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2017-11-20 22:59:30
I need to vent. I joined college. I loved everything here. The students, school and the environment. But life is a mess sometimes. There is this guy that I'm deeply in love with. I don't think he even knows me. But I loved going to school, just to see him. He doesn't even say hi to me. Two things made me hopeless about him. 1. My friend likes him and she's more beautiful than me. 2. There is this girl that he always spend his time with. I think she is his girlfriend. And he looks so happy with her. Pleaseeee tell me what to do to make him mine. I don't think I can live my life like this.
2017-11-21 06:48:53
I need to vent. Hey there was this guy and we were close and he is kind of a player...he had multiple g.f...and one time he said he liked me and he would drop all the other girls and i said am not interested tbh i didnt believe him cause i know that side of him and i wasnt willing to risk our friendship for something that would end so badly...then he got mad and we didnt talk for a while then we started talking again...then he told me he met someone and that she was super nice and cool and i was happy for him and then he said call her and talk to her u guys r so alike he said pls pls and like the idiot i am i called her and then she got furious she called me names and she thought i was cheating with him minamin and i explained as much as i can but she just wouldnt understand me...then i told him to pls explain to her and then they broke up and i feel so bad...i shouldnt have been an idiot and called her and hes more of an ass for making me call her and calling me names...and i wish i could fix them...bicha i stopped talking to him...but i shouldnt have stopped ryt
2017-11-21 08:20:22
I need to vent. Why are Habesha Women so sexually dull ¿
2017-11-21 20:59:26
I need to vent. Alright vent here audience y'all gotta tell me, where are all the good men out there ? Am I the only girl that's really sick and tired of immature selfish ass boys, late night anonymous calls talkin about not telling who they are and how they got your number from a 'friend' boring ass conversations that are all flirtatious text like "Betam Konjo nesh... metewawek enchilalen?... Mech new feta minilew... Skemagegnish dres I can't wait..?" calling non stop day and night talking bout missing you when they don't even know you until they get tired taking you to couple houses or a movie theater trying to make a fucking move????? Like I'm so fucking tired of these boys that have no respect for women! Even if you try to get a "man" all they want is sex! Controlling you like youre their property! WHERE ARE ALL THE GOOD GUYS?!?!?!? I'm trying to find a genuine guy that I can have conversations about politics to what happened to Michael Jackson's nose. A guy that knows my values not just how big my ass is! A guy that takes me to dates trying to know me and not thinking about all the sexual things he wants to do to me That calls me when ever not just when he's bored and wants to talk dirty! Where is the guy I can trust? Where is the guy that remembers my birthday? That legitimately cares about me and my dreams?! Maaaaaan! Y'all gotta tell me before I lose faith in men ARE THERE STILL DECENT GUYS OUT THERE?
2017-11-21 22:12:47
I need to vent. We were a rerun of most love stories, but we felt special. Blinded to the tsunami up head. I was raised to be emotionally closed off and she was raised to be passive aggressive. When we first met, it wasn't love at first sight cuz all i saw was how other boys were looking at her and i thought to myself she'd be a good chase. And she was acting all cool cuz it's what the other cool girls were acting like. Got her number. Texted her. Texts got intimate. We met up. Got tipsy. Got frisky. Repeat a couple of times. Then with out us even deciding we were a thing our friends started treating us like we were. So we went with the flow. And for a time it went great. Soon i started to notice that she had such a potty mouth. I tried not to hear most of her disgusting sidebs. She inturn found out that i wasn't as emotionaly invested as she was in this shit. I started to get frustrated because any little disagreement meant i wouldn't get any that night. That was her greatest instrument of manipulation. And me being the way i am angered her even more by not showing my frustration and my need for her company. Soon everything turned into kurfia, dry spells, and thoughts of what it would be like if i was with that hot girl in my class. Finally, typical of many relationships in our age. We broke up with no overt emotions being flung all over the room.
2017-11-21 22:13:44
I need to vent. why can't I grow out of this shell? Why? O why? I'm so sick of being a wallflower.... i know y'all are gonna say accept yourself. Know that I don't wanna lose my introversion completely. I love it. But i wish it could go down a notch. I wanna break out of this shell. I have experienced a bit of it before... n i really like it. I wanna be that badass bitch nobody messes with. I wanna get out of my comfort zone. N live that risky adventurous life. I've had spent years sippin coffe reading books alone. But not anymore. now I just wanna break free. It has robbed me of so many experiences... I'm sick of looking through the window... i wanna get out of my bubble. Anyone has tips on how to achieve that ? Just plain badass, confident bitch.. no basic shit.
2017-11-22 04:12:21
I need to vent. K ... I'm a girl and I been reading most of vents & most of zem r abt love, which is so fucking stupid. It's been while since i stop giving shit for boys. My question is for boys now, most boys in our school thk girls lik they r some kind of object but I won't blame them because the girls ..bitch action force them to be like that . z thg is I'm not lik zem at all & z boys start showing zat face which says 'who the hell u thk u r?'. Wt can I do now I feel like everyone is hating me I'm I suppose to act like z bitches to be likeable??
2017-11-22 09:36:10
I need to vent. I'm very sad right now I'm as sad as it gets .I have been stolen from .i have been ripped off something so close and so dear to my heart. With out it all the passion I once had for working hard is just gone .when u have been stolen from such a thing all ur wild ,deluded ,complex and out this world thought are set free like beasts from a cage . I have been betrayed and stolen form what had once been my possession. And With out it am lost I have a diseases don't worry its not contagious but I'm very sick and I suffer form my thoughts .And brain is a monster like most of yours are. And the only medication I had has been Taken away form me by some one i loved so deeply and had trusted. It was stolen By close friend .Remember this words "trust no one". My friend My friend stole my earphones from me and its 3 hours past midnight and I'm here unable to do any of my assignments. I'm drowning in the pool of my thoughts lend me ur hand save me . Ps. Lost i
2017-11-22 09:37:19
I need to vent. Okay so my problem is i am too bad at goodbyes i mean i would do anything to be like bitch bye and NEVER LOOK BACK i made that part bold cause my good bye is like talk to you in two weeks tops ..... Please help i need to break this cycle
2017-11-23 01:31:04
I need to vent. Yo! AM highas m motherfucker as we home n i think i fucking lost a medical book...and its not even mine man! ITS FROM A DOCTOR THAT I TOOK THE BOOK for my upcoming exam which is in about 8 hours man .i think the book worth in thousands....fuck !
2017-11-23 09:11:21
I need to vent. Vent#2 This is not a vent just need another perspective. RECAP of my previous vent: · I met this chick at a party we hit it off got her number, even though i wanted to, didn't call. · Made out with her friend after two weeks after being very intoxicated, I posted a vent here asking if whether I should call her or not, many said to leave her be, a few advised I call and I decided to call. FACTS 1- I called and she agreed to meet up. 2- our meeting went very well, we probably will meet again. 3- There are other girls in my life at the moment. 4- I will never tell her Fact #3 5- I don't like being emotional or what so ever. *Emotional=Weak* 6- Still can't believe Fact #1 happened. PROBABILITIES 1- There is a probability that I might like her in the future( which never happens). 2- There is a probability I might get bored and start looking somewhere else which always happens. ASSUMPTIONS 1- she probably knows bout my make out session with her friend, even though our previous date went very smooth and nothing was mentioned about the mishap. UNKNOWN VARIABLES 1- She. PROBLEMS 1- am not sure I want to be in a relationship or not. 2- should I stop talking and being with other girls? Just in one date? "Yekotun awerd bela endayehonebegn"(quoting a commenter from the previous vent) 3- I don't know why I feel bad bout cheating on her, is it even cheating? Since nothing is official. 4- I don't know why am putting in so much thought in to it.
2017-11-23 09:11:50
I need to vent. Is thinking yourself as 'different person' a bad thing??
2017-11-23 16:45:05
I need to vent. In all my interactions with the opposite sex , im subconsciously daring them to reject me, as I'm expressing my true self. The ones who don't take the dare are my kind of girls. What are your thoughts on this?
2017-11-23 18:16:52
I need to vent. I'm a girl that isn't really comfortable with who she is because I'm slightly thicker than my friends. My friends would always say "your boobs are too big" and it would make me feel insecure about my body. For a long time, I thought no one would ever love me, or fall for me. Two months ago I met my now boyfriend. I love him too much and I am attracted to him, but it feels like a chunk of me is missing. My sexuality is always a mystery because I am attracted to males and females , but I don't want to label myself as bisexual. Ik there will be so many people against this but, 1.Should I tell my boyfriend? 2. Should whatever my sexuality is HAVE a label?
2017-11-23 19:19:28
I need to vent. I really wanna know, who the fuck dates these swaghollic dope boys blah blah... What's there to like. They got nth to offer, just their high as hell EGOs and empty ass pockets. I am actually amazed. Not only by the way of thinking of these boys *not men*, but also the girls who date em. No self-respect there whatsoever. Disappointing I swear.
2017-11-23 19:31:23
I need to vent. I enjoy being biten. I wouldn't mind that at all if my man just ups and bites me. Is it weird?
2017-11-24 11:03:51
I need to vent. Everything has been going like this. It is like you have someone by your side at this moment and just in the blink of an eye u have no one leka. It is like today u tell your everything to someone and tomorrow everything is back to normal.It is like u mistake yourself for having a friend but at the end of the day u are nobody's friend. It is how it is going on for me. I don't know what is real and what is not. I don't know who hold onto and who to not. It is as if i am thinking of having an impossible dream. And i know it hasn't been this hard till now. Finding someone to talk to,someone who can understand you,someone who absolutely wont judge you,someone you can think of yours... Was it always hard to get?or was i late to realize it?
2017-11-24 13:45:18
I need to vent. So I need an opinion on something. Here's me 1. I am a huge fan of Game of thrones 2. I love playing video's like GTA, call of duty. ( Finished 'em) 3. I love Machine gun Kelly, DMX, Eminem and also 1d's 4. I don't like cuddling, I don't kiss and tell , I mostly don't like I love you's, I Don't do mar , fiker n stuff 5. I don't care if ma man sleeps with other girls as long as it doesn't involve feelings 6. I am a very sarcastic person and have a dirty dirty sense of humor. 7. I love memes. 8. And no matter what I always keep ma smile on ma face. And no I am not a Lesbian nor am I wenadawend. I am as girly as I could possibly be. So just need opinions about it is it wrong or right I'm just confused. Do u guys like this kinda girls ???
2017-11-24 14:16:20
I need to vent. I need to gain weight. I'm a pretty girl with sexy genes. Right now, unless u examine me closely u won't know that um pretty. ... um not drop dead gorgeous. Forget the prettiness. I need a damn body. Forget sexy. Anything will do. My body is very petite n a lot of ppl make fun of it. By ppl i mean family, brothers, father, mother, friends. Tewlgesh keresh. Atwefrim ende minamin. N I'm sick n tired of that. I need to shame them beka... i need them to be like damn you got hot.
2017-11-24 14:29:56
I need to vent. how do you ask for a friend-with-benefits relationship? From a girl to a guy you barely know
2017-11-24 15:20:16
I need to vent. someone asked you for fwb relationship months ago. After breaking up n shit, insulting each other n stuff. If u say yes to the fwb relationship now after months? Will he b like it's okay.. or like hell nah, I don't want to see u. (It wasn't a minor argument, there was a lot of insulting, blocking n shit goin on.)
2017-11-24 21:45:35
I need to vent. Vent #3 This is not a vent just need your perspective... Are we supposed to forget? Are we allowed to forget? Are we allowed to remember? Can we just move on? About the ones who have walked in and out, about the ones who didn't want walk out but who did any ways, the ones we push out, the ones who have fallen, the ones we walk out on. Forgetting is like Letting that person who really mattered cease in your mind, there is no more of them... It's like they are just gone. "Out of sight out of mind." What makes us cry is when they die the odds of seeing them again drops to zero, that's what sad about the whole thing we don't cry cause we loved them, we cry cause we are bound to forget them, it just varies from person to person how long it takes. It doesn't really matter how much we love them or how much we really care, we have to forget. For our sakes and for the sake of others around us. For the weaklings that don't want to remember who don't want that burden of remembering, we don't want that tiny but heavy pain of remembering, like others don't have it bad enough. We are weak selfish creatures who want happiness at the expense of others but don't want to feel the pain, the pain of remembering. If we don't forget, society brands us "mentally sick" or worse. Cause people always want the easy way out, they don't want to remember and they will hate you for it if you make them remember,so moving on is how we comply with their rules. We are supposed to forget after we cry.The whole point of crying is to get it over with crying is a shortcut it's supposed to make us feel better,crying is cheating. I feel like crying deprives us from our true grief,remembering. I believe true grief is remembering, true grief is savoring ever little moment, cherishing every memory. Remembering is the best thing we can do for them, keeping them with us, keeping them alive when they are dead, keeping them close when they are far.
2017-11-25 19:05:51
We apologize for the downtime of the bot, it is now up and running.
2017-11-25 20:28:50
I need to vent. Is it too bad to laugh all the time? After all I've heard in this channel, I think it's not fair/healthy to be as happy as I am. Idk why I'm never sad, not that I want to but I feel like I'm not playing a part in something much more bigger than me. And I feel like I will be too surprised when the sadness hits and fail miserably
2017-11-25 20:30:23
I need to vent. I have only a few close friends due to the fact that i have major trust issues. Problem is i have this one friend. She is extremely judgmental and has told many people rumors about me that were not true but when i asked her she claimed it wasnt true. I know she thinks of me as a slut for no reason at all. And has told a lot of ppl that i slept with many guys. I dont know what i should do.
2017-11-25 20:49:08
I need to vent. I just realized i love my boyfriend way more than i thought n i feel like if anything happens am gona be so heartbroken
2017-11-25 20:49:30
I need to vent. I had a dream I saw my name on a gravel stone, it read HERE LAY'S A MAN... followed by a poem I could see the rest but I saw a just few people stand by my headstone... It's funny cuz it use to be my circle of friends never ends I use to have like 47 friends in my circumference, all that's left now was their radiance, they still live but I am trying to make it in this stratosphere ...Fuck
2017-11-25 21:02:13
I need to vent. I think I'm incapable of love. I don't know how everyone here has the luxury of falling in love. How do you do it?
2017-11-26 07:57:53
I need to vent. Don't judge the days to come by the days you have lived. Be healthy everyone!!!. That's what matters the most
2017-11-26 09:09:44
I need to vent. More of a general question than a statement. Why is it so hard for people to be positive and non-judgemental?
2017-11-26 09:17:00
I need to vent. Hey guys what's up? Once I liked this girl, she was so awesome and I thought of asking her out. So when I finally asked her she was like NO I have a bf...i said okay beka cheger yelewm menamen. Then one day she saw me geting inside my car and driving off (I know she saw me bc I saw her looking at me and telling her friend menamen). Then the next day she was like "hey u endet neh, yachi yeteyekegn teyake kaldebereh mewtat enchelalen "....That's what she said literally...I said no thank you plus this isn't the first time it has happened to me sooooo my question is Why are girls such gold to explain that ????
2017-11-26 09:17:45
I need to vent. This morning i woke up feeling like a dirtbag like I just wanna die. So here is the situation.. I kinda liked a guy in my collage, and I have the feeling he likes me back. He is genuine, decent and really mskin So yesterday my disgusting self kissed one of his friends. It was a terrible mistake, I regret everything about it. I literally woke up crying. I don't know how to am going to see his face kezi buhala. I know for sure I have to talk to him about it. he deserves to know, but I really don't know how to say it. Help
2017-11-26 09:32:01
I need to vent. I hate people. I don't seem to like any of the human species at all.
2017-11-26 09:59:40
I need to vent. What should I do? I have a gigantic crush on this guy and he has a girlfriend so you know I'm trying to back off. And so his sisters hangs out with me a lot and tells me all about herself and so on. She says she likes this guy from my class and thinks I like him too. I wanna tell her I like her brother but I can't because she is a friend of his girlfriend. She keeps asking me who I like. I hate lying. Should I tell her?
2017-11-26 13:00:53
I need to vent. I'm in love with a woman I've been repeating this words again and again this past few weeks, cuz all this is too good to be true. This days it's frowned upon to say that someone changed you( cuz the only real change comes from the inside) but by God did she change me. I'll never admit this to her cuz my ego cant handel her gura. It's amazing how she saw something in me when i was still an entitled badass wannabe. For once in my life i started thinking about the future. I started taking my life seriously cuz i wanted her to be in it. She is the only person i can have world war 2 kinda fights with and still be assured she'll stay. She's the only person i can set aside my ego and be cheesy with. I sometimes feel like I'm losing my non-existent street cred cuz i don't have any secrets to keep from her. And the way she reads my face scares the shit outta me.
2017-11-26 14:55:02
I need to vent. Idk what to do or how i gone make things right. dis days am in bad situation of not believing girls. the first time i fall in luv I ended up having the worst feelings of my life. she broke ma hrt into pieces and am still hurt deep inside. its becoming very hard for me to forget that feeling. everytime i close my eyes n thnk of luv, i c what happened to me and i will promise myself not to trust again. i know dat every girls are not the same and i wanna trust but i coudnt. And now i gat dis cute grl. we hv been together for some months but i dont trust her at all. i feel like some bad things gone happen some days. N bc of dis am nat doing what i should do for our r/ship. I don wanna lose her just need some advise.
2017-11-26 18:16:47
I need to vent. Okay so here's the thing me and my boyfriend had sex yesterday. It was my first time and we didn't use protection. He didn't cum inside me minamin gin beka I'm scared betam. Do you guys think i should take post pill or not? Please help
2017-11-26 20:28:57
I need to vent. if anyone gets close to me emotionally i get scared. N i just push them away. I do it subconsciously. I'm just realizing this now Being open n trusting is a building block of any relationship. Um scared of hugs even. i just shout if anyone try to hug me or lean on me. I personally think the problem came from my upbringing. My parents were not close to me. Physically n emotionally. Plus they didn't allow anyone else to b close to me. So i grew up isolated. N i began isolating myself even more. So i think that's the root cause of my problem. I don't trust ppl cuz ppl n family fucked me over n over again. My family raised me to think that i am lesser than everyone. They stripped me of the basic necessities of a human. So sometimes i think like breathing is a luxury for me. It's not like um ugly n he's prettier or anything. Like on a scale of one to ten for just the two of us. he's a 2 n I'm a 9. So the physical appearance is not a problem. If anyone does a bit of loving thing i close my wall. He says I'll call u up three times per day? I don't feel like i deserve all that attention. Everytime he calls i offend him till he hates me n stops calling. buys me gifts i don't accePt. cuddles me .. i just find a reason to escape his embrace. Bla bla. it's all mental. anyways so i gotta be more open n trusting. N i should be thinking big. Fake it before u make it?
2017-11-26 20:47:00
I need to vent. Okay... So here's the deal.... I posted some time ago about a mean sister... The advice was to talk to her... That's when the problem started... I'm still in high school and she's is so mean to me.... I'm not dumb but im not brilliant either... She now also makes fun of my marks. And treats my mother like dirt... She is so mean... And talks ugly about us to my nephews... I hear all she tells them.... It's not like she makes a point to whisper... She is constantly putting me down.... She doesn't like me to shower first or dish up first before the children and that's fine... She calls me a failure and treats me like dirt.... I try to be nice and she mocks me.... She judges me about everything... All the time She says I should kill myself.... And she hates me.... I don't think I love her anymore.. What should I do..??
2017-11-26 21:58:43
I need to vent. What do girls actually think of guys? I wanna know. Do they see us like this block of wall who has no feelings whatsoever? We feel too you know. We might not show it upfront, but if you look deep enough you'll see that at least some part of all us is capable of loving and being hurt. I don't want to generalize but bitchyness is increasing at an alarming rate. It's hard to find the girl that you actually see a future with, have kids with, grow old together with, not the girl who you see breaking up with you as easy as it comes. Is it supposed to be this hard? Urghh
2017-11-27 03:23:24
This vent isn't functional for the time being.
2017-11-27 09:42:11
I need to vent. So does it make me a bad person to want an emotionless relationship, I jut want it to be like Stone Age, me woman u man relationship. I would like to find a guy I find attractive and vice versa and just meet up for sexy rendezvous. I told one of my friends this and she totally freaked on me, went on and on about how love conquers all and well I zoned out after that...heehee So I brought my question here, is something wrong with me for wanting this? Is it cuz I'm a girl that she made such a big deal out of this?
2017-11-27 11:40:07
I need to vent. I hope this is my last vent. Idk how to let go. I know i have no other choice but to let go. I want to do it. This person was supposed to b my family my closest friend but they betray me n do shit to me. I'm sick of crying everyday because some incompetent, self loathing losers failed to do their job properly. Um sick of it. Behulum elik yiyzalu. Elik miyasyz neger kelele erasachew yifetralu. Sew sira yifetral but this stupid shits think elk meyaz is a sport lol. Anyone else dealing with jealous, stupid, elkegna parents that treat u like step children please reach out.
2017-11-27 12:06:25
Stats of Vent Here as of this second *Technical stuff* 2587 Members 844 Vents 5438 Comments read 2137 Comments added 1950 Likes 874 Dislikes 474 Subscribes
2017-11-27 14:01:59
I need to vent. I found out i wz one month pregnant friday morning and i took the abortion pill that didn't even bother me to wait until i think about it...i always thought if i ever got pregnant i wouldn't abort it instead am gonna raise it what ever it took....and i hate kids...gin i always thought i wouldn't be a killer but that all i keep thinking was hw my life would turn out if i keep 4th year in univ so i said i need to abort it plus if i keep it i would be ruining my b.fs life i did it......i abort it....buh i feel so ashamed for doing it...i know i reserved a special place in hell......i killed my baby....i should get burn for it.....i wish it was a very hurtful process so that i could at least pay for my sins on earth
2017-11-27 18:00:54
I need to vent. I am a guy, a fresh uni student who never had any sort of experince regarding relationships, not even first kiss and i feel like i am never gonna have any sort of a relationship that its too late because peoples here have experince and girls have expectations am giving up as days goes by, i fear that i ll endup alone, what you say on this people?
2017-11-27 19:32:57
I need to vent. Hey, guys I need your advice. I feel like a bad person. There's a girl at my school that likes hanging out with me but my Friends are kinda uncomfortable around her because she's a foreigner. I like hanging out with her and all but she likes dragging attention a lot. I mean who cares but this is a new school for me so I don't wanna get into people's eyes. Whenever she comes and talks to me my friends act all weird and stare and then I feel weird and freeze. Then she feels neglected. IDK what to do! And no I can't and won't ditch my friends because they are very good people. Please tell me what you think. I hate making people feel bad.
2017-11-27 19:55:39
I need to vent. Confused!!!... I like these guy I'm seeing, i mean I really like him but he wants something that im not ready for (s*x)... he is 8 years older than me and I'm 22 and I don't blame him for wanting to do it.... now the thing is he wants to sleep with me in the same room saying that there won't be any "bang bang" but i can't bring myself to trust him enough to know that he won't pressure me about it and I don't want to be disappointed.
2017-11-27 19:56:24
I need to vent. Okay so i am a high school student and have been with my boyfriend for two months and he does all these sweet ass stuff for me he treats me like i am a precious diamond. Corny i know but its true. And everytime he does these things i blush. I have never blushed in my whole life. I see the things he does for me and i almost say i love you everytime, but i keep to myself and keep telling my self that its too soon and i am too young to know what love really is. No one has ever made me feel like this. Is it too soon? Am I too young to know what love is?
2017-11-27 20:00:39
I need to vent. Hi guys need a very good advice from all of u. I have been talking to this guy for like 4 years and things got completly weird due to unkown reasons and we dont normallly talk in public......he keeps saying that we r only friends but asks me to do not good things in text so u think that i shoud continue talking to him or ignore the hell out of him
2017-11-27 20:01:15
I need to vent. This is more of asking for opinion than vent. I just need honest opinion on Internet relationships. I never met him in person but been friends for months. We chat and talk on every day basis. And he confessed how he is starting to have feelings minamn. I really like him but I am not sure if this works. I can't meet him in person either cus of geographic difference. what do u think you guys?? I am confused ‍‍‍
2017-11-27 20:24:32
I need to vent. You are a bad idea. And I know it. And you know it too. Wanting you is walking into the devil’s lair; it is playing with fire. This is wrong, This is immoral, This is everything I despise. And yet here I am, still wanting, waiting, and watchful. You’re all I see, you’re all I imagine; a second moment doesn’t pass without you. You are always one thought away. I want you to kiss me, to feel me, to caress me, to hold me, to touch me in all the ways you aren’t supposed to admit. You are such a bad idea. I think of you and my breath escapes me a second at a time. I feel suffocated and violated and beautiful and stupid and impassioned and hating myself because you are everything that is wrong. You are the cautionary tale. And the universe looks at us and judges. We are a bad idea. And yet I hang on every thought and every word. I want to be with them and with you all the time, and in this moment, I think, for all of time. Maybe it’s the thrill, maybe it’s the never done-before, the ridiculous, the fantasy, the spectacular, the extraordinary. Maybe it’s you existing and me existing and us existing in this one moment in time. But you are a bad idea. And I don’t need you. But my God, I want you.
2017-11-27 20:25:38
I need to vent. Hey, I'm in highschool and I like this guy, like I have a crush on him. The problem is he has a girlfriend, honestly I'm happy as long as he is but everytime he talks to me or smile at my direction I can't help but fall for him even more. I can't tell anyone about this because I' afraid they will judge me for liking a guy that is taken but I need advice people. Please give me some advice, thanks!
2017-11-27 20:41:20
I need to vent. Hey, I like this guy. He is kinda sweet, good heart he become more like everything to me nowadays. I need something serious but he is 5 years older than me. We talk a lot on the phone, chatting mnamn gin that's not enough for me right now. I'm not good explaining things but I know that there are so many girls in this channel feeling the same as mine And what should I do so that he can notice I'm willing to risk anything for him?
2017-11-27 20:55:58
I need to vent. It's nat a vent just i want your perspective you guys. So here it goes . I recently joined college and there's this girl I really like she's hardworking ,cute, lovely I mean she got the whole package....(I feel like bragging over someone whose nat mine )....and I feel like she likes me back we never talked yet but she always sits around me laughs when she pass by me blah blah...some day last week she saw me with a girl in public mind that..the girl um with was my sis and i was hugging her I see her coming towards me but as soon as she saw me with my sis her face turned red and turned around and left stupid me I thought the other way....after that she been avoiding me even she changes her way if we came across......I never liked someone this much I feel like if I tell her the whole thing and if the feeling ain't mutual it will be awkward but at the same time I want to have slack of confidence and talk to her. Helppp
2017-11-27 20:58:58
I need to vent. Well I'm dating this guy and I don't really like him. He is very nice and sweet basically everything a girl needs. But I just can't see him that way. Plus he told his family about me and how I'm the best thing that has ever happened to him. What should i do?
2017-11-27 21:06:25
I need to vent. I'm sick of girls who says all boys are the same minamn....everyguy is not a fuck boy it jst means u havent met someone decent and everyone is not looking for sex some of us jst look for normal r/ships....and those boys who are Fuck ups are borkooooo or dopenesh or swagneshh shitttt so pls consider this girls
2017-11-27 21:25:26
I need to vent. Hey, this is more like confessing She was my best friend for like 8 years mnamn and I used to believe every word that comes from her mouth. Everyone has a mission so that they can separate us but we have something connected that nothing can break And suddenly from now where she started changing and ignoring me b/c she got her cousin "bitch please" and she always used to tell me that she hated her and she is doing everything we used to do and telling every secret that I tell her and please guys no friendship is worthy family comes it's nice to have friends mnamn gin trust nobody but ur self and in every situation minm bihon min ur family will never give there back to u. I know most of mindnew mitkebatrew mnamn tilalachu gin "Manim friend is not gonna stay forever but family will" She is a bitch or it's just me?
2017-11-27 21:33:49
I need to vent. I have been dating this guys who I am madly in love with for three weeks now( before all y'all judge we know eachother for a long time before that). The thing is, this past summer, he dated my best friend and she cheated on him, and broke his heart. This year, I was trying to get them back together when I fell for him as he fell for me. My best friend is now dating someone else and she had told my boyfriend to move on before we started dating, but I feel as if I did something really bad. But it's not like I can control my feelings, I don't pick who I fall in love with. My question is: should I just move on or should I talk to her about it and how she feels about it?
2017-11-27 22:34:59
I need to vent. I am so closed of emotionally it literally hurts I have had many boyfriends but even though we were together for a time I feel no emotional connection with them and when we break up I am like thank God and I started pilling up Bf's looking for the one but it still didn't stimulate and emotions or feelings, and the worst part is my bff is in a relationship and she tells me how amazing it is be be in love but I have never been in one cause I see boys as challenges, the minute the start to like me I lose all and any interest but now I think I really like this guy he is sweet funny and romantic and he has liked me for a year and he is growing on me now but I don't know how to approach this new emotion so now I am having mood swings and I don't know what to say to him to make things better and plus I always think it is gonna end in heartbreak so why start it in the first place and I will be worried I I am too cling or not clingy enough know that kinda stuff but I want to get rid of all this anxiety and stress in relationships and just love another human being with every fiber in my body, how can I do that
2017-11-27 22:46:34
I need to vent. So the title of this vent is I SAW MY NEIGHBOUR MASTURBATING.. not kidding ppl and now I'm in deep shit. Sooo the story goes... I'm a guy (24 yrs) and I have this amazing girl living next to my house. We r best friends that grew up together but I have a huge crush on her and I've been meaning to tell her but didn't until now. Then one day I came from work, got in my room and i was watching a movie and when it got darker I saw a light coming from her room (her room is side by side to mine and I can see inside her room but she can't see mine bc mine is elevated) when I got outside to see, I saw her doing the nasty nasty on her bed and guess what? SHE SAW ME LOOKING AT HER. I got off my balcony as fast as I could and never looked back again for the rest of the night. Now it's been 2 weeks and it's a complete and utter awkwardness btw us...we don't call, text, talk, even look at each other anymore. How can I say....."it's okay I don't mind it plus I have a huge crush on u" after seeing all of the things I saw ???? I'm in deep shit and I need yall help plsss.
2017-11-27 23:03:49
I need to vent. Hey It's more of an advice askin thing rather than vent. Well um with ma hubby cause i promised his best frnd and my mentor that I won't leave buh he is changing over tym started ignoring me not pickin up ma calls at first j thought it was cause he was drivin or cause he was workin buh I don't think dats de reason i said sry a thousand tyms eventhou I didn't know wt i did i swallowed ma pride and begged him to stay buh um fallin apart um still univ student nd um passin throu hard tyms should i give him tym should i just muv on ??
2017-11-28 00:21:53
I need to vent. I am a weird person and i like food...i am hyper and ppl think thats funny...and i say stuff that r so unrealistic to the point ppl burst into laughter...i want to talk normally and also not make weird jokes...all i want is to be normal for once in my life...pls help
2017-11-28 00:30:26
I need to vent. Hey everyone. I have got something to say. If there are any nerds out there you can relate. I am your typical nerdy school girl who accidentally happened to crush on a really cool junior. Well that was how it was about three years ago. That same year I became friends with him. He was a really good one. But when he said he had feelings for me I totally lied about mine and kept him as a friend. I still don't understand why i did that i guess I wasn't confident enough that i could keep him as a boyfriend. Even though i refused to go out with him he didn't give up on me. On the eve of my birthday he gave me my first kiss. A kiss i was too startled to give back. Even though i felt my heart beating thousand times per second i still refused to go out with him. It wasn't until the nxt year i finally agreed. We had an awesome time as a couple. For about 5 months then i broke it off because i felt like i wasn't going to be the girlfriend he has always wished for. I wasn't skinny or tall or with a pretty face i was the class nerd with glasses. I was the girl who can't talk to him over the phone because she's too scared of her parents. I was the girl who wouldn't let him hug her or hold her hands in public cause she didn't want people whispering how she isn't good enough for him. I was that girl he would definitely get bored of. And i let him go. I thought i knew what's better for him. Apparently i didn't a year have passed yet he still talks about us. And now i am pretty lost i don't know how i let my crush get this far. I don't know whether i truly like him or i am just in it cause i knw he likes me back. I don't knw why i keep thinking of him. I obviously don't know why i am typing this story at mid night. I guess i really am confused.
2017-11-28 01:00:08
I need to vent. Hey guy's there's this girl I really like we have been going out having fun for all most a year we talk everyday she's practically my best friend. But we have never spoken about us she doesn't want to bring it up But I want a serious relationship with her. How do I ask her without losing her as a friend
2017-11-28 07:38:44
I need to vent. This is more of a dark confession titled UR ENTIRE EXISTANCE DISTURBES ME!..i hate your stupid skinny smug face i hate how u think ur funny yet everything u say is insenstive trash every time i have to be in a room with you all i think about is spitting in your face and tell u ,ur a miserable excuse for a person. Ohhh and if we were allowed to purge ezi hager i wish i could skin you alive and burn your bones..and since i cant say all this to your face i hope next time you look at my eyes u feel the sheer strengh of my dislike for you.
2017-11-28 07:51:39
I need to vent. I wanna let it out just when I am about to end it with him every thing planned out he comes back and melts ma heart with his words and does something romantic what in a mess have I put my self into.
2017-11-28 08:48:59
I need to vent. Ok I end up liking my own friend I mean we were friends for along long time since childhood....just few months ago I felt like he likes me then I kinda forced myself to like him then I did....I waited for him to confess but he didn't then one day I just asked him if he likes me? Then he was like "yeah betam as a sister" I'm not the type of girl that confess But I just did it...then I told him we can't be friends but even after that one day he kissed me on the cheek unexpectedly then again he called another time and said "I just wanna check if you are fine" but I'm confused is he just leading me our friendship time I used to be like I'm not serious in r/ship I'm just having fun.....Maybe that's what keeping him away?!...I miss him so much these days what do you think should I start our friendship? even though it hurts or should I wait?
2017-11-28 09:34:33
I need to vent. Hi guys so the reason why I came here is bc mainly bc i don't want to be judged for wat am about to's the thing these days im feeling down n the main reason is bc ppl r disapointing me.... I always expect ppl to make me happy.... n whenever they do it feels gud....but whenever they dont my mood really drops....n in tired of living this way....bc it sucks to depend on ppl bc they will disappoint u most of the way I wanna know is how u can find happiness by myself....n avoid being dropped to the ground every time someone fails to meet my expectations....I hate living this pls.
2017-11-28 15:49:28
I need to vent. I don't wanna forgive my self cuz i wanna feel every pain......i hate my self cuz i did it.....
2017-11-28 19:12:32
I need to vent. Am the type of person that gets bothered with the slightest things.... example if I should pronounce it tongue tang or thung ..... this slightest things seem like world war three in my head...... Am not sure if it's a good or a bad habit.... In conditions like where I have conversations with people  and they give me the look... I think about the worst case scenario of what they are thinking..... it doesnt come in  handy  at this situation..... see am the type of person that takes on what people think about me to hand ...... I would change for the good I would also change For the bad (does that make sense) idk but it does to me..... I dont addmit it but am not rock hard when it comes to feelings.... I dont believe in things like  love .......its stupid am also the type of person that doesn't like attachment.... meaning if I were to get married I would want to have aan open relationship.... Is that weird.... Paranoid is An understatement.... I am paranoid at all times u would think am crazy if u hear some of my paranoia it's weird I dont know if this iis a problem or worth to vent about but....
2017-11-28 21:04:24
I need to vent. Well one friend of mine have this weird relation with our elementary chemistry teacher. They chat on telegram & talk on the phone after midnight. They talk about sex & he even sends her naked pictures of him. Even though she told him she have a boyfriend. My friend is senior high school student & he is almost forty years old. She tried to stop this relation but some part of her want it. She feels something when she talks to him. She is confused. & I want to help because I don't like where this relation is going neither does she. But I don't know how.
2017-11-28 21:09:58
I need to vent. I am in high school and I am really depressed to the point which it started affecting my studies what should I do
2017-11-28 21:41:17
I need to vent. So my problem is that I had a boyfriend in which we stayed together for almost 2 years and we had future plans and all, were both university student n he was my senior. We broke up and it’s been 6 month since and the moment we broke up he started with another instantly. He told me he couldn’t replace me but didn’t even wait enough to show that. He also offended me in all sort of way when we broke up. Now he says he couldn’t move on and have tried so many things to do so but wasn’t successful. Now he wants me back. I truly fell for him then and I think a part of me still do. Should I give him another chance???
2017-11-29 10:43:28
I need to vent. Here is my problem, I want to date but it's been two years since I went out on my last date. My friends tnk it's cuz I don't want to. My sister is constantly telling me to, but what they don't understand is that I haven't been asked on a date. N what worse is I don't kno why, I dnt kno if I'm too closed off or a no bullshit kinda person. The more try talk about it the more it makes me anxious, I didn't really give it much thought until recently almost everyone I kno commented on it, is there any explanation? N to anyone who might comment that it's cuz I'm not attractive, save ur breath...
2017-11-29 10:45:23
I need to vent. So Ive got this thing where I change my attitude everytime I see something that mist people dont like for example if talking alot is annoying then I become all cool and quiet but when the people that talk a lot get attention I start being like them again and Idk what to do I think its cause I dont know my true inner self that I find it so hard to just be normal and me even though I dont know eho "me" is. Its hard to understand Ethiopian society ethics like whats acceptable and whats not cause I didnt grow up in it what should Ido should I just try to find myself n care less about pleasing people if so how????
2017-11-29 13:55:36
I need to vent. I am so sick of class like super sick all I wanna say is class is sick and making me sick aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2017-11-29 13:57:42
I need to vent. I am a med student,, I try to study but every time fail miserably The tension, the students, teachers, long hours of staying up all night, lab, sleep deprivation its eating me alive day by day. I wish there is a time machine so that I can rewind the time and choose another field. Medicine take my third phalange pls I need your help
2017-11-29 14:30:02
I need to vent. So this is the story, I am a 24 year old guy and I feel like I am too consumed by the thought of having sex but don't put in the effort because a lot of girls I see want a serious kinda thing and I just can't keep up appearances that long just for sex,it's just not me.i lose interest way too quickly. So it's getting harder and harder to find a girl that is casual and is sexually active like me. And the frustrating part is that I am gifted in that department size wise but not nearly enough girls get to see that without wanting other emotional things which just doesn't appeal to me. And a lot of girls around the office or in my neighbourhood think I am very light skinned and decently handsome but I am baby faced so is that the reason girls dont want a quick sexual encounter? Girls I need your input about this topic of having a sexual relationship without any emotional baggage. And also is this a normal behaviour or am I too consumed by the thought of sexuality?
2017-11-29 16:02:46
I need to vent. Is it normal to b 23 female n want sex a lot. Really horny? I get that guys r really active round this age but r girls the same?
2017-11-29 21:31:51
I need to vent. I saw earlier vents and I was convinced to talk about my problem. My problem is I don't get satisfied with just normal sex. I'm almost 22 years old and I've had sex many times with like 5 different girls (fwb) but still it doesn't pleasure me as it does the girls I sleep with. I am into freaky stuff like spanking, biting, role playing etc (too much porn is the cause)....but the girls I've been with don't want to do that. Are there girls that love this kinda stuff ? Bc i haven't found any one who does and it's kinda boring tbh.
2017-11-29 21:34:14
I need to vent. This question is for guys... Why do guys stop liking a girl after she has sex with them? Or not even sex, but once things have advanced physically their interest seems to fade. What is up with that? I'm not talking abt the kind of guys who are clearly using u but I mean the guys who were soooo into u and suddenly it's just gone.
2017-11-29 21:35:01
I need to vent. Yes am a bitch I dont like the guy am dating And I admit that But why is it my fault? I clearly told him before, when he asked me out I told him I won't have feelings for him BC am not the type to fall in love. I just Dont believe in that nonsense So why is it my fault now? If I said I wont, I just won't. spending time together isn't going to change shit So why is everyone seeing me like am the one who sucked the life out of him?
2017-11-29 22:06:51
I need to vent. Is it worth learning something that you don't hate but at the same time sth you don't like for the sake of better future or learning what you enjoy that won't make your future bright like probably you might end up being jobless ... am so confused
2017-11-29 23:23:05
I need to vent. so many people have talk about "friends with benefits" here, Like how y'll doing that shit? specially girls i never seen a girl whose comfortable with that, how to even start?
2017-11-30 06:41:16
I need to vent. Good evening people this shit happend today ...there is this girl that i dated for like a month...and we obviously had sex couple of times.....we always use postpills...and yesterday she all of a sudden refuse to take the pill......she is not answering my phone calls....i know her neighbourhood but not the exact home. I desperately was there for 2 hours today...and i am confused .very...she dont even know my last name late alone keep a baby....what the fuck shall i do?!
2017-11-30 06:41:37
I need to vent. I need an advice or an opinion bicha I like this guy very much and I am trying to figure out if he likes me back some days he's all like frk, hun n stuff and some days we don't even talk. Sometimes he kisses the crap outta me n sometimes not even a good night some days I'm like that to but is he like not interested or is he an on and off guy or is it what u guys do???? I am so confused and I need help.
2017-11-30 06:41:46
I need to vent. First of all why the hell r we eager to start a relationship wt is it so special bout it. I don't get it really wt is it that is worth hurting for. And for those who took advantage of my innocence and gud heart fuck ya all go to hell mother fuckers, u will get wt is coming for u, i may be broken but noting is completely broken i will get back up and when i do u will regret wt u did. U will see.
2017-11-30 06:51:25
I need to vent. So, i'm 23 and i don go out as such. I'm wayy to reserved. Felgew adelem eshi? Its just i get very shy & nervous when it comes to meeting up, esp. When it's in a public place like cafes. I literally get stuck. before, i used to care less, say it's alright, i don have to push myself this much, it'll change when i grow up. but now, all grown up and still the same .... Its affecting my confidence. I don' date, AT ALL. shocking i know. Last time i was on a date was ummm, probably never! i reallllllyyy wanna change ya'll.
2017-11-30 06:55:54
I need to vent. Why am I in to boys who are 60 year old at heart..I don't mean actually old men just that guys who are warm and act old and wise like fathers unlike guys these days
2017-11-30 11:14:35
I need to vent. Well here goes my thing.....its not life altering family related or relationship thing its just i can't dance like no bone in my body is eligible to dance I've practiced but nothing seems to work its like i swallowed a didn't bother me much in the early days but now when ever there is an occasion where dancing is required either I sit at the corner or if forced i move weirdly which is so any suggestion what i should do its really killing my self confidence and raising my insecurities
2017-11-30 11:25:15
Happy Maulid for all Muslim members. Spend the day well.
2017-11-30 11:31:36
I need to vent. I am extraordinary. I have girlfriend & I guess she is not happy with me I feel very insecure. Of course I dress well & am well educated with well off family but I feel insecure around her I feel like I am nothing compared to those boys whom she hang out with. I told her that am not happy with that.( with'em guy friends of her) she said they are just friend & told me that I can join them whenever she meets them. I did once it ended up awkwardly me following her with my eyes, lookin for a reason to show them she is mine minamn.....I feel bad then. I am jealous DEAD jealous I be like 'why is that waiter lookin at you so deep?' Like I wanna follow her everywhere literally EVERYWHERE I wanna show the world she is mine & ONLY MINE. I be like 'Baby wear those long shirts of mine & show'em how beautiful you are even with out dressing up' & at the same time I feel like hiding her so no one will see her cause that makes me jealous. I need real help I don't wanna be that dictator husband since I am sure that I will marry her.
2017-11-30 12:04:14
I need to vent. Aahhh i am exhausted from studying(in med. School) can anyone tell me 'out of the box' way of relaxing before i snap
2017-11-30 14:16:17
I need to vent. Ok so my life now is going great but what my problem is that it's been 7/8 months since I have broken up with (let's name her) x now we r still friends but everything have ended .... And there is my first Gf been 3 years since we have been together now 3 months ago she texted me and we meet talked and wanted to continue on it but I was still hung on x so I told her I can't do it with out explaining...... Nd now I am thinking of her and am over x so am I right if I contact her ask for forgiveness and tell her y I said no? Or am I selfish for wanting her now?? Ladies need her form ur perspective pls ...
2017-11-30 14:20:45
I need to vent. Well I had sex with this guy whos 10 years older than me. It was great and all but he's a friend of my much older brothers and we would get in huge trouble if anyone found out. Despite all the risks he still calls me and sends me pictures of his dick but I'm now afraid of all the risks and want to stop. I do not know how tf he will take this though. So should I just keep the relationship with this amazing guy or brake it? No judging please I judged myself worse than anyone ever could
2017-11-30 14:22:38
I need to vent. I want to have sex so bad but I'm in long distance relation with my boyfriend and there is this guy who I'm sexually attracted to should i go for it ??
2017-11-30 15:22:54
I need to vent. A fiend of mine came up to me and straight up told me that me and her should embrace our ugliness. first of all no I don't think I'm ugly but I'm sure as hell insecure about my self and her saying that made me feel ugly. I know looks don't matter and all but I won't lie and say I don't care. It's just so confusing sometimes people say I am beautiful and I've never been told I was ugly I guess that's what made me think about this. Weird part is I kinda like how I look. I think I'm beautiful for me. The insecurity is coming from the fact that I'm overweight. So why did I get bothered by it so much. Why do I care??
2017-11-30 15:51:39
I need to vent. hey jst fought wid my roomate over sm silly tng bt it turned into a bigdeal nd we rnt speakin ryt nw...its nt like i feel bad or wd ever wanne talk to her bt der is dis urge forcin me to say sry even if i knw it ain my fault
2017-11-30 16:12:49
I need to vent. Hey technically not a vent. Just wanna take a chance to say THANK YOU for all of you that comment just to make people feel better or help. You know who you are and you matter! You make me wanna help people because you helped.