadn't switched the box, and he wasnt her attacker. She knew the latter for certain. Alice wasnt the best at reading people, but she wasnt horrible. Her godfather had seen to it that she received some instruction after she had run into a few of his associates on the street. Alice wouldnt trust her perception of someone like the Joker, a wild card, but a civilian... she hoped she would have been able to discern that he intended to do something that extreme.No, it wasn't him. Drawls had practically been meek when he handed her that awful box. Still, he didn't seem like he had tampered with it either. Remembering the sight of the box made Alice grit her teeth, face set in implosive anger.Fuck this, Im not playing detective, she told herself. Although she wouldnt be able to rest until she was sure she knew who to avoid, she didnt need to address it now.Especially since I know who did it. Alice shook her head again, banishing the thought. What Alice paused at the sound of her own voice. She hadnt spoken in a while and it sounded strange to her. Forcibly controlling the hostility she was feeling, thanks to that unjustified lingering suspicion, she asked evenly What is it that you want? Her eyes traveled to her hands. Darkening bruises had spread across her arm from where she had been restrained; she hadn't looked at her legs. For the proposition? What do you want from me? Alice couldnt bring herself to face him. Instead she pulled her knees into her chest, flinching and holding her breath until the aching subsided. Resting her chin on her knees, she wondered how many days she had left until they forced her to go outside.Maybe theyll never make me leave the cell. If that was the case, she wouldnt have to do business with the Joker. He couldnt get to her if she stayed inside.But it wasnt him, Alice reminded herself.It wasnt him.
Jokers eyes watched her as she sat up and only drifted, for a moment, towards Charlie to make sure he was engrossed in his television to not notice them speaking. What I need, is someone who can get into the building computers and get some a filea couple of files..files.. he said as he licked his lips. He always liked scheming, almost more than the execution. Blueprints of the Asylum.I need to know what this place looks like behind closed doors. And umm his eyes glanced towards his left, Cranes not cooperating and, unfortunately, I need him for another part of the plan." He paused a moment and looked back at Charlie before continuing. You seeArkham..its no place for someone like me. But I can already see the futurethis..this is my home now. I know Ill never go to Blackgate. Not that it matters. But here at Arkham, well.if youre going to call some place homeits best to decorate, right? Im talking the full Martha Stewart, Alice. Arkham.will be a place that hell bring me home to. He. One thing all the doctors noticed was that the Joker rarely used the Batmans name. He wasnt coy about talking about the Bat when prodded. But he would rarely call him by his name, always by a pronoun. Somedays he would do nothing but talk about the Batman, driving the other patients insane. They could clamor to the guards to get him to shut up but the guard would only just shake his head and respond And put him where, exactly? You know how the old saying goes.the squeaky wheel gets the grease, Alice? Well scream in the night to the city. Ill make her scream. And then, he began, moving his face out of the way of the slot and placing a hand through, his finger with long fingernails, pointing at her, then the people will build me a castle fit for their king. He withdrew his hand and placed his face back against the slot, looking at her. And this king will need a queen, Alice. He will not.rule.alone. He paused for a moment, letting her sink all of it in. Ever since he was first hauled in here by Batman, he began scheming about this place. Like a young man who just bought a new house, the Joker began plans for fixing Arkham Asylum. Perhaps thats why he and Crane never got along? Crane always considered Arkham Asylum finebut not the Joker. And before you begin to think, Alice. Remember this. He grinned through the slot, Youre here forever too.
As she listened to him, Alices posture became tenser and tenser. She curled her body forward slightly, gritting her teeth to the point of pain. Here was the Joker she had heard about. He had been disarmingly personable when she first met him, but as he schemed, he couldn't help but be candid in his expression. It disturbed her, the combination of his blatant madness and near impassioned determination. He did have plans. And that frightened her. She did not want to be around when they came to fruition. Alice was not surprised when he said he needed her to get him access to electronic data, but she was surprised when he mentioned the doctor. She had also heard about Dr. Crane before being locked up, but she knew very little about him except for his name. At first she was curious as to how the Joker wanted to use Dr. Crane, but she quickly tried to eliminate her interest, wanting to stay as removed as possible from his ideas. That was how she had behaved when she was working, and it had served her well.This is just another job, she told herself, smoothing her hair to one side.This is just... Queen? Alice felt the hair on her arms standing up.No, no, no.By the time the Joker finished addressing that part of the arrangement he was proposing, Alices eyes were wide. She was very glad she wasnt facing him, as unadulterated fear was blatantly reflected in her expression. Surely he doesnt mean Taking a deep breath, Alice controlled her face, finally turning to face him. Im not here forever, she said carefully.Theres no way they would keep me locked up in here. First offense. Young. Easy for a decent lawyer to work out a temporary insanity plea. Bipolar 1 is very responsive to medication. Once she let them think they were dosing her, she could act normally and present herself to a jury as a reformed criminal. It's not as though the Joker could have her committed longer. Glancing at him, her tone a little sharper than she intended, she went on, Ive never been one for controlling people. More of a behind the scenes, independent type girl. So Id make a terrible queen. Unable to help herself, she tugged at the sleeve of her uniform, looking at the bruises. Grimacing, she quickly pulled the orange fabric back down, crossing her arms.It wasn't him, you idiot, so stop being nasty.After all, the Joker wasn't someone you wanted to annoy. Sighing, she pushed her suspicion to the back of her mind and banished her attitude. I can get you the files." Looking around to make sure no one else was listening, she continued, "I can get you any file you want. It will take me more than one go at the system if you want me to get them without anyone finding out the security has been breached-- depending on how carefully they're protected. If you dont care about detection, she shrugged, it would take less than an hour, no matter how well they think they'd hid them. Alice was confident about that. So is that all you need from me then?" she asked, turning back around. "Files and blueprints? Laying down, looking up at the water stained ceiling, she said coolly, Just get me to a computer and I can get you whatever you want.
Perhaps it wouldn't have been that strange for most people to stumble upon the building of Aperture Science that is controlled by a specific computer under the name of GLaDOS. The computer controlled the entire building that had been created as their testing laboratories.However, despite being hard to find, some people had gotten lost in there. It was probably considered an urban legend, now that people would get lost in the area. This would be because the original creators of Aperture Science were long since dead, and the computer had quite probably been growing lonely. That was until a man named Relius Clover came into the picture, he was a scientist, and an amazing one at that. He had entered the building, by pure accident, while trying to find a good place to test for the boundary and the Black Beast, the horrible creature that wrought hell on Earth and killed many people. It had been defeated by the Six Heroes. However, before all that, Relius found another building, the Aperture Science Laboratories. Relius met GLaDOS, and offered the android help with restoring him to power, the android would no longer be an urban legend, it would be something that the heroes cowered in front of. The deal was that Relius would send GLaDOS people who were no longer necessary in his game of Chess, that the android could play with, and torture...He had given the android a list of people who he was not allowed to bring here. However, the android had decided otherwise, it would not be bound by a simple human. It had already been restored to it's former glory, now with it's own body to move about in. Sure this new body was male, but still, it was much better than just being a giant computer that would have been easily destroyed by someone like Chell...She was dead now, though...Long gone. And now, here he was, with all this power in his hands, he could rule the entire world...But first, however he could probably have some fun betraying the man who had helped him, after all no Morality core would mean that he could do anything he wanted. The young woman ran a hand through her shoulder length, silver hair. It was rather surprising that the guards at the front had gone down so easily. Her boss, Kokonoe had told her earnestly that there was a laboratory down around here that was run by a company who was funded majorly by the NOL, at least that was how it was known to the public. This was because no one except Relius himself knew about the deal that he and the android had made. The young woman cautiously made her way into the laboratories, her blue eyes quickly scanning every area she entered. Soon enough she'd somehow gotten herself lost...She'd been positive that she wasn't going to get lost, however she had somehow gotten lost...Quickly glancing around, she sighed, and slowed her quick pace to a slow walk, she would definitely have to figure out how to get to the center of the the lab, and figure out how to dismantle this place, and destroy someone that was being funded by the government... Letting out a sigh, she finally placed a hand loosely on her hip. Goddamnit, where the hell was everyone? There were no employees, or anything, either. It was so confusing, and she couldn't even leave, because she'd gotten so lost. Was she in the wrong place? Her clothes were fairly modest, a pair of black pants that hung close to her hips, looking as though they were tailored to her slim form. Her shirt had long, flowing sleeves, and was silver in color. A black vest which also seemed like a coat adorned her shoulders as well, it was short sleeved. A pair of laced up, white boots were on her feet, and the 5'7" woman continued to wander around the area, however she was going much slower, now. It would have been very easy to find the young woman named Xynnic for GLaDOS, due to his ability to know everything that was going on in the building.
GLaDOS smiled from his 'office', of course, he'd be able to create it anywhere, but at the center, near the place his main processor core had been situated, he just felt like home. He was softly singing to himself, in his robotic tone, that looked like someone unleashed an auto-tune on it. He was creating some test-chambers, to put this new recruit through. Though his form had change, and a lot of his identity, his devious and genius mind hadn't, not at all. And for his form, it really had changed. From the ravaged remains of the first GLaDOS, left there by, who else, chell, an android was created, made to look alike to, who else, Cave Johnson, with his blonde to light brown hair, sideburns, and grey eyes, those being the only things his robotic nature really showed through. The rest, his skin, his hair, a lot of other things, were all of former humen and no, you can't know how he got it from them. He had been pleasantly surprised by the woman walking into the factories clutches, and he had watched, and controlled, her every move through it. She was now somewhere in the east of the factory, a few floors below the factory core, and even if she'd get there, she wouldn't be able to use it anymore, He was the factory, he was in charge of everything around here, every camera, every turret gun, every panel on the floor. And now he had a new test subject, or playtoy, someone to test his new inventions on, and relieve his newfound urges, propably from having to many bodyparts changed, or altered, to himan ones. The woman would soon find herself in a room, nothing in it, and the door replaced by normal panels. A screen flashed on, and, not wanting to show his face yet, it justed flashed in unison with his words, in auto tune-like words. "Welcome to aperture incorporated. These are the testing areas. Would you kindly change from your usual clothing to the ones provided to you, and leave your personal belongings here, anyhting you'll need will be provided." Out of the wall, a closet slid, containing an uniform, alike to the one Chell, and others before and after her, had wore, just a bit more reveiling. After she was done, either by doing it herself, or by arms coming out the sides, ripping her clothes off her, and replacing it with the suit, which had various inexplainable buttons and zippers on it. She'd then fall through the floor, coming down on a floor far below her, but oddly surviving, due to the leg strongeners the suit injected. In the room lay a portal gun, plus there was a not to hard puzlle,though she'd have to search for where she could shoot the portals, which was behind her in the corner, and a spot which'd need perfect aim, or luck, to get to. There also was a button which read 'don't touch.'
Xynnic was her name, however she honestly didn't enjoy using it very much, as it represented what she really was, a weapon in human form. She was probably a lot like the computer she would soon be fighting against. As she continued to walk, she began to feel rather suspicious. Her bright blue eyes widened as she suddenly heard the voice speak to her, seemingly out of nowhere, and gripped the hilt of her katana that was at her waist, tightly. It was almost like a security blanket for the twenty-one year old woman, but soon enough it would be taken away. She spoke loudly, as she heard the computers words, and when GLaDOS finished speaking, she said something herself. "Hell no. Why the hell should I do anything you tell me?" She snarled. She had unsheathed her sword, however it was suddenly of no use, as the arms came out of the wall, snatching the katana from the woman, and then forcing her into the outfit. It rather pissed her off that she couldn't do anything, making her feel so weak and powerless. Xynnic narrowed her eyes, before falling through the floor, which had suddenly dropped out from beneath her feet. She should have died from that long a drop, if she'd been human, and if there hadn't been something built into the jumpsuit that she'd been dressed in. She looked down at herself, and frowned. It felt very comfortable, although she was also very embarrassed by the sensuality of the suit. As she looked around, she spotted the Portal gun. Apparently she was stuck here for these stupid little games...Great... Grabbing the gun, she sighed, and then tilted her head lightly to one side, as she began to look for the place to use the gun. When she finally found the place to aim her gun, it looked rather difficult. As such, she took the Portal gun in both hands, and pointed it carefully at the place that needed to be shot. When she fired, out of pure good luck, she got the portal to open. That was just about where her luck would end though, for now, seeing as she was fully within the android's game, now. Stepping through the portal, she found herself in the next area.
AS she did well...enough in the first room, in the next room, on a security screen, his eyes appeared. "You did good for a first-timer." he said, "Mind telling me your name?" He looked down, the sound of paper "I've got a list here with people I may or may not be allowed to keep here, I'll check if you're on it." He said. As she told him, he looked, her name was on it. "Oh, here it is, oops, I dropped some ink. Nope, no Xynnic, just some inkblobnic, Family of yours?" After that some kind of laughter was heart, an odd sound, in his voice. He didn't know what this woman, at least, if he had his data right, and the camera's in the room he had changed her dress weren't hacked to show something different, she was one. Pfff, who was he kidding? he couldn't have been wrong, or hacked. IN his own room he was both overwatching her new test, which was much different then the last one. THe room was empty, save for some kind of stick in the middle of the floor. As she'd get closer to it she'd feel her crotch zipper starting to heat up, and if she wasn't dumb she'd probably put one and one together, and if she was dumb, she'd probably jump the pole on her own account. It was some kind of new energy thing, which'd work on human fluids, and only made to match body heat. It'd open the way to a next, more difficult test. He was playing with her kitana in his own room. It looked well-made, and battle-worn, but it couldn't handle the strenght of the android, and broke down, the sound of it snapping in two hearable through the speakers. As she got to the next room, in god knows how long, he contacted her again. "Yes? Hello? How did you like the last room? And if you wanted to know what that sound was, it was your katana, it kind of broke." He said, damning that wheatley for once attaching himself to him, which still left traces in his personality. (Portal 2 reference) "The next room will be fuller, but also much more dangerous. And if I were you, I wouldn't push the 'don't push' buttons scattered around. it's a bad idea, seriously." This was a test as well, using both reverse psychology and the normal human curiousity against the woman. He wanted to see how long she'd last not pushing one of the buttons. That next room had an upgrade for the portal gun, what it was unclear for now, and as she took it, it'd turn into something probably much more normal to her: A combat area. She'd have to use her portals, and the new attachment to the portal gun. That new attachment would transport the brains of the creature it targeted to a production plant, where it was mushed into pieces, some things mixed with it, and transported to her body, where it'd serve as some kind of adrenalin booster, healing item, and body perfecter, making her body more to his liking. She couldn't just shoot anyone, as if she did it to much the gun would overheat and the cooling system would explode, making a sticky liquid splash over her which'd cool down quickly and become solid, giving the attackers, some kind of crazed people, looking from somewhat human to nearly bestial, the ability to do everything they wanted with her.
Shepard streched his fingers before crossing his arms in front of himself. His eyes had been constantly wet, for many days now, after their bold attack upon the Collectors home base. He had lost many a grave soldier in that battle. Shepard had grown accustomed to loss, yet this time it hurt, and tore at his mind. What he had always needed, was restraints. Someone to be around, that held a hand over his head. After the death of Miranda, Jacob and Mordin Solus, he had lost all restraints, that kept him from breaking his mind. Yet he no longer saw this as a weakness. Rather, he felt strength returning to him. A strength, no others would enjoy hearing about. This would lose him a great deal of his crew members, and would have him hunted by the council, and thereby their Specters. But why should he care? He had everything at hand he needed, to stay them off his back. He had strong crew members in Grunt and Jack, that would surely stick on to him, as he made this turn, off the straight line. The line he was 'expected' to follow. He had already resented the Illusive Mans help, and next was the council and then the rest of the Galaxy. He was tired. He was tired of fighting their fight. Tired of shedding his good men and women's blood, only to aid those who doesn't deserve it. The battle against the Reapers, was no longer his to fight. He turned around on his heals, leaving his room, to take the Elevator to Engineering. Velan Shepard stepped out from the Elevator, with intent in his walk. The few Engineers who saw him, only nodded in unnoticed greetings. They all knew that it was a bad idea to talk to Shepard, when he was in a horrid mood, and he had never seemed more intense. Shepard's footsteps down the stairs, made little noise, even though his strong body was quite heavy, even when not baring his gear. Shepard had spent plentiful time with Jack before, yet he had never gone very far with her. That was about to change. He wanted her, and the only reason he hadn't stepped up before, was because of the restraints he bore before. Those where now gone, and he was about to take a step, that would backtrack his life, to the days in the streets. His youth, among slavers. He was about to take up this trade, and would not even feel look between these two areas. It had only brought him more pain, and more tears. As he neared Jacks quarters, his eyes drove about her room, still unable to see her from his ankle. "Jack! I need a word with you." He said, with a harsh voice, as he stopped his approach. His facial features, where stained with the orange scars, as a result to his aggressive nature.
The Normandy had become a host of all manner of ruthless warriors, assassin's and brutal murderers. After all, Commander Shepard had gathered the best of the best from across the known galaxy to fight the Collectors, and together they were certainly a force capable of moving mountains and parting seas. No matter what their species, morals or preferred method of assault, each crew-member which Shepard had recovered was a trained killer, and nothing could change that. After all, he had needed the best. The strongest, the fastest, the smartest and the plain ruthless. Whether they be the over-sized Krogan tank-bred and only knowing war, or the Drell, trained from birth to slay the wicked with his superior speed and agility. All of them here because of the very fact that they were far too dangerous for their own good. Not to mention the Normandy itself, was armed to the teeth with missiles, cannons and protected with armour which had been proven to resist the sheer fire-power of a Collector vessel. Jack remained below deck, at the very bottom of the ship. Below the commander's quarters, below the command deck, below the crew and passenger's quarters and even below the engineer's deck. At the very base of the Normandy, is was silent, dim, and generally unwelcoming. Traffic down here was almost non-existent, and any who did venture this far down tended to make their visits swift. It seemed that just a few members of the crew were even scared of the biotic. Good. She had yet to find a soul on-board that she found vaguely interesting. She had certainly talked to Shepard a few times, although that was usually during any of their various missions. No, few ever visited Jack's secluded and very make-shift room below decks, and that was just wonderful for her. It gave her time to prepare any equipment she may need for future endeavours, hone her remarkably powerful biotic abilities (for a human), and generally find other ways to entertain herself when her skills were unneeded. The latter tended to be prying through countless Cerberus files, reading through all that the damn organisation had ever done. Give Jack twenty minutes and she could probably destroy Cerberus from the inside. Something she planned to do one day, after personally killing off the Illusive man. Cerberus would probably fall after the death of their leader, anyway. As Jack saw it, they were following the Illusive man more than they were following his ideals. The biotic raised the Carnifex hand-cannon with her right hand, simply examining the small but very deadly handgun. It could slice through most armour, and it's decent firing speed made it quite useful against multiple targets. It was powerful, Jack would give it that. She would have been entirely content ensuring that her weaponry was in check had a particularly irritated voice echoed within the maintenance chamber. One Velan Shepard, to be exact. Commander of the Normandy. What? Jack yelled in return, taking a quick glance at him before standing up from the hard and uncomfortable bed she had been sitting on. I haven't got all day.
Velans eyes, hint of orange staining them as well as the rest of his face, stared towards Jack. They drifted shortly down towards Jack's pistol, before back on her. The intimidation from a pistol, was nothing compared to the intimidation Jack herself emitted. Jack was highly skilled, yet highly unstable. But then, what was Shepard? He was just as bad. His mind always tortured with memories, when he was not in battle. Always snapping at others, when they tried to comfort him. He was far from the man he was expected to be. He was a great leader, but he kept order, through his combat virtues, rather finer abilities with words. Intimidation and cun point, that was his way of resolving business deals. Jack was defiant and snappy as always, sending Shepard's lips in a slight grin, as his eyes stared upon her. The intimidation that always burned from her, was also what attracted Shepard the most about her. She had the kind of flame, he had tried to hide in himself. He had to do all these things for others, and all for what? He had got nothing but more scars. Shepard approached Jack, with the same stare, as his lips parted. "Did I want you for a month, you wouldhavea month." As he put pressure on the word 'have' his hands pushed towards her shoulders, if she didn't move, pushing her back against her desk. He walked closely against her, should he have gotten her against the desk, staring into her eyes still, as he lent closer, expecting her to lean backwards, for their faces not to meet, but he woulds top before they did, resting his hands on the desk, on each side of her. His eyes continued their intent stare at hers. "The only orders I had.. has been fulfilled. And i'm feeling reluctant, to take upon any other." he said, tilting his head slightly, keeping their bodies close, unless she should do something to part them. "I'm rather considering, taking up a new profession." He said, grinning a bit wider.
Shepard was acting just as aggressive as ever, and to anyone else the deep, golden scars upon his face might have been somewhat intimidating. Personally, Jack found them rather interesting. While he had little choice over their presence, his scars were not all that different from her tattoos. Both told stories about their owner. How they had both gone to hell and back Shepard quite literally and had come out fighting. Velan's faintest grin did little to make any of his injuries seem any more modest, and if anything, Jack preferred that. It gave him an awful lot more character than one would ever really expect. The biotic threw the pistol to the side, clattering against the wall before dropping back down onto her bed. She didn't need a weapon to kill anyone other than herself, and she didn't intend to kill the person who had given her safe passage from that torture chamber of a prison any time soon. He had earned her respect, or at least the closest someone could get to her respect. Certainly a rare feat. Fine, be difficult Jack replied, as she watched Velan's lips curl into a bizarre grin. He had something planned, she knew it. She took a few small steps towards Shepard, her strides slow and extagerated. You gonna tell me what you came down here for or are you just going to waste my time? she continued, folding her arms and leaning on one leg. She tilted her head to the side slightly as Velan closed in, bridging the gap between them. Although she would have usually stood her ground, this time she did indeed take a few meagre steps backwards, although Velan's strides were longer and faster. Jack stopped just a second before she would have hit the desk which also lay down here in the Engineering deck. It was littered with all kinds of odds and ends Jack had found, mostly small trophies of her various victories. A few PDAs too, which were old Cerberus files Jack had already gotten around to reading. Her weapons too, of course, minus the pistol. Anything of value the biotic could get her hands on, really. As Shepard had trapped Jack against the desk with his arms, Jack simply maintained her stare, her arms still folded and a look of confusion and irritation on her face. Their faces were inches from eachother, the man's grin continuing to grow. Jack raised an eyebrow, placed her right hand on his chest and pushed him back a little. What kind of 'profession' are we talking 'bout here?
The forest was quiet and long as the huntress wondered around aimlessly for days, her pet staying close by at all times. Himeko was tired of this maze, tired of seeing the same damn thing. She looked down at her petToshoand sighed. "I think we should stop here for now and get something to eat and maybe find a place to rest." She said softly as she laid her hand on his head and he nudged it in agreement. She saw a cave nearby and decided to stay there. She checked it out and noticed it was empty, which was good. Sitting her belongings down she took her bow with her and called for her pet to follow. She had to scope the area out first before actually sitting down to relax. She had the cave marked to where she'd be able to get back after she was done, but she still didn't wish to wonder too far away from it. She had covered most of the area when suddenly her pet started going nuts. "What is it Tosho?" She asked softly as she saw in the direction he was looking at. Just then he started running in that direction with his mistress following behind him. "Wait up Tosho!" She called out as she continued to follow him. Tosho finally came to a stop and was nudging a... Night Elf? "What is it boy?" She asked as she came in clear view of the Night Elf woman. Now being a Blood Elf and a proud member of the Horde, this Night Elf was her sworn enemy. However the woman didn't look to well. "Ummm... Are you alright?" She asked as she neared the woman, hoping to maybe help her out if she had to.
A Blood Elf, in these forests? And a beautifull one at that? Sheetha had been suprised. So suprised, that she got intreagued. She often did, with little reason. But this time, there was plenty of reasons. She had been looking for a new subject, for a long time. Her 'Mistress' was a beautifull Night Elf, but Sheetha could never settle, with what she had. After following the Blood Elf for a while, she watched her enter her cave. She narrowd her eyes, tilting her head slightly, as a grin slowly spread on her lips. She turned around on her heals, looking over her shoulder, raising her wings to look past them, as her body started transforming, form the High Elven form, slowly getting a beautifull purple skin, blue lips, her ears changeing form the tall pointed, to lower and more heavy, yet still beautifull ears. Her eyes, with a falsh, turned from bright purple, to dark blue. The left large wing, started twisting and turning, before growing into an entity of itself, as it started twirling down Sheethas arm, like a snake. The 'former wing' formed a snakelike face, that silently hissed, as its tounge dangled from its lips. Sheetha rose her hand, with palms up, holding the snakes head, as she made a shushing sound with her lips. The snake turned silent, before it started pulling back, both wings, pulling back into their sockets, hidden from others sight. Just as it did, open wounds started turning up around her body, thick blood, pouring from them. A slash, over her stomach, and a brutal cut on her right arm, where mimiced on her body, but she made no expretion of pain. Only a wide grin, slowly spreading over her lips. A scent started imiting from her, fakeing the scent of both blood, and the alureing scent of a Night Elf. She stopped, in a small clearing, just as she heard the Blood Elf talk, and the cat approach. Her body then dropped to the floor, as if gravely wounded, and the dark bra and Thong disapeared, replaced with ripped purple clothes, ressembleing a Night Elf huntress' atire. And then she went silent, closeing her eyes. As Tosho nudged the gravely wounded Night Elf, her eyes slowly opened. The dark blue, paleing eyes slowly looked up towards the feline, blinking in dizziness, before a soft whimper escaped her lips, a hand pressed against the horrible wound on her stomach. But the whimper, was nothing like the fear, shot in her eyes, as they where put upon the woman speaking. A Blood Elf? Another enemy, of her faction. The Night Elf whimpered, trying to crawl backwards, but only able to use one arm. She slowly shook her head, the dark green hair, soaked with blood and sweat, sticking to her shoulder, and over her face. "N.. No.. No P.. Please.. D.. Don't.." The fear in her face, was replaced with one of pain, as the wound on her shoulder shot a sting of pain through her body. The fear in the Night Elf's eyes, made it clear, that she didn't even hear the other Elf's words. Frightened, beyond anything. Of course. All a facade.
Himeko noticed the wounds on the Night Elf and looked around, there was nothing there that she could see. Then again the Night Elf's attacker could have been long gone by now. "Look... I know we are mortal enemies, but I cannot just leave you to die like this." She said as she got closer to the Night Elf. Something just wasn't right here, but she just couldn't place it. Tosho would have sensed if something was wrong so everything should be just fine. "I have some bandages and a medical kit in the cave over there. Let me at least heal you. I promise not to cause anymore harm to you than has already been done." Himeko hated seeing her enemies in this sort of shape when just coming across them like this. Sighing to herself she grabbed the womans arm and lifted her up, trying to be as gentle as she could be. "I'm really sorry if this hurts, but please, just come back with me to the cave so that I can tend to your wounds. And after you've healed then we can talk about who attacked you and Tosho and I will hunt them down, okay?" She said as she tried to be as calm and friendly as she could.
The Night Elf's eyes, stared up upon Himeko, with fright still screaming brightly. She seemed spooked beyond belief, as if she had seen something far worse then death. For an aliance, Sheetha imagined being captured by the Horde, would be just this. So she played her facade perfectly. But she didn't want Himeko to give up on her either. The Night Elf gulped, whimpering softly, as Himeko got closer, a tear slowly traversing down her cheek, as she shook her head a few times. But as she stopped, the Night Elf looked upon Himeko, with humble and begging eyes. She didn't move away, as Himeko reached for her, and helped Himeko getting her up, whimpering as she got up, the wound on her shoulder pinching at her again, as the arm dropped down by her side, as if paralized. The Night Elfs humble eyes, still flared with fear, as she slowly nodded, accepting her enemies help. Himeko was a nice woman. Just the kind, Sheetha adored. She just might want to keep her, when the fun was over. The nice girls, always made the best pets. Sheethas thoughts, made her mind grin, but the Night Elfs lips, still pale and winched in pain, from both bloodloss and the painfull wounds. The Night Elf would follow, where ever Himeko would take her, but barely able to walk, needing Himeko's help from time to time.
She was happy that the Night Elf accepted her help at last. "Thankfully it's not that far..." She said as she kept the woman on her shoulder and did her best to try and to not hurt her worse. It took them some time to finally reach the cave, but she was glad when they did. Laying the Night Elf down gently against the wall she looked over the wounds and grimaced. "Whatever attacked you will pay for this..." She said softly as she looked over at Tosho and called for him. "Go grab my bag please boy." She said as he nodded and rushed over to her small bag and brought it to her. Petting the cat gently on the head as she thanked him before taking the bag from his mouth. The bag was very small, but it was an enchanted bag. It had no end to it and she was able to fit everything she needed in it. Taking some medicine out along with bandages she looked over at the Night Elf. "This might sting a little, but trust me it will help you feel better and your wounds will be able to fully heal." She said as she took some of the liquid medicine out and poured it onto a rag and gently dabbed the wound with it. She could see the woman cringe in pain, but the wound had to be cleaned out before she could bandage it.
The Night Elf shivvered in pain, her eyes turning shady, as she bit her teeth together, giving a silent cry. But she held herself, as if she wanted to play brave, before her enemy. This would be so humiliating, had it not been a mere game. A game, of hide and seak. A game, Sheetha was already winning. And how good it felt, could only be explained by other hunters, stalking their pray. As the Elf sat down, she winched in pain, hulking once more, as her eyes pinched together tightly and another tear was forced out. Her eyes opened again, as Himeko called for her pet. The pet. Sheetha hoped dearly, a mere seduceing spell, would do the trick. She never enjoyed hurting animals, and confineing one in a prison of flames, would deffinatly scar the poor cat, no matter how strong it might be. Sheetha was just as good as any Succubus, at seduceing her victimes, with petty spells. She merely found it too easy, and ruined the sport of the game. The Night Elf gulped, at Himeko's gentle words, as she brought out her medicine. Uhh it would sting? Sheetha made sure, her wound was as real as it got, craveing that sting now. As much as she loved dominateing her partners, she still loved being at the other end of the stick. The pain, induced pleasure for her. And the medicine, did just that. That, too perfectly. The stinging of the medicine, made her winch in pain, whimpering, but only shortly. The whimper, then turned to a moan. A moan, far from uncomfortable. He disguise not strong enough, to hide her joy. The Elfs lips, slowly spread into a grin, as the pinched eyes opened, stareing up from her prone placement, as her hand rose for Himekos, and the soft fingers wrapped around her wrist, slowly strokeing up her arm. "That felt.. Quite refreshing.." She whispered, the dark blue eyes, slowly turning brighter, as a silent chuckle, followed the soft grin. The wound on the Elf shoulder, closed in very little time, yet the scar on the stomach remained. Sheetha didn't give Himeko time to think too much about the rapid healing, before she giggled, and attempted to push Himeko around, so they'd switch places. Himeko then on the ground, Sheetha stradleing her, as her hands was placed on the cave floor, on each side of Himekos head. If Sheetha had been successfull, the bright blue eyes, now stared down at Himekos, acompanied by a wide smile. "Greetings beautifull.. I don't believe, we have been properly introduced.." She said, with a soft and gentle voice, before a ripping sound sprung from her back, as her wings revialed themselves, ripping through her clothes, streching widely. The soft lips, now slowly broadened, to a wide smile, showing off her white teeth, small fangs revealing themselves. All of these features, far from costum to a simple Night Elf.
As she had finished cleaning the wound she noticed something... Odd as she was about to bandage the woman up. She was... Moaning? But why? She didn't really have much time to think as everything had started going so fast on her. The Night Elf had grabbed her wrist and was grinning at her. The wounds were healing faster than normal and she was then pushed onto her back, the woman on top of her pinning her down. "What the hell?!" She snapped as she saw the Night Elf starting to change into something completely different. When she heard the ripping sound after she heard the woman's voice and saw the wings, and everything started clicking in her head. "You're a succubus!" She yelled out as she tried to break free. She should have listened to her gut when it told her something wasn't right. "Let me go this instant!" She snarled as she tried to move her legs to knee her attacker. "Tosho! Get her off of me!" She called out as she looked around for her pet. "Tosho?!" Her pet was slowly making his way to her, but something didn't seem right with him. "Tosho help me!" She cried out as she saw her pet looking down at her, as if he couldn't help her.
Sheethas grin, only widdened as Himeko started struggleing. Her starteled realisation, at what was going on, and what Sheetha was, was like music to her ears. As she spit the realisation, and shock of what Sheetha was, She only widdened her grin, and giggled softly, as she kept her place, Himekos struggleing seeming hopeless, as the Succubus didn't move an inch. As if she weight so much more then she acctually should. She didn't weight a lot, but for her fragile and beautifull frame, she was as strong as any Orc. The perfect Succubus. "Indeed, my beautifull little huntress.." Sheetha said, in a seductive, alureing tone as she broadened her smile. She didn't even bother to pin down Himekos hands, wanting her to struggle. Wanting her to fight back. It would only make it so much better for Sheetha. Yet she made sure, to stay pinned down enough, for Himeko not to be able, to use her legs. Sheetha was strong, but not imoveable. Sheethas blue eyes, slowly moved towards Tosho, as her spell seemed to have its effect on him. It was'nt easy, keeping him at bay. He was a loyal pet, deffinatly urgeing to help his Mistress. Sheethas eyes turned down over Himeko, as she smiled, shakeing her head, as she silently shushed her victim. "There, there.. Don't shout at the poor boy.. He has no choise.. But he is a good boy.. He really does want to help.." She said, smileing, as one of her wings, pulled together, turning into a snake like vine, that twirled towards Tosho. The vine gently stroked against Toshos neck, and then behind his ear, gently petting him, if he would'nt ressist. Sheethas eyes looked down Himeko, ending at her bosom, grining, as the eyes went back to Himekos. "Your race proceeds to suprise me, with its beauty." She said, gently putting a hand on Himekos cheek, awaiting the struggleing. Wanting the struggle..
Tosho couldn't save her and was being toyed with by this foul demon. She wasn't the type to just submit to anyone, she was a proud Blood Elf and would fight as long as she could. "Get the hell off of me and let my pet go!" She snarled as she tried to wiggle herself free but finding that to be a very hard thing to do given her situation. Her mind wasn't an easy thing to break, but her pet was all she had left. She noticed the demon wasn't hurting him, just keeping him from being able to save his mistress. "Just what do you mean by that?" She asked as she glared at the succubus and then suddenly felt the demon's hand on her cheek. She turned her head to bite that hand and to her demise it was removed from her reach. She had never dealt with a succubus like this before. Some of the other Blood Elves had chosen the Warlock's path, but not many of them used a succubus because of how hard they were to control. But this one, from what she could tell was a rogue succubus. Which in many ways made it worse. Glancing over to her bag which was close to her she tried to reach it, but couldn't. It was just a little bit out of her reach and she tried to find another way to escape. She wiggled more and squirmed as she continued to think of a way to get out.
Sheetha giggled softly, and smiled widely, as she wiggled slightly at her spot above Himeko, being in charge as always. She loved the world, outside of the void. Where she had been locked away, for so long. In there, she was the small one. Until one wonderfull day, where a silly little Night Elf, delved too deeply into arts she didn't entirely understand. And here she was. Sheetha shook her head, and stroked Toshos cheek, before the vine wing, split in two. "Noo, I don't think so.. And don't worry about him, he is perfectly fine. But.. Do keep worrying about yourself.." She encuraged. "What I mean? Oh but.." She was interrupted, as Himeko bit after her hand, pulling it back. She pouted, as she wiggled a finger, just out of Himekos reach. "Uhh.. Feisty one, are'nt you? You like biteing? How about being bit?" She asked, grining, as she grabbed Himekos hair, keeping Himeko from moveing her head. Just as she did, her other wing turned into a vine as well, splitting in two as well, one from it, and one from the other, shooting at each of Himekos wrists, attempting to wrap around them, and keep her hands away. Sheetha then moved down over Himeko with great speed, hissing as her teeth stopped just above Himekos throat. She wanted to bite. So badly. But feeding from Himeko, was'nt her main attraction. So the teeth stopped, not biteing, simply attempting to induce fear. She then moved her mouth down from Himekos neck, to above her shoulder. She then finaly bit Himeko, her fangs biteing through the fabric of her wearing, only just pricking at her skin, not makeing greater wounds, then tiny punctures, but the sensation of the bite, was not reduced, as she bit rather hard. Sheetha pulled back, still grining widely, as she put her free hand on Himekos cheek again, still holding her head in place, by her hair. "Now.. What I meant by it? Ohh, but is'nt it obvious?" She asked, as her fingers, gently stroked against HImekos skin, there mere touch, working as a weak aphrodisiac. Her fingers then stroked down Himekos cheek, as her nails turned into claws, gently strokeing over the soft skin, without cutting it. Until it reached the neck of Himekos attire. The claws then, with one swift rip, tore Himekos clothes appart, revealing her bare stomach, and bra, if she wore any, as Sheetha grinned, putting one claw on her lower lip. "Oops..." She whispered, tapping three claws against her lower lip, as a dance, as she silently giggled.
Himeko glared at her and then winced in pain as her hair was grabbed. Her wrists were being held down now by the vines that had morphed from the demons wings. Her heart started racing as she watched the succubus lower her head with such speed, down to her throat. "No! Stop it!" She screamed as she tried to move her body but couldn't. She saw the succubus move her head over to her shoulder and then felt a small prick. She felt the fangs start to go in slowly and then she felt the succubus bite her rather hard. Yelping in pain from the bite as she then felt the demon pull back, still grinning at her. Her body was slowly starting to get hot, maybe from the heat the demon was producing or possibly from the bite. She couldn't tell. She felt the demons fingers stroke her cheek again, then she felt the nails start to become sharper as it gently stroked her skin. The nails, that was now claws, had reached the tip of her cloths and then with such speed her cloths were ripped apart, exposing her stomach and breasts which were safely hidden by the bra she wore. "You sick pervert! Get off of me! Leave me alone!" She cried out as she tried to break free, however her body was growing hotter and hotter with each passing second. It was starting to become very uncomfortable for her now. She could also feel her groin was starting to get a slight tingle to it, but she tried to not pay attention to it as she tried to turn her head so that she wasn't even facing the succubus now.
Sheetha watched her reaction joyously, loveing the way her treatment, seemed to frighten the beautifull Blood Elf. Yet still, something else was happening. Her body heat rose. Only feeling uncomfortable, getting that kind of reaction, to being pinned down by a demon. Had it been a man, or anything not pinning her down, she might not've seemed so uncomfortable. But this would change. Sheetha was going to make her love her position. Love being treated as a slave. Her screaming attempt, to make Sheetha stopped, only made Sheetha giggle, as her teeth bit down. Likeing it, or not, her body was haveing a reaction to this, as if she loved it. And she possibly did. It was just behind that shell of pride. A shell, Sheetha would tear down, like a beast, blocking the way to something beautifull. Just like her bra. Sheetha grinned at her thoughts, as she rose a brow, at her complaint, and attempt to spit at her with words. "Pervert?" She giggled cheerfully, as she shook her head. "I am a Succubus.. What did you expect, silly girl?" She said gently tapping Himekos cheek. She then stroked a finger down Himekos neck, and to her bra, gently pushing her claw between her warm skin, and the bras string. Himekos attempts to look away, made Sheethas grip tighten upon her hair, pulling it slightly, as it was fiddled into her fist. "Look at me..." She hissed, with a dominant voice, as her bright blue eyes, stared down upon Himeko. "I won't disapear, from simply looking away.. Look at me!" She hissed loudly, as she pulled Himekos hair, in a punishing way, her eyes flareing with anger. The angered eyes stared down upon Himeko, as their eyes hopefully met again, and slowly turned into smileing eyes, accompanied with the same cheerfull smile. her claw then ripped upwards, cutting the bra, thereby exposeing her breasts. Sheethas eyes then dropped over Himekos breasts, as she licked her lips. Such a beautifull pair.. Hidden behind such a foolish attire, tsk tsk." She shook her head slightl, looking back towards Himekos eyes again. Her hand then flattened out its palm, on Himekos chest and stroked over her right breast, caressing it gently. "How does it feel? Knowing, you've got no control of this situation.. At all." She whispered, as the blue eyes smiled down upon her, and her hand started squeezeing Himekos breast, tighter and tighter, ending in a painfull grip, causing her nails to press down on Himekos skin, testing it but not cutting or stabing. One of the vines behind Sheethas back, started stroked down her side, and then down from her leg, reaching Himekos. It stroked down Himekos thigh, before slideing upwards upon her inner thigh, moveing between her legs, as Sheethas expretion looked searching, licking her lips again. Her grip of Himekos breast, finally losened, leaving with a gentle stroke of her fingertips, two fingers catching Himekos nipple, starting to play around with it teasingly. The vine had made its way between her legs, entirely ignoreing any movements Himeko made, staying slickly against her leg, how ever she moved it, not even halting if squeezed, if she'd press her legs together. The tip of the vine, then pressed against her pelvic, through the fabric of Himekos pants. "How much control.. Does your foolish pride, have over your body?" She asked, as she smiled widely in a wicked grin, as the vine stroked down over Himekos croch, pricking gently against it, through the fabric of her pants, and just as it did Sheethas fingers pinched Himekos nipple hard, and giggled wickedly.
Himeko didn't like this whatsoever, however she couldn't do anything to stop it. Her hair was grabbed tighter as the succubus showed her how angry that made her, for Himeko to try and look away. She looked into the demons eyes and saw she was furious. "Just let me go then!" She snapped as she then felt her bra being ripped next. "Please... Stop it!" Her body was growing hotter now as she felt the demons eyes move down to her breasts. "N-No!" She yelled as she felt the succubus grab her breasts and began caressing them gently. "Please... S... Stop..." She said as she was starting to pant. The demon had started squeezing her breasts tighter and tighter, causing her to give out a small yelp. She could feel something starting to make its way up her leg, sensing what it was after she began to squirm more. It was working it's way up inbetween her thighs now, getting closer and closer to her pussy which had never been touched before. "No! Not there!" She screamed as she tried to close her legs tightly together, but still feeling it get closer and closer to her entrance. She felt it stroke her crotch and caused her back to arch slightly as she felt her nipple get pinched hard. "Please, don't do this to me! I don't want to lose my virginity to a demon like you!" She screamed, even though she knew full well that the demon didn't care.
Sheethas furious gaze, had slowly lightened up, the more pain Himeko was in. Not neccesarily physical pain, it was so superficial. But phsycoligical pain and suffering, lured her mind even more. This young beautifull Blood Elf, had such an easy life. War, death and dismay to her people and losses, was nothing compared to the horrors of Sheethas world. But this. This kind of treatment, was exactly like her world. Degradation and humiliation. To slowly be broken down, from ones beautifull frame, to be turned into something much less.. Dust on the ground, if you where lucky. "But I don't want to stop, beautifull.. And soon, you won't want me to either..." She whispered, with a wicked grin, as she leaned down closer, her lips close to Himekos, as her eyes kept stareing at hers. Her hand had started caressing Himekos breast again, the one holding her hair, starting to gently stroke it, as she lowered her head, her tounge passing her lips, as if it had a life of its own, like the vines on her back. The tounge moved its way down to Himekos breast, licking her nipple, as Sheetha stroked a little down Himekos body, to be closer to her breasts. The ruined clothes upon the Night Elven body, vanished, turning into ash, disapearing with the wind. And then, as if it was branded upon her, her black bra and thong apeared once again. A tail grew from her, waveing cheerfully behind her, like she was a happy animal, playing with her toy. Which she, in many ways, was. She pulled her tounge back, and giggled wickedly. "Yees, keep pleading me to stop.. It'll only last so long.. Before you'll be pleading for more..." She whispered, grining widely as she leaned down, and kissed her breast loveingly, hissing as she parted her teeth, and was about to bite her, but stopped, as Himeko pleaded her, not to take her virginity. Sheetha rose her eyes to Himekos again, with an almost gasping expretion. "Virginity? You.. Have'nt?" Her lips broadened to a wide grin, as the vine by Himekos croch, pressed harder against the fabric, as if so eager, it wanted to just break through it, and enter right away. Nothing was better, then forming your own little toy, from scrach. And she was untouched. Untainted. If Sheetha had a heart, it would be burning with desire. "Oh how I love you now..." She said, and leant down, forcefully kissing Himeko, as her hand grabbed her hair once again, her lips roughly pressed against Himekos in an intense kiss. The vine stopped pressing against the fabrick, and stroked to the edge of her pants, slideing between her skin and the fabric. Another vine joined it, doing the same, as they started pulling down her pants, and panties, should she wear such. They didn't stop for anything, if she wiggled her legs in protest, they'd only pull harder, slowly forceing off her attire. Sheetha didn't stop the kiss, continueing as her fingers squeezed Himekos breast tightly once again, her nails this time pressing slightly harder against it, so it tested her skin, yet without punctureing it.
Himeko's body was starting to grow hotter and hotter with each passing minute. No matter how much she begged and pleaded with the succubus, the demon just wouldn't let her go. "P-Please... Just let me go!" She panted as she watched in horror as the demon lowered herself to face Himeko fully. Her breasts were becoming very sensitive now the more the demon touched them, which by now the succubus was caressing them once again now. The demon had opened its mouth just for the tongue that seemed to have a life of its own slide down to her nipples. Her eyes couldn't help but go back to the demon's body as she watched what was left of the close turn to ash and float away, leaving only a black bra and thong on her body. She watched the tail grow and began squirming more. "I just want to be free!" She cried as she watched the demon lower her head down to her breasts, kissing them. "No... I've never been touched by any other man or woman and I surely do not want to lose my virginity to the likes of you!" She screamed as she watched the grin on the succubus's face grow wider. She could feel the vine pressing against the fabric and against her crotch, but she tried to close her legs as tightly as she could together, however the vine was unaffected. She heard the words of 'love' come from the demons mouth before the demon forcefully kissed her, pulling her hair tightly once again, causing her to yelp in pain again only to have the demons tongue force its way into her mouth. She could feel two vines starting to pull her pants and panties off now and tried to keep her legs closed, but her legs wouldn't move. She could feel a slight wetness starting to form from her crotch now as the demon's tongue played around with her own. The simple touches had been affecting her body, but the kiss was worse. Oh how she had wished more than anything that she had never helped this demon out.
Sheethas grin, only seemed to shortly grow wider, when ever she pleaded her to stop. The pleading, was the best part, ofthe first time. The begging to stop, turning to begging for more. And it would come, in time. It was hard to ressist, urgesof the flesh. All had them, it was only humanoid. But to be raped, and abused by a Succubus, would'nt usually go under these 'urges'. Not until they tried it. Only few, had ever kept ressisting. And why should they? Pleasure comes in many packages, no reason to be ashamed of your own. And Sheetha, always picked her targets well. The confirmation, of her taintlessness, drove Sheethas desires futher. SHe would have a hard time, keeping herself from just ramming inside of Himeko, and taint her right away. But she knew the pleasure of moveing slow. And the 'ramming' would come.. As Sheetha kissed Himeko, she could feel her willingness, as if it was an emotion of her own. She was starting to want it. And if Sheetha was'nt mistaken, that scent she caught, was simply more proof. She was getting wet, and her legs had stopped fighting as eagerly as they did before. And how the Blood Elf accepted her tounge, not biteing down, yet at least, made Sheetha's urges burn wilder. When ever others submitted to Sheetha, she always felt her blood boil with joy. Sheethas tounge pulled out, her lips kissing Himekos a few more times, before she let them part, but only to keep them very close, and stare into Himekos eyes, should she look back. "But why not?" She whispered, with a teasing, yet kind tone, as her eyes stared into Himekos. One of the vines, that had pulled down Himekos pants, started slowly strokeing back up her leg, the vine turning rather moist, as something seemed to leak from it, only to stop, leaving the vine rather sticky and soft, rather then the rough tentacle, it had been before. "Why not, one the likes of me? The pleasure, I can provide.. No man, nor woman, could give you.. Some parts of you want it.." She continued whispering, with that alureing voice, as the vine had made its way, between Himekos legs again. The tip of it, being rather thick, gently stroked over her pussys walls. "Mmm.. Your body needs this.. Want's it.. Accept it, my beautifull little girl. And I'll relive tensions, you never even knew you where carrying.. Give you pleasure, beyond your wildest imagination.. Submit..." She whispered, the last word close to Himekos ear. Oh how she wished Himeko would refuse. How she would love, to break her down, the hard way. No matter what. Sheetha, would see her pride broken. Reduced to nothing. Not a Huntress.. Not a proud member of her endangered race. Not a proud woman. Just. A woman.
Himeko's body was burning up now, but her mind wasn't broken yet. It had been some time before the kiss had been broken, leaving her there panting heavily. Her pants and panties were off her her now, leaving her entire body completely naked and fully exposed. "Because... I've been holding out for the right one. Demons weren't on my mind when I had chose to keep my virginity!" She snapped as she was trying to regain her control over her body. She could feel one of the vines that had removed the last of her clothing back up her leg, it felt like it was moist as it made its way up her leg. She was able to move her legs to shut them again, but she knew full well that it wouldn't help her one bit. The vine was sticky and soft compared to what it had felt like before and it was starting to make the huntress worry more. "I will not accept it! I will not allow you to taint my purity!" She snarled as she could feel the vine starting to stroke over the walls of her pussy, which was starting to slowly get wetter now from it. "My body doesn't need this! I won't accept this! No!" She screamed as she started struggling again, only this time with more vigor as her virginity was now on the line. "I will never submit to you!" She said as she tried desperately to break free now more than anything. Her virginity and pride were both on the line here and she wouldn't allow herself to be pulled down to nothing. Not without a damn good fight at least.
Holding out for the right one? Ohh even better! Sheetha was far from what she would've hoped for, but she'd make her look back on this, with great glee! Either that, or she'd walk away, with a scar on her dignity. Either way. Sheetha would have her fun, no matter the consquence. Sheethas hand placed itself on Himekos cheek, and slowly stroked down from there, down her neck, and to her chest, where it flatened out, just above her breasts, the nails tapping gently against her soft skin. "Ohh, I know you where, my darling.. But the world, simply does'nt spin that way. Azeroth, is a dangerous place.. And i'm affraid, you won't be one of the few.. Acctually getting their way.." She still whispered gently, as her hand stroked over Himekos breast, just as the vine reached her croch. Her body was steaming hot. She needed the relief, weather she liked to realise it, or not. She then leant down, as Himeko started struggleing, her hand strokeing up from the womans breast, to gently wrap around her neck, her slender fingers, strokeing against the warm skin. Sheetha lent down, so her lips was close to Himekos ear. "Weather you like it.. My dear.. Beautifull thing.. I'm going to take what I wan't.." She whispered, only just loud enough, for the struggleing woman to hear it. The vine, then finally got its way, first tickleing against Himekos clit, as Sheetha licked her lips, closeing her eyes. SHe clearly felt what the vine did, as it moved a bit lower, and then slowly slid inside of her, not being brutal about it. As if Sheetha wanted to take it slow. She felt the moist of Himekos tight pussy, wetening the vine even more, then its already moist exterior. The vine didn't stop, by simply sticking in the tip. It slowly dig its way deeper inside Himeko, entirely ignoreing her struggles. The vines holding her wrists, grabbed onto the tighter, and Sheethas fingers around Himekos neck, slowly started pressing down harder on her throat, as Sheethas eyes rolled in pleasure, and she silently moaned. "So untainted.. Unspoiled.. A gift, for any wo.. Demon... Like me.." She grinned, not opening her eyes, as her fingers stopped their rough treatment of Himekos throat, only holding it tightly, to shroud her words, should she try to speak, but not rendering her unable to.
The demon stroked her cheek again and then stroked down her neck and to her chest, Himeko felt it flatten there, right above her breasts. The nails tapped gently against her skin as she felt a small tear run down her eye, knowing full well now that everything she had prided herself on was about to be ripped away from her, as well as her virginity. "Please... Don't do this to me..." She begged one last time as her body was starting to give way. She felt the hand stroke her breast before gently wrapping her fingers around her neck as the demon leaned down. Himeko could almost feel the succubus's lips against her ear as she heard the demon speak, her eyes widened in fear as she listened carefully. She felt the vine then start working it's self on her clit, as if teasing it. Himeko's eyes were almost buldging out of their sockets now as it got lower and then slowly went inside of her. "No stop!" She cried out as tears started to roll down her cheeks, however the vine went in deeper, gathering up the juices that were starting to flow from her pussy. Her wrists were now fully bound as the vines had tightened their grip on her. She felt the demons fingers start to tighten around her throat and pressure was starting to be slowly applied now. She had felt as if she was about to pass out when the demon spoke again, and her grip on her throat started to slowly loosen now. She knew her protests were in vain and her body was starting to feel as if it was on fire. The vine in her was starting to feel good and her mind was slowly starting to near its breaking point. "Nnnn..." She moaned out softly as her body was starting to give in and give way fully now.
Sheetha stayed close to the young Blood Elf's ear, her lips pressed together, in a soft moan, the scene turning her more and more on. Sheetha had always been more eager then her race. She had always wanted more and more. The reason for her deformation. She was differant from other Succubus'. A differance, she loved greatly. And about the only thing, Sheetha was fragile about. The exact reason, why only one person, was ever told about it. But all this, was far dug back in SHeethas consiousnes. Himeko, now thecenter of her attention. Sheethas eyes, had opened just in time, to see the fear caught in her eyes. How beautifull this was. This would be the last time, she'd fear Sheetha this much. Sheetha would take every bit of joy she could from this. She slowly shook her head, as Himeko cried out to make her stop, and she smiled, looking into Himekos eyes. "Noo.. No, I won't stop, my dear.. And trust me.. When this is over.. You'll beg for more.." Her voice, was now sweet and alureing. Seductive, in the meanest way. Himeko could not be in a more volnurable position. Sheetha abused this, just as she was taught. Yet Sheetha, didn't do this, to have another victime on her consiousness. She wanted Himeko. She was pure. Sweet. Perfect. Just like her Mistress. Her hand released the preasure, to gently stroke up Himekos cheek, as the vine, forced itself slightly deeper, and Sheetha moaned softly a single time. "Do you feel it? The pleasure? It is.. Soothing... Becomeing a slave.. To a feeling like that.. Is not a weakness.. It's not humiliation.. It's. Nature." She whispered, grining, as her lips met Himekos, but this time, in a wanting way. She didn't forcefully kiss Himeko this time, but kissed her with passion, as the tight grip of her hair, losened, to gently stroke her instead. "It'll hurt soon.. But it'll only make it feel better.." She whispered, not moveing her lips far from Himekos, as her eyes stared into hers, and a grin slowly spread on her lips. "Brace yourself." She finished, as she gave a pleased moan, just as the vine made its way deeper, in a single rushed thrust, forceing the vine to reach Himekos Cervix.
Himeko's body was fully betraying her with each passing second now as she felt it go in farther and farther. "But I..." She tried to protest when she had let out another soft moan. She was becoming a slave to something she knew nothing of but soon would in a matter of mere moments. She knew she had lost, lost the moment she chose to help what she thought was an injured Night Elf. "Please.. St..." Her words were cut short as she listened to the demon and knew what was coming now. She was told that it would hurt, but how would she make it feel better? She was confused but really didn't have much time to even think when she was told to brace herself. She felt the vine go in deeper and with a single rush the vine had reached her cervix. Her back arched up as she screamed, feeling her virginity being stolen from her. Leaving her there a now soiled huntress that was now at the complete mercy of the succubus. Having lost her virginity she started to feel something start to swell up inside of her groin. "Unnnn..." She moaned as she finally closed her eyes, feeling her juices starting to flow more and more from her now tainted pussy. "Please... Hel... Help me... My body... It burns..." She whimpered as she was starting to give in. Her mind was now wanting the pleasure, wanting to just fully give in now.
Confusion struck her. No wonder. Sheetha was'nt really being very descreet, nor informative. Himeko was being thrown into a whole new world, without any guidance and counciling. Which was entirely on purpose. Sheetha, wanted to build her up from scrach. Give her a piece of her world, and explain it later. Build her up, to become something differant. A humiliation and degration, many would say. But not in Sheethas eyes. The void was her home, she knew real degradation. Degradation without pleasure. Something Sheetha was far too familiar with. Sheethas widened brightly, as Himeko screamed in a mixture of pain, and burning desire. Pleasure. She felt it now. In it's truest form. Sheetha herself moaned, her sencitive vine being tickled by the tight insides of Himekos vagina. Sheetha closed her eyes, leaning down to Himeko, moaning silently in her ear, before her tounge passed her teeth, licking Himekos ear seductively. She felt the warmth grow, and the juices increase in mass. She was most deffinatly feeling it now. And now, she pleaded again. Sheethas brows rose slightly, as she pleaded for something differant, then she had expected. Help? Sheetha smiled widely, and licked her lips, with a teasing glint in her eyes. "I'll help you, beautifull.. But first.. You've got to do something for me as well.." She whispered, grining softly, as she lowered her body, so her large breasts, pressed against Himekos. Sheetha stroked a finger along Himekos jawbone, as the vine, gently spun around inside her. "I.. Am going to let go of your wrists.. And then you.. Are not... Going to try to push me off.." Her voice now dominant, with a clear hint of sensirity. Even if Himeko ressisted, and would attempt to get Sheetha away, Sheetha would still be overjoyed. Getting to punish her new pet, right at the start. But if she had given in. Mind as well. "And.. Then when your beautifull little hands are free.. Your going to please my breasts with them.. Just like I did yours.. Got that?" She asked, with a saying and strickt expretion, makeing it sure, she knew she was serious. The vines on Himekos wrists, slowly let lose their grip, freeing her hands. Sheetha knew Himeko would be able to do her no harm, should she wish it. And she wanted to see, how far along her pet was. How much she'd do, for her new.. Mistress' pleasing. How good a girl, the beautifull Blood Elf, turely was.
Himeko's mind was breaking completely now, her will was breaking as well. Her body had betrayed her, and she was now begging for help. Help from this demon. Oh she felt it swelling inside of her, how she longed to be relieved of the burning sensation that kept building inside her non stop. She listened to the succubus and nodded weakly, she didn't have the strength to even attempt to run away now. If she had the strength and had managed to somehow get away, where would she go? She had no where to go now, no one to turn to. She had no choice now but to give in and do as she was told. "I... I won't run away... I won't even... Push you off of me..." She panted as she looked up at the demon and felt her breasts rubbing against her own. She nodded again as her hands had been freed and then slowly moved them down to the demons breasts and began to slowly caress them. She tried to remember how the succubus had done it and tried to mimic it. She squeezed the breasts in her hands and felt the demons nipples where hard like a pea, just like hers, she took her forefinger and thumb and gently grabbed the demons nipples and gently pinched them. "Like... This?" She asked as she looked deeply into the demons eyes, hoping she was doing it right.
Sheethas eyes observed Himeko, as her mind ran the orders through. Mixed with the burning desire, and the sheere lust. Sheetha could feel it, as clear as a branding upon ones skin. Sheetha watched her, as her lips started moveing, curious as a cat. Her eyes widened at Himekos submission, and the vines that had held her wrists, pulled back with utmost haste, wanting her in restrains no longer. For now, at least. Sheethas curious catlike eyes followed Himekos hands, with great glee, raising slightly from her, so she could get a good grip. Sheetha licked her lips, as Himekos hands first touched her breasts, and as she started caressing her eyes was closed, and she moaned softly. Her eyes opened wide, followed by a high pitched moan, as her nipple was pinched, grining widely, as she looked down upon Himeko. So pure. So perfekt. And already good, at what was comeing for her. "Yees.. Just like that, my love.. Mm.. Keep it up.. And i'll grant you, what you need." She whispered, licking her lips again, as the vine slowly pulled outwards of Himekos pussy, only to thrust inside again, with another rough thrust. "Mm.. So beautifull.. So pure.. So tight.. My little piece of sunshine.. Kiss me." She ordered, her lips, only a small distance from Himekos, as she had leant her face down. Her vine started thrusting inside Himeko more rapidly, and much more eagerly. One of the vines that had confined Himeko, moved to join it, the tip, starting to stroke Himekos clitoris, to spoil her, for being a good girl. One of Sheethas hands started strokeing Himekos hair softly, as Sheethas breathing, turned to an eager panting, as her vine was clenched by her tight cave, and her breast and nipples, pleased by Himekos soft hands.
Hearing the demon moan indicated she had been doing something right. She kept her pace up on the demons breasts as she was told if she kept it up she'd be granted the help she needed. Hearing the order to kiss the demon she opened her mouth and brought her head up and pulled the demon into a deep kiss. She closed her eyes as she kept working her hands on the demons breasts and let her tongue dance with the succubus's. She could feel the vine inside of her starting to thrust inside of her rapidly, causing her to moan louder than her previous moans. "Nnnn... Feels... So... So good..." She panted as she felt the other vine that had once bound her wrist join the other and was now stroking her clitoris. Her mind had now shattered into millions of pieces as she had fully given into the demon. No longer would she be able to fight this, her will to escape was broken and long lost now. She had lost her virginity and her pride in just mere moments. She could feel that fire swelling up more and more inside of her groin now, almost about to explode. She had never known about any of this stuff until now. She was still ignorant to everything else, but wouldn't be the more she spent time with the demon. Now she only wanted more, craved it. "What is this fire that is burning deep inside of me? Deep inside... Of my groin?" She panted as another moan escaped her lips as she looked at the demon with pleading, questioning eyes.
Sheetha grinned widely, as the huntress did as ordered, kissing her. Sheetha returned the kiss, her tong tounge playing with Himekos, as she invited her in. She moaned past the kiss, Himekos hands on her breasts, far from sateing the burning desire, rather fueling it. she gave another high pitched moan, much ressembleing a squirm, as her nipple was pinched again, by Himekos soft hands. The vine kept its pace, as Himeko started moaning more franticaly and louder. Sheetha grinned past their lips, kissing Himeko intensely after her confession. "Mmm it does.. Ah! And.. It'll only get better, the more you please me.." She whispered, past their lips, licking Himekos lips as her tounge lid inside her mouth again. Himeko had been broken, and Sheetha was victorious. But was it a loss, or a gain for the unknowing Blood Elf? Many would instantly shun the idea, of falling to a Succubus. But is it really that wrong, giving into temptation? Sheetha had never believed so, and always felt she freed the women she took. Sheethas blue eyes, closed as the vine started increasing its pace and its depth of thrusts. Sheetha needed more, and so did Himeko. Sheethas eyes opened again, as she started speaking, granting Himeko her full attention. Sheetha grinned, and kissed Himeko deeply again. "It's desire.. Urges. Lust.. It's everything you've missed. A world, others would shun. Others, might call those who give into it, like you've done, whores." She whispered, her eyes stuck to Himekos, as the vine thrusted deeper, now thrusting as deep as her Cervix, with every thrust. "Nngh! But is it really that wrong? Giveing in, to that feeling, your feeling right now? Would'nt you.. Let yourself be degraded.. To resive this. When ever you needed it?" She asked, smileing with a certain care, she had'nt shown before, as her own moans, turned more frantic as well. But she had to control herself. This was Himekos first time, and Sheetha didn't only want to fuck her. She wanted to play.. Sheetha was'nt about to let Himeko, be blessed with her orgasm, just yet. When ever she got close, Sheetha would fight herself, to slide out. Which would not only be to Himekos dismay. Sheetha wanted Himeko more and more, with every thrust, and every word. But one thing, she loved more then her own pleasure. Was teasing others with theirs. See how far, others would go for their climax.
Himeko needed to have the fire inside of her calmed down before she really lost it. She had no where to go now and the only person, or in the case, demon she could turn to was this succubus now. "I'll... Do whatever you wish... Just please help me calm this burning sensation." She replied as she felt the vines starting to increase in spead, thrusting deeper and deeper inside of her. It felt so good, and yet ever so wrong. Deep down inside she knew this was wrong, but she couldn't take it anymore, she had to have more! She kissed the demon back just as deeply as the succubus pulled away, breaking this kiss to explain it to her. Was she a "whore" now? Or something else? She was confused and didn't know just what to think anymore. The vines were now thrusting deeper and deeper, as deep as her cervix with each and every thrust. She thought for a moment as she listened to the demons words, she had already lost her virginity and her pride, she had nothing else to lose now. However she didn't know there was a way for her pride to be hurt worse, but that was still left in the unknown. "I'll..." She paused as another loud moan escaped her lips. "I'll do whatever... Whatever needs to... Just... To feel this good... Just please... Don't stop... Calm the fire inside of my body please and I'm... I'm all yours... For all... Eternity..." She panted as she had sealed her own fate now, not knowing she had just signed a contract with this demon. That was how succubus's were normally like, when one said what she said, it was a binding contract and the demon would be able to do whatever she so desired. The huntress couldn't help herself, she continued to pleasure the demon by continuing to caress her breasts and gently pinching her nipples. She could feel something inside of her wanting to explode and didn't know how to fully react to it.
Sheethas blue eyes, stared down in Himeko's eyes, as she begged for help again. To sate her sensation. To calm the fire. Ohh Sheetha would calm the fire, alright. But all in good time. Sheetha, was in no type of rush. Sheetha put a hand on Himekos cheek, as she kissed her deeply, her claws gently scraching against her soft cheek, without cutting. "Shh.. Mm.. My beloved.. We.. Are in no rush.. You have to enjoy it. Open your mind for it, entirely. Embrace it.. Love it.. You'll become a slave,to that sensation. That wonderfull feeling.. And you.. Will.. Love it.." Sheetha whispered, grining as she kissed Himekos lips again, as the vine increased in speed again, the one on Himekos clitoris, rubbing more eagerly. As Himeko started a sentence, that started with 'i'll' and was paused by a loud moan, Sheetha removed her lips, strokeing her hand down from Himekos cheek, to her breast, caressing it roughly again, with a firm squeeze, as she grinned, and listened with excited eyes. Her eyes widdened and a smile slowly rose broad on her lips, as she arched her back, moaning loudly, as she laughed with great joy. Only one, had ever promised her self to Sheetha. Only one, had ever signed the contract. Sheethas laugh only stopped, as her eyes shot down on Himeko again, as her lips wide smile, turned to a grin, and she licked her lips. "Goood.. Good! You mine now! Mmh! My little piece of sunshine.. Nngh! let me.. Grant you, your price.." She laughed again, as her vine rammed even deeper inside Himeko, squeezeing its her tight Cervix, slightly open, with each and every wild ram. Sheetha moaned eagerly, as her vine ravaged Himeko, fueling her flame, as her hands caressed Himekos breasts roughly, sqeezeing them, to have her nails press gently against her skin. Sheethas vine, started leaking liquid, that made its way inside Himeko. The substance worked as an aphrodisiac, to drive Himeko even futher. "Let og, girl.. Don't think about me.. Nngh! Let your lungs exhale your breath! Scream! Feel the pleasure, t its fullest.. You've earned it, my little elf. My.. Little pet.." She whispered, as her juices started leaking, even through her thong, dripping down on Himeko, as she felt herself getting more and more ignited. When others signed their contract, Sheetha blessed them, with all of her might. She loved her subjects, like none other. Pleasing them, as she pleased herself. Sheetha rubbed her lower body against Himekos stomach, as she screamed in extacy, as her vine kept ramming inside of Himeko, the liquid it leaked, not allowed to leave her body, because of the tight, newly tained walls, of Himekos vagina. The vine, slowly grew in size, squeezeing against Himekos walls even more tightly, stopping it's browth, as it had a perfect size, to induce Himeko with both pain, and pleasure. The tip, still testing Himekos Cervix, with every thrust.
The vine inside of her that was thrusting faster and deeper inside of her was driving her nuts as well as the one on her clitoris. The demon had been right all along, she had given in and she was begging for more. Her body was being ravished by this demon whom she willingly accepted just recently. Her moans were at a point to where they couldn't stop now as the demon had accepted the contract. The more the vine moved in deeper and deeper the more it drove Himeko mad. She felt it inter her cervix once again and then felt something warm coming from it, the more she felt it the more her body began to shake. She heard she was free to let go and so she did, as the demon had said that she felt something moist starting to coat her stomach, it was the demons own juices. No sooner had she felt the juices start to coat her stomach was the succubus now rubbing her crotch against it, screaming out in pleasure. The liquid kept coming out of the vine and for some odd reason it never escaped her vagina. The vine inside of her was starting to get bigger, causing a mixture of pain and pleasure, it had finally stopped at a certain size and continued to thrust into her, teasing her cervix non stop. She closed her eyes tightly and arched her back up as her mind had now been set free as she screamed loudly in pure pleasure. Her body shook wildly as she felt a massive rush of pleasure flow out of her body. She could feel the liquids starting to cover and coat her inner thighs as it continued, not stopping at the moment. It started to slowly go down, leaving her there panting heavily as she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the demon. "Like... Like that?" She panted as she looked into the demons eyes, hoping she had done well.
Himekos eyes, made it clear she was loseing her mind in this. Delving into the sheere pleasure of the moment. To enjoy it to the fullest. Himeko was beginning to understand. Beginning to see, why Sheetha never took the step futher, to become a queen. She had the oppertunity. But there was too much formality. This, is who she was. Corupting and seductive. Lust- and playfull. Himekos madness, lust and pleasure was clear written in her eyes. As it always was, on Sheethas subjects. And it only drove Sheetha futher, as she moan and hissed with pleasure. She arched her back, reaching for Himekos breasts, squeezeing them tightly, as her vine continued its work. As Himeko screamed, Sheetha grinned widely, leaning down to kiss Himekos breast, as they where shot towards her, as Himekos back was arched. The vine continued, not giving her a single moments rest yet, as she licked her lips. She grinned as she scented the liquids, closeing her eyes, takeing a deep breath through her nose, smelling the scent properly. She shuddered, as the vine slow down, and Himeko spoke. Sheetha grinned, leaning down to Himekos lips, kissing them deeply, grabbing Himekos hair firmly. "Mm.. Deffinatly. My love.. But ooh.. I am not done yet..." She whispered, and grinned. Her vine, slowly pulled out of Himekos cave, letting the liquids flow free from her, dripping down on the cave floor, joining the juices. The vine, still sticky from a mixture of Himekos juices and Sheethas own aphrodisiac. The vine stroked past Sheethas side, moveing over Himekos head. A drop of Himekos own juices, fell down upon Himekos cheek, if she did not move away from it. Sheetha grinned, biteing her own lip, as the vine slowly got a bit closer. "Wanna taste it? Taste your own liquids.. Mixed with mine? Go ahead. It is quite tasty, if you ask me.." She whispered, grining as her tounge licked the side of her vine, sinking the mixture of juices and aphrodisiac, shivvering as she closed her eyes, moaning softly. The vine, got close enough so Himeko could reach up her lips, by raising her head, only slightly. Sheetha seemed pationt. Playfull. She wanted to see, how experimental, Himeko would be. How interested, she'd be, in pleasing her new Mistress.
Himeko's mind was lost in the moment, lost into the pure pleasure that she had never known existed until now. The way the succubus's hands squeezed her breasts were driving her insane. She felt the demon lean down to kiss her breasts as Himeko arched her back forward. The vines hadn't stopped until she had let the pleasure flow over her and out onto the cave floor. When the vines started to slowly slow down after she had spoken she looked at the demon grin and then leaned down to her lips, kissing her deeply once again as her hair was grabbed firmly. She was glad she had done it right, glad to have done as she was told. She felt the vine slowly side out of her vagina, and in so doing the juices that had been locked up inside of her flowed freely out to join the rest of her juices on the cave floor. She felt the vine slide up her body and make its way up to where her head was, feeling a drop of her own juices drop onto her cheek as her eyes wondered over to it and then back at the demon as she listened to her speak. "Y... Yes..." She replied as watched the vine make its way above her lips. She moved her head up and opened her mouth and took the vine into her mouth. She could taste hers and the demons juices, which didn't taste bad at all. The more she licked off the vine the more her body started to grow hot again as she let out a soft moan. She had removed her hands from the demons breasts and gently grabbed the vine and pulled it closer to her. She had fully cleaned the tip off and was now licking it fully clean, she just had to have more of the juices! When she had completely cleaned off the vine she could feel something dripping down on her chest and then looked as she saw the tip of it had juices dripping from it. Taking the head back into her mouth she let the juices that dripped from it enter her mouth and slide down her throat, causing the heat to rise more and more into her body.
Sheethas firm hand, never faltered from the pleasing, yet rough treatment, of Himekos right breast, as the other held her hair. Sheetha awaited Himekos answer, with grea anticipation, her cat eyes observing with great glee. As Himeko finally acknowledge it, Sheethas eyes shined with joy, as her hand let go of Himekos hair, strokeing down her cheek, to flatten out on Himekos chest, above her breasts. As soon as Himekos lips formed around the vine, Sheetha gasped in a pleased moan, the vine wiggleing slightly. Not to get lose, but more ressembled a shivver. Just like the one, running down her spin. She panted eagerly, as Himekos mouth and lips, cleaned the vine. Sheetha twitched, her fingers grabbing Himekos breast even tighter, almost painfully, for a few seconds, before losening to caress it again. "G.. Good girl.. Mmh.. Yees.. Clean it.. Well.. Mmh!" She squirmed pleased, as Himekos tounge licked over the vine. Sheetha never understood, why her body reacted so heavily, when her vines where in her pets' mouths. Perhaps the fret, that she might bite down, knowing what would happen if she did. Sheetha moaned nevertheless, panting slightly, as Himeko was finished cleaning it, gulping as her body shivvered, and her hands stroked down to Himekos stomach. She slowly broadened a grin, feeling Himekos heat raise again. "Already needing m.. Ouhh!" She gasped, as Himeko took her vine in her mouth again, not expecting it, gigleing as her spine shivvered. The vine grew slightly thinner, fitting Himekos mouth better, as a grin slowly spread on her lips. "Your already loveing the taste.. Aren't you? Nngh.. Here.. Have.. A little more.." She whispered, as her vine, started pushing futher down Himekos mouth, thrusting a single time, to reach her throat, as some more of the warm liquid, leaked down Himekos throat. "Mmh! Tastes good.. Does'nt it?" She whispered, licking her lips, as she closed her eyes, the vine pulling out a bit, before pushing down again, being gentle, yet still persistant, not giveing Himeko a chance to answer, with anything but a nod. Another vine, also gotten soaked in the sticky substance, moved its way to Himekos right breast, twirling around it, and squeezeing it gently, as the tip tickled against her nipple. A third, moved between Himekos legs again, starting to tease her clitoris once more. Yet this time, Sheetha would keep a close eye on Himeko. Notice, when her orgasm might come. Makeing very sure, to see it, before the climax hit. himeko needed some teasing. Some degradation. To be reminded of her place. She seemed to already know. But it had to be hammered fast. Sheethas right hand, grabbed her own breast, squeezeing it tightly, her claws pressing against her skin, causing small punctures, only makeing her squirm futher with pleasure. Her other hand, still rested on Himekos stomach, as the vine in himekos mouth, kept feeding Himeko more, digging to her throat, with slow thrusts.
Himeko was careful to not bite down the vine, she was loving the substance that was flowing from and she also didn't wish to anger the succubus. She let out a muffled moan as the demon had squeezed her breast tighter, but in a painfully pleasurable way. She could feel the vine shiver as she had pulled it back into her mouth to suckle on it, to drink the warm liquid that flowed freely from it. Yes she was needing more now and would do whatever it took to get more. When the succubus told her she was giving her more she felt the vine shrink to fit better in her mouth as it thrusted a single time to reach her throat. The warm liquid leaked down her throat more and more now, causing her body shake in pleasure as juices started to flow from her pussy once again. The demon had asked if it tasted good and as she did she felt the vine pull out a bit before pushing down again, yet being gentle and ever so persistent. She couldn't speak with the vine in her mouth feeding her the delicious warm liquid, however she nodded in response to the demons question. She could feel another vine coated in the same substance working its way up her body as it reached her right breast and started twirling around it and squeezing it gently as the tip slightly tickled her very hard and sensitive nipple. Another vine moved in between her legs and made its way to her clitoris and began teasing her again. She could feel that same wave of pleasure starting to rapidly build up in her now, her moans were all muffled by the vine in her mouth, still she kept drinking it finding herself unable to stop now as it dug into her throat with slow thrusts. Her body was shaking in pleasure as her muffled moans grew louder and louder the more the pleasure inside of her body swelled up. She wanted to release that wave of pleasure but was finding it hard to do so just yet.
Sheetha felt Himeko being gentle, and carefull not to bite. Such a good girl.. Himeko had been a perfect catch! Sheethas moans continued, as she shuddered softly, the warm lips sending shivvers through her body again. And as her vine was accepted, she gasped pleased, arching her back, as the vine around Himekos breast, tightened its grip, and pressed hard against Himekos nipple. Sheetha could feel herself, closeing her climax. But she had to hold herself. Why was she even already getting there? She usually held longer. Was Himeko that exciteing? Sheetha could quickly answer that, as Himeko nodded to her question. Himeko was so lovably submissive, and acheingly sweet. Carefull, not to hurt her Mistress, and had already, on several occations, made sure her Mistress was pleased. Even asked, if she did her job right. Sheetha breathed in sharpy, as she shivvered, biteingher lower lip hard, and panted a single time. Her eyes shot up, as the welling of pleasure went through Himekos body, and she grinned wickedly, shivvering as her vines pulled back. The one in Himekos mouth, moveing to hover just above her, the others moveing behind Sheetha, starting to stroke gently around Sheethas body, as if they had a life on their own, the tips of them, changeing their form, into snakelike heads, hissing silently. "No, no no.. My little pet.. Two orgasms, already?" Sheetha shivvered softly, lowering above Himeko, so their lips was close again, testing to see, if Himeko would kiss her, as Sheetha shook her head. "Noo.. First time, was a gift.. This time.. You'll have to earn it, my dear.." She whispered, grinning. "You only recieve pleasure, when I allow it.. Only reach your climax.. When I wish it.. Understand?" Her voice, gentle, yet dominant and harsh. As if a mother, giveing her child a lesson. Sheetha then licked her lips, as one of the snakes, stroked over Sheethas stomach, and slide between her breasts. "Do you want it? That.. Sweet relief again? Will you.. Perform any task.. For your.. Mistress? For her to sate your urges?" Sheetha asked, with her alureing and seductive voice, as her, now snakelike, vines hovered around them, clearly wanting to give Himeko more, but being held back. Sheetha herself, even seemed to urge more, but discipline had to be build. She had to know, she got little for free, from now on. Not knowing Himekos past, and careing little. Himeko, was no longer the one she had been before. Now, she was Sheethas..
Himeko was so close to being able to release that wave of pleasure when she felt the vines slowly leave her and the one in her mouth was hanging above her, yet out of her reach. She watched as two of the vines moved behind the demon and stroked her, then they slowly changed into something different. The tips of the vines turned into snake like heads and was hissing silently. She whimpered when she was denied her release and watched the demon lower herself to where her lips where in range of her own. She leaned up and gently kissed the demon. In many ways she wished she had known what the demons name was, what to call her by. But now wasn't the time to think of such things. She listened carefully to the demons words and nodded slowly. "I will do whatever you ask of me... I don't care what the cost is, I am yours to do with as you seem fit, but please let me have that release!" She begged and pleaded as she saw the vines hovering around them now. "Please... I'll do anything for that release... Tell... Tell me what to do..." She pleaded again as a tear fell from her eye from the lack of being able to have her release. Her pet was still held back by the other vines, and all he could do was watch his mistress fall from grace, or so to say. There was nothing the cat could do but continue to watch them and continue to wish he could have helped his mistress out somehow.
Sheetha watched Himekos suprise, grinning softly as she licked her lips. Being denied such a release, only moments after realiseing the absolute joy of it, was harsh treatment. Sheetha knew, and it only drove her futher. Makeing this wait, even better. Sheethas brows rose slightly, as Himeko moved to kiss her. Sheetha only just let Himekos lips meet her own, before she silently hissed, putting a hand on Himekos throat, pushing her down dominantly. "Ah ah.. I didn't tell you to kiss me, dear pet.." Her hand clenched gently around Himekos neck, chokeing her only slightly. "It's time.. We induce some hierachy.." She whispered, now grinning wickedly, as the fingers losened the grip, letting Himeko breath again. Sheethas fingers stroked from Himekos neck, and down her side, her claws scarching her gently, yet without cutting any wounds. Sheetha wettened her lips, as Himeko pleaded, broadening another light grin. Ohh the pleading was the best. That expretion of urges, being held denied. Himekos tear, made Sheetha pout slightly, then gently smile, as her lips kissed next to Himekos eye, halting the tear on its way. "Do not cry, my dear pet.. I'll soon release you again.. Grant you, another gift.. But right now.. It's your turn to give." Her voice was still a mere whisper, as her blue eyes stared down upon Himeko. "From now on.. You will only please yourself, and me.. When I've ordered you to. Or after asking my permission.. And you.. Will call me your Mistress.. For that is what i'll be. I'll be both harsh, and gentle. Depending on your behaviour." Her voice had grown from a whisper, to a detirmined and ordering tone. Sheethas blue eyes, slowly moved up upon Tosho, and she tilted her head slightly. A grin slowly spread on her lips, as na idea came to mind. Her devious expretion moved down upon Himeko again. "I think.. We've withheld your little friend, for long enough.. Here.. Is what you will do.. To recieve your release.. Your pleasure." She said, gently strokeing a finger down Himekos cheek. "I will release, your little warrior.. And then.. you shall calm him.. And. Then let him know, he.. Is the Master.. That the roles has changed. You. Now being the pet. I want to see the little boys reaction to that.." She said, still grinning wickedly, as she gave her demand. This proof, of great humiliation, would not only prove she had been broken. but prove, just how much she would do, for her new Mistress. Sheetha didn't know the age of the feline, but it's strong features, sugested a well trained beast. She was already anxious, to see his reaction to this. If he would even understand it. If he'd accept it. Sheetha rose her right leg, placeing it back down next to the other, freeing Himeko from her pinning, first time offering complete freedom. She would of course not get to run away, had it all ben a facade. But Sheetah slowly laied down on her side, resting her cheek on one hand, the elbow on the cave floor. her tail, happily swung from side to side, as the vines caressed Sheethas body. Sheetha stroked a finger down Himekos naked frame, as her blue eyes drove between her, and Tosho, before settleing on her. She hinted towards Tosho, as her grin widdened.
Just as her lips met the demons she heard her hiss and then felt a hand on her throat that pushed her down. "But..." She tried to protest when she felt the fingers clench around her throat gently, but slightly choking her. Her body was starting to cool off by this point as she listened to the demons words. Looking at her she saw the demon was grinning once again, but with wicked intentions. The hand that had been around her throat finally loosened up and the claws slid down her neck, scratching yet not leaving any marks on her. The demon leaned down and kissed next to her eye, keeping the tear from falling. The demon told her to not cry and that she'd be rewarded soon enough. She was then told that she was to call her mistress now and that she would only be allowed to please her and herself only when she was given permission to. She watched as her mistress looked over at her pet and saw the grin widen on her face before looking back down at her. After hearing her mistresses order she nodded carefully. "Yes Mistress..." She replied as she felt her mistress now get up and off of her body, freeing her. She knew she couldn't escape even if she tried. But she had to obey her mistress or receive a horrible punishment. Tosho had been released as well and made his way over to Himeko. "Good boy..." She cooed as she knew what she had to do now. She had to basically revoke her rights as his mistress and make him in charge of her. She spoke in her Blood Elf language as she released Tosho and bound herself to him instead, making him the master and her his pet. Tosho's body shivered as she chanted the hunter's spell that was very looked down upon. When she finished she felt him lick her cheek, the same spot where her own juices mixed with her mistresses had landed on. Tasting it he seemed to change, and turned his blue glowing eyes to her green glowing eyes. She knew what was coming now as she laid back down on her back. Tosho was now in control over her as he nipped at her inner thigh and lapped up the sticky juices that were coated on her inner thighs. He kept licking until he reached her vagina and then he nipped it gently as he licked it, cleaning it of all its juices. More of her pride had been stripped from her as Tosho was now having his way with her. She wouldn't fight it and in many ways couldn't fight it. She had felt Tosho stop and then that's when his whole body was on top of her, mounting her. She felt something poking her, as if trying to find the entrance to her vagina and she moved her hands down which met his member. His member was always in its sheath until now, with her hands she helped guid his member to her entrance and then felt him thrust inside of her. "Ahhhh!" She screamed as her eyes widened in pain. He was much much bigger than her mistresses vine had gotten and it felt like it would tear her in half! "It's too big! It hurts!" She cried out as he had her pinned down and was now thrusting deep inside of her, hitting her cervix with each and every thrust. Tears streamed down her face the more he pounded into her, this was something she hadn't expected and didn't want. She tried to push him off of her but he growled at her and pinned her arms down with his giant paws and continued. This was humiliating and wrong! She looked up at her mistress with tears rolling down her eyes, which her eyes were begging to be helped. But she knew full well the demon wouldn't help her at all.
Sheetha stayed on her side, her catlike eyes, observeing Himeko carefully. She had accepted. Acknowledged the order. Sheetha smiled widely and licked her lips, squirming in anxcious glee, as she turned around, resting both elbows on the ground, resting her cheeks in her hands, raising her feet off the ground, as they wiggled slightly back and forth. She tilted her head, as Himeko petted the boy. She had a connection with the animal, Sheetha would never understand. Disciplin and punishment, that's sport. Spells and enchantments, was cheating. The feline was quite a beautifull animal. Sheetha just might consider keeping him, could he control himself, when being free. As much as Sheetha watched the beautifull naked Himeko, she was keeping an eye on Tosho. She wanted Himeko to be humiliated. To know, she was the lowest on the chain, at this time. But she was'nt going to let Tosho hurt her either. She'd certainly not allow that. Tosho would be whimpering in pain, before his teeth even made it inside Himekos neck. But as the spell had been broken, Tosho didn't seem angered. Intimidated or anything dangerously animalistic. As he licked Himekos cheek, Sheetha tilted her head again, her observant eyes, watcing Toshos change. Her eyes widdened slightly, as her lips broadened a grin, and she rose herself on hands and knees, crawling closer to the two. As she came closer, she made silent, soothing shushing sounds, to calm the beast, let it know she had no ill intent. But she was'nt being as carefull as others would be, closeing a wild beast. Sheetha knew animalistic instincts, far better then humanoids, and it would sence Sheetha was superior. No pride to break down amongst animals. Such an easy excistance. Sheethas head rose, so her eyes could look down at Toshos work, licking her lips, as she shivvered softly. She knew how rough animal tounges where. It was hard to trumpf that feeling. Sheetha followed Tosho with her eyes, narrowing them carefully, as the observant eyes, seemed to try to look inside Toshos mind. To see what intents he had. But as her eyes lowered, noticing Himekos hand, leading Toshos member. Sheetha widdened her eyes, and her jaw dropped slightly. The large cat, was'nt only large an muscular across his body.. Her lips broadened to a grin, as Himekos scream filled the air, closeing her eyes, shivvering and enjoying the sensation. Sheetha moved her eyes to Himeko, and grinned softly. The large member, seemed to form a bulge on Himeko, with every thrust. It was very big, for her second time. But there was no turning back now. Should Sheetha deny Tosho his pleasure, he would never become 'part of the family'. And an animal that massively equiped. Deffinatly deserved to become part of the hierachy. Ealinn would love him.. Sheetha felt generous a short moment, before she went back into the current situation. The pleading and teary eyes of Himeko, made her smile again. But with no grin, but a gentle and careing smile. Sheethas eyes moved to Toshos, as she spread her legs, and crawled a bit closer, so she sat just above Himekos head. Sheetha very slowly, put her hands bellow Himekos shoulders, slowly lifting them upwards, as her lower body crawled bellow Himekos head. Sheethas eyes didn't drift from Toshos, hers carying a dominant glare. A warning glare. Himeko was her pet, more the his. He'd either learn that the rough way, or catch that in her eyes. Sheetha made no attempt to pull Himeko away, only lifting her, to then let her lean against Sheetha. Sheethas hand, then stroked down Himekos cheek, as she made gentle shushing sounds. "Shh.. My dear. It'll turn to pleasure soon.. I promise.. And after this.. You'll be mine entirely again.. I'll please you, for as long as you make yourself deserveing.. And doing this, gives you my attention, at least four times." She grinned, licking her lips, as her eyes sought downwards, shortly watching the beast thrust inside Himeko. Sheethas eyes then turned towards Tosho, as her left hand continued strokeing Himekos cheek, and removed her tears. Sheethas right hand, she very slowly and carefully rose towards Tosho. "There, there boy.. I won't interupt you, my darling.. You had to just sit and watch, as we played around.." She whispered silently, as her hand attempted to place its gentle fingers behind Toshos ear, and then gently scrach it. Sheethas eyes turned down on Himeko again. "Tell me.. My lovely flower.. Do you.. Really wish him to stop?" She asked, slowly broadening a grin again.